#look at my science bullshit isn't it beautiful
silverwolf1249 · 1 year
kryptonians have wings and need them to live au:
Wing au where all kryptonians are born with wings, and can hide or reveal them at will. If they lose their wings, their health deteriorates until they either die from the stress the loss of their wings causes, or they end it themselves.
The Kents are surprised when they find a winged baby in a spaceship crashing in their fields one day, but they love him all the same and name him Clark. They didn't let him out much until he was a bit older and figured out how to hide his wings, it was simply too risky.
As a toddler, Clark's wings were incredibly fluffy and full of down, still growing in. What you could see of his feathers were greyish blues, a rusty tone highlighting the upper parts of his wings. He wasn't able to do much more than flap them about until he turned thirteen, when his adult plumage came in.
That time was absolute hell on all the Kents, his parents not knowing much on how the help the itching and pain Clark dealt with as he molted and his feathers fully grew in. Martha and John poured over multiple books on birds and their wings in hopes that Clark's wings were similar enough for the information to aid them.
Clark had to take an extended leave from school due to an "unfortunate case of pneumonia". It all turned out alright in the end of course, and Martha absolutely cooed at her son's new plumage, vivid dark blue with vibrant red mingling amongst the upper portions of his wings (colors that would later inspire those of his uniform as superman)
Growing up, Clark knew he was different, no one else had wings, and he had been told constantly by his parents to keep his hidden. He learned very early on that it was because he wasn't from earth, but that didn't make his parents consider him their own any less. He later found out about all his other abilities he gained from absorbing the sun's solar energy, but his favorite ability was always the wings he was born with.
Sure, he could fly without them, but why would he? His wings were a part of him from the very beginning, and flying with his wings just felt so much more right than flying without them. When he found the Fortress of Silence, he learned more about his wings from the Jor-el hologram, discovering how important it was to keep them safe. He still decided to keep them out as Superman though, his near invulnerability extending to his wings as well, and he was loathe to fly without them.
Years down the line, and after having been a part of the Justice League for over a year, Superman was suddenly very aware about his wing's vulnerability after another Kryptonite incident with Lex. Superman worried, and ended up confiding in Batman about his concerns. This was Batman after all, he knew all of Kal's other secrets and weaknesses, what was one more? He still didn't know the man's name, but he would trust him with his life, and for now that was enough.
Thankfully, Lex had yet to figure out just how important Clark's wings were to his continued existence, but even if he never learned the truth, any lucky shot to his back could take him out permanently. Batman listened to it all and told him that while he would tell him to put on wing covers to shield them, suddenly having them one day would be incredibly suspicious. There wasn't much they could do other than to make sure Clark's back was always protected.
Of course, this wasn't a long term solution, and it caught up to them not even a few years later. Superman finally got hit with that lucky shot, and Bruce wasn't able to get there in time to shield the other's back. By that point, the core justice league members had learned of Kal's achilles heel, and panicked when they noticed Superman lying on the ground face down, his back torn to shreds and wingless. Batman however, was calm, cold and clinical as he ordered them to bring them to the watchtower infirmary and get a room with two operating tables prepared for surgery.
When Superman, unconscious from the pain, was set up in an operating room, the Justice League looked around, wondering what was next? Only to spy Batman removing the top parts of his armor next to the other operating table. Wondering what the hell was going on, they were absolutely shocked when a pair of wings burst out of Bruce's back, and they were identical to Superman's.
Despite the questions bubbling within them, they soundlessly leave the operating room to let the watchtower's medical team enter and get down to business. Hours after the surgery is over, they visit Bruce to get their answers. He's sitting up in his bed, unable to lie on his back, the two new neatly stitched incisions on his back preventing him from doing so.
Still under the influence of painkillers (not strong enough to cloud his mind of course), he slowly explains. When he learned of Clark's weakness, he did more research into it, using his at the time new connection to the computer in the Fortress of Silence to learn more about Kryptonian biology. He wanted to figure out if there were any ways to prevent Clark's death if he actually lost his wings one day.
Eventually, he did find the solution. On Krypton, wing transfers were rare, but the cases were well documented in the Fortress' database. Whoever sacrificed their wings would die, but so long as the person who had lost their wings received a transplant within 24 hrs, the one who lost their wings would survive with no lasting impact. The wings had to be removed within those 24 hrs as well, or the wings would be rejected, and both participants would die.
And Bruce was the guy with all the contingencies, both for if he would need to take down his allies, and to save them. He sneakily stole a few dna samples from Clark, and did his own research and testing. He eventually managed to replicate Clark's wings, but he knew that unless they were attached to someone, the transplant wouldn't work.
Eventually he made the conclusion that if anyone was to carry the spare pair of wings, it would be him. This was untrodden territory, but thorough testing had shown that Kryptonian dna was compatible with human dna, so at the very least, Bruce wouldn't die if he implanted the wings into himself.
Whether he would die or not if a transplant was required however, was uncertain. While humans didn't need wings to survive, Bruce couldn't be sure how the Kryptonian wings might affect human biology once implanted. Hell, he wasn't even completely sure if the transplant would work. The intermingling of human and Kryptonian dna from the wings could render the wings useless once removed.
There was just no way to tell unless Kal actually needed the transplant, and there was no way Bruce would let that risk fall on anyone else. In the end, it seemed like Bruce's gamble had won, since other than the gashes on his back, there were no other negative effects to his health, and it looked like Kal would make a full recovery as well.
As you can probably imagine, the justice league were not happy with his explanation at all, and neither were his family or Clark when he woke up(Alfred in particular was upset that Bruce had never told anyone what he had done, the batkids were just pissed and terrified for nearly losing their dad and they wouldn't even have known until much later). At the same time however, they understood why Bruce did what he did, self sacrificing idiot that he was. None of them could imagine a Batman without a Superman. Clark though, also couldn't imagine a Superman without a Batman by his side.
They were friends, Clark would even hesitantly call Bruce his best friend, but the incident had changed some things. Clark had always thought that Bruce had reluctantly became friends with him after Clark kept bothering him to be more social when they started the justice league. He knew that Bruce trusted him with his life, he wouldn't have revealed his identity to him otherwise, but the fact that he was willing to die for a chance to save him...Clark had just never saw that happening, until now he supposed.
He just wanted to know why? Why put himself at risk like this when he wasn't even sure he would survive the surgery? When he wasn't even sure if it was possible to transfer the wings to him? So he confronts Bruce one day, practically ambushing the man in the Batcave one night. And Bruce, as emotionally distant and secretive as the man can be, answers honestly, "I care about you." he tells Clark, looking away from the other to hide how vulnerable he felt, "There was no way I was going to let something like this kill you. Not if I had the possibility to prevent it. A chance is greater than none at all."
And suddenly, Clark realizes that he was awfully, terribly, and wholly in love with Bruce. How he had never noticed it before he wasn't sure, but this near death incident had made him reflect on many things, it would of course also make him reflect on his relationship with Bruce as well. And without even thinking about it, he finds himself kissing the other man.
For a second, there's no response, but then Bruce answers in kind. Clark feels his wings, wings that Bruce had risked himself to create and transfer, pop out of his back. They flutter a bit, before wrapping themselves around him and Bruce. And everything feels so, so right, like everything was going to be okay.
It wasn't of course, he and Bruce definitely had to discuss their relationship and how it might affect their current lives, both of them were still recovering from the surgery, and Clark's wings didn't really feel like his just yet, despite looking exactly the same. He was also pretty sure the other Justice League members were going to be ridiculously overprotective over him for a while after being so close to losing him, same with Bruce for being reckless and secretive as always. But for now, he let himself indulge in this one perfect moment.
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half-oz-eddie · 6 months
Billy wears sunglasses everywhere he goes. Forged some bullshit medical note so he can keep his glasses on in class.
There's nothing wrong, not medically at least. Maybe supernaturally.
Anytime Billy makes eye contact with someone, they instantly fall in love with him.
There were very few limitations. Family members, and anyone more than 4 years older than Billy was immune, but no one else was safe.
He realized he had this "ability", or whatever the hell one would call it, when he was 13. It worked on nearly everyone, but after awhile, using his charm to his advantage wasn't fun. No one wanted to be his friend. Everyone just wanted him to themselves, and sometimes they'd go mad trying to pursue him. He couldn’t let his guard down around anyone.
That's why his family moved to Hawkins in the first place. A jilted girl tried to burn their house down while they were all inside sleeping.
He sat in science class, hardly paying attention, when a tardy student walked in.
It was that King Steve guy everyone had been talking about.
Silky hair, sandalwood smelling, Farrah Fawcett hairspray using son of a bitch Steve Harrington.
Billy hated him, and just as much as he hated him, he wanted him.
He decided he'd make things easy for himself when the teacher paired them up for a project.
He lifted up his glasses, waiting for Steve to look up from his worksheet and make eye contact with him.
Their eyes locked, and Steve's eyes widened. Billy smirked knowingly, expecting that his ability was working.
Steve narrowed his eyes, slightly leaning forward. "Your eyes are really blue, wow." He mentioned, returning to his worksheet. "So d'you wanna finish this up at my house? Or should we go to yours?"
What the fuck? Why wasn't it working? Was it because Billy wanted Steve to fall in love with him? Was that it?
Billy was disappointed. This ability was just as useless as useless could be. What's the point of winning people over, if it isn't anyone he wants?
"Hello? Billy?"
Billy snapped out of his thoughts and nodded at Steve. "Yeah, whatever, let's go to your house."
Billy brought Max home and drove to Steve's house to work on their project.
Billy was determined to use his ability on Steve. Maybe it just didn't work that time. Maybe he needed to try again.
He parked out front, took off his glasses and rang the doorbell.
Steve answered and they briefly made eye contact. Still nothing. Steve invited Billy inside and Billy put his sunglasses back on.
"How come you have to wear those glasses all the time?" Steve asked, offering Billy a beer.
"It's a uh...medical condition."
"Is that why your eyes are so blue like that? You have some kind of light sensitivity thing?"
"Yeah. Something like that."
"So it's like...photosynthesis or something? But in your eyes?"
Billy's face fell flat. Maybe it didn't work because Steve's stupid.
And yet, Stupid, Silky haired, Sandalwood Smelling Steve was all Billy wanted. So he took the glasses off again, and Steve looked into Billy's eyes once more.
"They're so blue and...sparkly. It's pretty. I could look into them all day."
Billy's face flushed a furious red. How could he flirt with him so effortlessly?
He pointedly turned away, trying to conceal his blush.
Steve smiled cheekily. "What? Was it something I said?"
"Yeah, it was! I can't believe you fuckin' said that."
"You're blushing." Steve teased. "You're really beautiful, you know. I've never met anyone like you."
Or...maybe it did work. Did it?
"Y-yeah?" Billy faltered. "S-so what?"
"So...you wanna...hang out before we do the project? Maybe grab dinner?"
"What, are you like...in love with me or something?" Billy half joked, really he was trying to see if his ability was working, just not instantaneously like it usually does.
Steve laughed. "I just wanna get to know you. But who knows what the future could hold?"
Billy smiled. He liked this much better than deep diving into a sudden and obsessive love.
Maybe Steve wasn't so stupid. Maybe he was able to see beyond Billy's eyes.
Or maybe...Steve has some sort of ability of his own...
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bestworstcase · 6 months
While Dr. Merlot isn't really on your radar, I think it's still interesting just how much you can see the twisted gears of Ozpin's ideology just blending together with his perverse fascination with the Grimm.
Like, you can see his belief that the Grimm can be changed to benefit humanity, that the Grimm are certainly monstrous in appearance, but also clearly have some kind of beauty in their savagery that he whole-heartedly believes that he can harness to make them "worthwhile" to humanity. Kinda akin to how Ozpin thought at one point that Salem could be "saved" from her current state.
And just the raw arrogance and just the extent of the mis/disinformation about how "Grimm are mindless savage beasts" is there too, despite him frankly being one of the few people who would have had consistent interaction with them, and thus probably more opportunity than most raised in a God of Light-influenced society to actually recognize their capacity intelligence and sentience.
And much like many of Ozpin's other disciples, he became disillusioned with Ozpin after a time (granted, experimenting on Grimm is very different from "Ozpin lied and failed us repeatedly").
anon there is absolutely no way you could’ve known this but it is hysterical that you say merlot is not really on my radar bc he is. um. in all the ash burnt roses leave. HRGHKS
but yeah yeah exactly. he’s fucking fascinating in the way he talks about grimm—“perfect vessels” and in lusus naturae in particular, “grimm i will redeem,” “what nature warped/i will restore”—he really seems to harken back to older beliefs that grimm are “animals possessed by evil spirits, or perhaps the spirits of tortured animals themselves” and that colors how he sees them in relation to his work in such a fundamental way. they’re just ore to him. and as you point out he and ozpin are in this way much more similar than oz would care to admit, it’s just the subject of focus and the extremity of action that differs.
i didn’t much like the particulars of how grimm eclipse did merlot’s mad science if i’m honest—the ‘mutant serum super-grimm’ thing is frankly boring—but the way he talks about grimm, the general thrust of his song, the very fucking overt allusion to doctor moreau, and the thread of transhumanist ideology woven into the foundations of his research (his interest in AI and genetic research, the grimm being ‘vessels,’ his god complex, “building a better tomorrow” linking all this together) is sooo.
(he and salem are at diametrically opposed extreme ends of a spectrum and i think they would hate each other <3)
like video game bullshit (<- affectionate) mutant serum nonsense aside, the guy is looking at the grimm and seeing flawless savagery which he can ‘elevate’ and mold as he pleases, and he also calls them ‘perfect vessels’ so how close is he to “i’m going to upload my consciousness into a computer a grimm to live forever!” levels of deranged transhumanism. probably pretty close lmfao.
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sophie-frm-mars · 1 year
Ben Shapiro enters his willy wonka era
Disclaimer: Ben Shapiro is a morally bankrupt shitheel who hates women and he doesn't deserve the oxygen of publicity, but this fucking thing has given me brainworms and I need to smoke them out.
Okay so 2023 is doing something AMAZING to the brains of celebrity reactionaries. First Jordan Peterson wore his "twitter suit" with a matching tie that has "little elon musk heads" on it, most aptly described by Sam Seder as JBP entering his "willy wonka era"
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But this morning I wake up to see that everyone's favourite facts and logic boy Ben Shapiro has created this fucking monstrosity. This rube goldberg machine of political "science". This mousetrap-ass load of bullshit. I have to conclude that Shapiro is also entering his Wonka era.
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So what the fuck is going on here?
Benny has concocted from his powerful mind a formula for determining "governmental legitimacy" which is just such a beautiful artefact of who Ben Shapiro, as opposed to his colleagues, truly is. Clearly the dream of the Intellectual Dark Web never went away, and while others realise that their role within the fetid reanimated corpse of modern conservatism is to troll and clown their way through towards their political vision, Shapiro thinks he's doing real serious business here.
So we're going to use maths to acertain a quality that is by definition subjective. Legitimacy is going to be nil if you consider a government ideologically abhorrent, and if you're a party zealot who believes with total burning passion in the project of the current administration, legitimacy is going to be absolute. That's just fantastic. I love maths. I did my maths A Level two years early. I can't wait to dive in here and learn some maths with Mr. Ben Ass P-word
So the factors in the equation: he uses social solidarity (S), the responsiveness of the government to citizens (R), the "avoidability" of the government (A) which isn't as silly as it sounds to begin with, the efficacy of the government or its ability to implement (I) what it means to do, and all of that is divided by the violation of people's rights (V), the strictness of the laws or regulations (R') and lastly the force used to maintain those laws, or as Shapiro has it the aggressiveness (A').
I'm gonna work backwards through these factors because I think we'll have more fun that way, but I wanna say first that although Shapiro's purpose in producing this abomination is in trying to make it look like you can scientifically determine the legitimacy of a government in a numerical figure, sometimes equations in science are produced not to use exact units or even perform the calculation in them but to get us to agree on the factors that are involved in constituting something like "governmental legitimacy". I wanna say secondly that only a conservative hyperfreak of Ben's calibur could think "governmental legitimacy" is really the Big Political Question of our current moment. Thirdly I'll just say that if you were going to try to make this calculation, the fact that no part of this equation measures how closely the ideology of the government matches the desires of the population (I know, how would you even) or how legally the government's mandate was obtained (again, a nightmare) is just, basically pretty funny.
Aggressiveness (A') is a reasonably quantifiable factor. We could measure the police budgets per capita that are put towards militarisation, the number of incidents of police brutality supposing we could get non-state reporting on that, the number of police, perhaps a weighted scale of different policing tactics. However, there's already a problem observable in the real world: policing is not uniform. Police brutality, more militaristic policing, more extreme tactics and even vitally where the police are deployed is highly racialised, differentiated by class strata, and as is readily apparent in the imperial core right now, even partisan as police are far more likely to consider leftist protest or disruption to be a serious threat than its right wing counterparts.
Regulations (R') seems theoretically quantifiable, and there are others who have tried to quantify how strict and authoritarian the policy environment created by a government is. We're gonna keep coming back to this same problem though: legitimacy is subjective and if an entire population were absolutely A-OK with being surveilled, jailed, brutalised, taxed, banned, prohibited, spanked and spit on by the state, and they'd voted the government in with a landslide majority to try and do it to em as nasty as possible, many would argue that would be a legitimate government.
Violation (V) of people's rights is again theoretically quantifiable, but which rights, and whose? because Ben Shapiro believes that abortion is murder, and believes that someone's rights are being violated whenever an abortion is performed. Not only that but he has also argued in several places that the pregnant person is being let down by society when they get an abortion because they deserve instead to have support to have and raise the baby, or be able to put the baby up for adoption confident in the quality of life that the child will receive. If you think abortion is murder, the "violation of rights" alone will make the denominator of this fraction absolutely enormous and, unsurprisingly, make the legitimacy of any government that allows abortion to be practiced very very low. Would you look at that, it's like legitimacy is subjective or something waow
Implementation (I) of the things that the government intends to do is actually pretty quantifiable but we need a coefficient attached to implementation here, right? One that can swing positive or negative, that tells us how well the government aligns with the will of the people, because a very effective government that does the opposite of what the people want is more illegitimate than an ineffective government that intends to do what the people want. Maybe that's in Shapiro's definition to begin with, an implementation of what the people want.
Avoidability (A) is actually a very fun and interesting metric for citizen consent. Can people leave if they don't like what the government is doing. I don't actually disagree with the idea of this factor relating to legitimacy at all, and I think it's a fairly decent point, although I'd prefer to see it factor in the possibility of living outside of government jurisdiction within the territory of the state, as well as weighing up the ability to engage partially with state jurisdiction, which would be a much more robust way of understanding "avoidability". Shapiro just defines it like "if people don't like the government they should move", and what can I say but
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In all seriousness that opens up a whole second world of "avoidability" right? Like what resources do people have, how mobile are they, can they bring their belongings, resources, family with them if they decide to exercise this right to exit? We can't simply measure the number of emigrants from a country to see how many people "didn't consent" to the government there, because there are all sorts of reasons you wouldn't want to simply move country if you didn't agree with the legitimacy of the government. I'm a trans woman living in Britain and I have to constantly assess and reassess the balance between how much government policy could ruin my life and the enormous weight, cost, effort, alienation, distress and time lost if I had to move country.
Responsiveness(R) is pretty funny to me, because like... responding to what? If I write my local MP to ask for gay space communism and they throw my letter in the bin, they aren't at all responsive to my needs, but like, should they be? Or rather, should they be expected to be? Moreover if they reply and explain that Rishi Sunak isn't amenable to sucking and fucking aboard the starship enterprise, or reply and lie to me and say that it's totally gonna happen if I just vote Labour at the next election, is that responsiveness? If I'm on a waiting list for healthcare, and I write an official complaint to the government body responsible, and they write back telling me I'm not going to get treatment any sooner but they're working on it, is that responsiveness? Okay, supposing responsiveness is quantified in a scale of how quickly and effectively a government directly implements what the citizens ask it to do, we again arrive at the questions of "which" and "who". If our government has a massive majority support and most people are really happy with what they're doing, then the vast majority of complaints and expressed desires from the population will come from the political minority. If the government responds to those requests and implements the will of the political minority, they'll probably become immediately hysterically unpopular, but check this out: then the political majority who previously supported them will start to complain, and then, being a hyper-responsive government, they'll implement very effectively what they've been asked to do, and then the original complaints will return, which they'll respond to, and on and on and on. So the most responsive government imaginable is actually a government that basically everyone would consider illegitimate because they'd appear to be spineless and fickle. This is such a metric I'm actually laughing out loud writing this
Social solidarity (S) is so fascinating. So fascinating. Shapiro explains that a measure of lack of social solidarity is that people will vote for their candidate essentially just to offend their neighbour. I'm not gonna even really engage with this argument pretty much constructed to pander to "Biden stole the election" conspiracy theorists, but rather I wanna talk about how interesting it is that a far-right pundit, religious fanatic and some-time conservative pseudo-libertarian like Ben would use "solidarity" as a positive factor in constructing his model of legitimacy. Again, if we imagine extremes of this, it doesn't work in his calculation at all. A population with extreme social solidarity may well support an authoritarian regime that is constantly refining the vile machinery of necropolitics, or it may be that the population has solidarity because they have raised group consciousness in response to their oppression by the government, so two easy conceptions of social solidarity instantly give opposite outcomes in terms of governmental legitimacy.
What's really interesting to me is how this social solidarity metric fits into the way that people like Ben construct racist propaganda about China. The underpinning myth of China in American conservative propaganda is as a place where the population is in total agreement about the legitimacy and mandate of the ruling party (although in reality this is obviously far from true) and that basis of "mob rule" allows the CCP to persecute political minorities without repercussions. If the picture that American conservatives paint of China were true, the CCP would be an extremely legitimate government at least on this one metric. What Ben has accidentally stumbled upon with his social solidarity metric is a conception of authentic democracy which is, far beyond his ability to assess and analyse, the perfect opposite of his entire political project. If people get together to discuss their problems, to raise group consciousness, to debate and discuss and agree on how they would like the world they live in to function, and then form a government based on their social solidarity, or form no government based on their solidarity and live through direct democracy for that matter, then Ben is saying, that would be a very legitimate political project. Workers of the world unite, says comrade Shapiro
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nonclassyparty · 1 year
here, i have this 😭 it was supposed to be a bonus chapter from san's pov after chapter 9 but u can have it since i probably won't finish writing it
From: choisan.outlook.com (May 24th; 23:56 p.m.)
To: park_yn.hotmail.com
I got your letter...
This is an old e-mail address that I found in my inbox, you sent me a question about your Computer Science assignment but I never opened it...I'm sorry about that. The assignment is kind of hard by the way so if you felt bad that you were struggling with it, you shouldn't have.
I don't even know if you still fucking use this e-mail but your phone number isn't working or maybe you blocked me or something...
I hope Paris is good to you. I don't know what you're doing there, you didn't mention in the letter...
From: choisan.outlook.com (June 6th; 01:34 a.m.)
To: park_yn.hotmail.com
It's kind of shitty that I've known you for so long yet I know so little about you.
Which is definitely not your fault, I know you were trying. It's always me, isn't it?
I have a habit of not letting people I'm involved with get close to me because it gives them leverage and a weapon to hurt me. Although I did tell you things about myself that I only told Yeosang before.
You told me stuff as well but I kind of fucked up by sharing it with others, didn't I? I don't why I did that, I'm usually very good at keeping secrets but...I don't know. I'm sorry.
Thank you for keeping my secrets safe though, you're a much better person than me Y/N.
But really, I don't know almost anything about you. I keep trying to think of a reason why you left for Paris, I keep trying to remember if you ever mentioned anything about it before but everything is foggy.
I think it has to do with your art, right?
You're not reading these I'm sure so I'll keep writing to you. Don't know why, I guess I need someone to talk to.
Yeosang went home for the summer. He said he'll leave the frat next year and won't live with Yunho and I anymore, he'll move off campus. He said it to Yunho though, he's not talking to me.
If you went to Paris for your art then I'm really glad. You were always very talented. 
I'm sorry I never said that to you before.
From: choisan.outlook.com (July 13th; 03:49 a.m.)
To: park_yn.hotmail.com
I was cleaning out my laptop and phone today because I got a part-time job and need extra space on both devices for all the projects and files and I found a photo of you, Yunho and I.
I don't know where I'm going with this...I just
You're very beautiful. I think you might be the most beautiful girl I've been with.
And I'm not saying it because I'm trying to be slick or suck up to you or anything, you're not even reading these so there's no point in me lying. It's just something I've been thinking about.
You know how people always say that their significant others are the most attractive people they met? That's bullshit.
There's always going to be someone better looking. It's a shallow way of thinking, I know, because I'm aware that when they say that shit they count in their personality and everything that person has done for them. It all adds points to their beauty.
But realistically speaking, they don't consider just their looks when they call them the most beautiful.
I told Boyoung she was the most beautiful person I've seen and she's pretty but I also said it because she's very soft spoken and smart and she has these little habits and interests that add to her beauty. All the quirks and flaws, beauty marks and personality traits that I loved. I meant all of that.
I don't know any of your quirks or weird habits, I know you like to wear skirts and that you like the color pink and pop music and that you paint.
But you're the most beautiful girl I've seen and this is purely a compliment I swear. I feel like I never told you that I thought you were pretty.
Not that you need me to tell you that you're pretty to feel pretty. I know you know that you're good looking.
Fuck I feel like this e-mail is so shallow I don't know why I'm still typing
I just wanted to tell you I guess that you're, objectively, very beautiful.
From: choisan.outlook.com (August 24th; 23:13 p.m.)
To: park_yn.hotmail.com
Classes started again!
I'm so busy with school and classes I fall asleep before midnight nowadays.
Yunho and I still live together but we got a new roommate. He's a freshman named Taeyoung. 
I thought it would be annoying rooming with a freshman since both Yunho and I are taking a master's degree and shouldn't they have some kind of dorm system where they place freshmen together?
Apparently they do but there was some kind of mistake and now we're stuck with him. We feel like we're babysitting him half of the time. The kid is still a virgin.
But he's kinda cute. Feels like I have a younger brother to check up on once in awhile. And it's like fucking adorable how his mom sends us food as well every time he comes back from home.
He's like a little baby chick.
I miss Yeosang.
I still haven't told what happened between us to a single soul, only Yunho knows and that's because he was there.
You know, Yeosang was the first friend I made when I started college. We meet Yunho about half a year after that I think.
I know you and Yeosang never got along but he's a good guy I swear. I told him that you told him to go fuck himself by the way. 
I knew he was in love with me, okay? I knew.
I knew since we started our second year and I didn't know what I should've done about that so I just pretended not to know because I didn't want to make shit awkward or ruin our friendship. 
I sometimes used it. His feelings for me. He always said yes to everything as long as I asked and he always picked my side in every argument between the three of us.
It's not like I ever manipulated him into agreeing to something dangerous, it was mostly to have the place cleared out when I want to bring a girl over or get him to drive me to or pick me up from a party.
And it was shitty of me. I know i know i know i know i know
I'm a bad person and a shitty friend and I don't blame him for not wanting anything to do with me anymore. And I feel so sorry. I feel so fucking sorry but none of it can fix this. I fucked up.
But I miss him.
We had a fight a couple of days after you left. I don't know how it started but I know he was pissed at me for mentioning the stuff you told me in private to them (see he's a good guy. much better than me) and he was snippy and rude in the upcoming days until finally, a fight broke out in our living room.
I said some shit, he said some shit while Yunho was trying to mediate between us. 
I was angry and frustrated and he was being an asshole and you know that Yeosang can be quite an asshole, so I might've let it slip that I knew about his feelings and then he got hurt and said something that hurt me in response.
'You know, I'm glad Y/N left. She finally realized that you aren't worth the pain it takes to love you.'
That's what he said. 
It hurt like a bitch, I cried after he left (and I can say that here because I know you won't tell anyone but if in some case you DO read these, I'll deny every word).
I don't think I'll ever be able to forget those words for as long as I'm alive.
From: choisan.outlook.com (September 21st, 21:16 p.m.)
To: park_yn.hotmail.com
I went to the fall festival today and saw those pink velvet scrunchies for sale on one of the stalls that reminded me of you. It was weird. 
Everything pink reminds me of you.
From: choisan.outlook.com (October 30th, 04:25 a.m.)
To: park_yn.hotmail.com
When you said you hoped I knew how much you hate me in the letter...did you mean that?
I get it. I really really fucking do. Everyone ends up hating me sooner than later. Or resenting me.
I don't know which one is worse.
From: choisan.outlook.com (November 15th, 03:45 a.m.)
To: park_yn.hotmail.com
Park Y/N
I never could've loved you the way you wanted me to.
I feel like it would've been nice if i did fall in love with you so everything  that happened could've been for something but it was just pointless wasn't it? Useless.
Truth is, I have no fucking clue what love is. 
I've never seen an actual example of it in real life.
I don't even know if what I had with Boyoung was love...was it? See, I'm asking you because I have no idea.
My parents didn't love each other, all they do is argue and hate each other and I can't tell you how many times I've cried when I was a kid wishing they'd just get a fucking divorce so I wouldn't have to hear everything my father called my mother
I love my mom. See, that I know. I love my mom. I would die for her. She's the only reason why I have some shred of ...anything in me even though it's not love. Everything I do in college, my exams, part-time jobs, I do for her but I fear that will never be enough to repay her for everything she has done to me.
You know she was the only person who ever told me it was okay to cry.
My dad hated when I cried, even when I was a kid, he hated it. He always told me men don't cry.
But I wasn't a man, I was just a little boy who fell down from his bike and wanted someone to comfort him and kiss the wounds away. My dad never did, only ever told me to get up.
My mom always told me it was okay to cry years after that. She said it was okay.
I still never cried but it was nice to hear someone say it.
My dad on the other hand... I fucking hate him.
I know it's a bad thing to say but I do. I hate him and he hates me as well.
He told me once how I ruined his life and it didn't make me cry.
I don't fucking know why I'm typing this. Well I actually do. My dad called today.
He doesn't call often but when he does it ruins my entire week.
He only cares about my grades, if I'm passing my exams and is just repeating 'hurry it up with this degree shit and get a job already'.
Like I can hurry the semester up literally what the fuck. I don't even ask them for money. I never did. not once since I started college but he looks at me as if I'm an investment and not his son
I hate him so much I hate i hate i hate i hate him.
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secretagentsociety · 1 year
Yandere? X time traveled to the future reader
writing idea I have pt2
• time traveling through a machine gone completely wrong leaving you stuck in a future version of your world where you find your loyal lab partner have been waiting for you for hundreds maybe thousand's of years in the future
•English isn't my first language (even tho I've been learning it for abt as long as I can remember now) I'm not proof reading this so excuse any mistake
alright imagine in this scenario you're walking alone in a makeshift dirt road,everything is made off of metal and is floating,this year is called the age of nanos,where human finally able to realise their theory for nano tech and all other science bullshit
With enough money People can immortalise themselves,with enough money People can easily modify their body into a robotic one,one with more precision so it's great right?
Flying cars,floating house,futuristic architecture and even a whole floating city!,well this is where the problem lies your problem actually
You see you're not of this world atleast this timeline you're from the past a great scientist first to actually discover time traveling and while touring around this future for documentations you lost connection with the 'past'
this happens to pose many problem.
you wondered how your lab partner were doing....will you ever be able to go back?
taking a deep breath you continue your mindless walking,without even realising it you're standing infront of a house...it looked oddly similar
No...wait...this is YOUR lab!!
Rushing to the front door you hastily punched the number code
Click! The door opened
"what the f-"
Inside doesn't look like how you left it,hardly the same infact it looked like a detective crime investigation office,your picture hung up on the wall with red circles,calculations were made everywhere across the ceiling but notably of all is the crazy scribbles over the walls
"y/n" you heard from behind you.
Turning around you saw him,your lab partner "oh my god it's you!" he said hugging you,but..he felt weird..gone with the bubbly brown haired guy you liked replaced by...a half robot mad scientist-esk looking dude
"uhm....edward?" You asked,suddenly the he cried hugging you tighter "I waited for so long!,what happened?!" he asked "what do you mean what happened?I was only here for an hour!" You explained
"oh y/n...my sweet beautiful y/n"
you demand for him to explain what is happening to you
he explained everything, apparently you hadn't time traveled like you had thought,the moment you entered the chamber your... atom cells? Were zapped out of existence it dematerialised right there Infront of him,he explained it sobbing saying how much he tried to bring you back
he was sure you're gone forever but he never gave up,he decided to work hard,he released all your research under the nickname nanos he collected the earnings made a name for himself and waited for you
as you listened more of his story you felt even more confused,for you it had only been a second but for him,millennials maybe more who knows?,well he's alive long enough to be called the origins
"wait so....my-our timeline is gone?" You asked,Edward nodded before his eyes became puffy again,ah he's going to cry
he hugged you tighter well this isn't that off from your Edward he's always one to be touchy feely,not that you minded he's cool like that
"but it's fine now right? you'll stay here right?" He begged,you bit your lip thinking about it,well....if you essentially materialised years and years into the future then your timeline is officially gone....what other option do you have?
You nodded,"for now"
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theonemarvelousness · 11 months
Problem Child
"--and I expect you to verse your freshmen in proper lab etiquette after this incident, Leona Kingscholar." Professor Crewel is such a blow hard.
A scowl won't leave Leona's face as he glances over at the wild child Rook Hunt, who won't stop grinning wide despite the explosive disaster he conducted his second day in the Science Club. Great. This one's been a nightmare since day one and he hasn't even been Housewarden that long.
The sacrifice of being top dog is dealing with this bullshit. Why isn't the head of the Science Club here? Oh right, they're in the infirmary.
Eh, they'll be fine. Didn't like 'em anyway.
"Yeah, yeah, c'mon Hunt. You're cleaning up the lab." He can probably nap while he works, right...?
Well, when he wakes up on instinct to something being shot at him (an arrow), he realizes that this isn't just a wild child, he's absolutely fucking feral. A snarl rips from his lips.
"Ah! What sharp instincts!" Why does he look overjoyed?
What the fuck did he get himself into being Housewarden, anyway?
"Do it again and I'll rip it out of your flesh." The snarl from his lips means he's serious.
"Oui, oui! I cannot wait~! Ah, what would it be like to feel your claws in my flesh? What thrill would be the chase~?"
He needs an adult. He is an adult.
The lab is at least restored to its formerly clean state. Impressive, but at the same time he just doesn't want to be in the same breathing space as this one for awhile. Can anyone blame him? "You're done. You're free to go. Don't fuck up again." And Leona? Oh, he fucks off.
When Rook Hunt stands there with a broad smile and a stack of transfer paperwork at the end of the term, he's actually surprised. Considering how much he loves to challenge and fight his fellow Savanaclaw members... why would he want to leave? But he takes it, flipping--"Pomefiore?"
"I don't want to know." It's going to be their problem soon. He easily signs the forms, and doesn't even read through whatever nonsense this guy's got penned. He's rid of him, that's all that matters.
Maybe they won't have an incident every night of bullshit shenanigans. He's looking forward to napping more.
Handing it back. "Off you go. Pack everything, you won't be coming back here next term."
"Oui! I will be in Pomefiore to help temper a beautiful blade~"
Well, he feels a little sorry for whomever is his next victim, then.
But at least it's no longer his problem.
Seeing Rook, all gussied up in Pomefiore attire--hair cut, and made up like... well, a priss. Now that's something.
He's a bit curious, so he does watch more than he needs. Ah--he recognizes that one. Vil Schoenheit. Actor. Model. Probably intolerable. Another Pomefiore Freshman that's currently adjusting the feather on Rook's hat and fussing over his appearance. So that's what he left for...
With that grin plastered on Hunt's face? Yeah.
Hopefully that keeps his attention for the next couple years. He's not taking that back.
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antiochean · 2 years
bleeding paint - banter #1
Hi! BP is the title of the rewrite of V's route and after ending that I'm working on, where V is not romanced. Posts tagged banter will be just that - drabbles between two characters that you can read in any order and nothing too plot-heavy happens. I do them to get a feel for the characters and they're a lot of fun to write, so I thought I'd share!
This one's really didactic and on your face. Enjoy :D
Characters: CMC (Jake Park), Vanderwood
Setting: the cabin's porch, smoke break, at around what would be day 9
Word count: 758
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[Rick Riordan, The Mark of Athena]
"So what do you do, aside from agent supervision?"
"Classified." They exhale smoke while squinting at the treeline. "I can tell you I do a fair bit of in-depth background checking, though. Psychological and personality profiling, too, kind of."
"Oh, hey, that's fun. What's my psychological and personality profile?"
"Hard to say unless I'm given specific guidelines. Like, why you committed a crime, or how to best..." a short pause as they gesture. "Get information out of you."
"You were gonna say torture?"
"Don't ask questions like that."
Yes ma'am. Sorry ma'am. Was I offensive or was I right? Another short pause - awkwarder, this time. Then, they continue.
"Well, I guess there are a few things I ended up picking up from you. Out of habit. For example, I can tell you had a mostly healthy childhood. Like, you were never a social outcast or something. Healthy enough to have developed appropriate emotional responses, but unhealthy enough that you ended up an artist." I scoff. "Probably middle-class, happily remarried divorced parents or something."
"That's bullshit. Very pseudo-scientific."
"Well, profiling isn't exactly a science, it's more... pattern recognition through experience." And here I was, thinking I was so unique and complex. "Was way out of the ballpark?"
This is pretty funny. If only it were at anyone else's expense.
"...no. But I'll have you know I only have one happily remarried parent."
"The one you grew up with?"
"I hate you." I'm smiling.
They do the thing where they let a little bit of air out of their nose. "Maybe I should have started with something lighter. Let me think..." My gaze follows their cigarette as they take another drag. "I can tell you're a social and empathy-driven person."
"Empathy-driven, huh?"
"Yeah. It's how you process the world around you."
"I guess. I never thought about it, though. Isn't that true for basically everyone?"
"Definitely not. Just more often true for people in humanities and arts."
"Stop with the artist shit!" I laugh.
"You asked! You asked me about profiling."
And you love talking. All it takes is just a little prodding and you can run with any conversation. You say you're bored, but I think you're lonely, too. But unlike you, I'm apparently empathy-driven, so I know it wouldn't be appropriate to say that out loud.
"What are you driven by?" I ask.
I look over at them.
"Just kidding. Logic."
I shrug and take a drag. If you say so.
"Well, I mean, not exactly, but... Yeah."
"But you shouldn't talk about yourself?"
"Precisely. Thank you."
"You're welcome." You want to, though. You love talking so much. I prod. "Not that I would tell anyone, anyways."
They hesitate for a second, looking at me with furrowed eyebrows. Then, they bite. "Well..." Beautiful. "It's hard to tell when you're analyzing yourself. I'm definitely more logic-oriented than you..."
"Ouch. Thank you so much."
"Oh, don't start. Having emotional intelligence as an aptitude is just as valuable as an aptitude for logical thinking." I'm very surprised they think that way, even though I agree. "I'm more wired towards logical thinking than you are, which, big deal. But I've seen logic-based people, and I'm not one of those, either."
"You sound like an analytical people person to me. Like, you're... charismatic or whatever, but you have diagrams for social interaction." I'm reminded of Ray roughly explaining some lines of code to me. If parameter at X, then perform response Y. "You get things done."
"Exactly. Exactly. I get things done. I'm a practical person. I wonder if... 'material condition-oriented' would be a distinct enough classification to earn its own category. The way I interact with the world is... I have objectives, and I do what I have to do."
And yet, I can't think of one thing a person like you could gain from talking to a person like me.
"As opposed to what you want to do?"
"Getting deep here."
"Yeah. I'm such an artsy philosophical type, so you can count on me to take conversations in that general direction."
They press their lips together in acknowledgement. There you go - I've set the stage for you to ignore the question. You're welcome, again. I know not to take things too far.
They're a force of change. But not an idealist. Quick to accept things they deem out of their control. Maybe quick to deem things out of their control, too.
I bet they're good at taking orders.
Focus, Jake. What the fuck was that just now. Focus.
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allforafro · 5 months
ok, I hope that whoever reads this still remembers more or less what happened in each episode, if not, it may not make sense to you
opinions about individual episodes of heroes season 3 begin
I don't know anything about medicine, but the Nathan rescue scene was weird/badly done
peter looks good as usual
got hit by a teenager lol
Sylar started working in horror films during his break
I understand you maya I don't understand science either
hiro is cute and childish
You have to save the world, so I will speak in riddles
what happened, what are you doing, future peter
nathan I almost died but I'm alive and I'm more religious em ok dude
Mohinder, what's wrong with you?
sylar what the hell are you talking about?
this scene was quite disgusting
oh mother mohinder go to therapy because with your obsession with sylar you can't live a normal life
why everyone is coming back from the dead this season
Matt, get up, there's a scorpion on your face, it's scary
did mohinder die because that would be funny
Angela is great as usual
what the hell is this narrator text?
no, he's still alive
Claire was traumatized and now feels no pain
nice vision Angela
maya is beautiful mohinder you should focus on flirting with her and not bullshit
but you could slow down a bit
maybe because you didn't raise her, you asshole
is this another niki personality?
Millbrook stole some good stuff
life dilemmas (not sarcasm)
is Linderman just an illusion?
poor elle
kill him noah, too bad sylar is immortal
the best thing is that the others don't know that the screaming guy is Peter
or you misunderstood future hiro
you can't tell anyone the truth except nathan, you haven't changed anything peter
ok tracy is definitely not Niki
no hiro don't turn your back on ando
Is there something wrong, Dr. Suresh? it was obvious, idiot
talking turtle lol
Africa? Interesting
why isn't claire so surprised that her father is alive, didn't they think he was dead
Yes! nathan is crazy, let's go!!!
I don't know if the company is bad or good anymore
That scene with Meredith showing up was weird (I mean their faces)
I wonder what Jessie can do?
angela is creepy
Angela is Sylar's mother, did I miss something? no, she's definitely winding him up
duet noah and sylar I didn't know I needed this in my life
lyle is right
claire lol
sandra is right claire, education is important
XD angela plays sylar as she wants
Daphne is funny
this guy knows matt's life, interesting
Lol sylar you watched too many movies
you don't know peter
Sylar probably won't listen to Noah and it will be a mess
Is Tracy Niki's twin sister?
this lecturer is hopeless, Zimmerman's name is read with a "C"
it wasn't her fault, it was yours hiro
mother-daughter bond
their partnership is great
is this the series where noah becomes a cosmic godfather to everyone with special abilities
what does matt have in common with this african guy?
Claire doesn't go to school but she goes to cheerleading practice, that's just an excuse
This Zimmerman is interesting
music puts them into a trance?
yes noah kill him
Why did I develop the desire to kill Sylar? This guy didn't do anything to me
shrugs - whatever
I become death, how dramatic (yes, I know what the title refers to)
Rash? allergy? This is disgusting
Triplets? Interesting
they gave them powers
Hey, wait, didn't Niki have a sister, Jessica?
this time four, not five in the future
It's funny but both present peter and future peter are right
yes peter sylar will help you lol
don't manipulate her feelings mohinder
I don't know why but I laughed at the scenes between peter and future mohinder
I made the same face as peter
uuu gabriel is adorable
it's funny that everyone says peter is a villain
If you want my power, fix this watch
not poor little noah, poor gabriel
stop acting like children hiro and ando
web yuck
Was Nathan going to have an affair with another of the triplets, I knew
I wonder if when we meet the third one, Nathan will also have an affair with her
army of super soldiers
don't hurt nathan peter
You're here, brother
A spiritual journey
Adam!!! Yay!!!
I wonder who has this formula
Everyone prefers clear answers nathan
Linderman from Nathan's head is weird
Ok mohinder I'm not going to comment on this
better kill your mother peter it will be good for everyone
Angela's weakness on peter is great
Sandra is a good mother
Wow Claire is turning into Noah
Lol adam is funny
Interesting thing about this Linderman from other people's heads
It turns out that not all of these Level 5 people are bad
If a guy keeps silent about something, there's something wrong
Okay, this is getting scary, run away, maya!
I wonder if it's really God?
He killed me once and now he saved me
I don't know if I trust you on this, noah
Nathan has artificial abilities?!
He lives!
Just like in horror
Well, whatever you say, no one would think of it
Kill him, maya, it will be better for him
Suresh is harmless, lol I guess not anymore
oh hiro, ando
What? Hiro no!
Why is ando always unlucky
Lol that Sylar in the back of the car
Sometimes you're stupid noah
Who is this disgusting guy?
I wonder what this pinehearst is?
Is this Arthur Petrelli?
That's him, interesting
Fortunately, it's a trick
She goes with her wow
I wonder what ability Arthur has
I wouldn't like to ask mohinder for help but they don't know that he has become weird
Matt this is weird
Trust him, Daphne
So now you're killing people mohinder wow
How is he supposed to know that, he's not his future self
So he's the puppet master
What did you expect, hiro
Listen to her mohinder she is right
The shooting scene was intense
Sylar just want to be loved by mommy
Let's drug each other, it's a real family thing
Take her hand, I told you so
Actually it may be true that you may not be able to help her matt
Invisible peter yes
he takes away their powers, not bad
I wonder how they are going to defeat arthur
that's all for now, the rest when I have time
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ms-demeanor · 2 years
*Peering through my glasses at some discourse on the dash*
Most humanities majors don't actually think they're going to get a dream job lecturing about their special interest at fancy universities for hundreds of thousands of dollars; they are capable of looking at their professors, who are people with PhDs in the subject they're studying who aren't doing that exact thing, and recognize that even getting a tenure-track job at a local school is a pain in the ass. Most humanities majors take easy classes that they enjoy with the understanding that they'll learn project management and research skills that will be useful in a variety of industries while absolutely seething that they are expected to get a 4-year degree for an entry-level job or a temp position.
And the vast, vast majority of humanities majors don't pay $200k for the privilege.
So I get that yeah it's fucked that people are expected to have degrees for all sorts of things that they don't need degrees for but if you're blaming the people studying humanities (or saying that studying the humanities is a luxury and should be treated as such) you're aiming at the wrong target.
For the record, I don't think there's an easy solution to this problem because I think that bullshit hiring requirements are essentially a mechanism to sort by class/neurotypicality/ability level than a tool to actually hire people who have the kinds of skills that a degree in their subject of study would confer. Maybe alongside normalizing talking about salaries we should normalize listing applicable skills and experience on resumes without talking about graduating from college, except that you don't even send resumes anymore, you fill in applications on a company's website where "level of education" is a required field.
It *IS* bullshit, but how many kids who got lit degrees at quarter-million dollar schools actually ARE there? Is this a real concern or is this a popular bogeyman? Isn't the opposite problem - kids graduating with, like, computer science degrees who have no practical experience and no current certification and can't be trusted to babysit a server farm - a bigger issue facing recent grads and hiring managers alike?
The one dude I know with a classics degree is the VP of distribution at a mid-sized seafood plant; he doesn't need that degree to do his job, and he's learned more about his job from his job than he did while signing up for summer digs in athens. That being said: he needed a degree to get the kind of job that would lead to his current job, and knew that, so he figured he might as well study a subject that he liked that gave him the opportunity to do archaeology in a beautiful place for three weeks of the year.
My degree in English Lit is totally unnecessary to my job, but it is why I got the job and it has more than paid for itself as a result (though, again, I'm a huge proponent of state schools and community colleges because I got my diploma for about twelve grand, which is about 7% of the price being cited as the cost of luxury college).
Also: if you feel secure enough in your financial situation to attend a school where a Lit degree DOES cost 50k a year you are already in the group of people who likely don't have to worry about things like 'rent' or 'getting paid a living wage in grad school' and are much more likely to be one of the people who DOES successfully land a cushy job at a nice university because you are *already* the kind of person who has a bunch of connections at USC because you could afford to consider going to USC.
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blossom-rea · 2 years
when we meet again (preview)
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PAIRING~ deity/demon/inmortal!jeno x fem!reader, computer science major!jeno x art major!reader
GENRES ~ angst, fluff, past life lovers to strangers to friends to lovers, slow burn, , college!au, reincarnation!au, fantasy!au, memory loss
WARNINGS ~ cuss words i think, more to be added later
SUMMARY~ Jeno hates the feeling of emptiness he's been having for almost 3000 years, being immortal was supposed to be funny but he can't remember anything from his past and how long will it take for his curse to end, what he knows is that Jaemin has been keeping secrets from him, and that every time he sees you he keeps dreaming about a life that has long been forgotten.
WORD COUNT ~ around 10k I hope since it's not finished yet
RELEASE DATE ~ February 21st
TAGLIST ~ @keemburley @chitaphrrrr @neocuddlytechnology @bockhyun @blank-velvet
AUTHOR'S NOTE > hi!! this'll be my first time writing for the neos so tysm for checking it out, this is loosely based on the animated film"White Snake" and it's part of @aehyei valentines gone wrong collab. hope you enjoy the preview, feedback is highly appreciated. Also Jeno doesn't appear in the preview nor he's mention, just so you know
You had always wondered why in a world where magic had always been real people were so scared of it.
Many years ago people that had powers were a few but definitely more common, unlike nowadays where those who had been blessed were so rare that people could not believe it, and it meant that even if they did have some sort of power they'll rather hide it, and it was exactly that what made the little shop at the end of one of the alleys downtown so enticing, many would talk about it, visiting in hopes they'll find what they've been looking for but none of the old habitants would dare say they've been there at least once. Your mother had always been honest with you so you weren't surprised when she admitted she had visited the shop many times, she even had get a lecture of your future before your birth but she had never tell you what she heard and you were never brave enough to ask or to visit the shop by choice, it wasn't like you believed in that stuff to begin with but you rather not fill your mind with unwanted thoughts
"Where are you taking me?" You ask Haechan as he guides you through all the maze-alike streets, the more you walk the more the little shops start to appear, a little cafe hidden behind an old building or the flower shop next to the most boring travel agency ever seen, it's not that you're curious about your destination but Haechan has a way to get himself into the most unexpected things you just want to be ready
"I told you we're going to Renjuns workplace a little further from here" he says as he continues walking never letting go of your arm "he's in this shop they all talk about, the one with fortune telling which is what we are doing today" except you don't exactly want to have someone telling you your future
"And why exactly are we doing that? Besides I know Renjun likes to believe in aliens and stuff but all this palm reading or whatever doesn't sound much like him?
"Fortune telling" he corrects you
"They don't need your palms for that and I know it doesn't sound like him but he isn't the one doing them"
“Still this sounds like a lot of bullshit" you roll your eyes of all the things he wants to get into, it had to be this
"Look, I know it doesn't sound legit but Johnny came here because he's been wanting some guidance and said it actually helped him" you think of Mark's older brother actually coming all the way to this place but that too is something that he would do.
As you come inside you notice the sign that reads "The Precious Jade", the shop is decorated with beautiful flowers here and there, drawers up to the ceiling, multiple tapestries and the unmistakable smell of incense. You can see two people behind the counter, one is Renjun and the other he soon introduces as Ten, his boss and the owner of the shop.
"It's good to see you again" he says with a smiles that seems to hide way too much
“How are you the owner? Is it new or..?" Haechan interrupts before you get a chance to ask where does he know you from
“Oh no it's been mine since the beginning, a couple of years ago now the fact that he doesn't look older than twenty five and has been owning the shop for a while now shocks you
“Whatever" is all Renjun says
"Yeah well okay. we're here for some future telling" Haechan speaks up before someone else says anything
"Future telling? I could offer you something else, something more exciting actually" the way Ten mischievous smiles makes you wonder what exactly can he have that'll interest your friend more than the future, but before you can question him you hear someone scoff, turning to the dark blue curtain you see another guy with black hair and wearing round glasses
"More exciting, he says" he shakes his head "You shouldn't go around making such offers Ten, remember what happened last time"
"How to forget? I almost got kill after that one" you hear Renjun laughing while Haechan looks just as puzzled as you, the new guy turns to you with a little smile
“"If you're interested in your future I'm the one for that, my name's Kun" you returned his smile but shake your head
"Oh it's not for me" you make sure to talk loud and clear but Haechan dismisses your words
"Yes, for her please, we want to know about her future, will she find love soon? Perhaps a soulmate?" You're not even sure what surprises you more that your friend is asking in your name about your love life or the soulmate's question, who even believes in that? But you just sigh and follow them behind the curtain deciding that the faster you end with it the better, after all you have nothing to lose.
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bridgetsideas · 3 years
Honey-Blue Dean - Chapter 5 Fear Street 1978
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Ziggy X OC!Platonic
⚠️ !WARNING! ⚠️ : Mentions of death, murder, and violence. Please proceed with care!
Ziggy and Nick were in the science and nature building. They were laughing at the Ziggys bully, Shileas frog-like screams. They were talking and they both felt like they really understood one another.
"Alright next question" Nick poked at the glass cage with a possum in it. "Uh...what about you and your sister? You guys ever get along?" he asked. Ziggy looked down at she was holding
"Thought these were supposed to be easy questions," she said, trying to deflect.
"Says who? There are no 'rules' to this game" Nick said trying to lighten the mood.
"God I hate snakes"
"Why you dodging my question?"'
Ziggy stood up straight. The room suddenly felt suffocating and cold.
"Why do you care?" she asked defensively.
"Curious" Nick replied not at all fazed by Ziggys hostile ways.
Ziggy and Nick looked at each other for a moment before Ziggy opened her mouth.
"I've hated her since I was a baby" She quickly said. "Next question"
"C'mon" Nick chuckled
Ziggy ignored him. "Why are you so full of shit?"
"What?" Nick Godde laughed
"Nick Goode, heir apparent, daddy was the police chief, the king of Sunnyvale and now you're gonna be the same"
"Except it's all make-believe. The truth is you like Stephen King and spiders and the weird girl from Shadyside."
"Alright, first of all, Stephen King, is like, super popular"
Ziggy rolled her eyes
"And second" Nick paused and looked down before looking back at Ziggy almost reluctantly "I can't like the weird girl"
"Why not?"
"Because I'm a counselor. She's a camper"
"Last year for me, first year for you" Zigg said simply
"Plus, how will I get to know her when she keeps dogging my questions?"
Nick sat down next to Ziggy who had her arms crossed.
"There was a time when things were good between us." she started. "When my dad was around and mum was happy, and my sister and me, we would um...we'd through toilet paper on Mr. Corkle's tree, and then go jumping into the lake in all our clothes and..." Ziggy's face was lighting up at the thought of the past. "And now...now it's just gone and everything's shit" Ziggys face went back to being like stone.
Ziggy looked at Nick, "but that's what happens when you like in Shadyside. Everything turns to shit eventually...but I wouldn't expect a Sunnyvaler to understand"
Nick was looking at Ziggy. "No, maybe your right. But uh...being the heir isn't always easy either" Nick looked down in what seemed to be regret. "Before he died, my dad loaded me up with all this, you know 'you're my legacy, the future of the family depends on you' bullshit. You know he just dropped this huge burden onto my lap and...I dunno, what if I don't want that?"
Ziggy looked at him with pity
"What if that's not who I wanna be? What if I want to be the weird kid who likes spiders and Stephen king and-"
"-and the weird girl from Shadyside?"
Nick Goode nodded "Yeah...the weird girl from Shadyside"
"But uh... I guess there's nothing I can do about it" Nick finished.
"Why not?" Ziggy asked confused
Nick abruptly stood up from the bench and rubbed his neck. "Yeah you're right, can we uh...go back to the easy questions?" Nick dogged.
"Ok" Ziggy sighed, also stood up "Um..." Ziggy stood in front of him "How 'bout...would you ever kiss the weird girl?"
Nick leaned in and so did Ziggy, their lips touched.
And it was beautiful.
'AHHHHH!' a girl screamed, interrupting the kiss.
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So the other shoe finally dropped....
I absolutely love my endoscopy job. I am helping to prevent cancer and improving people's lives every day. I've learned how to safely administer medications that are often only given (at least IVP instead of in a drip) by anesthesiologists. I get to participate in all areas of peri-operative nursing, which was my favorite specialty when I was in school. My most frustrating day at this job was still more fulfilling than a moderately good day at my last job.
The job itself is AMAZING and exactly what I was looking for.
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It turns out that a lot of the staff I work with are hardcore Republicans and unfortunately as a result are anti-COVID vaccine.
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I live in a VERY red state, so I am accustomed to this rhetoric. At my last job all the nurses I worked with (who are wonderful, beautiful people and the main reason it took me so long to leave) share the same general ideologies as me. So although there were other staff members who may have been vaccine hesitant or a little anti-mask, I didn't really have to deal with it (among coworkers) because I didn't spend all day with them.
The two major hospital systems in my city and several of the other larger medical groups are now making vaccines mandatory for all employees who do not have a genuine medical exemption. Because I live in such a back-assward state, this means that there is a MASSIVE exodus of healthcare professionals leaving their jobs to avoid vaccination.
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People here are so belligerent in their Trump supporting beliefs that the hive mind has convinced people who dedicate their lives to science and medicine, that the actual peer reviewed studies are a lie compared to whatever bullshit is on Parler or Fox News.
Because the medical office I work for isn't part of the major hospital systems they haven't mandated the vaccine. Masks are still required at our facility because they feel that employees should be allowed to make their own decisions about vaccination.
Honestly? I think that's fine. The problem is that now we are one of the only medical facilities in the area that DOESN'T require the vaccine to work there.....so now all the tin-hat wearing nurses who would rather quit their job than get a vaccine, are going to start applying there. I have heard my coworkers talking about how they are convincing other anti-vax nurses to apply.
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The other part of the problem is that those who are anti-vax are also the same employees pushing to drop the mask mandate within the facility and I just......no! You can't have both!
If you don't want to get the vaccine, whatever. Your body your choice, I don't give a fuck. Get COVID for all I care.*
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My kids are still to young to be vaccinated. The Delta variant is more contagious and can be passed among vaccinated people far more than previous strains. I'm so fucking tired of having this argument, and now I am having it with other nurses AND DOCTORS. WHAT THE FUCK.
I am so tired of this conversation. I know there are idiots in the medical community, I was just lucky that the nurses I worked with before were all smart enough to understand science over politics. I watched two of the NPs I worked with switch from right to left leaning during the pandemic because even though they had been moderate Republicans for their entire lives, they prioritized truth and science over politics. I am honestly praying (to what god idk) that my facility doesn't hire a bunch of anti-vax nurses because honestly that might push me to leave.
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But for now I'm going to continue to focus on the job itself and keep enjoying all the skills I'm building. Because it turns out I'm a really good fucking nurse and it IS possible to do this job without feeling futile all the time. So I'm gonna keep popping cancer out of people's colons.
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Jac & Amelia
Jac: Which talk are you going to tomorrow? I can't decide between the humanities and the science ones, because I need them both Jac: Idk why they're on at the same time 🙄 Amelia: Humanities Jac: That makes sense for you Jac: Ugh...oh! Jac: Sav will have to go to one, I'll go to the other and we'll take notes Jac: that will have to do, I talked to Sir and he REFUSES to reschedule, even though he said my point was fair ??? 🤷😒 Amelia: crisis averted Jac: Something like that Jac: maybe we could voice record Jac: have to be sat practically on the speaker though 🤭 Amelia: Sir wouldn't refuse you that Jac: 😷 Jac: I'll come to humanities with you if you like Amelia: I'll be in the back Jac: Come on Jac: that isn't even 😎 now Amelia: neither am I Jac: Why are you acting like you're too cool to sit with me then? Amelia: I don't care about the talk tomorrow Amelia: I probably won't even go Jac: you'll get done if you don't tick off at least one Amelia: they can't punish me for being off sick Jac: you skiver Amelia: if you want me to send you the pics of me on the bathroom floor right now, I will Jac: You're actually sick Jac: bummer Amelia: I look forward to reading more of that on the get well card attached to my 💐 Jac: Don't be so dramatic Jac: what have you got, that cold that's going 'round? Jac: you need to take [these] vitamins Amelia: no Jac: 🤮💩 then Jac: so fluids Amelia: are you done? Jac: There's no need to be snippy Amelia: I can take care of myself Jac: So you want flowers but not anything of actual use Jac: what is up with you right now? Amelia: I don't want flowers, it was clearly a joke Jac: Hilarious, babe Amelia: you'd think so if it came out of his mouth Jac: Who's? Jac: Sirs? Amelia: you're really going to do this? Jac: Do what? Jac: Pursue head of English? Jac: because no, oddly enough Amelia: they don't have the budget for 🌹 it goes on 📚 Jac: So that's what you're on about Jac: my date with Connell Amelia: it's not my fault you've already blocked it out Jac: Why would I have blocked it out? Jac: I had a nice time, thanks for asking Amelia: I literally will never ask Jac: Well that's really nice isn't it Amelia: that's what you keep Is around for Amelia: tell her the gory details Jac: I'm keeping you around because you're meant to be my friends Jac: what the hell Amelia: yeah, that's what I'm meant to be Jac: Say what you mean to say, Meels Jac: you've started now Amelia: no, I think I'm done now actually Amelia: with this Jac: you're actually serious Amelia: if you're serious, then yeah Jac: This is really immature Jac: I go on one date and you don't want to be my friend anymore, seriously Amelia: I can't be mature about it, happy for you, whatever the fuck else you want Jac: Thanks Jac: glad that I mean that little to you Amelia: you mean that much to me Jac: There's nothing wrong with him Amelia: I already feel like I'm dying, I can't listen to your bullet points of his pros Jac: What is wrong with you, why haven't you said? Amelia: because it'll only make me feel worse Jac: I'm not doing this to make you feel bad Amelia: I know Jac: I like boys, I'm sorry Amelia: what do you want me to say? Jac: I know you don't, it's okay Jac: but I can't be that Jac: for you Amelia: it's not okay because you are that for me Amelia: I can't pretend you're not Jac: there will be another person Jac: who can Amelia: you don't know that Jac: of course I do Jac: you're lovely and beautiful and funny Jac: any girl would be lucky to date you Amelia: if I just wanted to date any girl, I would Jac: I can't be gay Jac: there's nothing I can do to make you feel better, is there Amelia: just leave me alone Amelia: because I can't ask you how your date went, it's never going to be something we can gossip about Jac: that doesn't matter Amelia: that makes it worse Amelia: if you think it doesn't matter and we can tip toe around it Jac: no, I didn't mean it like that Jac: I meant the date Jac: I don't need to talk about it, or any dates Amelia: even if you don't, they're still happening Jac: well just Jac: ignore it Jac: you were the one that wanted to go back to before Amelia: I can't ignore it, it's making me sick Jac: you say I mean something to you but now you can't even be my friend Amelia: maybe I couldn't ever and never was Amelia: I don't know anymore Jac: that's bullshit Jac: we were friends, why are you saying this Amelia: I was in love with you Amelia: am Jac: but Jac: how long Amelia: I don't know Jac: we can't Amelia: we won't Jac: you will Jac: not me Amelia: I have to walk away now Jac: I have to let you Amelia: I guess you get custody of Is, she's too boy crazy to go with me Jac: She can decide herself Jac: you can decide what you tell her, I won't say anything Amelia: I wouldn't know where to begin Jac: you aren't going to tell her Jac: you know, the truth Amelia: you know me, I only tell people things I want them to know Amelia: why would I want her to know that it was all fake and wrong? Jac: it wasn't fake Jac: but I understand why you wouldn't want to, I can think of something, that doesn't make you look bad in any kind of way Jac: if you'd like Amelia: what else would you call years of memories not being what you thought they were Jac: it all still happened Amelia: Yeah but what I thought was going to happen next didn't Amelia: and that makes me doubt the rest and myself Jac: yeah Jac: that is Jac: horrible Jac: if there was something I could do, I know that's useless to say Amelia: it's not your fault or on you to try and fix Amelia: I did this to myself Amelia: Is wouldn't understand, I don't even Jac: it feels like it is Jac: it's Jac: even if I was Jac: I couldn't be the sort of girlfriend you'd deserve Amelia: please don't Amelia: I don't want you to feel bad, I literally want the opposite Jac: but I'm serious Jac: I didn't even listen to a word Connell said, I barely laughed at any of his jokes Jac: I'm just awful Jac: it's okay to do that to a boy but I wouldn't want to treat you like that Amelia: it wouldn't be okay if a boy treated you like I have either Amelia: we're probably even Jac: There's some really nice girls that are out now Amelia: I know you're trying to help me but stop Jac: okay Amelia: I can't do it Jac: who are you going to go 'round with at school though Jac: what are you going to do Amelia: fuck school, it's transition year Jac: Oh, Amelia Jac: I feel sick Amelia: me too Jac: does your mum hate me Amelia: of course not Amelia: she can't hate you for liking boys if she doesn't hate me for not Jac: I knew she would never not love you Jac: no matter what Amelia: I was never worried about my parents either Amelia: I think they knew before me anyway Jac: That's important Jac: and makes me feel a bit better Amelia: maybe they'll homeschool me and people can think I'm weird for something that actually is Jac: would you like that? Amelia: not really Amelia: my mum's less annoying, she's still a lot Jac: yeah Jac: loads of people want to be your friend Jac: you'll get taken in by someone so fast Amelia: maybe but I'll be okay if not Amelia: no need to be Savannah-ish about it Jac: I'd hate it Amelia: you don't have to worry about it Jac: I hope so Amelia: trust me Jac: Is might go with you Amelia: I don't think so Jac: Is this real? Amelia: Yeah Amelia: it'll feel like it when I ruin the best friends forever thing without giving her a good reason why, she'll probably never shut up about it Jac: I don't care about her Jac: no offence Jac: I mean us Jac: not being best friends forever Amelia: that's real too Jac: right Amelia: I'm really sorry Jac: it's not your fault Jac: it's just how it has to be Amelia: I don't know what else to do Jac: no, you have to Jac: it's right for you Amelia: or I've got this wrong too Jac: you have to try Jac: you can't keep feeling bad Amelia: I'll try then Jac: I will too Jac: with leaving you be Amelia: you can take your humanities notes, I'm staying home Amelia: my mum is making me Jac: that's probably for the best too Amelia: I must look how I feel Jac: you have to believe it'll get easier Amelia: that's like the slogan Jac: just keep repeating it until it feels real Amelia: that sounds too much like something Savannah would do Jac: maybe she has a point Amelia: never Jac: 😏 Amelia: I have to go, mum's being dramatic about me lying on the floor Jac: feel better and stay safe Jac: promise Amelia: I promise not to pull any dangerous crap but I don't know how to feel better Jac: dangerous but not deadly then Amelia: 😏 if that's your audition for the dramatic one now I've gone, it was great, but it isn't me who gets the final say Jac: it means a lot coming from you Amelia: obviously Jac: See you around Amelia: or not Jac: alright Jac: sorry Amelia: you'll be at uni before you know it, you're always saying it's just around the corner Jac: so will you Jac: we all will Jac: it's still too far away Amelia: I know Amelia: tomorrow feels too far away for me after today Jac: I know what you mean Amelia: anyway Amelia: my mum's not talking to hear herself speak, apparently Jac: go on Jac: don't keep her waiting Amelia: 🏃
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modernmarcy · 5 years
Just in case any of you guys ever feel ashamed of your own body or like there's something"wrong" with you for not looking like Instagram models...
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It's an illusion. Made up. Not real, but instead carefully cultivated to make women feel bad about themselves so they'll spend $$$ trying to achieve unattainable looks.
People underestimate the extent of Photoshop used on seemingly amateur Instagram models- for more about that, check out the subreddit Instagram vs. Reality. It completely shattered my perception of beauty, and I regretted the wasted time- all those years I spent thinking I was shameful or wrong for not measuring up to these unrealistic standards, wasting money on junk science beauty and weight loss products, beating myself up because I'd been so expertly shown a reality designed to lead me to just that behavior.
But it wasn't reality. It was a multi-billion dollar industry trying to present a false reality for profit, manipulating the young, vulnerable, and extremely impressionable. Targeting them on purpose. There's a reason Instagram modeling is lucrative- that's where they reach young women, young girls still trying to understand their role and expectations in this world. And as a bonus, these young women are likely perceiving the model's product "recommendations" as made in good faith, not realizing the model doesn't use the product, not realizing the product won't change anything about them- except maybe make them feel more broken that the supposed "fix" didn't work for them.
It's gross our society continues to do this to impressionable young women. You guys are seriously beautiful and perfect as you are, and I know it's hard to believe that through all the bullshit messaging thrown at you by advertisers, and all the toxic attitudes and ideas your family and peers normalize, but you are not shameful or ugly for not looking like people who don't even look like themselves. We are just being manipulated to feel that way in hopes we will squander away our hard earned money trying to chase the impossible, spending our whole lives without truly accepting & loving ourselves.
I don't know about you guys, but I refuse to buy into it, and I sure as hell refuse to go along pretending like it's normal instead of predatory and deceptive and outright emotionally abusive. I don't accept the beauty industry using emotional abuse and manipulation for profit, and I won't let them pretend that these actions haven't had massive negative implications for entire generations' mental health and emotional stability. I won't pretend that a generation of mother's more obsessed with their own all-consuming shame of "inadequacy" than presenting a healthy relationship with body image for their daughters, than noticing the toxic patterns and ideas that they are reinforcing for her, isn't going to have a long-term impact on society. I won't pretend that they don't continue to profit off exactly this fact, the fact that their abuse perpetuates itself and primes more women to buy into their lie, the fact that they lead women to do such a huge disservice to the daughters they no doubt love & want better for. The fact that peers and media and even advertisements are participating in this false reality, inflating it to a level that can't be easily dismissed, because the fact is it's alienating to live in a different reality than the people around you.
Actions and words matter, even those made by advertising agencies, and they impact our society for decades. It's not a single drop in the ocean, it's a ripple effect that turns tsunami. I'm done pretending otherwise just because that's what the people with money want us to think. I think it's about time we started holding them accountable.
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hussyknee · 6 years
It's fucken amazing how full of warmfeels I am. Seeing every single one of these kooks again feels like coming home.
...are those the actual Beatles or did they find 4 hilariously generic twinks for this?
RAY YOU MASSIVE DORK. "Paul is the cute one” hmmmmmmm.
Mick's a Black Sabbath fan lmao that's the most Mick thing ever.
Zari’s “everything is boring including death” face is the most Zari thing I love her
Gah shit I love the camaraderie and family-ness of them. In two minutes they establish more real rapport than Arrow has ever done in six seasons.
I miss Amaya and Wally and Jax! Bring some colour back into the gang damn it. What dyou mean Wally's still trying to find himself? How many times can this boy misplace himself?
I love the way Sara and Nate casually annoy each other. Such bros.
Lmao GARY GREEN. The Breakout Character of 2018!
Look I don't even ship Avalance but THIS IS THE CUTEST SHIT EVER.
So far zero reference to Sara's Dad dying. I find I like keeping it that way. Imagining some Guggenheim stooge explaining to a stoned Legends writer about Sara's new life event and said writer nodding along and then immediately forgetting about it.
Idk why but I'm already ridiculously fond of Matt Ryan.
"Former lover" LOL they banged in a mental institution that one time Ava if that qualified as lover for Sara I got some bad news for you about Sara's other shenanigans along the entire length and breadth of history.
Hee Sara said "bollocks!"
Nate and Mick, two dudes who should never be bored together. Actually scratch that Zari would create the most havoc.
Whoa shit helluva silver spoon there buddy!
Lmaooo how did you fit that in your jacket? "Mick Rory of the Central City Rorys" I'm crying
That right there is the slightly crazed sanguinity of a woman sandwiched between a lifetime of male bullshit.
Nate Heywood, breaking into his own home for his Dad’s booze and Mom’s sandwiches. A rebel.
Aww stop leaving Gary out of things he just wants to be included
Jesus Christ has Zari always been that beautiful
Awww yisss Ray and Zari fuckin shit up! I'm a slut for this Brotp no lie.
LMAO "least evil event". Boy would the Legends writers be surprised if they actually read up on Woodstock.
Zari's flower child makeup on point.
"Who would wanna kill hippies at Woodstock"? Like, literally everyone Ray, including me
Well that was an awkward segue, not least because Nate is like the least hippie person in the world. Biff sounds like kind of a dick tbh.
That's some neat editing!
This episode gets several points knocked off for subjecting me to "Brony Bros"
LMAO homicidal unicorn that literally spews rainbow glitter several points back on! Glittery rainbow confetti is what I feel inside when I think of this show.
Awww Sara is worried about impressing her girlfriend thats so helllooooo Sara what are you wearing??? A close up is required. For science.
John Con's absolute smug anarcho-glee at being right is approaching Spike-the-vampire levels. Oh. Oh dear. Punk blonde Brits with no self-esteem. I am in trouble.
I get that emotional neglect doesn't really rate with you after a lifetime of being a punching bag, Mick, but you don't have to be a dick about it. Although letting Mick steal from your Mum because your Dad was an asshole isn't real kosher either, Nate.
I saw Dominic Purcell's interview where he insisted that Mick was a real sweetheart deep down, and while I'm all for greater emotional depth in his characterization, he did make a career out of burning people alive. That was very much an actual thing he used to do.
Enlist? Nate used to be a haemophiliac how would he
“I thought you were dead.” “I thought you were dead inside.” lmaoooo
Yeah you do like her Ray-ray you married her
"I'm not willing to turn my back on life" WE HAVE COME SO FAR FROM "I am a monster who doesn't deserve forgiveness" SARA MY LOVE MY DARLING
John and Sara actually have only surface similarities - blonde, slutty, demons and plot armour. Sara is only occasionally an asshole by accident. John and Oliver Queen otoh have several similarities, notably both having and being Cursed Dicks. Except John's bullshit is actually fun.
There Sara goes trying to pick up more strays. The Waverider, halfway home for troubled, directionless assholes who got booted off their own shows.
Ray is actually making out with a tree lmaooo. God these guys must have so much fun on set.
Grimoire Shimoire THAT'S THE GUN SHOW TOP!!
Aww man I thought that look meant one of them were going to make out with him.
Okay but how does John know that Gary's a virgin??? Did he attempt to take the flower of his virtue only to be rebuffed??
I know Gary the arbitrary rules of cisheteronormativity is confusing to us all.
Did he actually say "unicornum" lmaoooo
Look, John. The man’s nipple’s off. He’s earned a kiss! We all have!
I have to say Matt Ryan is a delight.
Aww Nate. He's just a boy, standing in front of his asshole Dad, asking him to love him.
Ray, first your finger then your heart, Nate is right stop being the Giving Tree. For starters its a terrible book. And this pattern of giving your heart to women who then gore it alive is somewhat concerning. You got a real hard-on for unicorns.
Oh wow Legends getting really real there, in really authentic heartbreakingly genuine way. I am giving all the representation points to Tala Ashe there's no way she didn't have a hand in this.
Fuck Zari. Fuck Tala Ashe. I'm actually crying. + 10000 points to Legends this just elevated the whole show.
Lesbians in turtleneck tanks is A Lewk please wear that always and forever Sara your arms are making me 90% gayer
ANEY baby girl you aren't being graded on a curve this is a relationship honey. "Because I love you and nothing is going to change that" Egad I'm probably going to end up shipping these two by the second ep this is too cute.
Makes me wonder what her relationship with Nyssa was like. God, Nyssa. Now there was a a woman that married homicidal bananapuffs with crazy hotass-ness. Oooh fic rabbit hole!
I think you're a Damn Fine Captain too Sara (emphasis on the DAMN FINE) pls love me too
uggfhhh this is disgustingly healthy. and hot. damn these women.
Jesus get up and answer the door like a normal person you Extra fuck
I want to call John an asshole but he's got a point, they have to share a bathroom with both Nate "10,000 hair products" Heywood, Ray "floss for half an hour" Palmer and Mick fucking Rory. I'd top myself too.
I love Sara and John being reluctant friends because he literally brought her back from the dead but she clawed her way back into life herself. And now she sees so much of how she used to be in him that she can't help but want to show him the same path no matter how much of an invasive asshat he is to her.
Criminy that was some serious shit right there. What's trying to attack Matt Ryan in a towel in all the wrong ways?
Okay the burning question I have is how tf did that towel stay on through all of that? Is it a mystical towel?
An eldritch abomination is gunning for Constantine. Must be Tuesday.
This ofc is quite apart from all the other things with a grudge against him, including, at this point, his own liver.
And its a wrap.
Special shout-out to the costuming department for being the real MVPs and their remarkable disregard for gun control laws. Gay women died well this night.
This show is like when after dating a string of losers you finally find The One that gives you everything you’ve always deserved.
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