#let me out my husband needs smooches
vodid · 1 year
ok i keep seeing awfully targeted vagueposts about me pertaining to my silly idw-exclusionary prowlsweep campaign — which i didn't expect to have gained so much traction and negative reactions — so, while yes, i understand lighthearted jokes may still hit home a little too closely, i'm not responsible for your feelings /neu. but i get it. we're protective of our blorbos and i have a hard time with the jokes too. especially about prowl and especially especially about idw prowl, believe it or not. i do get upset over them, which i suppose was why i ran my campaign like that. many of the polls (from what i could see, i probably missed a lot) were just "my blorbo is so sweet he deserves to win" but swervesweep was solidly "do not vote for prowl he is a shit man" you can't tell me there wasn't some sort of bias because of idw prowl. there's a difference between lifting up a contender and slandering another so horribly. voting because you hate, not because you love.
so yeah, just like some had gotten upset over my campaign (even if it was a joke), i got upset upon seeing all the negative tags (even if they were jokes). i admit to getting defensive and decided to run a funny campaign focused on g1 and tfa, because there was more love for them and i wanted to try to make something a little silly but positive out of it. like "hey, ignore idw for just a second because i promise there are husband-material prowls." i do admit i may have let my saltiness show through that campaign too much, so this is a bit hypocritical of me and i fully acknowledge that.
i got more to say tho shdfdsfs this got long and messy, sorry. i'll put it under a cut. i don't usually talk this in depth about my opinion of idw prowl (or just. any opinion.) ironically for this exact reason but,,
i so desperately want to like idw prowl. i really do. and in some way, i do like him (surprising, i know). but i can't look past the way the writers and the fandom treat him. that's what i truly hate. he gets insanely (and imo undeserved) bad rep and i was just sick and tired of seeing all the unreasonable hate for him from cherrypickers. so if idw prowl is going to severely /neg affect people's opinions of prowl as a whole, then i'd prefer he didn't exist. that's my harsh and albeit a bit childish truth but i'm not sorry for it.
i dislike his portrayal for a number of reasons in that it's just not him to me. i can certainly acknowledge a character doesn't have to be consistently the same every time, and that idw was meant to be an expansion of these characters and what they can be. but it doesn't mean i like the direction they took with him. what they did to him/had him do. it was like they took his core being, what made his character solidly his, threw it at the mirror to reverse it and wondered why it shattered.
if it weren't prowl, i wouldn't have as much of a problem with his character in idw. but unfortunately, he is. in concept, he is a very interesting character with a beautifully tragic story and maybe i would've liked his skrunkly ass /affectionate. but he's just not my rodrick.
also i can't get past the ableism of his portrayal 🫶 that's not a page in my book i'd like to add besties. and not a page i'm getting into in this post.
it goes so much deeper than "wahh big titty cop man is so mean" like cmoooon. i'm not a coward for asking people to look past his wrongdoings in idw they unequivocally hate him for when literally everybody else in idw has in some way done equally bad or worse things ...but are still unconditionally loved? nah. if they can stop their bias for one (1) second, maybe they could see more. thus, idw-exclusionary campaign. in an attempt to get people to stop seeing every prowl as bad. because like i said, idw taints the fuck out of non-idw prowls. how is that any fair? (and how are we prowl lovers supposed to feel seeing all that?)
these are entirely my opinions. i'm entitled to mine just as you are yours, and i am entitled to spin the campaign in any way i want. idw-exclusionary, pro-jazzprowl, boob-loving 💖, what have you. if you didn't like it, then you were more than welcome to start your own campaign alongside me! you didn't have to leave it to me. should i have maybe tried to convince people why idw prowl's wrongdoings don't make him deserving of such hatred? sure, that'd been nice. but i'm not well enough equipped for that. you can do that tho, i'd love to see it
i can't stop you from vagueposting and i won't tell you your opinions are invalid. but if you get to share your thoughts, i'd like to as well. we can both be critical of these topics in our own way and it'd be nice to come to an understanding instead of having to resort to blocking and vagueposting. (me? the coward? /j) you have every right to do that though, especially if its for your own comfort, and i really can't stop you. but it'd be real nice if we didn't outright attack the person and call them names. this problem is bigger than me. i just happened to speak on it.
all in all, it's not that serious of a situation — or rather, i wish it wasn't and i'm upset that i'm even writing this. i shouldn't have to write this, but you guys cannot for the life of yourselves understand the basic reason behind the campaign. or do you just refuse to? did you think to ask why?
we're both protective of prowl. idw or not. we were on the same team and it's not an awful thing to want to encourage people to consider other prowls before idw. i want them to see he can be good! i want them to see what i see in him. he's just a little blorbo man and it's funny in a bit of a sad way that i'm getting so heated over a fictional character and a silly poll.
sorry to poll ops. i didn't want it to spiral like that. i truly did have a lot of fun running my little campaign, even if it looked a bit (lightheartedly) aggressive. i just wanted my blorbo to win fandom favor for once 💔 jazz vs prowl would have been absolutely hilarious too. even as a non-j/p shipper, i hope you'll agree it'd have been funny to see us losing our minds over having to choose but that's besides the point!
in the end (it didn't even matter) we're all robot lovers. and it's sad we tend to have such a difficult time getting along. i'm here to make art and it's all supposed to be fun and games.
sorry to my many new followers too, this isn't the best first impression. i try to keep this stuff off my blog. i hope u like my art and thanks for sticking around — yes, even u swervesweepers (you absolute TRAITORS /lh /lh 💕)
take care of yourselves
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gojoux · 8 months
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Gojo. Geto. Sukuna. Nanami. Choso. Toji. Megumi. Itadori. Yuta. Inumaki.
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◈ — 𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎
His eyes would light up and a wide grin appeared on his face. “Baby, it would hurt me if we’re not getting married.” He gives you many pecks on your face as he holds you close in his embrace. He’s actually already planning on how he’d propose to you. He’d be giddy at the thought and start pampering you. “I love you soo, sooo much!” as he kisses you with smooching sounds.
◈ — 𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐎
“Of course we can. I’d be a fool if I refused to marry you.” He’d give you that gentle smile of his as he placed a hand on your cheek and caressed your skin with his thumb. “I will marry you, I promise you that.” In his head, he’s thinking of what would your wedding be like, and the thought of you being by his side in an important ceremony makes him happy.
A sly smile appears on his face, “What an interesting question, my dear.” He wraps his arm over your shoulder to hold you closer to him and presses a kiss on top of your head. “Why would we not get married? I can’t let you go.” He’ll grab your chin with his other hand to make you look at him straight in the eyes. “No other man will ever marry you except me.”
“Yes,” he answers with no hesitation, yet his face remains the same so you’re kind of confused about what he’s actually thinking. “I don’t see why not, love. Marriage is a serious commitment, another proof of our love for one another, and I can’t imagine building a future with anyone other than you.” He already has the ring, he just needs to find the right moment.
His eyes widen in surprise, he just can’t believe someone would want to marry him, and that someone is you, his love. “You want to marry me?” He asks to make sure if you’re certain. He knows he can’t give you much besides himself. When you assure him, he’ll be so happy like it’s a dream. He vows to himself to take care of you for the rest of his life.
◈ — 𝐓𝐎𝐉𝐈
He’d look at you with his usual cool-headed gaze, “That’s a hard request that goes beyond my interests. But if you ask me, I would say ‘yes’.” He answers as it is. For him, marrying you would be easy, but he may not feel like it at the moment, but he also changes his mind easily just for you. He’d rather have you near him and make it official rather than never see you again.
He’d never thought much about it, he always assumed he’d end up alone, so it took him a while to answer your question. “There is something about being with you. It makes me feel like I can be comfortable and happy with someone. So, yes, I’d love to marry you.” He looks away shyly but he’s honest with his words. He’d think about it for a long time.
“Wait, you’re really asking me to marry you?” He points at himself as he stares at you. Don’t get him wrong, he’s actually very happy, just surprised. “Hell yeah! I want to marry you. You'd make my dreams come true. I'd be honored to be your husband!” He lets out a happy laugh and starts suggesting many places to go on your honeymoon.
◈ — 𝐘𝐔𝐓𝐀
You made this boy beyond delighted by just asking him that. “Oh, yes, yes, of course. We can get married!” He nods eagerly. He’s passionate about love, and he’s just glad that you’re on the same page with him that you wanted to get married. He’ll ask what you want your wedding to be like, and all that. He hasn’t bought a ring to propose to you yet, so he’s rather panicky about it.
He’s between happy and surprised that it’s making him even more speechless. He nods immediately like he’s going to break his neck and gives you two thumbs up of approval, “Shake, shake!” He’ll treat you like you’re already married, showering you with kisses as he hugs you tight. He’ll keep bringing the topic up, he just wants to marry you as soon as possible.
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Uh, helloow, it's been a while 👉👈
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starlostseungmin · 21 days
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✰ notes: this is 2 days late but jeongin’s here!! thank you so much to that jeongin biased anon who read my husband minho headcanon and for giving me this idea!! i appreciate you so much <33 not proofread. DO NOT FORGET TO REBLOG, COMMENT AND LEAVE TAGS! thank you <33
chan | lee know | changbin | hyunjin | han | felix | seungmin ( jeongin )
Husband Jeongin who tripped when he got down on one knee just to propose. You laughed at him but said yes at the end. He got embarrassed so you gave him the sweetest kiss on the lips which he gladly returned passionately.
Husband Jeongin whose Hyungs got emotional the moment he’s officially married. Chan and Hyunjin cried the most. 
Husband Jeongin who got a full sponsor from Chan throughout your wedding to your honeymoon because he was generous and loves to spoil Jeongin. You too. 
Husband Jeongin who is clumsy and gives you secondhand embarrassment but the amount of love still remains. He tripped at the bowling alley after rolling the ball on your date. Not once but twice. 
Husband Jeongin whose idea of dates consists of watching movies at the cinema, shopping, eating at your favorite restaurants, and spontaneous travels. 
Husband Jeongin who scams you with his cuteness just to make you buy him some stuff, especially his type of shoes and he feels like he’s on top of the world when you do. He goes for the weird ones with style. 
Husband Jeongin who buys you your favorite albums even though he jokes around that you’re cheating on him with another group rather than his own. 
Husband Jeongin who loves shopping and stealing kisses inside the fitting room cubicles while you are changing. You weren’t used to it as it leaves a blush on your cheeks. 
Husband Jeongin who loves taking selfies with you. In this marriage, you are the photographer and he’s the model but at the same time, he loves taking pictures of you, especially candid ones. 
Husband Jeongin who loves food, and rates them with you based on their tastes. 
Husband Jeongin who takes you out on a night stroll while eating ice cream you two bought from the convenience store nearby. 
Husband Jeongin who is the reason for your cuteness aggression that makes you want to smooch and cuddle him all day. He can’t resist any physical touch from you anyway. 
Husband Jeongin who can’t cook to save his life so you taught him how to yet still fails. You both just laugh it off. 
Husband Jeongin who respects your beliefs and never judges them. 
Husband Jeongin whose love languages are gift-giving, quality time, and physical touch. 
Husband Jeongin who lets you sleep on his shoulder, on his lap, or just use his body as your pillow. He doesn’t mind and doesn’t say anything but initiates cuddles to make you more comfortable. 
Husband Jeongin who gets angry when someone upsets you and is the type of person to do something back so no one could touch you again. 
Husband Jeongin who can’t keep up for a long time being not okay with you after an argument and proceeds to apologizeーhugging you tenderly as he whispers that he loves you. 
Husband Jeongin who doesn’t want to be away from you for a long time and misses you the most when he goes abroad to work. He’ll call you when he gets to the airport or when he’s not busy. 
Husband Jeongin who loves kids but doesn’t pressure you to have one with him.
Husband Jeongin who tries his hardest in this relationship to give you the love you deserve but you insist that he doesn’t need to put in a lot of effort because he is already enough and the heartwarming things he does with you are considered as reassurance. 
Husband Jeongin who is a baby and still a baby for you even if he insists that he’s already a grown-up. His Hyungs would argue otherwise. 
Husband Jeongin who has a precious smile and adorable laugh. He has a lot of cute sides and whines like a kid in a good and acceptable manner. 
Husband Jeongin who is always true about his feelings for you and never lies. 
Husband Jeongin whom you love the most in the world and swore you’ll protect him at any cost. 
Husband Jeongin who promised to love you forever and never hurt you which you’d do too. 
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✰ taglist: @notastraykid , @ameliesaysshoo , @l3visbby , @reignessance , @lix-ables , @skzfelixlove , @rachabreathing , @hyunverse , @minluvly , @sleepyleeji , @starseungs , @midsoulz , @oddracha , @armystay89
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sunnebeam · 10 months
"i was hoping i wouldn't have to resort to this."
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pairing: min yoongi x reader
plot: the (mis)adventures of retired gangster min yoongi as he leaves behind the life of the mafia and navigates the way of the househusband.
warnings: the way of the househusband au, marriage au, crack, domesticity, yoongi unintentionally scares people
masterlist + disclaimers.
note: go on tell me d-day!yoongi isn't tatsu I DARE YOU 😤 btw u don't need to watch the way of the househusband before reading this, but i swear u won't regret it if u do lol it's so funny (and it gives great visuals for this fic!). anyways, enjoy!! i'd love to hear ur thoughts so drop by my askbox and let's chat :)
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Water drips down his neck as he washes his face. Droplets fall down his tattooed back, tracing the meticulous lines and bold colors that contrast his pale skin.
After rinsing and drying off, he dons on his outfit for the day – a fitted, white, short-sleeved shirt that shows off the intricate tattoos on both his arms and some black sweatpants – and puts on his signature apron – a beige, cotton apron with a drawing of his brown poodle on the front. Said poodle is staring at him from the bathroom door as he takes one last look at the mirror.
An old, bumpy scar runs down his right eye.
"Perfect," he says to himself before heading to the kitchen with his dog following right behind.
Min Yoongi never used to wake up this early. But these days, he wakes up bright and early at six o'clock because he has an important assignment.
"What do you think, Holly? Too big?"
The poodle barks in response, and taking its opinion into consideration, Yoongi adjusts his gimbap slices accordingly, making them a tad bit smaller and just the perfect size for your lunchbox.
The door to your shared bedroom opens and you run out, already dressed in your corporate attire. You run to the kitchen where your husband is and get a huge glass of water.
"I'm late!" you screech, all while gulping down the whole glass.
"But you still have a few hours," he points out in confusion.
"I forgot I have an early meeting!" you explain in a hurry, putting on your heels before giving your husband a big smooch on the lips and blowing Holly a kiss. "Sorry, Yoonie! I'll see you later!"
And you're out the door.
Yoongi blinks for a few moments before shaking his head. He's chuckling in amusement at your mishap, but if any outsider hears his laughter, it just sounds a bit manic.
"Well, looks like it's just you and me, Holly."
Holly barks.
"Huh? What was that?"
Holly barks.
Yoongi stares at the poodle, then at your Hello Kitty lunchbox he meticulously prepared, then back at the poodle.
"She forgot her lunchbox?"
Holly barks.
Yoongi snaps into action, securing the lunchbox and putting it inside a Hello Kitty cloth bag before running out the door with his cute apron still on. He mounts his bicycle and speeds towards your office – which, if he was driving a car, would have broken numerous traffic regulations but luckily he isn't a stranger to breaking a law or two.
He's almost to your office. He's halfway there.
But unfortunately, there's a bit of a situation.
"What's your occupation, sir?"
The two police officers stare at him hesitantly after flagging him down for pedalling too fast with his bicycle. They're debating on giving him a ticket but then Yoongi answers.
They stare at him.
Yoongi sighs. At this rate, he won't be able to catch you before you clock in.
"Wait a second," one of the officers says, eyeing the tattoos peeking out from Yoongi's shirt and the big scar on his eye. "Are you..."
They stare at the name on the ticket. Min Yoongi.
"...Agust D?"
No way, the other officer thinks. There's a rumor about an infamous gangster called Agust D who used to slaughter his enemies with his own two hands. This guy can't be him. Right? Right?!
They hold a breath when Yoongi reaches into his pocket.
"I was hoping I wouldn't have to resort to this," he murmurs.
"Wait, sir. There's no need for violence—"
"Here," Yoongi shuts them up by thrusting one of his most precious possessions.
A gift card for discounts at the local grocery store.
The police officers stare at the gift card, bewildered.
"As much as it pains me to let go of this," Yoongi continues, "take it. Now, I have to go."
And he pedals away, leaving behind one gift card and two very confused cops.
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simpxxstan · 9 days
it isn't you
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pairing: elementary school teacher!boo seungkwan x f.reader
genre: fluff and angst.
summary: you're ready to begin a completely new life in seoul, away from your ex-husband and your baggage of regrets. but fate has different plans for you when you meet seungkwan again, and this time, you don't want to let go.
word count: 8.3k words
rating: pg 13 
warnings: reader is a single mother. mentions of divorce, cold parents, poor parent-child relationship, anxiety and worries. mention of accidental pregnancy.
a/n: i CRAVE seungkwan w babies content and i wrote this completely to indulge my own craving. hope you enjoy! as always, would love to hear your thoughts!! reblogs and comments are so much appreciated <3
this is part of the boys over flowers series featuring booseoksoon + chan! this is the second instalment in that series.
“Eomma, there’s no need to be so scared!” Dahyun reminds you, putting her little hands on your arms as she hugs you. “Yes, yes,” you pause your mumbling and hug her back. It’s hard to believe that she turned four last week because she still feels so tiny in your arms. She’s definitely more calm than you as you both stand in front of the school you’ve come to enrol her at.
“It’s just… I’m just checking that you have everything with you. Okay. Eomma will come at three pm, and get you started in the creche, okay? Please listen to your teachers. If you want, talk to your classmates, hmm? I won’t force yo-” “Eomma! Shh! I’ve been to a school before, you know? I know how schools work.” She makes a serious face, and you laugh. “Alright, darling. When Eomma comes, let me know how your first day was. I love you Dahyun-ah, have fun, hmm?” And you press kisses to the side of her head before she plants a wet smooch on your cheek and runs off. “Bye Eomma!”
And she runs without looking back, and you wonder how she’s so relaxed and you’re so tense about her first day.
Probably because you had been a wreck throughout your school days. Well, she’s turned out to be quite not like you. Good for her. Easy for you. You remember your mother being so stressed because her daughter cried after every first day in each new class year at school, didn’t make a single friend till she turned seven, and barely scraped through most of her classes. Yeah, easy for you. 
It’s been two months since you’ve shifted from Gwangju to Seoul, and to be honest, you’ve felt like it’s your first day in school again for each day of the last two months. Finding a place for yourself and your daughter, settling down in your new job, and now, getting your daughter’s life started after you uprooted it in the middle of the school year when you moved out of Gwangju. It’s nice that Dahyun’s barely made a mess about it all- she’s honestly too understanding as a child, and you don’t deserve her- but it’s still worrying for you to see your daughter go through all this at such a tender age and think of what impact it may have on her later. Your parents haven’t been the least bit supportive, so all you have is Dahyunie and all she has is you. 
When you’re getting up on the bus, once you see Dahyun safely enter the school campus, you feel your phone buzz. It’s your boss calling to find out where you are. You’ve already informed work that you’re going to be about half an hour late so it’s an entirely unnecessary call, but you know he’s a little nosy, although not necessarily with bad intentions. In less than twenty minutes, you’ve reached office and got buried nose-deep into work, and soon, it’s three pm already. 
When you arrive at Sebong Elementary School, you see a crowd of parents and their tiny tots gathered around what you think is the hall where the creche is going to be organised. You’re frantically looking for Dahyun in the crowd, when something comes and jumps at your knees. “Eomma!” A brightly-smiling Dahyun hugs your legs and you quickly bend down to pick her up. “Hi, hi, sorry I’m late, I got-” “It’s okay, Eomma.” She kisses you on the cheek before wrapping herself like a koala on your side. “How was your first day, baby?” “Good. Not 5 stars because there was so much crying-” “Oh dear, why?” “Because some of the other kids were missing home! I didn’t cry, because I was having fun talking to my teachers and making friends and colouring into my alphabet book and-” “Oh, darling you made friends? Such a brave baby,” you kiss her, as you both walk towards the hall and Dahyun continues her loud rambling all about her school day. And soon, along with the other twenty-odd parents and their children, you finally make it into the hall. There are two teachers standing up on one side, greeting the children. You can see one of them is a female, wearing a bright green banner pasted to her shirt with her name printed on it. The other teacher is a male, and he has his back towards you. You slowly make your way to the female teacher, who apparently Dahyun recognises from one of her classes. Once she’s greeted you two and assigned you a seat, you sit there quietly. Dahyun finds a few familiar faces in the crowds and you make small talk with their parents, while the others settle down. 
“Hello everyone! Welcome to Sebong Creche! We’re so happy to have you all here with us.” The female teacher greets the crowd and everyone smiles and claps softly, as do you. Suddenly your phone is buzzing. It’s your boss again. Seems that the message that you’re taking the half day off hasn’t reached him, so you’re trying to type him a message when a voice surprises you. 
No, it, in fact, makes your head spin and your heart stop. 
“My name is Boo Seungkwan and this is Choi Ria! We’ll be taking care of the creche for the next six months! Pleased to meet you all.”
Fuck. Your phone slips and drops from your hand and Dahyun yelps in your lap in surprise. The phone makes a dreadfully loud sound, and in the silence of the room, everyone looks at you. You gulp and pick up your phone, trying to avoid drawing more attention, but you can’t help but notice one pair of eyes fixated on you, the single person you’d tried to avoid.
And god, he looks just the same as he did five years ago when you’d seen him last before leaving for Gwangju. His hair is now brown and his blue sweater brings out the fresh glow of his skin, and fuck you if every regret of your life isn’t flooding into your mind at this very second. The female teacher speaks up, thankfully taking the attention from you, but not Seungkwan. His eyes still linger on yours, a confused expression in his eyes, before looking away and breaking eye contact. 
Oh god. Just when everything was going to go right. 
Once the initial briefings are over, parents are offered the chance to leave and pick their children back again at the designated time, or sit through this first session as the kids get used to the creche atmosphere. Dahyun is right- too many kids are crying. And you would too, if you had been here. But Dahyun is lively, she’s confidently eating her banana and singing to herself as the teachers give everyone their snacks.
But to be fair, your eyes are only on Seungkwan. He’s moving around with a lithe familiarity, and children cling to him with every minor inconvenience. It’s in the way he’s talking to them, the way he’s approaching them, and in the way he’s handling them with so much care, that you already feel safe about leaving Dahyun here. 
It’s not a new sensation, though. Feeling safe around him. 
So when everyone leaves and Dahyun has finally packed her bag and run to the spot you’ve been sitting all the while, you pick her up and turn around to find Seungkwan standing near you. Up close, even with the tiredness setting into his features, you notice how manly and mature he looks- so different from the fresh-faced college boy you’d left behind in Seoul so many years ago. 
“Hello Ms. Y/L/N. Thank you for trusting your… daughter with us.”
Oh. Formals. So it’s going to be like that, is it. Dahyun giggles when Seungkwan extends a hand to pat her hair, his hand awfully close to your own hand, so he quickly takes his hand away. “Seungkwanie Ssaem likes tangerines, he said! I like banana!” Dahyun giggles again, and you finally let out a breath and say, “I’m relieved to know that I’m leaving her in capable hands.” Because, truly, who would take care of Dahyun like Seungkwan would? Who would care for Dahyunie with hands so gentle, and a smile so kind, and eyes so soft like Seungkwan would? Seungkwan would sense, would know by instinct, what she would want. After all…
And then Seungkwan gives you a tight smile, much less kind than the one he gives to Dahyun, and waves you goodbye. You look away, unable to stare any longer, and make your way home with your little angel in your arms. 
School works out excellently for Dahyun-ah. It turns out Seugnkwan is not always there. There are two teachers working out alternately. So you can only catch Seungkwan again two days later, when you arrive a tad bit late and find Dahyun sitting on Seungkwan’s lap and the both of them playing with a playdough.
“I didn’t know you teach in this school, Seungkwan.” You say when he comes to hand your child to you. He doesn’t meet your eyes, still distracted with scratching off the playdough from Dahyun’s fingers. “I wouldn’t have come here if I’d known,” you add softly and he looks up. It’s true, but it’s not something you necessarily regret. 
“Does it matter?”
You keep the eye contact, and whisper, “It does.” Seungkwan turns away, clearly not intent on melting ice so quickly. “Seungkwan-ah, it’s not what you think it is!” 
He turns back ever so slightly. “Has it ever been what I’ve thought it is?”
Right then, Dahyun pokes your shoulder and yawns, indicating how sleepy she is. It’s time to go home. 
“Eomma!” Dahyun asks you as soon as you reach the creche. Today you’re on time, so it’s still crowded with other kids and their parents who’ve come to pick them up. You bend down and kiss Dahyun on her cheek. “Aww my baby.” She kisses you back, “Eomma I had a question!” You nod, fixing her shoes on her feet. “Why does my name start with Y/L/N and not Lee like Appa’s? All my friends at the creche have their names starting with their Appa’s family name.” Oh god. She’s about to find- she knows, she knows, she’s- she’s angry at you for hiding it- 
“Dahyunie, I’m sorry I-”
“Huh? Why’re you saying sorry, Eomma?” She looks genuinely confused and you reconsider for a second. Was it an innocent question or-”
“You look like you’re about to cry.” 
In your mess, you haven’t even noticed when the crowds have started to clear up and Seungkwan has crouched down next to you, holding a small cup of water. You stare at him, his big, beautiful, brown eyes, and you take the cup slowly. 
Dahyun smiles at her teacher, and you remember how Seungkwan was so intent on not conversing with you the last time you tried to talk to him. So you’ve made up your mind. If he wants to keep his distance, you will too. He wasn’t in the plan, anyway. But then Seungkwan asks, “I want to know too. Why does she not have her father’s family name?” You realise then, just how close he is to you. Your conversation is happening in it’s own bubble, and the rest of the world won’t even be able to hear anything. The pink from Dahyun’s dress reflects on Seungkwan’s face, giving it a more bubblegum glow than usual. He keeps his eyes on yours, and you feel obligated to answer.
“That’s because… Appa isn’t family anymore. Ever since I left Gwangju.”
That’s the most sugar-coated way you can explain it to Dahyun, who seems to get it nevertheless. She nods and explains to Seungkwan- “Eomma and Appa don’t talk to each other anymore. That’s why we’re here in Seoul. It’s already been three months.” You know she’s starting to forget her father’s voice, she told you once in the warm moments before sleep. You’d cried in the bathroom that night, feeling terrible and only calming down once you reminded yourself that it was your only choice. 
Seungkwan keeps looking at you. There’s something in his eyes, as his eyes go from your eyes, to your lips and then fall to your hand where he notices the absence of a wedding ring. Maybe it is curiosity, you wonder. But he also doesn’t ask anything else in front of Dahyun, and you’re thankful. 
“Your daughter is lovely.” 
You bite your lip to stop yourself from correcting him. “She is. Just turned four.” His eyes become curious again, but then he blinks and looks at Dahyun. “I was wondering if you’d enrolled her into any sports classes? I think she’d enjoy them, because she’s an active child.” 
You nod, “I did consider. I didn’t know which classes were good in Seoul so I’d thought I’d wait another year before enrolling her to ensure she settles down well…”
“Oh. That’s your call, I guess. But Dahyun seems to be settling down well enough. If you want… distractions, say… then a sport activity would be great.” 
“You’re right. I’ll check it out for sure. If you had any suggestions…”
“There’s a badminton coaching centre nearby. Perhaps you could check them out.”
“Thank you. I will. Thank you so much.” Seungkwan nods once at you, eyes lingering, before he waves sweetly at Dahyun and takes his leave. 
That night, your subconscious plays tricks on you. It floods your dreams with memories, leaving you sweaty and squirmy at night, even as the air conditioner blasts cool air into the room. Memories you thought you’d forgotten. Memories of a certain boy running laps in the college volleyball field during practice and you sitting in the corner of the ground, finishing your homework. Memories of that boy running to you during the ten minute break, sipping an energy drink from his sipper and kissing you in the spot of shade you’ve been sitting in, his mouth tasting like the orange flavour of the drink. Memories of you giggling, because his sweat is rubbing on your arms and he’s so gross, but you still can’t stop yourself from hugging him close for the rest of the short break. Memories of him promising to convince Coach to let him go fast because he wants to walk you home because it’s so unsafe to walk alone in the evening. Memories of Seungkwan giving you a last peck on your lips before jogging back to the grounds, both his and your cheeks smudged with sunshine and affection, eyes warm with the power of love, and hearts pure without any worry of life. 
“Hello?” Your voice is desperate as you wait for the person on the other side of the line to answer. This is the first time you’re calling the creche, as your boss had suddenly decided you need to finish a task before leaving, even if it’s raining cats and dogs outside, even if you have a daughter who’s waiting for you at a creche, even if it’ll be totally fine to finish the task at home and submit it later. Consequently, you got out of work late and the bus is stuck in a road full of traffic due to the terrible weather and you’re already half an hour late to Dahyun’s creche’s closing time. 
“Yes, this is Sebong Creche. I’m speaking to?”
“Oh, I’m so sorry, this is Dahyun’s mom-”
“Y/N?” It’s Seungkwan. He must be able to hear the way your voice is cracking with panic. It’s odd to introduce yourself as Dahyun’s mom to Seungkwan but that’s the way it is now. 
“I’m so sorry, I really am-”
“Calm down, please. Tell me what’s happening.”
“I… I got stuck at work… and I’m running late. I’m sorry for all this inconvenience-”
“Y/N, shh. Stop apologising and talk to me. Where are you now?”
“Umm, I’m still at my office. Please leave her near a guard or someone, Seungkwan, and I can pick her up in a short while! I’m trying to get out of her as soon as-”
“I can take her to your home.”
“Oh but-”
“Dahyun’s told me that you live in the neighbourhood right next to the school. I can walk her till there. She has a spare key, yes? She can get in.”
“But it’s raining!”
“And we have raincoats.”
“I don’t want to impose on you, honestly. You could just leave her-”
“And let her be alone? Y/N, you’re out of your mind.”
“But I don’t want to trouble you, Seungkwan-ah.”
“Do you not trust me?” You pause. You do trust him. There is nobody else you would trust more with your daughter. Fuck it. 
“I do trust you.”
“Then finish your work and come home safely. Dahyunie and I will head to your home.”
It’s about two hours later that you are able to reach home, only to find Seungkwan and Dahyun both giggling away at something he’s showing to her on his phone. They’re sitting at the island in the kitchen, and you notice the bottle of milkshake that had been stored in the fridge for Dahyun is now empty next to her. When you enter, they notice you and Dahyun immediately squeals out in joy. She gets off the high chair she was sitting in and comes running to you and you immediately pick her up in your arms. Something unfamiliar and beautiful blooms in your mind, but it’s immediately clouded down by a sadness which you don’t understand. 
When Dahyun falls asleep after you feed her dinner which you whip up quickly, Seungkwan’s still sitting in your kitchen, eating the rice and chicken you’ve made. 
“You still cook well, Y/N.”
You’re sitting across from him, and you pick up another piece of chicken and put it on his plate. “I’m glad you still like it.”
Oh god. He’s too close for confort. He’s right here, in your house, eating dinner you’ve made, after looking after your child for two whole hours while you were stuck at work. 
Is this what life would’ve turned out to be had you not left him four years back?
It seems that he’s thinking the same thing too, because he asks you, “Did you get the job you were studying for?”
“Yeah. I did. I am an actuary now.”
He smiles, digging into his food again, scrunching up his face as he chews it all down. 
“And you? I didn’t think you’d ever planned to become a teacher.”
“I didn’t. Someone told me something about volleyball being an unstable career. And I thought maybe I should switch.”
You sigh. He says it so normally, even when simply hearing it breaks your heart. You stop yourself from crying, because you know it’ll just be more pathetic. You won’t be able to explain to him why you’re crying. You won’t be able to explain why your heart aches everytime you see them together. You’ve spent many a night awake, wondering what would happen if your secret gets out. It’s so cruel that fate has landed you back into the proximity of the one man you had never imagined you would see again. And sometimes you hope a silver lining may emerge from this all, but it’s a faint hope. A daydream you don’t think you can afford to dream at this juncture of life. 
“I did get her into badminton like you said. She’s a natural, the teacher said.” As expected. Seungkwan smiles proudly, and you nearly tear up. He doesn’t even know what he’s doing to you. “I hope you don’t stop her from playing even when she grows up.” He says quietly, picking up his plate and walking towards the sink. You shrink further into your seat. 
“You know it wasn’t me.”
“No, but you might have the same views as your mother.”
“You should know I don’t. There’s a reason why Sehun Oppa and I are divorced now.”
He puts the plate in the sink and turns around to look at you. “I’m sorry to hear that.” You walk towards him and stand next to him as you start the tap to wash the dishes. “I’ll do that,” he offers, but you swat his hand away. “It’s my house. You’re my guest.” “It’s a quaint house. Very you.” “Is it? I didn’t have enough time to decorate it.” “I think it’s enough- sparse but not too empty. There is room for more, better now that she’s out of her clumsy phase.” “Hmm, what would you add?” “I don’t know, let me see.” He leans against the kitchen counter, the dim lights casting a beautiful shadow under his eyelashes which make his high cheekbones look so delicate. “I’d add a standing lamp in that corner, next to the couch. And perhaps a rug in front of the couch. Better for Dahyun than sitting on the cold wood floor. And I’d- Oh sorry. I’m saying too much.” “No, really. Your ideas are helpful. I haven’t thought much about all this but when you say it, I can picture it.” You look up and smile at him, his head tilted down as he looks at you intensely. “And perhaps a photo frame on the wall between the kitchen and the living space. Those new trendy collage ones. And, also a…”
Oh god. He’s making it so hard for you to not lean in and press a kiss to his cheek right now. He’s making it so hard for you to tell him everything- from the beginning, the entire truth. 
“Do you want dessert? I have chocolate ice cream.” You know he can’t turn down ice cream. So you just laugh when you see his hesitant smile turn into a shy smile, and you ask him to sit at the couch. When you take out two scoops for each of you and take it to the couch, he shifts to the opposite end of the couch to make room for you. 
“I don’t know if it’s my place to ask you, but have you told Dahyun about the… divorce?”
You sigh, “No. I haven’t. I’m just hoping that she’ll eventually forget about him quickly… she is young, after all.” 
“Won’t he want to meet her?”
“No, we’ve completely cut ties. It was the only option- I had to move on totally. And he didn’t want to keep any link either.” 
His eyebrows furrow, and you can see the questions in his eyes. You don’t want to say anything because you don’t want to appear like a damsel in distress, but you also don’t want to worry him. 
“He wasn’t abusive or anything. We just realised that it was a marriage in futility. Divorce was a relief to both of us.”
Surprisingly, it doesn’t reduce the questions in his eyes. But he doesn’t ask anything, and you don’t elaborate. You’ve overshared enough. 
“I just want to thank you again, Seungkwan-ah. For taking care of Dahyun and bringing her to my place. You know as a mother I am incredibly grateful.”
“Just because we’re exes doesn’t mean I won’t take care of your daughter, Y/N-ah,” he chuckles bitterly. “She’s like my own, and I would do it for anyone else. It is my job, and you know it is my nature.” 
You do. It feels like whiplash to hear that he would indeed do the exact same thing for anyone else too, it feels like a gash from a knife slashed across your chest. You choke, but you muffle it as a laugh. “I know it is your nature. But I still want to thank you, nonetheless.”
He smiles. “Thanks for the ice cream. I’ll not be a bother to you anymore now.”
“You could never be a bother, Kwan-ah.” He doesn’t say anything and simply takes your leave. It’s a night that feels bittersweet to you. While it’s a nice feeling to be basked in Seungkwan’s warmth again, it feels cruel that you’ll never truly enjoy his affection, or even his friendship.
The ice does break after that day. Seungkwan gives you smiles when you go to pick up Dahyun, and that initial tenseness is definitely gone. But you don’t push it too much. You don’t want to push the status quo because you’re afraid it’ll all be gone again. You’re afraid you won’t be able to protect yourself and your happiness once again because of your own mistakes. You’ve done it once before, and it’s not ended pretty. You can’t afford to repeat errors. 
“You must cut off ties with him right away, Y/N. Or else you’ll never see me or your father again.” Your mother’s voice booms through the room, muffling the sounds of your tears as you beg at her feet. Your father stands on the other side, looking outside the window, in that unfeeling, emotionless attitude you have always seen him wear. 
“But why, Eomma! What harm has Seungkwan done to you or me or anyone at all?”
“That boy is a gold-digger! He’s after your money. He knows very well he’ll get nowhere with volleyball. A sport should remain a hobby, but I doubt a middle class doofus like him would ever have the brains to even make a decent livi-”
“Oh you’re so wrong, Eomma! How can you say such things about him when you don’t even know him?”
“That’s enough. I know enough, Y/N. And I know he is not the man you ought to be spending your life with. He will not make you happy.” Your mother stands up from her seat and walks away, carelessly pushing you aside on her way. She would trample you down and walk over you like an ant even if you’d laid down at her feet. 
Honestly, what had you ever expected from your parents when you’d told them on the day of your graduation that you had a boyfriend? You had tried to explain how wonderful Seungkwan was, but they had turned a deaf ear and insisted you cut off all relations with him. With college over, you could do nothing to stop their plans- they took away your old phone, gave you a new contact number with which you could neither contact Seungkwan nor your friends, and didn’t allow you to leave the house. It was terrible- a true prison. So when your mother had offered you one chance to leave this prison- by marrying Sehun, you’d taken it. You’d taken it because you had known it would be drastically better than living cooped up in this mess forever- your heart aching, your mind helpless and your body tired. 
Even after moving to Gwangju and starting a new life with Sehun didn’t take away the emptiness you felt in your soul. But you, like an utter coward, had resigned to this fate and accepted married life with Sehun with open arms, ready to forget about your cherished past, about Seungkwan and all that you had loved earlier. And Sehun charmed you so neatly- with gifts, affection and everything you wanted. It was so different from the manner in which Seungkwan had loved you- while he’d been tender, always asking you before doing anything, never discouraging and always supporting in the background, Sehun was more active, more aggressive in the way he made you feel special. He would often take you on these whirlwind date nights- where he would make love to you under the stars in entire picnic spots he would book for you, where you drove for miles away from the city and spent the weekend in tea plantations, where you didn’t even have to ask and he would drop the world at your feet. It was a new sort of heaven, a rush of adrenaline you had never experienced before. Not with your parents- who had never treated you with any affection. Not with Seungkwan- who’d been equally giving, but shy, passive and so soft in his love. And this rush of adrenaline blew you off your feet. 
Until the news arrived. 
One month into this new marriage, you’d found out, only by accident, that you were pregnant. Had been pregnant for an entire month. Sehun was, of course, overjoyed. You’d asked the doctor to not tell him the exact duration of your pregnancy, because of course, you knew that it wasn’t possible that the child growing inside you had been conceived with Sehun at least a week before your wedding. 
That really broke you out of the haze your new marriage had trapped you in. Guilt and sadness tore into your newly patched up heart and reminded you of the boy you’d left behind at home, without even a message of where you were going. God knows how worried he may have been for you. Instead of considering him even once, you’d been swayed away by the pleasures of married life like a fool, that too, with a man you knew no more than a mere family friend, with a man whom, honestly, you did not love, with a man who had been planted in your life by your parents to distract you away from Seungkwan. 
Oh god. 
Your parents had won, and you’d lost.
And that broke you down. No matter how hard Sehun tried, he could not get your spirit back into the relationship- and you knew that this was the end of your marriage. After that, everything was just hollow clockwork, living with a stranger who slept in your bed, ate on the same dining table, and resided under the same roof as yours. You had become reckless. Under the added influence of hormones, you let yourself get aloof from everyone and everything, choosing to bury yourself in your self-pity and detaching yourself from society. 
And then it was only Dahyun who made you smile again. 
Little Dahyun who became the light of your life. Your reason to live again, your reason to find meaning and joy again. Because she was a part of you. And because she was a part of Seungkwan.  So you’d named her accordingly. Your little bundle of sunshine. 
Oh boy, did she look like her father. Of course, Sehun never found out. He was extremely caring towards Dahyun, ever a doting father, just as giving and aggressive about his love as he had been as a husband. It was a miracle that Dahyun was born slightly later than nine months- never causing any suspicion to rise in his mind at all. And it broke your heart a little bit, but then you remembered that Sehun was never on your side, really. For all you knew, perhaps he’d just been instructed by your parents to make you feel so loved that it would make you forget about Seungkwan. And he’d definitely succeeded. Almost. 
Eventually, you became less of a wreck and more normal. Mostly because of Dahyun and how you wanted to be the best mother ever for her. But also because you realised that this was not worth giving up all your happiness for. So you went back to the world- socialising, finding a job, and doing everything you could to settle down into this life in your new home. But it never really became your home. At the end of the day, when you’d lie down in your bed with Dahyun cradled in your arms, you’d still have that empty feeling somewhere inside, wanting more from life. But obviously, you never dared to tell anyone the truth. You don’t have a way out, so it was best to fit in, until opportunity arose.
“Eomma, Seungkwan Ssaem said yes!” Dahyun’s shrill voice greets you when you arrive at the creche. “Yes to what, sweetie?” “To my birthday, of course!” She’s snugly sitting on Seungkwan’s shoulders, and it strikes you in full force, just how much she resembles her father. The large boba brown eyes, crinkled at the edges, the bangs slipping back to reveal an elegant forehead with the tiny nose and small, rosy lips, that highlight the high cheekbones and the full, plump cheeks you so adore. It’s a wonder no one has noticed it before. And you dearly hope it remains like that.
“Oh, you invited him, did you now?” You carefully ask, as Seungkwan lets Dahyun climb off his back and towards the shoe rack. “Her birthday is this Sunday. Of course, I won’t expect you to attend. She’s a child… she doesn’t know what she’s doing. She just wants to invite everyone she likes to her party, I guess.”
“It’s an honour to be liked by someone as fascinating as Dahyun-ah, Y/N. It’s hurtful that you don’t expect me to be at her party on her special invitation.” He smiles, that gentle, indulging smile of his which he uses whenever he’s teasing you, and you know it’s coming but you always get so riled up by his teasing. 
“No! I didn’t mean it like that… oh god. I haven’t gotten better with words with time, have I?”
Seungkwan’s smile becomes wider. 
“You haven’t changed at all.”
You remember the night of Dahyun’s third birthday party in Gwangju. Sehun had organised the most lavish party for her, complete with balloons of every colour and inviting nearly all her classmates at her school. Dahyun, ever the extrovert, had been so happy that night. 
But that was the night everything changed. 
Sehun takes you into a room, away from the crowds of the party, and you ask him, confused, “What’s going on?”
“You know I went to the hospital today with Dahyun to get her regular checkup from her paediatrician.” 
“I do know, yes. What about it?”
“Guess what he said. He said, among other things, Dahyun was late-born child. She was born ten months after she was conceived, not nine months.”
You drop the glass you were holding in your hand, and you feel like you can’t breathe.
“Oppa, I can explain.”
“There’s nothing to explain. She isn’t mine, is she?”
You heave a breath as you try to calculate what his next step might be. You try to calculate whether offense or defense should be your correct strategy here, because truly you have nothing to lose, except your daughter. If Sehun kicks you out and makes a show in front of your parents, you’ll run away so far that they’ll never be able to track you. 
But he doesn’t give you a chance to speak. 
“We were never really married, were we?” His hand shakes as he comes to cup your cheek. “Let’s not stay together any longer. Let’s get divorced, hmm?”
You breathe out a sigh of relief. Out of every possible answer that he could’ve given, this is undoubtedly the best, and the safest, one. 
“Yes, let’s do that, Sehun. Let’s not pretend we love each other anymore.”
Tonight, you’ve tried to give her a little bit of that splendour Sehun had given her while you both had been in Gwangju. You’ve baked her a cake with three types of chocolate, invited as many of her friends from school as she’d ever mentioned in her stories about school, and cooked tteokbokki and tangsuyuk, her favourite dishes, for the entire group at the party. 
But then Seungkwan arrives. 
Seeing him reminds you of his words at the creche where you last saw him, which had given you butterflies for the past few nights. He’d taken you back to the giggling mess you’d been at the freshman’s welcome party when Seungkwan had complimented your dress that you’d tailored for yourself and taken away your heart. Of course, it had taken many more months for you to gather the courage to even speak to him, and then more months for you both to officially begin dating, but you’d known on that night of the welcome party that Boo Seungkwan would always be your weakness. 
And you were right. His words have lingered in your mind these last few days, and now that he’s arrived at Dahyun’s party with another teacher from the school who Dahyun had specially invited, wearing a black shirt and black trousers, his hair gelled up and a bit of lip balm on his lips, he’s still giving you butterflies. 
“Thank you for coming really! Dahyun will be so overjoyed. She’s just in the other room with all the friends, they’re playing with her toys.”
“Oh it’s nothing at all. We just dropped by because we love Dahyun so much, and because hyung was so insistent,” the other teacher, Chan, says. “We haven’t met each other yet, have we?” “No, I’m afraid not. But I have heard so much about your dance classes from Dahyunie. She’s really big on sports and dancing, such an active child. A complete opposite from me, so it’s a little hard for me to understand.” You smile as you hand them both a piece of the birthday cake.
“Oh, she must’ve taken after her dad.” Chan says with a smile, unknowingly speaking the truth. 
“You’re right. She has.”
“This tastes amazing, Y/N-ah.” Seungkwan quietly says as he eats his cake. 
“Oh. I’m glad. I made it for her. Chocolate is her favourite flavour.” 
“Would it be too much for ask for another slice?” Chan says with a giggle, and you cry out, “Of course not! I’m a bad host for not offering you anyway. I’m sorry, here you go.”
“So, you and hyung know each other from college, I heard.”
Seungkwan’s sharp breath can be heard and you’re instantly on the edge. “Yes. We… were friends.” We were in love. “Your hyung wanted to become a volleyball star at that time, Chan-ssi.” I stole his dream from him. “Oh really? I never knew you played it so seriously, hyung! Y/N-ssi, did you also play?” “Oh no. Like I said, I was never into sports.” 
“No.” You almost miss Seungkwan’s voice. “Your parents never encouraged you to try out sports.” Chan looks at him puzzled, and he continues, “It’s important for parents to let children experiment with different things as a child to let them make their own choices. I hope you won’t make the same mistakes your parents made, Y/N-ah.” 
You’re silent for a second before replying, “I’m here because I’m not going to make the same mistakes, Seungkwan. But it’s fair for you to not trust me to be a good mother.”
“I never said that,” his eyes soften. “I’ve always known you’d be the best mother, Y/N-ah. And I can see that in the way Dahyun’s been brought up.”
In that moment with electricity charged between your gazes, you’ve both forgotten about Chan sitting there right in between you two. There’s so much going unsaid, so much you can’t even explain, so much you don’t even want to admit to yourself. 
“Chan Ssaem! Seungkwan Ssaem! You came!” Dahyun bursts in suddenly, and behind her are a flurry of other tiny kids from her class. They all cheer very loudly on seeing their teachers, quite shocked to see them outside class. Seungkwan gives her a gift- it’s a set of jigsaw puzzles, and Chan places a faux crown on her head as he gives her a book. The tensions dissolve, and you’re glad. 
Chan leaves after a short while, but on your (and Dahyun’s) request, Seungkwan stays. He stays long enough to see all the kids leave one by one, and Dahyun becoming tired from all that playing and chattering. So after you’ve cleaned up the house from the mess of the party, grateful that your daughter enjoyed so much but also overstimulated from it all, you almost cry when you see Seungkwan sitting on the couch with Dahyun asleep in his lap, his head bent as he scrolls through his phone. You wonder, if in another life, in another world, in another universe, this would be your life and not a mirage you yearned for. 
But what if you were brave? What if you could be ambitious and try to have it all in this life itself?
“Ice cream for dessert.” You hand the bowl to Seungkwan as you sit on the other side of the sofa. You softly take Dahyun and twist her into your lap, and she instantly wraps herself around you as she finds your warmth. You can’t help but kiss her forehead fondly, mirroring the expression Seungkwan wears right now. 
“You’ve really brought her up so well. She’s got all your good genes.”
“And yours.”
Seungkwan’s hand stills mid-air when he was trying to scoop into the ice cream. 
“What did you say?”
“Don’t tell me you’ve never wondered. She is four years old, and she looks remarkably like you. The similarities are obvious.”
“But I… I didn’t dare to- no! You’re lying.” Seungkwan’s voice becomes a harsh whisper as he stares at you incredulously. You match his gaze, letting down your shield. “I’m not.” He continues to stare at you. Then he suddenly drops to his knees near your feet and says, “Y/N. Don’t be cruel to me anymore. You can’t joke about-” “I’m not joking, Seungkwan, why won’t you believe me?” “Because I don’t want to believe and become hopeful only to lose it all again!” You’re both nearly shouting but in loud whispers, trying to not wake up Dahyun, who’s surprisingly, still peacefully snoring away. 
You stand up and pull Seungkwan to his feet. Then you drag him to the bedroom and gently close the door. 
“You can test it. I’m not lying.” You softly grab his wrist, but he shivers. “You’re going to make me mad, Y/N. How is this possible? Why did you not tell me? Why did you leave me then?” He finally asks, his voice hoarse with emotion. 
“Do you really not know?”
“No… I do. You sent that letter.”
“I didn’t. I found out years later about it. My mother sent it. You think I’d break up with you over a typed letter?”
“So? What was it for?”
“They didn’t let me out of the house. Wouldn’t let me meet you. Or anyone. The only way to get out of that hell was to marry Sehun.”
“I read about the wedding in the local newspaper.” He shakes his head bitterly. “But he was truly your match- in status, and in wealth.”
“You know I’ve never cared for anything like that.” You tug at his wrist, and he looks up at you. 
“Is that why you left him? Because of Dahyun? But why so late then?”
“I was waiting to gather enough finances. Plus, he didn’t even suspect anything until six months ago. Perfectly timed, coincidentally, for my savings to come up to a good amount for me to confidently move out.”
He shakes his head vigorously, his eyes wide. “No, no… you’re not making sense. Can you start from the beginning?”
So you do. You tell him everything, from the beginning. By the end of it, he’s sitting on your bed, next to you, as you both stare at your feet. It feels so relieving and so freeing to tell him, someone apart from yourself the whole truth. It’s like a weight lifted off your chest and a headache that dissipates into thin air. You slouch back and look at Seungkwan, who’s still looking like he’s in shock. 
After a solid ten minutes, he says, “Why didn’t you tell me before, Y/N?”
“I… I don’t know. I didn’t know how you’d react, I didn’t know if you’d accept us. I didn’t know what would happen if somehow the truth reached my parents. I was obsessed with protecting my daughter, first, you see.”
“I do see. But I… it still hurts that you didn’t trust me with it.”
“But it would be fair for you… back then, and even now, to not want us in your life. To remain strangers forever. I- I would understand. You have every right to be angry at me-”
“I’d think you would know me better than this, Y/N-ah. You would know that no matter how many times you leave me, if you ever want to come back I would open my arms wide and fall to your feet to let me love you again.”
A stray tear escapes your eyes. It’s a stab to your chest, and you extend a hand slowly to touch Seungkwan’s hands which lie in his lap. He doesn’t say a word, only opens his fingers to capture your hand in his and tightly seals the clasp. It’s so warm, his hands. The touch is remarkably familiar. 
“What do you want, Seungkwan-ah? I’ve given it all up to you. I’ll take whatever you give me.”
He just looks up at you, his hand still holding on to yours. He doesn’t say a word, but then he gently leans in. You think he’s going to whisper something, but then he places a small kiss on your lips. It’s a peck, no more, but it sends your body in overdrive. Suddenly, you’re floating and drowning all at the same time. “She has your hair,” he says, his breath mingling into yours as his lips move just a few inches away from you, eyes still locked. You giggle. It’s true- Dahyun’s hair is just the same as yours, but the rest of her completely looks like him, you know. “I can’t… I can’t believe it that you’re here, Kwan-ah.” “Neither can I. When you arrived at the creche that day, I thought I was hallucinating. Even more when I saw your little girl sitting in your arms.” “Our little girl. We made her.” You can see the way Seungkwan’s entire face turns red. “Fuck, Y/N. How can you say it so easily?” “Because I’ve had four years to adjust to it. I’m sorry if I’ve bombed you with too much information too fast.” “No kidding. It felt like that climax scene from a romcom movie except this is real life, it was my life.” “Don’t be dramatic. Why did you kiss me?” “Because I missed you?” And it’s your turn to become red with embarrassment. Some part of you feels overjoyed, but still so guilty. So you move away from him, taking away from your hand from his grip and turning your entire body away. 
“I’m sorry, Kwan-ah. I’ve hurt you so much already. You shouldn’t forgive me so easily.”
He softly grips your shoulders and turns you to face him. “I have been hurt by your actions, it’s true. You left me in an abyss from which only I know how I escaped. But it still didn’t feel like you. After all the love you gave me, how could you just run away from me by leaving that letter and marry someone else? I couldn’t believe that you could be so cruel, so deceiving. But everything around me told me I was wrong. Your marriage announcement, the way you didn’t call me or even contact me, or in fact, any of our college friends, everything was eventually proving to me that you were gone forever from my life.”
More tears flood down your cheeks. His grip tightens, and he continues. “But you’ve explained the truth to me, and now I can’t help but forgive you. Because I know I was right. All along, in my heart, I knew it and I was right. And now you’re here. I would be a fool to let you go again.” 
“There’s no buts. I’m not looking back.”
And he hugs you, his warmth engulfing your entire body as you cling to him. He smells sweet, like he did all those years ago, and you hold him close, so close that you can’t breathe but you can’t let go either. 
“Baby? I can’t breathe.” Seungkwan whispers in your ears, and you shiver in the shock of hearing the pet name. “I’m sorry, I’ll-”
“No, don’t be sorry. Let’s get Dahyunie into bed, hmm? Do you sleep with her?”
“I do. This is our bedroom.”
“Then let’s get her to bed.”
“Will you stay?”
“Hmm?” Seungkwan looks at you, his eyes wet but fond, as he walks towards the door to pick up Dahyun where she’s sleeping on the couch. 
“Stay with us?”
“Are you going to tell Dahyun?”
“What do you say?”
“It’s your call. You’re her mother.”
“And you’re her father,” you whisper as you walk towards him and sling your hands around his neck. 
“God, don’t say it so casually. It hasn’t sunk in yet.”
You lean in and kiss him on his cheek. “I was thinking- maybe if she woke up and found her favourite Ssaem cuddling her, would she be pleasantly surprised?”
“What if she gets creeped out?”
“Oh god. I think Dahyun loves you enough to not be creeped out by it. At most, she’d think we’re dating now.”
“We’re not?”
“Are we?” 
He kisses you softly on your cheek, an open-mouthed kiss that leaves your skin wet. “I love you Y/N. I never stopped loving you. Will you have me back again in your life?”
You hug him tightly again, your nerves tingling with joy. “Oh god, I love you too, Seungkwan-ah. I’ll love you better this time.”
“Shh, darling. Let’s get our little baby to sleep now, hmm?”
You look at him, and you see stars. It’s a miracle, nothing short of that. But he’s yours. Again. 
“Shall we change her last name to Boo now?”
“Oh dear. Boo Dahyun?”
“It sounds so cute!”
“Now stop squealing or I can’t open the door otherwise she’ll wake up!” 
“Sorry, I’ll be quiet, baby.” 
He smiles widely and kisses you again, full on your mouth, “I promise, I’ll never let you go. Nor Dahyunie. I love you so much.”
a/n: read the stories of the other three boys here! would love to hear your feedback!
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daisynik7 · 1 year
Afternoon in Heaven
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Word Count: ~800 words
cw: smut - vaginal sex (missionary position), breeding kink, pet names (sweetie, honey), explicit language – MINORS DO NOT INTERACT
Summary: You and your husband spend a relaxing afternoon together. 
Notes: I’m ovulating, so this is why I’m writing this LOL. Title inspired by the song Afternoon in Heaven by Magdalena Bay, listen to set the mood right. Likes, reblogs, and/or comments are always appreciated! Thanks for reading! 
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Sunday afternoon is your favorite time of the week. This is especially true ever since you’ve been married to your husband, Kento Nanami. It’s become a special tradition to nap during this window of time, with the sunlight streaming through the curtains, cuddled in each other’s arms, letting the worries of the upcoming work week dissolve even just for an hour or two. It’s been a while since you were granted a lazy Sunday, what with all the recent events you’ve had to attend. Birthday parties, family reunions, hanging out with friends. A weekend afternoon feels just like heaven when you need to relax and unwind. 
This is especially true when your husband is fucking you into your king-sized mattress, sending you into total, utter bliss.
“You’re so beautiful, sweetheart. So beautiful when you take me like this,” he says, voice laden with lust. He has you spread apart, one leg propped on his shoulder, the other sprawled on the bed. He kneels between your thighs, pumping his cock in and out of your wet cunt. 
You reach down, fingers trembling towards your clit. He smirks. “You want to come already?”
You nod, biting your lip. 
“Let me watch you, then. Come on. Play with yourself while I’m deep inside you.” He thrusts his hips forward, staying pressed to your pussy, not moving, staring at you from above. “Go on, honey. Make yourself come.”
“Oh fuck, sweetie,” you moan, rubbing your needy clit while he has you stuffed full of his dick. “Oh fuck.” You orgasm, tightening around his thick cock buried inside you. He watches you touch yourself until your bud is too sensitive, and you let up. With a satisfied hum, he starts fucking you again, slowly. He turns his head to place a wet kiss on the inside of your knee, still resting on his shoulder. “You’re so beautiful, honey. My beautiful, perfect wife.”
“I love you, sweetie,” you breathe out, reaching for him, longing to feel his fingers entwined with yours.
“I love you too, honey,” he says, holding your hand. “You want my cum inside you? Want me to breed this pretty pussy?”
You giggle, squeezing him. “Yes.”
Ever since the two of you decided to try for a baby, Nanami has had the nastiest breeding kink. Today is no exception. He increases his pace, penetrating you deep, balls slapping noisily on wet skin with each brutal thrust.
“You’re going to make the perfect mother, you know that? Can’t wait till your pregnant. I’m going to spoil you rotten.”
“Yeah?” you ask lazily, placing his palm to your chest. He pinches gently at your nipples, causing you to whine in pleasure. “How will you spoil me?”
He grins, placing another smooch on your leg. “I’ll give you whatever you want. Foot rubs, massages, late night cravings. I’ll do whatever to make you happy.”
“I don’t need any of that. I’m already the happiest I can be because I’m with you.”
The smile on his face grows as he slides his hand down to your swollen bud, caressing it tenderly with his thumb. “You’re my everything,” he whispers, pausing his thrusts. He helps you lower your leg from his shoulder, your thighs still spread wide for him. He pulls out, leaning forward to be on top of you, guiding his cock back in easily. You wrap your arms around his neck, kissing him on the lips. 
“I want you like this,” he growls, his mouth grazing your ear. 
You coil your legs around his waist, bodies molded together seamlessly. He’s hitting your sweet spot, your puffy clit brushing against him ever so slightly, stimulating you into your second climax. His erratic breathing and rapid thrusts indicate that he’s close too. 
He faces you once more, slipping his tongue inside your mouth, greedy for your spit. “I’m going to come.”
“Give it to me, sweetie. Breed me. Get me pregnant.”
He kisses you sloppily, hips jerking as he pumps you full of his cum. When he’s done, he doesn’t pull out, relaxing his body against yours. “You think we did it this time?” he asks, nuzzling his nose into the crook of your neck.
“We’ll see,” you answer. You think about the date, trying to remember if you’re ovulating today. Too fucked out to process anything properly, you leave it to chance, enjoying the rest of the day pleasantly spent.
Two weeks later, on another lazy Sunday afternoon, you walk out of the bathroom and into the kitchen to show your husband two positive pregnancy tests. He picks you up and swings you around the room, ecstatic. 
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anemptypuddingcup · 9 months
Congratulations on 900!!!!! I love your writing so much ❤️😍🫶🏼 and was wondering if I could request a zoro + breeding kink.
He’s become the best swordsman and finally wants his wife to carry his lil sword babies ❤️❤️ that man is just something else and the way you write breeding kinks puts me in a chokehold boo 😵‍💫❤️❤️
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OHHHHH- I honestly think that’s a classic combo honey-
I hope this doesn’t choke you out either-😭
Zoro & Breeding.
“Z-Zoro!~ M-Mmgh!- P-Please h-hold on w-we just c-came!~”
You spill out your sentence shakily and broken as Zoro continues to thrust inside of you, his hands gripping your thighs and pinning you against your shared futon. His heavy groans feel deep into your ears while his knees dug far into the futon. He couldn’t help but smile at your little fucked out expression while you melted easily on his cock.
“It’s only been three rounds, you can take a few more like my good little woman~ You’re nowhere near as full as I want you to be.” He whispers to you, his string yet rough hand gripping your chin and squishing your face softly. You let out another whine as he continued to thrust into you, your pussy growing too sensitive to hold out much longer for anymore of your strong husband’s thrusts or his seed.
You let out a loud mewl as you felt his tip kiss your cervix deeply, a few tears pricking at your eyes as it felt very overwhelming yet pleasurable. You feel his length twitch inside of your and his brows begins to furrow once again, implying that he was close to another orgasm. “H-Hah!~ Z-Zoro!~” You gripped the back of his yukata tightly with one hand as you felt yourself ready to cum once again. He smiles and grips your other hand, his fingers waffling with yours before he presses a sweet kiss against your lips.
He feels your walls tighten around his cock and lets out a sudden grunt, his nails slowly scratching at the soft skin of your thigh and leaving behind a few fresh scratches against your skin. “I-I n-need to cum, I wanna cum again Z-Zoro!~” You moan out shakily, a broken whine leaving your lips as tears began to fall down your face. “I don’t care how many times you can cum…I’ll keep filling you up until I feel that you’ve had enough deep inside.” He whispers to you, pressing his slightly chapped lips against the skin of your neck.
You mewl softly to him and wrap your legs tightly around his waist. “H-Hold m-me Zoro~” You begged, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck while tears begins to slide down your face and soak your cheeks. He sighs lovingly and pulls you up onto his lap and into his arms, his arms holding you tightly while a groan leaves his throat. “C-Cumming- I’m cumming!~ Z-Zoro!~“ You gasp out suddenly, pressing your face against shoulder.
He lets out a low groan while his hands grip the thin cotton of your yukata. “I’m not stopping you baby, go on and cum~” He whispers to you, his arms holding you tight as he felt your body shudder against them.
You let out a shaky exhale as you felt yourself tremble against him, biting your bottom lip a little tight. A loud yet muffled moan finally leaves your throat as you gush out around his length. He lets out a deep groan before he releases another load deep inside of your sensitive cunt, keeping your body close as he lets out a little gasp shortly after.
“Z-Zoro~ Mmh~ Z-Zoroooo~” You whine out shakily to him. He peppers smooches against your tear-stained cheek and legs out a little chuckle. “It’s okay it’s okay, relax for a moment.” He cooed to you, trying his best to soothe your from your sensitive and slightly overwhelmed state.
“I hope you’re ready to take more…” He whispers to you, a sweet smile spread across his face. You whimper to him before sighing a bit tiredly, knowing that he’s probably going to keep you up all night just to fill you properly.
“Take my seed and bear my children for me baby.”
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riding aemond's magnum dong and "innocently" overstimming him also counts as taming and riding the largest dragon in the world and no one can say otherwise: a fic request ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
pretty pleaseeee mommy ( •̯́ ^ •̯̀) *gives you many smooches as bribe*
Stop But Please Don't
Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Summary: You help your husband relax after a long and irritating day.
Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: fem!reader, wife!reader, smut MDNI (pwp, oral [m receiving], over-stim, biting, public sex?, brat!reader?, accidental sub!aemond), otto 'yall burning in hell' hightower, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: this is PWP soooooo dont read it if it makes you uncomfy. NONNIE i hope you still see this its been so long. i love you 💕💕 Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @sloanexx @risefallrise @slavyanskiyahui @lxdyred @delicious-xx
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I clasp my hands together, "there's nothing more I can do for you."
The woman before me pulls her head back. If she was hiding her vexation well up until this point, then now, she was not. Celia's face contorts. She grips her skirt and barks my name out.
I release a breath, "I have been most gracious in-"
She scoffs, "you have NOT! I cannot bel-"
"The guards will see you out, Lady Tully."
"Don't you call me that!" she snaps, finger pointed at me accusingly.
I raise my brows. That's your name, is it not? I turn to my guard. He nods and comes up to the woman and escorts her out. She tries to storm over to me, but when her arm is caught and she's reeled to the door, she changes tune, "wait, wait. Hold on. I must- please Lady-"
"I am not a lady," I shake my head, "I am a princess."
Celia whimpers.
I watch as the guard tells her not to make it difficult.
"Your grace! Wait, I-"
The door shuts.
I let out a breath and clutch my side. My poor Aemond. I cannot imagine going through this everyday.
When my guard returns to inform me Lady Tully has been escorted out of the Keep, I thank him and head off to the library. Once there, I am immediately hurtled with a threat to leave or to have my throat slit.
I find a small tinge of amusement crawl up to my cheeks but I take care not to laugh, "many pardons, my prince-"
Aemond, brows knit, jaw clenched, lifts his gaze from his papers.
"- but I feel your punishment," I walk over to him, hands behind my back, "is far too dire."
Aemond immediately huffs and shuts his eye as he leans back on his chair. He clenches his fists and parts his legs. And though he does not look at me while doing this, I knew it was an invitation. It was affirmed with how his hands latched on to my waist after I gathered my skirts and claimed my seat atop his lap.
"Will you still use your dagger on me, husband?" I mutter while my arm snaked over his shoulders.
He leans his forehead on me, "if you'd like."
I chuckle through my nose as he rubs his face against my jaw.
"I'd like to make you feel better, my dragon," I lean back, clutching his chin.
"I have much to do, wife," he complains.
"I know you've been at it since dawn. Will you not spare yourself a break? If not for yourself, for me?"
Aemond opens his eye and purses his lips. He does not respond, save for the way he leans into my touch.
"Lady Tully was here. She thought she could persuade me to amend the order you gave her husband."
His brows tighten all over again.
"I told her I trust the prince's judgement with my life, and his decision regarding the affairs of her husband was borne out of nothing but sense and logic."
He lets out a chuckle.
I raise a brow at that.
"And spite, and irritation," he sinks deeper into his seat.
I tilt my head, "you didn't."
He rubs my side, "I adore that you think so highly of me."
"You made the Tullys submit more resources than needed because of spite and irritation?"
"Because it's only fair that the backstabbing Tullys pay for the wrongs they've done my wife."
I am unable to hold in my chuckle, "Aemond, we've been wed for two years."
"Mmm and I assure you," he mumbles through a pout, "I've only thought of this for one."
I laugh, "you've been thinking of a way to spite my childhood friend, who I've not spoken to longer than we've been wed, for stealing my childhood sweetheart?"
Aemond simply keeps his lips pouted.
"And does that make sense to you, jester?" I let out an amused breath "What did you wish to achieve? Were you hoping I rekindle the flame with Elmo Tully?"
He groans and straightens up, "I was hoping you see your prince is willing to do many and much for his princess."
I huff and shake my head. He adjusts me on his lap and draws me closer. I cannot help the way my lips curve upward, "and, let me guess, you hope to be rewarded for his?"
I retrace the scar on his cheek. He gives a proud look, "it's only fair."
I roll my eyes and sigh, "very well." I pull away and stand before him, "undo your trousers."
Aemond wastes no time and immediately begins to undo his trousers. In return, I then get on my knees and rest my arms on his lap. I lean my cheek on my elbow as I watch his fingers work.
Once he was free, I swat his hands away and take his length in my hand. He is warm and soft but that was about to change.
Aemond curses as he draws out a deep breath. I look up at him as I shift on my knees, "will you be an obedient dragon for me, love?"
He does not respond. I catch the way his jaw clenches. I tighten my grip on him.
He takes my jaw in his hand, "you are rewarding me for being a dutiful groom," he replies, "be a dutiful bride."
I pull away when he tries to bring me close to his hardening cock. I tilt my head up and ghost my thumb on his tip, "no. I won't be doing that."
"Well, I will not be begging for what I am owed," he quickly huffs.
I blink at his words and quickly lick him, "yes you will."
Aemond growls. The next moment, his hand tightens over mine and he yanks me by my hair. Before he can shove himself into my mouth, there is a knock on the door that causes both of us to freeze, and though Aemond screams an even dire threat, making Vhagar sit on whoever it was, whoever it was walked in anyway.
My heart pounds when I hear the deep voice of his grandsire. Aemond pushes me under the table.
"Your mother is in hysterics," Otto rants, "Aegon has blundered with the fucking-"
"I'm busy right now," Aemond snaps, hands not letting up their grip.
Otto is astounded by the sheer disrespect. He stares at the boy across him and steps forward, "what?"
Aemond shifts on his seat. His hands depart from me. He waves to his desk, "I'm balancing the accounts, grandsire."
I bite my lip at the evidently displeased sound Otto makes, feeling my body grow rigid with dread. I look over my shoulder and wonder if I should pretend I dropped something and quickly stand, but then I realize there was quite a lot of objects blocking me from Lord Hightower. I look up at Aemond and the devil whispers in my ear. I find myself wrapping my lips around him.
Aemond visibly gulps as Otto shifts on his spot and says, "do you think the fucking accounts of the Keep matter if your brother destroys everything I've put in place?"
Aemond is about to respond but he doesn't when I sink down on him. I take care not to make a sound as bob up and down. He clenches the arm rest, nails digging into the wood. He releases a shaky breath, "no."
Otto narrows his eyes. He raises his voice, "what, boy?"
I swirl my tongue around him.
He tenses.
I gently graze my teeth around him.
He holds back a whimper and says a bit too loudly, "no, my lord!"
Otto is satisfied.
He begins to drone about what he expects Aemond to do. I hear him begin to pace around.
The next moment, I nearly choke when Aemond pushes forward. The chair skids, as does the table when he drags it closer. Otto goes silent. Aemond mutters in an impressively steady manner, "I'm writing it down, grandsire."
It takes a moment for him to reply, "very good."
And so for a few minutes, he walks and talks, meticulously explaining what his grandson ought to do, all while I was beginning to drool so much that my hand was getting sticky as I pumped him.
Aemond flinches at some point. He's unable to mask his sounds. Otto goes silent again, and once more, my husband impresses with a save, "f-fucking Aegon."
Otto releases a breath, as if agreeing, "I am counting on you to do this, Aemond."
He inhales deeply then sighs, "yes."
The man nods then heads for the door, "I will have a horse ready for you."
Aemond hums.
The moment the door closes, I pull away and crawl out, panting as I did so. Aemond finally releases a sound and I watch the heaving of his chest. I cannot help but chuckle. I push his chair back and take his chin in my fingers, "what a good boy you were."
He turns to me, still too relieved to not have been caught to say a word.
"How sweet and silent," I rub his lips with my thumb as I hike my skirt up.
Whatever he meant to say gets lost in his throat when I pull my smallclothes off and climb on his lap. I sigh as I sink down on him. He muffles his sounds by biting his lips.
I click my tongue and shake my head. My hands latch on his firm shoulders as I begin to slowly move, "don't be shy, whimper for me."
"Fuck," his hands grab my waist. His nostrils flare, "I'm not going to last--"
"Shhhh," I press a finger to his lips, "I said whimper, not whine."
Aemond lets out a guttural sound as his head falls onto my décolletage. He pants onto my skin as I pick up the pace.
I kiss his head, "peak if you must, my love."
He pulls me flush against him and drops his head back. He breathes through his open mouth and makes the loveliest sounds.
The corner of my lips pull up in amusement, "such a sweet thing."
He groans my name, a warning of his impending climax.
I gently push two fingers into his mouth. Aemond obediently wraps his lips around them, "do you want to finish inside, darling?"
He nods his head and swirls his tongue around my fingers.
"Then you have to let me use you until I peak also."
Aemond's eye widens.
I pull my fingers out of his mouth. I stop bouncing on him. He whines again.
"What was that, pretty love?" I coo as I tuck hair behind his ear.
He clenches his jaw and looks away, debating my words. When he takes too long, I clench around him and move once.
"Mmm, fuck- fine," he tightens his hold on my hips, "fine, fine, use me how you want."
"Are you certain, darling?" I buck my hips.
He sighs heavily, "yes. Yes, please."
I begin to pepper kisses all over his face and move once more. I begin to draw circles on my nub, "what a sweetheart."
Aemond feels his body flush. He releases a strangled breath, closes his eyes, and pulls me into an embrace.
As my movements hasten, I look down on him and cup his cheek. My stomach rolls when I see how red his face has become. I moan, "do you like my praises, darling boy?"
"Fuck-" his arms tighten around me.
"Like it when I tell you how good you are while making you feel good?"
He lets out the shakiest yes I've ever heard. He drools out, "w-anna be good t-to you."
I squeal, "you are."
Aemond breaks into a groan after. He spills into curse words and moans. I feel him pulsing and panting. He cages me in his arms so tight I can barely move or breathe. I whimper as I let him ride out his high.
"That's right," I kiss his temple, "such a dear, my loveling."
Eventually, his grip loosens and he begins to quiver.
"Shh, shh, shh," I soothe, "a little bit more," I continue to attend to my sensitive spot and building high, "you can take a little bit more, can you not?"
He whines, "n- nn- fuck."
I trail kisses up his neck and cheek, "come on, Aemond. Just a bit more."
Aemond feels a tension build in his loins, a paralyzing kind. He leans his head back in defeat and brings his hands under my skirt. He grips my thighs for dear life and speaks my name as a plea.
"I know, my dragon," kiss his forehead, "I'm almost there. Mmm, just k-keep doing that."
Aemond butts into my shoulder then begins to bite into my skin. His teeth sink quite hard, and yet I do not find myself to care as it helps push me further into the edge.
He tightens his grip on me when I begin to grow erratic.
My finger scratch into his nape.
"P-please, fuck- please." Aemond begs. He feels tears lace his lashes as he screws his eyes shut.
I do not respond as I am too busy trying to lose myself. And when I finally come undone, I am unsure which of us is more relieved.
I feel my husband scratch my thighs as I stretch out the blissful eruption that spreads through me. I call out his name as draw out allt the pleasure I can get. Once I'm done, he curses and relaxes against the chair. I slowly melt on him and catch my breath against his ear. I nip his lobe and kiss him, "an excellent job, my dutiful husband."
He grumbles and huffs.
The next moment, he's pushing me off him.
I whine and wrap myself on him, "no!"
"Who's whining now?"
"A few minutes, please!"
"No," he snaps, hands going back to my waist to pry me off, "you heard my grandsire. I must remedy the insolence of my dimwitted brother."
"But I love you," I nuzzle in his neck.
"Well, I don't."
I tighten my hold on him when he says this and does not relent. I manage to pull back and throw him a glare.
Aemond sighs and ceases repelling me.
"Take that back," I warn.
He presses his lips together.
"Don't bully me, sweet boy," I mimic his expression but bat my lashes too.
He makes another sound and rolls his eyes.
"Tell me you love me!"
"I don't."
"I love you very much."
My expression melts into disbelief.
A ghost of a smirk plays on his lips.
I promptly begin to pull away, "well, that was rather repulsive."
"Oh," he barks in offense and prevents me from getting off him, "when I do it, it's repulsive?!"
I shove him by his chest, "that's because you don't say things like that."
"And what the fuck am I supposed to s-"
We whip our heads back when the door opens and Otto Hightower walks in.
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forsworned · 2 months
Thank you for the Hesh content, omg I love every single post you make of him!
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𓈒༑•̩̩͙ 𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: 𝗌𝖾𝗑𝗎𝖺𝗅 𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗍𝖾𝗇𝗍, 𝗍𝗂𝗉𝗌𝗒/𝖽𝗋𝗎𝗇𝗄𝖾𝗇 𝖼𝗎𝗇𝗇𝗂𝗅𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗎𝗌, 𝗁𝖾𝗌𝗁 𝗂𝗌 𝗍𝗂𝗉𝗌𝗒 𝖻𝗎𝗍 𝗌𝗈 𝗌𝗈 𝗌𝗈 𝗌𝗈 𝗉𝗎𝗌𝗌𝗒 𝖽𝗋𝗎𝗇𝗄 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗐𝗂𝖿𝖾𝗒
⤷ links: masterlist rules buy me a coffee!!
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You were such a lightweight. You knew it, he knew it, everyone knew it. So when you're both stumbling back home from the bar, drunkenly waving to the rest of the Ghosts goodbye as Hesh holds you up to keep your feet planted firmly on the floor it's just all giggles from here on out. He wasn't nearly worse off as you were, clambering into bed as you give him a sexy pose and wink at him in an attempt to seduce your own husband. Hesh can't help but cock an amused brow at you between chuckles as he's helping you out of your heels.
And suddenly you're getting all teary-eyed and pouty. "Baby?"
"Yes baby?" He responds, trying his damn hardest to peel off your stockings.
Your lip jutting out even more, trembling as your voice quivers. "I love you so much, baby."
His brows raise and scrunch up together, tenderly gazing at you and his voice softens. "I love you more, baby."
He lets out a shaky 'aww' as his own lip juts out, the corners of his lips curving upward in a coquettish half-smirk as he finally shucks off your tights and mounts. Dulcet, tipsy kisses smothering themselves all over your lips, cheeks, nose, eyes.--anywhere he can get to he's laying the most candied, buzzed smooches on the exposed parts of your skin and it's igniting a fire in the depths of your groins.
A diminutive whimper leaves your lips as you cord your lithe fingers into his soft, dark hair laden with pomade. Who the hell told him to do that (you literally did it for him before you two left for the bar). You didn't know, and you didn't care. The feeling of desire surges through your body in the form of goosebumps at his fervent touch. "Oh, David." You coo, squeezing your thighs together and he's not stopping his feverish minstrations.
In fact, your little sighs and squirming is fueling the inferno, tenting in his boxers. "What, baby?" He whispers, in between kisses as he starts to delicately imbibe your cushiony earlobe. That was what truly made you buck your hips, grasp tightening on his locks as you moan out and he's already kissing you down your body to your inner thighs.
Legs spread, pussy on full display as he stares at your dewy, succulent folds before he's full-on assaulting it with tongue. Saliva mixing with your arousal and your hands are flying to his shoulders, clawing his skin as you let out an enraptured whine. "Fuck...! Davi...David!"
"So fuckin' good. You taste so good, [name]." He murmured, lapping you up at a dangerously quick pace. It so fucking filthy the way he's spitting on your cunt and supping you up like your his last meal. Sturdy hands clasping onto your thighs to keep your thighs propagated open, so he can continue devouring your overflowing cunt. Juices trickle down his lips, dribbling over his chin as he hums against the engorged flesh of your furls.
Fluttering eyelids reveal the whites of your oculars as your chest pitches at the euphoria of his raffish movements. "Oh my...! David...David I'm gonna cum!"
So good. It felt so fucking good. For you, Hesh was the biggest munch and drunk Hesh was a horny Hesh, only wanting to please you with the most toe-curling, pussy convulsing orgasms. The pyre in your belly, beginning to peak and the weakened, dragged-out sobs were a surefire telltale sign that you were going to be cumming all over his mouth.
And this only bolsters him, long, swift licks to your puffy clit that causes you to arch your back, and the tingly, inviting feeling of your climax begins to unfold all over your body. It pleasantly dissipates like ocean waves crashing onto the shoreline, seafoam bubbles fizzling as they reach the sand.
But Hesh is still going. Overarousing the fuck out of your cunt, savoring your sweetness as you squirm at his hyperactive touch, pushing his head away until he releases the hold his lips have on your clit. He licks his mouth like he's just had the best meal of his life. And if you asked him if he had, he would surely beam at you with that brilliant, sexy smile of his and tell you, "Hell yeah."
But you're too fucking tired for that, heaving from the insane orgasm your husband just gave you. He bestows your pussy with a soothing kiss before resting his head on your quivering thigh.
"David?" You call out softly to him, caressing the back of his neck letting his hair prickle against your palm. But he's fast asleep, konked the absolute fuck out and you're not even coherent enough to wake him. "Love you."
"Love you, too." He murmurs half awake, slotting another sweet kiss to your skin and you can't help but giggle at him. He always wanted the last "I love you".
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bluecollarmcandtf · 11 months
Special Delivery
"Babe! He's here!" I yell to my husband. Peaking between the blinds, I study the delivery worker as he comes up the driveway.
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His name is Michael, and he's a bit of a local celebrity on our street. Just about every housewife in the neighborhood savors the arrival of his big delivery truck, and none of them hesitate to fetch him water or a snack.
He of course indulges the women, but Michael never wastes time at our house.
"Really!" my husband calls back, "Let me see."
Together we study the shredded delivery guy as he marches towards our front door.
"He always looks angry," my partner notices.
"Only when he's at our house, babe," I remind him, "I can get the door."
"No, I can get it."
We squabble over who's going to greet the delivery man until the doorbell rings and we open it together. I'll admit, we may have appeared a little eager when he finally saw us.
"Package," he grunts, barely looking our way.
"Thank you!" I reply cheerily, "It's a hot day. I can get you some water."
"No," he looks a bit disgusted by the offer.
"You sure?" my husband adds.
"Yes, I'm sure!" Michael's veins bulge, "I wouldn't accept anything from you! Pathetic excuses for men."
After aggressively throwing our package to the floor, he stomps off, back to his delivery truck.
"That was rude," I'm at a lack for words, "I guess you really never know a guy."
I turn to see my husband's pleading eyes.
"Can I?" he asks.
His irises roll into the back of his head as his consciousness leaves his body. I catch him before he falls and begin dragging his limp frame towards the sofa. I'm a bit of a scrawny guy so I only manage to move him a few feet.
"Could I help you with that, sir?" I hear a deep voice ask.
Michael is back, only this time, he's smiling brilliantly and posing with his arms on his waist like he's some cheesy superhero.
"Thank you!" I cry as Michael effortlessly picks up my husband and gently lays him across the couch.
"Just doing my job, sir," he reports with a mockingly deep voice, "It's a good thing your hubbie is unconscious right now. I wouldn't want him seeing what I'm about to do to you."
"Stop goofing around, babe," I chuckle.
"I'm not goofing around," my husband exaggerates through Michael's voice, "I'm the big, strong delivery guy. I wear tight shirts and put on a show while I deliver your mail!"
He pairs each word with a new flexing pose.
"Now, about that glass of water, sir," Michael purrs, stepping so close to me that I almost fall back, "This boy is thirsty, and only you have what I need to quench it."
I almost collapse, but my husband quickly grabs me and cradles me in Michael's bulging arms.
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A couple hours later, after we'd thoroughly explored our delivery man's body, we got dressed and went out to the park. My husband found the skimpiest outfit to stretch over Michael's ridiculously defined muscles.
"People are staring," I whisper.
"Let them stare," Michael loudly announces, "I don't care if they see me. I'm just a bottom slut out on a stroll with his boyfriend."
I can't help but chuckle as my husband laughs with Michael's mouth. I doubt such words have ever escaped the delivery man's lips.
"Michael?" a confused voice calls behind us.
Turning we find a group of similarly athletic men tossing a football around.
"I thought you were working?" the worried athlete asks, "And what are you wearing?"
"I wear whatever he wants," Michael throws a heavy arm around me, "If you'll excuse me, he doesn't like it when I go too long without physical contact."
My husband turns and plants a big smooch on my lips with Michael's mouth, pulling away only to whisper, "Slap my ass! I think that'll really blow their minds."
We continue our passionate display of affection for awhile while I aggressively grope Michael's muscle butt beneath his tiny shorts. His former friends eventually leave the park, muttering insults his way. Meanwhile I lose myself further in the paradise that is our delivery man's homophobic mouth.
My date with Michael has been fun, but I'm ultimately much happier to return home to my husband, leaving the delivery man scantily clad and confused in the middle of the park.
I doubt he'll get fired. Guys like him can usually talk their way out of consequences, so maybe he'll be a little more respectful the next time he delivers us a package.
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moremaybank · 1 year
i know it’s probably too late and i’m sorry but what about a short blurb or headcanons about dad!jj surprising his love on mothers day
if it’s too late, maybe vice versa where she celebrates fathers day for him when that comes around this summer 😭😭
— 💗 anon
-͟͟͞☆ dad!jj and your daughter surprise you for mother's day
warnings pure fluff, you and jj have a daughter bc i said so (lovingly)
author's note happy birthday to all the badass mamas out there. y'all are appreciated beyond belief, especially by me 🤍
jj masterlist
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You hear the door creak open, followed by the sound of hushing and quiet footsteps against the boards of your wooden floor.
"Okay. Go ahead, baby girl. Wake Mommy up just like we talked about," JJ whispers.
"'Kay, daddy."
It's hard to suppress your smile but you manage to pull it off, not wanting to spoil the surprise that your loving husband and daughter clearly worked so hard on.
Your daughter climbs onto the bed and crawls over to you, her tiny hands and knees pressing into the mattress as she moves. You feel her palm rest on your shoulder, followed by her lips pecking your cheek.
"Happy Mother's Day, Mommy."
You play your role accordingly, whipping up your best fake yawn and stretching your limbs dramatically before you creep your eyes open.
"Thank you," you say, sitting up and leaning against the headboard. You smooth down her bedhead and press a kiss to her head.
Your eyes then roam over to your husband, who's standing beside you with a grin on his face. He sits beside you and hands you the tray of freshly-cooked breakfast foods. The sweet smell of waffles doused with fruits and syrup fills your nostrils, along with notes of your morning coffee.
"We made you breakfast, Mommy. With scratch,” your daughter states proudly.
JJ corrects her after the two of you let out a soft laugh, "From, babe. From scratch."
"Close enough," you say, beaming at her encouragingly. "Thank you for breakfast, my sweet girl."
JJ clears his throat, "She had help, you know."
"Come here," you say with a knowing grin. Your hand cups his cheek, and you grant him an affectionate kiss as a silent thank you. Still, you decide to say it as well. "Thank you for breakfast, handsome."
"Don’t mention it. We actually have one more surprise for you." JJ eyes land on your daughter. "Ain't that right?"
Your daughter nods in a giddy manner, her little feet pattering against your floors once more as she bolts into your closet. JJ follows after her, knowing that she'll need help bringing out your gifts.
They return with a large assortment of red, pink, and white tones, with baby's-breath accenting the bouquet beautifully. Then came a handmade card from your daughter, covered in scribbles and a few splashes of paint around what you assume says Happy Mother's Day.
Your eyes begin to well with tears. You can't help it. You feel so loved and appreciated, even more so than they ensure to make you feel daily.
"You guys," you sniffle, wiping an escaped tear from your eye. You give them each another smooch, this time on their cheeks. "I love it. I love you."
"We love you too. Thank you for being our world,” JJ speaks, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear
"Thank you for being mine."
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jj tag list (join here!): @oncasette @taintedxkisses @maybankslover @goldenroutledge @penny4yourthoughts @bmo-bri @hemogloban @ellesalazar @princessbetsy123-blog @slytherhoes @whoisdrewstarkey @mvybanks @aliyahsomerhalder @dreamingwithrafe @sarahjosefine03 @vigilanteshitposting @poppet05 @wildflwrdarlin @saturnband @adoreyouusugar @massiveprincesshologram @rosie-cameron @f4ll-for-you @slytheringirlthatkillpeople @tell-me-when-ur-ready @bbycowboi @venomwh0re @cumbuckett @jjmaybankisbae @marsipaanz @pank0w @enhypens-hoe @madsstuffsstuff @loverofdrewstarkey @insanelycrazyanddelusional @earth2starkey @angelofcigs @glen-powells @papillonoirsworld @koalalafications @aerangi @cantstoptherecs @veescorneroftheworld @maybanksbabe @sarah5462 @slut4drudy
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fatuismooches · 8 months
hihi! this is the anon obsessed with fluffy coats (oml that drabble had me giggling n kicking my feet fr) and im back to say
just hear me out smooches. cuddling with pantalone when he ends up having to leave for business stuff, and he comes back to see you curled up in his fluffy coat, nearly dozing off in his chair
7ets7xgucgu i go feral for men with fluffy coats that want to kiss mean
could i be 🍒anon btw?
HAHAH PLEASE THANK YOU 🍒 ANON FOR SENDING IN THAT LOVELY ASK <333 I love writing fluff like that, and honestly it was so fun because who wouldn't want to bundle up in their fluffy coats that also smell like them ❤️ Anyway... NJKSBWQJS YES!!! I TOTALLY AGREE THAT SOUNDS SO ADORABLE. Pantalone would definitely let you take his coat hostage <33 I imagine you have dozens of coats specifically tailored for you... but they always end up discarded to the side. Instead, you end up stealing your husband's coat since it's simply the best one for you! Yes, he does know about your little scheme even when you try to hide it and put the coat back in the same place. Pantalone knows. You can't hide anything from him. But he thinks it's adorable. He's just waiting for a moment when he can walk in on you snuggling with his coat.
Being with Pantalone while he does his paperwork is nothing new for you, it's so utterly boring without him around and of course, he welcomes the company of his darling! But you're going to have to settle for not shifting around too much and being silent because he does have work to do, you know? And his huge fluffy coat would make you feel a lot more comfy... but you weren't going to ask. Though you immediately steal it after he leaves. It would just be for a few minutes, nothing more! He wouldn't know a thing! Only problem was that you sorely underestimated how sleepy the fluffiness and his scent wrapped around you felt. You would never live it down when you woke up to Pantalone cooing and teasing about how cute you were.
From then on, Pantalone will literally offer you his coat first so you don't even need to ask. You'll just need to bear the embarrassment and his knowing infuriating smile as he wraps the coat around you however you like.
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wonwoosstuff · 2 months
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Drabble inspired by nana tour: Dokyeom x f. Reader; established relationship, husband-wife-dynamic, fluff, strolling through the city of Florence w/ him; kinda goofy lol
(not proof read; this has been going through my mind since way too long)
“Oh my god, wow, hubby. Look at that hat! It’s so cute.” You almost squealed at the displayed hats in the souvenir shop you’d passed in the city of Florence.
Your husband who was busy eating his gelato turned towards the multicolored hat section.
“The flower stitching is the cutest thing, too.” He added. “Let’s get you one, honey.” You suggested excitedly until your husband decided to turn your idea into a couple matching event.
“For me? No no no, darling, we’ll have to match then.” His smile grew big as he tried on a blue flower patterned hat.
“And one for you, babygirl.” He jokingly said which made you burst out laughing. Dokyeom adjusted the hat to your head while putting a few strands of hair behind your ears.
He couldn’t get enough of your cute stare and squeezed your cheeks. “Why are you so cute, baby?!”
“Mhm, Dok-“ you could barely reply to the man. He planted a smooch on your lips which stained his lips red, since you were wearing lipstick.
Once again you burst into laughter while removing the mess on his lips.
The shop owner had been watching the two of you all along. Approaching you he stated: “Are you two lovebirds interested in buying the hats? I’ll give you a discount for being all lovey dovey.”
Dokyeom, not understanding what the man was talking about, asked you quietly: “Honey, is he making fun of our quirky behavior?”
You laughed at your husband’s comment and answered the shop owner.
“Yes of course, how much are these?”
“20 euros each.”
Now your husband intertwined.
“Oh no no no, make it 10 euros.” Surprised at his bargaining skills you playfully slapped his chest.
“Wow, you understood that.” You raised one eyebrow and he looked proudly back while crossing his arms over his chest. “Watch me persuading him.”
“I can’t do that. It’s handmade and takes a very long time to make.”
“Please only for us!” The two of you answered synchronized. Shocked at your sudden contemperous reaction you giggled.
“You said you’ll give a discount! The lovey dovey one, didn’t you?”
“But it’s already discounted. Where are you guys from?”
Dokyeom answered hellishly loud startling the owner. “From Korea! 15 hours away from here. Wait, Let me show you my dance.”
Now your Husband started dancing in front of the man. He had hope in decreasing the price with the help of his dancing skills. The shop owner was smiling while Dokyeom gave all of his best to perform for the man while beat boxing horribly to his own dance.
That was his ending comment. The Italian had experienced a cultural shock for sure. He couldn’t lie but be utterly impressed by your husband’s performance.
“Now please do discount.” You started wheezing at the confidence of your man.
“Okay, I’ll do 13 euros.”
“See I told you it’d work out.”
“Tell me why I’m not surprised by this, Seokmin.” You replied while walking next to him.
“Somehow it always does, hehe.”
“It’s really hot out here. Can we slowly head back please?”
Feeling overwhelmed by the afternoon heat of the city you intertwined your fingers with your husbands while leaning against his shoulder. He totally knew what you felt and kissed your temple delicately.
“Okay pretty, let’s go back and take a nice cool shower.”
I’m still not over nanatour:,(
I need season 2 asap
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xcaptain-winterx · 1 year
Omg. We need Lloyd feeding his love fresh strawberries dipped in chocolate 😩 make it happen please 👉🏻👈🏻🥺🥺🥺
Sweet Love
dad!Lloyd Hansen x pregnant!reader
summary: above
warnings: fluff, pregnancy
a/n: English is not my first language, meaning you will probably find a lot of misspelling etc.
Main Masterlist Daddy Sociopath Masterlist
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“So, how about a dark blue nursery?” Lloyd feeds you another strawberry. “I mean it would suit the floor, and it’s the typical boy color”
You shack your head, moving a bit to get into a more comfortable position on the bed and swallowing the strawberry before saying, “That’s too basic and we don’t even know if it’s going to be a boy”. It’s no secret that Lloyd wants a boy, not because he has something against having a baby girl, but because he wants to give his son all the love, he never got from his dad. Lloyd desperately wants to experience a good father-son relationship.
“I’m pretty sure it’s a boy, isn’t that so, Champ?” Lloyd says, while putting his hand on your belly. “I know that the Hansen sperms created a boy” he says, giving you smirk.
You slap his hand “Lloyd, just because you got me pregnant doesn’t mean that out of me will come a little mustache man”, you say, smiling at him, “also I reed that if you crave sweet food during your pregnancy, it’s most likely going to be a girl”
“Well, Mrs Hansen”, he goes, feeding you another strawberry, “you forgot that it’s salty chocolate that is covering those strawberries, and you forgot that you also swallowed my-“
“Lloyd, don’t say that while they are listening”, ever since you found out you’re pregnant you take language pretty seriously, “You know what you have to do”.
Lloyd sighs, but he knows better than to fight a pregnant woman, his pregnant woman. “Yeah, yeah, I know”, he pulls out a hundred-dollar bill, “here, sunshine”
You smile as he puts the hundred-dollar bill in the swear jar on your beside table, “thanks, moonlight”, you blow him a kiss.
“Can daddy get a real kiss?” Lloyd asks, giving you his famous cocky smirk. He can’t help but lick his lips when he thinks about you giving him a good old smooch. He’s a desperate, clingy husband.
“Only if you give me another strawberry”
You can’t even register what’s happening. All you know is that two hands grab your face and pull you into a passionate kiss. Lloyd can taste the sweet and salty flavors as you meet.
When you pull away, you see your husband chasing after you, clearly not done with you.
“Now give me another strawberry”
He gives you a pout before feeding you another. A smile forms on his lips again as you let out a loud moan, eyes rolling in the back of your head when the flavor explodes in your mouth. He’s happy that he can make you feel good in more ways than one. Taking care of you and protecting you is his number one priority. Nothing else competes with you. Well, baby Hansen will have to share the place with you.
“What if we paint the nursery beige?” Lloyd asks, “it’s not a boy color or a girl color”
“I’m not a big fan of beige”
Lloyd nods, thinking what else is there before realizing something, “the house is beige”
“I know-“, you get cut off.
“You said you like my sweatshirt and you said you loved my ass in those beige pants!” Lloyd is hurt that you never told him that.
“Lloyd”, you put your hand on his, “I love those things because I love you. I love the place we live in, and your ass obviously looks incredible in those pants” hormones are kicking in, “and something else looks good in them”
The sociopath starts laughing, “I knew you liked the big boy in those pants”, he grabs his crotch and looks down at it, “you heard that, jr.? Sunshine, thinks you look good in beige”
Some days you really think that you married a child. No matter if he’s talking to his dick, throwing a tantrum because he can’t find his chapstick or making fun of the person he’s torturing. If you look past that, you will see Lloyd’s other sides; the obvious sociopath side, the asshole side, and his soft side.
“How about you paint something on it”, Lloyd suggests, trying his best to calm the other one down because it’s not the right time for that fun.
“The wall, so it’s not that boring. We could paint it beige and then paint something on it”, Lloyd answers.
Lloyd almost wants to curse you out when you suddenly jump up with a huge smile, showing your teeth, which you normally only give him when he gets you some Crêpes. “Yes, I like that”
“Good”, happy that you both came to a decision, “already any ideas?”
You don’t even need to think for a second, “yes”, and smile at him.
“care to share?”, he sits down next to you on the bed and pulls you into his side. You lean in his touch, sinking into his body heat. Nothing is better than feeling your husbands warm skin against yours. Ok, there are a few things that are equally good.
“Well”, you begin, “I think a ven Google vibe would be nice”
The expression on your husband’s face tells you he likes it. Painting the room in the man’s style that lead to you getting together, that lead to you getting married and that lead to you being parents in a few weeks. There were some ups and downs, especially downs, but in the end, you got together. All because of a weird named artist.
“Sounds like a Plan, Sunshine”
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borathae · 2 years
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“You recieve flowers from another boy and Jungkook doesn’t like that you do. He doesn’t like it at all.” 
Pairing: husband!Jungkook x f.Reader 
Genre: married life!AU, domestic Fluff, slight Smut
Warnings: jealous!Koo, whiney!Koo, dom!Reader, mommy kink, talks about cockwarming & edging, allusions to shower sex & sex on an office desk, listen this is cuter than one may think, the Fluff in here just hits right
Wordcount: 2.6k
a/n: this is just something short and sweet about the aaol!couple. I feel like this is 100% something Kook would do because he’s competitive like that :( haha please they are so adorable, I just wanna smooch them both 🥺💗
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Jungkook had his free day today, playing house husband while you were busy with college. Normally the two of would have spend his free day together, going on dates and having way too much sex, but your midterms were coming up and you needed today to study with some of your classmates. Jungkook was very sad about it, but didn’t let it show because he wanted to be supportive. He knows how much you love studying and he would never want to be the reason why you failed your midterms. So he accepted his fate in silence and decided to be your helpful house husband (quite literally husband) for the day.
He cleaned every room in the penthouse thoroughly, did the laundry, stored said laundry away after folding it neatly, took care of your shared houseplants, went grocery shopping and then it was already time for him to start preparing dinner. 
He follows a French recipe today. Something with lots of finesse and perfectly balanced flavours. His goal was to impress you.
You text him in the middle of his preparations. 
Jungkook turns off the water, abandoning the aubergines he washed before to dry his hands on his pants and reach for his phone. He falters for a second to stare at his lock screen picture. It’s a candid snapshot from your wedding of you and him kissing on the dance floor. His sister took the picture and sent it to him. He loves that picture. Smiling, he unlocks his phone and taps on your chat.
-          My Love ♡: leaving campus now, should be home by seven
-          My Love ♡: ❤
Jungkook smiles. You don’t use emojis in your texts, but you always make sure to at least send him a heart because you know that he likes getting them. Jungkook appreciates this little gesture so much. 
He answers you with a fluttering heart. 
-          Jungkook: okey dokey ^*^ I'm cooking French tonight ❤ 
Your answer comes seconds later. 
-          My Love ♡: can’t wait 
-          My Love ♡: my best Bunny ❤ 
"Stop", Jungkook gasps then bursts into uncontrollable giggles as he bounces around the kitchen. He hugs his phone to his chest, bursting in happiness. He's your best Bunny.
Quick! He has to text you back and tell you how much he loves you! 
-          Jungkook: I love you Mommy *•*
-          Jungkook: ❤❤❤ 
He waits with bated breath for what you will answer him. 
-          My Love ♡: I love you too Bunny ❤ 
Jungkook giggles, almost going up in flames from how happy he feels. He spends the rest of his dinner preparations singing happy songs and dancing. 
He also ends up changing out of his grubby sweat suit into a blue jeans and jumper combination. A beige apron is keeping it from getting dirty, accentuating his petite waist as a bonus point. Jungkook hopes that you will like his clothes. 
He just finished setting up the table when the familiar ding of the elevator opening rings through the penthouse. 
Jungkook is tingling in excitement, leaving the kitchen in big steps to greet you by the door. 
"Oh, hey there Bunny", you greet him first, flashing him an eye smile. You carry a bouquet of flowers in your hands.
"You got me flowers?" he gasps, then runs to hug you, "thank you so much. I love them", he mumbles into the crook of your neck.
He kisses the spot softly, inhaling the sweet scent of your perfume.
"Oh dear", you chuckle, "I actually received them from someone, but you can have them if you want to", you tell him, caressing his lower back. 
"What?" Jungkook breaks away, "someone gave you flowers? Who?" 
"Hyunjin, you know the boy who's in the same human studies class than me." 
"Hyunjin? The handsome one?" 
Jungkook watches you shrug off your coat and then slip out of your shoes. You store both in their supposed location. The flowers are still in your hold as you do.
"I don't know. I never really thought about whether he's handsome or not”, you tell him.
"Isn’t he the one who's younger than you?" 
"Yeah, that’s him." 
So that terribly handsome and intelligent and younger man, who just so happens to call you noona on top of it, gave you flowers. Jungkook doesn’t feel so good about dinner anymore or the evening as a whole. As a matter of fact, he feels kind of poopy. 
"Yeah, it was a thank you present because I helped him with getting his notes in order. It’s very sweet of him." 
"Mhm-hm yeah sure, it is." 
"I just hope they didn’t have to suffer too much on my way home. I'll just quickly put them into water and then you have to show me what you cooked because it smells amazing. I kid you not, I’m so excited. Your cooking’s always amazing, love", you call out as you disappear in the hallway leading to your office. 
Jungkook stomps off with a pout and his stomach tight in jealousy. Stupid Hyunjin and stupid flowers and stupid studying. He regrets not saying anything to you this morning. He should have said something and made you stay with him. Stupid supportiveness and stupid Hyunjin and stupid college. He begins plating the food, doing so rather groggily. Stupid food and stupid plates and stupid pots and stupid decorations and stupid Hyunjin and stupid flowers. Stupid everything. Everything is stupid.
Arms snake around his waist then, hands feel up his pecs. Jungkook tenses up, but continues pouting.
"You look so handsome, Bunny. I love the clothes”, you tell him, rounding him all while keeping your arms locked with him tightly, “your waist looks so good in that apron.”
You appear in his vision, smiling at him. Your fingers brush his cheek in a soft caress, your thumb outlines his upper lip for just a second.
“I missed you so much today, love”, you tell him.
Jungkook lowers his eyes. Stupid heart. Stupid, stupid heart being so stupid because it’s being so stupid and jealous.
“I missed you too”, he mumbles and then with a huff of air he rests his chin on your shoulder and hugs your middle.
“Gosh, you’re so cute”, you say, caressing his back, “you know that we have to make up for our lost date today? I want you all to myself for the rest of the day.”
“Me too”, he says. The attention feels good and makes the jealousy a little easier to bear, but somehow it still doesn’t go away. As a matter of fact, it will stay with him for the rest of the evening. Even when later during your movie night you become bored and decide to warm his cock instead while leaving kisses all over his neck. Or even farther down the line when you have reduced him to a sweaty and breathless mess with an edged cock and way too much cum to spare. Or even later when he could finally show off all the cum when you jerk him off from behind as the hot water of your shared shower steams up the entire bathroom and makes his body burn up.
Even when you have long found your snuggle spot under the blankets and Jungkook can fall asleep as your big spoon, there was still a twinge of jealousy in the deepest pits of his stomach. 
He did one thing however. He didn’t let it show. Not once. He could have brought it up, most definitely should have, but he didn’t. The evening was just too nice to ruin it with his stupid feelings and you were too sweet to accuse you of something you have no fault in. He regrets it once you have fallen asleep and he is left with his racing thoughts of Hyunjin seducing you with his handsome face and young mind and jokes. At one point he even imagined you and that dude making out in class and Jungkook felt so outraged in jealousy that he almost woke you up just to beg you to never ever to do that. He ended up not waking you because he felt way too silly.
So come the next morning and you leave him with a kiss and a "it'll get late again today", Jungkook feels as if his chance to be honest has long passed. So he kisses you back and wishes you a good day. The part where he also wishes that you wouldn’t meet that Hyunjin guy today, he keeps to himself. 
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It is almost eight when you come home that day. Jungkook knows, as you texted him. Just as he knows that you will be bringing home two big servings of Rambokki and vanilla ice cream.
"Bunny! I'm home!" you call out. 
Jungkook appears a few seconds later, still dressed in his business suit and with the same hairstyle he had this morning. As handsome as always, managing to make your heart flutter.
"Hey my love", he greets you with a kiss, "how was your day?" 
"Good, good. I made lots of progress."
"Yeah? That’s great to hear. Did you study alone today?" 
"No, it was the same group as yesterday."
"Ah. So Hyunjin was there too?" 
"Yup, but only for two hours then he had to leave for soccer practice." 
"Ah soccer, I bet he must be really muscular then."
You give him a look, "I can't really….tell…I haven’t really looked at him…that..way..Bunny what's going on? Why are you talking so weirdly?"
Jungkook shrugs his shoulders, "nothing's going on. I was just curious”, he explains nonchalantly, helping you slip out of your coat and storing it away for you.
"Okay? Are you sure?" 
He nods his head, "yup totally."
He takes the plastic containers of Rambokki from you, carrying them to the kitchen for you.
“I see that you didn’t get any presents today. Sad”, he says.
“Yeah..no, I didn’t… Jungkook are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yep, everything’s okay. I was just curious”, he dismisses you nonchalantly.
You follow him, studying him with wary eyes. Something is up. He is acting so weird with all those questions he is asking. It’s not like him to act that way. 
"Do you want to talk about something, Kook?" you offer. 
"Huh?" he turns, "ah no, I don’t." 
You squint your eyes at him in disbelief. 
"I wanna show you something", he says and takes your hand, "come with me. It’s in your office."
"Okay?" you follow him, "seriously Kook, what's going on? You’re so weird today." 
"Just wait. I'll show you." 
He stops in front of your office and turns to you. 
"Close your eyes." 
“Not until you tell me why you’re acting so weird.”
“No, please close your eyes”, he insists with a pout.
“Fine”, you give in with a sigh, “I’ll close my eyes.”
You allow him to lead you inside with his hands on your shoulders. It seems that he positions you in the middle of the room. Then he steps back, but keeps his hand on your lower back.
"Okay, open them." 
You do, having to stumble back in pure shock.
"Holy fuck- what the- oh my god!" you exclaim. 
Your entire office is filled with flowers. Dozens and dozens of bouquets, intricately done flower statues, potted flowers. All placed in a well thought through place to make everything work together. They were all big, clearly done by an expert and in the middle of them all, sitting on your office desk in your measly vase are the flowers of your classmate. Placed there solely to be outshined by everything else. 
"Jungkook" you press out, turning to him.
He is grinning, carrying triumph in his eyes.
"Isn’t that nice? Now that's what I call a flower surprise. See? That’s how it's done." 
This is the moment when everything shifts into place for you.
"Oh my god Jungkook, you’re jealous", you exclaim. 
He widens his eyes as if caught red handed.
"No?" he laughs panicky, "I just wanted to surprise my wife, because you’re my wife and as your husband it’s my right to give you flowers? I’m not jealous?" 
You scoff, "ah yes of course and it’s not because handsome, muscular Hyunjin gave me flowers last night." 
"Don't call him that", Jungkook complains loudly, exposing himself right here and there.
You give him a knowing grin, "see? You’re not at all jealous. Of course not." 
Jungkook huffs out air, "fine, whatever", he gives up, "can you blame me when you gush about how sweet he is? It’s not even a good bouquet. Look at it”, he points at it, “pathetic”, he says with a scrunched up nose, “the flowers don't fit together at all and it’s way too small." 
You snicker, "oh excuse him and his tiny student money budget. Not everyone has way too much money to spend on flowers." 
"Stop defending him", Jungkook whines, stomping his foot. 
He is adorable and if his eyes weren’t carrying so much seriousness, you probably would have snickered.
"I'm not, I’m not", you say, grabbing his waist with a certain strength to it, "hey Kook, I’m not defending him. You’re my only one, you know that, don’t you?"
Jungkook pouts, crossing his arms in front of his chest. You give his waist a soft squeeze and lean in to kiss his cheek. 
"Hm?" you stress, giving him the fondest gaze ever, "do you know that you're my best and only Bunny?" 
Jungkook crumbles instantly, scrunching his nose up and blushing vividly. He sways his shoulder from side to side, giggling cutely.
"Yeah, I know", he says, beaming at you. 
“You do? Then tell me.”
“I’m your best Bunny”, he says through his giggles.
“And I’m your only Bunny”, he murmurs, hiding his face behind his sweater paws now that he feels way too giddy and shy.
"Good", you chuckle, caressing his sides, "gosh, you stupid noodle why didn’t you tell me sooner?" 
"I don't know. I felt stupid and didn’t wanna ruin last night because it was so much fun." 
"Mhm, I see. Maybe you should have because goddamn Kook, those are so many flowers."
"I know right?" he sounds triumphantly cocky again, "I chose all of them myself. That’s what you get from me. I could do this all day, every day." 
You laugh. He is so adorable when he tries to show off in order to impress you. 
"Please don’t, we'll drown in flowers if you do."
He snickers, “fine, but if that Hyungjing dude keeps giving you flowers, I have to.”
You know that he messed up his name on purpose.
“Hah”, you laugh, “fine, message received. You stupid noodle.”
You turn to him and twist his tie, keeping one hand on his waist. One tug and he is snug against you, looking at you with big eyes and his throat moving in a gulp. 
"Thank you so much for the flowers, Bunny", you tug him down so your lips would be close to touching, "you're such a good boy for me. Makes me wanna reward you." 
Jungkook whines, grabbing your waist to knead it desperately.
"Mommy what, what about the Rambokki?" 
“What about them?” you tease, knowing very well what Jungkook is trying to insinuate here. You want the same thing. After all, it is an outrage that your beloved husband thinks that you would ever replace him for someone like your classmate. It is your duty as his loving wife to wipe those worries from his brain.
“They’ll get cold”, he says breathily, drawing closer and moaning softly when he feels your hand grab his ass roughly.
"We'll just warm them up later", you say, swooping him off his feet by pressing him against your desk. But not before you swept your classmate's flowers on the floor in a quick movement, making sure that Jungkook saw with just how little respect you did it.
Jungkook moans, falling on top of the desk with wobbly knees and a dizzy head. He spreads his legs, aching to have you right between them. 
"First, I’m gonna have to eat you up", you rasp, pulling him snug against you.​
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anemptypuddingcup · 6 months
contains pregnancy sex or sex while pregnant.
I know it’s a bit weird- I saw it as wholesome and fluffy smut.
You huffed out as you kept your hand to your hip, your other hand against the wall as you struggled to walk around with your little tummy bump. You could feel your little one kicking but you smile softly at how enthusiastic he was. You rub your tummy, pressing your back against the wall as you found it challenging to keep balance. “Law baby, can you come help me please? I’m in the hallway!” You yell out to your husband, standing there as you waited for him to help you.
You hear his slippers trail along the floor on the other side of the bedroom door before he opens it. “Struggling to walk again?” He asked, slowly walking over to you. You nodded and watched as he held out his large tatted hand to you. “He keeps kicking…I guess he’s pretty excited today.” You chuckle, your hand tightly grasping Law’s as he pulled you closer to his frame. He presses a smooch to your temple, chuckling while he guides you down the hallway.
“Do you need anything before you lay down? Any snacks or water?” He asks, quirking a brow to you. You shook your head to him and he nods before looking away from you.
“Oi, ________-Ya.” He calls out sternly, his tone now serious as he looks down at you. Your brows raise in interest and concern as his golden eyes stared into yours. “Y-Yes Traffy?” You asked, tilting your head to him out of curiosity. Law sighs and shuts his eyes before speaking again.
“I…I wanna be active again. I want to fuck you again ________.” He says, cupping your face with his chilly hands. Your eyes widens and you blink blankly at his statement. “I know you’ve been afraid to try sex again because of the little one inside but…at this stage I’m sure it’s safe as long as we take it slow and gentle…” Law explains, once of his hands trailing down to rub your tummy. You blush at his words and lay your head against his chest.
“W-Well…Don’t be rough with me…and…I want to use protection this time…” You say softly to him. Law nods understandably and presses a smooch to your temple.
“I’ll do anything to make sure you’re comfortable and safe.” He whispers before trailing his lips down against yours.
☆ ☆ ☆
Law made sure to prep for the frisky escapade. Bottles of water were arranged on your nightstand and you sat there on your knees waiting for him. You continued to rub your slightly swollen stomach, trying your best to soothe your little on inside and trying to rid yourself of the anxiety. The soft fabric of one of his shirts against your skin making you tremble.
Law slowly trails out of the bathroom and into the bathroom, untying the sash on his robe and slowly pulling it open while he crawled into the soft mattress. He gets a soft grasp on one of your hands and presses a smooch to it before trailing up and along your arm. “My pretty girl, still as beautiful as ever aren’t you?~” He whispers out, pressing loving smooches to your cheek and jawline.
You mewl out and stand up onto your knees, cupping Law’s face and giving his lips an adorning smooch. He hums out and wraps his arms around your waist, his hands rubbing along the skin of your lower back. “Mmh~ T-Traffy~” You gasp out, pressing your hand to his shoulders for balance.
“Take your time baby, take it slow for me.” He whispers to you, helping you lower your hums onto his bare lap. He hums out as he felt your pussy dripping out onto his lap, your sweet essence already soaking the skin of his thigh. “Aw, you’re so wet aren’t you pretty?” He asks, chuckling as he lifts up his shirt you’re wearing. You nodded and mewl out against him, enjoying the feeling of his soft lips smooching your pretty breasts.
He pulls away after a few more smooches and slides his robe back a bit, revealing his length to you. He pulls a condom from his robe pocket and hands it to you, smirking before giving you a little wink. “You want me to put it on hm?” You asked, letting out a little chuckle. He nods and you obey, tearing the wrapper with your teeth and taking the thin and lubricated condom from the packet.
You slowly slide the rubber onto his length, massaging both his tip and shaft in the process and making him let out a shaky groan. You giggle as he gets a grasp on your hips again, sliding your soaking cunt along his length while a hiss leaves his lips. “Mmh fuck baby~” He huffs out, his cock twitching along your slit and folds, making you tremble.
“Traffy~” You mewl out his name sweetly and he lifts your hips while you adjust his cock. You felt his tip kiss your entrance and you let out a sharp exhale as he slowly slides you down on his cock. You moan out and pressed your hand to his shoulders, missing the feeling of his thick length stretching your pretty cunt. “You alright? Does anything hurt?” He asks you, huffing out a bit as he felt your walls pulsating around his cock.
You nodded and press you lips against his, moving your hips slightly and urging him to move. He smiles and begins thrusting up into your pussy slowly, a heavy gasp leaving you lips as you felt him kissing your g-spot already. “Ah~ O-Oh Traffy~” You moan out, laying your head to his shoulder. “Fuck, you feel just as wonderful as you did the last time I fucked you. Your pussy will always be so fucking good to me~” He groans out, his brows furling while his breath grew a bit shaky.
You softly and slowly bounce your hips on his cock, moaning out with each kiss his cock gave inside of your cunt. “F-Feels so good Traffy~ I-I miss your thick cock fucking me so much~” You gasp out, arching your back while Law watched you fuck yourself on his dick. Law holds you in his arms, lying you back softly as he slowly slid his dick in and out of your tight and sticky pussy.
You moan out as you listened to the sticky and sloppy noises, adoring how you could feel every single detail of his cock within your gummy walls. “Mmgh~ Traffy~” You moan out his name, wrapping your legs around his waist and pulling him close while began to thrust into you just a bit faster. He huffs out and gives you a sloppy smooch, his brows furling from the sweet pleasure of your pussy sucking him in.
“You feel so good~ Oh god baby you feel so fucking good~” Law moans out shakily, pressing his lips softly against yours. “Mmgh~ You feel better~ I-It’s so good when you’re so soft and slow on me Traffy~” You mewl out, shuddering against him. Law sighs out and waffles a hand with yours, moaning out as his hips practically stammer against yours. His thrusts grew more deep as while he gasped out from the pleasure, lifting your legs up high and putting you in a nice little mating press.
You mewled out and grasp his robe so tightly, a whine leaving your lips as you felt yourself growing close to your orgasm. “Oh T-Traffy!~” You gasp out, arching your back and throwing your head back softly as you felt your orgasm rising in your lower abdomen. “Gonna cum baby? Go on then, cream on my cock baby~” Law sighs out, his cock twitching within your tight cunt. You whine out shakily and get a tight grasp on his robe, tugging as you felt yourself wanting to cum.
“Mmh!~ Mmgh Traffy!~” Your toes curled writhing your fuzzy sock as you moan out his name sweetly, your pussy tightening around his length as you cream on his cock. A heavy whine leaves you as you wrap your legs tight around his hips. “Fuck~ Fuck baby!~” Law groans out heavily as he spurts his thick cum within the condom, huffing out before he softly laid his body against yours. He buries his face deep within your neck, giving you adoring smooches and suckling on your skin.
Your hands play with his raven strands while you mewl out softly against him, a few heavy breaths leaving your lips while he sits up. “Are you alright?” He asked, breathing a bit heavily while his eyes stares into yours and down at your round tummy. You nodded, a little giggle leaving you as you lie there relaxed. Law smiles before he begins to pull out, a groan leaving him as he pulls out of your pussy.
The condom slides off of his cock easily, your cunt practically gripping on to the condom while he pulled out. A bead of cum spills from his cock and he chuckles a bit as he grabs the condom and pulls it out of you. You mewl out softly at the feeling of the condom sliding out of you. Law throws the condom in the small trash can at your bedside before looking to you.
He presses a hand to your tummy and rubs it, sighing out as he lies beside you on the soft bedding. You turn over onto your side to face him and press a smooch to his soft lips while humming out. Law smiled as he stared at your pretty expression. “Thank you ________…” He thanked you, giving you another smooch before wrapping his arm around you.
You nodded, burying your face up against his shoulder. “You’re welcome baby~” You hum, a little yawn leaving your lips as you got comfortable with him. Law presses a smooch to your temple and lays against you, his arm pulling you closer before he yawns out as well.
“You’re gonna be a good momma ________~” Law whispers out to you sleepily, a slight chuckle falling after before he relaxed his body against yours.
“You’ll be a good daddy Law.” You groan out, another yawn leaving your lips as you slowly shut your eyes.
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