#let hakoda adopt zuko
waterfire1848 · 6 months
Avatar AU - Ozai and Ursa fail at killing Azulon. He kills Ozai but Ursa manages to run with her kids. The problem is that Azulon is still after her and she can’t get very far with two kids. She leaves them at an Earth Kingdom port, promising to be right back, but never returns. At the end of the day, Hakoda comes across two sleeping kids next to his boat who say their mom promised she’d come back but it’s been hours. He brings them aboard the ship to wait for her and get food and water. A few days pass and Ursa doesn’t return so Hakoda brings the kids to the South Pole.
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ilikepjo24 · 9 months
[Hakoda has adopted the fire siblings.]
Bato: This is a really bad, Hakoda!
Hakoda: Bato, can you please spiral a little bit quieter? Zuko is still asleep, and if he hears two men fighting in the other room, he might think he's getting burnt again.
Bato: Aw man, his backstory is so sad...
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stardust948 · 8 months
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We need more wholesome Ursa and Katara.
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So... @muffinlance wrote a really awesome story. I read a post from a point in time, though I truly do not remember when since it seems like I've been working on this project forever, saying that she gives blanket permission for people to print and bind the story into a book (I think there was an also addendum saying that they do not give permission to be sold, since selling fic is illegal). This fic has had total control over my whole brain since it was sent to me (@creatorofthemind I believe it was you, so thank you forever for tuning me into it) back during the days of like chapter six or seven.
So here I am now, sharing this amazing journey of my first ever bookbinding adventure. Further reading below.
So to give you an idea of what's going on, this is a fanfiction about Zuko (Avatar the Last Airbender) (animated show version, the LA show did not exist yet and we do not speak of the movie) being adopted by Hakoda, Father of Katara and Zuko. (This might have also been what kicked off the Give Zuko A Parent craze, but don't fact check me.)
Overall, the characters from the show stick very well to the cannon versions, but where MuffinLance really shines is in the rich backstories and fleshed out feeling of all the non cannon elements. Especially the background characters. I would argue that the writing in this peice of fanwork could easily rival the cannon show at many points of comparison.
Now that you have context, we can get into the actual process.
To start, I used this guide to figure out where to even begin, and fount the included resource list to also be quite helpful. I cannot for the LIFE OF ME figure out where I found the template I used for the front matter and such, but it must be somewhere and I will link to it when I inevitably come across it again.
Then I began to typeset. This step took... a long time. I worked in chunks from about September of 2022 to late March of 2024. I would get a big section done, sometimes even the entire thing, but then find I hated the way I had done it and give up for months at a time. Such is the life of ADHD and flitting interest in projects I suppose.
And then finally, step one was done, and I was left with pages on a word document that look like this. (And do please let me know if you want the link to the document. It was so much work, and I would love to not be the only one to use it.)
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Next step was printing out this beast. Ended up being about eight pages of front matter, and about 630 pages of body text.
That I printed wrong.
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Before finally getting it right. And then not getting a picture of it, because I finished at 4 am and had work at 7, and am also an idiot.
Then I simply stitched along, putting everything together into a beautiful text block.
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And came up with a design for the cover.
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Yes the glue did end up lumpy. Ignore it.
Yes I did have to sketch out the design onto a scraped page several times before I figured out what I was doing. Ignore that too.
The cover design does wrap around the entire cover. No I did not get a picture before I glued the thing down. See again: I'm an idiot. And just... massively impatient.
Finally, we get to the stage of gluing. Behold, my bookpress.
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Of course, topped with Madam MuffinLances own actual professional-people book, Fox's Tounge and Kirin's Bone. It is Excelent. Here is the LINK so you can go and support this amazing author with the real-monies as well as the internet-kudos.
Then, once everything is glued together, one must give the book its "gilt" edges.
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muffinlance · 2 years
Can you imagine the idea of Sushi in Salvage, she latches onto Zuko when he falls over board and then the SWT finds both Zuko and this random cursed cat thing, now Hakoda has to deal w a feral teen AND said teens cryptid horror of a cat
“WHAT IS THAT?” asks Sokka, moments after stepping foot on the ship.
“That,” winces the chief, his father, the traitorous Zuko-adopter, “is--”
“What,” Bato says, as he’s distracted from the Fire Prince aboard their wooden ship by the tentacles writhing out of the glaring teenager’s shirt collar.
Hakoda, his best friend, the competent idiot Bato clearly left alone for too long, drags a hand down down his face. “That’s--”
On the second day, General Fong’s representative refuses to step foot aboard Hakoda’s ship for negotiations. In light of yesterday, Hakoda finds that fair.
“To be clear,” the man says, “we are only negotiating for the prince. Not his... pet.”
“...What will you give me to make sure it doesn’t follow?”
The man huffs. “Come now, Chief, I was only jesting.”
“It can swim,” Hakoda says. “As fast as our ship.” 
Which, he does not have to point out, is faster than the ship in which the man is proposing to haul away their princely problem.
The man’s laughter is nervous, and not at all in jest. 
“So,” Panuk says, leaning against the rail next to Hakoda with the casualness of a man living a spirit tale. One that doesn’t end well for the humans. “The thing can camouflage itself. Almost perfectly. And crawl across ceilings. Also, the prince is on some kind of hunger strike, though he’s fine with letting it eat.” 
Across the deck, the prince was, indeed, glaring at the platter of food directly in front of him. The food that was... moving independent of any visible hands. And disappearing, into the air, with noises Hakoda was glad he could only vaguely hear from here.
“It’s medicinal,” said Healer Kustaa, his lips twitching under his beard. 
Hakoda stared down at the young soldier he was supposed to hug. With only a non-dramatic sigh, he settled under the covers to do so. 
Kustaa kept watching. So did Aake. Hakoda wrapped his arms around the ice cube of a boy, eyeing the two of them with all due distrust. 
Eight arms rose from the tangle of blankets to hug him back.
“--Son of Ursa and Fire Lord Ozai. Kill me if you can, you cowards, but if you touch my cat I’ll kill you.”
“Your what?” Hakoda asked.
Which was when the thing emerged over their railing, dripping water and madness from its tenta-paws, flashing blue rings of deadly warning across its pelt. And plucked the sword right out of Aake’s hand, and dropped it into the prince’s waiting one, as if this were a practiced thing.
In the tumult after the prince went overboard, Sushi’s departure went unnoticed for hours.
In the coming days, weeks, months, this would be a great comfort to Iroh. Catopi were submersible in a way that nephews were not. Perhaps, just perhaps...
(Treason was a great comfort, as well.)
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southpxrking · 1 month
Speaking of fics I need:
Let my boy have a loving dad pls
(I know he has Iroh but I love this trope so much)
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kawaiichibiart · 3 months
More of my favorite "Zuko Joins the Gaang Early" tropes:
There's always a chance he'll get second hand embarrassment when Katara pretends to be an earthbender so she can get arrested (okay this one isn't really a trope, it's more of a desire)
The 50/50 chance he's the one Jet carries up to the Freedom Fighters' hideout
Animals like him
Finds out Roku is his great grandfather earlier
He and Yue are besties (or in some cases, spiritual siblings)
He was probably kidnapped, ngl
Ranaway and got adopted by someone (usually by either Hakoda's family or by Bato)
Was banished but rather than be sent to find the avatar, he was thrown overboard (either literally or placed into a boat that got lowered into the water with nothing but him and maybe a note in it) and got rescued and adopted (again either Hakoda's family or Bato usually)
↓ Time travel bullshit
Spiritual bullshit
↑ Zuko can join the Gaang early but something has to happen to him (turned into a dragon, turned into a child, memory loss... take your pick) bullshit
Soulmates AU (I like the romantic ones but the platonic ones are my favorite)
The fight in the catacombs still happens the same, it was just planned that way so Zuko could be a spy on the inside (I think I saw this like once and I regret not remembering the name or where I read the fic, so this is also more of a desire)
Dragon boy (either literally, he is a dragon, or metaphorically (probably not using that correctly but whatever), he acts like a dragon (chances he got raised by one))
Fuck this, let's be pirates
Fuck this, let's sell tea
Fuck this, I'm going to be the Firelord, let's go back so I can fight my bastard of a father (again this was a one time thing, far as I can remember but it cracked me up, desire number 3 is to see more of this)
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this-acuteneurosis · 1 year
Random. But do you have any star wars fic recs ? Fics recs of any kind are welcome actually ^_^
Oh, uh, sure.
Let's see, I've mentioned @chancecraz a bunch of times, I love all their stuff, if I had to pick a favorite I'd say Of Queens, Knights, and Pawns but how does one really choose?
I've also mentioned @fialleril and Double Agent Vader, which really got me into the SWs fandom in the first place. I love everything I have ever learned, it hits me so hard in the feels each time. (I also really loved Sigyn's Saga if we're also talking not-SW stuff.)
I enjoyed The Desert Sun series by @blue-sunshine-mauve-morning. (I will be honest, I have only read the first series I have not started Rise and Fall.) It's engaging and fun and thoughtful.
doing it by my lonesome and staring down the barrel of the hot sun by magneticwave are two fun Luke/Din stories featuring appropriately cute Grogu. I also liked pages filled with scribbled ink, which is an epistolary Padmé/Obi-Wan fic that had me cackling. (their non-SW stuff is good too, I especially enjoyed just me against the sky)
Other...serious(?) recs include: The Wingless Dragon by husborth if you like being sad and horrified about Vader's bad choices. Food Scandal by Malicean for some situational hilarity and for lots of OC perspective on Imperial bureaucracy (my other weakness aside from politics). PRojects IN Controlled Environments by Beth Winters for Imperial R&D bureaucracy, more situational hilarity, and very relatable coworker nonsense.
More silly/fun premises include: Compromising by samvelg, which inspired me to write a (very different) Piett POV of Luke and Vader nonsense. Memo: Jedi Maintenance (The Care and Feeding of Your Jetii) by RainofLittleFishes is exactly what it says and what you would hope for from such a title. Luke Skywalker is Altogether Too Likeable by Mokulule is another Piett POV of Skywalker nonsense.
As far as Non-Star Wars recs
It would be a crime and sin if I didn't mention Embers by Vathara , an Avatar the Last Airbender fic which honestly changed my life and how my brain was shaped.
World Ain't Ready by @idiopathicsmile is a Les Mis fic I've gone back to a few times. The dialogue is just really good. I spend a lot of the fic laughing, and also screaming at the characters.
I fell absurdly in love with Second person familiar, I think because it tickles some part of me that just dies over linguistics, and I'm a fan of pretty much everything @jackironsides has done for The Witcher.
Salvage by @muffinlance is a very fun Avatar the Last Airbender fic about Zuko getting reluctantly adopted by Hakoda (it's so good).
Finding the Line by Miss_Lazy_Tuesday is a Batfam fic that sort of ruined me at one point, it's fine. (I enjoy their other stuff too.)
The Angel of Hell's Kitchen by MarbleGlove is a Daredevil fic. I don't really go here, but this was about social structures, bureaucracy, and doing the work, and we all know I can't help myself.
Reconstruction by rageprufrock is the story of Stephanie Rogers, but like, it's Pru writing it. So. Characters are great. World building is great. Tension and longing and grief are great. I cannot stress enough how good the academic and news article asides are. Like, it's good. Incomplete, but so good.
Ordinary Numbers by BootsnBlossoms and Kryptaria, a James Bond fic that I keep coming back to because I too would be a sucker for someone who sent me needlessly expensive gifts.
And This, Your Living Kiss by opal_bullets is a Supernatural fic about poetry. I am not in this fandom, but again, my weakness for language gets me every time.
ever fallen in love (on national TV)? by ganymede_elegy is a GoT Jonsa modern Bachelor AU and...guys I cannot express how much I Do Not Go here, and how much I still recommend this fic. Like, it's just...I don't know. It worked. In spite of me knowing nothing about GoT or The Bachelor. wtf
survival of the fittest by cywscross is a short Naruto fic about a very unpleasant adventure for Sakura and Shikarmaru that just...worked. As a story. Dunno, I just really like it.
I could be wrong, I could be ready by harryromper is a Harry/Draco fic where they are disasters and traumatized, and it is about healing and building houses as a metaphor for overcoming trauma, and it's fine, I'm fine.
eternity will be born from hope by theseviolentdelights99 is a Yuri!!! on Ice fic that is about a time traveling Yuuri who (you'll never guess) goes back in time and does bureaucracy in his hometown and his sport to help the people that he loves. The unreliable narrator is excellent, the social media asides are wonderful, and it's not complete but it is exactly my poison.
(Wow, this is so long and all over the place...)
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8 for Hakoda?
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
okay so. the thing is that there is nothing inherently wrong with a story where hakoda adopts zuko. plenty of things are fine in concept. but after salvage took the fandom by storm during the 2020 renaissance we were awash in approximately one billion salvage aus and various hakoda-adopts-zuko premises and now hakoda&zuko has more works than hakoda&sokka on ao3 and you can't go into his tag without hitting zuko. and a lot of the aus/other premises/etc. were simply terrible:
there were ones where he was a baby. or a dragon. or a baby dragon. the best part of salvage was the realistic slow building of trust so making zuko extra innocent and/or special completely fucks up the story (the mary sue-ification of zuko is an essay in and of itself)
there was fanart of hakoda as a wolf protecting zuko (i think it was some studio ghibli thing?). yes let's draw an indigenous guy as an animal protecting his colonizer this has no racist implications at all /s
some hakoda adopts zuko fics had zukka. yeah i guess they're not bio siblings but it's still weird to have him date his foster brother right?
there was barely any acknowledgement of how sokka & katara would feel about the dad they haven't seen in years adopting a colonizer. mostly bc acknowledging that hakoda has strained relationships with his kids would ruin the escapism of Zuko Gets a New Perfect Nice Dad
like i get the appeal. you have a shitty dad and you relate to zuko and you want to read about him getting a new good dad. but good lord did this phenomenon encapsulate all the worst parts of this fandom's annoying-ass zuko-centrism
ask game
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summerbummin · 1 year
My ATLA Fic Recs
When Azula shoots Iroh with lightning the gaang doesn’t let Zuko chase them away and insist on helping. It’s a catalyst for Zuko joining the gaang early and helping start a revolution with the fire nation people. I love the exploration of Zuko’s character in this fic and the world building with the nations all coming together I just love it sm
“Mountains and Badgermolehills”
Zuko is captured by Zhao on suspicion of being the blue spirit and Sokka ends up being his cell neighbor. Sokka realizes Zuko is a good person with loyalties to the wrong person and tries to force feed him friendship and gets the gaang in on it later. Also the banter is top tier
“Gossip Lord Zuko”
Post canon Fire Lord Zuko bonding with his staff and joining in on gossip night. I love Zuko helping the fire nation heal and being adored by his people
“Tea and Cakes”
Autistic Zuko with an eating disorder and good shit about his relationships with other members of the gaang and his uncle
“Life in Eden”
Fire hazard siblings where Ursa ran interference with Azula and made sure she knew she loved her children equally, so Azula and Zuko have a better relationship and she ends up helping him. Love their dynamic in this
“The Family You Choose”
The gaang as soulmates (I’d be surprised if u haven’t already read this fic tbh) but Zuko doesn’t know bc his grandfather and father burned his soul marks off when he was born. The explorations of everyone’s back stories is so good. I especially like how Suki’s got fleshed out, she deserves more attention from canon
“Dragon of the Yuyan”
Zuko is adopted by the Yuyan archers at 13 after his dad dumps him in the earth kingdom to die. He joins the gaang when he breaks Aang out as the blue spirit. He’s also mute and uses sign language. His reunion with Iroh had me so emotional ;-;
Au where after being burned and left for dead in the earth kingdom, Zuko ends up as a bodyguard for the Beifong’s daughter. The Zuko and Toph sibling bonding is supreme
“In the Soft Light”
The war ends early au. Zukka fic featuring moon spirit Sokka and fire nation ambassador Zuko
Hakoda adopts Zuko fic (I would also be surprised if anyone hadn’t read this fic with how popular it is) where Zuko goes from asshole cat prisoner to son boy. Also Hakoda is ready to uppercut Ozai
“The beginning of a new and brighter birth”
Amazing post canon Zuko fic abt healing the fire nation, has many wholesome and funny moments
“Carry on For You”
Zukka pokemon au series, it’s so good. I esp love the attention given to abused Pokemon
“Lessons in Tea Making”
Au where Zuko gave up on his father early on and converted his naval ship into a traveling tea shop. He’s trying to stay out of the war and in a hilarious twist the gaang is trying to capture him so he can teach Aang fire bending
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northerngoshawk · 10 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
thank you @dearestpartnerofgreatness! i've done this before, but it doesn't hurt to do it again hahaha (and with more background info lol)
The Dishonored Blade - an ATLA x League of Legends AU, in which on the Winter Solstice during the Fire Nation Spirit Festival, Zuko must reckon with the sins of his past. this fic was the first niche au/wholly indulgent fic i've ever written for myself, and i consider it my best writing to date. just,,, the themes and lessons weave themselves in so naturally that i can hardly believe myself when i read it back and... i think people should read it, especially since this is probably one of my best depictions of the platonic zukaang relationship.
i don't know who i am (but i won't stop trying) - my Katara-centric fic series that deals with colonialism, cultural appropriation, and cultural genocide. technically a series of two fics, but it serves to view the canon ATLA series through the lens of cultural genocide, a lens that i seldom see within larger fandom. and as self-deprecating i am, i do think that those themes really shine in this series, and it's clearly touched many people who have felt these things personally. overall a great series that should be read altogether!
dreamless dreams - a platonic zukaang fic in which Zuko grapples with the guilt of contributing to the imperialism of the FIre Nation and Aang shows him how to heal from it. i have not seen many fics that truly delve deep into Zuko's guilt and shame and have him grapple with those feelings - a lot of Zuko-favorable fics tend to absolve him of his guilt and it's like eeeee. so this was my first truly in-canon introspection of Zuko's character, and i think i did it well
these sleepless nights we spend (waiting to come home) - my Hakoda Adopts Aang fic, because yes Aang deserves all the good things. i just loved developing their relationship (which we barely see in the series) and drawing parallels between them. overall, a fic well-done!
leaves let go (to fall from the vine) - an underrated one, but an Iroh & Lu Ten fic in which Iroh meets Lu Ten one last time and learns to let go of his grief. this fic was written as an angst starter sentence prompt from @itsmoonpeaches, and as intimidated as i was, i really did enjoy writing their relationship, the parallels between the past of Iroh's & Lu Ten's and the present and future of Iroh's & Zuko's relationship. also this let me write out a small hc i had about Lu Ten, so... can't complain lol.
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waterfire1848 · 21 days
Bato: Honey, they’re still training.
Hakoda: Who?
Bato: Azula and Zuko.
Hakoda: So?
Bato: It’s one in the morning.
Hakoda: Oh.
[ Hakoda goes to check on them. ]
Hakoda: Hey. What are you two doing?
Zuko: We’re training. That’s what we do.
Hakoda: You two can stop now. The war is over.
Azula: Our father said that this is how you earn love.
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zukkaart · 1 year
okay so what if Zuko never left the fire nation after being welcomed home. Zuko is crowned fire lord instead of azula because of birth order, when ozai becomes Phoenix king. the avatar movement has to go underground and things get worse. Azula never had her breakdown because she was never defeated but there's clearly something wrong. ozai gets annoyed with her paranoia eventually and decides to marry her off to the southern water tribe chief, against his (and her) will, mostly as a way to get rid of her. she arrives in a foreign land, expecting to be hated and kept as prisoner until she dies. instead the first thing hakoda says to her is "I'm sorry". sure they're all wary of her, but she's still a teenager, Katara's age. the second the fire nation embasarries leave he tells her he's built her an igloo of her own. Azula figures its a prison cell, but its really hakoda's way of saying 'i dont want anything to do with you wifely'. and suddenly azula is in less danger than she's ever been in before. basically just recovering domestic azula with dadkoda. and eventually azula and zuko reconcile and decide to take the fire nation down from the Inside and story plot blah blah. but mostly hakoda adopting azula and giving her the parental love she never got 😭
I absolutely can NOT even begin to tell you the brain worms this gives me.
I think it makes a lot of sense for the time period in which avatar takes place too because I think it’s supposed to be circa 1700? (Correct me if I’m wrong) and obviously in most places at that time arranged marriages were very common, and many rulers did not shy away from marrying their children (daughters especially) off to much older men as long as they gained significant advantages from it- I wouldn’t be surprised if Ozai did the same. (Sorry for the info dump I’m a history nerd)
If you read “the art of burning” by hella1975 on Ao3 it is basically all dadkoda content but with Zuko and it’s absolutely beautifully written- probably one of the best fics I’ve ever read.
Circling back on topic- I could see Azula resigning herself to what she’s been taught her “wifely duties” are and constantly telling herself “just one son, just an heir, then hopefully he’ll never touch me again” (Yes Sokka but let’s just say for political purposes her father wants her to provide a SWT/FN heir) and then she realizes that Hakoda would NEVER do that to her or anyone else - and her cold facade begins to drop revealing the scared little girl she really is beneath the conditioning.
Bonus: Zuko absolutely despises the marriage because that’s still his little sister and just because he accepted his role doesn’t change where his morals fall. So he plans a whole months trip to some remote place for “training” but instead steals his old ship and goes to the SWT to get Azula back and maime anyone who laid a finger on her regardless of the political consequences, but he shows up and Azula explains how Hakoda basically adopted her instead. Zuko actually finds himself jealous of Azulas situation outside of his fathers influence and finally having the childhood that neither of them ever were offered but is ultimately so grateful to Hakoda for it.
And then he meets the water tribe heir one night while he’s grappling with these feelings of jealousy vs grief vs gratitude and having dealt with his father leaving and losing Yue and seeing Katara and Aang being happy and traveling together while he stays in the south he completely understands and helps him work though it.
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91062854-ka · 4 months
Zack Keller (Voiced by Sean O'Donnell)
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Biographical information
Nationality: Canadian
Ethnicity: American
17 in Book One: Air
18 in Books Two and Three
21 in Book Four: Balance
Born: 2000
Physical description
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Dark brown
Skin color: Tanish-light
Personal information
Gender: Man
Love interests: Mako (boyfriend)
(A/N: if Korra and Asami can be together, then so can Mako and my male oc. Also, I feel that Mako would date a guy after his past relationships with girls didn't end well, but that's just my opinion.)
Team Avatar (Korra, Mako, Bolin, Asami Sato), Tenzin and his family, Bumi, Kya, Katara, Zuko, Selina, Ginger, Pearlie, Ralphie, Lin Beifong, General Iroh, Tarrlok, Varrick, Wu, Iroh, Raava, Suyin Beifong, Opal, Toph Beifong, more …
Amon, Equalists, Triple Threat Triad, Tarrlok, dark spirits, Unalaq, Vaatu, Hundun, Red Lotus, Aiwei, Hou-Ting, Earth Empire, more …
Weapon of choice: Air, glider staff
Fighting styles: Airbending
Political information
Police officer
Police detective
Airbending master (in the future)
Republic City Police
Air Nation
Air Temple Island
Team Avatar
• Zack is 5'9" (1.75m).
• Zack's zodiac sign is Gemini; the element of his sign is air, so it might be the reason why Zack is an airbender when he arrives to the Legend of Korra world.
• Despite just getting his airbending after arriving to the Legend of Korra world, Zack is more powerful due to watching both the last airbender and the legend of korra, and being a fast visual learner.
• Zack Keller is the second person who arrives in the Avatar world and gains his bending ability as an airbender, the first was Selina Lopez, who arrived years prior and gain her bending ability as a waterbender.
• Zack was into martial arts when he was young, and started Tai Chi at the age of 10, and used it for airbending and self-defense.
• Zack has two trained and loyal pet cats, a female Turkish Van named Marnie and a male Norwegian Forest named Rocky. He soon later gets a loyal female Sky Bison name Lucky.
• Zack actually found out he was gay before arriving to the legend of korra world, his parents didn't take it too well while his adopted family accepted him being gay, which led him being more happier being with his adopted family than his biological parents.
• Zack didn't like Mako at first due to how he became a playboy after cheating on both Asami and Korra, but after spending time with him and realize he's actually an nice guy, he developed feelings for Mako, and later started dating him at the end of season 4.
• Zack earned his Airbending master tattoos after inventing and performing the air whip, which is almost similar to the water whip. And even though he earned his tattoos, he chooses to let his hair grow back instead of staying bald.
• Like Selina, who was adopted by Hakoda and became Sokka and Katara's adopted sister, Zack was adopted by Tenzin and became his and Pema's eldest son and became Jinora, Ikki, Meelo, and Rohan's oldest brother, so this means Zack became Selina and Zuko's eldest nephew.
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bard-llama · 10 months
WiP List Time
Because why not? This is gonna be super long, so I'm gonna separate it into sections under a cut.
Gen fics (71)
The Tournament of Kingship (published): Toph enters a tourney to determine the King of Omashu, who is supposed to be the Greatest Earthbender in the World
Actions Speak Louder Than Words (unpublished): Zuko apologizes to the Gaang through actions, rather than words
Come to the Good Side, We Have Cookies (published)
Spontaneous Combustion (unpublished): In Ba Sing Se, Zuko investigates a rash of spontaneous combustion cases
Early S3 AU (unpublished): During The Runaway, Zuko is touring the prison facility Toph and Katara end up in. When they escape, he chases them - because they're the only possible hope of stopping his father.
Choosing Nonviolence (unpublished): Aang sees Zuko’s Scars, but still refuses to kill Ozai. Zuko feels betrayed, but nonviolence is important to Aang and he tries to explain
What is Forgiveness (unpublished): Aang was right about Katara needing to forgive. But what does that mean for him facing Ozai?
Truth Serum (unpublished): While facing Azula during The Chase, they all somehow get exposed to some kind of truth pollen shit
De-aged Zuko (unpublished): s1!Zuko ends up as a little kid. The Gaang does not know what to think.
Flower Language (unpublished): Aang offers friendship through flower language. Zuko does not understand.
The Duke Learns to Read (unpublished): Zuko teaches The Duke how to read
Working Together/Mission Fic (unpublished) s1!Zuko and Aang get captured by slavers and have to escape with the other captives
Zuko becomes Fire Lord at 13 AU (unpublished): During the Agni Kai, Zuko fights back. This changes everything.
Toph Joins S1 (unpublished): During the Pirate encounter, Toph mows them down and Iroh and Zuko end up surrounded. Zuko refuses to surrender.
A Scarred Foundation (published): Zuko wears makeup to hide the worst of his scars
Muzzled (unpublished): The Gaang and Iroh rescue Zuko from Zhao, only to find him muzzled and unaware. It's been days.
The Long Road to Recovery (unpublished): When the Gaang refuses to let Zuko join them, he goes searching for Uncle in Ba Sing Se - and ends up captured and horribly tortured. Now the war is over and he has to figure out how to recover.
Trusted with Weapon (unpublished): Zuko realizes the Gaang trusts him
Body Swap (unpublished): In Ba Sing Se, Zuko and Aang wake up in each other's bodies. Iroh is very confused and concerned.
Gifts (unpublished): When they discover it's Aang's bday, the different ways their cultures view gifts are explored
Katara POV Zuko tortured by Fire Lord (unpublished): Katara is glad Aang is unconscious and can't hear Zuko's screams
Ozai finds out Zuko joined the Avatar (unpublished): Ozai is very annoyed that he didn't just murder his firstborn long ago
Kanna (unpublished): Gran Gran stands in judgement of the firebender her grandkids adopted
Gyatso Runs Away With Aang (unpublished): s1 AU with added Gyatso
Dad Convo (unpublished): Zuko and Hakoda have a convo about dads
Shaking it up down South (unpublished): Katara is not the only woman annoyed when the post-war negotiations in the Southern Water Tribe keep ignoring them. The men don't intend to be sexist, but it doesn't mean they aren't.
Something to Live For (unpublished): when your whole world is pain, you have to find something worth living for
Keeping the Avatar Alive (unpublished): After fucking up and almost getting Aang killed, Zuko takes his responsibility to protect the Avatar very seriously
Self-Harming Zuko (unpublished): Zuko doesn't know why he hurts himself, but he does
Haunted Toy (unpublished): After the news of Lu Ten's death, Zuko discovers that the toy crow that Lu Ten had given him now speaks with Lu Ten's voice.
Animal Transformation: Zuko is a finch-hawk (unpublished): s1!Zuko gets turned into a bird and ends up getting taken care of by the Gaang
Time Travel Zuko 2: Electric Boogaloo (unpublished): s1!Gaang come into contact with an older man calling himself Fire Lord Zuko. s1!Zuko is not impressed.
Toph and Zuko’s Life-Changing Field Trip (unpublished): Toph brings the Fire Lord with her to go visit her parents. This has an impact on her parents' plan to marry her off.
Crossdressing Gaang (unpublished): Who doesn't enjoy playing dress up?
Nerd Lords (unpublished): Kuei and Zuko bond over being gigantic nerds.
Fight Club (unpublished): while on the run from the Fire Nation, Zuko has an eye for identifying where the underground fighting rings are in any city of the Earth Kingdom.
Instinctive Bending (unpublished): Zuko has always found the rigid firebending forms to be unnatural and uncomfortable. He's terrible at them. But when he lets himself bend without thinking about it... he's not proper, but he's good.
Drugged Zuko Rescue (unpublished): Sokka and Aang rescue a drugged Zuko from the Dai Li
Bad (?) Reputation (unpublished): the Gaang is surprised to learn that there are those in the EK who are disappointed the Avatar is back - because it means the Fire Prince won't investigate their corrupt officials anymore.
Silence (unpublished): Aang hates silence
Hidden Communities (unpublished): If the Sun Warriors are going to hide the dragons... then why not surviving Air Nomads and Sky Bison too?
Gyatso adopting Aang (unpublished): Adopting a student is a big deal to Air Nomads. But none ever felt right for Gyatso - until Aang.
Crooked World (unpublished): Zuko knows his world doesn't work the way it does in scrolls
Fire, Water, and Government (Know Nothing of Mercy) (published): Zuko becomes a pirate. This affects the Southern Water Tribes greatly.
Time Loop/Loop Zoop (unpublished): When Zuko's ship blows up, it starts a time loop that he can't figure out how to get out of.
Southern Water Tribe Mixed Children (unpublished): as the SWT fleet made contact with the world, it makes sense that some might fall in love and choose to leavethe fleet. That doesn't mean they don't want their kids to be part of the tribe.
Brother (unpublished): Azula is not okay with Toph claiming her brother. Zuzu is hers.
Blue Spirit Reveal (unpublished): After The Boy in the Iceberg, Sokka asks Aang about being saved by the Blue Spirit.
Zuko's Odyssey (unpublished): in the years before the show, Zuko decides to sail across the Western Ocean, said to be full of monsters and mysteries.
Accidental Shaman Zuko (published): Zuko learns how to be a shaman while searching for the Avatar. This has a ripple effect that changes everything.
Balance (published): Zuko bends both water and fire. He may not know why - but he's learned to be pretty good with both. Now it's time to leave the Northern Water Tribe settlement near the Northern Air Temple and find an earthbending teacher for Aang.
A Second Chance at Family (published): When Azula's lightning hits Zuko, he expects to die. He does not expect to wake up several months earlier in a different world.
Agni’s Little Flame (unpublished): There was one little flame that Agni had a fondness for
Unyielding (unpublished): Zuko believes in never giving up without a fight
Zuko adapts other bending techniques (unpublished): Zuko's never been a great bender. Which is why he needs an edge if he's going to be able to face his family. Adapting techniques from other bending styles may be wrong, but it works.
More gen, bc apparently tumblr has a limit
Fire Control (unpublished): It takes a lot of control to keep fire from burning wildly
Those Who Tell Stories Rule the World (published): Zuko learned a lot of stories while researching the Avatar
The Consequences of Breaking The Rules (published): Zuko needs to know what the punishment will be when he messes up. Not knowing is worse than the certainty of pain.
Nightmares (unpublished): Zuko has nightmares. Katara tries not to notice.
Good at Bending (unpublished): Zuko is not actually considered to be a good bender, much less a master.
Healing Fire (unpublished): It's just a trick Zuko figured out to help soothe his aches and wounds. It's not really healing. Iroh isn't sure he agrees.
Sibling Rulers (unpublished): Zuko approaches Azula with an offer: they can rule the Fire Nation together, as equals.
Crew bonding: First time they see Zuko breathe fire when frustrated (unpublished): Zuko is supposed to be bad at firebending, but none of them can figure out the Breath of Fire. He makes it look natural.
Katara hating on Zuko (unpublished): Katara is completely justified in not trusting Zuko. Being justified doesn’t mean she can’t put her foot in it, though. And it turns out, she doesn’t actually know much about this boy who chased them across the world.
Thrice Cursed, Once Broken (published): Zuko is captured on the Day of Black Sun and subjected to his father's personal attention. But then Ozai is defeated and the Fire Nation needs a ruler. Zuko would do anything for his people.
Zhao's Retribution (published): After the Blue Spirit rescues the Avatar, Zhao knows who to blame.
You Become What You Needed (published): Batman!Zuko adopts a ton of kids, because they need somewhere to go. Now he has to figure out how to actually take care of them.
Viva la Resistance (unpublished): Zuko's crew isn't so pleased about being stolen by Zhao
Aang in the Iceberg: Dreams (unpublished): While stuck in ice, Aang dreams of living in a world where he's the only person - until one day, Zuko shows up as a newborn baby. They grow up together, with Aang unaging - but then Zuko gets sent to find the Avatar.
Angst Coma Time Travel (unpublished): While in his angst coma, Zuko ends up in the iceberg with Aang, before Aang ever awoke. He thinks there's something weird going on - but Aang is just desperate for a friend to play with.
Punishment (unpublished): Zuko knows he messed up with Sparky Sparky Boom Man. So he approaches the Gaang, ready for his punishment.
Zukaang (40)
I'm Your Fire, Your Desire (published): Zukaang get together at the Western Air Temple
Shirtless Sparring (unpublished): p much what it says on the tin
Return to Pohuai (unpublished): roleplay sex with the Blue Spirit
Our Love Become a Funeral Pyre (unpublished): Zuko is actually Kuzon reincarnated. Both of them love Aang.
Gay Bar (unpublished): Zuko and Aang meet in a random gay bar in Ba Sing Se. It's totally not awkward.
Airbender Blow Jobs (unpublished): Aang can hold his breath for longer than the average person
Ozai at a conference (unpublished): He's annoyed his idiot firstborn made friends with a blind Earth Kingdom kid (Azula made friends with someone useful. But obviously Zuko couldn't be that helpful)
Fluff for Cricket (unpublished): Zukaang bonding after the dragons
“My heart feels like it’s dancing when I look at you.” (unpublished): Zuko thinks there's something wrong with him. Aang doesn't know what to say.
Fealty (unpublished): Aang tries to show his devotion to a newly crowned Fire Lord Zuko
Aang Approaching Zuko Morning After (unpublished): Aang goes to the teashop where he happened to run into Zuko, hoping to find Zuko again. Instead, he finds Iroh and has to try to explain why he's looking for Zuko
Dreams/Nightmares (unpublished): Aang dreams of Zuko chasing him. After a comment from Sokka about picturing the villains in his dreams in their underwear, Aang ends up having an uncomfortably pleasant dream
Pampering Zuko (unpublished): Aang convinces Zuko to go to a resort where he can actually relax and shit
Treasure (sequel to Pearl) (unpublished): Aang decides who he wants to give his black pearl to
“I’m in love with your voice” (unpublished): While Zuko has Aang captive at the North Pole, they end up talking for a bit
First Kiss/First Time (unpublished): When Zuko kisses him, Aang runs away - all the way to the South Pole. It's Fire Lady Mai who comes to get him, much to his horror.
Pao’s Teashop Office Sex (unpublished): who hasn't always wanted to break into their boss's office to have sex on their couch?
Rope Burns (unpublished): Aang decides to ask Zuko to tie him up in a show of trust
Blue Spirit Tagalong (published): Zuko is haunted by the Blue Spirit, who is a little shit.
Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You (published): Zuko is always staring at Aang
Sexytimes – Voyeurism (unpublished): Aang ties Zuko to a chair so that he can't touch
Gossip (unpublished): Toph and Aang gossip about Aang's new relationship
Frottage (unpublished): Zuko and Aang end up hiding in a closet in the Fire Nation palace. Naturally, this leads to sex.
PWP Genderbent Aang picks up Zuko without Zuko knowing (unpublished): what is says on the tin
Blue Spirit x Avatar Aang (unpublished): Fire Lord Zuko is more than a little annoyed when his people all think the Avatar is dating the Blue Spirit
“We need to stop dancing around it. All it does is hurt us both!” (unpublished): Aang dreams about his enemy a lot. So when he wakes up in a cave in the North Pole with his enemy wrapped around him, he naturally assumes he's dreaming. He thinks nothing of kissing Zuko - until his friends show up and turns out it's not a dream????
Identity Porn (unpublished): Aang doesn't know who the Blue Spirit is, but when he runs into them in Ba Sing Se, he's willing to go for it. Zuko doesn't know what to think.
“I can’t stop thinking about you. When I wake up, when I’m about to fall asleep…” (unpublished): Zuko can't stop thinking about Aang. Aang doesn't mind.
Soulmate Potential (unpublished): Anyone had the potential to be your soulmate. Even your enemy.
Blue Spirit/Avatar Aang (unpublished): The Ember Island Players put on a play about the epic romance between the Avatar and the Blue Spirit. Aang is not amused.
Zuko writes about the Fire Lord and Avatar’s Bond Thru Time (unpublished): Zuko writes an academic paper about the connection between the Fire Lord and the Avatar
Action, Inaction, and Consequences (published): After the war, Ozai is put on trial. He tries to invalidate the Avatar.
Justice, Served Cold with a Side of Vengeance (published): Zuko becomes the Spirit of Vengeful Justice aka the Blue Spirit
Zuko's Terrible, No Good, Very Bad (Yet Kinda Awesome) Destiny (published): Zuko gets chosen by the Masters to continue to line of dragons. He is not delighted about this.
The Fire Lord and The Avatar (unpublished): The story of the Avatar and the future Fire Lord, starting with a surprise meeting in Ba Sing Se
(Going) Down and Out in Ba Sing Se (published): Hookups in Ba Sing Se end up very much affecting Zuko's decision in the Crystal Catacombs
Ba Sing Se Boyfriends (published): Zuko and Aang end up dating in Ba Sing Se
Seduction of the Innocent (published): Zuko starts to make a life for himself in Ba Sing Se. He attends University, writes a thesis on the Air Nomads and the Water Tribes, and becomes famous for a serial comic about the Gaang that he and Jin write together
Two Lovers, Forbidden From One Another (published): When Aang propositions the Blue Spirit after being rescued, it changes everything.
Multi-bending Zuko (unpublished): Zuko is secretly an airbender. And a firebender. He wants to know why - and the Avatar, the only remaining airbender in the world, might have his answer.
Zutaraang (11)
Untitled future PWP in the same 'verse as I'm Your Fire, Your Desire (unpublished): Katara (somewhat reluctantly) agrees to have a threesome with Aang and Zuko.
Inspired by Zukaang art by littlegingermochipie (unpublished): Zuko blows Aang while Katara watches
Zutaraang Sparring (unpublished): Aang has a religious experience watching Zuko and Katara spar
Zutaraang Lap Sex (unpublished): Zuko is surprised when Katara summons both him and Aang to a room in the Western Air Temple - and then pushes Aang into his lap, climbing on top of them both.
Katara and Aang decide to pursue Zuko (unpublished): post-canon, Aang broaches some Air Nomad ideas about relationships and gives Katara time to think about it.
Crystal Catacombs (unpublished): When Aang runs into Zuko in Ba Sing Se and asks him on a date, it manages to change everything. Zuko has to make a choice underneath Ba Sing Se - and he chooses Aang. Katara doesn't know what to think.
Sparring for who gets to take Aang (unpublished): Katara and Zuko like to compete for who gets to take Aang first. Aang is baffled.
The Southern Waterbending Line (unpublished): Zuko talks to a newly married Katara and Aang about bending genetics and how they can each revive bending amongst their people
A Royal Heir (published): when Zuko realizes he has to get married and have an heir, he and Aang ask Katara.
A Seat at the Table (published): during post-war negotiations, it comes out that MANY communities are missing from the negotiating table. The Gaang decides to invite them all.
Hope for the Future (published): When Aang has a dream about a hopeful future after the failed invasion, he believes that it might still be possible to have a happy ending
Other (13)
Retribution (unpublished): the Gaang pays Zuko back for the shit he pulled
Crowd Shy (unpublished): Zuko's biggest trauma happened in front of a crowd. What better way to balance that than with a good event in front of a crowd? Zuko's more than a little dubious.
“Seduce” You to the Good Side (unpublished): The Gaang kidnaps Zuko during early s3
Oviposition PWP (unpublished): Zuko x Dragons
Reading Lips (published): The Gaang kiss Zuko to ring in the New Year. Zuko doesn't know what to think
To Weave a Tangled Web (published): Aang has the bright idea of uniting the EK and FN through Kuei and Zuko's marriage
Commitment to Balance (published): The Gaang decide to get married. For Balance.
Zuko navigating 10 (billion) relationships (unpublished): Zuko as the fandom bicycle boyfriend. He's just trying to do his job as Fire Lord.
Aang loves his friends (unpublished): post-canon, Aang misses his friends
Everyone is in love with Zuko: He catches a clue (unpublished): When Zuko realizes he's in love with his friends, his wife spends an awfully long time laughing at him for taking so long to catch on
I Still Dream About You (unpublished): The night of Zuko's 30th bday party, something happened with the rest of the Gaang. He can't stop thinking about it.
Political Marriage (unpublished): post-canon, Toph realizes that marrying Zuko could fix their diplomatic issues with the Earth Kingdom
S3 Hookups (unpublished): aged up!Toph and Zuko end up hooking up at the Western Air Temple
Holy hell, that's a lot of WiPs wtf
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Fandom: Avatar the Last Air Bender
Author: Muffinlance @muffinlance​
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Violence, Child Abuse
Word Count:  127,145
Characters: Zuko, Hakoda, Bato
Tags: Hakoda just wants to talk terms, Ozai just wants a convenient barbarian to off his son in a politically expedient manner, they are having a MINOR DISAGREEMENT on fatherhood, Zuko is an Awkward Turtleduck, who is very angry about being kept away from Avatar-hunting, and also mildly concerned that someone is going to kill him in his sleep, which is not stopping him from actively aggravating the enemy crew, like a really growly puppy-kitten with a history of abuse, let there be BONDING, Hakuddles, Hurt/Comfort, Slowburn Adoption
Mid-Season-One Zuko is held for ransom by Chief Hakoda. Ozai's replies to the Water Tribe's demands are A+ Parenting. Hakoda is… deeply concerned, for this son that isn't his, and who might be safer among enemies than with his own father.
Podfic and translations in French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Russian, and Spanish now available! See chapter one author notes for links.
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