#leading to situations like these :kek:
sealrock · 28 days
How to Carry Your Healer: A Visual Guide
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he'll be fine
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bluiex · 1 year
Yeah one thing I don't like about double life content is how often people write Grian cheating on Scar and just like, brush it off or act as though it has no consequences? Like, I've been cheated on and it's awful, it destroys your self esteem.
I prefer to write double life as if, they're not actually together. They were fwb in third life, and they're both in love with each other, but they arent dating, they arent partners. Grian hasn't been coping with third life. So, whenever they get put in that situation again, he tries to detach. he doesn't want to go through that again. But then, he and Scar are soulmates. And it destroys him. Scar deserves so much better, Grian will only lead him to ruin. So Grian tries to run, tries to destroy that connection in any way possible.
Grian doesn't know Scar loves him back. Grian seeks refuge in BigB. He tries to distract himself with kiss and light touches, that make him feel good but he doesn't have the emotional connection there. He doesn't know Scar can feel what he's doing, it's just pain they were told that they share after all.
He doesn't know that Scar knows Grian loves him back. He doesn't know Scar can feel his emotions, until one day he's with BigB and complete anguish rips through his chest. Grian thinks that Scar's being hurt, runs to find him without even explaining a thing to BigB. But no, Scar is in their base, holding onto a jellie panda with tears running down his cheeks.
"Scar? What happened?" He's confused. Scar just gives him a bitter smile.
"I can feel more than you think," Scar practically spits out at him. Grian's jaw nearly drops. Oh.
"Oh- I'm sorry- I- I can message you before, I, to see if it's an okay time?" Grian splutters out. He feels awful, while BigB and he had never gone that far, Scar had never consented to feeling any of what he had. But Scar just stares at him impassively.
"That's really what you think this is about?"
"Oh- Do you like BigB? I swear, if I had known I'd have backed off, I'd never-"
"Grian. Do I really mean that little to you?" Scar seems more sad than angry now. Grian's face falls.
"What do you mean?" He doesn't understand. What else could it be?
"Does none of our time together mean anything to you? The desert? The-"
"You. You didn't-"
"I didn't what?" Scar's words seem almost venemous, for a moment, before he softens slightly.
"I thought you didn't want me anymore. You never tried to continue anything back on Hermitcraft after that- you- you treated me as if it had never happened. I thought you didn't want to remember. I thought you hated me for what I did,"
-🎀anon, i love scarian and especially life series scarian but hate cheating lol
OOOO I LOVE THIS TAKE SO MUCH- its just a mess of confusion and miss communication.. its def better than cheating
i just using cheating as a way to cope with my trauma KEK WHICH is why I have cheating tagged cuz no everyone likes it <3
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vipermirage · 9 months
i've been obsessed over the idea of the emotional states of mammon and their obsession on money and i believe the latter has been brought about by a situation they have experienced where they may feel like not having enough money leads to inherent unhelpable situations. i mean... they were so willing to spend for arcobaleno battle arc so thats one, because you save up for rainy days and when rainy days come you just have to spend.
but emotional state?? man i do believe they're on some pressure cooker kinda thing (the esl is crawling in rn the right words are not coming in) they're a psychic so they're probably empathetic in nature too, so they probably do feed on peoples energy and emotions even if they don't want to oops. i think they generally can tell if a person is feeling a certain way but when that feeling is tagged and felt by themself they get ??? wtf is this i dont understand this emotion.
plus being an illusionist requires a sane mind so its really just repress, repress, repress. maybe that's why of all the people they like to hangout with, it's mostly bel because to them, he has one of the easiest emotional energy to sense and his energy doesn't suck off of them.
on the contrast i also believe they probably have years of training to keep the energy away and at bay so they don't scream everytime they're with a crowd because people are noisy in the head and the hearts so they probably just got used to it.
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mynameisfate · 3 months
Aku sedih, because I skipped one of the mandatory prayers this morning. It was as if the result because last midnight I cried missing Ibuk, until I got like "tindihen" I can't sleep for few minutes at first, but then gradually I dont feel okay and I woke up very much late, almost Dhuhur, and just checked up my phone, actually on 13.30 I was gonna have Online Class but the academic just confirmed this morning. I felt so much "gembradag" like I was in hurry but I still needed to process my bad mood, I gotta regulate my emotion so whatever happen I gotta join the class. I chatted with Mbak Kamel, she is one of the kindest persons I've ever met. She encouraged me to get my first step which usually push me to make another steps. At first, I think it worked (I made up to eat bread then took my morning pill). but then, sadly I got caught up on social media, like my state of being just stuck on that momment and I felt like dont wanna join the class. but after I chatted Mbak Kamel, I made up to take shower and then prepared myself for joining the class. alhamdulilah By Allah's Grace, I joined the class till the end. And I could say that I quite enjoyed the class because I think it was not as difficult as another courses :"((
but then, IDKW, I got sensitive with my father, I felt angry to him like all of sudden I dont like this situation where he's been losing his sanity gradually, you know, the hallucinations and his denial of my mother's death, and his inability to be as I expected to be my savior, one kind of I can rely on. these feelings eventually lead me to on conclusion: I AM SO TIRING TO PRETEND TO BE THAT STRONG. like I wish I could stop time for minutes, to breath in and breath outh and breath through all this situations, just for awhile so later on I could continue mylife conquering the world bravely as I should have been.
I guess all this tiring emotions popped up because I got one assignment of a course (Macroeconomics) that quite hard to complete, because it requires me to collect (sequnder) economic data of several nations. and I find out that not all the data is provided online. IDK, perhaps I just havent been able to find the right sources. I feel SO MUCH STRESSED OUT because of it. Plus this is my PMS era, which based on my latest experiences was making me CRAZY, just wannaget angry to all situations, all people, instantly speaking: I got too much sensitive and I become easily to get angry, the fluctuative moods just got me crazy even at some points lead me to depression :"((
so, for you whom I sent this post to, please help me to go through this condition. aku harus gimana deh dalam melalui ini, dari tugas yang sulit banget dapat datanya, terus mengelola emosiku khususnya dalam berinteraksi dengan bapak supaya aku ga sensian sama dia soalnya kan kasian juga (iya, aku gnerasa bersalah setiap aku kek sensian sama bapak), dan juga gimana aku harus meregulasi moodku ya kok rasanya amburadul semua. SO SAADD
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queenharumiura · 3 months
KING for [meme] please~
Taken from meme: [x] ||Accepting|| @sovereigntism ((It sure is nice when you're able to spell your muse's name for these kinda memes, eh? No repeating letters, fufu! )) Note: Because of what 'N' asks, I put that one at the end and under the readmore- just in case lol.
K: Kiss. Is your muse a good kisser? Why / why not?
I would like to say that she is. She wouldn't start as a very good kisser though, with how dramatic her little heart can be sometimes. Depending on the situation, you could see her giving her love interest a peck on the lips and then drop to the ground covering her face like 'hahi! Haru is so embarrassed-desu!' ye- dramatic lil heart. Not very... good at the start. She'd eventually warm up to it and be more-- normal about it LOLOL.
On the off chance Whiskey sees this, she didn't do that in one of our threads because she was already tired after crying so much. What energy did she have to be dramatic? kek.
I: I love you. Does your muse find 'I love you' easy or hard to say?
In general, yeah, Haru doesn't really struggle to say that she loves someone. I have not often pointed it out, but I do not really see Haru to be the kind to discriminate between girls and guys, meaning, she could fall in love with a fellow gal if she felt inclined. In that case, she may find it a bit harder to say something because of societal norms and also not wanting to make the other person feel burdened by her unwanted feelings.
If she knew the other person felt the same way for her, then she'd confess readily-- just in private.
G: Gift. Is your muse good at gift-giving or do they struggle to get it right?
Honestly? Half-half. Haru is an affectionate and caring person, so she thrives off taking care of others and showing her affection in different ways. Sometimes-- she's a bit... over-zealous... //motions to Tsuna and the tiered bento boxes.
Sometimes, the gifts she may give seem weird and unorthodox, likely because she was in a bit of a playful, troll mood. She has those from time to time (It's partly how she shows her affection). So some of her gifts can be lil gag gifts.
When she's actually trying to come up with a good gift, she does try to put a lot of thought into it to make it a meaningful one. Those gifts, I think, are nice ones.
N: Naughty. What is your muse like in bed?
So, I do like to think that some of this depends on who her partner is and their preferences. Haru does get flustered very easily, so on average (meaning across verses) she is a nervous little bean in bed. She gets embarrassed easily and is quite shy and awkward.
That said, we know that Haru is also academically inclined, so I do see that being incorporated in the sense that she likes to learn new things and she knows that practice is the best way to get better.
Haru has the tendency to be a bit sassy when she's teasing people in general, and you can probably see a little bit of that in the bedroom. If she has a reason to believe her partner doesn't like it, she'll try doing less of it, however. Ultimately, Haru is a people pleaser, and she wants her loved one to be happy and to enjoy themselves.
Which is to say that she's always making secret mental notes about what she notices about what her partner likes. If they like it when she touches them, she'll let her hands roam. If they seem to like it when she gets loud, she'll BE LOUD. If instead they prefer someone who tries desperately to bite back their moans and cries because it's almost exciting to try to get her make a sound- you best believe she's going to be stubborn.
Things like that can differ from verse to verse. If her partner prefers a more submissive person, she'll be more submissive, if they prefer a balance, then she can take the lead at times as well.
I suppose, there are some things that I don't think would change much-- which is the fact that Haru loves kisses. So she will love to kiss whatever she can get access to, or she'll reach out her hands and with a lil pout 'Kisses?' What can she say? She likes kisses! GIB!!!
Added information is that Haru is an emotional bean who has a passionate heart. Which is to say that if you appeal to her emotional side, it'll be easier to get her in the mood than anything else. She loves to feel wanted and desired. Knowing that her lover adores her and wants to shower her with affection, that has a bigger chance of her being receptive than anything else.
I don't know if I actually answered the question properly, but I tried.
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acaunite · 1 year
how we met?
we met at 5.53 pm. you and I found each other in the blue hour sky
you will not believe this pathological disease I met in such a chronicle event leads me toward you
i met you when my individual sense of identity goes worsening day by day, trying to adjust my psychological issue every day. trying to fit in this world without anyone around me (as my intrusive thought told me)
Imagining you are in my life taking part in it, sharing the same burden, wound, unfinished business, or the same childhood memories that I couldn't rewind. been hallucinating this scenario several times
and did you know how cruel my brain works when it comes to cope some affection, deny it? trying to give a harsh logical reason to leave it alone. yes, my affection to you.
ini lebih parah dari yang kamu bayangkan, aku kira aku cuma butuh sesuatu buat attachment or "oh i have so much love to share so I run into you"
dari yang paling mula entertainment-social reason, intense personal and the worst thing is borderline pathological
collecting your trivia, watching your stream, keeping up about your information day by day, it's not enough for me
the feeling keeps growing. it's like feeding your intense and compulsive obsession to you. OMG, I FIND HIM. God, I'm tired fucking with men I want him. yes I know it's worsening right
then the last couple of days, I write your name as some fictional character in my love storyline
me as Sagara Ananjani the sea child born from dad of the sea and mother earth Rinjani Mountain and you are the male lead.
how sweet it was until I know I put myself on the edge of the abyss of pathological borderline disorder
the strongest level of parasocial relationship ADDICTION JENG JENG HAHAHAHA
aku sampai over-identified you as my future partner njeng, can you imagine it? no? of course it's sick. i know, but it's so tempting to set your ideal character like my preference using shallow trivias around
intinya gua mikir why it's so easy to fall for you? is it cause you are such good communicator? extrovert coversationalist? hardworking? nice sense of humor? you smart? cz you are good in everything you do like singing, dancing, gaming even our height is the SAME! you good with girls? then you said boys and girls like you?
or you make them cry in your high school era because it's you who broke their heart?
yes men yang GUA PENGEN yang anjengg gua pengen jadi elu! bro kenapa bisa perfect banget bro, gua parasocial level sirik ke eluuu sampe mikir, ANJIIIIIR GUA KESEL sama diri sendiri. like wtf did you do to me?
I HATE YOU for making me hate myself
like who are you make me this miserable absurd unexplainable feeling? how dare you
or is it just my borderline personality disorder take over this mind and soul
they said my paraso caused by attachment difficulties in early childhood, an insecure-resistant attachment style.
insecure- resistant attachment is an exaggerated expression of attachment needs. pokoknya kayak harus ada caregiver disekitar anak ini memiliki kecenderungan ragu dan susah meng explor lingkuangan sekitarnya dan suka dengan perhatian dari pengasuh atau caregiver nya
ini pernah kejadian nih pas gua TK. anjir. karakteristiknya kek anak kecil yang ngasih sinyal kalau dia juga susah mendapatkan kenyamanan dari pengasuhnya. biasanya nakanak yang punya attachment observed in strange situation emang punya insecurity dan anxious ambivalent clingy sama sosok ibuk tapi mereka ga percaya sepenuhnya sama ibunya.
saat kita beranjak dewasa kita punya juga attachment yang kek gini tapi dibagi menjadi 3
proximity seeking
secure base
protest at disruption
ok lemme tell you about this individual attempt to reduce the distance between themselves and their attachment figure kek stay on YOUR PERFORMANCE schedule nyet, gua nyalain notif ama tweets elu, your live streaming, your fuckin schedule tp gua ga keeping up sama orang-orang terdekat gua karena gua menepis kedekatan yang harusnya gua jalin secara natural sama orang2 yang gua sayang. karena apa? karena gua takut ketergantungan gua jadi sama mereka. iya gua jadiin jadwal elu pelarian yang seharusnya gaperlu
you unconsciously provide me your safe haven. your fana safe place ahahaha iye, you offered a contemporary sense of security for individuals, allowed me to explore your tiny-trivia-cute-chaotic-majestic world without judgment. you should not reject me at the first chance. you shouldn't do that.
ditambahkan gue punya ketakutan buat ditolak yee, ku pikir it's the safest way for me to know your world better, it think I can adjust this world with you by myside 'ceunah mah kitu' pikir ku, with our imaginary relationship as much as I want you to be my boyfriend. like bubble 85K every month kpop fandom, I'll pay you for it.
i think it should be fun and FINE. we used to have relationshit in this situationship yk what I mean, and yk what to do!
ok ini konteks nya anak ngamuk2 karena nyari penyakit
im seeking this from you, the encouragement to have a relationship with you cz I'm not emotionally available with anyone, yes I know because my psychological adjustment is so poor.
but then I realize it's not your fault when my psychological condition is so poor and it's my own responsibility
i want to claim your support so bad so it can be my strength, dengan interaction kamu, orang sekitar mu, picture yourself as cool talented chaos guy
i hate it
you know then it makes me realize it too soon, too early. loving you is such a sickness madness that I choose. more madness to cover up my current condition
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impyssadobsessions · 2 years
The Fenton's come to the attention of the Justice League when Jack and Madeline Fenton are in the wrong place and the wrong time which results in their capturing of Deadman of the Justice League Dark's roster, whom the Fenton's are convinced that Deadman is evil ghost trying to lead the heroes astray. Now the Justice League moves to infiltrate Amity Park to mount a rescue of Deadman, the infiltration part proves easy as the various sidekicks enter Casper High as transfer students while some of the older infiltrators get hired at various locations but the difficulty comes from the regular interference of the ghost population and the mayhem that they bring to which the infiltration teams must fight their instincts to prevent them losing their cover.
Meanwhile Jason is suffering, he was too old to get the student role and the other jobs were quickly filled which left him flipping burgers at the local fast food burger joint. He was never going to live this down
Ooo this is so interesting! I was just like ooo ok then what!!!!??? Lol
Jason one that gets the most info becausd he sets off Danny's ghost sense. Danny like... "... are you just here to flip burgers?" Convinced Jason's a ghost but he doesnt look like He's causing problems.
Though i can see danny n jazz been trying to figure out how to release deadman. But danny cant touch the cages and Jazz can figure out how to unlock it. So theyve been sabotaging their parents plans. Which makes them think a ghost is interfering.
So the situation esculated. Ghosts causing normal havoc or maybe danny convinced them to keep their parents distracted then he won't fight them unless it goes too far. But he didnt plan outsidd heroes coming in making his job harder.
Just a theory kek. Danny being the link. Though be funny if they both get caught because of the league's interference. So now theyre stuck in cage with deadman.
Extra oof if the Fenton parents take phantom as top priority. Readying to dissect him.
Keke anyways i really like the concept~ sounds like a high stake story.
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sweetsouya · 3 years
I had minor dental surgery today, so feeling a little miserable and self indulgent. Not to mention very sore. So, here we are. You can thank @takenyoomies for planting this into my head. I’m not entirely happy with the ending, but meh … I‘m not 100% atm. So please be kind.
FYI, this is also based on my POV of Angry. I don’t see him as this shy baby at all, so I’m sorry. Well…not really.
sorry I have no fancy banner to use kek
Summary: You aren’t feeling your best and you get looked after.
Characters: Reader, Kawata “Angry” Souya, and mentions of Kawata “Smiley” Nahoya
Tags/Warnings: No major warnings, fluff… only real warning is that, it's not very well proof read!
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You had warned the boys ahead of your scheduled appointment. Giving them the heads up that you will be moody, sore and tired later that afternoon. Aka, telling them that you don’t want to deal with what ever shit they might coming up with.
Souya nodded, affirming that he had taken note of your impeding mood. “Make sure you go home straight after.” He told you, as his elder brother let out a laugh, “gotcha, we wont bother ya … much.”
As much as you wanted to retort Smiley’s lighthearted attitude to your request, you let it go when you noted his smile didn’t quite stretch as wide. Indicating that he took note of your request.
That’s how Smiley was, his smile and carefree attitude often led others to believe that he was incapable of being serious. But it was the very smile that was an indicator of how he replicates to certain things. The more serious the situation, the more playful he tend to get … unless it was a situation that he didn’t anticipate, and that smile would be wiped off his face.
Angry was very much the same, instead of being carefree, he was intense. The more serious the situation, the more intense he comes. This intensity often leads people to think that Angry, who normally has a what can be dubbed “resting bitch face”, is truly upset and angry. His often sounds more frustrated, his sentences shorten, and more curse words come out than usual.
You had already anticipated that Angry would be wanting to help you recover after your appointment. His caring and nurturing side would be itching to make sure that he was there for someone he loves after an unpleasant experience. His intensity and Smiley’s goofiness will not go down well, if you are already (unintentionally) irritated.
The morning of your appointment, you receive a message Souya: “Do you want me to come with you?” You had to let out a laugh, he was being his Mother Hen self, you didn’t really need him to come it was serious enough that you needed someone else. “I’ll be fine, love,” you reply, to which he responds with: “Ok, let me know when you’re finished though.”
The procedure at your appointment went off without a hitch, and while waiting for your bill, you send a message to Souya. “I’m out,” short, simple and that should be enough to convey how you felt. Not even a minute later, Souya responds: “Good. Go straight home.”
At his message, you let out a sigh. He’s directness was evident in messages, he had been worried about you. It wouldn’t be a surprise if he was waiting at your place for you, or will arrive shortly after. After paying your bill, you made your way home but not before stopping at the convenience store on the way.
At home, with the few groceries away, you made a beeline to your bed. You weren’t feeling up to doing anything in particular for the rest of the day. A nap now, and some food later, sounded like a good plan for the time being.
You nap was eventually interrupted with constant ringing of your intercom bell, alerting you that there was someone at your door and was getting impatient. Dragging yourself out of bed, you made your way to the intercom panel and saw Souya on the screen.
“Come in,” you mumble as you press the unlock button, allowing him in. As you did, you go back to your room to retrieve your phone and notice a least half a dozen missed calls and messages from Souya, and one from Nahoya wishing you good luck.
“You weren’t answering.” Souya said at your bedroom door, his face looking intense as usual. “Have you eaten? I bought some food.” Not waiting for a reply, he turned and made his way to your kitchen.
You follow him, gently bumping into his arm and rested your cheek on his shoulder. Souya wrapped his arm around your form, pressing his lips into your temple. “Nahoya and I made some food,” he stated am when you picked up a food container to inspect its contents. It was one of the benefits of the twins owning a Ramen shop, they knew how to make decent fried rice and gyoza.
“Sounds good,” you mumble, with a small smile on your lips as you peeked inside one of the containers. At the sight of the fried rice, you realise you’re hungrier than you originally thought. “Go and rest,” Souya stated, putting another kiss against your temple. “I’ll bring some food to you.”
Pressing your lips against his shoulder, you obeyed his request. Knowing that if you didn’t listen to him, he will just get more intense and his requests will be more commanding. Something you didn’t wish to deal with right now.
Instead of going back to bed, you end up crashing on the couch in the living room, and switching on the TV. It wasn’t long until Souya joined you with a tray in one hand, and gesturing you to move your legs with the other, making a soft grunt as he did so. With our legs out of the way, he carefully sat down and placing the tray on the coffee table in front of the couch, his attention immediately on the food in front of him.
You remain in an uncomfortable position, you were half expecting to stretch out your legs over his lap. But with him sitting on the edge of the couch, you were unable to. With a huff, awkwardly place one leg behind him, and the other over one leg and watched the blue haired young man tend to whatever was on the tray.
Souya picked up a bowl and ladled a spoonful of soup that he quickly put together in your kitchen. “Sit up, drink this,” he stated as he waits for you to sit up. Instead of passing you the bowl and spoon, when you were ready, Souya gently blows on the soup filled spoon and offers of feed it to you. “Here.”
You look from the spoon, to Souya, back to the spoon and let out a sigh. “Souya…” The man pretends he didn’t hear the pleading in your voice and offers to feed you once more, this time with a small grunt. “Souya, I can feed myself.” You sigh, giving him puppy eyes in hopes he’ll just give into your lamenting.
It doesn’t work, despite the kindness you see in his eyes, his face becomes more intense and voice more aggressive. “Here. Drink it while its still warm.” He offers it to you again, this time pressing the spoon to your lips. Reluctantly, you take the mouthful of soup, obeying his request. Half hoping he’ll be satisfied with feeding you this once, and allow you to feed yourself the rest of the soup.
But you were mistaken, 5 seconds hadn’t passed when Souya was there offering you another spoonful of soup. His eyes intense with care and adoration for you, “please allow me.” You note that his voice had soften somewhat, maybe you taking the spoonful of soup from him calmed any nerves he might’ve had. You glance over to the tray that sat on the coffee table, and spotted his fried rice.
With a small smile, you look back over at Souya. “Can I have some fried rice?” You ask him softly. While the soup wasn’t half bad, but you know it was one of the instant packets you had bought earlier. The Fried Rice though, was homemade, guaranteed to soften Souya. “Did you make it?”
Souya shook his head, “big bro made it,” he replied and took note of you body language. You had been scooting closer to him, willing for him to feed you the rice but at the additional information that Nahoya made the rice, you went rigid. You were worried that he had put chili or something to make it spice; a nasty little habit of his. “Don’t worry, big bro didn’t add anything to it,” he said. “Big bro said that he doesn’t have a death wish today.”
You let out a small giggle, glad that Nahoya actually had listened to you for once. “Good. Your fried rice is good enough with out his tampering.” Souya let out a hum in agreement, always preferring the less spicy foods.
Repositioning yourself, so your legs were over his lap, you curled into his side and allowed him to feed you some rice. Both boys, especially Souya, had in their own little ways made you feel a little better. “Thanks Souya,” you murmur as you reach up to pull his face closer to yours and kissed his cheek. Within that instant, Souya’s face completely relaxed, no longer having that intense look he was known to always have.
Souya put an arm around you and pressed his lips to you forehead, as he put the rice back on the table. “Big bro will be here soon,” he said softly with the tiniest of smiles, “he’s got stuff to finish off at the shop, and he’ll bring some ramen.”
You hummed in respond, savoring the flavor of the fried rice before it was abruptly taken from you. Pouting at the fact that you only got to eat one mouthful of rice. With puppy eyes you look up to be met with Souya’s, the intense expression was back, “you won’t be able to finish off big bro’s ramen. No more rice until he comes.”
Letting out a sigh, you resigned yourself to having to wait a little more longer. “Hopefully Nahoya isn’t too far off.” You mumbled under your breath, with Souya making a grunt in response.
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lostinfantasyworlds · 3 years
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Teaser for Under the Northern Lights, Chapter 8: Stay
This is the moment for this story. 
As in, one of the very first moments I imagined when I first came up with the idea for UTNL. Basically, everything that has happened so far in the story was just a lead up to this one scene I had imagined months ago.
This is a long ass teaser (almost 2k words), but this is going to be one of those ridiculously long chapters again, so it’s still only a small snippet. I have a feeling you guys won’t mind the length for this one 😉 .
This is still subject to light editing later on, even though I spent 3+ hours editing this one small section today because I am a crazy person.
Taglist (let me know if you want on or off!): @aelianadawn​​ @alisanangel​​ @alysssa-inukag​​ @bluehawaiicat​​ @born-for-eachother​​  @deactivated2431545484​​ @goshinote​​ @gruviyasharuto​​ @inussunflower​​​ @julyzaa​​ @keks-creations​​ @ladyaerilla​​ @littleredwritinghat​​ @liz8080​​ @malditamigs​​ @neutronstarchild​​ @purplemys​​ @redflamesofpassion​​ @rocioanime4​​ @sailorlolo​​ @sangoslays​​ @sunsetskys​​ @superpixie42​​ @theinuyashareader​​ @zukkosbaby​
Inuyasha smiled before standing up and walking to the coat hooks by the door. With the fire roaring, it was finally warm inside the cabin, making the coat he was still wearing feel like overkill. 
Kagome watched as he shrugged off his jacket and hung it on one of the hooks, gasping when she saw what was underneath. Inuyasha’s sweater had been completely torn to shreds on his left side, dark red blood staining the frayed edges of the fabric.
“Inuyasha!” Kagome exclaimed, standing up abruptly. 
“What?” Inuyasha asked, alarmed by her tone. Why did it sound like he was being reprimanded all of the sudden? 
“You’ve been taking care of me this whole time when you have even worse injuries?!” 
Kagome pointed to his side where his shirt was torn, starting to walk around the back of the couch so she could inspect his wounds. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Inuyasha looked down at where she was pointing, vaguely surprised to find his sweater in bloody tatters. 
“Keh, this is nothing for someone like me. Just scratches,” he said nonchalantly, twisting a little as he inspected the wounds underneath. He brought his hands to his side to move the torn fabric out of the way, his mild surprise turning into annoyance. 
“Sucks that this sweater got ruined though, I just bought it a few days ago.” 
What a fuckin’ waste of money. Stupid wolves.
Inuyasha sighed a little, gripping the hem of the ruined sweater and pulling it off over his head. He walked around the breakfast counter to stand at the sink, balling up the sweater and throwing it in the trash along the way. Tearing a few paper towels from the roll on the counter, he wet them in the sink before starting to dab at the patches of blood on his torso.
All while Kagome stood transfixed, frozen in place, unable to stop her jaw from dropping. 
Not only were his wounds already closing up on their own, but Inuyasha was now standing shirtless in front of her.
The man she felt more attracted to than all of the other men she had been with, combined.
Right there.
And we’re completely alone…
It was a scenario she had envisioned since she first saw him in the daylight. Finding herself alone with him, getting to see the hidden planes of his body. It was something she had thought about in the shower in Denali, imagining his hands were the ones running across her body, instead of her own. 
She had produced quite the detailed fantasy in her mind of what he might look like underneath the layers of clothing he typically wore, and yet, it couldn’t compare to real life.
He was so hot.
So ridiculously fucking hot. 
She couldn’t even think of a more eloquent word to describe him, due to the fact that her brain had short circuited the moment his fingers slipped under the hem of his ruined sweater. It felt like she had been hit by a freight train of lust, rendering her utterly useless as she watched his large muscles rippling underneath his tawny skin. 
It didn’t help that the position he was in only accentuated the very features that had her heart racing faster by the second. As he wiped the blood from his skin, his forearms and biceps flexed subtly, his well-defined abs tensing from the twisted position. Every last ripple and bulge was an ode to his strength, the raw power that had kept her safe.
The way he had protected and cared for her over the last week tapped into a primal, instinctual desire that she wasn’t even aware she had. An attraction to his chivalry and brawn and that was deeply ingrained in her subconscious, and only made her want him that much more. 
She wanted to feel that smooth skin and solid muscle underneath her fingertips. To grip him as hard as she could while he surrounded her with that delicious body of his and she surrendered to him completely.  
Kagome had to stop herself from letting out an audible whine as she watched several drops of water slide down his side, trailing down until they met the belted cargo pants that hung low on his hips. 
She had to be in a movie. 
Or a porno. 
People don’t just look like that in real life. 
Men don’t just show up, with adorable dog ears and chiseled jaws, and steal your heart in a matter of days. They don’t just appear out of nowhere at the last minute to save you from being eaten by wolves. 
And they certainly don’t just casually undress in front of the person they had been flirting with for days like it was no big deal.
As if they hadn’t been about thirty seconds from fucking each other in the middle of a restaurant yesterday.
He seemed to have genuinely forgotten for the moment, not even looking in her direction as he inadvertently flaunted his body. Apparently, he had no inkling of the effect he was having on her. 
Finally managing to tear her eyes from him, she turned away so as not to get caught staring. Her mind raced a mile a minute as she stood awkwardly near the front door, unsure of what to do with herself. 
She knew he wanted her too, but where did they stand after everything that just happened in the last twenty-four hours?
He had just saved her life, risking his own in the process.
He had invited her into his home, something he claimed he had never done for anyone else before.
It was all so overwhelming that it felt wrong, in a way, to try and make a move on him right now. Especially when his mind was clearly not following the same train of thought at the moment. 
She already felt like a voyeur for staring at him unabashedly when he had only been trying to clean up his wounds. 
This was his home, a place where he probably felt safe and in control. He had to be the one to make the call. If he wasn’t thinking about finishing what had been set into motion two days ago, after everything that happened, then she couldn’t blame him. 
Unfortunately, Kagome was losing any semblance of self-control by the second. The freight train was now off the tracks and barreling towards Inuyasha with no way of stopping it. If she didn’t leave now, there was no telling what she might do.
Inuyasha finished wiping the blood off his torso, the deep scratches he had sustained from fighting off the wolves already mostly healed over. He threw the blood-soaked paper towels into the trash, and was just about to go grab another sweater, when he stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes snapping to Kagome.
That scent...holy fuck.
He had caught whiffs of the delicious spicy-sweet addition to Kagome’s scent that indicated her arousal before. Most notably during the ending of that game of truth-or-dare, and last night when he spread her legs under the table at dinner.
It had been hard enough to keep himself in control those times, wanting nothing more than to give in to his desire and take her right there. 
But now?  
Her scent was stronger and smelled more delicious than any of those times before. He could already feel himself salivating in response, wanting to taste the sweetness of it on his tongue.
But what the hell had caused such a strong, sudden infusion of arousal into her scent? He looked around for clues, everything clicking into place as he realized that he was standing there half-naked, Kagome pointedly looking away from him. He could faintly hear her heart beating faster than usual, her cheeks flushed. 
Kagome was smelling like that...from him taking his shirt off? 
Well, that was certainly an ego boost. 
He had done it without thinking, completely distracted by his wounds and every other fucking thing that had happened that night. He had been in “protect” mode, focused solely on dealing with the situation and making sure Kagome was okay. There had been no room in his mind for thoughts of the current state of their relationship, only the overwhelming need to ensure her safety.
But now...it was as if a switch had been flipped in his mind. 
They were finally alone.
She was unharmed, and clearly wanted him.
She was...putting her boots back on like she was trying to leave?
“Uh...Kagome? What’re you doing?”
Kagome still seemed unable to look at him as she picked up her camera bag.
“I should probably get going. I...want to check in on Miroku and Sango first thing tomorrow, and...you — you’ve already done so much for me, I don’t want to put you out any longer,” she said distractedly, fumbling over her words like she was trying to make up excuses as she went along.
Inuyasha stood dumbstruck and utterly confused, unable to come up with any kind of coherent response. 
He watched her secure the strap of her camera bag across her shoulder, trying to make sense of the disconnect between what his nose was telling him and the way she was acting. Her scent had only grown more potent in the moments since he first smelled it, but now she was acting as though she couldn’t get out of there fast enough.
What the fuck was going on? 
Had he done something wrong?
Inuyasha walked around the breakfast bar, not sure what he was about to do, but needing to do something. He halted, standing in the middle of the cabin, when Kagome finally turned to look at him. 
She looked even more beautiful than usual with her cheeks flushed, her eyes burning bright with the same desire as her scent.
“Thank you, again, for everything, Inuyasha. I’ll see you tomorrow at noon.”
Her voice was quiet and sincere, if not a bit shaky. She smiled warmly at him, giving no indication that he had done anything wrong.
Every sign pointed to her wanting him.
But, if she wanted him, then why was she leaving? 
Unless she thought he had changed his mind since last night?
Inuyasha watched her turn towards the door and reach for the handle as if in slow motion, her long black hair sliding over her shoulders. She was wearing his sweatpants, and for some reason, it was the sexiest thing in the world.
And that fucking scent of hers was driving him absolutely wild.
There was no way he could let her walk out that door.
Gathering all the confidence he could muster, he spoke clearly and loudly enough to get her attention.
Kagome’s hand froze on the doorknob, turning her head slightly towards him in a clear indication that she was listening.
Inuyasha’s next words were quieter, his voice trembling a little despite his best attempt at confidence.
“...you could stay.”
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1358456 · 4 years
Review Response, July 19-25, 2020
Another week!
Destiny #027
1)  Wow, I’m a little in awe. This chapter is unlike any of the others really. No strategy of the enemy’s that requires time to figure out. No Peter this, Zygarde that, it was actually a little refreshing. For once I actually knew what was truly going on lmao. Because the Hoenn legendaries were beyond thoughts not regarding the other. Huh... rivals... always thinking of each other... I think the Pokemon fandom is missing out on a real good ship here. Anyways haha like I was saying, it had sort of an apocalypse feel. And I actually really hate anything apocalyptic usually, but I didn’t this time. And I really commend you for that, for not creating that heavy feeling that just stays in you and drags down the entire story. I know that probably doesn’t make much sense... but as the audience it’s how I usually feel at apocalyptic scene and is the reason I hate them. This is probably done for a reason, but I personally feel that it’s shoddy work. Oh, I think I got a bit sidetracked... I was gonna explain why I was a bit in awe. I think it was because of how you wrote the chapter. It just gave me that feeling you know? The situation, the way you described it. I can’t even explain and probably just look like I’m fangirling, which to be fair I am, but I am a fan of how you write so it makes sense. First thing was how the situation slapped me in the face. Until now I’d only really thought of the dexholder’s deaths. So far no one outside of them has died. It was almost like regular citizens couldn’t be touched. But I realize now that I was being a little naive. Of course innocent people would die, this is something akin to a war. I had to pause for a moment there, imagining just how many people had died already. You’d already said the number, but numbers don’t make you think of the people themselves. Once you really start to think about it, you feel horrified. Since this is a fanfic, I didn’t feel the same amount of horror haha, but even if fictional, they’re still lives all the same aren’t they? It’s a really sad situation. Makes you realize exactly why the dexholders are so determined to bring down this guy. Or thing whatever. Speaking of lives I hope Winona is ok... Anyways, I’m so excited to read the next chapter that I think I’m gonna end this a little early kek so I can get ahead to it. Ugh I so wanna know what happens when Ruby and Sapphire get there. Maybe Sapphire will be able to gain control again? It’s definitely plausible since she’s so strong-minded. And I really hope she does. For the sake of everyone in Kalos. Maybe afterwards she can somehow knock some sense into Ruby. Could it be possible that they can get the legendaries to fight on their side...? I don’t want to hope too much, but it’d be such an advantage.
Huh. You hate apocalyptic settings, huh? I can understand that. I guess the persistent bleak hopelessness does kind of hamper a few things.
Technically, a whole ton of “NPCs” died in chapter 23 with Groudon’s awakening, but... chapter 27 is basically an extension of 23, so it’s like the same scene, I suppose. So... yeah. I guess none of those nameless fodder characters died yet. And now they’re dropping like flies because Destiny has the highest “NPC” death count. It will sink in a LOT in chapter 43... which is still a ways away. ... You might feel quite a bit of that horror in that chapter. Hahaha.
Destiny #028
1)  I was tired and fell asleep reading the chapter so that’s why I posted this in the morning haha, anyways. ...will her body rot? I mean that probably shouldn’t be my main focus, but I mean will she. Will her body stay fresh long enough? I wouldn’t want to fight a somewhat dead corpse for its smell. I mean I wouldn’t want to fight one if it smelled like roses, but you get my point. Speaking of Y, I wonder how everyone will handle seeing her. Now with her lovely acquirement of a skeletal arm, I doubt they’ll be too thrilled. But I guess they wouldn’t be thrilled either way, skeletal arm or no. X would no doubt react the worst. Oh I feel bad for the guy already. That’s some serious guilt he’ll put himself through. And so to will Y if she finds out he didn’t in fact quite kill her. It was a sound deduction I think, but she’s that type of person. All the dexholders are really, is it a hero thing? Cone to think of it, I don’t think her Pokémon will fight with her like that. Or would they? Ah geez I don’t know. If not then what use would Y be to Yveltal? Or Zygarde? If not to fight her friends. Maybe they’re gonna perform a satanic ritual and need a dead body or smth that’s all I got. And even if that wasn’t the case (thought I doubt it would be) why have her fight? This guy can brainwash practically anyone. There are a bunch of nice people to have fight for you. Why go for a dead chick? Well, I’m not privy to the thoughts of legendaries so I might as well give up. Anyways, somehow I feel that this little trip Platinum and Blue are going to take will either result in something great or awful. No in between. And seeing how this fic goes I’m more inclined to think it’s the latter. Hopefully she won’t get herself killed and manages to unbrainwash (is that a word?) Diamond. (Seriously Blue you didn’t mention before knowing how to unbrainwash people? A tad important don’t ya think?)
Hehe. Well... let’s not think about the decaying part as that makes a few things a bit awkward. “What the hell is that smell?! ... Is that still me?!” So for the sake of the story and some emotional scenes, the decay is delayed. Can’t make things too realistic or we end up right in our reality with no Pokemon or whatever.
Even if Y isn’t steaming mad at X for killing her, she’s still going to be steaming mad at him for leading the situation that got her killed in the first place. And she’s still going to be very hurt and desperate given what’s happening to her, and all that has to be directed somewhere. But more on that in chapter 32.
Ah, the Pokemon issue. For the sake of the story, if you mind control a trainer, it affects the Pokemon. Otherwise, mind control is meaningless. How does that work? ... It... just works. It’s like... if you mind control a transport unit, you get everything in the transport unit. ... Ahem. Anyways. ... But of course, Y isn’t mind controlled, but... for the others who actually are, keep this in mind.
Oh yeah. Blue didn’t tell Red that she knew of a way to cure the mind control. ... Well, she didn’t know that there were others who were mind controlled who were in any position to be rescued. And I guess she was a bit flustered from getting involved again?
DE #036
1)  Thought it was cool to see how Diamond’s character trait of wanting the best for Platinum could actually hurt her. Loved both the drama and fluff! Can't wait for more!
... I almost forgot that I wrote this chapter. Hm.
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And with that, the most recent chapter goes from “pitiful absolute minimum” to... “pitiful absolute minimum”. Well, it’ll still need 3x more to get above the average, so it looks like I won’t be touching this thing for a looooong time.
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crimethinc · 6 years
Portland Holds It Down Against Fascists and Police: The Clashes of June 30, 2018
On June 30, on a day of nationwide demonstrations against the brutality of ICE (US Immigration and Customs Enforcement) and borders in general, fascists mobilized around the United States to march through downtown Portland protected by a massive phalanx of riot police. The ensuing clashes were reminiscent of the fascist mobilizations of 2017—especially April 15 in Berkeley and June 4 in Portland—but even more egregiously violent. Portland police already wrote the playbook on coordinating with fascists, but this time they opened their lines to let the fascists charge demonstrators, then attacked those the fascists had just attacked. From now on, every movement that attempts to come to grips with the violence of the state—such as the recent wave of protests against ICE—will likely have to deal with the violence of grassroots fascists protected by police as well. Let’s organize to make sure we’re prepared for the trouble ahead.
Here follows a full account from our comrades in Portland.
In Portland, OR, on June 30, Joey Gibson, Patriot Prayer, Proud Boys, Nazis, and the usualassortment of alt-right nationalists showed up to hold a “Freedom & Courage Rally” at Terry Schrunk Plaza at 4 pm. The event description was bizarre. It was almost Pentacostal in tone, speaking of “cleansing the streets of Portland” and finishing with a declaration: “WE WILL MARCH NO EXCEPTIONS.” They advertised that they’d confirmed participants from Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona, Texas, Massachusetts, and Florida, all the while pleading with the Portland Police Bureau for “fairness.” They had been run out of town earlier in June, apparently denied the police protection from anti-fascist demonstrators to which they’d grown accustomed. The irony of an overwhelmingly white ultra-nationalist group whining about “unfair” treatment from the police is hilarious, especially since the Portland Police riot line always faces the anti-fascists and police always attack and arrest anti-fascists—they never attack or arrest the fash. Cops and Klan go hand-in-hand, right?
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The demonstration started off as usual. In Portland, the fascists rally on federal property (for their own protection, obviously) in the middle of downtown: Terry Schrunk Plaza. Anti-fascists assemble in the park adjacent to Terry Schrunk—it’s called Chapman Square. Since the police are quite aware of the dynamics involved with the demonstrators, they lined Madison Street, facing the anti-fascists in Chapman Square. As Portland has been on high alert because of the #OccupyICE protests for the past three weeks (and Terry Schrunk is federal), DHS (Department of Homeland Security) officers made their reappearance. They arrived wearing the federal government’s finest repression gear—caged helmets, masked faces, three-foot batons, pepper ball guns, and so on. A notable difference was that this time, the DHS police were organized into different teams, indicated by a stripe on the back of their helmets. The fascists also had their Halloween costumes on, ranging from a full-blown Pepe/Kek worshiper who looked like a wrestler to 3%ers (remember them helping police with arrests last summer?) wearing what looked like real combat gear. And they call anti-fascists LARPers?! Even Based Spartan made a re-emergence.
Anti-fascists taunted them with megaphones and chants, and the Unpresidented Brass Band provided a situationally-appropriate soundtrack, complete with “sad trombone” effects and a sousaphone every time one of the braver fash decided to “come talk” to the anti-fascists. Signs and banners were everywhere, and the bloc was a sprawling front line of roving fighters. The air was electric and numbers were clearly on our side, which always leads to one thing—state repression. One small group of anti-fascists were attacked by the fash, so the police responded by emptying what appeared to be pepper ball guns at the anti-fascists. This set the tone for the subsequent actions of the police.
Twenty minutes later, police announced an official state action and the code under which it fell, and described the potential consequences if anyone chose to violate them. Essentially, they were warning anti-fascist demonstrators what to expect. This is certainly uncommon. It must have taken place because of the presence of major news outlets, and perhaps because the local police were working so openly with DHS. This action was to set up a police line and clear the street adjacent to the fascist demonstrators.
The fascists formed a self-described phalanx, which took about twenty minutes to assemble. Then they immediately began marching towards Chapman Square at full speed. The initial clashes were mitigated by police presence and the speed of the marchers, but there were visible amounts of trash and sticks flying through the air. The fascists turned towards the river, then turned back towards their original direction. It initially looked like they were establishing a serpentine reach, but instead they stopped after several blocks. Anti-fascist demonstrators had kept up with them the entire time, but kept a city block between both parallel marches. Anti-fascists grabbed street signs, barricades, construction barriers, and large sheets of wood to create barricades every time the fash attempted a charge. Then, as the fascists stopped and turned several blocks later, both groups began marching towards each other. A small group of anti-fascists broke off and there was a scuffle, followed by the anti-fascist charge.
It’s important to note that the fascists charged through police lines with the express intention of attacking anti-fascist demonstrators. And the police allowed them to. Remember all that equipment? Nothing was deployed against the attackers.
Today was not a typical day in Portland. This is a good indicator of what anti-fascists are up against. The level of physical and psychological intimidation from groups of goons who train together was overwhelming. This phenomenon should be familiar to us from history. During the previous rise of fascism, state power was transferred to what were essentially street gangs (think of the SS). June 30 was an example of that phenomenon recurring—perhaps the most visible I have personally seen in Portland. The scene was reminiscent of the fascist demonstrations in Berkeley in 2017; but with no police or physical objects to stop the rivers of demonstrators, the initial clash was brutal.
Fireworks and mortars, bear mace, bludgeons, and weighted gloves were among the most visible weapons. The “Berkeley Charge” was repelled by the sheer numbers of the anti-fascist demonstrators and their advantageous positioning, but to be sure—the fascists were there to attack them at all costs. The sheer amount of blood spilled by both sides was unsurprising due to the fascists’ consistent state-backed escalation of violence. There were multiple beatdowns from both sides during this initial charge, and both sides peeled back momentarily. The fash left their front line entirely too far into the anti-fascist line, and they realized it and turned back. The police immediately used flash-bang grenades. Five minutes later, it was a declared a riot.
Both groups continued on the same trajectories as before and met up again several blocks later. The skirmishes continued for the next hour all throughout downtown. Finally, when the crowds arrived back at the original location (Terry Schrunk and Chapman Square), the state was able to repress most of the ant-fascist defense, while allowing the fascists to continue attacking intermittently. Since the demonstration had been declared a riot, state forces effectively cancelled the Patriot Prayer event by forcing both groups to march on the sidewalks. In the final scene, the remaining anti-fascists chanted “BYE BYE NAZIS” as the fascists mounted the singular vehicle they’d arrived in.
Yes, that’s right—the fash brought a big yellow school bus. What version of reality are we in right now? The situation is bizarre, comrades. This is fascism.
It is worth noting the degree of collaboration between the fascists, the police, and the state. All three groups were visibly interfacing, coordinating, and collaborating. The transfer of power and state enforcement has already begun. Everyone should remember that Joey Gibson is a real estate agent and a wanna-be politician, and assuredly there were other politicians and would-be politicians within the Schrunk Plaza alongside him today.
Still, Portland had the numbers and the spirit on its side today against fascism. Anti-fascists gave no platform and no space, and even the state couldn’t protect the fash—although they tried as hard as they could.
The police tried to repress anti-fascists from the start. They attacked, they threatened arrest and violence, they allowed the fascists to stream through their lines to attack us. There was no holding back from either side today. And Portland held it down.
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thefootballlife · 5 years
Aberdeen vs Rijeka Preview
Perhaps the peak of Aberdeen’s recent history in European competition came in 2015 as they travelled to Matjaz Kek’s Rijeka and hammered them 3-0 on the Croatian coast. Four years later, they are going back to the Adriatic to face a Rijeka side led by former Liverpool midfielder Igor Biscan. Can history repeat itself?
Rijeka in 2019
Firstly, to give fans a bit of an idea about what state Rijeka are in right now. Croatian football is coming to the end of a decade where the club have firmly become Croatia’s second club. After a dip at the start of last season, the iconic Matjaz Kek departed the club to be replaced by Biscan.
For those who see Biscan and think back to his playing days as a decent, if not quite top-class midfielder, it’s important to point out that all evidence so far points to him being a better manager than player. In his first season as a manager, he won the Croatian second tier with Rudes. In his second, he turned around a disastrous Olimpija side to pip Maribor dramatically to the Slovenian title. In his third, he joined Rijeka half way through, turned their season around and won the Croatian Cup. Biscan is a serious manager and, by all evidence, a better manager than Derek McInnes and, crucially, possibly a better manager than his predecessor, Kek. Biscan has been playing down expectations for the Aberdeen game so far.
The good news, as it is for the Dons, is that while Rijeka won a trophy beating a Dinamo side better than any in Scottish football, they struggled against the likes of Hajduk and Osijek - Aberdeen-sized clubs. The other good news is that Croatian teams not called Dinamo are having a bad season - Hajduk were embarrassed by Gzira and Osijek were put out on penalties by CSKA Sofia and the talents of Tony Watt and Graham Carey. Add to that that whoever plays at right back for Rijeka is unlikely to get too much help from Muric ahead of them.
Now, onto the bad news (and there’s a lot of it)...
Rijeka have had three competitive games this season - one defeat thanks to an Amer Gojak wonder goal in the Super Cup Final to Dinamo which had no shame attached to it, and two wins over Varazdin and Lokomotiva. The game against Lokosi showed a considerable amount of character, won as it was in second half injury time. The character Biscan’s Olimpija side had has been instilled into this Rijeka side and they are no easy side to break down or force to lose their cool. They are in predictable (if not brilliant) form for all but one aspect.
That aspect is that Biscan’s Rijeka have a happy habit of demolishing sides. In a third of their Spring games, they scored at least three, including a seven goal massacre of Inter Zapresic. This Rijeka side has goals in abundance in it. Antonio Colak is a classy target man in the centre and is ably supported by Alexander Gorgon, Acosty and Robert Muric. Muric, formerly of Ajax, is starting to discover the sort of form that got him to one of Europe’s top youth systems in the first place and his performance against Varazdin was quite brilliant - two goals of varied genius: one dribbling past five men and rounding the keeper and the other a 25 yard free kick. Muric is, shall we say, not always the most motivated player and may not play against Aberdeen - he hasn’t been risked vs Dinamo previously due to that issue. Add to that that Jakov Puljic May return against the Dons and you have a seriously formidable attacking line-up. Puljic, in particular, is the sort of annoying effective player that does little special until you turn round and realise he’s just put a brace past you and it’s criminal no club has taken him to a bigger league as yet.
As you can perhaps tell, I’m of the opinion that this Rijeka side is rather good. It is. As much as Aberdeen and Scottish football have come on in the four year gap between ties, Rijeka and Croatian football have come further.
They do have weaknesses. Tibor Halilovic has progressed massively in the past twelve months but is he a good enough midfielder at this level? It’s unproven. Zoran Kvrzic, a top right winger, has been deputising as a right back this season, and he can surely be got at.
Case Study: Lokomotiva vs Rijeka
To go into a deep dive before we look at game plans for the Aberdeen tie, let’s take a look at one of Rijeka’s most recent games. Lokomotiva are the best team they will have played prior to the Aberdeen match so looking at that game can be instructive - more so than the Dinamo Super Cup game. Looking at the starting line-up firstly:
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As you can see, that right flank is very attacking but Tomecak is a natural full-back able to play on either side while Loncar on the left flank is naturally a more central player. This was done to keep narrow to combat Lokomotiva’s jet-heeled Lirim Kastrati. Going further back to the Varazdin game, there were changes which took out Raspopovic at RB for Kvrzic (who played LW vs Varazdin) with Loncar playing LM instead.
From an attacking perspective, what this meant was that Rijeka played very centrally, relying on diagonals to Muric to provide width. Defensively, however, it meant that while Lokomotiva’s high class right was always forced to the outside, the defence was sucked into the near post, allowing chances at the far post for Myrto Uzuni pulling away behind them - in one instance, this resulted in a fantastic save from Prskalo to prevent Lokosi taking the lead.
Rijeka’s goal, when it came, was as simple as they come - a ball up the flank from Kvrzic to sub Acosty with Colak coming into the centre to tuck the cross home as Lokomotiva were caught cold from Rijeka playing out from the back. 
Looking back further to the Varazdin game, the goal Rijeka conceded was a bit of genius. However, of more import was that Rijeka were put under more aerial pressure than Lokomotiva (who rely on pace to get in behind). Rijeka dealt with these challenges admirably, repulsing Varazdin well during the first half before imposing their will on them in the second. It’s worth nothing that Zuparic-Puncec is an experienced central partnership and their organisation is good. Both are comfortable on the ball and both are able to contribute to Rijeka’s committal to playing out from the back.
How do Rijeka beat Aberdeen?
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How do Aberdeen beat Rijeka?
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Ultimately, a lot is going to rely on how much Aberdeen can disrupt Rijeka’s possession. In many senses, Biscan’s sides are quite British in their use of wing play and directness, but with the addition that defenders have to be comfortable in possession. Disrupting that flow at source, pressing high and blocking off the wing outlets where possible moves the game into one where it is vastly more comfortable for Aberdeen. What Aberdeen cannot afford to do is have the left back push up high and get caught. Muric is a little wizard on the ball and Andy Considine is, well, Andy Considine and he would not be comfortable facing the type of winger that Muric is, who would turn him inside and out. As such, Niall McGinn is unlikely to be the player for these games, given that doubling up on the right flank at all times is a must. The rapid Gallagher is a better choice for this situation.
The tie itself will likely be a coin-flip with the bookies but, for me, Rijeka must be favourites. In a way, they are quite a similar side to Aberdeen but with a couple more weapons in their locker - namely more comfort on the ball at the back and more dangerous players from deep areas (be that from a dribbling perspective or a shooting perspective). For Aberdeen to beat Rijeka, they have to disrupt their gameplan. 
Aberdeen simply going out and being Aberdeen will not suffice against Rijeka.
0 notes
mimicasso · 5 years
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TKC Zero Waste
Refuse, Reuse, Reduce, Recycle, Rot!
I began my internship with Aisya’s project which is Zero-Waste Campaign on 4th August 2018 at Bagan Lalang Beach. On 13th August 2018, my colleague and I attended the brief session about this campaign with my colleague in a conference room along with the teachers as well. During the brief session, awareness, aim, tentative and the aggregation of duties of this campaign were emphasized by the presenter so that we receive the extended knowledge regarding this campaign.
The presenter had sparked interest and awareness in me of how pitiful were the animals and nature in the cause of our reckless activities that had to threaten their life. Fortunately, the highlight of this briefing session is that we were exposed to how to improve our mistakes. One of the solutions is that we are able to refill our old detergent bottles with detergent liquid at the closest refill stations without buying a new one in the grocery store. The good news is that we can decrease the use of plastic waste in our life. In fact, instead of having a plastic straw to drink, why don’t we use paper straw or a metal straw as this is available in the market now? From here, it can also help to decrease the production of plastic waste. This is because plastic straw often associated with the biggest matter as this can cause the death of marine creatures. Throughout the briefing session, what I like the most is that we were allowed to go to the nearest beach which is Bagan Lalang Beach to carry out this campaign. We rode our school bus which departed around 8 a.m. and it was 40 minutes journey to arrive at the destination. Before the departure, we help our teachers with their equipment and most of the things were food. For my group, we decided to prepare the drink and there was also a container of tortilla which had been made by my friend. Other groups also contributed in preparing scrumptious foods such as Kek batik, chocolate-dipped strawberries, sandwiches and many more. But the challenge while preparing the food is that there should no production of plastic waste during food serving. This had triggered us to avoid the use of disposable plastic and because of that, we used the container to store our foods such as reusable plates, cups, and cutlery. After 40 minutes journey, we were all dumbfounded as the rain pours right after we went out from the bus. Luckily, it is just light rain and we thought positively that the rain will end really soon. We took out all of the items from the bus and arranged it well on the foldable table. Gratefully, the rains stop after a while. Without further due, we were asked by the leader to start our main mission which is picking up the rubbish around the sandy beach. The seaside was divided into four sections so that each of the group can take care of one section. Gloves and trash bags were provided by the judge line to ensure the smoothness of this campaign.
I discovered that there were countless of junks left by the beach and majority of the rubbish were unexpected to be found there such as used diapers, pads, plastic bottles, polystyrenes, cans, and also bottles of urine. While we picked up all of the rubbish, we discharged our anger and questioned about people behavior nowadays. How disgusting and shameless they were, being selfish. Human now had loosened their mind and not even wondering about the results of their etiquette afterward if they remain the same. Their actions could lead to a gigantic impact and harm many other lives not just nature but will also affect themselves. We continued the cleaning process while reflecting on ourselves.
After the collection of 10 trash bags full of junks, we end our cleaning session. As we gathered, we all shared our experiences in dealing with that rubbish. Human’s behavior nowadays was shed in a negative light. Everyone should aware that they are responsible for what they had done. Don’t let your irresponsibility become other's responsibility. This is related to a real-life situation when the used diapers and pads were left without being thrown by those who are responsible to even though the rubbish bin was just a few meters away from the spot. I felt sorry for this world, creatures and my own selves. Now, I learned my lesson. After that, we were also not to miss the beach that offers alluring scenery. We took some rest after the cleaning session by having some meal at the isolated beach. We tried our best to minimize the production of waste while eating so that our objectives were achieved. We had the time to chat with the teachers and also sharing the food with other groups. It was the best experience I ever had because it even it was challenging, but our awareness had driven us to make changes towards a better life and because of that, we are willing to contribute much as we can to our community. Now, I started to practice a healthy lifestyle by avoiding to use disposable plastic in order to achieve a no-waste lifestyle. We continue with the prize-giving ceremony to the group that was elected by the judges and have our photography session as our records and memories. I hope that this effort will be continued forever and will be followed by others. This campaign means a lot to the world. Together we make changes to our beloved world.
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wengoku · 7 years
Ok then, lucio and sombra brotp headcannons?
first of all!!! these two have so much in common !!! the omnic crisis tore their countries apart and they had to live in the aftermath (difference is lucio had a family) and they both took action against gentrifying businesses/organizations that want to exploit them and their people. like, people forget that what lucio did was SUPER illegal. he stole tech from vishkar and forced them out when they were government sanctioned !! he ended up becoming famous but he could have easily ended up in a sombra situation where he had to go into hiding tbh!!
so like, I think that about the time lucio began the revolution to overthrow vishkar in rio was a little bit after sombra became… “sombra”. im guesstimating. but!! here is how I imagine them meeting:
+ sombra catches wind if lucio infiltrating vishkar and decides to keep and eye on it + as it turns out, the interior plans that lucio got of vishkar were wrong– he finds this out WAY too late. he’s got a few people with him and they can’t afford to mess this up, they only get one chance
+ enter sombras nosy ass who happened to be watching thro the cameras!!! on lucios holopad, a purple skull and little arrows pointing in the right directions start popping up– he’s deeply suspicious at first but after they almost get caught he goes along
+ sombra basically leads them thro the building, hacking cameras as they go so that no one can tell where they are. lucio is the one who finds the sound technology vishkar was prototyping, and he’s the one who gets them out but sombra was a BIG help
+ haha lucio has no idea who sombra is
+ im not saying sombras lonely but . she likes lucio and being an anonymous shadow on the web can get boring. she hacks his holopad and phone constantly and leaves him cryptid messages that mean stuff like “like ur hair” and “when r u releasing this song” or sometimes just “kek”
+ lucio has no earthly clue what the HALE is going on but he finds ways to msg her back and they form a weird little friendship . she drops him information and he keeps her up to date on current events in Rio that even a hacker would have trouble knowing
+ sombra likes hearing about his family
+ she eventually starts just straight up texting him but from a different number every time and one time she just msged him on twitter . it was weird .
+ lucio asks her to stop illegally downloading his music , he knows she MUST have cash, and immediately gets $21.99 added to his bank account
+ there are a bunch of fake “sombra” accounts on twitter of ppl pretending that they’re her/a “sombra” organization and she challenges lucio to find the one that’s actually hers
+ she sends lucio frog videos and lives for him going “AWWWWWWWWW” endlessly afterwards
+ whenever sombra is looking at her phone and grinning there’s a 70% chance she’s doing something morally grey and a 30% she’s corresponding with lucio
+ widow and reaper almost die the first time they see sombra giggle at her phone
+ lucio will tell sombra stuff she already knows and half of the time she’ll tell him she’s way ahead of him and the other half of the time she’s just the *pretends to be shocked* meme
+ sometimes when she’s bored she’ll blow up his phone with notifications and music at 3 am
+ they don’t rlly argue but when they do neither of them will apologize and it’s a stalemate until they wanna tell the other something important
+ I love this friendship blizz make it happen
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meulinthekittytroll · 7 years
Rant af I'm sorry
Yunno I don’t know what my dads problem is with my boyfriend. He doesn’t like him, at all. And I honestly have no idea why. Maybe it’s because this is the only relationship he’s seen me in? I’m not sure But if my dad could have seen all my past relationships he’d understand why B is probably the only one I could ever want to be with. There were some major people who impacted my life in negative ways and I’m still recovering from them. I will point out the major ones First there was David. He tried to kill me once, and manipulated me and made my self esteem plummet. (Grade 3-7) Yes, I know, 3rd through 7th grade and he tried to KILL you? Are you over exaggerating? No I’m not lol. Then there was Devin. He was the first boy to cheat on me. Which made my self esteem plummet even further. He also was the first boy to treat me… like I wasn’t a person I guess?? I don’t know how to describe that one but it made me feel very inferior. (Grade 6) young I know but shoosh this shit can happen at any age if you let it happen. Then there was Max. We never actually dated, but he is still very important because oh boy I crushed on this boy HARD from 8th to 10th grade. He and I had a thing going on in 8th grade but never quite did anything about it which only made me like him more. Then 9th grade came along and we only got closer but still didn’t quite do anything. (I also had a boyfriend at that time that I’ll get to in JUST a second) Finally 10th grade came along and I FINALLY made a move, only to get shot down, HARD. That was partly my fault I suppose for being too scared to tell him my feelings earlier than that. But still, ouch ouch that hurt me a lot. Jacob, the boyfriend mentioned just a second ago, this was a long distance relationship. He was a couple years older than me and I had never met him in person, I dated him because I was extremely lonely. This lasted almost a year, but not quite. It started out really fun because I could lowkey flirt with Max but still have someone to go home to and text and get the feelings of love that Max didn’t give me, I know I know that’s borderline cheating but hey I was in 9th grade and I was stupid in love with Max and it was just a messy time in my life and Ive obviously learned from it and cheating is disgusting ugh……. ihatemyselfAAAAnyways, as the months rolled by, things slowly went downhill with this Jacob kid. He just was a downer. We both were depressed and got even sadder when we realized we couldn’t meet for a long time blah blah you get the point everything was a mess and he made me extremely unhappy, that was a very toxic relationship and I’m glad nothing ever became of it. I haven’t talked to him in almost a year, I hope he’s doing well. Also in 10th grade I developed this crush on this boy named Anthony and he was a dorky kind of cute, tall and scrawny but still muscly, I dug it. I flat out told him I liked him bc I didn’t want another Max situation and he seemed interested at first until he told one of his friends that doubled as my friend that he wasn’t interested so I obviously found out and got shot down again. Ouch! When that didn’t happen I started talking to a good friend I also met over the internet named Gavin and wowie did this boy make me feel wanted and loved. I had a brief thing with him previously but it never followed through, due to the fact that he was a dickbag and cheated on me and blamed it on some personality disorder where he needed more than one girlfriend to be satisfied *cough* bullshit *cough* but anyways, I tried it with him again the summer going into 11th grade c he was sooooooo sorry and loved me soooo much and wanted to marry me (gag!) anyways, things were good for a while but then he slowly stopped talking to me and cheated again and all this other shit and as my confidence in myself slowly went down the garbage disposal as it had been since like 4th grade, I finally told myself enough is enough and told him I was done with him. I told myself I was done with boys until the right one came along and treated me right. As a junior at a new school with no friends, I assumed it would take until junior year of COLLEGE to even consider boys again (besides possibly sleeping around once I got too tired of being a virgin kek) But yunno, life throws unexpected things at you. I remember the night so clearly. I went to bed finally content with being alone, not having to worry about any boy cheating on me or making me feel bad or putting me down constantly. Then, wouldn’t you know it, the NEXT FUCKIN DAY, this super duper cute boy I had seen a few times around school walked into my first period photography class. And I thought to myself “fuck.” Bc I immediately knew something would happen between us. This boy was he perfect mix of goofy, nerdy, and cute as fuck, with a hint of holy shit you’re SEXY. Exactly my type. Tall, dark, and handsome (a spongebob reference has never been more relatable) ((besides maybe “i’m surrounded my idiots”)) ANNYYYWAYS Me and this kid start talking bc I grew a pussy (not balls bc balls are sensitive and vaginas take a pounding) and gave the kid my Snapchat. That same day I reaaallly wanted a chance to talk to him so I posted a pic on my story of me and my dog havin’ a blast (rip Lily u will be missed ily thank you for being the reason the loml messaged me for the first time) anywho, HE MESSAGED ME FIRST AND WE STARTED TALKING AND SHIT bc he thought my dog was cute af (which she was!!!!) and we kept talking and talking and found we had so much in common and finallyyyy we admitted to each other we liked each other and started dating soon after and I’m spare you all the mushy details of how that came to be. Back to the reason why I started writing this little rant/story in the first place. My dad borderline hates the guy. But what my dad doesn’t understand (which is a lot but these next few sentences are important) Every single relationship I’ve had, was with a guy who has done nothing but lead me on, cheat on me, or abuse me (both physically (which only happened twice thank god) and mentally (which happened SO MUCH OH MY GOD it’s so much harder to catch that than actually getting physically abused) Yet, my current boyfriend…. we’re gonna call him B, bc his name is unique and I don’t want people knowing who I am if this ever gets read by someone who knows me and cares enough to read though all of this. B is the most beautiful person I have ever met, inside and out. He makes me feel important. He makes every day a blessing. When I first moved in with my dad in the beginning of 11th grade, I was a complete shut in. I hardly ever left my room besides to eat and bathe. After I met B, I started opening up and spending time with the family, and I made such amazing friends at school that I would have never talked to if it weren’t for him. B makes everything exciting. Of course we have had our fair share of bumps in the road, but ever healthy relationship does. And yunno what else healthy relationships do? They talked them through and fix the problems!!! B has made it so clear to me that I am worth all of the shit that goes on sometimes, and believe me I can be crazy so that is saying something. And oh boy is he a package deal too. He’s constantly got something going on, he’s quite frankly an idiot sometimes. But hey, he’s my idiot! I’ve never woken up and been happy about being alive since I was like 10, until B came around. B completely flipped my view of the world around. We tell each other this thing all the time because weird kinda opposites when it comes to certain things. He looks like the moon, but is the sun. And I look like the sun, but am the moon. He has dark hair and he’s got olive skin (very Italian looking) looking like a human version of the moon. But he has this optimistic view on life, the personality of the sun. Then there’s me; golden brown hair with fair skin, I look like the sun. But I’m kinda a pessimist, and I also am quite the night owl (he definitely isn’t!) personality of the moon. That might not make sense to you, but it does to us. I’m getting side tracked. The whole fuckin point is, I hadn’t felt true happiness since I was 10 until I met this guy. My dad says we aren’t going to last. My dad barely even lets me see him outside of school once a week, and when he does let me he always gives this disapproving scowl and scoff when I ask to see my boyfriend (who I have been with for well over a year now) once a week. Oh and by the way, he LIVES with his girlfriend who he’s only been dating a few more months than B and I have been. I wonder what he’d feel like if the roles were reversed. Yunno? Like he gets to see his gf every day and sleep next to her ever night, but the moment I want to see B, I get a scowl and a reluctant confirmation that I can see him on the day I asked to see him on. I’m sorry for all this rant and I know it’s probably all over the place but I just really really had to get it out because I don’t know why my dad is so unhappy with me being with a guy who makes me so happy. It’s not like B is a delinquent. He has two jobs (one is a photography business, he does really well with it actually he shoots for weddings and shit he’s an amazing photographer ((he only took the photography class at my school for the credit and to laugh at how low quality everything was at the school and how badly they taught it))) and he’s polite and respectful. My father truly has no reason to not like him, he has no idea how badly I’ve been treated up until I met B. B treats me better than anyone ever has, including my dad. Everyone else in my family loves him! Not nearly as much as I love the son of a bitch tho. I truly grew up from 3rd grade on getting belittled and cheated on and made to feel terrible, and if my dad knew that or understood it, maybe he wouldn’t hate the boy that made me happy to be alive again. Thank u for the ppl who took the time to read this through even tho I doubt anyone will do that bless u ilysm
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blueseadespair · 7 years
Drv3 Alternative Mastermind AU Chapter 1 Class Trial
Disclaimer: Don’t own Danganronpa.  Also I added parts where one would play the game.  If it was a game.  Also this one is a long one.
Chapter 1 Class Trial
 My hart pumped as the doors opened and revealed a large dome like room with stain glass.  In the center was a circle of seats and 16 stands.  They all looked pretty Sci-fi.  At what looked like the head of the room, was a large podium with a chair and five empty spaces in front of it. It carried an air of final judgment.  So this is where we would debate who had done it.  Who had killed the SHSL Cosplayer Tsumugi Shirogane. My heart pulsed in I could feel the blood pumping through my body.  Then Monokuma appeared along with the Monokumars.
 Monokuma: Thank you for waiting, now it is time for the much anticipated class trial!
Monokid: Hell Ya! It’s the main event!
Monosuke: All that goody-goody getting along was making me sick.
Monotarou: Yeesh it took you people a while.
Monofunny: You guys were getting along so well.
Monokuma: Now take your places, Your names are labeled on your stands.
 As we did that we noticed on stand that had a picture of with an x through it.  The picture looked like a girl, but it was pretty blurry.
 Maki: What is that?
Monokuma: I would be sad if you all didn’t participate, even if you are dead.  So I have frames for all the people that might die, and have died.  I look forward to seeing what you have in store for me.
Rantarou: This is actually happening. So that dream was-
Monokuma: Now, now don’t go spoiling anything yet now.
Monokuma: Now as usual I’ll give the basic explanation of the class trail.  The key is to find who the blackened is and you will have to vote who you think it is. If you choose the correct one, only they will be punished, but if you choose the wrong one, then everyone else will be punished. Now. Let’s begin.
Kaito: You say that, but where should we begin?
Shuichi: Then would the murder weapon be a good place to start?
Ryoma: Seems like a good idea.
Tenko: But isn’t it more important to find who killed her?
Rantarou: That maybe true, but the murder weapon might lead us to a clue.
Kokichi: What kind of weapon might help narrow down who the killer is.
Kaede: Then we should start with that.
(Now is the time to remember everything up until now, I have to. Have to find the killer!)
 Rantarou: According the Monokuma file… she had several wounds across her body.
Mui: You think one of them might be what killed her?
Maki: Well, it would have led to her death, with all the blood loss.
Himiko: So is it all the wounds on her body?
Tenko: No it could have been that-
Angie: The thing Angie found? You mean the hammer?
Kirumi: It definably seems like a possibility.  
Tenko: Then was the blow to the head what killed her?  If so only a guy can hit hard enough to kill!
Kaede: No, that's wrong!
Tenko: Huh?
Kaede: I don’t think the hammer was used to deal the finishing blow.
Shuichi: I don’t think so either.
Kokichi: It would be too obvious, and while I don’t like this situation, it would be boring if this mystery were to be solved this easily.
Rantarou: True, it must be more complicated then that.
Korekiyo: Then let us continue to move forward.  I want to see where this progression leads.
Kaito: You have no concern about our current situation do you?
Ryoma: That’s just how he is leave him be.
Miu: Just leave him alone.
Maki: Then what do you think dealt the finishing blow?
Kaede: I’m not sure, but the Monokuma file didn’t specify what killed her, only the time she died.
Kaito: Then we still don’t know what killed her!
Korekiyo: But I must say, the murder place sure does seem suspicious.
Kirumi: You mean-
Korekiyo: Yes: the talent room.
Angie: You think Angie did it?
Korekiyo: Not exactly, but you are suspicious.
Angie: Angie is telling you, Angie didn’t kill that girl.
Himiko: Isn’t saying that making you more suspicious?
Kiibo: Besides isn’t Angie a little short to be able to hang the body as well?
Kaede: No there might be a way.
Shuichi: You mean that?
Kaede: Yes.  Couldn’t the ladder been used?
Miu: What ladder? I don’t remember no ladder.
Gonta: Of course! Gonta remembers that there was a ladder in the room.  They could have used that.
Miu: Then it wouldn’t be unusual that a ladder was there. Kek, never really cared much about what was in that room.  Didn’t have anything of value to me.
Kokichi: Then you’re pretty useless in this case.
Miu: Hrng! I dare you say that again, runt!
Rantarou: Now, now lets get back on topic.
Kokichi: Nishishi~
Miu: Hurmp.
Korekiyo: So she could have used the ladder.  Was there anything unusual about the ladder?
Kaede: Well…It looked like there was a blood splatter on the side.
Tenko: So you think that she could have been wounded after she was hung!? How cruel!
Shuichi: Judging by the splatter I would say so.  I can also say that we could eliminate Ryoma from the suspects because it seems that even with the ladder he wouldn’t be able to hang her body like that.
Ryoma: I thank you for your support, but we still have many other suspects.
Tenko: Then there is no way that a girl could do it, that's just too cruel!
Korekiyo: Are you sure about that?
Tenko: Huh?
Korekiyo: A girl could do it to you know.
Tenko: You think I did it!?
Korekiyo: You would have the strength for it.
Angie: I told you Angie didn’t do it.
Tenko: Wait, why are you turning on me!?  It could have been Gonta!
Gonta: Gonta didn’t do anything!
Kaede: Calm down!
(It’s no good, they aren't listening)
Shuichi:  With everyone talking surely you the SHSL Pianist will be able to tell who is speaking and pick out a weak spot.
Kaede: I’m not sure but I’ll do my best.
 Angie: Angie is not the culprit.
Tenko: Tenko didn’t do anything.
Gonta: Why are you blaming Gonta?
 Angie: God was the one who did it
Tenko: Tenko was with Himiko and Kirumi.
Gonta: Gonta was with Kaito
 Angie: The one who punished her
Kirumi: Yes we were together
Gonta: Until Angie called Gonta over.
 Korekiyo: Your God seems like a scary deity
Kirumi: Even when we heard the Monokuma Announcement
Kaito: Yup, he was with me and I ran into Kokichi
 Angie: So it was divine punishment
Tenko: See Tenko is innocent
Kokichi: Well that’s not a lie
 [Statement: God is the one who did it: Truth Bullet: Monokuma’s testimony]
 Kaede: No that's wrong!  It had to be someone here, because a person, not a God had to have killed her.
Monokuma: Yup!  It sure was a person!  No Gods here.
Kaede: So do you have anything to say?  You’ve been pushing this God think quite hard.
Gonta: Angie?  Is something the matter?
Kaito: No way, it couldn’t be…
Miu: H-hey, Say something.
Maki: Out with it.
Angie:… And if I did?
Himiko: No way you would kill someone like that?
Miu: Then we have our culprit?  Monokuma, can we start the vote?
Monokuma: Already?  That was quick! Alright!
Monosuke: Rushing to the main event of the main event?
Monotarou: No class.
Monokid: Is it our turn now?
Monofunny: This is so heart pounding!
Kaede: (Wait, no something’s off)
Rantarou: Wait!
Kaede: (Huh, Rantarou?)
Monokuma: Hurk! Wait is it?
Rantarou: I think that’s wrong.  It’s still too early to decide that Angie is the killer.
Shuichi: I think so too.
Kokichi:  Like I said before it wouldn’t be fun if it was too easy to solve.
Shuichi: Let’s discuss some more and see what else we can find.
Monokuma: Hump, very well continue.
Monotarou: Looks like we have to wait our turn.
Monokid: Well we don’t have to worry about this bucket of bolts.
Monofunny: Don’t be mean to Monodam.
Monosuke: You all are just as bad.
Kaito: Let’s just ignore the peanut gallery.
Korekiyo: That seems to be for the best.
Rantraou: It seems suspicious that Angie, first tried to defend herself, by denying that she was the killer.  Then latter proclaim that she is the killer.
Ryoma: Your right that is a bit suspicious.
Miu: Then why would she try to make us hasten our vote!?
Kirumi: We don’t know that yet.  Does anyone have anymore information to offer?
Shuichi: Wait, do you guys remember the neck wound?
Himiko: Neck wound?  Wasn’t there a ribbon around her neck?
Rantarou: Yes, but that seemed to keep us from the real wound, and possible fatal injury.
Shuichi: I guess only Kaede, Rantarou, Kokichi, and I know about it.
Rantarou: Yes, it seems that it was made by something sharp.
Tenko: There wasn’t anything sharp in the art room was there?
Ryoma: There were, but they didn’t seem to have any blood on them.
Angie: The only thing that had blood on it was the hammer.
Kaede: Wait, that might not be it.
Kaito: Huh?
Kaede: Let me think…That must be it!
Miu: Don’t yell so suddenly!
Kokichi: Did you find something out Kaede-chan?
Kaede; Yes! Miu, do you remember what nicked you?
Miu: Sure do! Still have the cut on my finger!
Rantarou: Wait, cut?
Miu: Ya, Kiibo has it since it won’t cut him.
Tenko: You had such an important piece of evidence! Show it over tin can!
Kiibo: D-don’t be so rude!  I have feelings too you know!
Shuichi: Wait then that means-!
Ryoma: This must be the true murder weapon that Monokuma was hiding from us.
Himikio: Then why would it be there?
Maki: It should have been at the crime scene.
Kirumi: Then maybe they were trying to disguise their crime?
Korekiyo: That would make sense, but who?
Kaede: Then lets continue to discuss. (Although, we need some new information to make a break though, or we will be talking in circles.)
Tenko: So Angie is still the killer?
Miu: It would seem so.
Kirumi: Did anyone see the victim before she died? Perhaps heard from her?
Gonta: No, but Gonta remembers Angie asking Gonta for help.
Kokichi: So Angie only left to get Gonta?
Kirumi: That would seem to be the case.
[Statement: only left to get Gonta, Truth bullet: heard one voice, Lie bullet: heard two voices]
Lie: Please believe in this statement
Kaede: Wait, if I remember I heard two voice’s inside the room. One of them was angie, and the other was Tsumugi.
Kokichi: What are you talking about wasn’t Angie with us? How could she be at to places at once?
Himiko: Does she know how to use magic as well?
Kaito: Then which one is the real Angie?
Kokichi: That was a pretty bad lie.
Rantarou: What if she is telling the truth, though?
Miu: Huh?
Shuichi: There might be a way to discuss this further?
As we said that our podiums began to move and elevate us so that we would face each other face–to-face, two rows of 8.  On my side Shuichi, Rantarou, Angie, Gonta, Kiibo, Kirumi, and the portrait.  On the other side were Kokichi, Ryoma, Tenko, Himiko, Miu, Kaito, Korekiyo, and Maki.
 Miu: This whole thing with two Angies is stupid.
Shuichi: What if there was one instead of two?
Himiko: It must have been magic
Kiibo: There is no way magic would be able to do this.
Ryoma: Then maybe there was a recording?
Kirumi: There was no sign of any recording.
Maki: Angie seems to still be the killer.
Rantarou: Should be trust what Angie has to say.
Korekiyo: Then should be trust Kaede’s ears?
Gonta: Gonta believes in Kaede’s hearing!
Kokichi: Should we believe your lie?
Kaede: Whether or not it’s a lie, we should discuss that!
 [It was Tsumugi’s voice (who’s voice was heard?) It was Angie’s voice]
 After we had won the argument that it was Angie’s voice the podiums settled back into their original positions.
 Kokichi: That was a lie though, that you heard her voice right?
Kaede: yes, but I did hear a voice.  It sounded hoarse, but I’m not sure it was Angie’s voice though.
Rantarou: Then let’s us assume that it was Angie’s voice, what does that make our Angie here now?
Shuichi: I mean Tsumugi was the one that was supposed to be murdered right?
Kokichi: Then that would mean that Tsumugi wasn’t the one to die?
Maki: Then Angie was the one to die, and get replaced?
Tenko: How?
Kaede: I think I might have an idea.  Do you remember the wire?
Kaito: Wire?
Tenko: Ya, there was a piece of wire that helped to hang her body!
Korekiyo: It would seem they used it from the storage room, because there wasn’t any in the art room.
Himiko: What was unusual about the wire?
Kaede: It was the way that it was used.
Kirumi: Used?
Shuichi: Yes, it Looked like it was used to tie her limbs. There were actually two different types. One to tie the limbs, and the other to hang her up.
Kaede: It was even near her knees.
Rantarou: So you think the wire might used to attach something?
Kokichi: You mean like extensions?  Because that would seem to be the answer. Because Tsumugi-chan limbs are longer than Angies.
Shuichi: If I remember correctly, she also had powder on her.
Maki: Powder?
Kaede: Yes, like make up.
Gonta: Then if Angie, was the one to die, who is Angie that is here now?
Korekiyo: Why don’t we ask the person in question?
Himiko: Angie?
Ryoma: Seems like we have her in a corner.
Shuichi: No, you shouldn’t be Angie.
Kokichi: Your disguise was pretty good.  SHSL Cosplayer Tsumugi Shirogane-chan.
Miu: Huh?
Angie?: Looks like I’ve been found out.  Yes, it is I, Tsumugi.
Tsumugi: I was getting tried trying to play that girl Angie. It feels good to be my normal self again.
Kaede: Then why did you kill her?
Tsumugi: do you have any proof that I killed her?  Some one could frame me as the killer.
Shuichi: Well a lot of the evidence points to you.
Kokichi: Then that powder on her face was makeup to look like you.
Tsumugi: And what about it?  It doesn’t mean that it’s true.
Rantarou: That may be the case, but why go through the trouble pretending to be Angie?
Tsumugi: Tch. I hate your type.
Miu: Well we found the correct culprit, now we can vote.
Kaito: Wait vote…!? You tried to make us hasten our vote so that we would vote the wrong killer!
Maki: Your not so dumb after all.
Kaito: Hey that’s rude!
Kiibo: By having us hasten our vote we would have all been killed, because the killer we thought was actually the victim.  And the victim was the killer.
Tsumugi: But I was telling the truth, that Angie didn’t kill anyone, an yet you doubted her.
Himiko: That's because we thought she was you, I mean the person most suspicious.
Kokichi: It was a pretty good plan, but I don’t like be lied to.  Only I get to do the lying.
Tsumugi: You still don’t have that much evidence.  The Thread scissors aren't enough.  Some one could use that against me.  What other proof do you have?
[PTA, BTB with Tsumugi, Answer: Tied Limbs]
Tsumugi: Guh. How would that be a sign? Kiumi could have killed her!  She’s good with that kind of stuff!
Kaede: You're the only one who can sew besides Kirumi.
Tsumugi: She could have been hiding!  Like in the room until everyone was gathered to ast like she was in the crowd.
Tenko: But, Kirumi’s alibi would be me and Himiko, because we were together ever since your event.
Kirumi: And during that event everyone was still there and alive.
Tsumugi: No, no, NO! It’s not over yet!
Kaede: No, it is.  I’ll go over you crimes once more and prove that your it.
(After my explanation)
Miu: Monokuma, we know who it is, it time to vote!
Monokuma: Huh, is it my turn?  Is it truly?  Then with further Ado its time for Your regular scheduled voting time!  Please choose the button on who you think is the blackened.  Will you choose the right one or the wrong one? Upupupu.
Class Trial End
AN: If you did play or spoiled your self about the actual game (Like I did) Kaede was made the killer, and then you switch to Shuichi, who is the new Protag.  Spoilers, In this one Kaede stays protag.
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