#long violent history
Danm this country boy gets something
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deadendrunaway · 2 years
Need something to read this fall? Check out my book!
SMALL TOWN TRUCK DRIVER Eli Sigmund seems like a quiet family man. Nobody in town, his family included, suspects a thing. They’d never guess that he had been satisfying his homicidal urges for years now. Newcomer Roy gets along with just about everybody, Eli included, as they become nearly inseparable. After some time, Eli discovers a dark secret of Roy’s and questions him about it. When confronted, Roy threatens to tell everyone about Eli’s murderous lifestyle. The two of them use each other’s secrets against one another in this gruesome game of chicken.
TWENTY-FIVE YEARS HAVE PASSED, and Eli tries to make things right with his family, especially with his son, Kent. While trying to build a relationship with him, he quickly discovers that Kent takes after him a little more than he would have liked. The more Eli gets to know Kent, the more things from the past begin to come up. Can Eli escape his past? Or will he end up ack where he began?
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veveisveryuncool · 6 months
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just finished thr new moomin series i think im in love with them
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the-faultofdaedalus · 3 months
shadowheart is a werewolf you CANT change my mind
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I think marking the fall of Shady Sands as 2277 is actually kind of compelling.
My current non-cynical theory is that the historians of Vault 4 decided that the First Battle of Hoover Dam marked the beginning of the downfall of the NCR and Shady Sands. They won that battle! But at what cost, exactly?
The NCR's position in New Vegas was already tenuous at best before the battle. What they thought would be an easy annex turned out to be very complicated. They fought the Brotherhood of Steel for Helios 1 but fucked up and couldn't even access the resource. The awakening of the Hopeville and Ashton silos destroyed one of the few supply lines into and out of New Vegas. They shunned a potential ally in the Followers of the Apocalypse upon receiving criticism.
Their attempted annexation of the region was failing by 2281, which only weakens their position back home, not strengthens it. Kimball and his government's lack of restrictions and continued foray into New Vegas and the surrounding areas to search for and supply power to people back home almost certainly contributed to its downfall. Which leads me to believe that the canon of the show, although not yet confirmed in any capacity, is that the NCR loses the 2nd Battle of Hoover Dam.
It would be unlikely that Kimball stays in power if they lost control of the Dam. The NCR would be forced to withdraw, losing all of the power in the region that they were sending back home to Shady Sands. The value of its dollar, already only at 40% of a cap, would certainly plummet. With a loss of a main source of power (both actual electricity and dominance through being beaten by house/the legion/yes man), Shady Sands is almost certainly on the decline by the time it gets nuked.
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bibliophileiz · 4 months
I just finished a book called The Queens of Animation by Nathalia Holt, about women animators at the Walt Disney Studio. I cannot believe the shit I found out.
(Hopefully I got this all correct, I was listening to an audiobook instead of reading a hard copy, so I can't consult it for name spellings and the like. I'm relying on Google, and well, we know how that goes sometimes.)
Some things I learned from this book. -Walt Disney became a personal champion of women in the animation department, arguing not just that they were as talented as men but that they could bring something to storytelling that men could not. After his death, the number of women in the animation and story departments plummeted, along with the animation department itself. -But he also paid women way less. (Except Mary Blair.)
Not just women, but many animators had a hard time getting on-screen credit for their work. This was one of the issues that led to a massive strike in 1941 that tore the department in two, temporarily shut down the studio, and resulted in a lot of people, both union and non-union, losing their jobs when it finally reopened.
On the rare occasion women did get credit, they were sometimes ignored by reviewers.
The second woman to be hired to the animation department, Grace Huntington, was a pilot who held multiple speed and altitude records. She eventually quit the studio with the hopes of getting a full time aviation job, but died young of TB before her career could take off.
Traditional animation is apparently a terrible way to make money. Only a handful of the early animated feature-length films made more at the box office than it took to make them.
Women animators were drawing things for The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast as early as the 1930s.
Men thought drawing fairies was unmanly, so the fairy sequence set to Nutcracker music in Fantasia was drawn and directed entirely by women.
While the women animators were doing that, the men drew super gross racist and sexist centaurs to Beethoven music, and the reviewers all hated it. (Essentially they were like HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO BEETHOVEN.) - Generally, male animators tended to like slapstick comedy in their cartoons, while women tended to be more about storytelling and character development.
Obviously there were exceptions to that rule, like Walt Disney and Mark Davis.
Disney hired an LSU professor to write Song of the South. When everyone pointed out to him this was a terrible idea, he hired a Communist Jew from New York as co-writer for "balance."
This went about as well as you'd expect.
When the LSU professor demanded his co-writer get taken off the script, Disney replaced him with another "progressive" white guy.
Apparently he never considered hiring an African-American writer.
Literally everyone, including the studio's legal team, told him not to make this movie, much less hire a white guy from Baton Rouge to write it.
The lead actor James Baskett, who won an Honorary Academy Award for the role, couldn't go to the premiere because it was held in Atlanta.
Meanwhile, the Communist got put on Cinderella. He interpreted the story as a worker rising up against her oppressors.
This is also known as the correct way to interpret Cinderella.
Apparently the writer (so sorry, I'm forgetting his name) included a "violent" scene in which Cinderella goes after her stepmother and stepsisters.
I have no more details than that, but apparently the other animators made him take it out.
I'm now just picturing Cinderella stalking around her house with a raised butcher knife in her hand like in "Psycho."
Artist Mary Blair was art director for many of the classic Disney movies, including Cinderella and Alice in Wonderland. Disney loved her work so much that when she had to move to Long Island for her husband's job, Disney let her work remotely and fly back and forth from New York to Los Angeles.
She was responsible for the rich colors and design choices in the princess movies. She resigned part way through "Sleeping Beauty" but the art director after her used her designs for Maleficent.
Her husband, Lee Blair, was also an animator for the studio before he left to fight in World War II. He was apparently extremely jealous of Mary's artistic talent, and when he returned from Europe, he moved the family to Long Island, became an alcoholic, and started abusing her and later their children. Mary didn't feel she could go to Walt, or any of her other friends at the studio like Retta Scott and Mark and Alice Davis, because domestic violence and divorce were so taboo back then.
Even after the move, Disney let her work remotely, and she spent a lot of time flying between New York and Los Angeles. She eventually resigned hoping to work on her marriage (this didn't really work, though her husband did eventually start going to AA meetings after spending a year in jail for drunk driving) but was later rehired to help design the It's A Small World ride.
Everyone who worked on that ride hated the song btw.
The men apparently got over the idea of drawing fairies making their balls fall off or something by the time they were making Peter Pan, but one of them still asked why Tinker Bell "had to be so naughty".
101 Dalmations was the first animated film to be made using Xerox technology, which decimated the studio's female-dominated ink and paint department (their job was to trace over the animators' work). The Xerox machines could only make black and white at first, which is why so much of that movie is so colorless compared to the earlier Disney films Mary Blair worked on.
The silver lining was everyone got to play with puppies while they were making it because Disney ordered a whole bunch of them to just be there in the studio for the animators to draw.
Speaking of cute animals, the Burbank lot was home to a bunch of stray cats. Disney liked them being there because they hunted mice, so he didn't like when employees fed them.
Disney hated 101 Dalmations, because of the Xerox machines, but it made more of a profit than any of his previous films, because of the Xerox machines.
Julie Andrews originally turned down the role of Mary Poppins because she was pregnant, and Disney promised to wait on her. (Joss Whedon, take notes.)
After Walt died of lung cancer, the animation department was nearly killed and pretty much stopped hiring women. Mary Blair, who had been almost as influential to Disney's art as Walt, was edged out and by the time new animators started working on the Disney Renaissance films, they didn't even know who she was.
Many of the women who left the studio went on to work for Little Golden Books and other children's book publishing companies.
One of the few women animators at the company at this time, Heidi Guedel, who drew Tigger, left with Don Bluth when he departed to form his own company in 1979.
When The Little Mermaid was in production, there was only one woman animator--she may have been the only woman in the entire story department, I don't remember.
Disney then began hiring more women animators at the directive of then-Disney CEO Mike Eisner and head of animation Jeffrey Katzenberg.
One of the women screenwriters working on Beauty and the Beast (I think Linda Woolverton, but it may have been Brenda Chapman) wrote a scene in which Belle puts pins on a map showing where all she hopes to travel.
The animators changed the scene in the storyboards so that Belle is in the kitchen making a cake instead. When the screenwriter saw it, she apparently raged BELLE DOES NOT MAKE CAKES!
Pixar at this time had no women in its animation department.
Brenda Chapman became the first woman to win an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film for Brave. During her acceptance speech, she talked about her daughter Emma.
When making Frozen, Disney held a "sister summit" of women discussing their relationships with their sisters and other women. Men at the summit were not allowed to speak.
btw Brenda Chapman also worked on The Prince of Egypt. (I did not learn this from the book, I learned it just now while looking her up on imdb.)
If I have had a very bad day, and am very tired, then the mere mention of Howard Ashman's name will make me break down in tears.
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jontheredrc · 7 months
thinking of referencing the whole "is Keanu Reeves immortal?" thing in my novels
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rottingsick · 1 year
ppl who sh for attention are so valid because oh my god no one who isn't mentally ill would sh as a way to get attention
#text#rotting#mine#I think abt this a lot#'oh they're just doin it for attention' and? there's clearly a fuckin problem if that's how they choose to do such???#no one whose mentally stable would ever go 'hehehe hohohooo I think it'd be funny to fake mental illness by actually self harmin'#honestly writin someone off bc its 'attention seekin' is just gonna make the problem worse...#I think bein attention seekin with sh is a product of neglect or their pain bein dismissed/ignored and sh is often used as a measurin tool#by many for 'how bad is it' no matter how wrong that is#so by sayin they're just attention seekin and dismissin their pain yer just reconfirmin their already held issues#honestly its wild how much of a 'no I don't actively sh or have any plans to commit die' will quell any urgency a doctor will have to treat#completely ignorin the fact I am 100% impulsive and have a history of doin shit and creatin the entire plan to attempt in one day#or get a little off my rockers and notice oh shit I just did that after it's already dmged myselff#but then again I don't feel like bein locked up because I honestly cannot give any consistent way to check#if they'll just stay intrusive thoughts or if they're gonna become reality#also not to go off on a further tangent but I hate the ppl on tiktok classifyin impulsive vs intrusive thought by whether you act on them#when you can 100% act on an intrusive thought... typically in delusion or in a way to make it stop or it's so overwhelmin you loose control#in my experience as a delusional bitch.. intrusive thoughts can and have won#and it can become hard to tell whether that's how I actually feel when my brain is violently tellin me it is#anyways that's a long road down a tangent but also not really and it did come full circle if you consider the fact that#the push to sh for attention is one of my intrusive thoughts eyooo#mostly born out of the fact my pain was never real enough to those around me. I was never considered sick enough. I had no proof of my pain#I was just a lost cause and it was all my fault. so yea. it did start as a way to try to make my pain real#altho it has warped and adapted overtime as my mental health has gone down a slippery slope to sh for attention from one person directly#guess I've been taught as I grew up that if I'm hurt enough I'll get attention I so desperately crave. always ignored if I wasn't in crisis#and I don't know how else to get what I want so even then I naturally just break down as it's my only ability instantly get attention#even if I'm not doin it on purpose I'm just so wired and trained to mentally or physically hurt myself in an explosive attempt#to get what I want regardless of if I want to take that method but the infightin in my head just makes it happen anyways#and it sucks because tbfh. it works. my behavior is reinforced almost constantly but it's also extremely dangerous to not be reinforced#cause then I don't know how to handle myself and get sui and it just sucks a lot
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12timetraveler · 2 years
Shuffled my Dark Country playlist and got Long Violent History by Tyler Childers
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How many boys could the haul off this mountain/
Shoot full of holes cuffed and laid in the street/
'Til we come into town in stark raving anger/
Looking for answers and armed to tow teeth
I love this song because it's sort of a message to the Appalachian miners that the artist grew up around begging them to think of coal miner's history and compare it to the BLM movement. It's such a beautiful progressive country song and I love it. These lines in particular just are so powerful to me.
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hawkzeyes · 11 months
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loveofastarvingdog · 1 year
oh, my understanding of how the various fears are connected with certain mental illnesses etc. more than others:
the lonely: depression and dissociation (derealisation?)
the corruption: ocd and other compulsive disorders, hypochondria
the stranger: dissociation / derealization, identity disorders
the hunt: paranoia, mania
the eye: paranoia also
the spiral: hallucinations / derealization / dissociation (textually mistaken for / related to schizophrenia, insomnia and mental illness in general)
the buried: depression
the slaughter: not exactly tied to any mental illness as far as i can tell, but probably paranoia as the closest
the vast: can't decide for this one either
the end: hypochondria, depression
the flesh: dysphoria / dysmorphia, eating disorders
the desolation: pyromania
the web: paranoia, ocd and other compulsive disorders
the dark: paranoia, hallucinations
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Good news: every day is a step closer to d*pp dropping dead
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mrbinglee · 2 years
watching the kdrama our blues (2022) and there is something so compelling about the two broke, single dads in their 40s who are ex-best friends, now-feuding neighbors, who find themselves as de facto in-laws bc their 19yr old kids decide to keep their accidental baby. from ancient grudge break to new mutiny etc
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mrmallard · 2 months
I've been seeing people bring up JonTron a lot lately, and man I don't even wanna know why he's coming back up. Get that guy outta my life.
Dude was a huge disappointment when he went all in on the white nationalist horseshit. I thought he was funny when I was younger, and I grew up coached in that sort of edgy internet humour he did that primed a lot of people for the radical political discourse that would emerge in the 2010's. It's only through sheer fucking luck and having the right people in my life in the right time that I didn't get roped into that sort of horseshit.
The warning signs were definitely there, but I didn't have the context I needed or the fully realised, crystallised values I hold today to reflect on them the way I would now - the former built up over time, and I feel like the latter began to really form in the heat around the time of that sort of cultural chokepoint in my sphere of influence that started with gamergate and escalated through 2016 and beyond.
It really took JonTron saying "poor uncivilized immigrants are invading America and breeding out the civilized americans through sheer numbers", directly espousing neo-nazi sentiment while it was on the rise, for me to see how much he genuinely sucked as a person. He was getting there with his sense of humor, but you never really expect a person you held in any sort of regard to go "mask off" and just start saying crazy bigoted shit like that, y'know. Whenever I think of JonTron, I feel annoyed and ashamed.
I don't want to know why he's getting any sort of continued legacy, good or bad. I just want that shithead out of my life.
#messyposting#toxicposting#also just as a footnote#i went from shithead chud gamer humor that emphasized pushing the barrier of what was acceptable to say to/about other people#to like. the height of social justice posting on tumblr. a lot of which skirted WAY TOO FUCKING HARD towards like proto-terf shit#like I feel like I saw the schism that led to a broader fourth wave of feminism and either birthed or mainstreamed the terf movement#as it was happening#i was in sex negative places. i was in places where people were saying that penises have been one of the nost violent weapons in history#and I'm saying this to emphasize that while yeah I was a fucking shitbird kid who got extremely fucking lucky not to end up going bad#I arguably came just as close to disaster on tumblr. and let me tell you there was fucking PRESSURE to conform on tumblr#again - right time right place. like I'm not perfect by any means. I'm angry and vindictive in my own ways#and god knows I'm self-righteous#but I really turned out a lot better than I could have been. either as a gamergater dickhead or a reactionary terf#rejecting intersectionality and enforcing strict boxes for people to exist in - stomping on people's hands if they tried to crawl out#i don't think I would have gone whole hog on the second one. i was lucky enough to notice the dissonance and take a break for long enough#to solidify my own personal values on my own time#i think I was much more at risk of beng lured into gamergate shit and having my innate anger and raged used to ensnare me in that#but the simple fact is that at different points of my like I was skirting both of those things. i was adjacent#and it's through nothing less than god's good fucking graces that I cane out the other side as relatively decent as I have#(I'm invoking god a lot but like. at best I'm agnostic and I lean atheist. it's moreso to emphasize the weight of what I'm trying to say)
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nellectronic · 3 months
only a few hours and it’ll be over with…
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arolesbianism · 7 months
Thinking spiraling upwards stuff that doesn't matter to the main plot again. Minkclan first arriving to the territories listening to the other clans argue abt which of them have the most violent history knowing full well that their medic was literally a serial killer and she doesn't even have the highest body count of them
#rat rambles#spiraling upwards#and yes Im still working on it Im just in the designing phase#and lemme tell you. I have SO fucking many cats to design#for context the clan the main character lives in has like 30 something cats#not counting the dead ppl I also have to design#and thats just one of 4#tbf elmclan is the oldest of the 4 so they might have the most cats but not by much if Im remembering correctly#the youngest of the 4 main clans (minkclan) only has 9 dead ppl at least so thatll be a nice break#anyways I dont think Ive explained literally like. anything abt spiraling upwards asside from murtle existing#I wont go into the actual plot because thats hashtag spoilers but Ill let myself talk abt clan history stuff#long story short the 4 main clans in spiraling upwards are relatively young clans that have rly only recently gotten more settled down#I say relatively cause the oldest is abt 8 years old and thats certainly not nothing for a bunch of cats but like that rly isnt that long#most of the founders of each clan originated from a different bunch of clans far away that all were different degrees of falling apart#there used to be six but one of them left after their leader announced that they were all doomed and took his clan to where the future 4 of#the main story would end up locating because of the story of him#they never did find him and his clan tho rip#a long time had passed before the rest of the shit went down tho so most had kind of disregarded his omen#eventually tho one of the clans shitty leader drove his clanmates to the edge and they ended up violently rebelling against him#his daughter ended up pinning him to the crumbling cliff that he usually made his announcements from by stabbing his neck with a sharp piece#of stone that had broken off of it#and after that his clan mates just started going to town on him tearing through all nine of his lives in only a few moments#and even after that it took several minutes before the remains of his body finally slumped down and the cats stopped tearing at his corpse#after that the crew announced that they the old guy was right and that they were dipping and starting their own clan elsewhere#and those cats made elmclan 👍#despite being generally the most calm of the 4 this legacy still leads to many horror stories abt their current leader honeystar#and then theres cragclan who was formed after their medic murdered their leader and was like god said we're leaving now cmon#and mink despite having a reputation for being the silliest and strangest of the 4 due to their younger history and ratstar being a silly#goose have a really Really bloody history hell their oldest medic was a serial killer who used snake fangs as her calling card#meanwhile the eagleclan founders basically got the entire clan to chase off the families in power and then just left
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