#love multiples of five
humming-fly · 1 year
sorry, you're right that having the same birthday as random people is, like, a coincidence that happens sometimes. but i still get really surprised, idk. Like this one guy i met in college and we're not really friends but we're Birthday Buddies for life. I still text him on our birthday (and that's ti).
so yeah to start off the collective -- you, me, and Alex-who-hates-puns
Haha yeah for sure! I was always amused that my cousin has his birthday the day before mine, and my college friend had her birthday the day after mine, so I get the excitement finding a birthday buddy. Nowadays a webcomic author I like a lot also has her birthday a day before mine which is fun to be reminded of every year haha
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starwarjotta · 4 months
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Cody surrounded by family and the people he loves, because that is what he deserves
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yuutaguro · 5 months
if it wasnt apparent i believe that nanami should (and does) have four boyfriends 😙
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hanzajesthanza · 1 day
actually wait. a full cauldron with water is really heavy. dandelion was right to ask her if she needed help. because milva did carry that full cauldron from the river back to the sand on her own. and making this more interesting is that when they have to take it off the fire later, both cahir and regis lift it off together. so milva is as strong as cahir and regis combined? a result of the draw weight of her bow? enough to knock out a man with her fists? i need to see her arms. for science
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derpiedoxie · 2 years
He is rocking that dress
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So I read the most recent chapter of Twin Animatronics by @twinanimatronics, and when this scene came up, well
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1. I just couldn’t resist drawing him in said dress, and
2. I tried to deny it at first, but… well, yeah, Sun and Moon are straight up twinks, there’s no evidence against it
Also to anyone who hasn’t read the fic but wants to, here’s the link!
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non-plutonian-druid · 10 months
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[ID: Lila and Five from the umbrella academy as centaurs. Five's horse half is a black foal, and Lila's horse half is a buckskin (tan body with dark legs). They are both rearing, and grinning as they attempt to kill each other. Lila, being half an actual adult horse, has a significant height and mass advantage. End ID]
her!! she gets to be extra good at trying to kill five in this au, and five has to be extra careful not to be completely crushed. thats not going to stop him from fighting her tho.
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queer-deoxys-jizz · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel: Lucifer is relatable! He has depression!
Me: Ha! That won't work on me, I too have depression but also DADDY ISSUES!!!!
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fromtheseventhhell · 1 year
I’ll never forget how insecure Stansa’s got when the Key Five was revealed, complained about it and then to cope they created the ‘Core Six’ and actually ties into their continuous stream of passing of fanon as canon and at the same time being the usual delusional bunch they’ve always been
What's really funny is that they still confidently claim that the Key Five doesn't mean anything, solely because she isn't a part of it. The Core Six is a completely fanon invention but people talk about it like it's fact. They want her to be more important than she is so badly that they're straight up ignoring the author. And yes, until otherwise stated by George, the Key Five are still a thing. Tbh I'm not sure if there was ever a time that they engaged with the source material though? A lot of them came from the show (*cough*fanfiction) so that's where a majority of their takes are coming from. That's why we get people saying things like "Sansa charmed George off the page" or "Sansa took Arya's place as George's favorite Stark sister". They just desperately want the show to match up with the books. What's annoying is that her not being a part of the Key Five doesn't mean she isn't important, but people take it as hate towards her. It's sad that the only version of her they like is her fanon one.
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poebrey · 1 year
once again thinking about how Sarek calls Michael his ward until she’s in her thirties versus Spock calling Michael his sister even when they’re deeply estranged
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crowrelli · 2 months
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suashii · 2 months
i am considering making a sideblog for like reading or a mini book club
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lilunebriumplays · 10 months
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*holds her up like simba* i just think she's neat
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janamensch · 9 months
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They may hate each other but they’re also best friends!! This one shot is so important to me
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simplepotatofarmer · 1 year
honestly one of my favorite characters ever kills a bunch of cops and blows up the station with random people inside in the very first episode and i still will root for him to either kill even more people or become a better person, whichever he wants.
like, c!dream is the world's smallest potatoes compared to half the characters i've been like 'but what if they could be better' about
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larsnicklas · 23 days
i do think that there is something about so inherently exhilarating about a big shot block late in a game protecting a one goal lead. like there is nothing that makes me feel the way i feel when a guy just absolutely sells out and flings himself in front of a piece of vulcanized rubber hurtling towards the net. it’s the sacrifice of it all. nothing gets the boys going more either!!!! anyway. boes i fucking love you
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aza-trash-can · 6 months
I can appreciate seeing Neuv with beautiful, silky smooth hair, but you know what would be great? Neuv with thick, wavy hair.
I want to see Neuv with hair that is an absolute bitch to tame and that despises humidity even though Neuv loves it. It despises him and refuses to cooperate any time he wants to brush it or do anything more than a low ponytail (this includes a high ponytail, it doesn't want to sit right). I want to see him wake up in the morning with the absolute disaster that comes from sleeping with long, wavy hair and have to fight it into some semblance of presentability before doing his job.
But I also want to see it cascade down his back like a frothy waterfall, fluid and elegant once he can finally get it to cooperate. It may be a bitch to deal with, but once everything is just right, it's the softest thing in the world, and it's just mesmerising to look at.
And then it gets caught on something, and Neuv just sighs in defeat.
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