#look at me clearly not thinking up random scenes for this fic idea i am not writing
des8pudels8kern · 1 year
He stands in front of the illegal installation in Lift 14 that keeps not getting cleared despite it not being regulation.
The lift doors have long since closed behind him.
He should remove it.
It’s probably a fire hazard.
He doesn’t move.
He should order maintenance to remove it.
He doesn’t activate his comm.
The doors open behind him, the voices of several of his men spilling into the lift. They cut off when the lift reveals him. He hears the faint sound of plastoid rubbing against fabric, then the doors close again and he’s once again left alone.
He should have Waxer and Boil dismantle it. They built it, after all.
He never should have allowed it in the first place. Patron Sith, really, what were they thinking, what were they. Why. Why did he.
Cody stares at the ridiculous, stupid little altar, sitting on the floor surrounded by painted bits of plastoid, pretty rocks, flimsi folded into shapes and other pathetic, desperate, hopefilled little offerings the crew of the venator have left here, the stupid, useless kriffing altar and the stupid, useless listening bug he’s reasoned with and pleaded with and threatened, and.
His lungs stutter, and the mic can probably pick up how wet his breath sounds, how shaky, how like a sob he’s trying to choke down and that’s choking him right back, but it doesn’t matter; no one is listening to that recording anymore anyway, he’s gone, he’s gone, gone, gone, and Cody. He just.
"I just want my friend back.”
He adds oblations of his own in the shape of drops of salt water.
Nothing happens. The galaxy, or the Force, or whatever, doesn’t care, and the man who did isn’t listening anymore.
Cody is alone.
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thencitytales · 1 month
Non-stop Teasing - CYJ
🌷Pairing: Choi Yeonjun of TXT x fem!reader (3rd person used)
🌷 kinda enemies to lovers
🌷wc: 4.1k
🌷 Fluff? sort of angsty tho
🌷 warning: drinking, cussing, frat party, Yeonjun being kind of down bad
🌷There are a few other idols mentioned, some of them in a relationship with each other, I do not think these people are together nor do I ship them, I just felt like the story could have used these dort of relationships (ChaewonxWooyoung, KarinaxJeno)
🌷 Hey!! I am back because i felt like it. This fic is a fleeting idea i had a long time ago and was finally able to finish. In the beginning it was not meant for Yeonjun but it had mostly OC'S so if you see random names I'm sorry, I have yet to proofread it. Feel free to give me notes and feedback, as I appreciate it a lot!! 'Til next time <3
(not my GIF)
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Yeonjun. Stupid, fucking Yeonjun.
Idiot, average-looking yet so stupidly attractive Yeonjun.
“If you really hate him you should stop staring at him, you know?” a blonde girl talked to her best friend, who shushed her in response.
“Shut up Chaewon, I’m not staring” Y/N retorted against her best friend. 
Except she was, and she knew it.
Another person in the library was also very aware of Y/N and what she was doing, because he could feel her eyes pierce through his head. 
And he loved it.
“Ask anybody here, they’ll say you’re staring,” Chaewon said in an amused tone, making Y/N’s eye twitch in frustration.
“Well, then it’s hate-staring, glaring if you will,” Y/N looked away from the boy and glared at her best friend, turning her head ever so slowly, as to recreate the scene in a horror movie.
“Just like I’m glaring at you right now.” Chaewon let out a laugh at her friend’s antics and shrugged it off.
“Sure thing, love. Keep telling yourself that.”Chaewon said. Y/N could only scoff before going back to look at her books.
Look was indeed the best word to describe what she was doing, the words on the page being read for the tenth time in as many minutes without understanding nor absorbing any of it. Biology sucked, and so did Y/N’s brain at that moment. So much so that after a couple of seconds she got distracted again.
“What is it with the stupid beanie anyway? Like what’s the deal with that? DO YOU THINK HE HAS A BALD SPOT?” Y/N whisper-screamed, making Chaewon almost spit out the water she was trying to drink after finally reaching the end of her chapter.
Suddenly the girls heard a louder voice coming from behind them.
“It’s actually for style-related purposes, no bald spot, though if you’re still in doubt you could always ask him. Also, Y/N, you were one hundred percent staring at Yeonjun, just FYI.” Wooyoung said whilst chuckling at the little jump the girls made upon hearing him. Y/N turned around, red in the face, a mixture of embarrassment for being caught and pure wrath, caused by Wooyoung’s presence.
“How long have you been here?” She said bitterly. The boy could sense she wanted to add something, the words dying in her throat a bit too fast. He assumed a “dickhead”, or “asshole” was missing, but he let it go, not teasing her any further. 
“The whole time, love,” he said mocking what Chaewon had said to her friend just a few minutes prior. Then turned away and returned to his spot at the same table with Yeonjun, Soobin and Changbin.
Y/N looked warily at her surroundings to make sure no one else was around to eavesdrop on them.
“How in actual hell are you able to like that guy?” Her shocked expression clearly visible on her features.
Chaewon shrugged.
“He just likes to tease you, he’s actually very nice” She answered, her cheeks turning slightly pink before continuing. 
“I mean it’s not like they’re the fuckboys group.” When Chaewon said that, Y/N was still looking at them and immediately turned around. 
“No, they’re worse, at least the fuckboys are self-aware of how awful they are” she sighed.
“Oh my God you’re so dramatic,” Chaewon said rolling her eyes before going back to typing at her computer. 
Y/N shut up and went back to try and drill a hole through Yeonjun’s head with her gaze, sadly, without any success.
As if on cue, the boy turned around, looked at her, smirked, and turned back to speak with Changbin, making her avert her gaze and awkwardly look around to find God knows what.
She couldn’t take it anymore, her heart pounding in her chest was beginning to feel like it was too much, she could literally hear it and the sensation made her shudder. She got up and headed to the bathroom searching for some quick fix to the sudden heat of her body.
As soon as she got there Y/N quickly splashed her face with some cold water to try and stop it from getting all red, failing miserably. She looked defeatedly at her reflection.
“This is a PSA for that tiny voice living at the back of my head, I am kindly asking you to shut up” She lightly hit her head with her hand in the process so that the point would go across. 
“You understand me??” The girl sighed and took a step back from the sink to exit the bathroom, but as soon as she turned around a familiar face was standing leaning on the door frame.
“Try hitting it harder next time, that should work better.” He chuckled lightly before taking a step towards her.
“This is the girls’ bathroom, Yeonjun” Y/N backed up and glared at him for what was probably the thousandth time that day.
“Sorry, I was headed to the guys’ bathroom but something here caught my attention” he smirked once again. 
Y/N was on the verge of breaking. That smirk. He had to know the effect it had on her. Or was it just a stupid habit of his? 
It didn’t really matter. Either way, she wanted to kiss him so badly right now. And subsequently, run away, completely change identities, go to Peru, and start a potato plantation or something, to hopefully never be found again. She would never EVER admit to wanting to kiss that boy.
Frustrated even more than before, she ran back to the table where Chaewon was waiting for her, shoving Yeonjun in the process, and making him audibly laugh, clearly enjoying how easily he could fluster her.
“I gotta go, or I’m going to be late for the party,” Chaewon said the moment she saw her best friend enter her view.
“Again” Y/N added to Chaewon’s statement, knowing how long the blonde usually takes to get ready. The other girl got up and quickly added:
“Remember, I’ll be at your dorm around 10 pm, we’ll see what to do from there. Remind Ryujin too when you get home, please.” Chaewon said while collecting all of her stuff and messily throwing it in her bag.
“Sure thing, I’ll finish this chapter and go home too in a half-hour or so. Don’t worry about Ryujin, knowing her, she’ll be all dressed up already. You know who you should be worried about, though.” Y/N answered, looking up from her books.
“I already texted Karina, I told her I’d be at hers around 9:30 so she’ll hopefully be ready when we actually get there.” The girl chuckled at her best friend’s trickery and waved her goodbye, mumbling a “perfect” in the meanwhile.
On her way out Chaewon was stopped in her tracks by a slightly taller figure.
“Hey there,” he sweetly addressed the girl.
“Hi Wooyoung, I’d love to stop and chat with you but I really need to go.”
“See you at the party, then” Chaewon looked at him surprised.
“You should really stop eavesdropping other people’s conversations. Besides, you don’t even know which party we were talking about, there’s like 5 every Friday night without counting the ones outside of campus” 
He gave her a playful smile and said “Don’t worry, I’ll figure it out.” The girl laughed and answered “Good luck, darling” before going her way.
After that Wooyoung quickly got back to the guys’ table where all of his friends were sitting, trying to finish some sort of group project.
“Okay, talking about important things, what do you guys know about parties tonight?” Wooyoung said, sitting down.
“You mean here in the campus? or in general? Also like, frat houses or bars?” Soobin started throwing questions at him to try and narrow down the search.
“I don't know, man, Chaewon was talking to the Menace and they said they were going to a party tonight.” Wooyoung just answered him calmly.
As soon as he heard the words “Menace” and “party” together in a sentence Yeonjun’s interest was piqued. He looked at Wooyoung, completely ignoring the semi-blank document opened in front of him.
“Well I don’t think they’d go off campus, the Menace is too lazy for that, she’d want to be as close to the dorm as possible.” Soobin started the brainstorming session.
“That still leaves like at least five or six parties” Changbin pointed out, then turned to Wooyoung and asked:
“Is it just the two of them?” to which Wooyoung quickly added Ryujin and Karina to the mix.
As soon as Karina’s name came up Changbin and Soobin looked at each other and said: “Keystone Lodge.”
“Is there something I don’t know?” Wooyoung asked given how the boys answered the place of the party seemed obvious but he had no idea.
“Karina’s boyfriend, Jeno. He’s in the frat.” Soobin pointed out.
“Okay but aren’t parties at KL like, invitation-only or something like that?” Changbin quickly raised the question.
Yeonjun, who had just started fantasizing about what could’ve happened at the party and had no intentions of having his dreams ruined just like that, said: “don’t worry guys, be prepared, I’ll text you later.” and quickly got up and gathered his things before exiting the library.
“Does he have to do it every time?” Soobin asked.
“He got it from Mark, says it gives him the surprise effect later on and the mysterious effect right away.” Changbin answered rolling his eyes, to which the other two guys only answered almost in awe with an “Ooh.” probably thinking it was the best idea a man could have.
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“Okay, how did you get us in Yeonjun?” Wooyoung asked, almost alarmed at how quickly and seemingly easily their friend acquired the invitations.
“I know Haechan, and he owed me. He still does.” the older boy simply stated, raising Wooyoung's alarm instead of calming him down.
“Now let’s get this party started” Yeonjun exclaimed walking up the stairs to Keystone’s Lodge with a smirk on his face.
“You’re going to try and make her life hell, aren’t you?” Changbin said clearly amused at how his friend was planning on being even more annoying to Y/N than he usually was.
“Just wait and see Changbin, just wait and see.” the smirk on Yeonjun’s face growing with every step to the door he knocked on, where they found a guy standing alone, waiting for proof of invitations.
Inside the Frat house, the music was blasting. The air felt damp and everything smelled like cheap alcohol, adding to the mix the group of smoking boys at the far end of the room anyone could imagine that the atmosphere was not very romantic. Which is exactly what they expected.
Changbin went straight for the bar, getting everybody something to drink as the other guys scanned the room for their targets. 
Wooyoung quickly saw Chaewon sitting on the couch with her friends. They were talking to a few frat guys but they seemed nonthreatening enough to his ego. The Menace was sitting dangerously close to one of them, almost in his lap. Wooyoung could not recognize the guy though, no matter how much he squinted.
He nudged his friends and with a nod pointed the scene out, hoping they would get curious and approach them, so he could flirt with Chaewon once again. 
As soon as he realized what was going on, Soobin turned to look at Yeonjun’s reaction, gesturing to Changbin to hurry over, so he could witness it too because despite what those two liked to admit, they had this tension between them that was almost romantic. They were definitely, on some level, attracted to each other but they would never admit it. That’s why Changbin Soobin and Wooyoung were now staring at Yeonjun, hoping to catch a glimpse of whatever they had theorized.
Yeonjun’s brows furrowed. The night just started and everything had to be so simple already, not even a bit of a challenge. He sighed, took a drink from Changbin’s hands, and turned to Wooyoung. 
“Let’s go say hi to your princess, shall we?” Yeonjun told his friend, who was very happy about the poor lighting, meaning the other boys were not made aware of his rosy cheeks prompted by Yeonjun's comment.
As they approached, Chaewon saw them and a big smile tugged on her lips. She raised a hand to say hi and the boys did the same.
“Well Well Well, I’m surprised to see little Sherlock actually did find us.” She chuckled looking at Wooyoung.
“I told you I could do it. I’m very resourceful” he winked and the girl lightly laughed. 
Everybody then fell back into conversation, except Y/N and her mystery guy, who were so distracted by each other that they didn’t even say hi to the newcomers. 
Yeonjun cleared his voice. 
“I know you don’t like us Y/N but not saying hi is simply rude, even for you.” He smirked, knowing very well what it did to her.
The girl turned around, her surroundings didn’t make it easy to hear but she was sure she heard a voice talking to her. 
From her sitting position she looked at the new figures that had joined the conversation. And then she saw his face. She simply rolled her eyes.
“Who even invited you here? Seriously, please tell me so I can avoid the lunatic all night long, people just become crazier and crazier by the day”
“Actually,” Yeonjun chuckled.
The guy whom Y/N was talking to gently removed his hands from her hips, feeling a bit embarrassed. 
“I think that might have been me,” He said. 
Y/N looked at Haechan with a void expression.
“You’re his friend?” She asked, not believing it for a moment.
Haechan was slightly taken aback by the question, thinking the answer to be obvious, so he simply answered:
“Yeah?” at which Y/N glared at both the boys.
“That’s a shame, I really liked you.” And with that, she got up and went to the bar to pour herself yet another drink. The alcohol was probably what made her act so suddenly with that silly explanation but even sober her had no intention of being affiliated in any way with Yeonjun.
Seeing how Y/N was behaving, the boy thought that his mission was going to be such a delight with how simple she was making it.
Yeonjun followed her, leaving behind their friends absorbed in whatever conversation, and a very confused Haechan sitting on the couch.
As Y/N approached the bar, she bumped into a few people obstructing passages left and right and leaving her even more annoyed than she already was.
She took one of the red cups and poured herself some beer. 
Not the ideal drink but it was the first thing her hands were able to grasp. 
As she was about to take a sip, a hand snatched her drink.
“Thanks, I was very thirsty,” Yeonjun told her, earning a glare once again that day.
“How do you manage to be so annoying Yeonjun?” Y/N said while pouring another cup, this time she grabbed some gin, sensing she would need something stronger than a beer.
“I give it my best, just for you” he grinned.
Y/N couldn’t help but groan as she looked for the soda to mix her drink.
“What did I ever do to you? Have I offended you in any way? Are you holding a grudge from your past life?? Why do you like to annoy me so much??” She sighed in defeat.
“Woah,” Yeonjun said taken aback by the sudden seriousness of the question.
“Well, for starters I could ask you the same thing…” He answered calmly.
As she started to protest he shushed her.
“Buut, I am not going to lie, I do find you very cute when you’re frustrated” He chuckled.
“Are you hitting on me?” She asked, mouth agape.
“Do you want me to be hitting on you?” There it was again. The stupidest grin on the face of the earth. If there was a way to wipe it off instantly, Y/N would’ve gladly taken that chance. Thinking about it, there was a way, and to be honest she had reluctantly considered that way many times before, but always ended up avoiding it.
A kiss was not the solution, everything it could’ve done was only create more problems.
She was snapped back to reality by Yeonjun waving his hands in front of her eyes. She had been staring at the grin for god knows how long. A faint red was starting to tint her cheeks.
“You want to kiss me so badly,” Yeonjun told her, the grin never leaving his face.
She tried to play it as cool as possible, hoping the poor lighting of the room helped her conceive the blushing situation.
“Projecting much?” She smiled turning on her heels, determined to get out of the house for some fresh air.
As she walked away Yeonjun screamed over the music.
“I never said I wouldn’t like it” Y/N briefly stopped in her tracks, surprised by the sudden confession. Thinking it was just another way of getting under her skin she slowly reached the door and opened it, stepping out onto the backyard.
“You just love messing with her, don’t you?” Chaewon said as she approached Yeonjun, Wooyoung by her side, holding her waist.
“I have a tendency not to lie, actually. Everything I said is true. She’s just… compelling” he tried to find the best word to describe her.
“Compelling? You mean messing with her like that is compelling?” Chaewon said, a bit offended that Yeonjun enjoyed toying with her friend’s emotions like that.
“Tell me Chaewon, when have I ever done anything truly bad to her? All I do is tease, in her opinion, when in reality I was always simply…” Yeonjun said, meanwhile Chaewon tried to start a list of all the times he’s gotten you frustrated and quickly realized most times it was just his very annoying, twisted way of ... 
“Flirting,” Chaewon said, shocked. She looked at him straight in the eyes, her expression painted with shock.
“Oh my God, you just flirt with her” Chaewon continued. She suddenly realized that every time Yeonjun ever talked to Y/N he was flirting, and that enraged her friend for some reason. He never actually DID anything bad to her. He never insulted her, let alone take action to actively ruin her day. The only times he did something of the sort she was always with a guy, like 10 minutes ago with Haechan. Yeonjun was always just… flirting with Y/N.
“I am very confused.” Wooyoung said looking at his two friends.
“You never admitted it to us and it takes you like three seconds to tell it to her best friend? I kinda hate you and I am not sure I would like to be friends with you anymore.” Wooyoung continued while watching Yeonjun's every move and acting offended.
“It’s not like you guys ever really asked, I thought it was obvious if I have to be honest. She’s pretty, she’s smart, she can be a pain in the ass but she’s one of the nicest and kindest people I ever met. Not with me, which I can not really comprehend, but if teasing her incessantly is the only way I can get her to interact with me I don’t think I will ever stop.” Yeonjun said earnestly to his friend. A small smile appeared on his features, almost sheepishly.
A voice behind him startled him right after.
“What did he just say??” it was Changbin, who basically screamed in his ear after he heard just half of the confession.
“I think he likes the Menace!!” Soobin screamed at Changbin (and in Yeonjun’s other ear) in hopes of being understood over the loud music.
Meanwhile, Y/N was outside, freezing because she forgot to bring a jacket. 
Why did he have to always be so annoying, why did he always have something to say that would just make her heart beat at a worrying speed? Why did she have to like him so fucking much?
As her mind birthed the last few words she stopped pacing back and forth on the grass.
Of course, she liked him. It seemed as if every stupid decision she could make she would take and this was not even a conscious one. 
It would explain why her fight or flight response would kick in every time he would even just look in her direction, and her choice was fight. 
Thinking about kissing him all those times was not just a stupid silly thought. 
Y/N was hopeless.
"So?" The question was raised suddenly by a voice she recognised immediately.
He was standing right there, in front of her, handing her her jacket.
She happily took it, silently thanking him with a smile before muttering.
"So what?" her eyes looking at him defeated. She liked him and he was just playing. He was just teasing, and look where all that teasing led her. A terrible position she never wanted to be in.
"Am I getting that kiss you so badly want to give me?" Here he goes again. Non-stop teasing.
This time Y/N did not find it in her to fight, not him nor the feelings she finally realized she had.
"You should be more careful with your words Yeonjun, one might think you actually want it, crave it even" she said calmly before chuckling lightly. She was now sitting down on the bench and her gaze was everywhere but the boy's figure.
"As I said when you were storming off, I do think I'd enjoy it" he slowly sat down beside her, surprised by her tone. This felt more like an actual conversation now. It didn't seem like she had any intention of fleeing this time around. Just them two, talking like normal people. It was new and he liked it. He liked it more than words could explain.
"Stop teasing me please, I honestly don't think I can take it anymore. I won't be bothering you again if you promise me you will leave me alone without uttering any other word that you don't mean" If someone were to pass by and listen very closely, the sound of Yeonjun's heart could be heard as it was cracking and falling apart like glass under extreme heat.
She didn't want to see him anymore, but what was worse is that she didn't think his words were honest. She thought he didn't mean it, ever.
He meant it from the first smile he flashed her, from the first hello he said. The first time he saw her he was struck by lightning and did not feel like himself anymore. All he could do was think about her, all he wanted to do was to speak with her. He did not care if it meant he had to endure rolling eyes and frustrated groans, at the very least he was interacting with you.
"So?" this time she asked the question. Her eyes showed how hurt she was and he could barely look at them.
As he turned to face her, Y/N noticed tears welling up in his eyes. She didn't understand.
"You really think I don't mean it? Y/N you consume my thoughts in the best and worst way ever. I think about you all the time. All I ever want to do is speak with you and I don't care if it means you'll hate me, I won't stop doing it because I am selfish like that. I don't want to feel miserable, and the only way I have to do that is if I speak to you. You can tell me you despise me a thousand times but I won't care as long as you're in front of me, addressing me, acknowledging my presence." As Yeonjun spoke Y/N could not believe his words. 
If it was just minutes ago she would've joked about how "you're so obsessed with me, jeez" but at that moment the expression on Yeonjun's face was making her want to cry. It seemed like he meant it.
He did mean it.
"You like me?" she asked, furrowing her brows in confusion.
"I think like is a bit of an understatement at this point..." he chuckled looking into the distance, the palms of his hands rubbing against each other awkwardly.
Y/N moved closer to him. He did not register how close she got until she turned his head towards her with her hand.
They stared at each other, they are not sure for how long. It could have been mere seconds or hours on end. Then she moved closer and finally kissed him. 
She tilted her head as he deepened the kiss. 
Everything felt good. They were finally happy.
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elekinetic · 1 year
user elekinetic do you have any tips to spare for outlining fics 😭 i feel like I word vomit any of the concept that I have in my head, and dialogue ,and build off that adding paragraphs as I go and I go so slow bc of it. But ive been trying hard lately to write a list of “scenes” and bullet point the story but yeah.
do you know anything that could help me have an idea of where to go start to finish instead of starting at the random spot I’ve come up with first? I waste so much writing time because I haven’t built a backstory for characters and things like that so i don’t always know how they start the story off, only the situation they’re in. Is that something that could help? Making a list for each character or something? Would love to hear your thoughts thank you! <3
hi! first of all i’m so flattered you asked! to be clear, i am a very slow writer too lmao and i’m relatively new to prose writing, and though in very confident in my understanding of what makes a good story (W screenwriting), i am still figuring out my outlining process. but hey! let’s learn together.
sorry in advance for how long this is. i love talking.
so i basically figure everything out in the outline and write after i feel very good about it. if you have a strong foundation, everything gets a hell of a lot easier. t kind of sounds like your process might be similar to mine, so i’m just gonna explain what i'm doing for my current project.
my key document is my “bible.” i split it up into a couple different sections using page breaks (page breaks my best friend ily page breaks):
pitch/word vomit summary
scene ideas
ok so wtf does that mean.
1. pitch/word vomit summary — explain your concept. bc i've got a film/tv background, im starting off with my logline. (e.g. "after robin learns will is gay, they have a heart to heart in an abandoned video store about insecurity and feeling alone. they learn they're not." sometimes i'll follow that up with a note to myself like, "this fic isn't robin finding out, this is what happens after. starts with her already knowing. will pov, focus on his perception of robin changing. subtly reference toward feelings about mike, dont come out (haha) and say it") then, i write as MUCH of the concept down as i can, like i'm explaining it to a friend. (sometimes i copy and paste rants from dms directly into the document). it can be totally out of order, non-sensical, contradictory. just get as many of your ideas down as possible. you want to be able to come back to this and be like, oh i totally forgot about that. vague chapter summaries, personal notes about themes, whatever you want. i have a list of beats that you find in romantic dramas for inspiration and a paragraph abt ways i want to parallel/subvert s3 of st. just. go ham. 2. scene ideas — this is pretty self explanatory. i take some of the stuff i have in the p/s and flesh it out, or put down new ideas. this is where i'm writing out dialogue in bullet points, or what i want them to be Really Saying. (e.g. "mike: [panics bc he feels seen, tries to flip it back on (redacted) and fails] ") this is for when i can see stuff more clearly or i get out of the shower with a whole exchange in my head. gonna be out of order, a little all over the place. 3. outline — so. this is where you start piecing it together. put the bullet points in order. figure out objective of each scene and what needs to happen to accomplish that goal. figure out pacing, what needs to happen when. this step is where im looking at dialogue and thinking "why does mike say that? why does he feel that way? what needs to happen to get him to this point emotionally?" or looking at scenes and thinking "these are two scenes with people arguing back to back. lets make sure they feel different and give the characters different tactics to get what they want (byler argument where mike is avoiding will vs max argument where max is avoiding lucas. i could use this to highlight similarities and differences in the relationships, but having two scenes with the same tactics back to back might feel repetitive. maybe i move the scenes farther apart or change circumstances. maybe mike and will are having a veiled argument while theyre with a group of friends in a public space and max and lucas' argument is outside max's house.) also asking if conflicts are resolved too quickly, if the miscommunications feel too convenient, if characters disappear or are only around as plot devices. write. troubleshoot. repeat. 4. random notes — everything else that doesnt fit. for me this is literally just taylor swift lyrics (writing the fic vaguely off of a Specific Song that SHOULD BE STREAMED MORE WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE anyway) and links to posts i use as character reference to make sure im staying true to the characters. (remembering will said "i was being a total jerk to el, i deserved it," AND "you're ruining everything, and for what!"/"i wasn't moping!")
i want it to be clear im doing all of this at the same time. im jumping around and pulling new ideas and rearranging as stuff changes. i think the thing that's really hard is that i want to be able to sit down, write the outline, and then move on. but for us scatterbrained writers, you're gonna have to re-outline and readjust like. a thousand times. and that's okay. that's good! it feels tedious as hell but the story is so much better for it.
take your time. let yourself be slow. keep finding holes in your story and fill the world in as you fix them.
here are some more questions i ask myself to make the story better:
What are you trying to accomplish over the course of the story? What is it about? (for the will&robin fic, it was something about feeling seen for the first time.) When you get lost in your story or aren't sure why a scene feels stale, come back to this. is the scene furthering that goal?
What is changing internally for each of your main characters? (yes theyre dating by the end but like. what do they learn.)
Are the side characters people or props? (will pov scene of a party-wide picnic where everyone's talking but will is focused on mike's hands.... where is max's head at in the scene? you don't have to have a super long backstory and she doesn't have to be a big part of the plot, but if she's saying something, figure out why she's saying it. if will is having a heart to heart with el, understand why el is responding the way she is. the scene's goal may be to get will through a breakthrough, but el's circumstances will change in the scene too. figure out how this conversation lands with her. oh, and remember the adults are people too!)
Why is this character saying this/why are they responding this way? (this should answer your "where do i start?" question. start in that random spot and figure out A) why they are there and B) why they are reacting the way they do (see last bullet point).
side note: some of the best advice i ever got was "enter the scene late, exit early." skip the prologue. try starting from that random spot. if it feels like something's missing, figure out exactly what that something is, and go from there
Do the stakes feel high enough?
What do i need to set up to make sure this scene/beat is satisfying as possible? (are will and mike going to have a big argument? oh, so we have to show tension before.... BAM you have another scene to write and your outline is fuller)
i could go on a lot longer but. basically.
i edit while i write. i'm someone who needs a very fucking strong outline and a very fucking clear idea of the story before i can start writing it. i'm putting probably 70-80% of the leg work in at the start so i can focus on making the prose (or script, most of the time) the best it can be.
THAT BEING SAID, this is just the way i do it and i have like. a fic and a half published. im taking my sweet time bc im creatively burned out and this is for fun first and foremost. like i said. i am a Very Slow Writer.
i highly, highly recommend hitting up the ask boxes of writers like @/strangeswift, @/wiseatom, @/astrobei, or @/andiwriteordie. no guarantees on responses bc they are busy ppl with busy lives but i really do think theyre some of the best writers out here right now, and im not just saying that bc they're my friends. abby (strangeswift) and i have been each other's sounding board through a lot of projects and she's almost done with one of her first Big Fics, so its worth asking her about that.
i hope this helps! ah!!
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broodwolf221 · 3 months
Happy Friday! For DADWC, how about "severely wounded during battle" for Varric/Solas? 👀
okay so this is a post-trespasser fic that’s very loosely inspired by a scene from the missing (which tbf i have Not read). shouldn’t spoil anything tho. working off the idea of a slowly developing relationship for them that hasn't quite become established yet @dadrunkwriting 698 words cws: gut wound; enemy death; no other character death
Shit. How’d he always end up in these messes? His hand was pressed against the hole in his gut and he was just… wishing that Cassandra had come with him. She’d needed to look after the new Seekers, though. He understood. It was selfish to want her to drop everything, but he rather thought he was allowed to be selfish in the privacy of his own mind while he was dying.
Not really the way he thought he’d end up going, either. Solas might have killed him, but this? Some random Venatori? This was just a sad way to go.
The Venatori was dead. It was a cold comfort, but he supposed there was some small pride to be had in that. The man had run Varric through, but Bianca had cored right through him. Fuck. Bianca. He supposed he should try to destroy the crossbow, wary of letting it fall into enemy hands, but he couldn’t bring himself to. Partly because he was exhausted on account of bleeding out, sure, but also because he couldn’t.
It didn’t hurt much, at least. He knew it should and it scared him that it didn’t, but at the same time he was grateful. If he had to go, at least he could go with some kind of peace.
He heard something and opened his eyes – when had they closed? – blearily watching someone approach. He figured it was another Venatori, but the armor didn’t quite make sense. But he couldn’t focus enough to figure out who it was, not until he crouched in front of him.
Bald, pointy ears, a gentle expression… “Solas?” He rasped, the other man smiling faintly and nodding.
“Shush, my friend.” He wanted to question that, wanted to protest. Who was Solas to be calling him friend, after having abandoned them all? But he didn’t have the strength to argue. Besides, it was kind of… nice. “Let me take care of you.” Sure, that sounded good.
Things were blurry, then, and if asked he wouldn’t have been able to say how much time had passed. All he knew was that he eventually opened his eyes and saw Solas seated cross-legged before him, looking somewhat drained but otherwise normal. Aside from his fucking armor. What kind of mage wore shit like that?
It took Varric too long to realize that his hand had been moved aside, that the hole in him had been patched. It still ached horribly, but it wasn’t bleeding anymore. “Am I…?”
“Going to live?” Solas finished for him, with that same, gentle smile. “Yes, Varric. You’ll go on to write many more books.”
“Hey, Solas?” The other man made a low, encouraging noise. “What the fuck?” For a moment there was absolute silence, then Solas laughed, bright and loud. Clearly Varric had startled him, but Solas had startled him right back. Shit. “Gonna give me a heart attack after all your work…” he grumbled, but he was smiling as Solas’ laughter slowly subsided. Eventually the other man settled down, his countenance becoming a little more somber.
“I can’t answer your questions, my friend.”
“I know,” he said, and he did. He knew how this was going to go. And he wasn’t really in any position to prevent it. “You’ll leave again, won’t you?” Solas nodded.
“And you need to stop pursuing me,” he insisted. “It’s too dangerous.” Varric snorted.
“Like letting you tear the world apart is safer? Sorry, Chuckles, but you’re stuck with me.” Solas sighed and Varric grinned, but he didn’t feel it. “Did you really think I’d just pack up and go home?”
“One must have hope…” he trailed off, apparently unable to keep up the back and forth. Or unwilling. “I do not wish for you to die, Varric. You should go back to Kirkwall, live your life in full. Stop pursuing me.”
“Not a chance.” Solas stared at him for long moments, then sighed again before rising.
“You’re healed enough. Rest for the day, you’ll be safe here. And please, reconsider. You will gain nothing by following me.” With that, he turned and left.
As soon as his footsteps faded, Varric levered himself upright with a grunt and followed.
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cairoscene · 4 months
fic writer meme
thanks em @uhuraisgay and lore @megafaunatic for the tag <3
How many works do you have on Ao3?
between my accounts, a nice tame 18 total
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
217,330 lol
3. What fandoms do you write for?
i definitely write for fewer fandoms than i'm in, so in the past it was mxtx danmei novels and now it's batman (current obsessions pending fic...)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
what else is there? (mdzs)
2. you'll know, you'll fall (tgcf)
3. send to all (batfam)
4. one word from you (mdzs)
5. to recollect and long for (mdzs)
the wangxian monopoly....
5. Do you respond to comments?
not anymore :( i used to respond to every comment i got, but it ended up being too much stress. so i read and appreciate every comment i get, but i only really respond if someone asks me a question or needs clarification on something
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i don't really write unadulterated angst and i'm a lover of a happy ending, so i guess it would be bring the ashes to me......... my fic which famously has no ending at all...........and in fact leaves xie lian in a Pretty Bad Place.......... oops
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
probably you'll know, you'll fall, which i briefly reread not too long ago and. well. to those who continue to enjoy it, i treasure you. i will say i tied up every possible loose end in that fic including?? giving xl a job at sqx's hotel management firm????? let's just say i would do it differently now
8. Do you get hate on fics?
honestly no, never, just the occasional rude comment. i delete and move on
9. Do you write smut?
with varying degrees of success, yes. i like to think i've gotten better over time. writing porn is an aspect of craft that really fascinates and interests me, figuring out what i like to read vs what i like to write, balancing titillation with characterization and finding where the two lean in and kiss. half of my private bookmarks are random fics where the sex scenes just worked for me and i must squirrel it away to study under a microscope to figure out Why
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you have written?
not really, and i don't tend to read them, either. i think they're really hard to pull off successfully and generally my brain isn't on board with reconciling irreconcilable world-building aspects just for the fun of it
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don't think so? there was definitely...... a trend of let's call it Unattributed Inspiration in the mxtx fandoms, where any fic or tweeted idea or headcanon that got passed around would inevitably show up in the tag without attributing it to the originator. i remember reading a fic and enjoying it and then suddenly being like Wait...... why is this familiar? and discovering it was very clearly inspired by one of mine lol. i wouldn't call it plagiarism bc let's just all calm down, but it isn't a phenomenon i've encountered outside mostly mdzs fandom, let's put it that way
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes!!!!!! mostly russian and mandarin. i feel like being asked if someone can translate my fic (or podfic it) is the highest possible praise and i'm always very flattered
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i was going to say no at first but then i remembered that @bluecrystalrainingdaggers helped me write a charity fic back when i wasn't really feeling wangxian but needed to fulfill on the charity raffle we ran. she basically gave me the outline and i wrote it and i would never have survived without her
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
i am a fickle creature, so i don't have one. i have ships i return to over the years when i crave a specific dynamic, like kirk/spock and wolfstar and damen/laurent. in general my ships fulfill a specific need i'm looking for, hualian for the comfort and care, ghostbat for sustainable toxic soulmates, [redacted] for the angst and misunderstandings, vashwood for the doomed clowns etc etc etc
15. What is a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
bring the ashes to me. sorry
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think i can write a good sex scene
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
plot :( dialogue :(((( sitting down to write at all :(((((((((
18. Thoughts of writing dialogue in another language in fics?
i feel like i don't have strong opinions on this front. it seldom bothers me but when it's done well it's a really great element
19. First fandom you wrote for?
on ao3, mdzs. on fanfiction.net the musketeers (2014) and that wizard one
20. Favorite fic you have written?
i'm really very fond of lover be good to me. it's one of my least accessible fics on account of the rarepair but i had a lot of fun writing it and i think the final product is pretty satisfying. i feel like i was able to say and explore everything about the ship i wanted to, which is really fulfilling
tagging @englishsub @vinelark @eggmacguffin @90kon @yuebings @floofyfluff @deadchannelradio and anyone else who wants to do it
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tetrakys · 1 year
there's one thing that I don't understand, why was the new writer of Eldarya and MCL took over the writing and made Chino step down while she was the creator ?
Are you referring to Eldarya ANE's writer? No, he has nothing to do with this decision. If you check the credits page you can see that Eldarya has multiple people working on the plotting of the stories:
Tumblr media
The creator/art director is the person who has the original idea of the game and characters and makes decisions on how the plot should evolve. The creator basically decides characters' backgrounds, how the story starts, how it ends and main plot points. This person is Chino.
Then there is the proofreader (I guess it's also called product manager?), who is the person that decides what happens in each episode and reads the script of the game written by the writer and makes changes. This is the person that sets the tone of the episode and tells the writer how characters should behave and what kind of interactions they should have. Chino used to do that at the beginning of TO, until the management of the company decided that someone else should take over. This happened I think between episodes 20-22. One of the last things she personally worked on was Leiftan's spin-off, since then she has no idea what's been happening in Eldarya episodes anymore.
Then there is the writer, who is the person who actually writes the whole script, the actual dialogues, but they are lead by the project manager, so they don't make decisions on the plot. This person used to be Hikaru until episode 29 of TO, after that the current writer arrived, they wrote episode 30 and the whole ANE.
That's why, despite Chino having left, episodes 21-29 don't feel extremely different, because at least Hikaru was still there and knew the characters and their personalities, but you can see that the events in the plot had already started to make little sense. That's when Eldarya stopped having any flirting and fluff and we were only given a few random sex scenes, almost as if to tick a box to say yeah this is still a romance game. Also the whole Blue Sacrifice, the LIs' backstories etc plotholes over plotholes because they decided to change the scenarist mid-game. And it's my opinion that the second project manager clearly didn't bother to pay attention to the previous 21 episodes nor try to really understand what was Eldarya's real story. I know this story now (which is what I'm explaining in the fic) and I can say that it really doesn't take an effing genius to follow a simple plot. Nor be consistent with the characters' real personalities.
I am angry with the writer who messed up Lance, Leiftan and Nevra, but in truth the guy only arrived when TO was over, the project manager/proofreader should've told him on the first day "look, this is wrong, you should make the character behave like this instead". Why didn't they do that? Why did the company decide to risk messing up the game by removing the creator and making work someone else on the scenarios? And why make this person work also on another game (uncoven) instead of focusing on the one they had just assigned them? I don't know, I'm not Beemoov's CEO. All this seems so absurd to me, who would ever make such stupid decisions? The same people who decided it made complete sense to remove love interests from otome games apparently 🤡 I'm sorry if I sound really salty. I loved Eldarya with all my heart, I'm never going to get over the fact that this game died because of shitty managerial decisions.
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itwoodbeprefect · 2 months
ooh there's so many good questions in that writers list. ummmmm 10, 18, 22, 59, 74
10. Cltr+f “blinks” on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up
with a previous answer i did this for the starsky & hutch wips, so i'll do it for h50 now, which brings options. the main document with more or less Everything in it has 12 blinks, a flip-flop state of mind has 4 (though those have all already been posted), and sweet like a chic-a-cherry cola (which is, despite appearances, not dead) has 7, one of which is this one, from the aftermath of my gratuitous surf buddies scene rewrite ("“That’s so cute,” Mary says, while she accepts the coffee. She’s smiling, and Steve looks happy and clueless and good enough to eat, and Danny is, quite frankly, insulted."):
When he crosses the doorway he’s indignant, but by the time he’s hopping up on the kitchen counter there’s a nasty doubt creeping in. “Hey, look, we are more than just surf buddies, right? I’m not reading this whole thing wrong?” Steve has his head in the fridge, but at this he closes it without taking anything out. He turns to Danny and blinks. “Of course we are. We’re-” He predictably gets stuck right there, because they haven’t said anything like that out loud before. “Partners,” is what he settles for.
also, oh my god, that's 23 mcdanno blinks. brb editing out these people's twitching eyelids.
18. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
answered this one here!
22. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
ooh, interesting! and i'm leaning towards no, because i have very few hard boundaries with fiction. there are definitely things i'd be very unlikely to ever write, but there's very little i feel sure about ruling out completely. i'm not responsible (yet) for what tomorrow me thinks would be a good idea, and i only very recently had the experience of watching a show (one of the thai ones, predictably) that got me SO annoyed i had to grab myself by the back of my own shirt and forcibly yank myself back from attempting to rewrite the entire plot of a lazy thing about which i liked practically nothing, not even the characters. so i guess that's one thing i AM trying to actively avoid, and hope for future me's sake she won't be doing either: writing some giant project purely out of spite for a media property i don't enjoy. (peace and love, girl.) beyond that, i don't know! chances are vanishingly slim, but maybe i'll suddenly decide i have a great take on mpreg omegaverse deathfic tomorrow.
59. Does anyone in your personal life know you write fic? if not, would you tell anyone?
oh, yes! all my friends i think, my sister, my parents - though my parents wouldn't know where to find it, probably, and i wouldn't mind keeping it that way. i don't mind telling people, it's just that i also don't necessarily enjoy explaining (and defending) the concept of fanfic to random non-fanfic people, so it depends on the situation.
74. You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it?
also already answered this one, here. clearly people agree you picked the best questions!
Get to know your fic writer! 🔎
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viola-ophelia · 1 year
2022 Fanfic Year in Review: ifearnocolors on ao3
i was clicking around on my own blog earlier and randomly found my 2021 fanfic year in review, so i thought it’d be fun to do it again! i wasn’t tagged by anyone ofc lol, but i’m tagging a few ppl at the end in case anyone wants to do this too :) 
Total Completed Works: 11, same as last year! 
Word Count: 21,677... much less than last year lol. but to be fair, i finished publishing my silmarillion longfic at the beginning of 2021, so that drastically inflated last year’s wordcount. this year, i learned to embrace the fact that i am most definitely a oneshot (and occasionally two-shot ;)) writer! 
Fandoms I’ve Written In: loki (mcu), bridgerton, pirates of the caribbean, and turn: washington’s spies. 
Looking Back, Did You Write More Fic Than You Thought You Would This Year, Less, Or About What You’d Expected?: about what i’d expected! in 2022, i think i finally found a fic-writing schedule that i’m comfortable with... which is writing whenever inspiration strikes, but not pushing myself beyond that! i wrote pretty sporadically in the first half of the year (mainly because i was working on a personal writing project) but published a few more things in the fall and winter as i got back into the turn fandom (and ran my first fandom event, which was so much fun and filled me with inspiration!). 
What’s Your Own Favorite Story Of The Year?: i’d definitely say it was gather up the splinters, build a casket for my tears. this was, like, my 3rd or 4th attempt at writing a turn au where john andre survives LOL, but i’m definitely happiest with/proudest of this one. fun fact, i wrote the whole thing in a day after being struck with random inspiration during my ‘turnsgiving’ week event LOL! 
Do You Have Any Fanfic Goals For The New Year?: i just hope to keep writing, to keep loving it, to keep expanding my skills, and to keep being proud of my work!
Most Popular Story Of The Year?: you stuck in the knife that you held at my back, my speculative loki season 2 opening scene, with 43 kudos. (hey, i never claimed to be a popular writer LOL! but 43 whole people enjoying one of my stories is incredible.)
Story Of Mine Most Under-Appreciated By The Universe, In My Opinion: i’m well aware that there’s literally zero market for cutler beckett x OC fanfiction LOL, but in the ideal universe, chasing pirates would’ve gotten a lot more attention! (and for all you beckett haters, the OC in question is a cannibalistic siren, so. there’s something in it for everyone!)
Most Fun Story To Write: i think my idea of what’s “fun to write” is, uh, a little different from the norm. i greatly enjoyed forcing john andre to kill ben tallmadge in the crown hangs heavy on either side, and i also took great pleasure in forcing davy jones and cutler beckett into a weird existentialist hell scenario in parley. clearly, i’m extremely sane! :D 
Most Unintentionally Telling Story: oof idk, someone else psychoanalyze me! idk about a particular work, but i feel like the fact that all 11 of my fics from this year were tagged as “character study” says... something? 
Biggest Disappointment: that i didn’t really leave my comfort zone in terms of style or substance. 2022 showed me that i definitely have a “typical fic” (oneshot, character study, vignette/snapshot style, angst and/or existentialism), but i’m not sure whether that means i’ve found my style/authorial voice, or if my works are a bit formulaic lolol. i’d like to hopefully branch out from my instinctive structure/style in 2023. the closest i got to trying anything new/different last year was attempting to write fluff in the second chapter of sweet nothing, and, well... it’s simply not that fluffy. a bit of angst got in there somehow!! 
Biggest Surprise: someone wrote a fic inspired by one of mine for the first time ever, which was so amazing. also, i randomly wrote a bridgerton fic (i want to be the one to walk in the sun) while recovering from wisdom teeth surgery LOL! 
i’m tagging @deathicus-sling @thatfeanorian @maironsmaid @sauronnaise @moodrose @leomcclintock @tallmadgeandtea @musicboxmemories @hmsannlett (thanks for tagging me last year LOL!) and any other writers who follow me! (feel free to ignore this if you want lol. also i don’t mind if you reblog or make your own, either is good!)
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sothischickshe · 1 year
How's the writing/editing process going? I love your updates and how you share your process 🥰🥰🥰
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 Thank you so much anon, that's extremely kind 😭🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Um it's going, slowly but... Slowly! Haha. I have a fully typed up draft 💪💪💪💪 & somewhere towards the end of that process I appear to have written myself a few pages of half-spaced notes 👓👓👓 the main preoccupation of which seemed to be things to establish earlier and/or more clearly, but there's also some random fragments of prose mixed in bc it's important to Always Be Chaotic 🤝
I've kinda put that aside for now, but have started reading through the draft properly 💪 and am kinda line editing/rephrasing/making decisions/vaguely attending to some concepts from those notes without looking at them. I haven't got that far yet, but hopefully I can keep plugging away a scene/section at a go... I would love to have more time pls 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
I'm having a lot of fun with the rephrasing & tidying actually!! 😊 Poss extra bc i have no idea what's going on tbh cos I thought this was gonna be like 30k when I started and instead it's around 140k🤯 so it's v soothing to be fixing (and indeed deleting🗡️🗡️🗡️ ha) anything lol
Downside is I tried to read a couple of my older fics recently and was half dying over the commas and phrasing and stuff :( def a side effect of editor brain, so maybe that will spur me on so I can go back to enjoying my own writing ha
Given how much this has fallen off the rails im realllly trying to accept that I can't make every aspect of it great, but I keep thinking of things I wanna add or alter so ♻️♻️♻️♻️ plus there were certain things I wanted to try with this stylistically which kinda got pushed aside when more scenes/plot got added which I probs should let go but I am tempted to try to claw them back in so ♻️♻️♻️♻️
Sometimes I do feel like I can see a path to posting a first chapter! 💪💪💪💪 But then I remember how with prev multi chap stories I was annoyed when in later installments I was stating things which couldve been established earlier, so I kinda wanna get more of it properly in line first so ♻️♻️♻️♻️♻️ I also haven't really worked out where the chapter breaks should be or thus how they'll be named so ♻️♻️♻️♻️♻️😓
so um yes -- slowly! 🙏🐢😱😭🫁💪
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15, 16, & 19!
15 Favorite sunny fic(s)
There are so many amazing ones it’s hard to choose! I would say the ones currently sticking to my brain the most are: The Gang Learns to Exist in the Moment, Wishing Well, Stubborn Selfish and Easily Jealous, and The Way We Look to Us All. Spoilery ramblings as to why under the cut because I can’t help but gush a bit over these lol
16 Random hot take
This is a SPICY one but. I am not optimistic about macden actually becoming canon. I would love for them to be canon, I think it makes sense for the characters and it think it would create a lot of comedic potential, but I’m also a bit of a pessimist, and I personally think RCG finds it funnier to have them have an almost-kind-of relationship than an actual confirmed one. I feel like if anything they’ll be canon at the end of the very last episode and then they’ll die or something as a last joke about how these people don’t deserve to be happy after all they’ve done. But who knows, maybe I’m wrong
19 If you had the skill/talent/time to create any content you wanted, what would you want to make?
If I had the energy I would write a million macdennis fics I have so many ideas. If I had the skill/talent I would draw a bunch of funny/sappy ship art
The Gang Learns to Exist in the Moment
Oh my god ok where to start with this one. This one buzzes around in my brain constantly. Holy fuck the funeral scene where Dennis is super drunk and his and Dee’s family gets all judgey and Dee stands up and says “He was a terrible father to us, you understand?” UGH. That makes me feel so many things I think about that scene all the time. Mac’s therapy sessions where his therapist tries to help him realize he’s gay are so sweet. It wouldn’t have fit with the tone of the actual show at all but sometimes I wish they were canon because it’s such a great exploration AND WHEN HE SAYS HE LIKES SUPER MASC GUYS AND HIS THERAPIST POINTS OUT DENNIS ISNT SUPER MASC AND MAC LIKES HIM?? I die in the best way possible just get rend in twane oh my lord. Dennis’ fight with Dee is so real and is resolved so beautifully. Charlie learning to read finally??? The star charts! The “real” funeral at the end AND HOW IT WRAPS WITH THEM FINALLY SINGING TOGETHER AGAIN. Fuck. I literally wept. I’m whirring just thinking about it now.
Wishing Well
This one is still ongoing but already I have so many Feelings. The metaphor with the burning apartment. Dennis thinking talking to Mac about missing him is a dream when it’s clearly a memory he was just so drunk??? FUCK. That’s good shit. Convincing Cricket to marry them secretly like the dumbass he is. THE BATHROOM KISS. Mac getting his memories back but not telling Dennis?? The reveal that Dennis is the first one who called him Mac instead of Ronnie AHHHHH. Literally always thinking about this one and aching for more. Can’t wait to see how this one ends
Stubborn, Selfish, and Easily Jealous
Poor Trevor. Honestly I’m usually not a fan of fics about a third party getting between a ship but this one is so well done I was hooked start to finish. I love Dennis’ dream sledgehammer and him “leaving” it on the elevator at the end. I love how Trevor is genuinely a good boyfriend and it doesn’t pull the whole “well obviously ship should be together because third party is terrible anyway” stuff I hate. It does such a good job showing that Mac and Dennis love each other while showing the reasons they aren’t together and why Mac wants to be with Trevor despite Dennis finally reciprocating his feelings. And when Mac starts cheating with Dennis it gives me such complex feelings it’s *chef kiss*. The hospital scene holy shit. The epilogue! There’s so much real human stuff here it’s so good.
The Way We Look to Us All
This one is pure Dennis angst, and you all know I live for that. Dennis struggling to accept his sexuality, and his age, and his obvious feelings for Mac is so so good. I love how the sex scenes mesh with Dennis’ character arc and the themes. I love them trying to punish/help Charlie and Frank. I love Dennis’ freak out to Artemis. It’s been some time since I last read it but it’s still inside my heart and soul.
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winderlylandchime · 10 months
I finally got around to read your latest chapter, unfortunately it took me a minute and may I say, you really do know how to fuck with someone’s feelings. You truly have an amazing talent for writing. I was such a mess afterwards that (obviously) I had to go and watch 2x02 since a lot of it had to do with that episode. Which btw this is random but how did I never notice that they were trying to cover up that Randy had a tattoo on his shoulder? I had to go and rewatch the bedroom scene when they first try to have sex again twice because at first I thought i was imagining it. But I did check google and he had a tiny scorpion tattoo which is for some reason really cute. Anyway sorry I completely went off topic, what I wanted to say was excellent chapter! It did everything that I assume a writer wants to accomplish: it made me a mess, it broke me into million pieces and it made me giddy with excitement to see where you take the story next.
Hello dear sweet anon!
I’m happy you’re reading my fic whenever it happens (the moment it’s posted, a week later, 3 years later).
I am taking that I know how to fuck with someone’s feelings as the highest compliment. I’m a sadist 😈 thank you thank you thank you!
I did notice Randy’s tattoo and the very poor cover up they did. Poor make up department. They really gave him a gray bruise looking thing. I think Randy’s gotten more tattoos since then so he clearly didn’t care how poorly it was covered up. (Also he has been primarily a stage actor and that’s a whole different thing because the audience isn’t as close as a camera).
I’m so glad I made you a mess and excited for the next chapter. I’ve been sending myself emails because my google doc for this is a mess (with the outline and rambling ideas it’s 85k words) and it takes forever to open. I need to clean it up a bit. I just got back from traveling to visit family so I’ll have time now to really dive into the next chapter… I’m excited for it too!
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babymetaldoll · 3 years
I just want you (Chip Taylor / Reader)
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Requested: Yes
Word counting: 3.5K
Summary: What would it be like to be married to Chip Taylor? Would it include a lot of women trying to hit on him?
Warnings: Cursing, spoilers of 68 Kill.
A/N: Hello, beautiful people! sorry, I've been a little absent here, but writing my series has taken most of my time! Also, I feel a little blocked, and my personal life has been a mess. But, here it is: my first Chip Taylor fic. Have you guys seen 68 Kill? I love that movie, and I love Chip so much. He deserves the world. I hope you guys like this little story!
It wasn’t like I didn’t know my husband was handsome, ‘cos you had to be blind not to see his face was made by the gods, and all of his features were simply perfect. I just didn’t know every woman would flirt with him everywhere we were all the time.
And they weren’t even subtle about it. No. They made it very obvious when they looked at Chip each time they stopped by his work. They wanted him.
After all those years together, a part of me had made peace with that. I couldn’t stop them. He was hot, he didn’t want their attention, but he wasn’t rude or anything like it. Chip Taylor was a very polite man who was also very blind to the attention his looks gave him.
Chip owned a small pet sitting business that had started to really take off in the last few months. He had some savings that he used to buy a house when we first started dating. He lived there until we got married, and then we bought a bigger place outside the town. That’s when he decided to turn his old home into his own pet sitting business. And it was a hit. Chip is fantastic with animals. He is great with everybody, but pets just… melt with him. I think they can see the kindness of his soul.
Chip Taylor deserves the best things in life ‘cos he is the best man I’ve ever met. I’ve loved him since the day it took him almost half an hour to walk over and talk to me in the bar we met.
- “Every time a pretty face pops up, my brain turns into a potato- he explained, flustered ‘cos he kept stuttering as he asked for my number.
He was too sweet. Too cute. And he loved me. He had a ring that said so. But again, that didn’t stop most women who met him from flirting with him.
- “Here he is. Little Rascal had a great day today”- Chip walked to the front yard with a french bulldog, who kept barking, trying to get an extra treat from him. I smiled from a safe distance, reading a book sitting on a porch while Chip met with the dog owner. And she was as excited as Rascal was.
- “Hi baby! Did you have a good day today?”- the lady held the leash and caressed her dog’s head a few times before returning her attention fully to my husband.
- “Thank you for taking care of him.”
- “You are very welcome, Kim. It’s my job.”
- “No, it’s more than that. Rascal hates strangers, and he has been an angel with you since day one. I tell you, Chip, you are someone special.”
I know my husband blushed, ‘cos he is terrible with compliments. So he just shook his head and scratched the back of his neck. His shirt raised, showing his very toned midsection. And I swear, I had to force myself to stay put on that chair, ‘cos the way that woman looked at my husband was enough to make my blood boil. I wanted to run over and push her away from him. I wished I could tell her to get her dog and get the fuck out of our property.
But no. I didn’t. Instead, I tried to keep on reading, which was honestly impossible. But at least I didn’t move from my chair. I just stared at that scene, trying to control the urges of smashing that woman’s head against her car.
- “So, do you have plans for the weekend?”- the woman asked him, smiling flirtatiously
- “Not really.”- not the smartest answer, I’ll give you that.
- “Great! that means you can’t say no! I am having a small get-together at my place this Friday. You should totally come.”
- “Thank you, Kim, but...”
- “I’ll text you my address. I’m not taking no for an answer!”
Chip was awkward, he felt pushed to say he’d go, but I knew he didn’t want to. If he did, he wouldn’t have hesitated. Besides, he wouldn’t usually make plans without asking me first. A part of me wanted to run and help him out of that awkward situation, but I knew he had to do it on his own. Yes, he was a grown-up, but after knowing everything he had gone through before we met, a big part of me wanted to take care of him constantly. I didn’t want anything wrong ever to happen to Chip. He didn’t deserve anything bad.
- “Thanks, Kim, really, but… I think I should ask my wife first”- he whispered and smiled kindly at the woman, who didn’t hide the disappointment from her face. I have the feeling she never actually saw the ring on my husband’s finger.
- “Wife? I had no idea you were married, Chip”- he chuckled and nodded as the woman tried to act normal again. But she couldn’t.
- “Yes, I’ve been married for the last ten months.”
- “Just ten months? Well, she is a lucky woman…”
- “Thank you”- Chip petted Rascal’s head and added- “But I am sure I am the lucky one to have her. I still can’t believe she actually married me.”
- “Come on, Chip! Any woman would be happy with a man like you.”
And that was when that woman crossed the line and rubbed my husband’s arm for longer than necessary. He froze and looked at her, not knowing how to get out of that situation. Chip is a sweet soul who still has some significant issues when it comes to setting boundaries.
I jumped from my chair and walked over quickly, with a big smile on my face. The woman turned to me and raised an eyebrow, clearly not knowing who I was.
- “Hello, sorry to interrupt you, boo, but it’s getting late for our date.”
We didn’t have a date that night. But well, now we did.
Chip frowned, confused, and waited for me to explain a little more what I was saying. But, instead, I just smiled and held his hand, making sure that the woman’s hand was as far from him as possible.
- “Hi, nice to meet you. I’m (Y/N), Chip’s wife.”- I said and waved.
- “Kimberly, nice to meet you.”
- “So you are Rascal’s mom. He is a sweetheart”- I kneeled and petted Rascal’s head behind his ears, right where I knew he liked it. Kim just nodded and smiled.
- “Ok, we should go, it’s getting late. Bye Chip”- she waved quickly, walking to her car. My husband said goodbye and wrapped an arm around my waist as I stood by his side and rested my head on his shoulder.
- “We are not going to her “little get-together,” by the way”- I whispered, and he chuckled.
- “Good, ’cause I didn’t want to go either. I actually had plans for the weekend, but I didn’t want to discuss them with her.”- I looked at him, raising an eyebrow, and felt his big hands caressing the lower part of my back.
- “Which plans?”
- “I’m planning to stay in bed with my wife the whole weekend, watch movies, kiss her a lot, and maybe asking for pizza.”
- “You had me at ˝stay in bed,” Chip Taylor”- I giggled and kissed his cheek- “She was flirting with you, by the way.”
- “I don’t care if she tried to flirt. I only have eyes for you, moonbeam”- I chuckled at the cheesy nickname and felt his lips on mine. They felt warm and soft and filled with love.
But it wasn’t always so easy to shake off the thoughts of a woman flirting with Chip. Unfortunately, sometimes it was harder to remain calm. Some women were more aggressive with their flirting. Some were actually way hotter than me, and sometimes that makes you doubt yourself.
I didn’t know Liza or Violet, so I never knew if they were prettier, more intelligent, or sexier than me. I couldn’t compare or compete with them either, ‘cos they were dead. But some random women made my life a little more challenging from time to time.
- “Chip? Chip Taylor?”- a soft woman’s voice interrupted our conversation and forced my husband to turn around, feeling now also her hand on his shoulder. We were at our favorite bar, having a drink, celebrating the end of the week and another successful month of Chip’s small business. We were chatting about our days, sitting at our usual table, when interrupted.
- “Anna Davis? Hi! How are you?! Long time no see!”- my husband stood up and hugged the stranger like long-lost friends reunited. I had never heard of any “Anna” before. I was trying to remember if I did.
- “I haven’t seen you in ages! What are you doing here?”- Anna said and laughed- “I can’t believe it’s really you!”- and so, they hugged again.
- “Hi”- I waved from the table and smiled at the two of them as they moved apart.
- “I’m so sorry, babe. (Y/N), this is Anna, my neighbor when I was in middle school. Anna, this is (Y/N), my wife.”
- “Hi, nice to meet you”- she shook my hand and smiled at me for a second, and then turned to my husband again and continued catching up.
Chip looked happy and excited to see her. He didn’t have many friends, he still didn’t know how to trust most people, probably why he decided to work with animals instead. He had a good relationship with Jim, the boy who helped him clean, and with a few classmates from the community college. But that was it.
- “I can’t believe you are here!”- Chip was beaming- “Are you with someone?”
- “My friends were leaving. I’m visiting one of my best friends, who moved here a few years ago. But she has to work tomorrow morning, so she wanted to go home.”
- “Do you wanna sit with us for a while?”- Chip asked her and turned to me smiling. Of course, I couldn’t say no. Well, he didn’t actually ask; he just looked at me, and I moved my chair to make room for one more on the table.
- “I would love to! Thank you!.”
I loved the idea of meeting Anna, at first. I didn’t know many people from my husband’s past, basically just his parents. The fact she was his friend growing up sounded amazing, and it meant I could finally talk with someone who knew him when he was a kid and could tell me more stories about my husband.
But Anna had other plans. My husband blinded Anna. She basically ignored me, and he was so excited to see her and talk to her, he didn’t even notice I was being left out of the whole conversation.
At first, it was ok. Chip wanted to catch up with Anna, know what she was doing with her life, and all that. So he asked for her parents and family. Apparently, they were pretty close growing up.
- “Remember each Friday we had a secret sleepover?”- she asked and laughed. My husband nodded and sipped his drink.
- “Yeah! I would sneak into your house and watch a movie.”
- “You know, my parents knew you were coming to hang out after curfew. They just didn’t think it was wrong”- she added and laughed- “I’m just glad they didn’t know about the day we tried smoking for the first time!”
Chip burst into laughter, and so did Anna. I just stared at them and sighed. Neither of them explained the story. They were just too caught up in each other to even notice I was there.
Yes, I was feeling jealous of Chip’s long-lost childhood friend. I knew it made no sense, but somehow, he completely forgot I existed when she was there. Yes, it was probably ‘cos he was surprised to bump into her at a bar on a random night after so many years.
But the more I looked at her, the more I realized she was gorgeous. She had long legs, beautiful golden hair, green eyes. The girl could go to a freaking beauty pageant and win it. Besides, Anna wasn’t acting friendly, if you ask me. She kept rubbing my husband’s arm, repeating how excited she was to see him, and saying over and over again how good he looked… it was a little too much.
- “I tell you, Chip, you haven’t changed a bit!”- Anna smiled and looked into his chocolate eyes, and I swear she nearly sighed. I couldn’t blame her. He is dreamy. But he is my husband, and it felt wrong.
- “Neither have you,”- he added and turned to me for a second. I looked kindly into his eyes, knowing he was happy, and that was enough to make me feel happy too.
- “Can I get you another drink, moonbeam?”- he asked me and stood up.
- “Yes, penguin, please”- Chip nodded and blushed as I called him by his favorite nickname and then turned to Anna.
- “Another?”
- “Sure!”
And suddenly, we were on our own.
- “So, how long have you been married?”- Anna asked me and looked at me innocently.
- “A little over ten months.”
- “Just married! Congratulations. You must still be living the honeymoon!”
- “Yes, we are.”- I giggled and turned to look at Chip, waiting for our drink at the bar. It wasn’t hard being stuck at the honeymoon phase with him. Every day, he made every day feel like the first day we were together, even after three years of dating and ten months married.
- “We used to date when we were kids,”- Anna simply said and chuckled - “It was very childish, but I was his first kiss.”
- “Really?”- I smiled at her, making my best not to look jealous at all. “That’s so cute!”
- “He is adorable. He was the sweetest boy growing up.”- Anna added and kept her eyes on Chip. But for a few seconds, I could see the longing in them, and my struggle not to show how jealous I was got a little harder.
- “So when was the last time you saw Chip?”- I asked and kept my eyes on her, reading her expressions. It took her a few extra seconds to stop staring at him to turn and look at me.
- “When I moved out of town when I was fifteen.”- she sighed and chuckled- “Seems it was a lifetime ago.”
- “Ok, here are your drinks,”- Chip appeared and smiled- “Plus, I ordered some more nachos, ‘cos I’m getting hungry.”- I chuckled and held his hand upon the table, playing with his fingers between mine. Chip looked at me and opened his mouth to say something when Anna interrupted him.
- “Remember that summer you broke your arm ‘cos you fell from the tree in Shawn’s backyard?”
And my husband laughed, forgetting what he was going to tell me.
I stood in front of the mirror and tried to fix my makeup. I looked tired. I was tired. It was Friday night, and I wasn’t twenty-three anymore. I was weary, and all I could think of was getting into my bed with my husband and getting good twelve-hour sleep.
But he and Anna were still talking and having a blast together, remembering the good old times. Now, if you ask me, I had the feeling Anna wanted to do more than just talking to my husband, but he was oblivious to any of her intentions. That was until I walked out of the bathroom and saw Anna’s arm wrapped around Chip as they were dancing.
She was dancing with my husband, and he was laughing. Ok, that hurt. It hurt a lot.
I sat at our table and drank what was left of my drink. I stared at them for a moment and evaluated my options. I could storm out of that place, maybe make a scene and yell. But no, I trusted my husband. I knew he wasn’t trying to hurt me or even cheat on me with her. No. He was naive and a little awkward. But by the way Anna’s hands moved on his body, clearly, she wasn’t naive at all.
- “Oh! I’m sorry!”- Anna said laughing when they reached back our table- “I just asked Chip to dance with me ‘cos I love that song.”
- “That’s ok”- I smiled at her and held my husband’s hand tight upon the table.
- “But Chip is such a great dancer! He really knows how to move!”- Anna was asking for it. She wanted to be smacked. But I behaved.
- “He really does,”- I answered and smiled
- “I hope you are not jealous!”- I turned to her and frowned, pretending to be confused
- “Of course not! Why would I?”
- “I don’t know! It’s just that… he was mine way before he was yours and…”
- “He isn’t mine”- I cut her off, and for once, my voice stopped being nice and friendly- “And he is definitely not yours. He is not a dog, Anna, he is a person, and the only owner of his soul is himself.”
Anna stared at me in silence, and Chip wide opened his eyes, surprised by my tone of voice.
- “What I’m trying to say is that… I met him when…”
- “I know what you are trying to imply Anna, you’ve been trying to do it ever since you sat at our table. You feel like you need to prove something, but you don’t. Really.”
Chip held my hand tight and kissed it sweetly. He didn’t say anything to me. He just looked at me with apologetic eyes as I cut him a short smile.
- “Ok, I think I better go now”- Anna stood up and just waved- “It was great seeing you again, Chip.”
My husband smiled and waved as Anna walked away. Then, when he was sure she had left the place, he turned to me. I sipped what was left of my drink and sighed.
- “Sorry if I was rude”- my words were a whisper only Chip could hear.
- “No, moonbeam. You weren’t rude at all. I’m sorry.”
- “Chip Taylor, you didn’t do anything wrong”- I leaned and kissed his lips softly, cupping his face with both hands.
- “I feel like I did.”
- “No, boo, really. She was… clearly trying to get under your belt.”
- “I shouldn’t have danced with her, but she pushed me...”- Chip excused himself and kissed my hand again, as I still held his face and caressed her cheeks with my thumbs.
- “Yeah, you should work on that “No” thing a little harder,”- I whispered and chuckled.
- “Sorry if she made you feel jealous. I had a huge crush on her when we were kids.”
- “She said she was your first kiss”- Chip opened my mouth, but no word came from it for a few seconds.
- “Funny, I told her that just ‘cos she said I was her first kiss, but actually my first kiss was with her cousin Alice.”
I couldn’t hold back the laughter as Chip looked at me with guilty eyes as if that was the biggest secret he had about his past.
- “Well, I bet if I run, I can still catch her!! I need to tell her the news!!”- I said and stood up, just to feel Chip’s arms around me, protectively.
- “Let her think that. We all know who all my kisses belong to now.”
Chip held me tight and close to him as his lips rubbed mine slowly. I felt my head spin as his tongue slowly touched mine, deepening the kiss. I couldn’t help but moan at the sensation of Chip’s sweet and passionate kiss. He made sure to make me feel how much he loved him every time he kissed me. In a weird way, Chip’s kisses always felt like our first and last. I think he was always trying to show me his feelings, ‘cos his previous trauma taught him he didn’t know when a kiss could be the last.
- “I love you so much, Mrs. Taylor,”- he whispered, and the title made my knees feel weak- “You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.”
- “I love you more, Mr. Taylor,”- I replied and kissed his lips sweetly one more time- “And just between you and me, I am completely yours.”- I confessed and giggled nervously.
- “I am yours too, moonbeam. You own my heart, and I only want you.”- he whispered and kissed me one more time.
- “You just want me?”- I repeated, and he nodded, looking into my eyes filled with love- “Of all those women who wanna do you, you just want me?”
- “Which women?”- he asked me, clearly confused
- “A lot of women out there keep giving you the fuck eyes.”
- “What?! No way”
- “Do you think Kim invited you to her house for a small get-together? She wanted to get under your belt, penguin.”
- “But I am your penguin, that means I am not looking for any other woman. I just want you.”
- “Just me,”- I repeated again, and he nodded.
- “Just you, Mrs. Taylor”- I sighed, pleased, and closed my eyes for a second “Wanna go home?”
- “You still have to dance with me,”- I pouted, and he held my hand.
- “Whatever my wife wants.”
General Taglist
@spenxerslut @ash19871962 @babebenhardy @meowiemari @archer561 @all-tings-diego
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luvliesl · 3 years
Ok but like what if the Simon Snow Series had a prequel?
I recently read Rainbow Rowell's interview with Vanity Fair (which I would link if I weren't technologically inept, but I am so anyone interested will just have to look it up sorry) But one of the questions talks about the possibility of Rainbow writing another Simon and Baz related book and part of her answer got me thinking.
“But I would never say I'm never going to write about them again. I think it's likely that I might revisit them someday. But this story is over. If I were to come back to them, it won't pick up the next day.” 
Honestly I tend to get annoyed with people who sit around begging for more books in a series (or a film adaptation for that matter) when it just clearly is not going to happen. Especially since I think AWTWB ended in a good place and I don't think their story needs adding to so I am in no way holding out for a 4th Simon Snow book.
But it did get me thinking, what about a prequel? I know they tend to be pretty hit or miss and a lot of people tend to find them boring or just straight up not like them but in this case I feel like it could be really interesting. 
Just Imagine: 
all of the adventures we know Simon had explained in more depth (chimera, Baz trying to steal his voice, why the goblins want him dead, ALL of the things the humdrum sent) 
But also even more stories and adventures we don't know about or have short little mentions (Simon killing a were dog, him saving Agatha from a well)
All of Simon and Baz’s fights (we need a full pushing down the stairs scene)
Seeing more of Simons magic 
Along with some other non-Watford things like Simons experience in the care homes 
Baz learning about his vampirism and also how to deal with it 
Baz and Agatha's whole thing in the wavering woods 
But mostly the slow descend into Baz falling in love with Simon AS ITS HAPPENING
But also being able to flush out some more of the relationships. 
- Simon and the mage (I know we all hate him but really seeing all the ways he hurt Simon could be both sad and interesting) 
-Simon and Ebb 
-Simon and Agatha (seeing their relationship in full swing would be kinda weird though)
-Simon and that one random nurse who I don't remember her name off the top of my head but it was a great scene 
-Its mentioned in Carry On that Simon is like acquaintances with a lot of students so seeing him interact with outside people
-Baz and his whole family really (Fiona, Malcom, Daphne, his siblings) (also this is the stupidest little tid bit but for some reason I have always been curious about how his family found out he was gay and just how all of that went down)
-Baz and Dev/Niall (the one Dev scene is AWTWB was gold and I need more of Baz having interactions with people beside his family and Simon) 
-Penny and Micah? (I know he is old news now but still) 
-Ebb and Mara the dryad??? 
Literally the possibilities are endless  
In addition we can get the sense from Carry On that their eighth year isn't a very normal year for them. (Baz is gone for a long time, the mage tries to get Simon to leave, Simon and Agatha are on weird terms and then of course winter break and forward everything changes for them in multiple aspects) 
So we never really get to see what being at Watford is really like for them normally or what their personalities were like before since they do so much growing in Carry on. 
I would be lying if I didn't mention that part of the reason I want this is because of the fan fic Rebel Rebel by basic-banshee (which if you somehow haven't read yet go do that like right now) (once again would link if I knew how) Because I loved seeing Baz grow up and the experience of seeing him go through things as they were happening like his father marrying Daphne and then having children or him figuring about about his vampirism. And getting a canon version of that would just be amazing. 
Anyways this was a super long post and I doubt anyone will actually make it to the end but obviously this whole post is just hypothetical and an idea I had, but I felt like it needed to be shared because it would be great. 
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Hey, I saw you write fictions. Could you help me understand how to go about writing fictions and what are the basic steps? I want to write a larry fiction but english isn't my first language and my vocabulary isn't advanced. I, however, do want to give a try maybe a short fiction. How do formulate a fiction? I have some ideas but I can't divide them into chapters and generate enough scenes. I have tried to write sometimes but it's always a dead end and I don't know to proceed.
Personally I like how read story where there's seeding in every chapter with some backstory which gradually gets revealed. I am into a/b/o phase right now and want to write a good story with basic yet great plotline which keep my readers hooked.
I have so many questions to ask. Sorry for this long ask and Thank you if you respond.
Hey sweetie. How do I say this without sounding self-deprecating? I'm still a beginner, I technically wrote two fics. I'm currently working on my first "advanced" fic, which means I'm still learning, A LOT. I can't really be a teacher right now, but I can give you some tips. I can help you with what I learned since I started writing and link some good blogs/posts. This is going to be long, so cut.
First, some tips.
1. There are so many superior writers out there, but everyone has to start somewhere.
You can't start writing with the idea you're the greatest writer on the planet. I wrote down my first story when I was eight. Did it have a good plot? No. Did it have well thought out characters? Absolutely not. Did I make a story inspired by my favourite superhero show? Yes. It was probably 300 words max and with horrible grammar. I'm a very imaginative person, so I make stories up in my head, but that was the first one I wrote down. I haven't written much since then, just some school projects and little things here and there. I only started really writing in April, I think. It was rough, but fun. It was a canon-compliant story, so it didn't need that much planning out, I thought. When I finished, I was so proud. Then I started my second fic and I realized my first wasn't the best. I was so sad when I read it back, disappointed it didn't turn out the way I had in mind. But I shook it off, realized it was my first fic, EVER. So I shouldn't put myself down. You have to start writing to get good, you can't expect to be Jane Austin without putting one word down. Don't COMPARE yourself to others.
2. Plot is never truly original.
Like music, there isn't somsthing like an original plot. Everything is taken from something else. Every plot in the world has taken inspiration from somewhere else. You can write an a/b/o fic with a spy theme, it's very clever, but not original. You've taken an a/b/o plot and combined it with a spy plot. Don't be afraid to write a cliche plot, it's about the way you write it. That's why no two fics are the same, the writer is different.
3. Find a beta you trust.
When I first started the first part of my fic (it was a series), I didn't know what a beta really did, so I asked someone to correct my grammar and that was that. In the second and third part of that fic I didn't even do that, I tried to correct everything myself. Part 4 of my series I asked a beta to help me, it was wonderful. It's the best part of my whole fic and I'm forever grateful for that beta. We weren't the best match, so we couldn't continue working together. The fic I'm writing now is much longer than anything I ever written, so I needed a good and available beta. I found one, the angel of all angels. You need to find someone that will help you with your story, but also encourage when you feel like complete trash. Believe me, you will. It's important you have someone to brainstorm with and laugh with over your your character's dumb jokes.
4. Your English is better than you think.
I'm not a native English speaker, shocker right? No, I'm joking, I'm not the best. BUT I'm understandable, right? That's important. You don't need to have fancy words to write a story. Use the words you know and if you want to improve your vocabulary, do that, with time. You don't need to be an native speaker in a day, it takes time. I'll link some good sites for vocabulary.
5. Read more fics
A good way to improve your vocabulary, read more fics. You clearly enjoy it, use it to improve yourself. Not only for vocabulary but for the plot, characterization, world-building, etc. Take in the things you want to remember, forget the rest.
6. Copy and paste
Maybe a bad thing to say, but copy and paste things you like. If there's a sentence in a fic or book you like, copy it. Of course, don't just paste it in your fic, but take inspiration out of it. Why do you like it so much? Why does it come over so good? Any words you want to use? Is the structure of the sentence appealing? Think about it, so you can improve your fic. Especially with areas you struggle with, take a look at other works.
7. Smut is scary, but don't be scared to try.
Is smut something you want to write? You don't have to, but if you want, don't be scared. As someone who wrote two smut scenes in her life, I'm struggling, but I'm trying. Take all the tips above this and just try. Things may go terribly wrong, but that's why you're practising.
8. Research research research!
Things like smut, fantasy, minority groups. You can't just write about it without any knowledge, research it. Articles, youtube videos, blogs on tumblr, etc. A simple kiss scene can be difficult if you have no knowledge about it, read people's first kiss stories or something like that. Want to try and write BDSM, read about it on a BDSM blog. Research the heck out of it.
9. Just to say it again. DON'T COMPARE YOURSELF WITH OTHERS.
Just to summarise, you're you, don't try to be someone else. You're writing style isn't worse than someone else's, it's just different. It makes your work recognisable, your text original, your hours of writing easier. Someone told me I can write young people really well, I owned it. Find what you're good at and own it.
Now that I have given you some important tips to start, I'll answer your question. How to go about writing fiction?
Everyone is different first of all, so please don't take my word for it. This is my routine, I just made up.
1. What do you want to write?
Is it your own idea, a prompt, a fic fest, an exchange?
2. What universe does take part in?
Does take place in the real world or a fantasy world? The past, present or future? Realistic or supernatural? Which country?
3. What is the goal?
Are they supposed to be lovers at the end? Do they have to defeat something/someone? A quest? Where do you want to end the story?
4. Where does it start?
Where does your story start? At the birth of your characters? In the future and you work your way back? In the middle? When your important characters meet each other for the first time?
5. What does it take to get from start to finish?
What happens in the story? What developments happen? Is it a road trip and your characters need to get closer, how do they do that?
6. What are some subplots you want to add?
Are there things that don't really matter for your goal, but you want to add? Friends to lovers but maybe they help someone's mom out one day.
7. Who are your characters?
Their personalities, appearances, quirks, relationships.
8. Who is the protagonist?
Who is the story about? Who is the main character?
9. In whose point of view is it?
Who is telling the story? You, the protagonist, the love interest, a random bystander, etc?
10. Outline.
Write down what you want to do with your story. Every scene needs to be written down. You can always change it of course.
11. Write, write and write.
Take all the tips and write.
I want to give you some links I always use. I will also recommend some blogs.
This tool lets you describe a concept and get back a list of words and phrases related to that concept: https://www.onelook.com/thesaurus/
This article about body language: https://www.writerswrite.co.za/cheat-sheets-for-writing-body-language/
This tumblr post about body language: https://badassunicorn2016.tumblr.com/post/145725344712/writing-tip-june-4th
This article for alternatives for 'said': https://owlcation.com/humanities/400-Alternative-words-for-said
This tumblr post about writing smut: https://larryficsvol28.tumblr.com/post/660062510531182592/smut-101-a-tutorial-for-beginners
This tumblr post about how to make smut sound sexy:https://larryficsvol28.tumblr.com/post/658604597068365824/making-smut-sound-sexy
This tumblr post about turning ideas into a story: https://larryficsvol28.tumblr.com/post/659430707796557824/i-get-lots-of-ideas-for-stories-which-are-just
I have some blogs you can follow that talk about writing.
This podcast blog @roseanddaggerpodcast
This blog has a podcast too and some good fic recs @allwaswell16
These writing blogs @ficsex @writingquestionsanswered @bhficfest https://wordsnstuffblog.com/
Some veterans writers and also have some good fic recs @twopoppies @justalarryblog @kingsofeverything @louandhazaf @hershelsue @lululawrence @pocketsunshineharry @fearlesslysweetcreature @indiaalphawhiskey
I hope I could help you a little. In some weird way I helped myself, hehe. I hope you can finally write the story you want. If you ever have any questions, just come by. I don't know if I can always help you, but I'll try!! Good luck!!
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ofmermaidstories · 2 years
I need to gather myself together but your new fic was so…beautifully crafted. I don’t even have the words to describe how touching and eye opening and philosophical it was. How powerfully you connected each plot. I am in awe. No pressure whatsoever, but I’m just curious if you will continue exploring darker themes in your writing in the future? And do you have favorite tropes or characters you would incorporate into darker themes?
Thank-you for dropping by and saying so. 🥺🌷 I really enjoyed writing that short (mostly because i got it done in one go! extra satisfying that way), so I would like to write similar things. I’ve always liked noir as a genre—things that explore a less visible part of society, for example—and I think the BNHA world is especially fun to wriggle around in with that because you can ramp up the extremes and ask yourself all sorts of questions. Like, Pro Heroes are basically super-powered cops—and just like any other kind of law enforcement, there’s going to be parts of their world they can’t fix (and, honestly, actively make worse).
(‼️📍cw: sex pollen and dubcon, cannibalism, sexual assault, violence against women, A/B/O, porn actors and me waffling on about, idk, sex and smut and fetishes in general lmao📍‼️)
I have a few fics planned that I consider flirting with heavier themes—if not entirely dark—but in terms of replicating the style of the cigarette short idk! Sex pollen/Quirk is like, one of my favourite smut tropes in general LOL and i’ve been thinking of a sweeter way of writing a smut scene using one in the surrender-verse, but I’d also, in another piece, like to explore how violating it’d be to be hit with one, maybe. I mean, it’s at the very least, dubious consent, right? Because you’re intoxicated!!! OR under threat of pain!!! idk, i’d be Big Mad if i got whacked with some stupid horny powder and then had to sex my way out of it, lest I fall over and die 🧐 VERY unimpressed, DISLIKE (that might also be because i both a) hate being told what to do and b) do NOT like to be touched hisssss booO HISS).
Idk. Idk! My problem is I either wanna write things in balance with bigger stories (the missing kids in something just like this for example) OR I wanna slam my foot down on the pedal and fly straight towards actual horror (Moonfish, still escaped, gets ahold of a Hero’s Y/N and Things Do Not End Well :’)))) i hate cannibalism so that idea icks me tf out but also i really like cannibalism as a role in horror… idk i have complicated feelings about this issue… please do not look at me).
Idk. One thing I’ve learnt about myself, as a reader, is that I can stomach most things but if you combine them with utter hopelessness it sort of sends me into a depressed spiral LOL. Like… have you ever read The Lovely Bones? I could’ve handled the SA by itself—or alternatively I could’ve handled Susie being murdered by itself. But there’s something so especially horrific about the idea of being SA’d and then also seeing the end of your life in someone else’s hands, so clearly, that I absolutely hate. It genuinely horrifies me. It’s why I don’t enjoy torture-porn movies like Hostel and shit. This is currently the problem with that random Moonfish idea i threw out above—it’s too hopeless. Idk. I either need our MCs to have enough agency within the world of the fic to choose their poison or be able to make it out to the other side.
Also, in terms of fic on tumblr, I sort of see a lot of Dark Content as like, fetish as opposed to themes? Not that there’s anything wrong with that, I just can’t think of anything I’m particularly into in that regard—that I like enough to write a smut short for!! Does a/b/o count? 🧐 I’m not into cheating (in fact i fucking hate it LMAO djfijfj if i wrote a cheat fic, everything in it would literally end up on fire, including the cheater because fuck u for taking our trust and shitting on it 🔥)… hmm. Idk, maybe something kinda yandere-ish where our Hero in question gets weirdly Hero Complexy about a porn actress? (“I can save them, I can help them turn their life around” and then there’s like, nothing to save them from lmaooo) 🧐 🧐 hmmmm. that sounds like it’s Deku’s brand of problematic. 🧐 I kinda wanna do something dark with Bakugou, but I will have to think on it. 🧐
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fromiftowhen · 3 years
The Rookie: 3x09 Amber Thoughts/Spoilers
I have… a LOT of thoughts about this episode. Unsurprisingly, the majority of them are Chenford related, but I had a LOT of West and Lopez feels too, so. Here we go. I started to try to get my feelings out, but it just became me copying quotes that I either laughed or had other feelings about, so…
“Grey’s busy, and Smitty’s getting a back tattoo.”
“That’s --”
“Don’t ask.
-- When I say I laughed out loud. Jackson and Smitty’s relationship is one of the best callbacks this show does, and every mention of that ridiculous man is hilarious.
“But it’s super important she doesn’t get shot today.”
“No promises. You ride with me, you ride the rollercoaster.”
-- Nyla Harper is my favorite person. She was excellent in this episode, from the very beginning to the sweet moment at the end (that ending scene did NOT need to be about Nolan, this should have been solely focused on Lucy and Jackson and what they accomplished today, but I can’t say I’m surprised. But Harper made it better.)
Tim tossing the list out the window immediately.
“You know, littering is a $250 fine.”
“Worth it.”
Lucy pulling a backup list right out. They know each other SO well.
-- HILARIOUS. Although I’ll admit my guard was up the moment she pulled that list out and used the word “trickery.” It worked out differently than I thought it would, but… well. We’ll get to that.
“I knew my TO would be important to my career. But I don’t know. I didn’t realize how important you’d be to my life.”
-- I should have been more prepared for the Lopez and West feelings today. Their relationship probably started out the rockiest of all the TO/rookie pairings, and maybe rightfully so… but it’s become the least complicated, the closest to friendship the fastest, and their bond is just really something. Jackson was right - a LOT has happened in their 13 months together (yes, show, I remember exactly how long it’s been -- do you?) and they’ve both grown and changed in such wonderful ways. Angela looked sentimental the whole episode (while still being her badass, hilarious self) and West looked SO relaxed, it was such a lovely bookend to their first days together.
“I wish someone taught me how to be in this one.”
“Oh, so we are in a relationship.”
-- All the references to a relationship were good, if not entirely baity. But Tim’s delivery of that line was amazing and made me laugh out loud. He sounds so long-suffering and very much like an exasperated husband, and it really pinpointed one of the ways they interact that just WORKS so well. It just feels natural, and Eric Winter’s delivery was great.
“Tell me the truth -- Am I gonna poop myself?”
-- This entire conversation was so randomly hilarious (but added levity they all clearly needed then). Harper and Lopez are hilarious together and I truly wish the show gave us more of that.
“Don’t worry -- I will personally stand watch over your kid until you leave the hospital.”
-- Jackson West. I love you.
“I really hope our last shift together doesn’t end with that.”
“Yeah, me too.”
Tim distracting her with her list. The man KNOWS her. And him acknowledging that she’s been to hell and back. Again, I say -- EMOTIONS. It was such a good callback to him knowing she needs to focus on work and order and process to remain calm in some situations.
“One look from you could send me into a tailspin.” And one day, it will again -- in an entirely different way, I am SURE. The way they both knew she was referring to Plain Clothes Day was great.
“I dunno. Smitty is surprisingly maternal.”
“That is the most horrifying idea I’ve ever heard, and I want it to be a reality show so bad.”
“Right? I would watch the hell out of that.”
-- Lowkey this was the most hilarious exchange of the night. I would also watch the hell out of that reality show. All these little moments made me miss Lopez and West together so much. Their scene at the end of the episode was lovely. All the times he thanked her. Please still let them interact often. The show NEEDS it.
“We did it.”
“Office Chen impressed me with every decision she made today. I will miss riding with her.”
The callback to the evaluation in Plain Clothes Day. My heart skipped a beat, honestly. The way that Tim was looking at her in this scene while she read the note was… it was a lot, and apparently too much for me to process currently because that’s the most intelligible thing I’ve got to say about it.
“You don’t let anyone ever tell you you can’t do something. Not even me.”
-- WHILE HE HELD THE HANDSHAKE. This one line tells you all you need to know about Tim Bradford and his RELATIONSHIP with Lucy Chen, honestly. He knows she’s “as tough as they come” and has “been to hell and back” and he knows, even if it scares him, even if it gives him flashbacks to Isabel, that she can do it.
Her gift to him was such a nice callback. For a show that doesn’t seem to track or care about its actual timeline, they’ve done a wonderful job with callbacks especially this season, and especially Tim and Lucy related ones. All the Caleb/Rosalind stuff. All Isabel mentions. Multiple mentions of Plain Clothes Day and their first day riding together, etc.
Every. Single. Time. He has called her Lucy this season, I have had to compose myself, none more than in this episode. I do kind of wish they’d waited until that last moment to have him call her Lucy (to her face, we all know I don’t think the phone call scene from season one, although one of their very best moments, counts)... it might have felt slightly more impactful (although the moment in the season premiere was great in its own way.)
Honestly, it was a little weird for me watching the show tackle their final moments as TO/rookie because I’ve written so many versions of that myself? (And look, I’m not gonna lie, their version gave me feelings, but I liked mine better). I wish that truly lovely garage scene hadn’t come on the heels of that “confession” scene, but it did help make up for it.
You might have noticed that I specifically skipped over that “confession” scene in the shop. As soon as he started talking about lying and UC work, I said “ugh” and then immediately wrote the scene in my head -- down to her laugh, it was that predictable once you got the gist. And I’m going to be honest -- if I had written it, I would have deleted it.
I KNEW going in -- and I think most people will agree -- that this was not going to be a true confession. That we weren’t going to get a Chenford love confession tonight (and please, can we discuss that ‘canon’ and ‘endgame’ are not interchangeable for just a sec.) But the way it happened just felt SUPER ship baity, and using it in the promo even more so. I just felt super pandered to in a ridiculous way that didn’t leave me with the most pleasant feelings about the writers… the garage scene at the end definitely helped, but overall the confession scene left a sour taste.
The thing is -- the things she said? How he saved her? How the reason he’s protective of her is that he might have feelings too? Those are all valid things! And things that, at least in fic, I believe. But watching that scene, me, someone who can read something shippy in the TINIEST glance? I didn’t FEEL those things. I wasn’t nodding along like “yep, yep, that’s all true” -- there wasn’t a moment during that scene where they looked at each other and I thought “yes, this is hitting too close to home for one of them.” Maybe that’s just me. I don’t know.
And I don’t know if that’s because I was too in my feelings about being badly pandered to, or if it just wasn’t there, or what. But… just overall I’m left with a feeling that it was just an entirely unnecessary scene that probably didn’t serve the ship well, just judging by some reactions I’ve seen.
Those feelings though? The ones I wanted to feel in that confession scene? I FELT THOSE, every single one of them, in the parking garage scene at the end.
Every look was perfect. Every pause, the handshake (a hug would have truly saved the confession mess, let's be honest, but can't be picky), the way he looked at her as she read, THAT is the writers do SO perfectly right for Tim and Lucy (and I know the majority of that credit goes to Eric and Melissa, because the moments that are the most impactful are the looks that just can't be entirely scripted.)
Do I still ship them with every fiber of my being? Yes, and nothing the writers do or don’t do will change that. Will I still (eventually again) write a million words about them falling in love how I think they should? Yes. Do I need the show to stick to moments like in the parking garage -- real, honest moments between them? YES. That is what the show gets right about their relationship. If they can just stick to those moments -- and somehow continue them and make them believable even if they’re no longer riding together -- I’ll be happy.
Am I worried about their interactions now that they’re no longer riding together? Yes. Their chemistry is honestly the best thing on this show. Giving less screen time to Lopez and West together has been rough -- not only on the relationships aspect that so much drives the show but on the timing/pacing as well -- and I worry that their best characters/best ship not sharing as much screen time will not help either of these issues.
Maybe they’ll surprise me. I hope -- I think -- they will.
(Random, but things I still need from this season: A Rachel mention? Don't get me wrong, if they want to forget her, I'm cool... but it feels like (even a fake love) confession should have been the right time to be like "I know this is awkward, you're dating my friend..." Come on, show. I don't care about her, but you tried HARD to sell us on her last season, so at least give her a two second mention to update us on what is actually going on. The Lopez-Evers wedding. (Do I think it'll be THE Chenford event most people are hoping for? No. But I'm ready to be proven wrong.) A continuation on Harper's love life. UPDATE ME on my girl.)
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