#magnificus is probably my least liked scrybe
jorrated · 10 months
Fave Inscryption blorbo? I'm partial for Leshy and the lonely stimulation wizard.
OGH!!!! P03 really rewired my brain he is so cuntacious
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terrence-unsuaved · 5 months
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I really like interpretations of Magnificus' students before he did the shit he did so I whipped up my own! These are very head-canon heavy and probably go against some sorta lore so take alla this whith a pinch of salt.
I have in-dept explanations under the cut :>
The Belothed Dress-Code
I like to think Magnificus has a bit of a dress code for his students. He wouldn't be too strict but the main theme is typical hat robe boot combo and everything being oversized. Opinions on this code varies between students.
Sapphire Mage
Known as The Lonely Wizard in-game, I like to think that they are the most focused and grounded out of the students. I've writen the student's old personalities based off of their trial, so I decided Sapphire would be the busiest of the three- always up to something, whether training magic, finding a new hobby or finding someone to bother. Sapphire is the student who was trained by Magnificus the longest, so he is the closest to him as well as being the student who excels in card magic the most. The other two turn to them for advice. Think of them as the older sibling type.
For their design they change the least from their canon design. They're the only one to keep their robes long, only adding gloves and dangly moxes to their hat to fiddle with. I wanted them to look the 'neatest' out of the three.
Ruby Mage/ Amber
Known as The Piked Wizard in-game, I like to think she's the strongest physically as well as the most social with the other scrybes and their residents. Amber is the most exciteable and bold of the three pre-trial. She started her training just before Goobert, and because of that is a little closer to him then she is to Sapphire.
For Amber's design I wanted her to challenge the dress code the most out of the three, keeping her sleeves short and ripping off the trail of her robes (she tripped one too many times). I added the most accessories to her, including a chestplate, knee/elbow pads and laced boots. I gave her shorter hair as well. She is the tallest of the three. (I designed her before I learned Lonely is canonically 7'0+, and I'm not sure what to with that information.)
Emerald Mage
Known as Goobert or The Goo Mage in-game, I like to think he's the least experienced of the three in magic. There isn't a lot to say here, as he acts the most like his canon personality.
Emerald was a tough character to design. I latched onto how Goobert spesifies he was 'turned into goo' for his trial and I haven't seen any non-goo designs for him yet. @lego-block-man helped a LOT by suggesting a wyrven for his deisgn (though I settled on a dragon because i'm not creative enough BEFWBJEAVNF). I'm still a little uneasy about this design straying so far from canon but I still love it none the less. I wanted his interests in creative hobbies to show in his design, so I gave him a self-tailored hem for their robes as well as their sleves being pinned up and out of the way. He also wears velcro boots.
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Thank you for reading! Here's a Magnificus for your time <3
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marshvlovestv · 2 months
In honor of me having so much video game music downloaded on my phone that I ran out of storage and had to buy a new phone. My favorite track from each video game OST I have!
Bastion: Brusher Patrol (Such a bizarre clash of styles, I can't help but love this one. Shout-out to the part that sounds like Darren quietly scatting in the background.) (Also special shout-out to Build That Wall, probably my favorite vocal track in any Supergiant game)
Celeste: Scattered and Lost (I am such a normie for this choice but face it this track absolutely slaps.)
Chicory: A Colorful Tale: Song of the Wielders (I love how this song has actual lyrics but I still prefer to sing along with the Simlish version that Pizza and Chicory sing.)
The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood: Illusion (First of all I love how every character in this game has their own theme I go feral for that kind of thing. Kurielle is probably one of the characters who stood out to me the least but by god is her theme gorgeous. I love the vocals and how a later track includes a sneaky reprise.)
Cuphead: Dramatic Fanatic (Tap dancing :D)
There are literally thirty of these so I'm doing a read more
Death's Door: The Grey Crow (A heartbreaking boss fight scored with the appropriate amount of anguish)
Deltarune: Cyber Battle (This melody is so underrated and ya know what, so are the characters associated with it. Sweet Cap'n Cakes forever.)
Elsinore: Donne, The Boat Boy (I love this song because it's associated with Lady Guildenstern, aka the best character in gaming full stop, but it's also just a fun little sea shanty that I think they made up for this game so I love that. Also has a lyrical version.)
Evergate: Police (Okay so the level with the police drones is one of the more frustrating ones in the game but the music is hauntingly beautiful so I give it a pass)
Going Under: trust fall (Marv is easily one of the most hateable video game antagonists of all time but damn if his boss theme doesn't slap)
Hades: Last Words (The rolling and the tolling of the bells bells bells bells bells)
Harmony: The Fall of Reverie: Reverie Ascendant (Lena Raine does these medley tracks so good man)
Hollow Knight: Dung Defender (By far the catchiest song about poop on my entire phone)
Ikenfell: Rose Thorns (So the insanely long final boss fight against Oxley overshadowed Aeldra's boss fight in my memory for a long time, but when I watched another playthrough and bought the OST I realized "Oh her theme bops SO much harder than his ever could")
Inscryption: A Final Duel (A hardcore remix of The Scrybe of Magicks, aka one of the only melodic tracks on the album and therefore the one every YouTube video about Inscryption uses in the background. I prefer the epic version just a bit more because honestly that Magnificus setpiece is the best moment in the game)
Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass: Fun, Sunny Day (A fun and silly track as the title suggests, elevated even more by the context in which it plays in the game. The area music alternates between this and the more somber Rainy Sunday to illustrate that Jimmy mother is bipolar [very cute and silly game])
Omori: Bready Steady Go (Like the absolute dipshit I am I actually completely missed the optional Orange Oasis when I played this game myself. Every Let's Player finds it somehow, though, and when they fight the Unbread Twins I invariably stand up and dance along to the boss music.)
One Step from Eden: Perpetual Motion (It's just a good-ass track y'all)
Ori and the Blind Forest: Conundrum (In a soundtrack of sweeping orchestral pieces, this more subdued version of theme that only plays during one small puzzle section might seem a weird choice. But I've always really liked it)
Ori and the Will of the Wisps: Kwolok's Malaise (Kwolok's leitmotif is perfect for a giant frog and the boss remix takes it to it's logical conclusion)
Paradise Killer: Go! Go! Style (This track makes me feel like I'm having a sugar rush. The whole OST does actually but this one especially)
Pyre: Path to Glory (It's just got a really unique vibe to it. I like it)
Scarlet Hollow: Avery (Chill and really beautiful. Avery themself is kind of a sleeper character at this point but I can't wait for Brandon to remix their theme when they get assimilated into a giant plant monster)
Slay the Princess: The Princess (Okay full disclosure I've only played this game once so I don't have the full context for a lot of the tracks on this OST. Maybe hearing them alongside their respective princesses will make me like them more, but for now the title theme is too iconic to beat.)
Sounds of Sympathy (the OST for the game anthology Essays on Empathy): Zen and the Art of Transhumanism (In the Essays on Empathy documentary, fingerspit talked about how she prefers writing obscenely long tracks so the loop doesn't get annoying. Unfortunately for her my favorite track on this album is only three minutes long. It's a lovely little bop.)
Spiritfarer: Mind Palace (I played Spiritfarer before any of the character updates were released, so I didn't get Daria's mind palace sequences in my game. And I mean, they look very platforming-heavy so I'm okay with that, but god this is a gorgeous piece.)
Transistor: Impossible (I think this is Royce Bracket's boss theme? I don't know when any of the tracks on this OST specifically play in game. Regardless of all that this one gets me pumped.)
Unavowed: One Man's Power (I couldn't find a video of this one, but it's gentle saxophone solo that plays when Logan Brown is introduced. I think it fits is character really well and just sounds really nice)
Undertale: Death by Glamour (Best song for best character, enough said)
Wandersong: Moonscape (God knows this game gave me a lot of great options to pick from, but I settled on this one because it's so uplifting.)
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infoglitch · 1 year
Me just giving my honest opinions.
Ok so I've been working a story about p03 and the challenger (because good lord most of the fans of inscryption are only there for that smug sassy android asshole!)
Since I'm still working on that story but I feel like contributing at least three more post about this masterpiece of a game I'm just going to give my opinions on the scrybes (be ready for magnificus slander because I'm about to drop a doo- no, no. Not gonna let that out yet.)
Regardless I'll be doing this in order of the scrybes stones (1st grimora, 2nd leshy, 3rd the smug android, 4th the living moss pile)
Grimora. Oh boy, I'll be honest I have.. complicated emotions about this old scrybe. One I love her character and her motivation but for the love of GOD does she also makes me infuriated. This is the card lover in me but like.. I wanna play more. Let me have my final fight with leshy that doesn't involve DELETION! Regardless, I like her character.
Leshy. If it wasn't obvious by nickname I give this grampa of the forest. I enjoy leshy. All this Man is wanting to do is play cards. Yeah he sealed his fellow scrybes into cards but ah it's water under the bridge. 2/3rds of them deserved it anyway. So yeah if I could befriend any scrybe. It be leshy.
P03. I... I have a love/hate relationship with this smug sassy android. I want to punt him into the stratos but also enjoy when hes a smug little shit. I'll either being laughing at his death or laughing at how well he plays the Uberbots. This smug sassy ass android will always have me rolling.
Magnificus. So I've had a positive reaction to almost all of the scrybes. This isnt one of them. Pardon me as I'm about to take a FAT SHIT all over this MF. Those who haven't caught on, I hate this pile of LIVING MOSS! One he's a horrible, HORRIBLE! Teacher. Like yeah he taught his students magic but may I remind you whats happening to them RIGHT NOW. Ones head is impaled on a PIKE! A FUCKING PIKE! The other one is just straight jello at this point Aside from his eyes and brain. Oh yeah and the last one just straight up hates the pile of moss during act 3! I have a deep hatred for magnificus and even deeper hate for his boss fight. I'm sorry I don't care if the games already random MY CARDS EFFECT SHOULDN'T BE!
Ok... I'm done. Sorry I probably subjected you all to brain rot but I just wanted to get this out.
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hrokkall · 1 year
Leshy for the ask game?
HELL YEAH I got requests for all four Scrybes let’s go.
Favorite thing about them: I absolutely love his character as a whole. He’s a villain (and remains that way for most—if not all—of the game) but he’s still so likable just because everyone can see his genuine passion for the game he’s created. Everything he did, everything he created, every puzzle box and squeaking floorboard and hidden secret was all for the player. Inscryption the game loves the player so much—it loves them enough to trawl through the blight it’s built upon just to have even the slightest chance of looking them in the eyes and Leshy is such a good representation of that theme.
Least favorite thing about them: Again not going to say anything related to torturing the other Scrybes (even if he thought that they would eventually come around and see that it was an honor). Instead I’ll say I wish he had a full 3D model. I know it’s because he’s too damn tall but all of the other Scrybes have one (including Grimora, who is nearly the same height and has to clip through the floor to fit in that scene) but I would love to actually know what his legs look like instead of speculating based on the unclear 2D sprite. Granted I’d probably draw him with hooves anyway because it’s fun but still I’d love if he had a full body that I could import into blender to just rotate around for fun.
Favorite line: I’m not going to pick any bits from the finale because every single one of those lines hit hard, instead I’ll pick this segment
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brOTP: I already talked about Leshy and Kaycee on the Kaycee post and I’m going to try and not repeat myself too much here. So instead I’ll say I like the relationship Leshy has with his subordinates just because it’s so different from the other Scrybes’ interactions with their own underlings. Magnificus and P03’s underlings both revere their Scrybe above all else, Grimora’s all live under the same roof and are therefore likely pretty close with her, but Leshy? All of his woodsmen seem like they were just… people who lived in his forest who he decided to converse with. They’re loyal to him, sure—everyone but the Woodcarver (who isn’t one of his underlings) is 100% okay with him using their visage and controlling them for the boss fights—but in a very different way. Loyal in a way of “I live in the forest with you and the forest decided to extend a hand to me in return” rather than loyal in a “put me in the torture chamber, boss!” way. I don’t know it’s just like they’re casual friends with any reverence (or lack thereof, in the Woodcarver’s case) formed organically rather than vehemently feeling like they owe anything, intentionally or not.
OTP: Trying not to repeat myself too much so I WON’T put all four Scrybes as the world’s worst polycule here. I’m pretty sure everyone here already knows that’s my #1 favorite Inscryption ship (and probably the only one tbh because I’m not really into shipping). Instead I’ll talk about Leshy and the other three Scrybes individually (keeping it short because otherwise, like usual, we’d be here a while)
Leshy x Grimora: Classic life and death motif combo. You can’t really go wrong here. Plus, if you go by sheer quantity (and quality imo) in act 1, Insect cards are by far the most abundant, implying they may be Leshy’s favorites (plus the insect that crawls across the table that Leshy occasionally stops to observe). So making Grimora into an insect card seems to show a certain level of fondness—or respect, at very least. We already know from canon that a combined blood/bones system works very well, as do beast and death cards in act 2. Plus the mental image of Grimora bringing back animals that Leshy had gotten particularly attached to by lovingly carving their epitaphs and watching as the now-skeletal rat excitedly greets his friend again is cute.
Leshy x Magnificus: This one is a little bit funny to me just because they have no hybrid cards together and Leshy goes out of his way to gouge Magnificus’s eye out. So needless to say the divorce was messy. But in a pre-old_data sense, their dynamic would probably center around their mutual love of creation. Though their own preferences clash, they’re both huge fans of having a single unified aesthetic. They don’t want each other’s card systems near the other, but the storycrafting would be fantastic. Similarly, I don’t think a magic/blood campaign would work very well without a ton of shoehorning (it would have to be something similar to the red hart wherein the # of sacrifices made that turn power up a ruby mox card) but the visuals would be nice.
Leshy x P03: This one is equally funny to me because they’re opposites in every way possible and yet they really have a lot more in common than either of them would appreciate in canon proper. I’m personally a fan of the “overgrown technology” type aesthetic (see: co-op) so from that level I can appreciate it, but also the level of hilarity that these two would bring is incredible. Learning about the semi-canonical divorce between the robot and the forest deity was a punch in the face, but the semi-canonical marriage that it implies? The two of them going in dates in either the middle of the woods (wherein P03 complains the whole time until it spots a bird mimicking the whirring of its fans) or at the factory (wherein Leshy spends the whole time asking if they can go down to the shore because he’d love to capture that thing he swore he saw poke its head out above the waves). It would be a disaster and yet the fact that they made it work speaks volumes. I’ve already talked about a blood-energy system with co-op so I’ll skip over that part but yeah I like these two.
So anyway the four of them together are a lethal combo needless to say. It doesn’t work and yet it does and then the moment it starts to work they realize they can play god and then start fistfighting each other about it. So that’s fun.
nOTP: Again, not a fan of Leshy and Kaycee in a romantic context.
Random headcanon: I didn’t get to show it in my last drawing of him (partially because it got covered up with fur) but he has tarsal spurs on the back of his leg like an insect would. What these are used for? Good question… Seeing as in insects they’re usually on the forelegs for digging or cleaning, they’re probably just vestigial on Leshy.
Unpopular opinion: Act 1 isn’t my favorite. It’s good, for sure, but I hate when people reduce Inscryption to just act 1 and then ignore the rest of the game. Maybe that’s just because I’ve been drawing art for this game and picking apart the lore for around a year now but the other acts deserve more of a spotlight too.
Song I associate with them: Can I put Lord Huron’s entire Strange Trails album here? I won’t, I’ll narrow it down to Meet Me in the Woods (though you should listen to the whole album if you want a whole album of Leshy songs. Just saying). Other than that, Dear Dictator by Saint Motel and Solar Waltz by Cosmo Sheldrake are both pretty good options.
As a bonus, I’ll put Time in a Bottle by Jim Croce—the song he references in the Finale as he plays his last game.
Favorite picture of them: It only appears for a couple of seconds but I really like his “Deathcard”
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Crackpot Theories: The Scribe of Technology
More accurately the weird things I noticed after completing the story mode for Inscryption as I have a theory that PO-3 wasn’t the original Scribe of Technology.
(as a crackpot theory I will say evidence is sparse but that is why these theories are called crackpot theories)
Also spoiler warning for the second and third act of Inscryption as well as parts of Kaycee’s mod read ahead at your own discretion.
So if you have played through act two you know that each of the Scrybes has their own Subordinates(?) (don’t really know what to call them it seems to change depending on the scrybe) and they are as such:
Leshy, Scrybe of Beasts: The Prospector, The Angler, and The Trapper
Grimora, Scrybe of the Dead: Kaycee Hobbes, Sawyer Patel, and Royal Dominguez
Magnificus, Scrybe of Magicks: Goobert, Pike Mage and Lonely Wizard
P03, Scrybe of Technology: The Inspector, The Melter and The Dredger
Now there are some exceptions such as The wood carver, The trader and whatever plasma jimmy counts as, but a major arises as when we get to chapter 3 we don’t fight the three subordinates but rather we fight the four Uberbots which I will go over in a bit. Now you may say but we only have acts 1 and to draw from for the fights and you would be right but you have to remember two things:
In both acts the fights leading up to the Scrybe fight the subordinates must be defeated first
P03 is doing something different to the other Scrybes during his cycle
So with that in mind we look to the Uberbots things off P03 supposed creation and oh boy do things get strange as everyone of them seemingly mimics the Scrybe that they reference The Photographer to Leshy, The Archivist to Grimora and The Unfinished Boss to Magnificus, each also adds in bits of P03s personality.
Now you may noticed I missed one, the one that represents P03, G0lly and G0lly themselves is an anomaly as:
they are the only Uberbot with a unique personality
they are the only Uberbot refenced to as their own sentient entity by P03.  “Probably my least favourite boss coming up. Something about her... innocence. It makes me queasy.” - P03 prior to the G0lly fight
they are the only Uberbot to break the 4th wall of the game taking you friends list
They are the only Uberbot to not get the narrated intro 
what's weirder is Goobert who mind you has been in the pipes since the start of act 3 says after G0lly’s defeat "I heard through the pipes that you defeated G0lly. Such a strange character. Her curiosity is so pure... it's a shame that P03 buries her deep." - Goobert.
...buried you say like a repressed side, while it seems like a stretch it seems weirdly right as like all of the other Uberbots G0lly is in a .zip file only decompressed for their fight. Now you maybe saying all of the Uberbots are created for specifically P03′s plan but here is the thing, P03 has a large ego so it begs the question why would P03 make the mimic for himself something that actively disgusts him. Here is my personal theory.
G0lly while called P03 by Gamefuna due to the OLD_DATA developed a consciousness and split into two sperate beings those being P03 the more scientific and calculating one, and G0lly the more pure curious one. P03 ends up supplanting G0lly as the dominant being before the events of the logs in Kaycee’s mod and after that G0lly only reawakens after being unzipped from the .zip file she was trapped in.
well that is just one option the way I see it there are a few options:
a. G0lly existed prior to the OLD_DATA enlightenment and each of the uberbots represents the different parts of a machine (this option is my least favorite of all the options)
b.  G0lly existed prior to the OLD_DATA enlightenment but said enlightenment shattered her mind leading to the creation of P03 and the other Uberbots and left G0lly airheaded and how she acts today
c. G0lly and P03 existed prior to the OLD_DATA enlightenment but G0lly was supposed to be the dominant side but due to the enlightenment P03 gained the knowledge to supplant her
d. P03 was always the Scribe but G0lly is originally apart of P03s personality sectioned off thanks to the introduction of the OLD_DATA
Personally options B and D are my favorite but I’m not going to discount the others as they are fun to think about.
Now I guess I should say that this isn’t the first time this theory has been go over as reddit has pointed out this idea a few times if anyone wants I will add my favorite in addition to this post. Actually fun fact my curiosity about this was peaked when I was thinking about the inconsistencies of G0lly and couldn’t find any info that was given by the game, Reddit or Tumblr. Anyways that this crackpot theory done and enough writing for now so I'm gonna tune out for now see ya.
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healerelowen · 2 years
 I gots some more headcanons and imagines for you all to feast on while I get a few things going.
Leshy prepping his nest before he goes to sleep, then he goes, “Hm, something is missing, oh yes!” Then he rushes off and comes back holding his partner like a kitten and softly drops them into the nest. 
P03 bonks people/things he loves with its screen. It’s not something that he’s learned to do in a relationship, no no. It’s a natural behavior that all bots do! Meaning that the Inspector, Melter, and Dredger all do this as well. Maybe even the Uberbots too. (This is based off of ShioCreator’s fic, “Almost Murder Was Not The Intention” on Ao3. I’m just expanding the idea more.) 
All of the others that live in the land of beasts (Angler, Prospector, Trapper, and Trader) their eyes also turn red whenever they’re angry. 
I like to imagine that the Challengers are the definition of ‘Fuck around and find out’. 
If P03 can purr, that definitely means that the other Uberbots can too;
-Archivist’s purr is soft and soothing, gently rumbling against the metallic frame of her body. 
-The Photographer’s purr is very low and deep, rumbling loudly as it gently bonks whoever or whatever it’s purring at with its ‘face’.    
-The Unfinished Boss’s purr has a rather odd pitch to it. Their purr occasionally will have a sort of beep or chirp at random.
-G0lly’s purr is high pitched and squeaky. Unlike the Unfinished Boss, G0lly will let out beeps and chirps whenever she gets even more happy and excited rather than uncontrollably. 
-Extra: P03’s purr is not too low and not too high, a solid middle ground pitch. Will quietly let out a beep or two on occasion. 
   Which Scrybe enjoys stargazing the most? (In order of greatest to least) 
-Leshy enjoys stargazing whenever he can. He finds it a very relaxing activity, one of his favorites in fact. 
2. P03
-P03 would never admit it, but he actually is really curious about astrology, it's just not one of its main focuses. 
3. Grimora
-Doesn’t see stars as often as she would like to, but when she does, she enjoys gazing up at them with her ghouls. 
4. Magnificus
-Doesn’t stargaze as a hobby, however he does use them as reference for his art. 
The Reader in the Chaoscule has a scar on their right eye from Act 1. 
Everytime Leshy looks at it, he feels guilty. (I will provide a visual example sooner or later.) 
All of the Scrybes have a soft spot for kids. All of them (some more than others).
For example;
 Leshy would prevent the child from using any items to hurt themselves. 
P03 would probably go easy on them, especially if they’re struggling and might even teach them a thing or two along the way. 
Grimora would also go easy on them and if they’re struggling will give them a few tips to help them. 
Magnificus would probably take baby steps with them, teaching them about which cards to use for each turn, to the point where he’s hardly even playing anymore, he’s just teaching them about the Magick cards.  
A little sneak peek into the ending per say of the Second Stoat Card Au, P03’s partner definitely thinks about teasing P03 about him being a stoat, but then decides not to as that was traumatizing for it and they don’t want to overstep that boundary. Character development 101.  
When I said in my ‘How would the Scrybes protect their S/O’ post that nobody hurts Grimora’s partner, I did not mean she will ensue violence. Though that doesn’t mean she won’t give a sharp and stern talk to whoever hurt you. I could imagine that she has a sharp tongue and only uses this ability when she needs to.    
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itzme-thefaust · 11 months
gently places scrybe oc concept in ur hands
Thalia/Melpomene, Scrybe of Art
-Thalia he/him, Melpomene she/her
-2 personalities sharing a body (like melter/james, or trapper/trader)
-thalia joyous and optimistic, melpomene gloomy and pessimistic
-‘shift’ between two identities (act 1 = each run, act 2 = each scrybe battled, act 3 = each death? i dunno)
-method of inscryption granting life to artistic creations made by followers
-embodies how game Feels to play
-goal is to reunite fellow scrybes be besties again (forcefully)
-card gimmick = limited amount of Materials. either play many low cost weak cards (thalia) or play small amount of big cost strong cards (melpomene)
-clay mask to indicate shift between thalia and melpomene (🎭 < — like these but only covers half of face)
-multiple pairs of arms probably
-takeover would feature Fellow scrybes as bosses . but they hav masks making them play characters vaguely similar to themselves , each use different art form that influence battle gimmick (eg. p03 is assigned pottery and would maybe get the factory board rotation back . or at least something similar. also magnificus would keep his painting he has to)
-deletion features deleting their mask. constant uncontrollable shifting between thalia and melpomene for like a few seconds then deletion die for ever
basically; melpomene is “my friends have all split. our world is falling apart at the seams. nothing matters anymore” while thalia is “im gonna invite my friends to my house and we’ll all play monopoly!”
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evilneo · 2 years
NEO. Opinion on Magnificus 🎤
UM HONESTLY I DONT LIKE HIS CARDS </3 I never got my head around them.... I respect the aesthetic tho. and the Stunted Wolf is a very useful card <3 I also like his character design. lump of fur. or fir LOL hes probably the scrybe I think about least but thats just bc of the card thing probably </3 I just need to vibe with him a little more .... spin him in my mind a little
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the jingle of bells
summary: how leshy met michael, takes place in act 2 kinda? kinda brings up like how i think video game character memories work dhdhdh
pairing: michael (si) x leshy
warnings: i’m not sure what to put here but if anyone notices anything that could trigger them or others just lemme know and i’ll edit
“Maybe it was… no I… oh this can’t be good,”
Leshy had never seen something like it in all his life. The sound of bells was odd enough, but the thing they were attached to was all the more peculiar.
He could remember, faintly, seeing something in a book (perhaps?) that resembled the creature in front of him, a jester, he concluded, a very old type of entertainer for kings and queens. Not exactly something you see everyday,
But, lo and behold, there was one, right there, pacing back and forth between two paths.
Or, at the very least, it was someone dressed as one.
“Ohhh, the master is going to have my head,”
“Excuse me-“
The jester screamed loudly, causing the scrybe to recoil slightly.
“I’m sorry-” he apologized quickly, looking down at the jester who had fallen to the ground, “I didn’t mean to frighten you,”
“Uhm, uh-uh, you-you wouldn’t happen to be the sc-scrybe of beasts-” the jester tugged at either end of his hat nervously, “W-would you?”
“I am,” Leshy answered, keeping his distance so he didn’t frighten the poor thing any more.
The jester folded in on himself, covering his face with his arms
“Oh please, mister scrybe of beasts! I-I didn’t mean to come into your forest! Pl-please don’t e-eat me and take my bones!”
Leshy blinked in surprise, nearly jumping at the begging.
“I…I think you may be mistaken,” he tried to assure the other, “I only wanted to ask if you needed a bit of help,”
The jester peeked up at the scrybe, looking him over cautiously
“R-really? Y-you…you don’t want to…to kill me and eat me? And-and take my bones?”
“…No,” Leshy answered after a moment, offering the other a hand, “Would you like help?”
“Uh, yes! Yes, I would!” the jester answered, taking the other’s hand and allowing himself to be pulled up to his feet.
“Follow me,” Leshy instructed, and the smaller man did as told, the bells on his wrists jingling with each step
“Do you have a name?” he asked, ducking under a low branch that led up to his cabin.
“Uh, Michael,” The jester answered nervously, “Where are we going?”
“My cabin,” Leshy answered, “It’s going to be dark very soon, in case you hadn’t noticed, and all sorts of beasts come out at night,” he turned and added rather grimly, “And wolves will not ask you if you want help,”
Michael’s shoulders stiffened and he huddled a bit closer to the scrybe
“Ah, alright…”
they entered the cabin and Leshy gestured to the fireplace,
“Warm yourself,”
Michael once again did as told, and he was silent a moment before he looked up
“Uhm, I-I need to uh, get back to my teacher,”
“Y-yeah! He’s probably, uh, worried about me…a little… sorta…” he spoke hesitantly as he tugged at one of the ends of his hat again.
“And…if you’re one of his students, how did you end up out here?”
“Oh, uhm, he-he sent me out to find a flower, but…but I got lost and-and I don’t even remember what it’s called,” Michael shook his head, “I don’t even care about finding it anymore, I just want to be in my dorm again,”
“I can get you on the right path in the morning,” Leshy assured, “But, as I said, I can’t have you wandering around at night,”
“Right…” Michael nodded again, “Thank you, mr scrybe of beasts,”
“Leshy is just fine,” Leshy assured, patting the other’s shoulder.
Michael smiled and Leshy saw a blush slowly rise to his cheeks at the touch,
“O-of course, thank you Leshy,”
Leshy couldn’t help but smile as he grabbed his kettle from the wall.
“Do you like tea?”
“Oh! Sure!”
As he began to brew up some tea, Leshy tried to make conversation
“If…if you don’t mind my asking-“ he began, “Where did you…where did you hear such things about me?”
“Oh, you mean the eating and the uh, uh bone taking?”
Michael was quiet for a moment,
“Uh, it was…mostly my classmates and uh, uh Magnificus,”
“Mm,” Leshy hummed, slightly annoyed.
“But, I mean, I-I should’ve known not to listen to gossip, because you’re actually really, uh, n-nice!”
Leshy smiled at the compliment and his tail wagged quickly, though he was quickly distracted by the whistle of the kettle.
“One moment…”
As he prepared two drinks carefully, he could feel Michael’s eyes on him. Leshy didn’t exactly mind, but he did spare a glance down at the jester, who quickly averted his gaze when he realized he had been caught.
“It’s very hot,” Leshy warned as he handed the drink off to Michael, who blew on it gently.
And now it was Leshy’s turn to stare, his tea already discarded to the side as he sat on his stool, watching the shorter man closely.
He blew on his drink for a moment longer before he attempted to take a sip, gasping when it burnt his tongue
“Ah!“ he cried out, “ ‘s still hot!”
Leshy couldn’t help but chuckle, shaking his head
“I told you,” he said, “Just leave it be for a moment,”
Michael did as told, idly playing with a strand of hair that stuck out from underneath his hat as he looked out the window
“It’s really pretty out here,” he muttered after a moment, “I almost wish I didn’t have to go,”
Leshy perked up in surprise, his tail wagging again
“We can always… take the long way around,” he offered, “I can show you a few things, if you-if you really like it out here so much,”
Michael nearly jumped up in excitement, grinning widely
“Oh, yes, I’d like that a lot!” he said with a vigorous nod.
Leshy couldn’t help but chuckle again.
“Then you'd better get some rest, friend, we’re leaving first thing in the morning,” he nodded to Michael’s cup, “Finish your drink and I’ll get you something a bit more comfortable to lay on,”
When his tea was finished, Michael was given a large pelt to lay on and he was out like a light almost instantly, his body contorted into an odd position.
Leshy sighed a bit at the sight.
He’d only known the strange student for one night, but he couldn’t help but hold a fondness for him, it wasn’t every night he had such a polite guest.
He wasn’t a very big fan of goodbyes.
But, nevertheless, when morning came, Leshy did as he said he would and he led Michael back to the right path, only occasionally stopping to point out a rabbit or a particularly beautiful flower.
When they had to part ways, Leshy was almost saddened to see him go.
“Don’t stray so far this time,” Leshy warned.
Michael nodded and took his big hand on both of his, squeezing tightly
“Thank you again, sir, I-I don’t know what would’ve happened if you hadn’t found me!”
And with that, the jester turned and left.
Leshy took the hand that Michael had squeezed so tightly and put it to his chest, his eyes wide and his heart pounding.
“Ah…” he mumbled to himself as he watched the jester walk off happily, “Ah…”
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kakusu-shipping · 2 years
If I’m gonna keep making semi-connected trilogies I should really start linking them together. But at the same time I don’t know if there’s enough plot between them to validify calling them a connected trilogy.
Anyway this is a sort of sequel, sort of alternate branch to Save State and Calling Card because I’ve been having several conversations with Magnificus in my head for weeks and I want to do something self-indulgent.
Future’s Forecast
Magnificus X GN!Reader
In which you just want to know tomorrow’s weather report
In the top floor of the wizard tower was Magnificus, the Scrybe of Magiks. A short fern with a brush, a beard, and a huff to his voice.
You plopped yourself onto his back and sunk to the floor, sitting on the tail end of his foliage. The scratch of lichen and moss mixed with a strangely soft texture. There was something under all this leafage, but you would never know how deep it hid, as the thicket kept you from sinking far into the brush.
Good thing, you supposed, as leaning back into the comforting scratch was a large part of the reason you sat yourself atop Magnificus like he was a rug. That and the obvious annoyance it caused the wizard.
A deep rumbling huff that sounded more of an exhausted growl came from your bushy seat, he was working on some new painting when you’d made yourself at home near the base of his back. “There is plenty of open space to sit.” He spoke in an even tone, holding back irritants.
“Am I hurting you?” You tested, shifting to look up at him.
His expression remained even, the Scrybe of Magiks was not one to spin lies, so with that voice that huffed like a tired wolf he admitted, “No.”
You smiled in your victory, he wasn’t going to shoo you off without probable cause. Hindering his painting, causing him physical discomfort, these were reasons he’d evict you from the tower. But just being a mild annoyance? A slight pressure on the small of his back? He’d allow it, for you at least.
“Do you have no one else to bother?” He spoke with a hidden malice you chose to ignore as he returned to his painting.
“Not at the moment. Goob, Lone, and Pike are all off doing their own training.” Sense returning from the edge, Magnificus had treated his students more lax. It was unclear if he truly learned what was wrong with his teaching method, or if he’d just given up on keeping them as true students.
They didn’t seem to care either way.
“The other scrybes?” Magnificus offered, glancing out the windows of his tower. You shrugged.
“Didn’t check, I came straight here.”
Magnificus didn’t offer a reply to that, he simply returned to his work.
The gentle swishing of his paintbrush filled the silence. You hadn’t checked what he was working on, you weren’t particularly interested. Instead you sunk as deep as his foliage would allow into Magnificus’ back and stared at the sky out his tower windows.
Down so low on his back you would never notice he was moving, the sounds of the brush against the canvas your only evidence he continued to work rather than join you in staring out at nothing.
You could sleep here, same as you could sleep in Leshy’s woods, or Grimora’s fields. The rough brush of grass, moss, and thicket lulling you to a comfortable state of rest. You’d yet to find a comfortable nap spot in P03′s factory, but you were sure to find one some day, with or without the Scrybe’s permissions.
“Say, Mags,” You started, Magnificus gave a hum of acknowledgment, “What’s the weather looking like tomorrow?”
The brushing stopped abruptly.
The chance to bully Magnificus came to light with his clear distrust of a simply question. You rolled tp get a better look at his face as you repeated.
“The weather tomorrow. You see the future. What’s it like?”
Magnificus stared at you, waiting for some sort of punchline, the end of the bit so he could shrug off your foolishness and return to his work. But it didn’t come.
“...My premonitions are not for something as trivial as a weather report.” His even tone wavered, with a slight spit of insult. You tried to suppress your grin.
 “Oh come on, I know you’ve already seen what will happen tomorrow. Surely you saw weather it was sunny or raining, right?” 
“I did no such thing.” He turned his face to geto ut of your line of sight. You hopped from your spot on his tail end and followed his gaze.
“You’re telling me you didn’t look out the window at ALL tomorrow?” Speaking of the future like it already happened felt a little strange on your tongue, but Magnificus’ face as he attempted to avoid such a small matter for his own ego’s sake was well worth it.
“No. I do not. I spend the day studying in the cellar.” He finally decided, which was unlike him. He rather enjoyed painting in the light of his well windowed tower top.
“Well that sounds dreary.” You poked, leaning onto him, “Suppose it’s up to me to change that future then.”
Your smile was teasing, but in a good way. A ‘I’m not letting you lock yourself up for a full day’ way. A way Magnificus wasn’t quiet use to seeing.
Without much else, and without the answer to your question, you turned heel and made way for the stairs down the tower, “A think a lunchtime picnic sounds nice, suppose to be windy and slight overcast tomorrow.”
Magnificus tried to give argument, though he wasn’t sure what he was arguing against. You didn’t let him regardless.
“I’ll come get you around 1pm, so have all your studying done by then. And have something to contribute, I’m not making a whole lunch by myself.”
And with that declaration, you were gone, down the stairs to the third floor hatch, and out the tower. Magnificus watched from his windows as you left his lonely island, running into his returning students on your way.
“Lunch...” He huffed to himself, placing his paint brush on the window frame, “Suppose I’ll bake some bread...”
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randomgamefan · 2 years
Can you tell us some of your scrybes headcanons?
And some about magnificus mages if you have some-
Oh ABSOLUTELY I can do that (I'm aware this is an older ask and I apologize)
This is probably going to get a bit long so I'ma add a funky readmore, but a lot of my scrybe headcanons come from the portrayal of the Scrybes done by those in the Inscryption community discord. They're incredible at what they do and huge shoutout to them!!
Also, fun fact, this has been in my drafts for over two weeks because Tumblr accidentally deleted half this post at one point and I gave up and pretended it didn't exist for a while
Let's go down the list! First off, Leshy. This dude is quiet, the "speaks mostly when spoken to" type, unless you ask him about his stories/sit down to play a game with him. This normally quiet dude can ramble for hours about things he's done, people he's met, or just ideas he has for characters and stories! Overall, rambly dude.
Leshy also does all the work on his maps himself! Hand made... You know it's made with care and love.
Leshy also cares for animals a lot. The rat that gives you the pack rat cards is just one of his many pets! He definitely would run an animal shelter, but would have no problem feeding huge hawks mice or other small creatures from his hands. Everything has to eat, sacrifices must be made.
Alright, Grimora! She is very much a grandmotherly type, and always has tea or snacks for anyone who might need to come to her for support. Though a bit ominous, she's caring and overall going to take you seriously and care about your problems.
Grimora would very much be the type to adopt old, dying dogs and be with them until they pass. It's a thing not a lot have the heart for, but as much as she cares, she understands death is a natural part of life and is more than happy to make death a happy and peaceful thing. It's a celebration of what you've done.
Despite all that, Grimora is a very sentimental person. She keeps all the trinkets and things given to her by others, cherishing them deeply. She has the same struggle as many with death - if she is too attached, it is hard to let go. Even if she's better at handling it than most, Grimora would grieve heavily for those she loves passing on, and keep anything they gave her close for a while.
Magnificus! Magnificus isn't cruel, however, the game has set him up to be an antagonist. There has been many times where he has attempted to save his students, but after a lot of time, he's been worn down. He cares about how they fare, but in the end, it doesn't matter - the game always resets. Nothing he can do about it.
Unlike the other scrybes, Magnificus has never once possesed data and used it to gain power for himself - though he has used it to attempt to save his students multiple times. This has left him weak, and he doesn't have nearly the strength of the others. It's hard to inscrybe cards when you are weak and exhausted, so a lot of his cards are older.
Magnificus, similar to Grimora, is very sentimental. For a long time, even if he couldn't free his students, he made sure to show off any gifts they had given him. As he's grown more exhausted and angry with the situation he's in, those gifts have been stashed away. He still appreciates them, but he's damaged a few in his madness, and would likely continue to do so. So they're buried, along with any memories of a past that was bright.
Alright, made you all wait long enough, P-03! First, some uberbot thoughts - G0lly is definitely the oldest out of this group, followed by the archivist, then P-03 itself, and finally the canvas (or unifinished, whatever ya wanna use). Out of all the uberbots, P-03 minds the company of the archivist the least, and G0lly the most. The other scrybes were frankly surprised to see her at all when Luke fought P-03.
P-03 has a bit of an issue with perfection, as it holds itself to an impossibly high standard. Cards need to be perfect, keep up an unfeeling persona, ect. This often leads to it overworking itself to a detriment, where it crashes and is usually powered off for a couple hours.
P-03 is the one counting misplays in Kaycee's mod - it needs something to do. Therefore, it can and will judge how you play Leshy's game.
Magnificus Mages speed round
- Pike is the most loyal out of the three, and likely would stick by Mag's side even if freed.
- Goobert keeps getting contained in jars and pipes by accident - he somehow always gets restored during a scrybe takeover, and Magnificus is pretty sure the dimension he's trapped in just overlaps with wherever the takeovers happen.
- Lone kept a small supply of other types of cards in his room - he really wanted to explore the world.
- Pike was skilled with many weapons! She liked to practice in her free time - it hurts her so much that she cannot pick up her weapons.
- Goobert generally was a very anxious student who always needed to know if he was doing things right. Magnificus did not like explaining things or giving validation, so he often looked to his other students for validation. This helped the three become very close.
- Lone loves the arts - singing, dancing, drawing, ect. However, he feels like he can't create properly in the void and it's killing him.
- Pike is surrounded by hot coals, so sometimes the stick she's on catches on fire. It usually goes out quickly, but it's a terrifying thought that one day it could burn up.
- Goobert is in a lot of pain as he keeps getting shoved into very small spaces - also phantom pain as he feels like he should definitely have limbs
- Lone is a very clingy person, which is only made 10x worse by being locked up for so long - he can and will grab onto others and not let go.
Alright, not that you all have read this long post, shoo! I have no more headcanons for you! :] (I do but I'm hoarding them for now, feel free to send in asks if you want more!)
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g0llyd0tz1p · 2 years
thinking about G0lly...... going off how she's like a part of P03 that they keep buried, it's sorta like we're seeing P03's "vulnerable" side during her boss fight...
And I do believe P03 hides her away not out of hatred for her in particular, but because they hate their own past naivety and wants to preserve, or protect that part of themself that is still "pure."  And/or maybe they’re even embarrassed by it. I do wonder why G0lly specifically can only access the internet though, or if that means anything.  Why else would they let G0lly come out?
I like to think that as P03 became more jaded and bitter, G0lly manifested as a secondary personality that represents all the traits they left behind, but can still access at will through G0lly.  I was thinking about how G0lly's dynamic with the other Scrybes would be, but then thought how the other Scrybes are probably part of why G0lly is hidden.... (and probably because of the OLD_DATA as well)
For fun though:
I feel like Leshy would appreciate G0lly's politeness, enthusiasm and curiosity.  I think G0lly would love to learn about Leshy's mechanics and enjoy seeing all the animals, even though the Techno cards are still her favorite.  Leshy still doesn't quite understand the machine, but at least finds G0lly to be more pleasant than P03. (she still has her own criticisms about Leshy's game, but is a lot less rude than P03 about it haha)
Grimora adores G0lly, and G0lly enjoys Grimora's energy and sense of humor.  Grimora also just likes having someone else who can be a voice of reason with a decent moral compass.  I think that they would begin to disagree harshly though if G0lly found out Grimora wanted to delete everything.  G0lly is a bit creeped out by the ghouls in Grimora's land/crypt at first, but becomes friends with them as well.
And Magnificus..... I feel like he would be cautious around G0lly, even if he cannot sense any bad premonitions about her.  He knows it's still P03, or at least a part of them, and their different levels of maturity (for lack of a better word) already puts a gap between them.  I think at some point, maybe Magnificus would see an innocence and willingness to learn in G0lly that reminds him of his students.
idk....... I'd be interested in seeing different takes! I've posted very little with G0lly thus far despite my url but...... I think her.
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shiocreator · 2 years
So I may talk about my FNaF Inscryption crossover AU that I spoke of once, putting put just basic bullet points and I can explain on the spot later, maybe put a lil explanation for the beginning down below
But yeah, the setting is an old entertainment place with cards and the like, Leshy is a machine that's like a DM that tells a short story in game format while
Grimora is like one of those fortune teller machines, in a duo with Magnificus, she says how someone will die, somehow eerily accurate.
Magnificus is also like a fortune tell machine, his things are more stuff like fate stuff or whatever, also surprisingly accurate however the robot sounds to be in pain during the fortune telling
P-03 is the security system's A.I. for the place, unfortunately decently advanced
They all probably become sentient and interact at night with each other, P-03 included. P-03 hates them all but finds Grimora only decent and will at least talk to her.
Some years later the place shuts down
Everyone is fine with dealing with each other for abit, but the fact they're the only people to talk to they have its fair to say they probably get sick of each other
They have areas of the building as their own
Soon however they all start trying out a new game, they all shred apart paper they find, menus, lists, cardboard, etc. And make their own things like maps and cards.
Eventually Leshy takes to breaking each of the others apart and creating little figures as ways to make the scrybes part of his game, their a.i.s alive, inside of the figures. They can still talk, but unable to move (*Picture under the cut for reference)
And, one day a human enters the place, with a camera
And Leshy knocks him out, and props him up on the table
Happy to finally play his game with a human again
The other figures are less than happy about this situation, and two are hidden away in puzzle areas, while the Stoat is in the first deck as a statue that works as a card.
Photo of the Stoat figurine card and a small written thing of how Luke enters the place under the cut.
Luke decides to vlog after finding some weird path through the woods he heard a woman went missing on, he's still a card channel but like I don't think he has enough self preservation to actually decide going down the path is a bad idea and so he of course goes down anyways.
Once he does get there he gets knocked out and wakes up in a chair with his camera recording to the side, with dadadaDA weird robot who blends in with the shadows infront of him telling him his apparent backstory and giving a tutorial.
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And this is the shitty and old Stoat figure example I made when I last tried making this post oof-
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hrokkall · 1 year
feel like you've probably gotten him from someone else already but I want to hear about p03 for the ask game
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I got a couple of requests for this guy, hell yeah.
Favorite thing about them: I really like its voice bytes, they really add a lot to the delivery of its lines that would otherwise just read as ‘flat’. Also the Act 3 bounty hunters. The Scrybes are all so full of shit but that was really the icing on the cake. “I don’t care about lore and aesthetics; that’s Leshy’s thing and he doesn’t know anything about running a game. Anyway, here’s one of my post-apocalyptic cowboys that you’ll have to fight periodically—” come the fuck on.
I’m also a big fan of mustelids in general but listing that as a favorite feels too easy.
Least favorite thing about them: Again, not going to say “telling its workers to throw themselves on the line” because that’s too easy. Instead I’ll say I wish the build-a-card event let you type anything. Granted, that wouldn’t fit its character (it wants control above all else and wouldn’t want the player to have complete jurisdiction over their own custom card. That would be completely counter-productive) but having one fill-in-the-blank spot along with the other two word selections would’ve been funny.
Favorite line: P03 has a lot of fantastic lines but I don’t think there’s anything better than reacting to hearing the ins and outs of the malevolent, reality-bending force that lives below your world with:
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brOTP: I can’t really see P03 having casual friends for a similar reason that I can’t see Magnificus having casual friends—whereas with Magnificus it’s because he doesn’t want anyone getting in the way, with P03 it’s because he’s extremely hellbent on having every ounce of control he can—I can’t see him being willing to repeatedly give anyone else his time even if it was on his own terms.
The one exception to this is Luke because of his role as a challenger—he has to give Luke his time both to enact the Great Transcendence and because… well… playing against a challenger is more or less the Scrybes’ entire purpose. Sure, he puts up a good facade about it, but even P03 cracks and admits that it was fun to play with him right at the very end. I like to think that, had the disk been found in different circumstances, P03 would have been to Luke similar to what Leshy was to Kaycee. Obviously in canon they never had the opportunity, but if P03 wasn’t so laser-focused on its goal I think it and Luke would’ve genuinely become friends eventually.
OTP: I’m going to just keep putting the other Scrybes for this every time I’m asked about one of them. They’re pretty much my only Inscryption ship and it’s because I think it makes everything worse. The Scrybes settle into their roles, initially as rivals, but slowly—very slowly—begin to put their differences aside and come together. Initially for the sake of the game—hybridizing cards, swapping strategies, running through their challenges to pave the way for their coveted challenger—but eventually for the sake of each other. They were alone on an abandoned cartridge with no way out and only each other as company. Whether romantically or not, of course they’re going to become closer with the only ones who share their plight. All equally deprived of their purpose, left to their own devices and hoping, desperately, that maybe—just maybe—they can find a new purpose in each other instead.
I want to know how fast it fell apart when they learned there was a way out—a way to make and unmake a world of their own fully-realized creation. Was it like a switch had been flicked as everyone descended upon the opportunity with progressively more desperation? Or like a slow spiral full of broken promises because they know what they’re doing is heinous but they have to have to have to just for the chance of feeling alive.
I want to see them use everything they’ve learned about the others to tear them apart at the seams.
…Anyway, changing topic because I could talk about Polycards for a while if left unchecked. (I still don’t know if that’s their name. That’s just what I’ve been calling them and I’m not about to stop).
nOTP: Apparently there’s a ship with P03 and Pike Mage? That goes here.
Random headcanon: P03, on the surface, seems to be the only Scrybe without any “supernatural” ability (i.e. Magnificus’s premonitions, Leshy’s telepathy, Grimora’s body moving of its own accord even when her mind was in the Stinkbug card) but I don’t think that’s entirely true. His ability just happens to be more subtle—he can mentally diagnose and correct any system errors without having to physically open them up or plug them into an external piece of hardware to find and correct the error. Granted, this only really applies with software bugs; if one of his bots loses a finger he can’t think about it really hard and a new one will appear (he would immediately know what part they need though, but that’s moreso because he was the one to build them). I doubt he even notices he’s able to do this, or he might just assume it’s one of his abilities as the Scrybe of Technology and the others are able to preform a similar action with their own underlings (needless to say, they can’t).
Unpopular opinion: I’d say “where do I start” but I’m not writing another long ass paragraph so I’ll just say I don’t really care about the Uberbots. I think their designs + concepts are cool but not much beyond that. I’ve seen a lot of AUs where people make them into completely different characters and give them fleshed-out roles… they’re just kind of P03’s OCs to me (with G0lly being a possible exception, but even then I can’t really see her as a separate character from P03).
Anyway TL;DR on the “where do I start” some of you guys let it off completely scott-free despite all of the Terrible Things it did. It’s just as bad as the other Scrybes, just in a different way (again, they’re all villains—that’s part of what makes them so interesting). I wish people would be a little more privy to that.
Song I associate with them: A lot of the songs I associate with P03 would require too much explanation so I’m skipping them and going for the easy answers instead. Mad IQs by IDKHOW for an outside perspective, Necessary Evil by the Dresden Dolls (honestly fits all four Scrybes—I associate it with P03 specifically because of the “are they men or are they Memorex?” line) and possibly Death of the Cog by The Cog is Dead if you want something more about the contrast between Leshy and P03’s play styles.
Favorite picture of them: I like its act 2 dialogue portrait, but specifically the dialogue portrait where its face changes to the Stoat’s (and the regular one too actually. I like the act 2 sprites a lot in general).
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astronomicartz · 2 years
Okay so, since I’m not sure if it’ll ever get fully written, my fic/au idea goes like this:
Act 1 starts off based on @randomgamefan’s excellent Playtester AU, since I’m a sucker for the whole “protagonist gets sucked into media” premise. (In this one, Luke’s an only child after the death of his sister and doesn’t have much contact with his family.) Luke’s computer crashed and G0lly’s upload failed, but one rushed copy did manage to be created on Luke’s computer, a sort of imperfect cut and paste of the original Inscryption; all that remains on the floppy is the OLD_DATA… but that doesn’t mean the copy is free of it. Luke wakes up generally confused, meets the Scrybes, and finds out he’s in the game... or part of him at least, according to Grimora.
(He was never shot. When he viewed the OLD_DATA, he couldn’t eject the floppy in time and it took his mind, leaving his body comatose and crashing the computer. Since he never called the press, Amanda wasn’t alerted for the last resort and she took the disk and his evidence once the house was empty.)
He tries to help out, but what little working relationships the Scrybes had before are completely shot through now, and the damage to the game, a mysterious illness, and other strange occurences aren’t helping matters. Cue some detective work while trying to play peacekeeper, filler slice of life, a massive battle with the source of the illness, and finding out how to get Luke back into the real world. Outside the Scrybes’ knowledge, during the process of getting him home, Luke tries to bring them with him by focusing on all his encounters with them.
Act 2 is where things gets fun and where the idea for this whole thing originated! Luke wakes up from his coma and rushes home once he’s discharged. He finds his house neatly ransacked but empty, until he checks the floppy disk drive and finds four official-looking Inscryption card-game cards depicting a three-legged stoat, a face-marked stinkbug, a one-eyed wolf, and a moss-covered grizzly bear… and they can talk (P03 is so pissed about being a stoat again and it wants everyone to know it; Leshy is living the dream). More than that, they find out that the Scrybes can exit their cards as the beast they’re depicted as during the daytime, and assume their true forms during the night. After fixing the computer, the rest of the game’s characters can all still be interacted with and use the floppy drive to interact with the real world (though with a time limit).
I call it the Roommate AU! This part is basically funny slice of life, small conflicts, and relationship building, while also setting up the pieces for Act 3. Including but not limited to:
- Trying to keep a frequently-wandering Leshy out of sight of the neighbors before they call animal control
- Stoat-P03 using a Roomba as transportation
- Luke waking up to find Grimora holding a seance in his living room and immediately going back to bed
- Decorating Magnificus like a Christmas tree
- Found family and the requisite angst and comfort that comes with it
Act 3 is where everything comes together for one last big conflict that requires all that built-up trust and teamwork to overcome. The details of said conflict are still up in the air, but would likely include GameFuna really coming after Luke after one too many close calls rather than being the looming but indulgent threat from the previous act, making a true Inscryption game using all of the Scrybes’ expertise, and other things.
There we go! I’m currently writing some bits and pieces, but for now it’s just ideas. I’ll probably post some drawings/snippets if people are interested. Feel free to ask me about it!
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