#layla headcanons
genshinimpactlife · 1 year
Okay so I’m a big lazy perfectionist and I love people soooo
Lisa,Faruzan,Layla,or just anyone trying to make me go outside for non perfectionist reasons
I need a hug
Forcing Reader To Go Outside
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Lisa would be surprisingly good at getting you outside after seeing that you hadn't been out in a few days.
She knows you can be lazy or get sucked into your work to the point that you just hide away for days at a time.
She would sweet talk her way into getting you outside for a while with her.
"I have some errands to run today. Do you think you could be my little helper with them?"
If you are still reluctant, she would pull out the more stern MILF voice and basically force you into going outside for a while.
"Some fresh air will do you good. I'll even buy you a drink or a meal."
She will not take no for an answer.
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She would see how focused on your academic work you have been and force you to take a break.
She would be nice initially as she tried to convince you to go on a walk.
"Come, let's go to the academia. I need to pick up some things I left there."
But if you were still reluctant, she wouldn't be as nice.
"As your senior, I am telling you that you must leave this house and go for a walk, air yourself out.
She would drag you by the ear if needed.
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The absolute sweetest of the three, she's an angel and is just worried about the fact you haven't taken a break.
"Maybe we can go get some ice cream and go for a walk? I need a break from my work too"
She would be so sweet and encouraging to try and get you outside in the sun for a while
"I heard a new food stall opened. Maybe we should go check it out?"
Layla isn't the type to be too pushy and would eventually give up, but without making sure you knew she was worried about you.
She would be so exhausted after trying to convince you to leave the house that she would nap.
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I was a little bit confused about this ask! So I hope I got it right. Enjoy! <3
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dixidin · 9 months
Genshin impact hcs for every nation pt.4
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Sumeru edition!
Info: OOC? Mentions of other characters, writing sucks, sorry if I get some lore wrong with some characters! Fyi, none of this is cannon besides the occasional lore mentions (also I was a bit lazy near the end)
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Alhaitham: Alhaitham is surprisingly good at color theory, despite not using it often. How did he learn about it? No one knows
Kandace: Kandace always insists that you should keep your weapons in top shape so they don't stay dirty or break, that being said. Kandace will go out of her way for hours, just polishing/cleaning every single weapon she owns
Collei: Whenever Collei's Eleazar gets out of control, she'll have to use crutches for the time being, of course only if she's slightly stable. If it was any less, then she would immediately be put on bed rest. Collei also decorated it with stickers and bracelets to make her feel a bit better
Cyno: Since Cyno has white hair, one time when Tighnari was getting really fed up with his jokes, he emptied out his shampoo and instead put in black hair dye. For about a couple of weeks, Cyno had a weird black mop on his head that looked like roots
Deyha: On a rare occasion, when someone underestimates Dehya, she'll immediately pretend to be bad at something. When she's finished, she'll point out a flaw she made before going wild and showing off her skills
Dori: Dori used to have extremely bad handwriting, but when she started becoming a more popular merchant. She upped her game and practiced with her handwriting for days until she was proud of the result. She's even dived into calligraphy
Faruzan: Whenever Faruzan has time to herself, she absolutely loves learning about fossils and what animals or creatures used to walk on Tevyat grounds
Kaveh: Kaveh has a very long skincare route and will feel uncomfortable for the rest of the day if he wasn't able to do it in time
Layla: Surprisingly, Layla is secretly really good at ballroom dancing, but not tangoing
Nahida: Nahida has a very soft and unique singing voice, and during the time period when Wanderer was healing, she would use her voice for lullabies to lull him to sleep. Most of the time, she would sing to him when he was asleep, having a nightmare, but it would quickly turn into a dream when he heard Buer's voice
Nilou: Nilou is secretly really good at theater, but since she's put up a more confident persona when dancing, she gets really nervous and shy whenever she has to play pretend since she's not as confident
Tighnari: When Tighnari was growing up, he absolutely loved making fairy houses, and as he grew up, he got better and better at making them! He's even now taught Collei how to make some
Wanderer: Wanderer absolutely sucks at cutting hair, but since he's so used to his usual bowlcut, he's much faster at cutting his own hair
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If you repost this on another website, please give credit. Any like or repost is greatly appreciated -dixidin
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The Moon Knights & Layla as ✨Vibes✨
A/N: Don’t ask me what this is, lol. Sometimes when I think of a character, I think of weird details like what they smell like, what color they make me think of, visuals or feelings, etc. I’ve been getting over a cold for the past over a week now and haven’t had a lot of energy to write, but these are things that just kind of appear when a character comes to mind, so I figured why not share them? Idk, sorry if this is boring, lmao. Uhh if you don’t find them boring and want to request a character’s ✨vibes✨ though, feel free to ig?
Layla Abdallah El-Faouly
Dark purple/indigo
Soft textures like really fluffy faux fur, dandelion fluff, soft fabrics
But also like
Big, scary storms with swirling clouds and lightening and thunder and tornado warnings
Watching heavy rain from under a canopy or through the window of a warm, cozy house
The shininess that leather has
Stepping through a muddy puddle of water
Sometimes knives but a very specific type of dagger-y knife that I don’t know how to explain
The steam coming from a hot bowl of soup or noodle dish
Marc Spector
Blood red
Fabrics like silk, velvet, and chiffon
Hair that is crunchy from a lot of product in it for some reason
Early mornings
But like really early mornings
Teddy bears for some reason
Unsurprisingly, bloodied knuckles
Radio/TV/walkie talkie static
The little lines at the corners of the lips on a tight-lipped expression; not the entire expression, just those little lines
Steven Grant
Sandalwood and tea tree oil
But also the smell of heat/sunshine when he wakes up after sleeping
Having books with dog-eared pages and broken spines from owning them for so long, but also being horrified when you see someone else mistreating a book in literally any way
Being in the darkest, quietest part of a giant aquarium with only aquatic creatures and soft blue light around you
Dust particles floating gently through the air, particularly in rays of sunlight
Yellow or gold but never both
Like a very specific shade of yellow, like canary yellow but paler
The creases in clothes that have been folded for a really long time but weren’t folded very well
Jake Lockley
Just a little too much cologne all of the time
Probably to cover the scent of blood, etc
The scents that you always see those weirdly sexual ads on TV for
With names “Crashing Waves” and “Tornado Dragon” and “Shipwreck” and shit
Late nights
Street lights
Falling asleep in a car while someone else is driving (probably because he’s a cab driver)
Car tire and horn sounds (Also probably because he’s a cab driver lol)
Really dark blue, like the sky during the middle of the night
I was gonna try to explain another color but I think I’m trying to describe a color that doesn’t exist
Addressing him by his full name literally every time you speak to him
Scratched records but not like the sound of scratched records, the physical objects
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troyanzina · 1 year
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хэдканоны: дружба кавеха и лайлы в модерн!ау.
✰ те самые друзья, которые собираются чтобы выполнить долги по учёбе, но в итоге лайла вырисовывает на ногтях кавеха аккуратные звёздочки лаком, пока тот рассказывает про свой очередной проект. на фоне идёт сотая серия какого-то лёгкого сериала, из духовки тянет корицей и ванилином, гирлянды на стенах мерцают, создавая какую-то по-особенному уютную атмосферу.
✰ не забывают слать друг другу картинки с усталыми и сонными котятами с подписью "ты" или "мы"
✰ немного разбираются в специальностях друг друга, потому что наслушаные часы никуда из памяти не денешь, поэтому при прогулках с подругами лайла порой указывает на какие-то особенности в архитектуре города, а кавех на свидании может блеснуть знанием созвездий и отдельных маленьких, но интересных звёздочек.
✰ лайла может не отвечать часами, а то и днями, на сообщения, уходя в себя, и кавех в такие моменты не пишет ничего особо важного или требующего ответа — он присылает фотки с пар, видео с щеночками и лягушками, рассказывает смешные случаи, которые случились с ним на перерыве. когда лайла "отмирает", она отвечает на большинство сообщений, и всё встаёт на свои места.
✰ берут кофе друг для друга в кофейне недалеко от корпуса. лайла обычно пьёт мокко, хотя порой и берёт гляссе, кавех же верный приверженец латте с каким-нибудь сиропом вроде манго или фисташки.
✰ во время сессий являются будильниками друг для друга — полуночница лайла, проработав всю ночь, перед тем как лечь спать будит кавеха, потому что (как бы тот не жаловался) его самые продуктивные часы приходятся именно на утро. он же будит её в обед, чтобы поесть вместе, повздыхать и посмотреть какое-нибудь кино, потом лайла ложится досыпать и просыпается вечером, когда мозги кавеха начинают отказывать окончательно.
✰ у них есть песня, при включении которой они сразу начинают искать друг друга взглядом и фыркать от накативших воспоминаний.
✰ ходят вместе по магазинам, чтобы напоминать о том, что деньги — небесконечные. особенно часто это приходится говорить кавеху, уже потянувшемуся оплатить какую-то мелочевку, чтобы помочь котяткам.
✰ у них есть общие вещи — шоппер с кадром какого-то древнего мультфильма, заколки-палочки для волос и несколько футболок с совершенно ужасными принтами в виде мемов, которые дарит всем своим знакомым сайно. а ещё они собирают друг друга на свидания — потому что кавеху нужно мнение со стороны, а лайла порой забывает про само свидание, про выбор особого наряда по такому случаю уж тем более.
✰ частенько говорят по видеосвязи, хотя виделись буквально пару часов назад. вон там проехала желтая машина, ударь себя в плечо за меня, или смотри какие сегодня пирожные по скидке, понимаю, что экономия важна, но не сейчас, тебе взять? а какое взять? во вложении их диалогов во всех соцсетях тысячи тысяч неудачных селфи и красивых кадров, мемов, видео с мероприятий и вечеринок. порой они пересматривают их вместе, смеясь и вспоминая какие-то отдельные моменты.
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lilyblossom-art · 24 days
Something not zelda related lol
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Magic Winx
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Sirenix (heavily based off of Mermaidix/Aquatix)
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I just went and redesigned all the winx' transformations ig lol
Only up to onyrix tho cuz i haven't watched season 8 yet :>
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rheiide · 7 months
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sharing my sumeru characters design headcanons and disappearing again
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catscidr · 5 months
// genshin characters as lethal company players //
cw: none! just silly headcanons. 100% crack includes: kaveh, kazuha, columbina, kirara, kaeya, cyno, ayato, wanderer, xiangling, xingqiu, mika, layla, nilou, chongyun, thoma, childe, itto, dehya, dottore, albedo, lyney, bennett, ganyu, venti, furina, zhongli, neuvillette, candace, collei, arlecchino (that's a lot) a/n: this was a shower thought after watching the sumeru cast play the game agfsghjs
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knows everything about the game ↳ kaveh, kazuha, columbina, kirara, kaeya
⇢ already has a “boss” pin on their in-game uniform when you play together for the first time ⇢ is the one that chooses which moons you guys go to. also buys all the resources (flashlights, walkie-talkies etcetc) bc they don't trust anyone else to do it ⇢ could probably speedrun the game if they wanted to, they have like every map memorized ⇢ if they die you’re ALL fucked. good luck ⇢ always brings back the dead bodies no matter what (says it’s for the quota but actually just feels bad leaving you guys there)
mostly there for the laughs but is maybe surprisingly pretty good at the game ↳ cyno, ayato, wanderer, xiangling, xingqiu
⇢ don’t let them find the airhorn/clown horn unless you want them to destroy your eardrums ⇢ somehow Always encounters monsters. but they get out alive (most of the time) ⇢ has died to quicksand and gotten clowned for it in the vc with other dead people in it ⇢ when you go sell items on the last day they ring the bell repeatedly to provoke The Worm to make everyone panic ⇢ scares you on purpose. may or may not have gotten themselves killed by you beating them to a pulp because you got jumpscared by them one too many times
always on edge, even before the game starts ↳ mika, layla, nilou, chongyun, thoma
⇢ gets the “most paranoid employee” note when you all come back from a moon ⇢ most likely to sacrifice themselves (to finally catch a break) ⇢ screams a lot. has gotten eaten by eyeless dogs more times than u could count ⇢ sticks with you so they’re less scared (but their paranoid Vibe just makes you scared too) ⇢ the one that dies first or is the last one standing. either way they're stressed and can't think properly
your personal guard dog ↳ childe, itto, dehya, dottore, albedo
⇢ “strength in numbers!” they say right before a thumper mauls the shit out of them ⇢ designated enemy killer. carries around a weapon to smack them with it (their weapon of choice is a yield sign) ⇢ has saved you from a snare flea stuck to your head multiple times (always expects a “thank you”. they bonk you if you don’t say it) ⇢ walks in front of you to scope out danger ⇢ also sometimes very tempted to beat you with their weapon just to fuck with you (dottore finishes the job)
the lost puppy ↳ lyney, bennett, ganyu, venti, furina
⇢ gets “laziest employee” every single time because they never find any scrap to bring back to the ship ⇢ has an awful sense of direction in the game and somehow loses sight of you even when you're exploring the moon together ⇢ gets grounded by your group and is tasked to guide people in the facility through the cams with their walkie talkie ⇢ their inventory is always full but only with useful items like a pro flashlight, a walkie talkie and a ladder ⇢ speaking of ladders, they've accidentally fallen in a hole multiple times and that's why they always need a ladder on them. to get themselves out.
bonus: watches you play! ↳ zhongli, neuvillette, candace, collei, arlecchino
⇢ watches the game either very invested or very confused ⇢ may or may not backseat without realizing it ⇢ contributes to the bits (not on purpose: zhongli, neuvi. on purpose: candace, collei, arle)
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fairykazu · 5 months
what kind of dates they would bring you ft. gi chrs ୧ ‧₊˚
mlist ⋆ playlists for each character will be linked on my spotify!
a movie night - at their house. sharing a blanket together, huddled together and listening to their familiar heartbeat, because it is something that the both of you have done more times than you can count.
mona, lisa, layla & kaveh
a fair - hearing your lovers laugh will never fail to light up your entire night. holding their hand on rides, sharing strange food, and riding on a ferris wheel will always hold a special place in your memories.
kaeya, yoimiya, yelan & hu tao
an aquarium - taking many photos, seeing and learning things that you never knew before. silently watching in awe alongside your partner as the jellyfish mindlessly float behind the glass.
kokomi, scaramouche, xiao & sara
an art museum - studying the meaning behind paintings, bouncing back and forth theories, and leaving together filled with inspiration and love for humanity.
albedo, ganyu, kazuha & keqing
ice skating - falling down with your partner and showing them your vulnerability. they smile and pick you off the floor, holding you steady as they guide you on the ice.
childe, ayaka & amber
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marcspectorstannie · 16 days
Moonknight moodboards bc I have no inspo༆
Layla el faouly𓆣
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Marc Spector𓄿
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Steven Grant 𓄁
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Jake Lockley𓅀
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genshinimpactlife · 1 year
Hear me out: Layla with a really happy, ball of sunshine reader who is also ridiculously protective.
Someone tries to threaten our sleepy queen? The reader goes full cryptic and is just staring at them threateningly over Laylas shoulder.
Yae Miko tries to mock Layla? Oh shit there’s someone trying to start a war with Inazuma-
Not to say they don’t like anyone else, sunshine probably babysits peoples kids and pushes Nahida on her swing, and regularly makes teas and foods for hungry scholars to try.. but if you come after their partner chaos unfolds.
They’d also like.. stay up late to do Layla’s homework so she doesn’t have too, or make her teas and carry her around when she’s tired.
Protective Reader Headcanons
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Nobody expected just how protective you would be when the two of you got together.
It wasn't until a few months into your relationship that something happened. While you two were out on a date, a classmate of hers walked past and made a rude comment about her always falling asleep.
Layla just brushed it off, but you did not. Instead, you got up and followed after them, dumping your grape soda all over the classmate.
It was the first time Layla had seen you do something like that, and while she doesn't usually condone stuff like that, she was proud.
You were one of the kindest and happiest people as long as nobody hurt the people you loved.
Yae didn't mean it to be a dig at Layla. She was just making a funny joke. But the death glare you gave Yae was enough to strike fear even in her heart… and two seconds later, you were back to your smiling self.
Layla often woke up with her homework finished or ended up in bed when she didn't remember doing it herself. But she just assumed she was too tired to remember.
You would never tell her about the little things you do for her, and you want to help in any way you can.
Layla forgets to pack herself a lunch most days, so you always have a spare one packed for her, just in case.
One time while the two of you were outside Sumeru City to go on a picnic, you were attacked by Hilichurls.
They didn't even stand a chance with your rage. How dare they try to ruin your date? They were all left unconscious in a pile, and Layla didn't even have to lift a finger.
She likes to call you her night in shining armor.
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I loved this request! Hope you enjoy!
Tag List Here:
@rainbowleo @okadahimeko @0-kuki-0 @cyberpandas-blog
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skylaryozora · 7 months
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That's how I imagine one of the first moments of Aisha and Musa in S2 lol . The moment Aisha got up, Musa realized she will be yet another squad member who's much taller than her. But that humorous remark, which Aisha considered sweet and pretty amusing, was just another ice breaker for their relation which would soon develop into a close friendship
Reel available on IG!
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ghostpondd · 7 months
do you think that the Tsaritsa gave people cryo visions because she's the goddess of love and when the people recieved the visions they felt their love leave them? And she wanted to give them a sign that said "someone still loves you"?
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kisakis-boyfriend · 7 months
Aah whoops! My bad, Genshin Impact was the series I had in mind for the Halloween costumes. But if there’s another series you’d prefer or already have ideas for I’d be happy to read that instead :)
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No no, Genshin is perfectly fine! I'll do 2 characters for each category, thanks to tag limitations... This will also be in a modern AU, if that's all right ^-^
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Most complicated costumes
Scaramouche/Wanderer for sure. Most people would expect him to not even bother with something so childish, as he would probably put it. But if you tease him a bit he'd cave and design something that ends up putting every other costume to shame. He's like a peacock fanning out it's gorgeous feathers and drawing the attention of everyone around. And you had better keep your eyes on him, and only him for the rest of the night
KAVEH. My god this man is going to go all out even if he must pull multiple all-nighters to finish his design. And YES, he WILL be designing his own costume. He's also probably going to cry if people don't like it...please keep him away from the alcohol if this is the case and compliment the hell out of him. Validate this poor soul's hard work and effort, he deserves it
Laziest Costumes
Alhaitham 100%. If you think for even a second that Alhaitham is going to dress up for some holiday, you'd be very mistaken. Even if you beg him to (or force him in some way) he's going to pick the cheapest, most low effort option available. He might literally pull the sheets off of your bed and dress as a ghost...
Layla, but not by choice. She really wanted to wear something cute it's just...she kept forgetting about it and she never had the energy to pull something together... Ends up borrowing an unused pair of cat ears and drawing on whiskers with eyeliner right before showing up at a party 😿
Sluttiest Costumes
Heizou. Though if he was supposed to attend a party, he might cover up a bit until you have some alone time~ After all, his body is a special privilege for your hands only and showing himself off in front of tons of people might invite some unwanted attention. He'd probably go for something that shows off his midriff and thighs, maybe some fishnets too?
KAEYA. He's the type to wear a sexy nurse outfit or something, mainly just to tease you...with pretty thigh highs and garters accentuating his legs, his chest or maybe his back exposed. Kaeya just eats up the expressions you make when you finally see what he's wearing, flirting with you the whole night by using awful pick-up lines and puns based on the costume he chose
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Reblogs are extremely appreciated <3
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borawinx · 8 months
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Template from @awfulalignmentcharts
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rivensdefenseattorney · 2 months
Alfea Dormitory
Decided to post the mood boards I made of the girls' rooms way back when. It pretty much hasn't changed at all for me since then.
Bloom's Room
Bloom's room is basically controlled chaos. Even when nothing ever seems to be in place, she still knows exactly where everything is. She's an avid reader, so she basically brought as many books as she could with her, but she's also looking forward to adding to her collection in Magix. She has pictures everywhere that remind her of her family and earth. It helps her deal with the homesickness.
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Stella's Room
Stella's room is very, extra. She only expects the best, so every blanket, pillow, mirror, rug, etc. you see is basically worth more than what most people can afford. She prioritizes making her room as comfortable and cute as possible. Bloom is always worried about even touching anything when she sleeps in her room, but Stella always reassures her that she has people who can take care of any messes.
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Flora's Room
Flora's room makes you feel like you're in a garden. It's very cozy and relaxing. The most notable thing is the pleasant aroma that naturally fills the air. Flora didn't realize how big her collection has gotten, but she couldn't give away any of her plants. They are all her close confidants.
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Musa's Room
Musa's room acts as her sanctuary. She's made it a space where she can come back to relax after a long day. She often spends time writing music in her little mini studio. She in her element the most when she can just tune out the world.
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Tecna's Room
Tecna doesn't see the need nor does she like any excess clutter. She enjoys having open free space, so she doesn't need to spend any extra time cleaning than necessary. She's quite proud of the setup she managed to create. It allows her to stream and work on her algorithms as seamlessly as possible.
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Aisha's Room
Aisha's heart will always be with the sea, so she's brought a bit of it with her. There's various knickknacks from Andros that can be found scattered around her room. She also set up a wall to place all of her extra workout gear. There's a cleared space that allows her to stretch in the morning.
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How tidy is everyone? (From Messy to Neat)
What type of bird is everyone? (From Night Owl to Early Bird)
Night Owl
Early Bird
Winx Rewrite Master Post
Alfea Interdimensional College of Fae
Red Fountain Dormitory
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ilikemuffins · 9 months
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Winx theory ✨
In season 1, episode 8, the dancing girl that reminds Bloom of Daphne is actually Layla. Maybe, sneaking out of Andros to be herself and dance.
Source: my 8 year old brain.
Idk. My favourite trope is the found-family friends subtly crossing paths before they first meet. This fuels that - so I don’t accept constructive criticism.
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