#listen johnny and daniel are just so gay
pinkmanswrld · 1 year
ok bare with me...
this might sound crazy...
but what if...
or better yet
try to tell me im wrong. BC I AM NOT.
i need some fanart of this or like a fanfic or smth.
also idk if anyone has thought of this yet, but if I am the first I AM A GENIUS
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what kind of music would each of the hamilton kids listen to
I spent like the entire hour walking home thinking about this question and I decided to make "what kind" of music into actual artists and shit so it's easier??
Also, these are my modern interpretations, don't attack me, idk man😭😭
Philip- Thinks amateur sound cloud rappers are good. Unironically listens to Glorb and gay rap paradies (idk how to spell). Adding Snoop Dogg in.
Angelica- Actually no clue?? I know a particular blog who would give a good (and funny) answer about this. But for now I'm just gonna say C. Love or something...I probably just butchered it
Alex Jr- Insane Clown Posse. But he had a really angsty phase where he only listened to Juice Wrld and Lil Peep
James- Had to think a little more about this. And I chose Eminem. Listens to Sexyy Red but doesn't let that information get out to anyone
John- The Smiths. He's just that guy. Might go far and say Weezer.
William- Johnny Cash and Toby Keith?? And then listens to only The Devil Went Down to Georgia by Charlie Daniels
Eliza Jr- God. Listens to those Fnaf songs. Maybe even welcome to the underground. And those rap battles between shows and historical figures. One song in particular, the obnoxious Breaking Bad parody song
Pip 2- No clue again. None. Maybe a swiftie. He's just..?? Whatever comes onto the radio??
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zannolin · 3 months
Top 5 tkk lawrusso moments
perhaps i am stretching the definition of lawrusso but i do what i want their love language is violence anyway
5. tbh first meeting is iconic. johnny's face when daniel socks him in the nose is SO funny i think about it like once a week 4. does halloween end terribly? yes. do i still love when daniel does his stupid little peek over the top of the bathroom stall as johnny is obliviously rolling his joint? also yes. 3. when daniel goes to the dojo for the first time and they catch sight of each other across the room and johnny just like ??? smirks at him like a gay as hell loser???? yes. that. 2. listen i know it's a deleted scene but that stupid cafeteria squabble with the blueberry whatever is fucking hysterical to me 1. did you really think i was gonna put anything but "you're alright larusso" here?
honorable mention for the lockers deleted scene tho.
ask me my top five anything!
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I'd like to sleep in 'til two on a Sunday (And listen to the bluebirds sigh)
https://ift.tt/MEhskIV by eresphere The only thing that motivated him to get up anymore was the coffee shop down the road. It was only a small business, maybe 3 booths and as many tables and chairs crammed into the place as possible without being too crowded up, but it was remarkably homely. It smelled of sweet cinnamon and coffee, and there were pot plants on the till, fresh flowers on the tables. Or, Johnny has a run-in with the new cute barista at his local coffee shop and for some reason, he can't stop thinking about him. Words: 1690, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Karate Kid (Movies), Cobra Kai (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Daniel LaRusso, Johnny Lawrence, Ali Mills (Karate Kid) Relationships: Daniel LaRusso/Johnny Lawrence, Johnny Lawrence & Ali Mills, Daniel LaRusso & Ali Mills Additional Tags: Johnny Lawrence is Bad at Feelings, Bisexual Johnny Lawrence, POV Johnny Lawrence, Gay Daniel LaRusso, Protective Daniel LaRusso, daniel is just living life being silly being broke, and johnny comes ramming in like FUCK YOU, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Coffee Shops, daniel is a cute barista and johnny is a disgruntled regular, theyre so silly i love them guys, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, no beta we die like i wish terry silver did, Enemies to Lovers, Slow Burn source https://archiveofourown.org/works/50133361 September 16, 2023 at 08:35PM
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variousqueerthings · 2 years
@le-red-queen hey listen, listen imagine you’ve only seen s1-3 and you’ve got a six month wait to s4.
you’re waiting for season 4 and you’re thinking, “okay johnny genuinely seems to want to be in a relationship with a woman, so presumably in s4 we’re going to see how that relationship works, because he’s been in (granted failed) relationships in the past and is trying to get into a relationship/going on dates now and yeah, it makes sense he’d think of carmen, because she’s sweet and he wants the best for her and he already gets on well with her son, and sure maybe “I love you” is a bit extreme (especially since he’s also just been wondering if he maybe should give it a go with his ex from highschool who popped up in town again), but he hasn’t dated in awhile and he’s not very emotionally developed, the point is, the point! Is! That! he’ll actually be dating carmen in s4 (the first woman we’ve actually seen him in a relationship with in canon -- ali and shannon were already in the past when we met them -- and shannon appears to be the only “proper” relationship he’s had as an adult and it went... you know...)
so we’ll see the natural progression of:
man goes on some dates with various women and then he and his neighbour think “hey this could be something” to exploring what that “something looks like -- in s3 we even got that cute double-date with daniel and amanda, where she teaches him some dance moves (genuinely Cute, actually gets carmen out of the house!).
and you know why?
because he’s so obsessed with this other guy who has low/highkey been on his mind since highschool and THEIR changing relationship is taking up so much more of his brain space (and he WANTS it to, to be clear -- he doesn’t know he wants it to, but he sure does think about it day and night)
he’s not trying to be mean to this lovely woman, but getting into a relationship with her made the ideal of Being In A Relationship With A Woman a reality and he just
doesn’t engage with that reality
instead he engages (mentally, physically, emotionally) with the relationship with this other man -- both when it works (the two of them training together, making dinner together, training each other, the reconciliation end s4, etc) and when it doesn’t (what should we tell the kids? the daniel and johnny re-match, the training to beat him at the all-valley, etc). This is the relationship that he cares about in s4 -- not because he’s trying to be mean, but he’s just not very self-aware of what it is his body does/drives him towards
and on top of that the sheer amount of mentions of men, idolations of men, and general sense of his focus on masculinity is taken to 1000
and just to give it an extra push, we get an in-your-face scene of him being unable to have sex with this lovely woman (which I am now obsessed with calling the “noble look of suffering” or “the Joan of Arc look” thank you @bobakick and @nomercyonlytears and @libertinepast and @dull-c) because of all of the above
so look, yes s1-3 I figured “I can read this guy as bi,” and did so during the break between s3 and s4
but when s4 dropped, everything before then was put into a whole new context in my (and I think some others) brain
LAST THING: billy even called the relationship between daniel and johnny in s4 a “shotgun vegas wedding” (paraphrasing) so reading in that romantic connotation to their interactions is very near the surface/intentional
TL;DR s1-3 suggests an ongoing narrative of johnny being in some way interested in women, and particularly carmen, as a way of furthering his character development, but season 4 gave all the romantic context (and arguably sexual context) to his perception of men generally and daniel specifically
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puella-peanut · 8 months
Who do you think is gay/not straight in Cobra Kai?
Listen, Anon. I (personally) don’t believe that any character, outside of those specifically mentioned/shown (Moon for example)—is anything but straight in canon. 
Cobra Kai’s characters, 99% of them, are written as your average heterosexual person so as not to offend certain people. In fanfic land, make them what you want to be! But in the actual show, they’re (99% of them anyways) straight. 
This is definitely not the show you want to watch or get into for representation in terms of gender, sexual orientation, or…other—as there is none! Unless you count some rather forced scenes where the character has to outright state they’re not straight, or kiss someone of the same gender or something to prove their gayness. In a better written shown, we’d be shown and not told these things, and these characters would be better integrated into the story instead of just being played for laughs, or a punchline, or a shallow relationship reveal. But this is Cobra Kai so…🙄
So no, I don’t personally think 99% of characters in the show are anything but straight. Kreese and Terry are simply the (formerly) classic comrades in arms; a dime a dozen trope that can easily be found in any war movie or classic literature. Daniel and Johnny are part-time rivals, full-time frenemies, and the Betty and Veronica type of snippy best buddies (eventually). Terry is deeply unhinged and obsessed with Daniel, but that comes from instability, and serious mental-health/psychological problems, not anything romantic…unfortunately. Tory does not have big violent gay feelings for Sam, and Carmen and Amanda don’t have steamy dalliances on the lowkey. 
The CK writers would never, sadly! HBOMax on the other hand…😏💯
Ah, well. At least there is fanfic for all your shipping needs!
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merv606 · 9 months
Mercy’s Chapter 20
“I was only doing as you asked… I listened to you.”
Please. You stomped off like a child, pissed off, and already planning his destruction.
“I’m sorry if you felt negelcted…Your true nature…”
Ugh, this man is so twisted, and he twists everything.
This man’s name may be Silver but he is GOLD in Olympic Mental Gymnastics.
Trust me, my dude, it’s not neglect Daniel feels.
“There’s no such thing as a fair fight.”
Baby, don’t fall into his crazy! Maybe there are no fair fights, that don’t mean you can’t level the playing field — guys like Terry Silver find out just how good they’re NOT when you level the field.
That’s why he’s not playing fair - he knows Daniel would never choose him if it were truly his choice.
“Not quite the words he would use but he lets it go — the way you have to in situations like these.”
He made a very wise choice in not arguing with Terry’s delusion. It’s the first rule of any psychologist/therapist - never argue with the patient’s delusion. You will not win. Maybe THAT’S what he should be saying while he’s escaping, “Don’t worry, babe - just need some fresh air. Oh this crowbar? Security guard knocked himself out with it, I’ll hold on to it, make sure he doesn’t do it again. I *promise* I’ll be back as soon as I’m done shopping for our anniversary gift!…. Hello, police?”
But, no restraint, the bathroom door, AND a reduction in medication? … be very very careful, Daniel.
God this makes me cry - makes me think of those lyrics in Girls Just Wanna Fun - “Some boys take a beautiful girl, and hide her away from the rest of the world. Well not me, I wanna be the one in the sun.” This captures Daniel perfectly right now.
Ok, question - will Daniel get a personal “bodyguard” aka handler to help keep him in line? Or is Terry too paranoid/jealous to ever let anyone else near Daniel?
Be super funny if it turned out to be a busted-out Kreese.
“He was going to kill me!!!”
“But, sweetheart, I know for a fact he has no inappropriate feelings towards you, and he knows what will happen to him if he so much as scratches you.”
Segue Q: How would Kreese feel about Terry being in love with Daniel? I imagine this would inspire a special kind of rage, knowing Daniel’s stolen Johnny AND Terry’s loyalties.
That’s a good question - I think he would want someone who maybe does keep an eye on Daniel when he goes out, even for safety reasons - he’s a paranoid man when it comes to his boy BUT Terry would probably make sure it was the straightest man to ever straight or the gayest women to ever gay lol
I don’t know if he would trust Kreese around Daniel - in terms of his safety - TBH.
Probably for the reason you mentioned above although, I don’t think Kreese really cares for anyone / he just keeps people around based on their use to him.
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sensei-venus · 2 years
But I do agree, they should just all date each other. Give Daniel a run for his money and confuse the hell our of Johnny while they're at it
The fact that I can see Miguel trying to explain it to Johnny like he's a toddler and him just not getting it. Daniel feels like he is losing brain cells watching it happen.
Johnny: “Ok I'm trying to get this whole lbtg-”
Miguel: “Sensei it's LGBTQ+.”
Johnny: “...... Can't y'all just be one gay at this point so I don't have too keep trying to memorize all this shit.”
Daniel just standing in the background listening:
Tumblr media
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lupinblacktheone · 2 years
All the love in the world
            The minute Johnny showed up at the doorstep with a little package in his arms, Laura fell in love again.
            Since Johnny and Sid — thankfully — wouldn’t be around the baby all the time, she gladly jumped into the role of the main caretaker. She sang him lullabies, fixed his meals, played with him, took him in outings — no matter how much money her husband had, Laura Lawrence believed in buying her own groceries —, helped him with homework and listened to his long speeches about his concerns and dreams.
            Her friends were always talking about her being too old to raise another child, but she couldn’t care less. No one, except for her — and occasionally Johnny — would be able to take proper care of her precious Robby.
            Growing up, Robby was proud to help and take care of Laura, gladly helping her carry shopping bags, reminding her to take her medicines, cooking for her every now and then and when he got his license, he insisted on driving her anywhere she needed to go — even though he got bored to death by church services.
            When Johnny told his son that he decided to move in with his boyfriend and asked him if he would like to go as well, Robby was happy for his father. Daniel was a good person and his daughter, Samantha, was fun to hang out with, not to mention that Daniel liked to talk about old cars with Robby.
            However, when it came to telling Sid and Laura, things got a little… tense. They knew and expected that Sid would react badly, to say the least, but weren’t so sure about Laura. Over the years, Robby had heard pastors yelling at the top of their lungs that being gay was a sin. Most of the people listening seemed to agree with them, exchanging rumors and gossip about each other’s children who were queer — as if anyone of them actually knew what “queer” meant — and a few older men here and there — some of them even were pastors! — who had affairs with other men and thought no one knew. Laura had never said a word about it.
            “I want you to have dinner upstairs tonight”, Johnny said as they were labeling the last boxes in Robby’s room.
            They had been packing their stuff and taking it to Daniel’s house, little by little, just to make sure they had somewhere to go after Sid inevitably kicked them out.
            “No way! I will be there with you. To give you emotional support, you know?”
            “Thanks, kid. It really means a lot.”
            “I know.”
            After that, Robby made Johnny play Mortal Kombat with him. The old man will never admit it, but he kind of liked the game and the distraction provided by the colorful pixeled images and loud sounds worked miracles to him.
            “So, just so you know…”, he said at the dinner table. “I’m not straight. Never was. And I have a boyfriend. Robby and I will be moving to his house tonight.”
            “I always knew there was something wrong with you”, Sid mumbled and went back to drinking whatever was in his glass.
            Laura, on the other hand, said nothing.
            On his first day living with the LaRussos, Robby replayed that dinner over and over again, wondering if talking to Laura beforehand would have made things better or worse. On day two, he learned that Samantha had her own secret agenda to push and was trying to get Johnny to join the cause. On day four, she succeeded.  On day eight, the first change was introduced. Now, she was allowed to have driving lessons on Johnny’s motorcycle.
            On day sixteen, Robby saw Daniel and Johnny acting romantic and goofy for the first time. They were slow-dancing in the living room, at the sound of a cool 70’s band, thinking nobody was watching — he recorded it to show at their wedding.
            On day thirty-two, things were functioning automatically. Sam and Daniel no longer needed to say where Johnny and Robby would find toilet paper. They were officially part of that household.
            On day one hundred twenty-eight, Robby saw Laura at the students’ parking lot, walking straight towards him.
            “Hi”, she said, hugging him. He hugged her back, because damn! He missed his Nana so much. “How are you, Robby?”
            Laura didn’t have any terms of endearment, except for “Robby” — she coined it, by the way.  Hearing her say that is like going back to being six years old. In a good way.
            “I’m great. What about you?”
            “Missing you both like crazy, of course. How’s your dad? Is he happy?”
            “The happiest I’ve ever seen, Nana.”
            “He must really like his boyfriend.”
            “He loves him.”
            “That’s wonderful”, she looks away for three seconds.
            “Would you like to meet him?”
            “Yes. I’d like that very much.”
            “And maybe we could hang out like we used to?”
            “Yeah, yeah. Sure.”
            “Cool. I just have to tell my sister to find another ride.”
            “Oh. You have a sister?”
            “Yup. She’s Daniel’s daughter from his first marriage and she’s great, so I call her ‘sister’.”
            He called her and informed the girl he’d spend the afternoon with his grandma and would be back home in time for dinner.
             “Daniel is very methodic about meal times”, he explained to Laura after the call was ended.
            “That’s good to know.”
            Ever since Johnny was young, his mother worried about how he would take care of himself as an adult, because every time he had a problem, he’d resort to her. That’s probably why he waited until he had somewhere else to leave before coming out.
            Robby drove to his favorite ice cream shop and entered the place with the same excited look he had in his eyes as a child.
            “You still have a sweet tooth, huh?”
            “And I don’t think I’ll ever change”, he answered with a smile.
            Following their tradition, Laura waited patiently while her grandson built a mountain of ice cream using the most exotic flavors and toppings, then ordered two scoops of chocomint with cherry syrup for herself — and paid for it all.
            “How are your college plans? I remember you wanted to be a teacher when you were little. Do you still want that?”
            “I feel like I would be a good psychologist, actually.”
            “It suits you.”
            More small talk happened before Robby gave in to his anxiety.
            “Why did you show up at the school?”
            “I wanted to see you”, Laura was using that tone of voice she had on whenever people were being stupid. Robby used to encourage that because people’s stupidness can reach stratospheric levels, specially at fancy country clubs, but right now, Robby wished he could shake it out of her. “I said I missed you, didn’t I?”
            “Then why didn’t you call us? We missed you as much as you did.”
            “I had to come to terms with my beliefs and how did they affect my relationship with your father.”
            “And what did you decide?”
            “I decided that I love you both very much, regardless of who you love.”
            “That’s nice, really”, he rubbed the back side of his neck. “Is it a bad time to tell you I’m pansexual?”    
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Season 4, Episode 10: An Extremely Chaotic and Incoherent Review
The Good:
I can't with this man
I can 100% not tell if these boys are memeing or actually taking karate advice from the Star Wars prequels but honestly??? I fucking love it either way
Dumbasses (affectionate)
ALSO the absolutely doe-eyed way Eli looks at Demetri when he says "you're taller!!" Yeah you like your men taller, don't you, short king?
Come to think of it Eli has been basically nonstop giving Demetri doe eyes all season
Maybe that's just what his face looks like?
Nah he's still kinda smug smirking at the beginning of the season
But he does become very apt at looking like a sad puppy
I swear this fucker still looks at Demetri like he hung the sun though
Ohhhhh Demetri just going RUTHLESSLY at Robby fills me with LIFE
Demetri Alexopoulos and Robby Keene mortal enemies WHEN
Still morbidly satisfying to see all that paralysis, shaving, and dojo-betraying beef explode out of my boy Demetri in one fell swoop
Oh shit!!! The head kick!!! The THROWDOWN!!! We are at last seeing a glimpsed of the unhinged Demetri I have craved for so long, keep being scary my love
Seeing this gay nerd be aggressive and intense as hell is ascending me into nirvana
He has found his inner craving for violence and destruction, and I think that's very valid of him
Truly he and Eli are kindred spirits in ways S1 Demetri never could have imagined
You gotta love some irony
He's gone from yeeting out of every bad situation to being like "this dude shaved off my boyfriend's gay-ass hairdo and now I'm going to beat him to kingdom come"
You know what that is? GROWTH
Poor Daniel though, he's like "Oh no :( :( :( My karate sons are fighting :( :( :("
This man has too many karate children
He was The Karate Kid ONE time and then he was like "Shit I'd better raise 5 more"
Okay, it needs to be said: The Anthony-apologizes-to-Kenny scene 400000000% reads like Anthony has just the BIGGEST FUCKING GAY CRUSH on Kenny
"Uh...hey dude...I...uh...saw your match out there...and ...uh...uh...I saw Robby compete last year..."
Literally have not spoken this way once in my entire life to someone I did not hope to eventually kiss
I WILL say that as of right now, I am unsure if said crush is reciprocated, but like...
Anthony LaRusso has got it BAD
"Tell me how it felt" "Well like...not...great?" Me tryna impress my crush with my fire empathy skills be like
*Watches Kenny punch the crap out of Anthony* Yeah okay that's fair
*Grabs face* "Get ready for high school next year, because you're gonna be in a world of pain :D" UM
That DEFINITELY had some not-very-straight undertones and I refuse to elaborate beyond that
Actually this could very well be the beginning of a mutual violence-peppered homoerotic obsession
All right, game fucking on
"Anthony are you okay?" "LEAVE ME ALONE" "I just--" "I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE" *yeets away at top speed* I mean yeah I'd react like that too if my crush just punched me in the stomach 30 times
Are Demetri and Eli sitting next to each other while the Sam-Tory semifinals are going on ;_;
I'm headcanoning that Eli is helping to patch Demetri up and is holding ice packs to his bruises and stuff and no one can stop me
"IT DIDN'T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY JOHNNY" Mr. John Kreese sir this is like the 5th time you've asked Johnny to join you, it ain't gonna happen
Kreese is really like the creepy friendzoned neckbeard guy who asked you out every few months in hopes you've magically changed your mind and are going to fall passionately in love with him
Like my dude just give it up already, it's never gonna happen
Local Evil Sensei Tries To Take A Jab At Former Student's Relationship With Adopted Son, Thinks It's Actually A Tactical Maneuver. More at 6
"Tonight, Cobra Kai's gonna die" YEAH YOU TELL HIM JOHNNY
Actually you know what??? Miguel actually LISTENED to his body and didn't push himself to the point of getting hurt, GOOD FOR HIM
Like everyone in this show takes this children's karate tournament too seriously and Miguel was like "this is all kinda bullshit actually"
PROUD OF HIM for doing something for himself and not to impress an adult!!!
Ain't nothing can truly tear these wholesome karate straights apart ;___;
LOVE them bonding over their fathers/father figures being petty little bitches who are like "fight my way or Imma throw a fit wah wah"
"I just wanna let you know that..." *pained sigh* OH MY GOD HE WAS GONNA DROP AN "I LOVE YOU" WASN'T HE
It's just so soft and sweet and I
Yeah they're in love sorry, no matter what arbitrary conflicts the plot throws at them!!! They'll find a way!!!
Poor Gianni Decenzo, he has to deal with tumblr user demetriandelibinaryboyfriends doing an in-depth analysis of his every facial expression
For example, when Eli says "this is my chance to get back at Robby for what he did to me" Demetri is looking at my boy with literally more soft concern and love than I've ever seen in my life
L M A O Demetri actually looks like he frowns a little bit when Daniel says "this fight isn't about him"
Like "actually Eli I think you have every right to pound him into the ground"
Yeah Eli!!! Atta boy!!! Find balance and stuff!!!
Retain the essence of the gay little purple mohawk!!!
Not Demetri looking anxious as hell as Eli walks out onto the mat
Nothing new but I just think it's neat
"He trained at Miyagi Do way longer than me" *cue intensely concerned look from Demetri* Okay fr how has Demetri not gotten an anxiety attack yet, with all this worrying about Eli he's doing
Eli wailing on Robby to avenge the 'hawk!!! We love to see it!!!
Love that Eli lands a massive fucking kick in the middle of Robby's stomach and Demetri just starts clapping in the background, this fucker is so proud and impressed and is daydreaming about giving Eli Moskowitz a victory kiss actually
Demetri goes from looking anxious as fuck in the background to smiling whenever Eli lands a hit, this motherfucker's in love sorry
Damn Eli you really tryna rip this fucker's shirt off?
Like listen I know you'd like to see men topless but this is not the time nor the place
Besides, Demetri would gladly do it if you asked nicely
"Any advice on the last point?" *cut to Demetri looking up at Eli like he hung every last star in the sky* THIS IS UNFAIR
Gianni and Jacob need to STOP looking at each other Like That because I know nothing's going to happen with it and it is KILLING me
“Give him all you got” *world’s most dramatic swell of music like this is the most profound advice in existence* I can’t with this show, it’s so fucking ridiculous (affectionate)
Okay yes it's been said many times before but they can't SERIOUSLY have Robby throw his gi to his girlfriend and then have Eli throw his gi to DEMETRI and NOT know damn well what that implies????
It's bad enough there's a shitton of Samiguel/Elimetri parallels, now there's Keenry parallels too????
Like what the fuck are you DOING with that if you don't want us to think these two are being foreshadowed to date??? Or like...be romantically involved in some way??? O_o
And uh...the way Eli looks Demetri dead in the eye and flexes/rolls his shoulders DOES NOT FUCKING HELP
Like what you doing showing off your body to Demetri like that??? What, you want him to touch it tenderly???
Absolutely loving Demetri's look of shock too, like "wAIT, HE'S INTO THIS??? HE'S ACTUALLY GAY FOR ME TOO???"
Took you long enough you IDIOT
Anyways so since Tory and Robby made out in a car and then Robby tossed Tory his gi, we can conclude that Eli and Demetri are going to make out in a car next season
Preferably while road tripping in Mexico looking for Miguel
Still a big fan of Demetri looking tense as hell in the background
I would have KILLED to get a more clear shot of Demetri's face when Robby had Eli pinned down and was about to punch him out
I'm betting he was fighting literally every instinct to run and save his mans
Demetri's face when Eli gets his shoulder hurt and winces in pain D:
Demetri RUNNING to him when he wins, HELP
My GOD have I never seen Demetri that happy and proud <3
And y'all were saying Demetri resents Eli's mad fighting skills and is intimidated by his ass-kicking abilities??? Get fucked
LOVE how jazzed Chris is about Eli winning, it’s so fucking pure
Love how wholly the Miyagi-Dos in general have forgiven Eli, even if we barely got to see it D:
"YYYYYEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHH" my GOD does this poor traumatized bird boy deserve that win
Real Keenry hours!!! Love how aware they are of each other's mental/emotional state and how quick they are to jump in and check in with each other
Tory saying "thank you, I owe you" to Amanda is honestly a HUGE step, I'm proud of her! Accepting when other people want to help you and showing gratitude for it gives me hope she's on the way to a better headspace <3
Honestly good on Amanda for being so determined to help Tory! I'm with her, as juicy as the Sam-Tory rivalry is, I kind of hope that fight is gonna help end all the bullshit between them
Like they don't gotta be buddies but maybe they can like. Chill out with the trying to beat the crap out of each other and whatnot
Could it be??? Daniel and Johnny??? APOLOGIZING??? And admitting each other's karate and karate-teaching styles don't totally suck???
Like don't get me wrong, I'm irked as hell that it took this long, but better late than never
When Sam's getting ready to fight, Demetri and Eli are talking in the background and Eli's just got this pure sweet little smile on his face ;__;
And Demetri's grinning at him too, probably telling him what a good job he did!!! I CRI
Y'know I warned y'all that I was gonna see these two standing next to each other and claim they were in love, and I was right
"Bonsai Badass" Damn right she is!!!
Is the show finally gonna let these two be homoerotic friends instead of homoerotic rivals????
One can only hope
I love Dem and Eli smiling and clapping proudly in the background when Johnny gets announced as a two-time AVT champ, like...that may be a disaster idiot chaos Sensei, but god damn it, that's our disaster idiot chaos Sensei!!!
LIVING for Sam and Johnny's relationship and I'd BETTER see more of it in Season 5, dammit!!!
JUST!!! The casual "all right LaRusso, you ready to kick some ass?" Like he has so much faith in her that he's not even really MODERATELY concerned about her not kicking ass. Iconic
"YES SENSEI!!! If...that's okay with my other sensei?" I am Dead
Demetri and Eli being interested in the Sam-Tory fight in the background, but not looking like they're feeling the same kind of mind-numbing anxiety that they had to when they watched each other fight D:
Mohawk or no, there's definitely a Cocky Fuck streak in this boy and I love that for him
It's a super brief shot but Eli's face when Sam scores a point is ADORABLE
Samantha LaRusso and Eli Moskowitz chaotic battle besties WHEN?
I'm telling you, Sam, Eli, Demetri, and Miguel would be such a perfectly balanced (heh, geddit, BALANCE? Like Miyagi-Do???) squad
Like Eli and Sam would be the chaotic troublemakers and Demetri and Miguel are the tired-but-loyal good bois who try very hard to keep their significant others out of trouble
But occasionally Sam is a bad influence on Miguel and/or Eli is a bad influence on Demetri, and shenanigans occur ~"Your dad's right, every now and then" PLEASE
He's basically just saying "Mind your other father!" and it's EXCELLENT
I can't believe Samantha LaRusso has TWO karate dads now
It's honestly what she deserves
AW, Tory's genuine guilt over elbowing Sam D:
She's growing!!! I'm proud of her!!!
Ooooooohhhhh I am a BIG fan of that music that plays while Tory is circling Sam!!! Zesty AF!!!
Man poor Demetri, he's had to watch basically all of his friends get they asses beat in one afternoon
Except for Moon
And she kissed his crush so like
Still not a good time for our boy
"Hey, you all right?" *sobbing*
I'm so proud of Tory!!! Last season she was being a little shit but now she's my daughter and I love her!
Happy for her for winning that trophy!!! Like as much as I wanted Sam to win, Tory's had a rough go of it pretty much her whole life and it's awesome that she knows now that there's something she's unquestionably amazing at ;_;
Terry Silver being menacing and wreaking mayhem, love it
YOOOOO this show knows how to make BITCHIN' night city shots
Okay you know what??? I wasn't really rooting for a Johnny-Robby reconciliation because Robby ain't obligated to forgive the most deadbeat dad in the world but FUCK
That hug scene was sweet, I'll admit it ;__;
"You had a good thing going with LaRusso and then I got in the way" YEAH SAY IT
You know what??? At least he's owning up to it
Hope for Daniel-Robby reconciliation??? Hope for Daniel-Robby reconciliation!
No pun intended heh heh
Tfw you're getting too caught up in your gay crush, so you get him arrested so he can't distract you anymore
We've all been there, amirite???
Honestly good for him though, Kreese WAS being a shit to him
Always down for evil karate husbands drama!
Get fucked John Kreese, enjoy jail you big loser
I can't believe Terry Fucking Silver is running the karate scene in the valley now
Does this mean Demetri and Eli will finally get to dramatically protect each other next season
I sure fucking hope so
Am I easily impressed? Yes, and it makes my life tremendously better than it would be if I had high standards
What you need another dad for??? You've already got not one but TWO karate dads, smh
Although in fairness I get wanting to define himself outside of karate, since he more or less MADE karate his identity for like...2 years
Take Demetri, Eli, and Sam while you're at it!!! That's their boy and they love him!!!
I feel like at LEAST Sam is gonna twist his arm until he lets her tag along
And then Dem and Eli are gonna follow him anyways XD
Yeah yeah something something "they have to participate in the karate war!" Okay but have you considered that I want them to go on a homoerotic road trip of self-discovery to find their bestie?
I guess you could say he’s been...chozen to help
The Bad:
Whilst Demetri becoming Mildly Unhinged during his Robby fight is excellent, I would like to see him be even more unhinged
Like take that unhinged and multiply it by at least 3
I just think Mr. Demetri Alexopoulos should get to become extremely angry and scary and freak out the entirety of the AVT audience with his rage
As a treat
I know I have said this before but I truly cannot emphasize it enough
Also that fight was over way too damn fast, like
While I understand why Dem lost, I wanted him to wail on Robby for at least twice as long before he got beat
Johnny nagging Miguel to keep fighting after his back acts up??? Mmmmmm I don't like this, I don't like this at all
It just feels kinda icky and OOC??? Like I feel like Johnny would NEVER push Miguel to fight if there was a chance he could get seriously hurt again, like
Miguel breaking his back and getting paralyzed FUCKED Johnny up, I feel like he'd freak out if there was like...even a SMALL chance that injury could relapse and Miguel could get seriously hurt again
Like I feel like (especially since he's dating Carmen now) he'd go into Overprotective Dad Mode like "NO if your back is acting up you gotta go home because I am NOT letting you get hurt again"
Like yes I know the dojo's at stake here, but like...I still think ultimately Johnny would value Miguel's safety more???
Oh my god is her seriously bringing his petty Daniel beef into this???
I don't know whether to laugh or cry over the fact that this show genuinely thinks that occasionally panning to a shot of Moon cheering and clapping for Eli is going to make us ship them
Like Demetri is also cheering and clapping for Eli and we get like 10x as many shots of it so idk what to tell you
I think Hawk should have tried to tear Demetri's shirt off during one of their S2 or S3 fights
I think that would've been funny
Like why does Robby get the shirt-tearing treatment but Demetri never did, when Demetri's the one Hawk is painfully horny for???
I'd like to speak to management
Okay listen if the throwing-gi-to-SO parallel with Keenry AND the looking-Demetri-dead-in-the-eyes-and-flexing bit both turn out to just be even more egregious queerbaiting I am going to murder someone
Like you don't just accidentally make that many gay writing choices
I have a bad feeling these fuckers are leading us all on for Potential Diversity Points and I'm gonna smack a bitch over it
Ffs Eli covered up his Moon tattoo with a GRIM REAPER TATTOO, if this isn't the PERFECT narrative symbolism for that relationship being dead!!!
Man I'm getting fired up again
I should start martial arts up again so I can kick and punch and elbow my queerbaiting anger away
Mentioned earlier but hey Mr. Cobra Kai sir??? It is an actual CRIME that we did not get to see Demetri's face when Eli was pinned down and about to be KO'ed with a big boi punch
Was he terrified??? Was he brutally enraged and ready to commit murder??? Was he both??? FUCKING TELL ME
Look as much as I love Chris and I love him bear-hugging Eli
I'm gonna say it, it should have been Demetri
Why will this show not let these two have just the biggest fucking bear hug??? Are y'all worried it's gonna look too gay????
Really far too late to cover your bases there
Also I need my headcanon to be fed that Demetri is stingy with physical affection with everyone except for Eli
Anyways if this show ain't gonna let Demetri and Eli kiss the LEAST they can do is give me a very long and very warm hug!!!
Lmfao there's Moon again
What, like she can't cheer for her friends platonically??? Fuck all the way OFF, the fact that she is not allowed to be a platonic cheerleader for both Dem and Eli is character assassination actually
Look I just think Demetri should have been allowed to give Eli one (1) victory smooch in front of the entire AVT audience after Eli won
Maybe even two!!!
TELL me that shit wouldn't have been poetic fucking cinema
Like talk about a way to restore Eli's confidence!!!
“I'm proud of you and I'm proud to love you and I'm going to show both of these things off to the entire world actually”
Bonus points if Demetri lifts up Eli with his absurd upper body strength like in that one behind the scenes pic
And just lets Eli sit on his hands while they smooch basically
Like just an AVT karate champion and his adoring boyfriend who would do anything for him, don't mind them
Anyways Demetri has been like...infinitely more actively supportive of Eli's karate endeavors and Eli in general this season than Moon
Like he is fucking THERE for Eli through everything and helps and encourages him throughout the tournament and tells him that he is Better Than He Thinks He Is and is SO DAMN PROUD of him when he wins
Meanwhile Moon had like...two polite exchanges with him over the course of an ENTIRE SEASON and she was mildly friendly and encouraging, so they HAVE to date I guess
Anyways it's some bullshit
I hate this ship so much
Whilst I am THRILLED that Daniel and Johnny are reconciling and teaming up again, I am BEYOND frustrated that it took this damn long
"Just for today" Why tho??? Ya'll fuckers have CLEARLY seen that the kids benefit from learning both styles and combining them, so why not make this combined dojo learning business a semi-regular thing???
I get being this stubborn and insistent about your karate method back in like...S1 and S2
But these dudes should really be over this by now
Like have y'all writers heard of CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT???
So I get Kreese finally starting to feel a little bad about what he did to Johnny, but like...that alone isn't supposed to redeem him, right??? RIGHT???
Like having him not be 100% evil and giving him a redeeming/humanizing trait is all fine and good, BUT
That alone isn't enough to make up for like...50+ years of fuckery and being generally a rancid piece of shit
Anyways happy this fucker's in jail now actually
Wish he coulda taken his ex-husband with him, but I guess you can't have everything
I'm really happy for Tory but I'm still bummed Sam didn't get that win D:
I stan both of these queens now and I have a feeling it's going to make my life a lot harder
Mmmmmm Kyler's arm around Kenny in the background, don't like it don't like it don't like it don't like it one bit
Okay, if no one else is gonna say it, then I will: The hug and Robby breakdown scene should've been between Daniel and Robby
Like Robby!!! My darling!!! My love!!! WHY did you follow Johnny instead of Daniel if you wanted comfort??? This man has been MIA for most of your life and is flaky and unreliable as all hell
Like yes Daniel could easily still be pissed at you but I feel like he would work with you if he saw you were genuinely Going Through It
Anyways it makes a lot more logical and narrative sense for Robby to follow and try to reconcile with Daniel actually
"I'm sick of blaming you, dad" Okay, but consider: He's been an extremely crappy dad and you can and should blame him for it
If anything it should be like "I'm sick of blaming Miguel" or something, because this whole mess between Johnny and Robby is truly and wholly NOT Miguel's fault
Like, again, it's not on Miguel if Johnny just feels more of a connection with him than Robby
Okay but where is Robby in the last scene??? Does he live with Johnny now??? Did he leave Cobra Kai??? Is he still crashing at the dojo or what??? I NEED to know
I'm sure we'll find out next season but logistically it is BUGGING me
So like. While I understand why he did it, I'm still upset that Miguel just yeeted off to Mexico without telling most of his loved ones???
Like what of your girlfriend??? Your two best friends??? Your karate dad #2 Daniel LaRusso??? They all love you very much and they're all going to be worried sick about you!!! For shame!!!
And even the people who DO know where you are are gonna be worried out of their minds!!! For DOUBLE shame!!!
Going on a self-discovery road trip by yourself at age 17 in a foreign country and not letting most of your loving support system know where you vanished off to is VERY rude, Miguel
This dude deadass has two father figures already, what you need a third one for???
Like yes I get you're mad at your karate dads right now but they still love you!!! You should talk with them and explain how you're feeling and how you want to define yourself outside of karate instead of Ubering off into the sunset without a trace!!!
Also they barely did anything with Daniel's Terry Silver trauma so they can go full ham diving into it next season, right??? RIGHT???
I can't believe you're making me wait until next season to see Demetri, Sam, and Eli's reaction to Miguel literally fleeing the country
pLEASE I just want them all to hold each other and have a good cry about it
I know I would!!!
In summary: Season 5 needs homoerotic road trips and for my boy Miguel Diaz to know and accept that he is very loved. Stay tuned for brand-new binary boyfriends headcanons, lesbian content, and me rambling about all the things I want to happen next season!!! It’s been real and very very gay, and I plan to give you even more gay as we go on!
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surpriserose · 2 years
has anyone asked for a live action part 7 yet?
Johnny is evan peters i casted evan as someone else at some point i know but listen hes got the perfect babyface for johnny and he cries so so much on American horror story and the tumblr girls will love him they will say he has so much gay energy despite being so so SO straight. Gyjo only has chemistry here as like...residue from canon
Gyro...can i...can i cast bo burnham as gyro like he does a lot of acting and hes a comedian and also i dont really like him and i dont think it fits at all so <3 i think gyros still italian they just dont care enough to make bo burnham do an accent...also he just kind of looks bored the whole time he cant pull off gyros jokes let alone his serious and asshole moments
Hot pants im so sorry they have to be hailee steinfeld because i hate her so much she is taking so many wlw roles despite going to hillsong it makes me soooo mad im so normal <3 so she might as well try and fail to play a nonbinary icon too <3 i was going to make gyro a woman because even Hollywood executives can't deny gyjos chemistry and have female gyros plot be about ooooh im disguising myself as a man because women are oppressed and im gonna take my helmet off and show off my beautiful blonde hair when i win for #girlpower instead of marco and stuff but then i realized theyll just do that with hot pants so they can keep the brokeback mountain jokes. Everyone talks about how progressive this is
Diego has to be whoever the hottest bri'ish guy is right now WAIT kit harrington is not the new hot bri'ish dude right now but he used to be and he was never very good at acting outside of game of thrones where he just kind of had to look miserable which was easy because it was game of thrones. He cannot be anywhere near as fun as canon diego he says puns like he wants to die and never smiles
Lucy is millie Bobby brown because like thats the only young actress i really know anymore im sorry 😭 i think she can pull it off i mean lucy is a good character and shes a good actress....but that doesnt matter they've aged lucy up to 18 so she can be johnnys love interest and thats kind of all she is because gyro isnt an option obviously our cowboys cant be gay and dinopants is canon here and rina doesnt exist :( also lucy is definitely a major damsel in distress the whole time but Shes still marketed as a strong female character
Funny valentine....im gonna be self indulgent here i really liked knives out and i want to see Daniel craig doing a terrible southern accent again <3 i dont think they direct him to do that he just does it because he wants to <3 also hes the right age range so <3 i think he would appreciate being a villain just like...wish it was any other villain king
Pocoloco is not a main character BUT he gets to be here because i was stuck by inspiration....hes played by kevin hart So they greatly expand his role even though kevin hart is just playing himself
Other notes
Everyone lives and they have an epilogue where you see johnny and lucys, hot pants and diegos, and gyro and some original character ladys kids playing in their respective lawns or something
Hot pants is probably named something like harriet now but like they have someone catcall her and call her hot pants and she stands up for herself its a real #girlpower moment
The horses are cgi since animal handlers probably have a union
There has to be a dream sequence where slow dancer and valkyrie start talking to johnny and gyro i know it and i know its got adult cartoon humor and animation...one of them is voiced by john mulaney
Johnnys disability is handled way worse than canon
Jesus is here so its not a netflix production its a pureflix production
Add your own <3
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aestheticsuwu · 2 years
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My Baby, My Sweet Baby
Robby Keene x Doug Rickenberger
Christmas Au.
Side Pairings: Lawrusso,Elimetri,ToryxAisha samiguel,MitchxMikey.
A sleepover wasn't his idea. The original plan was to have his boyfriend over to stay the night while his Dad and Daniel are out of town but his Dad didn't like that plan so much.
"hmmm...Let me think about it ... NO!."
"You didn't even think about it! I thought you liked Doug."
"I do, the kid prove he's worthy of dating my only child but that doesn't mean i want the to leave the two of you alone . I was a teenager once..." Johnny didn't think he needed to continue to get his message crossed.And by Robby's flush face it was accomplished .
"Fine." Robby huffed .
Johnny couldn't handle looking at his son sad with his shoulders slumped and frowning.  Looking like a kicked puppy.
"Invite him over-" Johnny smile at  how quickly Robby eyes lighten up ."-im not finished, Invite him and your friends over, you can have a sleepover. Also you and Sam are in charge of Anthony."
Daniel would've been proud of Johnny how easily he managed the situation.
"I'll take it , i guess." Robby sighed. A sleepover? He never had one before lets see how this one goes, Robby thought.His legs taking him to Sam to plan it.
The plan was simple and easy when the parents leave their friends will come over and from there they will free ball it.
Amanda was weary about the kids being alone on their own but Robby assured her that he will keep everything in control mainly Anthony.
Daniel trusted Robby to be in charge it was the only way he felt in peace knowing the kids wouldn't get in trouble while he and Johnny had a day on their own.
Both adults left early to their trip which Johnny planned. It was the afternoon when everyone had arrived with their sleeping bags and arms full of junk food and games . Except his boyfriend .
Robby checked his watch for the time, Doug was 15 minutes late .
Sam had decided to fix the sleeping arrangment for everyone could be comfortable.  The new house they live in isn't huge only had 3 rooms .
Moon,Yasmine,Miguel in Sam's room and Tory,Aisha and Doug in Robby's . And Hawk,Demetri and Anthony would be in the living room .
The door bell rang grabbing Robby attention , yelling " I'll get it!" and sprinting to the door.
"Were you trying to be fashionably late?"Robby grumble instantly seeing his boyfriend on the doorway.
"uhhh no thats Yasmine style not mine, and i was with Mikey helping him get ready for his date with Mitch, Im sorry Baby." Doug said and walked in .
" Your lucky i love you or i would've just dump your ass." Robby joked , closing the door behind them.
"I love you too ." Doug laughs fondly over Robby who just rolls his eyes before giving him a hug .
" Guys , Were making cookies so get your gay asses in here. " Tory yells from the kitchen not wanting to risk going to see what Robby and Doug were up to .
" Whose idea was it. You want to change into something comfy" Robby ask Doug who nods . Robby had bought a matching pyjamas set for couples for them to wear later, He didnt want to be those cheesy couple like he said when he was single but now he got himself a mans so he could do whatever he wants.
In the kitchen everyone was in one corner reading instructions or listening to instructions . Yasmine was gossiping with Demetri . And Doug just leaned on his back making him double over the counter and the their hands interlace.
They wasted 5 minutes to listen on the gossip about some cheerleader getting pregnant with her boyfriend bestfriend that is in love with her boyfriend who also likes him back . It was confusing .
Then Hawk decided to make baking cookies more fun by making it a competition .
"Why do you gotta make everything a competition ?" Robby whined making everyone agree with him.
" Sounds like something someone would say who can't bake for shit. " Hawk taunts in which Miguel hypes him up for no reason with just saying "Daaaaaaamn."
" Sounds like im going to kick your ass."He said in which Tory and Doug copied Miguel.
Anthony just laughed at them and decided to be on Hawk's and Demetri  team . That traitor. Miguel,Sam and Moon were overconfident on winning with having experience in baking and Miguel helping his YaYa in the kitchen, so they paired up.
Robby didn't want to say he was on the loser team but he also couldn't say his team will win. Tory and Him had never baked in their lifes only Aisha and Doug but his boyfriend concentration usually wasn't the best when Robby was around so that meant that left them with Aisha.
Looking over to the others who were already making the dough and were chatting with their team , Robby really felt they were going to lose.
" We are going to lose." Doug says it before he could, which was better for him he didn't want to be the downer.
"Wow , Doug. With all that positivity your sounding just like Mr.LaRusso. " Sarcastically Tory says who had flour in her tied up hair that Hawk threw at her .
" Ok we can win this , im not losing , so Doug stop eating Robby's neck and use those muscles for the dough. Robby you will be in charge of decorating and Tory you will help me ." Aisha ordered but somehow  her tone changed sweetly when she talked to Tory.
Unfair . Robby bets if Tory was kissing her she wouldn't be complaining . When it was time to put the cookies in the oven they were fighting who would go first but Anthony put his trays in while the rest were to busy arguing.
The pressure was on Robby when he had to decorate the Christmas tree shaped cookie with frosting which was not easy at all . He tried to use his artistic skills.
Yasmine didn't move a finger in the kitchen saying she would be the judge .
 Hawk's team cookies were chocolate chip cookies that looked perfect except they tasted awful because Demetri added salt instead of sugar . Making Yasmine almost puke which was hilarious to everyone.
Sam's gingerbread man's looked awesome and way over the top to Tory, in her opinion . Yasmine just commented it was a bit too dry , speaking like she was in the next great baker something like that.
Which now thinking about it maybe that's why Hawk wanted to do this , that guy was not so badass.
They were next . Tory insisted to present the sugar cookies which looked alright and did taste sweet not salty.
" It taste alright , a bit to sweet." Yasmine said casually , sitting down with perfect posture .
" Sweet like forgiveness right. " Tory said , her voice dripped in a sweet voice but with an underlying tone.
The three of the damn just chuckled knowing Tory full intention with saying that .Yasmine smile dropped and a guilty expression took over.
Atlast Tory trick worked , making them winners . The kitchen ended up in a mess with flour and eggshells all over the place and the sink filled with dirty dishes.
Sam offered the idea to watch a movie instead of cleaning up in which everyone was quick to agree.
Robby made a signal to Doug to follow him. He didnt feel like watching anything he simply wanted to lay down with his boyfriend to cuddle and a kiss here and there.
in the room ,He didnt bother to change into the pyjamas he bought . Way to tired to do anthing but to lay down in bed.
" Im going to change." Doug had some sweats in his hand and was about to go to the restroom to change which Robby thought it waa ridiculous.
"you could do it here." Robby offered , laying back on his elbows to look at Doug who gave him a look with a raised eyebrow.
"Wow , i corrupted my sweet innocent puppy, shame on me." Doug said while shaking his head . As if he was ashamed , the guy was nothing but shameless
"Shut up, its not like i haven't seen you naked before." He huffed making the latter laugh as he changed.
"Dont pout." Robby stick out his bottom lip more for the effect , "Give me your shirt." Robby ask-more like demands-is the same either way , and swiftly catching the shirt and puts it on to sleep and takes off the sweats he had on .
Robby turns his back to Doug and reached behind him to grab one of his arms to hug him. Making the taller boy hum in content in having the short boy in his arms.
"tell me." He quietly says .
Tangling their legs together and placing a kiss to Robbys hair Doug says "I love you Robby Swayze Keene ." , It never failed to make Robby feel so warm and happy . He never got tired of hearing those words.
Doug had started saying i love you every day for Robby  so he could feel that it was real and what they had wasn't going away or fake. That he was here for the long run.
"To the moon-.." Robby says softly , already feeling he could fall asleep , lullabied by the comfty bed and Doug beside him .
"And back."
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thorniest-rose · 2 years
(about lana)
hiiii again!! ok GREAT bc some of her old stuff remind me of lawrusso SO much and i wanted to share this with someone. also meet me in the pale moonlight's lyrics remind me of your fic ace of hearts and AAAAHHH, i love it!!!
omg that's so sweet, thank you!!! I love when people tell me my fics remind them of LDR songs, I had that a lot in my last fandom too, I think it's because I'm really interested in writing about all-consuming romance, like where you're so obsessed with each other it becomes codependence, and because I love drawing upon certain archetypes, like dangerous men and bad boys etc... I can't help it, I just love writing about that stuff. And that is such a good song, where she sings, "I can be your little Dairy Queen," that is so Daniel in that fic where he starts working at the diner and has that cute uniform. I had planned this future scene where all the Cobras would see Daniel working there and he'd have rollerskates on and his little shorts and they'd all be like HDHDHDHSGS??????????? like no braincells left between them. Scream and I feel bad because I haven't updated that fic in so long, but I hope I can go back to it at some point because I'd love to continue the slow-simmer romance I was writing between Daniel and Johnny. PLUS that fic features gay Daniel rather than bi Daniel, which I'm really interested in exploring more.
p.s I love Lana too because she has all of these amazing unreleased songs, like more than 200 I think?? And it's so much fun to go into her back catalogue and listen to them. One of my faves is Serial Killer, I can't get enough of that song!!!
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I'd like to sleep in 'til two on a Sunday (And listen to the bluebirds sigh)
by eresphere The only thing that motivated him to get up anymore was the coffee shop down the road. It was only a small business, maybe 3 booths and as many tables and chairs crammed into the place as possible without being too crowded up, but it was remarkably homely. It smelled of sweet cinnamon and coffee, and there were pot plants on the till, fresh flowers on the tables. Or, Johnny has a run-in with the new cute barista at his local coffee shop and for some reason, he can't stop thinking about him. Words: 1690, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Karate Kid (Movies), Cobra Kai (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Daniel LaRusso, Johnny Lawrence, Ali Mills (Karate Kid) Relationships: Daniel LaRusso/Johnny Lawrence, Johnny Lawrence & Ali Mills, Daniel LaRusso & Ali Mills Additional Tags: Johnny Lawrence is Bad at Feelings, Bisexual Johnny Lawrence, POV Johnny Lawrence, Gay Daniel LaRusso, Protective Daniel LaRusso, daniel is just living life being silly being broke, and johnny comes ramming in like FUCK YOU, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Coffee Shops, daniel is a cute barista and johnny is a disgruntled regular, theyre so silly i love them guys, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, no beta we die like i wish terry silver did, Enemies to Lovers, Slow Burn via https://ift.tt/MEhskIV
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yenforfairytales · 3 years
Terry smiling and thinking about Daniel after stalking him for the 246739th time
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There's a crazy kind of pattern
A routine that always happens
Where a lovesick guy is crazy
Over a girl...
And his world begins to suffer
'Cause each day he finds it tougher
To concentrate on anything but her...
Those are actual lyrics that play over this specific scene in the movie
I MEAN. I get it. I too make that face while thinking about Daniel LaRusso.
First, Terry follows Daniel to this club for some unknown reason, watches him from behind a pillar, and then thinks about Daniel while making that face??
Somebody explain.
Ok so, besides the stalking, which, gay, the director or writer or whoever made a specific choice to use that song and those lyrics for that particular moment! Things don't happen in movies by accident!
And we never get a reason why Terry was there. He lies to a confused Daniel that he told him he'd be there, but I guess we just have to chalk it up to Terry following Daniel around throughout the whole movie. Just like he knew Daniel was jogging in the park that one time. And it's not like Terry couldn't hire people to follow Daniel for him, no, he has to do it himself lmao.
It's also the same night after Daniel breaks all the boards on that dummy and he and Terry celebrate. I am forced to come to the conclusion that Terry was proud of his boy and wanted to enjoy the night some more. 👀
Here's the song by the way if anyone wants a listen:
Oh. Right. I forgot it's called 'I CAN'T HELP MYSELF'
But we already know Terry has no chill when it comes to Daniel.
And then for some reason Terry feels the need to 'test' Daniel. Or make things interesting. Or break up Daniel's night with Jessica...
Anyway, Terry pays a random guy(he never actually pays him lmao) to pick on Daniel, who in turn punches the guy in the face, breaking his nose. While Terry watches with a smile on his face. I mean, the random guy deserved it clearly. Part of me thinks Terry picked him because he was pushing that woman around.
Terry was like, "How dare you interrupt my private Daniel reflection" 🤣
And it's funny that it looks like Kreese and Silver do not tolerate sexual harassment, and yet they were totally fine doing it to Daniel. Ok fellas.
So then security comes, and instead of letting Daniel run off with Jessica, Terry grabs Daniel and drags him outside through the back door and through the alleyway. Daniel feels bad about punching that dude and leaves Terry but like... what was Terry's plan exactly. I am dying to know. Was he going to take Daniel back to the Cobra Kai dojo? Was he going to drive him home? Take him somewhere else?
It's interesting to note that Terry is beyond thrilled. He's having the time of his life now that he thinks Daniel is like him. It's part of the reason I feel like Terry really wanted Daniel to join Cobra Kai. I think Terry thought he was brilliant enough that Daniel would pick him over Mr. Miyagi and in the end was furious that he was wrong.
I could talk more about it, but just quickly-- even when Daniel goes to see Terry in the dojo later that night(the "break up" scene), Terry was still acting super friendly and even had Mike Barnes and John Kreese stay hidden. He had them hide until Daniel declared he wouldn't be training anymore. It's amazing. I would love to know what they discussed before Daniel got there.
Maybe CK will address all these unknowns as Silver comes back and gets fleshed out more as a character.
Anyway, here's the alleyway scene after Terry and Daniel run from security:
Is that not the face of a man obsessed
And I'll never get over Terry calling him "Danny" all the time. You can't tell me he won't be excited to see Daniel again.
I just can't wait for this maniac to come back. And for Johnny to punch him and be like, "His name is Daniel!!"
Protecc the twink
Part One: Terry and Daniel Ask
Part Two: Terry Silver's Theme Songs
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deputychairman · 3 years
Karate Kid/Cobra Kai survey
I was generously tagged by @ghostalservice but even if i hadnt been i’d be answering this important piece of research 
It’s the year 2021 and you’re obsessed with The Karate Kid. How are you feeling? I’m unlocking new levels of cringe every day, babey! I’m cringe-bonding with some very fine people, I can’t look my own Pinterest in the eye, I’ve watched all of Ralph Macchio’s DWTS clips (for a given value of the word “watched” where it means “glanced at through my fingers every few seconds as my entire body curled up with secondhand embarrassment and overwhelming tenderness”). I don’t know HOW I’m feeling, exactly, but I sure am feeling a lot of it!
Did you grow up with TKK or are you new to the series? I knew of it, I was like 6 and a tomboy when it came out (you know the kid who disappears in Stranger Things, Winona Ryder’s son? I looked like that until puberty) so I was absolutely the right demographic to get into it, but just didnt.
We gotta do the basics. Favorite character: DANIEL LARUSSO, always and forever! I’m embarrassed how much I care! I have to restrain myself from arguing with people who make mild jokes at his expense in the tags; he has never done anything wrong in his life, ever; toxic masculinity, I don’t know her; he invented dad cringe; he gives great head and loves to cuddle; he absolutely is traumatised by what Johnny Lawrence & the Cobras did to him and the whole Thing with Terry Silver but will always be all “what do you mean ‘trauma’ it wasn’t that bad hahaha!” While still telling at least the Johnny part with full drama “and then they pushed me off a CLIFF – but I’m fine hahaha!” He is holding his shit together like an eldest daughter, ok, and I’m the only person who can mock him. Me, Amanda & Johnny Lawrence. 
Favourite ship: Daniel LaRusso/Johnny Lawrence, their 35 years of shared trauma and the inherent eroticism of violence. I saw their gay little intense-eye-contact bow at the end of s3 and the cartoon lightbulb over my head went ding ding ding! 
Underrated character: Carmen: that woman just wants to get laid and she’s had to drink expired orange juice, listen to the “and then Daniel LaRusso RUINED MY LIFE” speech at drunken length, feature in a weird sex dream where the role she’s filling in Johnny’s libido is weirdly blurred with Daniel’s – doesn’t she deserve better? How confident are YOU that Johnny ‘hot asshole who partied through his 20s & 30s’ Lawrence showed her a good time in bed? Because I’m not that confident.
Underrated ship (don’t say therapy, lol): Amanda & Daniel: I know we practically see her pegging him on screen, but I want to know more! The question of who the 80s heartthrob Karate Kid married, how they met, how old is she when her actress is only 42, the horny energy when they go out there to sell cars together like a one-two punch, the way she can absolutely murder him with blowjob jokes, whole face sparkling with delight, and he just accepts it – her general air of affectionate mockery, possibly because as a true audience cypher, she’s a little bit embarrassed at how into him she is – SURELY this dynamic merits more analysis!
Wax On, Wax Off or Sweep the Leg?: I see that we’re interpreting this to mean the two seminal transformative works in the Karate Kid Cinematic Universe, which is perfect, I love the supplementary material, love the layers of fiction and reality you get to play with there! Ralph Macchio’s “I wanna make a sex tape. With NO cuddling!” obviously lives in my head rent free (hit me up for tips on explaining why that’s funny to a 9 year old), but I love the Sweep the Leg song and William Zabka’s vision for adult Johnny, the fact that they were able to make this video in the first place and add to the pop culture myth of the Karate Kid, the fact that he chose to put himself in a red Speedo and have Ralph Macchio look at him Like That
Which of Daniel’s dumb little outfits is your favorite?: How could anybody choose just one? But it would have to be the jean shorts on the beach look, when the camera shows us Ali from between his legs? Not sure what that angle was all about, I don’t understand the moving image, but I do know a Stone Cold #Look when I see one. Also the bare arms tank top, sweatpants & bare feet look in CK.  Keep on sexualising those old men 2k21! 
Character from the films you most want to return, who’s not Terry Silver:  Literally ANYONE from high school who can provide a 3rd party POV on how batshit insane it is that Johnny & Daniel are now running a dojo together.
Scene that lives in your head rent-free: the day drinking date in s1, the entire restaurant scene from s2, but especially every single word Daniel & Johnny say to each other: “bigger is better” “I didn’t need an army, just the right moves” “wanna take this outside and see whose leg will go higher?”.
Will Anthony LaRusso ever be relevant?: Yes, thusly: 
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You live in The Valley and are forced into the karate gang war. Which dojo do you join: Miyagi-do, don’t even need to think about it. I would like to AVOID conflict please, and if defensive karate can help me then I’m there. 
What’s your training montage song?: I have to train?  
It’s the crossover event of the century! Which TV show are you combining with Cobra Kai for an hour-long Saturday night special? I’ve been thinking about this and my answer is Due South, because 1) if Fraser’s dad can manifest from the underworld on the strength of a bad relationship to offer useless advice, surely Mr Miyagi could come too and actually, you know, show him a positive example of a father/son relationship? The two ghosts would get on like a house on fire anyway, doing Dad Stuff and being deliberately cryptic. 2) I see a lot of Fraser/Daniel parallels: neat hair, “hahaha everything’s fine I’m fine and my life is totally together! People like me and I’m living up to my father (figure)’s legacy! Idk if I really see his ghost or if it’s just a sign of my fragile mental state, maybe I just won’t think about it!” And 3) Johnny & RayK would vibe: possibly they’d have to have a fight first to clear the air of all the toxic masculinity they’ve absorbed, but then they’d have a lot in common, like low self esteem and muscle cars and being a hot blonde mess.
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