#less than TWO WEEKS till release!!!!!!!!
haridraws · 9 months
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Openings - Drawings from Into the Tower
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2 weeks until so much for stardust releases
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partynthem · 2 years
so how tf does it work that am are going on tour for the first time in almost 3.5 years in less than two weeks and the only “real” confirmation of a new album is still just an offhand comment matt made in an instagram live like six months ago. no offense but is there actually an album or not
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shrenvents · 11 days
Guard Dog
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Warnings: Part one of two (is smut), stalkerish lol, fluff, mentions of death, mutual pining
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x you
Summary: Set after joining Alexandria, Daryl's overtly having issues settling in, and even more problems leaving you alone.
Word count: 1.8k
You and Daryl have known each other for years. Through thick and thin, your found-family has each other's backs. But your group has been wearing thin. From Beth to Tyreese, now in Alexandria, a strange and new environment— it's safe to say, Daryl’s been on edge. He was losing his nerve, and that somehow entailed keeping you close, very close.
Every and any second you're alone, he invades both your physical space, and it's becoming difficult to keep your feelings at bay, because you’ve been in love with him since your time at the prison. Even then, when shit hit the fan, he raced to get you out. Though you feared your affections for him made such a delusion — one that posed he would think to save you first— his recent clingy behaviour has made you believe in said delusion.
Today, he's back at it. You were alone gathering food for dinner for less than 10 minutes before he marched into the garage. Bearing in mind that he has no reason to be here, and spent most of his time hidden from the locals, his appearance would be considered unusual.
You let Daryl silently stand there, patrolling the entrance for a few seconds, till your heart gives out.
“Is something the matter?” You utter, shifting your eyes to his dark ones, and they snap to you, slightly taken aback. “Nothin,” is all he grumbles before looking outwards to your surroundings, observing and scanning like the hunter he is.
“Daryl, we’ve been here for weeks," huffing, "we’re alive, and well,” you state, swallowing quietly. “You can relax you know.” You turn to lift a basket of supplies. When heading for the exit, Daryl swiftly steps in front of you.
“I ain’t doin' nothin' but standing,” he rumbles defensively.
“Standing in front of me, might I add,” you retort, smiling, trying to ease the strange tension, but his face remains stoic. Daryl stares directly into you, and a shiver rolls down your spine. His intense gaze doesn’t last long, as he chooses to walk off without a goodbye. Your shoulders instantly deflate, and you exhale, closing your eyes.
“Now what was that?” Sasha’s voice makes you flinch, popping your eyes open to peer at her. “You tell me,” you sigh and she laughs.
“I’ll be damned if I ever try to read that caveman's mind,” she grins, “You're better off leaving that question for Carol.” Her smirk tells a different story, one that says she knows something more, and you can’t help the second shiver that racks through your body.
Desperate to figure out Dixon, you go to Carol’s, asking for her assistance with dinner as a cover.
As you both cook, it takes little time for her to notice your incessant gawking. She pronounces your name, and your eyes snap back to the sizzling food. “Cmon, you can talk to me,” she assures.
When you decidedly stay hushed, she releases a sigh that eases into a snicker. “You should speak soon before Daryl finds us, or you, rather,” she mentions, attempting to contain her humour. You spin to face her. “What do you mean by that?” You question far too quickly, that the words practically jumble together. “Exactly what it seems,” she smiles pleasantly, ignoring your eager tone. “You’ve got yourself a lifelong, loyal guard dog.”
“Why? I mean, Daryl’s protective of everybody? But why does he only follow me?” You ramble, “Doesn’t he trust me to not end up dead, in a friendly, gated community?” You pout and Carol laughs again.
“That isn’t quite why,” she dwindles.
“Please just spell it out for me, I can't take it anymore.” Now square to her, you drop the stirring utensil, and tug your apron over your head. She watches you move, absorbed in her thoughts, as you jump to sit on the edge of the kitchen island. “He’s making you uncomfortable?” She asks warily.
“Yes,” you pause, “and no.” Your head lowers in embarrassment.
After a moment, you look at Carol, while she refocuses on adding more ingredients, to the dish you abandoned. “Why does he do it?”
Her moving actions falter, and she pivots to face you. “It isn’t for me to say, but being around you, knowing you’re safe, clearly calms him." Though you don’t truly get it, you nod slowly so Carol goes back to finishing the meal.
Just as she puts meat in the oven, Daryl waltzes through the door, without so much as knocking or giving some sort of warning. You yelp when you spot him. When you lock eyes, you refuse to hold it, so you turn your head over your shoulder quickly, with a grimace, one that doesn’t go unnoticed by Daryl.
“What? Somethin' happen?” His hoarse voice sounds almost panicked. As you swivel your neck to soothe Daryl’s unnecessary worry with a "No," he suddenly grips your wrist, far too roughly. You squeak as he grabs your full attention.
You assess how he stands motionless in front of your knees, eyes widened, regarding his hand as it holds your wrist. He looks kind of appalled, as if he couldn’t believe he touched you. He then briskly lets go of your arm, like it burned him, retracing into himself.
You gulp and your bottom lip trembles. 'Was he disgusted? Did he see you as a child? What had you done to warrant this behaviour?' You think anxiously.
You look between Carol and Daryl now, as they share a lengthy stare. You swear under your breath, then push Daryl's chest with your fists, shocking both of them.
“I’m leaving, do not, follow me.” You order, with a vexed, yet hurt look. His mouth gaps with a soundless word, and you leave.
Sitting alone in your home, your empty stomach growls, and you start to seriously regret what you did earlier, which left you too ashamed to stay for dinner.
As your thoughts run wild, a quiet knock at the door diminishes them. You stay still, almost wondering if the noise is no more than a tree branch, moved by wind, but he bellows your name.
"Daryl?" You respond, and his voice simply calls your name again, almost like a plea. You turn the lock and knob, opening to find Daryl, fidgeting on his feet uncomfortably at your doorstep. "Um, come in?" You alllow meekly, and he enters, faintly brushing your side.
Picking up his musky, pine scent, you bite your lip examining him, slowly leaning back on the closing door. He looks around agitatedly, seeming completely out of place, and somewhat flustered.
Growing stiff, you can't bear the awkward silence for much longer.
"I'm sorry," you mumble an apology for something, you're not sure what, and clearly, neither is he. He whirls towards you, stepping into your space. "For what?"
"I was rude earlier and-"
"Not rude, just, confusing." He interjects, brows furrowing in tune with his sentence. You scowl, "Well, if I'm being honest, I wouldn't say I'm the 'confusing' one here." Your remark reminds you of your previous feelings, and they bubble to the surface.
When he says nothing, you continue. "I'm safe here Daryl, and pretty happy, all things considered," you breathe out in exasperation. "Is there some danger that I should know of? Is someone here out to get me?"
"So why do you keep chasing me around?" You just about shout, interrupting him. Daryl flinches and looks as though he wants to be anywhere but here, with you. He fixates on the door behind you. "I ain't doin' nothin-"
"Daryl! Please just," you cut yourself short as your voice escalates. "Please be honest with me, after everything we've been through, you owe me that," you beg.
His tense frame withers in defeat. "I just can't leave your side," he grumbles, his words barely understandable. "Why?"
"Don't wanna lose ya," Daryl's voice trails off as his head wheels to the side. "You won't, and I can take care of myself, just like the others, who you don't follow around." You fail to hide your ignominy, visibly disappointed that he believes you need special attention, over the rest of the group. "Can't," he mumbles.
"'Can't' what?" You inquire, now stepping into his space, voice rising.
"I can't, 'cause I don' wanna lose you," he exclaims again in a burst. Your face twists further in ignorance. "Christ woman," he runs his hand down his tormented expression. "Daryl, please stop dancing around what you mean." You cry out, "'Lose me?' Tell me what you mea-"
Abruptly, he grips your shoulders. "I want ya." He states, baring his teeth as if it were a threat. "I want you, I want you to live."
"You 'want' me... To live...?" You ask slowly and his eyes roll back in frustration. "No, not just to live-"
"Because I love you," you blurt and immediately try to pry your shoulders from his clutch. He stills with you firmly in his grasp, so close that his nose nearly grazes yours. His hold increases its strength, and he shakes his head to himself, seemingly battling his own thoughts. "Daryl?" You whisper.
"How can you?" He utters so quietly it's barely audible, so quiet you don't think he expected to say it out loud.
While his eyes squeeze shut, you snake your arms around his waist, and his entire build clamps up. Now afraid of a possible rejection, you loosen your embrace. But his hands move from your shoulders to your upper back, arms drawing you to him, fully caging you in. You take in his broad chest as it presses against your less impressive one. Your fingers seize his leather vest, aching to know how it feels under your palms.
His heavy breathing fans your nape, and you swear he sniffs your hair, as his nose tickles the skin behind your ear. His fingertips tease the ends of your hair, and you take this as an opportunity to breathe him in. Just as you do, he pulls away, moving you to an arm's length. You blush.
"Sorry," he mutters and your brows crease. "I smell bad, I know," he murmurs and goes fairly red himself. "I don't mind," you say sweetly with a smile, ignoring the urge to tell him you like it.
Finally getting a chance to gaze into his eyes properly. You virtually melt when his pupils appear glassy. You've only seen him cry once, after losing Beth. 'So would he really be brought to tears over a confession? From you no less?'
"Daryl?" He peeks up from behind his fringe. "Do you 'want' me, or like me, like I like you?" You ask, trying to minimize the pressure he may feel to admit any feelings, but you so desperately want to know —how desperately you want him to hold you again.
"Both," he rasps.
You nod and smile sheepishly, "I can work with that."
When a comfortable silence envelops the room, your stomach growls loudly. A modest smile takes shape on Daryl's face. "I put some food aside for you, back at Carol's." He emits, gesturing to the door behind you, wordlessly asking you to go over there, with him. You nod a yes and your heart pounds, swooning at his thoughtfulness. "Thank you."
You reach your hand out, and he very hesitantly holds it, after wiping his twice down his thigh. You beam, heading out the door.
Part two
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moonstruckme · 8 months
In a week-
Hear me out: Rockstar Poly!marauders and Rockstar!reader???? Like, maybe no one knew the marauders was dating reader till they performed together for an event?????
Thanks for requesting lovely!
join the party
rockstar poly!marauders x rockstar!reader ♡ 1k words
The tabloids had started speculating when too many of your tour dates lined up. It’s only natural that you’d end up spending some time together, in the same occupation and occupying the same spheres, so you were seen with each of the boys at various eateries, at afterparties, on the street. The only problem for journalists was, they couldn’t figure out which band member you were dating. 
They were clutching at straws. A picture of you grabbing Remus’ hand to pull him into a store, an interview wherein Sirius had complimented your new single, a zoomed-in video of James carrying four coffees back up to the hotel instead of three. The speculation was all over the place, scattered and nearly baseless. 
Not after tonight. It had been Lily, the Marauders’ manager, who’d had the idea to take this story by the reins. She’d pointed out that fans were only getting more obsessed with the question of which of the boys you were dating, and with both of you releasing new albums soon, it was as good a time as any to capitalize on that interest. Plus, if you did the big reveal before any magazine could figure it out, it’d be your concert that went viral, not their publication. “More press,” she’d said enticingly, “means more people learning your names and listening to your music.” 
You’d thought the boys would be the ones to have qualms. Remus wasn’t the type to enjoy making his private life public (it was more an unfortunate side-effect of his career than a draw) and James always talked about how keeping your relationship a secret made it feel less like they had to share you with everyone else, but in the end, they got on board with Lily’s scheme quickly. You all agreed that someone was going to figure you all out sooner or later, and if your romantic life was going to be broadcast, it may as well be on your own terms. 
Still, that doesn’t mean you’re not nervous. 
“Loosen up, angel,” James says, prodding at your foot with his as you lie on Remus’ chest, picking through his usually well-guarded stash of chocolate. “This is supposed to be fun, remember?” 
“It’s not the show I’m worried about,” you say, rubbing your socked foot along his mindlessly. “I’m excited to play with you guys, I just wish we could do that without everyone making assumptions.” 
Remus hums in agreement, but Sirius makes a derisive sound, turning to look at you from the mirror. His eyeliner is half done, making one eye seem big and dangerous and the other naked. 
“You two are being so dramatic,” he says. “Of course they’re gonna assume, and they’ll be right. That’s the point.” 
You sigh, tipping your head back onto Remus’ shoulder, and he runs his hand up and down your side commiseratively. 
“It’s going to be a great show.” James tries again to lift your foul mood. You try to look less dismal in return. “You and Sirius’ voices go so well together, the crowd will love it.”
“It’s true.” Sirius smirks at you through the mirror. “And later, we’ll go to the afterparty—”
“Do we really have to?” Remus asks.
James looks sympathetic, reaching forward to rub his calf consolingly. “‘Fraid so, love. Lily says the only way to control the narrative is to talk to people after the show. We don’t have to stay the whole time, but we’ll practically be on the clock.”
“Anyway,” Sirius goes on. “We’ll go to the afterparty, and everyone will tell us how cute we are together, and everyone north of the equator will want to be us and fuck us at the same time.” 
You can tell Remus has something to say about that, but before he can, Lily pops her head into the dressing room. “Guys, the opener is finishing up,” she says, eyes lingering on each of your faces assessingly. “Everyone ready?”
“Just a second…yeah,” Sirius says, finishing his perfectly messy eyeliner. “Ready.”
Lily nods before ducking back out, off to go coordinate light technicians or whatever she does in the rush before shows. James offers you and Remus a hand each, hauling you up. You lick your thumb, wiping a bit of chocolate from the side of Remus’ mouth, and he gives you a half-smile of thanks. 
“We got this,” you whisper to him, and he takes your hand, squeezing lightly. 
“I know we do, sweetheart.” 
Sirius is the only one talking as you all make your way to the side of the stage, the crowd cheering loudly as the opening act wraps up their set. 
“Hey.” A hand lands on your shoulder, and you turn to find James attached to it. He’s looking at you with more than the usual pre-show nerves, something more like worry. “Are you really upset about this? We don’t have to go through with it, it’s not too late to tell Lily it’s off.” 
Yes it is, but he’s a sweetheart for saying so. “No, I’m okay,” you promise, reaching up to squeeze his wrist reassuringly. The other band is exiting on the opposite side of the stage, the lights going out. You’re going to be going out there any minute. “I’m excited to perform with you guys, and…and I’m ready to be done with the sneaking around. I’m just nervous, I guess.” 
James slides his hand up from your shoulder to cup your face, your hand still clasped loosely around his wrist. He smooths his thumb over your cheek fondly, eyes gone soft under the faint glaze of adrenaline. “Don’t be, sweetheart. You’re going to do great, and we’ll all be up there together.” He stoops lower so only you can hear him. “Just between us, you and Sirius sound great together, but you can hit notes he never could. They’re gonna love you out there.” 
You grin, and Sirius turns around, eyeing the both of you. “I heard my name,” he says accusingly. “What’re we talking about?”
The lights come back on, and that’s your cue. “Nothing!” you chirp, grabbing his hand and dragging him towards the stage. “Let’s go.”
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nekokoaa · 1 year
The Agreement - Miguel O'Hara x Therapist!Reader (II)
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Summary: It was simple. No kissing. No sex. Hugs and hand-holding only. The goal was to help Miguel feel a little less lonely sometimes. That was your job as one of the therapists at HQ, to mentally stabilize everyone’s mind, including the boss’s.
In other words, you and Miguel make a deal.
Rated Explicit, fluff, smut
3.1K words | (2/5) chapters
(I) (II) (III) (IV) (V)
Author's notes: Good news, this fic has been extended to 5 chapters! 6 if I decide to do a chapter in Miguel's POV. We'll see! Also I think some people reached out to me about a tag list! Definitely comment on this post if you want to be added :)
Also on AO3
The first session was the staple of this agreement for a while. To the point where it felt like you were disturbing Miguel when you would appear after his missions. You thought it was when he needed you the most. With the job comes the stress—the anxiety. Every spider-person knew that whether you were one month in or had years on the job. You all knew there was only one person who could protect the people and it was a cesspool of pressure all spider-people were carrying. 
Including Miguel.
So you would visit him after his missions with the intention of closing that cesspool. And every time, he would greet you with that scowl on his face. It would be there from the beginning to the moment you're sliding your hand over his, innocently, gently. A touch he hasn’t felt in God knows how long. A touch he ignored he needed, but never complained about.
In the first few sessions, little was said between you two. Mostly talked about mission statuses and the mental health of the spider-people. Within time, the topics expanded to your universes and your homes. Nueva York being his. New York was yours. And later, by the end of every session, you were discovering layers of Miguel most didn’t know about.
It left you curious to the point where you looked forward to his sessions every week. You tried not to cross any boundaries—but you ended up sharing more about yourself with him than other spider-people. Usually, you were the one listening and advising.
“Cat got your tongue, has it?” It wasn’t the sound of Hobie’s voice that pulled you from your thoughts but the light strum of his guitar, the normally loud instrument’s sound was weakened without an amp. As always, he lounged on your office couch, feet kicked up on the armrest with his guitar on his lap. 
“Not necessarily,” you responded, feeling embarrassed that you had spaced out when he was talking. Noticing, Hobie smirked. He loved it when things seemed awry.
“I seen it all. Little Miss Perfect in her head. Maybe I should be the doc and you’re the patient, yeah?”
“Maybe we should start having these sessions during the day. You do know it’s 1 AM.” Late sessions with Hobie felt more like you were hanging out with a friend. A waste of time but much-needed company.
“So?” Hobie shrugged, a melody was released from the strings. “Night is when the fun happens, mate.”
And Hobie was right. Your sessions with Miguel were always late in the night when most spider-people returned to their universes. Miguel would still be working, red eyes on those orange screens. You would be next to him, close to where you could feel each other’s heat. Sometimes presence was just enough. During these sessions, the clock’s minute hand would move a little too fast. An hour went by like a minute and then you would overstay. You didn’t know what to call those moments after. It was better to not give them a name.
You would leave and return with two coffees. Miguel would thank you, pulling away from his work and then you would chat till the night aged. The night never expired without hearing one of Miguel’s witty but rude comments.
And when you would give him a smile and your hand went on his bicep, it meant you were leaving.
It meant the fun was over.
Yeah, Hobie was definitely right. You were way too much in your head. Even now as the clocks strike 10 PM as you waited for Miguel in his office. Tonight wasn’t a session, but you wanted to check in to see how he was doing. That was normal, right? Checking in? Not like you did it to anyone else but it was still normal in your mind.
It was better than returning to your universe—to your empty white-walled apartment. There were memories buried within that place that you would like to forget.
First came the tremors, and then the tiny hairs on your skin erected. The pen you were holding slipped from your fingers, levitating above you. Gravity no longer existed for small objects and the air became dry but moist at the same time. It was like logic itself was confused as reality was torn open by a yellow portal and who emerged from it was, of course, Miguel fully covered in his spider suit. The sight so familiar, you had thought back to when you were first recruited by the Spider Society. 
Imprisoned by the white walls of your apartment, you felt that same energy shift and that yellow portal appeared in your room like a stain. But to you, it was a hexagonal halo around Miguel who emerged from it, reaching into your universe, saying the words, “doc, we need your help.”
Life was never dull after that.
“Do I look like a blue panther to you?” Miguel approached you with his arms out. You hummed, turning your head sideways as your eyes trace over Miguel’s figure. The yellow portal closed behind him, and soon reality had returned to its natural state. You could feel Miguel getting annoyed the longer it took for you to answer. His hands went on his hips, eyes narrowing.
“Ugh, give me a break,” he brushed past you as you laughed. You followed him, grabbing hold of his arm to stop him from walking away.
“I’m kidding! Kidding!”
“ Ha ha ,” he scoffed, shrugging his arm out of your grasp. Like a red laser, his webs shot out from his wrist and he lifted himself onto his floating platform. Even after his missions, he still dived back into work. “Lyla, create a new recruit profile for Gwen Stacy, Spider-Woman from Earth-65.”
“Earth-65?” You webbed yourself after him, peeking from behind his back to look at the orange-screened monitors. “I thought that was one of the universes we’re not recruiting.”
“Jess wanted her to join. She helped us capture Vulture and… I guess she did a pretty good job at it.” Miguel pulled up a hologram of the security camera in the Villains Cell Block. Jess was processing the captured Vulture to send him home in the next line up and next to her was a teenager with blond hair, the ends of it dyed soft pink. You assumed that was Gwen as Miguel zoomed in on her face.
It was rare to impress Miguel so much that he was willing to bend his own rules. Gwen Stacy from 65 was friends with the anomaly. “Cool, then I’ll schedule a session with her. Can’t wait to meet her.”
“What are you even doing here anyway?” Miguel asked, giving you a side-eye glance as he swiped the hologram away. A few more popped up about the last mission he was on and a couple more he had to do in the future. “We did our session this week.”
“Aah,” you had rehearsed your reason several times before arriving in his office and your mind still came up blank. “Just… checking in.”
You could tell he raised his eyebrow behind his mask, “Checking in?”
“Uh yeah, isn’t that normal?” You so wanted to bury yourself underground.
“Then you must have a lot of free time on your hands, doc.” Miguel shook his head, not bothering to inquire more. Not like he had any time to. His mask disintegrated and he shifted his focus to his work. You would’ve left him alone at that point because Miguel didn’t like to be disturbed once he got started until you noticed something off about his face.
“What happened to your lip?” You asked, noticing the dried blotch of blood on the corner of his bottom lip. It even looked a bit swollen.
He let out something like a sigh, a groan, or something in between before speaking quickly. “I don’t know probably happened in the fight or something—Lyla!”
“You should treat it. It could get worse, maybe even infected.” Your fingers grazed his jaw, tilting his head slightly up while tiptoeing to examine the cut. Perhaps, it was because of these sessions that you have gotten so used to touching Miguel. Before, you would’ve earned a warning scratch on your hand by now so something had changed in him as well.
“Infected?” Miguel let out a condescending laugh, his fangs making an appearance. His brown eyes deepened into red as they looked you down. It was almost as if he was mocking you. “Don’t you know who you’re talking to?”
“Does it matter? We’re still human, aren’t we?” It was a question you received so often from your patients that you suddenly found yourself asking that exact same thing. You had yet to find an answer that made sense. Yes, you’re human. No, you’re not. Maybe it was easier to not create a binary answer and to just go with what you believed in. At least that’s what you told your patients when they sat on your office couch. They seemed to have accepted that answer.
Miguel, however, felt different. He turned to face you, his large hand encircling your wrist as he pulled your hand away from his face. He stepped forward with a slight sway, and that was when you realized the size difference between you two. He might as well have been a skyscraper, casting a shadow over your figure and shielding you from the orange glow of the screens. His head was tilted up but his eyes—damn, his eyes barreled down on you, locked on like a sniper scope. It was predatory. And you had never felt so small before in your life. 
“More than,” he answered lowly, releasing your hand from his grip and then he returned to his work.
You stood there, holding your wrist which was hot to the touch as your heart boomed against your ear drums. There was a dull ache in your head and shivers ran up your spine. It could only mean one thing. Your spidey senses were alerted. It happened a couple of times when Miguel would get this way. But he never hurt you. He would never. So why was every fiber of your being telling you to run from him?
You swallowed air, anything to get yourself to calm down. Hesitating, you glanced at Miguel who had buried himself in his work, seeming to have forgotten you were in the room. 
More than human. You had never thought of yourself more superior to the people you were saving. Maybe it was because you used to believe you were the only one with powers in your entire universe. It was easier to think of yourself as an unfortunate freak burdened with the duty of justice. But when you walk the halls of HQ, surrounded by like-minded spider-people in staggering numbers, you could understand Miguel’s point of view. All of you were strong, intellectually smart, and capable of doing extraordinary things that are beyond the capabilities of humans. And then you have Mayday who was born with these abilities. 
You knew the dangers that could come with having a superiority complex. Even then, Miguel was someone you couldn’t exactly leave alone no matter what he thought or how often he pushed you away. It wasn’t something you could explain. Did a moth ever question why it was attracted to the light, beautiful but deadly to its soul? All you knew was that it was better than being alone wandering aimlessly in the dark.
You left and returned with a medkit in your hands. A tap on Miguel’s shoulder earned quiet mumbles from him, claiming he was going insane for being interrupted before he looked at you, brown eyes flicking between the medkit and your face. 
You were as stubborn as he was and he knew you wouldn’t get off his back unless you got what you wanted. So, with a sigh, Miguel followed you off the platform to a large metal block you urged him to sit on.
You opened the medkit, pulling out the items you needed to treat his wound. Miguel stayed quiet. You could feel his eyes on your face, looking over every part of you. It was hard to ignore it considering how piercing his stare could get like he was trying to uncover the deepest parts of your soul.
“God, I feel like I’m always giving in to you,” he spitted out, hissing when you pressed a moist rag to his lip a little too hard.
“Just means you’re always in my way.”
“Still a good thing.”
He rolled his eyes and then they went right back on you. You were so focused on cleaning the blood off his lip that you didn’t notice how close you got to his face.
“You know, puedes sentarte .” You were startled to hear another language in your ear. More or less, you understood him, moving to sit next to him until you felt Miguel’s hand on your hip stopping you mid-motion to guide you on top of his lap. “Better.” 
You let out a less than graceful squeak, cheeks flushing, “O-Okay.” You were taken aback but then you remembered the agreement. As long as there was no kissing, no sex, then this was fine, right?
You continued to tend to Miguel’s cut, ignoring your steadily rising heart rate, but you were also admiring Miguel’s face. His high cheekbones, sharp jaw, and loose curly hair were perfectly combed back. He was definitely a handsome man and he had the most perfect body. You have never seen such wide shoulders in your life.
“You’re like a mother—sort of.”
“What the fuck,” you frowned. It wasn’t something you wanted to hear while sitting on this man’s lap especially when you were internally praising him.
“There was a time when I came home from school with my lip busted after beating up this bully and my mom did what you’re doing.” It was slight but Miguel’s expression softened. He was looking at you but you could tell the warmth in his eyes was from recalling an old memory. It was the first time he brought up his family, and you couldn’t help but smile at him.
“You were a troublesome kid, weren’t you?” You joked, placing a small bandage over his cut.
“My dad thought I was too, probably why he busted the other side of my lip after.”
You stiffened, smile immediately dropping. You weren’t foreign to domestic violence stories from your patients back in your universe. It was a sensitive topic, but knowing Miguel, he didn’t want to be coddled about it.
“Sorry,” your fingers brushed the other side of his lip. There was no cut there but you could imagine the pain he went through when his father struck him. “Your dad sounds like an asshole.”
“He was.”
“I… wanted to be one, a mother,” you admitted. “When I got married to Harry, I couldn’t wait to start a family. I wanted a little girl like Mayday, cute with the fattest cheeks. But I only had a 5% chance of conceiving, my doctor told me it was nearly impossible, and when Harry found out… Well, he divorced me. Something about my inability to continue the Osborn family line...”
You spoke without looking at him. You were still ashamed of the reason for your divorce. Harry made it feel like you were a failure of a woman. He was a misogynistic asshole that only viewed women as a means to continue his family line. You wondered what spell he cast on you to make you fall in love with him because looking back, he never seriously cared about you as a person.
It took you a year and a half to recover from the hurt. The white walls of your apartment would remind you of every argument you had with him, of when he berated you, of when he made you feel less than. You spiraled into a hole you never wanted to be in again.
Little Miss Perfect. Gosh, you were far from it.
You noticed Miguel’s hand was stroking your thigh. He looked… sad. He probably understood you the most when it came to wanting a family.
“It’s a canon event for some, you know. A spider-person must go through a breakup… But after, we always find love, right?” You shrugged, smiling softly after.
“He doesn’t know what he’s missing.” It was rare to hear Miguel sound soft, his voice lower than you ever heard it before. His large hand never stopped treading along your thigh to your hips and then back down again. Slow and agonizing, mapping out your shape. You wondered when you got so close to him, both hands resting on his strong shoulders, chests nearly together. You were slowly gravitating towards him—to the heat of his lips. Those red eyes were normally deadly but now it was with something else, flicking between your lips and eyes. Want, desire, and everything in between.
Surely, you didn’t know what to call this moment. It was better to not give it a name. It was better to just give in because it’s been so so long since you’ve been touched. Didn’t you deserve it? Didn’t he? The hand upon your thigh felt hot, you could feel it through your spidey suit. How glorious would it be if it was upon your bare skin?
Your head was too noisy. Your morals screaming. No kissing! No sex! He’s your patient! Any excuse you thought of appeared, making you resist.
It was too much. You lowered your head before Miguel could lean in any further. His lips were so close that his hot breath was brushing your cheek in waves. You couldn’t bear it so you slightly pushed against his chest to create some space. “I… have to go.”
You managed to say, moving to stand but you felt resistance from his hand on your hip as it held you in place. You and Miguel shared a look. For once, he wanted you to stay.
But you weren’t going to be held back by that look in his eyes.
“Good night, Miguel…” With a flick of your wrist, a string of webs shot out towards the ceiling and you quickly slipped yourself out of Miguel’s hold and out of his office. 
Miguel remained still for a moment, almost like he was frozen in time. But once it settled with him that you left, his hand that was on your hip closed so tight into a fist, it began to tremble. A heavy sigh passed through his lips while his other hand moved to pinch the bridge of his nose. He just needed a moment. 
Just a moment to realize not everything he holds in his arms disappears from his life for good.
Within time, he spoke.
Lyla generated next to him, floating by his head. “Yeah, Miguel?”
“Did you finish creating the profile?”
“One, you didn’t say please. Two, I didn’t want to interrupt,” grinned Lyla.
Miguel groaned until his back met with metal and draped an arm over his eyes. “Do I look like I’m in the mood for jokes?”
“When are you ever?” Lyla was expecting Miguel’s usual quips to her antics, but when she received nothing but silence from him, she frowned and gave in to his request. “Fiiiine, profile was done ages ago but I wasn’t joking when I said I didn’t want to interrupt.”
Next Chapter
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nubisaureus · 1 year
when they get jealous and needy
how the genshin men show their jealousy over you
character(s): Cyno, Xiao, Kaeya
pairings(s): fem!reader x Cyno, Xiao, Kaeya (separately)
contents: uncertainty of feelings, smut, found family, angst, comfort
not proofread! im swamped with uni work so i might post less till next week, sorry <3
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he's absolutely chill most of the time, but there are some times he just gets jealous and insecure
you bet he's going to mark his territory: whether it is by putting his hand around your waist, pulling you close, whispering something in your ear while looking the other person dead in the eyes, his golden irises sending a silent warning
«And who's this, angel?» he asks, as he gets to your side
you better believe he's gonna get extra needy/rough when you two get in bed later
as he's balls deep in your pussy, he groans «you're mine, aren't you, angel?»
you struggle to answer. not because you don't know what to answer, but because you can't think properly, as he's relentlessly pounding into you, making you lose any semblance of rational thought
he stops, still inside of you.
«answer.» he commands now, making you squirm and whine for more.
«C-cyno..» you plead, incapable of uttering any other word than his name.
«yes?» his pupils dark and wide, much like the ones of a predator
«i am Cyno. that guy was just flirting with me because he can't stand you. he wants to make you angry because the matra once apprehended him due to his illegal schemes, and so he wants to take it out on you..» you utter those words, remembering the case that had shaken your Darshan from the inside out, before Cyno was even the general Mahamatra
as you finish speaking, he starts to pound into you again, making you scream his name, finally getting the release you were aching for
poor thing is still new to this having feelings for someone, so when he gets angry when another guy talks with you in a more friendly way, he doesn't know what to do with his feelings
so he goes to Zhongli, asking for advice (a/n yes, i believe in Zhongli as Xiao's found family, idc)
«Rex L-» «Just Zhongli.»
he looks down, biting his lip at the correction. it doesn't feel fair to him to call Rex Lapis as simply Zhongli, but he carries on, explaining his problem
«What you are experiencing is what mortals call "jealousy". While it is normal to have such a feeling when someone you don't like might be talking to her in a little too friendly manner, you must learn not to get overwhelmed by this feeling, as it only brings people apart and destroys relationships.»
he thinks long and hard about what Zhongli told him, and as you return to Wangshu Inn, you find him on the rooftop, deep in thought.
«I'm back, Xiao.» you say, catching his attention.
you are met by a dry reply, that makes you wonder what might be up with him
after a bit, he decides to confess, and you look at him, endearment in your eyes
«aw, love. you have no need to be jealous. i'm sorry you felt this way. whether adeptus or human, jealousy is a terrible feeling that no one wants to experience. but i can assure you that the only one i love is you, and no one else.»
he's got tears in his eyes
«are you sure?» you nod. «but..my karmic debt..» he averts his eyes, turning his back to you
you hug him from behind, resting your head on his shoulder
«my Vision protects me.»
he makes you promise to run away if he ever loses control over himself, and you reluctantly agree, even though you know that if that ever happened, you would fight for him until the bitter end.
oh boi, you're in for a ride
he's literally the smoothest talker ever, he doesn't even need to get jealous
he's more of a showoff really, basically showing off his wonderful girlfriend
so it's more him making other people jealous, whether men or women, because, let's be honest, it's not like women are not jealous of you
«all alone here, kitten?» he comes up at you at Angel's Share, while Diluc rolls his eyes at his cheesiness
you flirt right back, twirling a strand of loose hair in your fingers, catching his attention
your hair and neck are his weak points, so you know exactly what you're doing
his eyes are fixated on you, as you let go of your hair, and go back to your drink, ignoring him
he comes up to you, whispering something in your ear
«let's put on a show» are the words that come to your ears, and you smile wickedly
you turn your head towards him, staring at his lips intensively
he's too close for comfort, and you can feel his cold breath on your skin, shivers appearing in response
as you're about to kiss, your lips inches from each other, a suave melody starts playing
you see one of the most renowned bard of Mondstadt, Venti, playing his lyre for the tavern
you get all excited, and stand up, your dress flitting around your figure
Kaeya gives you a puzzled look, but it soon transforms into an amused smile, as he joins you in dancing
you two dance together, the entire tavern mesmerized at the sight of you two
might also be because Kaeya was using his vision to create small snowflakes around both of you, those same snowflakes catching the light of the tavern, creating a reflective spectacle
you decide to tease him, grabbing him by the ring that holds his collar in place
he smiles smugly, as if to ask "what now?"
your faces get too close for comfort, both of you lost in the each other's eyes
suddenly a whiff of wind swirls around you, diffusing an irresistible aroma around you
who's gonna give in first? it's a battle of wits at this point
Kaeya does.
you don't even have the time to process it, that his lips are on yours, and his hands are on your waist, pulling you closer
that was one memorable night
what you didn't know is that your ex was standing in a corner of the tavern, a bewildered look in his eyes as he witnessed the whole scene
Kaeya is a fucking menace
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loveshotzz · 11 months
Thinking about colors!older!steve on the fourth of july…
You’re over at his place, a yearly get together like christmas with him and Jenny. You two get to lounge in the pool while he gets to break out the grill.
He’s in nothing but his apron she got him last father’s day that says “Grill Master” and short blue swim trunks that stop right in the middle of his hairy thighs, with some white plastic birkenstocks on his feet. The colors make his tanned skin glow along with the sheen of sweat that coats it provided by the high hanging sun above.
You don’t know how thankful he is for the apron though especially today, because the tiny little swim suit you brought this year is going to haunt his every waking thought for at least the next two weeks.
The two of you sneak glances from across the back yard, and he thinks he might actually die when you decide to lounge on the floaty practically fully exposed to him. The water makes your swim suit cling to your curves like it’s suctioned to your body. Water dripping off your skin in beads collecting in the holes of the floaty, the slight breeze making your nipples peak. He can feel his jaw drop, quickly collecting himself when he catches the look on Jenny’s face.
You smirk eyes closed under your sunglasses, you don’t know what’s hotter the heat of his gaze or the summer day. Jenny scoff’s when Eddie Money starts playing over the speakers he installed a few years ago above their deck, interrupting the nap that was begging to take over in the gentle sway of the water. The high pitch ringing of her phone saving you both from her complaining as she clacks away in her flip flops to go talk to her boyfriend inside.
The silence is thick with tension that both of you have felt since last Christmas, a secret your best friend doesn’t know. He clears his throat and you roll off your floaty at the same time. The cold water soothes the damage the sun did, your sunglasses slipping off when you re-emerge.
His standing at the edge of the pool. Right in front of you.
His apron is slung over the patio chair behind him, giving you the perfect view of the lingering effects your have on him by how snug his trunks fit. The salt and pepper hair that covers the top of his chest curls with sweat, the muscles in his abs flexing when he can see how the water rolls down the swell of your breasts this angle. A deep sigh escaping through his nose.
“Honey.” It’s a warning.
“Yes, Mr. Harrington?” You bat your lashes, tugging your bottom lip between your teeth when you see the way the name makes his dick twitch.
He opens his mouth but whatever he’s about to say gets cut off by Jenny’s reappearance. His ears going red and eyes widening when you decide to push off the side of the pool floating on your back again at the same time.
“Are you getting in the water Dad?” She smiles brightly completely unaware of what’s happening under her nose.
He grumbles something about needing a drink, and maybe later before he disappears through the sliding door.
“I was gone for like 3 minutes, what’s his deal?” she asks annoyed reclaiming her spot next to the pool.
You just shrug, taking another few laps before you say you have to go to the bathroom. She doesn’t think anything of it too distracted by her phone again.
It takes him less than a minute to find you once you’re inside pulling you into his office. He doesn’t care that you’re dripping chlorine all over his hard wood floors, or how you shiver from the cold of the AC. Not when he’s got you propped on his desk buried between your legs with one large hand covering your mouth to block your moans from his daughter just outside the curtain covered window. Stretching you open more and more with each harsh thrust of his hips, till he feels the way you start fluttering around his dick. Your walls begging him for his release which he gladly gives you, filling you to the brim before he’s sliding your bottoms back in place not giving you the option to clean up.
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obsessedelusional · 1 year
Your Pretend Boyfriend
paring ✦ Eddie Munson x Reader
summary ✦ Eddie was your pretend boyfriend. Your mutual dislike for Jason Carver brought you together. You met during Thanksgiving break and had to separate to go back to college. Christmas break could not come fast enough. CONTAINS SMUT
word count ✦ 3,144
authors note ✦ absolutely baffled by the sheer amount of love y’all have given me since my last post I’m almost to 600 followers and have over 10,000 notes, thank you so much (((I didn’t mean to leave part one on a cliff hanger tumblr just loves to cut my text short and won’t let me fix it)))
FEEDBACK AND REBLOGS APPRECIATED!!! If you like this let me know if I should keep it going, I got some ideas...
⊹ ꙳ ✦ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹
“You’re so dramatic.” Your dorm mate, Tiffany laughs.
“And what about it?” You ask, tears brimming your eyelids.
“Christmas break is three weeks away. You only have to make it three weeks till you can see him again.” She sighs, pulling you in for a brief hug.
“You two met two weeks ago and now you’re crying after being separated for less than twenty four hours? Is he like Jesus himself reincarnated or something? What did he do to you?” She laughs, pulling away from your embrace. Your brain immediately races thinking of all the lovable qualities about Eddie. Remembering the last time you were with him. Where you confronted him about your relationship status only for him to tell you everything you had hoped he’d say. Eddie is your boyfriend. Long distance boyfriend.
“He’s just so-“ She cuts you off.
“He must have like a massive dick. Be amazing in bed or something.” She says, you can’t help but grin at her comment. Your smile through the tears tells her all she needs to know.
“Oh my god. You’re addicted to what the dick did, huh?” She laughs.
“Okay maybe I am. Is that a crime?” You groan, pulling your sleeves past your fingers and wiping away the tears.
“No I just ain’t ever seen you like this. The two years I’ve been your roomie not once have you even brought a guy around, let alone cry over one. It’s cute.” She says, her tone teasing.
“Whatever.” You stand up making your way to the bathroom.
“This is not the end of our conversation. You will be telling me everything.” She hollers at you as you slip into the bathroom, smiling at her comment.
You slip your jeans down your legs, letting them rest at your ankles as you sit on the toilet. After doing your business you go to wipe, only to find blood. It all making sense now why you’ve been so emotional. You laugh to yourself, thanking whoever is listening that you’re not pregnant. Not that you thought that was an even an possibility. The second time you and Eddie slept together, you told him to not wear a condom. Wanting to feel him raw, feel him fill you up with his warmth. Needing nothing more than to feel him spilling his release inside you. Putting all your faith in that little white pill you take once a day.
“Let me guess, Eddie?” Tiffany teases and she walks into the dorm to find you on your phone, face timing someone.
“Yeah,” You smile momentarily taking your attention away from your phone.
“Listen Eddie the quicker you let her clean the dorm with me so we can pass inspection the sooner she can come home to you. Okay?” She interrupts shoving her face in the face time call.
“Okay.” Eddie sighs dramatically, “Let me know when you leave. Drive safe, princess.”
“Will do.” You say, the cheesiest grin on your face. He had realized quickly what that pet name did for you. So he used it the most amongst the others.
“Y’all are gonna make me sick.” Tiffany says, pretending to throw up causing you to roll your eyes.
“Bye Eds,” You sneak a smooch face when she’s not looking before hanging up.
“Can we get this over with?” She ask, passing you the coffee she brought you.
“I guess so.” You stand up from your bed to begin prepping the dorm room for winter break, you get a whole month in Hawkins. You take a sip from the sweet drink as she turns on some music. As you tidy up and pack your belongings away, you can’t help but think about the last three weeks.
When you weren’t in class or working your part time job, more often than not you were on the phone with Eddie. Staying up late in your car not to disturb Tiffany. The sexual aspect of your relationship never slowed. Constantly sending each other explicit messages usually accompanied by nude photos. Eddie would save any photo you’d send his way, he could never get enough. Having to decide what he’d delete on his phone so he could save more photos of you.
You try hard not to think of them time when Tiffany was suppose to be at her boyfriends apartment. So you set up your laptop, giving Eddie the best view of your body. Legs spread perfectly so he could see your wet cunt as you rub circles on your clit. His camera faced toward his cock where he was desperately tugging on it. The sound of the dorm door being opened and lights turned on caused you to scream, slamming the laptop shut hurrying to cover your naked body.
Tiffany screamed too covering her eyes, “Jesus Christ can you warn me next time your gonna do that? Put a sock on the door or something.” He tone mostly teasing you.
You mutter out an sorry before grabbing your clothes and going to the bathroom. As soon as your in there you hear her laughter fill the dorm room. Takes you some time but eventually you find the courage to leave the bathroom. Tiffany looks up from what she was doing, a understanding smile on her lips.
“I’m not upset or anything. Actually kind of amused by the entire situation, that your so horned up you felt the need to do that. Can’t judge though if I lived farther from my man I’d be doing the same.” She let’s out a soft chuckle.
“Speaking of your man, weren’t you supposed to be at his?” You asked completely disregarding the rest of her words.
“Unfortunately for you, he got called into work girly.” She laughs, you sink into your bed absolutely mortified.
“Come girl you know damn well I’ll never let you forget that?”
“I know.” You groaned.
And she didn’t. Every time she came into the dorm room she’d knock obnoxiously loud, only to enter with her eyes covered. Asking if it was safe to enter or if you had all your clothes on.
It had taken much longer to prep your dorm room for winter break than you thought it would. Once you were finally done, your car packed with a suitcase filled with more than enough clothing to last you well over a month. You said your goodbyes to Tiffany and made the dreadful car ride home. Only this time it wasn't so dreadful, for once you had something to look forward to, Eddie.
The plan was to drive straight to Eddie's house. Your parents weren’t expecting you till Monday so you had all weekend uninterrupted with Eddie. The first hour or so of the drive was spent on the phone with him, only hanging up because service was spotty until you got closer to Hawkins.
With the shit service and nearly dead battery you didn't bother checking it again. The sun was just beginning to set when you arrived to Eddie's trailer, parking right in front. Wasting no time, you take your phone and keys up to his front door, knocking eagerly. Your excitement grows as you watch the door handle rattle as he opens it.
Your greeted by Eddie, he looks just as happy as you are in this moment. You step forward wrapping you arms around his waist, taking a moment to breathe in his smell. He follows your lead, hands wrapping around you. Before he can speak you reach to his level, fingers finding his hair. They always end up in his hair. You cut him off by kissing him deeply, for a moment he drops into the kiss only to pull away. Your face contorts to a pout upset at the loss of contact.
The sound of someone else clearing their throat alerts you to their presence. It’s Wayne, Eddie’s uncle, the man you’ve heard so many stories about. Eddie’s only family whom you’ve never met before. His first impression of you was you throwing your self at his nephew.
Eddie’s face is apologetic as you smile at Wayne and introduce yourself, his face flat with no emotion.
“Nice to meet the one that’s been occupying all my nephews time.” He teases, finally smiling putting your anxieties temporarily at ease.
“Figured you’d be hungry after a long drive. Made dinner and thought we could all have dinner together.” Wayne admits, walking into the kitchen out of view.
“Ain’t nothing fancy just made some spaghetti.” Wayne says from the other room.
“I’m starving, sounds delicious.” You respond before zeroing on Eddie.
“Could of used a warning. The first time I ever meet your uncle and I was too busy climbing you like a tree to notice he’s here.” You say in a whisper, in hopes that Wayne can’t here.
“I messaged you and tired to call you. I’m sorry.” He replies. You unlock your phone and immediately all the notifications start coming in, too late.
“It’s fine.” You smile, sneaking one more kiss before joining Wayne at the kitchen table.
“So you’re in college right? What you going to school for?” Wayne asks, shoving his face with another fork full. You begin explaining why your in school and what your majoring in.
“Damn Eddie how’d you land this one? She’s smart and you’re... not.” He laughs, he’s the only one laughing. You look to Eddie who looks like he's use to these type of comments.
“Eddie’s smart in his own ways.” You respond, more than ready to stand up for Eddie.
“How so?” Wayne scoffs.
“Have you ever seen him perform? He’s so talented. He totally has stage presence when he’s up there performing. I could never do that.” Eddie smiles at your kind words.
“Or have you ever sat in on one of his campaigns? He’s so creative, a natural born story teller. Half the time I don’t even understand what they’re doing, way beyond my comprehension.” You add, watching as Wayne pays no attention to you.
“That shits never gonna make him any money. Let’s be real.” Wayne laughs, food spilling out of his mouth.
“I could totally see Eddie being a bad ass rock star. Have you heard their music? I feel like they just need to create a brand for themselves and start promoting their music. Corroded Coffin could totally make it.” You snap, feeling yourself getting worked up. Eddie only ever talked about Wayne in such a positive light. So to hear Wayne shit on him so easily was very upsetting. Seeing Eddie’s reaction only further upsetting you.
“Has he told you about he’s on his second senior year?” Wayne asks, dismissing everything you said.
“Yeah I know that. Schools not for everyone.”
“Not for Eddie.” Wayne laughs harder then he laughed before. At this point you don’t respond too sacred if you say something, it’ll be something you regret. The rest of dinner is filled with silence. Wayne gets up and leaves without saying a word, he’s left the two of you alone in the trailer.
“You okay?” You ask, Eddie’s slumped over his place.
“Yeah.” He doesn’t sound okay.
“He’s kind of a dick.” You admit, Eddie cracks a smile.
“He’s just concerned about me. He took me in at such a young age and now I continue to be a failure for him.” He sighs, getting up and grabbing the plates from the table and bringing them to the sink. He begins washing them leaving you sat at the table. You stand up and hug him from behind, resting your head on his shoulder blade.
“You’re not a failure.” You murmur, against his back.
“How’d I get so lucky to have you in my life?” He asks, still working on the dishes. Eddie was always asking you questions like this one. As if he didn’t feel adequate enough to be with you. Which was entirely the opposite of what you believed.
“By not being a failure.” Eddie chuckles finally, you can feel him relax and a smile return to his lips.
“And by being so so so so sweet and uhhh sexy.” You tease, he shuts the water off to face you.
“Sexy?” He says with an perplexed smile.
“Mhmm,” You purr. Eddie cups your ass before kissing you tenderly, pulling you closer. His lips travel down your throat causing you to whimper under his touch.
“What about your uncle?” You ask barely audible as you squirm under his touch, his hands slipping under your shirt.
“He went to work. He’ll be gone all night.” That’s all you needed to hear, you had been waiting for this moment for weeks. Dreaming of this moment, when you’d finally get to be alone with Eddie.
You pull away only to lead him to his bedroom, shutting the door behind him. He pushes your body into the bed, climbing on top of you. Kissing you for a brief moment before pulling your shirt off revealing your chest. He places a soft kiss on your nipple before enveloping in his mouth. A small moan leaves you lips as your hips buck upwards. Eddie pushes you down, only to release your nipple from his mouth. His pulls you jeans down, to reveal the sexy underwear you wore specifically for this occasion.
“For me?” He growls, you nod yes. He reaches to remove them. A swift push of his hands has him confused.
“I want to make you feel so good. As good as you make me feel every day, okay?”
He nods yes as you instruct him to take his pants off, he stands up to do so only for you to follow before getting on your knees, fully on display for his viewing pleasure. You’re face to face with the tent in his boxer, you grasp his hard on though the thin fabric. Pumping it a few times, watching as his face contorts with pleasure. You let go only to slips his boxers down, letting them fall to his ankles. His dick sits straight up for you.
“I’ve missed you.” You say, out loud accidentally.
“Are you talking to my-?” He’s shut up by your lips kissing his tip in an attempt to distract him from the fact that you were fully talking to his cock. Your mouth parts around the length of his shaft. Slowly at first letting your throat stretch until his tip reaches the back of your throat. One hand reaches for his balls, playing with them. You let his cock leave your mouth for a moment before sucking on it again, only this time faster. Hollowing your cheeks as you take him deeper into your throat.
You look up through your lashes only to make eye contact with him. The sight before you makes the pool between your legs grow. His hands tangle into your hair, forcing your head into him. Your nose rests in his pubes as you choke on his cock. He lets go and watches as you let you go, drool webs from his cock to your lips. You wipe it away, only to use the spit to pump his cock a few times. Your lips part once again, taking his full length in. He forces your head into him again, this time your eyes start to water.
“Fuck your taking me so good.” He says, bucking his hips into your mouth. Fucking your mouth. Your a mess, tears and spit dripping down your chin landing on your chest. He pulls away momentarily, only to admire the site in front of him. The mess he’s made of you. He taps his tip on your cheek causing you to smile before he’s parting your lips once more, letting his cock hit the back of your throat a few more times.
“How do you want me? Huh?” He asks, your unable to answer your mouth still full. He pulls out so you can answer, knowing if he doesn’t change up the position he’s gonna finish quicker then he’d like. Knowing he needs to feel your insides before that happens.
“I want to be on top.” You say, barley audible. He helps you stand up, kissing you roughly before laying down. You waste no time crawling up his body, eventually aligning your entrance with his cock. The wetness from your pussy and the saliva that coats his cock mixes as you bottom out on his cock. The most pornagrapic moan leaves your mouth as he stretches your cunt. It’s a mixture of pain and pleasure, having to get used to his size again after weeks of only using your hands.
“It’s like your pussy was made for me, so fucking perfect.” He groans as you finally start to move. You begin by grinding on his cock. Rolling your hips setting a rhythmic pace. Eddie’s large hands rest on your hips pushing you further down on his cock. You fall to his level, kissing his lips once again never stopping the motion of your hips.
His arms wrap around you so he can thrust into you from under you, harder than what you we’re currently doing causing you to cry out in pleasure. Your head falls between next to his as he fucks you.
“I need more. I need you on top.” You whimper, knowing that when Eddie’s on top he can truly fuck you at his best. He doesn’t argue, rolling over so your under him. His kisses you as he lets the tip of his cock, slip between your folds. Your moaning turns into a cry as he enters your cunt, his lips still kissing you as the sounds leave your mouth.
He picks up his pace, thrusting his hips in a steady motion. Your fingers reach for your clit, running circles around it. Knowing that’s the little push you need to come undone while wrapped around Eddie’s cock. Your walls start fluttering around his cock, your gut tightens. Your vision blurs as your pushed over the edge, your nails dig into Eddie’s back probably leaving marks.
“Good girl.” He grunts, continuing his brutal pace. He gives you one last powerful thrust before flooding you with his cum. You pull his head down to your level, kissing him frenziedly. Letting his tired cock rest in your cunt, keeping it warm. You can’t help but frown when he eventually pulls away from your embrace, leaving you feeling empty. He rolls over next you, you cuddle up closer to him. Listening to his heart beat so fast. You two lay there in silence for a few minutes before he breaks the silence.
“Are we just going to gloss over the fact that your were totally talking to my dick? Telling him how much you missed him?” He laughs tiredly, voice cracking as he teases you.
“I missed both of you.” You say with a roll of your eyes.
TAG LIST: @nika-sophie05 @comboboo @tlclick73 @anaisweird @soulesstravlers @resident-gay-bitch
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shittalkcornstalk · 7 months
“Take One For The Team”
Synopsis- After finding out your Captain has been giving you special treatment, your friends convince you to flirt your way into getting the crew some much needed time off.
Warnings- xfemreader! , Use of Y/n, 18+ minor dni, Eventual Smut, mild manipulation on your part, alcohol use, weapons mention, age gap mention, Buggy is kind of creepy just a little
Word Count 2.4k
Author’s Note - Hi! As you might notice this is my first post! It’s also my first time sharing something I’ve written before , but something about that clown awoken something in me :) Let me know if there’s anything I missed tags or warning wise! I have two more chapters done that I’ll release if everything works out.
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Chapter One “A Test Run”
You’d been sailing along Buggy’s crew for the last 6 months, helping in raids and preparing for the grandline. After some incidents with an up and comer Buggy had been much less inclined to leave anything up to chance. Now running the ship with the aid of Alvida and hiring on more freaks to service his mission, his goal of the one piece was set in motion, and very little was going to stop this determination.
At first you weren't a particularly skilled fighter, but you could do a bit of maintenance around the ship, and were willing to train at your weak points. When you first joined you were worried about your position as the only other woman on the crew besides Alvida Being surrounded by a considerable amount of dangerous men had you a bit on edge, but Cabaji had made arrangements for you in a small closet converted into private quarters within your first week on the ship. At least that's who you thought made that happen. Throughout these last months you found yourself rising in ranks rather quickly. You’d been gaining some talents in hand to hand combat thanks to training, but making good friends of Cabaji and Moji had you sitting with the upper ranks of the crew sooner than you’d anticipated. And with that you noticed an increase in the quality of life. It was small, but the bathing supplies you were allotted became higher quality, they softened your hair and gave it a warm sweet smell. The food had gotten better, with larger portions. You hadn’t a clue what was happening beyond maybe who’d you been associating with. You seemed to have some power in play but you didn't know why. Until on night while you were out drinking with friends.
It has been a rather torturous day for you and your crew. Buggy had started an aggressive training regiment that left all of you tired and sore. You saw him watch over all of you, barking orders and sneering at anyone who tried to wimp out. You caught his eyes following you as you lunged forward punching the air, practicing your swings. He smirked at you before shifting his gaze elsewhere.
“Train harder! If you ever want to see your captain become king of the pirates you must work till you bleed!” He laughed at the sight of everyone.
God, it sucked. Your arms were aching and you started to really dislike the guy for his cruelty. You grasp at the cold mug of beer in front of you, chugging it down to cool yourself after today's workout. Cabaji and Moji are also exhausted relishing in their own self pity and pain.
“He’s such a tight wad right now. God will he just let up this act for one second? He’s been working us to the bone-“
“Hey, at least you get special treatment, think about how the rest of us are suffering” Moji groans out
You take a second to process what he said. What special treatment? You’d assume at least Buggy’s two right hand men were also getting some benefits.
“What do you mean by special treatment?” You look at them confused.
Moji puffs and takes a swig of his drink. “The fancy smelling soaps, the private room, hell you get almost twice the meat either of us get at meal time- you think we're all getting that? Have you seen the rooms, have you smelt us? You know you've been given special attention this entire time right? We thought you knew?” He points to Cabaji who nods in agreement.
“Yeah and they way you just so happened to go from cannon fodder to the captain’s table in a matter of weeks? We’re friends, don’t get that wrong, but our friendship only got you so far y/n. There were other things getting you to the table that quickly…”
They were both insinuating something, dancing around the elephant in the room, and you wanted to know what it was.
“Why though?”
“Please, you’ve got to be blind to not notice it. He watches you train a little too attentively, his eyes follow you around while you work. He made sure you were right by him at meal times. You're in a private room for ‘your safekeeping’. You get nicer clothes, you get extra beauty sleep , you get extended bathing hours. The captain got it bad- and you’ve never even clocked it?”
You stammered, your brain gets fuzzy. Captain Buggy has been giving you special treatment because he's got a thing for you. You feel a weight in your stomach as you consider all the things lining up in your head. He does look at you funny, in fact he’s looked at you that way since day one of recruitment. Did he hire you for that alone? Did you like him? Not really… He was a good captain until recently but now all you can think about is how hard he's been working you all. As far as you're concerned, whatever Buggy had wanted from you, wasn't gonna happen.
“Oh my god, how did I not notice it- I feel so stupid…” You groan, chugging the rest of your beer. “This entire time, he only had me on the crew to woo me-“ You stick out your tongue and lay your head on the table in defeat.
“Well now that you know, Moji and I have been talking and we think we can use this information to our advantage. Lighten our work load a bit-“
“And what do you mean by that?” You ask imparitively.
“Well here’s the thing now that you know the captain is putty in your hands, let's use that, c'mon take one for the team-“
“Nothing crazy, but the captain has been in such a terrible mood lately and it's causing all of us to suffer- maybe if the girl he likes was a bit nicer, complimented him a bit more, played with her hair, other girly shit. He’d distracted enough to forget he's a total asshole.”
“yeah y/n its not like you have to sleep with him.” Moji motions with his hands in a comical way. “Just use some of that charm and get us a little more time off” he laughs into his drink. If you all hadn’t been so close and also a little drunk you’d punch both of them, you still kinda wanted to punch them…
“You guys are gross. That’ll never work. You are seriously overestimating this ‘feminine charm’ and crush shit, I’m sure captain would looooovvvee to hear how low you think of him right now-“
“No come on, give it a chance, tomorrow all you have to do is smile at him a little more, laugh at jokes-and and…” Cabaji thinks for a second…
“Touch his shoulder!” Moji finishes, “Then I bet he’ll let up! You’ll see! Just try it, our situation isn’t gonna get any worse if it doesn’t work…”
Moji and Cabaji jokingly give you puppy dog eyes and pout “Please for your best friends~”
“Ugh fine, but you owe me, both of you are taking over my chores for a week after tomorrow-“
“Deal!” They say in unison snickering to themselves.
The next day comes and it's time for you to embarrass yourself in front of everyone it seems. You take note to take a little extra time to get ready, nothing crazy , but looking disheveled isn't gonna help the plan. You make your way to the dock for training when you see Buggy, Cabaji, and Moji taking. Your two friends spot you first giving a wink and a smile and they say goodbye to the captain leaving you alone as you approach him. You take a deep breath and step forward.
“Good morning Captain Buggy~”
You try to be a little more melodic in the way you say his name, though it doesn't quite roll off your tongue that well. Buggy certainly didn’t notice that though cause he was already a little jumpy at your more aggressive approach. He blushes a bit and stifles a cough.
“G-Good morning Y/n, what brings you here this morning, shouldn’t you start training?” He's trying to keep cool, but now that you are well aware of his feelings you know he's bluffing. You can’t believe it but this might actually work.
“Is it so -bad- I wanted to greet my captain this morning?” God you are deluding yourself, but you do a tiny pout and the look on this man's face shifts. He's a mess and you have control.
“NOT AT ALL-“ He starts waving his hands. “I’m just not used to you being so…um…cordial-“ He giggles a bit to himself. Cordial was not the word he wanted to say and you knew it. You shift your eyes over to the two idiots watching the spectacle. They mock you with kissy faces, and like a lightbulb going off in one of their pea sized brains, they mimic the shoulder touch you agreed to. With a quick breath you look at Captain Buggy directly in the eye, batting your lashes, and curling your lips to talk.
“Captain Buggy?~” You let his name sit for a minute. He looks back at you, gulps, and waits.
You take your hand lightly touching his bicep and softly rubbing it up to his shoulder. He jolts ever so slightly under your touch.
“I was just wondering what today's regiment was? We’re all so tired from yesterday's workout, and while we…I want to make sure we can serve you to the best of our abilities. I was wondering when our next rest day was?”
He gulps again, heavier, as if this man had swallowed a rock. He coughs to alleviate some of the tension in the air. And though you don’t fully know it yet he thinks he’s found his in to sweeten you up to him a bit. After all a girl like you does deserve a break, but if he only gives you a day off he’ll expose himself to everyone. He's gotta play it cool, still fulfilling your wishes but make it seem like he's in control.
“Why you happened to ask me on the perfect day doll-“ A nickname he’d never confronted you with before, but with his ego inflated he thought he'd slip that in “I was just about to tell the entire crew that all training was going to be canceled today” He moved his body to the crew to announce it but keeps his eyes on you expectely. “Proceed with normal chores, but today will be light work for all-'' He smiled at how great this plan is. Surely you’d start seeing him in better lighting with this generous offer.
Cabaji and Moji are celebrating by themselves at their hiding spot. Hi fiving each other and shooting you thumbs up. You look back at your captain, fully unaware that you’d scemed this outcome. You were suprised it worked this well, but this outcome made it seem like this was a much easier feat than you were expecting. You’d be able to get a lot more with very little it seems. And now that Cabaji and Moji have taken up your chores for the week, no training and no chores meant a full day of rest and relaxation for you. You could really get used to this. You smile to yourself, but Buggy, who really hasn't kept his eyes off of you this entire time, takes it as a compliment.
“ Take some of that much needed rest y/n, you deserve for how hard you work. After all, it's like you said you need energy to serve your captain.”
You shudder in your head at the implications of that last statement before grinning past the grimace on your face and leaving with a sweet plasticy “Thank you Captain Buggy-“ He waves you off, and you can definitely see his gaze linger on your ass.
“Gross…” You think to yourself.
Later that night you and the two others relish in a successful mission.
“It fucking worked!” Cabaji yelled clinking glasses with yours.
“It fucking worked…” You stare blankly groanin to yourself in self deprecation.
“Aw c'mon think about it we’d probably get a whole week off if you just sucked his d-“
You smack him before he can even finish the thought. You weren’t gonna become some toy just to get a bit more vacation time. You wouldn’t mind having the weekends off though, especially when you were docked in new cities. You could go shopping more, maybe go to the markets, try the spas… You could embarrass yourself a little if it meant that maybe…
“Listen I’ll agree it worked better than expected but we can’t jump to conclusions and say this’ll work all the time. Chances are this was a one time thing. Captain Buggy may not be the epitome of self restraint and class, but he’s not stupid-“
He’s stupid. Sure every day didn’t immediately become a luxury cruise in paradise but you'll be damned if your little giggles and hair flips didn't lighten the load for everyone around you. The captain was happier, calmer, and now that he was convinced he started hooking you in, he didn't take out a lot of that repressed anger he’d built up on the crew. It was smooth sailing for the most part. You’d say hello to him in the mornings, goodnight to him before leaving for your own quarters. You’d refer to him with full title as Captain Buggy, enunciate the words in a way he found irresistible, and of course Mojis patent pending ‘shoulder touch’. He swears you need to bottle and sell it. He was putty off this little attention you gave him, and for how little it was, you'd oblige to give it to him. You wonder if anyone had picked up on it, but you probably would have been mocked to hell for it, if anyone actually knew. So in secrecy you kept up this little crush act for as long as it could run.
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squirmhoney · 1 year
No no no! I’m the dingle that didn’t read that carefully Lmao! Can I request 10 & 11 for our boy Aemond? 🥰 💖💖💖
Drabble Event: "Lemme hear you bunny." x Aemond Targaryen
A/N: Here is the link for number 10 with Aemond. Hope you enjoy this one as well. Warnings: Masturbation. Video sex. Smut. 18+ WC: 600+
Being away from you for so long had been driving Aemond to the brink of insanity. Every time he thought of you, every time your name popped up on his phone, he found himself missing you even more. He couldn't even remember how long he had been without you. A couple of weeks? Enough to make his cock spring in his pants every time he scrolled through photos of you, finding it impossible to scroll through the explicit album of you two.
Even the videos of you bouncing up and down on his dick, like the good bunny you were, wasn't enough to sedate him anymore. Before he knew it his fingers were tapping against your name in his phone.
You didn't answer in the first few rings, most likely the time difference but Aemond knew you would answer eventually. He still grew impatient as his hand yanked his joggers and boxers down his legs, releasing himself from the confinement.
On the last ring you answered, a dull lamp lighting up your tired face as you squinted at the camera. You seem panicked as you spoke, eyes widening at the sight of Aemond. "What's wrong my love?"
"I miss you," Aemond admitted, voice weaker than he liked it to be. But he was in dire need of your attention and if he sounded pathetic, he really couldn't care less.
"It's three in the morning here, Aemond," you sighed, fluttering your eyelashes properly open.
"I really miss you," his voice come out hoarse and needy.
There was no mistaking his intentions now and he had no way of hiding it. His mind was racing with elicit thoughts from just seeing your tired face tucked up in your shared bed. He couldn't help but remember how he'd wake you in the middle of the night with his dock buried inside of you or even the times where he fucked you till you passed out on the bed and he used you like some fuck doll to finish himself off.
"Please, bunny," he pleaded, he flipped the camera round on his phone to show you how hard he was. His hand wrapped around his shaft, thumb grazing over the reddened tip that leaked with pre cum. "I really need you right now."
"Fuck," you drooled out at the sight of him, biting on your bottom lip. It wasn't long before you found your hands in between your night shorts, rubbing soft circles into your clit. "What do you want from me, Aem?"
"I want you to touch yourself and pretend it's me," he commanded, tone becoming stern as he directed you. "Can you do that for me?"
"Yes," you let out in a breathless sigh, fingers working a little faster against your clit. You weren't even shocked at how wet you became for him in the matter of minutes, hearing his voice making your body ache with a desperation you had never felt before.
Within seconds Aemond was fisting his cock harshly, pretending it was your dainty hands instead of his rough ones. He's not even trying to keep himself quiet as he groans and grunts at the thought of you, only finding it annoying as it becomes the only sound he hears in his room.
"Lemme hear you bunny," Aemond demands, "I really need to hear you."
That's all it takes for you to stop holding back your moans, whimpering his name as you rubbed your clit harsher than before. You tried to keep your eyes focused on him, watching the way his lips parted slightly every time you moaned his name in a certain way.
"That's my good bunny, just like that."
It wasn't long before his cum was spurting all over his hands, covering the top of his stomach. All he can think, as he lies breathless on the phone, is how he wishes you were next to him, licking up the mess you had caused off of his stomach. But for now the image of your face as it countered and the sound of your high pitched moaning would have to suffice. To get him through these last few more days of being separated from you. Then he could finally have you exactly how he wanted.
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quarantineddreamer · 2 months
Jyn Week Day 1: Home
I wasn't sure I was gonna post this, because it's really not my best work. But then again, with the way my brain has been lately not much is! And I wanted to participate and show our girl some love so. Fighting through the perfectionist in me and here's this little thing <3
Though the Rebels had breathed new life into the cave upon their arrival, the network of tight tunnels and sprawling caverns that made up Echo Base had a history that stretched back to a time long before the war. There were stars younger than the stone walls that surrounded them, buried beneath layers of ice so thick, it was unlikely the galaxy would ever uncover the secrets they contained.
It had not taken Jyn long to begin exploring the area, seeking hidden nooks and crannies to which she might escape. Within a week, she had formed a sprawling mental map, memorized the quickest routes to every exit, marked the nearest spaces to duck to when Draven was after her about her latest display of ‘irresponsible/reckless/unacceptable’ behavior–or, when she simply needed quiet. (Which seemed to happen more and more with each passing day spent trapped in this hellhole.)
Tonight, she was bundled in her warmest gear: every thermal layer she possessed, two sweaters, one parka, her hat and scarf, gloves, and four socks pulled one after the other till she could barely squeeze her feet into her boots, much less feel them. 
Clumsiness was the price to pay when you wanted to be up and about at this hour on Hoth–that, or frostbite. It was why, for the most part, no one on Echo Base left their beds after sundown unless they absolutely had to. In temperatures this cold, you’d have to be out of your mind to willingly leave the relative comfort and warmth of your room without very good reason.
Apparently, Jyn was out of her mind, because she’d woken from a dream–the one where the fires of Scarif blinded her one minute, and she was trapped in the cold bunker all alone the next–and crawled out from beneath her blankets. She’d dressed in the dark, moving by instinct more than anything, her skin itching and heart racing as the walls seemed to press closer and closer. Before she’d fully realized what she was doing, she had found herself fumbling by the dim yellow cast of a lantern to a place well-beyond the boundaries of Echo Base.
It would have been all too easy to take a wrong turn–and subsequently freeze to death trying to find her way back–but her body had taken care of her when her mind could not. Before too long she had arrived at a vaguely familiar antechamber, small and circular, with smooth, curving walls.
As she sat and leaned her back into their hard surface, it felt as though she were being held in the palm of some ancient, mysterious being. She took in her surroundings like someone waking up from a dream. Why had her instincts guided her here? 
Then she felt it: air, fresh air; the barest of hints of it brushing across the tip of her nose and suddenly it all made sense. She closed her eyes and drew it deep into her lungs–holding it for a moment with the gratitude of someone reuniting with a long lost friend–before releasing a slow, careful breath. It lingered in the air before her–the ghost of a scared and lonely girl—a swirling cloud of mist, glowing purple. 
Heart in her throat, Jyn lifted her eyes, seeking the source of the strange light. High above her, the chamber’s ceiling of ice and rock gave way, revealing an incredible sweep of night sky, dancing with color. Wind whistled across the opening of the cave…waves whispered upon a black-sanded shore…
“What are they, Mama?”
Her mother’s amused hum tickled at her back. “The Force paints a path home for those that are lost, my love.”
Jyn squirmed beneath the blanket, trying to find her father’s face amidst the orange, flickering shadows of the bonfire. “What are they really, Papa?” 
Mama’s head rested beneath his chin, his arms wrapped around them both, a shield from the wind. He gave her a smile; her favorite kind, the kind he gave her when he asked if she could keep a secret. “You don’t believe your mother?”
Jyn didn’t think her question had anything to do with belief, she simply wanted to know. Mama often told her stories about the Force; stories about love and anger, light and dark, and the threads that tied the world together–just like the ones her favorite blanket was made of. But Papa told her stories too; stories like what kind of soil made the plants on the farm grow, or why her skin turned red after too much time in the sun, or how to fix Stormy when his arm fell off. Mama’s stories were stories she saw and felt on the inside, while Papa’s were ones she held in her hands. But they were both a part of her, pieces she carried with her wherever she went. 
She studied the sky again, following the splashes of purple and green and blue as they wove their way between clusters of stars. She wondered what it would feel like to stand on one of the rippling bands of light; tried to imagine stepping one foot after the other across the horizon as her mother had described. Maybe it would be warm, like sand in the sun, or maybe it would be more like waves lapping at her feet, cold and tingly. 
“A scientist’s daughter through and through,” Mama laughed. “I recognize that look in her eyes…”
Jyn wasn’t sure what exactly she meant by that, but she tore her gaze away from the lights in the sky and turned towards her father instead, ready for his answer.
His skin shimmered green, then blue, and back again, the same colors as the ones that hung in the air above them. “The path your mother spoke of is made of particles, shed by our planet’s suns.”
Jyn frowned at this. “But it’s nighttime.”
“Just because we cannot see something, does not mean it is no longer there,” Papa explained, reaching over to tug the blanket back over her shoulders. “Tonight, the aurora reminds us that the suns have not left us, and they will rise again tomorrow.”
She twisted to face Mama again. “So the suns are the Force?”
“The Force is the suns,” her mother murmured reverently, “and the wind, and the waves, and the sand beneath you. It’s the salt on your tongue when you breathe in and…” she smiled as she poked Jyn’s nose with the tip of her finger, “that means it’s a part of you, and me, and your Papa too.”
Jyn settled into her parent’s arms again and shut her eyes, feeling for the Force her mother spoke of. She wasn’t sure what it was supposed to feel like. 
But she thought there might be some truth to her parents’ words, because though she could not see them anymore, she could sense them there beside her. The comfort of her mother’s heartbeat under her ear, the warmth of her father’s breath as he bent to press a kiss to the top of her head. 
And if she were to find herself lost and standing amidst the aurora, she felt certain this was where they would bring her.
The colors of the sky began to blur and run together. Jyn wiped roughly at her eyes, urging tears away before they could turn to frost upon her cheek. Hoth was more than a far cry from the beaches of Lah’mu, yet she felt closer to it now than she had in a long time.
“Beautiful,” a voice murmured, echoing quietly off the stone around her. 
Jyn started, turning towards the rasp of footsteps. “Cassian…” Leave it to the spy to find her in the middle of a labyrinth in the dead of night.
“How long have you been standing there?” she asked warily, taking one last self-conscious swipe at her face with the sleeve of her coat. 
“Not long,” he answered, lingering at the entrance to the cavern.
But long enough… Jyn figured. She heaved a short sigh and returned her gaze to the aurora, an ache in her chest. “There were lights like this on Lah’mu,” she murmured, an explanation of sorts–though Cassian had not asked for one. 
He ducked past the icicle that hung in from the tunnel’s opening and silently came to sit beside her, his shoulder brushing against her own. Though it barely made a difference in a cold this numbing, Jyn found herself drawing comfort from the warmth of his body beside her. 
“How’d you find this place?” he asked softly. 
She glanced at him, but he was looking at the lights above, granting her a reprieve from the weight of his stare. “How’d you find me?” she countered. 
The corner of his mouth lifted slightly, but his eyes were serious when they landed on her again. “I went to your room and you weren’t there. For a moment I thought…” he shook his head and took a sudden interest in his boots.
“You thought I’d left?” 
“I didn’t know what to think. I checked the infirmary next.” There was an odd strain to his voice, something she couldn’t quite place. “No one had seen you there either, so I headed towards the perimeter,” a small smile crossed his lips, “I’ve noticed you wander to the edges of Base when you’re trying to avoid Draven.”
“Of course you did,” Jyn remarked. “Then what?”
“I followed the light…” 
“And it led you here…” The memory of her mother’s story–still fresh in Jyn’s mind–began to mingle with words Cassian had once spoken to her. The kyber crystal she wore seemed suddenly heavier than it had a moment ago, a hand resting over her heart. 
She thought of Bodhi, Chirrut, Baze, even K2. Of all the people who she had gotten to know because of the Rebellion. People who had her back. People who might not understand all of her, but who accepted her nonetheless.
“Hoth is the first time we’ve really slowed down since Scarif,” Cassian said, ignoring her sudden glance at the mention. “I know it can be hard to adjust to life in the Rebellion.”
A tentative smile tugged at the corner of her lips. “Yeah,” she replied, catching a ripple of light and shadow as it wandered across his face. “I've been feeling lost…but I think I’m beginning to find my way.”
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sweet-slut · 9 months
imagine this:
(because you loved your machine thingy fantasy)
you are just peacefully going through your night. you change from your clothes to a pyjama shirt. a short one that ends just below your ass. you have no underwear on, and you are on the bed, fucking yourself with a vibrating dildo.
the bell rings. you are out of your mind now, the vibrating dildo has fucked you out of your minds, so you mindlessly go open the door. just as you unlock the door and pull it open, the pink colored thick vibrating dildo makes you have your orgasm right there in front of the man standing there. you moan loudly, eyes shutting close, falling sideways to rest yourself on the door frame, your cum flowing down your thighs.
the man freezes, getting hard. it's a guy not much older than you. he's holding a small brown delivery box - the bigger, thicker and more powerful dildo you'd ordered last week. but the dildo in your swollen vagina hasn't stopped. you falling onto your side, just switched on the highest vibration power. with such a size and force in your overestimated vagina, it wasn't barely 10 seconds after you release in front of the an, that you release again - much stronger and louder.
the man groans, entering the house and locking the door. you're still so out of your mind that you sit down right there and pump the dildo in and out.
the man squats next to you. "is it okay if I livestream this... slut?" he asks you. you nod, as his slender fingers squeeze in with the dildo, stretching your pussy out. you cry in pleasure as your cum for the third time in less than 5 minutes. the man pulls out the dildo, now covered in your juices. you cry out loud, babbling incoherent words, as he switches on his livestream. his camera starts right next to your swollen vagina, and he places it in such a way the viewers could see your face. the man cuts open your shirt and has you lying there for over a minute as you cry out for something... no anything in your pussy.
you reach out to pull something random from the table near you, a cucumber. You put in your pussy, mewling and moaning as you push it in a out.
the man is quick to pull it out, and replaces it with the new dildo you bought. you cry out loud as within a matter of 27 seconds, you squirt your juices out.
the door bell rings once again. "Open the door my little slut." The man orders. You go and open the door, and as you stand up, the sudden change in angle makes you scream in pleasure while you stumble to open the door. you squirt so hard this time, your naked and wet body falls down. you look up to see 5 boys there.
"We got your message dude. Gosh, she looks so fucked. I can't wait till so gets a dose of us." one man says, as he pulls you up, and carries you.
he places your crying, moaning mess on the table, adjusting the camera so the viewers could now see you - you who just cummed and squirted well over 5 times in less than 20 minutes.
do you want part two? how was this one?
Oh lord please please please a 2nd part. I'm begging you please
You just hit exactly my showing off kinky thoughts and the PINK toy...you have my full attention
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t-nd-rfoot · 2 years
CWJBHN aka All That Jake Wants
Can we just be happy now? - Jake Scott, Josie Dunne
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Summary Jake tries to help you see that you guys can be more than childhood best friends, even if it scares you
Pairing Jake Seresin x childhood best friend!reader
Theme fluff, slight angst in between
Warnings relationship/commitment anxieties, military relationship
Word Count 1.5k
Note Really wanted to try writing something from his POV, so this took awhile to figure out!!! I've been in love with this song since it came out. MAJOR coincidence that the artist's name just so happened to be Jake, but I thought this song fit him really well. And since the song this fic is based on is a duet, I'm thinking of releasing a version from reader's POV, so let me know in the comments if you'd want to read it!
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“Quit it.”
“Quit what?”
Jake couldn’t help it. He wasn’t even doing anything except looking at you from the passenger seat. But with the way you stole glances back at him—that playful look in your eyes as you tried and failed to hide your smile, he knew you didn’t mind at all.
“What do you mean? I’m just a mere passenger observing his surroundings, and I just so happen to be surrounded by…”
Ahead of him was a nearly clear sky, with few clouds above still from the afternoon rain. He looked to his right and and saw nothing but sea and sky. And as he turned to his left, he saw…
As cheesy as it sounded, he wasn’t entirely wrong; there really wasn’t much around you guys. But he knew what he meant. And by the way he saw you blush again, he knew you knew it, too. He cleared his throat to clear the lingering tension. “Where are you taking me, anyway?”
“Seriously? You don’t recognize this place?” you mused.
Finally taking his eyes off of you, he looked around and realized your destination. The light drizzle stopped just as you pulled over at the edge of a cliff, the exact cliff you had taken him so many times the last time he visited and stayed with you all those years ago after his first deployment.
It was about a month or so after he returned to the States. He blocked out two whole weeks to visit you in your new city—LA, of all places, so different from your mid-sized town in Texas, but he always knew since you were kids that you were meant for bigger things. This cliff was apparently your favorite place in the area, since you rushed him here instead of to your apartment where he could settle down, and the two of you spent hours on hours catching up. His two-week visit turned into one month, and hardly a day and an adventure passed by that you guys didn’t end up here.
And here you both were again nearly a decade later. Things picked up exactly where they left off, except this trip meant something more. He’s gone too long without you, and he was set on changing that. And with how the last couple of months went, things were almost falling into place.
“You really didn’t think you’d leave again without one last hurrah, ‘Res?” you teased. His high school nickname never sounded sweeter, he thought.
The two of you had gotten out to stretch your legs. He took off his jacket to wipe down the remaining droplets on the hood of the car, making a place for the two of you to lean on as you admired the ocean view—a view he could honestly care less about when you were right there beside him. But still, he looked around trying to remember every detail he could.
“Man, I sure am gonna miss this,” he sighed.
“You’re going to get views like this everyday, even better ones. I’m kinda jealous.”
He scooted closer to you till your arms touched. “Yeah, but it’s not gonna be the same.”
“How so?” you asked, leaning into him.
He laced his fingers through yours, playing with it for awhile as you waited for an answer. He looked in your eyes before turning back to the ocean. “For one, I won’t have my burger fix while enjoying the view—”
Laughter immediately flew from your lips as you let go of his hand to elbow him in the side. He flashed his pearly whites at his own corny joke, always taking pride in being the only person to get that kind of laughter out of you. “If only there was a McDonald’s in the sky.”
“A fly-thru,” you played along, “Give it a few fifty years or so. You’ll be their very first customer.”
“Hell yeah, bring back taste to plane food.”
That one moment of normalcy ended as your laughs did. He doesn’t know how, but his hands found yours once again. “But seriously, Y/N, I don’t think I could look at that again without thinking about you,” he said, gesturing to the view in front of you.
“Jake…” you sighed and shied away from him. He lifted himself from the car and stood in front of you, one hand caressing your cheek, the other tucking your hair behind your ear.
This whole trip, he’s dropped little compliments and gestures implying something more. It started out light and playful; he didn’t want to overwhelm you right away. At times, you even reciprocated it. But time was running out; all he needed to know was that you felt something too.
“I know I should have said something sooner. But that’s what I’m doing now, and I’m not going to let another ten or twenty years go by without finally letting you know how I feel,” he confessed softly. He tucked his hand under your chin. “I’ll understand if this isn’t something you want, but give me one good reason why this wouldn’t work.”
The silence spoke for itself the longer you took trying to come up with an answer. He closed the distance between you even more, and when he wasn’t met with any resistance, he rested his forehead on yours. But he could still sense the tension in you.
“If we do this, you leave in two days. Then you’ll be gone for what, six, seven months? Maybe even longer? I don’t know if I can handle that,” you whispered.
“We’ve gone without each other for much longer,” he said.
“But that was different—this is different.” Tears welled up in your eyes. “I don’t wanna lose you, Jake.”
His heart ached to see you like this. Worry washed over him as he wiped away the tears that had fallen from your eyes. “You’re not gonna lose me, darlin’, I promise.”
“You don’t know that,” you argued back, “what if long distance doesn’t work? What if we do this and realize that we’re better off not being together? Things aren’t going to go back to normal. And you know my track record with relationships, Jake. I don’t wanna give you a reason to resent me if this goes badly. Or worse, something could happen to you out there and I’d never see you again.”
It was that last thing that drew a sharp breath in him. No matter how good he knew he was at his job, the realities of it was something he couldn’t escape. To subject you to that…
He couldn’t afford to think about that right now.
His mission right now was to be with you, no matter how little time he got, and he’d be damned if he didn’t get to make the most of it.
If there was anything he learned about being a navy pilot, it’s to take your shot when you see it. He’s prepared if he misses, but it was better to take a missed shot than none at all, right? Now that both of you laid out your feelings on the table, there was no point in turning back.
He wrapped his arms around and pulled you against him, closing whatever little distance there was left between you. He placed his a kiss on your forehead, his lips soft enough to comfort you, but the kiss itself firm enough to assure you. You buried your head further into his chest as he stroked your hair.
He could have stayed with you like that forever, but the sun had almost started to set; the clock seemed to tick faster and faster.
He had to set things right.
Pulling away, he looked down at you, your eyes still glassy with uncertainty. “Look. I’m not gonna pretend that anything you said is impossible. But isn’t that all the more reason to try? To see if we can beat the odds? It’s not even an ‘if’ for me, Y/N. I know we can. With everything we’ve gone through together, how could we not?”
He watched as you struggled to form a reply, so he continued.
“If it’s the future that’s scaring you, then let’s not think about that now, if that’s what you want,” he assured you, still holding you gently. “We have 48 hours left together, and I don’t want to waste it. That’s 48 hours to just be…”
He wracked his brain, struggling to find the right words.
“That’s 48 hours to be happy. Can we—can we do that? Just be happy, right here, right now?”
His eyes pleaded for an answer. “Well, ‘Res,” you nodded softly as you wrapped your arms around his neck, “when you put it that way, how can I say no?”
Relief didn’t even have time to wash over Jake’s face as he kissed you the moment those words left your mouth. He’s dreamt of this moment for years, but none of those dreams measured up to the real thing. It’s like he knew you both fit like puzzle pieces, your bodies molded together the deeper you kissed.
And that’s how both of you stayed, never letting go of each other as you watched the sun set over the horizon.
It was 48 hours well spent. Tears were inevitably shed as time ran out, but Jake was all smiles even as he departed. Sure, he was more than sad to go, but at least he knew this time—and for the rest of time—that his happiness didn’t have to end.
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Disclaimer I do not own Top Gun: Maverick or any of its characters. I do not own CWJBHN by Jake Scott and Josie Dunne. Please do not copy my work or translate without my permission.
Edited tagline and layout
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coffeeandcalligraphy · 9 months
Kara doesn’t say anything even though she should—for a moment, she seems frozen as if in shock, not even her hair braying in the breeze of Jeremiah’s standing fan. As he looks at his sister, her curly brown hair that’s grown far past her shoulder blades, her eyes that are now fitted with contacts instead of boxy glasses, her nose that’s now pricked on the right by a cubic zirconia, he realizes he wasn’t just vague about his reasons for returning home, but cruel. What kind of brother calls his sister on a Sunday morning and explains his abrupt return is nothing to worry about, that all he needs is time, that in a week he’ll be better, clearer? What kind of brother says that if a week isn’t enough, then two certainly will be because he’ll quickly learn how to love the scent of coffee again and how to ask for a table for one and how to dance on his own and how to think fondly of a sunset and how to pray without feeling wrong and how to sleep alone? What kind of brother says that in any regard Madonna’s releasing Confessions on a Dance Floor in less than a month so he expects he’ll change by then and if that doesn’t fix him he’ll figure it out anyway? And what kind of brother looks at his sister now and thinks that in all this time he’s relieved she was never there to see him get into a bar for the first time, see him find himself in his houseplants and in Biyu’s laugh, see him fall in love with the wrong man? When Jeremiah was ten and his sister was sixteen, they’d promised each other they’d stay close, and maybe at that age, he didn’t know what that meant, to remain intwined in someone’s life till you were an intrinsic part of them—a lung and a breath, dog and a bone, a god and the son he creates. But here they are, so close, so far apart, Jeremiah’s mouth formed around a question he can’t bring himself to say out loud. What kind of brother leaves?
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alexturne · 2 years
Arctic Monkeys' Alex Turner on Sinatra, the tao of Natalie Imbruglia's 'Torn,' and the songs that make him cry (Entertainment Weekly)
On the eve of their new album, The Car, the Britpop giants' frontman shares the soundtrack of his life.
By Leah Greenblatt, October 19, 2022 at 03:00 PM EDT
Soundtrack of My Life is a recurring column in which musicians recall their favorite songs, artists, and albums.
Seated in a shabby-chic hotel lounge on a blazing September day in New York City, Alex Turner looks like the timeless picture of a louche, untouchable rock star: slick swoop of chestnut hair, fine gold chain glimmering on his neck, indefinable swagger. Even his late-summer sweater, some kind of gossamer knit rendered in the rich sea-foam green of Pantone swatches or private Aegean islands, looks both expensive and effortless.
But the frontman of arguably one of the biggest bands of this millennium is endearingly uncool when it comes to showing up for the assignment — in this case a look back at the songs and artists who shaped him as a boy growing up in Sheffield, England, the only child of two secondary school teachers. "I was racking me brain for this," he admits in his undimmed Northern accent, holding up a little piece of paper covered in hand-scratched recollections. (Mistaking the hotel lunch menu for his notes at one point, he even cracks a self-deprecating joke; Tuscan kale, he knows, is not quite the answer we came for.)
Turner's deep-dive instincts and attention to detail track in his songwriting — bracing, immersive tales of late-night longings and intergalactic space stations, rendered in grand Cinemascope — and in the electric headlining sets the Arctic Monkeys have become known for, after 15-plus years of live shows and more than 25 million albums sold. In advance of their seventh studio release, The Car, the 36-year-old singer dug deep into memories of the Beach Boys, Natalie Imbruglia, and the stuff that middle-school crushes are made of.
My first musical memory
"It's always about being in the back of the car at that age, isn't it? There's a lot of things from that [era] I remember. Pet Sounds, certainly. The Carpenters. In me dad's car, less so with my mom at the wheel, there'd be a lot of Sinatra as well... My dad was a science teacher when I was born, but around that time he stopped teaching physics and started teaching music instead. He played in swing bands and stuff, so that was his thing. And the song I remember asking him to play when I was really little was Sinatra doing this song about how 'there's an awful lot of coffee in Brazil.' What always impresses me is the way Sinatra delivers the vocal, the timing of it all. And with the Beach Boys, too, there's something involuntary about the reaction, hearing those harmonies. It's magic. I mean even the name of it, Pet Sounds, and the sleeve, I think is kind of mad. Them feeding the animals on the cover? Now you can't think of those two words without thinking about all the harmony and the imagination that's in there."
My first time performing in public
"I didn't start playing guitar till much later. I used to go for piano for lessons once a week from about 8 years old. But I wouldn't say I really took to it. I don't think they were thinking, 'That's it, we found the thing! Here he is.'" [Laughs]
In high school you had to pick music, art, or drama, and I went for the drama, funnily enough. I don't think I particularly excelled in dramatics. But I remember in primary school, me first big moment on stage was when I was given the job of the narrating donkey for the nativity play. I mean, it was a lot of responsibility at that age to be given the job as narrator. They were like, 'But there's a catch: You're the donkey.' I was like, 'All right, well, I'll take it.' Matthew [Helder], our drummer, in fact, was also in that production. He might have had a more senior role. But his mom found some footage from it, which hopefully is under lock and key somewhere. [Laughs] Yeah, you'd need a retina scan to get into that vault."
The first album I bought with my own money
"I think it was probably the third Oasis record, Be Here Now. I was too young for the one before that [(What's the Story) Morning Glory?], though I do remember being aware of it. You used to always be able to get records in the supermarket, so I'd be in the store with me mom, and you might go around to that section and be like, 'What's all this?'
The first single I can remember buying is 'Torn' by Natalie Imbruglia, but it wasn't with my own money. No, wait, I might have done — I might have mowed the grass to get 'Torn.'" [Laughs]
My first concert
"I remember getting the train to Manchester to see the Vines in October 2002. It was me, Matthew, Nick [O'Malley, the band's bassist], and another friend of ours. I mean, funny that three out of the four of what became the Arctic Monkeys lineup were there. It wasn't usually like that. I saw that other friend a couple of weeks ago, actually, and we still talk about it now, getting the train in the morning, going right up to the front. And all the opening acts — this band called the Bandits and this band called Nada Surf. 
That was really the start. We were going to shows whenever we could after that. We'd just started playing together that summer, in me parents' garage. We'd be trying to play 'Get Free' by the Vines. And the Datsuns — they had a song called 'Harmonic Generator,' and we used to do a cover of that. I'm sad that I missed [seeing] the Strokes in Sheffield for Is This It, though. I was a little bit late to the party there."
The song that reminds me of my first crush
"This is one of those things you're always supposed to remember fondly, isn't it? Sadly, I was sort of struggling to pin it down. But there's someone called Andreas Johnson, and the song was called 'Glorious.' It was on the radio a lot at the time. It had this big guitar and orchestra parts; it's hard to describe. And also maybe the song 'Crush.' I mean, it's a little too on the nose possibly, but the artist is Jennifer Page. Yeah, I may have listened to it yesterday — there was a line it in that made me smile.
I can't remember really talking to anyone about music at that time. A few years later I probably wouldn't shut up about it. I do remember we'd have these dances every now and again at school, and there used to be this one called the Snow Ball or something where two people would stand in the middle and were supposed to dance, but they didn't. So there'd be like a girl and a guy holding hands, but as far away as possible, and then the song would stop and they'd go and get another two people, and this sort of really uncomfortable line would form. I hadn't thought about that for a really long time."
The first song I ever wrote
"There's one that springs to mind, but it's a melody rather than the words. I had a dictaphone — you know the one where you have the little cassette inside — and I found that again recently, a few little scraps of ideas. Do I have songs that haven't found their way into things yet? Definitely. There's one that's tried to get on a couple of records and didn't make it, and it's probably coming up on 10 years old now.
One of my favorite songs ever is 'The Beast in Me' by Nick Lowe. A friend of mine was lucky enough to bump into him on vacation and he asked him about it then, and apparently he said that was [a song] for him that was sticking around for ages. So hopefully I'll find a way to get some of [my own] out there at some point."
The songs that make me cry
"'Les Choses de la Vie' by Philippe Sarde is from the movie of the same title — it's the main theme. It does a pretty good job of stirring up emotions without getting anywhere near words, which is something I'm becoming more interested in as time goes by. That's a beautiful piece of music.
And 'Where Did Everybody Go?' from Nat King Cole has incredible, incredible vocals. The way it's laid out, it's got this introduction and this sweeping instrumental section that segues it into another song almost. It's a really simple, straightforward set of words, just done in an excellent way."
The song people might not expect me to love
"I think George Michael's song 'Outside' is brilliant. I remember saying how good I thought it was, and somebody was maybe surprised. Just melodically, that bit in the chorus, 'I know you want to, but you can't say yes'? It's pretty exciting."
The musical moment I wish I had a time machine for
"The Last Waltz with the Band and Dr. John and everyone, that would have been an interesting night. Unique. I'm a big fan of that movie and the performances.
There's a live album with Sinatra at the Sands that is a favorite of mine that I feel would be an interesting show to be at in a different way. There's this song on there, 'Don't Worry 'Bout Me,' that he introduces by saying he thinks it's one of the best standards. There's a bit where the band is just ripping, and he sings this note that sort of slides up. I don't know what it is — it's a dolphin thing, it's a quack. And the way he makes his way through it? Beautiful."
The song I want played at my funeral
"I was talking about this with the guys in the band, and 'Dance Commander' by Electric Six is the one that sticks. We're kind of back in that 2002 region again, aren't we? But the lyrics on some of that shit are brilliant. Depends what kind of funeral you want, I guess." [Laughs]
Arctic Monkeys' new album, The Car, is out Friday.
This interview has been edited and condensed for length and clarity.
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