#lmao I need better hobbies…
percy-the-enby · 1 month
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It’s pikachu!
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shhhh he’s trying to tell me something
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I can see it in his eyes.
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blitz0hno · 6 days
I don't want to get off my phone I don't want to stay on my phone I don't want to pump gas I don't want to do deliveries I don't want to get ready for bed I don't want to write anything of substance I don't want to create I don't want to not create I don't want to be here I don't want to go anywhere I don't want to move I don't want to stay still my brain and body seem to simply want to sit here and Yearn
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byanyan · 2 months
...staring at my drafts and realizing i should perhaps consider pausing on answering ask prompts to start getting caught back up on those instead bc the number is back in the 40s & i just found a starter i completely forgot about bc it got lost on the second page :x
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feluka · 1 year
by far my least favourite thing about physical pain is that every time it flares up i foolishly and naïvely think to myself 'well ok maybe i should avoid anything physically demanding for the moment and instead do mental things like study!' but every time i fail because the pain is too distracting to literally even focus on a task or think straight
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moomeecore · 2 years
Lol why do you defend bpd Seek help fr
bpd?? like. like borderline personality disorder? like, the mental disorder? that people have??? "defend bpd"???? DEFEND it?? from what??? abelism??? misinformation?? this ask is kinda mind boggling dude. like wow.
just so u know i am getting help for my multiple mental disorders :) that i have. ik that's not what u meant by "seeking help" but what does that rlly reflect other than ur lack of knowledge on mental health issues? wow i definetly trust you to be super educated on mental disorders considering you used "seek help" as an insult. ur rlly winning me over here.
here's a genuine question for you: have you tried seeking... i don't know... a reputable source on bpd? information on what it actually is, what it actually means to have bpd? or is ur only source of information that's led you to this conclusion.. reddit posts, listsicles abt "how to spot a borderline/narcissist/sociopath uwu" & ur own personal conclusions made from meeting one person w bpd one time ever.
#god i hate ppl like this#and the nerve to swnd an ask abt it. thats so PATHETIC LMAO#u care that much??? u r THAT dedicated to actively hating ppl w a certain mental disorder??#..and u think IM the one who should 'seek help'??#pls try reflecting a little bit. what got u to the point where u#(and ik u did this bc i dont think ive ever said anything else abt bpd)#u saw my comment sympathising w someone w bpd who got a rlly horrible disrespectful ask talking abt how 'evil' ppl w bpd are#CLICKED on my profile. and sent me this ask#ur short sentences and use of lol dont fool me. you are WAY TOO invested and u need to find something else to do w ur life#smthn that dosent hurt ppl! that dossnt spread misinfo or make ppl feel bad or encourage stigma!! maybe try doing a little reaserch paper#on bpd where u make sure to check the credibility of ur sources rather than looking at listicles like 'top 10 signs u know a NARCISSIST!!!#or if that sounds like too much work 4 you ..u could try minding ur FUCKING buisness . log off tumblr & try like#knitting or smthn. idk man. pick up a hobby please. for ur own saks#and for the sake of all the ppl w bpd out there who ur mercilessly treating like shit in order to put urself on a moral pedestal#bc ud rather pick & choose to beleive the 'easy' perception of life where ppl can be diagnosed with Bad Person and u get to feel better#than them .... than educate urself on the real world & accept the reality that things r more nuanced & complexed than that#(this ask didnt actually piss me off as much as it may seem. its p tame. i just have been complaning abt this sort of thing latley#and jumped at the bit to ruthlessly tear apart someone w these sort of beleifs. like u came to me dude lol. thanks for the free invite to#go feral lmaoo)#text
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hwanghyunjinenthusiast · 11 months
Insecurity is a hell of a drug
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arihi · 11 months
There are small quirks about me. Like if my stomach is cold, I’m 80% likely to get a stomachache in the next 30 minutes, or how my hands are pretty consistently warm, and when I start to get sick or feel ill my icy fingers are the first symptom. I’m self-conscious about how my legs look, but bulking up and putting on muscle makes me feel more okay with them. It’s all small stuff, everyone has similar things and they’re not quite unique, but observing them in myself makes me feel like an observable person instead of a zoned-out passenger in my own body going along with the path of least resistance. And it makes me feel more like me. (And I like it.)
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elsolaer · 1 year
i have many thoughts in general but this tidbit from tingyun's voice lines is one of the things i wanna elaborate some more on at some point...
" Every time I head out, I leave a letter behind and lock it in the drawers of my shop. If I come back, then I'll burn it later. If I don't... then it'll be something for others to remember me by."
#OOC.#this post is more of a reminder to myself before i go try to write some stuff for nat and/or stelle#but idk i like her concept of being pacifistic despite the inherent dangers of her position as... basically a galactic ambassador?#it says that most reps take weapons with them but she refuses to because she believes that you should build relationships from a foundation#of peace instead of threat of violence#which has worked in her favor but idk its kinda sombering knowing that she basically leaves her last words in a letter every time sh#e leaves for another planet to do her job because she knows shes leaving herself vulnerable if somebody wanted to do something to hurt her#and she burns it every time she comes back only to rewrite it again months later when she goes on her next trip#xi.anzhou's lore is ROUGH dont get me wrong but theres a lot of fun concepts in there that im smashing together LMAO#also her traveling the way she does opens up so much room to meet literally anybody#its just jarilo-vi right now but as more worlds open up it just gives her more room to work with#also the fact that it opens up a lot of possiblities for world building for her to come to these planets because she's there ON business an#trade & commerce is one of the BIGGEST things a society needs. one decision could steer the entire direction of their society in a complete#y different direction#like even just introducing more leisurely/hobby focused products can be a huge turning point for a war stricken world#or better materials for their tech and their buildings#new crops in exchange for what they have#literally the exchange we see in her lore is her discussing taking just a few samples of a world's plants and growing it on xianzhou for#commercial sale AND that world would recieve shipments of said crops along with wahtever other deals they struck#and blablabla yes i know capitalism whatever. tis the way of the world and i think its really interesting frmo a worldbuilding standpoint#tingyuns a very interesting character because she can change a lot of things in very little time in the big picture#i feel like she's commonly brushed off as a shallow character who doesnt do much but she's one of the most accomplished characters in xian#zhou EASILY#yes you could argue that jing yuan is more because of his general shit or yukong is the helm master blablabla like Yes they are also very#accomplished but she is the literal only reason that the grand fairs are FAMOUS throughout the galaxy. they werent until she took leadershi#she's completed trade missions to SIXTEEN different panets and is implied to have formed alliances with at least a few of them#and was the one to renew xianzhou's mutual alliance with the IPC#i dunno#also i think people see her as way more of a trickster than she is#like ... i thought she was too but she really isn't particularly mischevious? girls tried to leave MULTIPLE times during the story bc she
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xamaxenta · 2 years
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Did I rly just spend two hours taking billions of low res ingame pics because I love Ace and I think he’s mad cute? The answer is yes
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I wanna write so bad but i cant
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Writer’s block can suck my cock
Im sorry to all the unfinished drafts and unanswered asks/requests. Feel so bad but I just got no inspiration or I hate the way I wrote it and wanna make it better but cant
All I want for Christmas is my inspiration and ability to write again
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retro-friki · 1 year
It's so funny to look at my current pfp after voting on a poll. Miorine Rembran very thoughtfully choosing the dumbest possible option available just to commit to the bit.
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byanyan · 11 months
the want to reply to everything all at once so much that you overwhelm urself trying to figure out what to reply to first... so u get tired and frustrated and give up before u can do much at all. that's it, that's what i've been dealing with, i finally figured it out
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lesovoj · 2 years
like im already busy enough but i need to be extra busy by the time PJM1 comes out or i will lose it
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ihopeucomehomesoon · 1 year
to be honest, i need to give up manhwas so i can actually focus on maintaining my study schedule
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workwort · 1 month
wish I had money loll
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guinevereslancelot · 4 months
this eye care routine is a lot
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