#long post jeez
sibillascribbles08 · 4 months
Man I've written 26 fics for rise, that's insane, anyway here's a master post, sort of? I realized some people either A) may not know how many different fics I've written or B) not realized "oh he wrote that" sooo
One Shots
Don't You Care? – Donnie and Leo centric, post-movie. Donnie isn't always great with feelings, and when he fails to understand Leo's, he tries to find a way to fix it. Doing so forces him to unpack some of his own thoughts on their victory over the kraang as well.
To Bridge a Canyon of your Own Design – Splinter centric, post-movie, a bit of a retrospective on his relationship with his sons, his depression, and him trying to move away from his unhealthy coping mechanisms.
I Didn't Vote for You – Leo's the leader now, and Donnie always finds ways to argue with him about it. Leo wants to find out why Donnie has such a problem with how he's trying to lead the team, but it turns out that isn't the problem. It's simply the fact that Leo's the leader at all.
I'd Give Anything – Donnie-centric. A slightly alternate take on the movie's ending where instead of just firing a drill into the portal, Donnie jumped in, and ends up losing an arm in the process. But he has to kind of piece all of that together as he recovers in the med bay, talking to each of his family members.
Grappling With Things Beyond Your Control – Gift fic for my friend Bat! Donnie-centric, post season 2. Suddenly getting ninpo with no prior training causes Donnie's powers to start to run amok, and on top of that he has to help his family not only find a new home but move into one. It's a lot to balance, maybe too much to balance.
Four Turtles in your Corner (Store) – A silly fic about April being out of supplies for her period, and in desperation sends the boys to go get her some. I'm sure four reptilian mutants have competent knowledge on what humans need for things like this.
Now Lie In It – Big Bang fic! Takes place during season 2. Leo won't sleep, and ends up getting on Donnie's nerves. The softshell's solution to the problem is a simple sleep potion, but when he pours too much into Leo's tea his brother won't wake up. Time to force April and Draxum to go find an antidote while he hides his mistake from the rest of his family. (it sounds angsty but it's comedic, actually)
What Will You Leave Behind – Big Bang fic! Doomed timeline, Raph centric. Raph is the first of his siblings to die during the war. And while he does everything he can to be their ever present pillar as they eventually follow after, he can't help but loathe the fact that the ones still down there are suffering and he can't do anything to help.
My Words Died With You – Gift fic for Bat! Doomed timeline, Donnie centric. Donnie quit speaking when Raphael died, months later he still isn't. His family tries to help him cope with this, even Raphael does from the afterlife, but it may not be enough.
VHHB series
(These are all post-movie)
My Roommate the Troubled Time Traveler – Casey and Draxum centric. Casey Jones Jr. isn't coping too great with being in the present, and trying to live in the lair isn't helping. So Mikey has the GREAT idea to convince Draxum to let Casey be his roommate. The alchemist thinks this is a terrible idea, but he might be able to help the kid far more than he realizes.
Violet Hues and Holly Blue – Donnie centric. 8 months after the kraang invasion and Donnie's been the reigning champ in the Battle Nexus for a while, in his attempts to improve his mystic abilities. But this draws the attention of a business focused wasp named Holly Blue who offers to help sell his tech designs in the Hidden City. Donnie ends up agreeing, having to keep that secret from his family too, but eventually they're going to find out. (This is only a partial summary haha sorry, fic is heckin long)
Missing Pages – Just some VHHB extras, but hey it features Big Mama being herself, Lou Jitsu maiming some people, Donnie dealing with past blood on his hands and uuuuh Leo and Holly becoming friends (what a mood whiplash)
You Are Loved – Two-shot fic about the Caseys (of the Senior and Junior variety). Casey Jr. wants to know why his ninpo sprung up so suddenly, and in his search to find out discovers his family is much closer than he realizes. Meanwhile Cassandra is struggling with her place among the Hamatos, it doesn't help when she finds out they're keeping a pretty big secret from her. Hopefully they can make it up to her.
The Sun and Icarus – Mikey-centric. He's been doing pretty good at developing his mystic abilities lately, but now they're starting to explode, pretty violently. And it turns out if this keeps up the whole ordeal could just kill him. Better find a way to put a cap on it, or something to that effect. (Wow more power overloading fics from ME)
Girls' Night – April centric one shot, also April/Sunita. She's just trying to have a fun night out with the girls, inviting Holly Blue along for the ride, but maybe that was a mistake because in her attempts to playfully tease the wasp, she's suddenly forced to confront her own crush.
And For my Next Trick – Leo-centric one shot. Leo's getting frustrated with his lack of progress on his mystic powers, and with Hueso's advice decides to shift his focus to a different kind of magic, stage magic. With Hueso Jr.'s help, he plans to put on an entire show, which should be fine if some other magician doesn't show up to steal the show.
Look Up Hero in the Dictionary – Raph centric. Raph's feeling a bit too idle in the city lately, with only minor crimes going on, but in his wish for something exciting a strange explosion happens at an apartment building. He attempts to help everyone escape, but a yokai holding the building together stays behind, and on top of that charges Raph with the task to take care of her child. Have fun taking care of a powerful psychic seven-year old, Raph.
What You're Made Of - Casey Jr. centric. Casey is getting frustrated with discovering weird things about his body like skin problems and peanut allergies. Draxum suggests he find out who his other parent is to get an idea of his genetic history, but when he finds out who it is, he's kind of ticked off that his family never told him. (this is a bio dad Raph fic for the record).
Off Colors AU (Separated AU)
Off Colors: Contrasts - Covers season 1. Leonardo's spent most of his life believing he's an only child because his little brother was kidnapped when they were only toddlers. But a rescue mission to the Hidden City with his best friend April results in him finding out he actually has three siblings. And in the span of a couple of weeks he finds out all of them are alive and, unfortunately, working for bad guys. He's going to try everything he can to stop them and convince them to come home, but it may be a fools errand.
Other Chaptered Fics
An Alien Invasion Happened but That's Not Really What This is About - Long ass title. Jason-centric. Hi I wrote a novella sized fic about what happens to this kid during and after the events of the movie. Watch him attempt badly to cope with trauma while also fixing his relationship with his very queer dad who loves him a lot.
Artificial Phoenix – Lou Jitsu died in the arena but then Big Mama said no no no! So Draxum brings him back to life while mutating four turtles so Lou Jitsu said NO NO NO! And he took them and ran. Alternate take on the events of the show, where Splinter is undead and unmutated, and unfortunately does not keep his soul in his body the entire time, leaving his sons grieving and desperate to get him back.
Jasonnie things
Not Part of the Plan – Donnie centric. Despite knowing time travel exists, Donnie is still surprised to find his future self in his lab. But his excitement at the possibilities is swiftly crushed as his future self has an easy time embarrassing him. He hopes he can at least gather some useful information in the process, but he slowly begins to wonder if he even wants answers to all these questions.
You Have to Let Him Go – Donnie centric also sad as hell. I literally just wanted to write about how Donnie's husband hecking dies. Read this if you want to be miserable. (or if you hate Jase I guess ??? alskdjf man got char grilled (I have to make jokes to keep myself from being upset shh))
I'll Put the Knife in Your Hand – Well, now that Donnie heard about his possible future husband, he's determined to at least get to know the guy. Unfortunately his family is far more cautious about this than he seems to be. AKA Four times Donnie's family believes Jase is planning to stab him in the back, and the one time he actually does.
ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND - Donnie is messing around with his mind machine again, and in the process ends up erasing part of his memory. Specifically the memories about Jase, and Jase is barely handling this well. Good thing Donnie's brothers who totally and absolutely are on good terms with Jase are there to help. Maybe.
Dual Dragons - Collab fic with @there-wolf ! A fic in which our versions of Jason end up encountering each other and even switching universes temporarily, giving them a window into how their life could be different (for better or worse).
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elf-simp · 2 months
08: Alone (liliturgy prompt list)
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"Hmph. When you meet Frith, tell him to send better sport!"
"...Also that I need to borrow a gil..."
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l1zardart1stre · 19 days
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I love this au and creator normally
(Au by @bryleeoz) (pleeeease check it out) (for me)
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dullorangepulp · 3 months
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Hello! My name is Sophia, and I am humanity's companion!
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thestobingirlie · 7 months
future st characters’ jobs (and why)
dustin — middle school science teacher. i think he’d want to take after mr. clarke, and he’s the one that parrots his phrases more than the other kids, so i just feel like it fits. i think he’d enjoy teaching others.
lucas — nasa scientist. he has pictures of astronauts in his room, and that’s my excuse, because he just has the vibes, okay? he rides his bike to work, and he has a little “go green” sticker on the family car.
max — guidance counsellor/child therapist/social worker. something along those lines. i think she’d want to help kids that come from her kind of situation. she knows what it’s like, and she knows how they can isolate themselves, and i think she’d want to help.
mike — i think he’d go to college, get a degree, and then get a job that has nothing to do with lol. i see people having mike as a writer a lot, but i guess i just don’t see it. idk. some people are just gonna end up working in an office, and that’s okay lmao
will — artist will seems popular, and i can kinda see him as a comic book artist or something. but i also could see art as maybe something that’s more of a hobby, and it’s not his, like, career. i think about will the least of all the kids, sadly, so. i got nothing lol.
el — i think she works a lot of odd jobs. she wants to explore, and she wants to learn about the world. she dedicates herself to making jam, and she has chickens. there’s still a lot she doesn’t know, and i just don’t know if she’d settle down in one single career. actually i could kinda see her working at a museum for a bit. like a museum tour guide. she gets to have fun and learn! being cut off from the world for so long, i’d think she’d enjoy being surrounded by it.
erica — politician. she likes lying to people and commanding rooms lmao. i don’t think she’d be, like, president, but more just a small town mayor or something.
nancy — private investigator. i know that people think she’ll stick with journalist for the rest of her life, but i think she’d start to chafe against the control, and she’d want to do her own work and help people. she’s going through her murray era. but she’s less of a freak lmao
steve — stay at home dad <3 no but seriously, there’s a lot i could see with steve, but little league coach steve is very special to me. he gets to do something sporty, and work with kids
robin — i think she (and steve) work a lot of different jobs, and really jump around and have fun with it, and explore what they want to do. in the end, i think robin would enjoy a job where she can travel, and put all her language skills to good use.
jonathan — photographer. it’s the obvious one, but i think he’d enjoy freelance photography. he’d get to travel a little, and have some space from his family lmao.
argyle — i want to include argyle. but we really know nothing about him 💔 maybe a botanist or something lmao
vickie — i know she’s only a side character, but i don’t care <3 i’ll always be in love with truck girl vickie, so her as a mechanic is fun to me.
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gammagoop · 1 year
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fart noise i started rewatching this youtube series
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askarsjustsoswedish · 11 months
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Alexander Skarsgård – Succession, Lukas Matsson - Martino Carrera WWD Ig (x) at Fendi, Men’s Fashion Week, Florence. 15 June ’23. Thanks JustJody (x)
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axel-tiredstudent · 2 days
Although there's still a lot to plan and do before this story is anywhere near done and I don't even have a first draft yet, I really wanted to talk about it and share who my OCs are (since i keep talking about them in here).
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This story (called Ewordis) is one of necromancy, otherness and isolation, but it's also about love, saving and connection!
The main character is Absalom García Medina (much to his own dismay). He is 22 years old and studies fine art in university. He's also a drummer in a band with his two closest friends. Absalom comes from a long line of necromancers! He doesn't really understand or control his powers, but he's set on his goal of finding his mother's spirit, which he has never been able to do!
Almudena is Absalom's grandmother, who raised him when Alma (her daughter), passed away. They are both also necromancers. Almudena taught Absalom how to use his powers until she died when Absalom was 12. She's still with him as a spirit.
Alma died in labor. Not only was she a necromancer, but she also had prophetic visions, something not common in their family. Neither Absalom nor Almudena have ever found her soul.
Angel is Absalom's best friend since they were in higschool. They take care and support each other through everything. Angel has a beautiful voice and she can play many instruments. She's the singer, songwriter and guitarist of their band.
Naomi met Angel and Absalom when they were looking for a bassist for their band. They became close soon and shortly after he started dating Angel!
Percy is Absalom's ex boyfriend. Their relationship was rocky and difficult, which really affected Absalom. They still see each other sometimes, but Percy doesn't seem to be willing to change for the better as a person, which is why Angel dislikes him and wants him to stay away from her best friend.
Ozzie is a non human creature that Absalom meets in the realm between life and death. Ozzie doesn't remember anything of his life before appearing there and he can't go to the living realm, so he and Absalom decide to find out what he is.
Victor also comes from a line of necromancers. He meets Absalom in a graveyard, after many spirits warn Absalom of a creature eating their corpses there. That would be Victor! Victor was brought back to life by his necromancer abusive father and now he's forced to feed on human flesh to not become a mindless "monster".
The Knight of Death is one of the Horrors. No one really knows of their existence, but necromancy powers are related to the Horror of Death. How is it related to the Medina Family? What will Absalom do when faced to this Knight?
As I said before, Absalom comes from a long line of necromancers, this gift/curse always passes down to one person in the family. He got it from his mother, Alma, and she got it from hers, Almudena. Alma died in labor so Absalom was raised in a small close-minded village by his grandmother. Since it was little, Absalom has been able to see and communicate with the dead. Almudena taught him how to use his powers and insisted that this is a gift that makes them special. Nevertheless, she also taught him to hide it to avoid rejection from people outside their family. Even with their powers, there was something neither Absalom nor his grandmother were ever able to do: find Alma's soul.
When Absalom is 12, Almudena dies and Absalom, unable to find her either and suspecting her dead is related to the necromancy, blames their power for it. And so he starts seeing this power as a curse instead of a gift. Something that he doesn't truly control nor understand, something that scares him and isolates him. Absalom goes to live in a bigger city with his uncle. It spends a few rough years feeling alone and othered until, at 15, he meets Angel! They bond over their mutual love for music, being rejects in their school and their queerness. During their teenage years they both join a few bands and, finally, at 19-20, they decide to create their own music band, with Angel as the songer-guitarist and Absalom as the drummer. They are on the look out for a bassits when they meet Naomi. They quickly click and Naomi becomes the third member of TTT (Tres Tristes Trigres). A few months later, Naomi and Angel start dating! Playing with them is one of Absalom's favorite things in the world, and he trusts them more than anyone else. Nevertheless, he never tells them about his necromancy but they do notice weird, worrying things about him.
At 19-20, Absalom meets Percy after bumping into him a few times in campus and in local concerts. They hit it off immediately and start dating shortly after that. They're both interested in music and art. At first, their relationship seems perfect. Absalom (who's in the aro spectrum) falls in love for the first time and he feels really happy and loved, something he has truly struggled with for all his life. As time goes by, their relationship starts to get rocky, they fight and argue a lot, but they always go back to each other. Their relationship ends up beng really toxic on both sides. Percy is manipulative and cheats on him and Absalom is jealous and desperate for this idyllic love and comfort they had at first. But, thanks to Angel and Naomi's support, Absalom breaks up with him after dating for a year and half. During the time they were dating, Percy started noticing a few odd things that surround Absalom, like weird aggresive energies around them after they fought. No matter how many times Angel warns Absalom against it, sometimes, when it feels lonely, it goes back to Percy, looking for momentary comfort.
Regarding the necromancy gift/curse. Its origins are uncertain to the family but what does it exactlty allow them to do? The Medina family (or at least those that inherit it) can see spirits in their daily life and communicate with them (spirits may appear everywhere and they mostly can tell when someone is able to see them so they may follow necromancers around, there's more spirits in places like graveyards tho; they don't really have that much consciousness, except for the spirits of necromancers, like Almudena, who Absalom will be able to find at some point). Thanks to this power they can also search for (and most of the time) find the spirit of a specific person (but still, Absalom is never able to find Alma, which tortures him). Another thing that they can do is enter Ewordis.
Ewordis is the realm between life and death (but closer to death, as no living creatures can enter it, except for some necromancers). Ewordis is a inmense white space full of mostly nothingness and some spirits where time doesn't really exist. Absalom hides there when he gets too overwhelmed by real life, thinking that avoiding reality helps him. When he enters Ewordis, his real body is frozen in time, so he can stay there for days or weeks without truly noticing. But time itself doesn't stop. This has lead to his friends worrying after not hearing of him for days in more than one occasion. Isolating himself in Ewordis like this is something that Absalom does to cope when he is really really bad and he tells no one about it. He doesn't really understand what this realm truly is, nor where does it lead. What are the secrets that hide beyond this seemingly vast white empty unreal territory?
One day, after Absalom's mental health worsens and he goes back to hiding in Ewordis, he meets, for the first time, a demon-looking huge guy! Absalom is shocked, because he did not know of the existence of creatures like him. This "demon" tells him he remembers nothing of before being in Ewordis and that he himself doesn't know what he is. They keep bumping into each other when Absalom enter Ewordis, and it notices that this demon must be lonely. They talk a lot and become friends, and Absalom tells him about his life in the living realm. He ends up naming the demon Ozzie, after one of his favorite movies: "The Wizard of Oz". They decide to try and find out what Ozzie is.
After many spirits start following Absalom around and telling him about a monster eating their corpses in a graveyard, Absalom decides to investigate and get rid of all of them. Not really because he wants to help them, but because he wants to be left alone. He goes to the graveyard at night and he founds a thin young man crying next to an open grave. When he sees Absalom, he runs away. This young man is Victor. Victor also comes from one of the few necromancers families left. Their powers are different to those of the Medina family tho, since they are more related to the pyshical body and flesh than to the spirit. He was alive many years ago and he lived with his two siblings and his abusive father. Victor killed himself to escape his father but he brought him back, mixing his body and soul with those of other corpses. Now Victor is forced to feed on human corpses to keep their conscience. Victor loathes his father, who keeps him locked in their old mansion and forces him to keep himself alive. Thanks to his powers, his father has kept himself and his children alive for many many years.
Necromancy powers are directly related to the Horror of Death. There are many Horrors related to different aspects of existence. The Horrors are cosmic entities beyond human comprehension. More ancient that everything. They are neutral entities, not bad nor good. They just exist and keep balance. They have no human morality or feelings. Or at least, that's how it should be. So why can't Absalom die? Who protects him and why? Where is Alma's soul? Who are the other Horrors and how do their existence affect the characters lives?
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fifthnailinstevesbat · 7 months
I kind of love when eddie is seen as having just little patches of afew tattoos here and there. Like they’re big pieces, and he’s got plenty, but I love the idea of them being a bit scattered and all in specific places rather than like full sleeves and a fully covered torso yk? It just feels so fitting to his personality, and at least at the current point in the timeline (I’m sure he’d get many more to fill the gaps as he got older and left hawkins and could get hired for a well enough paying job where everyone in his town didn’t think he was a murderer), but just having them a bit… all over the place??
It just feels so cute to me. Like he just gets what he likes, like “oh yeah that’s so sick, let’s get that hmm I’ll just put that there whatever” like it’s more about the artwork or what he’s getting tattooed rather than where it’s being put??
Idk man. I love tattoos. And I love eddie.
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forcedhesitation · 2 months
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this is... interesting. If I'm not mistaken, the list of people banned from the waning moon is supposed to be a bunch of devs, but gerringothe thorm obviously isn't one, and the "unknown elf" sounds far too much like astarion to not be him.
if you have a companion interact with the magic mirror, they have unique wishes they can share. the first wish always seems to be their deepest desire, past all the fear, pride, anger, regret, etc. that they may feel. wyll's, for example, is wishing to see his father extending his arms in forgiveness to him (wyll. pleeease pleaase pleease your dad was the one who was wrong T____T).
astarion wishes to see his home. his real home. after reading this line, I was reminded of the note in the waning moon...and well...what if astarion's real home was originally reithwin town? or somewhere nearby it? the timeline checks out, the shadowcurse has been around for about 100 years, according to halsin. astarion's been a spawn for around 200 years...
the only thing I can think of that might contradict this is something mr. stephen rooney (his writer) said in an interview, about not being sure what direction to take astarion's story in act 2. but given that this was said of the astarion made for the 3 act story we know, and that there still exist many remnants of old ideas since reworked in the live game, it's not impossible that the original story might have included something about astarion's real home being the shadowcursed lands.
sad too, because if it is true, it means that it's very likely that his family was lost to the shadowcurse. and his family wouldn't have ever known that they lost their son to the shadows long ago....
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cryptic-michael · 1 month
I'd like to give a Warm Welcome to!!!
Wilhelm Felix A.D. Steinauer!!🎉🎉🎉🎉
A real sweet fella who's somtimes just a little on the bitey side of things~
Wilhelm, also known and referred to as Will, is from the early to mid 1600s, having also been from a smaller than most village, with a family who ran the local apothecary/medicine shop.
He's a vampire, older than most, and has seen more than he could ever have imagined in life itself, then again he never thought he'd live past his mid 30s, let alone get to see times actively change and grow around him....or the inventions of people.
His Sire, wasn't...the best person, and while it's not common for a Sire to die at the hands of thier creation, it isn't unheard of and used to be quite common at times especially with weaker less than good Sires who were just playing, toying with humans and didn't quite care about them.
Which was Will's case. He was turned and it was agonizng, neglectful and full of pain and agony, starved even after being turned so he in a fit of hunger and anger, devoured and drank his own Sire and was free but oh at what coast?
(More under the cut!!)
He's sweet, however. Having seen and committed multiple horrors and had a few to meny sleepless days worried about the world, has left him both shaken and sweeter than cotton candy. He won't ever be cruel on purpose let alone go after people who've hurt him, he tries tries so so hard to be sweet..
....not to say he hasn't had his fair share of news paper articles back in the 1800s in various spots thinking there was some murder running lose no, it was just Will starved and angry at life and those people. I mean, who misses vampire hunters?
Now, Will is German, (I'm sure some might have gathered from his name).
He's German! And certainly doesn't ever seem like it, then again what is a German meant to seem like? Especially one as well traveled as he, who's lived all over and is quite fond of anywhere but Germany......the recent years of his home have been...rough to say the least.
An extremely important and fun fact about Will, is that he's transgender, Female to Male! He wound up transitioning towards the turn of the 1900s, and was fully transitioned by the 1940s. Do vampires still need their hormones and such? Uhh, well he's not to sure it was a vampire who gave them to him, and he's frankly to scared to stop his treatments.
He knows if he stops he hurts and gets sluggish so he'd rather not risk it.
His fill name is Wilhelm Felix "Anton Durchdenwald - Steinauer.
Felix, funny enough was picked from that silly little cartoon cat which first came onto the screen in 1919! He latched into it, full of awe and wonder for it so so much he named himself from it! He still keeps up with those cartoons too, even has a couple of button pins too!! Felix the lucky cat fits him to, since he considers himself very lucky! And of cource happy.
"Anton" is more of a Slavic name, especially used in Russia, and was technically a nickname given to him from Max. It means "Priceless/Praiseworthy" which Max wouldn't trade uhh yeah he finds him Priceless and Will loves praises.
Durchdenwald means "Though hr forest/woods" and was given to his family due to their home being in the woods and their home, also had their apothecary you'd visit at times. So it was given to them, and well he's not seen that name in the last hundred years so he adopted Steinauer, simply a stonemason last name.
He has quite the fashion sense as well! Opting for more if a 1960s - 70s look, similar to odd psychedelic patterns and a MOD look when he's in the mood, to looking like he works at a lighthouse and owns a boathouse.
He has range that's certian.
Will can often be seen in some form up button up, jeans or corduroy pants, and an ascot for certian. He tends to wear colored sunglasses, either a sort of red or blue haze over them, and gloves as well. He has anckle boots on normally, or some form of dress shoe. (Or normal boots)
His button ups are either long or short sleeved, and even then he sometimes wears a cost with them as well, or jacket, vest of sorts. He likes his layers. If not those he'll wear a turtle neck, due to having a prefrance of having his neck hidden and covered for....numbers reasons.
He has a cane, which is more than an accessory! Sure he's used it to trip people, and hit a few, but he's a rare case of a vampire still needing help and aid with having something wrong with them. In this case, a very bad leg thst tends to give out at times. No amount of feeding can fix that, but it can lessen some things.
He's known Max for well over a few centuries, well over 200 years he knows that much seeing at they met in the 1700s, and well now it's the 1980s soo...yeah. they've stayed close friends turned loves, turned now bitter as can be at eavhother due to everything.
Sure they're each others true love, they'd kick for each other, but somtimes Max can be a little paniced and selfish, and while Will can be forgiving, he's not so sure he can be this time around.
He's also at least a hundred years or so older than him, a great deal older than Max in Vampire years, although is much younger in human years. If Max is meant to be maybe mid early 40s, then Will is just barely in his 30s, if that at all, and late 20s definitely. He's also around 5'8 (with the boots) but still has to look at and pull Max's tall ass down to him.
I'll obviously make more about Will, but!! Here's a drawing of him, plus some photo refrances!
Will! And his sort of hellish cat Sony (Sonny without an extra N) which is just as bad as a hellhound protection wise and oddly very good at listening to him. The cats very sweet and of cohrce knocks things down.
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Face refrances!!!! Please God don't ask who they are I don't remember...ones an actor the other a singer/actor I think??? It's a rough idea for what Will could look like, more so the right guy, but with a more wild hair look to the other.
Then clothing of course the clothes.
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Ask and ye shall receive!!!! Please tell me and leave ask about Will I'm obsessed and I live with this little guy I've created and I already want to make a little fic about him🥺💕💗💕💗
Ask and ye shall receive Will tags!!!!!
@hypocriticaltypwriter @misslavenderlady @popironrye
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koipepo · 3 months
My blorbo retention span is getting shorter and it makes me sad. I was sick for 2 weeks and when i recovered the dunmeshi hype is just gone poof, i never sizzled out this fast 😞
my friend said it's bound to happen when irl has been stressful and shit, it has been. Adulting sucks. I cant even relax properly when i do have off time. I've been having severe creative artblock too, can't even draw properly/develop story for my boy Woodkid for days.. what a weird overwhelming feeling
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alicepao13 · 8 months
Well, that wasn't as bad as I feared. I have zero trust in shows like Hudson and Rex portraying people with disabilities, so I was cringing before watching the episode (for like, a while). I still need to ask whoever's in charge, how the fuck they manage to lose the balance of a show on its 6th season, but I'm getting slightly used to that and the (very, very bad put together) promo for the next episode slightly helped.
I'll put my scrambled thoughts below:
Did no one seriously notice (from the production, not the fandom because we did) how isolated Charlie and Rex seem? Like, this is my primary complain in each episode so far and I tried not to mention it again, but it really showed in an otherwise okay episode.
The actress did a good job, or that's what it felt to me as a non visually impaired person. I did feel that they could have had her do more at times. She seemed like she could handle it.
Oh, Karma. At the start of the previous season I thought they'd keep her for that season alone, because they really didn't seem to know what to do with four extra episodes and extra budget, and I was right.
Of course Jesse would be delighted by the use of AI, the little shit lol. I liked Sarah pointing out that someone was going to lose their job if the AI could do it. Even more when it turned out that it wasn't exactly ready to do anyone's job just yet. I could write like five paragraphs over that, but I'll spare y'all.
If Rex could talk in the scene where Charlie managed to slip through the garage(?) door, I'm sure he'd say something like, "Oh no, the idiot is alone". (That voice in Moonknight, yeah, that one. Do not expect any names, I forget as soon as I watch these days.)
Fucking hit him with the painting, dude! Why are all criminals in that city useless in giving me whump?
Absolutely amateurish of Joe to let slip to the dad that there was a witness. I mean, why did he need to know? That part was just there so that the dad could later try to find said witness.
Also, I'm pretty sure Charlie got punched in that dark scene where I'm certain the intent was to make us feel as in the dark as the blind girl. I don't find a reason for these scenes, I've said that on other shows too, we've all been left in the literal dark at some point in our lives, we don't need a show scene like that to get us to empathize with a blind person. Anyway, just because we didn't see it doesn't mean Charlie shouldn't have bruises afterwards.
General observation, I don't like how in this season they have Charlie say, "my forensicist" (which, is that even a word because dictionary says no lol), "my techie". A few months ago they were a team, now they're just... helping him. And I don't know about Jesse, but technically Sarah outranks Charlie, even though they're not in the same chain of command for that to become an issue.
Another general observation is that there seems to be a darkness? moodiness? overall in these episodes. It could also have been facilitated by the bad weather, but also, I have a general feeling that the characters also seem more rough around the edges, and since there's nothing in the show's storylines to support that from what they've shown us so far, it just sets the tone of the show to something offputting without a real reason why. I don't consider these elements inherently bad in a show, much less a crime show, but you can't suddenly do a 180 when you have an already established show tone and offer no explanation for it.
For the next one: In my opinion, they cannot skip having Charah scene(s) in the next episode. But also, I trust these writers less than I would trust an overworked and underpaid Greek screenwriter who has to deliver 30+ episodes each season. And that's saying something.
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slavonicrhapsody · 1 year
There's a concept that's been haunting me and I'd like your opinion as a certified Carian Expert, if that's alright: how do you think Rykard would feel about Ranni becoming a god (Age of Stars) if he survived the events of ER? I can never settle on whether he'd take it as a personal betrayal and try to fight her, if he wouldn't mind as much because as long as it stays in the family then it's fine, or even if he's too far gone to think about it rationally either way
hello!! a very good question, and I think the answer is a little complicated… take this with a grain of salt though, as it’s mostly speculation!
First of all, I think it’s possible that Ranni’s Age of the Stars was a goal they both shared at the beginning! Ranni’s Black Knives plot had the specific goal of freeing Ranni from her empyrean flesh prison so she could then directly move against the Two Fingers. We know Rykard was involved in this plan to some degree, so it’s likely he directly supported Ranni and her plans for what came next as well. Ranni does become a god in her ending, but crucially, she leaves the Lands Between for the void of space because her plan for the world is to have NO gods to meddle in the affairs of the lands. This lines up with what Rykard wanted… the end of the Erdtree’s era, and the removal of the gods’ influence. However, I strongly suspect that Rykard and Ranni ended up disagreeing on the means to this end during the Shattering.
It’s clear that Rykard’s agenda had changed when he fed himself to the great serpent… the serpent gave him the power to devour the gods and rid the world of them for good, but he also inherited an obsession with consuming and gaining power endlessly. So, regarding Ranni’s ending, I think Rykard as the god-devouring serpent might’ve been pissed that we and Ranni got to take out god before him. We essentially took his greatest purpose away! Because not only does Rykard kill and eat his victims, but he also absorbs their power… devouring the gods would have effectively made him the new god! (ironic, right?)
It’s unclear if Rykard in his current form still holds affection for his siblings, or if he even thinks about them. I can’t say for sure whether he’d feel conflicted that his sister ended up standing in his way towards world domination.
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What’s your new Anger? (this is the inaction to tell me I am a big fan of your crit posts. You make them consider and understandable while not being condescending to the reader (so so affectionate :) ))
OHOH BOY Heres the thing, I dont really post crit for much. Usually I will like and reblog some valid posts that come up naturally and if its really a problem for me I tend to leave easy. But Thomas Sanders is killing me and takeover is a bad influence /j
But basically he reminds me of the worst coworkers you've had and he's just. Terrible at the job he ASSIGNED HIMSELF. He brands himself as a youtuber. He promises videos for one of his most popular endeavors which was lowkey a rebranding after vine was shut down and he was no longer a popular comedian on vine. And then he abandoned his largest project. And that wouldn't be a problem! If he did what majority of other cc's do. So many youtubers leave behind what made them popular, the move on the other things because it makes them happy and allows them to continue to bring content. There's usually some fans who are angry at this move but atleast most of those youtubers are transparent about this change. They communicate with their community setting the expectations going forward and they stick with them! Thomas has not done this.
He promised us a large amount of work going into making a season finale, and then making another season and he might not be able to push out content at the rate he has done before but thats because he's putting everything into the finale
But we've had very little sander sides content since then. And these have their own problems as being short and "not being part of the main storyline" or being blatant ads. But Thomas is still cranking out other content, he took up tiktok where he is reliving his vine era, he plays games on a side channel. He streams but only for people that pay him. We took the long wait and said fine. Its nothing these fans haven't done before. But then he goes and months and months after he promised us the finale, he tells us he has began working on the script. What was he doing in those months? How is he only just starting bare basics of this thing we have been waiting on forever. Can you imagine this in a professional setting? You're coworker hell your boss has major procrastination on important projects and refuses to give you a timeline? But they still expect to be paid and continue their job while they are doodling in their office.
He attempts to reason this away with not having a lot of people and the pandemic inhibiting the team from filming. First of all they haven't hadnt had anything to film with the finale because they are still working on the script. The pandemic is no longer a major world problem right now. And when it was that wouldn't of had to stopped planning or filming, it might be harder to do with only one person there but it is possible and manageable!
When he does have his team it boggles my mind! I was in schools news in middle school, we worked in teams of 5-7. Each team was pushing out a video every week/every two weeks. Each video had an original hand crafted intro that was never done before on another episode in our show. We had multiple skits. We had announcements and weather and what we were having thst day. We had news anchors thst led us into each segment. This was all planned, filmed and edited by the team. Was it perfect? No but we had content constantly coming out with completely original ideas everytime while we were still learning how to edit videos. We spent an hour every school day on these, we also split those hours with assignments we had due. We cranked this stuff out in a max total of 14 hours. These tiny 6th graders did amazing work despite being children who are using Adobe for the first time and having such little time. This experience has made me more understanding of what exactly these youtubers do, its hard time consuming work. And this understanding is what makes me so angry about Thomas not having any progress in the finale. This absolutely could have been done by now. This absolutely could have been done months ago.
Tldr: Thomas sanders refuses to communicate effectively with his fans and to work efficiently on this project. The fact that this has been going on for over 900 days is absolutely atrocious. This is his job, one that he signed up for. If he was working for anyone in any field including this one he would have been fired. We deserved better than this and deserve better than him continuing to drag this out.
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gifti3 · 2 months
happy bday to me! 🎂🥳🎉
for this very special day i wanted to list and compare the presents and interactions i got in the mobile games ive been playing consistently lmao
under cut cause the pics are big
Time Princess A letter with 10 golden tickets, 100 stamina, and 10000 coins
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Obey Me! Nightbringer 1 UR+, UR, and SSR Joker each 3 Demon Vouchers 30 Karma Points 200 AP 30000 Grim 50 Devil Points Along with a bday video, birthday calls from the characters throughout the day and a UR guarantee for a 10 pull There's half-off on Devil Tree unlocks There's also special birthday dialogue in the Surprise Guests: -- the first Surprise Guest I did gave me 30 more Devil Points -- and you can press anywhere on the boys and get max hearts :]
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What in HELL is Bad They haven't implemented bday stuff yet so nothing (´。_。`)
Twisted Wonderland A Happy Birthday from the character you have set as your favorite card and a Tenfold Key Set (for rolls)
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and last but not least.....*drum roll* 🥁🥁🥁 Love and Deepsace! Special Happy Birthdays from each guy which include them singing happy birthday to you :3 Birthday Dialogue on the home screen Presents from each one (items you can use to decorate their desks) 500 Diamonds 5 Empyrean Wishes 1 Bottle of Wishes: SSR 1 Energy Capsule: Powerful And 2 birthday stickers
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#so whb is technically in last place but since its a newer game ill let it pass this year#so time princess is next in line for last place#its a fine gift but since they dont have any characters saying happy birthday it doesnt do much for me#nightbringer kinda surprised me!#i was expecting a call and some devil points#but this is a lot more then i expected :3c#also i go crazy for free UR+ Jokers#i was thinking of adding regular obey me but decided to skip it since i only really just log in for dailies for the most part#(and i dont even do that everyday if im not feeling it)#also theyre practically the same minus the calls (but i have the old ones that i havent listened to yet still)#twst was cute nothing too crazy#(thank you for ur presence lilia)#i liked love and deepspaces happy bdays from the characters a lot because they sang lmao 😭#also i feel very special from them saying all this nice stuff about hoping that i get what i want and that i stay healthy and stuff dwsiiws#it feels like obey me has more in character interactions BUT when i think it about it more#deepspace has the models actually hand you gifts#also the moment you have with the characters feels more personal#but tbf theres more obey me characters and you do get those calls throughout the whole day! (also they give more stuff imo)#so i cant really pick which one i liked more :d#dutp#obey me nightbringer#twisted wonderland#love and deepspace#im now 26....#oh jeez#long post#still doing the same shit i was doing in middle school uashusha (i mean playing dating games)#my personality has refined over the years tho#anyways im gonna celebrate tomorrow with my family :]#this is the end of my post tho ill probably post about the asmo phone call later
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