#love kaz but like
the -i’ll have you without armour kaz brekker or i won’t have you at all- scene in six of crows is so necessary for ya fantasy because too many times do female protagonists have to put up with less than the bare minimum and genuinely shitty behaviour from love interests due to their feelings. thank god inej was written in such a way where she know she deserves better and her own goals and story come before him.
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dwyntwo · 5 months
Reading Six of Crows for the second time (first time was 5 years ago) and hOW did I never notice that Kaz wasn't actually a moody broody barrel boss?? He's literally so easily entertained!
Like this part (translated from the German version):
Kaz: "When we get our money, you can burn your Kruge to keep warm"
Jesper: "I'm going to pay someone to burn my Kruge for me"
Kaz *catches up to him*: "Why don't you pay someone to pay someone to burn your Kruge for you? That's how the big bosses do it!"
Jesper: "You know what the big bosses do? They pay someone to pay someone..."
Their voices got quieter as they walked ahead and the others followed them
I can only imagine that Kaz, the so called never smiling, no-fun, hardened barrel-boss kept going "Oh, but the REAL big bosses pay someone to pay someone to PAY someone to pay someone to burn their kruge for them!"
And Jesper replies "I don't disagree, but the ACTUAL big bosses pay someone to pay someone to pay someone to pay someone to pay someone to burn their kruge for them!" until Matthias eventually yells at both of them to shut the fck up
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hauntingyourself · 11 months
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In which, at some point between his brother’s death and the first book, kaz actually had somehow become a demon or something not-quite-human
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skepticalcatfrog · 5 months
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Crows Silhouette Portraits, Part 1/3: Kanej
Helnik Wesper
Does this style suit them or what?
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ejga-ostja · 4 months
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six of bunny hare rabbits
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insignificant457 · 29 days
There is a nebulous jordie lives au which lives entirely in my head in which jordie recovers from the plague while Kaz is still sick. He gets up to find them food and water only to return and discover Kaz is nowhere to be found. Still recovering from the fever, he searches the barrel for days before he finally sees Kaz wandering down the staves in a sort of fugue state, soaked to the bone with a haunted look in his eyes.
Kaz won’t tell him what happened, but jordie knows it’s bad because his baby brother flinches every time he touches him, and soon enough he’s started wearing gloves, even in the height of summer.
Soon, they discover kazs gift for cards, and it keeps them fed and clothed, if not much else. Kaz is angry at jordie for losing the money, refuses to let him make any decisions. Jordie is beholden to his angry traumatized little brother because he can’t deny that he failed them the first time around.
Kaz is offered a place in his pick of the gangs, but the only one willing to take both him and his tag along older brother is the dregs. Jordie dies a little bit inside when they join up, when they take the tattoo side by side, but he’s not sure they’ll survive another winter on the streets.
And the plot of SoC generally goes on from there. Jordie tags along on the ice court, he and Jesper test kazs patience at every turn, he’s constantly offering unsolicited annoying older brother advice about Inej.
This lends itself to a really interesting exploration of Kaz and jordies relationship, what holds brothers together in the face of incredible trauma, the skewed power dynamic of Kaz becoming the breadwinner for them both at the age of nine, etc etc. But mostly, this au is a vessel for the sailing of the ultimate crack ship, which is of course, jordie/alys Van Eck.
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capinejghafa · 1 year
I know this is a little dumb but I just love reading fics that have Kaz bypassing all of the Van Eck’s mansion security measures post-canon. For whatever reason it makes me smile. Like Kaz use the front door, Wylan and Jesper might let you in, and he never does. Good for him.
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ruins-and-rewritez · 6 months
"I'd crawl for you" is absolutely heart-wrenching when you think about the fact crawling is associated with being weak, pathetic, and even coward and all Kaz has ever want in this life was to be seen as strong, unbreakable, and untouchable but none of that seems to ever matter to him anymore if comes to a choice between his reputation and Inej
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eventidesworld · 14 days
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All I'm gonna say is that Show Kaz Brekker, played by the phenomenal Freddy Carter, will always be the most iconic thing I've ever seen.
I also miss him 🥲
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geekdom2005 · 18 days
"Would Kaz have gone off on that kind of a mad dog tear if it had been Jesper with a knife stuck in his side"
-Jesper 'Kaz once called him Jordie' Fahey
I would like to think so Jes
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dorcasmeadoweswife · 1 month
when you’re a happy and lovely kid that lost both parents but it’s ok because you still have your older sibling that means the world to you, just to lose them too and instead of going to therapy you change names and become one of the most feared criminals of your city, considered cruel and insane by others (while having some of the worst flashbacks ever
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 9 months
It genuinely keeps me up at night that when Van Eck attempts to reveal to the Merchant Council that Wylan can’t read, they all react exactly as Wylan feared they would. (Spoilers ahead!) Of course since they don’t believe him and Wylan’s brilliant memory for Jesper’s words protects him we don’t see the full force of their response, but it is made PAINFULLY clear that they all would have responded the same way Van Eck did - “How could you say such things about your own blood?”. It’s an incredibly meaningful and arguably subtle detail that Bardugo implements to remind the reader that although Van Eck was our main antagonist in this case, there is no singular villain in this story because what the characters are fighting is an ultimately unbeatable source. The system is impossible to truly defeat because it is a hydra, we see that when Dryden’s father died he took on the role of the Council and acted the exact same way he did, and if Van Eck had raised Wylan to one day take over from him then he too would have been forcibly moulded into that shape by the poisonous environment of this governing body. The defeat of Van Eck, had Kaz not amended his will to name Wylan his inheritor, would have been only that: the downfall of a singular man, to be easily replaced by another with the same dangerously capitalistic values and crude methods of implementing them. It would not have been any change in the system that oppresses the main characters - I think it’s kind of similar to the Hunger Games (spoilers ahead) when Katniss chooses to kill Coin instead of Snow because she realises that killing Snow doesn’t actually change the system if someone else will simply step into his shoes. We also see this reflected in Kaz and his mission to destroy Rollins, since by doing so he too has taken the actions Rollins did. When Inej points out their similarities he denies it, saying “I don’t sell girls, I don’t con helpless kids out of their money”. Inej replies with the gentle, HEARTBREAKING sentence: “Look at the floor of the Crow Club, Kaz”. And this is so important because Kaz has no consideration for what happens to those people once they step outside his door. How do they fair after he scams them? How many of them have had no other money to fall back on? Did one of them sell their daughter to be able to pay off their debts to him? He’d never know, he just had the money and that’s all he thinks about. But if that girl survived long enough to want revenge, who would she blame? Say she didn’t want to blame her parents, like Kaz doesn’t want to blame Jordie, then who becomes the manifestation of all her hatred, the one thing she has decided that destroying will cure her? Kaz does. Just as Rollins has for him.
Every system of this city is a hydra, and there are so many beautifully written reminders of this without forcing it down our throats, but there is also the hope of genuine, real change. In Wylan, joining the Merchant Council as someone opposed to its views, as someone who has lived in both sides of this city and been abused by both of them, as someone who understands that real change is hard to implement. In Inej, as she journeys against the system that abused her not for revenge, but for the protection of all the children who have been hurt and killed, of all the children being hurt and killed, and of all the children who would have been hurt and killed if she didn’t stop the slavers who sought them, as someone who knows that real change is action. In Jesper, as someone raised far from the suffocating closed-minded atmosphere of the Merchant Council and who can support Wylan through it, as someone who knows that striving for real change is messy and chaotic, but that it’s where he thrives. In Matthias, who died believing that the world could truly change, who died believing in Nina, believing in himself, and believing that his death was a necessary sacrifice to real change, even though he wanted it to be peaceful. In Nina, as someone who had learned that real change cannot always be won with violence, as someone who will learn to use her new power to restructure a civilisation, as someone who will spend the rest of her life striving for change because nothing could ever be worse than her beloved having died in vain. And in Kaz, in the small ways, in the fear of what he could become that will hold him back from becoming the next head of the hydra, in his love for Inej shifting his perception of the world, and in his slow journey of healing, maybe one day killing Rollins will be enough. And if that doesn’t work, he’ll burn the world down and start it all again.
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honeyxmonkey · 9 months
Wylan ends up getting a Dregs tattoo. It's very high up on his forearm so he doesn't have to worry about the other members of the Council seeing it if his sleeve rode up a bit. Only the Crows know he got it
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bitchthefuck1 · 11 months
I feel like people sometimes have a tendency to paint Inej as a little too wide-eyed and borderline naive and I feel like that's such a misread and disservice to her character, because her faith and hope for a better future isn't some misguided assumption that everything will be okay or that the world isn't so bad. She knows exactly how bad things can be and exactly what kind of evil people are capable of, and she's saying "fuck you, you can take my autonomy and my childhood and maybe I'll never see my family or home again, but I will literally die before I let make me think that the shit I've been through is all there is. The beauty and love I experienced was real and valuable and nothing you do or say will make me let go of that or believe it's not possible for me to have again," and it is genuinely the most incredible and real thing in those books.
Inej has fought tooth and nail for every ounce of goodness she has and she'll keep wringing it out of the world because those things are real and possible no matter what, and there's nothing naive about it.
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art-donaldson · 1 year
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Kaz tossed the ledger back in the safe. “You’re not weak because you can’t read. You’re weak because you’re afraid of people seeing your weakness. You’re letting shame decide who you are... We can endure all kinds of pain. It’s shame that eats men whole.”
happy birthday to my twin soul @wylansvanhendriks <3
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kaleopaladin · 8 months
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Metal gear mbti guys
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