#dirk hamer
onheirpodcast · 4 months
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This week @princesscatherinemiddleton and @duchessofostergotlands are catching up on yet more health news from the Windsors. And, following the death of Prince Vittorio Emanuele, we're diving into his role in the most dramatic royal scandal you've never heard about, a decades long saga of power, crime and corruption!
Episode 89 - “Get those handcuffs back” - on Spotify, Apple, Google Podcasts and Amazon!
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kenpiercemedia · 8 months
Scenes From New York Comic Con 2023: Day One (Part 1)
Scenes From New York Comic Con 2023: Day One (Part 1)
Oh yes my friends, its time to get excited because you have arrived at the very first official post of the photo editorial takeover and event overview that PiercingMetal is serving up from the famed New York Comic Con which began this past Thursday. As you read this I am heading there for the fourth and final day but the coverage you’ll see is starting from the very top. The 2023 convention marks…
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superfuji · 10 months
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Come raccontato anche dalla recente serie Netflix Il principe, diretta da Beatrice Borromeo Casiraghi, la mezzanotte è passata ormai da ore quando il sonno della compagnia, accampatasi sulle barche perché incapace di ritornare a Porto Rotondo a causa dell’alta marea, viene bruscamente interrotto da tre colpi. I primi due sono chiaramente spari, il terzo è invece un razzo lanciato da una delle imbarcazioni vicine, nel tentativo di illuminare la scena per capire cosa stia accadendo. Nicky Pende, uscito dalla cabina di prua, sta litigando con una figura a bordo di un gommone, che impugna una carabina. Temendo che spari di nuovo, si abbassa d’istinto per schivare un eventuale proiettile, che arriva soltanto pochi istanti dopo, passandogli qualche centimetro sopra la testa. Sul momento non è chiaro chi sia stato a sparare, ma proprio mentre tutta l’isola accorre verso le barche, l’uomo sul gommone sta tornando a riva, come in un frame alla Godfellas. A scendere da esso, però, non è uno dei gangster di Scorsese, ma il principe Vittorio Emanuele in persona ancora in stato di shock, con un’arma nella mano destra. Chi è rimasto sul ponte dell’imbarcazione insieme a Nicky Pende, nello stesso esatto momento, sta invece cercando di soccorrere Dirk Hamer, rimasto ferito alla gamba da uno dei proiettili.
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lamilanomagazine · 4 months
E' morto Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia, figlio dell'ultimo re d'Italia
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E' morto Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia, figlio dell'ultimo re d'Italia Umberto II. E' morto a Ginevra Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia, figlio di Umberto II, l'ultimo re d'Italia, e di Maria Josè. La notizia è stata diffusa in una nota della "Real Casa", ancora non sono stati resi noti luogo e data delle esequie. Vittorio Emanuele, in esilio dal 1946 al 2003 dopo il referendum del 1946 era figlio dell'ultimo re d'Italia, Umberto II, avrebbe compiuto 87 anni il 12 febbraio. L'annuncio della morte Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia è stato diffuso attraverso una nota della "Real Casa di Savoia": "Alle ore 7:05 di questa mattina, 3 febbraio 2024, Sua Altezza Reale Vittorio Emanuele, Duca di Savoia e Principe di Napoli, circondato dalla Sua famiglia, si è serenamente spento in Ginevra. Luogo e data delle esequie saranno comunicati appena possibile". L'ESILIO Dopo il referendum del 1946 il lungo esilio dal 1946 al 2003, Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia nato il 12 febbraio 1937 a Napoli, era designato a succedere al trono di suo padre, Umberto II. Dopo il referendum del 1946 che sancì la vittoria della Repubblica, visse in esilio fino al 15 marzo 2003 quando, una volta cancellata la XIII disposizione che vietava il rientro dei discendenti maschi in Italia, era ritornato in patria dopo 57 anni. IL MATRIMONIO Il matrimonio con Marina Doria, da cui ha avuto un figlio, Emanuele Filiberto, ma lo stesso matrimonio non era stato visto di buon occhio dall'ex re e per questo i due si sposarono in segreto, senza avvisare le famiglie. Di fatto il matrimonio creò l'ennesimo dissapore alla casata, con il padre che non diede mai il "regio assenso" alle nozze, cosa che invece sarebbe prevista dalle leggi dinastiche. I PROBLEMI GIUDIZIARI Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia fu indagato e prosciolto per la morte di Dirk Hamer. Il 19enne tedesco era rimasto ucciso nel 1978 in una sparatoria sull'isola di Cavallo, in Corsica. Dopo una lunga battaglia legale tra la famiglia dei Savoia e la famiglia del giovane, Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia venne prosciolto. Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia fu coinvolto anche in un'inchiesta sul casinò di Campione, nel 2006 quando, nell'ambito di un'inchiesta sul casinò di Campione d'Italia, venne arrestato con le accuse di associazione a delinquere finalizzata alla corruzione e al falso e allo sfruttamento della prostituzione. Anche in questo caso, dopo un mese ai domiciliari, venne scagionato dalle accuse con formula piena "perché il fatto non sussiste". E ricevette un risarcimento di 40mila euro per i sei giorni trascorsi in carcere prima dei domiciliari.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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agrpress-blog · 4 months
La notizia della morte di Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia, avvenuta nella sua residenza a Ginevra, in Svizzera, ha suscitato riflessioni contrastanti sulla figura del figlio dell'ultimo re d'Italia, Umberto II. Nato il 12 febbraio 1937 a Napoli, Vittorio Emanuele ha vissuto in esilio per gran parte della sua vita, segnato dal referendum del 1946 che pose fine alla monarchia in Italia. Dopo 57 anni di assenza, il 15 marzo 2003, con la cancellazione della XIII disposizione transitoria e finale della Costituzione Italiana che vietava il ritorno dei discendenti maschi, ha fatto il suo rientro nel Paese "..agli ex re di Casa Savoia, alle loro consorti e ai loro discendenti maschi sono vietati l'ingresso e il soggiorno nel territorio nazionale..." La vita di Vittorio Emanuele è stata segnata anche da vicende giudiziarie, come l'indagine e il successivo proscioglimento per la morte di Dirk Hamer. Nel 1978, una sparatoria sull'isola di Cavallo in Corsica aveva portato alla morte del tedesco, dando inizio a una lunga disputa legale tra la famiglia Savoia e quella della vittima. Il passaggio di Vittorio Emanuele segna la chiusura di un capitolo nella storia italiana, ma la sua figura controversa non mancherà di alimentare discussioni. La notizia della sua morte, accolta con diverse reazioni, evidenzia le divisioni persistenti riguardo alla sua figura e al ruolo della monarchia nell'Italia fascista.
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giancarlonicoli · 10 months
2 ago 2023 17:43
Estratto dell’articolo di Maria Novella De Luca per “la Repubblica”
[…] «Ho lottato per 45 anni, ho gridato contro l'ingiustizia, ho perso nei tribunali, sono stata denunciata, calunniata, ero Davide contro Golia, oggi però il mondo intero conosce le colpe di Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia. Quella notte in cui Dirk iniziò a morire e la verità venne gettata nei fondali dell'isola di Cavallo, io ero lì, accanto a lui, nessuno è più riuscito a spegnere la mia voce».
[…] Ogni attimo della notte tra il 17 e il 18 agosto del 1978, quando un proiettile partito incidentalmente dalla carabina di Vittorio Emanuele ferì a morte Dirk Hamer, 19 anni, giovane e bellissimo fratello di Birgit, è cristallizzato nella sua memoria.
[…] A quasi mezzo secolo da quella tragedia, da cui l'erede al trono d'Italia uscì assolto, un documentario su Netflix firmato da Beatrice Borromeo, e la pubblicazione, dopo anni di sequestro del libro di Birgit Hamer, entrambi dal titolo “Il principe ”, hanno riaperto una pagina di storia densa di ombre e segreti.
Birgit, oggi lei dice che Dirk ha finalmente avuto giustizia. Perché?
«Il documentario […] ha per la prima volta svelato cosa accadde davvero la notte in cui mio fratello fu ferito a morte. I testimoni di allora, che mai avevano parlato, hanno raccontato ogni dettaglio, dagli spari alla vergogna dei soccorsi che non arrivavano. Mai così dettagliata è stata la descrizione dell'agonia di Dirk. E i depistaggi, l'occultamento delle prove, fino alla farsa del processo del 1991 in Corte d'Assise a Parigi che “in dubbio pro reo” ha assolto Vittorio Emanuele».
Assoluto, sempre. Anche nel 2006 quando fu arrestato dal procuratore Woodcock per associazione a delinquere.
«Però proprio in prigione a Potenza Vittorio Emanuele non sapendo di essere intercettato raccontò al suo compagno di cella di aver “fregato” i giudici francesi e di essere stato lui a sparare il colpo che ferì a morte Dirk. I suoi avvocati smentirono, ma trovammo un video di quella intercettazione. Tutto questo è pubblico […]».
[…] Riannodiamo il filo dei ricordi. Roma, fine anni Settanta.
«Con mia madre Sigrid e i miei tre fratelli che vivevamo in via Margutta. I miei si erano separati, così ci siamo ricevuti da Heidelberg a Roma. Anni spensierati. […] Facevo la modella, Dirk e gli altri fratelli frequentavano la scuola tedesca».
Suo padre Geerd Hamer è stato un medico discusso, radiato e poi arrestato per le sue teorie sulla cura del cancro.
«[…] La battaglia per Dirk ci ha divisi per sempre. Accettò dei soldi da Vittorio Emanuele per le cure di mio fratello, ero contraria, sapevo che sarebbero stati usati contro di noi. Ma ha assistito eroicamente Dirk senza mai allontanarsi dal suo letto. Diciannove operazioni e l'amputazione della gamba. E pensare che Dirk era un corridore, si allenava nei 400 metri con Pietro Mennea».
[…] «Nell'agosto del 1978 mia madre affittò una piccola casa a Porto Rotondo. […] Il maledetto 17 agosto un amico di Dirk ci propone una gita all'isola di Cavallo, in Corsica. Partimmo con tre barche, il Coke, Il Mapagià e il Master». […] «Il mare grosso ci aveva impedito di tornare in Sardegna. Decidemmo di accampare nelle barche per dormire a Cavallo. Molti di noi avevano soltanto il costume addosso. Qualcuno per andare a riva aveva preso in prestito un gommone legato a uno yacht vicino alle nostre barche. Peccato che quel canotto fosse di Vittorio Emanuele. Questo scatenò l'ira del Savoia».
Nel libro scrive di aver sentito il principe gridare: “Italiani di merda, avete preso il mio Zodiac, vi ammazzo tutti”.
«Ci fu un primo sparo, poi un secondo durante una colluttazione con Nicky Pende, ex marito di Stefania Sandrelli che aveva provato a fermare Vittorio Emanuele. Uno di quei proiettili colpì Dirk che dormiva nella barca vicina e gli recise l'arteria femorale».
Morì il 7 dicembre del 1978. Dopo un'agonia di 111 giorni.
«Ricordo che corsi sul “Mapagià” e presi mio fratello tra le braccia. Mi fissava con i suoi grandi occhi blu, mentre faceva uno sforzo sovrumano per sopportare il dolore. Era eroica».
È vero che nella prima fase Vittorio Emanuele riconobbe le sue responsabilità?
«Il Savoia viene arrestato e portato nel carcere di Ajaccio. Il 28 agosto 1978 scrive di suo pugno: “Riconosco la mia responsabilità civile per l'infortunio del 18 agosto 1978 accaduto al signor Hamer”. Documento poi scomparso, ma che i giornalisti fotografarono».
Lei impiegò 13 anni per far celebrare il processo in Francia.
«Anni di rimpalli tra tribunali, nessuno voleva portare alla sbarra un Savoia. Ci riuscì la mia tenacissima avvocata Sabine Paugam. conoscevano montagne di prove, ma loro erano troppo potenti. Politica, aristocrazia e massoneria si mobilitarono per depistare il processo. Fu una farsa. Vittorio Emanuele è stato assolto. Si parlò di una seconda pistola, inesistente invece. […]». […]
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kritere · 11 months
La storia della morte di Dirk Hamer, ucciso da un proiettile e la confessione del principe Vittorio Emanuele
DIRETTA TV 5 Luglio 2023 La storia di Dirk Hamer, 19enne tedesco ucciso mentre si trovava in gita in barca coi suoi amici in Corsica nell’agosto del 1978, e del lungo processo a Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia: secondo la sorella della vittima sarebbe stato lui ad esplodere il colpo mortale. Accuse sempre negate dall’erede al trono d’Italia, all’epoca in esilio. 0 CONDIVISIONI Dirk Hamer è morto…
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santuariomobile · 7 years
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Tav. XLI - Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia
Il 18 agosto 1978 all’Isola di Cavallo Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia feriva gravemente il velista Dirk Hamer. Durante una rissa, forse ubriaco, il principe sparò un colpo di fucile contro il playboy Nicky Pende, colpendo però il giovane tedesco, completamente estraneo alla vicenda. Hammer morì dopo tre mesi di agonia, ma Vittorio Emanuele fu condannato a soli sei mesi con la condizionale per porto abusivo d'arma.
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heavyarethecrowns · 6 years
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Those that have married in to Royal Families since 1800
Donna Beatrice Borromeo born 18 August 1985
She is the daughter of Don Carlo Ferdinando Borromeo, Count of Arona the son of Vitaliano Borromeo, 2nd Prince of Angera, and his long-time companion, Countess Donna Paola Marzotto Through her father she is related to Carlo Borromeo, who became a cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church, Archbishop of Milan, and a canonized saint. 
The family currently owns most of the Borromean Islands in the Lago Maggiore, Milan city, and many other estates in the Lombardy and Piedmont countryside . She has an older brother, Carlo Ludovico Borromeo, who married Italian fashion designer Marta Ferri  daughter of Italian photographer Fabrizio Ferri,on 30 June 2012 on the island of Pantelleria.
Beatrice has three older half-sisters from her father's first marriage to German model Marion Sybil Zota: Donna Isabella married Count Ugo Brachetti Peretti. Donna Lavinia; married John Elkann, son of Margherita Agnelli de Pahlen and Alain Elkann. Donna Matilde married Prince Antonius zu Fürstenberg son of Heinrich, Prince of Fürstenberg.
Her maternal grandmother was the fashion designer Marta Marzotto (née Vacondio), ex-wife of Count Umberto Marzotto.Her uncle, Count Matteo Marzotto, is the former president and director of the Valentino fashion house at the time the label belonged to the Marzotto Group.
Since 2008, Borromeo became increasingly known in the tabloid press as the girlfriend of Pierre Casiraghi, the younger son of Caroline, Princess of Hanover. The couple married in a civil ceremony on Saturday, 25 July 2015 in the gardens of the Prince's Palace of Monaco. The religious ceremony took place on 1 August 2015 on Isola Bella, one of the Borromean Islands on Lake Maggiore, Italy. 
She finished secondary education, in 2002, at Milan's Liceo Classico Giovanni Berchet. Borromeo received a bachelor of laws from Bocconi University, Milan in 2010, under supervision of prof. Lorenzo Cuocolo. She also received a Masters in Journalism from Columbia University Journalism School in May 2012
Beatrice was a contributor to Newsweek and the Daily Beast in 2013. Prior to that, and from the newspaper's beginning in 2009, she worked as a full-time reporter for Il Fatto Quotidiano. She continued in that position through the year 2016
She has appeared on many television shows in Italy, beginning with Anno Zero on Rai 2 where she worked for two years, from 2006 to 2008. Every week she interviewed an average three guests on political development and social evils. In 2009, she even hosted a weekly show on the Radio 105 Network.
She interviewed Roberto Saviano, the famous author of Gomorrah, for Above magazine's June 2009 issue. She also interviewed American author of LA Confidential James Ellroy and former candidate for Colombia's presidency Ingrid Betancourt both for Il Fatto Quotidiano. For the same newspaper, she also interviewed Marcello Dell'Utri, Italian Senator and co-founder of Forza Italia. In the interview, Dell'Utri admitted to have entered politics to get immunity in order to escape his arrest. 
She directed Mamma Mafia, a documentary about mafia women: its preview was released by the Newsweek Daily Beast Company on 31 January 2013. That was her sole film in the English language. She has directed several documentaries in the Italian language, ranging from topics as the women of 'Ndrangheta, selfie surgery, and the children of Caivano.
Borromeo collaborated with Marco Travaglio and Vauro Senesi on the book Italia Annozero (Chiarelettere, 2009). She also wrote the preface for Birgit Hamer's Delitto senza castigo: La Vera Storia di Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia. (Aliberti, 2011).Birgit Hamer is a very old family friend; her mother is dear friends with Borromeo's mother, and Borromeo has admitted to having grown up hearing about the murder of Dirk Hamer from his sisters, including Birgit. Borromeo broke the story of the video confession of Vittorio Emanuele, who subsequently sued the newspaper for defamation. In 2015 a court ruled in favour of the newspaper.Borromeo then posted on Twitter: "Vincere una causa e' sempre piacevole, ma contro Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia la goduria è doppia!" ("Winning a case is always nice, but against Victor Emmanuel of Savoy the pleasure is double"), which resulted in spat on social media with his son Emanuele Filiberto
In November 2015 she was sanctioned Special Envoy for Human Rights for F4D. She considered herself in 2005 "atheist and leftist".
Pierre and Beatrice's first son, Stefano Ercole Carlo Casiraghi, was born on 28 February 2017. Their second son, Francesco Carlo Albert, was born on 21 May 2018.
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filmstruck · 6 years
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EALING GOES DARK by Nathaniel Thompson
If you’ve been sticking around these Streamline parts for a while, it’s no secret that one of my very favorite things to write about is Ealing Studios, the venerable British film factory that became synonymous with hilarious madcap comedies in the ‘50s starring the likes of Alec Guinness and Peter Sellers. However, there’s way, way more to Ealing than that, which shouldn’t be surprising when you consider it actually started in the silent era and ran for six decades before it flourished as both a production company and a shooting facility. The studio was bought by the BBC in 1955, which effectively signaled the end of its golden era until the Ealing name was revived again in the early 2000s. It was also where films like SHAUN OF THE DEAD (2004) was shot, so needless to say, its history is full of surprises.
For some reason, the Ealing output is still barely recognized in the U.S. apart from a tiny handful of key titles, all comedies apart from what is easily the most influential British horror film of all time, DEAD OF NIGHT (‘45). However, Ealing dabbled in almost every conceivable genre and performed some fascinating experiments with them over the course of its lifetime; at least until recently. Its vital role in the evolution of British crime films has usually been downplayed in favor of other biggies including Hammer Films. You can find a couple of Ealing crime gems still undervalued by American audiences in the currently running “Brit Noir” spotlight at FilmStruck, a really diverse and highly worthwhile selection of examples showing how film noir was flourishing across the pond during its heyday in Hollywood. As with America, the zenith here was the decade or so after World War II when the world was still heavily scarred and in shock, gradually rebuilding itself and finding new senses of national identity that weren’t always entirely pretty. Ealing’s noir contributions may have been small in number, but they’re very high in quantity. The studio was no stranger to crime films by the time the postwar wave hit, with dark crime elements driving some of its fascinating but frequently forgotten early offerings like: ESCAPE! (‘30), THE FOUR JUST MEN (‘39), DEATH DRIVES THROUGH (‘35), SALOON BAR (‘40), LABURNUM GROVE (‘36) and BIRDS OF PREY (The Perfect Alibi, ‘30).
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IT ALWAYS RAINS ON SUNDAY (‘47) features frequent Ealing star, Googie Withers (the terrified wife in the great haunted mirror segment from DEAD OF NIGHT) as Rose, a married lower-class housewife whose life turns upside down when ex-boyfriend Tommy (John McCallum, soon to be husband of Withers) turns up on her doorstep. Tommy’s just escaped from prison where he’s been doing time for a nasty robbery, and against her better judgment, Rose agrees to hide him out under the noses of her husband and children. If that premise sounds similar to the later Neil Simon comedy Seems Like Old Times well, yeah it is in theory, but the execution and story direction are wholly different as IT ALWAYS RAINS ON SUNDAY follows the course of a single day gone very, very bad. The ending goes about as grim as you could get while still making this safe for the Production Code to carry in the U.S., and both of the leads are quite amazing with performances featuring a kind of raw, carnal intensity at times that you’d never expect to see in a 1947 British film.
A fine companion film—if you’ve got more of an afternoon to spare— and another look at the lower class, POOL OF LONDON (1951), takes place after the rations and rebuilding seen in SUNDAY had become a not-quite-distant memory. Ealing was surprisingly progressive in casting black actors in leading roles, and this is an early example with Earl Cameron, (a Bermuda-born actor seen in such films as THUNDERBALL, ‘65), in his screen debut and given center stage as Johnny, a Jamaican sailor on leave with an American named Dan (Bonar Colleano) who becomes embroiled in smuggling and other criminal activity around the titular dock area. A while back our own Streamline writer Kimberly Lindbergs made a fine case for this film’s value as an early look at race relations on film and a key entry in the filmography of the terrific Basil Dearden (who still hasn’t earned auteur status and perhaps never will, but almost everything he directed is well worth watching).
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What I’d like to point out here is how effectively Dearden picks up on the proto-kitchen sink realism that was already seeping into Ealing noir in SUNDAY and brings it to the forefront here, charting two courses that repeatedly converge and diverge over the course of one shore leave in a way that seems both plausible and accurate to the time while also visually inventive enough to rank with other slice-of-life noir studies of the period. For further evidence of Dearden’s underexploited skill with British noir, try (if you can) to see another of his Ealing classics, THE BLUE LAMP (‘50), a more traditional urban thriller starring a very young Dirk Bogarde.
You can even use them as an interesting comparison with the director of SUNDAY, Robert Hamer, who wasn’t one of the more prolific Ealing directors but did make his mark with that film and a very unusual noir-tinged period film, PINK STRING AND SEALING WAX (‘45). If you really want to get ambitious with your home programming, of course, you might also want to toss in Hamer’s most famous film, the Ealing classic KIND HEARTS AND CORONETS (‘49), which may be a comedy classic but also features a body count higher than all of the aforementioned films combined!
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blogperiode1 · 3 years
Week 4
10:45-13:35 Decoratie
 Deze les zijn we verder gegaan met het maken van de pop art tekst bubbels. Ik heb die van mij bijna afgekregen, alleen het moest nog best lang drogen tot dat ik er weer mee verder kon.
Marsha heeft Bart en mij alvast uitgelegd hoe je beton moet schilderen en toen ben ik dat gaan doen. Ik heb een plankje afgekregen en ik vind nou niet dat het er uit ziet als beton maar het ziet er zeker interessant uit. 
Ik was na het maken van m’n beton plankje verder gegaan met m’n tekst, maar die heb ik niet af gekregen.
14:15-15:45 Kunstgeschiedenis
Tijdens deze les hebben we het gehad over historische kleding van begin 1900 t/m 1950. Inge had een presentatie gemaakt over de mode door de jaren heen en waarom bepaalde mode in was.
 Een stukje van de presentatie ging ook nog over Coco Chanel, haar werk en de vrijheid die ze kreeerde voor vrouwen met haar kleding, alleen Coco Chanel was nogal een Nazi dus ik niet dat ze echt zo’n goed persoon was. Ze heeft letterlijk het uniform voor de Nazi’s gemaakt. 
12:00-16:00 TGVV
 Ik ben vergeten wat we nou precies gedaan hadden deze les, alleen ik weet wel dat we veel dingen opnieuw moesten maken, want afgelopen donderdag hadden we onze maquette voor de vierde jaar afgemaakt en er waren toen twee langsgekomen en zeiden dat het goed was en dat zij het het niet beter hadden kunnen doen en toen kregen we vrijdag een berichtje dat het niet goed was en dat de maten niet klopten en dat we het moesten veranderen. 
Ik weet nog wel dat ik deze les bezig was met het maken van nieuwe bankjes, omdat de oude niet goed waren, maar uiteindelijk heb ik gewoon een centimeter van beide kanten van het oude bakje eraf gehaald.
Ik heb ook een nieuwe railing gemaakt voor de gordijen, omdat de oude van dun ijzerdraad was en erg zwak was. Ik heb de railing gemaakt van een ijzeren kledinghanger. Bart had hem voor me uitelkaar gedraaid en nog geholpen met het vasthouden van de kledinghanger terwijl ik het recht zat te slaan met een tang, omdat we geen hamer hadden. Ik heb ook de hanger gebogen, maar ik heb het vooral recht moeten slaan om het in de juiste vorm te krijgen. 
We zijn deze les gaan kijken wat er anders moest en zijn daar aan begonnen. Ik ben deze dag wel eerder weggegaan, want ik had een afspraak om16.00.
09:00-12:00 Kostuum
 Ik had de avond voordat deze les begon m’n kostuum nog zwart geverfd en dat wilde ik nog even delen, want dat duurde erg lang en ik ben er vroeg voor opgestaan om het uit de droger te halen, want ik heb het geverfd in de wasmachine. 
Deze les ben ik begonnen aan m’n kraag en ik heb er wat schetsen voor gemaakt. Het torso van het kostuum is het verleden, de kraag is het heden en de rok is de toekomst. Ik wil dat in het hele kostuum het thema van ogen terug komt en ik wil dat het kostuum representeert wat mijn verleden, heden en toekomst voor mij betekenen. 
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De kraag wil ik van een vreemd materiaal maken zoals plastic en daar dan ogen op schilderen of boorduren. ik kies voor plastic, omdat voor mij het heden voelt heel raar het voelt alsof ik hier niet thuis hoor. Ik voel me nu al jaren zo en hoewel ik weet dat dit echt is voelt het soms alsof ik elk moment kan wakker worden in een andere tijdlijn. Daarom plastic, omdat het een materiaal is wat is accosieer  met ‘nep’ of ‘niet echt’.
Ik heb ook al een paar test kragen gemaakt van plastic en de naaimachine gaat er niet kapot van dus ik ga er mee verder.
12:30-15:00 Grime 
 Deze les heb ik een mal gemaakt van m’n hand met gips verband. Dat het ik gedaan dat eerst de bovenkant van m’n hand te bedekken in gips en wanneer die droog was had ik het eraf gehaald en dan pas ging ik de binnenkant in gips verband stoppen. 
Om de hand in gips verband te doen, moet je eerst je hand insmeren met vaseline en daarna strookjes van gips verband op je hand leggen die nat maken en een beetje uitsmeren totdat het glad was. Wanneer het droog was kon je het eraf halen of een tweede laag erop doen.
15:30-16:30 Engels
 Tijdens Engels ben ik verder gegaan aan m’n beroeps opdracht, maar om eerlijk te zijn ben ik niet veel verder gekomen. Ik kon me niet concentreren en oom eerlijk te zijn had ik ook geen zin in de les. Ik was gelukkig al best wel ver dus het enige wat ik nog moet doen is de tekst netjes maken.
16:30-18:15 Digitech2d
 Tijdens deze les zijn we een stopmotion gaan maken. Ik was naar buiten gegaan en had wat foto’s gemaakt van m’n schetsboek en hoe ik het open deed en een doodle daarin maakte. 
Het editen daarvan ging eerst een beetje lastig, omdat ik een aantal dingen was vergeten, maar toen ik het eenmaal wist ging het heel makkelijk. Ik heb ook nog geprobeerd wat muziek toe te voegen, maar het geluid was niet te horen. Waarschijnlijk omdat het Photoshop is en niet Premiere Pro. 
Ik had ook nog een andere stopmotion gemaakt van een appel die door een portaal vloog. Ik wilde een achtergrond toevoegen, alleen dat lukte eerst niet, maar uiteindelijk lukte het wel nadat ik het navroeg. 
Ik had ook nog een begin gemaakt aan de andere stopmotion, alleen die is niet af.
Vrijdag na al m’n lessen had ik ook nog zelf buiten school een Photoshop een korte animatie gemaakt en het afgelopen weekend heb ik ook nog een tweede gemaakt, maar dan wel in kleur.
Ik ben wel bij met deze les want ik heb het idee dat wel echt iets heb geleerd en dat ik nu nog meer nieuwe dingen kan maken. Ik had al een keer eerder geprobeerd te animeren in een andere programma, alleen dat lukte niet dus ik ben hier wel blij mee
09:30-9:45 SLB1
 Ik had om 9:30 een gesprek met Dorien. Ze vroeg wat ik zou zien als een succesvol schooljaar en hoe zij me daarin zou kunnen helpen. Ik zei dat een succesvol schooljaar een zou zijn met zo minmogelijk stress en dat ik zo weinig mogelijk dingen uitstel. 
Om eerlijk te zijn denk ik niet dat dat mogelijk voor me is, want tot nu toe gaat het nog oke, maar ik begin nu al een achterstand voor bepaalde vakken op te bouwen en ik weet niet of dat ik het ga halen met hoe het nu met mij gaat en hoe het rooster in elkaar zit.
Ik denk gewoon niet dat dat het gaat lukken om alles in te halen, want veel van de dagen zijn tot en met18.00 en zelfs al ik een dag heb die niet tot 18.00 duurt betekent dat niet dat ik altijd de motivatie of energie kan vinden om huiswerk te maken. 
Ik probeer nu meetstal m’n huiswerk in het weekend te maken, maar dat lukt me vaak gewoon niet, omdat ik me niet kan concentreren, geen motivatie heb of omdat m’n energie gewoon op is.
Zelfs als ik door deze periode heen kom en misschien ook de tweede denk ik niet dat ik er mentaal beter aan toe zal zijn. Ik denk dat het alleen, maar slechter zal gaan, omdat ik mezelf langzaam uitput en op een bepaald moment niks meer kan. Dat is wat gebeurde vorig jaar en ik zie dat dit jaar ook weer gebeuren. 
10:15-11:15 SLB
 Ik weet net zeker wat we hebben besproken deze les, maar volgens mij hadden we het over de communicatie  met de 4e jaar. 
Ik zit in het groepje van Peer en bij ons ging de communicatie met de 4e niet erg soepel. Ze moeten ons begeleiden en beoordelen, alleen we hebben niet echt veel begeleiden gehad van ze. 
Ze zijn een paar keer komen kijken, maar hebben niet echt advies gegeven. Ook als we een vraag stelde kragen we altijd een heel vaag antwoord. Als we kritiek van ze kregen was het vaak ‘dit moet anders’ ‘dit is niet goed’ ‘hier moet je opletten’, maar waarom was het niet goed? En wat werd er bedoelt met dat we ergens op moesten letten?
Kritiek moet je onderbouwen, je moet uitleggen waarom iets niet goed is en hoe we het hadden kunnen verbeteren. 
Ik snap dat dit ook nog nieuw is voor de 4e  jaars en dat ze hier nog niet aan gewent zijn en dat ze dit nog moeten leren, alleen wij moeten ook de maquette maken en dat lukt niet als ze niet duidelijk zijn in wat ze willen.
13:15-19:30 TGVV
 We zijn om 13.00 begonnen en hebben een lijst gemaakt van dingen die we nog moesten maken. Ik heb Miriam en Babs geholpen met het maken van nieuwe palen, maar ik heb niet zo heel veel gedaan. Hiervoor waren we bijna altijd maar met de helft en dus was er altijd iets te doen, maar nu waren we er met bijna iedereen dus er was gewoon niet zoveel te doen. Ik heb vooral geholpen met kleine dingen zoals dingen vasthouden en tape aangeven. 
Ik heb ook wat dingen omgerekend waarvan de schaal nodig was.
We hebben dus in 5 uur en een kwartier een betere maquette gemaakt dan in twee weken tijd.
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10:00-10:45 Rekenen
 Deze les zaten we in 2.16, omdat we niet in het computer lokaal zaten en daarom hen ik de oefentoets van hoofdstuk 2 op m’n telefoon gemaakt.
10:45-12:45 Digitech3d
 Tijdens deze les hebben we random voorwerpen gekregen van Dirk in die moesten we in 15 minuten in Sketch Up tekenen. Ik had aan het begin van deze periode best wel moeite met Sketch Up, maar ik vind dat het het nu al een stuk beter gaat. Ik heb een waterfles getekend en ik heb er water ingedaan als een bonus., Ik heb ook nog een vreemd doosje gemaakt en verder heb ik nog een munt gemaakt. 
12:45-13:45 HBO
We zijn tijdens deze les begonnen aan het schrijven van onze oefen essay. Ik heb hiervoor een nieuwe egel gemaakt en een nieuw recept geschreven. Ik had eerst erg moeite met het beginnen van schrijven, maar uiteindelijk ben ik wel begonnen en het ging wel oke.
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onheirpodcast · 3 months
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Key figures in the story of the shooting in Cavallo
Dirk Hamer - An athletic, friendly 19 year old German who died after being shot in the early hours of 18th August 1978. He was asleep on a boat near the island of Cavallo after a day trip with his sister and her friends.
Prince Vittorio Emanuele and Princess Marina - The son of the last King of Italy. He was alleged to have fired the shot that killed Dirk following a heated encounter on a neighbouring boat. His wife Marina was his staunchest defender throughout.
Birgit Hamer - Dirk's older sister, a model and former Miss Germany. After her brother's death, she would dedicate the next 40 years to getting justice for him.
Beatrice Borromeo - Best known as the daughter in law of Monaco's Princess Caroline, she is a journalist and family friend of Birgit. She was crucial in uncovering Vittorio's bombshell confession and directed a documentary on Dirk's death.
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ccarriganphotos · 3 years
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Medical intuitive healer Catherine Carrigan interviews teacher Ilsedora Laker about what is the German New Medicine? https://youtu.be/pg5-r-ju3i4 Questions addressed in this interview include: What is the German New Medicine and when and how was it discovered? Who was Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer? What is the Iron Rule of Cancer according to German New Medicine? How do psychological shocks create rings in the brain? Why are many health conditions referred to as healing phases in GNM? What is the view of German New Medicine about the coronavirus pandemic? How can we recognize a conflict active and a resolution/healing phase? Is German New Medicine relevant for physical and emotional symptoms?How is the German New Medicine used in addressing health issues? Does the patient/client have to know anything about German New Medicine to benefit the application? Are nutrition and lifestyle changes suggested in the application of German New Medicine? Can German New Medicine be applied to the present virus related health issues people are reported to be experiencing? What would it mean if everyone were to understand the basics of German New Medicine? Why was Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer arrested multiple times during his lifetime? What was Dr.Ryke Geerd Hamer's medical license suspended? What is the Dirk Hamer Syndrome? What is a Significant Biological Special Program? How do highly emotional events affect our psyche, brain and organs? #GermanNewMedicine #DrRykegeerdhamer #naturalhealing #healingthemind #naturalhealth #emotionalhealing #shock #cancer #stress #sleepdisorders #medicalintuitive #healing #colddisease #hotdisease #alternativecancertreatments #Rykegeerdhamer #Hamerfoci #ringartifacts #DirkHamerSyndrome https://www.instagram.com/p/CMfIM5kHolL/?igshid=higtefrw39ij
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Nueva Medicina Germánica - Introducción
Nueva Medicina Germánica – Introducción
Hace más de veinte años, el Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, un doctor alemán con oficina en Roma, Italia, recibió un llamado telefónico en medio de la noche. Su hijo Dirk, de 17 años había sido baleado durante una vacación en el Mediterráneo. Tres meses más tarde Dirk murió y poco después, el Dr. Hamer, quien había sido sano durante toda su vida, pero totalmente abrumado por esta catástrofe, descubrió que…
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notaiocamilloverde · 7 years
Nuovo regolamento UE sui dati personali: come cambia il diritto all’oblio
Aveva fatto scalpore ad Agosto la notizia della sentenza che aveva negato a Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia il cosiddetto “diritto all’oblio” per “l’incidente” dell’Isola di Cavallo in cui, nel 1978, perse la vita il giovane tedesco Dirk Hamer, rievocato ... di Notaio Camillo Verde Aveva fatto scalpore ad Agosto la notizia della sentenza che aveva negato a Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia il cosiddetto “diritto all’oblio” per “l’incidente” dell’Isola di Cavallo in cui, nel 1978, perse la vita il giovane tedesco Dirk Hamer, rievocato ... Articolo completo Nuovo regolamento UE sui dati personali: come cambia il diritto all’oblio
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theadrianobusolin · 7 years
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Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia condannato a 2 anni per calunnia Due anni di reclusione, con pena sospesa, con l'accusa di calunnia. Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia è stato condannato con rito abbreviato per aver falsamente accusato Brigit Margot Hamer del reato di diffamazione per quanto scritto nel libro di memorie "Delitto senza castigo" del 2011.Brigit Hamer era sorella di Dirk, il giovane turista tedesco deceduto nel 1978 dopo quattro mesi di agonia a seguito di un colpo d'arma da fuoco per il quale fu indagato e poi prosciolto lo stesso Savoia.
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