justjasper · 6 months
Hellooo! I come with the most basic ask haha
What's your favorite thing about Morgan's character? And about Reid's character? What season made you ship them?
My favourite part about Morgan is his deep, profound empathy, even when it costs him.
Prentiss pegs him early on, when she says "you make the people around you feel good", and that is, I maintain, absolutely central to his character.
An example that stands out to me is his interactions with the unsub Stephen in In Heat (closested gay man who is killing bc of sexuality struggles). And whether you read with with queer!Morgan lenses or not, Morgan being the one to stand there, victimised the way he was, and tell this unsub there is nothing wrong with him for being gay is just... it breaks me.
The way he bears his own trauma, something he buried for 20 years, relives that and hurts himself when he knows it will help someone else, is absolutely heart wrenching.
And I know the other characters share their trauma, but to me personally (your mileage may vary etc), the disclosure of being a survivor of sexual violence (especially in childhood) is such a significant and raw trauma to relive over and over. It's a hard one to speak openly about. And Morgan does it, even when it costs him, because he knows it will help someone.
My favourite part about Reid's character is just how strong he is. I could go on about empathy for him too, but the strength of Reid to keep coming back, fight on, to push himself, that's what gets me.
I believe there is strength in softness, but Reid's the character who I think suffers from the woobification the worst with Criminal Minds, and sometimes that means people's interpretations of him strip him of agency, which I think I identify with from a very autistic point of view.
I don't mean the tendency for Reid to be the focal of "whump" (reid's targetted/kidnapped/hurt) bc I love that shit as much as the next gay, but sometimes the woobification extends to making Reid meek, submissive, helplessness, when it's just not true.
He's smart, quick witted, snarky, can absolutely be a mean git, adaptable to situations, both socially awkward and socially intelligent at once. He knows his worth and knows when people understimate and undermine him. Sometimes it feels like this gets forgotten within fandom. Which isn't a big deal in the end, these are not real people but paper dolls we make kiss, but Reid's strength is so central to why I love him.
The exact moment it went from "oh that's kinda cute" to "they are in love and i will die for them" was season 2x12, profiler, profiled, when Morgan's sisters and mother absolutely clock Reid.
"Derek talks about you."
I was a goner then, that was it. Forever OTP, canon and increasingly inconsistant writing and a fundamentaly homophobic network (fuck u CBS) be damned. They're it. They're endgame for me.
Related, the closest "canon" moment where I think they could have been made real honest to god canon would have been season 4's Amplification. Should have had them kiss in that hospital room and broken ground for queer rep on network TV.
But at least we have fanfiction!
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harryamoros · 2 years
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My alien lady, Tatalee (actually a Lilibee), she's very big and tall. Mature tag this time because bewbs. By me and some others by @Justirri And here are even more pieces that are old because they have her old design but eh~ i like them anyways
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In these ones we have art from @Justirri again, @cracker. and @Alandalice
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komorebi-rabbit · 5 months
Tagged by @lightweaving!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPs
Hmmm I'm gonna tag the wives @brig-the-plant @cynniminni and @lilibee! Time to fess up, whatcha working on? Mine's in absolutely NO particular order.
Talking to the Moon
ShiSaku Lunar Exchange
ShiObi Succubus
the akatsuki shisui with Mischa
"Reprising" (A sasosaku)
Prostitute AU
Untitled TobiIzu/TobiKaga
"Doctor" (I dont even know)
kisaita -- I think this is Hiraeth
Sasuke Time Travel
Flipside of the Graveyard
Water Under the Bridge
kkita "Grim"
Shiita mermay
Golden Veil of Autumn
Honey & Harvest
Stripper/Yakuza Shiobi
Sea Foam Woman
White Crow
akatsuki shisaku
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snarkylinda · 1 year
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That is what that arc needs- angsty Moreid. Just because, it would had been fun.
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blacknidstang · 7 months
Tagged by @lovetransaction and @wastemanjohn <3
list 7 comfort movies and tag 7 people:
The Fall (2006)
The Lighthouse
Only Lovers Left Alive
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Shrek (1st one)
Sweeney Todd
Hot Fuzz
Tagging @nameslikeguns, @lilacpaperbird, @stray-with-a-muffler, @laurasashtray, @lilibee, @into-september, @il0vedaydreaming (no pressure obviously, and i wanna tag a lot more ppl so anyone who sees this just feel free to do so)
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lexiewrites · 7 years
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This ridiculously cute little embodiment of mischief is Lilibet ‘Lilibee’ Beatrice. We picked her up on Saturday, and now she’s back at my Mum’s (as she was Mum’s birthday present). 
So far she likes: her cat ‘snuggler’ bed, paper bags, goat milk, food all food, no seriously food, my cat Oscar, Mum, playing with ALL THE TOYS EVER, the garden, sticks, her pink plush flea Freddie, and anything she can chew. 
Cannot WAIT til I get to go home and snuggle her until the end of time. 
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tokozona · 7 years
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Gooze. Censurada.
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Dog Days
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Pairing: Moreid (temporary Morgan/Savannah)
Rating: Mature (just to be safe, will be adjusted by the end of the fic)
Summary: The Unrequited!Love Dog-Sitting fic disguised as a Holiday Fic
Everyone knows that the myth of ‘The Reid Effect’ has been debunked when it comes to babies and children, over the years, but interactions with dogs still leaves much to be desired. That is, until Reid finally happens to meet Morgan’s dog -- Clooney. Turns out, most dogs might dislike the young doctor, but Clooney is absolutely enamored with him. Will not leave his side, begging for attention, and Morgan can’t help but see the opportunity for what it is: a chance to help Reid past his fear of dogs (because his dog is the best and what’s not to love?), while he gets a prospectfully new dog sitter as he travels to Chicago to visit family for the holidays. 
And Spencer is terrified of this dog, but still says yes in the face of Morgan’s earnest request. Because Dr. Spencer Reid has been silently in love with his best friend for many years, and despite his every attempt to move past it -- how could he ever deny him anything? Even looking after his giant, wolf-like dog. 
Important Tags: Angst, Unrequited Pining, but not actually because they’re both morons. There is no cheating in this fic. Canon-compliant, set around season 10. Christmas/holiday themes. Fluff and humor as well. Lots of dog related puns and activities. Misunderstandings and miscommunications and dumb men being so dumb. Happy Ending. (But not before I rip your heart into tiny confetti sized pieces.) 
CW: Remember how I said there was angst? Basically we’re all going to be suffering from broken heart syndrome for a lot of this story. I cannot stress enough how much this might make you cry. Also, I have made Clooney a very large dog, and Spencer is very much afraid of this dog to start with. I promise Clooney is an absolute sweetheart, though, and they bond over how much they miss Derek over the holidays. This is NOT a Savannah bashing fic, Savannah is a queen and might take matters into her own hands about these two idiots -- just so you know. ((And I don’t know yet if I’ll be adding sex into this. I haven’t written the end completely yet, if I do I will change the tags/rating, and if I -don’t- then I’ll probably end up doing a one-shot separately.))
Posting Date: 12/01/2021 (post will be sporadic due to holidays and travel)
Spotify | Pinterest | Ao3 link 
((See below for links and tag list, send me a message/ask/rb comment if you want to be added))
Snippet Previews
Ask Game Clip, WIP Part 1,
Chapters Links!
Chapter 01, Chapter 02, Chapter 03, Chapter 04, Chapter 05, Chapter 06, Chapter 07, Chapter 08, Chapter 09, Chapter 10
FANART/ Additional Moodboards
Tagged list so far: @lilibee, @dumpsiteforfics, @kenni-woodard, @merpancake, @emmyraebird,  @physics-magic, @thaddeusly​, @tobias-hankel​,  @sideblogforcrimpy​ @anxious-enby​  @adamjacksons
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aw-hawkeye-no · 3 years
@lilibee @foggyblues-ralvez I’ve apparently lost my mind because I literally couldn’t sleep without info dumping how I think Derek/Spencer/Luke would get together. (BTW, I’m dubbing this ship moralvez)
Derek and Spencer are primary partners in an open-ish relationship. They prefer to date together, but it’s hard to find time with their schedules, so they’re open to each dating individually (they mostly don’t cause of their job and what they really want is a stable third).
Derek meets him at the park. He’s running sprints with Clooney when this Belgian Malinois bursts from the trees and beelines towards them. He’s getting ready to break up a dog fight but instead she just play bows, and Clooney is immediately on board. Her owner comes jogging up about 30 seconds later and Derek has a oh no he’s hot moment.
“Sorry,” the guy says, clearly a little winded. “I don’t know how she still has energy to take off after a seven mile run.” The dogs are playing, and they get to talking. They introduce themselves -- “Morgan” “Alvez” -- for some reason doing bro-y last names. They end up exchanging numbers (”So our dogs can meet again,” Alvez says with a wink) and go their separate ways.
Derek tells Spencer about him that night, and Spencer makes fun of him for acting so giddy (but he’s actually happy for him).
Spencer meets him at a coffee shop. He’s go a stack of science journals he’s busting through for an article he’s writing, and he’s through his third one when he realizes someone is staring at him.
“I’m sorry,” the guy says, “but can you actually read that fast?”
“Yeah, I can read 20,000 words per minute.”
The guy laughs and oh no his smile is perfect. “That’s amazing. Do you mind telling me what you’re reading?”
“Do you know anything about computational linguistics?”
“No, but clearly you do. Tell me about it.”
Spencer basically info dumps to this guy for 45 minutes. Normally people shut him up after 47 seconds, but this guy just looks really interested and asks questions. Finally they have to leave but not before exchanging names (”Spencer” “Luke”) and numbers.
...Basically Spencer and Derek both end up dating Luke and not realizing he’s the same guy. Then they run into him at Quantico which is very awkward at first but quickly turns hilarious (”You didn’t know he worked at the FBI?” “YOU DIDN’T KNOW HIS FIRST NAME”) and ends with them all planning dinner.
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touyaspeach · 2 years
Gosh I'm so tired. I've been having a rough go of it health-wise and I'm only just now kind of starting to feel better. I guess that's what happens when you overwork yourself for almost a year without really taking breaks, your body makes you.
Anyway~! Sort of working on stuff, hoping to get back into the groove of things soon! Especially with gardening season upon us, I'm gonna be quite the busy little lilibee. <333
Thank you guys for being so wonderful and patient with me. I promise I'll do something extra special once I get the chance.
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tobias-hankel · 3 years
700 Followers Celebration🎉
I have no idea how all of you got here but I am sooo grateful! 🖤😁
I have never done one of these before but here we gooo
Send me an ask with one or more of the following. I am pretty slow so it might take up to a week to get your ask answered, sorry! Anons welcomed for the everyone section. ily all ❤️️🖤
🎵 - song recs for every letter of your name (include in ask if it’s not in your bio) but mid-2000 emo kid edition.
📚 – an ao3 CM fic rec (include pairing/trope or it will just be one of my favs)
🧠 – CM headcanon (can be specify)
⛅ - a picture of the sky that I took on my crappy iPhone 6
🧐 - ask me anything and I will answer it
📺 – a gif/gif set for a specific scene or character for you to save and use without crediting me (not all gifs come out in good quality, but I will try)
✏️ - a horrible doodle of a CM character/pairing (of your choosing) drawn in Microsoft paint
☕ - A story of something odd/funny/dramatic that has happened to me
🔥 - a drabble from this prompt list or any prompt really 
Thank you too all of your lovely people that choose to follow my Criminal Minds hyperfixation, dark fanfics and mediocre gifs 😂🖤
Tagging some moots under the cut  🥰️
@soblonde1202-blog, @makaylajadewrites, @kenni-woodard, @ssa-sarahsunshine, @m0thg1rl, @black-polarf, @suburban--gothic, @spencie-adams, @sadspencer, @oliverbrnch, @spencer-reids-hands, @garcias-bitch, @goobzoop, @lilibee, @reidology, @spencers-renaissance, @honeyharreh, @xogublerxo, @iamalystark, @heavenlydevil, @sparklinspence ahhh there are so many of you lovely peoples that I want to tag but I think I will stop at 21 ❤️️
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ella-and-the-ocean · 3 years
⭐️ Get To Know You Game ☀️
Rules: Repost, don’t reblog, and tag nine people you want to know better. (Or just tag however many you want.)
Thank you for the tag, @birkastan2018 🥰
Favorite Colors: Honestly, I like most colors. How much depends on the context and how they’re combined. But personally, for dressing or lipstick I prefer the color red 🌹💋🍒🩸
Currently Reading: Nothing. I have to read a lot for my studies, so I rarely do it in my free time anymore.
Last Song: Mariage d'Amour by Paul de Senneville (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoCG-WNsZio)
Last Movie: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (dir. Edgar Wright, 2010)
Last Series: The Queen’s Gambit (dir. Scott Frank, 2020) (I’m rewatching it like for the 20th time now 😁)
Sweet, Savory, or Spicy: Sweet 😊 and sometimes savory.
Craving: A trip to the ocean 🌊🌊🌊 Last time I’ve been there was in 2018 and that’s definitely too long ago! 😔😤
Currently Working On: A portfolio for my studies and the second chapter of my ShiIta modern soulmate AU (Conjunction).
Tagging (if you want to! 🥰): @chi-the-plant, @malignedaffairs, @anxiousprocrastinator, @ferxisakasuna, @lilibee, @amitryl, @queereyeforthewifi, @foreverlilaclies, @eugeniachbib-draw
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ilovelilies · 4 years
Hi Lilibee! You're amazing and awesome and great and I love you!
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lillibeeshomewares · 2 years
Home Decorative Items Online
The beautiful home decor items from Lilibee homeware will liven up your home and are a great way to impress your guests. Home decor makes your home the reflection of who you are and is also a great way to impress your guests. Shagun Arts offers an extensive collection of exciting wooden home decor items which you can keep in your living room or drawing room. 
Choose from the many designs of wall decor and wooden frames to add textures or silhouettes to your home decor. You can also keep these home decor items in your kid’s room to make it look more elegant. ( lillibee homewares )
The home decorating products and accessories will make your home interior warmer. Lilibee Arts has a ton of home decor items along with wooden furniture such as sofa, bed, chairs, table, bar cabinet, wardrobe, temple, wall clock, garden furniture and many other wooden accessories.
Put your phones to the best use by browsing through home decor items online. With the ongoing pandemic, shopping online for house decoration items is the best option. And you will definitely find some of the best stuff on the web. ( metal wall art )
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Though stepping out of the house to go shopping for Christmas might have been a tradition in your household, don’t let the lack of it affect your morale or the festive spirit. A little bit or a lot of positivity is all that you need. You can also still decorate your house yourself, or with your family like you do every year. 
Home Decorative Items reflect your personality and interior design, color understanding and your taste in design choices. Find designer Home Decorative Items, such as:
>Wall Decor Items: Wall decoration has many options, such as wall clock, painting, wall accents, photo frames, and decorative mirrors.
>Office decoration: Who said that it is only your room that needs to be decorated? You can personalize your work desk in the office with vases, indoor plants, sculptures and sculptures.
>Outdoor Decorative Accessories: Got a roof space or a silent balcony? Create a mini garden with plants. You can also highlight your creative side by creating a fairy garden. All you have to do is add some sculptures and a small indoor water fountain to complete the look.
>Living room decor items: Impress your guests with lavish centerpieces and sofa sets. You can also build a pooja house in your living room with idols and pooja metalware.
>Decorative items for the bedroom: The bedroom is a private space where you can show all your creativity. You can add an elegant table lamp to the bedside cabinet and replace the old mirror with a decorative one.
Wall Decor
Choosing the right wall decor for your bedroom is not an easy task. The bedroom is your sanctuary, a safe place to relax, and the walls of your bedroom are a reflection of you and your style. However, spraying your room won’t be expensive or challenging – start crafting with easy DIY wall art ideas that will illuminate empty walls in creative ways.( Premium metal wall art )
Home decor represents your personality and talks about your interior design taste, colour comprehension, and design choices. A home is just the four corners, but what turns a house into a home is a mix of home decor pieces and a touch of your love and imagination. 
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under-the-neon-moon · 6 years
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America, explain. Also, thank you @ilovelilies for making me smile. I needed that! Lurv you Lilibee!
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guioliveirabarbosa · 4 years
Papel de parede floral: 60 inspirações para decorar qualquer ambiente
O papel de parede floral é perfeito para quem quer inovar na decoração da casa de forma prática e moderna. Os modelos são bem variados e as propostas se adaptam a todo tipo de ambiente. Confira lindas inspirações!
1. Com flores grandes e bem chamativas
Castro Studio
2. Ou uma proposta mais delicada
3. Os modelos são bem variados
Projetos Catavento
4. Desde tons mais delicados
Ameise Design
5. Até os mais vibrantes
House of Brazier
6. O papel de parede floral é perfeito para qualquer ambiente
7. Traz graciosidade para quartos de bebê
Renata Horn
8. E modernidade para o escritório
9. Pode combinar com os demais elementos do ambiente
Manifiesto Design
10. E deixar o espaço em evidência
Compre na Papel & Parede
11. As flores variam nas espécies
Dani Mataresi
12. E nos tamanhos
Casa Coulon
13. A aplicação pode ser feita em uma só parede
14. Ou por todo o cômodo
Casablanca Decorações
15. E também combinando com outro modelo de papel de parede
16. O ambiente ganha um aspecto aconchegante
17. E uma proposta inovadora
18. Busque combinar com os móveis do ambiente
o apê da gra
19. Ou contraste as cores usadas
20. Seja com o fundo branco
Compre na Grudado
21. Ou colorido
our home at number 11
22. Você pode adaptar ao local onde for aplicar
23. Desde os mais amplos
24. Até os mais restritos
25. Todo lugar ganha um toque especial
26. De acordo com o seu gosto pessoal
Coisas da Doris
27. Seja ele mais romântico
Artemis Arquitetura
28. Ou de estilo mais moderno
29. O resultado fica impecável
30. Além de lindo
Compre na Papel de Parede dos Anos 70
31. O papel de parede é prático
32. De fácil aplicação em qualquer espaço
33. E de limpeza simples
34. Aposte nos modelos com flores maiores
35. Para sensação de amplitude
AS Design Arquitetura
36. E para destacar um determinado espaço
Joana e Manoela
37. Inove na escolha do desenho
38. E também no tipo de combinação
Dani Mataresi
39. Para tornar o ambiente único
40. E deixá-lo a sua cara
Compre na Bemcolar
41. As flores podem ganhar formas estilosas
Marcela Pepe Interiores
42. Ou mais tradicionais
RCB Arquitetura
43. Escolha o seu papel de parede favorito
Caitlin Wilson Design
44. E customize de acordo com as suas preferências
Renata Horn
45. Os modelos são bem versáteis
46. E decoram desde quartos infantis
Coisas da Doris
47. Até cozinhas
48. De forma alegre e colorida
Bruna Barbieri
49. E trazendo toda a exuberância das flores
50. Que deixa o ambiente mais leve
Compre na Bemcolar
51. E muito delicado
Betsy Decor
52. Perfeito para quem quer um resultado diferente
Ingrid Kemp
53. De maneira bem prática
Monica Backes
54. Seja com um modelo mais elaborado, como o 3D
Mini Bambini
55. Ou mais simples
Compre na Bemcolar
56. A transformação é perceptível
57. E deixa o ambiente mais completo
Duda Senna
58. Escolha o seu modelo preferido
Murano Projetos
59. E capriche na criatividade
Monise Rosa
60. O resultado vai te impressionar!
Compre na Papéis e Parede
Os modelos de papel de parede floral são bem variados e ideais para dar um toque diferente ao ambiente. Se você gostou das propostas, mas ainda tem dúvidas quanto à aplicação, confira como colocar papel de parede.
O post Papel de parede floral: 60 inspirações para decorar qualquer ambiente apareceu primeiro em Tua Casa.
Papel de parede floral: 60 inspirações para decorar qualquer ambientepublicado primeiro em https://www.tuacasa.com.br
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