#luckily she was so young and considered her son a lost cause and a burden as it is so. she complained but didn’t really do anything about
luytenae · 4 years
Johnny Joestar Headcanons
So, I was really bored and decided to write about my favorite Jojo, 𝓙𝓸𝓱𝓷𝓷𝔂! This is a mix of headcanons with some canon stuff.
So, here we go!
✰ Johnny was that typical doll-like perfect baby: curly blond hair, pale skin, pink cheeks, little freckles and big blue eyes that followed everything with curiosity. The clothes he used to wear also helped to mantain that look: in the Victorian era, babies from wealthy families used to wear dresses with plenty of ruffles, laces, ribbons, buttons and frills -no matter their sex- and bonnets. Nowadays he still has freckles; although not that many. They’re mostly on his cheeks and arms.
✰As we know, Johnny is the youngest of two brothers (being Nicholas 5 years older tan him). This, plus the fact that he also looked really fragile, made his mother really over-protective of him. This was usually seen as Johnny’s being Anne’s favorite, but she only wanted to protect his youngest son. The way his mom treated him made Johnny a shy, yet kind, child. That kindness made him adopt Danny, as well as taking care of Slow Dancer even if he knew that she was old and almost ruthless.
✰ His hair gets wavy in humid weather. When he was a child his hair was a curly mess after taking baths, but now it simply curls in soft waves, which he tries to straighten as much as possible.
✰He was born in Danville, Kentucky; so he has a heavy Southern accent. But since the Joestar family used to constantly travel to Britain -and actually lived there for some years-, Johnny added some British idioms to his vocabulary, thus resulting in a funny combo of British slang said in heavy Southern accent.
✰He grew up in a wealthy family -his father was tied to aristocracy, and also was a famous racer and breeder, having won the Triple Crown seven times and owning farms to breed racing horses-, so he’s a little bit of a spoiled brat sometimes. This status also made him picky over certain things, like food or baths.
✰Johnny was educated to be a “British gentleman” and, even if his own personality sometimes makes him fail at it, he still tries to behave as polite as possible. One habit that stayed with him was the one to note everything down, showing off his fine calligraphy and his accountant skills. The Joestar kid also knows Latin and Greek, as he was schooled. He even went to Oxford for a short period of time.
✰Johnny has never been fond of dark colours; he has always preferred to dress up in light ones. Luckily, they suit him.
✰Since he was a child, he has proved to be very perceptive of his surroundings, as well as being able to read the mood quite easily. Johnny is also good at focusing, what makes him a really good shooter -probably hunting would have been one of his hobbies, if he wasn’t kind and compassionate-. He has proved to being able to shoot at little and/or moving targets, even if firing from odd angles and perspectives.
✰Johnny loved his mother, and would try to follow her everywhere like a duckling would follow its mother. It wasn't surprising that his first words were "mama". His next word was "horsie", and would enthusiastically say it as he pointed to the horses in the fields when the family decided to take a walk around the farm.
✰In the Victorian era, it was common for toddlers to rarely be in contact with their parents; as they were mostly raised by a nanny. He did have a nanny -whom he loved deeply-, but his mother was still around at all times; she was always there for him. Despite breaking this usual thing, he was indeed raised to be like the stereotypical Victorian child: proper, polite and quiet.
✰The youngest Joestar loved to visit the horses in the family farms, enjoying their company. His fondness for these animals evolved into his skills as a jockey; as he also is well-versed in equine science.
✰Johnny was five when he first rode a horse, and his father quickly considered him a genius. The young boy quickly started to believe this as an irrefutable truth, his ego beginning to grow. Although he indeed is a genius with plenty of skills that allow him to ride across many types of terrain, or even challenge fellow genius jockey -ahem, Diego Brando-; having such a big ego ended up wounding him.
✰Even if George did praise his early horse-riding skills, the rest of Johnny’s childhood was marked by a strained relationship with him. His father was unnecessarily severe, to the point of physically punishing Johnny. He also favored Nicholas immensely, belittling the younger one with constant comparisons. After Nicholas’ death, George was convinced that “God had taken the wrong son” and took out his sadness and rage on Johnny. This cruel behaviour caused Johnny great pain, and an enormous feeling of inferiority.
✰Anne's death was a big shock for the youngest Joestar. He felt like he had lost the only support he had in the family; his mother would comfort him after his father scolds and punishments. She also happened to die a short time before Nick's accident. Johnny was 9 when his brother died; and around 7-8 when Anne died. His father cruel behaviour towards Johnny hurt him, and the little boy was upset because he didn't entirely comprehend why his mom wasn't coming back.
✰The only one who calls him by his full name -Jonathan- is his father, and he despises it. Nowadays, hearing his full name triggers something on him, reacting with some kind of fear. He was used to listen to his father call him only to point out his mistakes and scold him; so hearing “Jonathan” makes him have that kind of reaction.
✰He is a magnificent horse tamer, as seen with Slow Dancer: the horse was introduced as wild and ruthless, but she warmed up to Johnny, to the point of helping him get on her by hoisting him and rolling him down his neck and into the saddle.
✰After his father disowned him and threw him out of the Joestar household, Johnny, in shock, decided to shut himself off. With this, he also created a vain and narcissistic facade in order to hide the sadness this rejection caused him.
✰He tried to take Black Rose -Nicholas’ horse- with him when he was disowned.
✰After he was disowned, when Father’s Day arrived, Johnny used to spend the day in a sour mood, secluded and probably drinking, trying to forget his lame childhood.
✰With his pride harmed, he decided to prepare for the Kentucky Derby, winning it at the age of 16. He made it out of spite, trying to prove his father wrong and growing his own ego; maybe he couldn’t defeat Diego back in the UK, but he won the Derby. He still believes that winning the Derby was his greatest accomplisment.
✰When he was shot and paralyzed, Johnny felt his own pride crushing him: everything he showed off suddeny vanished. Unable to ride again, the horse-riding promise fell into oblivion; he lost all the friends and respect he had earned as a jockey. No one came to visit, leaving him behind; even his own father disappeared from his life, not even visiting him in the hospital. For that, Johnny is used to being abandoned: he forces himself to not get attached to anyone, since he believes that they’ll probably leave him.
✰During his stay in the hospital, the nurses used to dose him with morphine. They did it in order to shut him up –the poor boy was in terrible pain-, but for that, he got addicted to morphine. Luckily, it was only for a short time, since he managed to get clean several months after leaving the hospital.
✰Due to having such a big ego, now his past glory crushes him. He hates how he lost everything in such a pathetic way; but also believes he deserves it.
✰Surprisingly, his arms and chest are really strong; because he is always using them to crawl around and to lift himself.
✰Due to his light complex and weight, he is terribly ticklish.
✰He is a Christian, and believes in Fate and karma, but in a kind of wretched way. Johnny believes that, throughout the years, Fate itself was taking revenge on him for his misdeeds; and that he deserved every misfortune he received. His obsession with the Corpse showed his obsession with karma too, and how he wanted to reset it to a neutral state, paying off his negative debt. His beliefs in Fate explains his lack of confidence and constant panic of losing everything, since he firmly believes that Fate could at any moment take away his hopes.
✰Johnny has depression and, for this, a lack of confidence. He considers himself a useless person, a burden, and unworthy of love. This gloomy perspective of life came from his youth, making him a pessimistic man.
✰TW//suicide. He has considered -and tried- to commit suicide; but he couldn’t. He claims that it’s because he’s a “coward that hates pain, and doesn’t have the balls to finish everything”; but, deep down, it’s because he holds on to even the smallest hope.
✰TW//self harm. He has several scars: the ones on his arms are smaller, and were self-inflicted -self-harm and suicide attempts-. He also has some scars on his legs, caused by wounds he got by trying to stand up, walk and ride; but the biggest scar is the one covering half his back, as a memento from the accident. The bullet left a mark, surgery made it ugly, and the abuse he endured during his stay in the hospital made it worse. Therefore, he now is ashamed and self-concious of his back.
✰Seeing his legs makes him feel weak, and he hates that. He also despises feeling as defenceless as when someone picks him up to carry him without his consent. He truly hates feeling powerless, and it also makes him incredibly angry -and lowkey sad-. He can only tolerate this if it’s someone who he deeply trusts and knows, and only if he has asked for it.
✰At first, he wouldn’t let anyone touch neither his legs nor his back; but after warming up a little, he would tolerate caresses and gentle pats.
✰He also hates when people look at him with sorrow or as if they were pitying him. He may be disabled, but he’s still perfectly capable of plenty of things. Usually, he will reject any kind of help as politely as possible, but his anger will show.
✰Meeting Gyro made him throw away his harsh facade. At first, he was uncaring of everyone else save himself, only maintaining a polite but cold demeanour towards people he met; but Gyro’s influence made Johnny slightly more friendly.
✰ Gyro also made a great impact in Johnny’s perspective of life; not all of a sudden, but in gradual steps. The Italian man gave him hope, helped him to knock out his lack of confidence, gave him some assurance and optimism and also was genuinely nice to him, making Johnny grateful for meeting him. He treasures their relationship deeply.
✰Johnny doesn’t belittles Slow Dancer for being old, as he knows that she has plenty of experience as a Racing horse, and plenty of stamina. He truly knows his mare, possessing great knowledge of her: he knows and perceives her abilities and limits, and is able to predict what Slow Dancer will be capable of. They have grown quite close to each other, and she ocasionally nudges and licks him gently. Johnny loves this.
✰Sometimes, to kill some time, he and Gyro will exchange curses and slang in their respective languages. Gyro finds American sayings strange.
✰Gyro and Johnny had a hard time understanding each other in the beginning of their relationship: the older man had a thick Italian accent, and Johnny had to decipher what the hell was he trying to say. After a while, they grew used to each other's accents, but Gyro still made fun of Johnny's.
✰ His determination doesn’t waver, despite having failed several times. Johnny focuses on his goals, and puts them above anything else. He is also willing to endure severe wounds in order to reach them. And if you also add his stuborness…
✰The man is REALLY stubborn. If he wants to get something, he WILL, no matter what. If he has to, he will be violent or kill his opponents. This is called as “dark determination flickering in his eyes”, indicating a ruthlessness which would make Johnny able to kill in cold-blood. For this, he may seem amoral and selfish, even extending this to the interest of his loved ones. Yet he isn’t truly amoral, protecting defenceless people and taking damage to protect the ones he cares about.
✰He’s rather impulsive and hot-headed, which makes him take action as soon as possible. Sometimes, he might end up regretting not thinking BEFORE acting.
✰ Johnny would do anything for his loved ones:
Even if he’s afraid of his father, he has always tried his hardest to live up to his expectations.
He loved Nicholas deeply and looked up to him as an idol, and blames himself for his death. After he died, he became guilt-ridden, believing that his brother’s death was his own fault and that he should have died instead.
He was willing to abandon the Corpse Parts he had to save Gyro.
(JOJOLION SPOILERS!) When Rina was struck with the Rock Disease, Johnny stole the Corpse to make it transfer the disease away from her, not caring who would receive it and suffer in her place. But when the disease transfered to his son, he healed him by transfering it to himself, dying in order to save his wife and son.
✰He’s the CEO of being done with everyone’s bullshit. He’s angry 85% of the time, and usually cries out of anger.
✰ He’s also a sarcastic little shit. Any stupid questions you make him will be answered with his fine sarcasm.
✰He’s HORNY! This is shown with his bug bite fetish and the fact that he has been involved in at least one threesome. He doesn’t mind empty sex either -as he slept with several girls who came to him only for his fame-. He’s also bisexual.
✰When it comes to affection, he prefers to show his emotions through actions. For him, they speak louder.
✰Regarding to affection, Johnny will deny it; but he is touch-starved. The man really loves hugs and physical contact. He likes to hold on tight and get as close as posible. Since he doesn’t usually speak out loud his emotions, he will show them physically. However, he would rather be held, feeling loved and protected.
✰He feels guilty when someone falls in love with him, since he believes he’s not worthy of happiness nor love. He tends to think that he’s making them waste their time on him, when they could be with someone who could provide them with what they deserve. He can’t help but compare himself to others, belittling himself.
✰When he has a crush, he will do anything to deny it. He doesn’t want to admit how someone began to be so important to him, and is afraid that “Fate” might take them away from him. If he has to avoid them, he will; just to get away and not face his feelings.
✰George does reconcile with Johnny, and feels ashamed of how he treated his own son. He claims to be proud of him now, and even gives Johnny Nicholas’ boots. At first Johnny was resentful and wasn’t planning on forgiving him, since he believed that his father was only coming back for his recovered fame. After a couple weeks he decided against that, forgiving George and honouring him by naming his only son after him.
✰Nicholas’ boots were one of his most beloved possessions, and were passed down as a family relic.
✰If Rina had allowed him to name their daughter, he would have called her Anne, in honour to his mother.
✰In Japan, the Joestar-Higashikata family lived in a farm. Although the place is designed in the Japanese traditional way, Johnny couldn't help but give it some Western touches, specifically to the barns. These ones were designed to be as similar as the ones his father had in Britain and Danville. It made Johnny nostalgic, but in a gentle and warm way; he purposefully made them like that, so he could remember his roots.
✰They were quite wealthy: not only for the Higashikata's fruit business, but also for Johnny's connection with the Japanese government.
✰As a horse-riding teacher, his pupils loved and respected him deeply. Johnny liked discipline -as he took his profession seriously-, but was also very kind to them, treating them with the respect he never received.
✰Obviously, he taught his children to ride as early as possible.
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ravenclawsjourney · 6 years
the Draco x Harry AU we all need
pleasant visit
after hogwarts they lost sight, both have enjoyed the beautiful night together, but both also think it just isn’t meant to be. harry works at hogwarts as professor in dark arts and draco becomes a journalist, after his hard work in a small book shop in London. he wants to have a normal life, a life without magic where he can be judged by his cover, or recognized for “the-son-of-a-death eater”. nobody knows he really hadn’t had a choice in his quest for The Dark Lord, better away then. but after a while the past always catches up, as it always does. his face wasn’t unknown by the daily paper, and even though he tried his best, the gossip spread like the flu. and before he could try to undue the damage, he got a particular job. to go to hogwarts and gain information about the progress of wizards for the government. because he worked unpredictable hard and it could be his job on the line, he accepted to return to his youth. the youth that spit him out. the youth that he wouldn’t want to remember. the youth that connected him to Harry, the one man he dared to touch.
the trip with the Hogwarts Express presued smoothly. he chatted a little with the train operator, wrote some things down, but he couldn’t push away the shaking in his hands and the compulsion to glance at the door every minute to check for any students who might recognize him, but it stayed quiet. also, the heavy air of the machine made him think of his own trips here. the secret glancing at the blessed man, only a boy, then. the childish bullying, and turning around afterwards to spot him already looking. it wasn’t hunger between them, it never was. pure, it was, but they both didn’t dare to tag it. yes, some people might’ve called it love, but it never left their lips. frightened. frightened of what his family might think, what his mates would think, what he would think.
the Hogwarts Express arrived at the exact time, as always, and the children tall and short cheered out, ready for this school year. Draco never did such thing, he was spelled. spelled in the doomed world of Lord Voldemort, either called Tom Riddle. Voldemort always had a hand around his wrist, always pulling him in the dark, to later spit out, leaving him for nothing more than dust. luckily for Draco, a certain spark kept him away from the dark pit Voldemort called his heart. he used to believe the spark was himself, his better half, but it never really was. only Harry could’ve been that spark, and he prayed for so long for it to come back.
where the celebrated students go right, Draco turns otherwise, as he knows the way so well. the castle fooled him when he was younger, a student himself, with its changing stairs and misleading riddles, but not now. as the stairs change he gets reminded by the fact that the stairs represented his life, as it took many turns. harry wasn’t the first turn, not by far, but it made question every day since he felt his heart glow as the young Potter walked by. he never considered himself gay, but heterosexual wasn’t an option either. yes, he was gay, as hard as that felt on his chest. in 2018 it’s supposed to feel normal, feel good to be who you are, but Draco had been hiding for too long to unfold his true self. oh god, how bad he wanted to join those happy, living people dancing down the street with their rainbow flags and all kinds of statements, but he couldn’t let himself. it would feel like a sin.
the eagle connected to, if he was correct, Mrs McGonagall’s office opened up and he stepped into the still unsettled place. it’s been seven years since Dumbledore died, on his hands mostly, and the room was still full of closed boxes and unopened memories. the fenix still sat on his stick and the books still opened. like he left it a minute ago. Draco’s palm opened and closed roughly, twitching with sweat. his black suit creeped up and he loosened his tie, she wouldn’t mind.
she look formidable herself, not green this time, scarlet red with black accents. her wrinkles had deepened, grove into her skin and her veins stood up like straws, but her posture was the same. hands folded on her belly, pointy hat on her head and a serious look, even though she could do nothing better than smirk a bit at his sight. he pressed down the urge to hug her, “long time, no see”, and walked up to her and shove her his hand. she grabbed it gracefully, without breaking the gaze, and her lips pressed into a smile.
‘Draco, you look pleasant.” she told and she nodded at his closed fists. he immediately unfolded and smiled awkwardly.
‘it’s a surprise to be back.’ his answer was and she wrapped her second hand around his.
‘it’s a pleasure to have you back here, we’ve missed you.’
Draco smirked at the thought, nobody had missed him. he burdened all the teachers and caused trouble at school with his upened chin. he’s glad that attitude flew away when he became vulnerable, soft. obviously, the humans here did not know of any of this change. at the time he didn’t see it as a positive turn, turning soft was not what his dad has taught him, in difference, he hardened him every day.
‘what’s that?’ his old professor spotted and she raised her almost invisible eyebrows.
‘not to doubt you, but i’m not sure if anybody missed me here.’ Draco blushed, trying to sound as comfortable as he could.
‘he did.’
Draco first tried to confess himself “he” was not he, THE he, just a “he”. nobody special, maybe a professor or an old friend, reminding himself he didn’t have any long lasting friends here. or anywhere in that matter. but he didn’t work here, Potter probably did some highly interesting work. Draco doubted that Harry would go back to this place, ever, not after everything he went through. he had told Draco all about it, after Voldemort had been killed, in the library at night. they’d spread their thoughts and demons in the air and dug through them together. it could’ve lasted millennia for Draco’s matter, but his real friends Hermoine Granger and Ron Weasley had other plans.
‘i’m sorry, who’s he?’ Draco asked, perplex. McGonagall could only create a smile and tuck her grey, thin hair behind her ear.
‘Mr Potter’s in the great hall right now, you should go interview him, mr Malfoy.’
oh, many times Draco had wished to hear something from Harry, an owl or a call, it didn’t matter, just something. how many time Draco had looked back, how many times Draco “by accident” took a train to London, hoping to run into him. how many times Draco laid on his bedroom floor, wondering what would happen if Harry was here. how many times Draco had hungried to hold him. some moments he got sick in his stomach from such thoughts and hopes, other he prayed for them to come true with all his heart. and now, it came true. it has been seven years till they last saw each other and they never had a glance of one another after that, until now. he had to go. he had to.
‘go, Draco. go.’ McGonagall pushed and as rude as it must’ve been, he turned around and ran out of the room of a ghost.
the whole castle eyed silent, not a feather would go unheard. the only sound to drop, besides Draco’s rudely fast steps, tipped over the stairs, muted by hair. the known cat of this castle should be dead by now, so probably a animal of a student lost in the mazes. before Draco could take a deep breath and onverthink the situation, what to say, what to think, what to do, he opened the door to the great hall and with that about two-thousand eyes. two-thousand and one. even though he must’ve been fifty meters away, his eyes were impossible to miss. beautiful green, like a serpent. his hair still brown locks, lashing in the light of candles. he was taller, not much, maybe one inch taller than Draco now. he wore the same blouse as seven years ago, or Draco just imagined him that way. slowly, but certain, Draco nervoulsy walked through the hall of children, all’s eyes burning on him. He heard Harry catch his breath sharply, almost cutting. 
oh, please, tell me you thought about me too, tell me you didn’t forget about me, about what we had, Draco thought, as Harry shifts in his seat to stand up. Draco is risking it all, no doubt people recognize him, no doubt people judge him, no doubt the news papers will tell a twisted story. and still, here he is. 
like calming a wild animal, Harry stood up, still gazing at his old “friend”. Next to him Hagrid jumps in the air too, messy, grey beard holding its way. Draco feared he’d tell Hagrid to take him away, to never see again, but instead Harry walked around the long table with rich and tasty food, past the sorting hat, who looked at him coldly and stepped of the standard. There they were, eye to eye, like two ghosts. two man with a broken past and an unsure future, now more than ever. Harry must decide what he’d do now, Draco locked in his position. the air in the room muted most noise, accept some gossiping, obviously about their past. as much as they tried, some things can’t be hidden, not completely. as far as Draco knows, Harry hadn’t been active in his gay-ism as well, but how would he know? maybe the whole school knows and Draco imagined the very tension, or it was a secret he kept hidden at more costs. Harry mouth opened mechanic and a second before he spoke,  he puffed out a short breath. 
‘Draco.’ he breathed, echoeing through the room. his voice trembled a little, but it was the same voice Draco mused about many times. ‘What- what are you doing here?’
even though this wasn’t exactly how Draco pictured it, he took a deep internal breath and replied, almost self-assured:
‘Can i talk to you in private, please?’ 
Harry eyes widened by the invitation, but not fear or anger, pure suprise. he hesitated with his words, then swallowed them and glued his eyes on Draco. for a long moment, all Draco wanted to do was turn around and forget this ever happened. interview a few professors, make sure to avoid the green eyes, go back with information and go on with his life, his hidden, painful, normal life. yes, nothing was to lose here. Draco was about to embarass his ass when Harry jumped in. 
‘Follow me, please.’ 
the invitation back sounded formal, like he didn’t recognize Draco or he planned to set the tone, to keep it on professional level. Draco realised he hadn’t thought over what he’d do when Harry didn’t feel the same anymore, if it was just a “one night-stand” as the muggles call it. for Draco it sure wasn’t. even though he didn’t agree with the tone, he obeyed when Harry guided him to the left, leaving the great hall in silence. the room was about the size of a common room and not close as high, like a hobbit house. seizes books piled on one another in different ways, messy as possible. it’s humid and warm, clumsy with dust. Draco had never been to this room, he didn’t even know it existed. 
Harry closed the door behind him and Draco synchronic jumped around, facing the man he chased in his dreams. the formal edge of Harry’s proposal gets cut off with a single glance at his face. the brown hair is messy, like Draco remembered. his eyes don’t have a stern look at all, his eyes gleam of hope. his eyes brows curled up lazy on the inside, wrinkling his forehead and his lips smooth into a bright laugh. Draco feels his body change into the mood: eyes wide with excitement, teeth showing, hotness creeping up his spine. 
‘Draco, i never expected you here!’ Harry said, his voice rich of enthusiasm. 
‘I came for an interview with some professors, but i didn’t know you worked here.’ Draco replied, body showing his emotion better than his words ever could. the step forward and immediately backwards doesn’t go unnoticed and Harry’s smile fades when the silence grows. 
‘I’m sorry, i’m not sure if i may do that or not.’ Draco stammered, frustrated by his terrible performance. 
‘Why wouldn’t you?’ Harry asked and something in his voice sets of an alarm in Draco. ‘I mean, we have a past, a huge one actually. Draco, i’m sorry i never called, or texted, or send an owl. i guess i was scared of the consequences.’ 
‘We haven’t talked in a very long time, Harry. things have changed, some radically, but that doens’t change why i stand here right now.’ 
Harry was now the one to step forward, nearing the space between them. Draco considered grabbing him by the waist and kiss him, but the seven years of distance had its consequences. Harry is grown up, not out of his feelings for the old Draco, but what about the new one? the one who only exists for seven years? what if Harry morphed into somebody else too? what if they were correct so long ago. it doesn’t seem like it right now, but nothing is perfect. it’s about what you pick to be a problem. 
‘things have changed, that for sure. we’re both different persons, but i’d like to get to know this Draco.’ 
all the nerves he had before, all the insecurities he had before splashed of him like a waterfall and the feeling he had been missing for some time, the feeling that his life was really about to begin, curved around him. this is it. the past that always catches up, and from now on it was the future. for a very long time.
‘I’d love that.’ he smiled and stepped closer, pressuring both their chests. if he’d want to, no, if he could, he’d lean forward and lock lips with his, maybe, former lover. but he didn’t. instead, he wrapped his hands around Harry, not able to resist. luckily, Harry already hungried the same and curled himself around Draco. Harry’s heart bounded fast, and sweat dripped of his neck. how long did he wait for this moment? Harry planted a long kiss on Draco’s forehead  and Draco dreamed over the future like it was destined.
Oh my lord, thank you! thank you for reading this !!<3 i hope i did not dissapoint though :) their story is (obviously) not over, but i’m not sure if i’m going to do a serie or not, depends. anyways, can you, please, leave a comment 'bout your thoughts, good things about it, bad things, the loveliest is both <333 again, thank you and i love you and you can beat the world and believe everything those cringe quotes say. love ya. 
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downeysgirl94 · 6 years
Exposed Ch.11 of Not Alone Anymore
Tony knew that he didn’t want peter to be in the public eye, he didn’t want that type of life for him. So ever since tony had peter in his life he made sure the press never got word of him. Tony had to grow up in the public eye because of Howard he didn’t want that for peter, not until he was out of school at the earliest. But of course life never can be easy for tony can it?
Tony was in the middle of his lab working on upgrades to peter’s newest Spiderman Suit when he heard the door open and the sound of heels stepping forward him in a hurried manor.
“Pep what’s with the problem, did a forget about a meeting or something?” tony asked without looking at her
“Tony we got a huge problem” pepper said walking over to him
“What is it pep?” tony said looking at her
Pepper handed him a tabloid
It read
Stark’s Son Finally Revealed?
Tony’s eyes bulged out of his head.
A picture of peter’s face was on the front of the tabloid. Probably whatever restaurant got greedy and sold a picture of them to the media.
“God damn it, how the hell did those vultures find out we were so careful” tony said sighing dropping his face to his hands.
Pepper walked over and pulled Tony’s head to her chest “I don’t know tony but well find out ok I’m going to go do damage control now I just wanted you to know so you could warn Pete” pepper said comfortingly
Tony sighed “ I don’t want him to have the childhood I had in the public eye all the time I practically didn’t have a childhood thanks to Howard, I thought I was going to be better” he trailed off
“stop your already way better a father than Howard, tony that boy knows he loved and you done as much as possible to keep him out of the public eye it’s been almost ten years and there just now figuring out about a child you’ve had since he was six so I consider it a win.” Pepper said warmly
Tony smiled “thanks pep that means a lot, I just wanted him to at least finish school before this was a thing” tony said with a weak smile
“Well he got close so look at the glass half full but let peter know about this so he’s not blindsided” pepper stated
“I will when he gets home from school hopefully his school doesn’t know much yet” tony said shrugging
“Well I’m going to get to the bottom of the photo I’ll see you guys tonight” pepper said before giving tony a quick kiss
“Alright remember we got lawyers if needed” tony said with a smirk
Pepper chuckled as she walked out of the lab.
Tony’s smiled dropped as he looked at the tabloid again
Luckily they didn’t catch him superheroing at least tony thought. Tony glanced at his watch it was a little after 2.
Tony pulled out his phone and dialed Happy’s Number
“Hey Boss, what’s up?”
“Have you left to get peter yet?”
“No was about to, why?”
“I’m coming with today”
“Ok I’ll be there in 10 minutes”
“Thanks Happy” tony said hanging up his phone and going to change.
Peter was standing by his locker talking to MJ when Ned ran up to him freaking out
“Ned what’s wrong?” peter said grinning
“Uhm did you see the news lately, Dude?” Ned said panicked
“Not since this morning, why?” peter asked worried
“Look at this” Ned said handing peter his phone
Peter just stared at the screen lost for words there was a picture of him Stark’s Son Final Revealed “crap this isn’t good”
“Dude why didn’t you tell us?” Ned asked
“Tony didn’t want it getting to the public but apparently it did somehow.” Peter said shrugging
“Well do you know the avengers? Can we meet them?” Ned said rambling on
“Ned once I figure out what is going on I’ll ask if you guys are allowed over ok?” peter said nervously
Ned nodded
Peter grabbed his backpack and closed his locker and waved goodbye to Ned and MJ he walked out of the school and was blindsided by a few paparazzi shoving cameras in his face. Peter was frozen in place
“Your peter parker right? What it like having Tony stark as a dad?”
“How long have you know Tony Stark?
Peter’s spider senses were going crazy from all the lights he couldn’t focus on any the questions. Not long later peter heard a noise he recognized
“Get back he just a kid, leave him alone” tony said
Tony push through the crowd and put an arm around peter shoulder and directed him toward the car while he avoided all their questions.  Happy helped hold them back until tony got peter in the car. Once in the car tony just pulled peter into a hug.
“You okay Pete, I wasn’t expecting them to show up so quick” tony said sighing
“Too much” Peter muttered quietly
“Oh Pete I forgot about your senses, here tony pulled out peter’s noise canceling headphone,  handed them to him and was glad the windows were dimmed.
“Thanks dad that helped a lot” peter said smiling
“No problem Pete try napping till we get to the compound ok? It will help” tony said running his fingers through peter’s hair.
“Ok dad” peter said resting his head on Tony’s shoulder
Tony sighed in relief he was able to calm him down.
Once they arrived at the compound tony gently woke peter.
“Nap help bud?” tony asked
“Yeah it really did” peter replied
“Good come on let go you deserve a quiet afternoon after that” tony said walking towards the elevator.
“Yeah but I really think I need answers first dad” peter said looking tony in the eyes
“I know come on Pete” tony said standing in the elevator
Peter nodded and followed.
They stepped off on tony floor and went and sat on a nearby couch.
“So how did they find out dad?” peter asked
“Pepper is looking into it but my guess is one time we were out the owner got greedy and sold the image of us to the press.” Tony said rubbing his face
“Well why hasn’t this happened before then we go out a lot and I’m sure a lot of people have seen us together?” peter asked
“Because I am extremely careful anytime I normal have like a sixth sense if there is a camera anywhere around me so anytime in the past I saw someone attempting to take your picture I stopped it before it could happen. I guess when this happened we were having too much fun to me to notice” Tony said grinning
“Well why are you trying so hard to keep me out of the press, I see you handle it all the time like its nothing.” Peter asked
“Kid the moment you’re in the public eye they never leave you alone. I didn’t want you to be burdened by that. What you see me handle it as is many years of experience and its nothing I want you to have to experience yet. I was thrown at it at a young age; thanks to my dad it practically made me have no childhood I thought I could avoid his mistakes.” Tony said sighing
“Well dad being your kid I’m going to be exposed to them at some point growing up with you I knew that I was just surprised it took so long. But dad I’m 16 now it’s not like I’m a young kid I can take it, with your help I should be able to understand them soon enough.” Peter said grinning
“Well that’s good to know kid you definitely mature for your age, of course ill teach you my tricks. First of all we can’t keep avoiding them they’ll never leave you alone they want to know about you the moment they get the truth they move onto the next story”
“Ok so what do you suggest we do then dad?” peter asked
“press conference small one ill handle most of the questions but you got to be there may be a question or so for you.” tony said patting peter on the back
“That doesn’t sound too bad”
“Good and we should do it soon because we don’t want to risk a picture getting out of you as Spiderman” tony stated
“Yeah I don’t want to risk that” peter sighed
“Once pepper gets back we’ll see when she gets one scheduled and see where she is with the leak.”
“Yeah and dad what you told me about Howard you’re doing way better than he ever did.” peter said smiling
“Thanks kiddo that’s means so much coming from you” tony said with a warm smile pulling peter into a hug.
“No problem dad, oh and before I forget can I ask something” peter said grinning
“Well obviously with this out Ned and MJ found out are they allowed to hang out here now.” Peter asked
Tony was chuckling “kid when I said I didn’t want anyone to know I meant media and everything, you could have told your friends, I was wondering why you never brought them over here?”
“Oh really guess you should have been clearer dad” peter said sarcastically
“Shush up kid but you should obviously know your friends are always welcome.” Tony said smiling
“Thanks dad” peter said grinning pulling out his phone.
“Pete message your friends later go pick out a movie for us to watch if you don’t I’m putting a horror movie on, I know you hate them” tony said with a smirk
“I do not hate horror movies dad” peter said defensively
“sure kiddo that’s why when we went to see The Conjuring you asked sleep in my bed cause you didn’t want to be alone”  tony said giggling
“Shut up dad I picked a movie ok happy?” peter said obviously embarrassed.
“Not star wars right?” tony said grinning
“Not star wars, Saving Private Ryan” peter said
“Ok were good then” tony said chuckling as peter put on the movie
As the movie was ending pepper walked off the elevator
“Any luck pep? Tony asked as he pulled her into a hug
“Narrowing it down but still a process how about your end?”  Pepper asked
“They were already at his school today luckily I went with Happy to get him”
“Wow they work quick how did he handle it?” pepper asked
“being blindsided by everyone flipped out his enhanced senses so had to calm him down a bit ouch we got away from the crowd, but once I explained everything he says he’s ready he was actually shocked they didn’t find out sooner.” Tony said shrugging glancing at peters sleeping form on the couch.
“So you want me to schedule a press conference?
“Yeah the sooner the better they’ll lose interest in him one we address it” tony stated
“Tony stark what happened to my immature boyfriend I was dating? who is this adult standing in front of me?” pepper said giggling
“He still there pep just little more mature then he used to be at times” tony said chuckling and pulling pepper into a kiss.
“Peter was the best thing to happen to you” pepper said smiling
“Along with you, Pep” tony said happily.
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