#like yes love for your job but sit your ass down for two seconds
madridfangirl · 2 days
Star crossed lovers (Jude Bellingham fanfic)
(Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3)
Chapter 4
Jude * female reader
Warnings: None. Slightly mature language in parts.
Jude let go of her hands, which fell in her lap, and took two steps back to look at her. The mood needed some lightening up.
‘Look at you, shooting me down two nights in a row. One would think I played for Barca, not Madrid.’
This made her look back at him. His silliness made her smile, she couldn’t help herself.
‘There is no way I would be sitting in your kitchen if that were the case.’
‘Finally, the sass is back. Hallelujah!’
He mimicked his celebration, with his hands raised, quite proud of himself in the moment.
She tried kicking his knee to wipe that smirk off his face but he dodged just in time, both laughing by now.
‘Let’s get some food in you. And more wine, definitely more wine. Then we will talk.’
They moved to the living room couch with their dinner and drinks, and settled on watching an episode of Friends. Both knew the show by heart and it served as the perfect distraction. The food was lovely too. White sauce pasta was her ultimate comfort food - she had no idea how he chose this or if it was just something his cook decided to make.
But what helped the most was the wine. It tasted like little drops of heaven. She knew it would be some fancy ass bottle she won’t even be able to pronounce so she didn’t even bother checking the name.
It had started raining by then, she could see the downpour through the French windows facing the backyard. And in Madrid, when it rained, it poured.
While she was looking outside, he cleared the empty plates and came back to the couch with re-filled glasses.
‘Agnes will drop you back later, don’t worry. He’s awesome at driving.’
She turned around and thanked him with a genuine smile, taking the glass from his outstretched hand.
‘Now, tell me, why so intent on shooting me down?’
He tilted his head towards her, patiently waiting for a response. Ananya looked down wryly, while her fingers played with the fabric of the couch.
‘It’s not something I set out to do. But, you and me, we are so different. Don’t you think?’
‘Why do you think so?’
‘Isn’t it obvious? Our jobs, our worlds, our lives, our circles, our priorities - every damn thing is different. There is nothing in common.’
‘Or we are two young, lively, ambitious people, enjoying life in a new city while still being connected to our families back home. That’s how I see it.’
She shook her head in frustration.
‘C’monn, Jude. I am sure you can see my point. You can see what I mean.’
He scanned her face for a few seconds, before conceding.
‘Alright, cool. Yes, we are different. Why is that such a bad thing though? Don’t opposites attract?’
‘Only in movies. And novels. Not in real life. Practicality always wins in real life.’
‘Don’t believe in romance then? In love and fairy tales?’
‘Romance, yes. Love, yes. But not in fairy tales. Not in Price Charming or a White Knight. Not in some star crossed lovers kinda story.’
‘That’s too much scepticism for a 20 year old, y’know.’
She just shrugged in response. He wondered if there was a story behind it. If something, someone rather, made her feel this way. But that thought was so unpleasant that he quickly snapped out of it. Conversation for another time.
‘Ok, let’s stick to practicality then. Let’s break it down. Why can’t we give this a try and see where it goes? Why do we have to think 50 steps ahead on day 1?
‘Define giving it a try.’
‘And what would that entail?’
He had been leaning against the back of the couch but sat upright then, and looked at her quizzically.
‘You are asking me what dating entails?’
‘No. I am asking what dating you entails. Would it mean going to your matches, going out in the city with you, to be clicked in public with you? Yeah?’
‘Well, yeah, I guess.’
She sighed, and he put his glass on the table, utterly confused now. When she spoke next, her voice was small but firm.
‘The thing is, just the thought of that, of so many eyes on me is nauseating. It makes me want to run. I can’t handle the pressure of being in the public eye like that. Of being under constant scrutiny. The media will dig out every photo, every text, every said and unsaid thing. And not just that, the fans Jude. Some of your fan girls will absolutely detest my existence, for not being deserving in their eye of the most sought after guy in all of Europe maybe. And I live here, right in the epicentre of all this. It won’t just be virtual. It will be everywhere around me.’
Ananya took a big sip from her glass, almost gulping down the remaining half in one go. While he sat still, trying to process everything she was saying. She continued immediately after.
‘Also, who’s gonna take me seriously at work then? Do you know how hard it is to get into investment banking? There are so few women who graduate to leadership roles in this field - the glass ceiling is present and real. And I am just starting out. I worked my ass off to get here. But they will all just look at me as your…, as some kind of floozy..’
He didn’t let her finish. Jude grabbed both her hands, held them together between his and squeezed firmly.
‘Shhhhhhhh, calm down, calm down babe. I hear you.’
She breathed heavily, gradually opening her eyes as he kept making shushing noises in the meantime.
His eyes were kind and sincere, seeking hers. She nearly got pulled into them but managed to regain her balance. He spoke softly, with understanding.
‘It’s not that bad for some guys, y’know. Tony was telling me how Jessica has pretty much been able to do her own thing here, without much glare. Same for quite a few other guys.’
‘Jude, they are not you. And please don’t make me explain what that means, you already know it.’
Yes, he knew what she meant. She could see it with the resignation in his eyes.
It was his turn to look away to compose himself. She couldn’t resist admiring his face from so close, as he was lost in thought.
‘How about this - we don’t tell anyone. No one. Just you and me. We meet either here or at your place. I will find a way to get there without being seen. No media. No fans. No pictures. No drama. No pressure. Till we are ready. Till you are ready.’
His eyes had changed shade again, filled with resolve now.
She considered every word and replayed it over in her head.
‘That’s not ideal for you, though, is it?’
‘Maybe it is. The media finds enough fodder to rip apart my life and my family’s as it is, let’s not give them more juice. It could be a good thing dove, seriously.’
She scanned his face to see if he really meant what he said. When she couldn’t find any evidence to the contrary, she let out a little sigh.
‘You are sweet.’
‘You are pretty.’
His instant response threw her off-guard. The look of surprise on her face and her failed attempt to speak was deeply amusing to him. Along with the little blush that was starting to creep up at the top of her cheeks.
She pulled out her hands from his hold, gathered herself and tried to look admonishing. He just laughed at her response and flashed her his biggest smile, all 32 teeth visible.
Ananya was convinced he was just trying to distract her from the conversation. The darned thing was, it was working.
‘Can you please be serious, Jude?’
‘I say it as I see it.’
He retorted, meeting the challenge in her voice.
Just then, his phone rang loudly and they both jumped from the suddenness of it. He looked at the phone, then looked at her indecisively.
‘Umm, it’s my Mum.’
‘Go talk to her, she must be calling about the match. What are you waiting for?’
He beamed happily at her, almost thanking her for understanding. Then quickly answered the phone, moving to the next room. She could see him through the glass windows, walking up and down, practically skipping with joy while discussing the match with his mom.
It was such a sweet moment. He looked like a 5 year old little boy telling his mom he came first in a school race. The love was practically radiating from his being.
She smiled, then busied herself with her phone. Giving them their privacy.
Her insta was filled with messages of shock, awe and jealousy of them getting to watch the Classico live. She chuckled and scrolled through all, reminding herself to respond later.
Roma had sent her a few messages too, asking her how it was going. And throwing in some deeply suggestive comments in between. Ananya could tell her friend was drunk. If only she knew what was really happening here, she would probably murder her.
What was really happening here? She was ruining what was probably the best day of his life yet by discussing her complicated thoughts. He could have been celebrating with his teammates right now, or with anyone else. He deserved to have the moon tonight, not what they were doing.
Guilt set in and she kicked herself for coming over in the first place. He would have been upset but surely he would have found ways to get over it quickly.
The constant pattering of rain outside served as a good distraction. She walked over to the French windows and settled down on the comfy floor seating. The cushions were cozy and the throw was soft; she pulled it up till her waist and shut her eyes for a bit.
She still hadn’t told him the other piece of her hesitation. It was a trickier conversation - she didn’t know how to articulate it, or if she even wanted to. She didn’t know how he would react to such vulnerable admissions. Tonight was so not the night, such horrible timing.
Just then, she heard half-frantic footsteps in the background and moments later she saw him turn the corner.
‘There you are. Thought you ran away without telling me.’
She elbowed his side lightly as he settled down next to her on the floor seating, leaning against the cushions.
‘You think I would do that?.’
‘Been trying to run since yesterday. Don’t trust you yet.’
They were side by side, facing the windows but turned slightly towards each other. Ananya chose to not address the last comment.
‘How was the call? She must have been happy.’
There was the little boy again, smiling from ear to ear, radiating such affection for his mom that it made her heart flutter.
‘She was over the moon. But she’s always like that - twice as happy as me for anything I do. Same with Jobe. She’s just a bundle of love.’
This was just cheating at this point. How was she supposed to resist him like this? But she had to get it off her chest, before it was too late. Before something happens that she can’t go back on.
His eyes turned yet another shade, intense. She could feel them roaming over her now.
‘Listen, about earlier.’
‘Oh yes. Sorry for the interruption. You said there was something else. Tell me.’
Her fingers dug into the cushion as she struggled to articulate this sensitive topic. He watched her movements closely, letting her take his time.
‘I came out of a serious relationship, in fact the only relationship I have been in, about 6 months ago. It was hard, coz I thought that person was THE person I will end up with. He said all the right things, did all the right things but eventually when it came to it, he didn’t have it in him to fight for us enough.’
Jude grabbed a nearby cushion too, resisting the urge to bite on it or rip it open. He could tell her scepticism had a story behind it and this seemed to be that.
‘Not gonna bore you with more about that. But long story short, the idea of being with someone is a bit daunting for me right now. A lot of my fundamental beliefs have been shaken, including my ability to trust in my instincts, which I thought I was good at. I am still trying to piece myself back together block by block. That was another reason to pick Madrid - a complete change of environment. I am not…as in I don’t have any feelings for him anymore but it’s myself that I am trying to understand better. Not sure if that makes sense but that’s what it is. ‘
Just my luck, he thought. The cushion was living on borrowed life in his hands at this point but Jude was proud of the way he had kept his face calm and neutral.
‘Thank you for sharing this with me, couldn’t have been easy. Look, I get it. Coming out of a long relationship can be hard. I have also been in one. Though, I don’t think I was ready for it at the time and I can’t claim to have been a good boyfriend either. But we all learn and grow from our experiences, right? Can’t stop trusting our instincts. Think of it this way - you knew all this yet you are here tonight. Something pulled you towards me. Don’t let your brain deny that.’
Well, she wasn’t denying the pull she felt towards him. She was trying to make sense of it with him. But he still hadn’t gotten the full picture. She needed to spell it out crudely so he really gets it.
Ananya looked straight at him for this - so she could see his reaction closely.
‘Jude - I don’t think I am ready for anything physical. And I don’t know when I will be ready. Or if I will be ready. That’s what I have been trying to tell you.’
She watched the realisation dawn on his face then. Well, finally, she thought. When he didn’t speak for the next 30 seconds, she chimed in again.
‘Look - I know this is atypical and I know this won’t work for you. I get it. We can look at last two days as a different experience and just call it a night. It’s absolutely fine.’
His head shot up at her, and his tone was sharp, for the first time tonight.
‘Sorry - what do you mean you KNOW this won’t work for me?’
‘Because it won’t work for most people in your position.’
She said calmly, trying to keep an even tone.
‘IN MY POSITION? You mean a footballer right? And you know this how? Let me guess - media, social media and gossip pages, correct?’
‘Jude, I..’
‘Tell me this - have I done ANYTHING in the last two days to make you uncomfortable? Did I push you, touch you or even look at you when you didn’t want me to?
‘Please don’t say that. You haven’t. That’s not what I..’
‘Then why, why did you of all people assume I was some sex-crazed animal who is only interested in fucking anyone with….’
She crossed the distance between them, kneeled in front of him and covered his mouth with her hand.
‘Stop, please stop. I am sorry. That’s not what I meant. And yes, I shouldn’t have drawn any conclusions from the media. You are right. Pls I beg you, just calm down. I am so so sorry.’
She could feel his heavy breathing on her hand, but atleast he didn’t push her away. The fight drained out from his eyes slowly, replaced with hurt. Which killed her even more. She moved her hands to his shoulders, gently stroking both.
He spoke in a small voice then, the twinkle lost from his eyes.
‘What did you mean then, if not all that?’
‘I meant that, someone like you, who has the world at his feet right now, who has enough high stakes as it is in his day job, why would such a person want this kind of a restricted set-up? I am sure models, actresses and all such sexy women must be throwing themselves at you left, right and center. You could be with anyone you want to be with.’
He seemed to believe her explanation, from the way his shoulders relaxed and his expression softened.
‘Clearly, not anyone.’
He pointed in her direction. When she didn’t say anything, he reached for her hands lying on his shoulders. And gently, fleetingly brushed his lips on the back of both.
She gasped & shut her eyes, willing herself to not melt. Failing miserably.
‘I believe I have the right to decide who I find sexy. And dove, you are the reason I struggled to sleep last night. Haven’t stopped thinking about you.’
Ananya wanted to hide from his gaze which was burning her even with her eyes closed. But she was transfixed.
‘Plus you are smart, a little lippy, highly opinionated, well-read, brave, vulnerable, honest and so so real. Gosh, I love that about you.’
He requested her to look at him. She obliged.
‘I would take you right now if you were in the same headspace. God knows I have thought about it. But, if taking things slow is what you need and the alternative is you walking out that door forever, then let’s go at a turtle pace. Can’t let go of you.’
He pulled them both up to their feet, standing a few inches away from each other.
Then, he opened his arms for her, inviting her in. She looked between his arms and his face which had an expectant smile, then back to his open arms.
‘Come here, come to me.’
Next second, she found herself against his chest. Strong arms wrapped around her in a gentle hold, pulling her further into his chest. While her hands went around his broad back, clutching at his jumper.
This wasn’t like anything she had ever felt before. His scent, his warmth, his breath, his presence fogged her mind and made her oblivious to everything else in the world.
Jude kissed the top of her head and rested his cheek against it. She bit her cheek to not let out a moan, but failed, making him smile.
‘Feeling what I am feeling?’
‘Will you give us a chance, then?’
‘You haven’t left me with a choice.’
‘Finally. Two wins in the same night, I am truly on a roll.’
She giggled against his chest at his silliness, and he followed suit. Feeling his laugh reverberate through his whole body was a feeling she couldn’t describe in words. It was something pure, something ethereal.
They swayed in each other’s arms for minutes, not wanting to let go. Not wanting to disturb the peace of the moment.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she grudgingly removed her cheek that was placed against his chest, and looked up at him.
‘It must be late. I should go now.’
‘If you want, you can take the guest bedroom. And leave in the morning whenever you want.’
‘I have some work in the morning, have to send out some stuff to the New York office.’
‘Agnes can pick up your laptop and bring it here.’
‘Jude - I really don’t think we should be under the same roof tonight.’
‘Don’t trust me?’
‘Don’t trust either of us right now, to be honest.’
He flashed her a mind-numbing smile.
‘Already can’t resist me? I knew it.’
‘Shut up and let me go.’
‘Five more minutes?’
She rested her cheek on his chest again, while his went on her head. His arms gently stroking her back, building a cocoon of comfort. They stayed like that for more than 5 mins.
There you go - hope you are liking the story so far.
Feedback is very very welcome :)
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inkblot-inc · 1 year
I imagine Jeweler!Wanda to still be so stressed and caring when Skitch gets sick even with just the common cold!! But like,, what if it’s The Flu or something spicy and Skitch is all “Wanda I’m fine please don’t come over you’ll get sick too” and that’s like the last thing wanda ever wants to hear yk???
Skitch is definitely the type to make light of how sick they actually are so they don't have Wanda "worrying about them needlessly". I can see this happening when Skitch got sick earlier on in their relationship with Wanda.
Skitch is so used to taking care of themselves just because of how they grew up. Their mindset is very much "I can do this on my own, just give me the time to do so/figure it out". Seeing how they deal with their work injuries, it's a very rudimentary treatment: Aspirin, and NyQuil to actually knock them out because you know Skitch is still tryna work through the sick days 😑
It's not necessarily recklessness, but it's a lonely way of thinking that they can just "do everything", especially when Skitch doesn't have to think that way all the time, I can see them readjusting that mindset after dating Wanda and seeing just how involved she is in their life.
Looking back, Skitch definitely gets the point that that shit was counterproductive because it's Wanda and she's going to be concerned regardless, but hindsight is always 20/20 y'know 😅
Of course Wanda doesn't like Skitch sick or hurt, but she will always want to look after them to make sure they're recovering properly. I can see Wanda taking time off work when Skitch has any sort of spicy sick to take care of them, otherwise (common cold, light migraine, etc.) Wanda's definitely sending reminders and checking in while she's away.
Wanda makes sure a quick lunch is set aside for skitch in the fridge so they just have to heat it up, tea and tissues are stocked, and she'll queue up one of Skitch's favorite shows on the TV before she leaves if their still asleep so Skitch doesn't wake up to a quiet house.
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gojoest · 20 days
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the one with the waiter — gojo satoru
— a lunch date gone wrong, or maybe not so…
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established relationship (you’re married), gn! reader, fluff/crack, dealing with your husband’s shenanigans
a/n: i said i would be doing regular short stories with satoru to challenge my motivation to write so here’s the first one! the way i’ll be naming the titles is obviously inspired by the tv show friends :>
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“satoru”, you glared at your husband from across the table after the waiter was done taking your orders.
“yes, my love”, satoru beamed at you.
“do you mind explaining what that was all about?”, you put in extra effort to keep your voice low while forcing a casual smile. you were in public after all — and compared to your husband, you were not one to make a scene in front of other people who were definitely not there to pay for a side of couple’s quarrel from the next table to go with their lunch.
“what do you mean?”, he asked, confusion written on his face, “are you mad because i ordered only desserts?”
“no”, you swiped your fingertips through your forehead and then put your hand back on the table. “you were really rude to the waiter”
“oh, that”, he made it sound like it was a distant memory he just remembered, “that’s because he was flirting with you. he should be grateful that i only asked for someone else to wait our table after he’s done taking our orders”, he clenched his fists. the vein on his forehead was more visible than ever and looked like it would pop any moment if he kept furrowing his brows any harder than he already was. what was there to be so mad about, you wondered.
“you told him to get lost…..”, you shook your head disapprovingly, “like, did i miss something there? when did he exactly flirt with me?”, you scoffed in disbelief, crossing your arms and leaning back against your chair.
“he was taking notes about you and he kept looking at you only with that idiotic lovesick smile on his idiotic face”, satoru said through gritted teeth, nervously shaking his leg under the table which inevitably, due to his long ass limbs, led to the table shaking too as his knee was bumping beneath the wooden surface.
all eyes in the restaurant were on you now, everyone turning around to see what was going on with the two of you — which was exactly what you were dreading.
you took a sip of your water to give yourself a few seconds to recollect your sanity and keep it under control while you try to calm your delusional husband down. “first of all, stop with the leg shaking, please — you’re bothering everyone”
he immediately ceased. pursed his lips and looked down at his lap, ready to be lectured like a child.
“the guy was not taking notes about me — he was writing down my order. that’s what waiters do, baby. they write stuff down so they don’t mess it up and serve you something else you didn’t order.”, you sighed.
“he didn’t do that with me though”, satoru uttered through a pout.
“that’s because there were three deserts on the menu and you ordered them all. that’s not very hard to remember”
“but he kept staring at you with that stupid smile. only i can look at you with a stupid lovesick smile…”
“he did not look at me with a lovesick smile, satoru. you were shooting him death glares, baby. the guy didn’t know what to do. he got all nervous and sweaty trying to avoid eye contact with you, so he kept staring at me….”, your voice grew softer as you went on and on until you ended your explanation with a light chuckle while leaning in and sliding your hand towards his side of the table only for his hand to quickly meet you midway and cup itself around yours.
“i just hope he won’t get in trouble because of what you did…”, you continued, genuinely concerned.
“well”, he looked at you, a mischievous grin sparkling in his eyes, “here’s the deal — if you lose the chair and come sit on my lap for the rest of our lunch, i’ll make sure he keeps his job”
“oh, you…”, a gasp left your mouth but you didn’t quite know what to say after that. at this point you were not really sure if this was simply an awkward accident or a perfectly scripted scenario by your dearly beloved husband aimed to make you sit on his lap in a restaurant full of people. either way, you had to close the deal.
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springalwayscomes · 11 months
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Closer (Teaser) Closer: Too Close (Teaser) Masterlist Taglist
Plot: To have each other close is something that you both always wanted, in a way or another. It’s just that… close is not close enough anymore for Jungkook.
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Smut, Domestic, Humor, Friends to Lovers
Wordcount: 27k
Content Warning: mentions of masturbation, dirty talk, swearing, pining, minor injury, praise, cunnilingus, cum eating, unprotected sex, mentions of blowjob, masturbation, hand job, dry humping, multiple orgasms, love making, creampie 
Author’s Note: Hello! I had the first line of this fic stuck in my notes for a while, it stayed there without really going anywhere, then inspiration came and the miracle happened in a few days. I like this so much so I hope you will like it too! There are some parts that just do things to my heart, one of these is inspired by Gaelforce. I don’t know if you follow him but if you do you sure will realise when you’ll get there!
Let me know what you think about it, again I hope you’ll like it!💜
If you want to be tagged in my taglis to get notified when my other works will come out let me know here, under this post, with a message or an ask. Feel free to talk to me for whatever, I always appreciate your messages!🫶🏻💜
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Jungkook walked in on you using your vibrator as a microphone when you were nineteen, lipsynching as if your life depended on it. 
He had laughed so fucking loud that time that you still feel your ears grow red when you think about it. 
He has teased you for it from the moment it happened, still does it now.
Back then, it was so freaking hilarious he would bring it up every time you were too mad at him, to make you laugh it off and let go of the heavy atmosphere creating between you every time you used to fight as teenagers. 
Five years afterwards, as of now, he still thinks about it from time to time. It makes him giggle when he’s in the middle of a meeting at work, when he has a stressful day, when he’s just laying in bed with his head empty. Usually, that would be the case. Now that you’re sitting on his couch with a bag of pop corns squished in your hands while the tv is playing though, is a new circumstance. 
«What are you laughing at? You’re so loud» you wince at him, monotone and annoyed.
He licks his lips, shaking his head.
«Your vibrator still haunts me» 
It takes you less than two seconds to realise what he’s talking about. 
«You’re so annoying. Should I bring up the time you farted out loud in class too?»
«That’s not the same,» he laughs «I told you that I wasn’t feeling good but you insisted on going to class anyway»
«You didn’t go for three days straight-» you fight back, stopping yourself when the camera points on Park Seojun. 
«Gosh, this man. I’m gonna marry him someday» you sigh dreamily. Jungkook snorts.
«Cause I was sick?» he opens the fridge.
«You drank with Jin the night before. You shouldn’t drink if you’re sick. Maybe that’s why you couldn’t hold it until class was over»
«You’re so noisy» he rummages through the shelves, finally finding the bowl of strawberries he was looking for.
«Want some?»
You quickly glance at him over the counter, pop corns stuffing your mouth full.
«No, thanks. I’m full with these»
He gets a spoon from the drawer, walking back to the sofa. 
«The face you made when I walked in is still funnier than-»
«When you farted in front of the class?» you cut him off, trying to get some sense in his head.
«Hell, yeah» he laughs.
«You literally-»
«Okay, now stop!» you slap his ass before he gets a chance to sit down.
«Oh, yes keep going» he fakes a moan. You literally want to slap him hard enough to make him stop being an idiot, but you have to hold yourself back.
«Just shut up and let me see Park Seojun» you shake your head. Jungkook gets a spoonful of strawberries into his mouth, eyes falling on the screen and eyebrows pinched together.
It’s a Saturday, thanks God the both of you don’t work on weekends, so usually you both find yourself on the sofa, watching a movie or just messing around. You’ve known each other since you were sixteen, so to say that you’re pretty comfortable with each other is an understatement. Even when you first met him, the nineteen years old Jungkook never made you feel uneasy. You were inseparable. Best friends that used to sleep at each other’s place every three to four days because you were just used to it. It was natural, so natural that a lot of the people around you thought you were a couple. Back then, you would grimace and shake your head vividly, not even giving it a thought. Jungkook would laugh it off, heart beating loudly in his chest every time anyone made him imagine how it would’ve been. 
«Do you still have it?» he asks, voice low as he stares at the screen.
«What?» you murmur. He doesn’t answer, his spoon scraping against the plastic of the bowl to get as much strawberries as he can into his mouth. He munches on them, gulping down and enjoying the sweet taste.
«That vibrator» 
«Jungkook! What kind of question is that?» you stop the drama, his thigh getting hit by the remote.
«I was just asking!» he raises his hands as to make sure you understand he meant no harm, the bowl now sitting on his lap.
«Why would you ask that?» your tone makes his eyes smile first, as he always does. His eyes smile first, then his lips just follow.
«Why are you so sensitive about it? I won’t ask, but we both know you still use it» he gets up from the couch, getting to the sink to put the empty bawl inside. 
«We say filthier things when we’re in bed!» he goes on from where he’s standing at. Your head is going to explode. It’s at times like this that you rethink about your life choices. From being sixteen and dumb, until you’re twenty four and ending up with sleeping with your best friend. 
«In bed! Leave those for when we’re in bed!» you fight back, another pop corn getting shoved into your mouth.
«Okay,» he appears by your side «wanna go to bed so I can ask you?» 
You can’t believe him. 
«Jungkook!» he laughs, bright and out loud, crystal clear. It makes your insides twist and turn with the need of shutting him up.
It’s not like it’s a everyday thing, sleeping together. It just happened three times, out of the blue. You both agreed that it’s not something big, something that will change your bond or friendship, it’s just something that… you both needed? In those moments, you guess. Maybe mentally? However you try to justify it, the answer is always the same: nothing is going to change between you. It’s just sex. But for the sake of your relationship, you try to keep it where it belongs: in bed. Talking about such things outside can be confusing, it can lead your friendship too places you don’t want it to be. You love Jungkook, as your friend. Being too sexual won’t lead to good places, just a fucked up friendship and a fuckbuddy living with you.  So you both better keep your minds at bay, don’t pass the limits of friendship at least when you can.
«I’m going to get a shower» you announce, shutting the tv and getting up from the couch. His eyes are questioning, but you just tap his shoulder. 
«Put this away, please?» you hand the pop corns to Jungkook. He grabs the bag. 
«Why?» you’re already almost out of the living room when he asks.
«I’m going out tonight!» 
«With the girls?» he raises his voice a bit to make you hear him from the other room, as he looks for a peg in the drawer to close the popcorns.
«Yeah, it’s Eunji’s birthday!» you remind him. Jungkook winces, he knows what that means. You will come back home late, and you’ll end up being awake until morning cause you hate going to clubs and will feel like you have to make up for the six hours you lost in there. You still do it, for your friends, but it’s something that you don’t enjoy a lot. If you add the fact that you don’t actually drink, that makes it all even worse. 
«What about Jimin?» he’s out of your bedroom door, you can hear it from how close his voice sounds. Thank god he has a good sense of privacy, cause you’re naked. 
«They were together the whole day, tonight is girl’s night» you answer. Jungkook nods, telling himself he’s going to ask him to come over later.
«I’m taking a shower now!» you let him know the conversation is going to end, already walking to your bathroom.
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«She said it’s girls’ night, so» Jimin’s munching on a chicken’s wing with so much eagerness it looks like he hasn’t been eating for a week. 
Namjoon nods at him, getting a beer from the fridge. 
«You’ve been together the whole day, though» 
«I know» he answers, «what can I do if I want to spend every second with her?»
«I feel like I’m gonna throw up» Yoongi murmurs from beside him, giving him the most disgusted glance ever. Jungkook laughs.
«What have you all been up to lately?» 
Hoseok sits on the carpet, ready to start eating as he waits for the group’s answer. 
Jin shrugs.
«Just work. The restaurant is always full, I think I might die from overworking»
«Listen to him bragging» Taehyung pats his hyung’s shoulder.
«I’m not! It’s going well, but it’s fucking tiring! Last night I came home to Hana and…  nnghh, why am I so dumb?» he closes his eyes, breathing through his teeth. 
«What happened?» Jungkook asks.
«She’d kill me if she knew I told you this,» he gulps a big sip of beer down «you have to promise me it won’t slip out of your dead-ass mouths»
«When did we ever say-»
«That time?» Yoongi’s question gets cut off, Jin’s eyes big as they remind him of what happened last time.
«It wasn’t me! It was Tae!» 
«Yah, I didn’t do it on purpose» he fights, holding back a laughter.
«Alright, stop. Just don’t make it happen again» Seokjin gives him a fiery glance.
«She was like, really in the mood and… I told her I would take a shower and then go to bed with her but my muscles were so sore I decided to run a bath. I felt asleep. She waited up for me for a whole hour,» he takes a bite from the chicken «she was… god, what did I do? I was so tired I didn’t do it on purpose but she felt rejected or humiliated I guess… I’m such a-»
«Hyung, you were just tired» Jungkook stops his rant. Namjoon nods.
«You should talk to her»
«I didn’t get the chance, she left earlier this morning and didn’t answer my texts all day» he answers, eyes gloomy as he pours himself another glass of beer. 
«Wait for her up, she’ll come back after they are done with the club» Yoongi proposes. Jin nods.
«What about you?» he asks.
«I’m good» he smiles. A little too much, actually. It’s too bright, too much. 
«You’re good?» Hoseok smiles at him, already knowing that there’s something else. There has to be, with him smiling like that.
«Really good» he echoes. 
At this point, Jin hits his shoulder.
«Yah, give us the good stuff!» 
The music in the background fills the air as Yoongi ponders on how to explain what’s happening in his life at the moment, a big smile taking over his features. 
«I’m…» he smiles again «I’m going to be a dad» 
«What?!» it’s a scream that comes out loud, the same word coming from every single person present. The man nods, eyes teary. It makes Jungkook’s heart squeeze, to see his hyung so happy. The room is filled with happiness, as they all proceed to ask questions, hugs and congratulations getting shared. After all, he and Hyunjoo have been trying for the last year. The night is filled just like that, with jokes and laughs until Jin and Jimin decide that it’s time to go back home to wait for their girlfriends, the others deciding to stay until you will be back to say hello and goodbye to Jungkook. 
It’s when the bell rings that they know that something is definitely weird. The knock on the door too sounds eager for you, and when Jungkook gets up to open it what they hear right after makes their eyes shoot right open.
«Fuck, are you drunk? Who took you home? Why did you drink?»
«Leave me alone» you stutter as you try to walk inside, Jungkook’s arm getting to your waist. You can’t even stand, how much did you drink? 
«Who took you home?» to say he sounds worried sick is an understatement.
«Some guy with a really pretty dick» you laugh. Taehyung gets up, everyone following after him. They never saw you drunk, simply because you just don’t drink. You don’t like the taste of alcohol, can’t even gulp down a sip of beer properly without having to go brush your teeth, apart from the fact that you can’t hold it. Half of a glass is enough to make you the drunkest version of yourself; apparently now it’s not like that anymore.
«What?» the shock from seeing you like this makes Jungkook hold his words back, first he needs to make you sit somewhere.
«Grab a wet towel, or just… water, give me water!» he orders around. Someone gives him just what he asked for, and he doesnt even spend time in thanking them as he wipes the makeup off from your face. 
«Water» Yoongi gives him a glass.
«Why- you’re here! Hello!» you wave to your friends, Taehyung smiling at you. 
«My bestest friend! Tae, I missed you» you whine, grabby hands reach for his wrist, making him sit next to you.
«Yah! I’m your bestest friend!» Jungkook shakes his head.
«I missed you too» Taehyung scoffs, your head falling on his shoulder. Jungkook hisses, it’s harder to get your makeup off when half of your face is squashed like this.
«Why did you drink so much?» Taehyung tries.
«I was… feeling left out? I can’t remeber well» you murmur, chuckles coming out as you decide it’s time to mess with Jungkook. Every time he tries to wipe a part of your face, you just turn in the opposite direction.
«Will you stay still?» he shakes his head, annoyed.
«You’re a pain in the ass, Jungkook. I hate you»
«I think it’s better if you go home, she needs a shower» Jungkook turns to face Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok. They look pretty shocked, but worry is weighting down on them more.
«Are you sure? We can help you?» Hoseok tries, but he shakes his head again.
«It’s fine, I got this» 
«Don’t go! Why are you kicking them out! So annoying» you fight, holding Taehyung’s arm tighter.
«I’m not kicking them out, but you need to shower and get changed and they- just…» he turns again «Don’t worry, just go home and rest. I got this» he repeats.
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It’s 5.43 am. And it’s so frustrating that you’re laying by his side, sleeping, while his eyes are wide open. 
You might not feel good, so it’s better anyway, he tells himself.
Jungkook is annoyed. A lot, actually. Why, he doesn’t get it. Your words echo in his mind, making him bite on the inside of his cheek when he should be resting.
Did you sleep with someone? It very much sounded like it. A really pretty dick? He scoffs. The adjective sounds almost out of place, still he feels his insides burning even hotter. He wants to ask you right now, but you’re sleeping. Again, he should be too, actually. 
He decides it’s better if he sleeps on the sofa, you’re asleep anyway, so you won’t make a fuss about it. He lifts the covers, gently and slowly, then sits on the bed, a leg already out and his foot laying on the ground. The cold makes him wince.
«Don’t go» you hold his wrist, digits caressing his skin. 
«Stay with me,» you plead «I’m not feeling good» 
His defences fall down instantly. It’s hard not to succumb when you’re murmuring against him. He does it without you having to ask twice, his foot back under the warm covers.
«Hold me?» you ask. It’s low, sweet and sleepy, and he guesses you’re still drunk but he doesn’t care. His arms wrap around you and hold you close, your head lays on his chest as you would do after having sex. Jungkook holds his breath and swears to himself, he needs to slow down his heartbeat because it seems like his heart is going to combust. 
«I don’t hate you,» your voice is faint
«I’m sorry I told you I hate you, Kookie»
«It’s okay» he caresses your hair, trying to make you relax.
«Just get some sleep» he can’t hold himself back, not when you’re laying in his arms so defenceless and looking so frail and delicate. His lips land on your forehead, soft and gentle, incredibly caring. You don’t say anything though, you’re already asleep.
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«Alright, what is it?» Taehyung snaps at him, eyes fixed on the maknae. Jin nods, eyebrows high.
«Nothing» Jungkook shrugs, going back to stare at the screen. The movie isn’t playing, stopped by Taehyung. 
«It doesn’t seem like nothing» he answers back. 
Yoongi taps Jungkook’s shoulder.
«Tell it to Yoongi hyung?» he smiles. 
Jungkook scoffs. It’s something he used to tell him when he was younger, it would reassure him to know that there was someone older than him to relay on and to count on. Now, though, Yoongi can’t do anything about it.
«I’m your hyung too» Taehyung pats his other shoulder.
«Me too» Jimin adds.
«We’re all older, we got it» Namjoon looks at the two who are smiling wide at Jungkook.
«Talk to us? We could help» he prompts. 
«I just… I don’t know» he doesn’t know where to start from. He doesn’t even know why he’s feeling so bothered about it, it shouldn’t be such a big deal.
«I don’t know… why?»
«What? We can’t understand like this» the confusion is clear on Hoseok’s features.
Jungkook sighs, deep and shaky, head falling on the cushion of the couch.
«I’ve been sleeping with someone» he declares, bringing the back of his hand on his eyes. 
«What?» it’s Jimin and Jin, ready to ask why he didn’t tell them. Yoongi glares at them in a second, shutting them up before they even have the chance to start.
«And?» he coos.
«And- she… slept with someone else» he adds. It’s blurry, and the situation is not clear, but just seeing Jungkook like this makes all of them on the edge.
«Are you in a relationship? Or you just-»
«We’re not» he answers Namjoon.
«We’re not, but…» he doesn’t finish. 
He can’t believe himself. What the hell is this about? It’s not like you agreed on being exclusive, you didn’t even talk too much about what happened, it just happened, three fucking times. And god, how fucking good it was. The best sex he’s ever had. Fuck, he didn’t even think about someone else after sleeping with you. 
Maybe it wasn’t the smartest of choices since he’s been fighting against his feelings for six years, but until now they were pretty good. He dated, you dated, he kept them at bay and they didn’t get in the way. 
«You wish you were» Yoongi finishes his sentence.
Silence fills the air. Jungkook feels like he’s going to throw up. You wish you were, it’s the only thing playing in his head. He wishes you were. That’s the point, that’s the fucking point. He wishes you’d see in him what he’s been seeing in you for all these years, he wishes you’d crave his touch just like he craves yours, in the same way. He wishes you could share more than just a home and bills, friendship and bags of popcorns. He wishes for more, and fuck, he’s been so fucking stupid all along to think that a little taste couldn’t do too bad, to think that he could have at least that much.
«Have you talked to her?» Jin tries. Jungkook shakes his head, the back of his hand still pressed against his eyes.
«Why don’t you try?»
«Why would I? We’re friends»
«Fuckbuddies?» Jimin asks «How can you be-» Taehyung slaps him on the neck. A faint moan coming out of his friend’s lips.
«Shut up»
«No, friends. We’re friends» he slightly raises his voice on the last word, to make it clear. 
Yoongi’s eyes narrow.
«You mean you… you’ve been sleeping together but you’re friends?» 
«Isn’t it clear?» Jin looks at him like Yoongi has two heads, eyes trying to suggest something that no one gets. His head moves as to beckon him to something that’s right in front of him, Yoongi’s expression still clueless. Then, he gets it.
«Y/n! Is it Y/n? What the hell Jungkook!» he breaks out. Everyone’s eyes shot right open, Jungkook’s hand falling on his lap as he realises that there’s no way back. 
«When? Why?»
«It just… happened» he sighs, eyes closing again. 
«When?» Taehyung can’t believe what he’s hearing. 
«Four months ago,» he murmurs «the first time»
«How many times? Oh, my god» Jin wants to know everything, every little detail. Not sexually, it would be awkward since you’re his friend, but every thing he can, he has to know.
«Three?» He repeats.
«Three times,» Jungkook says again «I don’t know what to-»
«Is it because of the guy with the pretty dick?» Yoongi asks. Jungkook tilts his head, glaring at his hyung. 
«Okay, it is»
«Talk to her» Hoseok prompts but he only gets a big, steady shake of the maknae’s head.
«She was drunk. Do you know what you’re doing? Like, have you talked about it at least? Are you exclusive with each other?»
«We didn’t, and I guess we’re not» Jungkook answers Jin, not really in the mood for all of his questions.
«Jungkook, you have to-»
His phone rings, cutting Hoseok off. Your name comes up on the screen, everyone’s eyes and ears ready to steal information, Jungkook’s thumb stopping before hitting the green icon. He takes a deep breath, then answers. 
«Jungkook, please help me» 
Something inside him snaps, worry filling every part of his being. Your voice is shaky, fragile. It sounds like you’re crying.
«What, what happened? Where are you?»
«At home,» you whimper «I’m in the tub. I slipped and, I can’t move. It hurts» 
«Fuck, wait I’ll be there in five minutes. Stay on the phone, don’t move. Please, don’t move, okay?» he’s already on the way to the door of Taehyung’s house, their eyes fixed on him in worry. He waves goodbye before closing the door, mouthing “emergency” at their inspecting eyes.
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«Fuck, are you okay?» 
To say he’s worried sick is an understatement. His eyes travel to every part of your body to make sure that you’re not hurt, until they reach your arms covering your chest. 
«Don’t look! Give me the bathrobe» you want to cry, you feel so embarrassed that you actually could. 
«Yes!» he passes it to you quickly, helping you as best as he can with his face turned to the side. He wants to tell you that it doesn’t matter if he sees you like this cause it already happened but he guesses you might feel embarrassed or just not at ease, so he shuts up and does what he has to. 
«It’s fine, I…» your voice trembles. You hold his wrist on the side of the tub, fingers cold and wet. 
«It’s fine, it’s alright. Ssshh, don’t cry» he kneels down, his arms wrapping around you and leading your head to his chest. 
«I’m not crying» you whisper, gulping down.
«You’re about to,» he caresses your hair «I’m here. I got you» he feels his throat tightening. He was so fucking worried he run two red lights while coming home, all the ones he met. 
«I always got you» he coos. 
For some reason, his words make you shake in his hold, a faint whimper coming out as you let the tears fall. The embarrassment and the stress about the situation, the pain of your ankle and his presence seem to mix together to combine into a perfect crying solution.
«You won’t tease me about this, right?» you mumble, voice muffled. Jungkook’s heart feels slightly reassured at your words, a weak smile gracing his lips.
«I won’t, baby. I promise» he whispers.
Your faint sobs fill the air, and he feels like his poor heart will break only by listening. His fingertips dig into your bathrobe so much it’s like you feel them on your skin, his other hand caresses your hair, his breath shaky. 
He waits for your weeps to summer down and stays like this a little longer, his presence reassuring and his touch relaxing you.
«Let’s get you out of here, okay?» he asks. You nod. He’s gentle when he parts his arms from around you, gentle when he tells you to relax, gentle when he smiles at you, soothing. 
«Where does it hurt?» 
«My ankle» you let him know. His eyes travel down, hands getting wet in the water as he lightly feels both of them. 
«There» you hold back your breath, the pain makes you grimace.
«Okay, just… can you get up? Just lean on me and don’t put weight on your right leg. Lean on me» he instructs. You follow his words and try to get up as best as you can, leaning your weight on him and keeping your ankle up. Jungkook helps you out of the bathtub, his hands coming to your back and the back of your legs to pick you up. He makes sure not to hurt your ankle with any movement, eyes on your face to check in with you without having to ask.
The path to your bedroom is silent, he lays you on your bed and tells you he will change the sheets himself afterwards because of the wet bathrobe. 
«I think you need a pillow, you need to keep your ankle up» he works diligently, worry guiding him until he realises you’re set. On the bed, with the pillow underneath your ankle, comfortable, kind of.
«Do you want ice? Wait, I’ll get it with something to drink» he lets you know. He vanishes out of your bedroom and into the kitchen to get a glass of water and the ice, then goes back to the bathroom to get a towel to wrap around it so it isn’t too cold.
When he comes back, he smiles at you.
«You need to drink at least a bit» he hands you the glass. He sits next to you, looks as you gulp down the entire glass with a proud smile, his hand reaching out to take the glass back and put it on your nightstand. You stay with your mouth closed, still too embarrassed to say anything.
He puts the ice on your ankle, careful not to hurt you more than what you’re hurting already. It’s an instinct he doesn’t think of or can fight back, when he strokes your hair tenderly. It makes you gulp, heart swelling in your chest. 
«I was so fucking scared» he admits, low and shaky, almost a whisper.
«I’m sorry» you really are. He was enjoying his night with your friends after a hard week of work, and you called him and made him come all the way home, worried and-
«It’s okay, don’t worry» he smiles.
«But we should go to the hospital, your ankle is a bit swollen and-»
«Not now, please» you refuse.
«Y/n, you really should»
«I know,» you nod «just please not now? In a bit» 
Jungkook sighs, but he nods. He keeps the ice on your ankle, eyes on your face to check if he’s hurting you in any way to the point you feel your ears burn. 
«Come here?» you ask, patting beside you. He raises his eyebrows, looking at your hand on the mattress. 
«Please?» you ask sweetly. 
«The ice» he says. You shake your head.
«Just for a little, please» you gulp your beating heart down. You want him close, closer and closer. You don’t know why, but you want him so close it’s getting hard to breathe.
Jungkook can’t say no to you, not when you’re in your most fragile state, telling him to lay beside you. He puts the ice on the nightstand, next to the empty glass. 
When he lays on his side, his eyes instantly fall on your face, a bit of worry still painting his features.
Your hands move on their own, reaching his and bringing them around you. 
The atmosphere is dreamy like, a pinkish feeling invading Jungkook’s chest as he stares at you, his arms squeezing you and your eyes getting lost in his. It’s odd, how you can feel you heart pulsate, the sound echoes in your ears until they become numb. His hold seems to calm your racing mind a bit and you find yourself craving for something you can’t really touch, get a grasp of.
«Jungkook» you call. 
«I want you» 
Jungkook feels like a leaf about to fall. Swept away by the wind, scared to fall but what if the fall is so sweet, so gentle? What if he can’t say no? He wants you just as bad as he wants you to want him. He wants you sweetly, he wants you lovingly. He wants you. Every part, every shiver, every fear and every night. Every fucking night. If he can’t have that, he’ll have to settle for this at least. He can’t say no to your love. And now that he realises, he thinks, this is the last time. The first time loving you and the last. 
«Fuck, come» he holds you tighter.
«Come into my arms» as if you weren’t already. He stays like that, seconds passing by and his breath getting rougher, he tries to  slow down his heartbeat but it’s to no use, you probably can feel it even through your bathrobe and his clothes. He wonders what are you thinking, if you want him as bad as he wants you at least sexually. It makes him breathless, how much he wishes you were his.
«I need-» he gulps «I need you close»
His body moves on top of yours, his legs in the middle of your thighs, eyes glancing at your ankle to make sure he doesn’t hurt you with his movements. It kills you, how he takes his shirt off and the light of your room kisses every single inch of his abdomen. His beautiful skin, the muscles flexing as he removes the cloth, his brownish nipples hard at the cold hair. You want to lick it, every part of him. You want to touch it, chase every ripple with your fingertips. 
«Can I take this off?» he asks. 
When you meet his gaze his eyes are made of something you’ve never seen. It’s not want or need, you’ve seen those already the other times you had sex, it’s just something else that you can’t quite grasp; you don’t focus on it too much, nodding your head and reaching you hands for the knot of the bathrobe. 
«Wait, let me» his fingers graze yours. You stop your ministrations, watching as he unties the knot, slow. There’s something. There’s definitely something. When he took your clothes off the last time, there was eagerness in his motions. There was need.
He was scared, of course he was. You guess that now he’s just glad you’re okay and trying to not hurt you in any way. You’re glad. Glad that he takes such good care of you, glad to have him as your friend. 
«Thank you» you smile. Jungkook feels his heart clench. He wishes your relationship wouldn’t be like this, for you not to thank him with that smile so uninvolved, so clear. 
He nods, hands getting by your sides to not put any weight on you.
«Keep your ankle up, please. Don’t wanna hurt you» he says. You nod, again.
His bicep flexes as he puts his weight only on his left arm, his fingers of the other caressing your clavicle. He sees the shivers on your skin as he travels lower, grabbing the edge of the bathrobe to reveal your chest. He wants to squeeze you, squeeze you so tight you don’t have any space left between you, hearts beating against each other. 
Your skin glistens, and he can’t hold himself back anymore. He raises on his calves, opens your robe so that every part of you is revealed, takes off his pants and his socks. His cock is hard, so fucking hard he’s afraid he’ll come just by the sight of you, but he wants to hold back. He has to, cause he wants to do this right, in the right way. He wants to love you even if you don’t notice it, at least for once. 
«Sit up for me, princess» his tone is like honey, and you do as he says without complaining. The pet name leaves a weird taste in your ears, you’re not used to it.
He helps you out of the bathrobe, finally having you naked on the bed. So pretty, so exposed just for him. Something inside him doesn’t set right, though. 
«Hold tight onto me» 
You’re in his arms, getting up from the bed and out of your bedroom. You wander what the hell is he doing until you get to his bedroom, confusion invading your features.
He lays you on his bed, getting a pillow again so that you can keep your ankle elevated.
He looks down at you from the end of the bad, cock twitching and eyes fixed into yours. He wonders if it was too much of a bold move, but he guesses you wouldn’t see anything behind it. 
«Want you in my bed» he simply answers, transparent and straight to the point, his dark doe eyes drinking yours in. 
You just nod a little astonished. 
Of all the times you had sex, it was always in your bed. Never in his. Never your perfume stayed on his sheets, never he got to swim in the illusion of having at least a little more to keep to himself, just for him. A part of you to keep, to protect in a world that isn’t yours. 
He takes his boxers off, and god you wish he could be faster cause you think your eagerness will make you lose your mind. You want him deep inside you, close as soon as possible.
«Open your legs for me?» he coos. He looks at you from the edge of the bed, still standing. Your eyes travel all the way from his face to his cock, it stands straight up to his belly button, the tip red and angry, veins displayed. If you’re not seeing wrong, there’s a bit of precum leaking out from his tip, but maybe it’s just the light playing with your eyesight. 
You do as he says, opening your legs as much as you can for him to see, careful with your ankle. He bites down on his lips, his hand getting to the base of his cock and wrapping around it, just squeezing it.
«I love your pussy» he breathes out. The way he sounds makes you clench around nothing and when you see his hand stroke up and down his needy cock your mouth opens in awe. 
«I’m obsessed, want it every day» 
You squeeze your thighs together, how can he speak so filthy but sound so angelic?
«That can’t happen» you warn him. 
Jungkook nods.
«I know» he answers. It kills him. It fucking kills him, to have a taste and then having to let go of it. 
He gets to the bed, kneeling in front of you, his eyes on your face. 
«I want you on my tongue» 
Your yearning is making you crazy, you’re so wet you’re practically dripping by now.
«Please, Jungkook» 
It sounds so good, to hear you say his name like that. In such a filthy way, totally unfiltered. 
«Gonna give my baby what she needs»
His hands touch your thighs, he gropes your skin with his digits, so soft it makes him want to fucking lose himself and get lost just in the desire. His sentence makes you wetter, but your heart beats louder for some type of reason. 
«Please» you plead again. 
«I got you» he reassure you, he lays down on your body, face close to yours. His lips are close, so close you think he’s going to kiss you but he just lays a kiss on the corner of your mouth. 
«I always got you» he whispers, his eyes looking into yours. His hand caresses your cheek, something that adds too much to this, to you, to the both of you. It leaves you wordless, shaking.
A second later, he’s back between your legs,  his hands grabbing your thighs in the gentlest way he ever did. 
«So beautiful» he murmurs to himself as he looks at your pussy juices leaking out. It’s so fucking inviting that he can’t hold back anymore. His mouth lands on your clit, so soft and pillowy, he kisses it. A strangled moan comes out of your mouth, and he lays another, and another. His tongue starts to glide between your lips, up and down he gathers your juices and then sucks onto your clit, your back arching on the bed.
«Oh, fuck» you moan. It makes him eager. Eager for more, eager for you, ciclo by fervent. He wants it all.
He sucks on your clit again, harder and for a time that seems endless, the pleasure that takes over you is tingling and consuming and your mouth opens again in a silent moan. He lets it go with a popping sound, he blows on it, kisses it again, sucks again as his tongue plays with it. Your hands reach his hair, they tug at the strands as you moan out loud. It’s so good, so good you’re not going to last long.
«So good» your hips shoot up, whines come out of your mouth.
He feels drunk, lost in the taste of you.
«Yeah?» he coos. His tongue rubs your clit deliciously, the pattern changing from up and down to side to side and circles, it makes you lose your mind. 
«What if I do this? Take all of you in my mouth?» 
It’s unreal, how good he can make you feel. He takes you all in his mouth, from your clit to your hole, sucking on every part he manages to get, then sucks on your lips. His hands move on your stomach, eyes on your face as he grabs your breasts in his palms. He squeezes them softly, fingers rubbing your nipples, filthy wet sounds filling the air. It’s embarrassing, the amount of wetness through your folds, how your juices keep leaking out at just a look at him. You don’t think you can hold back. Not when he’s sucking on your clit again, his fingers grazing your nipples as he moans on it in his mouth. He doesn’t think he can get any other pussy, after yours. It’s too good, it’s perfect. Just perfect.
«Gonna- Jungkook» you shiver.
«Tell me, talk to me, baby» he moans on your pussy, his tongue poking at your hole. 
«Fuck, I think I’m going to- cum» 
His tongue feels so good inside you, your walls tight around it and your juices wetting all of his chin. He wants your wetness everywhere, on his chest, on his thighs, on his fucking bed. 
«Please, let me see» he begs. 
«Cum for me» 
One of his hands come down, his fingers rubbing your clit. You don’t have the time nor the voice to tell him that you’re going to, cause god, it feels so fucking good you don’t even know how to speak anymore. You just see him, his eyes staring at you from between your legs, nose brushing against your folds, his tongue deep inside you. Your legs shake, your breathing is rough.
«Cum for me, angel» 
And you do. You cum so fucking hard, you don’t even realise what is happening, how your juices flow out and drip onto his sheets,  how Jungkook presses down onto the mattress to get some sort of friction, how he gulps down your juices as if they were the tastiest thing he ever drank. 
He kisses your clit, your lips, every part of your pussy he can get a taste of, your inner thighs.
«Fuck, I only want your pussy» he moans, the fingers that left your aching clit now wrapping around his thickness, your juices on his cock make his skin glossy. You’re such in a haze that yes, you nod.
«Fuck, yes» you sigh. Jungkook can’t take his eyes off of you, he simply can’t. You’re so beautiful, so pretty when you’re so vulnerable and exposed for him that you make him helpless, totally fragile.
«You’re so beautiful, so pretty when you cum» his voice makes you open your eyes, finding him still between your legs. 
«Come here» you struggle to let your voice out. 
«Want you close» 
His heart shakes. 
«Tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you» he breathes out, laying on top of you. His voice is shaky and you feel his hands travel from your thighs to your stomach, then to your chest. They reach your shoulders, one of them cups your cheek, his eyes study every part of your face. He looks at the flush of your cheeks, how they turned to a reddish tone, your lips swollen from your teeth biting at them, your hair messy all over his pillows. In his bed, his at least for now.
«I want you, only want you» you whine. 
«You have me» he wishes you could notice, that you’d realise, look at him and mean your words just how he means them. He just rubs his cock against your folds, though.
«Right here» he moans. Cock rock hard, so fucking ready for you. 
«Please» you just keep pleading, you can’t hold back. You don’t even care if you just came and your pussy needs time to recover from the tremendous orgasm you just had, you just want him inside you. 
His cockhead brushes against your clit, a strangled moan coming out from both of your throats, your eyes focusing on his just to see that’s they were already there. Jungkook smiles at you so softly as his cockhead finds your hole and pushes in that it feels too much. Too much affection, to much loving. Too lovingly. It makes your insides twist and turn, and you wonder what the fuck is going on, but you don’t have time to voice your feelings cause a second later his cock is deep inside you, filling you up to the brim.
You just shut your mouth, take everything he has to give. You want it all, you don’t care.
«Fucking perfect» he whines. His cock never felt so good, your walls squeeze him perfectly, your pussy so wet he can feel your juices already pour down to his balls.
«Wrap around me,» he moans faintly «please»
Your legs move on their own, the pain of your ankle shooting up to your leg. You grimace, eyes squeezed shut.
«Careful with your leg» the worry makes him still.
«Lay it on the pillow, up» he whispers, his hand reaching your calf to guide it back down. 
«Like this» he kisses your temple. You sigh when you feel the softness of the pillow and your weight supported, the pain untying a bit.
«Does it hurt?» his words soothe you and you open your eyes to look at his face. You shake your head.
«It was just for the movement. It’s going away now» you answer. Jungkook nods, his fingers brush away a little strand of hair that’s keeping your beautiful face away from him.
«Like this it’s good, is it okay for you?» he asks. His hand holds your hip, your leg wrapped around him, the other on the cushion and Jungkook’s cock buried deep inside you still. You can feel it throb even when it’s still, you wonder how is it possible that he’s holding himself back so much.
«It’s perfect» you whisper. His eyes, smile first, as they always do. His smile comes right after, and you don’t know if it’s the atmosphere or your vulnerability for everything that happened but it makes your heart swell. You want him around you, you want him everywhere, all over you, inside of you.
He looks down at you, moves his pelvis back and then forward again, you wrap your leg tighter around his waist. Your arms come around him, his passes under your back as the other stays on your hip, his cock rutting inside you makes you whimper. He kisses your neck, sucks on your skin, moans in your ears. 
«Love it so much,» he shivers, eyes closing from the pleasure «getting to have you like this» 
«Feels so good, Kook» you whine.
Jungkook fucks into you slow, but his motions are firm and he knows exactly where your buttons are. Apparently, it didn’t take much for him to learn, it seems like he knew them all along, from the first time. 
«Yeah?» he coos, his digits dig into your skin.
«Yes» you moan out loud, only guiding him closer. His cock is perfect. You love it, could never imagine a better dick. 
«Tell me, baby. Wanna hear you» he doesn’t stop, only squeezes you tighter. Your breasts against his hard chest, your nipples brushing against his skin, every curve of your body against his.
«Your cock is so perfect» you tell him. He wants to look down to where he’s inside of you but doesn’t want to miss a single thing, not even a crumb of the pleasure taking up your features.
«I love it so much, the best cock ever» your voice is muffled and your fist comes out from behind his neck to press against your lips as you speak. 
«Please don’t» he whines, looking down at you. 
«Wanna hear you, don’t hold back» 
Your fist goes away. Your fingers dig into his skin again, surrendering to his request and letting your voice come out free. 
Jungkook makes love to you. It’s so sweet and so slow but so good that you’re lost. Lost in him, lost in the feeling and the pleasure. 
«Keep your leg up» he instructs, letting your hip out of his grasp. He kisses your nose, his hand travels between your legs, his middle finger on your clit. 
«Oh, Jungkook, fuck» you wail, the pleasure adding up. He moves his finger in circles, up and down, from side to side, just like he did with his tongue before. It makes him jerk inside you, throb with every thrust, bite down on his lips as he looks at your face and feel your walls clench around him. Your mouth opens, eyes looking at him through your lashes, pillowy lips ready to be kissed. 
«I want to make you feel so good,» he groans, «want you to think about this when you’re alone» he moans. 
«I want you to give it to me, all to me. Mine» he whispers onto your lips, breath hot on your face.
«All mine» 
«Fuck, yes»
Your walls are so tight, pulsating so hard. 
His finger keeps rubbing your clit, he moans when he brings it a bit lower, feeling his cock pounding inside your pussy, your pussylips spread around him, your wetness gathering at the base of his cock. His balls slap on your ass, the sounds filthy and wet, so incredibly wet.
«I’m going to- yes, feels so good» you breathe hard, his finger back on your clit rubbing faster. Your legs shake and you feel his cock dripping precum in your cunt, all of his length pulsating. 
«I want you to look at me when you cum,» he pleads, tone shaky «please look at me» he whines. If you weren’t on the edge already, you think you would probably be just by the way he sounds. He’s so sexy you think you won’t ever be able to get over this. You’re going to think about this for sure, hell if you’re going to.
«Kook, I- I…»
«Ssh, let go. Just let go and look at me» he coos sweetly. He’s holding back, he’s trying so fucking much to hold back that his cock is over sensitive and he doesn’t think he will last much longer. Your walls squeeze him perfectly, so fucking soft and warm around him, so wet, so beautiful. 
«Give it to me, love» he doesn’t notice, not until he says it. It just slips out, naturally. You don’t say anything, head burying deeper in his pillow and your walls tightening around him.
You come all over his cock. Your juices make it harder for him to control his pace as you contract sp tightly all over him, his cock still moving inside of you, your arms wrapped around him. You’re trembling but you still find the strength to cup his cheeks, eyes looking at him for all the time just like he asked you to. You watch him as he moans, fucking into you with the same pace, his cock so hard. One of your hands travel down, between your bodies and down to his cock, his tight balls in your hand. You cup them, massage them a little. Jungkook’s features grimace, a loud whiny moan filling the air as your fingers on his cheek caress his skin.
«So beautiful. Cum for me, please» you plead. His heart beats so loud it’s going to explode, and a second later he’s shooting his cum right deep inside of you, hot, thick and long spurts of cum filling you up to the brim. His lips touch yours, as he keeps cuming. They brush against each other and a second later he’s succumbing to them, moaning into your mouth as his hips fuck his cum into your pussy, your leg still keeping him close and you fingers on his cheek. 
The kiss is slow and not really controlled, his tongue touches yours and brushes it, your lips eager for each other but moving slowly. It kills him, the way you wrap your arm around him to bring him closer as if he wasn’t all shattered into pieces already. 
You kiss for long, he still fucks himself into you slowly even after coming down from his high, your body still tight to him. When you part, you feel your chest on fire. His eyes look glossy, his lips red and wet, his baby hair sticking to his forehead. His movements stop, the last trace of a kiss on your clavicle right where it all started, and then he comes out of you. He lays beside you, eyes staring at your face. Silence fills the air, your breaths the only thing audible.
«Kook» you call.
«Yes?» he hums.
«I need another shower» you laugh.
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The atmosphere is odd. It’s thick. You want to go out of your bedroom and ask him what is going on exactly but for some type of reason, you’re holding back. There’s just something in the air.
Last week has been weird. 
You would come home when Jungkook was already there to find the dinner on the table, covered with a plate so it wouldn’t get cold, some days with a post it. 
I already ate, I’m going to bed, I’m a little tired.
I’m going out, but I cooked you dinner. Rest well.
Work was hard today, I’m going to sleep.
Since the two years you’ve been living together, you’ve always made sure that the one coming home later had something to eat, without having to cook when you’re both too tired. You do it for him too, when he comes home late. That’s what you did on Thursday and Friday, but when he came home you weren’t expecting him to literally eat and go to bed after putting his dish in the sink. 
The dinner was odd too, he made small talk, but there was something that didn’t feel right, as if it was a bit awkward. When you both stayed home on the weekend your friends filled the place on Saturday, and on Sunday, he just spent the day in his bedroom beside coming out to make lunch and dinner together.
You knocked on his door once or twice, asked him if he wanted to watch a movie or just chill together, but he said he was tired.
Something is off. Maybe he’s really tired, at dinner today he mentioned that work has been hard lately. 
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You start to wonder if you should be worried. If Jungkook is stressed and needs someone to talk too, if you’re being just a shitty friend and shouldn’t give him all this space, if you should grab him by the shoulders and tell him to talk to you about what is going on. He doesn’t seem to have closed up with your friends though, on five days he spent three evenings at their place this week. Maybe it’s just you seeing things.
You should talk to him, cause you’re worried, and you miss him. You miss your friend.
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«Jimin’s on his way too» Eunji announces, grabbing a pile of glasses. She places one for each of you on the table, then takes a look around.
«I think everything’s set?»
You nod, Hana and Jin appearing by your side with the side dishes. 
«Let’s put them on the table» Jin grabs six of them all together.
«Yah, don’t order us around. This is my house, not your restaurant» Yoongi slaps his hyung on the ass, his friend glaring at him. Hyunjoo shakes his head at the scene in front of her, her belly has just started to grow, three months into pregnancy. She looks so beautiful and happy that your heart throbs in happiness.
«Where are Namjoon and Jungkook?» she asks. 
«Namjoon will be here in ten» Hoseok answers.
«I’ll call Jungkook» you announce.
You’re about to go to get your purse, but the door rings, so you wander towards it. Jungkook stands behind it, soft hair reaching almost his shoulders, his bangs framing his pretty face. His eyes stare directly into yours, eyebrows cocked. 
«Oh, you’re here?» he asks, as if he wasn’t expecting it. He stays still on the doorway, hands by his sides. 
«Yes?» you smile as best as you can, not really knowing what to do.
«Everyone is here» you remind him. Jungkook nods eagerly.
«I know» he nods again. You move to the side to let him in. 
«I was about to call you» you say. He takes his coat off, hanging it with the others.
«I was stuck in traffic,» he shrugs «I thought it was the same for you, since you worked late too today» 
«Oh, no. I left earlier» he nods. And then, it’s silent again. You just stare at each other.
He doesn’t know. How to do this properly, how to go back to who he was, the friend you had before he realised it was too much to hold back. Every time he looks at you, it’s too much. He feels like you’re taking all the oxygen, leaving him with the smallest amount and not able to breathe properly. He tried. He really tried. He told himself that yes, it can be fixed. He repeats it to himself everyday, but something just makes him stop. He’s too… he guesses he just needs space. To get over you, to learn how to look at you differently, just like before he knew, when he was younger. Maybe he won’t ever be able to go back at that point, but at least to when it was bearable to look at you from afar and just have a small part of you? 
«Jungkookah!» Teahyung yells from the kitchen. Yoongi peeks out from the living room, he smiles brightly at his youngest friend, his arm wrapping around his shoulders. 
«Leave him alone, he just got here» he yells back at Taehyung. In a bunch of minutes, everyone is gathered in the living room, sitting on the carpet and ready to have dinner. It’s been a while since you all gathered to have dinner together, and the atmosphere is light. Everyone is laughing at something, new jokes being made and happiness shared. It makes you appreciate what you have, how every single person in this room means something to you, something beautiful. You’re lucky, very so.
But as you go on, you can’t help but go back to your old habits. Searching for Jungkook’s smile in the midst of the laughters, look for his eyes when you start to talk about something that happened to you during the day. You find him nodding at someone, eyes going back to his dish when you speak. And you can’t help but feel in the wrong. He’s mad at you, maybe you did something to make him upset, something that apparently is very much important to him. This has to be the reason why.
You realise how much you value him. His thoughts, his words, the way he makes you feel like there’s someone you can lean on, someone who’s got you. You realise how easy it is to enjoy his company, to feel happy thanks to him, to feel loved. And how cold it is without him, lost. 
You’ve always been inseparable, since you were sixteen and he was nineteen. Your pieces fixed together so perfectly that you didn’t have to worry about fighting with each other, cause you both knew that nothing was going to change between you. You went through so many things together that you can’t even remember all of them clearly now. He’s your safe place. And even though you know that this is perfectly fixable and actually nothing too dramatic, you just feel lost without his complicity. 
«Y/n?» Hyunjoo shakes his hand in front of your face, her striking smile brings you out of your thoughts. You nod.
«Oh, yes I’m listening»
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«You don’t know what you’re doing» Namjoon’s hand falls on Jungkook’s thigh, lightly slapping it. He shrinks on his side of the sofa, eyes shutting down.
«I know» he whines.
«That’s at least something» the hyung scoffs. 
«Did you talk?»
«No» he lets out. If it wasn’t already clear enough, Jungkook is in very much need of advices.
«We just…»
«We don’t speak-» he stops to gulp «like we used to»
Namjoon can’t believe what he’s hearing. 
«What? Why?»
«Cause we simply don’t, it’s complicated»
«It really isn’t» he fights back, slapping his hand on his thigh for a second time.
Jungkook sighs. 
«I just… I think I need time to- get over her or whatever this is, I-»
«You have to talk to her, Jungkook,» he shakes his head, unbelievable «if you don’t, she’ll think there’s something wrong. You have to be clear and-»
«I can’t» he bites down on his lips, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands. Sleep is getting to him and the fact that tonight he didn’t sleep well makes it even worse.
«I can’t tell her»
«It’s worse if you don’t! Your friendship is not going to be fixed magically» 
«That’s the reason why I need time» he blubbers. 
«And the reason why she’s looking so gloomy» Namjoon’s response dejects him even more.
«I know I’m being a dick,» he stares down at his feet in the slippers «but I can’t lose her»
Silence is the answer that accompanies him. The cheers coming from inside the room sound muffled, the light of the moon softly grazing his skin. Just the thought of you not by his side sends a shiver of fear through his spine. He doesn’t want to get to know what it is like to be without you, he can’t.
«Don’t you think that maybe a part of her… at least a small one-»
«No,» his voice is faint «not a small one, not even a bit» 
It stings. So fucking much, it burns. 
Namjoon sees it clearly, the pain written all over his features. To be truthful, he’s always noticed it, even when Jungkook didn’t know. He saw the way he looked at you, his smile when someone mentioned you, the way he would talk about you or what happened to you the day before, the way you made him laugh while doing the dishes, how he was ready to put you first, even before him. It actually makes it hard for him to understand, how it took all this time for Jungkook to realise. 
«Even when you were- like intimate?» 
Jungkook’s eyes shoot right to his hyung’s face. He always tries not to think about that, for as much as he can. Even though, some nights your hands on his skin haunt him, your moans in his ears, your taste on his lips.
«I don’t think so» 
«Did you kiss? Like, or I don’t know, was like- two friends having sex or- what was it like?» 
Jungkook wishes he didn’t ask. Cause bringing the thought of you looking so vulnerable and ready for him in his arms sends back feelings he tried so hard to hold back in the last two weeks. 
«It was…» he takes a deep breath, letting the air out from his mouth.
«Consuming» his breath gets stuck in his throat.
«We were just…» he shakes his head «it wouldn’t be the same for her. I loved it in a different way»
«Maybe,» Namjoon pats his shoulder gently «but how was she? Like, was she like the 
Y/n you always hang out with? Like- you know, how awkward it can be when two friends fuck, come on» he chuckles lightly, not really wanting to be explicit about the two of his best friends.
«She was sweet. Like, so sweet. The last time, she…» he closes his eyes, munching on his lips. The scene playing in his mind leaves him in agony, it’s pure torture to remember you in such a crude state, all for him.
«She was in pain. When she called and we were at Taehyung’s place-»
«That night?» Namjoon’s eyes shoot wide open, mouth hanging as the youngest nods.
«She was in pain, she hurt her ankle. But the way she looked at me, kept me close… the way she opened up to me just- it kills me to remember her in that way» he sniffs. His eyes are glossy. He wishes there would be a better way, an answer written somewhere, a safe recipe to follow. 
His friend understands that he can’t ask more. Jungkook is in pain. And he wishes he could do something about it, even though he knows he can’t. So he just hugs him, his hand patting the youngest head to comfort him at least a bit. 
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«Jungkook!» you yell from your living room. You’re tired. It’s becoming too much, and you need to talk, right now. 
You don’t hear any answer, so you stride to his room. The knock on his door makes him grimace, eyes staring directly at it.
«Come out,» you stare at the white wood, arms crossed in front of you «please» you add, voice softening.
He lets go of his clothes, laying the folded pieces on the bed more carefully than the others. 
«I cooked you dinner, I left a post it» the door opens, revealing him in all his height, hair still a bit wet from the shower. The black hoodie he’s wearing makes him look smaller and it involuntarily warms your heart a bit.
«You said you were going to sleep» you murmur.
«I am» he says.
«You’re not,» you shake your head «you’re mad at me. Did I do something wrong? Please, just tell me, it’s killing me» 
Jungkook stares at you blankly. His eyes scan your features for what seems to be an hour. He shakes his head slowly, guilt takes over him, the displeasure clear on his face. He softens, a step towards you and all of his defences fall down.
«I’m not mad at you» he’s sweet, voice covered in honey. 
«You aren’t?» your arms fall at your sides.
«You’re mad. There’s something off, you’ve been ignoring me for the last two weeks»
«I-» he cuts himself off, closes his eyes for a second. 
«I wasn’t… I…»
«Please, just talk to me» you plead. You can’t stand this atmosphere, not with him.
Jungkook shakes his head, his arms wrap around you in a tight embrace, it’s all he can do.
«I’m sorry. It’s just that work has been rough and I’m all over the place, just- I’m sorry» 
The knot in his throat is getting thicker, but he can’t say more. He knows he’s been a dick, a total idiot.
«You say that but I…» you shake your head on his shoulder, your arms move around him and you feel him sniff. 
«I promise there’s nothing wrong» he whispers, he moves his hand up and down on your back to soothe you, the other keeps you close.
«I’m sorry» 
«Talk to me» 
His hair tickle your skin, the itch makes you rub your face on his shoulder to tone it down and his hand fists the cloth of your shirt.
«If you feel like you need to vent or just… anything» your back shakes, and he knows you’re about to cry. Tears don’t fall though, you try as best as you can to not make your sensibility take over you even though your eyes are burning.
«Ssh, don’t cry, please» he sounds pleading, voice faint and shaky. It’s killing him for real, to not open up to the person he loves the most, you’re his best friend, his person. And he just wishes so much his feelings never showed up, that he didn’t look at you so differently from the way you look at him. 
«I will. I will, I promise» he blows. 
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The atmosphere in your house feels light. It’s back to normal, with Jungkook walking around the place on a Thursday night, his voice echos in the kitchen as he wipes the floor, one of the songs he’s been listening to lately getting sung over and over again. 
«Jungkook, you need to see this» you call from the sofa. His eyes travel to where you are, the light of the kitchen shines stars in his irises and the beanie he’s wearing makes him look so cute. He leaves the broom carefully balanced on the side of the counter, his feet tiptoeing towards your spot. He squats down, eyes squinting at your phone.
«Woah!» his excitement makes you giggle as his hands zooms in the picture. 
«It’s our niece? I need to call Yoongi hyung! Did he send it to you?» 
You nod, a big smile on your face.
«Wait, how do you know it’s a girl?» 
Jungkook shakes his head.
«I can feel it» he beams.
«Where is my phone?» 
«I think you left it on the sink» you answer. He nods eagerly, getting back up. The way he hops all the way to the sink makes your turn and laugh, he’s so dorky you want to slap his cute little ass. 
«Fuck, I stepped on the dirt!» he whines, stopping right away. You laugh even harder, hands grabbing your stomach as he huffs and gets his phone. He comes back to the couch, falling on it with a thud and raising his feet on his knee. 
«Don’t do it here!» you scold, still laughing. He simply giggles, wagging his toes at you.
«Clean it for me?» he laughs. You want to puke.
«Ew! What’s wrong with you?» he laughs so hard you start laughing again too, looking at him as he just simply wipes it on the carpet. You roll your eyes, pinning a mental note to vacuum it later.
«Aigoo, I never walk without slippers and now this happens» he complains, shaking his head. 
He quickly finds his hyung’s contact and puts the call on speaker. 
«Jungkookah» Yoongi’s voice fills the room, the younger smiles brightly at the screen.
«My hyung is going to be a dad! Yah! Bring us out for dinner» you slap his thigh, glaring at him. Yoongi laughs, totally expecting his request.
«I will. You saw the ultrasound?» 
«Of course I did,» he nods «I feel like it will be a girl. Am I right?»
«We don’t know yet. It’s too soon, but I don’t think so. Hyunjoo says it’s a boy» 
«Really?» he narrows his eyes. 
«How was it?» you ask, the excitement is uncontainable. You’re so happy for your friends, can’t wait to meet the little one.
«I cried,» he laughs, «I thought I would hold it in but I cried. Fuck, I’m so happy Y/n» 
«I know,» you chuckle «how are the cravings?» 
«Ugh, getting worse» he whines.
«I came home and she was eating pickled cucumbers,» he moans out of disgust «made me go back to the supermarket cause she needed mustard. Couldn’t she just send me a text before» he shakes his head even though you can’t see him.
Jungkook chuckles, his body getting limp on the cushions.
«That’s what you get for making me clean the ten servings of noodles you spilled the other day» 
«Yah! I had to set the table!» 
«You were the one who spilled all!» he fights back.
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Jungkook is really trying. And it’s going fine, it’s not hard to enjoy his days with you, it is never been. You just have chemistry together, you laugh almost all the time and never find it boring to be together. It’s just. 
It’s just the way his eyes linger on your rosy cheeks too much, he has to remind himself to look away, back to the movie playing on your tv. Or last night, when you were dancing to your favourite girl group’s new song, the way your lips curved into a beautiful smile, hair flying in the air and he had to hold back his smile, too big.
If he looks back to all these years, it makes him laugh, how fucking long it took him to realise how much you had of him. You spent entire days together and he would still do the same as he does now, stare at you mindlessly just for the sake of admiring you, then getting back to what was happening around him. It’s always been here, this feeling. It just took him so much to come to surface and even when it did he tried so hard to make it go away, push it down inside him until it became too much too bear and it hit as fucking hard as what you mean to him. All he repeats to himself is that he just has to do what he’s been doing all along, right? He lived with this for years, a day more won’t hurt him. 
«What are we doing tomorrow?»
He eats the last bite of pizza, cleaning his hands with the tissue.
«Yoongi’s taking us out for dinner» you answer, getting up to clean around. You grab the boxes and the glasses, the coke under your arm.
«We have to go grocery shopping» he adds. He sees you nod, you put the boxes on the counter and the glasses in the sink, make sure the coke is well closed and then put it in the fridge. It’s almost empty, the redness of the gochuchang box parked on the first shelf stands out too much with nothing beside it.
«Yes» you nod. 
«Are we going early? We can have breakfast out» 
He gets up from his spot, waddling to you. A big smile is all you need to understand his answer. Breakfasts out are the best. 
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Breaksfast out means getting up on time. Something you both struggle with, since you spent yesterday night awake until late. Jungkook has the tendency of staying in bed until he’s at least a bit awake, staring blankly at something as he sits up, eyes puffy and hair messy. You just storm out of the bed knowing that if you don’t you’ll fall asleep again in a matter of seconds. 
You knock on his door, no answer in sight. 
«Jungkook!» you call again. You hear the shuffles of the covers, his cute mumbling words that haven’t been invented yet.
«Get ready, let’s go have breakfast» you say. You hear him moan as he stretches, take it as your chance to go back to your room and shower. 
It takes you both twenty minutes to kind of be ready for your day, your eyes both puffy and a bit red. You decide to go to your favorite cafe and when you arrive a wave of excitement washes over you. It’s been so long since you had a nice and relaxed breakfast outside, the feeling of being free the whole day and not having to worry too much. Jungkook watches you smile as you order and play with your phone as you both wait for your food, his pinkish lips curling up into a beam. It feels good to see you like this; relaxed, happy. It reminds him of when you were younger, with less burden on your shoulders. 
When you go grocery shopping together it usually ends up with him pushing the cart and you filling it up, he points at a snack from time to time and you end up adding it to the rest. You come home for lunch, watch a movie right after until your eyes start to fall shut, so you decide it’s time to take a nap. Jungkook stays on the couch, wanting to see how it ends. You fall asleep well, sleep for two hours straight until your alarm rings. Silence fills the house when you wake up and you guess your friend is probably napping too, so you tiptoe out of your bedroom to get a snack, until you hear him.
He’s working out judging from his grunts coming from the bedroom in front of you. You’re used to it, Jungkook likes to stay active and just fills his time like this from time to time when he has time. 
Just, this time your mind wanders. You hear his sounds, picture him sweaty and with his muscles flexing, his eyes focused and his jaw clenched, his breath rough… until you’re wet, pulsating. You hold your breath, close your eyes. And you go back to your room, shut the door.
Scenes of him eating you out play right in front of your eyes, his moans. You end up on the bed, your trousers off and your panties pushed on the side of your lips. There were times when the thought of him in this way turned you on after you stared fucking but you always pushed them away, telling yourself that it’s not right. Just, this time they hit you harder. It’s been a while since you had sex and the way he sounded just makes you want to open his door and… you shouldn’t do that. Just focus on you, you think. 
Your fingers graze your clit, go lower to get your wetness on your fingers then go back to their initial place. You see him between your legs, his fingers inside you and his dark doe eyes staring directly at you. You hear him whisper, telling you how good you take his cock, how your pussy wraps so good around it, how good you make him feel.
The image of his cock fills your mind, leaving you with the need to suck it and hallow your cheeks around it, his grunts filling up your ears, the sweetest sound ever. You feel his fingers, delicate and warm, they touch you and caress you, his kisses on your lips. 
You see him on top of you, telling you to be careful with your ankle, eyes worried and arms wrapped around you. You feel loved, for a second. A kind of love that doesn’t belong to a friend. You feel admired, beautiful. The way he looks at you with pure affection makes you hiss, his words in your ear and your bodies tight. 
Feels so good, getting to have you like this.
See him pounding into you at the slowest pace, his fingers gracing your clavicle, his hair on your shoulder. The way he checks in with you to make sure that you’re enjoying this as much as him, begging you not hold back your moans.
Gonna give my baby what she needs.
You shiver, legs shaking. 
His fingers on your clit, his cock brushing against your walls with each thrust, his whines. The way he called you. 
Ssh, let go, his voice faint as the pleasure takes over him, his balls tight, give it to me, love. You cum, silent and incredibly hard your orgasm hits you like a wave during a thunderstorm, impossible to hold back and too good to decline. 
You lay on the bed, breath stuttered and eyes shut. Your heart beats too loud. 
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The first time you had sex it just happened. You don’t know what exactly went through your mind, the reason why you had to start it all; your body moved on its own. Jungkook was tired, arrived late at home and was sleepy. You cooked him dinner, kept him company while he ate even though you had dinner already. You listened to him whine about his day, the tiredness evident in his voice. A few minutes later you were on the way to your bed, already too intertwined with each other and with the new feeling bubbling up between you to stop whatever the hell was happening. 
The second time, it was pretty much just the same, you didn’t go to each other with the intent of fucking, but you ended up just like that, with his cock in your mouth and his eyes on your face. 
The third time, it was because you ended up talking about what was happening and how you should behave, how you should keep your friendship away from your rendezvous. It stared just like that, but again, you didn’t really behave that much.
And then, the last time. 
You never once went to each other with the intention of fucking. You wonder when is it going to happen again, in what way, the reason that could start it all. Would it be so bad if you just grabbed him and started it? Does that make your relationship different ? It would, you guess. But is it any different not looking for it but don’t say no when it happens? You don’t even know why you’re thinking about such questions, when you should be focusing on work. Today was stressful, you had a ten minutes lunch break because you had to go back to the papers on your table. You’re tired and your period is on the way which is probably the main reason why you’ve been feeling horny for the last four days. You should just leave it as it is or take care of it on your own, not really into casual sex with strangers or clubs. You wish you were more like Hana sometimes, enterprising and more likely to be ready to have some fun before she used to date Jin.
Your phone rings, displaying Jungkook’s name.
«Hey» you answer. 
«I’m bored» he whines from the other side. You picture him with his head falling back and his eyes shut, pouty lips.
«What should I do?» he stretches the last word out, childish tone. 
«Cook me dinner please?» you try. 
«Already did,» he huffs «when are you coming home?» 
«I have so much work to do, I don’t know» 
He whines again, leaned on his stomach his cheek is squashed against the cushion of your couch, arms by his sides and his legs kicking the air. 
His voice comes out muffled: «Please, I’m so bored» he complains. 
«Jungkook, I’m working» you sigh.
«Can I come?» he stares at the screen pleadingly, his ankles crossing as he flexes his toes. He eagerly takes the phone in his hands, eyes stuck on your name. He had a long day today, and even though he wishes he could go to bed already even though it’s only 8 pm, he’s not feeling sleepy nor tired, quite the opposite actually. Being alone in the living room is boring him too much, and he doesn’t feel like going to to someone else’s place, giving the usual noisy meeting they usually have. He just wants to relax, but not on his own. 
«I’ll let you work, I promise» he begs, «I just want company»
If he could be an emoji, he’d probably be the one with the moist pleading eyes. You know it, the expression he makes when he craves for something, and that’s exactly your weak point.
A deep sigh makes his way out of your mouth, he can hear it from the phone. Silent follows right after.
«Okay, bring me food though please? I’m starving» 
«Yes!» he punches the air with a fist.
«I’ll be there in ten, I think. Just text me what you want to eat»
«The dinner you already made?» you ask. Jungkook licks his lips, this time the silence fills his part of the call.
«Okay, then be there in twenty I guess» he huffs.
You shake your head, what a moron.
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You realise in this period you’re really all over the place. And you also ponder, how long is it been since you had sex with someone? Not Jungkook, someone else. Jungkook is your friend, you shouldn’t think about him when you’re touching yourself to get some stress out or just when you’re craving for sex. It’s not right, it’s not the place of a friend. It’s making you stressed, to think about sex and link it to his face in your mind. You shouldn’t have done it in the first place, you think. You also thought about telling him that it can’t happen again, but it seems like it’s not going to happen anyway. You’re glad. 
So for once, tonight you let Eunji and Hana take you to a club, with just the intention of trying to take your mind off of it. Your methods didn’t work until now, so maybe theirs will. Your friends know you too well though.
«There’s something wrong, I smell your frustration from here» Eunji inhales dramatically, a grimace forms on her face right after.
«Ew, it smells bad. Like onion and soju mixed together» she likes her tongue out disgusted. You laugh, Hana shakes her head.
«That’s the guy behind you» she points at the man dancing his ass out on his own, totally drunk.
«For real though, what’s wrong?» 
Both of their eyes linger on you. You sigh.
«Just feeling a bit overwhelmed» you shrug. Your friendship it’s deep, meaningful, full of memories, you know you could tell everything to them and they would understand. You could even tell them about the rendezvous you had with Jungkook, but that would put you and him in a not so comfortable position with your friends, the last thing you want is for them to think that you have sex with each other consistently. 
«I’ve been sleeping with someone» you announce. Eunji coughs on her drink, Hana’s eyes shoot right open. They stare at you as if you have two heads, still on the dance floor. 
«Oh, come on! It’s not that shocking. I-»
«We need to sit» Hana takes you by the hand, Eunji following right after. The couches are not really big, but you fit into one without any problems. The people are less here, the smell of alcohol and sweat too, thankfully. 
Their attention goes back to you; «Is he someone we know?»
«Why would you? No,» you shrug «you don’t know him»
«Is he good?» Eunji sips from her drink. That’s a weird question, not the one you would firstly expect from her.
«What? Why?» 
«You seem stressed and you said it yourself that you’re overwhelmed, so it’s either one of the two: he’s so fucking good that you can’t stop thinking about it or he totally sucks» straight to the point. Hana caresses your shoulder, glaring at Eunji for her ways even though you know that deep inside her she wants to laugh.
«No! He’s- I mean, he’s… good. It’s something else that bothers me»
«What?» Hana coos.
«He’s my friend, and it just happened. Different times» you explain.
«So you’re fuck buddies now?» Eunji raises her eyebrows.
«No! It just happened, we don’t do it often. I just… I don’t know how to explain it, it’s not like we see each other in that way. We have a good friendship, like- we value each other. Every time it happened, it’s not like we were expecting it or-»
«That’s worse, I guess» she shakes her head. You’re about to say something, but her words leave you wordless. 
«What, why?»
«Listen, I don’t think you can be friend and still sleep with him. If you had sex, that means you’re attracted to each other. Even if it’s not in a romantic way, it just… If it just happened, girl, there was sexual tension between you. I guess» she adds the end just because your expression is giving her shivers. The look on your friends’ faces screams panic.
«It would be better if you had a clear answer on what you are. Like… mmh, you know I’m bad at explaining things!» she whines, «Hana, please help»
Your friend sighs.
«Y/n, is this thing still happening? Like, are you still sleeping together?»
You shrug.
«It’s been a while,» you let out «actually, that’s the problem»
«You want to-»
«No, I don’t» you cut her off.
«I realised that it’s getting too much. Like, I think of him too much in a sexual way it’s making me feel uncomfortable»
«That’s what I meant» Eunji nods. 
«I’ve been there. Remember Hyun?» she chuckles. 
Of course you remember him. The guy was not really close to her, but it was the start of a friendship still. They used to have sex everywhere, their friendship ended up with them fucking each others brains out, after two months, they couldn’t bare it anymore. The atmosphere was heavy, too much sexual tension without even really having a conversation. The fact that Jimin started to find interest in Eunji made her end it even faster.
«We’re not like that though. We have a good friendship, we trust each other and-»
«And you have sex. Not regularly, it happens without any expectations. So it means that you don’t see each other as fuckbuddies, but there’s sexual tension. That’s the base for a relationship. If you put sex into the mix, you end up with butterflies in your stomach. I’m just saying that if you value him that much you should be careful. Understand what you want» her voice softens at the end, but you’re too upset by her words to notice. Eunji hates to be the one saying this, but she has to try at least. You need to know what you’re doing, set some boundaries wether you decide to do something or the other. 
«Y/n, you know that we love you. Eunji’s just trying to-»
«I know» you nod, a knot in your throat. 
«I just… I need to go home, need to clear my mind and sleep over it» you sigh, monotone. Your hand grabs the pochette laying by your side, eyes scamming the club that suddenly seems to little. You shouldn’t have slept with him in the first place. You know that you don’t feel feelings towards him, but thinking about him in such ways… it makes you feel guilty, like your friendship could lose its meaning, like it’s stained. Like it could get out of control. It’s too much to think about him when you’re alone deep at night, like the last one, his face invading your mind when your fingers are deep inside you, even though you’re trying not to picture him. 
«Now?» Hana asks, the worry in her eyes is clear. A glance towards Eunji and they’re both nodding, communicating with each other without having to speak. They know you too well, they could see the panic in your eyes even with theirs closed. 
The way back home it’s short, the music playing in Eunji’s car does nothing to ease your mind even though it’s your favorite girl group, your friends glance at you from time to time from the rear view mirror. When you get off and say goodbye, they wait for you to shut the door behind you to look at each other, eyes wide open and jaw hanging. 
«Jungkook» the name is crystal clear, both of them letting it out with a shocked expression.
«It’s fucking Jungkook» Hana nods.
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Jungkook didn’t think that coming back home early meant this. 
You said you had company, texted him twenty minutes before he got off work, but he wasn’t expecting this kind of company. He was expecting Eunji and Hana, maybe Taehyung or some of your friends, a coworker maybe. Definitely not you getting fucked in your bedroom by someone he can’t identify. 
This is torture, it’s all he can think. When he arrived nothing seemed weird or odd, expect for the fact that he found the living room empty. As he started getting closer to his bedroom, he realised. And fuck, the slap he got on his face, the punches that hit him on the stomach and on his chest left him breathless, his injuries in pain and itching, his eyes shutting. 
This is torture, it really is. 
He moves from the hallway, goes to the bathroom to wash his hands and wet his face with cold water.
He can’t stay here, not in such a moment. Not when he can hear you like this, with someone else. It hurts. Fuck, it fucking hurts, it stings, it tears him wide open all the way from the inside to the last layer of his skin. His eyes burn, lips twitch. And suddenly, he’s sobbing. Sobbing in his bathroom, his reflection pitiful and broken. His breath is rough, cheeks stained from the tears, vision foggy. A whimper comes out of his mouth and he bites on his lower lip, repeating to himself that it’s okay. But it’s really not.
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Jungkook’s eyes are swollen, puffy. You think it’s because he’s still half asleep, but when you meet his eyes you’re taken aback. He looks tired, as if he didn’t sleep well, but they’re a bit red. He cried? You didn’t hear him coming in yesterday night, you knew he worked late and left him dinner ready, but when you woke up today his food was just where you left it, the table still set. 
«Kook?» you coo from the counter. He hums in return, head hanging low on his shoulders and eyes staring down at his legs, he sits on the couch with the tv playing in front of him. 
You turn around, wash your hands quickly and dry them with a paper towel. You tiptoe to the sofa, glance at him from the side. Your senses are tingling, there’s something wrong. 
«Kook, look at me?» you ask sweetly. He stays still, fingers fidgeting on his lap. He thought you were still sleeping, his room felt too tight to stay in it any longer. He wishes you had different opinions on open spaces, when you were looking for a house. Maybe you wouldn’t have seen him with a wall dividing the living room from the kitchen, and he would be tiptoeing back to his bed already.
«Please?» you try. 
It’s to no use. All you can do is gulp, worried for what’s going on.
«Is something wrong?» you ask.
«Did something happen?» 
He doesn’t answer. He knows if he opens his mouth now he will start crying again. Maybe you should just sit beside him and wait for him to open up. You turn around the table, take a sit next to him and pat him on his shoulder. 
«Koo» you call again. He doesn’t even look at you. Your hand stays there, trying to give him some comfort but it only makes him want to break in a loud cry. 
«Please» you whisper. 
Yesterday, he thought about going over to Namjoon’s place or just anyone else’s, but he didn’t want to show how miserable he was. Thankfully, that guy was out ten minutes later. What a fucking joke, if he found just a bit more traffic coming home he wouldn’t be feeling like shit now. 
Your hand leaves him, you get up and for a second his lips tremble, his walls falling down as he thinks you’re giving him some space. But then, you kneel down. In front of him, right between his legs with your fucking beautiful eyes staring at him. Your expression changes; the worry gets more urgent, pressing. 
«What happened?» you’re breathless. You’ve never seen him like this, it scares the shit out of you and he can see it perfectly. You reach your arms around him, his breath cuts off.
«Don’t» he whines, voice faint, pleading. You don’t understand what is happening, your head is spinning. You put your arms back down.
«Talk to me» you whisper. He has tears in his eyes, his lips are red as if he’s been biting them all night long. He turns to the side, his eyes burn when he stares at the wall without blinking. His lips tremble. 
«Koo, please. I’ve got you»
The dim breaks. His chest shakes, expression contorting as the first tears start coming out. He sobs faintly, shakes his head to himself and looks down to the ground. It’s physically painful, to see him hurting this much; you wish you could take it all away from him and make it yours, if only that was possible you’d do it even if it hurt ten times more. It couldn’t hurt more than this, though.
Your hands wrap around him, holding him so tight to you that you feel his sobs vibrate against you. 
«I’ve got you» you soothe him, caressing his hair. With your warmth around him and your caresses, everything falls down into pieces. Every part of him breaks harder, the tear gets wider and deeper, your words of reassurance fill the wounds up but don’t sew them, they just make them heavier to the point that they pierce him and make him empty. Your hold suffocates him and your warmth is painful, your caresses bluffer him. 
«I- I c- Please I-» he shakes in your hold, not able to speak. Your eyes burn, seeing him like this it’s atrocious. 
«Breathe» you beg, holding him tighter.
«Please breathe for me Jungkook, breathe» 
He hears how your voice is shaking, sniffles as he tries to breathe properly, sobs bubble up from his chest when he inhales. Your cheek brushes against his neck, you leave a kiss out of comfort and his hands instinctively fist your shirt. He tells himself to slow down, think properly and hold back but with your loving arms around him it’s a nightmare.
«Ssh, it’s okay. I promise» you whisper. Time slows down, you just focus on his breathing. One thing at a time, you tell yourself. You, need to calm him down first, you need to see him breathing properly, at least a bit lucid. Stroking his back up and down you think about what you can do to make him relax. You’ll make him some tea as soon as he’s doing better, it will soothe him at least a little bit.
«I’m here for you» 
Jungkook’s breath moderately calms down,  his sobs still come from time to time, but you have all the time in the world. You don’t care about how long it’s going to take him to stop crying, you just know that you want to be here, need to. It’s desperate, the need you have to make him feel better, almost consuming.
«I’m- ngh- I’m sorry» he hiccups. He buries is face in the crook of your neck, his cheeks are still wet and his hair tickle you.
«So sorry- I’m really-»
«Ssh, it’s okay» you repeat. You keep stroking his hair, Jungkook seems to quite down the more you do it, his hold gets firmer too as if he’s trying to anchor himself. 
«Did something bad happen?» you try. 
He moves in your hold, making you squeeze him tighter until you realise that he’s looking for a way out, so you let go. He wishes it was this easy, that his feelings could let him free just as easy. With you between his legs,  it gets hard to breathe again. The way your eyes linger on his face, scan every feature and every expression, even the way he bites the inside of his cheek. 
«I… I’m sorry» he mumbles low. This time, his eyes look at you. Clear, transparent, vibrant fear lingers in them with so much weight that it takes away your braveness. Jungkook’s eyes stay in yours even while they fill up with tears again, they don’t budge. The knot in his throat gets back, your presence suddenly feels blissful and he wishes he could just linger in this feeling. The feeling of you being close even if it’s only like this, keep being satisfied with only having a part of you.
«It’s- too painful» he breathes. 
«What is it?» you look at him from down, with your glassy eyes and he just-
«I- I… I love you» his voice trembles. 
Silence fills the room.
His words make a dull sound in your head, your body stiffens, lips ajar. Jungkook is frightened, totally stuck in place. His heart beats so fucking loud that it will explode.
The shock it’s too big and it stops you from letting the three words sink in, all you can do is stare at him blankly as he holds his heart in front of you.
«I’m- I can’t,» he shakes his head «it’s too much. I just… it’s killing me» 
«You…» you gulp «you don’t mean it that way, right?» your voice trembles.
«It’s just- we-» you shake your head, take in a deep breath.
«We shouldn’t have- it’s because we had sex. It has to be because of that cause you didn’t-» you stop talking. 
Jungkook stays silent, his chest burns, the tears in his eyes get uncontainable, until he breaks again. His shoulders tremble and he sniffs but it’s so silent that it’s even more consuming. He looks at you with such eyes, such vulnerability and fear at the same time, as if he was a stray puppy and you his possible saviour or his next predator. It scares you. And you understand his answer, because you know him, because it can be seen from miles away. 
It’s not because you slept together.
«I need-» it’s hard to breathe properly «I need air» 
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He’s confused, he mistook his emotions, most surely. It has to be that. How can- how can it be not? You’re his friend, his best friend. The one he likes to tease, the one that knows him almost as deep as he knows himself. The person he- this can’t be right. It simply can’t.
You can’t come back home. You really can’t, he needs space to think this through; you need it. You need peace, somewhere to relax, to just don’t think. If you go to Eunji’s place maybe- she will ask. Hana too, and what about Jin and Jimin? Maybe a hotel room is the best choice, in that way you won’t receive questions, no one will get curious. 
Thank god you had your phone in your pocket when you went out and weren’t wearing home clothes. You book an hotel room not too far, call a cab since you left your car keys at home. 
You can’t face him now. 
You walked a lot today, wandered around without a destination and ended up sipping a bottle of strawberry mogu mogu on Han river. Your phone buzzed at lunch time, then again at four pm, another time just fifteen minutes ago, but you didn’t take it out of your pocket. It scares you, because you know that it’s him. 
Your hotel room is a beautiful one, has a big double bed with fluffy pillows, big bathtub, snacks in the fridge, a beautiful view on the eighteenth floor. The big buildings and the city lights make you feel small, the look of the man at the reception desk too. He probably doesn’t care about the reason why you’re here instead of sleeping at home, but your mind does. Maybe then, you’re the one who makes yourself feel small. Still, you don’t want to care. You can’t go back home, not now. What would you do? What would you tell him, how would he look at you? You need time. 
When you lay on your bed, your phone buzzes again. You breathe in as you open the messages.
From Jungkook🐰 12.37pm
I’m sorry. I cooked you lunch, I left the food in the oven so it will still be warm when you come back. I ate early to give you some space. I’m really sorry
From Jungkook🐰 4.13pm
Where are you? Please be safe. Your car is here, do you want me to come and pick you up? Or I can call a taxi. Just, please be safe
From Jungkook🐰 7.54pm
Y/n, I’m worried. It’s dark outside and I went out to look for you but I just don’t know where you are. I cooked you dinner, so if you come back it will be in the oven too. Just text me so I know that you’re safe at least, please
From Jungkook🐰 8.33pm
I’m really sorry, please come home. I’ll go to Taehyung’s place if you need to be alone. Where are you? It’s dark outside and I’m really worried
Guilt takes over you, makes his way through every single part of your body until there’s not a single piece of your skin that isn’t drenched with it. Your fingers move on the keyboard, eyebrows pinched together.
From Y/n🧸 8.36pm
I’m safe. I booked a hotel room for tonight, so don’t worry. I need a bit of space, so I don’t think I will be back tomorrow. 
Jungkook’s fingers never typed an answer so fast.
From Jungkook🐰 8.36pm
I was so scared that something happened
From Jungkook🐰 8.36pm
Please eat dinner and don’t skip your meals
From Jungkook🐰 8.37pm
I won’t text you if you need space. Just, do you want me to bring you your car keys? You left them here
From Y/n🧸 8.39pm
No, it’s fine. 
From Jungkook🐰 8.39pm
From Jungkook🐰 8.45pm
I know you don’t want to talk right now, but I just need to tell you this: I will always have my arms empty for you, whenever you need a safe space I will be here. As we’ve always done with each other. Please remember this. Sleep well 
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You wonder how is it possible, to be friends with someone for so long and don’t notice that there’s more. You wonder when it begun, how. Where did the friendship end and the love begin, the boundaries. Which one of his gestures where made out of friendship, which were made out of love. How did he realise. Why you. 
For the three days after you left home, all you told yourself was that he was confused, that he mistook his feelings, that it can’t be true. After you spent yesterday night walking in the streets, took another walk on the Han river and even dared to eat dinner on the riverside, a good look at the waters took your mind back to his eyes. To the way he looked at you, his eyes clear, transparent and full of vulnerability and fear when he opened up to you. What if, he’s always been in love with you, it’s always been this way. What if he’s not misinterpreting his feelings, what if he really loves you. 
It scared you even more than the day before.
You never saw him that way, your friendship has always been just friendship for you. Until- well, it’s still friendship. Eunji wouldn’t say so, but for you it is. So where does love start for you? With attraction most of all, you guess. With the want and the need to feel someone in more ways, physically, emotionally, sentimentally. With wanting to be whole. Love is… butterflies, feeling loved, giving love, taking care of each other. So where is the boundary? The boundary of friendship. 
Because fuck, today you start to wonder, you think that Eunji is right. 
What do friends do? Are you not allowed to feel all of that and still call it just friendship? What if, what if you are the one mistaking yourself? What if it’s something else, what if it’s not just friendship anymore. When did it start, when does it end. You’ve always craved this things with Jungkook. Always craved for physical touch, maybe not in a sexual way before, but what if you just didn’t ponder on it too much because you’ve always restrained yourself into thinking that you were just friends. You’ve felt the need to share, to the point that you got a home with him. You’ve always wanted him emotionally, always were ready for him in whatever occasion, always felt close to him. You’ve always felt loved, you’ve always gave love back. You always took care of each other with all yourselves.
Would you do all of that for any of your friends, for Taehyung, or Namjoon maybe? 
You’re not too sure. You don’t think so.
Is it the same with them? Of course not. You would do anything for them, but you guess it’s not in the same way, not as deeply.
What about before, even before the first time you had sex. Because maybe, it could be that you’re thinking this just because you slept together? Like, you could be the one mistaking your emotions now. 
You still felt this kind of connection before, though. With the Jungkook who was just your best friend. You don’t feel it for Namjoon who’s just your friend. You don’t feel that kind of tight embrace around you when he lingers his eyes on you for too much, his laughter doesn’t make you giggle like Jungkook’s. You don’t feel lost when he’s not talking to you or not meeting your eyes when you look at him. You wouldn’t want to have anything more with him in the first place, cause he’s just Namjoon. And for god’s sake, you wouldn’t have wanted it with Jungkook neither, if you didn’t feel already more. The fact that you were already ready to just welcome him in when the opportunity of being closer knocked on your door, well… that’s the answer. You still remember it, the frustration of seeing him so tired and the need to make him feel better after a shitty day, the need you had to take care of him when you first slept together. 
You were never just friends. Maybe in the first place, maybe at the beginning, maybe when you were younger. You just simply got used to him and his presence, never really gave your eyes a chance to see clearly, never really made yourself look at him differently because he was just… your Jungkook. 
But, what now? Is he still- Jungkook? Like, your best friend? Now that you realised, now that you understand the reason why you wondered when the next time was going to be, how; the reason why his eyes slipped in your mind at night, his words, the way he called you the last time you slept together. 
Now that you realise that, could you go back to who you were before? Just, craving for his touch but telling yourself that it’s not okay, looking at him and wishing you could take away all of his tiredness but thinking that it’s normal, for a friend. Wanting to take every part of him and know it all, looking from far away, peeking out and stealing some but not getting it whole. Could you still do that? Cause before, you didn’t know at least. Now, could you? Sentimentally too, would you be okay with it?
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Jungkook just wants to go to sleep and forget about the shitty day he had. He didn’t sleep well tonight, the house feels to empty without you and last night his brain just wouldn’t stop working, kept wondering about you. If you had dinner, what time did you go to sleep at, how much did you work, if you finished the last drama you were watching. 
Today, it was pretty much just the same. The fear of you not coming back insinuated in his mind at some point during work, he even took a break and had a snack but he just kept picturing himself inside your house, all alone. Him without you, his best friend and his person. He typed on your chat for multiple times, asking you if you were eating your meal correctly, how work was going, if you were craving for ice cream just like he was, he texted sorry too, but he always ended up not sending the messages. 
He’s tired, work was rough and he wishes he could just go back in time to ask you what you want to eat for dinner, he’d cook it even though he’s tired as hell. He wouldn’t sleep for three days straight, if that would be able to bring you back just to have dinner together. 
He hates to know that you feel uncomfortable with him, can’t come back home because he’s there, that you won’t look at him in the same way as you did before. He hates to not have you by his side, when just a look could make him happy. 
The guys packed him on the shoulder, told him that he did the right thing, but he doesn’t think so. These days have been hell. There’s not a day that goes by that he doesn’t think about the way you looked at him, how he stuttered those words out and doesn’t regret it. 
Today they all had lunch together, with Eunji, Hana and Hyunjoo too. It was so odd to not see you there that he kept spacing out all the time. The girls didn’t talk about you and he even though he wanted to he didn’t ask because probably you didn’t tell them what happened.
The elevator doors open and the end of the hallway looks so far from here that he wishes he could teleport. Even the passcode of your door seems too complicated to enter now. He types the first three numbers, his eyes glued on the screen.
The door clicks, a grimace on his face, lips pouty in confusion. Then, your face. 
Jungkook looks at you as if you hung the stars in the sky, as if you were one of them. His eyes open wider, lips ajar, his shoulders fall down. He feels like he’s dreaming. Is it real? You’re home. When did you come, why? What- fuck, he feels like he’s going to cry.
The way he looks at you with his big starry eyes, it makes you gulp. How your fingers tingle for the need you feel to squeeze him tight and never let go. There’s a knot in your throat and all you can do is stare at him and linger in the feelings that hit you like a fucking bucket of cold water. And it’s bitter that they taste like they always did: the sweetness is the same, the audacity just bolder now that you let the door open: but they taste just the same. All this time, all these years. They’ve always been in front of you, you’ve always been way to deep and only realised after so much. 
«I… I- I cooked you dinner» 
He doesn’t budge, still on the doorway and with his eyes glossy. You reach your hand to him, Jungkook still stuck in place as you gently grab his wrist to make him come in, his body almost stumbling at your touch as he enters.
You close the door behind him, leave his wrist. 
«You- you… what? Are you…» he shakes his head, totally astonished. 
«You cooked?» his tone makes your lips stretch into a smile.
«I cooked,» you nod «I cooked us dinner» 
You didn’t think your heart could beat this fast. You really didn’t notice it for all this time. Every time it happened you always blamed it on something else, not the man in front of you. When his words would make you feel comforted, when you’d search for his eyes in the room, when just his presence was enough to make you feel at ease; in every moment the emotion you’re feeling now would bubble up in your chest just for you to push it aside without even noticing, a tag with the label friendship covering its true pinkish colour.
«Take your coat off» you coo. Jungkook stands still for a few seconds, still stunned. His eyes stare at you blankly until he nods. He puts his bag on the ground and hangs his jacket, you watch him move, eyes lingering on every part of him that you missed too much. His long hair, the bangs on his forehead, the mole on his nose, the one right under his lips. When he raises his eyes and finds you staring, you don’t move your eyesight. His eyes pierce right through you, deep and transparent just like the last time. They are scared, vulnerable and totally defenceless; if you looked closely enough, maybe you would’ve always seen it. 
«Jungkook, I…» 
His arms wrap around you. 
It’s tight and soothing and the fucking consuming. You squeeze him in your hold, your head falls on his shoulder and you know that you can’t hold it in any longer. 
«I’m so sorry,» you sniff «I was selfish. I’m sorry. I- I just-»
«Ssh, it’s okay» he sniffs too. The tears burn his eyes as he tries to keep them in but having you here in his arms makes it harder. He feels you hiccup, your back shakes, your hands fist his shirt, and your nose muffles into the crook of his neck. He clenches his jaw, squeezes you tighter.
«I’m sorry too»
«I was so scared. I just- I didn’t realise»
He knows, fuck he knows. He just wishes you wouldn’t vanish away. Don’t, just don’t cause he doesn’t think he will be able to forget himself.
«It’s okay, you don’t- just please don’t leave me» he whimpers. 
Jungkook breaks down in your arms. He loves you too much, values you too much to not have you in his life. He doesn’t care how much he has to hurt or hold back, he can’t do this without you, without his best friend. The house felt so empty without you.
«I won’t,» you sob «I promise I won’t. I’m sorry I made you worry and left. I needed time and- I- I needed to think» you sniff. His hands stroke your hair and you let go of a deep breath. You missed the feeling of his caresses, how his touch is always been enough to sooth you.
«You didn’t do anything wrong» he whispers. A tear streams down from the corner of his eye, it tickles his cheek and makes him loiter in the warmth of you even more.
«No, I- I was selfish… you opened up to me, and I- I left you. I’m-»
«You’re here,» he whispers «you came back. You’re here with me, you- you didn’t leave» his voice breaks and you feel him tremble. Your heart clenches and stings in your chest as he nuzzles his nose into your neck.
«Just- please,» he pleads «stay with me» 
Your dim breaks. You shake your head, lay your lips on his neck. He whimpers as he hiccups and when you lay a soft kiss on his skin Jungkook feels like dying inside. Your lips are so soft. Your nose brushes against him, another kiss laid on his skin just right upper, then another one and another one until you’re just under his jaw, his breath unstable as the tears wet his skin. Your hands leave his back, your body parts slightly, his hands reluctantly let go of the hold he has around you. You cup his cheeks, soft and reddish from the crying, look at him in those beautiful stars. They’re a bit swollen from the tears, his cheeks are damp, his lips trembling. 
«I was so fucking scared that I didn’t realise»
«Me neither,» he nods «but it doesn’t- it doesn’t matter. Just don’t leave. I can’t-» he gulps harshly. 
«The thought of not having- you by my side, it killed me. I- I couldn’t sleep, work was hell, I-»
«I’m not leaving you» your hand tenderly strokes his hair. Jungkook stay still as you dry his tears with your thumb. You want to slap yourself for causing him so much pain, he must’ve felt so scared already and you just- you just made it harder. You should’ve talked to him, should’ve faced him.
 «I promise» you smile softly. Jungkook could implode for how happy he feels right now, with you smiling at him just in the same way as you used to. Your lips tremble and a new hiccup comes out. His arms go back to where they were before, they squeeze you to him and it’s so familiar and bittersweet, it smells like home and trust and all you can do is let go in his embrace.
You let the rest of your tears come out, hear his breathing slow down, feel his heartbeat against you. You kiss his jaw, your lips tickle his wet skin, your hand reaches behind his neck and Jungkook wishes he could just take his heart out of his chest and step on it, make the feelings go away. But it’s just too saccharine, the way your lips linger on his skin for a second too long, how you perfectly fit in his arms.
«I want you,» you whisper «I want you whole» you lay another kiss on his mandible.
«I want every part of you, every- everything you can give» you peck his chin, look at his eyes. Jungkook doesn’t understand, his eyes wide and glossy stare at you as if you were telling him to solve the hardest mathematical problem ever. Still, he looks at you with such tenderness that it makes your insides twist. He’s lost, totally. 
If his love could be represented, he’d paint you in pinkish colours, then in black and white, in blue and all the colours in the world. He’d make a different version every time just to admire at your face some more, to keep the next one to himself when the lights will make the one before fade, so he’ll always be able to meet your eyes just like now. Remember the feeling you light up in him.
«I love you» 
It’s odd, how lives intertwine. How people can take and give from each other pieces that can’t be seen, how two roads that never meet can lead to the same place. It’s beautiful, the way you speak. It’s dreamy. Its dreamy, the way you look at him, the way he used to look at you for all this time, it’s beautiful how your lives intertwined, how you became each other’s mystery and answer at the same time. How you’ve walked together for all this years, silently hand by hand but without ever looking down at them, not even knowing. 
Jungkook laughs. He laughs as his tears fall down and he thinks that maybe the world will end, cause his head is spinning. You chuckle and your eyes are wet, and suddenly your hands cup his cheeks again.
«I love you» you repeat. He shakes his head, sniffing totally in disbelief.
«I do» you laugh, nodding. His head stops. His eyes widen slowly, the look on his face makes you bite down on your lips, it’s like seeing the sky clear after a thunderstorm, as if the sun was peeking out from behind the dark clouds. His mouth opens.
«I do» you whisper. 
Suddenly he wants to cry even more. Your lips lock with his and it’s so gentle and sweet, and oh god, so consuming. You take all the space, every cellule of his body, all the air in the room, in the house even. You leave him breathless, lungs burning on fire. His lips are soft, wet with tears, salty. Jungkook whimpers in your mouth, his hand reaches your face and fuck, there’s no end. No end to how fucking much you have of him, how much of him is yours. 
His thumb strokes your cheek, his other hand falls on your waist. His tongue is warm, his eyes shut, eyelashes fluttering against your cheeks, both of your hearts pounding. You kiss slowly, sweetly, lovingly. You wish you could never let go, have him like this forever. And for the first time your thoughts are the same as Jungkook’s in this moment. If he could read your mind, how big  would be the smile stretching on his face. Jungkook smiles on your lips, his teeth brush against your tongue, his digits on your waist lightly dig into your skin. When you part, your eyes are still shut, foreheads pressing against each other.
«I’m sorry,» you mumble on his lips, he shakes his head, pecking your lips with such tenderness «I’m sorry it took me so long to realise»
Jungkook is the happiest man in the world.
You came back, you’re in his arms, you love him. You fucking love him, you do.
«It’s okay, it’s perfect. You- just please come to me» he guides you close to him again, you shut your mouth when his warmth wraps around you, his eyes shut. You don’t want to let go, you won’t. 
«Jungkook» you call softly. He hums against you neck, his lips dare to peck your skin and he can’t fucking believe that he gets to do it cause he simply can.
«When did you realise?» 
«I already knew» he murmurs.
«But… on Eunji’s birthday… you came back home and were so drunk. You slept with someone else and I just- I guess my feelings were so strong that I couldn’t control them anymore»
«I slept with someone?» you ask, your head shooting up too look at him. Jungkook nods.
«You said he had a pretty dick» he chuckles for your choice of words, even though he can still fill it sting. Just the thought of you in someone else’s arms makes him heart clench. 
«Oh! No!» you laugh, «Jungkook, I didn’t sleep with anyone. He was peeing outside of the club and I was so drunk that I kept repeating him that he had a pretty dick for all the way home» you explain.
«Ew, it’s so embarrassing. Eunji made him take me home because he’s her brother’s best friend» 
Jungkook can’t believe his ears. His eyes are about to roll out of his sockets for how wide they are.
«You- I thought…» he shakes his head.
«I didn’t, you know I don’t feel comfortable in those type of situations» you shake your head.
«Even though… last week I-»
«I know» he murmurs.
«You know?» he nods. 
How does he? You don’t understand, how is-
«I came home early and- I… heard» his words are faint, a thin line that holds all the pain his heart was stained with. It echoes in the room, gets back to your ears until your eyes widen and you feel disoriented.
«So you-» you can’t even process your words properly «I’m so sorry, fuck» you really don’t know how to apologise. He was at home, while you were under another man. He heard you. His eyes were swollen the next morning, that’s why. He couldn’t even look at you. 
«If I knew, I wouldn’t- I…» 
He smiles softly, his heart clenches. 
«You’re in my arms now» his lips tremble slightly.
«I just kept thinking about you and when it was going to happen again. I kept telling myself that we shouldn’t have slept together in the first place, I felt guilty that I thought about my best friend in such ways and- I- I told myself that it was happening because I hadn’t slept with anyone else for a while»
You do your best to explain without getting your words intertwined, but Jungkook’s expression doesn’t change into an angry one, he doesn’t glare at you, doesn’t budge. He just nods, smiles sweetly. 
Love can be blind. It can blind you to the point that you can’t see straight, can’t decipher what’s happening. You were scared, lost. 
«I hurt you so fucking much» you whisper. 
«Maybe it had to happen, for us to be here» he whispers.
«I don’t care about anything,» he strokes your hair «It hurt. But you’re here with me and I just- I just want you close to me» 
His arms hold you just for the sake of it. 
His warmth is intoxicating, the sound of his breath too. You wish you realised sooner, you wish that he didn’t have to hear you in such circumstances cause the pain on his face the next day was unbearable. When he saw you the next morning, all he could think about was you under someone else, your skin against his, your eyes looking at him in the same way you looked at him. The same thoughts that teared him apart for all night long. But now, it doesn’t matter. It was just a step that had to be taken, in a way or another. It was just something that guided you to him, in his arms right now.
Something in the air shifts. All your senses tingle, they scream for him and his touch just the same as Jungkook’s. He wants to have you, the most vulnerable part of you, like no one else ever did. You want his lips and his caresses, his eyes deep into yours.
«Let’s go to bed?» 
His breath catches in his throat.
«I want you closer than this»
The path to your bedroom never felt so good to walk on, with Jungkook’s fingers digging in your hips and his lips on your neck. It’s thrilling, the feeling running through your body. It’s saccharine, sugar coated. Your hands in his hair fit so good, the way you whimper when you stumble cause you can’t see in front of you, how he chuckles on your lips. 
«I want you in my bed,» he breathes on your lips «wanna keep you there all night long» 
Fuck, the way he makes you melt in his arms with just a few words. You nod eagerly,  letting your hands run on his back. Jungkook can’t hold himself back any longer, gripping you by your thighs and kissing your neck, his lips are wet and with the air your skin fills of shivers. His fingers dig into your skin as he moves towards his bedroom. 
«I want you so bad» you whine. 
«Gonna give it to you baby, everything you want» 
The door is shut and Jungkook doesn’t seem to want to let go of holding you as he kisses your lips. It’s too much to ask of him, after loving you for so long. You’re too breathtaking, too perfect.
«Let me» he kisses you again «open the d-» another kiss. You laugh on his mouth, his giggles fill the air as he keeps pecking your lips. 
«Kook, the door» 
He smiles big, turns around to make you open the door without letting you go. It stays open when he walks inside, doesn’t care at all and just walks to the bed, leans you down on his sheets. 
«Take it off» you mumble. He moans when your hands reach his skin under the shirt, nuzzles his face into your neck. You lift the cloth, Jungkook kisses your clavicle, his lips get as low as your shirt permits, his nose brushes against the swell of your breasts. You pinch his back, giggle when he whines.
«Want you naked» you remind. He laughs and looks into your eyes, totally drunk. 
«You’re so impatient» he sniggers, making you smile and turn. Your cheeks grow red as your eyes look at his nightstand.
«Look at me» 
His fingers reach the hem of his shirt as you turn again, he lifts it more and takes it off from between your legs; the view makes you salivate, his muscles on full display, his brownish nipples getting hard with the cold air.
«Want me to take my pants off too?» 
You want to smack his ass but you refrain yourself, you know he’s just teasing you like always.
«Shut up» you shake your head. His fingers reach the button of his pants, he slides it through the hole, pulls the zipper down. 
«Let me» you sit on the bed. You kiss his neck, let your fingers graze the skin of his chest, your touch makes his cock twitch, hard and swollen in his boxers. You let your hand pass over his navel, down until you reach his dick. 
Your hand lingers on it, Jungkook’s head falling back. 
«Fuck, you’re too much» he moans. 
«Make me so hard by doing nothing» he hisses. Butterflies fill your chest, your hand squeezes him through the cloths and you feel yourself getting wetter as he lets out a rough breath. God, the sounds he makes. They make you want to surrender to him and his pleasure, you feel the need to take him in your mouth as if your life depended on it. His hands go back on your body, fast fingers fist the material of your skirt. 
«You’re too impatient» you mock. He hums a soft giggle looking at you. 
«I am» he admits. Your sneaker in response makes him smile big and he lays his forehead on yours. He looks at you with those eyes, all the stars in the world couldn’t be as bright and magnificent as them and you can’t help but dive deeper and deeper. 
«I want to make love to you, wanna make you feel so good» and it feels so good to be able to say it out loud. To let you know.
You kiss him, really too impatient to hold back any longer. He helps you out of your skirt, takes your shirt off, makes you lay on the bed as he takes his pants and boxers off, his socks too. And fuck, the way he looks. How fucking gorgeous this man is when he’s just standing in front of you with his cock hard and standing proudly, cockhead red and swollen, skin exposed and the tattoos on his arm on full display.
«Fuck, come here» you beg. Jungkook doesn’t let you repeat it twice, his body hovers yours and you open your legs to welcome him. He kisses your right hip, his lips are wet and they tickle your skin, make you squirm under him as he cups your breast from over the bra. 
«Fuck, I love you» he hisses as he looks up at you. You can’t control the beat of your heart, too lost in him and how much youu’ r been missing. You can’t believe it took you so long to finally understand. Your lips part as you stare down at his face, his dark eyes on you. He kisses your stomach with his eyes in yours, the scene makes you so wet that you wrap your legs around him and Jungkook’s cock brushes against your panties. He moans, the most beautiful sound you’ve ever heard, his mouth is still on you and the lace of your panties feels so fucking good on the underside of his cock that he shuts his eyes. He can feel your wetness even through them, they are soaked. Fucking hell. Your legs squeeze him more as you look at him, his mouth open and eyebrows pinched together. You lift your hips, to give him some friction. Hic cock twitches against you and you let out a breathy moan that makes him open his eyes. 
«Oh, fuck» he moans. It’s guttural and so fucking sexy. You can’t wait to hear more, you want to make him crazy. 
«Grind against me» you breathe. His cock twitches again, his jaw clenches. He lets you pull him closer with your legs, keep him tight against you until his cock is practically glued to your panties, your pussy totally soaked. His hands cup your breasts and he squeezes them gently while looking at you, your head digs into the pillows, a moan escapes your lips and Jungkook can’t help but do the same. His hips move tentatively, his cock rubs against the lace and the pressure gets to your clit. Your moan makes him whimper, your voice so sweet that it makes him repeat his movements. He can feel the outline of your lips from your panties and it’s fucking killing him.
«Fucking panties» he hisses, somehow making you laugh.
«Mh, what?» he smiles at you, his cock still brushing against your throbbing clit. You bite your lips.
«Nothing, just you» you shake your head. The pleasure is so good. Jungkook keeps smiling as he kisses the tip of your nose.
«Me what?» he asks, his fingers get under the strap of your bra, he pushes it down on your shoulder. 
«Just you,» you smile «I don’t know» 
He’s so fucking happy. 
«Am I funny to you?» he bumps his nose against yours. His movements are slow and controlled, his thighs glued to the back of yours, eyes right deep into yours. He moves his hand under your back, his fingers fumble with the opening of your bra.
«Sometimes» you laugh, cupping his cheek. You kiss him sweetly, Jungkook smiles on your lips as he lifts the bra from your chest, he guides the straps down your shoulders and your arms until he lets it fall on the ground. He pecks your lips once more, finally fondles your breast with his hand. Your nipples are hard and he wants to tease them until you squirm under him. His cock jerks when you moan under him, the pads of his fingers brushing against them. 
«Kook» you whimper. He kisses your neck all the way down to your chest, his lips lock around the pebble of your nipple as he teases the other with his fingers. Your back arches, mouth opens. 
«Feels so good» you breathe. He flicks his tongue repeatedly, sucks lightly as he ruts his cock up and down on your clit. Your legs tremble, he lets go of your nipple and takes the other in his mouth. It feels too good.
His hand travels on your stomach, his fingers pass your hip and reach the inside of your tights to caress it softly, tickling your skin until he presses his cock against you with his palm, his cockhead heavy on your clit. You squirm under him as he kisses your neck, his moans fill up your ears as he works his cockhead on it.
«Tell me you’re mine» he nuzzles his face into your skin. His balls are so tight he could cum right now.
«Jungkook, I’m going to-» you can’t even speak, you’re so close your blood is running hot in your veins. The pleasure it’s too much, it keeps building up and you just want to succumb.
«I’m yours» 
«Only for me» he grunts.
He parts his cock from your pussy. You want to ask why but a second later his fingers link around the hem of your panties and he pushes them down onto your thighs and over your knees until they pass your ankles and get lost in the room. The need to take a good look at your wetness stops him from pushing his cock back to where it was. He stares down at your lips, parts them with his fingers and fuck, he wants a taste. Your juices are leaking out from your hole so deliciously that he can’t hold back and gathers them with his thumb. 
«So fucking wet» he praises. 
His lips wrap around his thumb, sucking on it and tasting you, his cock twitches as it stands angrily. You taste so sweet, so delicious for him that he promises himself he’s going to make you cum like this tonight, eat every drop, swallow all your sweetness. And then start all over again.
«Wanna be the only one who gets to taste your beautiful pussy» 
Your hands grab his wrist on your leg as you nod.
«I promise» you whisper.
Jungkook lays on top of you again, he lets his wet thumb brush against your nipple as he his cock parts your lips and slides back between them. Your folds feels so good against him, the sensation makes him bite on his lips as he suppresses a loud moan. Your nails dig into his back as you look at his face, so fucking beautiful. It’s paradoxical how you think he looks like an angel when his cock it’s sliding against you so agonisingly.
«I want you to cum like this» he breathes.
He pushes his cockhead against your clit, rubs it in circular motions and then up and down, from side to side. Your juices mix with his precum, it’s so fucking wet that your juices drip on his sheets. He wants them to smell like you, to remember the way you smell when you’re working and he’s waiting for you at home, wants your juices to fucking claim his sheets. 
«Can you do it? Cum all over my cockhead, baby. Do it for me»
Fuck, how couldn’t you. It’s too much. Especially when he’s asking you like this, looking at you like you’re the essence of his world. 
You nod quickly, your chest raises up and down at a torturing pace and Jungkook can’t take his eyes off of you. He loves you so fucking much, you’re his. Fucking his.
«I’m- fuck, I’m going to cum» 
«Me too, baby. Cum with me?» he sweetly brushes a strand of your hair behind your ear, he kisses your cheek with such tenderness and sincerity and your heart just can’t process it. It explodes in your chest, your legs shake and suddenly you’re whimpering and squeezing your eyes shut, your head digs into his pillows, your walls tighten. Jungkook grunts, pushing all the length of his cock against your folds and wrapping you closer to him in his arms. He cums so hard that his head falls on your chest, his moans muffled against your skin. His cock jerks, his cum wets your stomach and drips down your thighs and onto the sheets, a bit of it on his abdomen and chest too as he lets himself lay on top of you. 
It’s blissful, the way your fingers stroke his hair as he breathes harsly, he feels his heart pound and his insides melt. You stay silent, look at him just laying in your arms. You never felt so light, so free as now. Love can be blind, so blind that something so special had to wait all this time to finally be seen; all these years and your souls intertwined in every way possible, the roots of your plants were always in the same pot. You were so used to his presence and his leaves that you didn’t realise how much soil you shared, how deeply were intertwined your roots, how they held each other up with such tenderness and love. You want to see his flowers, want to share your water with him, you want to bloom and wilt with him, you want it all. 
«I love you» 
You caress his cheek even though you can’t see them, his eyelashes flutter against your chest and he raises his face to look at you, then rests again on top of you.
«I love you too» he answers. A big smile. Starry eyes, rosy cheeks, messy hair, totally love drunk. And you couldn’t love it more. You pinch the apple of his cheeks, he scrunches his nose and pouts his lips. 
You feel attacked, seriously.
«Why are you so cute?» you whine. His giggles fill the room as he gets up. He lays beside you, wraps his arms around you and squeezes.
«I want to spoon you» his fingertips dig into your hips as he kisses your shoulder. You huff contently, turning around. His legs intertwine with yours and Jungkook rests his head in the space between your shoulder and neck, his chest tight against you.
«Are you comfortable?» he pecks your cheek. It’s perfect.
You nod and shut your eyes, lingering in the feeling of the moment. 
«Don’t sleep» he whines, pinches your hip.
«I haven’t finished with you yet» 
«What? I’m tired» you laugh. You really aren’t, but you like to tease him. Your eyes open, head turns slightly to look at his eyebrows furrowing as he frowns. 
«It’s not true» he blubbers. Fuck, how can he look so adorable in such a situation? All naked, tight against you.
«It is,» you pout back «I’m really tired» you fake a yawn. His head falls on the pillow. 
You stay still for a little, then decide that you want to look at his pretty face. He wails as you turn around, clearly not okay with it.
«Let me spoon you at least»
«Wanna look at your pretty face» you puff at him. His body relaxes and when you turn around the view hits you like a truck on a highway. His hair are messy, long strands following sweetly the roundness of his cheek as he stares at you. His eyes are round, doe-like, incredibly profound they capture the light of the room and exhibit it perfectly, stars scattered across their skies. His lips are red, and it’s because of you. You caress his cheek, brush the strands away. He smiles largely, his hand grazes the back of yours and squeezes it, his other one behind your back so sweetly that you melt. 
«You can fall asleep on my chest» he murmurs. You shake your head.
«I was just teasing you,» you giggle «don’t wanna sleep now» 
He huffs, faking annoyance but it’s just really endearment.
You graze his chest with your fingers, tickle him with the nails as you slowly move up and down. His cock is still hard, the tip red. 
«You’re… you’re still hard» you breathe. 
Jungkook looks at you, the way your eyes stare at his cock on his abdomen, a big smile stretching on his lips as his cheeks grow a little reddish.
«Can’t help it baby,» he simply says «it’s what you do to me» 
He doesn’t lead the conversation anywhere else, as if he doesn’t intend to do anything about it, a dreamy sigh leaving his lips. He stares at you in awe, he can’t believe he gets to do this. In his arms, you naked and relaxed, laying down to stay. You don’t get up to leave his mattress and go back to just being friends, close but not close enough, a heartbeat away. Laying with you feels ecstatic. It’s the forbidden fruit, the one he always craved for; the intimacy of it, being in your rawest states and still trusting each other in such a profound way, getting to see each others fully in every way possible, physically, emotionally. 
«Love» you whisper. His big eyes look straight at you, his heart stumbles in his chest. 
«Last time… you called me love»
«I… couldn’t hold back» he shakes his head, nuzzling into you. 
«It felt different from the times before, it was…»
«I was making love to you» he mumbles. The way he clings his chin to the fist of his hand on the pillow right after makes your stomach clench. The silence creates a foggy haze in the room, but you still see each other clearly. He must’ve hurt so much, for so long. You want to make him smile. You want to reassure him, make him feel loved just as he did to you that day. 
«My baby» you whisper, leaving a peck on the tip of his nose. He scrunches it and smiles big at you.
«Let me do the same- » you kiss his lips and although the intention was to go for just a peck Jungkook’s lips keep you attached to him like a magnet «and make you feel good?» 
«Mmph…» he moans as soon as your hand reaches the base of his cock. You feel it twitch, watch it as it gets even harder in your hand. Jungkook gulps, shuffling on the mattress to get comfortable. The view of your pretty little hand around him makes him longing, yearning to have you all over him. He doesn’t even have to wait after cuming already, he knows he could be ready for you right now. And when you stroke him, oh god, the sound he makes… you wish you could record it and play it all over again and again. 
He folds his arms, rests on the back of them to look at the view properly, head up and chest raising roughly.
«Fuck, I love it» he hisses. You lick your lips, get closer to him on your side as you let your hand pull his foreskin back, his cockhead furious and leaking precum already. 
«You like it?» you coo. He looks at you, your lips wet and your eyes gawking at him. You make him powerless just by doing nothing. Your thumb touches his slit.
«Shit, yes» he moans.
«Love it, I love it» 
You smile at him. Jungkook can’t take his eyes off your face and your hand, not even for a second. When you gather his precum and stroke it all over his cockhead he breathes hard and suddenly he craves for a taste of you. His chin points at you, lips pouting as his cock pulses in your hand.
You peck his lips, tighten your hand around him and twist your wrist. He moans loudly, his head falls back. 
«Fuck» he cries. 
«You’re so beautiful» you whisper. 
«Want you to feel so good» 
He nods lazily, his eyes shut. Your hand is… perfect. Just perfect. It makes him thaw under you, for you, until he’s just whining and moaning, totally lost.
«You- nnngh- you do» 
You push his hair behind his ears, you don’t think you’ve ever felt this feeling. This kind of excitement while doing something for someone else, only for him. This part of you is his, tied and bound to his soul.
«All the time» he shivers.
«Every fucking time you- fuck» his moan is high pitched, desperate. He’s losing his mind, it’s too much when you stroke his cock and have your pretty eyes looking at him so sweetly, holding all the love he always wished to get from you. It’s too much, and he just wants to explode.
«Every fucking time, you don’t even realise,» he shakes his head «you- you just, fuck I love you» 
It’s brutal, how he takes your face in his palm and pushes your lips onto his, brutal for your heart. Such a crook.
The kiss is messy, sloppy, totally heedless. He just wants you close, it’s just for the sake of feeling you more, and it makes you so wet you feel your juices drip down your asshole.
«Love you- so fucking much» he whines. You kiss him more, stroke his cock until his balls are tight and Jungkook is squirming on the bed, his sounds creating the perfect melody for your ears, his pleasure skyrocketing until he just knows he has to stop you. 
His hand wraps around yours, stopping your movements. 
«Want you,» he hisses «wanna cum inside you while I feel you close» you couldn’t resist such a plea even if you wanted to. 
You smile at him and nod, your skin is on fire just at the thought of it. Jungkook’s hand tickles your side as it descends on your hip, his digits dig into your skin. He goes to sit up but you stop him with your hand on his chest. 
«Huh?» he hums puzzled, his lips forming an “o” and his eyebrows high.
«Let me» you smile. Fuck, he feels like cuming already.
«Let me take care of you» you whisper. Jungkook hisses as he lays back down, soft strands of hair spread on the pillow and starry eyes look at you while you straddle him. He doesn’t know if you resemble more an angel or the devil himself with your love surrounding him and your dangerous touch, but maybe you’re the collision of both. 
You lay down to kiss his lips, a soft and gentle kiss that makes him yearn even more just because it’s ohso lovely. 
He must’ve been blessed, cause when you let your hips grind against him and he feels the warmth of your core he feels like he’s in heaven. Maybe you’re an angel, most definitely the prettiest of all. 
Your lips feels so fucking good that his cock jerks and he has to hold back himself from cuming.
«Fuck, wait-» he hisses. 
«I don’t think I can- I need to desensitise a bit or I- I’ll cum» 
You stop your movements and lean down to kiss him some more. You caress his cheek, Jungkook’s arm can’t help but keep you close and tight against him. Your soft breasts feel so good against the hardness of his chest, your hair hanging down from the side of your face. His hand squeezes your asscheek and a cheeky grin appears on his face.
«Feels so good to get to do this» he pipes. 
«You used to do that before too» you snigger and he squeezes your flesh once more.
«Only in bed» he laughs. You shake your head and pinch his right nipple lightly, watching as he keens and brings his hand to cover the injured part.
«Why?» he whines with his eyes closed. You lay down and kiss the tip of his nose.
«I get to do this too» you coo. He sighs deeply and glares at you, lips pouty.
«You used to do this before too» he murmurs. You smile at him.
«Not in bed? I should’ve and could’ve but I didn’t. I had to try» 
«Fuck, you’re so annoying» he groans even though a big smile is already stretching on his lips. It’s beautiful how the change of your relationship didn’t change the way you act around each other, the same old habits and teases. 
«Should I kiss it for you?» you laugh. Jungkook peeks at you from his half lidded eyes.
«Do I get to kiss your ass when I’m outside of bed?» 
Your laugh fills the room, the apples of your cheeks full. He pushes you onto him, his hand coming to your face, he kisses your lips, pecks your nose and your cheeks, your forehead too. Silence spread in the air as he pours his love onto you with caresses and little sighs, totally rapturous.
You kiss his neck, his clavicles, his shoulders and his pecs, lick on his nipple. Jungkook squirms under you and a second later you’re… kissing it. He laughs out loud, his giggles are high pitched and he scrunches his nose as he lets his head fall back on the pillow. So fucking cute, you think. You want to keep him in your pocket and never let go.
«Are we ready to go?» you giggle as he still laughs. Jungkook nods, eyes bright. His bangs are messy and you take some time to brush them with your fingers as his chuckles summer down. 
«It’s gonna be messy again, come on» he whines. 
«So impatient,» you sigh «let me make my baby pretty» you coo. Jungkook whines again.
«Please,» he strokes your back «wanna be inside you» 
«Mmh, ‘kay baby» you hum against his lips. You nuzzle your nose into his neck, blow on it just to hear the sound of his humming when he shudders under you as you take a hold of the base of his cock. He’s so hard that you let out a dreamy sigh, totally in love with the feeling of him in your hand. Jungkook’s hips stutter up, his cheeks paint of red when his eyes meet you and you wonder if it’s just the warmth of the room or your effect on him.
Your core brushes against him and he releases a soft yearning hum. You sit up, breast on full sight and eyes on him as you push yourself onto him. It’s so fucking wet and tight and delicious that he doesn’t ever want to leave your pussy. Fuck, he’d spend every second of the day inside you if he could. 
«So tight» he moans. You slowly fill yourself up with him, he grabs your breasts and squeezes them, fumbles your soft flesh as you start to move unrushed. You’re so beautiful on top of him, so pretty. All for him and him only. 
«Talk to me» Jungkook wants to hear your words as you ride him. The position is totally new to the both of you but fuck, it feels perfect. He fills you up so good that your walls pulsate all around him, getting to see him under you with his big dark eyes on your face makes you want to spoil him in all the love he showered you with the last time and even more, you want him to feel totally engulfed by it, from how much you love him. 
«Love it, I love your cock» you moan. You put your weight on your hands on the bed, leaning back a little as his cock hits the perfect spot inside you. Jungkook pinches your nipple, your breasts look so good that he wishes he could kiss your skin. He watches them bounce with every move, feels his cock throb and leak precum inside you. It’s so fucking wet, your juices mixed together and god, the sounds you make could make him crazy.
«How much?» he hisses. You bite your lips.
«So much baby» you whine. His hand reaches your clit, he rubs it gently with his thumb and looks at your face. His heart pounds wildly, you turn him on so much that he has to restrain himself every time. However, now he wants you close and even though he’s loving the way you’re taking him so good, your body is too far for him. 
«Love» he calls out putting both of his hands on your hips and staring up at you. You look down at him, his skin is a bit sweaty and his lips red from all the kisses you shared. Jungkook sits up.
«Want you closer, please» he maffles. 
«Let me open my legs so I can hold you» 
You let his cock pull out, the loss of contact makes you grimace and Jungkook smiles endeared as he pinches your cheek. He opens his thighs, his cock stands proud against his abdomen, so pretty. He guides you onto him, your thighs over his and your pussy back on him. His hands grab the flesh of your ass, his face hides in the crook of your neck and he breathes in your scent as you take him back into your heaven. Like this, he thinks he could die happily. Fuck, so close and perfect. The contact of your skin makes him breathless, the feeling of you all over him, so tight that not a single inch isn’t against him. The way you hug his cock makes his head spin, how you grind your hips into him and dig your nails into his back. Your moans in his ears, he captures every single and makes sure that the next one comes out because you’re feeling even better. He rubs your clit, sucks your nipples, kisses your neck, keeps you close until your sweats mix and all he can do is breathe you in.
«You’re perfect» you whisper. His heart trembles, all the defences he had to put on for all these years without even realising are down on the floor, totally scattered in pieces. They burn into ashes, fire takes over them completely until there’s nothing left but haze, and then there’s you. You on top of him, you under him, you on his lips, you in his mind, just you. You’re everywhere, part of him. 
«I was so stupid-» you hiss as he kisses your cheek «fuck, how could I not see it?» 
His nose nuzzles into your cheek and he pecks your skin repeatedly, his thumb rubbing faster on your clit.
«Ssh, we’re- nngh fuck, we’re here now» he reassures.
«Never wanna leave you,» you mumble «never» 
Jungkook feels like crying suddenly. There’s a knot in his throat that tastes like pain, like all the tears he shed and every night he spent thinking about you. All the worry that he felt when you weren’t with him, the feeling of loveliness without you by his side, the feeling of not being enough to be seen, to be considered as more. It all gets back to him and his eyes burn, his vision becomes foggy, his breath ragged for the pleasure of having you here. 
«Baby,» he whines «feel like crying» his voice trembles. 
You stop your movements, totally focus on him. Jungkook shakes his head though, pushes you onto him more to make you keep going.
«Just make love to me» he whispers. 
«I still can’t- still can’t believe you’re mine» 
«I’m yours» you don’t wait a second more to let it out. You watch him beam with his eyes glossy and can’t help but kiss him. You kiss all of his worries away, every single one. As you make love to him so sweetly, they all melt. He cries, salty tears mix with your kisses, your hands dry them and you kiss the path they walked on. You spoil him with your touch, your caresses, even your breath on his skin. Jungkook can’t even speak properly from the feeling in his chest. 
«I love you, love»
«Fuck, oh god- call me that again» he moans. He lets his head fall back as you keep moving, the expanse of his neck displayed for you. You let your hand trace it and then do the same for his chest, rub his nipples and hear him moan.
«My love» you repeat, breath rough.
«Mine, you’re mine»
«Fuck yes,» he whimpers «yours baby» 
You want to make him cum. You want to see him shake in pleasure and contract his abs, you want everything he can give and more. Your hand travels farther down, Jungkook squeezes your ass again as he feels your touch graze his skin until you get to his balls. They’re wet with your juices, so tight and full of cum for you. He moans loudly, his mouth attaches your neck as you caress them sweetly in your hand. Your touch is so gentle and his cock feels so fucking good, his body feels like levitating from how much you’re giving him. It’s too much to hold back.
«God, you’re- you’re going to make me-» he howls «cum» he shudders.
You kiss him deeply, your tongues in each others mouth and your eyes closed, foreheads touching and hearts glued to each other. 
«Cum for me» you breathe on his lips.
«Cum inside me, show me how you cum for me, love» 
His eyes open, eyebrows furrow as he moans. You kiss him more, spoil him totally. You whisper how much you love him, how good he feels inside you, how beautiful he is. Until it’s fucking unbearable, his cock twitches and all he can do is let go. Jungkook groans, digs his nose into your neck in such a desperate way that you feel your heart being wrapped tightly and squeezed almost to the point that you can’t breathe anymore, his whimpers come out muffled on your skin, his cum filling you up totally as you keep moving on top of him and in his hold. You cum with his moans in you ears as you milk him dry, the room spinning and your legs shaking. You collapse in his arms, feel him sob in your hold. Even when you don’t realise it you kiss his hair, stroke his back as your body feels light and wobbly, totally lost in its high. You cup his cheeks and peck his lips, the mole right under, the one on his nose, his forehead. Jungkook never wants to let go. 
«Cuddles» he murmurs on your neck right after, hiding from the world. You nod lazily, his cock still inside you. 
It’s weird, the roads that love takes and the path it walks onto. It’s odd, how it can blossom without asking for permission, how it grows and spreads, takes over everything it finds on its way. It’s beautiful, how Jungkook clings onto you like you’re love itself and you do the same for him, roots intertwined and shared soil in the same pot, one soul fixed together with pieces of each other, like it’s always been. Since you were sixteen and he was nineteen, for all these years. And for many more to come
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Read more about Closer here: Closer: Too Close (Teaser)
Read my other works here: Masterlist
Taglist: @p-i-e-d-p-i-p-e-r, @kaitlynlovesbm, @bytheinaya, @jub-jub, @taolucha, @minayas1998, @seoulrenebae-blog, @ppeachyttae, @gluk97, @jk97bam, @diorh0seokie, @gwsjungkookie, @moonlikemeh, @skzthinker, @eyssdumpie, @sleepy-sae, @jjkw-7, @singularityjes, @vvicaddiction, @kimchijeonjk @jungkookieeee97
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cyber333angel · 29 days
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thinking abt camboy!jj hmm.. from other fics I’ve read they describe him as the type to not show his face and only video tape himself from the neck down and I think that’s so real.. like him in the daytime playing like call of duty or some shit and THEN at night he sits in the same chair where he jerks his dick, in front of a camera to make some extra bucks like. I had wrote this as an ask before but if you were maybe a babysitter for jjs little siblings and after putting them to sleep, you go to tell jj that your heading out but when you open the door to his room he’s in the middle of a stream, you just pause and stare at his dick in his hand and you feel your cheeks starting to heat up so you break out of the stare and try to walk out the room but before you could leave jj stops you and takes your hand . he manhandles you to his wall and is js so rough with you “say a fuckin word about this and I’ll make sure you get fired from this little babysitting gig okay princess?” and instead of you being scared of him in this moment your just turned on by being put in your place 🤫 just having your eyes go half lidded and jj seeing you get so small and submissive from the way he talked to you, he decides to tease you, gripping your jaw hard and forcing you to look directly at his face “you gettin turned on from this shit? have some fuckin degrading kink or something, what the fuck is wrong with you sweetcheeks?” he takes his knee and pushes it between your thighs where your wearing no shorts under your skirt , you gasp at the sudden contact and stutter out “n-no! m’sorry I really didn’t mean to interrupt you jayj!” unfazed he comes up with an idea “if y’re really sorry you’ll come help me out won’t you?” not wanting to lose your job or be hated by jj you agree and nod “of course .” not knowing he meant stripping you of all your clothes and putting you into doggy style in front of the camera screen, letting your face be shown to the little posse of fans on his stream while his face is still kept out the camera..muscular abs and arms being the only thing in frame of him while you on the other hand show your whole body and face, he has you stuttering on his cock “m-mph fuck jj your making me feel so g-good! oh god!” him loving the praise, speeds up the pace making you unable to even get out a response . only plap-plap-plap and wet squelches from your now sloppy cunt . his pelvis connecting to the fat of your ass every 2 seconds makes you know for a fact that your back is gonna be sore tomorrow morning . “gonna let me cum in this pretty pussy hm princess?” not thinking with your head but the heartbeat in your lower body you nod and beg him to cum inside “y-yes jayj! don’t pull out, wan your cum hngh please!” jj also only thinking with his dick, releases a load of warm semen into your cunt, putting in some last thrust until he fills you up. “fhuuck..” he says almost forgetting about the stream he remembers he’s getting paid to put on a show . “show them how I just filled this pussy, cmon now dollface” he manhandles you until your sitting on his gaming chair with your pussy facing the camera, he takes one hand and puts two fingers near your hole . he stretches it apart to watch the cum leak out, the other hand grasps your face still forcing you to look at the camera , leaving you twitching and crying but with a satisfied smile, you hear various sounds and beeps coming from the computer seeing how everyone enjoyed your little show.
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glitterjay · 18 days
hi can you do like bodyguard sunghoon with celebrity/popstar reader where sunghoon is reader's main bodyguard and is always cold to her but he secretly likes her and one time she goes somewhere without telling him and he gets worried so when he finds her he punishes her and they confess their feelings for each other?IT doesn't have to like follow this transcript or plot i just want bodyguard sunghoon with reader 😭😭 thank you so much i love all your works and i hope you have a nice day/night
⭒ idol!reader, body guard!sunghoon, fluff
⭒ c's note: i left out the punishing part because i genuinely could not think of a way to write that bit
⭒ taglist: @hollyoongs @moon7jay @wondipity @fertilizedtoesw @kwiwin @jaylaxies @americanojake
being a bodyguard in love was a difficult task for sunghoon. aure, it fulfilled his desire to protect you at all costs—it was his job, after all—but he couldn't do much beyond that.
he would follow you everywhere because he was your main bodyguard, but he had to stay outside your room, outside the private room where you were eating at a restaurant, outside your life. he was just there to guard everything inside the bubble.
this fed into his now-serious and intimidating personality, only giving you nods and short words as a way of communicating. he couldn't let his guard down, and you couldn't know about his feelings either.
little did he know that you longed for him to open up. you could see the sparkle in his eyes when he looked at you, the way he was always first in line during your events, even if he wasn't needed. how carefully he treated you and how worried he'd get if you got a single scratch.
after today’s schedule, you agreed with your fellow idol friends to hang out and catch up. sunghoon wasn’t in his usual spot after you were done filming scenes for a music video, so you didn’t personally tell him where you were going.
you did ask some other staff to tell him for you, to which sunghoo didn't take so well. he asked the staff of other idols where you could have possibly gone, bowing several times when a makeup artist told him she overheard the group talking about going to a specific restaurant.
Hh practically ran all the way, too desperate to wait for the line of cars and vans outside the venue waiting for other artists and staff. it wasn't far anyway.
as soon as he arrived, sunghoon barged into the restaurant, presenting his identification as your personal bodyguard to gain access to the private rooms. he could hear your laughter over the other voices in the room.
he knocked once, hearing how the voices quickly hushed, and then there was another one saying, "come in!"
sunghoon peeked his head, a sigh of releave leaving his mouth when he saw you sitting there, safe. it took you by surprise to see it was hom knocking, so you excused yourself, making up a lie but promising you'd be back as quick as you could.
once outside, sunghoon began to check you for any sign of discomfort, which made you giggle a bit.
"someone's worried."
"you could've said something! my heart almost fell out of my ass when i didn't see you at the venue."
you took the silence as an opportunity to fix his messed-up hair, probably from the running.
sunghoon sighed, leaning into your touch, closing his eyes.
the view before you seemed out of the world, how the dim lights of the hallway resalted his face features, and how he leaned into your hand more and more.
"a picture lasts longer," he said, his eyes still closed.
you scoffed, taking your hand away from his cheek, causing him to stumble. you giggled.
"we can go on a date. just us two," you offered. sunghoon's eyes almost popped out of their sockets, making you giggle again. "but only if you wan-"
"of course i want!"
he cleared his throat and regained his posture, acting as if his heart hadn't done twenty flips in three seconds.
"i mean, that sounds like a great idea. yes."
© glitterjay | tumblr
133 notes · View notes
bunviie · 3 months
How about a jock jean or armin being absolutely obsessed with the chubby girl they sit next to on class. All they want is to bend shawty over on their desk. Sorry if this request is too much!!
it wasnt too much at all!! im just sorry it took me a long time to get to! hope you enjoy <333
minors do not interact !
cw: dubcon, vaginal penetration, male masturbation, school setting, breeding. (i suck at tags..) jean is delulu
wc: 2.2k
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the azure sky beams happily, engaging the scorching hot rays from the sun. its flaring heat dawning upon your smooth skin. it glistens, catching more burning gazes than the sun. you lay on your back, hands resting on your stomach, hand on top of the other. your head was comfortably placed on your friend’s lap. jean didn't seem to mind though, seeing how he was the one who insisted that you lay there.
you babbled about everything and nothing. unaware of the perverse staring that was happening just above you. your shirt was unbuttoned at the very top, revealing a slight tease of your chest. your chain is angled on your left tit. he can see the black worn-out bra you wore and it pisses him off. yes, it gets the job done in holding your perfect round tits but, you deserve something way more better than a ragged bra. oh, how he wished to spoil you with the prettiest of sets, with lace and frills. how he wanted you to wear them purely just for him. to fuck you and not care about your pleads of preserving the expensive pieces. he just wanted you in general.
his thoughts are brought to a stop when a bead of sweat trickling caught his eye. the formulated sweat adds more shine to your skin. something springing up in jean to just (italicize) lick you–
“you guys still out here? lunch ended a few minutes ago.” armin entered the courtyard. you and jean, for some reason, don't have the urgency to get up right away and this prompts armin to speak again. “i guess you two don't mind after-school detention,”
“armin do you need something?” jean sighs, obviously peeved. his body falls limp at the loss of your body. you had sat up from his lap. "hey, I'm just looking out for you," armin helped you up as you tugged your pleated skirt. jean’s eyes immediately watch the fabric fall onto your plump thighs. your thick alluring thighs. oh the things he would do to just have a single chance between them. to show you how much he cherishes and loves you.
your lips, and your voice, were just perfect.
“jean?” you call for a second time. this time your face is mere inches away from his. his air getting caught in his throat, erupting a few coughs from him.
your face was so close to him, that your noses practically brushed against the other. he could kiss you. he wants to kiss you. 
“i swear it's like you have a crush on me,” you tease. he simply scoffs and gets up after you. he picks up the patterned blanket before folding it and leaving it in the pile of other used blankets. “let's not be delusional,” he picks up his bag, slinging it over his shoulder. and almost as if to prove a point, he walks over to a group of cheerleaders. you hear a cluster of giggles soon after. the sight alone made your skin crawl.
with your face now skin-up, you made your way to your last class for the day with armin.
he walks you to class and bids you farewell. you move to your seat, with your hands smoothing down your ass, and the skirt flattens for you to sit. 
your thighs spill out of your seat, your ass hardly clothed from your uniform riding up. panties were just barely visible when you twist around for your pencil case from out of your bag. unaware of the lingering eyes, you prepare for the lesson. 
jean enters the classroom, a smug look wearing his face as he sits himself down next to you. he whips out not one but several pieces of paper. “guess how many,” he swishes them around like they're paper fans but you pay him no mind. your body was somewhat turned away from him with your hand supporting your head. his ego was hurt by this but he didn't mind it in the slightest. this only gave him the chance to gawk at you more. and that's what he did throughout the rest of the class.
his eyes followed the pen that flew up to your lips. they were parted just enough for the end of the pen to fit between. showcasing just exactly how plump your lips were. two-toned and full. his mind couldn't help but wonder just how far you could open your pretty mouth. he wanted to find out. to see if he can fit all of him inside. would you choke? would you love it down your throat? just how pretty would you look with him occupying your mouth? 
all these thoughts encouraged the blood flow that rushed its way to his cock. it hardens in minutes.
the pen bounced off one lip to the other before moving to the side of your cheek. your cheeks were so squishable and soft. one of the many parts jean adored other than your smile. your smile was sweet yet sickening. how could you smile at him after putting him and his cock through so much? the audacity. 
not to mention the bouncing that was your thighs. they jiggled with every drop of your foot. it brings jean to think about–
your pen. it slipped out of your hands and landed on the floor. the sound echoed off of the cold tile, snapping jean out of his thoughts completely. your lips formed a pout, you looked so cute when you bent over to pick it up.
you bent over.
his cock visibly twitched in his pants. your ass. your perfect, fat, and round ass was practically on display. the panties barely did their job in covering you up, almost leaving little to no imagination. unfortunately, as quickly as it appeared, it was gone in a second.
the school bell rings, indicating the end of the day. the students pack up their things and leave.
“do you wanna get something to eat?” you zip up your bag. “yeah just let me get my wallet,” he quickly says. bag on his back, he finds himself the nearest bathroom and stall. leaving you stunned at your desk. “didn't he always carry his wallet with him?”
jean pants, happy to be out of your sight. he didn't want you to see him like this. needy. no, not yet.
he sighs once more, his heartbeat reverting to what it once was. his thoughts were a lot clearer, but the blank empty thoughts only brought thoughts of you. jean rethinks back to lunchtime. your head on his thigh and your blabbering had you oblivious to the actions that played just beside your head.
as he recalls it, he slides his cold sweaty hand down his pants, barely undoing his belt buckle in doing so. he hisses at his own touch. cock, still hardened, stiffens even more as he pictures your tits. fingers graciously yet, hurriedly ran across his slit. 
your breasts just lay there so perfectly. what would it take to just have them in his hands? to hold? to suck and to mark. “shit,” he hisses once more. precum draining down the sides of his palm. his tip raging red.
and your nipples? just how sensitive are you there? rubbing your nubs in small circles before taking them into his mouth while his hand traveled your supple body. he pictured you being soft. super soft and easy to bruise. your smooth skin is silky at the touch.
your thighs are what he grips onto when his lips are locked on yours. hands wandering their way to your ass. fuck. your ass. 
he so badly wanted his face between your ass. to taste you there. to bend you over right now over your desk. panties torn off to the side before slipping his fat cock inside you. 
and that's exactly what he decided to do.
jean stops his movements prematurely and leaves the bathroom stall. 
good. you're right where he left you.
“jean, there you are! you had me thinking you left.” your eyes light up as you beam. “you ready to go?” you ask, the opened fly of his zipper and unbuttoned school shirt catching your attention.
“yn,” he stood over you. eyes dimmed and cloudy. what had gotten over him?
you looked up at him with such innocence, it just made him mad.
“let me have you.” 
it wasn't asking…and he wasn't demanding.
your eyes followed his lips and got closer to yours until they finally made contact. his lips moved so feverishly. his tongue wasted no time in finding yours. you weren't any better, encouraging this behavior by pulling his tall figure in. your plump squished onto his toned body– that you felt through his shirt. your hand rubbed up and down his chest eagerly. jean smiled during the kiss, ego growing with your curious hands. he took his hand to yours, slowly guiding it to his irate cock. you massaged over the large tent happily before being pulled away from kissing. you sigh out breathlessly. strings of saliva leaving you both.  you're about to ask what the problem was when you're swiftly taken by the arms and thrown over your desk. the deed knocking the wind out of you, you smirk fervently.
“what took you so long?”
jean only whips his girth out. hands at the base of his dick, hastily moving up and down at the sight of the mounds underneath your asscheeks. the skirt had flown up on your back. exposing your bottom half in full. you had on a black thong that your cheeks devoured. it was as if you wore nothing at all.
you felt his eyes on your back. catching distinct heavy breathing. you sway your hips and hear it get more breathy. jean is pumping his fist greedily, watching you tease him like this. watching your hands grip your thong. taunting him by pulling the material so slowly down your thighs.
in one swift motion, he secures both of your arms behind your back, it slightly being arched. you whimpered. it all happened so fast. your shirt buttons were popped open, your thong torn and thrown off to the side, your left tit being held in his free hand, and his tip sliding into you. your face scrunched up in painful bliss as he entered your sopping cunt, a winded squeal leaving your sweet strawberry-glossed lips.
he wastes no time and thrusts his length into you. giving you no time to take it all in. he relentlessly drives his cock inside your warm leaky hole. in and out. your walls greet him favorably. 
“fuck, fuck, fuck,” he spits. hands releasing from where they once were to your hips. your body lying flat on the desk. he pulls you back on him at every thrust. his belt buckle clinked with every hit against the desk. your moans were no help at all. they sounded so cute and pleasing to his ears. it's high-pitched and a little bit airy. maybe because he still hasn't given you the chance to catch yourself yet– your small hands held onto the desk for support. all the shaking and moving, you were scared it would collapse at any moment with jean’s vigorous movements.
luckily for you, he was on the verge of his climax. you feel him twitch uncontrollably inside you, his tip reaching places that drive you to the edge. he smooths his hand over your ass, grasping furiously at all the fat, landing hot ones on your right cheek just to watch the recoil. he’s so close to coming now.
“come inside me,” you whine. teeth nibbling on your bottom lip to fight off the tears.
he takes you up on your offer and pulls on your hair gently despite his greedy movements, you're back close to his chest as his pace increases. he fucks you like this until he cums inside you. his seed shoots up, filling you up to the brim. you flinch and squirm around at the sudden burst. his hot seed leaves you sensitive while it oozes out of your cunt.
both you and jean pants. it almost echoes throughout the classroom. you two stood still for a while before he inevitably pulled out. fat drops of cum drip down your thighs and onto the floor. you wince at the sudden loss and cold air. soon hearing footsteps leave the classroom. you stood up and found yourself in an empty classroom.
jean exhales heavily. stuffing his dick away in his boxers and pulling up his pants. he fixed himself to appear decent-looking before picking up his backpack, where he heard his phone go off.
“you ass. if you didn't want to buy me dinner, you could've said so.”
he reads the text you sent him and hurries out of the bathroom, rushing past the exit doors, he sees you. 
“you still here?” he asks shamelessly, arm slung over your shoulder. you pay him no mind, rolling your eyes and pushing his arm off of you. “forget it, armin is treating me.” 
“how about you forget him and just ride with me? just for today?” he throws his football jacket over you and you're almost touch. you don't say anything, pulling up armin's chat and texting your excuse and jean takes this as an answer. leading you to his car. 
“trust me i’ll take good care of you.”
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Hello hello! I got super happy once i saw your requests open again <3 i love your writing and i would love to see Price and a reader who is too recluse and uptight, cold and distanced. He somehow noticed she likes him and stuff and it turns into what you write best, something hot and more. Basically Price shaking some sense into her, breaking her down? I don’t know if this is too much detail and I don’t know if it gives any ideas. Feel free to ignore. Love you, have a best day 🧡
Thanks so much for the ask! This is really unique, and I like the concept. I'll do my best! <3 <3
TW: female reader, afab, cunnilingus
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Price scanned the meeting room as his teams filed in. The 141's operations had grown, now that Shepherd was out of the way, and new recruits with a lot of promise had come in to aid in the operations. Gaz, Ghost, and Soap sat up front, reports prepped and ready to be handed out, the logistics team sat around Alex and Farah, and sometimes, when she wasn't out doing the dirty work, Laswell would hang around the back corner, arms crossed, watching the meeting unfold. But, he was waiting for you.
You were the newest addition. Your specialty with data analysis and reporting had meant a stream of fresh, sparkling intel that was immediately actionable and nearly allowed him to predict the enemy's movements. You were a magician, and you never talked over anyone's head. Very professional, but kind. Beautiful, even though you were not a fresh-faced youth.
You also had a body that would not let him rest. He'd taken more cold showers in the past two weeks than he ever took as a teenager, and his cock was in his hand, hard and drooling, hungry to bury itself between your thick thighs.
He tried not to stare, really, he did. But, you would wear those cargo pants, belted to your waist, and he could see where your generous ass stretched the tight canvas. The way your hips swayed when you walked across the base with your data-tablet made him want to fight someone for you, even though, as far as he could tell, there was no competition in sight.
That was part of the problem. You kept everyone at arm's reach. Well, that was about to change.
Price started the meeting and tried not to keep glancing back to you in your seat. You were listening diligently, doing your job, and he felt downright lecherous at what he was about to do...
"...and so we'll be pairing off for a full facility inventory."
Groans resonated throughout the team. Complaints flooded in.
"Check the board for your partner and meet in Hanger 3. We'll start in the back storage."
"Back storage! Cap'n, unless you're lookin' for flip phones and manuals from 2007, there's nothin' we need in there," Soap protested.
"Well, Sergeant," Price grinned, "We're about to find out. Spring cleaning!"
He felt someone's presence behind him, and when he turned, he was delighted to find you there, shifting from foot to foot, waiting to be heard.
"Yes, Corporal? Do you need something? Going to whinge about the inventory as well?" He joked with you.
"N-no. No, sir. I just... I checked the board, and you are my partner, sir."
Your eyes were wide and bright. You were staring up at him and clutching that data-tablet to your chest like a shield.
He threw an arm around your shoulder and walked with you side-by-side,
"I'm just pullin' your leg, Corporal. Let's get to it."
As you worked together, the ever-observant John Price noticed a few things. First, you would stare at him when you thought he wasn't looking. Second, you would move to the opposite side of the room to work if he decided to relocate. And third, you had a bad habit of chewing on your bottom lip when you got nervous.
"You'd be no good at poker, Corporal," he commented, stacking a set of boxes near you.
"What, sir?" You looked up at him, biting that poor, innocent lip again.
"That bottom lip gives you away," you fixed it as soon as he said it, but he forced you to sit with him and asked you, "Hey, what's going on? You're doing a great job here, but I can't help but feel like you're not keen on being a part of this team."
You shook your head, sighing,
"No, sir. It's not that. I love this team... I just..."
"Just what, Corporal? We're not leaving this storage crate until you tell me. You have a crush on one of my soldiers, or what?"
Fear, now. He could see it all over your face. He reached out tentatively and put a hand on your knee,
"Hey," he dropped his voice to a dark whisper, "It's alright. I won't tell anyone."
Your voice was so small when you answered him, but gods you were brave for answering him,
"Sir... it's you who I shouldn't tell."
Price's breath caught in his chest. All this nervous energy, all this seriousness... for him? You were nervous to be around him?
"Corporal..." He was stunned.
You stood up, quick as a flash,
"I'm sorry, sir. Please forget I said anything."
You were backing away towards the door, looking like you were ready to bolt, but he reached out and grabbed your wrist, stopping you.
"Me?" He stood above you, his body looming, covering you in the small storage room. It felt like it was getting smaller by the second.
You swallowed, nodding,
"Yes, sir..."
Price reached behind you and popped the metal lock into place, sealing you in,
"Mmm... Corporal, if you only knew how long I've been prayin' you'd say that to me."
"Wh-what? Really? Captain, I didn't --"
He put his thumb on your chin, pulling the skin so that your bottom lip would be freed from your teeth, and he bent to suck it into his mouth. He wasn't kissing you so much as he was working your full, lower lip, slowly and gently, taking it between his own lips and tongue, making you catch your breath.
"In here... I'm not your captain," he smiled, kissing you fully now, "And when I'm not your captain... you give the orders. We can stop, if you want to stop."
He let the news register, showing you how true it was, backing away a bit, giving you room to say no. Price watched your face as the information sank in. It was understood, analyzed, and filed appropriately in that beautiful brain of yours, and then, the results.
You set your tablet down on the boxes and took off your shirt. He still hadn't touched you, happy to let you drive. You pulled his face to yours, placing your hands on his furry cheeks, petting his hair and knocking off his hat until it hung around his neck on its string, almost letting him kiss you, but just before he could, you whispered into his open, gaping mouth,
"I don't wanna stop."
He kissed you, then. So softly it was almost chaste. He matched your energy. If you explored him with your tongue, he explored you just as far. If you spent time kissing his jaw and neck, so did he. After a few minutes of such restrained torture, though, he was breathing heavy, and his body was begging for more.
His hands rubbed across the tight muscles of your neck and down your arms before finally discovering your heavy breasts. He let them fill his warm palms, plucking softly at your nipples and making them harden beneath his fingers.
Price spoke to you as he kissed you, as he fondled you into pliant submission,
"Do you wanna stop, love?"
You shook your head, whispering back,
"I don't want to stop..."
He bent himself like the bough of a great tree, leaning to suck your sensitive nipple into his mouth. Price warmed it with his tongue, and put it between his teeth just enough to make you writhe. Then, he slid a huge hand between your legs and felt the heat you were hiding from him there. He sighed raggedly when he found it, like he had just dropped the weight of the world from his arms.
John pressed the canvas of your pants up into the spot where your folds would part, rubbing the seam against your center, making it shove your clit back and forth along its line, making it swell and tingle. You writhed beneath his teasing, moaning from it.
"Mmm. Do'ya wanna stop, love?"
"No, fuck, no. Don't stop."
He forced open your buckle with a swift pull, snapping the metal tines and popping open your button fly. Tucking his fist into the elastic of your panties, his fingers found their soft, wet prize.
The captain sighed again, that same ragged relief, and just before he opened his mouth to speak to you again, you clasped your hand over it furiously, and warned him,
"Don't you dare fucking stop."
He chuckled, but he said nothing as he sank to his knees, looping one of your legs over his shoulder as he began to eat from your body, hungry and thirsty and needy and ready to be full of you, smearing you all over his beard, smiling all the time.
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If you liked this story, please consider buying a coffee for your favorite feral cat <3 Comments, reblogs, and kudos are also appreciated!
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please dom! carmy like he had a shitty day at work and completely takes it out on the reader, like she's screaming, crying, begging for him to stop, but he doesn't and keeps going for multiple rounds
(only if you're comfortable w/ it ofc love the works)
i love this concept so why not give it my own spin, enjoy ! REBLOGS ARE MUCH APPRECIATED
Poor Carmen. Our boy has been dealing with everything all day. Working the entire restaurant and then meat shipment was completely wrong. There hadn’t been a day like this for ages. It hadn’t been this bad for weeks. 
Carmen has two ways of dealing with his emotions. Keeping them inside and exploding. Shoving them down doesn’t help the issue and exploding meant excessive amounts of anger. The bright side? You’re the only one who can make him channel that energy into something a little more…helpful to everyone. 
He never means to hurt you. He always asks beforehand. Our respectful boy always asks before he can completely use you as a means to decompress. If you say yes, he has forcefully bent you over the once pristine marble kitchen island. Roughly but still with that edge of that signature Carmy kindness, he’ll kiss down your spine. His hands firmly planted on your hips, making sure that he’s in the perfect position to slide into you so both of you will feel that sublime sensation. The only time he’ll let you flip over is so that you can tug off your shirt. He knows that he’ll always get more sensual moans when your perfectly sized tits are sliding against the smooth counter. Once he’s got your bottoms off, he’ll knead your thighs and ass, getting as much pleasure out of it as he can hear you are. He isn’t usually one to crack jokes but at this stage, he’ll always make some jab about how responsive you are. Swatting your butt gently, he’ll flip you over again (but not before giving you one more kiss, just so you know that he loves you all through this).
Your panties are now bunched around your legs and he’s haphazardly trying to pull his jeans off. It takes a couple seconds but he speeds up after he sees you rub your thighs together. This makes him work much faster. He’s rubbing so hard that it feels like he’s going to pull his own dick off. He couldn’t get over how he had you- You. You. Bent over a counter showing him all of your perfect figure. Showing him how you’re dripping down your thigh for him. You were his favorite meal. A meal that he would devour and then suck his fingers dry. 
Once he’d get his cock out of his boxers, it slapped against his stomach, standing at attention, always ready for his pretty girl. Once he’d know that you were ready, he’d slam into you, pistoning into you, making sure you were screaming his name. He’d prop you up in a sitting position so that he would be branded with the angry scratches that you gave him. Wearing your marks under his white t-shirts was his way of being yours. He liked it that way. He did the same for you. His hickeys littered your inner thighs, so only you and he could see them. The only two people that mattered. The only people who he cared about, knew about them. As long as he could make your legs shake when you stood up, make you whine for him to carry you after the two of you were finished, make you scream his name, make your cheeks stained with tears, he was pleased with himself. He had done his job. 
Your chest heaved as his thrusts became slower and more languid. He leaned over so he could kiss down your torso, sucking at all the spots at he knew where elicit those sweet noises he loved so much. He’d let you play with his hair while he slid out of you and positioned himself squarely between your legs, letting your thighs close around his head as he let the tongue that was used to yell at people all day, to please the only woman who truly made his world go round. The woman whom he loved more than anything. You.
taglist: @answer2jeff @birminghamshelbyboys @wormswurld @sexyyounglatinoboy @atrwriting
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demonpiratehuntress · 30 days
Good to know you're doing great, and that's fine (and Yes Inumake Toge 😍😍 🥺🥺) How about Zoro x reader (reader is the daughter of Gold Roger but uses a different last name she's two years older than Ace and her identity is a secret, she does tell Zoro in private after they get together) them having triplets together all look like Zoro (all have his sense of direction lol) just the shenanigans of reader having three lost Marimos 😂 she's very amused by it (it makes sense considering her sense of direction is non existent too 😂 the crew has five direction challenged members yikes) also she's a fighter (has Uzui Tengen's swords lol... I'm only adding this part cause I don't really like reader not being a fighter sorry if that's inconvenient you can remove it, I'm not asking for battle scenes just a note to point out) she's his height (the struggles of my tall ass constantly having to imagine how tall a character is for them to be taller than my 6'4 ass 😂) and kinda hot headed
i love the idea of Zoro's and reader's children being directionally challenged just like him lol. i can do this idea, because i am also directionally challenged :) i just don't know who Uzui Tengen is, but I did google him to make sure! i hope you enjoy this :) so sorry it took so long!
taglist - @kabloswrld
it runs in the family
Roronoa Zoro x F!Reader
summary - the ask ^-^
warnings - not proof read
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It was hard enough having one lost soul to take care of. Watching Zoro was like watching a child, needing constant focus and attention to keep him from wandering off. Everyone takes turns watching him, but it ultimately ends up being your job most of the time because it's so exhausting.
"I'm going to that weapons store over there, be right back."
Your head snapped up when you heard him say that, eyes going wide as you immediately lunged forward to grab his wrist.
"It's right over there!" He protested, "I won't get lost."
You snorted and raised an eyebrow, "Babe I've seen you walk across the street and get lost. I don't believe you for a second. Sit down."
He grumbled and complained, but listened and took his seat next to you again. The two of you were waiting for the others to come back from their respective tasks, having finished your own (no thanks to Zoro, you had done it yourself). You swore you looked down for two seconds and when you turned to say something to him, he was not there. You shot up instantly, looking around for a mop of green hair.
"That idiot-"
You found him soon enough, and he was making his way to the weapons store just like he wanted. You were quick to scramble after him, knowing if you lost him now it would take you a whole day to find him. Maybe two.
The man grunted as you grabbed his ear, shooting you a pained glare as you twisted it and pulled him in the other direction.
"Dammit woman, at least let my ear go!"
"You need a leash!"
And that's pretty much how it goes every time you have to babysit your husband. It only got worse when you found out you were pregnant, and produced three exact copies of the swordsman. Three little menaces with his hair, his features, his personality, and your eyes. That's about the only thing they got from you.
To absolutely no one's surprise, they turned out to have a horrible sense of direction just like their father.
To be honest, you were a little relieved they hadn't inherited anything from you. As the daughter of the famed Gol D Roger, you were just as much at risk of being captured and locked up forever - or executed - just because of your parentage, like your younger brother. Only Zoro knew who your father was, as you kept the secret as possible. Even then, you only told him because you wanted no secrets between the two of you, which you'd promised each other on your wedding day. It seemed so long ago, with everything you'd been through, but you were more than grateful for the swordsman.
Not just for keeping your secret (you were pretty sure he forgot the day after you told him) but for protecting you to a point. He knew you could take care of yourself, he'd seen how skilled you were with your blades. He wasn't overbearing, because you were already a strong fighter, but he protected you in other ways, like keeping you from getting into dangerous situations that risked exposing who you were - like that one time in Water 7 when Garp absent-mindedly noted that you reminded him of Gol D Roger, Zoro quickly changed the conversation. He was dumb, but he was more perceptive than he led people to believe.
All these memories, of meeting him and dating him and eventually marrying him, flooded your mind as you gazed down at your sons. A soft smile on your face, you admired just how much they looked like their father, something you had hoped for but the others teased you for.
But you found out soon enough that although having three little kids running around was hard enough, it was made worse when you and the crew found out about their lack of directional sense.
You smacked the back of your husband's head hard, immediately waking him from his nap. He glared up at you for a moment before seeing the furious look on your face and immediately became nervous.
"Where are the boys?!"
"They were right over-" He pointed to the nearby swing, "-there."
"Uh huh, and where are they now?" You crossed your arms.
He scratched the back of his head, getting to his feet, "Uh..."
You smacked him again, "Dumbass. You're just lucky this island isn't as big as all the other ones we've been to!"
But as it turned out, searching for your lost children wasn't hard. They were only a block away from the small park Zoro had taken them to, huddled together on the side and looking around in confusion. In true Roronoa Zoro fashion.
One of them spotted you and yelled happily, dragging his siblings towards you and your sheepish husband. You smiled and scooped two of them up, leaving the third to be lifted into Zoro's arms.
"You guys know you're not supposed to go anywhere without me or your father," you scolded, holding back a smile at how cute they looked glancing at each other before looking down.
"Sorry, mommy. It won't happen again."
And they sound so cute, so sad, you just have to smother their little faces with kisses until they're laughing and pushing your face away.
"Ew, mom!"
But of course, it does happen again. Because they're Roronoa Zoro's children, they always manage to get themselves lost. The next time it happened, you were visiting Vivi in Alabasta. As you and the others were caught up in greeting the princess, your overeager kids found some other kids to play with and went off with them without telling you or Zoro.
Your husband, bless him, tried to go after them but got himself lost in the process. How you know? Sanji found your kids and brought them back, but said he hasn't even SEEN the swordsman.
"Babe you are the LAST person who should go looking for lost people!" You sighed when you found him, shaking your head. "It always ends up like this."
"Those are MY kids-"
"Clearly," you pinched the bridge of your nose. "Anyway Sanji found them, so let's just go." You dragged him back to everyone else, ignoring the way his eye twitched at the mention of the cook.
That's not to say you were good with directions, because you were also bad with them. Sure, you had a better idea of direction than Zoro did, but the crew was still a little wary about sending you anywhere alone.
You and your family tended to butt heads about it, especially when you were all shopping for things you needed. Zoro would claim what you were looking for was in one aisle, while you asserted that it was in another.
It was quite funny for the crew actually, watching the five of you argue and then run off in different directions, only to forget which way you came from and struggle to get back. They had a blast when you took the kids to a carnival where there was a maze, because they found their way out relatively quickly. All the while you, your directionally-challenged kids and your even more directionally-challenged husband went in circles.
"I think it's this way."
"No, no, it's definitely this way!"
"Trust me, I know where I'm going!"
"So do I!"
You two were so busy arguing about where to go that you didn't notice your mischievous children sneaking off to try and find their own way out. Much like Zoro, they hated arguing and they wanted to just take action instead of thinking. By the time you realised it was too quiet, they were nowhere nearby.
"Oh my God, not again!" You face-palmed, then whirled on the swordsman, "This is your fault!"
"Mine?! You wanted to argue!"
Steam was practically coming out of your nose and ears, but you took a deep breath and calmed yourself. One of you had to be reasonable here. So without a word, you turned and walked in one direction while your thick-headed husband went in the other.
"(kid 1 name)! (kid 2 name)! (kid 3 name)!" You tried calling, hearing their voices call back out to you every time you did. But as soon as you thought you were getting close, you would call again and their voices would be even further away.
They were going in the opposite directions.
"Hey, kids!" You called again, "Just stay right there for mom, okay? Stay where you are."
Eventually you do find them, but now you have no idea where you came from so you have no idea where to go. Outside the maze, the rest of the crew is fast asleep as they wait for the five of you to figure it out, Nami being the only one staying awake just in case you made it out earlier than they expected.
You didn't.
"We can't take you guys anywhere," the redhead complained, making you laugh.
Yeah, that was pretty much what the Straw Hat crew had to deal with.
A/N: i hope this lived up to your expectations! i wasn't sure how to piece it all together so just tell me if i missed anything in your request, or if you're not satisfied with any of the parts! :) im open to criticism!
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wolfiezz · 7 months
could u write ellabs x reader? maybe the reader is dating them both and they get jealous bc some girl is flirting w the reader? maybe some fluffy after care at the end :)
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✦ | Cw; Dom!Abby/Ellie, Sub!Fem!Reader, Marking, Overstimulation, Mentions of blood, Multiple orgasms (?), Sorta fluff (?)
✦ | An; it’s SHORT (and maybe rushed) I’m sorry sowwy
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"You're ours. Do you ever forget that," Abby growled, her fingers digging into the swell of your hips as she guided you along the length of Ellie's wet cunt, her own naked body pressed up against your back. You’d cum about three times by now, you mind has completely turned to mush, and all you can do is whimper and whine about how overstimulated you are. But you take what they’re giving you anyways.
Abby’s rough hands feel so good against your sweaty skin as you try to focus on the feeling of your pussy rubbing against Ellie’s, her sweet grunts and groans motivating you more despite the throbbing ache in your thighs.
“So pretty, sweet girl. Look so good on top of me,” Ellie groaned, letting Abby do the work for both of you, her legs quivering on your shoulders. You tell she was getting close by now, the subtle trembling of her legs, the occasional whimpers she let out, the way her back arched every time Abby pushed down a little bit too hard.
“Guys, please, I can’t—“
“You can, and you will,” Abby snarled, giving your ass a hard smack that’s definitely going to form a dark bruise later on. You really, and actually, couldn’t take this anymore. You’ve lost track of how many times you came tonight, your body was defiled in cum, sweet, and blood, and your body was burning for a break, aching even. Though, they wouldn’t stop, no. Not until every inch of your body and mind was branded in their marks.
After some time, Ellie finally came, about her second or third one this night. You whined and squirmed on top of her as her warm juices splashed against your swollen cunt, this also being the cause of your own orgasm. This left both you and Ellie breathless, Abby smirking as you admired how fucked-out you two looked.
“You think she’s had enough?” Ellie rasped, her hands smoothing down you quivering backside, easing the pain from the many, many marks that she’d left there. “Yeah, she’s good,” Abby responded, gently placing kisses on the back of your sweaty neck before dragging you off of Ellie and into her arms, carrying you into the bathroom for some much needed TLC.
“You did such a good job for us tonight, beautiful,” Abby praised, sitting you down on a towel on the counter and drenching a freshly cleaned washcloth in warm water, lathering it with soap and carefully slipping it over the curves and contours of your body, wary of the tiny wounds they may have left behind. The only thing you could really manage for her was a drowsy smile, your body gradually coming down from shaking as she deemed you clean enough as washed the soap off of your skin, wrapping you up in a fluffy pink towel, and carrying you back to your bedroom.
You were mostly sure you would find Ellie there, and you did. She looked like she’s already cleaned herself up as well as the bed.
“Come get in bed you two,” she hummed, patting the bed before she got into it herself, leaving the sheets pulled back so Abby could lay you down and tuck you in, making herself snug beside you, ultimately sandwiching you between the both of them. “Good night, princess. I love you,” Abby whispered, giving you and Ellie one last round of kisses before slowly drifting off into sleep. Leaving you and Ellie awake for a little while longer.
“Well, good night, I guess. Love you,” Ellie rasped, tenderly kissing your nose before falling asleep along with Abby, leaving you the last one awake.
Your eyes slowly began to flutter shut, body laying limply between the both of them, before remembering to utter your last words of love before drifting off into dreamland.
“Love you guys, too.. Good night.”
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So you know how Tf2 takes place in New Mexico? Well I’m an animal lover, and I know that there are tons of fantastic creatures there and I’m sure there are a bunch of them they would 100% be hanging around the nooks and crannies of RED team’s base. So I present to Ye:
Scenarios about our beloved mercs and an animal-loving reader handle an encounter with New Mexico’s amazing fauna. 
Part 1: Offense
Scout and the Roadrunner
It was one of those moments where it was somewhat peaceful outside the base for once(this being only a little shouting and an explosion every hour or so) and you where just sitting outside with Scout as he snacked on a bucket of chicken and talked your ear off with anything that came to his mind, all of which you pleasantly listened to. Then, a blur of brown whizzed by the both of you. You bolded up in your seat as Scout looked at you quizzically
“ey, is somethin’ wrong toots? I know my story was great n’ all but I didn’t think it was that excitin’” you put a finger to his mouth as you pointed to where you saw the blur dashed to, and after a few seconds, a small bird patters into view.
“Holy shit Scout check it out! It’s a roadrunner!” You whisper-shouted. He gave a puzzled look and then gave the small bird an eyebrow raise
“uh, huh, whazat s’posed ta mean?” He tried to look like he knew what that was but he did a very terrible job of doing so. You excitedly told him about the little bird as it scampered around the dirt,
“it’s literally a badass Scout, it nests in cacti to protect it’s babies, can run up to 26 miles per hour, and it can kill and eat snakes like it’s nothing!” He just stared at you as you in amazement as you continue on telling little facts about the tiny bird, until you both froze as it started to ease over to Scout. You told him to not freak out as he was looking a bit intimidated, until the bird plucked a chunk of chicken from his bucket and bolted.
“HEY!” Scout yelled as he jumped up and started sprinting after the roadrunner, “Unfair! that’s my chicken ya dumb bird! Not yours!” At this point you where clutching your stomach and laughing as you watched a grown ass man chase after a two foot bird around in circles in the dust.
Soldier and (somehow)the Porcupine
As per usual, Soldiers booming, patriotic, voice was rattling the hallways of the base, so to try and spare some of the other men some peace for a while, you offered to take one for the team, and offer to listen to his “speeches” outside so his voice could be “heard across America more efficiently”.
……….Speech number, what? 19? You couldn’t remember. It felt like you were listening to this man talking about everything striped and star spangled for hours. Until a rustling was heard in the distance. Soldier neck almost snapped in half as he turned to face you,
“WHAT WAS THAT MAGGOT?” You could just see his eyes under his helmet as they darted every which way. “Uh, I’m not sure, maybe it’s-” you didn’t get a chance to finish as Soldier sprinted towards the detection of the noise.
“ALRIGHT THEN! SHOW YOURSELF YOU DIRTY BLUE FRENCHIE! I KNOW YOU’RE THERE!” You ran after him and did your best to keep up, trying to tell him that this wasn’t the best idea, but by the time you caught up to him, he was crouched, face first, in a shrub.
“Soldier! what the hell are you doing! You- oh no..” out of the bush came an American porcupine, chittering and squeaking as it bolted in the opposite direction. You didn’t even want to know what happened, but you asked anyway.
“uh, Soldier? You ok?” He shot up, back facing you, “CADET, I HAVE CONCLUDED. THAT THAT WAS SOMEHOW, NOT A SPY!” He turned around, the bottom half of his face was covered in quills. You gasped and put your hand over your mouth.
“oh god, what did you do?” He very vividly describes how he was fearlessly defending the base from the intruder as you dragged him down to Medic’s office. “SO YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT WASN'T A SPY?”
“No, it was an American Porcupine”
“Yes, yes he was, and he was surprised that a fellow American attacked him”
The conversation carried on back and forth until you reached Medic’s office, and you could say he was a tad bit shocked at Soldiers face, but then he handed you a pair of tweezers and some disinfecting ointment and pushed you two out of his office saying he was busy(most likely to do with a new supply of organs). So you spent the next two hours plucking quills from Soldier’s face as you told him more about porcupines.
“They are the largest rodents in America, and they have poor eyesight so they mostly rely on hearing and smell”
“yeah, they would be in more danger if they didn’t have their quills, hey, did you know the reason why it hurts so much to take out is because there’re barbed?”
When finally, all of the quills were removed, you had to forcefully smother his face in the ointment and put bandages on the nastiest cuts. Afterwards, you sent him off and flopped down on the sofa and let out a sigh. This will be quite a story for later.
Pyro and the Desert Centipede
Engineer was working in the garage one evening and you offered to come and keep Pyro company while he worked to make sure nothing was set ablaze. Safe to say you didn’t really understand how Pyro’s funny little brain worked, nor their mumbled speech, but you still treated them like the rest of the mercs and did your best to understand what they say.
You were looking up at the sky while Pyro played with matches and drew little doodles in the dust, until they got up and mumbled a few little words and crouched down near a rock. You got up to see what they were doing when they very forcefully took hold of something with their gloved hand.
“Hey buddy, what do you got there- OH HOLY FUCK” You jumped back as he turned around and held a squirming centipede right up to your face and cocked their head.
“Hudda hu?” They sounded as if they were asking what it was. They knew you liked animals, they saw you draw them and talk about them all the time, so if anyone knew what this was, it was you.
“Oh, y-you wanna know what that is?” After calming yourself down, you sat next to him.
“Mph!” They nodded a yes as the centipede did its best to try and bite the pyromaniac, but their thick gloves prevented its jaws from ever piercing skin.
“well, uh, you should probably hold it more at the back of the head then holding on to its mid-section”
They looked at their hand and repositioned it so the centipede was curling somewhat comfortably around the glove.
“yeah just like that! Good job!”
They let out a noise of pride and settled down as you bestowed upon them some epic centipede knowledge.
“These dudes are the largest centipedes in North America, and can reach up to 8 inches in the wild, they’re called centipedes because of their one hundred legs, but they actually can have less or even more than that!”
“Hrmpf Hudda Mpf!” Pyro excitedly listens to every word you say, eagerly waiting for more.
“Not many centipedes are dangerous to humans, but that one is one of the only few that can harm humans. Their venom isn’t fatal to non allergenic people, but they can certainly give you a nasty nip if provoked”
You continued info dumping as Pyro eagerly listened on until Engie decided it was probably time for them to head back inside. Pyro let out a small mumble-complaint but eventually with enough convincing, they let the centipede scuttle back under the rock where they found it.
Now, every once in a while, you and Pyro will sit out side and look for centipedes under the night sky.
Until you needed to go back inside.
“Pyro, what’s in your pocket?”
*several centipedes fall out*
Let me know if you guys would like a part 2!
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I love how you write soldier boy…would you be able to write how he reacts with a spider-woman reader…she’s just swinging webs all around him and his old man brain cannot handle it. She’s a fit as a fiddle and she’s stressing him out because she will not just…sit down! (Preferably they’ve been dating for ages) 💖
More Than a Spider Can
pairing: soldier boy x female reader
rating: R for language
word count: 1.4k
warnings: language, talk of sex, the boys spoilers
timeline: set in an au shortly after the events of season 3
author’s note: another request!? i’m genuinely flattered! sending you so much love anon, thank you! this was so fun to write, and something i never would’ve thought of! thank you so so much!
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You’d have to thank Butcher one day for introducing you to the Supe you now lived with. He had needed a place to “hide” Soldier Boy shortly after the Supe incapacitated Homelander. You were hesitant at first, but Soldier Boy had just de-powered the most dangerous person on the planet, you had to help him out!
Butcher claimed it wouldn’t be for very long, but Soldier Boy never ended up leaving. Not that you minded, he was surprisingly sweet. You expected him to be a complete asshole but he wasn’t as bad as the stories you’d heard.
After about a month you took him up on the offer he’d made the first second he saw you. You spent a night together. Then another. And another. And a few more. And before you could overthink it, you said those three words that he then repeated.
With Mallory’s help, Butcher managed to clear Soldier Boy’s name, and even get the two of you a job at Supe Affairs (which was now run by Hughie since Neuman was running for Vice President).
So now, here you were; asking Hughie for clearance to go after a Supe who’d been stalking their ex.
“Y/n, there’s no actual proof this guy is doing anything you’re saying he’s done!” Hughie said.
“Hughie, the witness is a friend of mine. She’s not fucking lying about this!”
“I believe you, but I need proof before I let Soldier Boy kick his ass!”
“Soldier Boy won’t lay a hand on him, you have my word.”
“Oh, so you suddenly have control over Soldier Boy?”
“No, but I am faster than him! I’ll have this guy webbed up before Ben even gets there.”
“Ben,” He laughed a little. “Still can’t believe you’re dating the guy. Figured you’d hate Butcher for dumping him on you, but turns out you fell in love.”
“Okay,” You rolled your eyes at his teasing. “Just shut up and sign the damn form so I can get this asshole.”
“Yeah, yeah, okay. But you better be sure Ben doesn’t break any fuckin’ bones. I’m tired of cleaning up your boyfriend’s messes.”
“What the absolute fuck…” Ben furrowed his brows, walking into the kitchen. “Y/n!?”
“Yes?” You asked, clinging to the roof.
“God-fucking-damnit woman!” He exclaimed, putting a hand to his chest. “Why does our kitchen look like a spider puked in here?”
“I’m just making dinner, Ben, calm down! I’ll clean this all up when I’m done.” You hopped down from the roof.
“You…” He tried opening the fridge but it was stuck. “Y/n, I’m trying to stay calm here but why the fuck can’t I open the fridge?”
“Sorry,” You smiled with cringe-clenched teeth. You opened the door for him.
“So why are you on the roof?” He asked when you jumped back up.
“I cook better when things are upside down,” You shrugged with a smile.
“I sure do wish your mouth was close enough to kiss, though,” He sighed dramatically, you rolled your eyes a little. You let yourself down a few feet, hanging on a string of web.
“I think kisses are better upside down too,” You smiled. He kissed you, smiling against your lips.
“Dinner is served,” You smiled, holding two plates as you walked into the living room.
“Thank you, sweetheart,” Ben smiled when he took a plate. He furrowed his brows a little when you didn’t sit down right away. “Aren’t you gonna eat?”
“Yeah, of course,” You replied. Before Ben could say anything, you jumped up onto the roof before letting yourself hang upside down on a string of web. “What’re we watching?”
“Uh…Smallville,” He nodded slightly. “It’s…what was on…” He trailed off a little as you began eating upside down. “Honey, wha…what’re you doing?”
“Eating dinner?” You furrowed your brows. “Why? Is something wrong?”
“No it’s…all good,” He replied.
“So, you think Homelander ever watched this show?” You asked, half-heartedly.
“No clue,” Ben mumbled.
“Oh, by the way! Hughie gave me the thumbs up for going after Cara’s ex.”
“Yeah, my old neighbor, you met her. Her ex is that creepy Supe who’s only power is x-ray vision and all he does is hang around outside dressing rooms and Victoria’s Secret stores.”
“Uh huh?”
“Anyway, Hughie gave me his location, I’m going after him tomorrow night. It’s no biggie if you don’t wanna come with me, it’s not gonna be much of a fight.”
“No, yeah…I’ll get the next one…have fun.”
There was about thirty seconds of silence before you put your plate down and swung your way over to the kitchen. You came back a moment later with two cold beers.
“Okay, would you stop!” He suddenly snapped.
“You- Just- Goddamnit Y/n, I wanted to just fucking sit with you and watch this show but you’re on the fucking roof! Are you mad at me or something? Why don’t you want to relax with me?” What started off as an angry expression turned to one of hurt, which broke your heart a little.
“Ben, I’m not mad at you!” You exclaimed, hurrying down from the roof and sitting next to him. “I’m sorry, I just- I dunno, I don’t think much of it. I just like being off the floor.”
“It does look pretty fun,” He mumbled. He pulled you onto his lap, keeping your back pressed against his chest. “But sometimes I just want you here on the floor with us non-spider-people.”
“Okay, I’ll try and walk around like a normal person,” You huffed. “But only cause I love you so much.” You turned and kissed him quickly before focusing on the TV.
“Ben, what are you doing here?” You asked him the following night. “This is my case, I’m supposed to bring this guy in.”
“Oh, c’mon, don’t pretend you aren’t thrilled to see me,” He smirked.
“Of course I’m happy to see you,” You smiled, putting a hand on his cheek. “Just let me take the lead on this one, okay?”
“Fine,” He sighed.
“Are you two gonna eye-fuck all night or can we fight like regular freaks and get this over with?” The man at the other end of the street shouted.
“Think I’m gonna eye-fuck her a little longer if you don’t mind!” Ben called back. “I take it back, I’m bringing this asshole down!” He smirked then took off down the street.
“Fuck,” You mumbled to yourself. You knew full well you were faster than Ben but you didn’t like showing him up all the time. “Oh well.”
You thwiped a thick piece of web to a billboard above the street and hurled yourself up and onto it. You then ran down the side of a building and landed on top of the Supe before he could see where you were. You had him webbed up like a fly before Ben even made it down the street.
“Seriously? You take all the fun out of this!” Ben grumbled. “You can’t just web the guy up! I was in the mood for some ass kicking!”
“I think the words you’re looking for are ‘thank you so much my beautiful girlfriend, Y/n! Because of you I still have a job at the bureau and now we can go relax in our apartment because you managed to take down this Supe in record time!’ Then I would have said, ‘of course Soldier Boy! I love you so much and you’re very welcome’.”
“I love you too,” He mumbled.
“What was that? I couldn’t hear you?” You asked, walking up to him. You wrapped your hands behind his head, running your fingers through his hair.
“I love you too,” He rolled his eyes a little.
“Come on, just kill me, I’d rather that, then watch this!” The webbed-up Supe groaned. “Y/n, I thought your type was guys your age, not-” He was cut off by you webbing his mouth closed.
“What does Campbell want us to do with this asshole?” Ben asked, not letting his green eyes break contact with your love-filled ones. You tilted your head a little and smirked. “What?”
“You just called Hughie by his real name,” You giggled. Ben thought about it for a second and sighed with annoyance when he realized you were right.
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luvyunjinxo · 10 months
my boss || g1p!kcw x fem!reader ★
smut just for her birthday, love you kim chaewon <3. (please im still stuck in july I'm not in august yet 💀) & not proofread.
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I have a job interview, you thought to yourself while getting dressed. you sprayed your strawberry shortcake perfume on and you smelled like a goddess, you were ready. As soon as you walked through the halls of the company it felt like a breath of fresh air really. you made your way to none other than the CEO's room, Kim Chaewon. you were put into some sort of line? It was basically a line of people who applied too. you were nervous, you could hear throughout the room "NEXT, you weren't good enough" and sobs of people crying.
She was tough and you knew it. you had to show her the best you could be. You were next in line, and you were nervous as hell, sweat beads dripping down your neck every two seconds, but made sure to wipe it.
"Next, Y/n?" Her assistant asked
"Yes ma'am."
"So, what do you usually do for a living?" Her assistant asked all the questions while chaewon was eyeing you from the middle of the room observing your every move.
"Schedule her for the next round, she is now apart of our team. Get her to the training room now." Chaewon suddenly spoke, leaving you frozen in your spot. you didn't even know why she accepted you so fast, only one question was asked..
You were escorted to chaewon's main office, which I guess was the training room? all the current employees were giving you weird looks and saying "fighting!" to you as you walked by, treating you as if you were special. was going to her room something big? you kept wondering, but shook it off once you got to her room.
"Ms. Kim will be here in a few minutes please wait patiently. You may watch on the TV for now, just be comfortable." You gave her a smile smile and nod as she walked off into the distance. now sitting on her couch, you decided to watch your favorite k-dramas. A few minutes my ass, she took a whole hour so you decided to get comfy.
Suddenly chaewon barges in without knocking, making her way to sit at her desk and you fix yourself immediately and bowed at her. "No need to greet me, just come towards me." She signaled to come her way with her index finger, as you went closer you could smell her aroma. it was sweet like a dessert, you wanted to smell more.
"You're now hired as my assistant, I see potential in you and don't fuck it up. I fired my last one just for you, I'm telling you don't mess up."
you were now working for chaewon and it has been a month. she has gotten more strict with you but also friendly in a way. she would ask you on dates professionally as business, but nothing else.
anyways, you got called up to her office like you always did but it was something different. chaewon was on her desk chair, no top on and only in her bra, typing on her computer innocently.
"s-should I come back later?"
"no, stay. I have a task for you do you think you can handle it?"
"yes ma'am."
"I need you y/n." that sentence hit your ears and echoed throughout it too. you couldn't believe her words.
"what d-do you mean by needing me ms?"
"don't act dumb. get on the desk now, and do as you're told."
you walked over to her desk as she cleared everything off of it shoving all her papers on the floor, as you hopped onto her desk making sure not to put all your weight on it. her lips connected with yours fighting for dominance leaving a moan every now and then, but you gave out quickly leaving you out of breath. you continued to have a heated make out session as she started unbuttoning your top revealing your embarrassing matching lace set.
her lips disconnected with yours leaving a string of saliva attached to your mouths, leaving her more aroused. she started to give you sloppy kisses down to your neck trailing down to your mounds as she started using her tongue to flick and play with your buds leaving you sensitive. "m-ms kim .." you managed to breathe out. "it's mommy for you princess."
she started to unzip your plaid skirt and undressed you fully, you were butt-naked by the time everything was off. she lead you to her couch as she sat down and started to undress herself as well and you started to go down on your knees.
"suck." she demanded while she pulled her cock out, it wasn't too big nor small, it was just right. you started sucking on her tip as you made your way lower, & she pushed your head more down causing you to gag on her, which caused her to chuckle seeing how pathetic you are. she demanded you to stop as she put you on all fours on the couch and rubbed her cock against your ass. ugh, you couldn't take it anymore.
"Please, I can't take the teasing a-anymore." you whined out but she never listened and just started to toy with your clit and nothing else.
"beg for it." you hated begging so much it hurt your pride. but it was your boss you couldn't resist.
"Gosh, I need it! I cant handle it anymore it's too much teasing!" you screamed out. she inserted it fast, not letting you have time to adjust and started to pound into you like a puppy in the heat. you were drooling at that point. she put on of your legs over the couch so she could get a wider access of you.
"I can't- please- let me c-cum .." she thrusted into you harder as she finished before you and came into you, causing you panic at first but she let you finish so you didn't care. that was the best sex you've had.
"you did so good for me baby, but I'm not even done yet. I think you should come over and we could finish this. such a good girl you are for me hm?" she said while lifting your chin up and making you open your mouth. she spit into your mouth making you swallow like the good pathetic assistant you are<3.
"let's go now shall we? we have the whole night ahead of us, its gonna be long."
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blueberrylixie · 8 months
gray thunder
rock band! jilix x fem! reader
word count: 10, 280 (yes this is a whole ass novel don't bully me)
content warnings: threesome, no m x m, soft dom!felix, soft, possessive jisung, pet names (sweetheart, love), they call reader slut, oral sex (m and f receiving), vaginal penetration, pussy job (barely), double penetration (both holes lol), fingering, overstimulation, cum swallowing, unprotected sex, creampie (use protection kids!),
let me know if i missed anything in this one-shot bc i tend to miss stuff! if you want to skip to the smut, scroll to the white heart divider! but i promise the build-up is worth it ((;
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You had never been more nervous than you were at this moment. Your stomach was so filled with butterflies, you were scared they might fly out of your mouth in the form of something more solid. You had been waiting for tonight for the past three months, ever since you and your best friends bought tickets to see your number one favorite band in the world.
Black Petal.
You took a deep breath, your fingers playing with the bottom of your black velvet miniskirt.
"Are we going to drink tonight?" One of your two best friends asked from her spot next to you.
You all had taken an Uber to the concert venue, which was about half an hour away from your shared apartment.
You rolled your eyes. "No, we're not babes. We want to remember this night for the rest of our lives! We can't be drunk for the entire thing."
Your other best friend, who sat to your right, nodded. "We definitely shouldn't be drinking. This is going to be the best night ever, I don't want the only thing I remember to be the toilets. Not like last week."
"That's so real," you agreed.
The car finally pulled up to the entrance of the venue and stopped. The kind driver opened both doors for the three of you, and you piled out and into the line, which had already started outside the door.
"I can't believe we got here four hours early, and the line is already this long!" One of your friends complained as you got behind the fifty or so people who were already waiting. "Should I beg some of them to let us go ahead? What else is my pretty face good for?"
"Maybe we could sit on the ground and wait? These heels hurt my feet so bad," Your other friend suggested hopefully.
"We should flash the security guards, maybe they'll let us in," you joked.
You and your friends claimed that you were each like thunder, lightning, and rain.
You were the thunder, loud and a natural leader. You liked to share your opinions, and didn't care what other people thought about them. You wore whatever the hell you liked, said what you wanted, and were known to flirt around with any man within your reach. Of course, you left your friends' guys alone, but everyone else was fair game. A few people might find you obnoxious and over-the-top, but what was the fun in being liked by everyone?
Your second friend was lightning. She wasn't nearly as loud, but her personality was bright, and she made herself known in her own way. She didn't like to be the center of attention, but she was the most loyal, supportive friend who would die for those she loved in an instant. She always got scared of your crazy plans, but went along with them without question. Everyone loved that girl. You swore she'd done the impossible in getting everyone on her side.
Your last friend was rain. She could be quiet sometimes, or loud and lively at others. She was the mom friend, telling you off after you had all gotten punished for your insane ideas. But you knew she always had a great time, even if she wouldn't admit it. Sometimes people found her to be a bit of a party pooper, but what no one knew was that she had the best sense of humor out of anyone you'd ever met.
Thunder, Lightning, and Rain. That was you and your friends.
Finally, the line started to move as people were let inside.
The three of you started jumping up and down. Or rather, you and Lightning jumped up and down while Rain sighed, humoring you. She still held your hands though, and a smile was hidden behind that stormy face.
You were all let in, and immediately raced towards the pit. There was no assigned seating for your ticket tier, and you had hoped to get as close to the stage as possible.
You found standing space almost at the front of the pit, mere feet from the stage. Only two other people stood in front of you.
"Holy shit, how did we get so lucky??" Lightning squealed, hopping around and clapping her hands together. Her hair, which was pulled in two ponytails on the side of her head, bounced up and down as she jumped.
"I hope they notice us," you said, staring at the stage. The fact that your favorite band, consisting of eight of the hottest men in the world, would be standing on that stage in the very near future, was mind-blowing to you.
"They'll notice the two of you screaming at the top of your lungs," Rain laughed. "Maybe they like the mysterious one though. That's what I keep telling myself, at least."
"Maybe they'll see me because I'm taller than you both!" Lightning exclaimed. "Even with sneakers, I'm still taller!"
"Oh shut up," you rolled your eyes, nudging your friend with a fake pout. "Everyone knows guys like short girls!"
"Yeah, we're closer to the ground, that's good for other things too," Rain smirked, and you gasped playfully.
"I didn't know you were so dirty-minded!" You teased.
"Yeah, ewe!" Lightning pretended to cover her ears.
"What?? We look hot, even I can admit that!" Rain insisted.
Along with your velvet mini-skirt, you wore a cropped glittery gold tank top, with a loose neckline that scooped so low you had initially been afraid of a nip-slip. That would probably make headlines. You wore black boots with three-inch heels, just in case there were tall people standing in front of you. Thankfully, they were each about your height, so you'd have the perfect view.
Lightning wore an entirely light blue ensemble, consisting of a gauzy dress that hit three inches above her knees, with matching light blue leg warmers and blue sneakers. She hated high heels, and boasted that she could afford to wear comfortable shoes because she always towered over everyone anyways. Her hair was tied with matching light blue ribbons. She looked like a leggy piece of cotton candy.
Rain wore a black silk slip dress with lace along the bottom and top, and four-inch stilettos that you had no idea how she could walk in without face planting. She always wore some sort of heel, because she insisted she could watch the two of you better from a higher vantage point, even though it was just a couple of inches. Her hair was tied in a bun on the top of her head, making her look even taller. Still, she was shorter than Lightning.
"We do look so hot," you said decisively, running a hand through your hair, which was in a half up, half down style.
"There's no way they won't notice us, huh?" Rain's eyes gleamed with excitement. As calm as she usually was, you knew how crazy she could be when it came to Black Petal.
"They're just so amazing, aren't they?" Lightning sighed, closing her eyes as if she was imagining them in front of you right now.
"I can't believe they're actually going to be here," you agreed as you stared up at the stage. They had to be coming any minute now, right?
Suddenly, the lights dimmed so low it was practically pitch black, and music started playing.
"Holy shit!" You exclaimed, covering your mouth with one hand and grabbing onto Lightning with the other. Rain gripped your forearm so tight you thought it was going to fall off.
Then, the lights flashed back on, and all eight members of Black Petal were standing on stage, looking so hot you almost sobbed.
To the right of the stage was Changbin, the drummer, his hair mussed like he'd already been head-banging for the past hour. His arms were fully exposed in a leather vest, showing off those dizzyingly huge muscles that made your mouth water. In front of him stood Hyunjin, the rhythm guitarist. He wore a black Celine tank top that draped his lean-muscular frame perfectly. He licked his full, perfect lips as he grinned out at the crowd, like he knew he was hot.
In the middle stood the two vocalists, Jeongin and Seungmin. Jeongin donned a black suit jacket without a tie. Half of it was unbuttoned, giving just a hint of his entirely bare chest. Seungmin wore a short-sleeved black blazer with a fitted white tee underneath, highlighting his built stomach, with his shaggy brown hair draping over his forehead perfectly.
To the other side stood Minho, the second bassist, with Christopher, the keyboardist and lyricist for all their songs, behind him. Minho had black jeans that showed off his amazing thighs, and a matching black button-up, the sleeves rolled up to his forearms, exposing veins and hotness all over the place. Christopher looked drool-worthy in a tight black t-shirt and jeans, a black baseball cap over his messy hair as he stood behind his instrument, those perfectly large hands ready to play.
Jisung, the lead guitarist, and Felix, the first bassist, stood a few feet away from Minho. Jisung, who stood next to Felix, with his curly brown hair so long it almost covered his eyes, looked stunning in a suit, with a tie loose around his neck. Felix wore a black tank top and a loose-fitting fishnet long sleeve that still showed off his perfect arms and collarbone. His blond hair, which graced the nape of his neck, showed off his perfect skin even more, and you thought you fell in love right then and there.
They all looked fucking incredible.
"Hello Seoul!" Seungmin yelled, from his spot at the front of the stage.
The three of you screamed so loud, you knew your voice would be gone by the end of the night.
"We're Black Petal, and we're so excited to be here performing for you tonight! We've got some really special songs lined up, and we hope you enjoy them! Now who's ready to rock??" Seungmin looked around the stadium, which was completely sold out.
The entire room shook with the yells and screams from each and every person.
"I don't think they sound very excited, do you Seungmin?" Jeongin grinned at his bandmate, and they both shook their heads.
"We wanna hear you louder, Seoul!" Jeongin shouted, and the stadium boomed again with the crazed cries of their fans.
"Hell yeah!" Seungmin smirked at the crowd, and your heart stuttered at the sight. Damn that man and his famous smirks.
The band started off with one of their most well-known songs, and you, Lightning, and Rain squealed like little girls. You started jumping and singing along to the music, just the same as everyone else.
But you barely noticed those around you as you gazed up at the eight men on stage. The way they held themselves, the way they moved, entranced you. They were hot, and they knew it.
Jeongin and Seungmin came closer to the crowd, taking their microphones off the stands and singing right up next to the crowd, on your side of the stage. Holy shit, were your idols really standing a few feet in front of you??
Seungmin's chocolate brown eyes reflected off the hot stage lights, his blazer all the way open and his white t-shirt practically glued to his chest from sweat. Normally, you found sweat disgusting, but you just wanted to pull him closer and-
"Holy shit, he's looking at me!" Rain covered her mouth in a silent scream as she stared at the other vocalist, whose jacket was so loose it was practically all the way open. She was usually so calm, it was crazy seeing her so worked up.
Jeongin grinned down at the crowd, and it really felt like he was looking right at you guys. Maybe he was.
Before you could react, he was reaching down, that perfect hand of his inches away. He grabbed Rain's hand, pulling her so close to the edge of the stage that she had to stand on tiptoes to keep contact. Her cheeks were so red you thought she might burst a blood vessel as she stared up at Jeongin, who kept singing with that perfect voice of his, all the while staring at her like she was the only girl in the room.
"Holy shit she's living her main character moment!" Lightning gaped at her friend, twisting one of her ponytails around her finger over and over again. "Ugh, I'm so jealous!"
Before she could complain anymore, Seungmin, who stood next to Jeongin, winked down at her, and she instantly silenced, her mouth agape as she waved her free hand at him. He just chuckled and walked back to the center of the stage.
Jeongin, who had finally let go of Rain's hand, much to her chagrin, followed his friend. They put their arms around each other's shoulders as they finished out the first song.
"Holy crap girl, what the fuck????" You screamed at Rain, grabbing the hand Jeongin had held. "How was it?? What did it feel like??"
"I think I blacked out!" she gasped, staring down at her hand in awe. "Was that real?? This is a dream, this has to be a dream!"
"Seungmin stared right at me, I swear he did!" Lightning giggled, eyes following the second youngest band member like he was a juicy piece of meat. "He's sooo hot, and those eyes!"
You sighed inwardly. You were so glad your friends were getting so much attention from the band. Of course they were, they were gorgeous! But you couldn't help feeling a little left out. Did the guys not see you standing there too? You knew you were a catch. If your friends were getting noticed in this crowd of thousands, was it really that crazy to hope they might notice you too?
The second song started, and this time the bassists and guitarists came out front. Minho and Hyunjin stood next to each other, with Jisung and Felix on your side.
They started off with a crazy guitar riff from Jisung, which had all the girls practically melting down when he finished, his hair hanging in front of his face, a tired yet elated grin on his face. Felix followed with a funky bass riff that had everyone's jaw on the floor. When the full song started, the rest of the guys joined in force, their instruments a part of them as they played.
But even though you were supposed to be paying attention to all of them equally - and you did love all of them - you couldn't keep your eyes off a certain curly haired brunette and blond-haired bass player.
And somehow, they seemed to sense your heated gaze. Both of them looked up in unison, and your eyes met theirs. As if in synch, they both grinned at you, before approaching the crowd, just as Seungmin and Jeongin had.
But this time, both of their gazes were fixed entirely on you, like you were the prey and they the predator. Your entire mouth dried up like someone had forced you to eat a bunch of cotton balls.
You tried to swallow and bring some moisture back, but with two of the hottest men you'd ever witnessed just staring at you, it didn't work.
"Hey beautiful," Felix whispered, that deep voice instantly sending shivers down your back and heat to your center. He wasn't miced up, so no one could hear what he was saying. Your friends stared at you, eyes wide with shock and excitement.
"What's your name?" Jisung chimed in, running a hand through that perfect hair of his. His voice was softer than Felix's low one, but it still sent your heart thumping, your brain going fuzzy.
You could barely get your name out over the screaming of the crowd. With both of them so damn close, everyone was freaking out.
But out of all the people there that night, Felix and Jisung were talking to you. They were asking you what your name was.
You might be going crazy, but... from the way they were staring at you, to Felix's Adam's apple bobbing and Jisung's arms flexing, were they interested in you?
Jisung repeated your name, the word sweet like syrup rolling off his tongue. You understood what Rain said now. This felt like a dream. None of this was real. You were going to wake up in bed absolutely devastated in the next couple minutes.
Felix motioned for you to come closer, and you accidentally shoved the girl in front of you out of the way so you could stand next to them
"S-sorry!" You exclaimed, but you weren't really paying attention. This was a once-in-a-lifetime moment.
Minho and Hyunjin were carrying the bass and guitar while their members were distracted. They kept looking over at Felix and Jisung, a little confused about what they were doing, but they didn't try to stop them. They probably thought they were just interacting with fans, a usual occurrence at their concerts.
But there was nothing usual about this. At least not for you. You hoped they didn't flirt with all of their fans.
Felix leaned in so close to you, his lips brushed the curve of your ear, one of his hands coming down to caress your cheek. You visibly shuddered, and you could feel his mouth turn up in a pleased grin.
"Meet us backstage after the show, won't you Love?"
You couldn't say anything, your brain going completely blank as you tried to process his words. After a moment, you found it in you to just nod in agreement.
"Good," Felix stepped back, giving Jisung a conspiratorial nod, before turning back towards the stage and continuing to play, as if he'd never stopped.
Jisung waved at you with a cheeky grin before following Felix back to his spot.
You stared after them, unable to even sing along despite this being one of your favorite songs.
Was this really happening? Did the Lee Felix and Han Jisung just ask you to meet them after the show? Or so you assumed, based off the "we" Felix used when he invited you.
You weren't stupid. You knew what they wanted.
"What did they want??" Lightning gasped from next to you, grabbing your wrist so tight you thought the circulation might cut off. "They were whispering in your ear!!"
"The way he touched your face was so hot," Rain gushed.
"He wants to meet up with me after the concert," you said breathlessly.
"Oh my gosh????" Lightning squeaked. "Can we come with?? Maybe some of the other guys want to meet us too!!"
"Both you and Jisung?" Rain covered her mouth. "That's so hot."
"I know, I'm kinda freaking out right now," you said in as calm a voice as you could muster.
"Did you say yes?" Lightning breathed. "Please say you said yes."
"Who do you think I am? Of course I said yes!" you laughed in what you hoped was a cool-girl laugh.
But holy shit.
This was something you had, admittedly, fantasized about. After all, who didn't think about sleeping with any of the members from Black Petal? They had all gone viral not just for their looks, but their insane talent as well. They were known as the best rock band in Korea. Anyone would die to be in your position right now.
But they wanted to sleep with you. You sure as hell weren't going to turn down that offer.
The rest of the concert went by in a haze. You enjoyed every second of it. Every song, all the funny banter they had between each other. You sang at the top of your lungs, jumping around with your friends. You watched as some of the other members came over, notably Minho and Hyunjin, who also seemed to take an interest in your friends. They grinned at you with an almost knowing look on their face, like you were off-limits or something. You couldn't quite tell what they were thinking, but you didn't mind too much.
Because you still couldn't take your eyes off of Jisung and Felix.
The two stayed next to each other for most of the concert, which was a nice excuse to get to stare at them both the whole time. You could see Changbin and his perfect arms as he played the drums. Christopher with his big, calloused hands on the keyboard.
But really, you were just watching Felix and Jisung, who now stood in front of them. You weren't sure if you were imagining it, but it felt like they looked your way a lot more than they looked at everyone else. Every time your eyes met, your cheeks heated up. Their gazes were hot and heavy, like they were communicating their desire to you without words. But you didn't look away. Even with these literal celebrities, you knew when a man was into you. You were known to enjoy the attention of as many of them as possible, and they were no different.
Quite the opposite, in fact. It was somehow a million times hotter to have caught the attention of two of the biggest celebrities in the country. Men who women flocked to.
Now, even just for a night, they were yours.
The show ended with a bang.
"Thank you so much, everyone! This was Black Petal!" Seungmin called. The entire group waved goodbye, the crowd yelling and cheering, before the curtain closed, and they were gone.
People started filing out of the concert hall, but for a few minutes, you couldn't move. Had that all really just happened? Were you about to go out there and meet the band? Specifically Felix and Jisung?
"C'mon, let's go!" Rain nudged your arm, and you started from the contact.
"You're gonna take us with you to meet the band, right?" Lightning giggled, playing with her hair again. "I can't believe they actually talked to us! And want to meet us!"
You nodded, linking arms with each of them before making your way slowly through the crowd, and towards the stage. They wanted you to meet them back there, right? You just hoped it wasn't all a big joke, and security wasn't ready to tackle you when you showed up.
But apparently, the band must have told everyone that you were coming. Security just nodded at you as you headed backstage, as if they knew you personally. Their manager, a short woman maybe ten years older than you, stood outside their dressing room door.
"Hi!" You said as confidently as you could muster. "I'm-"
"I know, please come in," the woman nodded to all three of you before unlocking the door and letting you inside.
The room was surprisingly spacious for being wedged backstage. It was at least twice the size of your apartment, which you had to admit, wasn't large to begin with. The lights were headsplittingly bright, so much so that you had to squint. Two tables sat by the door, with a dozen or so chairs around each one. Another table was filled with snacks and drinks, and three half-full pizza boxes. There was a couch in the middle of the room, which looked surprisingly comfortable. A few managers paced around the room, talking on their walkie talkies to people outside.
Then you saw them.
All eight men were halfway done changing, and they were wandering around in lounge pants, no shirts to be seen. While they looked exhausted, they were comfortable being only half clothed. Holy hell. You could barely keep yourself from raking your eyes down each of their bodies.
Let's be real, you failed, miserably.
Jisung was the first to notice you. When he turned around, a slice of pepperoni pizza in his hand, his handsome face lit up like fairy lights. His eyes turned to half-moon crescents, his smile bright and excited.
"Hey, you made it!" He motioned you over, and you had no choice but to obey. It was like an invisible force was pulling you towards him.
Felix noticed the two of you almost instantly. He finished his slice of pizza, licking his pointer finger in an almost pornographic manner before approaching you, a sly grin on his face.
"Took you long enough," he chuckled, his clean hand coming to rest on the small of your back. Your eyes widened, but you didn't say anything, nor did you move out of his grasp. You didn't want to react so openly in front of his band mates, or even your friends, who knew basically everything about your sex life.
"What did you want with me?" You asked, trying your best to keep any sign of nervousness out of your voice. You sounded a lot more confident than you felt. How could you be, when two of the men you were literally obsessed about literally stood right in front of you?
Felix raised an eyebrow, glancing between you and Jisung, then back again. "I don't know much about you yet, Sweetheart, but I didn't take you for an idiot."
Heat flamed up your face, and you crossed your arms. "I could just leave, if you're gonna be mean. I get enough dick as it is without yours in the mix."
Felix let out a hoarse laugh, taking a sip from his water bottle. His eyes now glowed with a newfound interest.
Jisung instantly reached out and grabbed your wrist, shaking his head as he brought you even closer to him. You could smell a hint of his cologne, which smelled like woodsy pine, mixed with his sweat. Heat emanated off his bare skin like an open fire. And you were the moth, drawn to it.
"Don't leave, Love," he said softly, rubbing his thumb against the back of your hand. "Lix is just messing around, aren't you Lix?"
The blond-haired male shrugged and nodded, the hint of a grin still playing on his lips.
"I kid Sweetheart, I kid. We just want you so badly, we were impatient. That's all."
The hand that had once rested on your back replaced itself again, squeezing lightly.
"So, tell us about yourself," Felix's hand moved to your side and started rubbing, an inviting smile replacing that crafty look he'd donned a few seconds ago.
You paused, unsure of what to say. Why would these men, who were literal superstars, want to learn about you?
But you stopped your self doubt before it could go any further. They had gone great lengths to invite you and your friends here. If they were asking, you had to assume they were actually interested.
Besides, you were an interesting person, weren't you? You had an exciting life. Friends. Money. A good job. Who wouldn't want to get to know you?
"I work as a divorce lawyer here in Seoul," you said proudly, feeling more comfortable as you started talking about things you knew. "I graduated with my law degree last year, and I was hired straight out of an internship at the law firm. Those are my two best friends over there, and we go out together all the time. You guys are our favorite band, we love you so much," you couldn't help but gush, cheeks heating at the words.
"We love to hear it," Felix purred, leading you over to the cushy leather couch, which was still vacant. His hand immediately came to rest on your left thigh. Jisung claimed your right one, his head resting on your shoulder as you continued to speak.
"Outside of work, I go out clubbing, I love dancing. I love animals, and I volunteer at the animal shelter on the weekend," the words spilled out of you, as if you had known these men for a lot longer than a short thirty minutes.
"We saw you dancing to our music," Jisung grinned, his lips ghosting the nape of your neck. "It was pretty hot."
"We couldn't keep our eyes off you, Sweetheart," Felix nodded, his hand squeezing your leg.
"I-I couldn't stop looking at you guys either," you stammered against your will, but both men seemed to delight in your nerves.
"You ready to get out of here, Love?" Jisung asked, sliding his hand into your hair now, fingers dancing across your neck.
"Where are we going?" You asked, confused. Were they really just asking you to find somewhere to fuck them? Smooth.
"Our hotel, of course," Felix's lips slid down your neck, dusting kisses all the way down to your chest, and up again.
Your breath stuttered as you tried to get your bearings. You rubbed your thighs together as covertly as you could, wetness already pooling in your panties, but judging by their satisfied smirks, they both noticed. "I-what about my friends?" Was all you were able to choke out.
Felix glanced over at them. "I think they'll be okay. They're in good hands."
You watched the rest of the group out of the corner of your eye. Rain was chatting with Jeongin, who had shown her a great amount of interest during the show. Christopher had appeared at her other side, offering her a slice of pizza, as if you three hadn't just eaten before the show. Changbin watched them with an interested expression as he drank from his water bottle, those biceps flexing as he leaned against the table next to him.
Lighting was being cornered by the three remaining men. Despite being almost the same height, she looked small next to Minho, who had his arm propped up against the wall. He looked like he was interrogating her, based on the way her eyes widened further and further the more he spoke. Seungmin was watching them, an amused expression playing across his lips, while Hyunjin had his back up against the wall on her other side, his face barely a few inches away from her face.
They certainly looked like they would be fine without you. You could afford to leave them for the night. It wasn't like they weren't used to it. You all had sex lives.
You just had one more question. You weren't sure if it would make this whole situation even more awkward, but you had to ask.
"And... I would be leaving with the two of you?"
Both men looked at each other, similar smiles painted across their uniquely handsome faces.
"We're a package deal, Love," Jisung was the one to answer. His voice was calm, innocent even, as the two men stood up and started to put shirts on.
But you saw that hungry glint burn both of their eyes.
You knew you were in for a crazy night.
The short Uber right over to their hotel was torture. You could barely walk to the car you were so aroused, and when you finally got in, sandwiched between both of them, they refused to keep their hands off you.
It was pure heaven, if heaven was simultaneously physically painful. Jisung, being the possessive man that you were learning he was, had pulled you so close you were basically sitting on his lap, his hands roaming all over your back and ass, his lips leaving kisses against the outside of your tank top, not caring if he left wet marks. Felix had slid over next to you, sucking harshly on your neck as he slid your already short skirt up so high it was bunched around your waist, soaked panties exposed.
"Fuck, you're already so wet and we haven't even done anything," Felix snickered, his fingers ghosting over your pantie-clad core.
You shook beneath his stare, trying to move your hips against his curious hand. But he denied you, moving away right as you tried to satisfy your hunger.
"Be patient, Sweetheart," he slid his hand under your chin, bringing his face so close to yours, you could smell the mint gum he was chewing. Those dark eyes bored into yours, his alight with desire. You bit your lip and he groaned, pulling away and running a hand down his face.
"You're gonna be the death of me," he groaned as he sat back in his seat.
"It's only a few more minutes," Jisung encouraged you as he continued pawing at the front of your shirt. You slid a hand into his curly hair, your eyes closed as you pulled your lower lip into your mouth.
You could be patient. Because something told you it would be worth the wait.
The three of you could barely make it inside the heavy wood door of their hotel room. Jisung had fumbled with the key, trying to get it to scan, for much longer than normal, before shoving the door open and dragging you to the couch, which sat in the middle of the soft white carpet.
The lamp in the living room automatically turned on, bathing the three of you in soft orange light.
The room was uncharacteristically large, with the bed situated in the corner, a tv a few yards in front of it. The entire place was the definition of lavish.
However, you scarcely had time to study the place, before Jisung, always impatient, pushed you onto the couch and straddled your hips, coming to hover mere inches above you before placing harsh kisses all across your neck, along your shoulders, your chest.
"I-I can't wait," he breathed against your skin, his fingers tracing your collarbones like they were masterpieces, his mouth coming to land on yours in a bruising kiss.
You immediately reciprocated, kissing back with equal reverence, opening your mouth and pressing your tongue against his lips, asking for entrance. He obliged, making soft, almost desperate whining noises as you explored him. He tasted of strawberries and desire, and you moaned against him, wrapping your legs around his waist to pull him closer.
"Have you forgotten about me already, Sweetheart?"
Felix, who had taken his time removing his shoes and fixing his hair, approached you, a disdainful look on that gorgeous face of his.
You had never thought Felix would be sadistic, or mean in any way, or any situation. In fact, he, along with Jisung, were known for being the sweet, nice ones of the group. The reality - at least in bed - was so far from that, it sent shivers down your spine. What else would surprise you tonight?
"No, of course not Lix," you cleared your throat, trying to keep the thudding of your heart in check. "How could anyone forget you?"
Jisung grinned at his friend apologetically. "We just got carried away, Lix. She's all yours," he glanced at you, that same glint appearing in his eyes again, "for now, at least."
You reluctantly unwrapped your legs from his waist, your core already pulsing with need. You just needed one of them - ideally both, but you'd take whatever you could get - to satisfy your needs.
"There's my pretty girl," Felix grinned wickedly down at you, his eyes crinkling up at the edges, his freckles barely visible in the dim hotel light. "I think we've done enough waiting now, haven't we?"
You found yourself nodding furiously, your hands reaching out to beckon him closer. He followed, approaching you like a starved animal.
When he got close enough, he gripped your waist with such force you let out a squeak of surprise. His lips smashed against yours with even more strength than Jisung's as one of his hands wandered up your shirt and ripped it off, leaving it a mangled tangle of threads as he threw it onto the ground. You were left in your lacy black bra, your nipples fully exposed to the chilly air. They instantly turned to stiff peaks, as they brushed against the front of Felix's plain white t-shirt.
You whined at the sensation, clawing at his back, desperate for more contact. You continued to kiss him back fervently, moaning needily into his mouth over and over again.
His teeth came out to bite your bottom lip and suck on it in an almost caring manner, taking the time to explore every crevice of your mouth. Your hands tangled in his hair, tugging as if you wanted him to let go, when you wanted anything but.
"Ji, Ji, please touch me," you gasped, breaking the kiss with Felix to look up at the other man, who was sitting and watching you in a chair a few feet away. "I-I need you both."
Felix smirked down at you. "One man isn't enough, is it?"
"You're more than enough Lix," you assured him, and he closed his eyes, his entire body shuddering at your words. "But I want you both, if you're offering yourselves."
"We are," Jisung said instantly, coming to your side, pulling the cups of your bra aside and latching onto your left nipple. He started sucking and licking like his life depended on it, as Felix started moving down the length of your body to your core, which was still pulsing with desire.
"Please Lix," you begged, although you weren't sure for what, your hand still in his hair as he gazed up at you, eyes so blown out they were entirely black.
Felix pulled your skirt off, leaving you in your matching bra and panties. He gazed at you appreciatively, licking his lips once before tugging them clean off, throwing them into a pile along with your ruined top.
He spread your legs, gazing upon your soaked cunt with a smug grin on his face. If you weren't so turned on, you would have kicked him.
"Please Lix, I'll keep whining until you touch me," you breathed, using your hold on his hair to push him closer to your aching center.
"Since you've been such a good girl, Sweetheart," he murmured, before diving in.
His mouth encased your entire pussy, licking and sucking, emitting the most obscene sounds you'd ever heard. His tongue worked in and out of your cunt, one of his hands coming up to massage your sensitive clit at the same time.
You gasped, rocking your hips up to meet his mouth as he slid a finger inside of you.
Jisung switched to your other nipple, and you pulled him up for a long, passionate kiss. His hands continued to massage your breasts as Felix added a second finger, pumping them both in and out of your cunt, which was so wet it was dripping onto the couch.
"F-fuck Lix, please don't stop!" You panted, voice muffled by Jisung's full lips against yours. "Feels so fucking good."
Felix chuckled against your core, and you shook at the sensation. His tongue fucked you in and out in rhythm with his fingers as he simultaneously sucked hard on your clit, making you see stars.
"Please, Lix, I'm close!" You moaned, gazing up at Jisung pleadingly, your mouth half-parted as he watched you with such intense desire you knew you were finished.
"You wanna cum, Love?" Jisung whispered, stroking your hair as he pinched each of your nipples. "You're being such a good girl for us, just cum in Lix's mouth, yeah?"
You nodded, your eyes unable to leave Jisung's face as he reached down to touch your core as well, rubbing your clit at the same time as Felix fingered you.
And that was the end for you.
"O-oh shit!" You cried, hands gripping the edges of the couch as you tumbled over the edge, your vision going white as you came so hard, your body lifted off the couch, and you collapsed back down in front of Felix, gasping and shaking as you stared at both men in front of you.
He continued to lick and suck on your drenched cunt, lapping up every drop of release that came out of you, until you started whimpering with overstimulation. He finally let go, licking his lips and sliding back up your body to press his lips against yours. You could taste yourself on his tongue, but it just turned you on further.
"Now Jisung is gonna make you feel really good, Sweetheart," Felix murmured against your mouth, breaking the kiss to slide both of his fingers, which were coated with your release, into your mouth.
You whimpered in response, watching as Jisung removed his pants and positioned himself at the entrance to your cunt, which was still fluttering with pleasure from your first - and best - orgasm.
You sucked on Felix's fingers, wrenching a moan from the man, as you watched in awe as Jisung stroked his cock once, twice, before rubbing his length up and down the entrance of your soaked cunt, groaning as the lewd sounds filled his ears and wetness began to envelop him. He was completely hard and very long, a bit on the skinny side, but so pretty. Your mouth watered, tempted to lick the bead of precum slipping across the tip.
"Please Ji, inside," you implored, gazing down at him with wide eyes.
Jisung groaned, unable to resist you. "You sure you're ready, Love?" He said, his voice low with barely-tethered control.
You nodded silently, and Jisung reared his hips back, before slipping the tip of his cock, which was positively throbbing with bridled desire, inside your cunt.
"More," you gasped, your body instantly tightening around him as he struggled to push himself further in.
Felix stood next to you, his cock uncomfortably hard in his sweatpants, creating an obvious tent right by your face. It brushed the side of your cheek, and you turned, reaching out and tugging his pants down, leaving him in his boxers. Just from the outline of him, you could tell he was huge.
"Do you need help there, Lix?" You asked in the most sultry tone you could muster, batting your eyelids up at him.
At the same time, Jisung bottomed out inside you, letting out a guttural moan as he did so, your cunt tightening around him so he could barely breathe.
"Fuck, Love," he growled, his eyes squeezed shut. He began thrusting in and out of you in quick, shaky jerks, unable to control his movements.
Felix smirked and nodded, tugging his boxers off and kicking them to the side. His cock, heavy with arousal, sprung free, and you instantly reached out, grabbing hold of the base.
He was certainly thicker than Jisung, maybe an inch shorter. The tip of his cock was angry with arousal, precum already smeared across his length. You licked your lips, eager to please.
Felix hissed an oath through his teeth, his eyes barely slits as he gazed down at you. Your body rocked back and forth from the power of Jisung's thrusts as he held your waist, fucking into you with messy shoves of his hips.
"Fuck yeah, just like that baby," Felix praised you, and your cunt tighened at his words. Jisung whimpered at the added pressure, his hips stuttering for a moment as he got his bearings.
You suck your tongue out and kitten-licked Felix's cock, tasting the salty warmth of precum spread throughput your mouth.
"Don't fucking tease me, Sweetheart," Felix spat, grabbing the back of your head and pushing you onto his length without warning.
Your eyes widened as you immediately gagged on him. He was thicker than you'd expected, and longer too. His tip hit the back of your throat, bringing tears to your eyes, but you refused to give up. You started bobbing your head up and down, sucking with just the right pressure, taking him fully until your nose hit the small patch of hair against his pelvis. You breathed in the musky smell of him, a sexy, ocean scent you were now addicted to. You pulled him out of your mouth, swirling your tongue along his tip and over the prominent vein along the side of his length. He groaned through gritted teeth, throwing his head back and thrusting himself against the back of your throat again and again, his hand still gripping your hair.
Jisung removed his hands from your hips, his fingers going to play with your clit, rubbing your already-sensitive nerves as he bullied himself deeper inside of you. He hit that spongy part deep inside of you, and you let out a tortured gasp, your cunt fluttering around him as his fingers moved faster, eagerly chasing your release. Your hips bucked up to meet his, and he almost came on the spot.
You started whimpering so loudly, your entire body shaking so hard, Jisung knew you were close. He continued to slam his cock against that perfect spot, the squelching sounds of your cunt driving him crazy p, until you squirmed underneath him, your entire body seizing up, moaning around Felix's sensitive cock, until you finished around him, all garbled whines and moans. 
Jisung knew he couldn't last much longer. The sensation of your tight pussy getting impossibly tighter as you came sent him over the edge.
"Fuck Love, you keep doing that, and I'm gonna cum inside you," he bit out, pushing the sweaty hair from his eyes as his hips continued to stutter forward, your hips still moving against him, milking him till the end.
"Please cum inside me," you whimpered softly, your voice almost unintelligible around Felix's girth.
Felix groaned, laughing as he thrust himself into your wet mouth. He grabbed your chin, forcing your mouth open further. He closed his eyes, letting out a choked grunt, before finishing down your throat. He tapped his cock on the outside of your mouth a few times, before saying, "Fuck dude, I guess you got no choice now. She's begging for it."
You opened your mouth to show both men you'd swallowed all of his warm, salty cum. Felix pressed his lips against yours, Jisung's cock getting impossibly harder. What kind of other-worldly being were you?
Jisung all but snarled, his body falling on top yours as he started to hammer into you, all sense of control forgotten. You begging for him to cum inside you, swallowing Felix's cum like the obedient slut you were, had undone him. He couldn't hold on any longer.
"Shit, shit, shit, you know what you're doing don't you you little slut," he panted, the words almost foreign on his lips as his hips turning to sloppy jerks, as he pounded in and out of your wet heat a few more times, before emptying his cum deep inside you.
You moaned loudly. Now that Felix had finished, you were able to fully express your pleasure as you bucked your hips up against him, wrapping your legs around him once more. Your throat was deliciously sore, your mouth still covered with Felix's cum, but you found it that much hotter.
"Fuck Ji," you hiccuped, teary eyes landing on the man as he gently slid out of your cum-stained pussy, collapsing on top of you. Letting go of Felix, you pulled Jisung close to you, pressing your lips against his, your hands going to his strong, sweaty chest, fingers roaming all over his body, continuing to explore him. He moved against you, not caring that you tasted of Felix's cum. In fact, he found it extremely sexy. His cock, which was exhausted from his eagerness to please you, had already begun to get hard again. Were you that irresistible? Of course you were.
"Wanna switch places?" Felix grinned in satisfaction, his perfect white teeth glinting in the orange light of the hotel lamps. "It's about time I had a turn in this gorgeous pussy."
Your cunt clenched at his words. You'd felt how big he was in your mouth. You could only imagine how big he'd be inside of you.
Jisung smirked, glancing from you to Felix. "Can I have a turn in her other hole?"
You opened your mouth to protest, but Felix shrugged before you could say anything. "That is our thing, isn't it?"
You glared at both of them, hurt coursing through you. "You do this with all your fans? That's really flattering. Maybe I should just leave you to it, I'm sure you'll find someone-"
Felix stopped your fighting words with a passionate kiss, his tongue swiping over your bottom lip as you melted into his touch.
"No one is better than you, Sweetheart," he cooed, kissing down your neck before biting on a soft vein. You whined, but didn't move.
"You better be telling the truth," you grumbled, but you had already folded. You would give these men anything they asked for.
Jisung took the opportunity while Felix was sucking on your neck like a vampire to slot his mouth against yours. He was a lot less smooth with his movements than Felix, clearly just as needy as you were.
"Mm, Ji, you taste so good," you murmured against him, one of your hands moving to each man's hair.
He groaned, his eyes fluttering shut at your words. "I need you again, Love," he sighed dreamily, his hand going down to stroke his cock as he continued to kiss you so sloppily, drool ran down your chin.
Felix kissed down your stomach, along your hips, ghosting against your bare pussy, and sucking your inner thighs, leaving bruises all the way.
"You ready to be on top, Sweetheart?" He smiled wolfishly at you, his mocha eyes glinting with seduction.
"It'll give me space in the back," Jisung added to comfort you, running a hand through your hair before you had time to protest. You shut your mouth, nodding obediently. Felix glanced at Jisung, impressed by his convincing skills.
Felix was about to give in anyways and flip you over onto your back, when you decided it was time to take charge instead. You weren't a dominant woman in bed, persay, but you loved the look of surprised desire in a man's eyes when you made the move on them. Seeing as Felix was clearly used to taking control in the bedroom, you wanted to shock him a little.
So you sat up on the couch, gripped his muscular shoulders, and pushed him into the couch. His eyes widened with pleased astonishment as he let himself be shoved down, his head hitting the soft material beneath him as you hovered over him. Just that look alone caused your cunt to clench around nothing, a quiet moan escaping your kiss-swollen lips.
You straddled his waist, lining his thick cock up with your aching center, before impaling yourself on all eight inches of him, taking him all the way to the hilt.
You let out a guttural moan, throwing your head back as Felix grunted underneath you, his hips immediately thrusting up to meet yours, pounding into you at a bruising pace.
You whimpered as his cock hit your g-spot over and over again. You reached behind you, seeking pleasure from the other man in the room. He was spreading lube onto his cock, prepping himself for what was sure to be a tight squeeze.
"Ji, please, kiss me," you gasped, bouncing yourself up and down on Felix's cock.
"Fuck yes, baby," Felix grunted, breaths coming hard and fast as he was already coming undone. "You think you can take control, huh? I'll let you have your fun for now, then you'll see."
Jisung wrapped his arms around the back of your waist and pressed his lips to your impatient ones. Your body was twisted around so you could kiss him, and you watched out of the corner of your eye as he continued stroking his cock. The squelching sounds from Felix fucking into your pussy mixed with the sounds of the lube on his dick was like a symphony, and your entire body shuddered from the pure hotness of it all.
Jisung slid a finger against your hole, and you moaned, your head falling against his shoulder as you broke the kiss.
"Please, be careful," you breathed, your eyes fluttering as you tried to stay present for both men, everything threatening to overwhelm you. "I-I've never done this before."
"Fuck, she's never been fucked in the ass before," Felix cock hardened impossibly more inside of you, and you squeaked in pleasure, your hips rising and falling with such intense need you didn't know what to do with it all.
"I'm honored to be your first then," Jisung murmured, nipping your earlobe before sliding a finger inside of you.
"O-oh shit," your breaths came in short, quick bursts as you tried to accommodate the foreign sensation. It wasn't painful, yet, just uncomfortable.
"Just getting you ready for me," Jisung murmured against you, kissing your jawbone as he spoke. "Don't want to hurt you."
Jisung wasn't quite as thick as Felix, but he was longer. Still, you weren't sure if he was going to fit in such a small hole.
He added a second finger, gently scissoring them in and out. You squirmed against him, gasping when a searing pain zipped through you, down your spine.
"You're doing amazing for us, Love," Jisung praised, holding your waist steady with his free hand.
"I think she's ready, Jisung ," Felix hissed beneath you, his movements becoming progressively sloppier, his brain going foggy as he became drunk on your perfect cunt. "I'm gonna bust way too fucking fast in this tight pussy, and I want both of us to be inside her before I do."
You whined, turning your body back around so you faced Felix again. You weren't sure if you would be able to watch as Jisung entered you. It was all so overwhelming, but you loved it at the same time.
Jisung's long cock prodded against your hole, and you shook against him, gripping Felix's lean, veiny arms. You had drooled over those arms for years, and now you were able to hold them, kiss them. You leaned down so your chests pressed together, your sensitive nipples brushing against his chest. You nestled yourself against his neck, breathing heavily as you fucked yourself up and down on his cock, equal parts excited and terrified for what was to come.
"You're being the perfect little slut for us, aren't you Sweetheart?" Felix's deep voice was hoarse with lust as his cock hammered in and out of you, sweat slipping between your two bodies. "You were practically begging for us to fuck you in both holes, weren't you? You wanted this."
Despite his harsh words, he lifted your chin up before mashing your lips together. His eyes were closed as he licked your bottom lip, an extremely vulnerable moment despite what was happening.
Jisung gently pressed the tip of his cock into you, and the tightness nearly took his breath away. Gasping from the unexpected pleasure, he gripped your waist as he slowly eased himself in.
"O-oh, Ji please, slower," you breathed, your eyes, which had been blissfully shut moments before, were now wide open, gazing down at Felix with a mix of pleasure and pain, excitement and fear.
Felix ran his hands along your spine reassuringly, pressing his lips against your arms, which were now propped against his chest.
"You're doing so well for us, Sweetheart," he purred, his other hand brushing the hair back from your shoulder. "You're making Jisung feel so good, he might cum early."
"Not true," Jisung growled through gritted teeth. He was trying to go slow for you, he really was. But the tight heat of your body just did something to him, something no other woman had done to him before. You were addicting. You were his.
You squeezed your eyes shut for a moment, letting your body get accustomed to the sensation of two people inside of you at the same time. It hurt like hell, to be honest, but it was also somehow liberating, knowing you could give pleasure to two men like this.
"You can move again," you finally murmured, glancing back at the man behind you and nodding. You wanted to make him feel good. And you wanted to know if it could make you feel good too.
Jisung kept moving, watching you every second to make sure you weren't in too much pain. Slowly, he bottomed out inside of you.
You collapsed back on top of Felix, who hadn't moved once since Jisung started entering you from behind. He didn't want to overstimulate you. He found himself wanting to put your needs before his own. That was new for him.
Jisung sat there for a moment, a silent question hanging, asking if you were okay for him to move.
"P-please move," you finally got out, the intense sensations of Felix's thick cock and Jisung's long one causing both holes to clamp down on each of them. "I-I think I'm ready."
Felix didn't need to be told twice. His hand slid into your hair as he began thrusting in and out of your sopping cunt, pulling you close so he could gaze into your eyes. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he had already fallen for you. He didn't want you to be with anyone else. You were his. His and Jisung's.
Jisung, with one final glance to check in on you, began moving in time with Felix's thrusts. When Felix moved in, Jisung moved out. The two of them had shared multiple women in the past, so they fell into an easy, practiced rhythm. But this time, it felt different, to both of them. Jisung could feel his heart physically ache in his chest as he gazed down at you, sweat shining off your back, your hair a mess, as you pressed kiss after kiss against Felix's neck, tortured moans spilling from your lips like a prayer.
"Please, faster," you sobbed, tears staining Felix's skin as both men had their way with you. The pain you once felt had opened up to reveal a new kind of pleasure, one you had never felt before. The sounds of both cocks thrusting in and out of you caused you to whimper, your body wracking with shudders against them.
Felix reached down between your legs, his thrusts not slowing, as he rubbed harsh circles against your aching clit, and you were undone. He touched just the right spot over and over, You whimpered his name over and over again, your hips stuttering forward, out of your control.
"I-I'm going to cum, Lix," you panted, bouncing up and down on his cock faster and faster, chasing your orgasm. You threw your head back as you tumbled over the edge, your hips bucking against him, your whole body quaking as you came down from your high.
He growled against you, his fingers dipping into your cunt before licking the arousal off of them. His hips pounded harder into you, his eyes lighting with the fire you knew meant he was close. You let him pound into you, your orgasm rising to crescendo again, his cock pressing so deep against your cervix you could feel him in your stomach. You pressed a hand against him, and he groaned loudly, his hips stuttering with pleasure. You watched in fascination as his perfect, toned abs flexed, and without warning, he emptied himself deep inside of you.
Jisung watched in fascination as the two of you came together, and his hips instantly sped up. He had tried to hold off until you came, and now that you had, he let himself free, using you however he liked.
You turned around, lasering him at him with a coquettish stare. Those entrancing eyes drew him closer to you, his hips snapping forward of their own accord as he kept eye contact. You whimpered, biting your lip and gazing at him pleadingly. He thrusted as hard as he could, his eyes screwed up, his fingers pressing so tight against you, they were sure to leave bruises on your hips.
"Fuck me Ji, harder," you begged, staring at him with those doll-eyes, your hole sucking him in further.
"L-love-" he choked out, managing a few more sloppy thrusts before releasing inside of you. He stayed inside your warm, tight body before pulling out and tugging you on top of him, completely spent.
Felix grunted as you toppled over to lay on Jisung's chest, the two men moving to sandwich you in an embrace. Despite the couch being small, you didn't mind these two lean men squeezed right next to you. Jisung, who spooned you from behind, pressed his warm lips against your neck over and over again, sending tingles down your spine. You shivered, giggling softly, nuzzling him with your nose in response. Felix, who had turned to face you from his position in front, held your waist, pulling your face close as he kissed your lips over and over, like he couldn't get enough.
"I bet you entice all the ladies with these moves, don't you?" You tried to smile at your joke, but it felt forced. You couldn't imagine what it looked like to them.
"We don't do this for anyone else," Felix said simply, tracing circles against your soft skin. "We always kick them out after."
"Right after," Jisung agreed.
"We wouldn't want to give them the wrong idea, ya know?" Felix kissed the side of your mouth, winking at you.
"Next time, I want to be in your mouth," Jisung broke in, play-pouting as he breathed in the floral scent of your hair.
You hid a smile, just shrugging your shoulders carelessly. "Will you be able to last in my mouth, Ji?" You smirked as he frowned, pretending to be hurt as Felix chuckled lowly at your words.
But inside, you were grinning like a fool.
There would be a next time.
laska's note —
wow, this was SO long and i half apologize, half don't for that. i got a bit carried away hehe. this is a late happy birthday gift to jilix so wish our men a happy birthday!
part of the story was set up, so i gave you a marker for where the smut starts! this one shot is going to be a series, with lightning and rain getting their fun too! so definitely keep an eye out for that. please leave as many comments as you'd like, i love to read them! again tysm for your support on these, they're great fun for me! love you all <33
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irisxstardust · 1 year
abby anderson hcs!!
CW: swearing, kind of nsfw but nothing like majorly explicit
here's a lil something while i write p2 - a little gift, if you will 🤍
also yes, i just naturally assumed if you're here for the ellie stuff then you're also here for the abby stuff. i love abby so i'm sorry if you don't
also guys like A/N - this is all my opinion. its not canon and doesn't have to resonate with everyone. pls be nice <3 also i use the word "like" too much and i apologize in advance
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- very light on the PDA but everyone knows (everyone knows... that he fucks you - ifykyk). but like actually there's just this air around you both. she doesn't even need to try to intimidate random wolves - they take one look at you both standing together and they are gone. she thinks its quite comical, tbh. also like, no free chairs? no worries, she's got two big ass thighs right here waitin for ya. pick your poison sweetheart 🫶🏻
- you eat first. if she gets her food first then she'll sit at the table and wait for you, or she'll sometimes even go up and make your plate for you before you even get the chance to get near the food. she may not even do it consciously, its just second nature to her: you get your plate first, you eat first, you finish your food first, and you get seconds first.
- i've seen this on hc posts before but she is definitely like really keen on manners. you might be in the midst of an apocalypse, but you best say your "thank you's" "please" and watch your language if you don't want to listen to some bullshit lecture about it.
- you are not alone often, especially when there's people (specifically men) that she doesn't know personally. it definitely has something to do with joel and her father but she'd never admit that. keeping you beside her or always in her line of sight is her subtle way of doing her mf job and protecting you (but you're not stupid and you totally picked up on it right away).
- she literally takes up so much fucking space that when you first met her you would fight about personal bubbles and how she needs to stay in hers. you'd gotten over it by the time you two got together, but you still like to tease her about it. she definitely takes the teasing to heart and either puffs herself up to take up even more room, or stares you straight in the face as she explains the new exercises she's doing to build up her arms or something.
- adding onto the last one, i think she's petty but not petty enough for it to be like a problem (stay with me on this one). like when it comes to a disagreement between you both, she is absolutely the first one to address it and she's not gonna let it strain your relationship. but when it comes to your little pet peeves? yeah she totally teases you about it or like purposefully does it just to get under your skin.
- at first she was hesitant to let her hair down - let alone let you touch it - but once she got comfortable enough she began to ask you to brush it out for her. she definitely savors the feeling of your hands just running through her scalp and massaging the tender skin. having her hair tied back and braided all day definitely makes her very tender-headed, so every little bump makes her wince and ask you to be softer.
-STRENGTH. KINK. (size kink too😋) this is like the most obvious one but like she will literally do anything to prove she's stronger than you or anyone else who "challenges" her. like if one of you doesn't want to walk all the way to your bedroom, thats okay, she'll just have to hold you up against this wall. oh you're making out in the kitchen? she's picking your ass up and swiping an arm across the counter, throwing everything across the floor (and probably breaking stuff), just to drop you on top so your heads are level with each other. she does still underestimate her strength and will like throw you across the room on accident.
- (if you're both fem/afab) she's always seen as the "masculine" partner in the relationship but at home in bed she's like a lil baby cuddling up with her fav stuffie. i can totally see modern!abby being posted to the sound "i want mommy, i want milk, i want to be held, i want to be comforted" on tiktok. and she doesn't mind either. she doesn't mind being the smaller one when it comes to you. she honestly thinks its really lovely how flexible you guys can be with each other and how you always work to meet the other's needs.
- really versatile when it comes to doing the dirty too. she doesn't mind being the one in the harness (the strap's her fav when it comes to sex with you), but she also doesnt mind receiving oral every once and a while too. your relationship is very much 50/50 and that definitely translates into the bedroom.
- and even while you guys are mostly 50/50, abby is just in general a very dominant person who usually takes on the role of the leader.
- abby when she comes home from an early morning patrol to find you still dozing off in bed, wrapped up in the whole duvet and wearing one of her cut off tee's: ☠️. she is deceased. you in her clothes = abby in heaven. no i will not elaborate. i feel like this makes enough sense as is.
- modern!abby is totally a classic metal/alt rock music listener. like of every song available to her she will always pick her favs; nirvana, metallica, maybe kiss, fleetwood mac, ac/dc. like idk they give me mostly "abby in the gym" vibes yk.
- strap game for days. she does not spend every waking moment at the gym only to tap out after one round, absolutely not. she will totally go all night if she wants (and if you want ofc) and like hardly loses breath
- always wants verbal consent. for anything and everything. you have to verbally confirm that yes you want it or no you don't otherwise she will not touch you. she knows shes bigger than you and she knows sometimes she underestimates herself, so unless you verbally agree she will literally move away from you and wait until you're ready. it doesn't matter how far gone you are, she needs you to verbally acknowledge and consent to whatever you're doing.
- if you ever find and wear a skirt around her, definitely prepare to have some finger shaped bruises on your ass from how hard she was squeezing it throughout the day. if you're in a skirt, forget the "no PDA" rule bc she will literally be like drooling
-okay, i know a lot of people see abby as a tits girl but i just cant. maybe its a reflection of me but i think she's totally an ass girl. like just reaching an arm back and rubbing your back before just grabbing a handful like okay mommy whatever you say😇
- i personally don't like choking (trauma✨) but like i think abby would kinda be into it. seeing her big ass hand just engulf your neck like its nothing. she doesn't even have to tighten her grip or press on your pulse points, she'll just rest her hand right there on your neck and be happy. you don't mind it either, ofc.
- she's absolutely the type to be walking next to you while on patrol or out of seattle for whatever reason and notice that you're like shivering and (without a word) just shed her coat and drape it around your shoulders. and don't even bother telling her you didn't want it and that you felt bad - she doesn't give a shit. "can't have my pretty girl getting sick now, huh?"
wow yay so fun!! i love abby so much i'm not even kidding. i've literally consumed all of the abby stuff i can like i'm on this tag everyday. shoutout to all you lovely horny people who keep my obsession alive 🫶🏻 anyway love u bye!
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