#love to roast him too
agendratum · 2 years
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vegas is flirting with you moodboard
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long ass arms he could slap you from across the goddamn room
they made Miguel dummy thicc then gave our boy the ol stickbug build. He's built like the hands of a clock 😩😩
He got saladfingers hands. Got on the bozo the clown shoes.
No zipper so them shits must take so long to lace. bro get some Jordans already. Gwendy give him back the chucks cause we don't have time for this 😭😭
I love him. I Love Him to Death
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kuwajima · 9 months
speaking of Kaigaku, his interaction with Yushiro is actually the funniest thing to happen in the entire manga
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hadesoftheladies · 28 days
so kendrick lamar cares about protecting children from perverts, huh? so he cares about misogyny, huh? then maybe he shouldn't venerate rapists like tupac and throw the b-slur all over the place, but whatever.
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jennrypan · 17 days
Everytime I see anything with Canon Bruce I feel a terrible case of fuck this bitch disrespectfully disease 😶
I want him turned into a little lizard and someone to put him in a little box with holes in it. Keep him in there forever.
I miss when he was actually cool and not the guy that forced his morals on all his kids and then attacked them when they go against him, and whenever he gets mind controlled he brutally maims them despite them all being skilled and should all be able to whoop his ass. (ALLL. of them.)
Like God fucking DAMMIT. I'd like a comic rec where Bruce and Jason actually have good moments and where he's with all his kids and Bruce is actually being a good dad. (I know WFA exists but I'm talking bout actual canon comics and the art in that comic for the girls are..okay so eh. I love the batfam in it tho.)
Like i get drama but when it becomes a constant thing I'm seeing..Bruce always turns out to be a dick. (Sorry not sorry will never be on the side of the parent that canonly punched his oldest for asking about his dead brother, then throw a batterang at his second son's neck just to keep joker alive, then proceeded to continue to act as if said son is insane for killing one of the jokers, THEN proceeds to basically lobomize the same son, and left him alone and scared. I can't speak on how he treats the rest cuz I haven't spent much focus on them my bad.)
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spnintheyearofourlord · 9 months
I know in my heart Sam and Jess bullied each other so hard
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mysicklove · 3 months
guys i am so mean to my guy friends/family like it is a genuine problem
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bumblingbabooshka · 7 months
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Odd and Recent Planets
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I once went to one of their inbox to tell them to please stop tagging elucien if their posts is just about bashing elriel and they basically told me to f*ck off and they can "do what they want" or whatever. I swear, these are the same little sh*ts that would complain about Elriels tagging elucien.
It's the fact that it's always the same 5 people that have literally no hobbies but complain about Elriels. They're lurking in the gwynriel tag too. They're covering the sweet content we're looking for with their bullshit posts.
I don't want to see the hurtful stuff they say about Lucien and Elucien, nor do I care about their theories and Interpretation. I blocked the elriel tag and some elriels so that I won't have to see their posts. Heck, I'm avoiding acotar content on Tik tok and Twitter just so I won't see anything elriel and anti elucien related. If I wanted to see anti elriel content, I'd go to the anti elriel tag. It's that simple.
The thing is, I also tried to be more open to the Elriel ship. I'm very confident in Elucien, but should Elriel be endgame then I want to be okay with it. However, these little shits that constantly shove statements from toxic elriels to my face make it very difficult for me. It brings me back to "Elriels are so toxic" thoughts.
Sry for the long rant. It just angers me.
Babe, I once told people to stop taking the bait and they told me to get off my high horse so I feel you on that. Is it getting on a high horse to say that not everything on the internet is made in good faith and by answering obvious trolls...you give them the fight they want? Wow you sure showed them.
But at its core, LB said it best. It's not a bipartisan system and you actually can't tell anything about a person based on the ship they like. If some folks had any self awareness they'd realize they are literally no better than the people they claim to hate and for every one person hyping them up, 8 others feel discouraged and burned out from all the negativity. A fandom can't sustain itself on pure spite- you need people who passionately love the series enough to draw art, write fic, create headcanons etc etc, and to that end you have to let go of the utter boring obsession with what is and is not canon.
I took screenshots of that post, and one person said "the author wrote it that way for a reason???" and to that I'd say, she wrote enough to make elriel a very popular ship, too. Are we picking and choosing? Are we saying you're not allowed to ship something if it isn't canon? No more Neris, no Rhysta, no Casslain, no Azris? And who gets to decide what is and is not canon? Someone on that post was discussing what "true" eluciens are, which excludes me along with a vast swath of other people.
I didn't elect any of these people to decide what I was allowed to write about or commission art for- Like the cherry picking so people can be faux outraged and then take screenshots of one of the most popular artists in the fandom, with a VERY distinct style to create a victim narrative that allows them to feel good about bullying is just overdone and boring at this point.
Anyway, I'll always advocate for blocking people and creating spaces that feel good. And I'll continue saying that if you hate something that much, you should stop engaging with it. No one is ever going to change my mind about elucien, I'm confident in my choices and even if SJM doesn't go that direction, I'll still be writing elucien like idgaf. The constant looking each other up to talk shit reeks of insecurity and boredom. Couldn't be me.
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rexscanonwife · 1 month
Ok before I go for the night my partner told me about a valentine's day issue of the ppg comics and
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xamaxenta · 2 years
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You’re just gonna have to trust me when I say this is for the pacific rim au
Reuinion kisses 🤭
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lord-squiggletits · 2 months
Also I'm just gonna say that even if it were true that Rodimus was a """""true Prime"""" and Optimus wasn't, that isn't as much of an L for Optimus as people seemingly want it to be.
Like so you're telling me Optimus was never a chosen hero and the burden of the Matrix/leadership pained him morally, emotionally, and physically, yet he still survived 4 million years of war?
You're telling me he wasn't God's Designated Special Boy but he still tried his best to live up to that impossible ideal to the point of developing serious depression and suicidal ideation as a result of so much goddamn loneliness and self-doubt?
Optimus wasn't a "true Prime" and yet he still believed in ideals of reconciliation and ending the cycle of violence? He wasn't a true Prime but he still stayed on Cybertron trying to fix a broken, broken society while also trying to stop Earth from being invaded for a second time? He didn't even need to do that he could've just stayed in exile which he was originally supposed to do all along, and which he would've personally preferred?? You're telling me that Optimus wasn't Primus' Specialest Boy And Chosen Leader and yet he stepped into leadership anyways bc he perceived that there was injustice to be fixed??
Wow yeah I guess Optimus is just such an inferior leader, clearly his actual actions/moral character as person don't matter and his "worthiness" should be judged solely on whether the Magic Cybertronian 8 Ball liked him or not.
#squiggposting#idw op love#literally the more you deconstruct it the less sense it makes#ppl want rodimus to be Validated By Canon as being better than optimus soooo badly#i get it you cant like rodimus without shitting on optimus#however when you get canon wrong i can and will roast your theories#if optimus went thru everything he went thru but somehow still isnt worthy of the matrix#then what WOULD make him worthy??? like seriously#fighting to protect organic species from colonization didnt make him worthy?#trying to find diplomatic resolutions to a 4 mil year long blood feud isnt worthy enough?#doing all of this at the cost of great personal suffering to himself doesnt make him worthy??#being willing to fight and imprison his own autobots for trying to break the peace wasnt enough?#becoming villified by most of earth/cybertron by forcing them to cooperate wasnt enough???#optimus siding with the ultimate victim of cybertronian oppression and 'defeating him' by acknowledging his pain#isnt enough to make him worthy?? THEN WTF IS ENOUGH TO YOU PPL#nothing bc 'worthy of the matrix' is just code for 'validation of my fave'#and most of the ppl in this fandom dont even know OP did all of those things anywYs#also like MOST PEOPLE arent wielders of the matrix are they unworthy too???#WHAT DO YOU MEAN WORTHINESS?? WHAT ARE THE IMPLICATIONS OF THIS ALLEGED WORTHINESS#ON THE MORAL AND THEMATIC FABRIC OF THIS STORY????#literally idw optimus embodies the same values that rodimus does#it's all about love and forgiveness and building a better future and choosing kindness over violence#And if you dont get that optimus represents those just as much as rodimus did well#you prolly didnt read very closely lol
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randomnameless · 1 year
Since it's the Gilbert hour,
I was today years old when I realised the dolls he made were made in Annette's image :
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The fringe and the buns are sort of similar !
Granted, Annette apparently received those dolls when she was younger, so who came first, the doll or her haircut ?
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teal-skull · 10 months
Okay guys, new Käärijä song coming, place your bets what the song will be about.
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immediatebreakfast · 11 months
Seward: He is odd [proceeds to say "I am having a thought" in the least normal way possible]
Mans is really calling Renfield the odd one while explaining how the process of an idea is finally starting on his head.
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ingravinoveritas · 1 year
Just seen HIGNFY. Why is David so pretty? Just whyyy? Georgia is a VERY lucky woman *Coughs* and Michael is a VERY lucky man *coughs*
David did look quite pretty on HIGNFY, didn't he? Let's get some visuals up here so we can enjoy:
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(That last one is my personal favorite, because when you watch the video, he's doing it so absentmindedly and yet it somehow looks so filthy when he does it...)
But yes, David made an excellent sartorial choice in the striped shirt-and-blazer combo (even if he does look like an escaped gay pirate from OFMD), and the hair is on point as well.
I also love that we're acknowledging that David basically belongs to Michael as much as he does to Georgia. Indeed, they are both quite lucky, perhaps in ways none of us completely know about. I somewhat suspect though that the other panelists on HIGNFY do know, because of the way they roasted David about Michael. Yes, it was obviously riffing on their fake rivalry in Staged, but it truly felt like there was something more underpinning it all.
(Particularly the "He doesn't rely on props" / "Oh, he does." / "You're not a prop" exchange. Because there's so much more there that wasn't said than was--that Michael relies on David, that he needs him, and David needs Michael. I think that was all very deliberate, but maybe that's just me...)
Those are my thoughts on David on HIGNFY, at any rate. So lovely to see Michael crashing yet another one of David's television appearances (I think I might need to add to that post again), and to see how beautiful David looked. Thanks for writing in! x
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