#lil bro sam winchester
angelsberrymilk · 2 months
Sam could turn half of the world into dust, crash Baby into the canyon and spit in Dean's face. And Dean would be like, "It's okay, It's Sam, I'll fix it." But if anyone ever moves a glass of water with their mind in front of Dean, he's pulling out his gun with the intent to kill. what a psycho.
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kaya-fandom · 13 days
Supernatural with oc
*Dean gets a phone call*
Dean : Lex?
Lexie : Dean! Is Sam there? I need to talk to him.
Dean : No, Sam is dead.
Sam, very much alive next to Dean : DEAN WHAT THE FUCK-
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according2thelore · 2 months
Ohmygod this was my askkkk!! I am so so happy with thiss, rolling around it like a kitten I am sooo fed!!! Tysm!! The twist with it being their intention all along for ES!winchesters to find out…..I am dead, absolutely dead. You are so good, soo creative. ES!Sam you are in for a ride, and ES!Dean, you better get over with your hangups soon and accept what it is.
My imagination is running wild now and because of this being intentional, I am imagining LS!Winchesters now fully staging this setup, lure ES!Sam in it because he would be easier to convince and LS!Sam knows that Dean *deserves* to be with a version of himself, pre cage, pre demon blood, all pure and innocent and fiery and angry and confident - something he is only rarely these days. This Sam will take what he wants. So LS!Sam arranges this thing for LS!Dean and ES!Sam, tells his Dean to enjoy! And my oh my does he. ES!Sam is his to claim first now???? This precious thing, eager to please but also has this arrogance in him that makes him so so so much Sam. Meanwhile ES!Dean is off to run some errand (by LS!Sam's design) but he returns early and sees his baby bro with that older version of himself and LOSES IT. HOW DARE DEAN NOT ONKY DEFILE HIS OWN LITTLE BROTHER BUT ALSO ES!DEAN'S!!!!! HE IS FURIOUS AND YEARNING AND HATES IT THAT HE WASNT THE ONE AND STARTS STRAIGHT UP MURDER BUT LS!SAM MAYBE CALMS HIM???? OHMYGOD
(also??? thank you so much for correcting the misread ask???? I would have taken with greedy grabby hands if you had completely misread it also!! I am OBSESSED with this verse! You are the nicestestestest)
GAH! this ask was so cute and nice i was kickin' my lil feet!
this idea is so great! your mind!
this falls into a similar category as one of my most recent posts, and i wrote it accordingly. do i think that LS!Dean would deprive ES!Dean of being LS!Sam's "first" dean? no, i don't think so. that bastard is so possessive i think he can respect the insane-brotherwife grind.
so this is just a delightful hypothetical based on your prompt!
without further ado, enjoy!
"plan b?" dean asks, and sammy lifts his head from his arms. his temples throb with a headache.
dean is sitting across from him at the dining table, nursing a glass of something sam can smell from here. sam snags the glass and takes a sip that curdles his nose hairs before passing it back.
"were we really this stupid? like this dumb?" sammy groans, rubbing a hand through his hair. "i mean, i believe you would be this obtuse, but me? i was just studying for the LSAT like a year ago!"
"oh here comes the big fancy college boy with his big triangle words. you're still gagging for me so hard you're getting an aneurysm." dean rolls his eyes. sammy rolls his eyes right back.
it hadn't worked. they had set those little fuckers up, and expected at least a conversation to happen. but sammy just walked in on their younger selves in the kitchen the other day and they didn't even break apart abashedly! no awkward explanations at all! there wasn't even anything to explain--they were standing on opposite sides of the room!
"did we make it worse?" sammy asks. dean considers this.
"nah. we can fuck it up at least three times as bad if we put our heads together."
so they put their heads together.
"you want me to what?" sam asks, and there's that blush. sammy tilts his head away so the kid can't see him smile. it's going to make this so much harder if he thinks he's being laughed at.
"pour some sugar on me," dean says, waggling his eyebrows.
sam's face sours.
yup. made it harder.
"not really," sammy is quick to correct. "just...make it look like something's happening."
sam's eyes narrow.
and isn't that the crux of the whole damn thing. sammy's done some weird things in his life. he's been to the past. he's been to the future. he's been to hell, been to alternate dimensions, and killed just about every type of monster one can think of.
and yet, having to explain why he and dean want to "parent trap" their own younger selves to said younger self might rank high on that list of weird.
"guy's in love with you." dean says, before sammy can say anything. sammy clenches his jaw. way to just jump into this thing.
sam blanches. "no. he's not. you're--he's my brother. you don't know what you're talking about."
"i don't know dean?" dean asks, eyebrow raised. sam sputters.
"well, you know you. but my dean is different. he's not--" heat creeps onto sam's cheeks, as if remembering the compromising position he caught them in the other day. "you."
dean mhmms flatly.
"then what's the harm? he walks in on this, is not jealous, and it doesn't do anything." sammy posits.
"easy for you to say! you have--" sam gestures at dean, but doesn't look at him. "if my dean caught me like that, if he knew--he'd...he'd never talk to me again. he'd...he'd be disgusted."
sammy and dean share a look. after having been tested so often, so deeply, and reaffirming their...bond--as chick-flick and meaningless as it sounds--the distance they had gained from this depth of anxiety removed the sting from it.
sammy will always remember working himself literally ill over it. but when he feels like that, he has the comfort of walking up to dean and biting down on the place where his neck and shoulder meet. he has the comfort of dean putting sticky notes that read "kick me" on the back, and then holding his face like he's the only thing that's ever mattered.
their younger selves deserve this. sammy has no idea if this is going to change the past. he doesn't know if these two will leave here tomorrow or in a week or in a year and be completely wiped-clean, or if they'll keep it all. but they deserve that comfort, that confirmation, that reassurance, as long as they can have it.
and honestly, fuck it. sammy wants a younger dean to be with his younger self. he sees their insecurities and their weird dance around each other and kciks himself for ever being so blind.
not having dean as soon as it was possible to have him will always be one of his biggest regrets.
so, sammy says,
"okay, listen. if it doesn't work, we have a mirror in 219 that erases the viewer's memories from the last 24 hours. all of 'em. so if we try this, and it doesn't work, we can slip it under dean's pillow, and he won't even remember. a zero sum game. no harm, no foul, right?"
sammy can feel dean's eyes on the side of his face, but he maintains intense eye-contact with his younger self.
no, they don't. they absolutely do not have that.
but for the first time, he can see something like hope in the kid's eyes, and--again, fuck it. in for a penny.
"he won't remember?" sam repeats, slowly.
"not a thing." sammy says, wondering if this counts as lying or self-delusion. sam is quiet for a long moment. he looks between him and dean for a few times, suspicion melting.
"yeah. okay." he says finally, looking at dean with a strange hunger in his eyes that brings sammy up short. oh shit. should he-- "i'm in."
getting dean out of the bunker is embarrassingly easy.
"you know what i would kill for right now?" sammy asks, suddenly, while they're all sitting around a table in the library. sam jolts, even though he had been expecting it. "pringles. do we have any pringles left?"
"oh, man." sam says, his eyes widen. "me, too."
even though they planned this out ten minutes ago, sammy's dean perks up like he's going to say something decidedly not-on-script. sammy shoots him a warning look. he sighs.
"whoops. i think i ate them all." dean looks at the table, like he's a football player forced to be in the school play for extra credit.
"oh." younger dean says. he sits up straight. he looks back and forth between the sams. "i mean. yeah. if we need a grocery run, i could go get some."
his nonchalant tone is belied by the fact his almost trips over his own feet to get up.
"i'll be back!" he calls, already in the doorway.
"god, i'm so fucking transparent." older dean mutters directly into his own palms as he hides his face in his hands. sam pats him on the back comfortingly.
forty-five minutes later, it's all in motion.
sammy knocks against the door twice as he hears dean's footsteps shuffle down the hallway, and rushes away, rounding the corner so dean won't be able to see him.
sam and older dean are set up in the garage. dean had pulled up one of the cars right next to the door so younger dean could see everything.
they had laid out clear ground rules: no actual kissing, no touching "bathing suit territory" (dean had proposed that addendum solemnly, and sam's face had screwed up, like he was considering if he actually felt anything but annoyance for his brother.)
they had decided on signals: two knocks when dean was coming, one knock if things were going to plan, three knocks for "i'll go get the mirror" for sam, and "oh shit we gotta have a plan c" for dean.
sammy had made sure the door was perfectly cracked to give dean some assurance of anonymity, and they had figured that was the best strategy, since dean was known apparently to peep when he suspected his older self and sammy were getting close.
sammy hadn't expected being able to hear sam and older dean's voices from down the hallway, but he can. he can also hear younger dean's footsteps falter as he gets closer to the door.
"no, you're doing it--" an aggravated sigh. "c'mere." a shuffling of limbs. "you see how the drive belt comes this way? we need to loop it around the--"
a pause.
"what're you lookin' at?" dean's voice has lowered an octave, and sammy shifts, a pavlov reaction to hearing dean like that.
"i'm just--" sam peters into silence. a gasp. younger dean's gasp. did he think it was sammy in the garage this whole time? sammy stifles a smile against his hand.
"you lookin' at me, sammy baby?"
"baby?" sam repeats indignantly, but is cut off by a gasp as something in the room clatters to the ground.
"yeah, that's right. you're my baby brother, aren't you? my baby brother. you like seein' me like this? bigger than you? i know my sammy likes it when i throw him around a little. show him who takes care of him."
sam is breathless, and sammy can hear it, when he says, "dean."
sammy wonders how they're set up. does dean have him pressed to the front of the car? hiked onto a table, like he and sammy were set up that first time?
he realizes that it's killing him not to know.
a coo, from dean. "oh. look at you, sweetheart. you're so hard, and i haven't even touched you yet. you think i could make you come just by talkin' to you? hm? you like big brother tellin' you how much he loves takin' care of you that much?"
sammy realizes that he's started to chub up in his jeans. and he also realizes that younger dean hasn't said anything yet. sammy's torn between wanting to look around the corner and see if he's still there and staying put.
what if sam was right, and younger dean's just not ready for this yet? sammy's dean had reassured him in no uncertain terms that he had been lusting after sam since a truly concerning age.
but what if the jealousy is too much? what if seeing them like that carves an impossible chasm?
"dean, i--i" sam sounds much more unsure, like he's losing control fast. sammy bites down hard on his tongue.
he makes a split-second decision.
he rounds the corner.
and dean's got a fucking gun.
sammy starts in a dead sprint just as dean kicks open the door to the garage.
"you sick fuck!" he yells. sammy's behind him in a second, pulling his arms back. dean's starts kicking immediately, even as sammy is able to pull him mostly off the ground.
"he's a kid!" dean's still yelling. "we promised, fucker! we promised!"
sammy looks around dean's flailing body, and sees sam's horrified face. he looks like he's about to be sick. older dean's leaned him up against the side of the car, and he's not even touching him, just standing a few inches away. sammy's dean has visibly paled.
"hey, that's not--" he starts, but dean's already going off again,
"get your goddamn hands off of him!" sammy starts hauling him away, and manages to kick the garage door closed--but not before dean shouts a parting shot, "you think he wants those disgusting fucking hands on him?!"
sammy manages to wrestle dean a couple steps down the hallway before dean starts to go limp.
"i'm calm," dean says, and his gun hand does actually go limp, so sammy starts to let him go.
"what the hell happened back there?" sammy asks, heartbeat in his throat. play dumb! play dumb!
dean tucks his gun back into his pants. he's looking at the wall over sammy's shoulder.
"he shouldnta' been sayin' that." dean mutters. "not his place to. sam is...never mind."
not his place to.
"his place?" sammy prompts. despite the fact that he's pretty sure he had a heart attack back there, he tries really, really hard not to smile. he's taking this very seriously.
dean's phrase is dangerously close to the point of all this, and sam should not celebrate because he's positive older dean and sam are powering through some angst (that sammy will have to deal with later) in the next room right now.
sammy feels like one of those tv show therapists with big glasses, armchair, and ballpoint pen. and how did that make you feel?
"i don't--" dean's eyes fall to his. "i don't know why i said that." his brows furrow. "i gotta go. i need some fresh air."
and without another word, dean turns around and walks away.
operation: go convince your brother to kiss you, but also not you is a-go.
before he walks away, sammy remembers the knock code: once for success, two for dean's arrival, three for failure. and honestly?
sammy knocks on the door once. and he trails after dean, barely resisting the urge to whistle.
oh yeah. they got this in the bag.
@aj-carryon au contraire! you are the nicest! i hope you enjoyed this little ficlet, aj! (i hope that's your name, if not, then i hope you enjoyed, friend!)
your asks always make me giggle and twirl my hair, lol! kissing u on both cheeks!
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blurblurdeactivated · 2 years
▬❝ yeehaw. ❞
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kinktober; day 5, costumes ⟶ [dean winchester x fem!reader] // kinktober taglist
warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, p in v sex, making out, coming inside, girl on top, swearing,
day 4, daddy kink, ft. soldier boy - kinktober masterlist - day 6, corruption kink , ft. the darkling
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“I thought the store would have a hat, okay, Sam?” you explained, huffing, “it’s not my fault they’d run out before I got there.”
“Okay, but you can see why I was confused. The hat is what makes the outfit,” he countered.
The familiar rumble of the Impala made you turn. “Finally,” Sam said. As the car pulled up to the curb, your jaw dropped at the sight within. Turning off the engine, Dean hopped out with an ear-to-ear grin. 
“Howdy y’all,” he said with a terrible thick southern accent. Red bandana around his neck, stupidly tight jeans with the assless chaps over top, dicky little vest over his blue button up, and the godamned pièce de résistance atop his head.
“You stole my fucking hat.”
Instantly his face fell and he just looked confused. “Not the reaction I was hoping for, but I mean… wait, what? I- I’m a cowboy.” He did a lil jazz hands action in the hopes of getting some enthusiasm.
“We can tell,” you said angrily.
“Well, what are you two supposed to be?” he said, defensively, “Farm girl and college dropout?”
“Dude,” Sam said, “you know I don’t dress up.”
Dean gave him a half-smile. “It was kinda funny though.”
“I’m a cowgirl,” you corrected bitterly. He frowned, looking you up and down again.
“Where’s your hat?”
“You stole it.”
“What?” he said after a long blink, his hands on his hips.
“You don’t own a cowboy hat, Dean, which means you bought one at the only store in town that sells them, which had run out by the time I got there. You stole my hat.”
He scoffed, “Naw, darlin’, it just sounds like you were too slow.” 
“I want that hat, Dean,” you said, holding out your hand. He looked extremely hot in his get up but you also looked hot in yours and you figured the house full of frat boys would appreciate that more; not to mention you'd been the most thrilled about the whole costume thing in the beginning. 
"Can we go stop the spirit of that vengeful Administration's Officer now, please?" Sam said, deeply unimpressed with the both of you.
"He thought I was a farm girl, Sam! That is unacceptable."
"Isn't that the same thing as a cowgirl?" 
"No," both you and Dean said.
"Two very separate concepts, Sammy," Dean explained, "one's hot, yknow, any man's wet dream, and the other, well, the other gets up at five in the morning to feed the cows."
"Which is why I need the hat. You'll still look like a cowboy without it so I think I'm more in need of it," you half-begged.
He shook his head. "Nuh-uh. Ain't my problem your costume is incomplete, darlin'."
"It will be when I'm unable to distract the frat bros from the two of you snooping around the place with your lil EMF thingy-ma-bob."
"Oh please, you could distract them in a nun's getup," Dean said.
"Shame I forgot mine." 
“Well then, sweetheart, I see we have only one alternative left," he said solemnly, "come and take it.”
“Oh god, Dean.” You held the hat on your head as you rolled your hips down into his, bouncing yourself on his cock. He was so thick and every time you sank down you had to really concentrate on not literally drooling. 
"Sheezus, darlin'," he groaned, one hand helping you up and down and the other holding onto one of your tits. Looking down at him like this was giving heaven. His face was flushed and his eyes were half-hooded even as he stared up at you. "And here I was thinking cowgirl's rode horses," he teased.
"Haven't you heard the phrase," you said, biting your lip to quiet a moan, "tame a horse, ride a cowboy."
"I don't see your horse. I think you missed a step," he said through a cheesy grin. 
Gripping the headboard tighter as you got closer to coming, you screwed your eyes shut. "Stop talking," you begged him, grinding your hips down harder. He was hilt-deep in you and you could feel every hard inch and oh, God you were so close. 
"That's it, sweetheart," he cooed, dropping his hand from your tit to press his thumb against your clit. Your head fell back, hat about to fall off as you cried out his name, the added pressure .
"Dean! Oh my God, I-" One last quick circle of this thumb and you were gasping for air, sinking down on him as far as you could, knees hugging his hips tightly, your pussy muscles clenching around his dick. He didn't stop rubbing your clit and as you were brought to that high, you couldn't believe the fact that you were still ascending. 
You squirmed in his hold, grinding down more and moaning like a woman possessed. He stopped his ministrations and you sat there for a moment, letting the feeling wash over you. 
"You're so goddamn cute when you cum, baby," he praised, sitting up a little to kiss your cheek. Big hands smoothing your hair behind your ears. "You alright to keep going, or you all tuckered out?"
"Keep going," you said, the thought of how cute he looked when he came was more than enough reason to start moving again - although much slower because you might cave in on yourself if you did too much too soon. Lifting your hips up again, hands on his shoulders this time you were stopped by his on your hips.
"Woah, easy there sweetheart," he said, "you really think that's how we're gonna play this? No, no, no. I think I deserve the hat back, I did pay for it after all." 
It didn't take much for him to twist his hips and flip the two of you. Your back hit the bed with an "oof" and the hat was removed from your head almost instantaneously. Dean winking down at you, thoroughly enjoying his new acquisition. The shadow from the wide brim partially obscuring his features somehow only made him hotter. The aura of authority it gave him made your cunt clench around his still fully sheathed length. The soft groan he let out was quite possibly the sexiest thing yet that evening.
He slid his arms under your back, pulling you to him as he bent down to kiss you, knocking the hat up slightly. Licking your bottom lip to start, he was quick to slip his way past your lips and turn the kiss into a hot, sloppy mess. A wee bit of teeth and a decent bit of tongue and you were sucking air in through your nose like crazy, hands on each side of his face.
Gently, he started to buck his hips into you, making you moan into his mouth at the same time. He was still rock hard and although you were still coming down from your high, you desperately wanted him to go a little harder and a little faster.
Surely he heard you because it didn't take long for him to be thrusting into you with long, snapping strokes. The obscene sound of skin slapping against skin made you feel pleasantly dizzy.
He must've been pretty close when you came because his hips were losing their rhythm to something much more desperate very fast. 
"Where do you want me?" he slurred, pulling away only far enough to speak.
"Inside," you breathed, "I'm on the pill."
"Okay," he said breathlessly. He kissed you again, hips stuttering into yours, fingers digging into your sides. His final few thrusts were hard and sharp and deep and when he finally stopped moving you swore you could feel him in your fucking womb.
"Ugh." The noise reverberated up from somewhere deep in his chest and it was the pinnacle of sex, you were certain of it. He sucked a spot on your neck as he came inside you, groaning into your skin. His hips stuttered and he trembled a little above you. The thought of his cum dripping out if you later made you feel lightheaded; in a good way.
"Oh, Dean," you mumbled as he bit down on your flesh softly, "you're so fucking hot."
"So fucking lucky too," he murmured without thinking, licking the place he'd just left a prominent hickey that'd be visible for a few days.
"Damn right," you teased as he pulled his now softened dick out of you, his seed indeed dribbling out you as predicted.
He got up slowly, with laboured breathing and went to procure a cloth to clean you up. Your skin started to cool off and your own breathing evened out.
Once he'd returned you smiled at the hat still on his head. Getting cleaned up by a cowboy hadn't been on your bucket list but it should've been.
"Next Halloween you should be a slutty nurse," he suggested, "perform a physical so to speak." 
"Only if you're an equally slutty patient."
⭑ ⟵ ★ ⟶ ⭑
follow @viridiesa for more <3
a/n: only a couple of days late oop, i love dean sm onmg, only like 3 seasons into spn but i am LIVING (not edited)
if you liked this please comment, reblog, or follow for more! my inbox is always open for suggestions, your thoughts, or if you just wanna talk :)) can’t wait for you to read more in future
tags; @raajali3
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J2 Main Panel Kansascon 2022
Before the panel starts the former mayor of Lawrence, Kansas surprises the boys by presenting them with the proclamation that Lawrence, Kansas is the official hometown of Sam and Dean Winchester, and they even get license plates with Jared's saying Lil Bro and Jensen's saying Baby. I'm so proud of them for receiving this honor 😭
There's some classic j2 silliness as they go to start with the questions, and the fans start saying I love you and Jared's all I love you back to everyone and he goes I love you Jensen while rubbing Jensen's back- it's cute.
Anyways the first question is: What was the main thing that inspired them to get into acting and made them think that it was what they wanted to do for the rest of their lives?
Jensen says that he doesn’t know, that they were both pretty young when they started their journey and he didn’t really know this is what he wanted to do with the rest of his life until years after he was already acting. That he was too young to really understand the magnitude of what he was doing and where it would lead so he would say it was probably after he already had experience being on a set telling a story as a character, building relationships on and off screen, and understanding the world that he found himself in that he really, truly fell in love with it. It was something he already liked and knew he could do but it wasn't until he got that experience that he really fell in love with acting. He knows that's probably not what people who know that it's their passion and are trying to get into it wanna hear but that times were a little different back then and things like that could happen; it's certainly a difficult industry to get into now but they were young and he thinks the naivete helped him, not knowing what was going on or where he was going or doing- "the bravery of ignorance" he and Jared said. And then he fell in love will doing it and he's been fortunate enough to continue to do it.
In Jared's case, he had always had an affinity for stories- reading them, hearing them, telling them. So he's always gravitated towards raconteurs, people who are skilled in the art of storytelling and can hold a room when telling a story, he says Jensen is one of those people (❤️) and that so is Bob Singer- that he's been lucky to meet a bunch of guys and gals who can tell a story and just grab the room's attention and he loves that. He loves that you hear a story and sometimes it's just silly but sometimes it makes you think a little bit, you learn a little bit; that if somebody sits him down and says here's what you need to learn and why you need to learn it he's not gonna hear anything but if somebody tells him a story about how somebody else learns something they needed to learn and it coincides with what he's going through then it's tattoed on his soul. When he was growing up his life goal was to be able to afford a rent payment in Austin, he didn't think he'd be able to travel around so he was able to live through reading books, watching movies, and hearing stories, and ideally telling them as well so then he found this medium in which he could hope to learn how to tell a story that would help him and maybe also inform somebody else. Then he was able to pay his bills and kept going and he's very grateful that's the way its worked out. x
The next question is for either one of them, what's an emotional experience they have had with a fan?
Jared volunteers Jensen to answer the question, and Jensen's answer is that there have been countless interactions and encounters with what some call fans but he calls like-minded individuals because he too loves the show, these characters, and the stories so he's a fan too but having interactions with the fans that's the unique thing about these conventions and he thinks a lot of people don't understand that he'll get asked why he thinks there are people still showing up to these things when they've been doing them for so long and he thinks it's the show but also the community that has been build and grown at these events. And that's also part of why he and Jared show up because they want to see the fan's faces, when you're working on a show or movie and you're on set you don't have an audience there to give you feedback- it's not theater, it's not that kind of situation so a lot of times the only kind of feedback you get is critical. It's critics saying the show sucks, you don't get fan reaction, you don't get people who really love the show or that the show touched, so all of this has been one incredible journey into just that into getting the reaction and feeling the energy.
He and Jared go to cons because it gives them fuel to go back on set and keep pushing, keep fighting and keep telling these stories with these characters digging deeper and trying to layer as much as they can because they see the impact that it's making right in front of them. You don't get that if you don't go to things like cons or you don't have those interactions with people all you're gonna get is some critical writer who may have an ax to grind. So all those interactions mean something to them, and he would say the totality of it is the most inspiring thing for them and what they really get from these interactions, that some fans will tell them "you have no idea what the show means to me" but that we have no idea what the show means to them and what we mean to them because without fans there is no show.
Jared concurs and adds that for him he thinks that to try and be an actor or actress, or a writer, director, or storyteller you have to have empathy, you have to be interested in other people and their lives, and understand that their experiences and their lives are different from yours so for him it was really difficult at the beginning because he'd meet some people that were so grateful and would tell him how much the show meant to them and then the next person would just be like "that was a cool fight scene" and he'd think that meant they don't really like it, it was an up and down.
But as he's grown older and had kids it's gradually gone from perceived highs and lows to this really cool spot where somebody will tell him about how the show has helped them through a difficult time and the next person will say they don't have a story like that but for them, they've learned something from it. So getting to meet so many people from different places he feels so blessed because everybody is at a different stage in their journey. Some might be listening to an album, watching a show or movie, or reading a book that's really poignant at the moment and they're able to take some lessons and pull them in while others might just think an aspect of it is cool and both are a 100% correct so he's learned that he's gonna meet a thousand different people who are all in a different point and the show will mean something different to them at different points in time.
That something he's been public about is that there were points in spn where he didn't wanna be alive, and then there were times when he was on top of the world so going like it was essentially the same story he was telling and a part of, he had the same friends and family and crew and cast members that most everyone falters or feels like they have so he feels like the totality of the experience that's continuing thanks to the fans has been the most especial part.
Whenever the boys answer serious questions like this one or one of them gets emotional usually one of them will break the tension this time it was Jensen by sharing a story about how a few years ago he was in the airport waiting to board the plane behind this well-dressed businessman and he kind of turned around and did a double take when he saw Jensen, and he asked Jensen if he used to be the guy that was on Supernatural. At the time this happened the show was still on the air, so he still was the guy that was on the show and he said that to the guy that he didn't use to be on the show that he still currently was, and the guy went "no way! that's still on? I remember watching that when I was a kid" Jensen immediately asked the guy how old he was, the dude was like 23 or something 😂
There's an episode where the boys LARP, what did they know about LARPing beforehand? They say they both knew of it and were pretty familiar with it because they had done many years of Comicon. Jared says he has never LARPed but he was very well aware of it, that he grew up going to the renaissance festival. Says he has a deep-seated love for all forms of expression so he thinks it's pretty cool and he still goes to the ren fair and interacts and participates in some of the things.
Jensen asks him if he's ever noticed that some of the women who are dressed up at these festivals put flowers in their chest, and Jared says he doesn't look there he looks at their eyes; the reason Jensen is mentioning it is that he had asked about it and found out that's done on purpose, the point of the flower is to draw attention to the breasts. Except he doesn't say breasts he says chesticles 🤣 And Jared acts grossed out and when Jensen says "not a boob guy huh?" Jared quips back that he's less into icles which cracks Jensen up and makes him quip back "what you call me?" and by this point, they're both laughing so hard they're starting to get red in the face.
The fan who asked this question used to LARP as a fairy and they make a reference to the ep in s6 where the boys fight the fairies, and Jared comments that's probably his second favorite music cue on the show the first being Renegade. x
Who is their favorite person to prank? For Jared, it’s Alexander Calvert because if you prank MC he gives it back but Alexander just finds it weird. For Jensen, it's Brad Creasser, one of the camera operators, that he was a lot of fun because he would laugh harder at himself getting pranked than all of them would laugh at him which made it bizarre and entertaining at the same time. x
What advice, motto or mantra do they have for the next generation?
Jared mentions his favorite phrase: "Pain is mandatory, suffering is optional." So as you carry on, and get older and figure out where your life is going there's gonna be some shitty things that you go through that's part of being a human and it's painful but you don't have to let it make you suffer. A lot of times people say life is short but he thinks that if you live life as if life is long and see the long game then you might be happier and that's something he wishes he had known when he was younger. That you should treat people the way you would treat them if you thought they might be your boss in 10yrs not because you want to brownnose them but pretend that every person you see is gonna be affected by your interaction with them and pretend that you might run across them and need the same love and support from them as they needed it from you prior.
Jensen's advice is to not sweat the small stuff, that there were times when he was younger that he would think it was unbearable about a heartache, or somebody bulling him cause he was bullied, or homework he was procrastinating on that all that stuff matters but it matters so much more when you're in it than it'll ever matter down the road so don't sweat it. And that we all have a light in us so let it shine.
Wonderful advice from our wise boys 💖
The boys have so much fun with the next question because they are asked if they are aware of how in sync they are - which is funny because during the previous question they had an in-sync moment where they said a fans ages at the same time - to which Jared jokingly asks "like Justin Timberlake and Joey Fatone?", and Jensen jokingly goes "more in sync that the Backstreet Boys?" 😂
And then they have fun moving at the same time- it's a very visual moment highly recommend you go watch it it's so much fun.
And Jared comments that once you establish a nonspoken shorthand, like he and Jensen have done, they could be given a five-page scene right then and there, take 5mins and make a scene out of it because they have this understanding between them and that's been the case since day one. That it requires trust, if you're questioning what the other person's intentions are then you have a wall up and that's the same with any relationship whether it's platonic or sexual or friendly or familial it's an understanding that the other person wants the best for you and you wanting the best for them, that you'll both stray here and there and be on different paths or wavelengths but understanding that who they are in their foundation wants you to be the best you are and them knowing that you want them to be the best they are so he thinks he and Jensen from day one back '05 they've known that "he gets me and I get him let's go play" this turned into borderline relationship counseling, also Jared's wording is so interesting because he could have left it at "same with any relationship" because that covers all types of relationships instead of adding that he means this for both platonic but also romantic relationships 💕
Could they tell us how their experience of visiting Lawrence, Kansas was? And when can we schedule their next visit out there, maybe for the 20th anniversary?  Jared turns to repeat the questions to Jensen, they both answer yes to both questions. And that's it, also Jared says a dirty joke cause Jensen goes "nailed it" and Jared says "twice" 😂
The next fan doesn't really have a question she just wants to know if the boys could wish her son happy birthday because he's a fan but couldn't make it to the con. So Jared tells her to take out her phone and the boys together with the crowd say happy birthday to the kid. Jared is so sweet I swear 😭❤️
Oh boy, a fishing question, this person wants to know why C's entrance was included in one of the trailers for The Winchesters. We all know what this person was looking for but Jensen shuts that fantasy down by explaining he has no fucking clue because he doesn't put the teasers together that's somebody else's job and he has no idea why they included it, of the reels that have been done so far he's only seen a few of them and he doesn't remember exactly the one this person is talking about. That all he knows is he saw it, thought it looked cool and that's all the input he gave when it came to it.
Jared shares that in May for the upfronts they had a funny experience cause they were there at the upfronts back in 2005 for s1 of spn and back then they were the young guys at the network but now they're the old guys with kids getting thanked for all their work 😂 And that at the upfronts they showed the trailers The Winchesters and Walker Independence, and when the trailer for Walker Independence was shown Jensen told him it looked great and Jared was like "I guess, I'd never seen it", and same with The Winchesters when the trailer was shown Jared told Jensen it looked badass and Jensen went "first time I've seen it!" So the upfronts was the first time they both saw their own prequel trailers.
That the editing team for the studio is the one who puts together the sizzle reels, and then it goes to marketing, and last it goes to the producers where they just generally give a thumbs up and that's the extent of their involvement in that area. x
What does their perfect day off look like?
Jared replies "what are you offering?" and the fan responds "my husband is here, I'm sorry" but the best part was Jensen's reaction his eyes went wide, and he goes "what the hell?" even his voice changed 🤣 And then he goes "shame on you *while pointing at Jared* and shame on you *while pointing at the fan*" and says that maybe Jared was talking about something else like brownies or going to the fair...not pound cake *wheeze* Jared you forgot your husband was there when you made the comment 😂
On to their answers, Jared’s perfect day off happens on a weekday so his kids are at school and it starts off with the perfect night before by going to bed by 9pm, waking up at 5am, doing a light workout - at which point, Jensen goes "you'd work out on your perfect day off?" and Jared replies in, what to me, is such a bratty voice "this is my day". After he works out he wakes the kids up, takes them to school, and then maybe hops in the sauna, or goes for a swim, read a book, and then pick up the kids to get something to eat, watch a football game something like that; wake up, sweat, get some good food, get some sun, and chill out with the kids and the dogs.
Jensen's perfect day off would be sleeping in until around 10am, making himself a mountain of pancakes, move to the couch for a couple hours, make his way to the pool hang out there on a raft till he's a little crispy, then move back to the couch for a couple more hours then order some pizza, eat too much, roll back over to the couch and at about 10pm go back to bed. No phone calls, no zooms, no reading scripts. x
This last question has to be one of the funniest I've seen in a while because this person has only ever seen one episode of the show they're there accompanying her daughter, and best friend but she is having the time of her life getting to be next to the boys! And she wants to know if they have any recommendations for places to go in Austin to visit or eat because she and her daughter are going to be there this week, and the funniest moment happens when she goes to tell them that her daughter is sixteen so no bars but she says balls instead 🤣 This lady is fun! Anyways the boys give her bbq recommendations so she can try Texas BBQ, that there are a few spots in Austin which are amazing: Terry Black's, Rudy's, Lamberts, Cooper's. They recommend trying the brisket in Terry Black's bbq in Barton Springs. Y'all can bet I'm writing all these recommendations down for myself 😋
J2 Main Panel Kansas 2022
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chocolatecakecas · 2 years
Secret: one time I was at my crush's house for thanksgiving ala sam winchester and i did the toothpaste oreo prank on my crush's lil bro. But he didn't eat it 4 some reason and he left it on the table. Well his grandpa ate it and not ten minutes later he got a stroke. No one knows it was probably my fault.
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send me a secret on anon
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 19
"Something Wicked This Way Comes"
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: Wait...does staying in bed and ignoring the bumps in the night outside NOT SAVE YOU FROM THEM??? Well, FUCK. I've been banking on that for YEARS. If whatever Emperor Palpatine lookin' thing snuck into my room at night, I'd consider my life over. I'm not surviving this.
"I'm the oldest which means I'm always right," that is...solid logic, Dean. Not gonna argue with you.
I'd say flashing the ID that quickly wouldn't work, but...sometimes you just don' have the time to really look at ID when someone comes in to do their job where you work.
Not...fond of how they're portraying this old woman they passed in the hallway.
YOOO. Wtf is doing that.
Awwww lil Winchester bros. God...so much was put on Dean's shoulders. It's not fair.
Ohhhhh this is the episode with the sassy homophobic kid. (While checking into a motel) "King or two queens" "Two queens" (long pause while the kid looks the Winchesters over) "Yeah I bet" like....CHILD!
Damn. That's not even a believable looking fake credit card. It bent like a playing card. Like construction paper. And I'm now remembering that the CW has never been profitable, so that makes sense, actually.
SGABETTIOS!!! SO CUTE. But these flashbacks are gonna kill me. The amount that Dean had to sacrifice but also how much Sam really does love and appreciate him...I could tear a phone book in half
You're goin' in this old woman's room with TWO loaded guns pointed at her. Boys. What the ACTUAL fuck. And then claiming to be maintenance. I KNEW that was a red herring (and an subtle but not so subtle but maybe unintentional indictment of this country's hospital system)
Oh noooooooo. The kid's little brother got attacked by the monsterrrrrrr.
This doctor (which I almost capitalized) is like the anti-Carlisle Cullen. And the way Dean is seeeeeething.
He just wanted to play some video games and be a kid, not a caretaker for once.
This very emotional scene where Michael is asking Dean if he'd do anything to protect his little brother and Sam's right there and can hear the conversation still gets undercut a little by the fact that this kid thinks they're a couple.
Literally, like, how hard would it have been for Dean to tell Michael earlier that Sam is his brother? You had to have him say "You okay, little brother?" instead??
God. The way Dean can't even wish for good or normal things for himself but wishes Sam could have them...devastating
"Been On My Mind...": No. This episode was mostly about the brothers' childhood trauma
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Yoyo professor, this is some hella creepy spirit
I don't think I can write how much I love this lil fella right here, he's just...him, y'know??
Yeah I know it's like, his vessel and all, BUUUT I like to think he's already here, a little headcanon won't hurt
Why he eating chicken's feat why
Ah they're just like good brothers, fighting for computers and all
Lmao, "her name wasn't starla" the versatility of the two stories, I'm dying
"bla...blablabla? BLA-", and then "It's not like a weeding, we can't get a divorce"
I'm not his fangirl I swear, BUT LOOK AH THIS FACE, HE'S JUST LOVELY
HIS SMILE, I swear I won't survive this ep, I SWEAR
Oe, "busty asian beauties" LMAO
I think, I think, I think there is a conflict here, maybe the spirit (idk what it is yet) is like, playing with'em?
You see, as far as i remember, Aliens is like, the single thing that don't appear in the whole show.
Wth, Aliens? Like, they...fingered the poor soul?
It's too strange, even for them.
It's too strange even for me what
Bro, I love that out of the blue stories are told by Dean and then by Sam and it's like, a total mess.
Again they fight for a computer and Dean being a stupid betch, and he just lost his computer
Sam is a betch too, but, like, what is happening?????
These two don't even imagine who he truly is, I mean, yes. I love him. He's a rlly asshole but c'mon he didn't deserve this.
Ok maybe I'm a huge fangirl but c'mon
Like, Chuck treats him like shit, my boy need some fun y'know.
Dean baby, you can't kill a archangel with a wood pointy thing
Who don't like his style baby boy? He's a archangel, and at this point of the series you two, oh bobby is there too, you three don't even imagine what is coming for ya
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fogsrollingin · 5 years
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My fic sweet spots with this trope: gen, hurt!Sam, comforting!Dean, hugs & cuddles, protective awesome big bro Dean, vulnerable lil bro Sam ✧ My fic recs are updated regularly on DW and quarterly on Tumblr. Link to the possibly updated reclist on DW here ✧ My entire catalogue of fic recs on tumblr here ✧ This post was last updated 1/21/2022 ✧ So let’s get started!  🤗 ❤️   On Duty by weesta (AO3). Rated G, Gen, 9k. Summary: A weekend in the life of the Winchesters. Pre-series. Slice-of-life.  ao3.org/series/162452 my thoughts: I love the depiction of John Winchester here, where he’s not vilified and rather just an adequate father. Like, he gets a C- basically. Wholesome family fun, brotherly bonding, & sweet kidfic. Low angst and/or hurt/comfort.
The Art of Balance by SciFiNutTX. Rated PG, Gen, 64k. Summary:  Dean 21, Sam 16. Sam is given a writing assignment in English class which leads him to make unsettling discoveries about his family.  fanfiction.net/s/4590890 my thoughts:This fic features one of the coolest, most responsible, loving and yet still bamf Deans I’ve ever read... and it’s all because Sam’s learning about it now, bc he’s at an age where he can finally recognize the significance of what Dean’s done for him and John. This isn’t a ‘woe-as-Dean’ story though because Dean is content and Sam remains a sweetheart to his brother and a lovely narrator (along with a couple other insightful OC Outsider POVs) throughout.
Nobody's Home by Menthol Pixie, genfic, 3k, Teen. Summary: All he knows is that he has to get away. (Cursed/amnesiac!Sam) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11886629 My thoughts: great chaotic hurt in the first chapter, second chapter comfort is so sweet with Sam in bed lying on Dean's leg while Dean works with his hair & John's treating Sam's arms.
Vocabulary by innie. Rated G, Gen, 3k words. Summary:  Given a week to define himself, Sam watches Dean.  ao3.org/works/246771 my thoughts: A sweet, sweet nugget of a fic! Kind of similar to Art of Balance re: school assignments opening Sam’s eyes about his family. 
Connected by abcdefuk-off (FFnet). Rated PG, Gen, 9k words. Summary:  Assumptions and labels can be incredibly incorrect when you don't truly know a person; that is a lesson a teacher learns when she crosses paths with Dean Winchester and his little brother Sammy. One-shot. Weechesters/Teenchesters. Hurt/Asthmatic/Sam and Protective/Big Brother/Dean. fanfiction.net/s/11798913/ my thoughts: Ooo how I love the villain of an awful, bitter teacher in SPN kidfics! This one is especially satisfying re: defeating them! This is also an outsider pov fic and therefore listed in my reclist of outsider POVs. Sam Eller is also on AO3 now! ao3.org/users/Sam_Eller
Father of One by SunsetSky412 (FFnet). Rated PG, Gen, 11k words. Summary:  Sam's childhood centered around his big brother and despite how hard John tried - it was inevitable that the truth about his role as a father would one day come to light. "Are you sure you know how many sons you have?" fanfiction.net/s/9460943 my thoughts: If I recall correctly, this story is more about how Sam prefers Dean over their father. Since John was so absent and withheld approval, Sam pivoted and sought love and approval from Dean, which Dean received and gave back freely because he loved Sam so much too. It’s shmoop that kinda shames John like “you missed out on this lovefest, dude,” haha. I loved it. 
Someone to Mark the Milestones by RobotRollCall (FFnet). Rated G, Gen, 1k words. Summary:  Bobby never wanted kids to begin with, and he was never going to admit to anyone that watching a preschooler trying to get a toddler to walk across his kitchen floor was turning out to be one of the high points of his life. Those rugrats of John's were growing on him. (Wee-chester fluff).  fanfiction.net/s/10887299 my thoughts: Otherwise known as “when you’re feeling sentimental, baby Dean taking care of a baby Sam will mist your eyes.” Hahah. This was a great one-shot.
The Color Pink by Phx (FFnet). Rated PG, Gen, 5k words. Summary: Dean thought the prank was pretty funny until he went to pick Sam up after school. Two Shot.  fanfiction.net/s/5081499 my thoughts: I’m not always the biggest fan of Dean doing mean or callous things to Sam and ending up as guilty!comforting!Dean, but this fic had a message to it that I really appreciated. Dean made up for his mistake in a way that made him a better person (and modeled great behavior for Sam) overall so, yeah, loved this little story!
Parenting Your Gifted Child by bhoney (FFnet). Rated PG-13, Gen, 4k words. Summary:  When Sam and Dean re-visit their dad's storage container, Sam makes an unexpected discovery. Set early season 3.  fanfiction.net/s/4619135 my thoughts: This fic was such a charming headcanon insight for both Sam and Dean. Sam that he was noticeably smart af when he was young and Dean, also noticeably smart af to recognize it and seek after answers in a book like this (the fic’s title is the name of the book Dean consulted re: how to help Sam when they were kids).
What Moms Do by Ridley C. James (FFnet). Rated PG, Gen, 4k words. Summary:  Sam has a crisis in school, and Dean does what any big brother would, he comes to the rescue. fanfiction.net/s/2940014 my thoughts: An outsider POV (and just added to my outsider pov reclist), this fic is so pure, haha. It basically covers how all the things that, traditionally, moms do, are things that still get done for Sam even though he doesn’t have his mom. Cue ‘awww’ because that’s exactly what you’re gonna utter unconsciously while reading this fic.
RaBB verse: Nightmares and Names by authoressnebula (FFnet). Rated PG-13, Gen, 2k words. Summary:  Dean's 13, Sam's 9. Set in the 'verse, but CAN be read as a stand alone: Dean's tired of Sam bugging him at night with his nightmares, but when he gets what he wants, he's not so sure he wants it.  fanfiction.net/s/4145106 my thoughts: RaBB stands for ‘Raising a Big Brother’ and it’s a fantastic kidfic verse that follows Dean’s development in becoming the awesome big brother we all know and love. This story in particular kinda stuck with me because it was just so sweet and cuddly.
Fifteen by DangerousDiamondDarling (FFnet). Rated R, Gen, 1k. Summary:  Sam's thoughts one night at the age of fifteen and why he still needs his brother. M for some bad words. Just brotherly love, no slash. One of two on how Sam still needs Dean to hold him and tell him everything will be alright. Sam POV.  fanfiction.net/s/3615062  my thoughts: This fic is only rated R because Sam’s inner monologue uses the f bomb all the time which is completely in accordance with many teens, ha. This is one of the best little angsty teenage meltdowns-slash-panic-attacks I’ve ever read as the hurt, and Dean’s the best return ‘comfort’ in the woooorld. 
It Sounded Like the Truth by Weesta. Rated PG-13, Gen, 2k words. Summary:  Dean is on a supply run and a sick Sam is alone when someone breaks into their motel room. fanfiction.net/s/8859455/ my thoughts: I read this fic years ago and it still sticks with me as such a scarily realistic snapshot of Sam and Dean trying to just deal with sketchy motels and addled-junkie neighborhoods. Also there’s brother cuddles at the end 😁 Also just FYI this author is on AO3 at ao3.org/users/weesta but these fics haven’t been x-posted; they’re only available on FFnet afaik rn. This fic’s been included in my rape recovery reclist. There is no rape in this fic at all but Dean thinks sexual assault happened in this fic and like, it very well could’ve, and that’s why it was a “scarily realistic snapshot” for me
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lessonsdrowning · 2 years
apologize 2 the soulless boy...
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...he has done nothing wrong <3
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supklau · 4 years
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well. Who knew that ironically watching the finale ep would bring back to life my love for the Winchester Bros. 
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antiredemptionarc · 3 years
who is doing it like pro gambler legend sam winchester?
route 666 he has dean be bait for the evil car like “evil spirits get destroyed on hallowed ground, boom! lawyered” and deans like what if u were wrong? i coulda died??? And sam’s all the thought hadn’t occurred to me :)
then he breaks out his Lore Knowledge™ on halloween and gives him and dean blood mask makeovers on the spot  to survive Samhain like “check my sources that’s halloween lore bitch! people used to wear masks to hide from him so i gave it a shot” and Dean is ??? you gave it a shot???
And that time he played cards with a witch to get dean’s life years back and it was the last second dean was licherally dying on the floor and the witch was like “i’m sorry kid, aces full” and sam is :(:( i have lost :( and i will show u the gravity of my loss with my big puppy eyes :( “It was a great hand”---and just as the guy is getting comfortable being the winner BAM!-- “Just---not as great---” and sammys turning over his face down cards the little drama queen--- “as four fours” 😎 
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raccooncoded · 4 years
When death came and he slammed the book on the table XD Sammy is such a mood
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like there are many ways spn could have been improved but one of them would have been to continue the brotherly pranks between dean and sam. my older brother and I give each other so much shit it’s just how siblings work. my mom and her brothers are all in their late forties and they still prank each other. that’s just....yeah. bring back dean ironing sam’s shirts with beer and sam taking embarrassing pictures of dean and other shenanigans 2k21
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ellicler · 3 years
gordon walker redemption arc when??
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jarpadandjensens · 5 years
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 14|11   [happy Sam]
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