#love how these turned out bc the looping makes it look like yoongi is walking back into the other frame to keep kissing taehyung MOOD!
cordiallyfuturedwight · 5 months
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meet me at midnight @kimtaegis ♡
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peachdaydream · 7 years
BTS Single Dads
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*Gif is not mine
This one……..got away from me a lil’. ^^;
Single Dad!AU - Part One - Part Two - Part Three -
has a little girl who is most definitely Daddy’s Little Princess™
wears tiaras and tutus at her tea parties and OWNS IT
lets her help him w/ the simple things when he cooks
like washing the vegetables or taste testing
there won’t b a day where jin hasn’t made her the best lunch
is the dad all the moms look like w/ heart eyes
he cries the first day of day care
bc wow…….his baby has grown so much
she is 3 seokjin chill
doesnt know what to do w/o his bundle of joy
b u z z e d  when it’s time to pick up his princess
spots his daughter skipping out but damn near has a heart attack
calm yourself seokjin he is a child
“Who’s that pretty girl you’re holding hands with, sweetie?”
your voice chimes from behind him, going over to the two toddlers and affectionately rubbing your son’s head
jin freezes and watches you like…..hey………you’re kinda cute………
snaps out of it when his daughter sees him and squeals
your eyes settle on jin and youre like wow he’s so handsome no wonder his kid’s beautiful??????
you shyly introduce yourself to him and he does the same
then his daughter’s askin him if she can go play with her new friend at the park
now jin’s lookin at two sets of puppy eyes and your pretty smile
next thing he knows these little play dates become regular whenever his schedule is free
n you and him begin to spend time together after dropping your kids off
have lil dates of your own when he doesn’t have shoots n you don’t have work
don’t realize how close you’ve become/how you feel about each other until one day your son calls him ‘dad’ n later on in the day his daughter calls you ‘mommy’
neither of you bother correcting them????
so you just melt into this family unit wordlessly and it all just slips into place, you take care of his daughter whenever his idol life takes up his time
all you know is that if anything were to happen to that man or his daughter, you’d b right there by his side
you know that he feels the same
his son is literal min yoongi 2.0 
same habits, same eyes, same love for sleep 
even down to his gummy smile
made it easy for yoongi to raise his kid and still pursue his passion for music
whenever he wanted to produce music his son would just take a nap in his arms
yoongi’s lil koala bear, v v clingy even when he’s older
often takes nap w/ his kid lmao
couldn’t b more proud when he says he wants to learn how to play the piano at age 6 after seeing yoongi play it one day
yoongi hires the best private piano teacher for kids i.e. you
first time you see yoongi n his son you’re kinda like  
um???? you sure this kid’s not your clone??????
you begin your lessons easy enough
sometimes, when yoongi had the time, he’d sit n watch
you got real nervous at first but got used it n slowly learnt about them both bit by bit
got v v comfortable with the duo, to the point you’d joke around with them n exchanged personal numbers with yoongi
one day when the lesson was done and yoongi was due to pick his son up from your place, he suddenly called
told you he’d b a while before he could come by, something abt a work emergency and he sounded v distressed
you quickly told him it was fine and that you’d look after his kid no problemo
got off the phone worried, his son looks at you n just says innocently
“my dad thinks you’re cute”
throws you into a loop, a whirlwind of emotions
yoongi’s son just pads away to get a juice box from your fridge
his job is done
yoongi finally comes by n you open up the door with his sleeping son in your arms
before he can say thanks you relay the information his son gave you
look of goddamnit flashes across his face
“i….um……..think you’re cute too…..”
someone help min yoongi he’s fallen and he can’t get up
“…wanna go for dinner?”
is that one dad who carries his new born baby on his front with a one of those cute cuddlebug baby carriers
will fight anything that makes his new born baby daughter cry
which isn’t much bc she takes after her father
generally just a happy baby
always smiling like that baby in the sun on teletubbies
only gets really upset if she’s away from her father for too long
makes it difficult for him to work bc he can’t be on set for long before she starts wailing
tried babysitters before n none of them could calm her down
so happy that everyone’s understanding of him at each shoot tbh
then at one of the shoots he’s introduced to his stylist’s new assistant
you shyly introduce yourself to him quietly, seeing his daughter asleep in her car carrier seat
he started off his shoot pretty well, shooting solidly for half an hour until she woke up and started crying
hoseok quickly apologizes and rushes off to the styling room where he left her, only to hear her wails cease when he was half way there
he gets there n peeks into the room like ????????? where’s my child
you’re sat in one of the empty make up chairs with his daughter on your lap and you’re….singing to her
she’s got her sunshine expression on as she watches you
beside you, you hear jimin call hoseok’s name n you look up all flustered, stuttering and apologizing 
“oh god i’m so sorry i didn’t ask if i could hold her i just don’t like seeing babies cry i wanted to try and calm her down because jimin and taehyung tried to and it didn’t work if you’re angry i totally understand-”
“could you…look after her until the shoot’s done? i promise i’ll make it up to you!”
before you know it you’re job as an assistant is gone and you’re more or less the one who takes care of sunshine 2.0 every shoot
not that you mind bc her cutie sunshine dad’s smile every time he sees you is worth it (plus you love his lil baby)
and he brings you something every shoot as a thanks despite you telling him you were more than happy to take care of his daughter
everyone but you notices how hoseok stares @ you when you’re not looking
other members push him to ask you out, knowing you feel the same way abt him
so at the end of the shoot his daughter’s being clingier than usual and won’t let go of you????? gets fussy when hoseok tries to pry her chubby hands off your top
it’s like she knows about her dad’s feelings n is telling him to hurry tf up bc she likes this one
he just goes pink and asks if you wanna have dinner at his place
you’re just like !!!!!!! yes!
everyone watching cheers, including the rest of bts
hoseok takes your hand n bolts to escape endless teasing
Rap Monster
has the most well mannered and intelligent child
but if left unattended for 0.1 second he’ll manage to break something
like father like son eh?
is also the dad who reads books to his kid, but not actual kid books but books that get the mind thinking, doesn’t care about age bc you can never b to young to b educated
you’re his next door neighbor and also a pediatrician
met him for the first time bc his son fell over outside n started crying
namjoon freaks the f out, thinking the worst thing like his son somehow broke his damn leg
then you come out of your house with oven gloves on like????? strange handsome screaming man………u good?
you invite them into your house and tend to his kid’s deathly wounds of……scraped knees
give ‘em both a cupcake that you finished baking and make namjoon coffee
get to know the both of them and quickly build a friendship w/ joonie
you think his son is the sweetest thing on this earth bc he’s so kind???? and very literate for his age
you swap book and movie recommendations
they actually stay for a couple of hours and help you make dinner
and you’re like ?????? how in the?????
neither of you know exactly how this situation has happened
but neither of you deny that it somehow feels…………right????
at the end of their impromptu stay you supply him with a basic first aid kit(just in case) and a few more cupcakes before they’re on their way
he never uses that first aid kit, always comes straight to you
cant really find yourself to mind, you let em both in every time
everything in your relationship really isn’t planned it just…..happens
he comes over when his kid’s in school to get to know you better
one thing leads to another and suddenly you’re cuddling and watching a movie and kissing???
when it’s not joon, it’s his son that just comes to your house bc he finds your job interesting, you in general tbh
made his dad freak out the first time though, joonie was yelling and knocking on your door
“……buddy…………didn’t you tell your dad you’d be over here………?”
namjoon thanks every holy deity that you moved in beside him
he knows that you’d have no issues taking care of his kid and you’d be the safest pair of hands to leave him w/
tiny squishy teddy bear raising a tinier squishy teddy bear
his lil boy shares his round cheeks and his precious killer eye smile
ALSO loves to sing just like papa
jimin’s phone is filled with videos of his toddler singing to himself
likes to watch them when he cant be w/ him bc of work
very social bab and gets along well with others
also plays well by himself, honestly he’d be happy singing to himself in the sandbox
all is well as long as he never parts with the mochi plush he’s had since he was a baby
refuses to do anything if he doesn’t have that plushie w/ him
will literally walk away from jimin if he accidentally dropped his plushie w/o realizing
that’s actually how you met the squish
you were walking your dog when you heard a child singing and you turned like ??????
who is this child why is he alone and not at the playground with all the kids
you go over to the tiny child bc what else were you supposed to do?? leave him um no
you go over and ask if he’s okay and he just tells you he’s lost his friend momo
he describes momo while petting your dog and you figure out he’s talking about a plushie and offer to help him
so now you’re carrying child in one arm and your dog’s leash in your other hand
you end up finding momo the mochi plush in the sandbox
the bab in your arm squeals and gives you his best eye smile when he has momo
now onto a different task - to find the bab’s father
doesn’t take long honestly
just walking around with a singing child in your arm then BAM
a man who looks like he’s about to cry rushes up to you, he would know his baby’s voice from a mile away
at first your just like uhhhh then the bab reaches for jimin, unaware of the breakdown he caused his father to have
que jimin cuddling his son for a while with his son like ^-^?
“ahhh, thank you so much for taking care of him…i don’t know what i’d do if i couldn’t find him……thank god he found someone so nice….”
“it’s okay!! it was no trouble at all honestly”
he offers to take you to lunch w/ them
you blink and suddenly two pairs of eye smiles are directed at you and LORD HAVE MERCY YOU WERE NOT PREPARED
after that day you keep bumping into them, so much that his son remembers your name n you’ve exchanged numbers
jimin knows he has to make a move when his bab has made up a lil song he sings when he sees you
someone send help how’re you supposed to deal with the amount of eye smiles they give you when you see them
has twins, 1 boy 1 girl
it’s like someone did ctrl + c then ctrl + v on his boxy smile and put it on his kids
literal pack of puppies with taehyung as the alpha puppy
pack of adorable + v well dressed puppies
two modes of fashion
1) all three ready to step out onto a runway 
or 2) animal onesies all day every day
doesn’t believe in those child leashes so they travel in a holding hands chain
that means if one gets lost they all get lost
but hey at least they’re not separated lmao
they are the family who gets lost in ikea
the puppy pack are in their matching puppy onesies, tae pushing the shopping cart along that contained his pups
in a part of ikea they probably shouldnt b in
but then!!!!
they find you!!!!!!
you don’t work there tho
you are also lost and confused
also wearing a dog onesie bc you came w/ your friends but ended up getting separated
the twins see you are and immediately turn to tae like SHE’S ONE OF US WE NEED TO ASK HER IF SHE WANTS TO COME WITH US
you hear them and turn around like ?????
three sets of boxy smiles are facing you
inside your mind ���o no thEYRE CUTE’
you end up sticking w/ them and have tons of fun as you try n find your way out
take turns sitting in the shopping cart w/ the twins n pushing each other 
twins quickly like fall in love w/ you……lmao bless…….
but both you and tae can see yourselves spending more time together???
great minds think alike
you find the check out eventually, all giggly and happy
everyone’s looking at the puppy pack ft you like family goals
an old couple actually come up to you guys
“you’re such a cute family!! we remember when we were your age w/ our kids!! we wish you a happy n bright future!!!”
you and tae are bright red like “uhhhhh”
meanwhile, the twins, “thank you!!!!” (◕ ワ ◕✿)
when youve found your friends and it’s time to say goodbye the twins get v sad and clingy
ngl you got a lil teary seeing their sad lil faces
you end up exchanging numbers w/ tae and promise his twins you’d see ‘em again
you give ‘em lil smooches on the cheek to make them smile
also quickly kiss tae on the cheek then BOLT
meanwhile, your friends ( ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡° )
save him
he’s a baby taking care of a baby
v scared of doing anything wrong
thanks whatever higher being everyday bc his son is so chill
knows he would have suffered(more) if his child was not chill
also thanks higher beings for you falling into his life
bc before you hoo boy…………he  s t r u g g l e d
you found him at the grocery store
he was holding his sleeping baby and looking at the shelves of diapers like he was trying to diffuse a bomb
youre a babysitter so you just went up to him just like……..are u okay…….u dont seem…..okay………..
nochu looks at you like you’re an angel sent from above
you can tell right off the bat that it’s his first kid and that he didn’t have anyone to help him out
you babysat for single parents for most the time so you knew how to spot one
you gave him your best tips on childcare and he hangs onto your every word
by the time youre at the check out, you give him your number and tell him that if he needs any help then just call
you find yourself over at his place after you figure out that he’s more of a hands on learner than a leaner who can have instructions told to him over the phone
tbh you don’t mind at all bc he’s fun to be around and his baby is the chillest baby youve ever met
you end up getting rlly close to the point youve met his friends, he’s met yours
even your parents know about each other and urging you to get together already smh
you dont realize how often youre around at kookie’s place until one day you cant go over for a couple of days bc youre at your parents’ place
on the second day youre away you get a million missed calls from kookie
once you call back he almost cries in relief n tells you his bab won’t stop crying no matter what
however…….the moment he puts you on speaker…..
his bab…..stops….????
so you and kook experiment for a bit on the call n you stay silent for a bit
then the cryin starts again but then you start talking
s i l e n c e
then kookie asks shly if you mind giving him a call every so often
you can tell he’s blushing
“sure kookie i dont mind tbh i miss you guys”
then you just quietly hear
“…….god i could kiss you…….”
“damnit jungkook why do you have to say that now?”
“h-huh? wait- you weren’t supposed to-”
“you better kiss me when i get home or i’m gonna hit you”
See more Single Dad!AU’s here:
GOT7: Jackson Wang ver. | Park Jinyoung ver. 
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btsbrainfood · 7 years
Characters: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Fluff <3
Word Count: 1588
Anon Requested: "Omg I just found ur blog today and I've already read each and everyone one of ur fics!! when I saw ur request box open I've never clicked so fast~ I was wondering if I can request a yoongi highschool au where he's a badboy and he's only soft to y/n who's a shy artist that loves to sit down anywhere and watch people and draw them, pls make it very fluffy if u do end up writing this! I love your writings sm btw~"
(A/N: to all that is holy I have retyped my author's note like 3 times bc tumblr has decided to curse me and everything I try to post keeps getting deleted from my blog :') But if you are reading this now then I have managed to succeed,, Anyway thank you so much for the request lovely~ I hope it is what you were expecting and please don't hesitate to tell me your thoughts!! I will most likely be writing a part two to this because it feels somewhat inconclusive,, Happy reading <3)
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    “Alright class, let’s get started!” Your math teacher clapped her hands to get the class’ attention. You glanced up from your desk in the back row of the classroom for a few seconds before your eyes found their way back to the small black sketchbook lying open in front of you. All of the pages before this one were a bit tattered, the black cover beaten up and peeling. Anyone who looked at it could tell it was put to good use. The pages were filled with sketches and drawings of people, often times your classmates in their natural environment. Right now you were subtly gazing at a girl with short brown hair, raising her hand to answer the teacher’s question. You concentrated as you attempted to replicate the way her hair slightly brushed against the tops of her shoulders, the tip of your pencil articulately marking up the page.
    Your teacher was deep in the middle of a lecture, explaining a key concept in math that most of the students were having a hard time grasping. But you had always had trouble paying attention to the things taught directly to you in school, often opting to study the material the day before a test and end up passing anyway. She held up a 3D model of a cube, gesturing to the sides while trying to explain a foreign concept. Glancing back up to your current drawing model, you saw she was hurriedly taking notes in a small notebook.
    The seat you occupied in your class couldn’t be more perfect. You were the only student who sat in the back row of desks, all the others to the sides of you empty. And you weren’t completely in the corner, either. Rather, you were one over from the far right. It gave you the best view to see practically anything in the room. You relied on your journal and pencil to keep relaxed, and because of this you were fine without many friends.
    Abruptly, the door to the classroom swung open, footsteps sounding on the hard surface of the floor as the room suddenly filled with silence. Pencil lifting from your paper, you lifted your head slowly to see what had caused the disturbance. Your gaze was met with dark beaten up sneakers lazily strolling across the floor. Eyes travelling upwards, you watched rips in jeans loosely chafe against milky pale skin, thumbs hooked into his belt loops without a care in the world. A dark jacket hung loose on his shoulders, and he glanced at the other students’ gawking faces in disinterest. For a brief second his eyes landed on yours, but it was over as fast as it happened.
    “Min Yoongi,” The teacher said in distaste. She was still comically holding up the 3D model, as if she had just been caught stealing. Yoongi blinked in her direction, waiting for her to continue. She sighed, and muttered, “You’re late. Again. Please have a seat.”
    As soon as Yoongi turned, she began her lecture again. Some of the students in front turned their attention back to her, while most kept a trained eye on where Yoongi was walking. Your hand remained still against the paper, watching in interest as you predicted his path. Satisfaction coursed through you when he carelessly plopped down his schoolbag and slouched onto the seat right beside the window.
    The students sitting in the surrounding desk bristled slightly, doing their best to train their attention back to the front. You bit your lip slightly, the artist inside you marvelling at the scene unfolding in front of you. The sunlight streaming through the window cast perfect shadows across the side of Yoongi’s face, his bright aqua colored hair shining vividly in the streaming light. Your careful gaze locked on his hand as he picked up his pen and started twirling it around his fingers mindlessly.
    He was gazing out the window, eyes blank. Every once in awhile he would blink lazily, and it was obvious that his calm demeanor somehow intimidated those around him. Upon being greeted with the sight, you instinctively flipped the page of your sketchbook, the girl you had been drawing earlier forgotten. You studied the size of Yoongi’s face as your hand swiftly made magic on the thick paper. He continued watching the things outside, oblivious to you in the back of the class.
    Before you realized it, the bell blared through the room, signalling class was over. The students around you hustled to stuff their school materials into their bags, and your teacher tried desperately to remind them of their homework over all of the noise. You quickly snapped your sketchbook closed and held it tight to your chest, rising from your seat. You knew it probably wouldn’t be long until you needed them again, so you carelessly slipped your drawing pencils into the top of your bag and threw its long strap over your shoulder.
    Once the first few students started leaving the classroom, the teacher quickly turned a sharp stare at Yoongi, who remained unmoving in his window seat. “Yoongi, come talk to me before you leave.” She said sternly. Knowing she would no doubt tell him off, you looked down at your feet  and fidgeted with your fingers, waiting for the doorway to clear up. You eventually stepped out of the classroom, but now you were faced with a massive sea of students flooding the hallway. You let out a sigh, knowing you had to try to fight the crowd to find your next class.
    With a quick inhale, you turned and started walking against the side of the hallway. Your peers had always been so loud. Girls laughed and playfully shoved each other, others goofing around down the hallway. You were nearing a few benches, thankful for opportunity to sit and rest. Almost reaching the bench, someone suddenly shoved your shoulder. Your feet stumbled to the side and pain shot through you as your shoulder blade made rough contact with the wall. You heard your sketchbook fall open in the ground with a light thump, along with quite a few of the pencils that were sitting in the top of your bag. Now they were splayed across the floor underneath the thundering footsteps of other students.
    Looking up, you saw a few guys walking together snickering at you, one of them muttering “Loser,” under his breath, a smirk on his lips. They proceeded down the hallway laughing with each other, already having forgotten about you. Quicky, you crouched down to the ground and rushed to grab what was left of your pencils before they were whisked away by everyone’s feet. From the corner of your eye you realized that your sketchbook had fallen open right on the most recent drawing of Yoongi, his gaze resting solemnly on something on the other side of the classroom window.
    You paused for a moment, before you noticed someone standing still behind you. A tremor went through you as you turned your head and locked eyes with the very person you had spent the last hour gazing at. Yoongi appeared as if he was towering over you, time held at bay for a moment. As quickly as his eyes met yours, they looked over to your sketchbook still lying open on the floor.
    You jolted forward and snatched it from where it was lying, pure embarrassment rising to your face. It felt like your face was bursting into flames as you shakily stood up and held the drawing tightly to your chest. Not meeting his eyes, you opened your mouth to say something, anything. Instead you ended up stuttering your way into further embarrassment, feeling his eyes bore holes into your face.
    Yoongi continued staring at you, as if he was enjoying your discomfort. It probably wasn’t every day that he found out someone enjoyed spending their time drawing him. You cringed. Stiffly, your legs moved to walk away in shame, your head pointed down at the ground.
    But as you took your first step away from him, a grip that was almost gentle caught your arm. Your foot quickly stumbled back in place and his fingers felt like they were molding into your arm. He didn’t say a word, leaning in as he slowly pulled your drawing back from your chest. Your hands started to tremble slightly, feeling his soft breath on your shoulder and below your ear. A small crease between your eyebrows, you lifted your head to look at his face curiously.
    He studied your drawing for a few long seconds, the time stretching out with how close he was to you. A faint smile made its way on his lips, the first smile of his that you had ever seen. Pulling away, Yoongi took a step back and looked toward you. He paused for a moment, quickly muttering, “You’re a good artist.”
    Your eyes grew fractionally as you watched him turn, your eyes following his back as he walked straight into the rushing sea of students. They parted mildly, no one daring to be in his path. A few sent glances at you, wondering what he was doing talking to you. You blinked, looked down at your drawing one last time before jamming it into your bag. Yoongi was lost in the crowd by now. Checking a clock on the wall, you figured you should head to class before you were late. Turning on your heel, you watched the ground and briskly walked down the hallway.
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plumtreeforest · 7 years
hey plum, this is the anon that asked for your name and your header lol. i'm asking again now! if it isn't too much trouble, could you make a k-pop mood master list? for example, what kpop songs you listen to when you feel sad, pick me up songs, happy songs, songs that fire you up, etc. thank you so much!!
Ugh Oooooh, really interesting request! Haha Imma warn y’all now, since I stan very few groups (bc if I stan more I’m gonna end up buying all their albums and essentially turn broke huhu) so there won’t be as much variety as you expect, but I’ll do my best!
(huhuh it’s like 80% BTS tho I apologize that’s really all I listen to nowadays esp with comeback season so close. Note that I had to stop yself at some point or else this list would have like maybe a hundred songs LOL)
These are also the songs I like writing angst too. Haha 10/10 very effective.
Lonely by SISTAR
It’s literally their disbandment song. Tears all around.
Tomorrow, Today by JJProject
A song about being lost and not knowing what to do next. It’s ok to not know the next step. It’s ok to just spend a few days being sad about it.
Fine by Taeyeon
Taeyeon sings the best songs about finding difficulty moving on. I love her.
Dagaone by VIXX
Another song about falling out of love. It’s so scary how easily that can happen, really, but when it does, what else is there to do?
Love is Not Over by BTS
J-Hope’s I’m not okay is me throughout this whole song.
Autumn Leaves by BTS
The instruments and the voices and the general heartbreaking theme of a love gone cold. I love it.
One of These Nights by Red Velvet
The MV is hauntingly beautiful, consider the fact that they dedicated it to the Sewol tragedy makes it even sadder.
Lost Stars by Jeon Jungkook (covered from Maroon 5)
God this song was sad enough when Maroon 5 sang it but Jungkook only makes it sound more heartbreaking. I remember someone made a mock MV to this cover using clips from the HYYH era and it made me so emotional.
11:11 by Taeyeon
Another Taeyeon favorite. That Na na na na part always sells it for me.
Like it says, I wake up and I’m pumped, ready to go. I just need a matching soundtrack as I dance around my room preparing for a good day ahead.
Also these are the songs that make me feel like an unbeatable badass when I listen to them.
Fire by BTS
21st Century Girls by BTS
“You’re worth it. You’re perfect. Deserve it. Just work it.” Who won’t get pumped up just from that? Ugh Namjoon’s voice in this one is to die for.
Hola Hola - KARD
Ahh, this song reminds me of summers and chill hang outs and just generally having fun.Makes for a great morning tune.
All Night - Girls’ Generation
Just girls having a fun night out, about to party. I love listening to this (and dancing along) in the shower.
Boombayah by BLACKPINK
As If It’s Your Last by BLACKPINK
Energetic by Wanna One
It’s literally a song about being energetic what more can you want for a pump up song haha.
These songs were made as tracks dissing the people who disrespected them and didn’t believe in them and hey look at them now. Honestly just listening to the rapline spit fire gets me turnt everytime.
Come Back Home by BTS (covered from Seo Taeji)
Just. Just listen to it. This shit be fire.
We On by BTS
“I don’t know you and you don’t know me so please shut up. Don’t worry about me, I’m better than you.” Gee knowing that Kookie was a fetus when this came out makes the line even more badass.
Not Today by BTS
You didn’t think I’d leave this out, did you? Damn this song has powered me through many productive days. Best.
Dope by BTS
Jump by BTS
Needless to say, this song makes me want to jump until my head hits the roof.
Rise of Bangtan by BTS
That intro by Yoongi then all that magic that comes after? Damn.
Fun Boys by BTS
Different from the above in the sense that these are happy songs or hopeful songs, when I need a gentler lift from my rough moods. This is the kind of songs I listen to when I had a bad day but am looking forward to better days
Serendipity by BTS
God this song+MV combo is so beautiful and ethereal to watch and listen to. Whenever I feel a little off I just close my eyes and put it on loop and I find myself smiling, feeling a little bit more motivated to continue the day.
Butterfly (Prologue Mix) by BTS
Ever since the Young Forever repackage came out, I found myself listening to the prologue mix more than the original. It just has a more solemn, nostalgic feel to it compared to the original. Plus the Prologue MV is also pretty sad and nostalgic it just gives me all the feels. Plus I’ve associated this song with a lot of happy memories. (And that bridge tho)
So Far Away by BTS (Suga, Jin, Jungkook)
This song this song this song. Ugh no joke it has helped me through a lot, given me hope through my toughest moments. Words simply can’t describe how much this song means to me. I find this version to be more hopeful and cathartic compared to the original.
A Supplementary Story: You Never Walk Alone by BTS
Some days you just need people alongside you to help keep you going. This song encapsulates those feelings perfectly. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your friends when you want help. THey’re called your friends for a reason.
Two! Three! by BTS
Whenever I’ve had a rough day this song cheers me right up. Things may be hard, but we just have to hope for better days.
Epilogue: Young Forever by BTS
I’m always so weak for songs about wanting to stay young forever. This was my graduation feels jam.
Tomorrow by BTS
This is my go-to “things won’t always work out, but you just have to keep going” song. The lyrics are amazingly vivid.
Whalien 52 by BTS
I’m a super nerd about the 52Hz whale and when I saw that BTS made a song about it, I fell in love immediately. This is the song I listen to when I’m savoring my solitude. Some days, you just gotta be alone, y’know.
Spring Day by BTS
This song is about missing someone who’s far away, wanting to be with them. I’m in an LDR, and this song just keeps me going for the hard days.
Last Dance by BIGBANG
I know this song seems sad, but there’s that super hopeful tone about coming back and meeting again, and that’s what gets me so much.
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lunarimagines · 7 years
@lovesettokillxo asked : Hey today is my birthday so I wanted to know if you could write something along the lines of being Jungkook's best friend but him only seeing you as a little sister unlike how you see him... and he finally sees you in different light on your birthday (p.s can you include thigh riding and rough kooki that would make my entire life thanks 🙏🏽)
A/N: Happy Birthday! This is my present to you lol....
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Summary: He’d always seen you as his best friend, his partner in crime. But on your birthday something changed. He wanted... more. 
Warnings: smut, language, the usual warnings for my writing lmao
Word Count: 2107
When you were two you’d met Jungkook at the park. The two of you had gone down the slide together and it was there that he’d asked you to be his best friend forever. When you were five, you’d started kindergarten, Jungkook by your side. The two of you had drawn pictures for each other but still Jungkook remained your best friend and you remained his. When you were thirteen, you’d begun to understand that maybe, just maybe, Jungkook was more than a best friend to you. However, it was clear Jungkook saw you as his best friend and only his best friend. Upon entering high school, the two of you hadn’t had many classes together but still managed to eat lunch together with your other friends and study together after school. It seemed that nothing had changed between the two of you. You were best friends and you always would be.
Yet something had changed. You were in love with Jungkook, you couldn’t deny that. And he was blissfully oblivious. Typical. Your love wasn’t the only love he was oblivious to. Half of the girls at your school were fawning over him, and he seemed to have eyes for none of them. In some ways, that was a relief. In another, if he couldn’t see their love, would he ever be able to see yours?
“I told you Jimin, I really don’t want a big party. I just want the seven of you to come over and watch a movie and eat a ridiculous amount of junk food with me,” you grumbled.
Jimin swung his arm around you and pulled you closer.
“Listen, Y/N, it’s not everyday you turn a year older. I mean, seriously, don’t you want to at least go out to see a movie?” Jimin asked, pouting.
You sighed.
“Really Jimin. I don’t want you to have to go through all the trouble to throw me a party.”
“Nonsense Y/N! We would all love to throw you a fun party. You deserve the most,” Jimin said, unwrapping his arm. “We’ll talk about your party later. Or maybe it’ll be a surprise party. I’m not sure. Right now I’ve gotta go find Yoongi. I didn’t do the math homework and he was bragging to Namjoon about doing it. My hope is that he’ll let me copy it.”
You laughed as Jimin jogged down the hallway, turning to wave at you before rounding a corner and disappearing from your view.
You couldn’t help but chuckle at how eager he was to throw you a party. To you, your birthday wasn’t that big of a deal. Sure, you liked receiving thoughtful gifts but what you really- and somewhat selfishly- desired was Jungkook all to yourself, and for him to feel the same about you.
chimchim: be ready at 7:00 bc i’ll be there by 7:05
You checked the clock on your wall and your eyes went wide.
“Are you shitting me? He has to give me more than twenty minutes to get ready,” you grumbled, hurrying to your bathroom to freshen up and change into “party attire”.
The outfit you chose was a racier than anything you’d ever wear out, but Jimin’s words were echoing in your head. He was right, you supposed. It wasn’t everyday you turned another year older, and maybe this year would be different.
Your doorbell rang and you grabbed your shoes and checked your clock again.
You huffed out a breath in annoyance. Early. It wasn’t like you weren’t ready, but you would have liked a little time to mentally prep.
You walked leisurely down the stairs and opened the door to see Jimin grinning widely before his mouth fell open and his eyes widened.
“Wow Y/N. You look- you look amazing,” he whispered, swallowing hard.
You smiled softly, a blush creeping across your cheeks.
“Thank you. You look early,” you said, sending him a playful scowl.
Jimin simply winked at you.
“I was just anxious to see you.”
You shoved him lightly as you put your shoes on and left your house, locking the front door behind you and following Jimin down the driveway to his car. He opened the door for you, bowing slightly to tease you. You rolled your eyes, sliding into the car. He closed the door, running around the car and climbing into the driver’s seat.
“Always wanted to do that,” he mumbled.
Jimin pulled up in front of Jungkook’s house and you knew the party wouldn’t be an intimate get together to celebrate your birthday. Music was already playing loudly and you silently apologized to all of his neighbors. You climbed out of the car and followed Jimin up the drive and into Jungkook’s house to be met with a crowd of people, some wearing cheesy happy birthday hats and others holding drinks in their hands. People greeted you left and right, telling you happy birthday and that they wished you the best, and you were surprised to find that you knew most of them.
“Now I know this isn’t as intimate as you wanted, but Tae agreed with me that it should be a big celebration, and Hobi helped plan, so we all really hope you have fun,”Jimin yelled over the music.
You smiled at him.
“Of course I’ll like it. Just don’t leave my side,” you replied, bumping Jimin lightly.
He nodded and grabbed your hand, weaving through the crowd to the huddle of six boys in the kitchen.
“Guess who!” Jimin hollered.
“Y/N!” a chorus of voices greeted you, and all of them took turns hugging you.
All of them except Jungkook. He simply stood there, staring at you with a dumb look on his face.
He finally shook his head lightly and gave you a small smile.
“Happy Birthday Y/N. You look amazing,” he mumbled, that small smile still gracing his lips. He didn’t come forward to hug you.
You smiled softly back at him and resisted the urge to look down.
“Come dance Y/N!” Hobi said, pulling you into the crowd of people in the living room.
You were tired of dancing. Hobi could dance for hours, but there was a limit for how long you could dance. You’d found yourself wandering upstairs and into Jungkook’s room. It was familiar and you breathed deeply, clearing your mind.
This room meant a lot to you. The two of you had made forts out of his bedsheets and shared secrets underneath them when you were younger. You’d also slept over in this room when you were younger. There were still pictures of you and Jungkook smiling widely gracing his walls and dresser tops. You smiled, looking at the photos and remembering the moments that led up to the wide smiles and glossy sheets of paper.
“Hey,” came a soft voice from behind you.
You jumped, turning around to see Jungkook leaning against the doorframe.
“Hey,” you mumbled.
“What are you doing up here? The party’s downstairs…” he asked.
You shrugged.
“Just thinking. Plus I was tired of dancing.”
Jungkook nodded in understanding, closing the door to block out some of the noise from downstairs. He walked to stand in front of you.
“What were you thinking about?” he inquired quietly.
You took a deep breath.
“Remember when we were younger? And we would build forts and told secrets in them? It kind of sounds stupid now but, I don’t know, I was just thinking about it just now,” you whispered.
“Things have changed,” Jungkook mumbled, looking at you.
You nodded.
“What were you doing up here? I mean, I get it’s your house and your room, but still…” you asked.
“Looking for you.”
You turned to look at him, your eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.
Jungkook took a deep breath.
“I need to tell you something. I don’t know what happened. You were always like a little sister to me, my best friend. But tonight… tonight was different. I don’t want to be just friends anymore. I want to be able to kiss you and hold you and call you mine. I understand if you don’t feel the same. But I had to say that,” he confessed.
You shook your head, not understanding. You’d heard what he said, yet you couldn’t believe it.
“Say something, please,” he breathed.
You didn’t. You didn’t say anything. Instead, you leaned forward and pressed your lips to his. His arms came up to rest on your hips and he pulled you closer to him. You looped your arms around his neck, your fingers playing in his hair. Jungkook’s lips moved against yours, warm and soft. You sighed.
Jungkook turned you around and walked backwards, sitting on his bed and pulling you onto his lap. You ground your hips against his crotch lightly.
Jungkook pulled away, breathing hard.
“Not to be cheesy or like a fuckboy, but I was kind of hoping this could be your birthday present,” he said, blushing deeply.
“Only of you take me out on a date soon,” you mumbled, pressing your lips against his.
He smiled into the kiss.
“I’d be happy to take my girlfriend out on a date.”
He fell back onto his bed, pulling you on top of him. You legs were on either side of one of his. You ground slightly, the fabric of your clothing creating the friction you needed. You moaned. Jungkook flexed the muscles in his thigh and you moaned louder into his mouth at the added pressure on your throbbing clit.
“Shit,” you breathed out against his lips.
Jungkook sat up and pulled his shirt over his head, toying with them hem of yours before you nodded, allowing him to take it off. His lips attached to yours as his fingers fumbled to unhook your bra. You finally reached behind you to unhook it, Jungkook pulling away and watching you sheepishly.
Once you’d discarded your bra, Jungkook’s head dipped down to your collarbones, leaving kisses across them before kissing down your chest and the valley between your breasts. You ground against his thigh harder, moaning as he took one of your sensitive buds into his mouth and sucked harshly, his hand coming up to massage your other breast roughly.
You took a shaky breath as Jungkook flipped you over so that he was hovering over you.
“Can I?” he asked, playing with the button of your shorts.
You nodded, and he slipped your shorts down. His hand rubbed your heat through your panties and you whined.
“Jungkook, please, I want to really feel you,” you begged.
Jungkook nodded quickly, slipping your panties down and discarding them. He slipped a finger inside of you, pumping lightly before he slipped another finger in. His thumb brushed over you clit and you arch your back. Jungkook attached his lips to yours swallowing your moans.
His fingers pumped in and out of you quickly and his thumb continually brushed over your sensitive bud.
His fingers felt perfect. You wouldn't admit it, but you’d dreamt about this moment, about the feeling of his fingers pumping in and out of you, the feeling of his lips on yours, the feeling of love between the two of you. You felt a knot forming in your stomach and your legs began to shake as you felt your release build.
“Jungkook, I’m really close,” you whimpered.
Suddenly, his fingers were gone. He scooted down his bed so that his head was between your legs. His mouth attached to your clit and he sucked harshly. You moaned louder, your back arching and your hands threading through his hair to find purchase. He slipped a finger back into you and pumped it in and out of you quickly as he sucked your sensitive bud, occasionally giving it kitten licks. You felt your climax build and your fingers tugged at his hair.
He added another finger and you felt your clit throb painfully. You moaned loudly as you climaxed. Jungkook’s fingers continued pumping quickly to draw out your climax. Your head became fuzzy with pleasure, and your back relaxed against the bed. Your breath was labored as Jungkook climbed up to lay beside you.
He shyly handed you your clothes and turned away from you as you put them back on and he pulled his own shirt back on.
You chuckled.
“You just saw me naked. What’s with the shyness now?”
Jungkook blushed deeply, shaking his head and pulling you closer to him. He kissed the top of your head.
“Happy Birthday,” he mumbled.
You turned to plant a kiss on his lips.
“Thank you,” you whispered. “But what about you?”
You gestured to the obvious boner straining at his jeans.
He simply smiled.
“Don’t worry about me. It’s your birthday. I just wanted to please you.”
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djavoll · 7 years
have some trashy, post-midnight sprint, self-indulgent intro to the hybrid universe i hope to actually write and publish one day. (unedited unbetad etc etc u know the drill)
pairing: pre-yoonkook + established vmin (vague hints at vminkook and taegi bc that’s how i roll)
rating: pg-13
length: 1.4k
summary: jungkook turns 21. his surprise party is less ‘here’s a stripper!’ and more ‘we adopted a cat hybrid under your name. happy bday bro!’
Jungkook expected a lot of things out of his twenty-first birthday. He expected to get so shit-faced drunk that he might have to visit the hospital for a quick, casual, run-of-the-mill stomach pump. He expected a sloppy blow job from an eager friend. He expected a customized cake of a favourite video game. He expected to magically turn cool and confident and mature and totally look like A Man the way Jimin and Taehyung already do, and no, he's not jealous. A lot of people say his baby face is a charming point, actually. Lots of them. So he expected a lot from his birthday, yes, but you only turn twenty-one once in your life. From thereon it's all downhill; a mess of living up to your childhood expectations, getting an Adult Job, doing adult things which involve not being the world's brattiest younger sibling. He's not really prepared for all that. Twenty-one on the dot is perfect as is. He expects twenty-one to be his lucky year. Funny thing about expectations, though, is that they're rarely ever met. Jungkook walks away from his birthday celebration free of poisoning of any sort (yawn), only reasonably high from the nug Hoseok brought to the party, and holding the official documents for the adoption of one human-feline hybrid named Min Yoongi. But let's backtrack a bit. All of it, like all the bad ideas Jungkook gets dragged into, starts with Jimin and Taehyung. Jimin and Taehyung, god bless their beautiful, perverted hearts, have been pioneering human-hybrid companionship in their little circle of friends for a few years by now. It all started rather simply: Taehyung was deemed unsuitable for the market (read: for sale) due to a number of health reasons and his undesirable lack of post-human genes. He ended up being let go of the corporation (read: kicked out), forced to make a living on his own, and ended up on the steps of the Park family restaurant weeping, begging on his bare knees to be granted a job. Anything. Even as a dishwasher. He had worked there for a total of six months when Jimin came over for a visit from university and after one glance, fell deeply in love. Took him back to his apartment in the city. Introduced him to all his friends. Signed him up for online classes. (Became his best friend and boyfriend for years to come). It was a lot to take in at first, but neither of them have been shocked by the presence of hybrids for many years now. Taehyung fit right in, standing among them as an equal in all terms. A friend, a boyfriend, a brother. Jungkook could handle that. Jungkook can handle a lot. He definitely can handle a hybrid. "Jimin, I can't handle a hybrid." "Yes, you can! I know you can," Jimin groans again, throwing his head back on Taehyung's shoulder, on whom he's seated. "You're Tae's friend, too. You practically live at our place. You can totally do this." "Yeah, Kook, seriously. What are you so scared of?" Taehyung asks, voice muffled against Jimin's neck. Nuzzling gently, as if to leave his scent behind. "I don't know, man. This is a lot to dump on someone without their prior agreement." Jungkook whines and whines, clutching the official document in is hand like he can't believe it's real. That this is really, actually happening. "I don't even know anything about this hybrid." Namjoon wolf-whistles from where he's laid on the couch, face down, drooling steadily into the pillows. "Dude, so hot. Such a babe. Eleven out of ten." Taehyung tosses a flip-flop on his head, "shut up, that's not the intro he needs." Namjoon goes to toss it back, but witnessing Jimin's menacing glare, he reluctantly puts his hand back down. Closes his eyes again. Continues drooling. "His name is Min Yoongi, he's twenty-five years old, a feline hybrid like Taetae," Jimin lists off his fingers, face scrunched up, "oh! and he's also from Daegu. Tae has met him before, at event briefings way back. Tell him about it, babe." Perking up from a light scratch behind his ears, Taehyung smiles encouragingly. "Yep, I know Yoongi from a long time ago. We just mostly reunited in glances when Jimbles and I were going through the adoption process, so I haven't really spoken to him in years, but," he sighs, fond, "Kook, he's so cute. If I get mistaken for a canine hybrid a lot, then Yoongi is a fucking teacup kitten. I love him." "Show us some photos, maybe?" Hoseok plops his chin on Taehyung's knee, wriggling his brows. "Ooh, I have something!" Jimin chirps, pulling out his phone. He scrolls through his photo album manically, the sound of his thumb tapping the screen loud in the quiet room, face contorted in concentration. Taehyung stares over his shoulder ready to tell him when. "Ah! There it is!" Then he's leaning down to show it to Hoseok, who 'oooh's loudly and lewdly, captivated by the screen, apparently watching a video. "That's kinda hot, I'm not gonna lie." "What is it? What are you showing him?" Jungkook's never been good at controlling his impulses, even when it comes to feigning nonchalance. He's always been a bit of a hedonist. "I wanna see. Let me see." he babbles as he trudges his way to the front couch, tripping over blankets and pillows, then snatches the phone away. He ignores the plights of protest in his wake and presses play, wide eyes and lower lip bitten. A split second later all he has is regret. "Oh, fuck." he mumbles. "Fuck, yeah." Hoseok echoes. So, the video. He expected it to be a lot of things. A cute video of him smiling. Yoongi man wearing something revealing. Lots of expectations. Funny thing about expectations. The video loops and once again he's met with the image of Jimin and Taehyung's bed - unmade and soft in the afternoon light - and on it Taehyung making out sloppily with a much smaller, paler man. And oh, boy, is it hot. Ghost pepper hot. 'I-will-not-lose-a-noodle-challenge' Jeon Jungkook level of hot. "Oh, fuck." "You already said that." someone chortles. Jungkook pays it no mind and lets the video play again. The man - Yoongi, his name is Yoongi - is sat forward facing Taehyung with just his knees resting on top of Taehyung's thighs. His shoulders are fairly broad but he's otherwise small, fucking tiny, in a simple black tee and ripped jeans, and oh my god-- the softest mop of black hair and little black ears. He's a dream come true. He's Jungkook biggest fucking fantasy in the flesh. He's perfect. Jungkook had popped his fair amount of boners over Taehyung (Jimin and him are unaware of things such as boundaries or privacy), so he doesn't really mind his presence. Quite the contrary, the contrast is really something else. Taehyung's golden tan skin, plush red lips against the pale pink of Yoongi's smaller, poutier mouth. It's poetry in motion. Yoongi's jawline is sharp and he moves so leisurely against Taehyung, with all the practiced ease in the world, like he was born to suck faces. He makes wet, smacking noises whenever he pulls in and out of the kiss, and Jungkook is fucked. He's fucked even more when just a hint of a small, red tongue peeks out from between his and Taehyung's mouth. God, he wonders if it tastes as good as it looks. He's three seconds into his tenth replay when the phone is yanked out of his hands. "Alright, that's enough perving over my boyfriend. We can talk more about this tomorrow." Jimin waves him off, much to Taehyung's amusement. That goddamn bastard. He knows exactly what he does to him. "Let's all go to sleep." Namjoon and Seokjin are deep in slumber when Hoseok announces, begrudgingly, that it is indeed late. Half past five in the morning, in fact. Jungkook goes to sleep with an awkward, overly-excited boner, thinking of all the possible ways he can fuck this Yoongi dude sideways once he gets to his place. Happy fucking birthday to him. (Spoiler alert: as all predictions done by one Jeon Jungkook, this one fails, too. Turns out Yoongi's dick game is just as good as his bubble butt and cute tongue. Jungkook learns to bend over any way he wishes.)
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