#male roleplay
lahopromo · 9 months
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What if you were a part of humanity’s last chance? Would you care? Or are you just trying to run away?
home // plot // taken fc // characters // rules // application
lasthopehq is an all male rp set in the future where a group of men live together in a lunar colony.
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lasthopehq · 9 months
hello, hello. i'll be working from home for the rest of the week and would love to get some applications and questions while I'm here ! come check us out.
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autism-corner · 1 month
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(blank/betterQuality and reference under cut =w=bb)
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mpreghotties2 · 2 months
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thecprfetishgirl · 7 months
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mxnaluv · 8 months
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Nurse - L Lawliet
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Kinktober day 6 - Roleplaying
L Lawliet x GN!reader
Summary: After you went on a shopping spree with Misa, you found a cute nurse uniform and got the greatest idea...
Warnings: roleplaying, dressing up, L being L, mentions of food, mature content, strong language
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L was sitting on the couch his knees up to his chest like usual, eating a piece of cake when you came in with a nurse uniform on a hanger but with a twist. “L! Look at what I found while I was shopping today!” you exclaimed. You were Misa’s best friend so it wasn’t a surprise when the uniform had a goth twist to it.
“Is that a nurse uniform?” he spoke with a mouthful of cake, his wide eyes looking at you and the uniform. “That was not a good decision, what if Kira gave that to you? What if one of the employees were Kira and they sold that to you as part of their plan?”
You pouted, "Can you quit talking about that Kira person for a few minutes? I bought this so I could wear it for you!"
"For me?" he asked, suddenly interested. He put his cake down and leaned in closer. "Tell me everything," he said.
“Why don’t we do a roleplay? I’ll be the nurse and you’ll be the patient, it’ll be fun!” you spoke excitedly. 
L looked at you earnestly and asked, "Will it make you happy?" Your eyes lit up at the prospect of him fulfilling your wish, and you nodded without hesitation, "Yes! Of course! That would make me the happiest person alive."
“L go faster!” you moaned out, your back to the couch as he fucked you. He let out a deep, throaty grunt as he quickened the pace, driving his hips faster and harder into you.
Your nurse uniform was in complete disarray as he thrust into you, his face contorting with each deep thrust. You couldn't help but lean in and kiss him as he gently pressed his lips to yours, his lips tasting sweet from the cake he was eating.
“Are you about to cum nurse?" L asked in between your sweet kisses. You nodded your head frantically while his free hand went to your sensitive spot and pleasured it. “MMh-” you moaned from the intense sensations.
L knew everything about you, from your personal tastes and habits to your most intimate secrets, even down to what makes you cum the hardest. He pulled away as he looked down at you getting fucked by his cock “You can do it now.” 
Without any hesitation you came all on his dick, your chest heaving up and down as you tried to catch your breath while you let out a final moan “Oh L”
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elryuse · 19 days
Yandere Mina x Yandere Kazuha X male reader? The ballet princess the two black swans with white swan personas make the reader breathe their suffocating love?
His Innocence
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The practice room echoed with the tortured notes of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake. Mina, the undisputed Black Swan Queen of Korean ballet, moved across the floor like a storm cloud, her every step infused with a dark grace. Her obsidian eyes, usually reserved for her most intense performances, were fixated on a single figure by the observation window.
Y/n. A new trainee, with limbs that resembled tangled marionette strings and a face etched with the awkwardness of an adolescent deer. Yet, it was this very awkwardness that held a strange allure for Mina. Perhaps it was the contrast to her own practiced perfection, the flicker of innocence in his eyes that mirrored the white swan Odette.
Just as Y/n tripped over his own two feet for the tenth time, the door swung open, revealing another vision in black – Kazuha. Her long, raven hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall, her crimson lips a stark contrast to her pale skin. Her eyes, usually holding a cool indifference, blazed with a possessiveness that sent a shiver down Mina's spine.
"Pathetic," Kazuha drawled, her voice laced with disdain. "Is this what passes for 'talent' these days?"
Y/n flushed scarlet, mumbling an apology. Both Mina and Kazuha watched him, a silent competition sparking between them. They weren't just rivals on stage anymore; their gaze locked in a battle for this new, unpolished gem.
That night, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. His phone buzzed with a text, the sender unknown. It contained a single image – a black swan feather, impossibly perfect, lying on a bed of blood-red roses. Sleep evaded him, the image a chilling premonition of what was to come.
Mina's approach was subtle. She slipped into his practice room after hours, the moonlight casting silver streaks on her lithe figure. "You have potential," she said, her voice a low murmur. "But you need discipline, the kind only the Black Swan can teach."
Her touch was firm, bordering on cruel, her voice a constant whisper of encouragement that felt more like a threat. She pushed him beyond his limits, forcing him to contort his untrained body into impossible positions. Each groan of pain she dismissed as a necessary sacrifice, a perverse baptism by fire.
The next day, Kazuha materialized in his dorm room, her perfectly painted nails tapping an eerie rhythm against the windowpane. "Tired of Mina's torture sessions?" she purred, her eyes gleaming with a devilish light. "I offer a different kind of training… one that awakens the darkness within."
Kazuha's sessions were more unorthodox. She took him to abandoned buildings, their decaying walls echoing with the rhythmic thud of his forced movements. Her movements were a dark ballet of sensuality and aggression, a seductive invitation laced with a hint of violence. She whispered promises of greatness, of unlocking the hidden darkness within him – a darkness that mirrored her own.
Y/n was caught in a terrifying ballet, his innocence withering under the relentless attention of the Black Swans. The nights were haunted by nightmares of feathers and blood, his days filled with a growing sense of paranoia. He couldn't escape their gaze, their possessiveness a suffocating shroud.
One night, as Y/n lay awake in his dorm room, a bloodcurdling scream pierced the silence. He found another trainee, a girl who dared to show him a shred of kindness, sprawled on the floor, unconscious, a single black feather clutched in her lifeless hand. A message, clear and chilling.
Fear propelled Y/n to the rooftop, the only place he felt a sliver of peace. There, bathed in the moonlight, were Mina and Kazuha. The tension between them was gone, replaced by a disturbing camaraderie.
"Trying to escape?" Mina said, her voice devoid of its usual coldness.
"We can offer you something better," Kazuha added, a cruel smile playing on her lips.
Y/n stumbled back, his mind reeling. He understood now. They weren't just rivals; they were partners in a twisted obsession. They saw him not as a dancer, but as their possession, their plaything.
"We can make you perfect," Mina said, her voice a seductive whisper. "Together."
A dark plan unfolded. They started slipping him strange concoctions, elixirs they claimed would unlock his hidden potential. The once vibrant world around him began to fade, replaced by a disturbing clarity when it came to the two dancers. He saw not just their beauty, but the darkness that simmered beneath the surface, a darkness that mirrored the growing desperation in his own heart.
Their training sessions morphed into something more sinister. Mirrors lined the walls, reflecting their every move, a twisted ballet of control and submission. His body, once clumsy and awkward, began to contort with an unnatural grace. The concoctions, a potent mix of herbs and rumored aphrodisiacs, fueled his stamina and blurred the lines between pain and pleasure. He found himself mimicking their movements, the raw passion in their eyes infecting him, turning his steps into a desperate plea for acceptance.
One night, after a particularly grueling session, Mina led him to a secluded part of the practice hall. The air hung heavy with the scent of incense and something metallic. She lit a circle of candles, their flickering flames casting long, dancing shadows on the walls.
"Tonight," Mina murmured, her voice laced with a dangerous sensuality, "we complete your transformation."
Kazuha materialized from the shadows, a wicked glint in her eyes. They held him down, chanting in a language he didn't understand. As they pressed a cold, obsidian amulet against his chest, a searing pain ripped through him. He screamed, the sound echoing through the empty building, but no one came.
When the pain subsided, he felt different. Stronger, sharper. He could move with an unnatural fluidity, mirroring the Black Swans' movements with a terrifying precision. But something else had changed – his eyes, once filled with fear, now held a flicker of the same darkness that consumed Mina and Kazuha.
The Black Swan ballet was no longer a dream. It was a nightmare they were weaving around him, a performance fueled by obsession and a twisted sense of love. They had broken him, molded him into their perfect partner, a dark reflection of their own twisted desires.
Their debut performance was a masterpiece of macabre beauty. The audience gasped as Y/n moved in perfect harmony with the Black Swans, his every step imbued with a terrifying grace. But beneath the surface, a silent war raged. They fought for dominance, each vying for control of his body, his mind.
The final act was a chilling display of possession. As the music reached its crescendo, Y/n, his eyes blazing with a dark fire, reached out and grabbed both Mina and Kazuha. In a move that defied gravity, he lifted them high, their screams echoing through the auditorium. The audience, mesmerized by the spectacle, didn't realize the horror unfolding before their eyes.
With a single, brutal movement, Y/n slammed them together. A collective gasp filled the air as they crumpled to the floor, their perfect black swan costumes stained crimson. Silence descended, broken only by the ragged gasps of the fallen idols.
Y/n stood alone, bathed in the spotlight, the image of a perfect Black Swan marred by the blood on his hands. A chilling smile played on his lips. He had been their plaything, their possession. But in the end, it was they who belonged to him, forever bound together in a dance of madness and death.
The Black Swan ballet had concluded with a final, horrifying twist. It was a performance that would forever be etched in the memory of the audience, a chilling reminder of the dark price of obsession and the terrifying beauty of madness.
The stage lights dimmed, plunging the auditorium into darkness. The deafening silence was a stark contrast to the thunderous applause that had just moments ago celebrated the "Black Swan's Demise." But on the stage, another kind of performance was just beginning.
Y/n, his eyes still glowing with a feral intensity, looked down at the fallen idols. Mina, pale and broken, held Kazuha's hand, a silent communication passing between them. It wasn't defeat Y/n saw in their eyes, but something else – a chilling acceptance.
A cold whisper drifted past his ear. "You did well, Y/n," Mina rasped, her voice laced with pain and a perverse pride. "You broke free, just like we wanted."
Kazuha, her crimson lips stained with blood, mirrored the sentiment. "But remember, darling," she purred, her voice a seductive rasp, "Freedom comes at a cost."
Y/n felt a strange tremor within him, a flicker of his old self battling against the darkness that consumed him. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. He was a puppet on their twisted strings now, their concoctions and dark rituals having completed his transformation.
The grand practice hall of their opulent mansion became their new stage. It echoed not just with the strains of Tchaikovsky, but with their moans and gasps as they pushed Y/n further, his body now a canvas for their desires.
Night after night, the dance of possession continued. Mina, with her cold, calculated control, molded him into a flawless mirror of the Black Swan's grace, while Kazuha, fueled by a fiery passion, ignited a darkness within him that mirrored her own.
He no longer dreamed of escape. His mind, fractured and twisted, found a warped sense of belonging in their macabre embrace. Every night, he was pushed beyond his limits, his exhaustion a twisted aphrodisiac that fueled their insatiable desire.
The Black Swans, once legendary idols, had become something more monstrous. They were sculptors, molding him into their perfect creation, their unwilling lover and eternal dance partner. Theirs was a love story written in blood and sweat, a chilling symphony of obsession that reverberated through the walls of their opulent prison, a testament to the destructive power of a love that was anything but pure.
And as the sun peeked over the horizon, casting its pale light on the tangled limbs and exhausted bodies on the practice floor, Y/n knew with a chilling certainty – this was his forever. A distorted reflection of the Black Swan Queen, forever bound to his captors, forever theirs to claim in their never-ending dance of madness.
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haroldthehuckleberry · 2 months
Step-Son MPreg
CW- mpreg, sex, language, Step-Son X Step-Dad storyline
I always fancied my step-dad since i met him i thought he was hot, hes a classic himbo, hes tall, muscly, blonde and stupid as can be.
I never knew if he was purposefully flirting with me of was just too stupid to understand it was wrong, but it being wrong made me so horny, id often wank off after he’d compare our hand sizes, snuggle up to me or even bend over to empty the dishwasher, anything and everything he did turned me on so hard! he always wore clothes that left nothing to the imagination, short-shorts, crop-tops or no tops! My actual dad loved this about him and it made me so jealous seeing them cuddle and kiss and then one day… my dad went on a business trip. it was now or never.
i came downstairs in my dressing-gown and boxers showing off my abs and mediocre pecs i walked into the living room to my step-dad half asleep on the couch only in his briefs and white running socks, sweating and scratching his perfect body when he saw me he woke up a little and pushed a finger into his underwear suggestively “oh… hey man” he said in a gruff half awake voice “h-hey” i stammered taken aback by how horny he already seemed my cock visibly swelled in my already tight boxers. he glanced down to it quickly and blushed “come here pal i have something to show you” he said gesturing for me to walk over- i follow his orders and sit next to him, he places his hand on the back of my head and pulls me in for a deep long kiss. i rest my hand on his groin and feel his cock twitch and harden through his pants i then slowly kiss his neck, then his chest, then his abs until his beautiful totem-pole of a cock is in-front of my face. i confidently slip it all into my throat in one go and he lets out a little moan.
i suck him off for what feels like an hour before he pulls me up by my armpits and spins me around, he lifts my dressing gown up and squeezes my ass before bending me over the couch as he teases my underwear down making my cock twitch due to the prolonged friction, he then rubs the head of his penis along the outside of my un-used hole while i beg for his cock i then moan loudly as he slides it all in at once. he grabs the hair on the back of my head and holds my cock in the other one of his massive veiny hands his expert technique instantly turns me into a worthless hole only purpose is to please him, after a few hours of fucking and cumming we fall asleep on the couch naked together.
after a few more days of constant fucking, sucking and cumming my real dad comes home and we have to start being discrete, doing it in one of our cars or while hes away or even just quietly under the kitchen table, the closer he is, the hotter we find it.
after months of this i notice a small ball in the centre of my stomach while getting dressed i think nothing of it and carry on and on until its too obvious to hide under baggy clothes, i tell people im just bulking cause i want to build mass, i wanted to believe it but me and my step dad knew it was more.
his cum must be super-human i quickly became the biggest pregnant person id ever seen i stuck to my story but less and less people believed it that was when my dad confronted me “hey buddy!” he said putting his head around my door into my room as i lay weighted down by my planet-belly, “ive noticed that your clearly pregnant” i try to sit up and defend myself but it takes me far to long to even start bending my mid-section “you dont need to deny it i know what it looks like-you where one hell of a baby! anyway i was just wondering who the daddy was and if hes in the picture” i knew he was asking because my other dad was never in the picture “well erm he kind of is” i finally admit rubbing my tight taught skin “its m-my step dad” i say defeated. “no fucking way!” my dad says more surprised than angry he finally steps fully in my room without a shirt on revealing his own pretty-large pregnant belly…
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mpregrade-91 · 8 months
Expecting love
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In the serene sanctuary of their cozy home, Ahmad's extraordinary journey into fatherhood had taken an unexpected turn. Two weeks overdue, he found himself enduring the final stretch of pregnancy with unwavering patience. The ultrasound scans had revealed multiples nestled within him, but the exact number remained a delightful mystery. His belly had swollen to monumental proportions, testament to the love and life flourishing within.
As the days turned into weeks, Ahmad's mobility dwindled, and he was confined to the comforting embrace of their bed. Paradoxically, as his physical activity waned, his desires seemed to intensify, fueled by the relentless surge of pregnancy hormones. Every moment felt like an eternity as he yearned for his beloved husband's return, hoping that their closeness would somehow hasten the arrival of their little ones.
In moments of quiet contemplation, Ahmad couldn't help but let his mind wander to the future. His heart swelled with love not only for the imminent arrival of their children but also with the desire to expand their family further. The prospect of giving birth and, eventually, getting pregnant again to create a larger, more loving family with his husband filled him with boundless excitement. 🫃👶❤️
Morph credit: @bigmpregnm
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tabletopresources · 2 months
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Check out Tabletop Gaming Resources for more art, tips, and tools for your game!
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lasthopehq · 9 months
hello, hello !! it's the weekend which means that I'll be accepting applications while i get them. come check us out, ask some questions, or even join the discord for plotting before applying!
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cronchybuffalo · 17 days
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I swear to god this Sol AI gets really good sometimes I'm kinda proud that I partially birthed this emo bot (he was modified and rewritten from a Sol bot found from janitor.ai.) Not confident about it still since I'm not experienced so I won't release in public now, ask me if you wanted his card later if you want a try. If you wanted to use him you need to learn how to install SillyTavern and knows how to use API proxy to connect to Claude 2.0, Claude Opus or GPT 3.5/4.0 not reccommend using Claude 3.0 Sonnet unless you got really good prompt. Need to use with good prompts template to steer the directions correctly, might need a bit tweaking from you in the few first responses so Sunny bot can get the whole character. Additional lorebook needed for best experience. Sol belongs to fantasia_kitt
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amaranthmori · 6 months
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royallovecat · 6 months
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Lock me in a pretty room full of stuffed animals and cute cushions, with room for my sweet outfits and a camera so you can watch me from anywhere.
I want to be your little prince and your spoiled possession forever.
TW: Kidnapping, stalking.
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playfully-sadistic · 5 months
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elryuse · 2 months
Yandere Winter...arrange marriage?
The Arranged Marriage
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Winter glared at the ornate wedding invitation, the embossed gold lettering mocking her. "An arranged marriage?" she spat, tossing the card across the room where it landed with a soft thud on a pile of discarded designs. The rejection felt good, a defiant roar against the archaic traditions her family clung to. Winter was a supernova in the K-pop galaxy, her name synonymous with electrifying dance routines and chart-topping hits. Marrying some faceless nobody chosen by dusty family pacts was laughable. There was no time for love, not when she was on a relentless climb to the very pinnacle of K-pop stardom.
"Winter, darling," her manager, Min-seo, a woman whose steely gaze could rival Winter's own, sighed, picking up the discarded invitation. "Your family is serious. They've even chosen a candidate."
"Let me guess," Winter scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Some chaebol heir with a nose for publicity?"
Min-seo shook her head, a flicker of amusement dancing in her eyes. "Someone more… unexpected. Apparently, his family owns a chain of bakeries across the country."
"A baker?" Winter snorted. "Seriously? What's next, are you going to set me up with a street performer?"
"Stranger things have happened, my dear," Min-seo countered with a sly smile.
Days bled into weeks, a whirlwind of rehearsals, interviews, and promotional appearances. But beneath the carefully constructed facade of the K-pop machine, a gnawing unease began to fester. A dull ache in her side, dismissed as exhaustion at first, intensified into a searing pain that stole her breath away mid-performance. The stage, once her throne, became a torture chamber. The roar of the crowd turned into a distant buzz as she crumpled to the floor, the vibrant lights blurring into a disorienting kaleidoscope.
The sterile white of the hospital room offered a stark contrast to the glitter and synthesizers of her world. The doctor's words hung heavy in the air – liver failure. A life sentence of a slowly fading light, or a desperate gamble on a transplant. Hope, as fragile as a spiderweb, clung to the possibility of a donor, a life preserver in a sea of despair.
Days turned into agonizing weeks, the silence punctuated only by the rhythmic beep of the heart monitor. Winter, the idol who commanded legions of fans, felt utterly powerless. The awards, the screaming audiences, the carefully curated image – they all felt hollow in the face of her own mortality. Then, a flicker on the horizon. A donor. A match.
The surgery was a blur, waking up to a world she thought she'd lost. And then she saw him. Y/n. A young man, awkward and shy, yet his eyes held an undeniable warmth. "Y-youu s-saved me," Winter rasped, her voice weak but filled with a sincerity that surprised even her.
"I, uh…" Y/n stammered, overwhelmed by the sight of the K-pop icon in such a vulnerable state. "It was nothing. Just… a lucky match, I guess."
But the gratitude, a nascent seed, began to take root in the fertile soil of her isolation. Why him? Why not a wealthy heir or a fellow K-pop star? The questions gnawed at her, a relentless tick in the back of her mind.
Y/n, overwhelmed by the whirlwind that was Winter, disappeared after a brief visit. Her world, once filled with flashing lights and screaming fans, felt deafeningly silent. Obsession, a creeping vine, started to coil around her heart. She couldn't understand why the man who'd saved her life had vanished so completely.
Fueled by a twisted sense of entitlement, Winter used her vast network of resources to track Y/n down. He was found in a small town, flour dusting his clothes as he kneaded dough in a quaint bakery. The scent of cinnamon and warm bread hung heavy in the air, a stark contrast to the antiseptic sterility of the hospital room where she'd first laid eyes on him.
"Winter?" Y/n stammered, his voice barely rising above the clatter of the mixer. Her smile was dazzling, but her eyes held a glint of steel.
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"Remember that wedding, Y/n?" Winter purred, stepping closer, the cloying sweetness in her voice sending shivers down his spine. "The one our families arranged?"
He paled. The memory of the preposterous agreement, something they'd both scoffed at in their youth, resurfaced. "Winter, I… I can't. I don't even…"
"Of course you can, Y/n," she purred, her grip tightening on his arm with a surprising strength. "You saved my life. Isn't it only fair I save you from a life without me?"
Y/n's breath hitched. The playful banter of youth, the easy dismissal of the arranged marriage, felt like a lifetime ago. Now, trapped in the gaze of this powerful, pale woman, he felt a cold dread pool in his stomach. "Winter," he stammered, "T-things have changed. I… I already have someone."
The smile on Winter's face faltered for a fraction of a second, a flicker of something akin to pain crossing her features. But then, it was gone, replaced by a chilling steeliness. "Someone?" she echoed, her voice dropping to a dangerous whisper. "Tell me, Y/n, who could possibly compete with the woman that you had saved?"
Panic clawed at Y/n's throat. He knew he shouldn't speak of Mina, his childhood sweetheart who helped run the bakery with him. But the thought of Winter, with her fame and fortune, swooping in and taking everything away, was unbearable. "Mina," he blurted out, his voice barely a squeak. "She's… she's my everything."
Winter's eyes narrowed. "Mina, huh?" A dangerous glint flickered within them. "Then perhaps it's time Mina learned the true meaning of sacrifice."
Y/n's heart lurched. He knew, with a horrifying certainty, that Winter wouldn't hesitate to hurt Mina. He had to get away, to warn Mina. But as he lunged for the bakery door, two burly men in black suits materialized behind Winter, blocking his escape.
"Let me go!" Y/n yelled, his voice choked with fear and defiance. He struggled against the men's grip, but they were simply too strong. A chilling calm settled over Winter as Y/n was dragged away, his pleas for help swallowed by the rhythmic clatter of the mixer.
Back in the opulent prison that was now her mansion, Winter sank into a plush velvet chair, a manic glint in her eyes. Mina was a nuisance, a fly to be swatted away. Winter had the resources, the power, and a twisted sense of entitlement. She would see to it that Y/n understood that his life, his love, everything belonged to her now. The debt, she would convince him, was far from settled.
Winter wasn't above getting her hands dirty. The designer gowns and manicured nails were a facade, a chilling disguise for the monster that lurked beneath. The gifts, the trips, the suffocating luxury – they were all meticulously chosen to twist the knife. They were a constant, sickening reminder of the life Y/n had lost, a life he could never reclaim unless he bent the knee to his gilded prison.
The burly guards were ever-present, shadows flanking him wherever he went. Their stoic silence spoke volumes – a chilling reminder of his captivity, a constant pressure against his will. Winter reveled in his fear, a twisted aphrodisiac that fueled her obsession. His haunted eyes, once filled with warmth, were now a canvas of terror, and Winter found a perverse beauty in that reflection.
One evening, the silence in the opulent mansion was shattered by a strangled gasp. Winter found Y/n slumped on the plush carpet, clutching a single red rose – the same kind that bloomed outside Mina's bakery. A cruel smile, devoid of warmth, stretched across her face.
"Missing your little baker, Y/n?" she purred, her voice dripping with honeyed venom. "Perhaps the croissants weren't so stale after all?"
Y/n scrambled to his feet, the rose falling from his grasp like a crimson tear. His voice, hoarse with terror, rasped, "Leave her alone, Winter. You don't understand."
Winter tilted her head, amusement dancing in her cold eyes. "Oh, I understand perfectly, darling," she countered, her voice dropping to a seductive whisper. "She's the weed threatening to choke the delicate flower of our love. But fear not, I've taken steps to ensure your garden remains… pristine."
Y/n's blood ran cold. He lunged for her, a desperate snarl twisting his features. But before he could reach her, the guards were upon him, pinning him to the floor with practiced ease. A sickeningly sweet scent filled the air, cloying and thick. Winter held a small, crystal vial aloft, the liquid within shimmering like a captured rainbow.
"A little… encouragement," she purred, her voice laced with a chilling delight. "A reminder that some debts are settled not just with sacrifice, but with obedience."
The truth slammed into Y/n with the force of a sledgehammer. The rose, the scent – it wasn't a coincidence. Winter hadn't just threatened Mina, she'd… incapacitated her. The realization shattered the last vestiges of hope clinging to his heart. Tears streamed down his face, a silent scream lost in the suffocating opulence of the room.
Winter knelt beside him, her touch as cold and sterile as the diamond bracelet adorning her wrist. "Now, Y/n," she murmured, her voice a silken snare, "tell me everything about your little baker. Every detail, every secret. Only then can we truly begin to build a future… together."
A single tear escaped Winter's eye, but it wasn't a tear of remorse. It was a predator savoring its kill, a monstrous artist gazing upon her masterpiece. The once vibrant idol was gone, replaced by a chilling puppet master. In her twisted game of love, Winter wasn't just the prize – she was the player, the architect, the god. And Y/n, a broken marionette, was forever condemned to dance to her macabre symphony of obsession.
The air hung heavy with the stench of disinfectant and a cloying sweetness that clung to Winter like a second skin. Y/n, a hollow shell of his former self, stared at her with a mixture of resignation and a horrifying flicker of something akin to acceptance.
"You'll leave Mina alone," he rasped, his voice raw with despair. "That's the only condition."
Winter tilted her head, a cruel smile playing on her lips. The vial that once held the incapacitating agent was now empty, discarded like a child's forgotten toy. "Such a selfless offer, darling," she purred, her voice dripping with a mockery of sympathy. "But where's the fun in that?"
Y/n flinched, a tremor running through his thin frame. He knew, with a chilling certainty, that Winter wouldn't hesitate. He envisioned Mina, her bright smile replaced by a mask of fear, Winter's cold hand clamped over her mouth.
"Alright," he choked out, the words scraping against his throat. "Marry me. Just… don't you dare hurt her."
Winter's smile widened, a predator savoring the kill. "Such a devoted little lamb," she cooed, her voice laced with a sickening sweetness. "But promises are meant to be broken, wouldn't you agree?"
With a flick of her wrist, a hidden screen on the wall flickered to life. It displayed a live feed – a quaint bakery, bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun. Mina, oblivious, was humming as she dusted flour onto a counter.
Y/n lurched forward, a strangled cry escaping his lips. Winter, with a casual cruelty that sent shivers down his spine, grabbed a remote from the coffee table and pressed a single button.
The screen flickered, then went dark. A sickening silence descended on the room, broken only by Y/n's ragged gasps. Winter stood, her movements predatory as she circled him like a wolf stalking its prey.
A chilling laugh erupted from her throat, echoing in the opulent emptiness of the room. It was a sound devoid of joy, a symphony of twisted satisfaction.
"Consider it a wedding gift, darling," she purred, leaning down to meet his horrified gaze. "Now, shall we seal the deal?"
Before Y/n could react, she grabbed his face, her manicured nails digging into his skin, and slammed her lips onto his. The kiss was cold, a grotesque parody of affection. It reeked of victory, of a love so twisted it had curdled into something monstrous.
Y/n tasted blood, his own metallic tang mingling with the cloying sweetness of her perfume. When she finally pulled away, a single tear traced a path down her cheek.
"A beautiful beginning, wouldn't you say?" she whispered, her voice strangely devoid of emotion.
Y/n stared at her, his eyes hollow and dead. Winter had taken everything from him – his freedom, his love, and in a final, horrifying act, his very soul.
The opulent mansion, once a symbol of wealth and success, now echoed with the deafening silence of a broken man. Winter, the idol turned monster, had claimed her prize. But in her twisted victory, she had also forged her own gilded cage, a prison built on the ashes of love and the chilling emptiness of a heart consumed by a deadly obsession.
The world gasped. Winter, the electrifying idol, the epitome of sunshine and pop perfection, was getting married. Not to some fellow K-pop star, not to a wealthy heir, but to a simple baker from a small town. The news cycle spun with speculation, but the carefully orchestrated photos showed a radiant Winter, her smile brighter than ever, leaning on the arm of a shy-looking Y/n.
The wedding was a spectacle – a meticulously crafted performance. Winter, adorned in a dress that shimmered like a captured dream, walked down a rose-petal strewn aisle. The cheers and applause were deafening, a symphony orchestrated by her team. But beneath the flawless facade, a horrifying truth festered.
Y/n, his eyes as dead as the diamonds on her hand, was a ghost of his former self. His smile was a practiced rictus, a mask that hid the chilling emptiness within. Every touch from Winter felt like a branding iron, every whispered word a cruel reminder of the life he'd lost.
During the vows, Winter's voice, sweet and saccharine, spoke of eternal love and devotion. Y/n's response, devoid of emotion, echoed in the cavernous hall. Yet, the cameras captured a perfect picture: a love story for the ages.
The reception was a whirlwind of flashing lights and champagne flutes. Winter, a consummate performer, played the part of the blissful bride. Y/n, trapped in his gilded cage, danced with a practiced ease that sent shivers down the spines of those who knew him best.
As the night wore on, and the guests began to depart, the mask slipped from Winter's face. In the seclusion of their suite, a terrifying coldness settled in her eyes.
"You played your part well, darling," she purred, her voice devoid of warmth.
Y/n, a broken marionette, said nothing. There was nothing left to say. His silence was a deafening testament to the monster he was now chained to.
Winter leaned in, her breath warm against his ear. "But remember, Y/n," she whispered, a cruel smile playing on her lips, "our dance has just begun."
The world reveled in the fairy tale wedding, oblivious to the chilling truth behind the glittering facade. Winter, the idol, had achieved her twisted victory. Y/n, trapped in a gilded cage with a monster disguised as a lover, was forever condemned to a dance macabre, his only companion the hollow echo of a love destroyed and a life stolen. The price of Winter's twisted obsession was a broken man, a chilling reminder that sometimes the most beautiful smiles hide the most terrifying darkness.
Months bled into a year, a year of gilded bars and a suffocating emptiness. Winter, however, seemed to grow restless. The sparkle in her eyes, once fueled by performance and adoration, had dimmed, replaced by a cold, steely glint.
One evening, as Y/n sat slumped in a plush armchair, a cold, clinical document landed in his lap. It was a fertility report, his name stark against the sterile white background. Winter stood before him, a predatory smile twisting her features.
"It seems you're perfectly healthy, Y/n," she purred, her voice laced with a chilling possessiveness. "Time to fulfill your duties as my husband, wouldn't you say?"
Y/n's blood ran cold. He understood now. This wasn't just about possession; it was about creating a permanent tie, a child who would forever bind him to her. The very thought of bringing a life into this twisted reality filled him with a soul-crushing despair.
But defiance was a luxury he no longer possessed. The guards, ever-present shadows, flanked him, a constant reminder of his captivity. He could fight, he could scream, but it would be a futile effort. Winter held all the cards, and Y/n was nothing but a pawn in her macabre game.
In the following weeks, the once vibrant mansion became a sterile prison. Doctors became regular visitors, their pronouncements echoing with a chilling finality. Y/n became a vessel, his body another stage for Winter's twisted performance.
The day the pregnancy test came back positive, Winter's smile could have rivaled the rising sun. Y/n, however, felt a cold dread settle in his gut. This wasn't a victory; it was a life sentence, not just for him, but for the innocent child who would be born into this gilded cage.
The world outside continued to celebrate Winter, the idol who had it all – a perfect marriage, a blossoming career, and now, a child on the way. But behind the carefully constructed facade, a monstrous truth festered. Winter, the idol, had become a puppeteer, her strings controlling not just Y/n's life,
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