#mako and bolin
all-bi-myself-lol · 3 months
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I love how atla and tlok show actually realistic sibling relationships.
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hazashiovo · 2 months
Hiiii! I just saw you’re taking requests could you do some bolin and/or mako relationships hcs with a badass/cool/badgirl kind of s/o please? Thx so much in any case!
I gotchuuu 😉
Bolin and Mako x reader (separate) with a badass s/o
A/n: keep the requests coming people
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When Mako first met you he knew you were trouble. From the way you were talking to how you acted,he knew.
You're the kind of person that says ACAB,very loudly, near a police station just to piss him off,and don't deny it.
Becoming friends was unusual to him,only for him to realize you're a really good friend but have odd ways of showing it.
One time this dude went off on Bolin, yelling something about his cabbages,until you appeared in front of him.
He swears he never saw someone go quiet that fast before. That's the first time he felt something for you(or so he thinks).
Mako would be reluctant in confessing to you. He would be worried you don't like him back or laugh about it in his face.
But it was nothing like that, because he didn't confess. You did. During a fight with the equalizers.
It was sorta funny really,for a few minutes mako thought he got knocked out and he was dreaming.
"Hey mako?" A punch in one's face, "What is it (Name)?" He dodges an attack.
"I like you!" You wink at him,after knocking an enemy out.
Oh and the expression on his face 😭
Yeah after you got rid of Amon's followers,Mako looked at you like you asked him to marry you.
It wasn't a shock when you got together, everyone shiped you.
The two of you are an amazing duo,bad ass boyfriend and even more bad ass girlfriend.
When he joined the police department,you joined him.
Now Mako knows your beautiful,and strong,but he still hates the way his colleagues undress you with their eyes.
God forbid anyone to try to ask you out without knowing you and Mako date.
It would sometimes create arguments between you two, Mako would say some harsh things,things he didn't mean. Of course the next day you'd make up.
But if it was for a girl to flirt with Mako, you wouldn't get all defensive because you trust him.
Now, leaving that aside.
One thing Mako noticed is that you can take good care of yourself,so you never were in need of help in combat.
But if it ever happens ,his whole world would crash,like if you're a bender, imagine Amon taking away your abilities.
Even without your bending you would be confident and strong,which makes Mako admire you more than before.
On top of it,you're great together and most of the people would say so.
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Now Bolin here? Oh Bolin, when he first saw you his pupils turned to hearts,and I'm not joking.
Like,you would be over there with your cool car or cool motorcycle,and Bolin would gawk at you from across the street. He almost fainted when you crossed the street to start a conversation with him.
Of course Bolin would be a flustered mess every time you flirted with him.
Frankly all you wanted was a soft boy to match with your tough personality. The people who don't know you would think you'd prefer a boy with the same personality as you,but no, Bolin is the perfect boy.
Some people think you're intimidating,but not Bolin.
He knows you're badass,but he could never see you as scary.
He likes when you stand up for yourself,and for him.
One time Bolin happened to trip over this guy's cabbage stand,and he just flipped! Started yelling at the poor boy and all.
Until you came,you gave that man the coldest glare which made him shut up so quick. He couldn't lie to himself that he found it really attractive, especially in you.
I like to think that he confessed his love to you while you were saving him from Amon with the Krew. Imagine him just jumping on you , bawling his eyes out and telling you he's in love with you after he almost lost his bending.
Of course you accepted and returned his feelings,wich got the two of you in a long term relationship that is still strong.
This one was cute 😽
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sleepyfriend · 1 year
everyday i eat, sleep and pray for wuko canonization in the comics...
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waterbenderkat · 5 months
What’s so fascinating to me about the backstory Amon constructed about his family being killed by firebenders is that, well, it’s precisely what happened to Mako and Bolin’s parents.
It’s interesting to think, had they not been benders, and Mako not specifically a firebender, Mako and Bolin could have been so vulnerable to being radicalized into Equalists. Prime targets of their propaganda.
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queer4beifongs · 1 year
We deserve a Korra full length movie
With all the talk about the 2025 adult GAANG movie then the release of the Avatar series set after Korra, we deserve closure at least, please.
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serenity-songbird · 2 years
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You were always there in the background.
Since you were little you wished you weren't alive.
No one had treated you right.
You were just a girl with parents who didn't care about you.
When you were 12, you escaped to Republic City. You wanted to get away.
Far, far away.
Start a new life where maybe, just maybe...you could be in the spotlight.
You were sick of being a wall flower.
You got a job at a bakery called, Cake My Day.
Cute name, isn't it?
The owner, Ms. Sherry, was so nice.
She taught you how to bake delicious treats. She had a spare room in her house. She said you could stay there. She was lonely and didn't mind having another person around.
How lucky could you get?
Maybe, finally, your life was turning around.
4 years passed by.
You and Ms. Sherry were the faces of the shop. With your help in advertising, the shop became more popular than before and you needed to hire 4 other people to help.
You grew older, more beautiful. You were now a manger in Sherry's bakery.
Despite you taking care of most of the work, she was still a busy boss, but you were there to help take the load off. (And force her to take time off so she'd stop over exerting herself).
She even let you start creating recipes of your own! (The first 12 were a bust though. But you learned plenty from the 12 failures! 13th times the charm!!!)
With more money coming in, she was able to reconstruct the shop to make it bigger and better. There was a To-Go Line, a large array of desserts behind the glass fridge, a coffee corner, and an outside patio complete with flowers and atmosphere. And that was just the 1st floor! The 2nd floor was mostly just a relaxing spot to study or just enjoy the comfort it offered with its couches, mini stage where someone would always play relaxing music, a little yoga spot, and the restrooms that were always clean and well-maintained.
This place felt like home. It was home.
And Ms. Sherry...Well, she become like a mother to you. A real mother. A kind mother.
You were happy.
You were walking through the neighborhood one night. You had to fetch some decorations for the shop. Ms. Sherry's birthday was in a week and you wanted to make it special. So you went out when she was asleep to get the supplies you ordered.
Suddenly, someone ran into you.
You fell to the ground.
"Aw man! I'm so sorry!"
When you looked up, you saw the most beautiful green eyes you've ever seen. You're heart began to race.
He stopped to help you up. He was huffing and puffing like he just ran a marathon. And you quickly found out he practically was when you spotted the men in green jumpsuits, red scarves, and weird looking masks come and attack him.
You swore something about their attire was hauntingly familiar. But everything was happening so fast you couldn't process it immediately.
He was earthbending to save him self and protect you from the crossfire, but the men were skilled and had these weird weapons.
You went into panic mode.
Should you help?
But then you saw one of the men pull out a scarier looking weapon than the other crimimals had and you reacted on instinct.
It could be dangerous.
You never told a lot of people this.
But when you were young, you had been born with air bending.
Both your parents were non benders so it didn't make sense.
You grew up learning to hate your air bending because it was the reason your parents hated you.
You only learned to control it so you wouldn't lose control and hurt somone by accident again.
But right now, someone needs your help. That was more important than your fear.
You twirled around and blew all of the men into the building.
The boy's mouth dropped.
"Y-you're an airbender?!"
"Ssshhh!!! Just run!!!" You grabbed his hand and just ran.
"Who are you?" He wheezed out. You can tell he had gotten hurt and this was probably hard on him. But this was the best you can do.
"Who am I? Who are you?! Why are those guys chasing after you?! Please. Please tell me you're not a criminal and I just got caught in the middle of a gang war!!!"
"Uh, weeell. I wooouldn't say gang war..."
"Then what would you call it?!?!?!" You wheezed out in frustration.
"Uuuhhhmmm...Weeell..." He trailed off.
"Nevermind! We'll take about it later!" You scoffed in frustration.
This was most likely a gang war and he didn't want to tell you...Great.
You cursed to yourself. Still, you keep running with him. You already got yourself involved, might as well keep going.
Plus...there was this feeling you couldn't quite shake. Something deep in your heart wanted you to help him.
Why would you want to help a possible gang member? Who knows?
Using your knowledge of the area you lead him to a place you'd be able to escape.
"It's a dead end!"
Turning around, you blasted a large gust of air to knock your oppressors down. While they were getting their bearings, you pushed the stranger into a dead end alleyway.
"No. It's not!" You pushed a trashcan to reveal an opening in the brick wall. "Come on! Hurry!" Without needing further instruction, he crawled through the space and you followed suit. You continued running, but not before moving the trash can back where it was.
When the gang of men looked into the alleyway there was no one in sight. So they continued further and further from you.
The only sound that could be heard were the harsh breathes you and the stranger were making. You both lay on the floor of Cake My Day's kitchen.
The noise of hurried footsteps, clattering of silverware, and the door shutting caused Ms. Sherry to come in aggressively and ready to whack the intruder with her trusty frying pan. When she saw you laying on the floor with some man, she was ready to pounce.
"(Y/N)! Dear, are you alright?! Did this man hurt you?! Quickly! Call the police! I'll hold him off..." She narrowed her eyes ready to strike.
You quickly waved her off.
"It's okay Ms. Sherry. He is with me."
"Y-yeah. I'd never hurt the pretty lady who just saved my life!" He helped you up shaking your hand similar to the excitement of a tiger seal. "(Y/N) was it!? You are awesome! Thank you so much for saving my rear back there! My name is Bolin!"
You blushed when he said "Pretty lady," but shook your head.
"Y-yeah. Sure. Speaking of that...Who were those people chasing you?! Are you really part of a gang?! Did I get myself into trouble?!" You were shaking his shoulders, terrifed.
"Ack! No no no! I'm not part of a gang...anymore that is..." He trailed off quietly.
"What was that last part?" You inquired.
"N-Nothing! Um, actually the guys that were chasing me where the Equalists. They infiltrated the Pro-Bending Tournament and attacked us! Luckily Korra, (she's the Avatar and my fellow team mate), Mako, (That's my older brother), the police force, and myself fought bravely!" He paused for a moment. "...Aaand we lost, aaand they took away the Wolfbat's bending...and the Stadium was completely destoryed... sooo yeah that didn't turn out great. But I spotted one the equalists escaping so I followed him!" He leaned against the counter trying to be cool. "I mean, not to brag, buuut I'm a pretty great Earth Bender. Anyway, I was going to help the police arrest him so we could get more info on what their planning. Yeah I know, it's a decent plan...Except when his friends came to assist him...I fought as best I could, but they are strong. When I couldn't fight anymore they began to chase me. I thought I was a goner. But then you came and saved me! And you used your awesome Air bending powers to knock them down! Are you related to Tenzin? You must be since their family are the only ones that can use Airbending. He didn't mention having another daughter though? Oh! Also-"
"I'm sorry. Let me stop you right there!" You had to stop him from getting off track. Both you and Ms. Sherry were still processing his explanation. Luckily, you and Ms. Sherry didn't have a problem keeping up with his speech. He was rambling quite fast. Honestly, did he even breath between sentences? Still, your coworker Derrick had a habit of rambling all the time so you both had practice understanding fast speech.
You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose.
"Let me get this straight. The people that were chasing you were not part of a gang. But some cult who wants to get rid of bending. And it's not just any run of the mill cult...It's the Equalists, correct?"
"...What have I just gotten myself into..." You then started to freak out. "Oh my gosh!!! The freaking Equlaists!!! This-This is awful! what if they followed us home!?" You started hyperventilating. "What if they attack the bakery! What if-"
"Now now Dear. Let's not jump to what ifs. You know how you get. Let's just breath and calm down." Ms. Sherry knew you were an Airbender and why you hated it, so the thought of you being in trouble scared her. However, she had a feeling that this young man would protect you and teach you to love your bending. She just had a hunch and they were never wrong.
"Yeah! There is no need to worry! We lost them long before we got here! Thanks to your secret passageway, they didn't follow. Plus with your scarf covering your face and hair and your long jacket, they probably didn't see much to distinguish you!"
You had forgotten you were wearing this. It was a bit chilly out, but the main reason you wore these is so Ms. Sherry wouldn't recognize you and to hide the party supplies in your jacket. You were determined to suprise her.
"A-ah Yeah. That's true...Although, I should definitely trash these. That way they won't know who I am." You proceeded to do just that.
"Why are you wearing such clothes anyway darling? It is not that cold outside." Ms. Sherry questioned.
"A-ah!!! I-It's because I'm not feeling so well. Yeah! I went out to get some medicine. I didn't want to disturb your sleep." You hoped she'd buy it.
"Well why didn't you say so! I will get you some medicine to have you feeling better in no time. And Bolin why don't you try some sweets! I don't want you going back out tonight. It's dangerous if the Equalists are out there." Ms. Sherry was in her normal cheery mood. She was glad you both were safe.
"Oh, I don't want to impose! I can go back home and-"
"It's not a request. You ARE staying here. If you need to borrow the phone to call someone, it's right there." She pointed to the phone on the wall, staring Bolin dead in the eyes daring him to challenge her.
"Yes Ma'am." He scrambled to the phone to let his brother and Korra know he was fine.
You shook your head smiling. Honestly, once Ms. Sherry has her mind set on something there is no changing her mind.
While Ms. Sherry went to get medicine for your "illness," you went to heat up some leftover brownies you had made earlier that day.
"Wow that smells delicious! What is it!" Bolin peeked over your shoulder. He liked how friendly you and Ms. Sherry were. He'd feel really bad if something were to happen to either of you because of him. So he vowed to protect you.
"Thanks. It's my own recipe. I used to be such an awful Baker. But thanks to Ms. Sherry's skills, I'm better than ever!"
"Terrible baker and a terrible cook. I helped with that too." She winked at Bolin in a teasing manner after walking into the room.
"Unnecessary comment, Ms. Sherry." You pouted. She giggled. She gave you a small shot of disgusting medicine. You had to choke it down. You didn't want Ms. Sherry to know about your suprise. It'll all be worth it next week.
"By the way, were you able to contact someone to let then know you were okay?"
"Yup! My brother was relived to hear I'm okay. Thank you for taking me in for the night."
"Nonsense, Darling. I would never let such a sweetie like you get hurt or kidnapped or worse!" Everyone in the room knew how dangerous the Equalists were. They didn't want to find out what they would do to him.
The rest of the night passed by with no incidents. Bolin wanted to know more about you and you both stayed up late getting to know each other. The more you spoke, the more you realized how kind, brave, and funny Bolin was. You were glad you saved him.
Maybe he and his friends could bring down Amon...
"So since you're an Airbender, how are you related to Tenzin? I feel like if you were his daughter, we would've already met you. So you must be his niece, right?"
"Well...No. I'm not related to, er, Tenzin at all..." You looked away and fiddled with your hair.
"You're not? But I thought the only Airbenders were descendants of Avatar Aang?" Bolin tilted his head in confusion.
"Apparently not. Both my parents were non-benders...so I don't really know why I got my airbending...Not that it's really done anything for me. I wish I could get rid of it." You pulled your knees to your chest and hugged your legs, forlorn.
"What?! But you're an awesome airbender! Why wouldn't you want to use your bending?!"
You looked up at him and his concerned face. He is now the fourth person to know about your bending. Your parents rejected you because of it.
The only reason Ms. Sherry knew was because you had accidentally used your bending during a panic attack. She had to calm you down, but got hurt in the process. She had a permanent scar on her arm where you slashed her by accident. You had felt awful and cried while apologizing profusely. She cooed to you saying it was alright. When she held you, you ended up telling her everything.
Ms. Sherry hated your parents because of this. She began to raise you as her own after she found out you were living in a dumpster. She was the mom you never had.
Now here you were with a boy you just met. He knew about your bending. And he thought it was awesome. That's the first time anyone has told you that.
You couldn't stop the tears. You didn't want to cry and furiously began to wipe them. You tried to stop, but the more you held it in, the more you cried. This happens everytime you think about your bending or using it.
"H-hey! What's wrong?!" Bolin scrambled to you and rubbed your back. "Why...Why are you crying. Did I do something?"
"I don't understand...Why are you not running away? Why are you being so nice to me? I'm an airbender...Doesn't that freak you out?"
"Freak me out? Of course not! I happen to know 4 other Airbenders who are my friends. Why would that be freaky? I think its cool."
You stared at him with teary eyes and just began to bawl. You told him everything. You didn't know why, but something inside you just wanted to get it out.
You told him about your parents. You told them how they abused you and cursed you for your bending. They called you names and told you no one would ever be friends with you. You grew up to hate your bending. You had to teach yourself to control it, but even now you didn't have total control. You told him how you lived on the streets before Ms. Sherry took you in. How you ran away at such a young age and had to learn to fend for yourself.
You hated yourself.
You didn't realize that Bolin had wrapped his arms around you and held you tight. You were suprised when you felt tears on your back. When you pulled your hands from your face, you noticed that he was crying too.
"W-Why a-are y-you c-crying?" You could barely get the words out.
"B-Because you are! And because your parents treated you totally unfair! I-I think your bending is awesome and you shouldn't hate it! It makes you who you are! And you're, like, the coolest girl I've met!"
Mako had come to pick Bolin up the next morning. After last night, it felt like a huge weight had been lifted from your shoulders. You were grateful for Bolin and he had become a quick friend.
That made both of you cry more.
"Thanks again for letting me stay here Ms. Sherry. (Y/N)."
"Of course! You're welcome anytime, Dear."
"I hope he didn't cause you any trouble. Thanks for looking out for him. (Y/N), was it?" Mako shook your hand.
"Yes that's me. I'm glad I helped him. Thank you for keeping me company, Bolin. Oh! I packed some sweets for you and your friends." You gave him a pink box full of assorted sweets.
"Wow!!! Thanks!!! These look amazing!!!" He happily wolfed down a chocolate donut.
As Bolin was getting into his brother's car, he paused and ran up to you.
"You should come with us to Air Temple Island! There you can meet other Airbenders and they can teach you more about your heritage! What do you say!"
"M-Meet the other Airbenders. I-I don't want to impose. Besides what if they don't like me?!"
"They'll looove you. I'm sure they'd be stocked to meet another airbender!" He gave you puppy eyes and a wide smile.
"It wouldn't hurt, (Y/N). It might be good for you." Ms. Sherry put a hand on your shoulder. You opened your mouth to say something, but she didn't let you start. "And don't worry about the bakery. Derick and Lillian will be here to help. Go have a day off." She gently pushed you into Bolin's chest, making you blush 50 shades of red.
"I-I s-suppose I could go. I have wondered what the island looks like..."
"Great!!! Come on!!!" Bolin pulled you into the car in glee. You had to admit, you were both Nervous and a little bit excited.
You couldn't explain it, but you had a feeling that things would get better. You looked at yours and Bolin's intertwined hands and your heart drummed in your chest.
Unbeknownst to you, Bolina's heart was also thumbing as well.
You felt as if you didn't need to be afraid. So you put your trust in this, not so stranger anymore, and walked foward. You knew that everything would be okay if he was by your side.
Maybe airbending wasn't so bad after all.
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anntova · 1 year
The Legend of Korra
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Team Avatar (mostly Asami) brainwashed!
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From the comic Legend Of Korra: Ruins of the Empire
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artsymephy · 7 months
Things I adore… red and green coded brothers 🥺☺️
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Notice every older brother is red… except Caleb.
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devildogdemon · 1 year
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Makorra Week 2023: Day 5 – Buried Feelings
Hunger hurts, but starving works When it costs too much to love.
“I wanted — I hoped — I’d get another chance,” he admits.
“I know.”
“I still love her, Bo.”
“I know.”
“It’s stupid.”
“No, it’s not.” Bolin releases him, but keeps a hand on his shoulder. “That’s the thing about you, bro — when you love someone, you devote everything to them. That doesn’t just go away when the other person moves on. It’s not stupid to still have feelings. Although…you do need to be better about expressing them.”
He winces, inadvertently reminded that he lost his chance to do so.
“I was going to tell Korra.”
Bolin blinks in surprise. “When?”
“At the wedding. We talked, she thanked me for taking down the Colossus, and I almost said it.” Dammit, I should’ve just said it.
Bolin’s expression turns sympathetic. “Why didn’t you?”
He groans in frustration. “I don’t know. I guess I thought it was too soon, and I didn’t want to rock the boat after everything we’d just been through. I thought there’d be a better time.”
“I’m not sure there ever is a right time for something like this.”
He laughs without humour. “Well, now is definitely not the right time. She’s happy with Asami. I’m not gonna ruin that by saying anything.
An absolutely FLOORING commission I am beyond honored to share, from the art MASTER, @alduade-art. Thank you so much for your devotion and deliverance of such a masterpiece! 
This scene and dialogue is from Chapter 3 of another one of my favorite Makorra fics: Moments in Lightning by Peonywinx. I cannot recommend this fic enough if you are a Mako stan and long for a story where he gets an arc worth his caliber. The whump is so, so overpowering in all the right ways. And this scene in particular...UGHHH my boy why must you be so noble to your own detriment!?! Thank you so much again, Alduade, for capturing and conveying all the heartache and pain in your one-of-a-kind style 🙇🙇🙇
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lokfeedsthegays · 2 years
Hi just a reminder, Mako’s character development was NOT a “redemption arc”. He was never bad to begin with.
I see a LOT of people mischaracterizing Mako as being the main instigator for a lot of the problems regarding that whole stupid love triangle or people calling him a “player” or whatever.
Did he make the best decisions in that situation? No, of course not, but really none of them did. I’m tired of people leaping to defend Korra and Asami for that whole thing while targeting Mako negatively.
This isn’t to say I don’t like Korra and Asami, I love them and I want to marry them. But none of the characters were great in that, and not to mention that scenario is only a part of Mako’s character. Korra and Asami were his first friendships/relationships in life. The only real other interaction he got from someone around his age was his brother.
So OF COURSE he’s not going to be perfect in that. And the same stands for Korra and Asami! Now, I’m not excusing what they did. Both kissing Mako without his consent was not okay, and the scene where Korra physically harasses Mako at his workplace will never sit right with me, and Mako should have been more honest, open and communicative with both the girls.
But let’s not chalk Mako up to all that. Let’s not let bias get in the way of seeing what’s truly great about his character. If you take less interest in the love triangle like me, and look past that mess, you can see Mako really is a good and likeable character, even in Season 1. He’s loyal (yes, he’s LOYAL. Argue with me about it if you want, but that’s just the definitive answer of what he is), he’s caring, passionate, driven, and most of all he loves his friends and family a LOT.
He is so much more than what a lot of the fans make him out to be. So please, whether you love Mako like me or dislike him, I implore you to contemplate on the true substance of his character and reflect on why you or other people are hating on an awkward teenager for being bad at relationships, when he’s done so much more good for himself and others.
Rant over, please appreciate Mako <3
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redandgreenpoll · 1 year
Round 1
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fishandshesmygills · 1 year
im watching korra now and wow these showrunners are so obsessed with siblings. have you perhaps seen supernatural
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sleepyfriend · 2 years
I decided to call one of the best characters from the legend of korra and of course asami picked up that phone with zero hesitation !!
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webwrecker · 2 years
legend of korra coming back 6+ years later and being announced during pride month is everything I could’ve ever hoped for and sosososo much more
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pedanticat · 2 years
You know, considering how the show doesn't do the best job at displaying Mako and Bolin's sibling relationship and showcasing that the two care deeply for each other, I wonder if it would have been better if they weren't written as siblings. Like the fact that Bolin doesn't believe Mako claims that Varick set him up kind of hammer in that notion. Sure, Bolin has no reason to suspect Varick since he's been nothing but a friend to him who does have good intentions but at the same time, you think he'd be more willing to trust his brother since all they had was each other for years.
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