#like i said before. love the headcanons and interpretations of him. hate him as a character
heal2ninjagogirl · 2 months
So I saw this one post about morro theorizing that he most likely died from starvation (well technically its not really a theory cause how else would he have died from when he was literally stuck in a cave with absolutely nothing to help him survive????) and I just want to say to that post WOAAAH because to me that is really dark cause in a sense, he was always hungry for something as in physically and metaphorically. Physically as in before Wu took him in we literally see morro having to resort to eating scraps from garbage in order to feed his hungerness and he doesn't even escape from it in the end as that causes his inevitable death as a human.
Metaphorically as in how much he desired and craved to be the green ninja so bad even when he's a ghost that hunger to be the green ninja before still plagues him and never leaves him which once again, causes his second(?? Idk what to call it...) death as a ghost.
Or maybe I'm just looking too deep into this let me calm myself down and remind myself this is a kids show....
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(Btw kindaasrikal made the post I was talking about credit to them :33)
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dizzy-n-busy · 7 months
[can (and most likely will) contain SOME poly hcs!]
« Shaw Pack headcanons »
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Younger David and Darlin' had a 'platonic confession' - as Milo and Asher put it - with each other (they confessed that they were besties for the first time)
Younger Darlin' was hella touch starved and tried avoiding it at all costs bc it made them feel weird; Darlin' now is constantly being touched and completely immune to it
Angel and Asher are VERY touchy feely, love language of physical touch havin asses
David and Baaabe are the cooks of the pack - Baaabe also makes snacks for pack meetings bc David's too preoccupied (Milo and Sam are good sous-chefs !!)
Sweetheart loves buying things and going to expensive ass restaurants with the pack (they're restricted for special occasions bc the pack doesn't want them going broke)
Angel and Baaabe met each other in college but never found out each other's names till later
Everyone is immensely protective over Sam (esp during pack meetings)
Sam and Darlin' stay getting cuddled and clinged onto bc they think that they're outcasts
Milo learned how to stitch at a young age so he could personally tailor some of his clothes shorter; he was embarrassed to get them done professionally
Angel likes wearing short clothes/bottoms so when their shoes untie, the pack's literally dolphin diving tying it for them so they don't have to bend down
David gets called 'mama duck' and he literally hates it
Someone always records whenever they all hangout for memories (I'd say Baaabe, David or Sweetheart)
Darlin' and Sweetheart are menaces when it comes to pissy chrissy, they love intimidating him (Darlin' looms over him and Sweetheart jumpscares him with cloaking)
Milo has a daily skin care/shower routine which is oddly complex
Angel spams the gc with David smiling when they catch him in a photo or to lighten the mood - everyone loves it
Angel got Asher hooked on cheek kisses (or vice versa)
Movie nights or sleepovers/camping go crazy
The pack has, at some point in time, all fallen asleep on or next to Sam (he's too comforting for his own good)
It's always Milo vs Asher till you bring Darlin' into the picture (2 against 1 and they still lose lmao)
Baaabe literally obliterates everyone at arcade games
David has his last name tattooed on the back of his neck; he says how they'll be his demise /j
Sweetheart stress cleans (twinninem)
Baaabe gives fantastic pep talks
Darlin' takes Angel out whenever they struggle with sleeping and don't wanna bother David (Asher sometimes goes too)
Sweetheart is the go to for missing stuff, they always manage to find it somehow
Sam lets the pack play with his hair
Angel got David to match fits ONCE and they were literally vibrating in excitement
The amount of 'embarrassing' old pack photos and videos that David hides is FEDERAL
Darlin' gives really nice hugs
The werewolves all shift and form a cuddle party, it's very cute (many photos for evidence)
Angel likes riling Darlin' up when their shifted and gets chased like a bat outta hell - they have literally mounted the rest of the pack tryna get away
Sweetheart always gives the pack's shifted forms head kisses before and after rubbing their heads
David won't admit it but he loves hanging out with Sam on the sidelines while everyone else is playing around (shifted)
Darlin' got assorted matching piercing with the listener mates (angel bites for Angel, gages for Baaabe and either a tongue piercing or snake bites for Sweetheart)
Milo gets picked up a lot for some reason - it only slightly pisses him off
They were all matching for the Summit, I might draw it to show what I mean
Sweetheart and Milo LOVE making and holding eye contact, they like how it flusters ppl (they always win staring contests/j)
Angel's super into interior designing, they interpret it thru minecraft bc I said so
Group therapy goes crazy/lh
I have so many thoughts abt them, I might have ta make a pt2 💪💪
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jessicalprice · 1 year
all hail her excellent braids
Christians: omg first century Judaism was soooo misogynistic but Jesus was like the first feminist because he treated women like people
Jews: what
Christians: like, Jewish men would cross to the other side of the street to avoid having to be too close to women
Jews: hang on do you think there were, like, sidewalks in first-century Jerusalem?
Christians: and Jewish women weren't supposed to be seen in public
Jews: that's not how--
Christians: and men weren't even supposed to talk to women, but Jesus had female followers <3
Jews: first-century Jewish women owned their own businesses and represented themselves in court and, like, how are you imagining business got done if they weren't allowed to talk?
President Jimmy fucking Carter: first century Jews were basically the Taliban
A bazillion seminary textbooks: yup, the Pharisees were obsessed with ritual purity and viewed women as inherently unclean and Jesus upended all that Pharisaic hatred of women and that's why they wanted him dead
Shlomtzion, aka Salome Alexandra, has entered the chat.
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Ahem, let me tell you about the Pharisee Queen.
So back in the day, the Pharisees were a tiny, persecuted movement because the King of Judah, Alexander Jannaeus hated them. He straight-up massacred 6,000 of them when they pelted him with fruit after he mocked them by performing a Sukkot ritual incorrectly, which kicked off a whole civil war. He won the war, and slaughtered the wives and children of 800 of the surviving Pharisees as entertainment at his victory feast before crucifying the men. The remaining Pharisees went into hiding.
Just a charming dude.
Alexander Jannaeus was married to Salome Alexandra (Shlomtzion, in Hebrew).
Her brother was Shimon ben Shetach, the leader of the Pharisees. (If you're getting Esther vibes here, that's probably not accidental.
She doesn't seem to have had much power while Alexander Jannaeus was alive, but she managed to help hide and protect the surviving Pharisees.
This doesn't seem to have negatively impacted her relationship with her husband, because he named her--rather than any of his sons--his heir while he was on his deathbed.
He was in the middle of conducting a siege of Ragaba when he died, so like the incredible badass she was, became queen--and would be both only the second queen regnant of Judah and the last sovereign Jewish monarch--on the battlefield, in the midst of hostilities.
She had to conceal her husband's death until she'd won the day.
As soon as she made his death public, she reached out to the Pharisees to make peace between them and the throne, avoiding a popular uprising at his funeral. The funeral went off smoothly, and she immediately began settling other political disputes and enmities.
She also hung out and studied with the Pharisees. We know this because Josephus, an ardent misogynist, absolutely hated that she did this, just like he absolutely hated that she had ruled Judah, and wrote about it.
Josephus had been a Sadducee (main opposing party to the Pharisees), but switched to the Pharisees later in life for political expediency. He never seemed to actually like them, though.
He tells on himself so much.
"Oh, people love the Pharisees because they are humane and flexible interpreters of the law and practice what they preach and this is a BAD THING!"
Literally, on Shlomtzion: "Woman though she was, she established her authority by her reputation for piety."
Like, everyone respected her and did what she said because she actually gave a shit about ethics and somehow this is a BAD thing.
She averted war with Egypt by buddying up to Cleopatra (I am so headcanoning them as pen pals, writing each other to vent about all the men they have to deal with) and somehow this is a BAD thing.
So she takes the throne and manages to keep things running pretty smoothly in a precarious time because she's good at organizing AND military strategy AND diplomacy and here's Josephus on her relationship with the Pharisees:
"She paid too great heed to them, and they, availing themselves more and more of the simplicity of the woman, ended by becoming the effective rulers of the state... "
Ah yes, FlavJo, she sounds very "simple," what with the incredible military and diplomatic skills.
While she wasn't averse to fighting when she needed to, she mostly averted possible battles by fortifying and provisioning cities so well that neighboring monarchs opted not to attack them, so she was also just slaying at project management. She ended a bunch of the foreign wars her asshole husband started, and scrupulously kept to the terms of any treaties Judah was party to.
Her reign was possibly the most prosperous and peaceful period in Judah's history.
She gave the Sadducees (her husband's party) their own fortified cities so they'd stop feuding with the Pharisees, and took the Pharisees from a small, persecuted populist movement in hiding to one of the major political parties.
She set up a system of universal public education, putting the responsibility for educating the kids on the government, not families, to make sure it wasn't just rich kids getting a solid education. She re-established the Sanhedrin (the Supreme Court, basically) and made sure every town under her rule had access to judges.
And then one of her asshole sons, who apparently took after his asshole dad, decided HE would be a better ruler than she was, and DECLARED WAR ON HIS OWN MOM. She died, apparently of an illness, in her 70s.
She died as the last free Jewish ruler.
So then that asshole son went after the other asshole son, and they turned to the Romans for help.
(You want to get occupied? This is how you get occupied.)
Yes, that's right, they committed one of the classic blunders: inviting the Romans in.
Anyway, we all know how THAT turned out.
In rabbinic literature, she's almost a fertility goddess figure, or a personification the land itself, or a monarch beloved by G-d possibly moreso than any other, since the rest of them all screwed up and the Jews got punished with war or exile or famine or disease: legend claims that during her reign, rain only fell on Shabbat, so people didn't have to work in the rain. Grains of wheat grew to the size of kidneys, and lentils were the size of gold denarii. The people knew joy like we've never known since and were healthy and prosperous and at peace.
She was praised by contemporaries such as Josephus as having greater intelligence, political skill, and military acumen than the men around her (although Josephus, an ardent misogynist, later decided that it was inappropriate for her to rule), and the stories of Esther, Judith, and Susanna may have been written (or in the case of Esther, edited and codified) in her honor. 
​Anyway, the Pharisees' teachings remained especially popular among women, and the person who saved them (and thus, by extension, Judaism, when they were the ones to preserve it in exile) and brought them to power and was their beloved patron was a woman, and maaaaaaybe Christians don't know the first thing about women in first-century Judaea or the Pharisees and women and should shut up, idk.
All hail Shlomtzion and her most excellent braids.
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icedragonlizard · 6 months
What if dream friends had dialogue in Star Allies?
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I suppose it could've been a lot of unnecessary work for HAL to do, but I still think it could be highly fun and imaginative to think about.
How cool would it be if the game's plot actually acknowledged the existence of the dream friends? The things they'd say in-game, etc...
I think it would be especially fun to think about what all the different dream friends might saying during the mage sister fights. Like, y'know, the points of the game where there's dialogue. What they all might say to the mage sisters in response to their words....
... I'm not going to go over what I think every dream friend would say in these moments, but I think I'd like to focus on ones such as Susie, Magolor, Marx, Taranza and Daroach. Why these ones in particular? Because I think they'd probably be the more entertaining ones in what they'd have to say in their dialogue during the mage battles.
How funny would it be that Marx and Magolor just troll the shit out of the mages? How funny would it be that Susie acts condescending when talking to them? How funny would it be that Taranza joke-flirts with them, he doesn't actually mean it as he's just doing it to get them riled up? How funny would it be that Daroach tells them to watch out before he steals from them? This stuff is fanfiction-worthy! Heck, this might be the biggest reason why I might attempt my adaptation of Star Allies into a fanfiction in the future, although I've got many other fics planned beforehand so it'd be a long while.
But still! There could be endless potential when thinking about this.
Let me demonstrate an example. First, let's look at the part where the game first introduces Flamberge, and she's really angry.
"HEY, YOU! Stubby little...pink thing! Yes, YOU! I have a buuuurning question for you! You're the one who was so rude to sweet Francisca, aren't you?! Don't you dare try to deny it!"
"Ohohohohohohoho! We sure put that crazy blue lady in her place! What are you gonna do about it? Throw a temper tantrum? Go so berserk that you lose control and we can easily beat you?"
Wanna guess who said that? Hahahaha... the purple text probably made it obvious. In this interpretation, it's Marx who said that. There's no way he wouldn't just totally mock them and rub it in their faces. At the very least in my interpretation of Marx, it'd be like him to do that.
And by the way, I'm one that actually headcanons Marx becoming friends with the mage sisters post-HiAD because he loves how chaotic they are, and loves that they're willing to join him in doing insane shit (especially Francisca). But during Star Allies when the mages were the enemy? I bet he totally mocked the shit out of them!
Magolor, too. Here's a good example of Magolor having dialogue against one of the mages:
"Bonjam. I am Zan Partizanne, the eldest of the three generals of magic."
"Woah... Zan what? I didn't hear that thoroughly! I think I'll call you Zan Parmesan Cheese, though!"
".... I absolutely HATE that you ended up getting my name more right than a lot of other fools have."
It'd be hilarious to see a lot of dream friends trying to say her name. All the different ways they could say it wrong.
Here's a Taranza example:
"This must be the fiery flames of fate at work! Ooooh yeaaaah! My flames and I are fully stoked now!"
"Golly, you're really hot, good ma'am!" with a trollish look on his face.
"... Excuse me? EXCUSE ME?"
"Hahahahahaha! Am I making you overheat too much, fool?"
I think Taranza deserves to be depicted as silly sometimes.
A Daroach example:
"We wish to assemble the dark Jamba Heart pieces that were scattered across the universe."
"Woah... you want them all? That's a big bummer! What if I want to steal some of them? Maybe I'll still do it out of spite, teehee!"
I hate the limited amount of colors allowed for tumblr posts. To make it clear, for this example, the blue text is Francisca while the red text is Daroach. While, of course, Flamberge was the red text in the examples with Marx and Taranza, while Magolor was the blue text in the example with Zan.
And now, let me demonstrate a couple examples with Susie. I think she'd delightfully fire off on them like the feisty cheeky woman she is.
"I shall now turn this pink ball of nice into a frozen block of ice!"
"No you won't. This 'pink ball of nice' is a force of pure destruction, and you're going to defrost by daring to harm the universe with all of this insolent nonsense. You must be destroyed!"
"... Very well. But I won't go down without a fight, so you best watch out that you all might become ice sculptures this time. I can more than make sure of it!"
"We will more than make sure to obliterate you, just like the rest of your barbaric cult! Let's put her in her place, Pinky!"
Susie example with Zan:
"I did not expect you to survive your visit to Jambastion."
"You thought that would've gotten us? Pfft! We've all been through worse than that. You're going to have to try harder than that if you really want to eliminate us for good."
"Really, you survived worse? Well, that doesn't matter, because your luck has run out."
"No. Your luck has run out. We're going to exterminate all of you like the savages you are!"
This works out well with my interpretation that Susie's Japanese SA pause description containing the words "exterminate the savages!" is referring to the Jambastion cult when they were still the enemy. I headcanon that she's slowly in the process of unpacking baggage, and "savages" is just a thing she calls people she views as enemies.
And uh... to be honest, the cult kind of deserved to be called words like that during Star Allies when they were threatening everything.
I've done a lot of examples of a few dream friends having dialogue during the mage battles. But what about when confronting Hyness?
I think all the dream friends would be horrified at the moments that Hyness knocks Zan out of the way, weaponize all three mage sisters' bodies in his second phase of the fight, and then sacrificing them and himself to Void Termina. It would make them just flabbergasted.
Although I bet Marx would probably laugh at how unhinged he is.
"It seems... we do not have enough energy... to revive our Dark Lord... Must we... allow ourselves... to fall... into oblivion?"
"Yes, you should do that!"
"No no no no no!"
"Yes yes yes yes yes!"
"*goes on his giant unhinged rant*"
"*laughs hysterically* Look at you go off! It's hilarious!"
Marx is just... lmao.
Sorry that I don't have examples with every dream friend having dialogue in this post. But you get the general idea! Perhaps if you have ideas as to what the other dream friends could say in these moments, feel free to mention them in the notes!
Although I'll leave you here with a King Dedede example, just cuz:
"For what you've done, I'll scorch you to such a degree that... that... even tasty, toasty marshmallows will seem like ice cubes compared to you!"
"You ain't gonna be scorchin' any of us, ya hot fiery slimeball! We'll put you in your place like we did to the blue look-a-like of ya!"
Hahaha... ha... I interpret southern accent Dedede. Sue me.
Thanks for reading the post if you did! Let me know about more ideas of dream friend dialogue you have in the notes. I'd be curious what else you think in this broad, interesting concept.
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aipilosse · 5 months
Now I am really really curious and want to know more about your theory of C&C and M&M not being close anymore in Beleriand and why you don't buy their super duper close relationship. I noticed that as well as the fact that C&C are the feanorians often linked not just to Aredhel but to the three Arafinweans, especially Orodreth and Angrod who in the many versions are actually close to C&C which honestly is pretty interesting and such cool thing.
oooh yeah sure, I'll talk about this! This is more contrarian headcanon-not-contradicted-by-canon than anything I came to organically, but it's now become my preferred way of thinking about them.
Anyway, first, I will clarify that my theory is not Celegorm & Curufin and Maedhros & Maglor not being close in Beleriand; it is that they were NEVER close, even in Aman. We know from the story that Fëanor's sons were fiercely devoted to him, but it's never said that they were especially close with each other. And with a father who was likely demanding, played clear favorites, and had piles of charisma, I could easily see the brothers' relationships being marked by jealousy and simmering resentment, but not in an 'every brother for himself' way. It seems M&M have a strong relationship and C&C do too. Caranthir is the odd one out where it seems like none of his brothers are too attached, and honestly there's so little about Amras & Amrod but from what's there they form another obvious pair. But yeah, C&C definitely have a lot connections to the rest of the family! And it seems like those friendships were created before the Darkening and the Flight, and then renewed after Maedhros' rescue.
After Fëanor's death, Maedhros leads his brothers, but here I don't think that's because of any especial familial love or 'big brother Maedhros protective power uwu', and more because as Princes of the Noldor descended from Fëanor they are a *political* unit.
Sidebar: I think the 'family' part of the family politics of the House of Finwë is super overemphasized and the 'politics' part languishes. Like, Maedhros' brothers owe some sort of political allegiance to him (I'd say fealty... but I feel like someone with more historical knowledge will jump out of the woodwork and 'well ackshually' me) -- they are not a normal modern family!!
Now, I think the common fandom interpretation of suffocatingly close and devoted sons of Fëanor is a reasonable conclusion to reach from reading 'Of the Return of the Noldor' and I don't think my 'brothers at odds' theory is more canon; it's more that I don't think close and devoted take is the only reasonable conclusion. I have in fact seen people discard an obvious interpretation of events off hand because of the fact that all of the sons of Fëanor were soooo obviously devoted to each other, any time they didn't seek each other out there must be *something* preventing them from joining their brothers.
I really must disagree -- while C&C seem very close as do M&M, I think it's just as likely that when they're all together they're an acrimonious bitter mess, and that Maedhros staked out lands for them out east not just to keep the peace with Fingolfin & Finrod, but also to reduce fighting between his brothers. Also, them being an acrimonious bitter mess together does not mean they aren't charming, fun even, apart. Finrod is friends with all three pairs (sorry Caranthir); there's the other aforementioned C&C Arafinwean friendships and Aredhel friendship; Maedhros is friends with Fingolfin and Fingon. They even form alliances with non-elves apart, with Curufin befriending some dwarvish groups independently, and different brothers forming different mannish alliances. And I haven't even mentioned Amrod & Amras and the green elves. This all points to the brothers being reasonable, personable people when separated, capable of forming friendships and political alliances both, and perhaps to some degree hating each other's guts when together.
Food for thought! I welcome any and all enjoyers of my 'the sons of Fëanor would rather not be in a room together ever again' theory.
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spiders-scare-me · 11 months
noir hcs
(these are hcs, not actual canon so these are things that are made up and NOT based off the comics)
hc him as 19 yrs old.
joined the spider society because he thought he maybe could do some good by helping others, only to regret it later. genuinely thinks Miguel is kinda a facist.
he also doesn’t regret joining the society because he got to spend time with Ham, Gwen, Peni, Hobie etc.
he and hobie bonded over similar views, became best friends for the last four ish months before Noir quit.
quit because he generally had a bad feeling about miguel, but got worse when he referred to robbie’s death as a canon event.( https://www.tumblr.com/lildoodlenoodle/720268522059612160/if-spider-noir-wasnt-kicked-off-the-elite-spider ) (based off of)
taught hobie how to pickpocket/steal things in different places/shops before he quit. especially shops in Noirs dimension where it was easier to put something in your pocket and leave without anybody noticing.
( https://www.tumblr.com/butevrythinggoesaway/719504366077345792/i-kind-of-headcanon-noir-as-having-kelptomania-so ) (inspired)
Miguel hates him, probably because Noir rivals him in size and also questions the way Miguel runs things around the spider society.
(Miguel is canonically 6’9 and i hc Noir as around 6’5)
Miguel once asked (very rudely) in front of hobie, if Noir only dated Hobie because he was similar to Robbie. You can only IMAGINE what Noir almost did (aka assassinate Miguel) before he was stopped by most spider people who are loyal to Miguel. Basically, Noir went even more crazy because of that since Miguel uses Robbie as a way to get to him.
Noir in fact didn’t want to date anyone because of some stuff that happened, but when he met Hobie and got to know him, he instantly fell in love.
Miguel simply hates Noir, but can’t fire him or kick him out for no reason so Miguel picks on him until he snaps.
he acts like Peni’s older brother, being protective of her. she became depressed after he quit the spider society because she really cared about him.
most likely smokes, Peni hates it and always takes his cigarette from him to put it out. has dumped water on him multiple times. Hobie also puts out Noirs cigarette when he sees him smoking.
humor is his coping mechanism, example (my interpretation of the scenes):
when miles said his uncle was the prowler, Noir responded with “this is a pretty hardcore origin story” which sounds like he’s trying to make the situation a bit lighter by joking a bit.
as well as when aunt may asked if they could fight doc ock outside, he replied with “We don’t pick the ballroom, we just dance”
another one: when he, peni and ham met gwen, miles and peter for the first time, peter asked noir how they got there and he answered with “it’s a long story” only to say right after “maybe not that long”
Hobie paints Noirs nails from time to time because it seems to relax him.
used to wear glasses because he had such bad eyes but now that he sees better because of the whole spider thing, he wears them cuz they’re cool.
his favorite color is purple because of robbie. (angst obvi) ( https://www.tumblr.com/lildoodlenoodle/721163033344425984/me-watching-everyone-on-tumblrtiktok-say-spider )
(based off of)
his relationship with aunt may is so wholesome. she’s against him killing facists etc, but still loves him more than anything.
his style is absolutely IMMACULATE. ( https://www.tumblr.com/spiders-scare-me/723947203857694720/tried-to-find-references-for-30s-mens-fashion-and ) (based off my own post) ( https://www.tumblr.com/spiders-scare-me/723996134618628096/no-stfu-im-so-fucking-obsessed )
i tried :,) don’t bully me
i’ll post more later if it’s wanted obvi
credits to @lildoodlenoodle and @butevrythinggoesaway for the posts i linked <3
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inkdemonapologist · 9 months
What are your thoughts on the characterization of the ink demon himself?
In BatDR? Ehhhhh…….
There’s plenty of room for interesting headcanons, especially what with the Ink Demon and Bendy behaving so differently. A lot of folks have imagined it as a Jekyll & Hyde type situation, which is neat, or just an internal Venom-esque “the souls of the innocent/two bagels” dynamic. Or there’s the interpretation that the Ink Demon deep down wants the love and acceptance he gets as Baby Bendy; he’s the same guy, but his emotions have been messed with and he’s being treated differently so he reacts differently, which is a take I actually really like.
Just looking at the Ink Demon on his own, it’s SO easy to read him as a teenager, thinking he’s so cool and edgy talking about his Dark Kingdom, not looking like Bendy anymore b/c hes decided wanting to look like Bendy is cringy and he’s TOUGH AND POINTY NOW – then making The Dumbest Mistake at the end by letting Audrey possess him because he thinks it’ll make him more powerful, and having no idea how to fix it, but still trying to act cool. The idea of BatIM’s Ink Demon being the equivalent of a frustrated child lashing out, and BatDR’s Ink Demon being a teenager who has internalised that he’ll be harmed if he’s not powerful and has embraced being evil and violent and hated as a shield, is an interpretation that makes sense to me. There was this GREAT fanart I vaguely recall but cannot find again of the Ink Demon with a symbolic birdcage in the middle of his chest where the little Bendy rocked peacefully on a swing – Bendy as the piece of him that’s scared and hurt, a piece he’s pushed from sight more and more in favour of making himself more sharp and cruel, but now can’t always hide, is a REALLY INTERESTING thematic concept.
But the truth is that we didn’t get any of those things --
Bendy and the Ink Demon being the same creature is a really interesting development that is literally never touched on beyond explaining how and why it happened. What does Bendy think of the Ink Demon form? What does the Ink Demon think of the Bendy form? Are they two consciousnesses, or the same guy? Really obvious questions that you’d think would be inherently guaranteed to come up due to the premise, but they don’t! Audrey discovers that Baby Bendy and the Ink Demon are the same entity and seems to feel exactly nothing about this? She still supports ending the Ink Demon, even though he’s the little cartoon devil she made friends with and said she didn’t want to hurt… it just seems like there should at least be a conflicted feeling somewhere. The Ink Demon himself is portrayed as Just Evil, and nothing challenges that, to a level that’s so bizarre that it really feels like the NARRATIVE ITSELF is baffled by the idea that anyone might question the basic idea of "Scary Demon Bad, Cute Bendy Good". And I’ve talked before about how strange Joey’s final speech comes across once you notice this, as he brushes the Demon off as an “evil face” while telling Audrey how special and perfect and loved she is, and the whole moment is framed as though we’re meant to be encouraged by Joey, and not wincing at the way he disregards the demon he mistreated and abandoned.
The Ink Demon has been regarded as a soulless, monstrous mistake by various characters throughout this whole series, locked up and now literally, unambiguously tortured because of it, and it’s easy to imagine the story that assertion suggests – one where the Ink Demon’s cruelty is the result of him being cast out and treated with disgust by humans, like Mewtwo or some kind of inky Frankenstein. But in BatDR, we never see any hint that the initial reading of “monstrous mistake” is incorrect. As if locking him up was the correct, smart thing to do, and creating Baby Bendy to trap him and cause him pain was a good move, and the only problem is that it can’t be made permanent.
I think the closest we get to seeing something more from the Demon is his line to Audrey about being a mistake and a monster, “like me.” I really like his speech in that scene… He could simply be trying to manipulate her, but it’s so easy to read as projection, as if the only way the Ink Demon could reveal his own betrayed feelings is by accusing someone else of them. And then… nothing really comes of it. Everyone continues regarding the Demon as a purely evil monster. When the Ink Demon lashes out at Joey, it’s not framed as a reaction to being rejected so explicitly, it’s just… trying to stop him because Joey’s getting through to the Demon’s intended prey (with bonus points for "the wretch is mine" making him feel particularly scummy). You can still imagine he’s motivated by those things, but I really feel like you have to come into the story with that assumption in order to see it there.
This isn’t saying that the Demon has to not be a bad guy for his characterisation to be compelling – like, for example, Audrey could just have a short moment of realising that if Bendy IS the Ink Demon, there must be more to the Demon than we can see – but decide he’s too dangerous to risk giving up the chance to stop him (WHICH SURE WOULD BE INTERESTING GIVEN THE TRAJECTORY OF HER FATHER’S LIFE, HUH). He can still be a violent monster who is creepy at Audrey, tries to kill her, lies to her, and then eats(???) her. He doesn’t have to behave sympathetically for the narrative to acknowledge that he’s been treated unfairly, and the other characters don’t have to give him a chance at redemption in order to be believably good people. But it feels weird that…. the narrative never seems to notice??? Anywhere???? ESPECIALLY AFTER MENTIONING THE TORTURE EXPERIMENTS??? I think Malice’s writing in this game was incoherent, but the narrative’s treatment of her was humane; she’s violent and cruel and has to be stopped, but the character who keeps having to drive a sword through her torso still feels for her and notices her pain. It’s bafflingly wild that Audrey never really gets a moment like this for the demon.
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princelylove · 7 months
Have you ever written anything with Abacchio? I feel strong yandere vibes from him. Controlling and mean, not ready to compromise type of vibes. Obsessed yet detached. Would you be willing to share some headcanons with us? Thank you!
I think I did write for him once, but not a lot. In my head Leone and Guido are roommates, and Bruno, Pannacotta, and Narancia live together somewhere else. Bruno’s all “These are my sons.” but Leone and Guido see each other more like a “guy who I happen to live with, mutual trust.” kind of thing. Leone’s a bit of an outsider (Absolutely no one in Team Bucciarati likes cops, even if Leone is an ex-cop.), I think I’m still working out how I’m interpreting him. 
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Leone is a cold, mean man. He acts disinterested in you, he might even pretend you just don’t exist. But is that really how he wants to be? I think Leone’s temperament depends on how badly his depression is affecting him, whether you’re in public or private, and how comfortable he is with you in general. He’s… a bit moody, pun not intended. 
A totally comfortable and reassured Leone would treat you like his savior. But he’s just too prideful to really admit that, especially if you’re not in a relationship, so he keeps that to himself. Those are his private thoughts, ones he won’t express until much later on in your relationship. You’re the only thing keeping him going, the thing that gets him up every morning. I said this in that alphabet ask request I did, “Leone loves to just sit and watch you. He gives you space, careful not to step on your metaphorical toes, and just sits quietly to watch. He won’t look away if you look over while he’s giving you that stupid, lovestruck stare. He’s so lucky he gets to witness you.” and I really do hold firm on it. When you’re alone, Leone’s face changes so much, if he’s in the mood to show you how utterly obsessed he is. He doesn’t mean to get in your way, please, continue what you’re doing. Don’t mind him.
And Christ he’s obsessed. Leone’s addicted. He doesn’t really… need to stare or even just interact with you, since he can just replay it. He pretends you’re annoying him, he wants to just sit there and listen to Monteverdi, what could you possibly have to say that’s more important than a classical genius? Shut up and eat your food, have Guido entertain you if you’re really that bored. The second you’re gone, though.. Leone’s all over his stand. He’s such a degenerate that he’ll get under the table just to see how you position your legs. God, you’re gorgeous. He’d kill to kiss your real ankle, or to drink from your glass at the same spot you did…
But Leone’s not at all ready to talk to the real you, so he won’t. He holds himself over for as long as he can this way- with placeholder you. He feels disgusting for it- piggybacking off of Narancia’s jokes and pretending your laughter was at what he had to say, holding ‘your’ hand over the table and pretending you’ve been in love forever, sitting in the place of whoever you were cuddling up to just to feel what it would be like… He really has no hard limits, Leone would replay you sleeping if he could find a safe way to do it. Does the guilt keep him up at night? Certainly. Will he stop? Never. 
Quick digression, isn’t that such a horrifying stand in a captor/victim situation? You can’t hide anything from him since he can just use his stand and replay you doing it. I’d hate him as a yandere, I love to argue. I hit him with the old reliable “I didn’t say that.” and he replays me, in fact, saying that. That’s my Hell.
And what happens in the meantime, before he’s ready to be a giant mush to you? He’s a cunt. A total dick. He’s physically present (Always physically present, for a man that “hates”  you…), but emotionally distant. He doesn’t want to be seen with you in the slightest. He goes out of his way to drive you away- he doesn’t want you to engage with him at all. If you sit down next to him he’s knocking his drink onto your lap. Won’t even apologize, unless the glass breaks. Then he’ll just snap at you to stay still. Doesn’t want the glass digging  into that gorgeous skin of yours… huh? He didn’t say anything. He’s glaring at you because he thinks he missed a piece, don’t get all worked up. (He’s staring, actually. He just looks mean.)
It’s a constant game of push and pull. Incredibly mixed messages. How are you supposed to take it when he bumps into you with enough force to knock you back (When he clearly had room to go around), but also puts his arm around you so you don’t fall while taking the train? Leone has the audacity to directly command you, but not the confidence to consistently speak to you. He wants you, badly, but can’t handle speaking to you for more  than a minute- and that’s generous. Once you finally crack him it’s like he’s an entirely different person. Doting and attentive, just not very verbally affectionate. He’s very handsy.
"Don't look at me like that. I'm busy, find someone else to play with."
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thatanimewriter · 2 years
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➳ request: Can I request Finny, Baldroy, Joker, Snake, and maybe Dagger with a multilingual fem s/o? I speak English, Spanish, and French irl. Bonus points if you incorporate pet names in either of those. I’m thinking along the lines of some nice headcanons.
➳ character/s: finny, bardroy, joker, snake, dagger
➳ warnings: swearing, perhaps butched pet names from other languages, generally butched arabic (baldroy), french (joker), spanish (finny), norwegian (snake) and german (dagger) because i don’t speak anything but english
➳ notes: woww that’s really cool that you know how to speak other languages, i’ve always wanted to be fluent in something other than english and i used to learn mandarin, but i hated the teacher at school and dropped the subject asap lmao
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  
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he thinks it’s super cool
and hot
now he gets creative for pet names for you
he goes beyond the classic babe, baby, sweetheart, doll etc
now you gotta suffer with sweet cheeks, toots, sugarplum and all that cheesy gross shit
but he gets which language mixed up all the time
he probably messes up the pronunciation as well
it’s ok, he’s attempting
he often notices that you’ll speak arabic when you’re tired or frustrated
“habibi... come to bed.”
but also when you’re thinking of a word and it only makes sense in the languages you know
it’s fine, he thinks it’s cool
and funny because accents between languages also change
all in all, very impressed
──  𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐘.
literally gets the anime sparkles in his eyes
as if you could get any better??
constantly asks you to speak your other languages
asks you for the names of basic household items in that language
“what’s bed in spanish??”
“la cama.”
“oh my god that’s so cool-”
but then you bamboozled him with another language
and he then discovered you’re multilingual
because he caught you speaking cantonese to lau
and he thinks you spoke, like, gaelic one time
he’s not sure what the languages are but it’s COOL
he definitely butches some of the words
most of the words
but it’s the thought and effort that counts
──  𝐉𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐑.
what a little charmer
he would tease you for keeping this from him
and would also want to learn 
he probably has caught you just mumbling to yourself in french
wants to learn french because stereotypical romance
but also to eavesdrop-
sometimes he’ll just stick his head through your tent ‘door’ and go
“tu veux venir te promener avec moi?”
and you’re left wondering how he knows to ask you for a walk of all things
you both use ma chérie and mon chéri
it’s the most basic one
but it does the job
as a joke he suggested you speak your other languages as an act for the circus
you said no because it’s not really that circus-worthy
but maybe in future it’d be a funny gag
──  𝐒𝐍𝐀𝐊𝐄.
silent admiration
emily and keats are more vocal about it
if he has snakes from the countries which language you speak they now cling to you, they’re yours now
they don’t leave you
he will probably learn easy words when he wants something but doesn’t wanna say in front of EVERYONE
“awww, yes hugs.”
the whole circus cannot interpret norwegian at all
nor can they understand korean or swedish
but they all think it’s a fun gimmick
because you’re extremely multilingual
his face was like :000
when you asked a foreign guest who didn’t speak english
‘what language would you like me to speak?’
because damn
what a badass that you can just whip out a language and speak it fluently
in love even more
if that’s possible
you’re just so cool ;v;
he won’t lie
it sounds like gibberish at the start before you teach him
the only thing he can possibly interpret is your tone
even then
he’s fucked if you speak a language that naturally sounds aggressive
because he’s gonna think you’re PISSED when you’re asking if he wants potatoes or not
“liebling, give me cuddless”
he can’t for the life of him try to imitate you without sounding offensive
so he doesn’t
he just admires you from afar
and from close by
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cienie-isengardu · 5 months
The abusive Bi-Han headcanon is definitely causing a lot of suffering for Bi-Han fans, especially since it always there in fanon even in the prior timeline and it's now booming thanks to mk1.
I never saw prior timeline Bi-Han as abusive, mainly because Kuai never mentions this and neither does Smoke. The most charitable interpretation of this that I've seen in stories is that Bi-Han is under some terribly misguided impression he is toughening up Kuai and that he is 'protecting him' and keeping him alive. Which is probably the only interpretation that makes even a hint of sense given I don't think a young Bi-Han would be kicking Kuai down the stairs for the lolz.
Even then, that's not exactly the ideal view of their relationship. I always saw Bi-Han as cold, even to his brother, thought this mainly because of Lin Kuei teachings fucking up his ability to express himself in a caring manner and not out of malice. I always imagined there's this small pocket of love Bi-Han had for Kuai in that cold heart of his but he doesn't show it outwardly because 'Love is a weakness,' nonsense the Grandmaster was probably slamming full force on the clan.
That’s the charm of fandom, either our fav characters are popular and widely liked, or hated even for things they haven’t officially done. And with lore so old like Mortal Kombat, the positive and negative personal headcanons and interpretations creep into perception of characters, their canon personalities and reasoning one way or another. That is unavoidable and the less official source material is provided, the more fans fill the gap in their own way. Sometimes that leads to perpetuating some unkind opinions which understandably is upsetting if the character, like Bi-Han, is accused of things not hinted at by the tie-in material in the first place (i.e. abusing Kuai Liang in the childhood).
However I feel like in Bi-Han’s case, the problem lies only halfway in limited details about his and Kuai Liang’s past and brotherhood before elder Sub-Zero was turned into Wraith and twisted by dark magic. For me, the negative perception is connected to his naturally cold, abrasive behavior. I suspect if Bi-Han was a more emotionally driven character, the way Hanzo is, many fans would be more likely to think he was just sadly misled by Lin Kuei pathological doctrines if not outright the tragic hero. Bi-Han however is not that emotional kind of person, he has never been. Forgive me the metaphor, but I feel that the fan treatment of Bi-Han is similar to how people, who have never had a cat, perceive those animals and how frustrated it must be when they expect cats to behave like dogs but won’t get the desired results. It is not that the elder Sub-Zero or cats are evil by nature, they just communicate and behave in a very specific way. If people mistake it for them being mean, uncaring, even for being unable to love only because they expected - demanded - a different set of behavior that would fit their narrowed idea of normalcy, then they are bound to be disappointed one way or another. But that is not fault of fictional characters (and definitely not cats’ either).
That said, I too think Kuai Liang always had a special place in Bi-Han’s life and was no less important than Bi-Han was for him, and that Lin Kuei upbringing complicated expressing those emotions, however I don’t see a point of getting worked over different opinions of strangers. Is it hard sometimes to be a fan of characters like the elder Sub-Zero that feel widely mistreated by fandom over things there is no evidence he did in canon? Sure, but each person is entitled to their own opinion. Fandom is like that sometimes and in my book, usually the best solution is sticking to things that make you happy and if needed, to ignore negative things outside of your control. I know it is not easy, but sometimes it is good to agree to disagree and move on to a comfortable niche of personal headcanons.
It works for me most of time - and if I feel enough spiteful toward fandom at large, I will just create my own Bi-Han positive fanwork to balance things out 😈
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yallemagne · 2 days
genuinely curious, what do you think about Jack x Art as a ship
you know it's a good question when i unlock my chambers to fetch the laptop.
Love it. I'm obviously not as invested in it as Mina/Jonathan or even Arthur/Lucy, but I love it.
Before I get too deep into this, I'm begging you, if you like Jack/Art read @bluecatwriter's fics for it on ao3. Such amazing work. I need to catch up, but I haven't had reading brain.
Think we're gonna have to dip a little into headcanon here. And I spoil the book, newcomers beware.
I see these two as family friends. Obviously, what with the familiar nicknames Art and Jack. Both from wealth, though Arthur has titles and land and Jack has medical nepotism. I imagine Jack's upbringing to be very emotionally stunting, raised to embody rigid standards of masculinity. Meanwhile, Arthur's father decided to put all the work he could in making him feel emotionally supported, leading to a very emotionally driven young man. When they were little, I imagine Jack almost hating Arthur for how sensitive he is, saying he's spoiled, but it's really just bitterness over not getting a healthy upbringing.
And then they grow up, and Arthur grows a million feet taller, and Jack has a lot of complicated feelings about that. Cue "Don't be intimidated, Seward. Try to imagine him in his underwear.". Jack is a bit more mature at this point and recognizes Arthur's emotional maturity as a good thing. He still tends to view it as "Arthur is masculine enough to make up for some feminine habits", so it isn't perfect. Meanwhile, Arthur has always looked up to Jack, though he now has to crane his head down. The two of them embody something the other finds admirable, and their regard for one another sits in this void space between respect and attraction.
Now. Sexuality. There are two wolves in my head. One is more interesting. The wolves are: Jack is disaster bisexual and Jack is compulsory heterosexuality gay. The former is what is said about every single male character in the history of tumble fandom, and the latter feels more interesting from a writing perspective. For the development of this relationship, I lean toward the latter. THIS IS RELEVANT I PROMISE.
So... I think Arthur introduces Jack to Lucy in hopes they would get along because Arthur wanted Jack to one day be his best man. Very awkward when (this is just an interpretation of the events btw) Jack subconsciously recognizes Arthur's feelings for Lucy and projects his feelings for Arthur onto Lucy because Perfect Man likes Girl -> Like Girl to become Perfect Man.
(I do think Jack truly falls in love with Lucy as a person separate from Arthur over the course of the story, but not romantically. He just can't perceive it as anything other than romantic because of heteronormativity.)
Arthur loves and trusts Jack so much that, even knowing Jack proposed to her the same day he did, he goes to him and asks for help when Lucy is sick. This love and trust means he doesn't think to ask questions, though. I talked about that before.
When Arthur loses his father, his existing family, and Lucy, the woman he was going to build a new family with, he falls apart in Jack's arms. He trusted Jack with Lucy's health, and she died without Arthur ever being informed how dire of a condition she was in, and he still trusts Jack with his emotions. Jack isn't fully equipped to comfort Arthur, but his attempt is genuine and deeply appreciated by Arthur.
And then Bram wrote Arthur being comforted by the only other recurring female protagonist and decided that that marked the end of Arthur existing meaningfully in the story because Bram is a coward.
I've already written a post about Jack's feelings of entitlement regarding women and why it's more than just shipping that makes me resist the idea that Arthur and Jack married anyone other than each other. Their relationship is based on mutual respect and a willingness to be vulnerable with each other. The key to getting these two hitched is getting Jack more open to vulnerability, and then we are set.
Following the events of Dracula, Jack is anxious about embodying perfect masculinity, getting a wife, having a million kids... but this anxiety manifests with him bothering Arthur to do it. Arthur is in no rush to do any of these things. The woman he was preparing to build a family with is gone. Jack, who sees every single woman as a potential wife because of misogyny, is flabbergasted. Perhaps they have a falling out (just cut out my write-up of the falling out bc I'm like "that's a good idea!" even though I know I'll never write it). Jack has been pressing Arthur to move on because Arthur embodies the masculinity that Jack strives for, and if Arthur doesn't want a wife, what if Jack doesn't want a wife either?? What if they're both gay??? Arthur asks "...well, what if?"
Then they have a Vegas wedding.
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st33le · 8 months
How do you think Charles would’ve gotten along with Trapper, Henry, and Frank?
SHAKES YOU!!! I have so many opinions on Charles interacting them!
I’ll start with Henry because I have the least amount of headcanons about him and Charles.
I do love Henry a lot but to be honest I just think a dynamic between him and Charles would just be a watered down version of what he already has with BJ and Hawk. Or at the very least, just Charles thinking that Henry is a bit incompetent and neglectful of his duties, but like charles already thinks everyone is pretty incompetent so like?? There’s not a lot there. Though I do think that Charles would appreciate the craftsmanship of the desk lmao. If Henry was CO during the time that charles got there I’m sure that charles would take waaaay longer to warm up to camp. Only because he would see Henry as someone who enables the shenanigans.
Now with Trapper, I actually believe it wouldn’t be too similar to how he treats bj. BJ, to Charles at least, is a decent man, a jokester and annoying especially if he and hawk are up to something, but a kinda of respectable family man when it comes down to it. Oh but trapper! Tapper John is Hawkeye’s perfect mirror and OH what a wall they would drive Charles up. I could go on a 3 hour rant about Trapper and Hawk being the perfect comedic duo on the camp, but this is about Charles. I think Charles would have a hard time merely being in the same room as trapper at times. I think trapper would act way better then Charles to get on his nerves, like act like he knows way more then he does about culture and opera and stuff like that, and that would drive Charles crazy. NOT TO MENTION that they’re both from Boston. Imagine Charles first coming to the 4077th and finding out Trapper was from Boston. Initially I think Charles would try to confide in him only for trap and hawk to pull a prank or something. I know in the early Charles episodes the show likes to laugh at Charles misery but oh well, can’t be helped I suppose. Another note, if they actually interacted in the should I could honestly see myself shipping Charles and trapper for a time. I think their personal dynamic would have been really really fun, trapper being overly flirty and Charles just being like “oh someone help me.” Though I don’t think they would be able to work long term, as trapper imo really likes to be ‘adored’ and taken care of in the relationship, and I don’t see Charles wanting that in someone, and especially cause of their economic difference it would make Charles feel kind of used? Idk. That’s just the Hawkchester part of me going off tho.
Okay okay, now Frank. I think, that this would honestly have been peak comedy for the show. ESPECIALLY if they were the same rank during their screen time together. If Frank was there I think that Charles would have very quickly gotten along with Hawk and BJ, especially if they were doing something to spite Frank. I can definitely see Charles, out of everyone hating Frank the most. I’m sure, it’s been said before, but I think it would be very funny if like Charles have a backhanded insult that frank is just too dumb so he interprets it as a compliment. Only for Hawkeye to add on. I think half of the dynamic between Charles and Frank is just Charles being bewildered by Franks incompetence. But also on a side not I can see him being like a wingman for Margaret like “honey you can do better then that.” Frank would definitely think there was something between Margaret and Charles, and he would get mad over that and ask Hawk and BJ for help only for them to laugh their asses off cause Charles and Margaret are MLM WLW solidarity.
Those are my basic thoughts on them, sorry for taking so long to reply I had to get my thoughts in order.
Also sorry for any spelling mistakes, writing and being coherent is hard lmao.
More asks about mash are always welcome!
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templegate · 2 months
Why ate you brainrotting me into a ship that dosen't doesn't exist nooooooooo
Imposter×izuru my beloved
YEAH. I AGREE. Here I'll talk more about it and drag you deeper into the hole
I feel like im despair Izuru hated the Imposter because they had become a perfect imitator. Any of their actual personality being suppressed for the sake of imitation. Like a sort of Ego Death. Izuru hated it because it was too reminiscent of himself. But after the NWP I think they begin to bond.
I mean this is all headcanon-
but I always saw Izuru as a pretty subservient being. I mean the Hope's Peak people probably wanted a good amount of control over him. So he's not really an active person. Needing someone to point him in whatever direction.
Contrasted with the Imposter who is naturally a leader. They care a whole lot about people because they're so good at reading people. And despite their feeling that they lack an identity, they still have aspects that shine through.
Izuru is supposed to be a new personality. A metamorphosis after Hajime Hinata had been completely erased. But Izuru cannot seem to form an identity. Think about it. He never really has anything he cares about, people he cares about, likes or dislikes. Even his constant stating that hes bored is just a statement of fact. Not really said with any malic.
While the Imposter is supposed to be nothing. Supposed to be someone who can become anything. And despite it. They have so much personality. They care about people, have a pension for leadership, love food and love their body. This isn't a person with no personality.
So they both fucked up what they were supposed to do. A person meant to be a void cares, and the person meant to care is a void.
That might be a source of jealousy between the two. It might not. But they're kind of polar opposites. The Imposter's understanding of people leads to them caring more for them. Willing to sacrifice themselves to save someone who they knew was dangerous. While Izuru understands people on such a deep level that he finds them boring. Disliking most people he interacts with and being generally apathetic. Being perfectly willing to sacrifice people around him.
And I think after the NWP, The Imposter starts to come into their own, since constantly pretending to be someone else is terrible for your mental health. They're not used to it at all. They take up a leadership role and kind of have a workaholic duo with Hajime and Izuru. Maybe the imposter also has a better time dealing with the Despair version of themself. Since they already are pretty good at compartmentalizing their identity.
While Izuru- I've spoken before how I think the return of Hajime Hinata to his headspace causes Izuru to like... Be able to be someone. Since the parts of his brain that were suppressed to destroy Hajime are reactivated- suddenly Izuru is like... Capable of feeling and caring for people, and having opinions and a personality. And i see them as a system too. So now Izuru is feeling all these things- is super overwhelmed and can't interpret any of them. And his headmate is there too and his emotions are even stronger.
And i imagine that Izuru has only one person who can possibly understand what it's like- The Imposter. So they have weird conversations with 12 layers of context and subterfuge. And then maybe they kiss as well.
It's literally because they are such great foils to eachother too. Like i wish it was brought up in canon cause they're sooooo similar and yet so different.
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icedragonlizard · 2 months
I'm probably going to be obliterated for this, but I'm bold enough.
I think it eventually deserves to be said, anyways.
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Consider this the follow-up to a post I wrote a few days ago.
For clarification, I'm not at all trying to say that the whole Mecha Knight thing in Planet Robobot wasn't messed up. Overall, it was messed up. Yes, what Susie did to Meta Knight was indeed quite bad.
But it's very clear that the Kirby fandom has absolutely blatant double standards when it comes to this sort of thing.
While it's understandable to find enjoyment in milking angst out of such an incident, I believe that people exaggerate Mecha Knight.
Some people love to go on about how Meta Knight suffers from horrible medical trauma after Planet Robobot. About how much he hates Susie's guts, will never ever forgive her, and wants her to die. About how this was basically the worst thing to ever happen to him.
But if I'm being honest, I don't think Mecha Knight was that much different from all the times that King Dedede has been possessed.
Where's all the talk about Dedede being traumatized from all his possession incidents? Hello?!?!? Do people just act like he's not that traumatized or that he easily toughs out his possession incidents while Meta Knight was just messed up so darn bad by being a robot?
Actually, I have seen people talk about Dedede being traumatized by Dark Matter, but it's absolutely nothing like talk about Mecha Knight. Still double standards.
To be fair, I can somewhat understand the big discrepancy of how Mecha Knight is treated compared to Dedede's possessions. After all, Meta Knight is quite literally the Kirby's fandom blorbo (aside from Magolor, I guess) and turning someone into a robot against their will can very much indeed be a lot more nerve-striking in comparison.
But was Mecha Knight really truly so much worse than Dedede's possessions? Does it really deserve to be treated like it's such an unfathomable, unspeakable, harrowing tragedy... compared to Dedede's incidents being treated like they're no big deal at all?
... In my opinion, no.
Meta Knight shook off roboticization pretty quickly after the second Mecha Knight fight. He's then quick to get on top of the Halberd while the rest of his crew gets it up and flying. Funny how it's that instead of him just sitting there crippled and helpless after the robot armor breaks off of him. I dunno about you guys, but he looks fine!
While I myself do imagine that he'd certainly have been somewhat messed up and traumatized by being a robot, and while I do imagine he would be mad at Susie over it for a while, I sincerely don't agree to the extent of how some people depict it. It didn't ruin his life like some people think. It hurt him, but not ruin him. He's been through bad stuff before. If you ask me, it's more like a "regular Tuesday" for him instead of being the absolute total life-ruining experience for him. He's been able to heal from the incident and is doing just fine.
And for the record, I don't buy into the "Meta Knight hates Susie SO MUCH and wants her dead" headcanon. I don't necessarily headcanon them being friends, and I think he was initially angry at her, but his anger at her slowly fades in my opinion.
Can we please not overlook some of Dedede's possession incidents? Let's not pretend that Taranza is an innocent little guy and that he hasn't hurt Dedede before. Although I believe that being used like a puppet by Taranza was far from Dedede's worst possession incident.
I like to imagine that Dedede suffered from true traumatization from 2 out of the 3 times he's been possessed by Dark Matter, as well as the time he's been possessed by Fecto Forgo during Forgotten Land.
He's been able to heal and get better, but it did hurt him at first.
Dark Matter lowkey turned his stomach into a set of jaws, and then formed a giant unnerving eyeball onto his stomach. That had to hurt, methinks. It also wouldn't help if one were to interpret that Dark Matter was preying on Dedede's flaws, making him easy to possess.
When Dedede was possessed by Fecto Forgo, he was ordered to hurt his own waddle dees. He couldn't have felt good about that afterwards, especially with how much he's shown to care about his waddle dees to the point he goes out of his way to save one singular waddle dee from the stampeding Beast Pack after he's been freed.
In my opinion, if Meta Knight has been messed up by Susie, then I think that there's no way Dedede hasn't been a little messed up one way or another by the Dark Matter and Fecto Forgo possessions as well. While I certainly believe he's been able to heal and overcome them, I think he was hurt over them initially after they were over. For me, it's basically the same of how Meta Knight had a phase of being traumatized by what Susie did to him until he's come around to heal.
I prefer to think that the incidents are similar instead of just "OMMGG poor meta knight was screwed up so darn bad, and dedede's possessions weren't really a big deal, they were much much less bad."
And I don't at all call for anyone to hate on Taranza, Dark Matter, Fecto Forgo, Yin Yarn or anyone else that has possessed Dedede. They don't deserve that, in my opinion. Just like how I think Susie is honestly not deserving of the level of hate she's received for Mecha Knight.
Was Mecha Knight a messed up incident? Yes. But let's not pretend that some of Dedede's possessions weren't messed up as well. Mecha Knight is certainly more nerve-striking... but from an objective standpoint, it's not significantly worse. And I think Dedede has overall faced more trauma than Meta Knight has, since the former has been possessed much more times. Sorry, but I don't think one robot incident outweighs multiple possession incidents. I just don't.
HAL doesn't at all appear to treat Mecha Knight like it's so much worse than all of the times that King Dedede has been possessed.
Oh wow, this is getting a bit long, but yeah that's basically it. I just felt like it needed to be said that it's almost absurd that Meta Knight being turned into a robot once is all it takes for the fandom to metaphorically riot on the streets while ignoring Dedede's possession incidents.
I'm well aware that I might be playing with fire while writing this. But I'm bold. I'm gonna brace myself for however some people react to this. Not sure if it'll get to the point where I'll be forced to delete this.
The double standards in this fandom gets on my nerves.
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fordtato · 2 months
So, my friend that is fan of your YouTube channel (In fact, I'm going to subscribe to your channel later because they told me that your Gravity Falls videos are great) told me that Alex answered a question about Shermie in an interview that you did with him and before I read the interview I need to know: Is Sherman still a character that we, as fans, can interpret however we want? Like, is he still a character open to different interpretations and can anyone think of him any way they want or are we now stuck with just one interpretation of him, which was given by the series creator? Because there are so many interpretations of Shermie that I love and I would hate to see them thrown in the trash by a canonical version of him. I'd rather receive the bomb in the form of Persian chocolate now than later.
Firstly, no matter what, there is literally nothing stopping the fandom from interpreting Shermie (or any character) however you want, and Asked would say the same thing - nothing Alex said in the interview was "canon" necessarily, just his insight into the creation of the series. Hell, my favorite Shermie is the Shermaine Pines version from a few years ago, and nothing about that is canon
Alex did say that the baby was intended to be Shermie, but the math was off, but also that that wasn't the point of the character. The reason they made Shermie to begin with, was to solve a narrative problem (giving the twins a grandparent, while keeping the Stan twins without kids), and nothing else really matters.
But the fandom really needs to not put too much stock into what show creators say when it comes to us creating our own content, and I think Alex would agree there. He WANTS us to take the series and run with it and be creative. He did NOT put a lot of thought behind Shermie, and that means that WE CAN.
@hkthatgffan asked him that question not to find The One True Headcanon to overrule all others, but because we were curious about his thoughts and the intentions of the showrunners in 2014-15.
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3, 9, 10, and 49 for Grima?
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Two Grima anons!! Because you all are amazing and know me and the way to my heart
3. Obscure headcanon
Honestly, I feel like I've talked enough about Grima that all my headcanons have been exhausted in the "Grima Thoughts" tag and the "Grima Wormtongue" tag more broadly on my tumblr.
I suppose one that I've never voice too much, and haven't played with (YET. GET READY.**) is that I headcanon him as distinctly Not Cis but he's very convoluted and vague about what that means. The whole seidr aspect I read onto him adds different layers to how you can interpret that, especially given some views that seidr-working might have been viewed as an alternative gender, or an additional aspect to gender, or something in that ballpark of being different from man and woman.
I just enjoy that, aside from Eowyn, he is one of the characters you can make the strongest argument for being Outside the Gender Norms of Their Respective Society. This makes me very pleased and happy.
Grima just wants to be queen. Let him be one!!
**this only applies to people reading What Makes a King
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
For the movies it was the tear-drop scene in TTT after Saruman sends the uruk-hai off to Helms Deep. So much regret and realization of the scope of the impact of his actions captured in a single emotional moment. And it's fleeting! But so well done. No words are needed. Just dawning horror and that stomach-dropping-out-from-your-body feeling of What The Fuck Have I Done - This Was Not How It Was Supposed To Go.
In the books it's 100% when Grima is sassing back at Treebeard. He is Peak Drowned Rat and a GIANT TREE is telling him: You need to go to Orthanc. It's voer there.
And Grima. Who has been on a horse for two days straight, riding through the night, and probbaly hasn't eaten in 48h, and is now stinking soaking wet becuase Treebeard dropped him in the muck and mire of the waters around Orthanc. That man. That man looks at the Giant Tree, the stuff of childhood legends in Rohan, and his instinctual reaction is to be the sassiest most lie-filled bitch on the planet.
What the fuck Grima.
Grima: Well, since you don't think I was here on behalf of Theoden which was My Quickly Thought Up Plan Because I DID NOT Expect This. I will now just be super sassy at you as my fall back. Seems reasonable.
Tree Beard: ????
Love that deranged bastard so much.
Grima: [sees a being way, way more powerful than him. Gandalf, Treebeard, whatever] What if I just said some sick burns and was a petty bitch for fifteen minutes??
Eomer: . .... ..,, , as a treat?
Grima: As a treat!!
10. Best moment on screen (or in the book)
I loved his seduction scene in the film. That whole speech is masterfully rendered by Brad Dourif and Miranda Otto is also fantastic in that scene. Seeing her tempted, truly tempted, then pulling back like: nope, nope, nope, I can't. Grima's face when she leaves. Absolutely phenomenal.
I also love the "These Men Don't Know What Personal Space Is" scene with Eomer.
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Nothing to see here. Move along everyone.
In the book, the best scene is everything in the Scouring of Shire. The wanting to take Frodo's offer of a helping hand. The desperation for that salvation from himself and the situation he is in - yet, he is so trapped in whatever it is he feels for Saruman. That quasi-enslaved state by the time we get to the end of ROTK. It's so fucked up and such a fantastic representation of the push/pull of abusive situations. I want out/I can't leave/I can see a future/I can't see a future. So well done.
(And I think Saruman-Grima dynamic is something Tolkien didn't know he had - at least in terms of the potential that is in it.)
While I have gone on before about Grima's death being a let-down in terms of thematic satisfaction, I do love, love, love that he gets to kill Saruman. He gets to put the knife in Saruman's back. That is so fantastic as a full circle of all the traitors betraying each other. ALSO, of course, Grima gets to kill the man who has spent the last eleven months torturing him for shits and giggles. We love to see it.
16. Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves
I think Grima is very afraid to look at a lot of things about himself. He cannot look into the mirror straight-on. All truths about himself have to be captured in peripheral vision - which is to say, only ever faintly brushed against.
I don't know what the darkest secret is that he can't admit to himself. I suspect, for him, it's several. He's done so much harm in his life, and he's been also denied so much too, and wants so much, and has broken so much - it's all a tangled mess.
I think for Grima, what drives a lot of his actions post-Helm's Deep is a two-fold sunk-cost fallacy (that's the thing he can't admit to himself - it's not all lost. He can and should walk away. "If it's shit, hit the bricks" was not something he ever learned) and the inability to be able to see a life outside of Saruman. A path away from Orthanc. (Granted, no one was being helpful in that regard until Frodo. Literally no one. Not in any meaningful capacity.)
24. Most annoying habit
Maybe stop stealing things from people?
Probably, though, the sycophancy. The whole "oh my lord" this and "a wise/brilliant thing you said my lord" that. Ugh. Miss me with the verbal dick-sucking there, Grima.
I get why he does it. I 100% understand. I still find it grating. This is something, I will say, that turns up in fanfics more than canon. I've written it, myself, because it works for his character! It's what he would do! It makes sense post-Saruman that he would be like this! If he wasn't it would be weird! But my god Grima, get a spine and a sense of self-worth!
(Grima: shall not.)
For proper canon things, we don't really see enough of him to have specific habits to pick on. Because frankly, I find his thieving delightful and funny, if not a little whimsical. In fact, he should do more. Steal more things! Steal more things!
(Grima: Shall!!! Right now!!)
32. Something guaranteed to make them smile/laugh
Scathing commentary on people he hates. This man is a gossip and a first-class professional Bitcher. He can bitch with the best of them. Hearing dirty things about people makes him so happy.
Also, I think he likes word play and clever jokes. Riddling games and the like, especially ones that are terribly, terribly clever are near-guaranteed to make him smile.
I don't know that he laughs all that much. I think he does that snort/exhale as a form of "laughing" but I don't think he does full on laughing. Save very rarely, and I think it's a shockingly warm sound for someone who is a walking glacier in many respects.
49. Favorite toy as a child
Oh gods. This is hands down the toughest question. If only becuase I have only ever envisioned Grima's childhood as fairly toyless. But he would have had toys - even in the bleakest versions he would have had toys.
I can see little Grima, as a four/five/six year old, being partial to a small, carved cow. He likes the gentle eyes and is familiar with cattle and they smell like home. I can see him also having a small wagon as a boy and he would go out to a small copse and pretend to be a runaway who has joined up with a band of robbers or highway men. In the wagon he'd pack food and water and such, also his bow and a small knife.
Practicing a quick get-away since he was eight.
Thank you both so much! <3 <3 <3 This got long but 0 regrets. Grima deserves it.
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