#let ppl ship stuff omg
frostbite-the-bat · 1 month
talked w/ a friend about this and wanted to post something similar yesterday after a convo i saw also
about people criticizing ttcc / ttcc fans for just... being cog fans? being cog centric? usually coming from people who only like the toons.
and everyone likes what they like! it's okay! but saying that people who like the cogs are horrible and support the bad things they do, is just blatantly wrong. i thought we knew that enjoying villainous and morally Bad / grey characters is... okay? it doesn't mean you support what they do. it's interesting to explore these topics.
i've seen many people just... paint anyone who likes the cogs as horrible because they're "apologists of x and y" and... i dunno. rubs me the wrong way! you do have a point and recognize the cogs do bad things, but liking them as characters means nothing about who you are as a person.
and this is not to say that people who are in toontown for the toons are bad. hell! they are right this IS toontown. i may be on the cog liker side but i like the toons! maybe ocs more than the npcs - mostly because i like my friends and the sheer creativity the toons can bring out!!
SO what i wanna say... i dunno. let's not point fingers...? let's have fun in a goofy cartoon game together??? also complaining about people liking VILLAIN ROBOTS on TUMBLR is kind of funny to me. do you realize where you are. but then again a lot of this i see on discord and in-game as well since i avoid things on tumblr... i am a sensitive little fella i avoid misty fight bc of One Really mean "Critic" guy i saw there and i have been shivering in my bootsies since. so you get me
but like yes ttcc is more cog centric but... that's okay? things could be written better and i still wanna speak on it, and i do thing the toons deserve attention and better writing... but the fact it focuses on the cogs isn't... bad? if you don't like how con centric it is you can go play ttr...? god forbid people have fun and explore the villain's side of things...? i'm not saying either toontown server is better or worse than the other... and everyone can like their own things!!
but like... people will just like the cogs and that's okay and it doesn't make you bad. let's all be friends okay? both sides may be going at each other's necks in-game and the cogs in fact do horrible things - but it's what makes them fun, and it gives the toons things to do in the game!! but we don't gotta !!!!!!!! i may be really sarcastic and sometimes mean in private but like that's me just privately sassing, deep down i think people should just... y'know..? enjoy things.
so yea that's the guzma / cathal thought of today. toon people cog people both people are all awesome as fuck and you keep doing what you're doing i love you toontown isn't toontown without you
#anyways omg god forbid ppl are cog kissers on the robot kissing website /silly#but like!! tt/r may not be for everyone and tt/cc may not be for everyone and THATS OK!! ur not gonna like everything!!#like i accepted tt/r isnt for me but its mostly bc they dont show cog health specifically and i struggle with these things but !! i#heard they are updating that so i might be able to play without getting bored / frustrated again ^^ i havent played properly in yeaaaars#i will still prefer clash bc fixation and?? i LIKE ROBOBTS....!#but tewtow is tewtow its all swag. the least toony thing u can do is bully someone for Liking Robobt. be niceys#like ya i admit im not perfect i also dont like people andhave so much one sided beef and i am sensitive to so many things and i complain#in private but at the end of the day its to make myself feel better and i KNOW to not engage and look away and work on feeling better#bc this stuff does Heehoo upset me bc Mental Health Probulem. but i know everyone should and can do their own thing and have fun#i may complain about (redacted ship) all the time and i dont get it at all but...? bro... just have fun... be free. im not here to stop you#im just not gonna interact as i should. good for both of us! joyous world! happy that ur happy!!!!#why complain abt ppl just Enjoying Cogs like that though................................................ do you not like fun#this is not at anyone specific#my friend did show me tags of a post anonymously#and i vague a person whos name i dont know ingame like A YEAR AGO#and a convo what happened in a server a while back. but its not anyone specific i just wanted to like. speak my thoughts#lets be frense... and if not thats okay lets not argue either then we all stay in our lanes
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thegreatestheaver · 18 days
Conventional nightmares are scary but I think it’s the unrealistic ones that are the most scary
#the conventional ones I have are ones where people try to kill me or I kill people or do other bad things to them#or other bad things happen to me that could happen irl. but euhgh#I had such a weird nightmare#I WSS like ? on a weird ship thing with extended and being gay was like. not allowed but. I was gay anyways#and I hid it pretty well until like. suddenly at a huge fancy family dinner like? I was hashtag exposed and I tried to be like no please noo#but they were like TO THE HELL DIMENSION WITH YOU!!!! and I got sent to … s dark room with a stage and.. prom decorations?#there were other people and stuff and people onstage preforming the same thing over and over but I sat in the back bc I was pissed#also I was a borzoi. important detail😭 I remeber it because I always had to swish my tail off the chairs so I didn’t sit on it#anyways I was pissed as fuck. hal was there (the person not the character) and I was maaaaaad and it for some reason and I feel kinda bad#glitch was telling me yea ur in hell with (PEOPLE WHO DID REALLY HORRIBLE AWFUL THINGS. like. really bad.) and I was like awesome. kys#and it was like OK. don’t be like that let’s go sit at the chairs up high by the stage. and we sat on the same chair all squished 😭#everyone also had a small pack of plastic dinosaur beads that are. identical to ones that I have. and he talked to me as I fiddled with them#I was reallyyy scared because there were fucking. really dangerous people also apparently I was supposed to rot here forever.eventually hal-#-got up to strech and so did I and I sat back down ready for him to sit with me and he was like no. and I was like :? and it was like. the#the house. then glitch pointed to a small plastic house in the room like the ones for kids to play with outside and I was like oh :(#cos I thought he was leaving me and I got really sad because he was like. the only#good thing there. but it was like no. come#and I didn’t hear and I kept moping and he was like COME WITH. and I was like omg it’s talking to me. YAYYY!!!#I got up wirh my borozi paws to go follow glitch into the house then I woke up because someone called me just now😭😭😭#and I’m not gonna sleep again. it’s nearly 2pm. woof.#anyways that was horrible it was worse than the time I had a dream I killed someone and was a wsnted fugitive#I think hal was there cos I was thinking abt him right before I EME went to sleep and when I think of ppl before I sleep they often are in-#-my dreams#ok I need to get up and do stuff now. auhh#hollowspeak
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stealingpotatoes · 9 months
ask answering post!!
i woke up to Several asks (u guys were busy last night goddam!!) so ur ass is going in the ask multipost! featuring a followup ask, ani&vader adventures, and skywalkers apart au! also some asks from yesterday bc i forgor,
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OH PHEW OK ask is no longer weird. look ive been on the internet too long (or just the gency fandom in like 2017-2019, y'see there was this Guy there,) and i see someone immediately thinking of pregnancy and i assume the worst ok
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Ani: wow you look like my mom and this angel I met called Padmé
Leia: oh... thanks?
Vader: wait a second--
Bail, shoving Leia out the room: ANYWAY lets talk about your Empire!!
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LMAOOO YES the greatest anakin meta ever. he fishes scrap out the bin bc "it still works!" and then spends a king's ransom on gucci sliders. he is a man of multitudes
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@abucketofweird aww thank you so much!!!!! my approach to colour palettes is 90% of the time "im gonna make this about 200x pinker than it needs to be"
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@freshmiraclecheesecake loll omg if you leave your keys in your spaceship while Luke Amidala is nearby then thats simply on you!! you were asking for it to be stolen!!! he'll give it back in alright-ish condition once his mum angrily calls him
tho spacecrafts are EXPENSIVE i dont think you'd get many ppl giving them stuff like that aside from like... suitors or the current queen of naboo helping her senator
anyway it's gonna get even worse when he reunites with Leia and Anakin, bc you KNOW they're teaching him how to hotwire a ship loll
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@yourfreindlynighborhoodspycrab loll yes, its like the opposite of the rise of emperor augustus of rome where he had to pretend everything was republican when everyone knew it was imperial
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@thatsalamanderguy omg that looks so cute will check it out!
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@phoenixyfriend LMAO LOVE THAT bodyguard against the bodyguard. also love the idea bail just doesnt ask who the kid is and has no idea its baby vader
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@hypnosofastar aww thank u!!!!! if you're so happy, I'M so happy you found my blog too!!!
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liquidstar · 27 days
fire emoji (dont know how to copy it lol) i want alien stage opinions. and maybe also on one of the alnst main duos (ivantill mizisua hyuluka) if youre up for two?
ok before i answer i will tell you something awesome. press the windows key and the period (.) key at the same time and you will get emojis on desktop 👍✨
ANYWAY unpopular alien stage opinion....
I really do think the fandom cares more about the mlm ship than the wlw one :'(
While I do think it's true that ROUND 6 went kinda viral because it was so highly anticipated, and existing fans were posting like crazy, I ALSO think that if the kiss scene happened w Mizi and Sua not as many new ppl would've checked it out.
Vivinos has been the the Horror Yuri channel for forever, and as a long time fan I am so immensely happy for Vivinos and Qmeng and all the voice actors for this awesome success, this series is absolutely getting the attention it deserves! But I also do wish ppl wouldn't forget that aspect of the channel tho, bc it seems like ppl think its The Ivantill Show. and i care about them a lot too! like i love them! their dynamic is incredible a lot to sink your teeth into BUT SO IS MIZISUAS! AND SOOOO MANY OTHER WLW DYNAMICS FROM PAST WORKS BUT! DID YOU GUYS WATCH MY SEPTEMBER? BELOVED? JORDAN RIVER? THERES MORE THAN JUST THE ONE MLM PAIR!
and before anyone says "omg thats not true its just because its the newest round" hey look at this
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FOUR times more? come on now...
Its not that i want ppl to care less for Ivantill, or not be into Alien Stage, I love that the fandom has grown and the series is getting the attention it DESERVES! I just wish there was more care for our girls too 😭 but this probably goes back to what i was saying abt fandoms at their peak popularity lol
but just to be clear: this is not an ivantill hate post i love them so dearly, i just also love mizisua, lets not forget about mizisua guys. hyunaluka i dont have deep thoughts on really bc we havent seen them interact in the present but there is really great stuff being set up for Doomed Romance Number 3
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noona96n · 9 months
so, i finally actually got into KP. i mean i watched a couple of episodes when it was airing and then absorbed the other episodes via osmosis on Tumblr but, like, im properly obsessing over it now. and, to absolutely no one's surprise, VegasPete is my fav ship & VegasPeteMacau + TankhunPete are my fav dynamics.
and, well... the last couple of days has been WILD as i learned about the shit Build (& Bible) went thru (is still going thru?) (i read some stuff and didn't read some of those stuff either bcs some are just fckn atrocious and vile). i don't know everything (i will never know everything bcs i'm neither Build nor Bible and i'm definitely NOT Build's abusive gf) and i'm sure i'll be learning more things as i go along and my opinion on the matter might change on the matter as i know more but FCK, ppl need to leave Build & Bible the fck alone omg let these kids BREATH AND LIVE for like five minutes
also wtf is up with Bible's latest shoot w/ Elle Thailand??? my guy looks like a victim of violence wtf who thought that was okay?? who the fck approved that??? and how the fck was it pitched to Bible's team that they accepted that sort of concept for their artist??
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b1adie · 29 days
pros and cons of firefly:
pros: genuinely interested on exactly whats up with her and that robot. shes somewhat interesting. also gets hc’d as transfem by some ppl which i like.
cons: all the waifu pullers are so god damn annoying “FIREFLY IS SO META BOOTHILL IS TRASH” shut UP you arent even trying to see if its true. also annoyed that in 2,0 quest she made us run all around a map saying she would give us info after, then we get to a rooftop and get forced on a date when theres still ppl after us and she still told us nothing in that quest.
i was bitching about that earlier too like i literally want to like her so bad and i DO like her but i would like her SO much more if not for how obnoxious some of her fans get. i’m sooo sick of the wife material omg she cooks and cleans and has babies and blushes ohhh shes so perfect!!! stuff. i see it on YouTube and reddit so much. unbearable. like i love the stellaron hunters and ive had fun getting to know her more but the disgusting miasma of the str8 dudes who are obsessed with her is lingering around her at all times. i NEED to get her out of there.
AND i really do hate when games do the like, forcibly pairing/shipping the player character off with another character. like… let me choose to like them on my own??? but they keep forcing her at us again this update (himeko saying we split up for NO REASON, just so that the mc ends up with firefly alone again) like… please. i promise you i will like her on my own you dont have to do this oh my god. its not her fault the fans and the writers are weird but god it gets hard to play thru scenes w her knowing what annoying dudes are gonna be saying later.
she is so trans tho like for real. congrats to the stellaron hunters for having at least 2 transgender women on the team. major win for stellaron hunter fans everywhere
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kiyoitiepie · 4 months
all this stuff with pairings and ships is so …. hmm. like these entitled ass fans absolutely should be criticized but i don’t want us to miss the fact that the nature of the bl industry encourages this behavior.
like “omg they’re being so invasive. why are they trying to push those two guys to pretend to be a couple?!” it’s…. their job. like let’s not pretend these issues exist in a vacuum. like yes those ppl are weird but also…. all of this is weird. particularly the rpf shit
i’m glad actors are finally being like i do what i want. i think the folks acting shocked at this behavior are just making me giggle. like there are entire fanmeetings where straight grown men pretend like they wanna kiss and prompt the fans to weigh in on who should kiss who. let’s be fr
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birthdaycakeplate · 2 months
same anon asking for Blitzbee fic recommendations, tried to message you but unfortunately your account is set to only people you follow doing that.
but hmmm, I'd say my personal taste in fics are actually slow burns, I really like fics that focus on Blitzwing and Bee forming an unlikely relationship based on their 'home lives' in a sense of it, where neither are understood and often viewed as annoyances/loose canons leading both to a feeling of isolation and a mild desperation/willingness to connect with anyone even at the risk of 'treason' for interacting with the other side.
I also enjoy the progression for Blitzwing of seeing Bumblebee as a harmless amusement to him somehow becoming a bit of a hyper focus that causes the big bad con to develop some empathy and *gasp* morals.
Meanwhile Bee is just a cocky little bastard who refuses to accept Blitzwing as the actual threat he is and then feelings are caught when his view of the world is shifted and he finds out Decepticons are also actually just people with complex feelings and motivations (also bonus if break down of autobots 'all warbuilds are evil because' bs is broken down)
I realize now I'm rambling so apologies its just a very fun ship to babble about.
If I was to ask for any fic, if you could set one in your Nemesis AU that be amazing, the size difference you give in that is spectacular like omg I stare so politely.
Also the concept is just very fun to me and I'd love to see that au world expanded.
As for spicy content I don't really have any ideas? Sorry I'm actually terrible at writing it my only preferences are Blitz top and preferably consensual.
for ease if we keep talking like this I'll sign off as
GOD, of course I invited you to talk with me and then blocked you from doing that elekkeem 🌝 I think I fixed my messaging where I’ll get your stuff now, if you’d like to try again 😭 I swear I’m always this dysfunctional.
But anyway, your message here is good, true, andfantastic. I CRY. Your view on the ship is perfect and pure D,8
I LOVE when Blitzwing is stunned when his desire to squash the useless yellow gnat and be done with him is suddenly evaporated by the sudden realization this guy is slowly becoming the only thing in his life fun and full of life (and kind of precious if he’s being honest, ok???). Because their chemistry is crazy- they’re both wrekcless little freaks when left to their own devices, but full time loyal, fucked up little creatures to the ones closest to them. The handful Blitzwing can afford to let in to his life, even if ‘friends’ isn’t the word he’d use, and the few Bumblebee can make real connections with, when he’s a mischievous ant with a complex to make ‘something great’ of himself.
But he already IS great and bad boy Blitzwing needs to make it his immediate life’s goal to get that through to him and give him lots of love. (I ramble, too, you’re in good company)
I’m bad at stating my thoughts, I get overwhelmed when it’s my own emotions. But I typed and retyped something along the lines of how I’m noticing we have lots of similarities here in terms of what our favorite flavor of Blitzbee is 🩷🩷🩷 I bet lots of ppl who read this would agree with you and appreciate you throwing out there the love language of these complete messes of men✨
Does that mean my attempt to translate these tastes into fiction beside my ideas will make for good reading and also provide you a happy source of top Blitz/blitzbee? God, I HOPE so. You deserve it and I’m going to try.
I have the first chapter half written, because-
I SCREEEEEEAM 💕💕💕 thank you???!!! That means so much to ME and makes me insanely happy, because I was so surprised when you said that, and I REALIZED how amazing it is to hear a thing like that. That I’ve got a thing going I didn’t imagine would become liked enough for a fic request for it.
I’m hoping to finish this first chapter by next Friday. Probably sooner than that? But I’m scared life won’t allow it. Thanks for your messages💕
(The other anons who messaged me, too, about some top Blitzwing fic stuff, I see you and I’m elated to hear from so many of you, thank you✨)
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naviclenek0 · 1 year
I'm just gonna go on a small rant about how the P5 community treats Shutaba and how it's genuinely kinda dumb in a way. It really tires me how when anyone sees a fan who is playing or just discovering Persona 5 for the very first time and realizes the chemistry behind Futaba and Ren (Joker) and ultimatly starts shipping them, gets bashed on by anyone with saying "omg they're literally brother and sister that's gross ew, nasty ass proshipper" It happened to me, I discovered P5 not that that long ago and I tried joining fandom spaces and it was.. hell. So I'm hoping that this could hopefully help someone and maybe stop those toxic people who literally start crying and labeling stuff with extreme terms. First of all, Ren is NOT Sojiro's adopted son. He's more like his protégé, his student in the coffee, curry, café, womanizing (lol), ect spaces. He only "took him in" because he's the only one who said yes to taking in a guy on probation. And I see many many MANY people try to argument against this with parts of the games where characters mention that she's like a little sister. Wanna know the fun part about Persona? You get to CHOOSE if you want Futaba as your silly sister or gremlin girlfriend, OMG amazing right??? And there's even parts where you yourself can make remarks about being family and she'll just be there like: "Are you fr?? Weirdo" I'm not here to bash on anyone who likes them as the coffee/curry sibs, it's not my cup of tea because the fact that they're so touchy and close disturbs me when thinking of them as sibs, but if you like it, go for it! It's cute tbh But just because you see them as sibs, doesn't mean you have the right to call someone a proshipper for liking them as a couple, Futaba deserves to be with the man who saved her life and fans get to do as they please, that's the magic of having freedom and being able to CHOOSE. It now scares me to interact with the fandom because of how many times I've been attacked to the point I just gotta shut off the pc and let the anxiety flood away, I can't even make friends with ppl with the same interest, in the english P5 fandom because of that. Good thing is the spanish speaking Persona community is chill and knows that drama about said ship is honestly stupid. Basically just, let people do as they please, go touch grass and if you don't like the path someone took in game, then just block or don't interact with that thing. IRL you can't block people but online you can, so you shouldn't rage or seeth about it, especially about a game. Saying someone is a proshipper by shipping Shutaba is like saying someone is a criminal and a violent person for playing Fortnite or that horror artists are sick and twisted people just because of their stories. Instead, actually go after those who are problomatic like those who genuinely ship Kotone/FeMC with Ken.
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lovekenney · 7 months
tag game!! @bubblegumbarbie33 tagged me in hers!!
name: omg yall i have a online name and that is alex, but it is very basic lol. a few ppl call me carmen but most ppl just call me alex or lola.
zodiac sign: ok so ive been told im a gemini cancer cusp but ive also beem told im just a gemini or just a cancer. i myself think i am a cancer lol. my bday is june 21 (guys i have the same birthday as the lana del rey.)
personality type: ive taken the test lmao but i cannot remmeber. okok i looked it up and i am a Entrepreneur ESTP-A / ESTP-T whatever that means! anyway me and madonna have the same how cool is that??
before we hit the road, what snacks are you bringing along on this trip? - we go to the gas station and i pick up the same thing almost every time, unwrapped starbursts, a propel drink (prob watermelon) and whatever other candy i decide i need.
navigator gets to pick the music so what song are you turning on? - it really depends. if im with myself itll probaly be summer bummer lana del rey (or really any song off of btd or paradise) but if im with other ppl we gotta get hyped so baby got back.
what universe from a fantasy TV show would you like to visit? - new chucky series. jennifer likes women so i have a chance.
what about fantasy movies? - this is a lame af answer but i dont really watch fantasy stuff so prob leprechaun. cause you know jennifer aniston.
okay, how about sci-fi TV shows? - s3 stranger things, let me work with steve and robin at scoops ahoy.
Sci-fi movie universe? - under the dome. i wouldnt wanna stay for long but i wanna touch the dome and see what it feels like.
any other TV show or movie universes you'd like to swing by before we move on? - let me get a burger from bobs burgers. also i would like to go to shameless and hit on debbie.
okay hold on to your butts we're switching gears to the fanfic universes. Tell me which fanfic universe we're visiting first? -
Saltbox House On The Coast - Chapter 1 - Keyhouse - Outer Banks (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
let me on this damn ship. (@keyh0use <3)
cool, do you have one more you'd like to stop at before we head home?
Silent as Sunlight - Chapter 1 - Pigzxo - Shameless (US) [Archive of Our Own]
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
i js wanna watch ian and mickey being cute (not in a creepy way js like they are so cute)
alright, on our way out of fanfic land you get to snag some tropes to bring home and apply to your own life, think fast!- soulmates, au, inspired by lana del rey ( @bubblegumbarbie33 props to you) meet ugly, mute cute, college.
wow, okay, hope those tropes work out for you!! our adventure has finally come to an end, where in the world am I dropping you off? - downtown Chicago. whenever it ell ppl i wanna live there they always say i only do for shameless and that is WRONG. ive always wanted to go there i belong there. ill just wander around petting all the dogs.
dont feel pressured yall butt @svetlanayevgenivna @sugar-spice-everything-vice @bees-flowers @keyh0use andd all my other mutuals i actually talk to have been tagged by @bubblegumbarbie33
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cxtoonzzz · 30 days
GEN question, I just found ur acc and I ADORE ur art ur so talented omg.. but why are AOT fans hating on you? I love AOT and I never knew the fandom could be this rude tbh 😭😭😭🙏 love ur Yelena art btw and ur self insert art n stuff is SO CUTE. Also fellow Hange lover 🫣 (I'm all over the place srry I'm like so socially awkward)
Before I rant tho THANK YOU SO SO MUCH I REALLY APPRECIATE IT🩷🩷🩷 No worries I'm also incredibly socially awkward :3
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Started in like 2020 when this guy lowkey tried to groom me (I was 12) nd then we fell out so he ranted ab me in a Discord server (they were like 17)😭 Then I got harassed by a bunch of artists that caused me to fall off nd I was rlly annoying nd insecure when I turned 13 nd copied art to feel better (I DON'T ANYMORE ND I TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THAT!!) That guy lied ab me drawing nsfw of MYSELF (a 13yo) with Hange nd Yelena (30+yo, 25) so ppl then thought I supported pedophilia!! Yay!!! Nd ppl still do !! Then I got doxxed and stuff by Pikulena/Pikuhan shippers and people found where I lived nd I got daily messages/asks telling me to kill myself over a ship and stuff which was NOT FUN so I finally deleted my Tumblr in ab December of 2022 bc the hate was partially justified but also not bc half of it thrived off of lies a guy who let his 18+yo friends sexualize me🧍‍♀️I didn't have issues with those ships before getting doxxed btw but now I'm genuinely scared of it LMFAO- ppl think I'm homophobic for some reason
Rumors lead to me getting very sad nd paranoid to the point I'd go in public TREMBLING bc random people knew where I lived ! I went to therapy in 2021 due to all the combined issues online and irl (another story) nd it didn't help and was merely a cashgrab- But now I just draw whatever tf I want nd feel secure in my style^^
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avenger-hawk · 1 year
Hi when you chose ns instead of sn what made you choose the top/bottom dynamic between them? Personality or physical appearance or something else? Since sn is the more popular one would it have been better since there is more content or would you still prefer ns?
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Hi..what made me choose the dynamic between them?
Their CANON personality. Cause top/bottom imo isn't just a se/xual thing, is an extention of their whole personalities.
my NS- antiSN tag.
The fact that kishi portrayed them as yin (=assertive, sun, N*ruto) and yang (=passive, moon, Sasuke), not the opposite.
N*ruto is very assertive, very dominant, with every character, especially with Sas. The whole bringing him back to the village even if he has to break all his bones is quite self-explanatory. He's the one who chases after Sas, literally.
Sasuke is passive, but some ppl don't get this because they mistake his quick reactions to stuff happening for assertiveness...it's wrong and it shows how superficial some fans are, cause the whole time Sasuke has been reacting, not acting. It's different. He reacted quickly and energically because that's how their universe works, and especially him had be, strong enough to have his revenge and survive. But he always reacted, changing plans according to new situations happening, new truths falling upon him. Nevertheless in interactions with other characters he's passive. He doesn't chase anyone (except for Itachi, who had conditioned him to do so in order to give him a reason to keep on living), he doesn't impose his will on anyone, he lets others free to follow him or not (like Team Taka). Passive doesn't mean weak.
I don't even like SNS cause their canon personalities are not SNS-ish at all. But SN is really gross to me, just like SI. SN portrayals with hyper sex/ual dominant Sas are ridiculous, even the art is usually, the poses, the facial/body traits are altered to make them fit the stereotype, bonus points when N*ruto is girly or shy...all this is out of character. It's self-insert actually. And if someone ships that stuff because they like it good for them, but when they try to sell it as in character, omg no. So I don't care if there is more content, cause that content is out of character and gross to look at imo.
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blacknidstang · 6 months
1 and 7 for the fandom ask game!
1. list 3 positive things about your current fandom(s)
Wincest fandom (rather than the entirety of spn) has been the greatest fandom experience for me for tons of reasons but here are few of em:
1) My absolute favorite thing would be how the fandom is still so alive even three years after the ending. New people join everyday, many older veterans are still around, many just deciding to come back. There's always some new take, analysis or just scenario that I haven't seen likes of, but also posts everyone has been rewriting in their own ways AND THAT'S JUST BEAUTIFUL. Everyone at certain point watching spn and losing their mind over one specific thing. It feel makes it so easy to feel connected no matter when you join.
2) The abundance of webweaving here. I know it's in general a popular tumblr format but I don't think I've seen it so rampant in one specific fandom the way it is in Wincest corner. The fandom had such history with webweaving and comparatives that even Siken mentioned it and this has lead me to discover many many amazing poems and literature.
3)This fandom is absolutely UNHINGED. Like I haven't seen a fandom so collectively deranged and the crazy part is that the morbid madness is not just for wincest but also ppl who are more strictly into weirdcest/platonic samdean. Ive seen enough nonshippers also obsessed the madness inducing fucked up thing between sam & dean and i love love that. But srsly Shipping wincest is a slippery slope into necro, gore, dadfucking, carfucking, cannibalism, stuff that in some previous fandoms i had much harder time to find group of people for.
7. your favorite tropes to read/write/draw
When it comes to reading, even begore spn i think my main food has been angst/whump/hurt no (or sometimes and) comfort, noncon and generally dark themes, feeling realization, first times, unrequited becoming requited, angst with happy ending, but also bad ending & character death and the NON-fixits that make things worse<3
But thing with sam & dean is that i become even open about thing i didn't like before??? Like i hated soulmate trope for certain reasons but with sam and dean im just, yep, soulmates. Domestic bliss & established relationships was so so boring to me but with sam & dean it can be sooo comforting (and even angsty in less traumatic way). I also doubled down on character death bc i want my boys suffering <3. God i DID NOT like anything involving parenting and children but i grew sooo fond of samdean parenting jack. and oh gen fics!?? I would read gen fics sooooo rarely before wincest but now i also madly love weirdcest that is genuinely gen with non-shipping goggles that go "fuck im not even making this up". AND omg I'll shut up but this one being sooo new for me but outsider oc or random mentioned character viewpoint. (That blurry wife pov fic and few others like that making me go insane) like i was never into oc fics but with sam & dean defining them through other lenses is addictive!!!
Thank you for letting me ramble <333
love your fandom ask game
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vulcansmercury · 2 years
I'm coming here to bother😇😇
How are you?
Do you have any artwork you think is underrated?
(So we can reblog)
Sorry it took me long to answer this! Life has been kinda busy lately. I've been preparing for uni and I'm in the process of applying to some now.
I'm doing pretty good today💕 one thing I'm glad to be relieved of is worrying abt getting encanto big bang stuff done. Thankfully the date was extended, yay!!! I'm really grateful because I want my work to be the best it can be x I'm so excited to see everyone else's finished pieces💗
The artwork question is such good idea!! So cute!!😭😭😭
Here's some art accounts I think all of you should check out! They're are primarily encanto fanart lolll... but check out the og blogs and look at their other stuff too x
With this list I'm trying to add ppl that I don't see talked abt that much, but really deserve the opposite💖
Let's get self promo out of the way first: here's some of my original character work, if you're interested: 💗 💕 💖 (I'm gonna be making a new pinned post soon, thats gonna catologe all my original work and fanart stuff, because I know original stuff gets lost in all the fan work.)
✨My OCs~~The Yvette-Verse✨
Yvette-Verse character lineup🌤
Yvette comic💫
My bestie isn't really active on tumblr, but you should all definitely check her out. She's got more stuff on her insta too:
Her tumblr▪︎@valentineee
Her insta▪︎Main- TrappedintheMorgue
Side- LazySlug
YOU @lilrobinbird
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Post link💕
It is insane that you don't have more eyes on you IT IS ACTUALLY CRIMINAL😤😤😤. your style is so intricate and painterly, it reminds me of old master's paintings. The way you draw features is so unique and cute, its so cool💕💖
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Post link🐀
Look at this. The story, the detail, THE RATTIES
Their art is legitimately so gorgeous, sometimes, I can't believe it's traditional!
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Post link💫
Just... look at this art style, it literally always takes my breath away ITS BEAUTIFUL. So expressive and unique, I love it sm. They also have an encanto fanfiction too, it's set a few years in the future and is Mirabel x oc, I would never usually look for those stories on my own, since I'm not really into non canonical ships, but the art they made for it intrigued me and although I haven't read it in a while, from what I did read it was amazing. Really well written and descriptive!
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Post link🐁
Gender bent Bruno has my whole heart!! SHES SO KIN WORTHYYY😭 plus their style is so expressive and BEAUTIFUL💞💞💞
@kafeino (they don't want their art to be reposted, so I decided to just add the links x)
Antonio and his birdie😇 ▪︎ Camilo looking like a menace😈
They have a few encanto fanarts, all of them are so good and colourful! Like, look at the way they draw hands.... omg. But these ones are SEVERELY UNDERRATED. As of rn I think the Camilo one has 72 notes and the Antonio one has 47?? THATS AN INJUSTICE WTFFF????
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Post link🕯🕯
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Post link🐉 this has 19 notes are you HAVING ME ON!!???
ALMA LORE!!! PLUS ANTONIO WITH ELDRITCH HORROR BEAST AND HES SO NONCHALANT ABT IT??? YESSSSSSSS. I really love their simple yet effective art style, it really inspires me to experiment with my style a bit 🥰🥰🥰
@fruit-goose (they don't want their art to be reposted, so I decided to just add the links x)
Queen Isabela🌸
This style... the colouring... the lines... no words, how does this only have 70 notes?!??😤😤😤😤😤😤😤
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Post link💋👂
The colours, the proportions, the expression, HER, I literally love it so much it makes my eyes happy. Op's style is so cool, I literally love it so much, so inspiring, makes me want to paint and experiment 🤩🤩💗💗💗
@summersofsalt (they don't want their art to be reposted, so I decided to just add the links x)
Pepa being badass🌩⛈
This style is just so cute, yet it can convey such strong, angry emotion. The colours and movement, PEPA’S EYES, it reminds me for some reason of lino printing. It's so cool!!
I really wish I could add more! This community is so talented and amazing💞 so feel free to add onto this post and @ some of your severely underrated faves💕💕
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hotgirlmuseboardxo · 6 months
hey girl! How was the week?
omg hi!! lets do life updates:
i have a feral troll in my soul telling me i need to quit my job or it will explode HAHAHA like i deadass feel like i'm on the titanic bc the ship is sinking and i been trying 2 save it but i just can't do it anymore. i have a meeting w/ my boss tmrw (he's notorious for cancelling these things tho), he was supposed to get me info about updating my contract in august but "forgot" (also notorious for this 😭 ). i just messaged our old editor in chief to be like "girl are these ppl doing anything illegal to me" lmaooooo bc if they are i WILL be going elle woods mode on that man ! i have outgrown my role there it's like trying to fit a size five shoe on a size nine foot baby 🤥
going to toronto 2 see my besties for my bday in feb WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (something magic will happen here i sense)
i did not hangout w/ a single person in november (the vibes were rancid, god was protecting me) but i had a v candid conversation w/ one of my oldest gfs about how i felt like our relationship was struggling and wanting to improve it so we've been doing that and it's been so slay <3. we met working at h&m in 2016 lol now she's a wife and mutha and homeowner and i'm single w/ two cats and a boujee lil girl cave. iconique! we went shopping + got yummy pizza last night and on saturday i'm going to her place to celebrate her bday (i got her rare beauty cream blush, highly recommend xoxo) with another friend!!
i'm still going live on tumblr everydayyy, honestly my goal is just to help educate u cuties on emotional intelligence and taking back your power through understanding your energy !!! and answer any other q's u have about makeup/fashion/pop culture, whatever!! it's v fun ur all invited to come hang w/ me 🥰
i have a bunch of new clothes coming for christmas and i'm v excited to play dress-up + take pics for you guys. also excited to give gifts !! going to do a birth chart reading for each of my parents + got my dad a new keurig and madre some skin care
i'm like sooooo happy w/ how my body looks but my scorpionic ass can never be stagnant lol so in the new year i'm gonna do more arms n abs stuff, also always trying to make my ass fatter haahahhaa
life is fun! always :) so glad u r here living it with me besties xoxo
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