#magical pollution
stargirl230 · 10 months
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Out there, somewhere
or: hey BB-8, ya like sand?
(no reposts; reblogs appreciated)
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reasonsforhope · 4 months
"A Ghanaian-English entrepreneur has designed an electric bike from the ground up that’s transforming short-range transportation in her home country, proving that problem-solving in Africa can be done in Africa, by Africans.
[Valerie Labi's] company, Wahu!, assembles each bike by hand, and they can travel up to 80 miles [128 kilometers] on a single charge. This means that a delivery rider for Glovo or Bolt can comfortably cover a whole day’s work without refueling.
Anyone who’s visited Accra, Ghana, in the dry season will remember the incredibly poor air quality. Poor roads mean that cars are stuck in second and third gears, and old cars traveling in second and third gears mean plenty of extra car exhaust.
Poor roads also mean exposed dirt, and exposed dirt means fine-grained dust. Combined with a lack of rain, the smog, dust, and car exhaust make the air in parts of the capital unfit for human health.
Wahu! bikes help alleviate all three of these problems, and despite her English nativity [Note: Super weird and unclear way to phrase it?] and education, the bikes were designed and manufactured in Spintex, Accra.
“By introducing electric bikes into Ghana’s transportation ecosystem, we’re not only providing a greener alternative but also offering speed and convenience,” Labi told The Mirror. “Our bikes are a testament to how service delivery can be seamlessly merged with environmental conservation.”
Valerie Labi is a true inspiration, and besides her transportation company, she got her start in the Ghanaian economy in sanitation. She holds a chieftaincy title as Gundugu Sabtanaa, given to her by the previous Chief of the Dagbon traditional area in the Northern Region of Ghana. She has three children, holds a double major in Economics and Sustainability from two separate universities, and has visited 59 countries.
Getting her start in Northern Ghana, she founded the social enterprise Sama Sama, a mobile toilet and sanitation company that now boasts 300,000 clients.
During her travels around the small, densely populated country, she also recognized that transportation was not only a problem, but offered real potential for eco-friendly solutions.
“It took us two years to effectively design a bike that we thought was fit for the African road, then we connected with Jumia and other delivery companies to get started,” she told The Mirror. “Currently, I have over 100 bikes in circulation and we give the bikes on a ‘work and pay’ basis directly to delivery riders.”
According to Labi, each driver pays about 300 Ghana cedis, or about $24.00, per week to use the bike, which can travel 24 miles per hour, and hold over 300 pounds of weight. The fat tires are supported by double-crown front/double-spring rear suspension.
The bikes are also guaranteed by the company’s proprietary anti-theft system of trackers. Only a single bike has been stolen, and it was quickly located and returned to the owner."
-via Good News Network, January 24, 2024
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kingvulture · 3 months
Wrote this song about what I felt the 1st time I saw a clear night sky with no light pollution in Jamaica 2018.
A short lil vibe
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oodsandends · 11 months
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mtg-cards-hourly · 5 months
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Polluted Mire
Artist: Stephen Daniele TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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crotchapple · 8 months
I really thought this was gonna be like, a cute fun little fantasy adventure about a family of stoats
Then Aabria decided that episode 1 was gonna start with a population culling
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redd956 · 1 year
Whump Ideas: Merfolk/Siren + Pollution/Etc
Idk why but I’m sucker for this category of environmental whump. It’s just extra frustrating about it for the characters, and is realistic to how disgustingly polluted our real environment is.  Also adds a bit of spice to any narratives, heeding the warning of environment destruction.
Getting entangled in fishing line/net
Choking on dirty water
Digesting something they shouldn’t
Getting sick over time by living in poor quality water
Overheating from a rise in temperatures
Blinded by an oil spill
Beached from shallower waters
Snagged/cut by trash
Starving after they’re food sources died out, or sick from eating poor quality food
Fishing hook
Hurt by sunken military equipment
Trapped underwater in a manmade tight space (sunken ship, cargo, etc)
Hurt by hunters
Shot at/by a harpoon
Tormented by a human (this one comes with a whumper)
Caught by a boat
Injured by aquatic vehicles
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arkatrine · 6 months
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embracing my cringe era made a fucking playlist cover for my shadowrun character's ship playlist [1 of 3 i have a lot of feelings about this] with her wretched toxic shaman boyfriend this has been the slowest of burns (yeeeaaarrrrrrrrssssssss) and she's happy im happy im celebrating by being So Embarrassing
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thelastspeecher · 2 months
new thing in the Pollution Powers AU: Angie becomes a botanist rather than a herpetologist. her herbicide-originated contamination grants her an innate understanding of plants. think of it less as a connection or bond with them and more of a "know thine enemy" situation.
Angie does become a plant person, despite her knack for plants being due to a chemical that was designed to kill them. her innate understanding helps her in studying and growing plants. she has a crazy good green thumb that Pa McGucket, a farmer, is incredibly proud of.
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orionndjarin · 9 months
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dmdarius · 1 month
Jumping from one Gameboy to another, this is once more a RPG suggestion from RedGryz. This time, an a tale about being Isekai'd to another land! And of course to get home, we've gotta save it!
#gameboy #greatgreed #retro
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Ideas for the plot of a sequel to A Far Wilder Magic
Margaret starts searching for her lost father. She finds her estranged eccentric grandma instead
Wes finally attends university. On his first day in the cafeteria some guy steals his quiche
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mtg-cards-hourly · 6 months
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Gempalm Polluter
Artist: Dany Orizio TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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reuxben · 6 months
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As it's #TBT and I just pulled the card in question in today's Arena draft, here's an old comic I did for my old series, Fear, which I drew around when Khans of Tarkir was first coming out--this one's from September 2014, in fact. And this comic is indeed based on a true story, believe it or not...Anyway, I noticed some small errors in the art, so I couldn't help reworking it just a bit and thought I might as well post it up here, too. This one's called, "Delta."
Daily art updates on Instagram and Twitter.
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man,, imagine magical girl ik au with the chapter 16 aftermath (with a sprinkle of solomon knowing the truth of magical girls)
she is just spamming grief seeds on her soul gems and solomon has to keep making sure her soul gem isnt too muddy or else a big uh oh might happen
poor ik is going through it and practically on a rampage, hunting to keep her soul gem clean... between the whole belphie trauma and the impending doom of becoming a witch, the sheer volume of her emotional grief basically puts her in a perpetual state of her soul gem constantly darkening, then being purified, then immediately darkening again
solomon is attempting to help, but as he’s not a magical girl himself he can’t help ik defeat witches, so all he can do is beg her not to take on anything she isn’t sure she can defeat... plus he’s also simultaneously attempting to find a way to halt the soul gem’s darkening. in the mean time the others are tasked with being emotional support
(which is hard because they can barely catch ik not in the middle of a witch-hunt for long enough to do so)
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konmaao3 · 2 years
When is Moon Magic the strongest in TDP?
(during the full moon, duh)
But I’ve been thinking about that recently, and apart from the lunar phase there could be so many other variables that could also interact with each other:
1. day ↔ night
The moon is no anti-sun that rises when the sun sets and sets when the sun rises, but sometimes both – or none of them – are in the (or rather: your) sky at the same time. Does the sun take away from the moon’s powers, or is a half moon during the day as strong as it is at night?
2. cloudy ↔ clear sky
Sometimes the moon (or the sun) is in the sky, but covered by clouds. Or you could just be inside or underground. Does that have an effect? (quite possible, since during Rayla’s and Runaan’s standoff they only enter their moonshadow form when the clouds recede)
3. in the sky ↔ below the horizon
If a half moon disappears behind the horizon, it isn’t visible any more ... to you. But to others in other parts of the planet it is, and it still reflects sunlight onto earth, unlike a new moon which might be in your sky, but doesn’t reflect any sunlight (at least not in the direction of earth).
4. eclipses
I think a (solar) eclipse only occurs during a new moon, when moon magic should be weak. But if (see 1) the sun has a negative effect, that might be negated during an eclipse, so this new moon might not be as weak as others.
5. distance
The moon’s orbit around the earth is elliptic, so the distance varies between ~363,000 and 405,000 km. Does a smaller distance strengthen your moon powers?
So what is stronger:
A full moon covered by clouds, or a half moon in a clear sky?
A half moon during the day or a quarter moon at night? What if we add clouds to one of those?
A half moon below the horizon or a new moon blotting out the sun?
A distant full moon on the other side of the earth covered by clouds or a close new moon in your clear sky?
Bonus question, thinking about one of my short stories: What happens when a moonshadow elf stands on the actual moon? #astronaut Rayla AU
Tbh, lunar phases always confuse me because apparently my brain has a hard time keeping track of three celestial bodies at the same time. But hopefully this makes sense.
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