#lord genome
figurecollection · 1 year
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Figure Maniacs vo.33: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann Prize Figures by Banpresto
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ttglsupremacy · 2 years
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Young Lord Genome
I just love his backstory..check out the parallel works if you haven’t
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hellsitegenetics · 4 months
you dont have to post this on valentine's if you're too backlogged since it's a message for my sister :) BUT HIII HII I LOVE YOU AND ALSO UR PROBABLY THE BEST PERSON I KNOW and i really hope this is a type of bug i like. literally osmosis'd her into loving bugs. was so autistic about those guys i spread it bro aint that wild. also hi lord of the genetics and the critters that be (that's you hellsitegenetics) i hope youre having a lovely valentine's <3
String identified: t a t t t at' ' t acgg c t' a ag t :) T A A A T T a a t a t g . ta ' t g g. a attc at t g a t at tat . a t gtc a t ctt tat (tat' tgtc) ag a at' <3
Closest match: Triglochin maritima genome assembly, chromosome: 13 Common name: Seaside Arrowgrass
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theyeargame · 6 months
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kafkaoftherubble · 6 months
Actually to add onto what I said: we as poc are too mean to white people. "White women" followed by the most horribly misogynistic string of words you could imagine, "white men" and then something men of all races do, "white people are so annoying" like poc are perfect angels just because we're oppressed.
We gain nothing by making white people feel guilty for existing. My white friends say "white woman" as an insult or "basic white boy". Dude that is literally your sibling, your mother, father, friend, neighbor and Lord knows what else that you are talking about, stop using it as an insult! It is a descriptor!
Honestly the most infuriating one is "white women" because it's used only as an insult. You can say whatever you want as long as it's by "white women" because white women are all rude, middle class, middle aged transphobic Karens.
Saying Karen is a mean women's name is misogynistic too! Both Karens I know are angels and don't deserve to be treated so horribly just because they have perfectly normal names for their age range and ethnic group.
Tldr: singling out white people just makes them feel bad for existing and it's often used as a shield to be misogynistic.
I agree wholeheartedly!
Humans are humans. I know it sounds pretty damn cliche and I run the risk of sounding like those people who have never had to endure any discrimination in my life, but at the end of the day, people are people.
I don't mean to say a white person is the "exact same" as a minority. A white person today isn't born in a vacuum where their skin color is completely unrelated to the history that color presents. There is a continuity of history that every one of us is born from and into, including "white" people.
But, well, racialism isn't real. It's pseudoscience. Every concept of race was invented; our genome is literally too similar to one another that you cannot actually tell whose genome belongs to which "group "race" (hereditary tests and all aren't actually telling you this, either. It simply tells you how many genes you share with people within the database that specific company has collected from "natives" of a certain area).
Also, whiteness is an invented category that unites people not even by culture or region.
That means that a white person is really, at their core, not significantly, biologically, or cognitively different from a human being like me. What makes them different is the historicity they are born into—which they don't actually have a hand in choosing, like how I didn't have a hand in choosing which country to be born in, or to which parents, or to what sorta brain I might possess, etc.
To take it out to someone because they are white by random birth lottery just doesn't make sense to me. Because I'm punishing someone for their score on an RNG.
There is an institution, built up from history, that favors the majority, that's for sure. That majority turns out to be White for quite a lot of countries, and internationally, the most well-off countries are countries with the same institutions that favor White people. It's a product of history, and it does come at a lot of expense to minorities. All that is the sort of historicity a White person of today is born into; all that is real.
But I don't think a White person should be made to feel guilty of being born white. I don't think they should be proud, either—hard to be proud of being deposited at a good place that was built at the cost of other long-suffering, bedeviled people, innit?
If it's hard to see why White people should just be seen as "the people the system favors" instead of "white = inherently bad because of what their skin color represents," then look at countries where the majority isn't White. My country's majority is the Malay people, and the system is terribly biased for them. Someone like you, who has no history in this country, will (correctly) not think Malays are bad by default; in fact, a Malay would be a minority in your country and therefore seen as "not (as) bad (as a White person)."
But an angry minority in my country could easily see them as bad (or lazy, or stupid, or untalented, etc.) to the core just by being Malay. Malay are not White, but the resentment is the same.
What some people don't recognize, I think, is that their resentment is actually toward the system and not the skin color or ethnicity this system favors. When one confuses the latter for the first, one starts to think the problems are all tied to one specific group's "inherent quality." And then we get the whole idea of making this group a slur or something to look down on. As if being White is a karmic punishment, and they should atone for their "past," even if it's beyond their actual births, by suffering our get-back form of discrimination.
The individual born into this historicity is not the guilty one, I think. The system that arises from that history, the one that oppresses minorities, is.
I think a modern-day White person isn't guilty by default; they are only problematic if they contribute to that system or defend it.
I mean, a POC could unabashedly defend a terrible, discriminatory system even if the historicity they were born to wasn't favored or lifted by this system. Sure, the historicity of a group will skew the probability—a White person may more likely defend this system, and a minority may more likely oppose it.
But a person is more than the group it's born into. It's also the experience and the genes and the society and the resources and the friends and the education and the narratives and so many things.
They didn't choose to be White. They are not responsible for being born white. But! They could be responsible for choosing to protect that system or help dismantle it.
And in that lens, they really are just people choosing to either protect or dismantle, like the rest of us do. They are just people.
Thank you for reading my ramble (written while having a headache owww)
(I rarely talk about this sorta thing here, huh?)
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walkswithmyfather · 10 months
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“But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ.” —1 Corinthians 15:57
“Trees and Bees” By Wendy Richmond:
“It’s amazing what human beings are capable of. After witnessing the local wildlife population suffer because of a lack of shade, Jadav Payeng single-handedly planted what has now become a 1,360-acre forest. Gary Schempp safely removed and re-homed 30,000 bees by himself, which is definitely an outstanding achievement. Bees are currently at risk because of colony collapse disorder. Without them, some think it’s questionable whether humans could even survive. Edward Jenner developed the smallpox vaccine, which successfully eradicated an illness that had claimed approximately 500 million lives in the 20th century alone. Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. 
We enjoy so many wonders that our ancestors only dreamed about—electricity, running water, air conditioning, and international air travel. But even all the advances in modern science and technology cannot give us victory over sin and death. We may be capable of splitting atoms and mapping the human genome, but we are powerless against the enemy of sin. No wonder Paul exclaims, “Thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
God did for us that which all our modern technology and human intelligence could never do for us. He gave us victory over our sinful nature, defeating our greatest enemy—death itself. We can live in comfort thanks to human intervention, but we can live in eternity thanks to divine intervention. As with Paul, all I can say is, “Thank God!” Amen!🙏🕊🙌
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Psaltaren 31:6 1 För sångmästaren; en psalm av David. (2) Till dig, HERRE, tager jag min tillflykt; låt mig aldrig komma på skam, befria mig genom din rättfärdighet.
2 Böj ditt öra till mig, rädda mig snarligen; var mig en fast klippa, en bort till min frälsning.
3 Ty du är mitt bergfäste och min bort, och du skall, för ditt namns skull, leda och föra mig.
4 Du skall draga mig ur det nät som de lade ut för mig; ty du är mitt värn.
5 I din hand befaller jag min ande; du förlossar mig, HERRE, du trofaste Gud.
6 Jag hatar dem som hålla sig till fåfängliga avgudar, men jag förtröstar på HERREN.
1 In You, O LORD, I have taken refuge; let me never be put to shame; save me by Your righteousness.
2 Incline Your ear to me; come quickly to my rescue. Be my rock of refuge, the stronghold of my deliverance.
3 For You are my rock and my fortress; lead me and guide me for the sake of Your name.
4 You free me from the net laid out for me, for You are my refuge.
5 Into Your hands I commit my spirit; You have redeemed me, O LORD, God of truth.
6 I hate those who cling to worthless idols, but in the LORD I trust. — Psalm 31:1-6 | Svenska 1917 (SVN1917) and Berean Standard Bible (BSB) The Swedish Bible or The Holy Scripture — containing — The Canonical Books of The New Testament in accordance with that of the King in 1917 and Berean Standard Bible (BSB) © 2016, 2020 by Bible Hub and Berean.Bible. All rights Reserved. Cross References: 2 Samuel 22:2; 2 Samuel 22:33; 2 Kings 19:16; Job 36:21; Psalm 4:2; Psalm 5:8; Psalm 7:1; Psalm 17:6; Psalm 25:15; Psalm 43:2; Luke 23:46; Acts 7:59
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highladyluck · 1 year
Miles getting his genetics officially considered for addition to the Cetagandan genome is so funny because the Miles Magic is almost all nurture; his only natural advantages are being definitely smart, theoretically tall, and possessed of several interesting mental illnesses. Everything that makes him effective and special is life experience & acculturation.
Decanting the Mileslings is going to be “You ruined a perfectly good haut lord. Look, he’s got manic episodes!”
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antimnemonic · 4 months
there was a guy on /m/ some years ago asserting that ttgl is getter arc fix-it fit (semi-true) and more specifically that? lord genome? viral? were expies of kamui
and like i think the whole conspiracy theory is a lil insane and i don't really believe it, sometimes looking at viral tho it's really like. that's kamui lol.
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ppgxrrblove · 1 year
There is No Such Thing As interracial Marriage.................
i really wanna share this on here as well <3!! i really have to thank this brother for posting this up, really well worded, and greatly explained, so please do read it when you get the chance or do read it now if you got the time - greatly appreciated <3!! truth matters folks, never keep sipping the false tea, it's gonna cause you to go nuts. "What should we believe about “interracial” marriage?
One of the most asked questions I’ve received when I talk on the origin of the so called “races” is what I believe about what many call interracial marriage.
When anyone asks me that question, I respond by saying “biologically there is no such thing as interracial marriage.”
When I speak on the race issue, I first of all go to God’s Word to understand what God clearly teaches about the human race. We learn there was only one man to start with:
1. God made one man at the beginning: “then the LORD God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature” (Genesis 2:7). 2. “Thus it is written, “The first man Adam became a living being”; the last Adam became a life-giving spirit” (1 Corinthians 15:45) Then we learn there was only one woman to begin with:
1. “So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the LORD God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man” (Genesis 2:21–22).
2. “The man called his wife’s name Eve, because she was the mother of all living” (Genesis 3:20).
All human beings descended from Adam and Eve. This means there is only one race of humans biologically:
“And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place” (Acts 17:26).
Yes, all human belong to one biological race descended from the first man and woman.
In 2000, the Human Genome project that mapped the sequence of the human genome released their findings to the world and stated:
“Dr. Venter (head of the Celera Genomics Corporation, Rockville, MD) and scientists at the National Institutes of Health recently announced that they had put together a draft of the entire sequence of the human genome, and the researchers unanimously declared, there is only one race—the human race.” (Natalie Angier, “Do Races Differ? Not Really, DNA Shows,” New York Times, Aug. 22, 2000, http://partners.nytimes.com/library/national/science/082200sci-genetics-race.html…).
Exactly what one would expect based on the bible’s revealed human history—there is only one human race.
This means all humans belong to one human family. We are all related to each other, and all have the same two ancestors 6,000 years ago, Adam and Eve. There is only on race biologically according to Scripture and confirmed by observational science. This means there is no such thing as “interracial marriage” from a perspective of biology.
However, there is an issue in regard to interracial marriage spiritually. Consider this principle given in Scripture for us that also applies to marriage:
“Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?” (2 Corinthians 6:14).
Applied to marriage, this principle means a Christian should never knowingly marry a non-Christian. Remember, one of the primary importance’s of marriage is to produce Godly offspring. Sadly, many marriages end up in trouble because this principle of Christians only marrying Christians wasn’t adhered to. Also, such spiritually mixed marriages can result in a Godly legacy not being passed on to the next generation.
Some Christian(note; i would like to add that majority of Catholics follow this quote to heart as well) leaders claim God teaches the claimed “races” of people be kept separate because he told the Israelites not to marry into other groups of people. For instance, God told the Israelites not to marry the Canaanites. But Rahab, a Canaanite who helped the Israelite spies at Jericho is the lineage leading to the Godman Jesus in Matthew 1 and is also listed in Hebrews chapter 11 as a person of great faith.
It's obvious Rahab stopped being a Canaanite spiritually (rejecting the Canaanite pagan religion) and became and Israelite spiritually (believing and trusting in the one true God) and thus was free to marry an Israelite. This clearly shows there is no such thing as interracial marriage biologically. The Interracial marriage the bible speaks against is the marriage between the two spiritual races—the Godly “race” and the ungodly “race.” Who a Christian should marry has nothing to do with biology but the spiritual state of one’s heart.
When you then apply this, if two Christians get married and one has a light shade of skin and one a dark shade (all humans are the same basic color just different shades), this is not a biracial couple. This is a one race couple! This also means there are no biracial children as all of us belong to one race.
Christians should be using terminology consistent with God’s Word and science to help people understand the truth concerning homo sapiens.
I urge people to not use the term “races” but use the term “people groups” when referring to humans from different cultures. We also need to stop using terms like “biracial” as all humans belong to one race.
Because all humans belong to one race, all descendants of Adam, this means all humans are sinners, and all are in need of trusting Christ for salvation. That’s why Christians need to proclaim the truth of the gospel to everyone, to all tribes and nations.
“Then I saw another angel flying directly overhead, with an eternal gospel to proclaim to those who dwell on earth, to every nation and tribe and language and people” (Revelation 14:6).
“After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands” (Revelation 7:9).
What a difference it would make if every person started looking on everyone else as one of their relatives, a member of our extended family!" - Ken Ham - That would be very lovely if it were to be that way but i know it will be <3
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grandmaster-anne · 1 year
Court Circular | 9th March 2023
Buckingham Palace
His Excellency the Hon Philip Goff was received in audience by The King today upon his appointment as High Commissioner for New Zealand in London. Mrs Goff was also received by His Majesty. His Excellency the Hon Stephen Smith was received in audience by The King upon his appointment as High Commissioner for the Commonwealth of Australia in London. Ms Jane Seymour was also received by His Majesty. The King received Addresses from Privileged Bodies to which His Majesty was graciously pleased to make reply. These were: the General Synod of the Church of England, the University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge, the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, the Free Churches Group, the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), the City of London Corporation, the Corporation of the City of Edinburgh, the University of Edinburgh, the University of London, the University of St Andrews, the University of Glasgow, the University of Aberdeen, the Royal Society, the Greater London Authority, the Royal Academy of Arts, the Board of Deputies of British Jews and the Anglo-Jewish Association, the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, the Lieutenancy of the City of London, the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, the Dean and Chapter of St Paul’s Cathedral, the City of Westminster, the Corporation of the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead, the Dean and Canons of St George’s Chapel, Windsor, the Royal County of Berkshire, the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales, and the Military Knights of Windsor. The King’s Body Guard of the Yeomen of the Guard was on duty. His Majesty afterwards held a Reception at Buckingham Palace for the Privileged Bodies. The King later visited the Animal and Plant Health Agency, Woodham Lane, New Haw, and was received by His Majesty’s LordLieutenant of Surrey (Mr Michael More-Molyneux), the Minister of State for Biosecurity (the Lord Benyon), the Chairman (Mr Christopher Nicholson) and Mr David Holdsworth (Chief Executive). His Majesty received briefings on the work of the Agency and visited the Avian Influenza Virology High Containment Laboratory and the Genome Mapping Laboratory, before visiting the Library and meeting members of staff and scientists. The Queen Consort this morning visited the British Racing School, Snailwell Road, Newmarket, to mark their Fortieth Anniversary and was received by His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire (Mrs Julie Spence). Her Majesty, Patron, the British Sporting Art Trust, this afternoon visited Palace House, Palace Street, Newmarket, to unveil the Belvoir Huntsman painting and was received by the Hon Peter Stanley (Deputy Lieutenant of Suffolk).
Kensington Palace
The Prince and Princess of Wales this morning visited Hayes Muslim Centre, 3 Pump Lane, Hayes, Middlesex, and were received by Ms Manju Malhi (Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London).
St James’s Palace
The Earl of Wessex this morning visited Propstore, Great House Farm, Chenies, and was received by His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Hertfordshire (Mr Robert Voss). His Royal Highness this afternoon visited Ashridge House, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, and planted a tree for The Queen’s Green Canopy. The Earl of Wessex, Patron, the Production Guild of Great Britain, later visited Sky Studios Elstree, Rowley Lane, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire. The Countess of Wessex this morning visited the Countryside Education Trust, Palace Lane, Beaulieu, and was received by the Hon Mary Montagu-Scott (Deputy Lieutenant of Hampshire). Her Royal Highness, Patron, Lions Clubs International, Multiple District 105, British Isles and Ireland, this afternoon planted trees for The Queen’s Green Canopy.
St James’s Palace
The Princess Royal, Patron, Maritime UK, this evening attended the Annual Awards at DoubleTree by Hilton Hull, 24 Ferensway, Kingston Upon Hull, and was received by Her Majesty’s LordLieutenant of the East Riding of Yorkshire (Mr James Dick).
Kensington Palace
The Duke of Gloucester, Grand Prior, the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, this evening attended the Installation Dinner of the Prior of the Priory of England and the Islands at St John’s Gate, 26 St John’s Lane, London EC1. The Duchess of Gloucester, Royal Patron, Missing People, this evening attended the “Night of Light” Gala Dinner at the Pan Pacific Hotel, Houndsditch, London EC3, to celebrate the Thirtieth Anniversary
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nintendont2502 · 2 years
My homestuck brainrot is genuinely so intense I'm convinced I could connect any song to it at this point
So uh. Gonna try that with my almost 30 hour playlist and see how long it takes before I can't I think
Song #1 - Teenage Dirtbag
Okay wow I. Do Not remember adding this to my playlist but okay
Dave Strider. Definitely. Specifically his perception of himself as this tough, cool kid yk? That's literally all I have to say about it, it just fits the vibes
Song #2 - Discord
This actually works genuinely well for Rose wtf (specifically around the time she goes Grimdark after talking to Doc Scratch - the mention of "someone else [is] pulling at the strings" and how she "can't sit idly, no [she] can't move at all")
Song #3 - Alligator
Hmm. I'm thinking either John (either around the time of God tiering or maybe using his retcon powers?) Or maybe Terezi + a little sprinkling of Vrisrezi. Unsure but it works
Song #4 - Try
Again why is this in my playlist wtf
God I guess Jane + Roxy having crushes on Dirk and all the stupid relationship drama the Alpha kids had? Idk I don't want to listen to any more of this song it's so boring
Song #5 - Lemon Boy
Okay this feels like cheating - this is obviously Davekat
Song #6 - Brave As A Noun
Oo okay we're back to the good shit. Okay this is definitely Davesprite (specifically the way he tends to push away his friends/the fact that he's seen as the "depressed bird Dave")
Like. Come on just look at this shit - "But I've got an angry heart/filled with cancers and poppy tarts/if this is how you folks make art/it's fucking depressing" and "I'm afraid to leave the house/I'm as timid as a mouse/I'm afraid if I go out I'll outwear my welcome"
Song #7 - Chase That Feeling
God okay this was the first one I genuinely struggled with. I *guess* the fact that the song is about doing something you're passionate about despite people trying to stop you, and the kids/trolls are passionate about?? Living?? Not having the universe being destroyed by LE?? Also it has all the beta kids instruments there we go. It's incredibly weak but it's *something*
Song #8 - Bad Apple
Do you know how many Homestuck animations I've seen to this? *Everything* goes with Bad Apple
Song #9 - Redesign Your Logo
Doc Scratch? Yeah Doc Scratch I think. His manipulation of Alternia/Earth to ensure tje creation of Lord English ("DNA is crucial/we must understand it/in the human genome/we will find your logo" - the codes that created Doc Scratch + by extension Lord English?) Especially "We are here to help you/everythings connected/time is of the essence/we live in the future"
Also like. "Here we have a circle/smooth and inoffensive/this will be the basis/for your revolution" like come on
Song #10 - Rapunzel
Double digits let's goo 🎉
Anyway I struggled a bit with this at first but I think Davekat (specifically pitch Davekat).
"Couldn't leave her had to meet her/greet the girl of my dreams with a kiss on the hand/What up!" < Dave 100%
Song #11 - Warriors
The troll ancestors. This is way too obvious but do i care? No
Song #12 - Body
Trying so hard to think of something that isn't just that one really good troll animation but god does it work so well. Anyway the obvious stuff:
- eyes (terezi), face (gamzee), arms and legs (vriska + tavros), hands (nepeta), heart (feferi) etc
Song #13 - Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High
Unlucky 13? Maybe! All I can think of is Cronus is being desperate which. Does work
"Now its three in the mornin/and im tryin to change your mind/left you multiple missed calls/and to my message you replied"
Song #14 - God Forgot
God for a second I was terrified id have two Cronus songs in a row but thank God I remembered sollux exists 💀 specifically AraSol
"Before you came along it was God who already forgot me/cut off both my hands, changed the locks again, that's alright/a fuckin angel caught me/she pays all my rent, paints the walls and then sings all night"
Song #15 - God Is Dead
God do you know how long I've been waiting for a Smith Street Band song. Anyway as much as I hate the epilogues this is Ult!Dirk *and* also [S] Collide
God is dead and reality is fake - Lord English destroying dream bubbles/cracking Paradox Space
It's a hivemind nightmare of a dying race - the kids and the trolls are literally a dying race and this shit is definitely a nightmare
And there is no luck and there is no fate - Vriska leading the ghost army methinks
"And nobody cares about you and your pain/but that becomes freedom if you look at it that way" - I'm gonna be real I don't have anything for this part BUT
"I've always been more distressing than cool/I'm a blood nose on the first day of school/my own quiet life at the bottom of the pool/tragedy is comedy if you can get through it" Dirk or dave probably
"Come a long way from a neck in a noose/look me in the eye and call that an excuse/wasnt sure what to make tight or keep loose/was never a boy scout, so I fell straight through it" - Dirk going ultimate
Song #16 - The Sea Is Rising
Would it be cheating to say the Batterwitch flooding Earth B
Uh god idk "I don't want them to look back when the future is written/and know we killed ourselves with nuclear visions and stupid decisions/shit I'd rather an asteroid doomed for collision/than know the planet got fucked by the human condition/sing this tune with conviction" yk what fuck it this is about Alpha Dave now. (Also fun sburb reference with the meteor there ya go)
Song #17 - Masterpiece Theatre III
This would actually work really well for a Five Giants style animation for Homestuck as a whole (focusing on the trolls, the beta kids, the alpha kids and the Cherubs or just showing major events)
Might actually look more into this later because listening to it rn god there's so much potential here
Song #18 - As The World Caves In
Dad Egbert + Mom Lalonde on the Battlefield. That's it that's the post
Song #19 - Bang Bang
Hmm DaveJade I think. Don't ship them personally but it works pretty well
"She was walkin around with a loaded shotgun/ready to fire me a hot one/it went bang bang bang straight through my heart/though I couldve walked away/just stood my ground and let her spray"
Song #20 - Le Seine
How the *fuck* is this at 20 songs already I thought I'd stop at like. 10
Anyway uh. Callieroxy. Don't know why but the vibes are so strong
Song #21 - Children of God
Fuck me I guess I'm still going
Anyway this just has tje vibes of playing Sburb. Like it fucking sucks, it's weird as hell and theres that underlying sense of anger at a universe that Does Not care about you yk
Song #22 - Basics in Behaviour
Please god there's no way I can make this Homestuck am I finally free
God fucking damn it nevermind
"This is how we live our lives searching for the answers inside of every page/and im here wondering if one day we'll finally be free from this cage/is it okay to have this feeling that maybe there is more to this game/however now, no time to question, so just behave" < that's just. That's just sburb. Specifically the way rose is trying to basically tear it apart for answers (and maybe doc scratch coming in for that last line)
Song #22 - Line Without A Hook
Sigh. Do I even need to say anything? Vrisrezi. AraSol. Line Without A Hook works for any fandom and I will *never* be free
Song #23 - Betterman
Epilogues Roxygen? "Cause you taught me so many things about myself and you know this is true/but now we are apart and it's all my fault cause you know I need to be alone/don't know myself, so how can I share me with you girl, or anyone?"
Could also add a sprinkling of June in there if you're feeling particularly trans
Song #24 - Make It Bun Dem
God I was convinced I was free.
"Killin the flows we're sicker than most/defating the foes we weather the most/never yet falter, never yet flop/never yet halt and never yet stop/keep up with God and never yet drop" < peak 2011 amv material (specifically pre-scratch, when the beta kids alcjemise all the cool shit and just kick ass on their planets yk)
Also maybe a rap dave would make I don't fjcking know anymore kts almost 2 am I started doing this *an hour* ago
Song #25 - Let Me Down Easy
God it's just. It's just Davesprite again. Specifically Davesprite after/while dating Jade on the battleship.
"You want someone who wants you for who you are/I want someone to try and let me down easy, easy tonight/easy, easy tonight/honey it's no secret that with matters of the heart/I'm reserved, I'm irrational, and rarely ever start/since the world's dark and often I humane"
Song #26 - Eleanor Rigby
John god tiering and/or retcon powers. Something big and flashy (maybe retcon powers to fit the "all the lonely people" line since him, Davesprite + Roxy are the only people from the preretcon timeline)
Song #27 - Still Alive
Lil Hal leaning into the robot thing as an ironic bit to piss off Dirk? Yeah probably - especially "I'm not even angry/I'm being so sincere right now/even though you broke my heart and killed me"
Song #28 - Tightrope
At this point I'm excited everytime I see an aussie rap song I get excited because it might mean this is finally ending, and everytime I'm disappointed by the depths of my brainrot
Anyway this is also Davejade "i play my demos one by one/smile if she likes it laugh if it sucks" - also the mention of "it's like I'm running with a blindfold" because haha get it she wears a blindfold in her entry god I'm so tired
Song #29 - Float On
This is just John I think. Like it ties into his aspect and how it provides freedom/independence which usually helps solve these major issues hes facing? So he can just "float on"
Song #30 - Rockefeller Street
Jesus fucking christ song 30?? Anyway this whole song is just Trickster Mode. "Everything is more than surreal" fuck dude it sure is
Song #31 - How To Save A Life
Epilogues Dirk + Dave. Specifically that part in Meat (?) After Dirk goes Ultimate and Dave talks about how he should have tried to talk to him or do anything to help him
"Lay down a list of what is wrong/the things you've told him all along/pray to God he hears you"
Song #32 - Little Talks
Hm AraJade or JadeRose I think. "I don't like walking around this old and empty house/so hold my hand I'll walk with you my dear"
Song #33 - Clown Prince
Thank God,,, thank fuckign God ***FINALLY***
There's literally no way I can make this Homestuck it's just fucking and drinking and honestly. Thank God.
It's 2 am. I started this an hour and a half ago as a funny haha. I didn't think I'd get further than 5 songs, but my commitment to tje bit won out over literally everything else
Thank you hilltop hoods
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bigbowserpharma · 1 year
Big Bowser Log: Purrfection
Claws. Teeth. Instincts. What defines an animal? What makes them so different from us. They provide incredible assets. Nature’s gifts if you will. And when you can use that to enhance yourself and your scions. Power is the assured result. How else can one get their dirty work done in a galaxy of miscreants and meddling fools? And so the experiments began. The process of modifying genetic code is painstaking. Hours of splicing and compiling. And when it fails to compile. Well. The bodies add up. I tried dozens of genuses, canine, rodent, even the elephantid. But none worked, none save for feline. For creatures so difficult to corral and control, their DNA was quite easy to manipulate. And so I introduced the feline genome to my underlings, splicing them to create a unique force, unlike any seen in the galaxy. I crafted scions with the skills of a cat and the loyalty of soldiers. And eventually I infected that pest of a plumber. All that remained was my own change. My next step to purrfection. I am the ancient feline. I am the lord of the hunt. The eyes of the jungle, stalking their prey. The content feaster basking in the sunlight. Claws, teeth, and all. I am Cat Bowser.
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seashellblue · 1 year
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (Part 16)
Scrubbing out my old Google Docs folders and putting up what I find for all to see! Feel free to use anything you find interesting in your old stories, I know I'm not gonna be using it :')
Click here if you want a better explanation for what's going on.
Three of three for The Liminal Universe / The Dark Ega! This post is just worldbuilding for an alien species known as The Nullborn, and some artwork related to that.
Here we go:
Those Who Bore Witness
The first species to create a cross-system empire, the nullborn are a people of pragmatism, efficiency and empathy. The nullborn homeworld was at one point the planet Eris, but the planet was nearly inhospitable before the nullborn became cross-system, and afterward became completely uninhabitable. Currently, the planet with the most nullborn activity would be Harmonia, the loss of Eris appears to have had no effect on nullborn society other than from a resource perspective. Nullborn are masters of biotech, and were the first to create Mods, capable of modifying an organism body and genome in a very short timeframe, which Humans later reverse-engineered and sold. 
Nullborn can reproduce asexually or with any number of other nullborn, samples of tissue (a piece of exoskeleton, a small chunk of flesh, a segment of fin) are placed in a sack, the material is dissolved and re-distributed amongst a number of nul, the number of nul increasing based on the volume of material used. The nul will then seek out and take another genetic sample from a native Eris lifeform, creating a semi-hybrid creature called a "Unit." Each unit is assigned a different role in nullborn society, though it's not a caste system as a nullborn can change unit type at any time. Due to the fact that the nullborn easily accept their fellows in all their strange shapes and sizes, they're very open towards other people, no matter how odd they are.
The lifeforms of Eris have many other oddities. For example, Null creatures do not breath, though many have biological processes that inadvertently mimic breathing. Secondly, Null creatures do not simply derive energy from their food, but can also steal functional cells, and re-incorporate them into their own biology. This process was the basis for the invention of Bio-Reincorporation Units, a staple of Null biotech. Due to the cell-stealing abilities of Nullborn and other Null creatures, they are largely immune to disease, able to quickly commandeer hostile bacteria and viruses.
Unit Murmur - Example Designation Soth'bez Xue
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Unit Butcher - Example Designation Sur'dox Zeel
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Unit Crawler - Example Designation Xun'fein Rix
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Unit Spinner - Example Designation Xal'gon Kor
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Unit Terror - Example Designation Ko'guth Val
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Unit Corruptor - Example Designation Shae'hu Voz
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Unit Nightmare - Example Designation Mun'jir Rao
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Unit Leviathan - Example Designation Dra'kal Mar
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Unit Lord - Example Designation Shu'lun Vez
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Unit Reaver - Example Designation Kal'kan Tane
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Unit Archivist - Example Designation Lev'Koz Zove
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Unit Spirit - Example Designation Chay'lai Tu
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Unit Baron - Example Designation Var'Nash Maw
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Unit Crown - Example Designation Ang'nei Zaw
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Unit Wraith - Example Designation Zov'rai Loi
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Unit Scout - Example Designation Lok'ran Vym
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Unit Drone - Example Designation Cha'ray Taer
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Unit Traveler - Example Designation Har'rox Nim
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Unit Ordnance - Example Designation Pul'sar Zi
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Unit Herald - Example Designation Zu'shur Lo
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Unit Vision - Example Designation Reev'von Div
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Unit Serpent - Example Designation Var'xir Vark
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Unit Stalker - Example Designation Ka'xoz Nei
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Unit Prophet - Example Designation Lin'zhar Lan
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Unit Infiltrator - Example Designation Fel'zin Qar
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Unit Kraken - Example Designation Lan'zot Goz
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urskogsbullen · 1 year
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Mina vördade läsare! I dag skall jag dela en händelse av annorlunda natur, vilken inträffade för en tid sedan och rör min gode vän Dart Vader. I en period av hans tillvaro, då han plägade söka förströelse på café, insjönk han i frestelsens gap och förgåves motståndslöst underkastade han sig kanelbullarnas sötma. Följden blev, att han med förskräckelse måste finna sig själv hava fördubblat sin vikt. Ja, vänner, sådant kan ske; den bäste av oss kan bliva svag för den ljuva njutningen av nybakat bröd och därmed i otakt med sin egen natur.
Tidigare var Dart Vader, eller som han en gång var känd, Anakin Skywalker, en man av styrka och makt, fruktad i stora delar av galaxen. Men dessa små kulinariska frestelser förvandlade honom till en slav under sin girighet. Han förlorade sig i en dekadent spiral av överätande, ovetande om de följder det skulle medföra. Följaktligen fick denne fordoms mäktige Sith-lord nu möta en ny fiende: överviktens tyngande bojor och förlorad energi.
Och då stunden nalkades för Dart Vader att utföra sina gärningar på filmens skärm, avslöjades snart det olyckliga tillstånd som hade övergripit honom. Hans tunga andning och krämpaktiga rörelser avslöjade den strid han kämpade mot sin egen vikt. Han förmådde ej längre bemästra fienden med kraft och styrka, utan nödgades ofta vila sig under inspelningarna. Detta blev en icke ringa utmaning för både Darth Vader och det filmiska konstnärskapet.
Dock, ur denna missöde vände livet återom, och en lärdom skingrade mörkrets dunkel. Dart Vader insåg, att han måste återvända till sin förlorade styrka genom förmanande disciplin, övning och en hälsosam livsstil. Stilla och sakta återvann han sin forna makt och vitalitet, ståndaktigt kämpande för att återbördas till sin bättre jag.
Bilden av Dart Vader på caféet, där han i frestelsens garn var försjunken och i svårighet med sin viktuppgång, tjänar oss som en påminnelse om att även de största och mäktigaste bland oss kan snärjas i lockelsen av njutningarnas väg. Det gäller att finna balansen i våra handlingar och inte låta kroppen bliva en fånge av överflödets kätterska förledning. Låt oss, av denna märkliga händelse, tänka djupt över våra egna frestelser och låta visheten bära oss mot rättrådighetens bana.
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5hitp0stn4tion · 1 year
all the things that the last of us universe missed out on:
(from the outbreak in the show to the release of the game)
esa's first space mission (27/09/2003)
elf (07/11/2003)
the last concorde flight (26/11/2003)
love actually (26/11/2003)
the arrest of saddam hussein (13/12/2003)
the lord of the rings: the return of the king (21/02/2003)
the burj khalifa (construction started on 06/01/2004)
facebook (originally launched 04/02/2004 for harvard students)
hurricane catrina (made landfall in brazil on 28/03/2004)
shrek 2 and subsequent shrek movies (post 15/05/2004)
the notebook (25/06/2004)
the first transit of venus (08/06/2004)
privately funded spaceflight (first on 21/06/2004)
the last world driver's championship of michael schumacher (29/08/2004)
saw (29/10/2004)
the incredibles (05/11/2004)
national treasure (19/11/2004)
the boxing day tsunami (26/12/2004)
youtube (launched 14/05/2005)
avatar the last airbender (21/02/2005)
airbus a380s (27/04/2005)
star wars iii: revenge of the sith (15/05/2005)
mr & mrs smith (and by extension brangelina) (10/06/2005)
a HIV cure (13/11/2005)
a human face transplant (30/11/2005)
twitter (launched 21/03/2006)
the completion of the human genome project (17/05/2006)
the devil wears prada (30/06/2006)
pirates of the carribean: the curse of the black pearl and subsequent potc films (post 06/07/2006)
the reclassification of pluto as a 'dwarf planet' (24/08/2006)
wikileaks (04/10/06)
daniel craig's james bond (16/11/2006)
happy feet (17/11/2006)
pan's labyrinth (24/11/06)
the iphone (09/01/2007)
TUMBLR (19/02/2007)
stardust (29/07/07) - one of the best movies ever imo.
the declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples (13/09/2007)
the worldwide criminalisation of slavery (2007)
the financial crisis (2007-2008)
the dark night (24/07/2008)
lewis hamilton (won his first championship 02/11/2008)
president barack obama (elected 04/11/2008)
twilight (21/11/2008)
cryptocurrency (first block of blockchain is established 03/01/2009)
swine flu pandemic (11/06/2009) - although i think they've probably had enough of pandemics
the death of michael jackson (25/06/2009)
league of legends (27/10/2009)
COD: modern warfare 2 (10/11/2009)
boeing 787 (15/11/2009)
the first exoplanet possibly having water (16/12/2009)
avatar (17/12/2009)
ipad (03/04/2010)
toy story 3 and subsequent toy story films (post 18/06/2010)
one direction (formed 23/07/2010)
lady gaga'd infamous meat dress (12/09/2010)
germany makes their final reparation payment for wwi (03/10/2010)
instagram (06/10/2010)
game of thrones (17/04/2011)
kate and williams wedding (29/04/2011)
the death of osama bin laden (01/05/2011)
end to the iraq war (15/11/2011)
minecraft (18/11/2011)
vlad becoming the president of russia (07/05/2012)
the dark night rises (16/07/2012)
the mers pandemic (24/09/2012)
legalisation of cannabis (WA: 06/12/2012)
end of the mayan calendar (21/12/2012)
the first 3d printed tissue (21/02/2013)
the ascension of 2 popes (benedict xvi on 19/04/2005, and francis on 13/03/2013)
the last of us (14/06/2013)
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