#little sis spunky
the-faceless-bride · 10 months
👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨Kiss and make-up 2✂️
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Summary: After Marko's discovery, Spunky and Red haven't argued (yet) and after a bad catfight between Spunky and Big Sis, he thinks it's time to tell the others of his discovery.
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David Pushed Big Sis against the wall, kissing her down her neck, leaving bites as he went along. Dwayne made his way over, David moving to cage her in between them both.
David kissed and sucked while Dwayne fondled and rubbed the most sensitive parts of their wife. "where are my other husbands?" Big Sis joked, "Don't worry darling, you'll see them very soon." Dwayne reassured, Big Sis hummed, finally. A night with just her and her husbands. They continued this lustful dance until they stumble into the main nest for the boys.
But all of a sudden, Big Sis heard an annoying, grading, voice.
"stoaaaAAAHA!-" Little Sis giggled as Marko and Paul kissed, nipped, and licked her skin. Her hair fell in soft curls over her shoulder, her braids were taken out her fluffy scrunchies around Paul and Marko's wrists, "Aww come on sweet cheeks, we're hungry~" Paul teased as he bit down on her toned arm making her squeal in delight.
In a split moment, Little and Big Sis's eyes met.
"what is SHE doing here?"
"Why is she here?!"
They both asked, (spunky Whined)
"Well, we know you've been fighting and budding heads a lot more than usual lately." David started, "And After Marko, kindly explained to us his Amazing discovery." Dwayne continued, "We thought it'd be a good idea to have you... Kiss and make up?"
A long pause before both woman were loudly complaining.
"ENOUGH! Either you girls can play nice and do as we say or we can do this the hard way understand?" Both women looked at each other then at David then back to each other.
It didn't take long to get the girls to play nice, Under the boys influence and the warm fuzzy feeling within them to chase their pleasure.
Spunky had her head buried between Big Sis's thighs, her tongue lapping up her slit before sucking at her clit, moving back to push her tongue into the wet silky walls before repeating. Spunky's nose and chin were covered in sweet shiny nectar. Her hips pushed down into the soft pillow below her.
Big Sis bit her plump lips, she didn't want to give the satisfaction of her noises to tell Spunky she was enjoying it. But Fuck did Spunk' know what she was doing. When did she learn this? Was she always good at this?
The warm fuzzy feeling in her abdomen was so close, but Big Sis groaned when Marko grabbed on of Spunkys Braids and tugged her away from Big Sis's slick pussy.
"up." was all he said, Spunky followed his command.
Marko, being the one to discover this was of making their girls behave got the privilege to control the scene as the boys observed.
Spunky lifted herself, one leg in front of her and the other behind to keep her balanced. Her slit pushed against Big Sis's. Spunky started slow, slow, and controlled movements of her hips as her clit nudged Big Sis's, Spunky found herself looking into Big Sis's Eyes. Spunky found herself enjoying how she looked. She didn't look at Spunky with a look of Hate and disdain. But she looked at Spunky with a look of longing, Spunky knew the look wasn't directly towards her and more of what she could give her. But Spunky found the look enjoyable anyway.
Marko gave her a light tap, Spunky moved her hips faster. Both beauties cried out in want and pleasure. The Shlick sound of their slits pressed together moving to create the perfect pleasure between them.
The sound of their breathy voices and the slick and sloppy sounds of their pussies, along with the faint sounds of Markos' words of encouragement could barely be heard by the two, so focused on chasing the sweet release.
Spunky felt herself slipping and in an attempt to still get the last laugh tried to push Big Sis closer, letting her body fall and matching her soft lips to Big Sis's breast.
The feeling of Spunkys Clit hitting hers and Spunkys tongue and hand teasing her nipples sent her seeing white. Both she and Spunky groaned as they came on each other.
Both bodies lay against each other, Spunky snuggling herself closer to come down from her high.
Big Sis looked down at the little gremlin, She was kind of cute this way. Face not contorted in her normal little snarl, eyes soft and doe like, no quick or snappy attitude, just a soft calm face. Big sis felt her eyes flutter, slowly closing.
"oh giirlss~ don't fall asleep on us now. It's our turn."
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@ghoulgeousimmaculate and here is the Thirst blurb of Spunky and Sis kissing and Making up.
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theslayerbrother · 3 months
Snice nobody have figured it out the Post about the five people and enough have passed i Shall Ravel the Selects
tho blu and Siya were right in their comment lol.
@bluheaven-nimues-bane is the one i Admire because of her Love and Care for the fandom. the fact She is dealing with her own Personal Shit Life but Still make us a great art be there for Jim Siya and My Little Sister is impressive and Something that no one Should take Lightly.
but She is Also Someone i can relate too because we both dealing with her own Personal Shit, we both were Screwed by the Wrong people on this fandom both hate Reddit for it's Stupid takes and toxic people. both Make ourselfs Suffer by blu Watching rott and by me going to reddit.
She is Also the one inspire to be because of inspire to be i wish i have the Same Art Skills and Knowledge of the Show and you much connected towards Aaron and the fandom.
i Respect blu because Despite Rott and how much it hurt her and despite how much there toxic people who put her down She still the angsty overprotective mother that we all know and Love. Plus Also how She is Supportive of other Artist and Keep motives them despite of how much Skill they have or not.
and i find funny how She always put people in reddit in their place.
but overall blu is the one i Admire the Most.
@that-one-clotpole is the one inspire to be, girl is most Spunkiness girl 've Seen not caring what other people think of her she would Still believe what she wanted, She Also don't things too Seriously and always so Chill and Sure of herself. plus she Love my Sis and Jim wanted to be together Despite being unromantic tho.
@theonceandfuturetrollhunter Jimbo is the one i Relate the most having all this emotions clouding our Judgement. plus he both always forget our Stuff could totally unorganized as fuck, both are have hard time talking girls both Suffer for family issues and All of that. make it that Jim is the one that i can understand the Most.
@alix-xer is the one i respect Snice She always was nice to me even if we didn't agree on everything. and how much She care for all of us is Something that i haven't Seen many people Doing and Someone that She Deserve a great Respect for.
and Ofc the one i find funny/making Smile is my Dear Little Dorky Clairebear @shadowdancerthegreat Because of how much She Sometime how She react to Stuff with funny and Weird faces that she is doing plus the chaotic things She does with Jim. and her Crazy Chaotic mind.
So yeah.
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misslavenderlady · 1 year
KARMA - Part 2 😈
Poly!Lost Boys/Female!OC (Mainly David&Marko/OC)
Summary: David and his bride are ready to dish out Marko's punishment for getting out of line. It's designed to bring back some not-so-fond memories of the past, but it's what he deserves.
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LONG FIC ALERT!! This is the second part of a collab series with @ghoulgeousimmaculate. It features her OCs from Party The Pain Away and Little Red (which I highly recommend you read). This has references to her stuff, and takes place in the modern world, not 1987!
WARNINGS: Nsfw/18+ Readers Only, Dark Fic, Sadism, Torture, Cruelty, PTSD, Crying, Blood Drinking, References to trauma, Chains, Bondage, Stabbing, Burning, Holy Water, Drowning, Electrocution, Gore, Body Horror, Blood, Threats, Revenge, Hurt/Comfort
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“David, I can’t do this,” Sis wept as her mate lifted her into his arms. She whimpered, feeling sore from the brutal assault on her body. But David was nothing but tender with her, holding and touching her with the same gentle caress he used when he made love to her.  
“There’s nothing to be afraid of, doll,” David cooed as he carefully carried her to the wheelchair. As David placed her down, she trembled, having flashbacks to when she had ‘fallen’ in the woods, and the boys had to care for her. They were far from kind during that time. 
“Hey,” David whispered in her ear, “Daddy’s got you. You hear me? I’M DADDY, not HIM. I won’t let anything happen to you. We’re using my chair so I can take care of you, Okay?” 
Sis nodded, relaxing with a sigh in his arms before he placed her down. Marko was in a world of trouble. Yes, the boys punished their mates when they broke pack rules, but they tried their best to be empathetic to the traumas of their girls. They did uproot them from humanity after all. Trauma was understandable, but the last thing they wanted to do was trigger pain that would last their mates for eternity. 
David began wheeling his wife through the tunnels, and as they came closer to the toy room, she began to sob and grab at the wheels of the chair. 
“D-daddy, PLEASE, I don’t want to go THERE,” Sis pleaded with tear-streaked cheeks. “I hate that place, please don’t make me.” 
Sighing, David knelt, reaching forward to wipe away her tears with gloved thumbs. 
“Dollface, I know you’ve received many punishments in there, but I’m fair. I was wrong about what happened with Spunky, and as a leader, I realized that. Today, YOU are in control,” he said. “You are the PREDATOR, not him. Think of all the times Marko made you feel small, weak, and helpless. Beautiful, this is your chance to feast on his pain. You have a little bit of him in you, so I know you have an appetite for anguish, and a helping of revenge is a delicacy.” 
“Trust me,” David cooed, “it’s my favorite meal – besides your pretty pussy, of course.” 
Sis smiled, her breath hitching and her eyes dilating as she absorbed David’s words. He could see the unhinged twinkle dance in her eye, her human mask slipping to reveal the bloodthirsty vampiress they nurtured with sadism and cruelty. It was as if his wife had a light switch in her head, the toggle flipping from ‘lady’ to ‘monster’ in seconds. She was a sleeper agent, and David was her handler. She had been activated. 
The platinum blond resumed his place behind her chair, a sadistic smirk forming on his lips as he wheeled the curvy beauty, who giggled uncontrollably as he approached the toy room. The boys heard her feminine, childlike titter, instantly becoming aware of their wife’s current mental state. Things were not pretty when she was like this, especially when she was hungry or WORSE – angry. 
“One, two, Sissy’s comin’ for you~” Paul sing-songed from the other side of the room.  
He and Dwayne had been sitting on a nearby couch and sharing a smoke while keeping an eye on Marko. They weren’t going to give him the chance to potentially escape and get out of his punishment.  
They did their best to keep it lighthearted. Marko had already gotten quite the scolding from them, and that was the nicest thing he was going to get tonight. The moment their wife’s giggles filled the quiet air, they knew trouble was on the way. Paul and Dwayne were just grateful it wasn’t going to be toward them.  
David had their wife in tow as he entered the toy room. His trusty wheelchair was perfect as a temporary throne for the beautiful woman. Though the boys hated seeing the damage that Marko had done, she wasn’t looking as hurt and frightened as she was before. David’s words had truly worked their magic on her, and she wasn’t going to cower at the sight of the toy room as she usually did.  
“Is he ready?” David asked his two brothers. Paul gave a nod before snuffing out his smoke in a nearby ashtray. Dwayne got back on his feet to where the chains were set up. It didn’t take much of his vampiric strength to pull the massive bits of metal down, and lower Marko from the top of the cave ceiling.  
He was still upside down and naked as the day he was born. The silver cuffs had made quite a set of blisters around his wrists and ankles. It made David wince ever so slightly. He couldn’t imagine how bad that felt. But then again, he didn’t care about Marko’s well-being. All that was on his mind was justice for his darling bride and baby. 
Marko’s eyes fluttered open, his daze finally clearing when Sis caught his eye. Flashes of what he did played in his mind. She had looked so helpless underneath him in the nursery. Now she looked like a mighty queen, ready to order whatever she wished to be done to him. 
“H-Hey, beautiful,” Marko croaked out. “You look so radiant tonight....h-have I ever told you how m-much I love you?” 
Four sets of eyes glared at him in disbelief. He could share all the sweet nothings he wanted, but there was not a single thing he could say that would get him out of this punishment. Though they all knew what a sadist Marko truly was, nobody knew it better than the man himself. He remembered every detail of every punishment he made their mates experience.  
The glimmer in his wife’s eyes told him she was going to enjoy seeing it come right back to him. Karma really was a bitch.  
“I love you too, handsome,” Sis purred while she playfully cocked her head to the side, a wry smile on her full lips. “But love is cruel, remember? You gleefully whispered that little gem into my ear two and a half years ago. The night I accidentally set you on fire. I was helpless – mortal. I begged you for mercy, but you still drained me within an inch of my life. I think it’s time to return the favor.”  
Marko’s eyes widened, his gaze falling on his wife’s sadistic grin before he felt her latch onto his throat, the brown-skinned beauty sucking on his flesh ferociously. The boys could barely register how fast she moved, seeing nothing but a blur before she reappeared, attached to Marko like a leech.  
David smiled as Sis fed, her coos of pleasure and her content sighs being music to his ears. The boys were pale, but Marko had become as white as a sheet, the color draining from his already ashen pallor as their wife greedily filled her belly. His face was frozen in horror and his mouth hung agape as he was drained. He was helpless, and there wasn’t anything he could do about it. The curly-haired blond was powerful, but at this moment felt weak as a kitten, his precious strength sliding down his mate’s throat.  
People think that vampires can only be killed with stakes, holy water, and sunlight, but bleeding a vampire is just as severe. Their strength, their life, was in the blood and if a vampire was drained dry, they could also perish.  
Marko was beginning to worry, but his wife graciously released him moments later, throwing her head back in satisfaction as she sighed. David and the boys watched her sinfully glide back to her seat, her injuries stitching themselves together with the help of her mate’s essence. She was young, and would still need to rest and feed again to fully heal, but David was pleased to see an improvement in her spirit.  
The platinum blond lowered his mouth to hers after she settled on his throne, kissing her passionately and licking the blood from her chin. The two broke their embrace, the vixen settling her eyes on a groggy Marko as David massaged her shoulders. 
“Now, you get to walk a mile in my shoes. You get to see what it’s like to be me,” she whispered coldly before turning her head to kiss David’s gloved hand. 
David could barely contain the smile on his face. This was all he ever wanted his beloved wife to be. Confident, powerful, and glowing with bloodlust. All the work he and his boys had put into shaping her into the beast they knew she could be was on full display. He was more than happy to fuel that side of her some more.  
“Now that Marko is nice and weak, I think we can go ahead and get things started, my love,” David cooed. He kissed the top of her forehead before strutting over to his brother. Marko was still looking rather woozy. Sis had done quite a number on him.  
“I have the perfect punishment in mind to remind Marko of his place in our happy little family,” the bleach-blond smirked. “Doll, do you remember that story we told you long ago? The one about how we got our revenge on the traitorous Emerson family?”  
While Sis simply nodded casually, the other three Lost Boys were struck with their own sense of discomfort. The memories of the humans were still so painful to think of, even with the passage of over three decades. They had quenched their thirst for blood that night of the engagement party, but the deaths they had had to suffer before that were pure agony. 
“Well, I told you how we took them down....but I haven’t told you all the details of what they did to us in the first place.”  
“D-David...no...don’t tell me y-you're thinking about....that....” Marko whimpered. He would have taken any other kind of torture. Whippings, beatings, he would even let his wife set him ablaze again. But to experience the taste of death again struck pure terror into his very being.  
The leader crossed his arms, watching his brother squirm at the mere hint of such a thing. It only excited their bride some more. Her sadistic switch was turned up higher from seeing the usually terrifying Marko act so weak. 
“Let me tell you a story, my love,” David began. He sauntered over to the massive wall of toys. Every possible weapon of torture imaginable was ready to go. All he had to do was pick one. “It’s called....The Lost Boys versus The Frog Brothers.” 
“There was a boy named Michael, and he was exceptionally beautiful – baby blue eyes, chiseled jawline, dark curly hair. He was the eldest son of a lovely woman named Lucy, who moved to Santa Carla after a nasty divorce. Little Lucy caught the eye of our father, Max, and ordered us to turn Michael and his brat brother, Sam.”  
“Our lover, the stunning Star,” he mused as he trailed his gloved hand over the nefarious tools, “caught his eye on the boardwalk. He was smitten by her, and we were able to use that to our advantage. Long story short, we entrapped him, turning him with the bottle. But he didn’t accept his fate. He fought back.”  
“Enter the Frog Brothers,” David purred as he pulled down Marko’s favorite wooden paddle, an antique mahogany piece from Venice. “They were friends of Sam, and they managed to infiltrate our home. They stole Star and Laddie away while we slept before turning their weapons on us.” David eyed the intricately decorated paddle, running his fingers over the smooth wood before swiftly cracking it over his knee, splintering the tool of torture into a tool of murder.  
Marko pathetically squealed, his body quaking uncontrollably as he saw the jagged spike from the corner of his eye. Tears flowed from his eyes, rolling down his face and into his brow and scalp as he began to weep. David smiled diabolically while Dwayne and Paul shifted from side to side uncomfortably, the retelling of their attempted murders still fresh and open like a wound.  
“We were sleeping. It was the afternoon, and the Frog Brothers found our chamber.” Sis’ eyes widened, her manicured hand drifting to her plush lips as she let out a gasp.  
“NO.” “Yes, beautiful,” David whispered as he approached Marko with the shard gripped in his hand, “they staked Marko while he was sleeping.” David raised his fist, and Marko squealed, begging for mercy as his body swung back and forth with gravity. 
“DAVID, PLEASE!” Marko wailed. Even in his weakened state, his body was rushing with adrenaline-filled panic. It was all coming back to him. The fiery stabbing sensation of the stake in his heart. How fast the blood poured out of his body. The last minutes of his life were nothing but suffering. He couldn’t possibly go through such trauma again. 
“Dio mio! Vi supplico, abbiate pietà di me!!” 
Marko sobbed out pleas in his native tongue, yet they went on deaf ears. David toyed with him like a cat with a captured mouse. He stabbed at the air on one side. Then he pulled his arm back to do the same with the other side. With every swipe, he got closer and closer to Marko’s flesh.  
Finally, the teasing ceased. The real damage was done.  
David pierced the side of Marko’s chest, slicing through muscle and bone. He purposely picked the side his heart wasn’t on. Marko would survive this gory reenactment, but it would be tormenting for the entire duration. 
“AAAAHHHHH!!!! FUCK!” the vampire cried out. He wriggled and howled, scared like he’d never been before. 
Paul and Dwayne watched on in horror. The boys also carried insufferable memories. Paul still remembered how he sobbed over Marko’s body when the kids got away. Dwayne had to drag him away so they could rest before hunting them down.  
But as much as they wanted to, they couldn’t leave the toy room. They knew they had to be there in case Marko tried to escape. Nobody finished their punishment early. The only way you got out was in death. Those were the rules. 
Sis, on the other hand, was feeling quite differently about the macabre show. Her brown eyes widened and shimmered, completely enchanted by the sight. She was seeing pain and torture through Marko’s eyes now. He had been right all along. It was art. It was passion. 
She needed more. 
“Ooooh Daddy...” she sighed, her undead heart fluttering from how excited she felt. David was so powerful. So suave. He always knew how to give her a good show. “What happened after Marko was staked?”  
“We were devastated, pet,” David cooed as he grabbed the other splintered piece from Marko’s paddle. “I wanted to kill them where they stood, but they fled. I chased them down and grabbed Michael’s little brother, Sam. I almost had him, but the Frogs pulled him into the sun, and I burned my hand.”  
David strolled over to a lit oil drum and set the scrap alight before handing the torch to his wife. “For you, my love.” 
Sis sighed, cat-like purrs rumbling in her chest as she rose from her throne. “Daddy,” she cooed, with an inhuman twang as her eyes blazed gold, “how romantic.” 
“Only the best for you, doll,” David crooned as he accepted his wife’s hand in his, the bleach-blond leading her to Marko.  
They both smiled evilly at him as they circled him, disappearing from his line of sight. Marko could feel their presence behind him, the hellish couple lingering close enough to make him terribly uncomfortable, but standing far away enough that he couldn’t anticipate their next move. He remained as still as possible, trying desperately to tap into his vampiric instincts, but his wife’s feast dulled his senses. 
The vampire yelped when he felt harsh, stinging heat against his fingertips, his wife teasingly running the torch across his hand.  
She pulled back, giggling wickedly at Marko’s reaction, her cackles filling the room for a few minutes before David reeled her in by touching her shoulder. Sis calmed down, purring again as she leaned into David’s touch. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed the platinum blond on the lips before she casually set Marko’s hand on fire. 
The curly-haired blond wailed in pain as she discarded the torch, tossing it into the oil drum. Dwayne and Paul watched in horror as the blaze traveled up Marko’s dangling arm, spreading to his shoulders and neck before catching his curly tendrils.  
Big Sis clapped her hands, jumping up and down with glee as she watched the blaze. David watched her with pride while Dwayne and Paul felt disgusted. Paul gagged as the smell of burnt hair filled the room, while Dwayne looked as if he’d hurl up the Chinese food they ate earlier, the sight of his brother’s melting flesh making him feel ill.  
The boys disposed of many corpses this way, tossing them carelessly into a pit of fire after feeding, but things hit differently when it was one of your own.  
Marko suffered and screamed as the fire scorched massive parts of his body. This was much more than what David had experienced on that faithful day, but he was powerless to stop such punishment. Even if he had the strength to protest, David wouldn’t stand for complaining. He had to suffer with every taste of death he was fed.  
If having his flesh burned wasn’t bad enough, he also had to experience the agony of his body repairing itself. Going through such a thing would be a hell of a lot easier if he was properly fed and energized. The faster it went, the better. But his wife had nearly drained him dry. That meant he had to feel every last nerve, tissue, and inch of skin reform.  
Sis watched in awe, practically bouncing with joy as the charred flesh healed at a snail’s pace. David wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close to his chest as he nuzzled her neck. Normal couples cuddled around a fireplace when they wanted to get cozy. For vampires, you burned someone to get a romantic, roaring fire.  
It took ages, but Marko’s body was mostly back to how it was before. The only minor problems were the makeshift stake still plunged into his chest and his skin scarred and bright pink. Every inch of his body was in terrible pain, yet he was grateful that the fire was gone. When you were tortured for such long periods of time, you had to enjoy the brief seconds of rest while you could. After all, the worst was yet to come. 
“So we slept in the cave. We were waiting for the sun to go down so we could attack the little brats and get our revenge for our dear, departed Marko,” David continued. Marko himself winced from how his brother used such sweet words as he set him up for more torture. He really was an asshole sometimes.  
“We all split up to take on the Frogs and the Emersons. I went for Michael, Dwayne took Sam, and Paul went after the Frogs.” 
David disappeared into the depths of the toy room to find something to go along with the next part of the story. Paul and Dwayne shared a look, feeling anxious about what was next. They still remembered how torturous their own deaths were. None of the Lost Boys had died quickly or painlessly that night, and that wasn’t good news for Marko.  
Sis simply waited for her husband to return with the next set of toys for their “game”. She perked up with curiosity when David came from the shadows with something massive in tow.  
It was a bathtub. One that had been salvaged from over a century ago. It was scuffed up and dusty, but it would do the job as the next prop for David’s tale. 
With the use of his powers, David was able to easily drag the old tub with one hand so he could carry something else on his shoulders. A massive, glass jug with clear liquid sloshing around inside. Both items were carried over to the spot right under Marko. Though David was feeling quite proud of himself, Paul wasn’t doing very well with such a setup. 
“Oh my God, I can’t watch this,” he whimpered, hands shaking in terror. Dwayne swiftly pulled the blond into his arms, facing him away from the sight and comforting him as he kept an eye on the others. He shushed and cooed reassuring words in Paul’s ear all the while. 
David uncorked the large jug, carefully pouring the liquid into the bathtub. The pristine liquid disgustingly mixed with the thick layer of dirt, creating a tan soupy mixture that no one in their right mind would want to be submerged in. 
“What happened next, Daddy?” Sis asked curiously, approaching the tub to survey the filthy concoction. David quickly blocked his wife’s path, turning her body to usher her back to her seat.  
“Careful, my sweet,” David purred as he rubbed her shoulders. “You’ve been through so much today. I wouldn’t forgive myself if you were burned.”  
“Daddy,” Sis asked as she settled down on her throne, “is that—?”  
“Holy water? Yes,” David cooed with a sadistic smirk. “When Paul went after the Frog Brothers, the struggle led to the bathroom where they had a bathtub full of Holy water. The Frogs were children. Amateurs. Paul could have easily ripped them to shreds, but Sam’s dog, Nanook, came to their rescue.”  
“What happened?” Sis asked, leaning forward in suspense. “What did the doggie do?”  
“The doggie pushed Paul into the Holy water,” David informed as he strolled over to the pulley system that secured Marko in place.  
Marko wept, murmuring Paul’s name over and over again, the vampire having flashbacks to his brother’s nearly liquified remains and the sight of watching him slowly grow his flesh back. David and Marko had the most benign injuries, despite them still being traumatizing. They healed first and nursed Paul and Dwayne back to health together. Marko would never forget how he fed sniveling mortals to his brother, the wild-haired blond resembling an emaciated skeleton. He’d never tell the boys, but he occasionally had nightmares about it.  
David lowered Marko towards the vile liquid, and Sis watched with bated breath as his curly locks touched the surface. The ethereal wisps began to sizzle as Marko let out a strangled cry. He felt no pain yet, but it was the anticipation that was killing him. He prayed that David would just get it over already.  
“Am I taking too long for you?” David asked tauntingly, having heard Marko’s thoughts. “If so, I’ll be respectful of your time.” Marko opened his mouth to protest, seconds from apologizing and begging for mercy, but he only received a mouth full of holy water.  
He screamed in pain, inhaling the liquid through his mouth and nose. It BURNED, scalding the delicate mucosa of his nose and throat. The vampire even accidentally swallowed some too, his stomach bubbling with pain as his digestive juices mixed with the holy fluid. And he was only under for a few seconds.  
David pulled him up again, allowing him to gasp and sputter while their wife squealed with delight. He was only allowed a moment's relief before he was submerged once more, David repeating the action over and over, dunking him like a cookie in milk. Marko’s flesh was horribly blistering and melting again, which was infuriating for the blond because he had just healed from being lit ablaze.  
Thie was even worse for him, the holy elixir causing the immortal beast such agony from the inside out. But he deserved it. Sis and the rest of their women loved them. So much that they were even willing to die for them, and he repaid that devotion with such cruelty – too many times he could count.  
But tonight was the magnum opus of his sadism. The boys have bedded many men and women, manipulating their minds with their thrall to fill them with wanton desire before giving them pleasure. Marko didn’t give that courtesy to his own wife, opting to carelessly throw her across the room like garbage. The pain of his scalding flesh was nothing in comparison to having someone you love force themselves on you. 
Paul and Dwayne truly hated every moment of this. It was so conflicting. On the one hand, what Marko did to their wife was truly unforgivable. Even as creatures of the night, they wouldn’t do such a thing to their love. On the other hand, this was truly the most traumatizing torture they had ever conducted in this room.  
The boys could take just about anything and live to see another night. They had immense power that kept them going. But to recreate the worst day of their undead lives? Bring back the memories of what could have been their final moments? It shook them to their very core. Paul wouldn’t look at this. The screams were already bad enough. Dwayne took notice, putting his hands over the blond’s ears to muffle the sound. 
“It’s okay, baby. I got you...” he whispered.  
Flesh dripped from Marko’s body as if it was no different than the water. It was hellish for Marko, but true bliss for the lady. Sis licked her plush lips, a newfound hunger building in her belly. Tasting his blood had been so delicious on her tongue. Now it felt like his pain was the dessert for her meal. If the holy water wasn’t deadly to her as well, she would have loved a taste of the drops Marko’s body left behind. 
David had lost count of how many times he lowered and raised the chains. It was like a fun game to him, seeing his traitorous brother go up and down and up and down. His raspy cackle mixed with the howls that came from Marko’s ruined mouth.  
“STOP! STOP!!! Per favore!!” Marko wailed. 
“Awww okay. I’ll stop,” David smirked.  
He finally raised him up on the chains and let go so that there would be no more dips in the tainted holy water. Marko shivered and sobbed while the platinum blond went to remove the tub and the now-empty jug. David would have to remember to pay off another cop to sneak into the local church to steal more of the stuff the next time a punishment was planned. 
In the brief moment David stepped away, Marko looked at his wife with a pathetic pout stuck on his ruined face. She really did have a huge part of his devious nature in her heart. It was like looking in a mirror.  
“My love....my beauty.....cuore mio,” he said to her. Though it was torture to speak with his throat burned so badly, he had to let his wife know how he felt. “I....I’m so sorry....” 
“Save the waterworks, Marko,” David stopped him. Marko couldn’t see what was happening behind his back, but the way Sis’ eyes widened and her smile grew wider than ever told him that the next act of torture was going to be a particularly bad one.  
Dwayne knew exactly what was next in this unhappy story that David was retelling. He remembered how cocky and stupid he was at the time, letting Sam shoot him into the stereo speakers. When he and the others recovered, he promised himself he would never act so carelessly again. He made sure of it that the night they crashed the engagement party.  
“Our handsome Dwayne was next,” David recited. “Sammy also hit him with some holy water before shooting him in the chest with a bow and arrow. You’ve had quite a bit of staking and swimming already, so I think it’s more fitting that you get to experience the true thing that killed Daddy Dearest.” 
Sis giggled playfully. It was quite fun to hear their shared nickname for the brunet vampire in such a morbid setting. She twirled a lock of hair and batted her beautiful lashes at her husband. 
“What killed him?” 
“I’m so glad you asked, Doll,” David cooed. “It was....electrocution.” 
David revealed a cattle prod. He held the device in his gloved palms, crossing the room and graciously kneeling on one knee to present the tool of torture to his beloved. 
“My Queen,” David crooned, “your scepter awaits.” 
Sis smiled demurely, batting her eyelashes coyly, her baby face juxtaposing the maliciousness in her heart. She accepted the cattle prod with taloned fingers, standing as she analyzed the device. It felt delicate in her hands, light and sleek like a conductor’s baton, but it packed a punch, letting out a zesty zap as she tuned it up.  
The Queen of Santa Carla knew she could orchestrate some fantastic music with her royal ‘scepter.’  
“Oh, Daddy, you give me such nice gifts,” Sis muttered as she toyed with the prod, zapping it obnoxiously in front of Marko’s face, enjoying how he jumped when he heard the sickening crackling sound and how his eyes widened at the flash of light. She teased her naughty husband, running the prod over his still slick melted flesh. He was healing slowly once again, but he was still wet enough for the prod to have some kick.  
“Don’t cry,” Sis cooed as she lowered the cattle prod to Marko’s delicate nipple, “I’m only doing this because I know you can take it.” The vixen chuckled as Marko shook his head, a tear falling from his eye as his words were thrown into his face.  
He’d told Sis that many times when he had her at his mercy. Marko closed his eyes, holding his breath as he felt the prod graze his nipple. It made contact, Big Sis laying her thumb on the power button, releasing 4000 volts of electricity into Marko’s body. The vampire trembled and twitched as the holy water acted as a conductor, amplifying the charge to horrific levels.  
His eyes rolled into the back of his head, and blood poured from his mouth. He had accidentally bit his tongue. Sis held the prod in place for five minutes, giggling as Marko seized through the currents. She pulled back to allow him reprieve and to also admire the gnarly burn mark the prod left behind.  
“You have a new tattoo!” She playfully cooed as she surveyed the wound. “I’m going to give you a few more to match!” Big Sis turned her attention to the other nipple, teasing it pert, and at attention by rubbing the prod over it. When she was satisfied, she conducted her assault, zapping Marko again – and again, AND AGAIN.  
The blond released a pathetic wail before seizing up again, his muscles spasming and jerking awkwardly from her sadistic attention. It was almost as if he was doing a funny dance, his clunky movements blessing her with glee. She began to hum various tunes that she favored, curious to see which songs matched his ‘dance.’  
It was a fun game for her but not for Dwayne. It was now Paul’s turn to comfort him, the memory of his shrieks of pain to the tune of rock and roll flashing in his mind. The pain was tremendous. He’d exploded, his body reduced to dismembered pieces. His limbs and head had to be reattached. He didn’t tell anyone, but he sometimes had headaches. That was never an issue in his life before.  
Sis ceased her assault, Marko’s body now littered with seared circular wounds across his chest and bell. The beauty turned to David with glittering doe eyes, seeking his directive. “What happened next, Daddy?” 
David smiled warmly at his wife. In a sick, twisted kind of way, it all felt like a big bonding experience for the two of them. Though his three brothers each suffered through this dark reenactment, he adored how joyful Sis was acting. This truly was the perfect way to grant her back the power and control that Marko had tried to strip away from her.  
But now it was David's turn to get a little uncomfortable with sharing details about what happened all those years ago. 
He stepped closer to his wife, gently taking the cattle prod away in order to slip his hands over hers. Out of habit, she entwined her fingers with his own, squeezing them lovingly. Even in her deranged state, he knew there was still a hint of that lovely lady he fell in love with years ago.  
“It was me and Michael. The final battle,” David began. No longer was he sharing the story with a theatrical tone. “We tussled around the living room, fighting each other like true vampires. He was so perfect for our family....” 
His voice was soft. Somber. The demented glee in Sis’ mind began to fade when she noticed the genuine pain in his eyes. Though Star had been their lover back then, there was a more genuine heartbreak painted on David’s face when he spoke of what went down with Michael. 
“I....I truly didn’t want to kill him. He was a lot like you. Put up a good fight...protective of his family....and then he shoved me onto a pair of antlers.” 
Dwayne and Paul glanced at one another. Though they loathed how brutal the whole torture session had been, they recognized the vulnerability that David was presenting to their wife. They remembered how bad it hurt to be betrayed and destroyed without a second thought. Michael truly would have been a great brother. An amazing vampire.  
If he had just stopped fighting, they wouldn’t have all gotten hurt. They wouldn’t have had to slaughter his family when they healed. Sis was their second chance, and they couldn’t fathom losing her. 
Which is why Marko had to endure it all. He almost ruined everything. There was absolutely no excuse for what he did.  
With a second wind of rage burning in his heart, David released his wife for a moment to find a very specific tool for Marko’s mutilated body. Something he hadn’t yet used but wanted to give a try with his wife.  
“I want us to do this together, Doll,” David called out to his wife. She tilted her head in curiosity, waiting for her husband to come back into the light. When he did so, he had something in each hand. 
“Gemsbok Antelope. That’s the kind of animal that the antlers belonged to. I can see why Michael’s grandfather liked them so much. They’re incredibly deadly.” 
Sis gawked at the sight of them. They must have been three feet long. The antlers were thick and jagged in a dark, ashen color. The mere thought of David being speared by them made her whimper. Even after all she had witnessed with Marko, she felt hesitation about using such massive things. 
“Oh David....you all went through such awful pain...” 
“And we came back stronger than ever,” David assured her. “We took our revenge for what they did to us. They can never keep us down, my love.” 
The two lovers locked eyes as he held out one of the antlers for her to take. Blue and brown. Each thought the other was truly striking.  
“Don’t you think Marko needs that reminder? That if anyone tries to hurt us, we fight back? Don’t you want to show him just what you can do, my queen?” 
Those words dug deep into Sis’ psyche, teasing her sadistic side once again. The sympathetic side that still held remnants of her humanity was hidden, and a wicked smile pulled at her lips. David knew exactly what she needed. She had to quench this thirst for blood and revenge. She was a phoenix. No matter how much others tried to destroy her, she would rise from the ashes again. 
“Let’s do it, David.” 
Sis caressed David’s cheek lovingly, rubbing her thumb over his pillowy lips before accepting one of the antlers. Running her nimble fingers over the surface, she studied the harsh bone, enamored by its intimidating beauty and its weight in her petite palm. She gripped the horn in both hands before turning to her lover, waiting for his cue before making the journey. 
They had to do it together, just as he said. David nodded, signaling that he was with her every step of the way, putting his horn to the side to walk with his wife, the two approaching Marko with dark expressions.  
Looking at their faces, Marko came to the realization that even though he, Dwayne, and Paul were married and mated to Sis, she was David’s. They were truly a match made in Hell, and they were made for each other in every way. 
Sis raised the Gemsbok over her head, freezing in midair. Her hand jittered, her kind heart slipping through for a moment, but as promised, David was there to support her. The platinum blond slipped his gloved hand over hers, rubbing his thumbs soothingly over her knuckles.  
She could feel the warmth of David’s body on her back and she sighed, relaxing against his chest to gather herself. David kissed her neck, whispering words of encouragement, reminding her of her right as a Queen. To fight back. Marko closed his eyes, muttering a prayer in his native tongue, hoping that anyone in the skies would have mercy on a wretch like him while Dwayne and Paul waited with bated breath. 
The tension was palpable and the suspense was killing everyone, but after a nudge from David's palm, Sis slammed the bone into Marko’s chest, twisting with a manic ferocity, a sickening squelch echoing in the room as she maliciously twisted the horn.  
She’d done it. It was over. Her lip trembled slightly as a tear escaped her eye, and she threw herself into David’s arms, her rage, vulnerability, hurt, and pain pouring out in catharsis. 
“That’s it, my love. You did it. It’s all over now,” David soothed her. His gloved hands rubbed her back gently, comforting her as she went through the rollercoaster of emotions. She was still so young and delicate. It would be decades before she had the strength the boys did to endure all of this extreme torture. But the potential was there. He saw what she was truly capable of with Marko during this entire session.  
“I’m so proud of you,” he purred in her ear. Ever so gentle with his bride, he tilted her chin up, silently telling her to look at him. “You are truly a powerful vampire, doll.” 
When her nerves finally began to settle, David decided to give her a bit of a break from all of this. He slipped his trusty jacket off and laid it over Sis’ shoulders. On her, it looked more like a cape than a coat. It flowed behind her back as he carefully escorted her over to Dwayne and Paul. As he helped guide her, David felt all of his adoration for her build up within his dark heart. She had been through so much, yet she overcame it stronger than ever. He truly did love her.  
Dwayne and Paul held out their arms for her to collapse into. Soft nuzzles and kisses were traded with her, each boy wanting her to feel safe. It had been such an intense night for them all.  
But it wasn’t over yet.  
“Take her back to her nest,” David commanded his two brothers through their mental connection. “I’m going to set up one last surprise for her. Help her freshen up a bit.” 
The two of them gave their leader a nod as they offered their sweet little wife the chance to get some pampering done and to check on her daughter. Such an idea seemed to relax her, and she nodded eagerly, her radiant smile returning once again as she linked her arms with theirs. With a wave to David, the three of them were off.  
“D-David...” an exhausted voice groaned from behind the Head Vampire. With a sinister grin still plastered on his face, David turned around to face Marko. The hanging vampire looked like a bloated corpse. His skin was still half-melted, his flesh mutilated and his blood dripping all over the cave floor. 
“Please......get......me down......” 
The platinum blond didn’t say a word. He simply went back to the spot where he left the other antler. As he picked it up in his hands, memories of his own screams from the white-hot pain they caused him the first time around danced in his head. He had a true taste of death that night. Though he and the others put their wife through the more horrifying experiences to solidify her place by their side, he would never want her to go through what they did. 
And Marko almost ruined it. That was something he was still not ready to forgive.  
“Listen to me carefully,” David sneered. In a flash, he swung around with the antler, letting it face Marko. The battered vampire screamed but silenced himself when the sharp end stopped merely half an inch from his throat.  
“If you ever think of pulling shit like that on our wife again, I will put you through all this again, and make it slow enough to last a whole fucking month. Do you understand?” 
Marko frantically shook his head “yes”, barely missing the weapon each time he moved.  
“I understand! I swear I do! I’ll do anything you want. Anything SHE wants. I know my place, Master!” He babbled in panic. Hearing such things pleased David immensely. At the end of the day, he was indeed the master of all the boys and their mates. He was a king amongst them, and nobody disrespected a king or his queen.  
“Good,” David said. Finally, he tore the antler away, tossing it into the darkness where he had fetched it before. He paid no mind to the massive crash it made onto the ground where it landed. There was no use for it now. In fact, there was something better in mind for the little rule-breaker.  
“The last part of your punishment is the most important one of all,” David began. He made his way back to the pulley system so that he could lower the chains that held Marko in the air. There was still no way the boy would be released yet, but at least he could look at David right-side up. 
“You need a refresher on how we treat our mates in this pack. Sweet little Red has a baby on the way, and you’re going to have to step up in order to take care of your family. Something that doesn’t involve throwing her on the ground in front of your child." 
Marko winced, both from the rough floor of the toy room on his bare knees and from the pain of his body continuing the regeneration process. Still, he didn’t dare stop listening to David.  
“I hope you’re ready to pay attention because the first lesson I’m gonna give you is how to properly lay with your woman~” 
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Tag List: @britany1997 @michael-after-hours @6lostgirl6 @kurt-nightcrawler @bezinful @american-idiot-jpg @vampirefilmlover @legal-lost-boy @crustyraccoon
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loosesodamarble · 27 days
Hiya Erika! For the Oto-May ask game; may I ask for 9, 18, and 24 please 🥺💕?
9) Romantic moment
Wjgfuciwhduwixi! There’s so much romance to be had in dating sims!
But one particular romantic scene that stands out to me comes from Mineo’s route in Collar x Malice. Mineo unloads his backstory on Ichika (Hoshino, not Yami) and she simply listens. She holds his hand. Let’s him squeeze her hand as he gets the words out. Mineo is being vulnerable and while he never did anything wrong outright, he still feels guilt for the past. Subtly romantic moments like this, where one character comforts another, are something I love.
And it’s Mineo’s route so it’s even better!
18) Favorite supporting character
I have a soft spot for supporting characters that are siblings or have a familial bond with the heroine of the game.
As such, one fave supporting character of mine is Miharu from Winter’s Wish!
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Miharu acts like a big sis to the heroine Suzuno. She’s affectionate, spunky, a little teasing at times, and overall looks out for the main character. She appears in every route and contributes in some way, either helping Suzuno in her investigation or being emotional support.
24) Favorite otome
Cinderella Phenomenon is definitely my favorite dating sim that I played on pc.
It’s a straight-forward choice-based dating sim. I’m not totally against stat raisers but saving and reloading files in order to redo stat gains gets annoying. And the game’s story/content is pretty tame compared to a lot of other titles.
Lucette is an incredible mc whose personality is grating at times but her thought process can be funny, she can be dense, and she grows into a much better person. The love interests are all good people (though I disagree with one particular trope one falls into) and I love the way they either challenge or accept Lucette, bringing out changes in her.
I’d honestly recommend it to anyone who wants to get into dating sims (especially since it’s free to play).
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nintendouniverse2023 · 9 months
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Scene I did my OCs in my AU, for their designs and anything, I thought it would be fair if each of the Mario Characters a redesign in my version. Some I design them will be the same but change it up a little bit.
Bio: Tiny takes after her older sister, both being sweet, spunky and able to use their ponytails to fly in the air. Tiny is also a little rascal in her own right, often likes to explore places she's not suppose to but still makes it out alright in the end. She was one of a few of DK’s friends that would ended up in captured by King K Rool and made her quest in DK64. She continues on a few adventures and where she gets along with other members out of the island.
Appearance: Her Classic Hat, White Flower Shitt with a smile face, blue pants and barefooted blue toenails
Voice Actor: Tara Strong
Age: 8
Height: 4.2 ft
Weight: 123 ibs
Personality: Sweet, Spunky, Playful, Rascle anf Native
Favorite Foods: Bananas, Strawberries, Berrys and White Chocolate
Family: Sailor Father and Grumpy Authority Mother *Parents* (Older Sister) Dixie Kong (Cousins) Chunky Kong and Kiddy Kong
Allies: Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Funky Kong, Swanky Kong, Kiddie Kong, Lanky Kong, Chunky Kong, Eddie the Yeti, Bluster Kong *Sometimes for the Both of them*, K.Lumsy, Snide, The Super Mario Bros and Sis, Waluigi, Princess Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, Amatory, Gill Koopa, Kong Clan Members and The Jungle Kingdom Residents
Enemies: King K Rool, Krusha, Klump, Krunch, Kalypso *Frenemy*, Kudgle, Kip, Kass, Kopter, Kremlings Army, Captain Syrup *Sometimes*, Wario, Bowser and his Koopa Empire, Kamek, The Koopalings and Bowser Jr
Likes: Pranking her sister, Being Sneaky, Adventures, Baseball, Party’s and Doing some fashion
Dislikes: Jake in the Box *Thanks to Mad Jack*, Being jealous when Dixie Kong is having all the fun events with DK, Diddy and her other friends with Mario
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Heya! Aerith here, and congratulations for your followers milestone!! May I join the ask game? 💞 . I'd like to request a ship for Teen Wolf, thank you so much ❣️
Preference: Male
Age, Sexuality & Pronouns: 21, Biromantic Pansexual and Genderfluid, He/They (I'm a woman irl)
Appearance and Style (Aesthetic): 5'1.5", Messy brunette medium hair, Chubby, Southeast Asian, Feminine Tomboy, Soft Vintage or Soft Grunge (like Malia Tate's) wearing K-beauty makeup
Sign & MBTI: INFJ, Libra-Scorpio cusp, Slytherin
Traits: 100% ambivert and anxious person with deep and complex mind who open up so easily and doesn't mind to be too vocal when I have to. May act respectful, modest, serious, and kind to strangers but very chaotic, young-at-heart, hyperfocused on fanboying, talkative, laid-back, snarky, sarcastic, clumsy, stubborn, hopeless romantic, and a procrastinator who swears a lot to people I'm close with. Very stressed mom friend plus acts like a baby in the group most of the time and a lazy big sis possessing anger issues and won't hesitate to hate someone if they say something bad to me or to my family or my friends. Also known to be religious, unashamed to be true to myself, confident on my own style, talented and artistic as well, hypersensitive, passionate, determined, and spunky to get what I want.
Likes: making OCs, arts, choir, poetry, karaoke, literature, history, makeup, beauty pageants, random conversations, variety of music (EDM, Kpop, and rock) expanding my knowledge in Christianity, documentaries (about saints), reading interesting stuff, cooking, talking about social issues, and creative writing, chilling both indoors and outdoors
hi :)
cool name, thank you for participating!
i was gonna say stiles, but i think you’re better suited for scott, so i ship you with him!
i think you just kinda remind me of stiles, and you’ve got a lot of his traits. he’s a mom friend, you’re a mom friend, and you stick up for people. i think scott would find you really endearing, you’d remind him of his best friend. he’s not necessarily as nerdy or into pop culture, but i think between kira and stiles, he could be convinced to get into some stuff. i think he’d especially try if he knew it was something you were interested in, and he wanted to impress you or have a common interest. i think just in general, he would think you’re really cool. you give off an energy that seems effortless, and i think he’d find himself drawn to it. i think he’d value that you have faith, and would really respect your authenticity. he’s constantly stressed or worrying about something, always feeling responsible for keeping a happy front while around the group, and i think he wouldn’t feel the need to do that around you.
you’d be in bed, lounging around, and he would just waltz right in, dropping his bag on the floor, pulling out his laptop, and flopping on your bed. he’d ease instantly when he saw you, settling next to you.
you’d raise a brow, pausing whatever you were doing. “um…what are you doing here? not that i don’t want you here, but im confused.”
he’d open his laptop, pulling up a movie. “we’re watching harry potter.”
“oh? which one?”
he’d stop, looking over at you. he’d flush, a little embarrassed. “uh…the one with the flying?”
“they all have flying.”
“…oh. ok fine, i’ll confess. i’ve never seen them before.”
“this and star wars? we’ve got some work to do. sorcerers stone is the first one, there’s 8 movies. we don’t have to watch them all tonight, they’re kinda long, im sure you’ve got better things to do.”
he’d smile, shaking his head. “nope. i’ve got plenty of time for you. get it started, i’ll grab snacks.”
hope you liked it, thank you again for participating :)
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choke-me-joey · 2 years
How do you feel about Y/N being Dustin's older sister or related to one of the main cast in stuff written about Eddie?
honestly when I'm cooking up scenarios in my head because I hate reality and wish to live in my fantasies all the time I always picture myself, Y/N, as either Dustin's older sister or Steve's sister who is a year younger than him!
Being a Henderson works well because you know Dustin would idolise his cool nerdy older sis who taught him about good music and how to play DnD and rents him horror movies and stuff, but also helps him with his homework, protects him etc. I picture them having a super close sibling bond, they don't hate each other like Mike and Nancy, or Lucas and Erica seem to. In fact they rarely ever argue and all of Dustin's friends agree she's rad as hell.
Being a Harrington on the other hand, well I picture them not really getting along until all the crazy shit in Hawkins starts to happen and then they realise how much they care for each other. Steve becomes the protective older brother and Y/N is the spunky little sister with an attitude I love that dynamic. The popular guy and his weird nerdy little sister.
Dustin would be overjoyed that his sis is dating Eddie, like it would be a dream come true. His two fave people together like come on!!
Steve would be less than pleased and would probably give Y/N a hard time about it, but would eventually warm up to the idea.
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my-secret-shame · 2 years
Heya! Aerith here, and congratulations for your followers milestone!! May I join your game too? 🔮 Thank you very much 💓
🔮-> Let The Fates Decide! : Using a random generator I’ll find out who your fictional soulmate is & where you meet (please let me know if you have any specific preferences)
Preference: Male
Age, Sexuality & Pronouns: 21, Biromantic Pansexual and Genderfluid, He/They (I'm a woman irl)
Appearance and Style (Aesthetic): 5'1.5",Messy brunette medium hair, Chubby, Southeast Asian, Feminine Tomboy, Soft Vintage or Soft Grunge (like Malia Tate's style from Teen Wolf) wearing K-beauty makeup
Sign & MBTI: INFJ, Libra-Scorpio cusp, Slytherin
Traits: 100% ambivert and anxious person with deep and complex mind who open up so easily and doesn't mind to be too vocal when I have to. May act respectful, modest, serious, and kind to strangers but very chaotic, young-at-heart, talkative, laid-back, snarky, sarcastic, clumsy, stubborn, hopeless romantic, and a procrastinator who swears a lot to people I'm close with. Very stressed mom friend plus acts like a baby in the group most of the time and a lazy big sis possessing anger issues and won't hesitate to hate someone if they say something bad to me or to my family or my friends. Also known to be unashamed to be true to myself, talented and artistic as well, hypersensitive, passionate, determined, and spunky to get what I want.
Likes: making OCs, arts, choir, poetry, karaoke, literature, history, makeup, beauty pageants, random conversations, variety of music (EDM, Kpop, and rock) expanding my knowledge in Christianity, documentaries (about saints), reading interesting stuff, cooking, talking about social issues, and creative writing, chilling both indoors and outdoors
Your soulmate is: Merlin
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And you met: at the Fire station
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Just having a good old chin wag with the Fates via the stars and they are telling me this:
So in present day, Merlin is still keeping a guard and waiting for the day that Arthur comes back from Avalon.
He's been trying to help out everyday people however he can in the meantime. One of the things he does regularly is casting a few spells (nothing too flashy) on fire engines, insuring that they always reach their destination on time and people aren't hurt.
You run into him one morning, while he is just outside casting.
At first you think he's one of those people that just follow fire engines around, then a fire fighter on his first day who is nervous to come in. After a bit of confusion you both break out laughing.
Thank you so much!
My Secret Shame's Little Party
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natsumigirl100 · 1 month
Chp 2: That’s Entertainment (Part 2)
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The logo for 666 News is shown on a black background, which is followed by the day's newscast.
"Good afternoon, I'm Katie Killjoy." The News lady introduces herself with a big smile on her face.
"And I'm Tom Trench! Chaos out at Pentagram City today as a turf war is raging on the west side!"
An image of Sir Pentious trying to be hip,
followed by a drawing of Cherri flipping the bird is shown.
"Between notable kingpin, Sir Pentious, and self-proclaimed spunky powerhouse, Cherri Bomb!" Tom Trench says.
"That's right, Tom! After the recent Extermination, many areas are now up for grabs! Demons all over Hell are already duking it out to gain new territory!" Katie Killjoy says, agreeing with him.
A live clip of Cherri and Sir Pentious's clash is shown.
"Those two seem to be really going at it, huh?" Tom Trench says, seeing the scene unfold.
"Looks like they're fighting tooth and nail"
Fishes out a tooth and a nail respectively from her mug of coffee.
"For that hot spot!" Katie Killjoy finishes.
She proceeds to swallow said tooth and nail.
Tom Trench looks over at the live broadcast focusing on Cherri. "And I'd sure like to nail her hot spot!" While wiggling his eyebrows. "Hoohoo!"
"Haha, you are a limp-dick jackass, Tom! Or should I say" She pours scalding hot coffee onto his crotch. "no dick?"
Tom Trench curls over in pain. "Ugh...not again!"
Screen shows a picture of Charlie as Tom can still be heard whimpering in pain in the background.
"Coming up next, we have an exclusive interview with the daughter of Hell's own head honcho who's here to discuss her brand new passion project! All that and more, after the break!" Katie Killjoy than crushes her mug in her hand and turns to Trench who's still in pain.
"Suck it up, you little bi-!"
The news cast cuts off and goes on a commercial break. The camera pans out from a nearby screen, focusing on Charlie and her girlfriend as she fixes Charlie's bow.
"Okay! You remember what to say?" Vaggie asks with a exhale.
"Yes! Let's do this!" Charlie says after inhale.
Vaggie states in a serious tone, "Just, look at me and I'll mouth it to you."
"Come on, Vaggie!" Charlie bends backwards "| know what to say! I just feel like we need to.../ don't know," she  grabs and throws a doughnut away. "make things sound more exciting!" She than gasps, "Hooo! What if I si-"
Vaggie cuts Charlie off, "-Sing a song about it?"
"You knew I was gonna say that" Charlie boops Vaggie on the nose.
"Because I know you" Vaggie fixes her bow again. "But, please don't sing!" She than shakes Charlie. "This is serious!"
"Well, you know, I'm better at expressing myself and my goals through song!" Charlie tells Vaggie.
Charlie stands on the table where Razzle and Dazzle are happily munching on doughnuts, watching her.
"But, life isn't a musical, hon." Vaggie says and places her hands on her hips.
"Fine. But. I have these other ideas of what to say!" She starts bouncing a bit as she shows Vaggie a piece of paper. "The highlighted bits are the best part!" Charlie exclaims to Vaggie.
"Uh, it's all highlighted." Vaggie states to Charlie. She than squints at something. "Is this a drawing...?" Vaggie asks.
"Yes! That's the happy ending, see?!" Charlie than begins to fantasize. "Everyone smiling and happy in Heaven!"
Vaggie pinches the bridge of her nose. "I don't think it's that simple. Just please follow the talking points we went over. And"  Vaggie grabs Charlie to face her. "do not sing!" Vaggie instructed.
"Okay, filine." Charlie than uses a manly voice. "I'll just have to resort to my impeccable improve skills!"
Charlie salutes Vaggie as she walks over to Katie Killjoy.
Charlie nervously says, "Hiii I'm Charlie." She tries to go for a handshake with Katie Killjoy.
"Katie Killjoy." She introduces herself, she blows out the smoke of her cigarette. "I'd say it's a pleasure to meet you, but that would be a lie." She throws away her cigarette. "And you can put that away."
Katie Killjoy gestures to Charlie's hand. "I don't touch the gays. I have standards!" She bluntly states.
"Yeah? How's uh... how's that working out for ya?" Charlie asks. She turns to look around nervously.
"Look, my time is money. So, I'll keep this short." She proceeds to poke Charlie. "You're not here because we wanted you here. "You're here because Jeffrey couldn't make it for his cannibal cooking segment."
A billboard of Jeffrey's cannibalism cooking show titled "It's Dahm Good!"can be seen in the background.
"You might be some royal big shot" She fluffs her hair. "but that doesn't mean shit to me. I'm too rich and too influential to give a flying fuck about what some tux-wearing demon" Katie Killjoy does air quotes with her fingers. "'princess' 'wants to advertise."
Tom can be seen shaking his head in disapproval as Katie boasts about her wealth and influence to Charlie.
"But. I-"
Katie Killjoy continues to poke her chest. "So, don't get cute with me, honey, or I will fucking bury you!"
"And we're live!" The News Staff states.
Katie Killjoy rushes back to her desk, holding papers while cracking her neck.
"Welcome back! So, Charlotte!" Katie Killjoy states.
"It's... Charlie." Charlie mutters to Katie Killjoy.
She smiles nervously as a spotlight flashes her way.
"Whatever. Tell us about this new passion project you've been insistently pestering our news station about!" Katie Killjoy states to Charlie. She tries to hold in her outburst by clenching her pen.
Charlie looks around as Vaggie motions her to go on. "Well," Charlie clears throat her and exhales. "as most of you know, I was born here in Hell and growing up, I always tried to see the good in everyone around me."
Katie Killjoy spots a slug and stabs it with her pen, the slug's blood bursts all over.
"Hell is my home and-" she gets slug blood splattered across her cheek which she then wipes off. "you are my people. We... we just went through another Extermination."
Vaggie is seen giving Charlie two thumbs up as Killjoy quickly starts to lose interest.
"We lost so many souls, and it breaks my heart to see my people being slaughtered every year. No one is even given" She slams fist on table, waking Killjoy up. "a chance!" She walks up from Killioy's desk. "I can't stand idly by while the place I live is subjected to such violence! So, I've been thinking: Isn't there a more humane way to hinder overpopulation here in Hell?" She than walks around the audience. "Perhaps we can create an alternative way to change souls through.. redemption?" She throws her arm around one of the News Cast's staff members. "Well, I think yes! So, that's what this project aims to achieve!"
She returns to Killjoy's desk. "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm opening the first of its kind! A hotel that rehabilitates sinners!"
She broadcast is being shown at The Radio Shack, which many other demons are also watching by the streets and everywhere else in Hell.
Charlie starts to lose her confidence. "Y'know? Cause hotels are for people passin' through..temporarily..."
"Ahahaha! IS this girl for real?! She thinks" The Lizard Demon tries to hold in his laughter. "You hear what she thinks?! She thi- HAHA! Ah, she's nuts."
He walks out of The Kaiju Klub with his friends, Zeezi and another demon.
"I think it'll serve a purpose... a place to work toward redemption... yay...!" Charlie says awkwardly.
The scene cuts back to the demons watching her broadcast from The Radio Shack. A mysterious fiqure walks up to see her broadcast alongside a bunch of other demons watching such as Crymini and a handful of others. I
"Stupid bitch." Cameraman Demon mutters out with a snicker.
Vaggie punches the cameraman square in the face.
Charlie looks around, saddened. "Look, every single one of you has something good, deep down inside. I know you do! Maybe I'm not getting through to you."
Razzle and Dazzle are then alerted that Charlie's about to sing and that she may need their back-up vocals.
Vaggie facepalms. "Oh, no...Charlie snaps her fingers as the room turns dark and a spotlight is shown over a piano that Charlie, Razzle and Dazzle start performing on.
Meanwhile, back at The Radio Shack, Alastor and his shadow can be seen tilting their heads curiously as their smiles widen.
"I have a dream, I'm here to tell!" Charlie walks away from the piano as two news staff look at each other. "About a wonderful fantastic new" She takes out a drawing of 'The Happy Hotel'. "hotel!"
"Yes, it's one-of-a-kind! Right here in Hell, catering to a specific clientele" Charlie boops Dazzle's nose.
"Oooh, ooh, ooh~" Razzle and Dazzle sings.
Killjoy is in shock as Trench looks around, confused.
"Inside of every demon is a rainbow" She throws her arm around the necks of two bird demons. "Inside every sinner is a shiny smile" She passes underneath a hellhound's tail. "Inside of every creepy hatchet-wielding maniac is a jolly, happy cupcake-loving child" Charlie hands the masked demon a sparkling cupcake and pats his head.
"We can turn them 'round!" Charlie turns to Killjoy and Trench. "They'll be Heaven-bound! With just a little time, down at The Happy Hotel"
The camera pans to the audience where Vaggie stands with a disappointed expression.
"So, all you junkies" Charlie takes out syringe from a doll demon's head. "freaks" takes a pic with a Siamese twin demon in its cage, "and weirdos" She fends off a several-eved blob demon. "Creepers" She stares at a snail demon out the window. "fuck-ups" She boops a couch demon on the nose, “crooks, and zeroes" she returns the stolen money to charity.
"and down-fallen superheroes"
Charlie throws her hands behind the necks of two supervillain demons, "help is here!" "All of you cretins" She dips her hair into the water by the pier, "sluts" She holds out a pair of panties in disgust*, "and losers" Charlie calls her rival a loser. "sexual deviants" She backs away from the sex offenders. "and boozers" She turns to face a depressed demon. "and prescription drug abusers"
Charlie than throws away the drugs a blue demon is taking into a burning trash can. “need not fear!"
"Forever again" A demon lands on a wheelchair and is pushed by Razzle towards Charlie and Dazzle. "we'll cure your sin" Charlie shows the demon her clipboard. "We'll make you well"
Dazzle injects a happiness serum into the patient, "you'll feel so swell! Right here in Hell" She briefly turns to her full demonic form, "at the Happy Hotel!"
Razzle continues to aggressively play the piano.
Charlie slides over to Killjoy's right. "There'll be no more fire," she slides over to Trench's left. "and no more screams. Just puppy dog kisses"
She holds a dog close to her face, "and cotton candy dreams" Charlie holds out a stick of cotton candy, "and puffy-wuffy clouds" She cuddles both the dog and cotton candy, "you're gonna be like 'Wow!'"
The camera pans out showing the clouds forming the word "Wow!". "Once you check in with meee" She shows a check-in chart.
Vaggie is seen with both her hands covering her face.
"So, all your cartoon p*** addictions" Charlie confiscates a neckbeard demon's cartoon p*** magazine, "vegan rants"
She confiscates a vegan demon's Hellphone and takes a selfie with it. “psychic predictions"
She confiscates the spell books and crystal ball of a psychic demon, ancient “Roman crucifixions" She avoids running into a crucifed demon and knocks over two other crucifed demons, "end right here"  Charlie throws away all the confiscated items off a cliff.
"All you monsters" Charlie clenches the hands of two monstrous demons, "thieves, and crazies" She points finger guns over a dog demon trying to steal baguettes from an insect demon whose hood flares open. "cannibals" She tempts the cannibals with a severed arm on a plate, "and crying babies" Charlie looks at a possum mother and her rabid babies, annoyed, "frothing mouths that's full of rabies filled with cheer" She pulls a hellhound with rabies close to her.
"You'll be complete" Charlie completes a puzzle demon as the camera pans out. "It'll be so neat"
A wrecking ball demon destroys the puzzle demon as Charlie gives two thumbs up. "Our service can't be beat" In her doorman uniform. You'll be on easy street, yes"
Charlie hugs three demons, which include Mimzy. "Life will be sweet"
Charlie turns to her demonic form. "at The Happy Hoteeel"
She twirls happily in flames as she jumps up, revealing a land made of candies and sweets behind her. "Yeah!"
Charlie ends her singing, she seemed rather exhausted as everyone in the news station looks at her with disgust and disbelief.
"Wow! ...That was shit!" The Top Hat Demon states out-loud.
Everyone in the audience including Killjoy and Trench begin to laugh at Charlie.
Charlie looks crushed and devastated and slumps back down to her seat. There was a boo section in the news and the demons look uninterested.
"Booooo!" Blue Flame Demon spoke, giving a deadpan look.
"What in the Nine Circles makes you think a single denizen of Hell would give two shits about becoming a better person?! You have no proof that this little experiment even works! You want people to be good?! Just... because?!"Katie Killjoy says and continues to laugh.
"Well, we have a patron already, who believes in our cause and he's shown incredible progress!" Charlie announces.
Katie Killjoy feigns in shock. "Oh? And who might that be?" Katie Killjoy ask.
Charlie tries to look smug and confident. "Oh, just someone named... Angel Dust!"
"The p*** star?" Tom Trench asks.
Katie Killjoy turns to him menacingly. "You fucking would, Tom!" She than  turns back to Charlie. "In any case, that's not even an accomplishment. I'm sure you could get that hooker to do anything with enough booger sugar and lube" She starts doing a motion doing a hand***.
"Oh, I beg to differ!" Charlie begins to count on her fingers. "He's been behaved, clean, and out of trouble for two weeks now." Charlie states.
Katie Killjoy than shoves Charlie off her desk once hearing the New Staff saying, "Breaking News!"
"We are receiving word that a new player has entered the ongoing turf war! Let's go to the live feed." Katie Killjoy says.
The live feed shows Angel Dust stepping on an Egg Boy and throwing a grenade over at Sir Pentious with visible laughter in the background as Charlie stares at the screen in defeat.
"Oh shit." Charlie mutters out.
Angel Dust in the background than says, "I'm a bad person!"
"'Oh, shit' indeed! It looks like the one who just joined the battle is none other than" She feigns a gasp. "p*** actor, Angel Dust!"
It turns to Charlie as she shakes her fist.
"What a juicy coincidence! You must feel really stupid, right now." Katie Killjoy says to Charlie with a happy smile on her lips.
Killjoy and Trench proceed to laugh at Charlie. Killjoy and Trench does Jazz hands. "Ratings!" They both exclaimed happily.
Charlie stares at the live feed in distress and attempts to block it from the audience's view.
"Don't look at this!" Charlie states to the audience.
"Well, it sure looks like your little project is dead on arrival." Katie Killjoy says to Charlie.
She than looms over Charlie.
"Tell us, how does it feel to be a total failure?" She asks.
Everyone in the room starts bursting into fits of laughter.
Charlie tries to think of a comeback.
"Yeah, well..." Charlie looks around. "How does it feel that I got your pen, huh?" Charlie asks in anger. She grabs Katie Killjoy's ballpen. "Bitch!"
Everybody instantly stops laughing while Katie Killjoy and Tom Trench give her the death stare.
Charlie nervously chuckles. "Ehehe..."
She quickly puts pen back down. “OopS." Charlie says with a sheepish grin.
Tom Trench runs off set. Katie Killjoy's demonic form reveals itself as she looms over Charlie,
from the shadows...
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the-faceless-bride · 1 year
I don't give a single fuck
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More on Spunky!! A bit on her backstory, why she is the way she is, aaaannnd how she met the boys.
Poly lost boys x Oc! Spunky reader
Mostly focused on Spunky and who she is as a person.
This universe was created by the beautiful mind of @ghoulgeousimmaculate this is the fic with Spunky
You woke up, hair a mess and falling over your face. You squint turning away from the ray of sun that snuck in through your window curtain; you groaned at the idea of getting up.
But you couldn't stay in bed... You had important things today. You never thought you would be living in Santa Carla without your Mom and siblings yet here you were. You and your boyfriend took the first opportunity to get away from your families. Longer wanting to deal with the yelling and occasional threatening, you turn over facing the love of your life.
"hi," you say smiling at him, stretching and moving to get up. You grab two scrunchies you left on your bedstand putting your hair into two messy buns, "ready to meet the gang and wait for the big light show tonight?" you only get a groan and a "five more minutes."
You get up moving to the bathroom to fully get ready, as you walk in you make eye contact with your empty pill bottle. You haven't been able to get a refill in a while, having just packed up and left. You shake your head, it's fin. You've been fine for like four days now! Not a single anger outburst, no fights, no yelling.
You were proud of yourself, normally you were always so angry but you've done better. With him. Some people think you depend too much on him... But it was love... Right? You were allowed to be a little dependent on him for emotional reasons... Right?
Plus he has never seen you at your worst, the most he has seen you was taking deep breaths, crying, or just being quiet so everything seemed to be going just fine.
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You went all day joking with friends and clinging to your boyfriend, everything was going well... Until you overheard some surfers talking with someone who was meant to be your best friend.
Everything she was saying was making you angry... About how much of a snobby bitch you were, how she thinks you were on drugs now to explain your calm behavior the best few months, how she took pride in someone having you follow her around as a 'best friend' for so long and you not being smart enough to catch on... How she was shocked your boyfriend hadn't packed his things and run away yet.
You just saw red. A burning red, the color of blood. You just remember screaming and cussing as you threw a punch before bending you grab her legs and slamming her down in the middle of the blinding lights of the boardwalk. Some of the boys she was talking to had started recording and the others got the attention of your other two friends and your boyfriend.
Them calling your name was going in one ear and out the other. How dare she? She knows you've struggled with your emotions, growing up and being told almost every day of your life.
"don't cry, it makes you look weak."
"don't you give me your fake tears, you start crying and I'll give you a reason to cry!"
"the way you act is disgusting, the way you try to get others attention like that."
"why do you act that way?"
"why can't you just ever be happy?"
"Why can't you just be like your sister?"
Why. Why. Why. Why. Why!!
You were just not good enough, Just never good enough for anyone! Not your family! Not your friends! And no one ever asked you how you felt! You were just always meant to be happy or show no emotion at all! Well fuck that!
You liked this! You like being able to feel! You liked being angry! You liked that feeling of being strong! Your mom was wrong! The angry feeling... The anger you feel isn't weak.... It's powerful.
The one thing that fraught you back was the sickening crack that came from your now ex-best friend's nose.
The noise of the boardwalk came flooding back to you. The sound of people worrying for the bloodied girl that lay under you, the sound coming from someone or two?... Laughing? Cheering. You looked to the sound seeing two blondes who seemed to have found this all very entertaining...
Then you met the eyes of your boyfriend... And suddenly you didn't enjoy your anger anymore.
Not only him but the only two friends you had were looking at you like... You were a monster. You looked down and saw the damage you'd done, she looked awful; blood ran down her face most of it coming from her now contorted broken nose and into her mouth leading down her chin, cuts of her face from the custom rings you always wore and tears streamed down her face. She was a mess. You did that?
You didn't even think you just ran off and kept running until you got away from the loud sounds of the boardwalk. You sat on the cool sand, elbows propped up on your knees as you held your head, God... Maybe your mom was right.
"that was one hell of a show!" an overexcited voice called out, "Damn right Marko, that was badass!" another excited voice responded, you looked up and met eyes with two blondes... The same blondes that were encouraging your anger on the boardwalk. "the hell do you want." you asked, making it as clear as possible that you were not in the mood.
"Oh, no need to get hostile on us." the blonde with ocean-blue eyes said as he took a seat next to you, his curly-haired friend following shortly after. "tsk-" was your only response, who the hell did these guys think they were?
"ha! You're a Spunky one aren't you?" the curly blonde purred, clearly enjoying the attitude. Weirdos... "don't worry, Spunk is good. It's powerful, it's amazing... It's hot." The other blonde added, "I'm Paul by the way, that there is Marko." Paul introduced, Marko giving you a cherub-like grin. You guess they were kinda cute... "yeah well, I'm glad you enjoyed the show. That's the last you two are ever gonna see it." you sass and their eyes seemed to spark with something that wasn't so apparent a moment ago, "is that so?" Marko asked, "Damn so." you get making your way back home.
Marko and Paul looked at each other... Yeah. They liked you, they were gonna see that spunk a lot more. They were gonna ask David to keep you...
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You made it home, walking into your bathroom you now start cleaning the dried blood off your knuckles and rings; before splashing some cold water on your face.
You looked at yourself in the mirror replaying everything that happened today. That feeling started coming back. Your eyes stung, the white of your eyes slowly reddening as you looked in the mirror, "don't...Don't. you. Dare. Fucking. Cry."
You take some deep breaths before going into your bedroom... You found your boyfriend packing a bag. "what are you doing." your boyfriend let out a small gasp and turned around, fuck. You didn't mean for that question to come out less of a question and more of a demand, it came out harsh and almost cold.
"Nothing, I just... I have to go." what? He had to go? Go where? You left here together because you had similar issues and understood each other... Why would he wanna go back? "no." he looked nervous, "look I just have to go alright? It's nothing you did I just-" "NO!" he jumped back, shocked by your outburst. "I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY ARE YOU LEAVING IF I DID NOTHING WRONG?! WHERE ARE YOU GOING? WHY ARE YOU LEAVING? I THOUGHT YOU LIKED ME!!" your anger was quickly increasing and your voice getting louder and louder. "look just calm down! I just- fuck! You're just too much alright!?" you stare at him, unblinking trying to keep the tears from falling but failing anyway only succeeding in pissing you off even more. "what do you mean I'm too much." if he wasn't scared before he was now. He was disturbed by the way you just went from screaming, frantic and angry. To quiet, staring, and seemingly calm by the delivery of your question.
"I just... Tonight, I saw you... The real you... And well, it's the same thing I was trying to get away from. You beat her... Knocking out her tooth breaking her nose and you didn't even blink... That... That isn't who I thought you were."
You didn't wanna hear this. Yet another person telling you that something was wrong with you. They had something that apparently you are missing.
"but I- I can change I..." he just zipped his back, "I'm sorry. But I just... I can't." he walked past you, and you followed him all the way to the door.
He gave you a last look as he took hold of the door handle, you shook your head lip trembling. You didn't want him to go, but you didn't wanna speak; if you did you knew you'd start crying. That's the last thing you wanted to do.
But he didn't stay, he opened the door and left... And your breath goes heavy and your teeth ground together. And everything you've been bottling for the past few months exploded.
You let out a cry, that red color coming back to you. You smashed a photo, and you felt better. You flipped the table over, you felt a little better. fuck it.
You started destroying everything you could reach. "you hate me?! Huh?!" "you wish I was different?!" you started ranting, you knew he couldn't hear you. You didn't give a single fuck. "well fuck. You! I like this! I like being like this! Keeps fuckfaces like you away! It keeps backstabbing cunts like that bitch on the boardwalk away! I like being angry! I'm proud that I'm as strong as I am! You don't like it?! You can go! Fuck! Your!self!"
You stood in the middle of your chaos. Flipped furniture, broken glass, pulled-out drawers, and the contents spilled out.
It felt good to take it all out. All that anger you had no longer pit on you and instead the things and the ones around you.
You took deep breaths, before sitting on the floor in the middle of everything in your living room, unknowing of the four sets of glowing eyes that watched from the window.
You had come to accept that this is your life. This is who you are, and one day when that someone comes along that can accept you and all your anger, you'd never leave their side; but until then you were on your own and You were angry, you liked making others angry, you liked the feeling of having that power, and you weren't gonna apologize to fuck for it. You smiled with a chuckle, yeah.
You were gonna be a real bitch...And you were gonna enjoy every second of it.
And that concludes the backstory of ✨Little sis Spunky ✨
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Thank you for reading
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devouredher · 5 months
@pageofpenandfables cont. from here
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while it was hidden from where he stood behind his sister carson had a smirk riding deep into his features, listening to how easily the two of them got a rise out of her - making it all too easy to hear what they really wanted to hear. her admitting where she'd been made carson's eyes narrow down at her, gaze riding down any bare skin to look for marks he'd be urged to punish her for. sure the twins fucked other people, with and without each other, but they'd both considered lola to be theirs - their perfect spunky little fuck toy to enjoy, not some random troll who didn't know what her cunt was capable of. when she reached to grab at christian's wrist carson let his hands slip under her dress, dragging his fingers over the bare flesh of her backside before taking a strong grip on her hips, practically ripping her backwards to close off the last few inches between them, "aww, all that and she's just jealous we haven't played with our big sister lately. how selfish of us to leave you desperate enough to let just anyone inside you.. poor little thing.." carson mused in a dark tone, his waist grinding into her ass as he reached around enough to give a warning slap to her cunt, soothing the sting by letting his palm rest flat against her folds, slowly dragging against her clit.
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"don't worry, we can make time to play with you... clearly you need it. considering this loser you let fuck you left you all pent up and frustrated." christian chuckled, not fighting off her hold but letting his free hand reach up to cup around her jaw, bringing her in close enough to let his lips ghost over hers and he offered the sternly spoken words, "but maybe you don't deserve it, maybe you don't deserve how hard we make you cum if it's so easy for you to go off being a little slut. do tell, big sis, did he scratch that itch? did he give you what you really need?"
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she was always going to be ganged up on by them no matter how hard she tried. that was just the reality of two against one. it doesn't matter if she was their oldest sister. they have always treated her as if they had more authority over her. more power. she suppose in someway they do. and she wont ever voice it out loud, but she secretly enjoyed having both her brothers be so possessive over her. perhaps that is the real reason why she slept with another man tonight. why she did such a horrible job at hiding it. she wanted to be reminded that she belonged to them. "if you both are just gonna continue being mean to me, i can just leave and go back to the guy that fucked me." she turned her head slightly to look back at carson before yelping at the harsh slap to her bare cunt. her eyes changed in seconds from complete anger to desperate and needy, as he caressed her wet folds and to her clit. her hold around christian's wrist loosened before completely dropping her hand to her side as he forced her to bring her face near his, lips so close to touching. lola knew better than to keep pushing christian, but she was so angry at him. at them both that she couldn't help it. "why? so you can keep calling me a slut? want to punish me for letting someone else fuck my pussy?" she let out a laugh as one hand reached down his pants, while the other reached behind to cup carson's crotch. "you want to blame someone, blame yourselves. you keep fucking other people, i will too. because you're right. i was jealous. and that's not fair to me."
0 notes
majachee · 1 year
idr what apollos like but what's your of of his sis?
Artemis is a LOT more chill than her brother. She has a fair bit of spunk to her but she's not, like, committing war crimes like Apollo is in the Underworld(s) 💀
She's part of the small group of gods who are taking an active role in trying to figure out what's changing the perceived flow of fate and other disruptions worldwide. Doesn't get a lot of screentime until after the 3rd arc where the focus finally shifts to Ra's disappearance and Apollo's underwordly activities.
On the surface she appears spunky and helpful and nothing more, but beneath surface level she struggles with emotional regulation and a conflicted feeling of overprotectiveness for her wayward bound twin brother.
Seeing your closest sibling go down a self destructive path and become a close-minded shitty person, yet still viewing them as someone who needs your protection is... yummy. Narratively speaking. And Artemis here struggles with that horrifying reality; that Apollo both is and isn't recognizable, that he grew into this desperate, selfish monster in what felt like seconds. He both is and isn't her smaller, younger twin brother in the same breath.
She wants to hug him and aid him to stop his suffering, but she can't. Because he's hurting people and himself.
Putting a lot of my own sisterly feelings into her, though thankfully my little sister is very sweet :^)
Still developing her so there isn't much but :3cc hehe angst
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thelegendofsplattim · 2 years
Chapter 7: Rethink
After school the next day, I went back to Inkopolis Square and sat by the manhole cover, waiting for Fuchsia to arrive. I felt a little guilty as I sat there, as I left for school before Rose even woke up, but I'm sure she didn't mind... did she?
Either way, I was taken out of my thoughts when the manhole cover opened; Fuchsia's head poking out of it. "S-sorry I'm late!" She says. I smile to her. "No worries." I say, pulling a set of gear out of my bag. "Put these on." Fuchsia nods and ducks back under the manhole to change, then popped back up shortly after. What I gave her wasn't anything fancy; it was just a Basic Tee and a pair of Cream High-Tops that I had gotten when I first got to Inkopolis.
I bend over to give her a hand, and hoist her up out of the manhole. She shields her eyes from the sun, which, even though it's starting to set, is still brighter than most of the lights in Octo Canyon (from what I saw, anyway).
Now under the light of the sun, she does a little twirl, admiring her new clothes. "Would ya look at that, it fits you like a glove." I say. "Not bad for an old hand-me-down." I mutter under my breath. She smiles, her eyes glimmering in the sunlight. "I like it!" She says. "It's um... Oh gosh, how do you say it... Fresh?" She looks at me nervously, as if she was afraid that she just defiled the whole Inkling race or something. "No, no, you got it!" I say, reassuring her. She breathes a sigh of relief.
Afterwards, we head to a nearby café, where I told Mina to meet us earlier. We were around halfway there when we ran into Rose. "Oh, uh, hey sis." I say nervously. I quickly glance over to Fuchsia whose face has gone pale; her body trembling slightly. Understandably so, as she was staring down the six barrels of a Splatling yesterday. Rose raises her eyebrow at Fuchsia, something undoubtedly going through her mind. After a second, she holds her hand out to Fuchsia.
"I think we got off to a bad start yesterday." Says Rose. "My name's Rose. What's yours?" Fuchsia quickly glances to me, then cautiously shakes Rose's hand. "M-my name is F-Fuchsia." She says, slowly shaking Rose's hand. "I-it's a pleasure to meet you, R-Rose."
Rose's POV; Several hours earlier...
"Gah!" I startle awake, breathing heavily, thankful that it was just a dream. Or rather, a nightmare. Being in the military takes a toll on your sanity, so I was glad to have a break, even if it wasn’t for very long.
Sluggishly, I get out of bed and get dressed, heading out of my room with a big yawn. As I eat my breakfast, I notice that there was no sign of Scarlet anywhere. "I guess she left for school already." I think to myself, a little guilty that I wasn't able to say goodbye. "Oh well, I can still go and meet her after school."
After I finish my food, I kiss grandma goodbye, and head out to the city to run some errands; and find something to keep myself occupied for the next six hours. As the day went on, I couldn’t help but think about how much must've gone on between the last time Scarlet and I saw each other, and now. It's kind of amazing how she turned out to be the spunky little kid she is now, considering her only parental figure was grandma, who, being brutally honest, isn't always there sometimes.
Y'know, I kinda wonder how mom would've felt, seeing her kids all grown up now...
Uh, sorry 'bout that. Anyway, a few hours later, I head to the Inkblot Art Academy campus to pick up Scarlet, only to find that she's once again not there. "Weird." I think to myself. "Maybe she's hanging out with a friend somewhere?" I figure that's the most likely option, and decide that maybe I should head back home.
Well, I'd say that, if my stomach didn't do the talking first.
"Change of plans: go grab something to eat." Just then, I remember a café that someone told me about earlier, and decide to maybe stop by there for a bite.
I'm around halfway there when I run into Scarlet, who was hanging out with... that Octoling from yesterday. "Oh, uh, hey sis." Says Scarlet, giving me a nervous smile. Her friend, on the other hand, looked downright terrified; her skin a sickly pale and her whole body trembling, as if she'd met the Grim Reaper or something. Although, thinking back to how I acted yesterday, that description wasn't far off.
I raise my eyebrow at the Octoling, wondering what she's doing up here on the surface, but at the same time, I can't help but think a little bit. Given that my sister is hanging out with her right now, maybe she had something to do with it. And if she did, then maybe she trusted the Octoling enough to risk bringing her up here. Maybe I should just play along; see where it goes.
After a second, I hold out my hand for the Octoling to shake. "I think we got off to a bad start yesterday." I say. "My name's Rose. What's yours?" The Octoling quickly glances to Scarlet before cautiously shaking my hand. "M-my name is F-Fuchsia. I-it's a pleasure to meet you, R-Rose." She says, her voice making it clear that she was still a little scared of me. Though, it didn't look like she had any bad intentions, or anything. "Maybe she's not so bad after all." I think to myself.
"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Fuchsia." I say, shaking her hand a little faster and smiling, to show that there's nothing for her to be afraid of. And well, she calmed down a little. 
"So, where are you two going?" I ask. "We were just going to the café around the corner." Says Scarlet, pointing in the direction of the café. "Wanna come?" I shrug. "Sure. I mean, I was heading there anyway." 
Scarlet's POV
So, we continued the rest of the way there with Rose by our side. I glance to Fuchsia momentarily, and it looks like she's calming down a bit; as the color starts to return to her face, and she's not trembling as much anymore. Though I was tempted to ask Rose about her sudden change of heart, I figured that was a topic for when we get home.
"Hey, Red!" Says Mina, at the café. Smiling, I go up to her, ready to give her my usual high-five, but when I go for it, she moves her hand out of the way at the last second. "Nope, too slow." She says. I chuckle a bit. "Alright, alright. Sorry I'm late." I say, sitting down at the table, and motioning for Fuchsia and Rose to join us.
"It's alright..." Mina says, noticing Fuchsia. "Who's your friend there?" She asks. Fuchsia then goes up to Mina, with her hand out for her to shake. 
"My n-name is Fuchsia. W-what's yours?" Mina smiles, and shakes her hand. "Mina." She responds. "Nice to meet you." Fuchsia smiles sheepishly. "You t-too, although I w-wish it weren't under these circumstances..." Mina raises her eyebrow at the comment and turns to me, to which I take a deep breath. 
"Listen, we need to talk." I say, my voice more serious than most people are used to. Mina's face turns more serious as well, catching on to the fact that this isn't just some friendly gathering. "What's up?" She says, taking a sip of her drink, which, knowing her, is probably hot chocolate or something.
I take a seat at the table and show Mina my phone; on it were pictures I took of the assassination documents Fuchsia showed me yesterday.
As I explained the situation, I could tell Rose was wondering how I figured this out, and just wasn't saying anything. On the other hand, I could practically see Mina's gears turning; her brain going into overdrive. "So, let me get this straight: an assassin is after me and my entire family?" Asks Mina, trying to wrap her head around everything. I nod. "Pretty much." Rose leans forward. "So, what's the plan, then?" She asks. "Cause I know that none of us are just gonna stand there and let this happen." Mina thinks for a second and pulls out a sketchpad, scribbling down a plan almost immediately. "Well, I have one idea... But it's risky, and we only get one shot." She says, adjusting her glasses a little. 
"W-well, let us hear it, then." Fuchsia says. "Because at t-this point, any idea would be welcome."
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WarioWare Character Analysis: Mona
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It took a little longer than expected, but here we are at the second part of this series, all about Wario's perfect co-star: Mona!
More than any other character, Mona sparks a lot of discussion on how she is portrayed and I have some things to say about that discussion, which we'll get to soon.
Mega Microgames:
We are introduced to Mona in this game and it's still a portrayel people heavily latch onto, myself included.
In her own story, Mona is late for work and get's in trouble with the police due to driving over the speed limit. She ends up evading the cops thanks to her pet monkey and makes it to work just in time. She later stands out as the only one during the ending who chases after Wario, when he tries to make off with everyone's earnings.
Her microgames are centered around strange things or everyday things with a strange twist. On top of that the official diaries on the japanese website further go into how she loves noses (especially Wario's) and considers moth larvaes her favorite animals.
Right off the bat, Mona is established as adventerous, spunky, being willing to call Wario out despite her admiration for him and having both a love for the strange and a bit of a rebellious streak.
Mona being in high-school is also established as early as the diaries. I have choice words on why I think it undermines Mona's character, but it is part of a point I will get into later.
Both manuals and the official diary also establish her own love for money and that Wario has taken her on some treasure hunts before. She is also shown to very much be a cool big sis for Kat, Ana and 9-Volt in the diary entries.
In addition, her intermission involves her showing off different outfits and the diaries establish her mother as a super model. Keep that in mind for later.
More than anyone else introduced in this game, I feel Mona is pretty well established early on, lots of little and bigger things to note, which we will come back to later.
Mega Party Games:
While Mona is largely not part of the story, she does appear during the Cast Roll, seemingly working as a waitress now, establishing her job hopping tendencies. This is also the first game where Mona takes over manual narration for Wario for a while, a trend that would continue into the next three games.
Mona is first seen coming to Crygor's lab with 9-Volt and later, along with 9-Volt, 18-Volt, Kat and Ana, joins Orbulon on a cruise with his ship. It's subtle, but seeing her hang out with the kid characters so much is a first in-game indicator of her sisterly relationship with them.
In her own story, Mona now works as a pizza delivery girl and get's into a fight on the streets with Pizza Dinosaur, which she manages to come out on top of, thanks to her pets and Joe.
Not too much to add. Another new job, another road rage adventure. Classic Mona.
This time, Mona works as a rock-star and get's into conflict on the streets with Vanessa and her mooks, which she manages to come out on top of. She does bail during her concert though, since she still has pizzas to deliver.
In many ways a repeat of Twisted, but the ending does show off nicely just how many jobs she juggles.
Also, her intermission is her showing off outfits again. Keep that in mind.
Smooth Moves:
Mona cheers on a football player in her high-school team. That's it, she's not even really the focus of her own story. We do get to see her at another new job though, in Young Cricket's story, which is also the final time we'll see her bandmates and the last apperance of her pets for quite some time.
More notably is the japanese Smooth Moves website, where a in-character blog entry by Mona has her voice how she empathizes with Ashley's loneliness due to her own parents being busy. Big Sis Mona back at it.
This is also the first game to give Mona new voice lines and while it still seems to be Leslie Swan voicing her, she is voiced in a distinctly younger, higher pitched fashion, in contrast to her very mature sounding original clips. Keep that in mind.
The only thing to really talk about is the intro. Mona helps out Wario and clearly admires him. Nothing new.
Mona is among the WarioWare Inc. employees to have left the company for this game, to work for Diamond Software, which is implied to be run by Joe.
In her own story, Mona is now treasure hunting on her own with Joe as a cameraman, exploring ancient temples and selling the treasure for profit. This is very in-line with what we heard before.
Additionally, with themes being back, her microgames are back to the original Strange theme.
Game & Wario:
Mona is now working as a photojournalist, taking photos of criminals at the scene of crime and getting them arrested. She also hosts the Mona Superscoop extra, a series of her talking about Diamond City residents, linked to the different games available in G&W.
Mona also recieves the most notable redesign of the cast, a move that also marks a trend of her design being made to look more distinctly youthful. Some of that may also be a result of the Rhythm Heaven artstyle, but with the later games in mind, it feels deliberate.
WarioWare Gold:
In this game, Mona is introduced during the intro, asking Wario what her doing something for him will pay. A nice little reminder of her own love for money and willingness to push Wario for her due payment.
In her own story, she goes to Joe's new clothing shop, to get herself a new dress for a party and all her animations during the stage are her showing off outfits (sound familiar?). She also get's a chance to gush over Wario again.
She also shows up for the first remix stage, helping to make Joe's club a success and wishing Wario was there.
In her character cards, we learn she admires Wario for his treasure hunting skills and is an aspiring adventurer herself, something DIY and past statements very much support.
Mona has been redesigned again for the new style, now looking a lot like her original look, but with a more modest one-piece dress and without her helmet. Once more, she looks more youthful than before.
In addition, she has a new VA Stephanie Sheh, who makes her sound youthful, but more mature than Leslie's 2006-2013 performance, as I see it.
WarioWare Get It Together:
Mona's own story revolves around her pets making a mess in her room. She gives them a very savage order to clean up (boomerang toss and a VERY angry face), only to have the same thing happen again next day.
If anything, GiT really brings back Mona's temper, we also see it when Wario says he is starting to find the corrupted game world not that bad or when everyone get's mad at Wario when it turns out he created the bugs by accident.
Her prezzie preferences pretty much play into everything we know about Mona. Weird things, fashion, Wario and anything that relates to her past jobs. We also see that she has a plush of the Rhythm Tweezers veggie in her room, on top of photos of Wario, Kat, Ana, 9-Volt and 18-Volt, once more affirming her affection for Wario and her younger friends.
This is also the first time we see her home, which not only is styled after her past jobs and love for the strange, but also the first time the games have ever shown her being wealthy. Past supplementary materials alluded to it, but as with here, it's not made a big deal of. Given how it's styled after her, the house also seems to belong to her, meaning she likely lives on her own.
So. The question is: Has Mona Changed?
One thing that has indeed changed a bit is her job hopping being downplayed, it's certainly still referenced, but neither Gold nor GiT give her a new occupation.
Beyond that though, to be honest, Mona has stayed largely the same.
A big argument I tend to hear is that GiT and Gold girly-fy and cuti-fy her too much, but I gotta be real, all of that was always there.
Even prior to Gold, her appearance and voice have been made to be more youthful and while I could write an entire essay on why the angle of her being in high-school sucks, it was always there and blatantly there to appeal to popular cute girl tropes in Japan.
You got that, her being in a maid outfit in Mega Party Games' cast roll, her being a cheerleader in Smooth Moves, her sparkly anime girl eyes in Snapped, WARIO HIMSELF calling her cute in his final Mega Microgames intermission and the list goes on and on. Being cute was always a aspect of her character that was strongly emphasized.
The focus on fashion in her Gold story get's heat from people unhappy with current Mona, but bluntly put, this was always a trait of her's, there is a reason I asked anyone reading to keep her Mega Microgames and Touched intermissions in mind. I'll also add that one of her intermission outfits in the first game is a school girl uniform:
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Her cuteness and girlyness was always there.
As far as everything else is concerned, Mona has remained the same. She is still very active, nice, but has her limits, is good with the kids, likes money, Wario and weird things. GiT even emphasizes her temper more than any other game, even the original.
The way some traits have been portrayed may have shifted a tad and I have my own preferences, but on the whole I really don't agree that Mona has changed much or been watered down.
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sakuramidnight15 · 2 years
-HSA OC Information-
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Character Bio
Name: Doremi Lennon
(Japanese: ドレミレノン)
Romaji: Doremi Renon
Quote: "Okay then! Let's paint the whole town wild!"
V/A: Nana Mizuki (Japanese)
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Birthday: March 2
Star Sign: Pisces
Eye Color: Yale Blue (Her Normal Eye Color)
Tourmaline Black (Second Eye Color and Half-Myth power activation)
Hair Color: Philadelphia Blue
Height: 168 cm
Race: Half Human, Half Myth/Hybrid
Species: Lernaean Hydra
Homeland: Summerville (The second country in the Island of Enchantment)
Family: Hannah Lennon (Mother)
Lei Tolentino (Mother)
Dio Tolentino (Older Brother)
Yuana Lennon (Grandmother)
School Status and Fun Facts
Dorm: Inkorama (@leonasbitties)
School Year: Second
Class: 2-D (Same Class with Yuzuki and Jovanni)
Student no. 20 (A transfer student)
Occupation: Student
Street Artist
DJ Remixer and Rapper (In Secret)
Official Agent/Assassin of the SIDC (Meaning: Supernaturals Investigation Department Center)
Club: Art and Photography Club
Best Subject: Art, Science, and Hand to Hand combat
Dominant Hand: Right (Secretly an Ambidextrous)
Favorite Color: Light Grey and Dark Blue
Favorite Food: Salty French Fries, Squid Rings, Canned Sardines, Japanese Food,
Least Favorite Food: Anything not Flavoured, Dried Frog Meat, Lemonade,
Likes: Positivity, Music (Mostly on Rock/Mental, Remixes or etc), Video Games, Anime and Manga, Creative Painting Ideas, Paint Splat Games,
Dislikes: Negativity, Loud Noises, Freya and Saburou's Arguments, Mocked, Usual Chaos, Interruption, Getting Scolded, Getting Elijah or Hibiki Pissed Off at her, Being Late,
Hobbies: Playing Video Games, Street Painting, Making Songs (Mostly), Remixing Songs, Making Rhymed Lyrics, Assassin's Assistance, Manga Hunting (Mostly), Breakdancing (Mostly), Skateboarding or Rollar-skating,
Talents: Transforming into her half-myth form, Water Abilities, Gun Skills, Canon Gun Blows, Assassin Skills, Summoning Large Tentacles on her back (twelve total but can summon two), Voice Manipulation,
Nicknames: Dore or Dori (From her family and friends)
Little Sis or Little Brat (From her older brother)
Doremi-senpai or Lennon-senpai (From the freshmen students and mostly for Lynn and her friends)
Mrs. Lennon (From the SIDC workers and trainers)
Idiot (From Hibiki,or Yuzuki, mostly)
Stupid (From Elijah, mostly)
Other Nicknames:
Appearance and Personality
Appearance: Doremi has a average but slender female body build, far distance she looks rather curvy though. She has long philadelphia blue hair which she ties it into two low ponytails which it reaches to the bottom of her feet. She has yale blue colored eyes which they can turn into tourmaline black when using her myth abilities. Doremi is a spunky and cool-type of girl, but she can be rather dumb and troublesome.
Personality: Doremi is born as the first daughter and youngest child in her family, with her older brother as the only boy in the family and lives in most decent parts of the city in Summerville, perhaps the same district to find Jovanni's place just a couple of blocks away. Her family runs a painting shop for street artists and painters to get supplies.
Doremi is definitely a 'going-all-out' type of female teenager, definitely a cool-type but often gets into a lot of trouble, mostly for her one of her two mothers, older brother or grandmother to scold her for being so reckless onto anything that catches her interest or fun. Sometimes, she can be rather mischievous or sly, it mostly annoyed Hibiki and Yuzuki.
She's mostly seen with her half-myth friends but is also another individual to get into a ton of trouble, mostly for Freya and her group as well.
Aside from being dumb and stupid, she has her reasons which stated to her the honest truths with a smiling face, which no one can ignore them, plus she never even lie when it comes to the real ordeal, but will lie if necessary, to anything serious.
If you get close to her, Doremi would still be the same as usual except she might get your attention aside from her friends and time to spend with her on anything. Which could lead you both into a lot of trouble indeed, you're gonna have to thank her for that.
Like a few of her friends, she too is a SIDC official in the company, but she's in Elijah's rank. To my surprise, she can get serious on any missions… A little too serious though, tends to mess things up at the slightest touch.
Do try not to break her trust in you. Despite being a idiotically a mess and also a dumb girl that can attract trouble. Doremi knows how to put something as an obstacle before she can trust you, play a little game till you break and that's how Doremi will decide her answer.
End them emotionally or physically, that's her choice to make. That's how she plays her cards fairly onto someone like you if you dare to try. She'll squeeze them till you're out of breath.
Welp, a loveable but an idiot type of sunshine… Can someone stop her from making even more chaos here now?
-The name 'Doremi' is from Japanese 一 (do) meaning "one" or 瞳 (do) meaning "pupil of the eye", 二 (re) meaning "two", 麗 (re) meaning "beautiful, lovely", 憐 (re) meaning "pity, sympathize" or 澪 (re) meaning "waterway, channel" combined with 三 (mi) meaning "three" or 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful". While her surname 'Lennon' Irish Gaelic. Origin. Meaning. "Cloak"; "blackbird"; "lover".
-She based on Goggles (From Splatoon Manga Series), Genderbend Boyfriend (From FNF Mods), and Finnian (From Black Butler)
-She and Hibiki often argues a lot especially at anything due to her idiotic tendencies, perhaps second from Saburou and Freya's fighting.
-Always forgets to zip her jacket from time to time and always comes late, Elijah, Yuzuki scold her for it. But Hibiki did most of it.
-Often plays video games with Freya at Tetravania.
-An expert painter in the dorm, some of her dorm mates might need to catch up with her energy and stupidity.
-She has terrifying strength that is being anyone's imagination. Is cable of lifting anyone heavy without a single struggle.
-Was a victim of food poisoning during a skate boarding contest during a break from someone, received a five day hospitalization.
-Is a pro at handling cannon-type weapons during missions.
-She too is capable of controlling twelve of her large tentacles. Perhaps a little bigger than Manase's.
-On weekends, she does a lot anime and manga hunting on her free time.
-Might have taught Lynette a few of drills and her strength after meeting her.
-She and Fuyuhiko got along thanks to Elijah due to remixing music's and rap battles the three made alongside with Whitney. Fuyuhiko called her 'Queen Rapper'.
-Doremi, Nerine, Kiara, and Cynthia often make music together at the lake.
-Her voice sounds cheery and fun but the time changes when it comes to trust. Which is why I chose Nana Mizuki to be her voice actor.
-Pretty forgetful at anything.
-Causes a bit of trouble for Hibiki and Yuzuki, much to the two boys dismay.
-She and Jovanni are in good terms cause they like make and wear cool-type clothing.
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mmprviolet · 2 years
OC: Pixie
Age: 30s~40
Species: Humanoid Borg
Birthplace: Unknown Site
Current place: Radopolis
Occupation: Agent, homemaker
Family: Coop (husband), Slider (son)
Friends: The Cybersquad, Dr. Marbles, Motherboard, Wicked (formerly)
Enemies: The Hacker, Buzz and Delete
Physical Appearance: Pixie is a brown skinned woman with pink hair and brown eyes. She looks like a regular human. Her agent attire consists of a blue catsuit, matching boots and gloves. Her casual outfit is a blue and white striped shirt and cyan cargo pants.
Cyber Fairy: Rainbow costume with lilac trim and light blue wings. Her hair also changes to Cyan
Powers/Abilities: Pixie is athletic and able to perform flips and hand to hand moves. She is also a master of disguise, proficient math skills and photographic memory.
Transformatron: Using the power of this machine she transforms into a Cyber Fairy and fights Hacker. She gains the ability to summon force fields, flight, and healing wave. However this is only temporary and she is restored back to normal after defeating Hacker.
Background: As a young borg she found work under Motherboard as an agent, going from site to site to make sure they were running correctly. It was during one of these trips she met Coop during a trip to Radopolis for an assignment. According to her she was impressed by his skateboarding skills. Soon she found out that Coop is the assignment; he was an inventor alongside his business partner Hacker. After the completion Pixie would make regular visits back to Radopolis. What started as casual friendship turned into deep romantic attraction.
Marriage/Family: Some years later Coop and Pixie got married and settled in Radopolis. As Pixie was still working for Motherboard with a baby on a way she opted to retire and let a new agent take her place. While they often struggled with the shop, the small family managed to stay afloat and be content with their lives. Until a jealous Hacker got in the way.
When Slider was a little over 10, Coop suddenly disappeared. Pixie went though resources to try to find her husband to no avail. He did leave her clues, but they went nowhere; Heartbroken Pixie was about to give up until ome day she received a note from a stranger. Her husband was still alive but SOMETHING happened to him and he refuses to make real contact as to protect her and Slider. This news At a time when Hacker began his reign of terror throughout the universe, made Pixie realize that he had did something to Coop. But she couldn't fight him on her own. So she waited in secret, continuing om with taking care of Slider and running Coop's shop. Then a trio of children from another world came into her life..
Personality: Pixie is an kind and caring who has a thirst for adventure. In her youth she was spunky and even rebellious, though greatly mellowed out after having Slider. While she can be doting she's over a bit smothering. Pixie feels regrets for not doing enough to stand up to Hacker and she expressed caution over letting children fight their battles. She has no issue with PDA - as the kids and Digit learned the hard way. Pixie has a thing for snark, especially at Hacker's expense. She seems to empathize with Buzz and Delete, so she stealthy attempts to get them to quit Hacker for good.
Pixie is one of my few OCs/SIs who are explicitly a parent
She was made so that an adult character can watch over the kids so like a guide&mentor
She and Wicked were friends once
Hacker had a crush on her: he often visited her shop to coerce her into a date following Coop's disappearance. He only views bagging her as one final jab against Coop.
Additionally Wicked broke things off bc she thought Pixie was trying to steal Hacker away from her. Things only get cleared up after Pixie stated that the feeling is NOT mutual.
Coop proposed to her in Creech's site; their honeymoon was in Sensible Flats
Coop decided on Slider's name; which means in vase they have another kid she'll get to name them this time
Pixie does not have a voice claim
Her favorite math subject is Pythagorean Theorems; her least favorite is Division
Her favorite food is pancakes and her favorite movie is Pretty Woman
Her natural hair is wavy/curly though she often straightens it. It poofs back up in humid/watery environments
Dr Marbles was her grade school teacher and closest father figure
She refers to the Cybersquad as her babies
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