#love this child thats such a peculiar interest for a child
moogleroom · 2 years
Where does the toy show find these kids, how the hell did they get a cavan child obessed with the titanic?
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rivalkieran · 11 months
i would love to read all your lacktwo thoughts :)
anon you have no idea what kind of pandoras box youre opening when you say ALL of them. … but since you ASKED,
lacktwo is such. an interesting character to me. not because he’s particularly well written (infact I believe the opposite) (COUGH who said that) but because he’s surrounded by so many Implications that bw2… does not get into. at all. like all of the reveals and info drops about lacktwo feel like they were only put there in order to get a shocked reaction from the reader and then they like.. expect us to just Move On from that bombshell. I guess.
like its crazy how lacktwos backstory is shown to us by like. lacktwo traumadumping it onto whitwo. and I wouldnt Mind backstories being shown this way IF LACKTWOS BACKSTORY WASNT FUCKING BATSHIT INSANE? like in his retelling lacktwo says that 1. he was orphaned as an infant (implying his parents died) 2. he was protected by interpol In A Crime Scene (which. was probably the one his parents died in why would he be there otherwise) 3. he was taken in by interpol (as an infant) and trained under them (AS AN INFANT?) and continues to work for them to this day 4. interpol’s main method of teaching him how emotions work was a manual. on emotions? A MANUAL? and 5. his entire moral code was molded by someone in interpol. that moral code happening to exactly align with interpol’s mission. peculiar..
and then after he drops 5 consecutive bombs it is Never. brought up again. Not once! WHAT? WHY? you cant just SAY this guy is BASICALLY a child soldier who interpol has honed into a perfect asset for their own purposes and NOT FUCKING TALK ABOUT IT???
oh and dont get me Started on the implications of magician’s direct involvement with interpol. during the beginning of the arc magician is established as a contact that lacktwo has outside of interpol, who works with him in exchange for lacktwo giving him a backdoor into interpols database or whatever. sure! that seems reasonable enough… but then at the very end of the arc. magician is revealed not only to be directly working with interpol but IS A MEMBER OF INTERPOL? atleast thats what the codename heavily implies! now. why does magician need a backdoor from lacktwo IF HE WOULD ALREADY HAVE ACCESS TO IT and WHY IS HE LYING TO LACKTWO (and looker) ABOUT NOT BEING AFFILIATED WITH INTERPOL. FOR WHAT REASON? even the ONE contact lacktwo seems to have that isnt under interpol IS ACTUALLY UNDER INTERPOL. WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? WH
and magicians meeting with the head of interpol does not make them look ANY less suspicious. why would Any morally upstanding organization feel the need to experiment (and they say EXPERIMENT) on one of their assets by Fake Firing them to see if they would continue on with their assigned mission despite no longer being affiliated anymore. For What Reason.
and then guess what! since that revealed at the end of the arc WE DONT GET INTO THAT. and guess what!!! WE HAVE NEVER SEEN THEM AGAIN. well we see lacktwo (as colress) very very briefly in alola but we are just left Completely hanging on that plot thread . what are they planning with him?? GET HIM OUT OF THERE
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watarumio · 2 months
☆: Don't mind me dwelling here for awhile! getting acquainted with someone else always really enjoyable to me, especially when it comes to learning more about them— seeing as you're also a yumestarrie (yume + enstarrie) it's nice seeing you around <3
apologies if you already answered this before, but what would you say were the instances sparked that special connection between you, wataru and natsume? :0
— @twilighthappiness
thats so okay !!! i love meeting new people & yumes especially ones who have the same interests as me !! ♡ and yumestarrie is such a cute name ... SOBS ... ദ്ദി ꒦ິ꒳꒦ິ )✧ i haven't answered this question before actually , so i was excited to write this !! wataru ✧ i had a massive crush on wataru back in 2016 , whenever i first started playing enstars ! i was 11 years old [ SOBS ] so i didn't do a lot of digging into his character , it was just an instance of " ooou , white haired tall man very pretty .. yesyes ... " ! so ever since i got back into enstars early this year , my crush rekindled fortunately ! i didn't know that yumedanshi / yumejoshis , fictosexuals & selfshippers were a concept until early this month , so i figured i could do more in terms of wataru and i's relationship !! i don't count the 8 years that i initially had a crush on wataru for , mainly because i was very young [ and the age gap would definitely be a problem ] and there was no real connection , it was just solely an attraction to his appearance . because of that , i count wataru and i's date to be march 23rd of this year ! ♡ natsume-san ✧ natsume is also a very peculiar case [ i think ? ] the second time i got back into enstars , around 2020 or 2021 , my favorite song was temptation magic & knockin fantasy , to the point that i would listen to them EVERY . DAY . and they were the only songs i played on enstars . i have always been infatuated with natsume's voice , it's the perfect combo of flirtatious and mature , while still having a child-like , prankster-esque tinge to it. just like wataru's case, i didn't do a lot of digging into his character until recently, but my initial attraction for natsume wasn't his appearance, it was his voice ! ♡
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the-banana-0verlord · 2 months
🦋: How long did it take them to get out of the awkward early relationship stage? Have they gotten more confident around each other?
✏️: How canon compliant are you with them? Do you stick pretty close or just have fun cause it’s your ship so no one can tell you what to do other wise?
🐱: Do they have pet names for each other, if so what are they? How does their partner feel about their pet name?
Thanks xen!!
🦋: alright so first of all, while Malleus is able to get flirty and confident, Lilian gets flustered VERY easily. So, it would probably take about à month to get truly comfortable. Then again that's only on the lovey-dovey side. They were friends before their relationship, so they can hang out easily.
✏️:A mix of the two? To begin with Malleus does not have a love interest in the game(allegedly) so thats already a canon non-compliance lmao. I also changed the reason for his overblot. Spoilers, but in-game he overblots because Lilia will die. In my version, Lilia is super fine and will die in like hundred of years, Malleus overblots because of the overlooming prospect that Lilian will go back to her world(spoilers: she doesnt). So yeah actually i do what i want while taking canon as a guide.
🐱: the good ol' child of a man and hornton/tsunotarou. Malleus prefers being called a nickname, because he feels more comfortable as Hornton than as Malleus Draconia tm. Lilian finds her nickname a bit peculiar, but in her eyes Malleus is peculiar himself so she doesnt mind. After they start dating, Malleus often finds himself addressing Lilian in more lovey-dovey terms like "darling", "love", "dear" and occasionally "honey"
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die-freundin · 11 months
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14 NOV 1927 (Nr.22/1927)
Eva Petersen, author of a handful of articles for the magazine (you might call her a regular), writes about her conflicted feelings about her girlfriend's newborn child. she doesnt like thinking about her girlfriend having sex with someone else. interesting to me is that she doesnt just not recognize the child as her own at first (a reasonable take for someone who has not given birth to it) but not as her girlfriend's either, because of how incomprehensible it seems to her. she does come around though, accepting the child as theirs. all is well in the Petersen family in the end. love does in fact win on November 14th, 1927!
this short text feels pretty relevant even today, to me. a lot of lesbians still arent exactly able to conceive a child thats theirs by blood on both sides. some couples adopt. either way theres gonna be a parent who has to step up to the task of being a parent without being causally involved in creating the biological mass of the child! my own real-life boss at my day job is a dyke like that, and from what i can tell she seems to be both doing great as a parent and love her kids.
image IDs under the cut:
(ID deutsch: Dein Kind. Lange schon wusste ich von deinem Sehnen nach einem eigenen Kinde, und doch traf mich die Wirklichkeit so hart, dass ein Fremder dir so nah gewesen; ich konnte es nicht vergessen. Eines Tages aber riefst du mich zu dir und dem Kinde, welches ich nicht als dein Kind erkennen wollte. Aus deinem abgezehrten Gesicht leuchteten die Augen in seltsamer Klarheit. Und diese Augen zwangen mich an des Bettchen des kleinen Wesens, dem du das Leben schenktest. Widerwilling beugte ich mich nieder und sah in ein winziges, verschlafenes Gesichtlein. Langsam nur kam ein wenig Licht in die Dunkelheit meines Sinnens, und schwere Tränen fielen auf das Stückchen Leben vor mir. Tränen, die befreiten und erleichterten. Kein Wort unterbrach das lastende Schweigen zwischen uns. Du sahst meinen inneren Kampf, und um deinen Mund grub sich ein bitterer Zug. Da legte ich leise, scheu beinah, deine lieben müden Hände in die meinen und küsste sie in stiller Abbitte und inbrünstiger Liebe. Und dann nahm ich dein Kind - unser Kind - an mein Herz.)
(ID english: Your child. For a long time I'd known about your yearning for a child of your own, yet the realization that a stranger had been so close to you hit me hard; i could not forget it. But one day you called me to see you and the child, which I would not recognize as yours. Your eyes were alight with peculiar clarity in your harrowed face. And it were those eyes that commanded me towards the cradle of the tiny being you had given life to. Reluctantly I bent down and looked upon a tiny, sleepy little face. Light only pierced the dakrness of my thoughts slowly, little by little, and heavy tears fell upon the small bundle of life in front of me. The freeing tears of relief. No word interrupted the heavy silence between us. You saw my inner struggle, and a bitter expression ran across your lips. So I took your dear, tired hands into mine quietly, in a manner almost demure, and kissed them in wordless atonement and full of passionate love. Then I took your child - our child - and cradled it against my heart*.)
*can also refer to taking it into her heart metaphorically, i.e. loving it. my translations sadly cannot account for every single nuance
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windywhispers · 3 years
do talent materials....also matter to the character? 
probably not but i like imagining they do - 
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kaelicious · 3 years
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ meeting your parents ☽༓・*˚⁺‧
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pairing - chrollo x reader, hisoka x reader, illumi x reader
warning - none!!
request - Hey there Love 🥰✨ welcome to the community! I saw your jealousy hc‘s and you really are an amazing Writer 🥰 Could I request the adult trio meeting your parents hc‘s ? could be a set up meeting or just an accidental one ✨ you can ignore this if you want to, I hope you’ll have an amazing day ✨
a/n - aww ty!! im so happy you thought they were good! it was my post but it’s got the most likes 😂
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chrollo ☽༓・*˚⁺‧
• when you propose the idea of meeting your parents, chrollo has mixed opinions.
• on one hand, he knows he’ll be able to charm them with his fake smile and brilliant personality. on the other, he’s worried they’ll find out that their child is dating one of the most wanted thiefs in the world.
• he wears his best suit, fixes his hair and puts on his most gorgeous smile. if anything, you’d think he was going to the queens castle.
• when your parents first see him, they are shocked. have you really managed to find a good looking man who seems to have a lot of money? they are over the moon!
• you could tell that your mother was easily won over. she loved his sweet words and gorgeous smile. not to mention he made you happy, thats all she wants.
• your dad however, was not as easily pleased. of course he noticed the way you stared at him with such love in your eyes, but it’s hard for him to give up his daughter.
• meanwhile, chrollo is quite nervous. he is aware of your mothers love for him but there is still the thought in his mind that either of you would accidentally slip that he is a murderer and a theif.
• their flurry of questions are quite threatning, especially the ones about his job. he just lied and said he was the boss of a rich business.
• at the end of the night, chrollo felt quite pleased with himself. though, he still wondered if they believed his lies
• but with you to reassure him that they both loved him. that neither of them know about his gruesome occupation.
• overall, chrollo completely won over your parents. despite your fathers cold face, he does truly think he is the perfect match for you. rest assured your parents love him <33
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hisoka ☽༓・*˚⁺‧
• christ-
• him meeting your parents was probably on accident. you two were out somewhere, most likely getting food, and you saw your mom.
• you had little to no time to warn hisoka so when you heard ‘(y/n)!! how are you sweetie?!’ you could practically feel confusion oozing out of hisoka.
• you had a small conversation with your mom before he eyes wandered next to you, staring at the peculiar looking man beside you both. (sorry hisoka)
• surprisingly, hisoka couldn’t utter a word. he had no clue how to speak to you parents.. all he wanted was to get ice cream and now he has to act like the perfect boyfriend to please your mom.
• ‘are you perhaps my sweet (y/n)’s ... boyfriend?’ oh no
• before hisoka could embarrass himself infront of her, you cut in. ‘y - yes! this is hisoka..! my boyfriend..’
• hearing you say that gave hisoka his confidence back. a smirk overcame his face and he reached for your mothers hand, putting on his most charming grin.
• ‘it’s a pleasure to meet you, miss (l/n)’
• it was hard for you to not let out the giggle bubbling in your throat. hisoka? acting like a gentleman? thats laughable! your mom wouldn’t buy this!! surely..
• needless to say, your mom was quite impressed by hisoka’s kind words. that lying shi-
• her and hisoka had a small conversation, hisoka still acting like an angel. you were definitely going to tease him for this when you got home.
• when your mother left, hisoka was rigjt back to normal. his cocky grin and playful touches came right back and he dragged you to the icecream stand
• you could only imagine what would happen when he met your dad...
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illumi ☽༓・*˚⁺‧
• ahh he’d be so awkward please
• meeting your parents was something he feared highly. he has a lot of mixed opinions on families anyway, his being a literal business of assasins.
• you were also worried. his stoic behaviour and little to no worss would not please your parents. they’d probably ask if you met him in a mental hospital
• illumi doesn’t dress up much for this, opting for one of his normal outifts. though, he does try and comb his hair out a bit more
• you could see the look of shock on your parents face when they saw him. a tall, pale man with long black hair was their childs s/o?
• illumi does actually introduce himself, saying that it’s a pleasure to meet the two of them. he doesn’t shake their hands though. he just just ignores their arms coming to his direction. poor, poor boy
• dinner was by far the most interesting event of the evening. you really should’ve told him that today wasn’t a good day for his honest and bluntness.
• so when your parents asked ‘where do you work?’ he answered... with the truth. ‘hmm? oh, i’m a zoldyck assasin.’
• both of your parents spat out their drinks, staring with disbelief at the man in their house. they had been speaking with an assasin all this time?? no no, their child was dating a assasin all this time??
• you sighed at illumi’s honesty and chuckled at your parents shocked faces.
• this would be an extremely interesting night...
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- all content belongs to @kaelicious , do not repost anywhere.
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Final Fantasy 7 prompts # 73
1. Puppet! Cloud drops out from a random vortex after his master was defeated. Where did he land?
On Sephiroths office desk in Shinra tower of course. Sephiroth poked him with his pen a few times before Cloud woke up.
"Master!" The blond exclaimed as he wrapped the larger man in a hug. Of course. Of freaking course, thats when Genesis barged in with a stack of paperwork tucked under his arm, (not even bothering to knock mind you!) "Ugh, Seph, you are not going to believe-" the redclad figure stopped in his tracks.
"...this isn't what is looks like."
Genesis wiggled his eyebrows suggestivly, "Sure it isn't." And he was back out in the hall without another word. The soft click the door gave seemed much too loud in the silence and only seemed to add to Sephiroths humiliation.
Thus began Cloud following around his "Master" wherever he went while Sephiroth and the SOLDIERS/Turks did everything in their power to stop him, only to fail hilariously or get beaten up by the (comparatively) petite blond for thier efforts
2. The Holy Trinity encounter Winged! Cloud from the future or a parallel dimention or something and instead of viewing him as a monster they think he's an actual angel and treat him accordingly.
3. Cloud had just finished burying a dead chocobo (may she rest in peace) he had found when he heard a twig snap from behind him.
He reached for Tsurugis handle only to pause when he saw a bright yellow ball of plumage peek out from behind a tree. The blond let out a small laugh. That was by far the fluffiest chick he had ever seen, hells, it was a perfect circle/
Cloud reached down and picked up the baby, "Hello there, are you lost?"
"Kweh!" The little circle cried out and Cloud was quickly surrounded by three other chicks, all wild and overly fluffy. He absently wondered if this was a new breed while they preceeded to peck at him with little effect. He just scooped them up and drove them to Bills place after a ruddementry search of the nearby area.
That was the end of it.
Until he woke up the next morning with three of the chicks sleeping on top of him. The blond was baffled and got up to search for the fourth, only to find it perched on Denzels head, shifting its balance as to not fall whenever Denzel began nodding off, threatening to fall asleep and plant his face in his breakfast.
If Cloud took a picture-or a dozen-no one would have to know
4. A mysterious ailment has been effecting all the creatures Hojo created using Jenovas cells causing them to run amok. With Cloud missing and AVALANCHE busy dealing with rampaging monsters, Denzel and Marlene sneak off to search for the missing blond, but will they find him in time? Or will Cloud be in the same state as the others?
5. Reno found Cloud at a mall in some nowhere town dressed as a girl. He was originally planning to use this as blackmail material before Cloud came out to him as trans.
Now Reno goes out with him and helps him keep his cover...while disguised of course. Wouldn't want anyone to recognize him and- by extention- Cloud.
Besides, if anyone did recognize them, Cloud had full permission to blame Reno and let him take the fall for it.
6. The SOLDIERS apparently had a "Chocobo protection squad" when Cloud was a trooper. He had no idea why Reeve had insisted he read this annoyingly thick file on it until he realized half way through the first page that it was about him
He was the "precious cutie chocobo that must be protected from the evils of the world"
Cloud wanted to burn it on principle...but was too curious to stop reading. Apparently most of the members were still alive and it seems he owes them a great deal, so maybe he should take Teef and the kids to visit some of them. Maybe bring gift baskets...
7. Cloud cursed as he stepped on the edge of his cloak, sending him tumbling down from the path and deeper into the cavern.
Cloud picked himself up from the ground, grateful his goggles kept any of the dirt and debris from entering his eyes.
He heard something from behind him and whirled around to slash at them with his dagger...except there was no one there.
Oh no. He looked down at the little creatures, wearing cloaks much like his own, only brown instead of the worn black fabric the professor gave them. The blond looked down sadly at the number tattooed on the back of his hand.
Guess I won't be going to the Reunion after all. Shame. Mother had said Zack would be there as a guest and he really wanted to see him again.
One of the little creatures- Tonberry- mother supplied - was clutching the edge of his cloak and attempting to lead him somewhere.
Did...did this creature think himself one of them?!
Aka Numbered! Cloud! gets adopted by Tonberrys
8. Hojo waking up strapped to one of his own tables with Cloud and Sephiroth standing over him, grinning like mad men.
9. Au where Sephiroth escaped as a child and fled into the wild and was eventually taken in by the "dead" professor Gast and his wife Iflana
He was "never found" by the Turks and eventually grew up to be a bad ass vigilante.
Cloud shared a similar fate but kept running instead of being taken in, eventually becoming a vagabond until the fateful day when their paths crossed and the pull of Reunion drew them together
10. Enraged blue eyes locked on to the blond. It may have been nearly a thousand years since Shinra fell, but he would know that man anywhere.
Not just anyone could have destroyed a corporate entity as powerful as Shinra and in the span of a single month no less! But he didn't care much about that, oh no.
He cared about the fact that this lovely creature killed him and his fellow firsts and then had the audacity to just disappear into the sands of time, stripping materia of its power and somehow causing Gaias mako to sink deep beneath the soil, never to be seen by mere mortals again. After it did, monsters began appearing less and less frequently, until they stopped appearing at all.
With Shinra so thoroughly destroyed and no other sustainable power available, information and records deteriorated, leaving Shinras history spotty at best and non existent at worse (probably didn'thelp that records seemed to conveniently disappear). Now Shinra, monsters and magic are all considered fairytales from a bygone era.
He and the others occasionally visit the lake that was once the city of Midgar to light candles in honor of all they had lost. Like hell he was going to let the blond escape again. Genesis opened his phone and made a call, "Seph, I found him."
11. Cloud meeting Female Sephiroth. Shes rather impressed that he's completely unaffected by the boob window. It had been the death of many men before him, that was for certain.
Too bad he wants to kill her, she has a feeling she would have liked having him around. Maybe she'd introduce him to Angel's puppy? She had the peculiar ability to befriend everyone she met
12. Time traveler Sephiroth saves time traveler Cloud from the labs with Genesis and Angeal.
Cloud is wondering why Sephiroth saved him and what he's planning.
Meanwhile, Gen and Geal are freaking out and asking annoyingly sane questions, like "Who is this guy?", "Why do you seem to know him so well?", and my personal favorite "Why is there a man being held captive in the labs?!"
13. Lab Experiment Cloud au where teenager Cloud barrels into Sephiroth in the middle of escaping the tower and asks if Sephiroth is his dad.
Sephiroth stops functioning and he just stands there frozen in a full battle stance while Genesis fights and subsequently captures the teenager, who he then promptly kidnaps.
Sephiroth bursts into the labs and confronts Hojo, asking if he was a father.
Hojo laughs and says "Of course you are! Do you have any idea how many creatures I've spawned with your DNA?"
Cue Sephs mental breakdown and Genesis's rampage on behalf of his friend.
Angeal does his part by babysitting with some office secretaries
Aka: the trinity raising a broody teen
14. Post OG Nebilheim is super duper haunted and Yuffie is NOT okay with that.
Cloud is even less okay and they talk about it while sitting on the roof of Clouds abandoned house...well, the fake one anyway
15. Everyone gets therapy but its from the perspective of a therapist who is %1000 done with Hojo
Bonus: This is actually questions posed by a friend and it helped spawn number 10.
What would Shinra do if Mako where to suddenly disappear? How would that even happen?
Bonus Bonus: What would be the quickest/ most brutal way to take down Shinra and/or SOLDIER? How would the Firsts feel about being completely owned by a stranger who appeared out of nowhere? (This was also my thinking about 10)
Announcement: Due to lack of interest, list #75 will be the final one. Thank you for reading my ideas. It made me super happy!
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siriuslystargazing · 4 years
I new I could count on you
 Request: hiii, I see your request are open and I was hoping for a sirius x reader based in book 5, the time when Molly and Sirius have an argument and reader steps up for Sirius? thank you! 
A/N: Yess oo this is going to be good !! i feels right to be back in the grove again no Uni work to worry about so lets get this ball rolling :) quick disclaimer, my spelling is bad i have dylexcia sorry but hopefully its not that bad... i havent read the books in a few years but hope you like it :))
Summary: after all this time sirius can always count on you to back him.
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Grimmauld palace was far from a palace to Sirius, he saw this place as more a prison than anything, no matter how much Molly cleanend the walls always seemd to hold the memories and dirty secrets that the black family held. The newest secret the walls held were the wearabouts of Harry Potter, Harry was relived to finally leave his tiny room at 4 private drive much be his new room was a somewhat dusty upgrade but he could live with it he was finally with his family again. but the reunion had to wait a while as the Order meeting was getting a little intense in the kitchen “Well Well Well” George Weasly Started “if it isnt Harry” Fred followed “want to know whats happening down stairs then?” the twins quized smirking bettween themselves 
“i have a feeling your going to do whatever it is wether or not i agree” Harry replied, the twins shared a look and nodded Harry smiled and followed the weaslys to the stairs 
“surly we shouldnt be doing this we’re not in there for a reason” hermionie stressed watching the twins lower the ear down listing on to the convosation...
in the Kitchen the table played host to a mix of wizards and witches, Sirius sat inbeteewn Remus and Y/N with Molly oppersit all four of them in a heated debate over harry “ Molly, Harry has a right to know about what is happening, if it wasnt for him we wouldnt know that Voldamort was back! he isnt a child molly ” Sirus started earning a frustrated huff “but he isnt an Adult either, he is not James-” Y/N flinched at the name sirius took note and placed his hand in hers giving a reasuring squeez “-He is not your Son! Molly!-”Y/N began “ Harry is our Godson we have a duty of care for him -” 
“Oh please Y/N ! where have you two been for the past 12 years, one of you was rotting in Azkaban and you were galavanting across Asia” 
“shut up you slimey Git thats my Wife your talking to!” sirius shot from his seat slaming his palms on the table silencing Snape.
“oh Enough of this the lot of you, i say we leave the meeting here and get dinner on” Molly disbanded the meeting opening the kitchen door and calling everyone down for dinner, 
“Harry Potter!” sirius Greeted embracing the teen in a tight hug “i have someone very imortant here for you to meet” pulling away and waving Y/N over to them 
“Hello Bambi” Y/N started, Tears pricked at her eyes as she took in the teen before her, he really was a spitting image of James “im Y/N, Your Godmother, i want to apologise for not being in your life i was told you died that night and well...” Y/N trailed off but was embraced in hug from Harry “its okay Y/N its nice to finally meet you Remus and Sirus told me so much about you !”
“not to cut the reunion short my love but i belive Molly is ready to plate up dinner” 
“oh yes of course!” 
Each sat at the table Whilst molly continued to cut vegetables as Arther informed HArry on his Hearing at the Ministry “this is very peculiar Harry, your hearing at the ministry is to be infront of, well the enitre Wizard front..”
“but i dont understand what has the Ministry got against me ?”
“Show him” Moody Grunted from the Shadows “he will find out soon enough beter to just show him now” more looks were exchanged at the table until Kingsly grabed a copy of the profit showing Harry the headline, sirius sighed “dont worry they have been attacking Dumbledor aswell”
“we belive Fudge is using his influence and power over at the profit to discourage the rumors of Voldemorts return, and he is deluded, fudge thinks Dumbledor is after his job!” Y/N continued 
“but thats insane No one would-” “Thats exactly the point Harry! Fudge isnt in his right mind, its been twisted by fear, and the last time Voldamort gained this much power, he nearly destroyed everything we hold dear to us” Remus cut in looking towards Y/N and Sirius with a small smile “and the minister we will do anything in his power to avoid that truth” 
Sirius and Y/N looked at eachother for a moment Nodding in silent agreement “We think, he wants to build up his army again..14 years ago he had a huge following not just witches and Wizards but other dark creatures and he has started up again, the order have done the same but gathering followers isnt the only thing hes interested in... we belive Voldamort is after somthing” The sound of mollys chopping grinded to a halt “Sirius” Moody warned but Sirius ingnored and continued “Somthing he didnt have Last time-” 
“No! thats Enough, he. is. Jusy. a. BOY!” Molly orderd her Knife claterted to the table as she rushed to Harrys side “you say much more and you might as well induct him into the order” 
“great i’d love to Join” HArry Protested “if Voldamort is raising an army i want to be a ble to fight” Sirius didnt reply but gave molly a look and clapped 
“he has a point” Y/N spoke her voice quite, sirius gave harry a wink “Excuse me!”
“Molly, Harry has a right to know and its Sirius and my duty to inform him of what is happening, you cant shield him away from this its his life, he might not have asked for it but we cant keep him hidden from the inevitable, and last time i checked and i did in asia you can’t change a profacy like this its self fufiling no matter how hard you try it will happen, all we can do is support him and help him.” the table was silent apart from a small wimper form Ron as he noticed his Mothers look 
“But he is just a Boy Y/N, What would James and Lily think? why on earth they made you two his Godparents is beyond me? both of you are reckless, young and have no -”
“HOW DARE YOU QUESTION THEM! THEY TRUSTED US FOR A REASON, MAYBE IF YOU NEW THEM THE WAY WE DID YOU WOULD UNDERSTAND BUT YOU DONT MOLLY! everything i have done was for Harry, for them, they asked me to figure out a way to save Harry  and i did i travled across the world to find a way to save him, so dont you ever question my husband or my friends actions” Y/N argued, everthing she did for the past 14 years was to find a way to save harry, Lily asked her to do it,  Lily trusted Y/N like James trusted Sirius.
Molly was shocked she hadnt known much of the witch before her, only that she was a well known unspeakable, at every meeting she was quite always sat between Sirius and Remus not say much, but tonight she new that Y/N was hot headed and would do anything to protect her frends and family she sighed and went back to the cooking, Remus let out a low laugh “you always were a hot head and you still are, trust me harry dont ever get on her bad side, that isnt the worst she can do” 
“oi, Thats my loving wife!” sirius smirked pulling Y/N kissing her temple “I new i can count on you, at least you didnt set the curtains on fire this time” 
“Dont push it fleabag” Y/N smirked, sending an apologentic smile to Molly across the Table “setting curtains on fire?” 
“It was summer 1976...” 
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green-ball-of-trash · 4 years
Roman in The Closet by Himself!! Part 1
word count: 2202
ship: Prinxiety, Background Logicality, Background Remile, vaguely mention Demus.
WARNINGS: self deprecation, depression, repression, non-censored cursing, the word wh*re is used and it not censored, lgbtq+phobia is mentioned in this chapter but not directed at any of the characters.    
summary: Roman has a rough journey with his sexuality, and his crush on a certain little emo~ 
   Roman had always been enraptured with the concept of love. He could remember watching Disney movies when he was younger, where the prince rescues the princess and they both live happily ever after. 
    Although, he was never really focused on the princess of the story but more so on they heroic prince. He always thought that Prince Phillip was so much more interesting than Arora, but his little child mind couldn’t understand nor explain why that was. 
   Until he was ten years old~
  He had been looking at Disney videos on his ipad, when he discovered a peculiar video with a rainbow flag in the thumbnail. He thought that all the colors on the flag looked pretty, so he decided to click on it. 
   He heard phrases in the video that he had never heard before, such as; gay, trans, homosexaul, bisexual, pansexual, and so many more and he had absolutely no idea what they meant. Even though he had no clue, he watched the entire video. After the video was over, he got out his red notebook with Disney stickers plastered haphazardly all over the front and back cover. 
  He decided to rewatch the video again and write down any words that he didn’t understand, and look them up after he was finished. Logan is gonna be so proud of me, he had said to himself thinking of his quiet nerdy best friend. 
  He spent the entire day learning things like pride, non-bianary, gender fluid, and more. He felt like he had opened his eyes to a completely new world and he was so excited about it. He had no idea there were so many different types of amazing people. He was so… Excited! 
  His parents were busy with work downstairs, and his brother was over at a friends house so he took it upon himself to spend his entire day learning and watching videos on this community of people. It was impossible to learn everything in a day, but he was determined to try. 
  He listened to and read people’s stories on the internet, and he would be lying if he said he didn’t cry. Why were people so mean to them? He had asked himself, why are there so many mean people in the world? They were just being themselves, why couldn’t people just be proud of them? What Roman didn’t know at the time, is that he would have a few stories of his own like that in the future. 
  A few weeks later, he was on the swings with his best friend Logan. Swinging back and forth with the breeze as they talked about anything and everything, non-sense and Disney, jokes and laughter, serious topics and funny stories, until Roman decided to bring up some of the stuff he had learned to his friend. He kicked his legs back and forth carelessly as he spoke, “hey, Lo?” Logan had looked at him, as Logan wasn’t swinging nearly as much as Roman was but more just drifting to and fro with the wind as he talked with his flamboyant best friend, “yeah Ro?”
Roman grinned for a minute before speaking, “have you heard of LGBTQ+?”
Logan had nodded at his question, “yeah, my dads talk about it all the time.” He said in a nonchalant manner. Roman groaned, frustrated “AWWW, I thought I learned about something that you didn’t..” Roman stopped his swinging, skidding his bright red shoes across the ground to stop himself.
 Logan chuckled and pushes up his glasses, “sorry Ro, but I know everything.” 
  Roman stared at Logan throwing his hands about as he spoke, “that's not fair.” he said the last word dragging it out like it was the end of the world. 
  Roman had met Logan’s dads before, yet he never knew what LQBTQ+ meant and he didn’t know that a lot of people thought it was a bad thing. He thought it was awesome that Logan’s dads loved each other, even before he knew that they loved each other if that made any sense. To Roman it made complete sense in his ten year old mind.
  Roman then got an idea, “Hey Logan, there was some things I didn’t understand when I was lookin’ up stuff about it. Do you think you could answer some of my questions?”
Logan looked a little excited to teach Roman, and they spent the rest of the time on the swings not swinging but talking. Talking about something that would be very important to them one day. 
  7 years later~ 
  Roman was seventeen, and he was the most popular kid in his highschool, everyone had taken a liking to his outgoing nature. His best friends Logan, Patton, and Virgil were popular right along with him. There was only one thing that bothered Roman, his sexuality. He was terrified, from the bottom of his heart he was terrified because ne knew that he was not straight in any sense of the term. He was as curved as a rollercoaster and the ride made him feel woozy and nauseous.
     He knew that the vast majority of his school would hate him for being the way he was, so you know what he did? Like the scared little closeted boy he was he ran into the deepest corner of that closet and hid like a little toddler in hide and seek, only he wasn’t a toddler and this wasn’t hide and seek, this was hide for your life. At least that was what it had felt like to him. 
  He knew that his friend would accept him, since Patton had come out to them in freshman year as Pan to him, Logan, and Virgil, it had lead to Logan coming out to them as gay demisexual, and then a year later in there sophmore Virgil coming out to them as gay. They promised to support each other and never ever tell anyone else. It was like their own little pride group, only Roman was an ally… Or so the others had thought.
       Roman knew that they would accept him. Of all people who knew that he could come out to them, and it was okay. But his heart leapt up into his throat and his knees buckled and the mere thought of it. He could just imagine their judgemental glances, thinking he was only saying it because he wanted to feel included, “you’re not really gay.” He would imagine them saying, “are you doing this for attention?” “if you were gay then why have you been telling us about all your straight crushes for years?” He had made up crushes to stay in the closet “you’re so dramatic! Just shut up and we can forget you even tried to pull off this whole charade.” 
   I part of him knew they would never do that, but it was a very small part of him, it was like a tiny ball of light shining in the darkness of self deprecation that he had created within himself. He pretended to be so confident, he was a great actor ‘but that was the only thing he was great at’ He would say to himself like a father scolding a child for doing something wrong, only the child was priding within himself and the father was a cold old man with no joy and wanted his son to live a dry cold life never thinking higher than an inch of himself. 
“Princey? You okay there?...” he hadn’t noticed that he had started to zone out with another one of his spirals into the dark clouded space that was his mind. ‘No’ he said to himself and only himself. Virgil would think he was such an attention seeking whore if he ever told him anything that went on in his head, “I’m fit as a fiddle Hottopic, sorry I zoned out, I was just thinking about Valerie. Her hair looked so pretty today.” He said with a smile that didn’t seem to reach his eyes. Valerie was amazing, she was really fun to hang out with and yes her hair actually did look pretty today but to Roman he felt nothing but platonic love for her. And when he would pretend to have a crush on her, especially to one of his best friends….. He felt as though someone was stabbing a knife into his heart, his weak little heart that throbbed at anything and everything. He was so weak he would tell himself. His heart was a bruised and pin pricked as a baby rabbit that got into a fight with a porcupine, and oh how his heart loved to jump and do summersaults like the little rabbit it was in the presence of the emo sitting next to him.   
  But the thing was it hurt so so much worse when he lied to Virgil. Virgil was so caring, he was kind to all of them, and he loved hanging out with him. Virgil was just so funny, and cute, and smart, and handsome, and- he stopped his thoughts, halting them and pushing them as far back into his mind as they would go. It was getting a lot harder to get rid of them lately. Virgil got a sad sort of look in his eyes but Roman didn’t notice, he was to busy gay panicing. “Thats sweet Roman. You two would be cute together ...” Virgil trailed off, sort of spacing out himself as Roman had just a few moments ago. 
  Roman clapped his hands together and stood up with a plastered smile on his face, startling Virgil almost knocking him off the bench that they had been sitting on. They were at the park, just talking. Roman turned toward Virgil and uttered a quick apology before spilling his idea to his monochromatic friend, “We should go get ice cream!!” Virgil chuckled at Roman’s excitement, and blushed under his porcelain foundation, “sure thing, if you promise to stop yelling” Virgil pulled on his hoodie strings, “people are starting to stare.” he said the last part with breathless sort of panicked whisper only loud enough just for Roman to catch it. 
   They spent the rest of the day just walking around town, laughing and enjoying the company of one another. Roman’s little heart jumped into his throat everytime he heard that beautiful laugh of Virgil’s, it was like looking at the sky and letting the sun hit your face. You can’t open your eyes and look directly at it though, because you might go blind at its unending beauty. Even if Virgil didn’t think so, he was the sun, the moon, the stars, and the clouds all bundled up in one amazing person and oh how he shined. 
     He was always there when you needed him and he was the most hard working person Roman knew, even if Virgil ran into days where he couldn’t even speak because of his anxiety disorder Roman thought he was so strong to have even got out of bed on those days. And he made sure to tell Virgil how strong he was everyday, and if Virgil couldn’t find his voice that day. Roman would speak for him to faceless strangers at school who wanted to speak with Virgil, although Logan and Patton would do that as well, it seemed to have affected Virgil more when Roman did it. It made Virgil feel warm and gooey on the inside, feelings that someone with a hard emo persona like his should never let themselves have but he had them and he loved how they made him feel. But he could never feel that about Roman, because Roman would never feel that way about him and that wasn’t something that he could change and that was just the way the world had to fuck him over.
  The universe had made a little emo gay boy who was obsessed with My Chemical Romance and black eyeshadow, fall in love with his straight best friend. What a painful story trope. Only his best friend wasn’t actually straight, a fact that he was oblivious to, and this wasn’t a cheesy romance story this was their lives. Virgil looked down at hits ice cream, enjoying the treat quietly as he listened to Roman gush and rant about Hamilton or whatever musical he had decided to talk about. 
They had arrived at Virgil’s house and said their goodbyes, with halfwitted insults with no venom in the words. It was their usual routine and they were both content with the way their relationship was. But they were just content, both of them wanted more but they would never admit that to themselves or each other. Roman walked home, with everything swirling around in his head and he laughed with a sort of dark emptiness. What a day.
To be continued~ 
OH MY GOSH THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN TO WRITE!!! Idk how much fun it was to read or how many people will actually read it, but I hope at least a few people enjoy it. this first part was out earlier than I had expected! When I get the next part out then I will link it on this part and tag anyone who wants to know when it comes out. I hope you enjoyed~ my friend that pitched me some ideas: @akane-mukami she is amazing and beautiful please go show her some love!
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kawaii-puncher · 4 years
Character Chart
Character’s full name: Vera Ward/Draoskithe
Reason or meaning of name: Ward because she's an orphan and thats the last name they get, Draoskithe is her family name but she doesnt know that
Character’s nickname: Sparkles
Reason for nickname: She likes sparkles
Birth date: Nov. 9th
Physical appearance
Age: 23
How old does he/she appear: 23 but she probably looks 18
Weight: 156
Height: 5'7"
Body build: Fierce
Shape of face: I don't know enough about human anatomy
Eye color: Light Blue
Glasses or contacts: Nah she can see it all, 20/20
Skin tone: Pasety Sour Cream Child
Distinguishing marks: Birthmarks on her back that look like scars
Predominant features: Beautiful
Hair color: Pink
Type of hair: Soft, Long, and wavey
Hairstyle: That half up hairstyle but mostly down
Voice: uuuuuuhhhhhhhh
Overall attractiveness: 10/10, professional at the smolder
Physical disabilities: Super Clutzy and a Bad Ankle
Usual fashion of dress: Fancy
Favorite outfit: A turtle neck, cute skirt, leggings and cute shoes
Jewelry or accessories: Always wears a pair of black cross earrings
Good personality traits: Super kind and wnats to help everyone
Bad personality traits: Stubborn af
Mood character is most often in: Idk how to explain the mood, basically when youre in the whiney "whhhhhhhy" mood
Sense of humor: Cheesey Jokes
Character’s greatest joy in life: Dazzling the Room
Character’s greatest fear: Silence and complete darkness
Its creepy and unsettling
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?
Death Probably
Character is most at ease when: Spa Days or playing video games
Most ill at ease when: Someone is belittling her or treating her like she's an idiot
Enraged when: She thinks she did something great and is really proud and someone is like "well its not that great"
Depressed or sad when: Toy Story 3
Priorities: School/Education are at the top
Life philosophy: "Fuck it"
If granted one wish, it would be: To see a real life unicorn
Have you seen unicorns???
Character’s soft spot: She almost cried when looking at some kittens once
Is this soft spot obvious to others? No because shes allergic to a lot of animals (not all) so she stays away from them
Greatest strength: Thumb War and great at Lying
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Parent Issues cause orphan
Biggest regret: Letting someone get close enough to her to break her heart and hurt her that badly, only she's allowed to put herself through that much pain
Minor regret: Saying yes to paying extra for rum in her milkshake on her 21st birthday
Biggest accomplishment: Not punching someone she really wanted to punch and just walking away. Also getting on the deans list
Minor accomplishment: Submitted art to a competition and heard some little old ladies talk about how much they loved her piece
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: Didn't know Reindeer were real until Highschool. Always thought they were made up like Santa. Also didn't know that you weren't supposed to eat mango skin the first time she had a mango, got weird looks
Why? Not street smart
Character’s darkest secret: She wishes she could just act out and destroy and break a bunch of stuff but she always feels like she needs to be on her best behavior
Does anyone else know?
No, its a secret
Drives and motivations: To be successful in life
Immediate goals: Good grades in school
Long term goals: Have a private lake and drink wine all day, relaxed
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Work Hard
How other characters will be affected: she doesnt hang out all the time and puts school above everything
Hometown: Seattle
Type of childhood: Grew up in a catholic orphanage
Pets: None
First memory: Crying because she tripped and a nun gave her candy and told her to keep it a secret between them
Most important childhood memory: Being told that she was still in the orphange not because no families wanted her but because the lord knew she was already with the family that would love her the most (it was nuns that told her that)
Why: Made her feel wanted
Childhood hero: She-ra
Dream job: To be a Journalist
Education: Highschool Grad, working on a bachelor's in college
Religion: Catholic but super chill about it
Finances: Not even enough for a chicken nugget
Current location: Devildom
Currently living with: The Brothers
Pets: Does Mammon count?
Religion: Still catholic but now with a lot of Jesus puns
Occupation: Student
Finances: Still not enough for a chicken nugget
Mother: Unknown to her but the name is Alice Draoskithe
Relationship with her: none
Father: Unknown to her but his name is Quincy Jameson
Relationship with him: None
Siblings: Half Brother on fathers side named Quincy Jr.
Relationship with them: None/ Jealousy later on
Spouse: None
Relationship with him/her: it would probably be good
Children: She accidentally killed a bamboo plants she cant be trusted with kids
Other important family members: Not family family but she grew up with 4 other orphans that were her best friends and Sister Helen was her favorite nun
Color: Baby Blue and Gold
Least favorite color: Orange
Music: Legit all kinds but mostly a fan or Alternative Rock
Food: Mini Cupcakes are her favorite
Literature: Tess of the d'Urbervilles is her favorite novel, she wears a red bow from time to time because of it
Form of entertainment: Video Games or Drawing
Expressions: Happy? Honestly dont know about this one
Mode of transportation: Walking
Most prized possession: Her cross earrings
Hobbies: Drawing, reading, games, or gardening but shes really bad at it
Plays a musical instrument? No but she can play twinkle twinkle little star on an organ
Plays a sport? Please no
How he/she would spend a rainy day: Watching the rain and day dreaming
Spending habits: Clothes and Hair brushes
Smokes: nerds in games
Drinks: Wine. A Lot.
Other drugs: Edibles are cool
What does he/she do too much of?
What does he/she do too little of?
Extremely skilled at: Organization
Extremely unskilled at: Gardening
Nervous tics: Nervously curls hair around finger or hums
Usual body posture: Confident
Mannerisms: Very Polite
Peculiarities: Always moving her hands and can't sit still, bites her lip a lot
Optimist or pessimist? Optimist
Introvert or extrovert? Introvert
Daredevil or cautious? Cautious when sober
Logical or emotional? She acts like she's more logical but 100% more emotional
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Neat freak
Prefers working or relaxing? Working
Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Confident af
Animal lover? Yes
How he/she feels about himself/herself: Doesn't belong wherever she goes but she can act like she does, but deep down she knows she doesn't
One word the character would use to describe self: Hopeful
One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: I'm invited because I'm fun to be around but thats just an act and it's not really me... or is it? I don't know anymore
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? Second Chances are always accepted
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? She allows second chances to everyone
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? Really pretty hair
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? Dry skin
How does the character think others perceive him/her: they exist
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: their personality to fit what they think is right
Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: Theyre pretty cool
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? When sober
Person character most hates: Elliot (an ex) and Henry ( the little shit that stole her cookies all the time in the orphange and lied about it but she knows it was him)
Best friend(s): Asmo and Mammon
Love interest(s): Lucifer and Solomon
Person character goes to for advice: Literally anyone, all opinions help her because she has no idea
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Herself
Person character feels shy or awkward around: Lucifer
Person character openly admires: Lucifer
Person character secretly admires: Solomon
Most important person in character’s life before story starts: No one
After story starts:
Got this from here
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foxofsunholt · 5 years
Hey Smod any games you recommend that are good? Besides Dragon Age and Mass Effect
I’ve had this sitting in my ask forever because I play too many videmo gamez lek rEAL GAYMER1!!!111 I think I answered a question like this a while back because I do remember talking about Harvest Moon lmfao BUT also idk what you like to play but I love 2 talk video games
The early Bioware games are of similar style too: Baldur’s Gate, Knights of the Old Republic, Jade Empire ..but they are also...very old
The Witcher is good, but I don’t need to tell you that lol. Vampire Masquerade Bloodlines I played a lot of when I was younger and since the super amazing sequel is coming out it might be fun to revisit? Fallout (New Vegas is the best one but I honestly didn’t think 4 was that bad either? ). Pillars of Eternity. Divinity Original Sin (1 & 2).Tyranny. Any 1 of the Elder Scrolls games I feel like I should just mention that. Dragon’s Dogma. I was going to list more but idk what you’re into. Diablo? Torchlight? Monster Hunter? Borderlands? Do you only like action-RPGs? I need deets
And now this is just a list of games I like that have nothing to do with DA or ME but it got very long so it’s under the cut
I’m going to try and avoid the more popular answers (although some of these games are still very popular lol) just because like...I’m sure we’ve all played 1 pokemans and no it’s fun
also don’t @ any of my comparisons it’s just how I think of the games okAY I GET IT
I’m a ho for a lot of the assassin creed games (Black Flag is my favorite but Odyssey is the one I’ve played the most of)
Monster Hunter World is literally what I’m playing as I type this. very therapeutic weirdly 
Into The Breach (if you’ve ever played Advance Wars iit’s like that also...I recommend Advance Wars)
Pocket Card Jockey (it’s a 3DS game i’ve spent HOURS on it’s so good I can’t even tell you)
Most of the games published by Chucklefish are also very good: Stardew Valley, Starbound, War Groove (which i JUST bought...have not played it yet but I’m excited)
The Witness is a puzzle game but it is very calming and I love it thanks
I have ALWAYS been a huge fan of the Persona games (and the SMT games but mainly the Persona ones.) if you like JRPGs then!!!!!
Mirror’s Edge gave me motion sickness the first time (I also think I just had food poisoning then) but I played all of it and i love anyway/ it’s a first person action platforming game? hold on. first-person action-adventure platform video game -- thats what wikipedia says
Celeste is a masocore game (like Cuphead and Super Meat Boy) but more enjoyable and just...very good idk I don’t want these descriptions to get too long
Return of the Obra Dinn I beat in one night which is not me saying it’s short or anything it was just THAT good (although I think it is on the short side but IT WAS VERY GOOD ANYWAY) it reminded me of monkey island which i also super love
Minit : haven’t got around to playing this so really it shouldn’t be on this list but DON’T LOOK AT ME - a peculiar little adventure played sixty seconds at a time.
Florence pl...ease.. it’s on mobile you can get it out on the app store if you wanna know more!
My Child Lebensborn also an app store game so please read more about it if it interests you
Gris (an indie game with good art)
Prey (+ Mooncrash) an atmospheric FPS akin to Dead Space
Resident Evil (the 2 remake is just so good, 4 is a game I play probably once a year) horror game
Tales of Symphonia, Abyss, Vesperia + Berseria (more JRPGS but of the action variety and not turn based)
The Saints Row games are really good idk how there are people who still think GTA is better like wow imagine (+ Sleeping Dogs is also better than GTA I’LL SAY IT)
I have a vendetta against GTA because i wasn’t allowed to play it .it wasnt for my age :( 
Road Not Taken a cute indie game?
Massive Chalice make people have babies
The Sexy Brutale , not sexy in the way I wanted. a very interesting adventure puzzle game
Puzzle Agent ....a puzzle game
Dead Rising fun zombie action game hehe make the man wear children’s clothes 
Cook, Serve, Delicious (I like the first one more) it’s a fun cooking game ???
Grim Fandango, Broken Age, Longest Journey - point & click style adventure games that are great 
Beyond Good & Evil ..listen I talked to someone who hadn’t even heard of the game and that made me sad because it’s really fun and as a kiddo i super loved it
Battle Chef Brigade . cook, fight, sleep
I also really love the Splinter Cell games and my brother and I have a great inside joke that I hope at least one other person gets but “who turn off de lights”
also them new Hitman games be fun yo? wack
I never beat Banner Saga but I think about that art every day
I’m going to stop myself here because this is getting silly but if you ever want any specific game recommendations please let me use my time wasted on games for something please
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scullyy · 5 years
Title: C+L
Pairing: Clementine x Louis
Word Count: 1455
Summary: Clementine tries to explain to AJ what love is and ends up explaining her feelings for Louis.
A/N: I kept thinking to myself ‘what if this happened during the party’ and I couldn’t get it out of my head. I also needed to write some happy to forget about everything I witnessed in Episode 3. I hope you enjoy this simple fluff :)
There was something about the music, the way it filled every crevice and crack, that excited AJ. It was his first every party, it seemed like a new realm. The walls no longer appeared to be caked in grime and dried blood but a rather lovely shade of purple that his eyes hadn’t been introduced to. “Jazz” as Clem had called it, made AJ want to twirl around in circles till he fell from the dizziness.
“Why is it called jazz?” He asked Louis, the man seemed to know the most about music.
Louis was tapping his feet along to the tune, he would have preferred classical but Clem was bobbing her head along in time with his feet, so it was worth it. “I believe it’s slang that translates to ‘spirit’ or ‘vigor’ from the 1860s’.”
“It sounds cool, I like it.” AJ smiled as he began to bop his head along with Clem. Team Fun had now somehow become mediocre dance trio. “Hey Clem, can we dance?” He twirled the tip of his toe into the floor, nerves bouncing through him.
Clementine beamed. “Of course goofball.” She gently took AJ by his little hand and swung him into the centre of the room. “Do you want to lead?”
AJ blinked slowly. “Lead?”
“Here, stand on my feet,” AJ did as he was told, his toes poking Clem’s ankles. “I’ll lead us this time. One day I’ll teach you how to dance properly.” She began to sway slowly back and forth, stepping around in tiny circles.
AJ giggled as the room swirled, the other kids becoming a blur. “Why do people dance Clem?’
“Some people find it fun, others do it to show their love for another person.” Her eyes fluttered over to Louis, who was leaning against the side of his piano, his smile bursting with pure light as he watched Clementine.
“Love? There other kinds of love?”
Clementine nodded. “There are many reasons to love someone AJ. For their looks, personality, sometimes their status-”
“-what’s that?”
“It’s like how popular you are. Sometimes people only love others for how well known they are, which isn’t fair.”
AJ soaked in the knowledge. “So there are wrong reasons to love someone?”
She lifted up his body and spun him around in the air. “Yeah, there are. Promise me that if you ever fall in love it’ll be for the right reasons.”
The idea of being in love never crossed AJ’s mind. He loved Clem, wasn’t that enough? “But how will I know?”
Clementine gazed into his large eyes, they twinkled like the lights around them. “Because you’ll want to do everything you can for that person. You’ll want to see them happy, even in a world like this.”
AJ smirked, happy in the fact that his love for Clem was right. Seeing her happy, after everything they had been through together, was enough for AJ to be happy also.
Her toes began to pinch beneath his weight, he was heavier than she originally thought. “Hey AJ, can we stop for a bit?”
“Okay,” He huffed, hopping back onto the solid ground. AJ caught Louis smiling at Clementine, he appeared to be caught in some kind of dream. AJ shifted his focus onto the grand piano, maybe Louis could play a song for everyone? His eyes travelled along the keys until he noticed a peculiar shape. “Clem, what’s that on the piano?”
She turned to where his finger was pointing, her blood going cold as her eyes focused on the carving. Her special carving from a special night. “Oh, it’s...uh…”
“What’s C+L?”
Clementine frantically waved her hand at Louis, snapping him out of his fantasy world. She directed her head towards the piano, trying to articulate what she was trying to point out. He understood alright, biting his lip softly.
“C+L?” Now it was Ruby’s turn to be curious, she set down the mystery crate and crept up alongside Clementine. “What does that mean?”
Louis tried to stifle his laughter. “Do you want to tell them or shall I grace them with the news?”
Goddamn him and his nonchalant nature.
By now all the other kids had gathered around the piano. “Tell us what?” AJ asked, his eyes darting back and forth between Clem and Louis, his patience was wearing thin.
Clementine wanted to sink into her hat and hide. This was not how she wanted to tell the others, especially AJ. “Louis and I...you could say that we’re a thing now.” She flinched when Ruby squealed in her ear.
“When did this happen?!”
“That’s crazy!”
“This is amazing.”
She looked across at Louis, who was nodding along to what their friends had to say. It was crazy and utterly amazing. “I’d say it’s more than ‘a thing’. It happened the night the raiders came, this charmer admitted her burning feelings for me.” Louis placed a hand over his heart and squeezed his shirt lightly.
“I wouldn’t go that far,” She rebuffed his lies. “You’re the one who named a song after me.”
The hopeless romantic in Ruby was absolutely bounding around inside her heart. “Y’all are adorable!”
“I can’t believe Louis got a girlfriend!” Willy shouted. He and Mitch would joke for hours on how Louis would be the last of the group to find a girl, let alone one who would be remotely interested in him.
Clementine raised an eyebrow at her small friend. “Girlfriend?”
“You bet your ass, Willy.” Louis hollered, the death stare from Clem was worth it.
AJ tried to figure it out. He loved Clem, so did Louis love her in the same way? Did he love her for her personality? Was she considered pretty to him? “Do you love Clem?”
Louis almost choked on nothing, coughing up his buried embarrassment. “I know that I like her, a lot. Who knows what the future holds little dude.”
Clementine held her own hand and gave it a tight squeeze as the room filled with a choir of “Oooooh”.
AJ was still confused. Maybe this was a type of love that Clem hadn’t explained yet. “So you two like each other, like Violet and Minnie did?”
A hush fell over the room as the kids eyed down Clementine and Louis. “Yeah AJ. Violet and Minnie were dating, just like Clem and I are.”
“Well, I’ll be damned,” Ruby pat Clem on the back. “Somehow you two managed to find romance in the middle of all this. That’s darn impressive.”
Clementine felt a wave of peace come over her, no one was turning it into as big of a deal as she thought. “You guys are taking this better than I thought.”
“Well, we had a feeling,” Tenn mumbled. “You guys act the same way Minnie and Violet did when they were first dating.”
“God, we’re not that obvious,” The unconvinced glances didn’t cure the sinking feeling in her stomach. “Right?” Clementine never expected to have her feelings exposed like this, by a child nonetheless.
Louis ran a hand through his hair. “If you didn’t want to be obvious, why did you carve our initials in a heart on my piano?” Now it was his turn to tease his sweet Clem. She was so cute when in a flustered state.
There was so explanation, her words spluttered out of her mouth. Clementine couldn’t lie to herself, Louis and his devilish charms were part of the reason as to why she likes him, why she wants the world to know that they belong together. There was also his kind heart, unique sense of humour...out of this world good looks...wait what point was she trying to make again?
“Alright let’s leave these two alone now,” Ruby turned back to the box set upon the ground and sat beside it. “I found them. Okay Clementine, these here are our official Ericson’s psych evaluations and probationary reports.”
Clementine stood over her, eyeing the box. “Okay.”
“I don’t get it.” Said AJ with a cross look on his face. What was the big deal about a box full of papers?
“Well, these explain why all of us got sent to this school in the first place.” Despite the information that some of the records held, Ruby was keen to go down memory lane.
Louis nabbed himself a spot on the floor. “And how we got stuck here for as long as we did.”
“So, what’s the game?” Clementine humoured Ruby and sat beside Louis.
“I figured if we’re all going on this crazy mission together, you might as well know who we really are. Especially now that Louis is your boyfriend.” Ruby winked at the lovebirds.
Louis gazed at Clem, appreciating how the purple light fell upon her face. “Boyfriend and girlfriend, I like the sound of that.”
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Analysis Parasite. (not a critic, a break down, spoilers possible)  All unemployed basement family takes peculiar interest in the wealthy and glamorous family for their richness until they get entangled in an unexpected incident.
Tagline: unfair familyhood - one rich, one poor and one in the middle  Beginning: A-Story (the family in the basement)  It starts in a basement flat. Small windows to the streets, to life, the rest of the flat is in the underground, under the street. Than, the camera went down into the basement flat, to the people, a family. They life there, in the offside of life. (to the “dark” no one is looking at, to those people in the offside)  It starts with the problem, that the family (a daughter, a son and mother and father) have no more access to the neighbors wifi anymore. Normally, they always hacked the password. But now? They are trying the opposite way and son and daughter are running with their smartphones in their hands up through the basement corridor along. The mother pushes the sleeping father with the foot, he should do something. They have no phone, and now no connection through the internet anymore. (my interpretation: the last connection to “normal life” is gone, the last chance to their mini job) = she cares about the family and reminds him too.
Father “Wifi is always at the highest point, my son” 
On the wall, photos of the mother, where she is doing ballpoke. And she won medals (Foreshadow: she is strong and sporty). Son and daughter find wifi access again in the toilet, near the toilet bowl. They sit close together, watching their screens. Mother is asking, if what’s app is working, because she is waiting for Pizza Companys answer. 
The whole family is folding pizza boxes. A kind of mini job. The father is watching a video, how you can do that by the quickest route, but he did it not proper. (The quickest route is not always the best way to do things. )They whole family gets payed less money, because of his sloppiness. But the mother and son are trying to get a job from the Pizza woman, who picks up the pizza boxes. They have really good persuasive powers, they really what a job, because no one of the family has one. We see their trying and struggle for existence, but in a kind of survival artist. 
At night, the family is sitting around there small table, vermin lives with them in the basement. The father is having a little speech, kind of praying, with cans of bear. They look out of the small windows to the street, a drunken man staggers to the trash cans outside her window and they know, what’s coming, because it was happing before. He will piss against their windows, his pants are already at half-mast. They are angry about it, but no one moves to do something. They sit in their basement and watch. 
At that time, a young man with a scooter stops and jelled at the drunken man. The young man drives the drunken man away, it is a friend from the son. And the family is happy about that, but they're also ashamed that he's visiting them in their dilapidated apartment. The father is asking the son, why he didn’t say anything, that he is expecting his visit. It is recognizable on his clothes, that the friend is a rich boy. The son didn’t know, that his friend is coming to visit his family. The friend is a student, and the son can not study, because of money (and status?). It is clear, that the son want to study. The friend hands over a big stone as a present to the father, with greeting from his grand father. The stone has a kind of effect (if you believe in that kind of “miracles” ) on everyone who has the stone: the owner of the stone gets success (or something like that). So the father is holding this (ugly) stone hopefully and thankful. (my command: Sometimes rich people collect such silly stuff, e.g. crystal animals, for some reason. A metaphor for abundance?) So, the friend brought something really useless in their (family) situation. 
The rich boy and the son are sitting outside in front of a restaurant or bar. The rich boy is talking small talk “Your parents are looking good”  Son “They are looking unemployed” And then, the rich boy offers the son a job. 
(inciting incident? The rich boy and his job offer is the bridge to “the other world”. the protagonists wish - having a job and earning money, is getting closer.) 
He should be a englisch teacher for a rich girl, because he studies abroad for a while. The poor son is wondering (why me? not say yes all right way). Why he is asking him and not others student colleges? The rich boy is sure that the poor son is good enough for the english lessons (the son did a english test 4 times maybe for other students to get through) But then comes the real reason: The rich friend likes the (rich) young girl very much, he is teaching english. He wants to ask her, when she starts to study, to be his wife. But he's afraid of the students of the union, he don’t like them. His is in fear of competition, so he is asking a “poor” boy (rich boys strategy) hopefully to poor and to unacceptable to the girl's rich family. So, the poor friend isn’t a threat to his status with that girl. That’s the rich friends strategy: the poor is good in english, but his status to low to be a “problem” for him. The rich boy is talking about the mother of the girl. She is rich, nice and naive. It should be easy to trick her. The poor son would ask his sister to fake the paper stuff. 
The sister is faking with photoshop the students graduation in a internet coffee, while smoking. The brother is standing next to her, wondering about her “talent” working and faking with Photoshop. Back to the basement flat, the father is proud of the daughters work. And the father said “This is our chance” And the son said  “I will be a student, and I will have this graduation, I've just already printed it out in advance.” (his wish, being educated as a student with a degree) 
A-Storyline (basement family) meets B-Storyline (rich family in the big house) The son is walking into a street with green plants as outside decoration (a different another environment = contrast to the street of the basement flat).  He  is ringing a bell and is talking into a camera at a big house, the door opens automatically and he walks through a beautiful garden, he can’t believe it. A wonderful, modern house. A woman, the housekeeper, is waiting for him at the front door. The house belonged to a famous architect, the housekeeper had already worked for him. She admired his taste, his sense of art and music. The house is very stylish and modern. With the housekeeper and the boy, we explore the modern house and plastic arrows, because the little boy of the rich family is playing Indiana all over the house and shoots plastic arrows through everyone. He (fake student) boy can't get out of the amazement at all. 
He looks at the family pictures on the wall and the drawings. The housekeeper has to awake the mother, she sleeps on the table in the garden. The housekeeper takes the small to the first floor, because he throughs arrows against the fake student. While the fake student ist talking to the mother of the daughter, his new student. The mother presents him the pictures of the family. The little son of the rich family is very gifted, but egocentric, an artist, she said. A little bit like the mother, with her three little dogs running around the house (all white:A Poodle, a Spitz and a Terrier) The mother checks the paperwork (with the Spitz on her bosom) of the boy and made sure, that she always wants to have the best people, with best educations (she never look at the humans, only the performance counts) 
The mother wants to be part of the first lessons with her daughter, to make sure, the new teacher is the right one. And the boy knows her from the description of his friend and finds the right words to her daughter. He checks the pulse of the daughter and gives her advice to finish a test being under pressure. Not go back and hold on a question you can’t answer go on and fight through the units to the end. Now, he has the mother eating out of his hand, and the daughter looks kind of falling in love. Mission successfully. He has the job! When he left, the mother is talking about her artistic little son and that he had already many teachers, but no one fits quite well, the boy is faking an idea. He knows a very good teacher, a young artist girl he would like to introduce to the mother and his son. (the audience can imagine, whats next. his sister will play the artist teacher, another member of the family with a job!) 
A short intercut to the A-Storyline into the basement flat to the poor family. Differences of living and sort of problems, contrasts of the two worlds.  B-Storyline (with 2 A-Storyline characters) - two fake teachers teaching english and art at the rich family house The fake student and the fake artist teacher (son and daughter of the poor family) are ringing the bell form the rich family. And she is in. However she did it, the little crazy boy follows her better than anyone. He even bowed to her at the end of the first day. Also she wrapped the mother around her finger very quickly. The student teaches english to the girl of the house, the girl tells to the teacher, that she never can eat peaches, because the housekeeper has an allergy. The mother is very inquisitive about the art lesson, but the girl teacher was very clear - no parents at her lessons. Thats not good for the artistic development. And so the mother sends the housekeeper to bring fruits and lemonade to leash into the lesson. And we see how well behaved the little boy can be, it looks like - the daughter form the basement is a kind of wonder woman for this “artist” child. She also asks the mother, what happened to the boy, when he was one year old - and reverse - pregnant with meaning - to a “black” element on the right edge of his paintings. The mother starts crying, because her little sons saws a ghost at his 1 birthday and it was horrible. He can’t stay at home at this day anymore. The mother was very convinced about the therapeutic skills of the young woman.  The fake student teaches english to the daughter, but she is jealous, the new girl (art teacher) irritated her. She artistic girl looks so beautiful! How he knows her? Do he like her more than she does? He makes fun out of it, and they seal it with a kiss, that he is in love with her, not with the art teacher (who is his sister). The rich father sits at the backseat of an black mercedes, a driver drives him back to the beautiful house. He arrives and his wife welcomes him enthusiastically and tells him from the new art teacher. The father tells the driver to drive her home, she resits (no one should know where she comes from), but the father forced her to go by his car and she can’t resit anymore, it would have seemed strange. The wife and the father recognizes the beauty of the young girl, art teacher. C-Storyline: Driver and the young girl (fake artist teacher, hiding she is from basement) So, the driver drives her in the black mercedes, flirty, but she wants to step out at a train station, because her boyfriend is waiting there for her (she lies again, to get out of his pick on). But she didn’t step out of the car, without leaving her slip underwear under the passenger seat, maybe to force the driver into problems. 
A short cut to A-Storyline (basement family): The basement family is eating together in a fast food restaurant. with buffet. The father says “Eat as much as you can” and his son answers “Because we pay? Me and my sister?” and they sit down and talking about what a great chance the have. And the sister told them what she did and maybe there is a chance to get the father in as driver!” (another job ! The wishes of the protagonists come true. Bird by bird. They had to lie to get a chance, but doing a good job so far. )  B-Story - the rich family The father is sitting in his mercedes again, the young driver is driving. The father sees the slip under the passenger sit and puts it interested in his pocket. At home, he is shows the slip to his wife (she puts plastic gloves on and puts it in a bag). The father thinks about the chauffeur, which occurs him. He did it (with a women) just on his back seat, even on his side, where he always sits. “Normally you lose a hair clip or an earring somehow, but losing your panties there? What kind of girl must that have been?” His fantasy starts and he doesn't seem to be uninterested. The wife is listening also interested. But the action from the chauffeur is inexcusable. They have to find a solution to get rid of him. Of course they won't address the issue directly, but they don't want to him anymore as a chauffeur.  Next time, the fake art teacher was in the house, the rich wife asks the girl about the chauffeur. And the girl tells the same story, that he was flirty, but she has an appointment with her boyfriend, so she didn’t let him know her address. The wife is reassured of the girl, but clear about the chauffeur. And she talks to the girl, that she may need a new chauffeur. Tata!! The fake artist teacher (girl form the basement) knows someone, a very nice man. The story shows enough, that the audience is guessing who this nice man is, the father from the basement. The author turns the audience into accomplices of the basement family. The audience knows their tactic and plans, how they're pushing resistances (the driver) out of the way to get jobs.
Short cut to the A-Story, while the son and the father are sitting in a mercedes and the son is explaining the father the modern board computer of a mercedes. They were interrupted, and they choose the another mercedes, because they are inside a car selling house, with a lot of new and modern car. And so the son makes the father fit for his new job - being the new driver for the rich father.  (I think at the same time, they are talking about the housekeeper) The last position, which is not “changed” and the mother is still “free” to do the job. But how to get rid of the housekeeper? The boy has the important information, she has allergy on peaches, so that’s her week point, they have to trigger (a plan). When the daughter went by a kiosk, she took two peaches with her. Carefully she scrapes off the peach skin and fills it fibers into a mini box, smaller than a lip stick. 
B-Storyline (with character from the A-Storyline basement family: father, son, daughter)  The company of the rich father were he is surrounded form a lot of employees. The new chauffeur comes into the office, wearing a suit! (before he always wears just a underwear shirt). He is making a sign, and his new boss give him a sign back, just sit and wait. The father is testing playing stuff for gaming, that’s his job and company. When the boss father is sitting in the back of his mercedes, he holds a full coffee cup, just to test, how the new driver is driving curves, if he is good enough for him. And the father of the basement did well as a driver, the coffee doesn’t slop over.  The housekeeper is working in the garden, while the basement daughter (fake artist teacher ) puts her the peach skin into the neck of the housekeeper woman. And she at once becomes a allergy reaction: She must be coughing incredibly hard and can't breathe.
C-Story: Housekeeper woman (and A-Story character: the basement father) The housekeeper woman is at the hospital, the basement father has followed her and he makes a selfie from himself, but takes care, that the housekeeper is also on the picture. B-Story: rich wife and basement father from A-Story (in the car, i think)  He shows the photo to his boss, the rich wife. He says that the housekeeper was ill in the hospital. And he was listening to her phone call, actually she jelled around, that she has tuberculosis! He manipulates the rich wife with a total wrong story, it was the peaches fruit which makes her cough. But the rich woman was thrown into insecurity, the first step of the fathers plan to kick the housekeeper out of the job for his own wife was made. The basement father was in the car with the rich wife, telling her that housekeeper sorry.
B-Story at the big house: rich wife, basement father, basement daughter (A-Storyline) and housekeeper (C-Storyline) When the rich wife arrive at the house and the basement father carries her stuff behind her, the basement daughter puts peaches stuff in the neck of the housekeeper again. And the housekeeper coughs again and runs into the kitchen, throwing away a tissue. The rich wife looks alarmed! The chauffeur looks like - what I told you. And goes to the trash, pushes (hidden to the rich wife) red sauce on the white tissue and than pulls the tissue with the “wrong” blood out of the trash - he looks to the rich wife like “ I am so sorry, but I was right.” It is about hygiene, he says worried to the rich women. That’s a kind of trigger word for the rich wife. She says, the housekeeper must go, she will not tell her anything, she will find a way to get rid of her. It’s because of the children’s safety and health. Cut to  - C-Storyline housekeeper: The street in front of the rich house and the housekeeper is walking along with suitcases and bags, her faces shows unbelievability and her eyes looks mortified. (it looks like - the rich wife executed as soon as possible and it makes no difference, how long the housekeeper had done a good job - fire and hire) 
B-Storyline (with A-Storyline character - the basement father) is driving as a chauffeur the rich man. The rich man is talking about his wife, that she is overwhelmed with the household alone. She is not suitable for cleaning and she cannot cook. The chauffeur asks “even so you love her ?” The rich man thinks a second. “Even so I love her. But we need a new housekeeper”. For sure, the chauffeur, the basement father knows someone. And so, the rich family becomes a new housekeeper - the mother of the basement family. With new hair cut and clean clothes, she looks like a new woman. 
A-Storyline (i think they were all eating in a restaurant again) The basement family is celebrating  - all have jobs. The father spends a quick moment to the young man, the chauffeur before him - if he might be have a new job? Of course, he will. He is young and looks nice, he will find a new job, the father reassures himself, otherwise he would have a guilty conscience about having taken his place. The son asks about his next plan. The father answers “If you have a plan life never works out that way” And the son and mother are talking about the rich family and that the son like the rich girl. He wants to ask her to be his wife, when she starts studying (the same words, his friend told him, who got him a temporary job as a teacher.) 
B-Storyline (with A-Storyline character - the basement mother): the rich family plans a trip off side. Camping, because the young rich boy wants to play indiana. He whats to sleep in a tent. The young boy is with the scouts and the pawnbroker teacher likes Indians so the boy likes Indians and from the teacher the boy has this spleen - the rich mother thinks out loud to her new housekeeper. The housekeeper should prepare everything for the camping trip. The housekeeper went downstairs, into the big house and rich basement (it looks more like a delicatessen shop than a basement) to put the stuff together. The rich wife also talks to the art teacher of the son, that they leave always at the sons birthday, because of the ghost he saw at his first birthday. The basement daughter went well along with the little rich boy, he is making pictures, while sitting next to her in a tent.  The rich family left the house, all in the car, the father as the driver. The housekeeper brings the last stuff.  B-A-Storyline: in the rich house, all A-Storyline character are there The basement family occupied the house of the rich. The son is laying in the bed of the rich girl. The family is laying in the garden, the mother is throwing a ball on a chain as in her early days as a sports women and she lets go, the iron ball flies, a window breaks somewhere in the neighborhood. The family applauds her. The sit in the living room, drinking and eating, because it starts to rain. And it is a heavy rain. The living room looks messi already, glasses, bottles, chips and stuff is laying around. The boy is reading the diary form the rich girl. The sister is asking, why. He likes her much. The father prays some of his toasts, as the door bell rings. The whole family is frightened and wonders who this can be, in the middle of the night, because it is already dark. The mother checks to outdoor camera at the bell. It is the old housekeeper woman, she stands in heavy rain, her face looks injured. The housekeeper woman said, she has forgotten something she what she desperately needs, she needs only a short moment. The mother is friendly and insecure what she's supposed to do. She feels sorry for the former housekeeper woman out there in the rain, which her family kicked the woman out of the housekeeper job by unfair means. 
0 notes
I think I'd be nice to hear how you got into the fandom!
Really?? Okay thenWARNING: IT GETS EDGY AND LONG CUZ I GOT INTO IT!!!!!Let's see... little Mun. The outcast of her class. Victim of bullying. Over- emotional. About 4 years ago is when I stumbled upon rather peculiar web stories known as "Creepypasta". Little Mun was found most of her days on the internet and YouTube, listening to music or watching gamers play. It was rather comforting, made her forget about school and the kids. Then, while exploring Quotev, she saw something. "Which Creepypasta are you?" Little Mun had heard about Creepypasta from her classmates, so she decided to check it out. Little Mum was interested in these murderers and why did people love them so much. So she continued digging into it. Little Mun had learned about the three basic characters, Jeff the Killer who she didn't like at all, Slenderman who rather creeped her out, and Ben Drowned who she grew fond of. The next days Little Mun found herself reading Fanfics and dare I say which i swear I don't anymore... x readers. She didn't read a lot of them though, in the beginning it made her uncomfortable. Over time she learned more characters and their backstories. Masky and Hoodie (i watched Marble Hornets and im still recovering from the heartache) Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack and Jill, Lost Silver, Bloody Painter and the Puppeteer. But one character caught her eye. While looking through Mrcreepypasta's YouTube page she found something. "Ticci Toby" by Kastoway. Little Mun thought this "Ticci Toby" wouldn't be good. She was dead wrong. She was able to relate to Toby on an emotional level and soon she had fallen in love with him. Here is when the x readers come in folks. She spent hours of her 11 year old life reading x readers that she regrets reading now. But she had related to Toby so much she couldn't just simply move on from him. Toby was her comfort character. During school hours her life just got worse. Till one day she cracked. She kept going because Creepypasta comforted her, mostly Toby. But she finally realized they weren't real. So she kicked the bucket.  But the way she tried wasn't enough so she woke up. Little Mun was going to try again but she knew she still had more to do in life and she would always have Creepypasta. So she kept living and dove deeper into the fandom and matured. About a year ago Mun wanted to give the fandom something in return for helping her push through rough times but she didn't know what. But then later on she remembered her one huge goal as a smol child. Make a creepypasta blog and make people happy. So, thats what she set out to do.And that ladies and gentlemen is how Mun joined the Creepypasta fandom.
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terezisexbuttpyrope · 7 years
the ladies
“So what exactly do we know about these....Ladies?” Shiro asked as they approached Il’rea, arms crossed over his chest as he looked it over.
“They’re very powerful, and one of them is rather reckless.” Allura said as she pulled up the files on them from Unipeace’s database. “They are priestesses, they rule the planet alongside a king...but they’re the um...” she frowned, not sure if she was understanding the next part correctly. 
“What is it?” Shiro asked, turning. 
“It says they are reincarnations of deities of some sort. But that’s absurd, this must be some kind of local folklore or something...”
“Honestly, with everything I’ve seen these past few years...I wouldn’t be surprised if it was true.” 
“But literal goddesses, thats a ridiculous notion.” 
“Allura, literal gods control the internet.” he replied, smirking good-naturedly. “I don’t think these priestesses being actual goddesses is all that ridiculous.”
“I suppose you have a point there.” she chuckled. 
The entire team watched the green planet Il’rea grow in size as they made their approach. A few minutes later they were hailed-by a Galra. 
“May I ask who is entering Il’rean space?” he asked formally.
Shiro and Allura shared a wary glance before she replied. “I am Princess Allura of....the late planet Altea. I believe we are expected?” 
“Ah yes, of course. I’m sending coordinates for where you should land. The High Generals are eager to meet you.” he said as he tapped away at something off-screen. “I am Ulrich. I will greet you when you land.” he bowed before signing off.
“The High Generals are waiting for you in the conference room. If you will follow me...” Ulrich said after Allura, the Paladins, and I’ntayn had departed from the castle. The shell-like temple he escorted them through was gorgeous and mesmerising. Shiro tried to imagine how Sarah would react, smiling wistfully as he pictured her getting so adorably excited. A pang of the now all-too-familiar loneliness struck him. 
Three months. It had been three months since Haggar had taken his wife. Three months of meditating with I’ntayn, sleepless nights, and barely holding himself together for the team. Three months.
Whether Allura could tell he was about to break down or she was just snapping him out of his thoughts he didn’t know, but she squeezed his shoulder as they approached the conference room. 
When they entered two women aliens were whispering to each other at the other end of a long table. When the Voltron crew entered they looked up and suddenly Shiro felt an overwhelming, confusing, mixed wave of emotion flood his senses. Conflicting feelings were conducting a haphazard waltz that washed over him and sent a chill down his spine. 
“My apologies.” Ulrich said. Shiro looked around and found his crew to be in a similar state of distress. “The High Generals’ pheromones can have...peculiar effects on people who first encounter them. It will pass momentarily.” 
Sure enough after a moment the strange concoction of emotions faded. The woman with silver hair smiled warmly. “Welcome, please, sit.” She gestured to the table, prepared for a feast. “So may I ask what brings you to Il’rea?” 
“The uh....Valencian Prime Minister sent word, I believe...? He was surprised we had not met yet, considering we are both resisting the Galra Empire.” Allura answered, taking a seat near them. Shiro sat across from her as I’ntayn sat next to him and the other Paladins hesitantly sat next to the adults. 
“Oh, yes, of course. You had just freed his system from the Galra, correct?” 
“Yes, with the aid of Unipeace and the Blade of Mamora.” the Altean Princess said with a nod. “Combining our forces has really expedited the process of freeing planets and systems from Zarkon’s grasp.” 
“You’d think you’d  lost the battle judging by grief and sadness radiating off you.” the red-haired woman commented shrewdly. 
“Um-what?” Allura asked, confused and looking between the two generals. 
“We’re ah....slightly psychic, I suppose you could call it.” the silver-haired general answered. “There’s a great deal of masked grief coming from your team, it’s odd.” 
Shiro felt the Paladins’ eyes flicker to him, only slightly, but the red-haired general noticed. She frowned in concern and he could feel himself on the verge of losing composure. He made to excuse himself, so he could calm himself down, but I’ntayn rested her hand on his shoulder, signaling him to stay. He didn’t understand why, but obeyed.
“I’m afraid we have suffered a grievous loss.” she said, addressing the generals. Shiro felt his eyes begin to fill with tears.  “Shiro’s wife-a White witch, you may have heard of her-was abducted and taken into a dark realm by Zarkon’s witch three months ago.” 
There went his composure. “I-I’m sorry,” he cried, resting his head in his hands as his shoulder’s shook. “I shouldn’t-we’re just meeting you and might want to combine forces-I just-” I’ntayn stood and awkwardly hugged his shoulders, gently shushing him in comforting whispers. 
The generals shared a wide-eyed look before the red-haired one stood up slowly to walk behind Shiro, making him jump as she placed a cold hand on his other shoulder, bringing him into a rather awkward three-person hug as she sat on the arm of his chair. “I am...sorry for bringing up such sad thoughts. I’ve been told I’m rather tactless and don’t think before I speak.”
The silver haired woman snorted and her sister shot her a glare before placing a hand on Shiro’s head, like one would to comfort a child. “But...if you’ll forgive my transgression? Good! I promise, I’ll try to ignore your feelings. Just don’t throw them out there into the wind, because then they’re fair game.” A wink and a pause before she seemingly remembered why Voltron was there in the first place, “Ah! I do believe we’ve forgotten to introduce ourselves! I am Selena, High Priestess of Fear and HIgh General of the Il’rean Alliance.” She smiled and Shiro could see how pointy her teeth were.
“And I am Arcadia, High Priestess of Harmony, High General, and so on,” her smile was much warmer, less pointy, “But please, call me Arkh. We are friends and do not need to hide behind titles.” She reached over to pat Shiro’s shoulder and give it a warm squeeze as her sister resumed her seat beside her.
“Ah...it’s a pleasure to meet you both. I am Princess Allura of Altea, and these are the five Paladins of Voltron. I’ntayn is...ah...” Allura trailed off, not exactly sure what to call her. 
“I am...Shiro’s mentor, of sorts. I helped create the Lions, my kind were highly skilled in geomagic and geotechnology. They were....obliterated by Zarkon....” she trailed off to a murmur. 
“Oh my sincerest sympathies,” Arkh said, her eyes saddened. “The Galra are most treacherous.” 
“We were...curious...” Allura began tentatively. “You’ve been fighting the Galra and keeping them at bay for many years. We’re curious how you’ve accomplished this, and if you would be interested in joining forces with us and the rest.” 
“The Blade of Marmora...what is that?” Selena asked, her piercing eyes watching Allura carefully. 
“It is a group of Galra resistance fighters. They give us precious intel on the inner workings of the Galra military, and have spies inside the empire.” 
“Interesting...” Selena murmured. 
“We’ve heard of Unipeace,” Arkh began. “But I was under the impression their sole focus was cleaning up the universe-wide child slave trade?” 
“They accomplished that.” Shiro said, his voice steady again. “From my understanding, they had grown so much in size they now had the resources to take on the Galra Empire. They’re headquartered on Stiea K2 now.”
“Interesting...” Arkh murmured, sharing a glance with her sister. 
“Of course we wouldn’t expect an answer from you immediately.” Allura said. “We understand this isn’t a matter to take lightly. I’m sure you would want to take many things into consideration and perhaps reconvene later to further discuss and perhaps reach a conclusive answer.” 
“Of course.” Arkh said, smiling as she nodded. “We can set you up in rooms here, if you’d like?”
“Oh, we wouldn’t want to intrude.” Allura assured her. “Our castle ship is more than adequate. In fact, I’d love to give you both a tour if you want.” she finished brightly. 
“Oh, that’d be lovely!”
Sarah felt darkness encompass her as she was pulled into god-knows-where by Haggar. It was an endless void and all she could feel was fear. Her head was spinning and she gasped for breath. 
Suddenly she was thrown against something cold and jagged. Opening her eyes she saw Haggar leering over her, a strange cage door between them. “Where are we?” she asked, her voice shaking slightly. Everything was black and jagged, almost like the halls she had run through just moments ago. But there was something sinister slithering down the walls, like evil, burnt tree roots. 
“It matters not where we are. You will succumb to the darkness soon enough. Nothing can resist It.” 
We’ll see about that. Sarah thought, her brows furrowing in defiance. “What’s ‘It’?” 
“You will know soon enough.” Haggar said, a cruel smiling growing on her lips. 
The witch left her, and she was alone in the otherworldly cell. It felt like the cold fear was seeping into her and she panicked slightly. She created a small white orb, the only thing she could think to do, and to her surprise the chilling fear dissipated. She felt warmth and hope emanate from the orb, and she knew what she had to do. 
Haggar checked on her at irregular intervals. Luckily, Sarah could hear her when she approached and hid the orb inside herself somehow. The Dark Witch didn’t seem to notice anything, but became increasingly suspicious as time went on and Sarah was obviously not succumbing to whatever “It” was. 
“What tricks are you playing?” she hissed. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Sarah said defiantly. 
“You should have succumbed to fear and darkness long ago. It is getting impatient and angry.”
“Well I guess It is just going to have to deal, huh?” 
“It is more powerful than you assume,” Haggar snarled. “It will consume you eventually, just as it did.....” the witch trailed off, staring at Sarah for a moment before stalking off. 
“What was that...?” the small human girl wondered. 
She didn’t know how much time had passed, but she found it was getting harder and harder to maintain her white orb. She knew she had to find a way out, and soon, lest she actually succumb to...whatever It was. 
She focused on her hope and faith that everything will turn out alright, making the orb bigger and bigger until it encompassed her. She stared in wonder as she absorbed it, her skin glowing white. The dark roots dissolved into ash at her touch and she smiled. Standing up, she lightly touched the cage door, jumping over it as it became dust. 
She ran through the twisting, almost Escher-like halls, covering her ears as several things roared in anguish and frustration. Sarah didn’t know how to escape, but she knew she had to keep running. She didn’t know what was in front of her, but she knew what was behind her, and decided the odds were more favourable ahead of her. 
As she kept running, flashes of other places startled her, almost making her trip. Sarah wasn’t sure what this meant, but the other places....they were actual places, she saw cities and farms and mountains. She didn’t know what it meant or what she was doing but she picked up speed, and the flashes lasted longer, a full second, and then two, and then five. 
Sarah heard Haggar and something huge and monstrous roar in anger, a guttural roar that sent a chill down her spine, making her run faster. There were a few split second flashes of cities and towns she recognised! 
Suddenly she was thrown forward, stumbling and falling onto cold, damp....it felt like concrete! She opened her eyes and looked around. She was in an alley somewhere, she couldn’t tell where, she just knew she was in a city somewhere. 
She reached inside her hiding place and pulled out her phone, calling Shiro. 
“Sarah…?” he asked hesitantly. 
“Shiro!” she cried. 
///co-authored by @savetheblackpaladin
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