scotianostra · 2 years
Loch Etive by Fenn Photography Via Flickr: Loch Etive in between the showers
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granda63 · 6 months
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Love this.
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“Apaches” de Romain Quirot - illustrant les gangs de criminels surnommés les “Apaches” sévissant dans le Paris de la Belle Epoque (1900-12) - avec Alice Isaaz, Niels Schneider, Rod Paradot, Bruno Lochet, Dominique Pinon, Artus, Émilie Gavois-Kahn, Antton Bacca, la jeune Chloé Peillex et les participations d'Hugo Becker et Rossy De Palma, mars 2023.
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thebutcher-5 · 8 months
L'ultimo giorno sulla Terra
Benvenuti o bentornati sul nostro blog. Nello scorso articolo abbiamo fatto un salto nel tempo negli anni ’60 per parlare di una pellicola horror fantascientifica, co-prodotta da Italia e USA, e tratta da uno dei miei libri preferiti in assoluto, ossia L’ultimo uomo della Terra. La storia parla di Robert, uno scienziato sopravvissuto a una grave epidemia che ha trasformato tutte le persone in…
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ta1zmz5cgeduvc · 1 year
la amiga le gusta estar en la cam full rica chupada de la gordita Transando com minha esposa Milf sucking huge dick Bellesa House Episode 8: Aaliyah & Nathan Namorada safada dano pra outro Feeling so hot Watch my gilf ride my BBC with her big ass until I nut inside Gay porn teens emo video and male masturbating Hot emo guy Alexander Piscando o cu em Vila Velha/ES
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nudesnoises · 2 months
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Lucie Lochet in "La Chute des Hommes"
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ekman · 3 months
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Cette grosse gourde de Yolande Moreau, prototype de la comédienne conscientisée beuglant sa phobie convenue de l’esstrèmedrouate, trouve que “c'est affligeant ce qui se passe en France, ce tapis rouge fait au RN !”. La vieille courge franco-wallonne, vaillante démocrate comme tout ce qui moralise à gauche, ne supporte pas que les micros soient tendus en direction d’une sensibilité politique rassemblant environ 40 % d’opinions favorables.  Ce qui est cocasse dans l’histoire, c’est que cette vieille chose semble oublier qu’elle a bâti son succès en jouant, avec Morel, Lochet, Duquesne et Saladin, la bousarde débile des Deschiens. Elle a du mal à voir qu’elle a incarné une France tantôt paysanne, tantôt périphérique, celle-là même qui grossit les rangs de l’électorat RN. En fait, le RN, c’est son écho sur bien des points, l’image en miroir d’une France perdue pour l’espérance, une France qui se voit dégradée, déclassée, dépitée et qui n’a plus que la colère ou l’abrutissement pour se sentir encore vivante. Les Deschiens, oui... dernière caricature avant fermeture. Et cette pauvre courge de Yolande qui se plaint du fumet montant de sa propre déjection. Abrutie.
J.-M. M.
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alexlacquemanne · 11 months
Quand la Panthère rose s'emmêle (The Pink Panther Strikes Again) (1976) de Blake Edwards avec Peter Sellers, Herbert Lom, Leonard Rossiter, Colin Blakely, Lesley-Anne Down, André Maranne, Michael Robbins et Burt Kwouk
Le Dimanche de la vie (1967) de Jean Herman avec Danielle Darrieux, Jean-Pierre Moulin, Olivier Hussenot, Françoise Arnoul, Berthe Bovy, Anne Doat, Hubert Deschamps et Jean Rochefort
Romance inachevée (The Glenn Miller Story) (1954) de Anthony Mann avec James Stewart, June Allyson, Henry Morgan, Charles Drake, George Tobias et Barton MacLane
La Canonnière du Yang-Tsé (The Sand Pebbles) (1966) de Robert Wise avec Steve McQueen, Richard Attenborough, Richard Crenna, Candice Bergen, Marayat Andriane et Makoto Iwamatsu
Deux Heures moins le quart avant Jésus-Christ (1982) de Jean Yanne avec Coluche, Michel Serrault, Jean Yanne, Michel Auclair, Françoise Fabian, Mimi Coutelier et Darry Cowl
Le Dernier Voyage (2020) de Romain Quirot avec Hugo Becker, Paul Hamy, Lya Oussadit-Lessert, Jean Reno, Bruno Lochet et Émilie Gavois-Kahn
Le Dernier Métro (1980) de François Truffaut avec Catherine Deneuve, Gérard Depardieu, Heinz Bennent, Jean Poiret, Andréa Ferréol, Paulette Dubost, Jean-Louis Richard et Maurice Risch
Les cadavres ne portent pas de costard (Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid) (1982) de Carl Reiner avec Steve Martin, Rachel Ward, Carl Reiner, Reni Santoni, George Gaynes, Barbara Stanwyck, Ava Gardner, Burt Lancaster, Humphrey Bogart, Cary Grant et Ingrid Bergman
Docteur Folamour ou : comment j'ai appris à ne plus m'en faire et à aimer la bombe (Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb) (1964) de Stanley Kubrick avec Peter Sellers, George C. Scott, Sterling Hayden, Keenan Wynn, Slim Pickens, Peter Bull et Tracy Reed
Un homme est passé (Bad Day at Black Rock) (1955) de John Sturges avec Spencer Tracy, Robert Ryan, Anne Francis, Dean Jagger, Walter Brennan, John Ericson, Ernest Borgnine et Lee Marvin
Le Monde, la Chair et le Diable (The World, The Flesh and the Devil) (1959) de MacDougall avec Harry Belafonte, Inger Stevens et Mel Ferrer
La Belle Saison (2015) de Catherine Corsini avec Izïa Higelin, Cécile de France, Noémie Lvovsky, Kévin Azaïs, Lætitia Dosch et Benjamin Bellecour
Le Grand Embouteillage (L'ingorgo) (1979) de Luigi Comencini avec Annie Girardot, Fernando Rey, Miou-Miou, Gérard Depardieu, Ugo Tognazzi, Marcello Mastroianni, Stefania Sandrelli, Alberto Sordi, Orazio Orlando, Gianni Cavina, Harry Baer et Ángela Molina
Ariane (Love in the Afternoon) (1957) de Billy Wilder avec Gary Cooper, Audrey Hepburn, Maurice Chevalier, Van Doude, John McGiver et Lise Bourdin
Voici le temps des assassins (1956) de Julien Duvivier avec Jean Gabin, Danièle Delorme, Gérard Blain, Lucienne Bogaert, Germaine Kerjean, Gabrielle Fontan et Jean-Paul Roussillon
Castle Saison 1, 2
Des fleurs pour ta tombe - Jeunes Filles au père - Amis à la vie, à la mort - Sexe, Scandale et Politique - Calcul glacial - La Piste du vaudou - Crimes dans la haute - Mémoires d’outre-tombe - Où est Angela ? - Double face - La Mort à crédit - Quitte ou Double - L'Enfer de la mode - L'Escroc au cœur tendre - L'auteur qui m'aimait - Pour l'amour du sang - Dernières paroles
Coffre à Catch
#113 : Unforgiven 2008 : Matt Hardy will not die ! - #114 : Matt Hardy champion, les débuts de Jack Swagger ! - #115 : La ECW, c'est bien, mais avec Vianney c'est mieux ! - #116 : Maryse : Pourquoi es-tu si belle? - # 117 : All Star Main Event + Gérard Lenorman !
James May : Notre Homme au Japon
Allez ! - Chou farci - Déodorant - Salut Bim ! - Le garçon de la pêche - Prune salée
Friends Saison 8
Celui qui venait de dire oui - Celui qui avait un sweat rouge - Celui qui découvrait sa paternité - Celui qui avait une vidéo - Celui qui draguait Rachel - Celui qui perturbait Halloween - Celui qui voulait garder Rachel - Celui qui engageait une strip-teaseuse - Celui qui avait fait courir la rumeur - Celui qui défendait sa sœur - Celui qui ne voulait pas aller plus loin - Celui qui passait une soirée avec Rachel - Celui qui découvrait les joies du bain - Celui qui découvrait le placard secret - Celui qui visionnait la vidéo de l'accouchement - Celui qui avouait tout à Rachel - Celui qui voyait dans les feuilles de thé - Celui qui était trop positif
Inspecteur Barnaby Saison 8
Un cri dans la nuit - Les Régates de la vengeance - Requiem pour une orchidée - Pari mortel - Double vue - Le Saut de la délivrance - L'assassin est un fin gourmet - Rhapsodie macabre
L'agence tous risques Saison 4, 5
Qui est qui ? - Cowboy George - La roue de la fortune - Services en tous genres - Club privé - Harry a des ennuis - Un monde de fou - La mission de la paix - Les orages du souvenir - Un témoin capital : 1re partie - Condamnation : 2e partie - Exécution : 3e partie - Match au sommet - Théorie de la révolution - Mort sur ordonnance - Une vieille amitié
Columbo Saison 2
Rançon pour un homme mort - Requiem pour une star
Les Petits Meurtres d'Agatha Christie Saison 3
Jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare - Meurtres du troisième type
Affaires Sensibles
Algues vertes : le danger qui empoisonne la Bretagne - James Jesus Angleton : paranoïa à la CIA - THE GRIM SLEEPER : Le faucheur en embuscade 1985-2007 - La création du festival de Cannes - 2000, les Jeux paralympiques de Sydney : la fraude des basketteurs espagnols
Une enfant sage - B.B - La Madrague - Le papillon - Bébé - La vérité
Les Enquêtes de Morse saison 9
Mascarade - Prélude - Sorties de scène
James May's Cars of the People Saison 1, 2
Transports et totalitarisme - Rien n'arrête les nouilles - Les voitures qui nous ont toujours fait rêver - La puissance de la vapeur - 4x4 - Boom (et effondrement) d'après-guerre
The Grand Tour Saison 4, 3, 1, 2
The Grand Tour présente… Seamen - The Grand Tour présente… La Chasse au trésor - Eaux salées et eaux douces - The Grand Tour: A Scandi Flick - Virée à l’Italienne - Spéciale Colombie : Première partie - Spéciale Colombie ; Deuxième partie - Oh, Canada - Coup de vieux
Orage de chaleur de Richard Castle
Cinq Gars pour Singapour de Jean Bruce
Lucky Luke, tome 27 : Le 20ème de cavalerie de Morris et René Goscinny
Garôden de Jirô Taniguchi et Baku Yumemakura
Une enquête du commissaire Dupin : Etrange printemps aux Glénan de Jean-Luc Bannalec
Détective Conan, tome 9 de Gôshô Aoyama
Il était une fois… Le cinéma, Tome 1 : Des frères Lumière à Charlie Chaplin de Jean-Pierre Georges et Dentiblu
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Lochet barracks in Châlons-sur-Marne, Champagne region of France
French vintage postcard
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the-kaiju-lodge · 1 year
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Monstruo de Muhuru Bay
El Monstruo de Muhuru es un críptido reportado de las selvas de Kenia. Los testigos presenciales lo describieron como una enorme bestia fuertemente armada con grandes placas óseas gruesas en la espalda y una enorme cola en forma de garrote. El misionero Cal Bombay y su esposa dieron el primer reporte de la criatura.
Se especula que esta criatura bien podría ser una especie sobreviviente del dinosaurio herbívoro llamado Ankylosaurus. Se cree que se extinguió hace 65 millones de años, el Ankylosaurus era un gran cuadrúpedo herbívoro del período Cretacico tardío.
El segundo caso fue de una carta de un anonimo que pasaba vacaciones en Kenia en 1988. A continuacion,la carta:
"Vacaciones en Kenia 1988"
"Señor, quiero agradecer el boletín diario. En la primavera de 1988, mi padre y yo estábamos de vacaciones en Africa donde visitamos varias partes del continente. Durante la ultima semana de nuestro viaje fuimos capaces de obtener una invitacion de un colega para acompañarle al parque nacional del monte Elgon, en el oeste de Kenia. Son unas 200 millas en coche de Nairobi al parque, a continuacion, una caminata de mas de 10 millas adicionales a través de terrenos difíciles, fue el area mas inusual que visitamos durante nuestro viaje. Me gustaron las cuevas del lugar, conocidas por las reuniones de elefantes que habian ahi. Nos quedamos la noche en el parque lochet y esa noche tuvimos una conversación con un guía del parque que mencionó que existia un extraño animal en el bosque al pie de la montaña. Conto que un grupo de personas, habia descubierto muerto a un elefante macho joven, que tenia grandes laceraciones, en todo su abdomen y cuello. La teoria, era que este no fue un ataque por otro elefante y que el Muhuru era el responsable. El guía explico que un Muhuru era una especie de dinosaurio, mucho mas grande que un elefante adulto. Mi padre y yo fuimos sorprendidos con esta historia, porque el guía fue muy enfático mientras hablaba, otro señor estaba oyendo la conversacion y dijo que habia visto un dibujo del Muhuru y que parecia un dinosaurio blindado, con un globo en la cola con espinas. Mas tarde, nos mostraron una imagen que se asemajaba a un Estegosaurio. En realidad, ahi muy poca informacion sobre el Muhuru,se sospecha que es mas leyenda que un hecho"
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Tag type list:
Picture Day: art of the characters
Lore: official non-diary writings from the universe
Student body: Character reference pics
Logs: Character diaries
Creatures: pets :)
(Officially introduced) character list:
Lavande Merle, child of the Plague Doctor: a cheerful soul, though she unintentionally freaks people out a lot, since they haven’t really interacted with many people who weren’t related to them or a zombie. Uses they/she
Connie Tainer, daughter of a Foundation Scientist: Connie’s been sheltered most of her life, so while she’s confused and snarky, she is genuinely happy to be here. Uses she/her
Oozelle Manson, daughter of the Old Man: an over-competitive sporty girl from the track team, Oozelle is someone who despises being bored, and loves keeping herself busy. Uses she/her
Aviya El Asem, daughter of Able: Aviya is always always full of energy and a will to stay active. She loves to skateboard, and tends to be a show-off, but understands that she has limits. Uses she/her but doesn’t care about pronouns that much.
Scalett Reptile, daughter of the Hard To Destroy Reptile: Scalett has never really been treated with love in her life, and doesn’t show much in return. However, her time here is defrosting her soul. Uses she/her.
Rosé Copperhead, fae (with an ethically sourced name dw): Rosé is rather jumpy, and has trouble going through with actions that might hurt her. They’re one of the sweetest kids you’ll meet though! Uses she/they
Forrest Copperhead, member of the Serpent’s Hand: the one who freed Rosé and her older brother, Forrest is a sweet, smart, and chill practicing mage. Emphasis on “practicing”. Uses he/him.
Royal Masquerade, daughter of the Ambassador (somehow): Royal’s the school’s resistant mean girl, who’s as egotistical as their parent. They have a soft spot for their childhood friend Wobble. Uses she/they
Wobble Bobbleton, daughter of Bobble the Clown: Royal’s more reluctant second in command, who does most of the dirty work and isn’t gloomy about it (she’s just gloomy in the first place). Uses she/her
Scorchpia Embers, daughter of the Burning Man: the third of Royal’s trio who’s mostly just in this so she can insult more people. She never runs out of energy and over-the-top schemes. Uses she/her.
Daydream, daughter of the Dream Man: a big fan of fairytale stories and happy endings, Daydream is a sweet soul who just wants to help her friends, even when they don’t know how. Uses she/they
Zohar Bumero, child of Robert Bumero. A rocking soul and lead singer of their band “Golden Rust”, Zohar wants to make a difference in this world, preferably one that fixes it. Uses they/them.
Scabina Sick, daughter of Grand Karsist Ion. Resourceful and honest, Scabina is a significantly nicer person than her name implies, though his sense of humor is a little dark. Uses she/he.
Yulia Kaust, daughter of the Yule Man. A cold girl, Yulia has trouble trusting others due to how monstrous her father is, and wishes to stop the darkness of the world she lives in. Uses she/her.
Molly Lochet, daughter of Moloch. A prankster at heart, Molly doesn’t entirely understand what her classmates are cool with, but is genuinely trying to get better with her pranks. Uses she/her.
Beauty P., the daughter of a beautiful person. Beauty is someone who believes she must be perfect in the eyes of all, but doesn’t quite know how to get along with her peers. Uses she/they.
Ursae Night, child of the night. Sweet and a little odd, Ursae is just a big softie. He collects rocks, but hasn’t found a heartshape one yet (though he really wants to give his GF Rosé one). Uses he/him.
Pox Spittings, son of Vector. Unlike the above, his name actually accurately describes his personality. He’s loud and immature with an ego to rival anyone else here. Uses he/him
Namseong-Yeou, son of the polymorphic humanoid. While more socially aware and quiet, he’s somehow Pox’s best friend. He still is growing tired of Pox’s (and everyone else’s) garbage-ness. Uses he/him.
Emerald Shaw, Elijah Shaw’s distant cousin. Emerald is… something not quite human, but is genuinely as nice as she seems. She’s just as unsure of her identity as you dw. Uses she/they.
Commandra Warren, born of the demon of war, a sporty girl who loves stirring up conflict (because she has to), scary movies, and herself. Uses she/her but doesn’t mind if you use a different pronoun to refer to her.
Ooky Spooky, child of Too Spooky, self proclaimed Halloween spirit who only consumes Halloween related content. She loves scaring people and being mildly unsettling. Uses any pronouns
Endgeline Crucible, daughter of the welt in the crucible. A creative (but introverted) practicing coder. Rebellious, and while she wouldn’t start a fight, she’d finish one. Uses she/her.
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Hafsia Herzi and Habib Boufares in The Secret of the Grain (Abdellatif Kechiche, 2007) Cast: Habib Boufares, Hafsia Herzi, Farida Benkhetache, Abdelhamid Aktouche, Alice Houri, Bouraouïa Marzouk, Cyril Favre, Leila D'Issernio, Abelkader Djeloulli, Bruno Lochet, Olivier Loustau, Sami Zitouni, Sabrina Ouazani, Mohamed Benabdeslem. Screenplay: Abdellatif Kechiche, Ghalia Lacroix. Cinematography: Lubomir Bakchev. Production design: Benoît Barouh. Film editing: Ghalia Lacroix, Camille Toubis. With its unsparing closeups and its two great extended sequences, the family dinner and the restaurant tryout, The Secret of the Grain is obviously designed to be an immersive film.  Sometimes it calls to mind the Italian neo-realists with its focus on ordinary people and their doggedness in the face of social circumstance, but it's "realer" than those films, with an improvisatory quality in its best scenes that evokes the films of Mike Leigh. Best of all, it plunks you right in the middle of a culture, that of North African immigrants living in France, and lets you find your footing in it. The focus of the film is Slimane (Habib Boufares), a 60-something worker in the shipyards of Sète, a small Mediterranean port city explored more than half a century ago by Agnès Varda in La Point Courte (1955). (In that film the exploration was done by outsiders, a Parisian couple. In this case, the city is seen from the point of view of residents with one foot in their original Arab culture, the other in the adopted culture of France -- people who are both insiders and outsiders.) Slimane is being laid off as the film begins, but he doesn't relish the prospect of retirement. Instead, he wants to open a restaurant on an old ship he has acquired. He's aided in this plan by Rym (Hafsia Herzi), the young daughter of his mistress, who owns the hotel where Slimane lives. Rym helps him put together a prospectus that they present to a skeptical but intrigued bank loan officer. Complications are inevitable because Slimane wants the restaurant to feature couscous and fish as prepared by his ex-wife, Souad (Bouraouïa Marzouk). And so we're drawn into the lives of Slimane's doubly extended family, whom we meet at a dinner in Souad's home. The Franco-Arab mixture is enriched by a touch of Russian: Souad and Slimane's daughter-in-law, Julia (Alice Houri), married to the philandering Majid (Sami Zitouni). These and other characters get introduced to us in various ways, but primarily at the raucous, noisy family dinner. Eventually, Slimane decides that the only way around the bank's reluctance and the bureaucracy's red-tape about permits, is to stage a party on the ship and invite bankers, bureaucrats, and potential investors and to serve them Souad's couscous and fish. Abdellatif Kechiche is a master at working out all the complicated relationships of family and town, and at setting up the eventual roadblocks that constitute the plot, but he also lets his actors carry the emotional burden of the story, which they do superbly. I have to admit that The Secret of the Grain sometimes feels like a party you want to leave but can't. That's partly because of its 151-minute run time -- I felt like it could lose half an hour without diminishing its immersiveness, the suspense of the last section of the film, and its overall tragicomic effect. But I would hate to be the one who had to decide which of its often astonishing scenes to cut.
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sweatybrandon · 5 years
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Loch Etive and a twat of a dog . #lochetive #connel #connelbridge #fallsoflora #oban #argyll #autumn #dog #labrador #scotland #uk #britain (at Loch Etive,) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3pBFXHHFE1/?igshid=1xudeogmxg5k4
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“Apaches” de Romain Quirot - illustrant les gangs de criminels surnommés les “Apaches” sévissant dans le Paris de la Belle Epoque (1900-12) - avec Alice Isaaz, Niels Schneider, Rod Paradot, Bruno Lochet, Dominique Pinon, Artus, Émilie Gavois-Kahn, Antton Bacca, la jeune Chloé Peillex et les participations d'Hugo Becker et Rossy De Palma, mars 2023.
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ramzoozi · 4 years
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® Presents ⠀ UNLIMITED SCOTLAND ® 📸: @karendaly411 📍: #lochetive SELECTED BY| @ramseyselim 🌟 FOLLOW US l @unlimitedscotland TAG US l #unlimitedscotland #scotland ____________________________________________ Love Edinburgh? ♥️ 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 🏰 Follow us @unlimitededinburgh ! ♥️ 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 🏰 ____________________________________________ FAMILY HUBS @unlimitedhubs 🌎 ____________________________________________ AMBASSADORS 🎖 for some of the best traveller photos of Scotland @jaxfrost._ 🌟 @jamieneillscotland 🌟 @mybonnietravels 🌟 @paulwilsonsphotography 🌟 @eddiefitz7 🌟 @stephenwardlaw 🌟 @scottishstoater 🌟 Become an ambassador @unlimitedambassadors 🎖 ____________________________________________ ADMINS | @ramseyselim & @jaxfrost._ ____________________________________________ #igersscotland #visitscotland #スコットランド #reflection #loves_scotland #ਸਕੋਟਲੈਂਡ #instascotland #scotspirit #ilovescotland #scotlandisnow #escocia #ecosse #beautifulscotland #schottland #scozia #اسكتلندا #szkocja #ig_scotland #thisisscotland #苏格兰 #स्कॉटलैंड #igersscotland #scotlandsbeauty #igscotland #Шотландия #unlimitedsoul #thescottishcollective 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 ☥ (at Loch Etive) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBOm59NjQce/?igshid=vm4ivc7jhrua
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charlotteinengland · 7 years
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Just watching the world go by 🍂⛰⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Jumper: @toggiclothing ⠀ Hat & Pin: @toggiclothing ⠀ Boots: @toggiclothing ⠀ Scarf: @toggiclothing ⠀ Jacket: @toggiclothing⠀ Watch: @morrisrichardsonwatches (10% OFF with CHARLOTTE10)⠀ Bag: @tusting ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #toggi #getyourknitsout #countryboots #tusting #morrisrichardsonwatches #fashion #style #hair #fashionblogger #fashionblog #tweed #fblog #countryclothing #countrywear #countrystyle #british #clothing #loch #lochetive #scotland #autumn #countryside #countrylife #countryliving #nature #naturelovers #natureisthebest #photoftheday #instagood #happy (at Loch Etive,)
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