#lene kostana
vaguely-concerned · 5 months
I’m on a Star Wars books roll so here we go with my — unhinged thanks for asking! — thoughts on Dooku: Jedi Lost, specifically the audio play. Short version: I fucking loved this one! For maximum emotional devastation, pair with Master and Apprentice and Padawan the way my stupid ass did and then be sad about it forever I guess that's what I’m going to have to do.
 Long (LONG oopsie) version:
- So. First of all, let’s get the most important thing out of the way on this here old man yaoi website. We all agree dooku and sifo dyas explored each other’s bodies right. Or at least definitely would have if not for the laws of this order etc., potentially. That’s not just me. Good. Thank you. We can now move on 
- Secondly. Well. Guess I’m just going to be inconsolable about Sifo-Dyas forever now. I miss the days in which he was just a throwaway line in AotC spawned by a random misspelling to me, rather than an eternal raw aching wound in my heart
- poor poor ventress just reading through all the proof that dooku absolutely does have it in him to be a good dad I mean master and just — idk got tired of that and went the force lightning route with her. I love the move of having her dead master hang out with her all that time as well (having her slip up and refer to ‘us’ did something to me, god this is so sad. Is he actually there in spirit or is it just her grief dreaming him up because dooku is awful and cold as a cliff  wall and she needs some kind of attachment figure even if she’ll have to reinvent him herself, rebuild him word for word, gesture by gesture. Pain. sorry about your terrible track record with father figures asajj) 
- Lene: (About Averross): He hasn’t changed. 
Dooku: (In the warmest fondest voice you ever heard) And I hope he never does
Another strong showing for Rael in general, btw. He’s so warm and charming as a presence even though he’s also a little chaos gremlin. (He’s quite similar to how Sifo-Dyas was when he was young in some ways, I can definitely start to see what Dooku responds warmly to in terms of character traits.) 
- the fact that good ol’ sheev showed an interest in rael, dooku and anakin… interesting huh! He’s just got a soft spot for the disaster lineage I suppose, maybe there’s an element there of luring yoda’s most direct lineage into the dirt with him without yoda even noticing for the longest time. Also cackling at the idea that he looked at qui-gon ‘too fucking stubborn and insufferable to fall to the dark side out of sheer spite’ jinn and went ‘...not that one tho’ fhdskjfa. And obi-wan is more like ‘that one blorbo all my little guys seem wild about but I just don’t get it guys’ 
IF rael’s refusal to join dooku at the end of ‘master and apprentice’ is the last word (which I am not convinced of ;___; be safe cowboy jedi we never see in mainline canon so far), then he’s the only one who has dodged palpatine’s attentions. Wonderful if true love that for him
ALSO rael is one of the few people we know to be on (or at least to consider himself on despite what palps might think lol) first name basis with palpatine. Hilarious. I concur with dooku never change rael 
- Sifo-Dyas: That’s insane. 
Dooku, deadpan: Yes.
Sifo-Dyas: The worst plan I’ve ever heard.
Dooku, somehow even more deadpan: Most probably. 
Sifo-Dyas: I’m in. 
Crying… weeping and dying………… what if someone could have helped sifo with his unfortunate prophecy propensity and they hadn’t drifted apart. Clone Wars averted methinks if dooku still ended up leaving the order he would have been too busy having tender gay sex with the love of his life (and only person who can call him out on his shit and have him actually listen) to be a war criminal (I am being extremely facetious of course this is very much a ‘time traveler killing baby hitler’ situation where the underlying forces causing this point in history are way too powerful to avert the catastrophe in one move. but at least palps would probably have had to pick someone else to wreck the galaxy through and sifo-dyas would be kissed & held instead of going slowly mad. A net plus some (I, me) would say) 
- I just wanted to applaud both the writing and the voice acting for the characterization of Dooku in this, from his young self trying so hard to be haughty and self-possessed but also being like, y’know, twelve and a dweeb and easy for Sifo-Dyas to pull into trouble, to the dry wit and warmth he shows with Rael and Qui-Gon or his sister later. It took me a little while to get into the voice acting specifically (the actor makes no attempt at going the full Christopher Lee, which in hindsight was probably wise), but now I love it. It gets a bit goofy in places but you know what, I am a long time lover of audio plays, that’s part of the charm 
- “Master, have I done something wrong?”
My heart is clenching… do you think… that master yoda’s deal with leaving his student to try fucking everything to have some kind of relationship with him until he just breaks down in tears of despair… is the kind of thing that maybe started a little bit of a generational trauma cartwheel through the ages. The point that bb!dooku is arrogant isn’t without merit and he strikes out incredibly ungracefully about it (in fact I would be a lot more worried than yoda seems to be that he decides to try to kill a tree about it, ‘I felt like destroying something beautiful’-style)  but I just don’t think a… fourteen year old? A teen anyway, Is going to learn what you think he learns from this. I simply don’t believe that silent treatmenting kids will teach them emotional intelligence I guess especially if they already struggle with that naturally lol 
(It is exactly the same mistake (in my opinion) that Qui-Gon makes with Obi-Wan, too, just leaving the kid completely alone and forcing them to come to you every which way for comfort or guidance instead of meeting them or reaching out to them. Especially once you see that really Dooku’s prime emotion/big core wound right from the beginning is loneliness. And that doesn’t only come from a feeling of superiority (which to be sure is also a big factor), because he has no idea where he comes from until he meets his sister. I don’t think the jedi as a whole were unsalvageable by any stretch of the imagination, but Yoda specifically… you are on such very thin ice with me at this point you little green fuck. You’re very funny and moving in yoda dark rendezvous and that’s all that’s keeping you in my somewhat good graces.)
- Okay, coming back a bit later I think I’ve found the right words to say this. more precisely dooku has two big issues which you can later see haunting all the way down his lineage — loneliness and control. (and not incidentally the intersecting elements of the two haha.) We see from his relationship to sifo-dyas that he’s not incapable of having close mutual relationships with an equal, but that kind of crashed and burned for reasons neither of them could really help and after that it seems quite telling that he has the easiest time with deeper connection in a teacher-student sort of form. I think his affection is unconditional and real, but you can’t get away from the fact that he also has the most control in that relationship structure by default, he gets to dictate what form it takes to a big extent. He doesn’t trust other people — the underlying idea ‘Only I can do this’ that eventually leads him down the Separatist path is there the whole way. It speaks both to a sense of superiority and an utter lack of faith that other people can or will help him. And then that echoes down through the master-padawan line: 
Qui-Gon with his self-righteousness and utter refusal to compromise leaving him isolated among the jedi (only he is right. Yeah the Force told him so. Don’t worry I’ve got a permit *insert parks and rec I can do whatever I want meme here*), Obi-Wan with his anxiety and perfectionism and incredible sense of shame and responsibility that he should be able to carry the whole world on his shoulders alone and beating himself up for failing, all feeding into not knowing what to do with Anakin and his complete lack of control of himself and his desperation to gain and maintain connection and love (which earns him the title of ‘Dooku’s least favorite family member’ fhdsa his immediate disdain for him is so funny and so in character. Repress and go slowly mad like a normal person anakin the way you’re carrying on is just undignified and that is much worse than being evil)… 
- Rael gently telling Dooku to take on another padawan soon… so sweet, so sad, local cowboy jedi looking out for his dad. Also highlights something about Dooku I think is true: that he does much better and seems to have an easier time holding to the light when he’s responsible for someone else. Again, I do feel like Dooku’s core problem is loneliness, but it seems like raising kids is the one point where that relaxes somewhat. Maybe if Sifo-Dyas had stayed in a better mental place and they kept in touch it could have been different.
- Lene Kostana is SUCH a character! Charismatic and deeply fucked up, when it’s revealed how her and Sifo-Dyas’ relationship remains long after his padawan stage is done I felt a little bit sick, to my surprise. Because that could just be kindness on her part, of course, it’s good that he has someone he trusts to look after him when he can’t himself, but also there’s something… queasy about the way it keeps him continually young, in a way. (Notably he still calls her ‘master’ even as an adult, when they’re working together. Not uncommon in Star Wars, of course, but together with everything else going on vibes-wise… hm.) The inherent unreliable narration of this story really worked for me in this regard especially — do we know that young Dooku was entirely wrong when he sensed the dark side in her? She certainly is willing to go to lengths that are… worrying! in her fascination with sith shit, she tempted children into a dangerous place they didn’t understand and couldn’t know the consequences of and she continually puts sifo-dyas in situations that are implied to be a risk to worsening his condition. Run of the mill incredibly irresponsible at best, sincerely sinister at worst. Did she choose Sifo over Dooku because he’s more vulnerable and shapeable? There is an undercurrent of something icky and emotionally incest-y going on with how she relates to Dooku and Sifo-Dyas in general (right down to the ‘NO, no one can know about this’ intensity after the… evil moss cave. I can’t believe I’m this emotional about a book with an evil moss cave). I don’t think she’s a proper sith in any way and I also believe there is real affection there on all sides, but idk something about the whole thing makes me deeply uneasy. Yoda where the fuck are you your son is out there with his irresponsible mom again they’re looking for dirty needles in haystacks and they’re not even wearing any gloves
- dooku telling sifo-dyas he can come back to haunt him if he likes as a joke… well well well I’m sure that doesn’t ring with some dramatic irony at some point down the line lmao
- honestly looking back at master and apprentice after reading jedi lost makes qui-gon's apparent lack of reaction to dooku leaving seem — let's call it highly suspect haha. rael asks him if he's spoken to dooku after and qui-gon is like 'no. why would I. it's literally fine. anyway this topic is done now'. (and rael seems to just go ‘*older brotherly knowing* uh-huh’) meanwhile he's thinking about dooku *all the time* trying to figure out his role as master to obi-wan, thinking about being a padawan himself, the parts of his life he shared with both dooku and rael. The jedi doth protest too much methinks  
ALSO how much of qui-gon thinking the council was too lenient with rael after he had to kill his padawan is about that actual situation, and how much is a ‘our family still likes my older brother more than me even though he Fucked Up so bad and breaks just as many rules as I do’ sort of deal mixed with his own neuroses about how he’s failing obi-wan (to which rael’s situation symbolizes the worst possible outcome, i.e. the kid dies and it’s basically your fault). Many thoughts. 
- moment of silence for jenza of house serenno. Girl your only sin was being surrounded by asshole male family members and I’m so sorry I think you did all you could with what you had to work with here.
Not… entirely sure how dooku’s claim to the title supersedes hers — is he a year older than her? (she’s eleven when they first meet, he might be twelve or older at that point I don’t remember haha) Does she just give up her place in the inheritance order? Are primogeniture and male heir preference factors in Serenno inheritance law? Not the most important thing honestly it works anyway thematically but could have been clarified quickly!
- interesting to see that the council’s restrictive policy against engaging with prophecies had a surprisingly big impact on how things went down. Kostana has a lot of responsibility in Sifo’s fate for insisting he keep it secret, but there is genuine fear for what might become of him if the rest of the order finds out he’s got 24/7 futurevision hovering over him threateningly… listen it’s not like the poor guy can help getting the future constantly pumped into his brain at nightmare resolutions, I think maybe if there had been more willingness to at least engage curiously with the concept of prophecy and how it works, even if you don’t put your faith in the particulars of what the prophecies say, this wouldn’t have had to be such a shitty isolated secretive life for him. hearing him slowly fall apart over the years considering how bright and lovely he started out... oof is all I can say 
- when dooku was a good jedi he was such a good jedi!!! The scene where they’re saving the kids from the collapsing hospital, every time he teaches his students anything…the impulse of someone has to do something about this! that made him so good at saving lives turning dark with the tarnish of frustration and rage over the years… nooooooooo problematic grandpa why did it have to be like this :(
- …do you think infant jedi can sense what’s going on around them in the Force. Because it makes a very sad kind of sense if dooku on some level remembers bodily or in the Force that he was not only abandoned but rejected in disgust as one of the first things he discovered in the world. Oh boy. With all the ways attachment relationships can go wonky in the first few years in real life I don’t even want to consider how much more wrong it can go when the baby is fucking psychic lol
- vaguely related: the way dooku seems to find the very idea of being truly reliant on anyone, emotionally or otherwise, personally offensive, terrifying and humiliating lol. Yoda saves him from being crushed by rubble and he is outraged because that means he can’t save himself (and his newfound sister) without anyone’s help like he thought for one glorious moment he could. The fantasy of perfect emotional self-sufficiency, doing away with all the messiness and risk of interpersonal relationships and cutting off the possibility of really being abandoned again. It’ll get ya every time. This is also a thing you see reflected in his lineage — they’re all quite inward-turning that way until you get to anakin, to different extents and with varying presentations but it is there I think. Qui-Gon turns to the Force, Obi-Wan to perfectionism and shame and rumination, Rael to the bottle and depression and hedonistic apathy, but they all struggle hugely with letting anyone in to help them. Dooku’s line are all much more comfortable being the helpers rather than the helpees, as it were.  
- “Thank you for everything, Lene. Tell Rael and Qui-Gon — tell them… tell them the Force will be with them, always”
Emotional terrorism against me specifically and personally. You asshole you just excused yourself from the non-attachment rules there’s literally nothing in the world except you to stop you from reaching out and telling your children you love them yOURSELF why are you like this
- the recurring theme of dooku seeing something beautiful (the tree in the temple, the tirra’taka as a child and an adult) and ending up lashing out to destroy it… but the tree was old and mighty and he was young and new and couldn’t truly harm it, so he was saved from his own impulsivity. And then when he sees the tirra’taka as an adult he loves it immediately. And in the end he still mangles and destroys it. He didn’t mean to, but he did. He woke it up and hurt it just by existing as a child and then he had to kill it as a mercy because he was too powerful at that point for anything to buffer his mistakes. The parallel with the bird he loved that he also couldn’t protect. He starts out with an aching loneliness somewhere at the core of him through no real fault of his own but by the end it is entirely his own fault that it’s worse, because he starts wrecking everything he loves in an almost absent-minded but definitely intentional way, like it’s a nightmare he’s listening to through the door as it happens in the next room over. He really IS the ‘I just felt like destroying something beautiful’ central of the jedi.
at the end qui-gon is dead and through dooku’s own influence, however indirectly. Rael has had to turn away from him. Sifo-Dyas is dead on Dooku’s own orders and so is his sister, he might as well have done it with his own hands. (though I think it’s very interesting that in each case he didn’t do it with his own hands, he consistently uses a middleman.) He lives within the coldness of his sterile empty castle and horrifically mistreats the one person he might have found something like connection with the way he did with his students before (Ventress), deliberately trapping her in a similar state of utter desolate isolation and telling her, essentially, ‘We’re like this as people and nothing can be done to change it. We can’t escape, we’re already doomed, stop trying, it’s too late. You are just like me (and if you aren't already I'll make you like me)’. And that’s the closest thing he gets to love anymore. When he accused Ky of using her ‘as a salve for his own loneliness’ and you’re like well well well mr projection man how’s that working out for you. He is completely, shatteringly alone and he is so entirely as a consequence of his own actions and he's too far gone to understand or care. I’m howling you useless fucking FOOL dooku  
- dooku 🤝 john gaius
“Hm. I have observed that there are in fact many flaws in our society and the government is deeply corrupt. So if I kill a few billion people here and there in order to fix it, is that not basically okay when you really think about it” 
Dooku making salient points about the political and ethical failures of the Republic and then, just when you think he’s onto something, he goes and makes The wildest fucking decisions about what to do about it. Sure. dark magic and genocide are probably the only ways out of this you’re so right bro. If we make enough minuses to add together surely we’ll end up in plus sooner or later
- *head in my hands once more* I can’t believe I am genuinely emotionally invested in someone called Count Dooku with the looks of a knockoff dracula and ultimate moral character to match right now this is terrible. hey. hey dooks. what you have to go and fuck everything up so bad for huh I’m so incredibly sad now
there is something to be said about how getting to see glimpses of what dooku looked like in the light makes it so much more heartwrenching that he never came back. he could have, a thousand times. and every time he chose not to.
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calcedon79 · 4 months
thinking about this
Hello dears, I need your mining expertise today: Sifo's gift/curse: how exactly was it activated? I haven't found a particularly satisfactory answer. And what role does Lene play in this? As a child he apparently had fewer problems with it, it only came about when he became a Padawan under Master Lene. Is there even an "official" explanation? Or just fan lore? What is your personal explanation?
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count-doodoo · 4 months
dooku: jedi lost: part 4: liveblog part 3
ok. new post now that that banger scene is done
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i love sy so much and i love the mantero funeral moon concept and i love that obviously sifo and dooku remain friends FOREVER AHEM
(and yeah @charmwasjess you are 100% correct that being sucked out into orbit around coruscant is BASICALLY the same thing.)
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ahhh, this has gotta be rough for jenza. because the protestors are right, the ruling family sucks ass. or at least gora sucks, and anya was complicit, and jenza has no grasp of the scale of serenno's suffering. but that doesn't make her a bad mother, and it doesn't change that this is her funeral.
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star wars really is all about weaponizing the word "father" huh? ANYWAYS GO OFF DOOKU LET'S GOOO
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fuck count gora 2kforever :)
(dooku kills him later right???? as he should anyways)
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ughhh he is Such A Good Boy and i am LIVID about canon. LIVID. FOAMING AT THE MOUTH.
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sorry i just. [clenches fist] sowing distrust of the jedi into dooku is possibly the Worst decision made by any of the jedi (excluding dooku and anakin because they decided not to be jedi). like. are we certain she's not a secret sith? is she palpatine's secret daughter? i am just. flabbergasted by these terrible parenting choices.
AND. WHERE EVEN IS YODA IN ALL THIS. obviously he can't magically know things he's not told, but where is he in the first place????? PAR 👏 ENT 👏 ING 👏
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screaming crying throwing up LENE STOP DOING THIS. PLEASE. the council is conservative sometimes but "don't fuck with dark side artifacts" is a reasonable precaution! AND YES KEEP THEM AWAY FROM THE BABY PADAWANS!!!! GAHHH
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i'm not fucking kidding is she a sith lord. is she. you don't understand i'm dead ass about to pin the entirety of dooku's fall on this.
(yes yes dooku needs to take responsibility for his own actions and lene isn't responsible for all the atrocities of tyrannus. but she was a strain on dooku's relation with the jedi and his master, she encouraged fucking around with the dark, and she wouldn't even let him admit his mistakes to the council. this is comparable to chancellor "have you ever heard the tragedy of darth plagueis the wise" palpatine. this is TERRIBLE parenting and i am SCREAMING.)
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i... also don't love this. WHAT THE HELL MAN??????? RED FLAGS RED FLAGS RED FLAGS
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bolithesenate · 10 months
Do they know how much a banana costs?
Dooku: yes Jocasta: yes Sifo: no Shonti: yes Jaster: yes Jon: yes (forgot, was reminded by Shonti) Jenza: yes (wishes she didn't) Yoda: no Cerulian: yes (pretends he doesn't) Kostana: no (pretends she does) Tholme: yes Silas: yes Mace: yes Vokara: yes Rael: no Sheev: no
Triia: runs the banana stock market
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You sent me an ask so now I would love to ask you the same question as I am super curious. Who are two characters in Star Wars you think are super overlooked and why?
Oh 😊 thank you so much for asking 💙
Okay, let's see...
The first one is easy, Lene Kostana.
She's an amazing character who, even before reading Dooku Jedi Lost, I had an attraction to, having stumbled upon her during one of my hunts into the jungles of the wookieepedia.
With her fascination and study of the Sith, the dark side and its artefacts, but also her wariness of it and insistence that the Jedi were in danger, all that makes her a character right after my heart.
And this leads me directly to the second character, Sifo-Dyas. He has such a central but often overlooked role in the grand game, both in terms of ordering the clones, his whole relationship with Dooku, including his death, but also as a character that could have changed so much.
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oenimo · 2 years
Me writing Dooku: Jedi Lost fanfic
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ultimatecryptid · 2 years
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TCW-Era Lene Kostana
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bluntblade · 3 months
I don't know if anyone else had a burning need to feel sad about Lene Kostana, but apparently I did.
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anatolysergievsky · 4 months
Cauldron - Chapter 1 - allthisringinginmyears - Star Wars - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
"On the Dark Sided planet of Asusto, Sifo-Dyas endures a vision of the grim future to come.
Fate can be changed for the better. Those given the opportunity to change it are obligated to try."
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charmwasjess · 6 months
broke: Disaster lineage (Dooku » Qui-Gon Jinn » Obi-Wan Kenobi » Anakin Skywalker » Ahsoka Tano » Sabine Wren) woke: Shatterpoint lineage (Mace Windu » Depa Billaba » Caleb/ Kanan » Ezra Bridger) ⁘⁘bespoke⁘⁘: APOCALYPSE lineage (Lene Kostana » Sifo-Dyas » Give us a canon Sifo Padawan you cowards!!)
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hedonistbyheart · 1 year
The jedi code: careful about attachment
Every single Jedi master with a padawan: that sign can't stop me because I can't read
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bosquedemel · 10 months
i'm so confused about the ages in this book. or at least i think cavan scott is
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count-doodoo · 4 months
dooku: jedi lost: part 4: liveblog part 4
hecking FORCE this is getting long no wonder i ended up taking a five year hiatus lmao (the previous post was pretty much fully written already)
(the first voice here is asajj)
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NOW lene is being like "no, dooku, don't!" AAAARGHHH MISS MA'AM one does not require debilitating visions to have enough foresight to have SEEN THIS COMING
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(i'm SO CURIOUS about this vision now, though. in the universe presented, is palpatine still a sith????? is this at all an actual universe or is it a manipulation of the dark side???? inquiring minds need to know)
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a) this is the importance of training, so that one does not do Accidental Murder Via Lightning
c) THIS IS WHY WE DON'T ENCOURAGE USE OF THE DARK SIDE ("we're just having dark emotions to help guide us with these dark side artifacts" my ASS)
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"it wasn't you they brought it upon themselves" MISS MA'AM WE'RE GONNA NEED TO HAVE WORDS ABOUT ACCOUNTABILITY AGAIN
also i feel like this is a bit of a misunderstanding of the dark side, to say it wasn't dooku because the dark side was using him. like that's what the dark side does. it takes and it takes and it uses you up. the dark side using you doesn't absolve you.
ALSO: ASAJJ?????????????????
imagine being asajj here. imagine knowing the man who electrocutes you now was once a boy terrified of that possibility. imagine watching this and seeing all the ways he could've been -- was, in the past -- better, and knowing he turned out this way anyways.
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no yeah i'm fine
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on a philosophical note i don't think we should ever shy away from the knowledge of what we're capable of -- even if and especially when it's dark. knowing what we COULD do doesn't mean accepting it as okay, it means acknowledging it so it doesn't control us.
and also for all lene's talk about how the jedi are too scared of the dark side... i think this shows that she herself is afraid of the actual dark side. she sees the lightning and she is terrified. she's just come up with this safe, romanticized version of it in her head that she insists the jedi shouldn't fear. and that's so so dangerous.
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onwards to part 5!
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bolithesenate · 1 year
Oh yeah babey
i remembered i still had these
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Dooku’s legends Master Thame Cerulian is incredbly free real estate so me being me I of course made him an absolute chad of a miraluka with horrible sextuple-dyed hair for my fic.
and also the master of Tholme as well. Because i can.
he’s not having a great time.
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dapurinthos · 2 months
*manifesting rugess nome appearing in the acolyte fifteen minutes before the trailer hits*
hey, there was the tenebrous legion in rise of skywalker, so he is canon, and this is supposed to take place c. 100 years before the phantom menace, so it's ~ 132BBY.
(wondering if the potentium is going to be one of the next things to be re-canonized. i'm looking at the poster, i'm looking at it going '... the sith didn't get their hands on that new nihil thing from defy the storm, right???')
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eyeofthetoto · 10 months
My favourite Jedi? Glad you asked. It’s Sifo-Dyas. That man has it all. Excruciating pain when seeing visions from the future. A former friend of Count Dooku, later betrayed by the same man. A badass jedi master who trained him (Lene Kostana).  Actions that put him at the very center of the SW-Lore, by having comissioned the clone army. And last but not least: Huge holes in his (back)story. Like, the whole timeline of the visions, him comissioning the army, Dooku taking over the project, and Sifo getting killed is kiiiinda wibbly-wobbly. That leaves open so much room for headcanons. For example: I am convinced that what Sifo-Dyas saw in his visions was Order 66. He thought that there would be an invading force (or some catastrophe) that would come and destroy the Jedi. He felt the anguish of the millons of souls crying out both during Order 66 and during the destruction of Alderaan and he convinced himself that only an army loyal to the Jedi could stop this dark timeline. When in actuality, that army led to that timeline.  Is it just that I love cosmic irony and self-fulfilling prophecies? Maybe. But we have no idea what he ACTUALLY saw other than “a war”, so technically, I ain’t wrong. 
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