#lord clauneck
Sorry about the recent radio silence, I've been busy with my new job. That being said I did a tarot session with Duchess Astaroth a while back and I highly recommend meeting Her if you haven't. She made me cry during the session (happy cry) and validated me
I then did a tarot session a few days ago and asked Lord Thanatos if there were other deities from the Greek pantheon around me and got a yes to Zeus and Poseidon. Then yesterday I did a session with Lord Mammon to ask about who's been around me since King Bael said previously it wasn't Him, and I got a yes on Lord Clauneck
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wheatfieldtemple · 3 months
I’m in between houses and moving states. It’s making me miss my altars! I have so much new offerings and items for them but no room. Rn they’re packed away! It makes me homesick :(
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Plus I can’t wait to set up proper altars for Lord Dionysos, Ba’al Hadad, and Lady Bendis! (I had a small altar for Beelzebub before I realized that the entity was actually Ba’al Hadad 😅! and Lady Bendis’s was just a shrine to the moon, but I didn’t take pictures of them)
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shentheauthor · 3 months
Random cotl drabble
“I think I understand now.”
They looked at Shamura with wide, vacant eyes. They figured their blank expression would have been haunting, if the spider had the mental capacity to feel disturbed at the moment. They just continued to weave, pulling at silk and clacking their mandibles.
“You understand little,” they mumbled. “Knock, knock, the Lamb comes to raze…”
Kore sighed, balling their hands into fists. “I understand your decision,” they whispered, their voice breaking. They stared down at their fleece, the red fabric covering their wooly body. They were taller now, taller than most sheep ever grew to be. They hated it.
They were changing. They could not stop it. Clauneck had said as much when they turned to him, desperately seeking answers and help with handling their new form. Narinder hadn’t been much help, as he had taken to godhood on his own. His power was not stolen, like theirs was. He could never understand.
Shamura waited in silence for a moment before speaking, stopping their weaving long enough to look Kore directly in the eye. Their face filled with clarity in that moment, their pupils shrinking to bright red slits.
“Godhood is filled with difficult decisions, little Lamb,” the spider muttered. “Sacrifices must be made.
Part of Kore wanted to scream at Shamura that the slaughter of the sheep was not their sacrifice to make. But they hadn’t come to yell.
They sat down on the ground next to Shamura. The spider didn’t seem to mind getting dirty, and neither did Kore. “I sent a follower to his death today,” Kore admitted quietly. “He did not request it, but faith was low, and I needed the devotion.”
Shamura hummed. “Curved horns,” they whispered. “The rot will spread.”
“I…” Kore blinked, tilting their head up toward the sky. Dark clouds were rolling in. It would rain soon, and they would need to make sure the crops did not flood. The world kept turning, even though a life had been cut short.
They looked back at Shamura, who had stopped weaving. Their eyes were bright and lucid, staring right through Kore with an intensity that was rare with their addled mind.
Kore started again. “If I was in your position,” they said, “centuries ago… and it had been any other species than the sheep…” They balled their fleece up in their hands, digging their fingers into it.
“I would have done the same as you.”
Shamura nodded. “It is difficult to see mortals as anything more than tools,” they admitted. Kore’s ears twitched. Tears pooled in their eyes, threatening to spill over. They scratched their neck.
“I feel so far away,” Kore whispered.
“You will only grow more distant.”
“I know.”
“Then why are you here?”
Silence stretched between the two, broken only by laughter coming from the more populated cult grounds. Shamura’s hut was isolated, more for the cult’s safety than their own comfort.
Kore stared out at their Flock, blinking their tears away. “I’ll never forgive you,” they said under their breath. “But I understand.”
Shamura did not respond for a moment. Then, they sighed. “You are not meant to be here,” they ordered curtly. “Go back to your chambers, sheep.”
Kore looked up into four pairs of foggy, distant eyes, and gritted their teeth. “Very well, My Lord,” they muttered. They stood up, stretching briefly before walking away. They did not look back, but they could hear Shamura whispering as they went.
“Off with their head, the rot will spread, the rot will spread…”
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secondsonaym · 1 year
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And then she was gone in a flash of black flames.
Silence hung in the air for a few moments, Narinder closing his eyes to resume his usual contemplation, but it was soon broken by Aym.
"Forgive my judgement, my lord, but... A chin stroke?"
From across the way, Baal's ears visibly pricked, and she looked at her brother with a warning expression. It was not their place to question their lord's actions.
Luckily, Narinder did not take any apparent offense to Aym's transgression. He merely opened his eyes slowly and looked to the attendant as he chose his response.
"I've promised vessels many things for their service, Aym. This is no different." He finally said slowly. "It is much easier to ensure loyalty when you find something to exploit."
"Very rarely have you chosen to exploit a desire for affection." Aym commented, ignoring his sister's glare.
"Perhaps." Narinder admitted, the chains around him clattering along with his shrug. "I could simply feed that desire for blood, but... I would prefer not to risk the blade I sharpened turning back to point at me. Especially as she is the last of her kind, and thus my last chance, if we are to believe that prophecy."
"Your power does not need to rely on silly prophecies." Baal snorted from her seat, prompting a laugh from Narinder. "Prophecy or not, you will regain your freedom."
"The thing about prophecies is, however, it never hurts to keep them accounted for." Narinder chided, smiling.
His expression then darkened, though not towards the other two, as his thoughts seemed to have shifted. "We all know belief in something gives power, after all. Perhaps the bishops' paranoid dependency on the words of a card-dealer is enough to bring the prophecy into the realm of reality...
"Back to the original topic, however," He continued, looking back to Aym as his expression leveled. "She is a lonely soul. Her desire for attention is almost tangible. Considering what her fate will be in the end, I see no issue with giving her joy, as false as it may be."
"True." Aym mumbled, looking down. "I simply do not wish for her deluded ideas to agitate you, my lord."
"I am nothing if not patient." Narinder purred. "If anything, her assumptions and fantasies amuse me, distract me from the silence of this prison. But again, it is all to ensure her loyalty. Do not worry yourself, Aym."
"Of course, my lord."
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"I see what you're doing now." He snarled, looking between the two. "You're trying to goad me into action. You don't want to do things yourself, you want to watch the pieces fall where they may. Such is chaos."
The twins looked at Narinder for a moment, then exchanged a glance. It wasn't long after that Baal rolled her eyes, and Aym folded his arms.
"Told you he'd catch on." Aym said with a taunting tone. "So much for that plan."
"If we had just pushed a little harder--" Baal started, but Narinder cut in.
"This isn't like either of you." He said, a plead now slipping into his voice. "The crown, it--You are not yourselves."
"Oh? Are we not?" Baal suddenly snapped, taking a step towards him. "How do you know? All we had known from a young age was staying by your side in that prison."
"Who's to say this isn't how we could have been if we were actually allowed to live?" Aym followed up.
"I--" Narinder started, but was interrupted.
"We're finally free, and able to see the world. To see everything we missed out on." Baal said. "To have a little fun!"
"Your idea of fun is--?"
"We respected you out of obligation, Narinder. Now things are different. You weren't the only one locked up in that place. The only difference is you couldn't see our chains."
Narinder couldn't help but flinch. Baal had always been the more assertive twin. She was always the first to express her faith in him, to assure him of her loyalty, so to hear her tone become so venomous was... Painful.
... Even if she was right.
He looked to Clauneck, as if to ask them for assistance, but they remained as still and passive as ever, regarding the cats with as much interest as one would a passing bird.
"So yeah, maybe we don't want to hunt Star down... But it'd be nice to cause some trouble, especially if it makes you squirm along the way." Aym spat.
Narinder's anger had quickly left him, and all he could do was stare between the other two, not knowing what to say.
What could he even say... ?
"This is getting boring." Baal finally sighed after a moment. "So we're gonna go. But before we leave, let me leave you with a question to chew on."
She closed the distance between her and Narinder, leaning into his face with a stern expression.
"Who in your life haven't you used like a tool, discarding them the second they no longer have anything to provide you? Hm?"
And then she turned away, heading into the brush with Aym close behind her.
All Narinder could do was stare after them, doing his best to ignore his shaking hands.
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pagansheowl · 2 years
Thank you lord Clauneck for your blessings 🔥
No Daimon shall reward you if you don't work hard
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" After the sweat of effort, comes the happy bill"
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flaysmen · 2 years
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@brokenalibi​  said:  ❝  I  need  more  bastard  content  thanks  Jen.  ❞
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     I  didn't  think  anyone  would  be  interested  in  anything  else  bastard  related  but  once  again  Zatan  proves  me  wrong.  In  the  original  post  with  their  sketched  out  concepts  I  mentioned  that  I  was  looking  into  Roose's  book  based  lore.  I  will  be  reading  the  books  as  soon  as  I  finish  the  show,  and  honestly  with  the  information  I  pulled  from  the  book  series  wikis  I  most  definitely  plan  on  basing  Roose  on  the  book  series  rather  than  the  TV  series.  While  glazing  through  the  wiki  I  found  out  what  the  First  Night  tradition  was.  Considering  that  Ramsay  came  to  be  from  this  I  thought  it'd  be  interesting  if  Ramsay  had  more  bastards  because  of  this.
     So  here  are  his  bastard  twins,  Segovia  and  Lucius  Snow.  Their  mother's  name  is  Astrid,  her  husband  is  Nikolai  Ashborn.  Thankfully  for  Astrid's  sake  Nikolai  doesn't  enjoy  having  a  woman  in  his  bed,  their  marriage  a  ploy  to  those  around  them.  A  year  after  the  birth  of  the  twins,  Nikolai  and  Astrid  did  have  their  own  child  since  it  was  obvious  that  the  twins  weren't  his.  On  the  first  night,  Astrid  actually  enjoyed  her  time  with  Roose  and  insisted  that  the  night  go  on  longer.  She  never  told  the  twins  who  their  father  was,  but  Segovia  was  able  to  figure  it  out.  While  she  wasn't  quite  book  smart  like  her  brother  Lucius,  Segovia  learned  how  to  read  and  work  people.  Just  based  off  how  her  mother  would  speak  about  the  Lord  of  Leeches  and  how  she  looked  at  him  when  he'd  pass  through  their  village  for  annual  checks.  After  she  knew  the  truth,  the  next  time  Roose  Bolton  passed  through  the  small  village,  she  threw  a  straw  doll  with  nails  jammed  into  its  head,  hands,  and  feet,  trying  her  best  to  replicate  his  house  sigil.  The  two  made  eye  contact,  and  without  any  words  falling  from  her  lips  Segovia  told  him  ❛  I  know  our  secret.  ❜  She  of  course  told  Lucius  what  she  knew  and  about  two  other  bastards  who  were  clearly  their  half  siblings.
     The  third  bastard  is  Clauneck  Snow,  his  mother  being  Eissa.  When  she  was  wed  to  Ivan  Erikson,  Roose  claimed  the  first  night.  Ivan  had  no  objections  but  was  disgusted  with  his  wife  afterwards,  he  never  laid  with  her.  When  he  found  out  she  was  pregnant  he  abandoned  her,  his  body  was  found  in  the  woods  weeks  later,  his  death  caused  by  being  attacked  by  a  wild  animal.  After  Clauneck  was  born,  Eissa  started  working  in  a  brothel.  She  never  tried  to  make  contact  with  Roose  when  her  son  was  born,  Roose  found  out  about  Clauneck  after  one  of  his  banner-men  had  seen  Clauneck  playing  with  other  children  in  the  area.  Segovia  later  sought  out  Clauneck,  curious  to  who  her  half  brother  was.  Clauneck  thought  Segovia's  interest  in  him  was  because  she  was  attracted  to  him,  he  found  out  the  hard  way  that  it  wasn't  when  he  tried  to  kiss  her  which  resulted  in  her  kneeing  him  in  the  crotch.  She  yelled  at  him  stating  that  they  were  siblings,  Clauneck  followed  it  with   ❝   Just  because  our  last  names  are  Snow  doesn't  mean  we're  related.  ❞   She  kneed  him  in  the  groin  again  then  informed  him  of  who  their  father  was  then  called  him  a  ❝  half  wit  whore.   ❞
     Clauneck's  strengths  are  his  swordsmanship,  his  physical  strength,  and  quickness.  Lucius  is  incredibly  book smart  and  well  versed  in  the  art  of  healing.  Segovia's  strong suit  is  being  able  to  read  people,  figure  out  what  drives  them,  their  intentions,  and  so  on.  The  three  grew  close,  almost  inseparable.  Roose  took  notice  of  this  and  started  watching  them  closely.  Out  of  all  his  bastards,  Clauneck  was  the  first  to  be  legitimized.  After  he  earned  his  father's  family  name,  he  met  Ramsay  who  told  him  the  fate  of  Domeric.  Clauneck  took  this  tale  as  a  threat,  out  of  fear,  Clauneck  ran  off  to  The  Wall  to  join  The  Night's  Watch.  
     Seeing  that  Roose  lost  another  son,  instead  of  just  giving  Lucius  his  last  name,  he  asked  if  he  wanted  it.  Lucius  said  he  wouldn’t  mind  having  it,  seeing  on  how  he  had  planned  on  going  to  Oldtown  to  study  in  the  Citadel  it  wouldn’t  matter,  but  he  would  return  after  finishing  his  chain  to  be  the  Dreadfort’s  maester  if  that’s  something  Roose wanted.  Lucius  did  take  on  the  Bolton  name.  Segovia  is  legitimized  after  Ramsay,  it’s  not  because  Roose  was  particularly  fond  of  her,  or found  her  useful  in  anyway,  his  thoughts  on  it  being  that  he  might  be  able  to  arrange  a  marriage  with  another  house  to  strengthen  an  ally  ship.  Segovia  wasn’t  pleased  with  this  when  she  found  out.
Here  is  a  piece  I  did  of  Segovia  and  Lucius.
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     Below  the  cut  is  something  short  I  wrote  up  on  the  twins  and  their  mother.
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     Roose  Bolton’s  bastard  twins  may  have  his  blood  flowing  through  their  veins,  yet  they  lack  the  coldness  of  his  heart.  Instead,  what  beats  in  their  thoracic  cage  is  their  mother’s  love.  The  warmth  that  it  brings  in  their  chest  is  one  that  can  combat  the  Northern  winds.  Their  compassion  could  never  be  hidden  by  ghost  grey  eyes  ;  their  only  feature  that  proved  they  were  Roose’s.  Every  other  trait  they  hosted  was  gifted  by  their  mother,  a  lowborn  with  a  queen’s  beauty,  if  only  she  was  born  to  a noble  family...  maybe  her  children  would  be  fully  acknowledged  by  their  father.
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bastardsflay · 2 years
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     The  only  child  Roose  genuinely  cared  for  was  his  one  true  born  son,  Domeric.  After  his  death,  Roose  saw  his  remaining  children  as  pieces  in  a  game  of  chess,  pawns  he  could  use  for  his  bidding.  None  of  them  were  claimed  just  because  he  wanted  to  legitimize  them,  they  were  claimed  because  he  had  a  plan  for  them.  The  first  bastard  he  let  have  his  name  was  Clauneck,  the  oldest  of  the  four.  Eissa’s  feelings  towards  Roose  were  neutral,  she  didn’t  hate  him,  nor  did  she  love  him.  She  never  spoke  of  him  in  an  ill  manner,  but  never  praised  him  either,  which  also  caused  Clauneck  to  see  his  father  in  the  same  light.  Neither  of  them  blamed  Roose  for  anything  wrong  that  happend  in  their  life,  after  all  Eissa  slept  with  him  willingly  during  the  First  Night.  Clauneck  was  only  legitimized  because  of  his  strength  and  skills  with  a  sword,  Roose  saw  this  as  something  he  could  use  to  his  advantage.  
     So  when  Clauneck  became  a  Bolton  and  was  finally  able  to  shed  his  bastard  title,  he  was  overjoyed,  he  thought  his  new  found  status  was  going  to  give  him  the  ability  to  give  his  mother  a  better  life.  He  was  wrong.  Ramsay  had  found  out  about  it  and  took  it  upon  himself  to  seek  Clauneck  out,  he  had  already  killed  Domeric  thinking  it’d  cause  Roose  to  pay  him  mind,  after  all  Clauneck  had  what  he  wanted,  by  getting  rid  of  him  he’d  be  closer  to  his  goal.  The  two  of  them  ended  up  getting  into  a  violent  fight  which  nearly  resulted  in  Clauneck’s  death.  He  ended  up  surviving  after  telling  Ramsay  he’d  take  the  black.  The  next  day  Clauneck  left  for  the  wall,  but  not  before  informing  Roose’s  bastard  twins.  
     A  few  months  after  this  incident,  Roose  gave  Lucius  the  Bolton  last  name.  Roose  thought  his  knowledge  and  ability  to  quickly  solve  problems  would  be  beneficial  to  the  house,  yet  at  this  point  Lucius  has  already  decided  he  was  going  to  become  a  maester.  Nearly  a  week  after  becoming  a  legitimate  Bolton,  Lucius  set  off  for  Oldtown,  but  he  promised  to  come  back  and  be  the  Dreadfort’s  maester,  leaving  Segovia  alone.
      Now  the  twins’  mother,  Astrid  was  in  love  with  Roose,  he  was  the  first  man  she’s  ever  been  with.  There  was  no  reason  for  her  to  love  her  husband  Nikolai,  after  all  he  liked  the  company  of  men.  Their  marriage  was  a  cover  up,  and  Astrid  only  agreed  since  Nikolai  was  a  close  friend  of  her’s.  Unlike  Eissa,  Astrid  constantly  praised  Lord  Bolton,  which  caused  the  twins  to  see  him  in  a  good  light.  Her  mother’s  preaching  of  Roose  resulted  in  Segovia  putting  him  on  a  pedestal,  she  desired  to  be  seen  by  him,  to  be  claimed  by  him.  It  was  her  who  brought  her  half  brother’s  together,  excluding  Ramsay  for  she  had  heard  stories  about  him  and  what  he  did,  she  feared  him  but  it’s  not  something  she’ll  admit.  Much  like  Ramsay,  she  fights  for  Roose’s  attention  but  approaches  it  in  an  entirely  different  way.  Ramsay  creates  nothing  but  destruction  in  his  path  while  Segovia  brought  the  family  together.
     Ramsay  was  Roose’s  last  choice  for  a  son,  but  due  to  his  interaction  with  Clauneck,  Ramsay  had  backed  Roose  into  a  corner  that  he  didn’t  think  even  existed.  Prior  to  Clauneck  telling  Lucius  what  happened,  he  was  on  the  fence  about  becoming  a  maester  and  was  considering  staying,  yet  what  Ramsay  did  put  Lucius  on  edge  and  he  didn’t  want  any  part  of  it.  While  trying  to  bring  the  family  together  (  and  by  family  I  mean  just  Roose  ),  Ramsay  was  also  tearing  it  apart,  yet  if  it  weren’t  for  Segovia  getting  close  to  Clauneck,  Roose  would’ve  never  paid  mind  to  them,  which  in  the  end  also  helped  Ramsay  get  the  lord’s  attention.
     With  no  sons  left,  Roose  ended  up  claiming  Ramsay,  something  he  never  wanted  to  do  in  the  first  place.  His  son’s  ruthlessness  and  habit  of  acting  in  the  moment  was  a  liability  for  House  Bolton,  while  Domeric  was  what  he  desired  for  the  house,  Roose  understood  he  had  to  settle,  especially  after  Ramsay  chased  out  his  half  brothers.  
     Since  Ramsay’s  mother  Daphne  was  taken  against  her  will,  it  wasn’t  a  surprise  that  she  constantly  poisoned  Ramsay’s  mind  with  disgusting  thoughts  in  regards  to  Roose.  Telling  her  son  that  his  father  didn’t  care  if  he  lived  or  died,  that  he’d  never  be  good  enough  for  Roose,  and  more.  With  this  in  his  head,  along  with  what  Reek  taught  him,  it’s  no  surprise  Ramsay  does  what  he  does,  but  letting  his  mother’s  words  affect  him  and  acting  on  what  Reek  taught  him,  he  ultimately  dug  a  deeper  hole  for  himself.
     Unlike  his  half  brother’s,  Ramsay  never  saw  Segovia  as  a  threat,  what  skills  she  had  Roose  didn’t  acknowledge,  she  was  only  legitimized  with  the  intention  of  her  being  wed  to  a  lord  of  another  house  to  strengthen  an  alliance.  She  was  in  line  for  nothing,  and  this  made  Ramsay  see  her  as  below  him.  
     But  the  reality  is  if  the  four  bastards  came  together  and  all  were  legitimized,  all  of  their  skill-sets  could’ve  been  utilized.  Clauneck’s  strength,  Luicus’  knowledge,  Segovia’s  words,  and  Ramsay’s  ruthlessness  in  one  person  would’ve  made  a  perfect  heir.  Sadly,  they  had  to  play  a  game  of  survival  of  the  fittest  before  Roose.
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chaosmagick2020 · 3 years
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This is invocation ritual of Phul the lord of Luna sphere... Click the link below to watch the full video https://youtu.be/t3XUSfh4rw4 #luna #phul, #magic #spells #spellcaster #magick #magickal #olympicspirits #bethor #och #chakra #chakrahealing #ceremonialmagick #rituals #taoism #talisman #amulet #talismanicmagic #talismanic #pentaclesofsolomon #pentacle #astrology #meditation #yogapractice #yoga #bune #clauneck #hagith #aratron #hoodoo https://www.instagram.com/p/CUvrUvMIw2k/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sickle-gnome · 3 years
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Hail Clauneck! Possessor of the rich and their riches Luciferian spirit of favorable success Powerful driver to power Lead us with your presence to the achievements of a material life Filled with the luxuries and riches Great keeper of secret to achieve glory Give us the knowledge to fill us with what we want to achieve With your powerful presence and guidance we will achieve it Because if we are great your honor is great too Hail Claunek! Lord of riches! Lucifer's friendly companion, In you we trust ... So it will be! 🥰👍🤲💚
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brothertanath-blog · 5 years
The Demonic Pantheon Worked With Within This Book
Here we examine the Demonic Pantheon of Hell Worked within the Practices of Hell’s Dictate. Each Demon is given with their recognized Title of empowerment, throughout this Book Evocations for each of these Grand Infernal Spirits shall be given and within those Texts a full listing of the areas of power over which the specific Infernal Being holds power shall be put forth along with descriptions of their manifested appearance. Some Demons familiar to others may be missing from this list and this is because from Communions with Our Lord Satan and the Demon Beelzebub I have been informed conclusively that while there are Demons who are Fallen Angels there are others who are not and have always been ancient forces of Darkness. The Demons listed here are and always have been Demonic entities and never were Angels despite what is written in other Books or claimed by the Church of Lies. These deceptions have been instigated by the Orthodox Church to ensure that their lies regarding their God having infinite power over all is believed, a perfect deception for if God created all he must have power over all . . . not so, the Demons here are primal forces of unhallowed Darkness far older than the God of the Abrahamic Faiths.
Satan ~ Lord Of Hell Lilith ~ Lady Of Hell Beelzebub ~ Standard Bearer Of Hell Abaddon ~ Lord Of The Isolate Pit Asmodeus ~ Lord Of The Carnal House Naamah ~ Demon Of Seduction Lucifuge Rofocale ~ Grand Paymaster Of Hell Rimmon ~ Grand Physician Of Hell Belphegor ~ Demon Of Inventions Arioch ~ Demon Of Vengeance Adramalech ~ Demon Of Plague Alastor ~ The Grand Executioner Of Hell Sirchade ~ Guardian Demon Of Wildlife Mephistopheles ~ Master Of Pacts Frucissiere ~ Demon Of The Dead Eurynomous ~ Demon Of Torment Sonneillon ~ Demon Of Discord Sargatanas ~ The Guardian Demon Vetis ~ Tempter Of The Holy Hiepacth ~ Lord Of The Lost Verdelet ~ Master Of Ceremonies Agaliarept ~ Guardian Of The Gate Frimost ~ The Grand Seducer Eisheth Zenunim ~ The Queen Of Harlots Jezebeth ~ Mistress Of Deceit Agrat Bat Mahlat ~ Demon Of Adultery Agramon ~ Demon Of Fear Sergulath ~ Grand Divider Of Alliances Rosier ~ Grand Demon Of Love Surgat ~ Grand Demon Of Keys Huictiigara ~ Demon Of Sleep Khil ~ Grand Demon Of Disaster Aglasis ~ Demon Of Transport Philotanus ~ Grand Demon Of Learning Musisin ~ Grand Demon Of Command Ancitif ~ Demon Of Possession Elelogap ~ Demon Princess Of The Seas Xaphan ~ Demon Prince Of Fire Stygal ~ Grand Demon Of Death Rahovart ~ Demon Of Immorality Unsere ~ Grand Demon Of Motherhood Cressil ~ Demon Prince Of Indulgence Picollus ~ Infernal Speaker With The Dead Clauneck ~ Demon Of Riches Clistheret ~ Demon Of Illusions Guland ~ Demon Of Disease Proculo ~ Demon Of The Realms Of Sleep Pythius ~ Lord Of Deception Klephoth ~ Demon Of Prophetic Dreams Ukobach ~ Demon Of Pyromancy Mersilde ~ Demon Of The Astral Realms Segal ~ Demon Of Apparitions Bechard ~ Lord Of Lightning Ribesal ~ Demon Of Storms Bucon ~ Demon Of Hatred Morail ~ Demon Of Concealment Humots ~ Grand Demon Of Transport Delepitorae ~ Demon Of Enchantment Verrier ~ Demon Of Healing Arphaxat ~ Possessor Of The Holy
(c)Tanath 2019
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Depicted Image’s Origin Not Known
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aanti-christ · 5 years
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Invocation to Clauneck for Financial
Aid Clauneck Bird (3X)
Great and Powerful Demon of Wealth Clauneck, I stand before Satan to summon you. Come from the depths of hell and stand before me so that together we may perform this Rite dedicated to you. O Great Dreammaker, Coin-Maker, Lord of Prosperity, Abundance and Riches in abundance, come with your strength and join me. I, who are loved by Lucifer and loved by you, wish to see your richness and prosperity crossing my path and rejoice in it with you. Mighty Lord of Wealth, open my ways and make me full, prosperous and abundant. Allow your Legions to come to me bringing all that I need to live in the most perfect harmony on this earth. Come to me Clauneck and introduce yourself! (6X) In the name of Lucifer for whom you are Beloved, I invoke your power and energy for the realization of this Rite. Let it be done and so be done. Ethan Agios Clauneck! Son of Beelzebuth
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BOOK OF THE DARK WITCH ~ The Demonic Pantheon
The true core power of the Workings within Book Of The Dark Witch lies with the Black Goat Satan and the primal Spirits of His Demonic Pantheon, below is put forth what I call The Dark Pantheon Of The Kingdom Of Shadows . . . it differs greatly from some Hierarchies put forth although it is close to the Dukante Hierarchy regarding the Demons Included. The Demons included here are Dark Spirits I have Communed with who to seem void of untoward connections with the Hierarchies of Light and the filthy tendrils of the Religions of the East. Beside the Name of each Demon is noted its Gender or at least recognized Gender . . . . (A) Androgynous (F) Female (M) Male . . . also the Title of the Demonic Being and despite not heeding the plethora of Magickal correspondences of Ceremonial Magicians the resonating Moon Phase is also noted. The influence of the Moon is not regulated by the archetypal correspondences of humankind but is very real and powerful on many levels. Beneath this is give the ares of influence over which the Demon holds power and finally in Bold Text a brief description of the Demon’s manifestation. SATAN ~ THE DEVIL (M) ~ Black Goat Of The Sabbat ~ Dark Wisdom, Power, Black Magick, Knowledge Of The Occult, Desire, Lust, Creation, Mastery, Authority, Seduction, Protection, Influencing Others, Strength, Scyring, Leadership, Death, Creative Power, Intellect. Appears with the body of a man but the horned head, legs and cloven hooves of a Ram, occasionally He will appear as a bipedal black Goat or a black Goat itself. BEELZEBUB (M) ~ Lord Of The Flies ~ Full Bravery, Rulership, Battle Fever, Authority, Military Strategics, Influencing Those In Authority, Protection, Victory In Conflict, Strength, Leadership, Promotion, Command, Warfare, Destruction, Loyalty. Appears as large black Fly or at times as an oily black skinned male Demon with the head of a Fly. SARGATANAS (A) ~ Bearer Of The Shield ~ Waxing Protection From Magickal Attack, Protection From Psychic Attack, Protection From Psychic Attack, Lust, Banishment, Protection, Wisdom, Power, Protection From Injury, Authority. Appears as a Ram headed Demon clad in a crimson robe and carrying a Golden Shield bearing its Sigil. AGALIAREPT (M) ~ Keeper Of The Keys ~ Waxing Scrying, Gateways, Seership, Magickal Doorways, Divination, Psychic Protection, Occult Knowledge, Discovering Arcane Mysteries, Grimoires, Initiation, Guidance, Other Realms, Mirrors, Dark Arts. Appears as tall figure completely shrouded in a long black hooded robe, the only thing visible is skeletal pale skinned hands, he carries a bunch of Keys and a leather book. TAROON (F) ~ Enchantress Of The Night ~ Full Seducing The Lover Of Another, Lust, Enticement, Enchantment, Charms, Seduction, Desire, Sexual Manipulation Of Men, Glamour, Beauty, Enticement, Promiscuity, Adultery, Infidelity, Sexual Possession. Appears as a long black haired woman with pale skin and garbed in a long robe of scarlet hue, large Ram’s horns curl back from her dark locks. UNSERE (F) ~ Womb Of Life ~ Full Fertility, Childbirth, Pregnancy, Safe Pregnancy, Protection Of Children, Healing Children, Fertility Of The Land, Safe Childbirth, Motherhood, Beauty, Love, Sustenance, Vitality, Nature, New Life, Nursing. Appears as a long dark haired pregnant woman with pale skin clad in a long gown of emerald green and with small ivory horns coming from her brow. FLEREOUS (A) ~ Wielder Of The Flame ~ Waning Pyromancy, Fire, Death By Burning, Commanding Fire, Control Of Fire Elementals, Reading The Ashes, Protection From Fire, Controlling Flames, Destruction By Fire, Divination, Passion, Cartomancy, Scrying. Appear as Demonic Spirit forged from golden and amber flames which have a red aura about them, the face can be discerned within the flames, sharp and sinister. ABADDON (M) ~ Lord Of The Pit ~ Dark Misery, Isolation, Desolation, Death, Binding Another’s Magick, Bindings, Curses, Pain, Torment, Hexcraft, Tragedy, Inflicting Wounds, Banishment, Banishing The Dead, Torture, Revenge, Hatred, Despair. Appears as a slim figure clad in a black hooded robe, his face is white and almost featureless accept for the large hollow black eyes. SATANACHIA (A) ~ Guardian Of The Realms ~ Waxing Protection, Seduction, Fertility, Astral Projection, Astral Protection, Safe Journeys, Manipulation, Lust, Power, Safety From Harm, Psychic Protection, Desire, Possession. Appears as if forged from grey stone, its head holds four faces enabling to see on all sides, it wears a long scarlet fur lined cloak. SONNEILLON (F) ~ Weaver Of The Black Loom ~ Waning Dividing Lovers, Discord, Arguments, Hatred, Division, Endings, Feuds, Disagreements, Divorce, Breaking Deals, Betrayal, Ending Friendships, Disloyalty, Infidelity, Brutality, Dishonour, Shame. Appears as a white skinned female with curling white horns and Bat like wings, even her waist length hair is white, but her eyes are piercing blood red. ASMODEUS (M) ~ Lord Of Passions ~ Full Protection, Lust, Desire, Seduction Of Women, Seduction, Passion, Wrath, Battle Rage, Possession, The Ouija, Protection Of Others From Magickal Attack, Seduction Of Other’s Wives, Spirit Communication, Automatic Writing. Appears as a red skinned horned male Demon naked bur for the blue loin cloth like garment he wears, has the cloven hooves of a Goat. SVENGALI (M) ~ The Ruthless Lord ~ Waning Treachery, Revenge, Karma, Death, Justice, Deals, Trading, Influence Over Legal Matters, Retribution, Vengeance, Hatred, Destruction, Grudges, Conflict, Commerce, Trade Deals. Appears as a Large figure completely black, cloaked and with horns, he gives the appearance of a shadow with no distinguishable features but for the glowing red eyes. MEPHISTO (M) ~ Demon Of The Earth ~ Waning Pacts, Trade, Deals, Contracts, Wit, Bargaining, Manipulation, Desire, Etiquette, Liberation, Revenge, Influence, Popularity, Fame, Oaths, Declarations, Elegance, Fame. Appears as a distinguished gentleman sporting sleek black hair and a goatee beard, dressed in scarlet or black Tudor style clothing, his eyes are penetrating and black. FRIMOST (M) ~ The Wanton ~ Waning Seducing Younger Women, Wanton Behaviour, Promiscuity, Inciting Another Into Adultery, Seducing Another’s Wife, Lust, Fornication, Desire, Infidelity, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Perversion. Appears as a naked male with an erect phallus, his facial features give the impression of being almost serpentine in look, his skin is pale with deep violet hued pronounce veins. MORAIL (A) ~ The Hidden One ~ Dark Invisibility, Remaining Hidden, Secrets, Concealment, Remaining Unseen, Ability To Move Unnoticed, Deception, Illusion, Deceit, Facade, Sigil Magick, Slight Of Hand, Fraud. Appears as a constantly morphing figure of translucent skin which shows through the vista behind it, sometimes it garbs itself in a robe of purple, its eyes are white. KHIL (A) ~ The Shadow ~ Dark Earthquakes, Tremors, Astral Tremors, Tsunamis, Natural Disasters, Death Through Natural Disasters, Storms, Astral Disruption, Imbalance Of Other Realms, Mental Disturbance. Appears as a old long white haired bony man clad in grey rags and holding a wooden staff but may transform into a large shadow like creature in an instant. DELEPITORAE (F) ~ Our Lady Of Sorcery ~ Waxing Seduction, Lust, Desire, Seducing Younger Men, Love, Passion, Enchantment, Glamour, Enticement, Temptation, Adultery, Sexuality, Fornication, Seduction Of Another’s Husband, Harlotry, Sacred Prostitution. Appears as a long red haired woman of great beauty, here eyes Cat green, her pale skinned naked form barely hidden by the gossamer violet gown that covers her form. BELPHEGORE (A) ~ The Seed Bringer ~ Waxing Love, Invention, Marriage, Creation, Crafts, Arts, Creation, Inspiration, Creativity, Craftsmanship, Binding Lovers, Ideas, Artistry, Evolution, Renewal, Evolution. Appears as a horned bearded Demon of pale red skin with a long forked tail, its eyes are yellow and it looks always to be in deep concentration, it wears only a loin cloth of brown fur. LUCIFUGE (M) ~ The Paymaster ~ Full Prosperity, Money, Wealth, Inheritance, Profit, Promotion At Work, Financial Security, Authority, Attracting Opportunity, Obtaining Lucrative Employment, Business Deals, Social Standing, Respect. Appears with the top half of a man and the bottom half of a brown Goat with cloven hooves, three ivory like horns protrude from the tome of its head and it carries a side pouch full of gold. CLAUNECK (F) ~ The Wealth Weaver ~ Waxing Finances, Inheritance, Heirlooms, Legacies, Riches, Financial Success, Obtaining Required Funding, Business, Success, Savings, Investments, Financial Speculation, Commerce. Appears as an old woman in worn brown rags leaning on a crooked wooden staff, a large bag is upon her back filled with gold and jewels. BEHEMOTH (A) ~ The Beast Of Sin ~ Waning Avarice, Sloth, Gluttony, Jealousy, Apathy, Laziness, Luxury, Inciting Avarice In Others, Lewdness, Blasphemy, Debauchery, Greed, Envy, Selfish Behaviour, Wanton Lust. Appears as a large grey skinned bipedal creature sometimes resembling an Elelephant but at others a Hippopotamus, its eyes are yellow and black and it sweats profusely. MUSISIN (A) ~ The Enchanter ~ Waxing Influencing People In Positions Of Power, Compelling Another Against Their Will, Influencing Important Decisions, Command, Hypnotism, Manipulation, Control Of Those In Authority. Appears as a tall commanding figure robed in robes of royal blue, two striking Ram like horns rise from it bald heard, its skin is white, its eyes black and penetrating. VETIS (A) ~ The Dark Shade ~ Waning Temptation, Sin, Lust, Desire,  Corruption Of The Pious, Seduction Of The Chaste, Destruction Of The Holy, Desecration, Blasphemy, Ruination Of The Pious, Disgrace, Fall From Grace, Public Shame. Appears as red skinned devilish creature with short horns, it as both male and female genitalia and golden eyes, it is naked and chews and spits out the Holy Wafers of Christ. LUITHIAN (A) ~ The Scroll Bearer ~ Waxing Success In Exams, Study, Excelling In Study, Scholarship, Literature, Prose, Writing, Teaching, Learning, Improvement Of Learning Skills, Concentration, Studious Skills, Attention, Detail, Understanding. Appears as a man robed in gowns of fine deep blue, long silver white hair falls down from its balding head, it carries scrolls under one arm and a large book under the other, the stern face is highlighted by crystal blue eyes. EURYNOME (M) ~ The Lord Of Tears ~ Dark Pain, Self-Harm, Loss, Depression, Inciting Self-Harm, Misery, Inciting Suicide, Torment, Despair, Sadness, Melancholy, Loss Of Hope, Apathy, Self-Hatred, Futility, Failure, Obstacles, Self-Loathing. Appears as red skinned horned, bearded Imp like creature, upon its back to stumps suggest wings have been torn from its body which is covered in cuts and scars, sometimes it wears a fur cape upon its back, its yellow eyes hold a look of terror. HUICTIIGARA (F) ~ Queen Of Dreams ~ Waxing Dreams, Peaceful Slumber, Nightmares, Inciting Nightmares, Prophetic Dreams, Lucid Dreaming, Inciting Nightmares, Attainment Unbroken Sleep, Astral Travel, Exploring Other Realms, Bringing Slumber To Another. Appears as a pale skinned woman with long auburn hair, she wears a long robe of purle gossamer but no body can be seen beneath it, her eyes are as black as night. VERRIER (F) ~ The Healer ~ Full Healing, Health, Medicine, Healing The Self, Healing Others, Vanquishing Disease, Banishing Malady, Nursing, Care, Medicines, Reiki, Natural Treatments, Meditation, Yoga, Visualization. Appears as a pale skinned woman wearing a green robe and crimson cloak, her black hair is tied up atop her head and her eyes are deep green, she carries a wooden stoppered bottle. RASHOON (F) ~ The Harlot ~ Waning Seducing Another’s Husband, Seducing Another’s Lover, Adultery, Prostitution, Harlotry, Enchantment, Lust, Desire, Female Sexuality, Glamour, Enticement, Sexual Possession, Obsessive Behaviour, Lustful Behaviour. Appears as a beautiful mature woman with long blond hair and azure blue eyes clad in a long cloak of burgundy under which she is naked, two small horns protrude from her brow and she has the cloven hooves of a Goat. TEZRIAN (F) ~ The Death Bringer ~ Dark Causing Warfare, Conflict, Mass Death, Genocide, Entrapment Of The Souls Who Died In Battle, Military Conflict, Death, Acts Of Hostility, Punishing Those Who Die In Battle, The Battlefield. Appears as an elderly woman with long white hair and a stern but wise face, clothed completely in black robes and a feathered cloak, she carries a long dark staff which is decorated with bones, feathers, skin and nails. MINOSON (A) ~ The Trickster ~ Waxing Gambling, Good Fortune, Sin, Addiction, Financial Gain, Chance, Fate, Fortune, Risk, Danger, Luck, Fortuitous Events, Fortuity, Balance, Timing, Instinct. Appears as an Imp like figure with Demonic features and two small horns, it is naked from the waist up with russet coloured skin, its bottom half clothed in baggy amber pants. HIEPACTH (A) ~ The Flame Carrier ~ Waxing Finding Those Who Are Missing, Finding Those Who Are Lost, Discovery, Discovering Lost Items, Research, Investigation, Revelation, Searches, Archives, Divination, Remote Viewing. Appears as dark shadowy figure clad in ragged dark grey hooded robes, its face is hidden, the hands appear old and worn, it carries a wooden staff topped with a Hematite looking crytal sphere. BUCON (A) ~ The Unseen Blade ~ Waning Dividing Friends, Discord, Family Feuds, Arguments, Hatred, Disruption, Broken Deals, Termination Of Contracts, Separation, Battles, Fights, Conflict, Punishment, Hardship. Appears as a robed hooded figure, the garments of the deepest red, its head is that of a Ram’s Skull, a scabbard hangs at its side but no dagger is visible. FRUCISSIERE (A) ~ Summoner Of The Dead ~ Dark Necromancy, Mediumship, Seances, Other Realms, The Ouija, Communing With The Dead, Necrophilia, Paranormal Research, Retraining The Dead, Paranormal Investigation, Ghosts, Wraiths. Appears as Demonic figure with marble like skin and piercing black eyes, it wears long black robes and carries a black staff, a garland of various skulls hang around its neck and long black hair falls from the back of its head. BECHARD (A) ~ The Storm Bringer ~ Waning Summoning Storms, Winds, Hail, Thunder, Lightning, Causing Damage Through Storms, Weather Magick, Rains, Floods, Tempests, Hurricanes, Torrents, Influencing Weather Patterns. Appears as a striking and fearsome Demon, worn and wrinkled pale grey skin covering its bony form, the face almost skull like, wild black hair and its ragged brown clothing continuously blow from an unseen wind. SIRCHADE (A) ~ The Beast Of Tongues ~ Full Communicating With Animals, Healing Animals, Protecting Animals, Understanding The Calls Of Animals, Control Of Animals, Preservation, Conservation, Communing With Animals. Appears as a figure forged from foliage, bracken, bark, roots and animal skin, its face seems to be carved from the wood of tree bark, its fingers are like bracken sticks, its legs and feet akin to the roots of a tree. GULAND (A) ~ The Plague Carrier ~ Waning Inflicting Illness, Disease, Malady, Viruses, Injury, Pandemic, Ill Health, Infection, Plague, Causing Fatal Illness, Cancer, Slow Death, Terminal Disease, Tumors, Wounds. Appears as a huge terrifying Demon its grey skin covered by plague and sores, its large domed horned head holds large black eyes which seem to ooze with blood, clawed hands and feet complete the striking visage. MERSILDE (A) ~ The Watcher ~ Waxing Safety When Travelling, Protection When Asleep, Protection On The Astral Realm, Astral Projection, Astral Travel, Access To Other Realms, Journeys, Exploration, Excavation. Appears as a fleeting shadow rarely seen, black appearing cloaked, it never manifests for more than a few seconds. ASHTAROT (F) ~ The Queen Of The Scarlet Womb ~ Full Seduction, Lust, Homunculi, Psychogones, Egregores, Golems, The Creation Of Magickal Entities, Sex Magick, Desire, Possession, Passion, Love, Marriage, Partnerships, Astral Beings. Appears as a female of startlingly black and white pied skin and long black hair, she is beautiful and garbed in a long flowing hooded robe of scarlet hue, within her hands she holds a jar appearing to contain a fetus. VERRINE (F) ~ The Lady Of Renewal ~ Waxing Care, Medical Knowledge, Healing The Aged, Healing Children, Herbalism, Natural Healing, Crystal Healing, Medicine, Rejuvenation, Herb Magick, Natural Remedies, Recovery, Healed Wounds. Appears as a woman of elderly dignity, white hair tied back in a plait, her slender form clad in robes of holly green, here yes are pitch black as are her fingernails. BAAL (M) ~ The Bright Flame ~ Full Knowledge, Wisdom, Intellect, Passion, Invention, Intelligence, Will Power, Fortitude, Lust, Love, Passion, Philosophy, Leadership, Kingship, Mastery, Learning, Position, Power. Appears as a regal man wearing a golden crown and long gold robe, his skin is tanned bronze and he has long black hair, he carries a staff of bronze and it is topped with an ever burning flame. FRUTIMIERE (A) ~ Master Of Ceremonies ~ Full Celebrations, Happiness, Success, Sustained Success, Rituals, Ceremonies, Festivals, Entertainment, Joy, Beauty, Harvests, Sabbat Festivals, Occasions, Beauty. Appears as a red skinned Demon clad in green Tudor styled clothing and carrying a gold staff, its head is bald with two small horns. AMMON (M) ~ The Lord Of Life ~ Full Fortitude, Longevity, Strength, Renewed Health, Longevity Of Life, Sustaining Life, Banishment Of Ailments, Vitality, Physical Strength, Bravery, Healing Of Malady, Recovery Of Strength, Excess. Appears as a large muscular male naked but for a brown fur loin cloth, he has a the head of a horned Ram, the horns appearing to be solid gold. SEGAL (A) ~ Traveler Of The Realms ~ Dark Illusions, Apparitions, Hauntings, Psychosis, Schizophrenia, Madness, Hallucinations, Mirages, Paranoia, Nightmares, Paranormal Activity, Terror, Insanity, Mirages, Loss Of Rationality, Mistrust, Fear. Appears as white wraith like figure in flowing pale lilac robes, its long hair a silvery white hue, its nails long and talon like, its black eyes are stark against the pallid skin. SURGAT (A) ~ Holder Of The Keys ~ Waning Entry Into Places Forbidden, Locks, Portals, Gateways, Revelation, Entering Other Realms, Perception, Instinct, Admission, Ability, Seeing Beyond The Veil, Access, Understanding Complex Issues. Appears as a Demon of black skin with white eyes and unruly long brown hair, it is clad in grey coloured rags and wears a chain bilt upon which are many keys but all of them are the same. Written upon the Twentieth day Of August 2018
(c)copyright2018 Eldric
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wheatfieldtemple · 3 months
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(I follow and like from my main lgbt/mogai blog @genderpains 👍)
Hi there! You can call me Holden!
he/him 19 transman, queer
I consider myself a Syncretic Polytheist/Pagan, and a theistic Luciferian.
My patron is Lord Lucifer, and I work with King Clauneck. I worship Lord Dionysos, Ba’al Hadad, and Lady Bendis (the moon my love <3)
My reblog will be stuff I relate to my deities, and also stuff from their pantheons.
Infernal, Canaanite, Thracian, Hellenic, etc
I grew up Christian and am pretty far into my deconstruction journey (tbh I don’t think it ever ends lol)
I’ve dabbled in witchcraft/spiritual stuff since I was 13, but am not as focused on witchcraft as I used to be. Some light spell work or sigils here and there 🤷‍♂️
Also I smoke weed and drink, and consider it a part of my religious practice, so if you’re uncomfy with that my blog might not be for you :/
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LE MIROIR NOIR (The Black Mirror) Text 6: The Demonic Legion
There have been many different Demonic Hierarchies put forth over the years, S Connolly's splendid Book THE COMPLETE BOOK OF DEMONOLATRY gives some interesting information on these, as to the Reader perusing the older Occult studies, they will find many variations regarding the order and inclusion of Demons within these Hierarchies. The Listing of Demons below is that of the Hierarchy utilized within the Workings of LE MIROIR NOIR, I have named it The Guibourg Hierarchy after the famed Satanist Abbe Guibourg. The list here is but a brief introduction to the Demons Worked with in LE MIROIR NOIR, further information will be given on each Demon later in this Book including descriptions of their appearance,  areas of Command and specific Evocations.
SATAN ~ Demonic Lord And King Of Hell BEELZEBUB ~ Standard Bearer Of Hell LILITH ~ Mother Of Demons ABADDON ~ Prince Of Desolation ASMODEUS ~ Lord Of The Carnal House LUCIFUGE ~ Grand Paymaster Of Hell AGALIAREPT ~ Sentinel Of The Gates NAAMAH ~ Mistress Of Seduction SARGATANAS ~ The Infernal Guardian BELPHEGORE ~ The Demon Of Inception ERYNOMOUS ~ The Prince Of Tears BEHEMOTH ~ The Demon Of Sins MEPHISTO ~ The Lord Of Pacts ARIOCH ~ Prince Of Vengeance ALASTOR ~ Grand Assassin Of Hell SONNEILLON ~ Princess Of Discord ADRAMALECH ~ Lord Of The Plague XAPHAN ~ Demon Of Fire UNSERE ~ Demon Of Childbirth DELEPITORAE ~ Grand Enchantress Of Hell MAMMON ~ The Prince Of Gold UKOBACH ~ Mistress Of The Eternal Flame RIMMON ~ Lord Of Healing HUMOTS ~ Lord Of Writings LEONARD ~ Master Of The Black Arts VERDELET ~ The Master Of Ceremonies ELELOGAP ~ Mistress Of The Tides CRESSIL ~ Demon Of Apathy VETIS ~ Demon Of Temptation BIFFANT ~ Demon Of Possession SIRCHADE ~ Demon Of The Beasts HUICTIIGARA ~ Mistress Of The Realms Of Sleep SURGAT ~ Demon Of Doorways FRIMOST ~ Prince Of Fornication KHIL ~ Mother Of Destruction FRUCISIERE ~ Demon Of The Dead BECHARD ~ Lord Of Storms CLAUNECK ~ Demon Of Prosperity GULAND ~ Demon Of Disease MERSILDE ~ Demon Of The Astral Realms BUCON ~ Demon Of Hatred CLISTHERET ~ Mother Of Illusions ©GilesDavot 2018
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The Demonic Legion Of The Kingdom Of Shadows
Here we concentrate upon the Demonic Legion of the Kingdom of Shadows ~ Satan, Lilith and the Demonic Beings that reside in Hell. The Spirits Of Hell are given with their Gender M(Male), F (Female) and A (Androgynous) and beneath each is given information on the areas of influence they have power over. This information is important as it is useful when deciding on which Demon’s power to Conjure to aid the obtaining of certain objectives or in completing work for Our Lord Satan. SATAN (M) Occult Knowledge, Success, Possession, Desire, Lust, Wisdom, Eliminating Enemies, Protection, Seduction, Magickal Power, Black Magick, Witchcraft, Bravery, Power. LILITH(F) Seduction, Stillbirths, Infertility, Miscarriages, Lust, Wrath, Psychic Power, Destroying The Pious, Avenger Against Misogyny, Female Power, Seership, Bloodshed, Menstruation. BEELZEBUB (M) Warfare, Power, Bravery, Authority, Rulership, Leadership, Influence, Controlling Those In Power, Conflict, Military Tactics, Victory, Defeat Of Enemies, Destruction.   ABADDON (M) Misery, Torment, Torture, Isolation, Depression, Madness, Terror, Desolation, Misanthropy, Binding Another’s Magick, Hexing, Cursing, Death, Loss. AGALIAREPT (M) Seership, Teaching, Guidance, Wisdom, Knowledge, Gateways, Scrying, Divination, Black Magick, Doorways, Portals, Realms, Prophecy, Tarot, The Black Mirror, Initiation. ASMODEUS (M) Seducing Women, Carnal Pleasure, Sexual Prowess, Ouija Boards, Desire, Lust, Seducing The Religious, Protection, Protection Against Magickal Attack, Fornication, Wanton Behaviour.   NAAMAH (F) Fornication, Lust, Seduction, Fertility, Fertility Of Land, Sexuality, Sexual Excess, Nymphomania, Blasphemy, Wrath, Adultery, Seduction Of Men, Beauty, Female Power. BELPHEGOR (A) Invention, Creativity, Love, Friendship, Ideas, Science, Attracting Love, Crafts, Alliances. LUCIFUGE (M) Prosperity, Wealth, Money, Inheritance, Good Fortune, Fate, Success, Business Deals. ARIOCH (M) Revenge, Justice, Retribution, Wrath, Death, Anger, Rage, Vengeance, Persecution Of Enemies, Karma, Pain, Punishment, Destruction, Cursing. ALASTOR (M) Violence, Death, Destruction Of Enemies, Inciting Homicide, Destroying Others, Assassination, Wrath, Bloodlust, Bloodshed, Pain, Hatred. RIMMON (M) Healing, Health, Healing The Self, Medicines, Diagnosis, Healing Others, Medical Knowledge, Science, Recovery. MEPHISTO (M) Pacts, Death, Revenge, Trades, Deals, Commerce, Liberation, Success, Extravagance, Pride, Demonic Pacts, Contracts, Sexual Liberation, Communication. ADRAMALECH (M) Destruction, Hate, Blood Sacrifice, Death Of Children, Sacrifices, War, Death, Plague, Disease, Pandemic, Desolation, Wrath. UNSERE (F) Healing, Fertility, Childbirth, Protection Of Children, Healing Of Children, Pregnancy, Herbal Healing, Safe Birth, Beginnings, Initiation, Female Beauty. BEHEMOTH (A) Greed, Sloth, Sin, Debauchery, Gluttony, Obesity, Blasphemy, Avarice, Indulgence, Possessive Behaviour, Laziness, Lewdness, Inciting Gluttony, Inflicting Obesity. RIBESAL (A) Storms, Violence, Seership, Dangerous Conditions, Bad Weather, Lightning, Sadness, Destruction Of Property, Rage, Wrath. SONNEILLON (F) Hate, Wrath, Conflict, Dividing Lovers, Causing Divorce, Dividing Friends, Ending Partnerships, Revenge, Grudges, Mental Torture, Disagreements, Discord, Torture. FRUCISSIERE (A) Necromancy, Passing Of The Dead, Paranormal, Ghosts, Ouija, Mediumship, Dark Arts, Paranormal Research, Psychic Phenomena. EURYNOME (A) Misery, Depression, Inciting Suicide, Inciting Self-Harm, Loneliness, Isolation, Loss, Apathy, Pacts, Death, Melancholy, Futility, Hate. LEONARD (M) Voodoo, Sorcery, Tatrism, Hexes, Spellcraft, Curses, The Occult, Witchcraft, Black Magick. DELEPITORAE (F) Lust, Glamour, Sex, Seduction, Beauty, Enchanting Men, Captivation, Obsession, Desire, Sex Magick, Seduction Spells. BALBERITH (A) Deals, Wisdom, Knowledge, Contracts, Success, Authority, Influencing Those In Authority, Allegiances, Alliances, Pacts, Power. AGRAMON (A) Terror, Nightmares, Paranoia, Fear, Insecurity, Trepidation, Uncertainty, Inciting Fear In Others, Insanity, Conspiracies. HUICTIIGARA (A) Dreams, Nightmaes, Insomnia, Rest, Dream Prophecy, Dream Travel, Astral Travel, Meditation, Peaceful Sleep, Convalescence. LUITHIAN (M) Learning, Knowledge, Study, Teaching, Literary Excellence, Understanding, Aiding Study, Aiding The Learning Process, Writing, Literature, Poetry, Wisdom. NYBASS (A) Luxury, Harmony, Prosperity, Festivals, Entertainment, Desire, Satisfaction. BECHARD (A) Tempests, Rains, Floods, Drowning By Flood, Winds, Tornadoes, Natural Disasters, Accidents, Weather Magick, Elemental Destructive Power. SURGAT (A) Opening Locks, Solving Problems, Entrance, Other Realms, Theft, Entry Into Forbidden Places, Revelation, Opening Magickal Gates. BALBAN (F) Apparitions, Mirages, Illusions, Hauntings, Fear, Nightmares, Paranoia, Insanity, Mental Imbalance, Delusions, Uncertainty, Depression. PYTHIUS (A) Deceit, Cunning, Commerce, Manipulation, Compulsion, Untruth, Concealment, Injustice. AGRAT (F) Harlotry, Inciting Women Commit Adultery, Seduction, Nymphomania, Prostitution, Seducing Men, Lust, Desire, Sexual Promiscuity, Harming The Pious. BALTAZO (M) Punishment, Misery, Boredom, Inciting Boredom, Inciting Apathy, Inciting Addition, Pain, Mental Anguish, Schizophrenia, Mental Diseases, Starvation. MELCHOM (A) Money, Promotion, Inheritance, Legacies, Financial Success, Business Success, Wealth. XAPHAN (A) Pyromancy, Protection From Fire, Divination By Ashes, Defeating Fire, Commanding Fire. VERDELET (A) Witchcraft, Pathworkings, Visualization, Illusions, Paranormal Activity, Elegance, Tact, Astral Travel, Dreamwork. CLISTHERT (A) Apparitions, Mirages, Psychic Ability, Disturbances, Astral Storms, Illusions, Fear, Terror, Astral Attack, Psychic Attack, The Paranormal GULAND (A) Disease, Inflicting Malady On Another, Causing Wounds To Putrefy, Accidents, Plague. FRIMOST (M) Seduction Of Other Men’s Wives, Lust, Desire, Seduction Of Virgins, Seduction Of Younger Women, Passion, Fornication, Sexual Virility. EISHETH (F) Seducing Other Women’s Husbands, Infidelity, Adultery, Seducing Pious Men, Destroying Pious Men’s Reputations, Exhibitionism, Fetishes, Sexual Obsession. CRESSIL (A) Sin, Libertine Behaviour, Lust, Desire, Lewdness, Greed, Obsession, Fascination, Material Obsessions, Decadence, Inciting Libertine Behaviour. BALAN (A) Diplomacy, Politics, Tact, Understanding, Charm, Wit, Communication, Popularity, Passion, Manipulation, Empowerment, Influence Over Others, Oratory Skills. UKOBACH (A) Fire, Destruction By Fire, Death By Fire, Causing People To Burn, Pyromancy, Immunity From Fire, Spreading Fire. KOBAL (A) Intellect, Perception, Learning, Study, Communication, Friendships, Diplomacy, Creativity, Understanding, Comprehension, Eagerness. SIRCHADE (F) Communicating With Animals, Commanding Animals, Magickally Aiding Animals, Languages, Nature, Protection, Linguistics, Empathy. ARDAT (F) Succubi, Draining Men Of Their Sexual Energy, Possesion, Causing Infertility In Men, Lust, Wrath, Causing Pain, Destruction Of Hope. MULLIN (M) Magickal Knowledge, Occult Wisdom, Ritual Magick, Divination, Tarot, Hermetics, Alchemy, History, Black Magick, Hexing. ARPHAXAT (F) Possession, Obsession, Fixation, Blasphemy, Desecration, Enchantment, Spells, Hexes, Manipulation, Sexual Manipulation, Witchcraft. ANNEBERG (A) Accidents, Suffocation, Wounds, Death, Mining, Excavation, Injury, Tragedy, Injustice, Disaster, Natural Disaster, Mass Death. CLAUNECK (A) Wealth, Employment, Promotion, Influence At Work, Success, Prosperity, Financial Acumen, Victory, Financial Stability, Investment. SATANACHIA (F) Protection, Safe Travel, Astral Travel, Magickal Protection, Seduction, Sexual Captivation. AYPEROS (F) Spellcraft, Image Magick, Synchronicity, Sorcery, Sympathetic Magick, Witchcraft, Charms. VERRIER (F) Healing, Herbal Healing, Natural Remedies, Healing Others, Curing Disease. BIFFANT (M) Possession, Obsession, Cruelty, Blasphemy, Fornication, Inversion, Debauchery. SHABIRI (F) Causes Blindness, Causes Deafness, Disfigurement, Birth Defects, Paralysis, Destruction Of Mental Health, Hearing Loss, Illness. RAHOVART (A) Punishment, Revenge, Hatred, Vengeance, Grudges Fulfilled, Karma, Justice, Death. MELCHIRESA (F) Terror, Nightmares, Fear, Madness, Mental Breakdown, Coma, Death, Fright, Phobias. ALDINACH (A) Earthquakes, Natural Disasters, Tsunamis, Flooding, Devastation, Destruction, Death. PHILOTANUS (M) Wisdom, Knowledge, Learning, Protection, Bravery, Insight, Intellect, Power. MOLOCH (M) Power, Authority, Knowledge, Sacrifice, Endeavour, Fortitude, Blood Sacrifice. HIEPACTH (A) Finding Those Who Are Missing, Finding Missing Items, Revealing Of Truth, Justice, Insight. MINOSON (A) Gambling, Fortune, Winning, Luck, Fate, Games Of Chance, Money. KHIL (M) Earthquakes, Disasters, Disturbances, Storms, Floods, Astral Storms, Turmoil. BRULEFER (F) Love, Alliances, Attracting Love, Peace, Reconciliation, Marriage, Engagements, Matrimony, Friendship, Partnerships, Binding Friendships. HUMOTS (A) Literary Knowledge, Discovering Books, Lost Manuscripts, Libraries, Archives, Study, Knowledge, History. SEGAL (F) Hauntings, Apparitions, Causing Hauntings, Contacting The Dead, Automatic Writing, Phantoms, Illusions, Paranormal Phenomena. SERGUTHY (M) Influencing Women, Enticing Women, Seduction, Lust, Desire, Deviant Practices, Fornication, Adultery. ELELOGAP (A) Death By Drowning, Storms At Sea, Shipwrecks, Tidal Waves, Bodies Of Water. CARREAU (A) Strength, Bravery, Power, Fortitude, Strength Of Will, Determination, Perseverance. ANSITIF (A) Desecration, Decadence, Sin, Lust, Adultery, Desire, Blasphemy, Indulgence, Wrath. ASAFOETIDA (F) Bind Friendships, Bind Lovers, Bind Spouses, Reconciliation, Marriage, Partnerships, Tact, Understanding, Instilling Compassion, Love. VERRINE (F) Healing, Health, Medicinal Knowledge, Fertility, Witchcraft, Healing The Aged. MULCIBER (M) Creativity, Architecture, Scholarship, Imagination, Invention, Craftsmanship, Structures, Mathematics, Buildings, Longevity. ELMEK (M) Knives, Swords Bladed Weapons, Battle, Death, Death By Blade, Violence, Battle Fever. BAALZEPHON (M) Wisdom, Creative Thought, Liberation, Free Will, Resistance, Strength, Learning. VETIS (M) Revenge, Evil, Blasphemy, Desecration, Destruction, Hatred, Death, Inflicting Pain, Inflicting Loss, Poverty, Illness. SVENGALI (M) Revenge, Retribution, Bloody Nightmares, Terrifying Visions, Hallucinations, Hate, Anger, Wrath, Defeat Of Enemies. PICOLLUS (A) Nightmares, Sacrifice, Storms, Tempests, Disruption, Chaos, Death, Necromancy. TEZRIAN (F) Conflicts, Warfare, Capturing The Souls Of The Dead, Battles, Courage, Mass Death, Betrayal, Battlefields, Omens, Augury, Victory In Warfare. RASHOON (F) Compulsion, Compelling Another Against Their Will, Seduction, Lust, Enchantment. MORAIL (A) Invisibility, Remaining Unseen, Hiding, Concealment, Deviousness, Avoiding Discover, Disguise, Independence, Survival. BLISARGON (A) Cursing, Bindings, Hexing, Black Magick, Obstruction, Delays, Injury, Pain, Loss. ROSIER (A) Love,  Marriage, Courtship, Etiquette, Inciting Love In Another, Binding Love. JEZEBETH (F) Deceit, Lies, Illusion, Cunning, Seduction,  Manipulation, Fabrication, Stealth, Secrets. MERSILDE (A) Entering Other Realms Of Being, Astral Projection, The Inner Sight, Seership, Prophecy, Protection On Journeys, Protection. SUCCORBENOTH (M) Gateways, Portals, Mirror Magick, Scrying, Jealousy, Deceit Envy, Openings, Knowledge. MUSISN (A) Influence Over Those In Power, Authority, Control, Mastery, Compulsion, Hauntings. CARNIVEAN (A) Debauchery, Adultery, Excess, Exhibitionism, Sexuality, Possessiveness, Hate, Envy. NYSROGH (M) Provides Servitors, Protection, Provides Familiars, Influences The Decisions Of Others. (c)copyright2018 Montespan.
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chaosmagick2020 · 3 years
This is the sneak preview of our new ritual video of clauneck word of power... Clauneck is the lord of wealth and riches... Follow this link to watch the full video and the ritual description https://youtu.be/-tj0d8XkX14 #ritual #clauneck #magic #magick #hoodoo #hordie #saints #k #kabbalah #pentacle #talisman #planetarymagick #planetarymagic #goetia #moneyspells #moneyspell #moneymagic #wealthmagic #ceremonialmagick #bethor #olympicspirit #divination #tarot #tarotcards #philippines #philippines🇵🇭 #australia #usa #europe #asia https://www.instagram.com/p/CS5S9f8CQ-u/?utm_medium=tumblr
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