#larusso siblings
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Headcanons for LaRusso Siblings ੈ✩
Morning Routine 🌤️
At what time do they generally wake up?
Sam would wake up around five am.
Anthony would wake up around 10 am or three pm.
Do they tend to wake up early and take their time, or would they rather rush it?
Sam wakes up early and takes her time but overall it will take her about an hour total to get ready.
Anthony wakes up late and takes his time to get ready but overall it would take him about an hour and a half or two hours.
How many alarms do they need to wake up?
Sam would need about two or three alarms.
Anthony would have over 10 alarms but never hears them.
Are they a morning person?
Neither Sam or Anthony are morning people, but Sam would be all set with a morning coffee or tea.
Bathroom first or breakfast first?
Sam is bathroom first to do her morning skincare.
Anthony is breakfast first to eat before it gets cold.
Do they take a shower to wake up?
For Sam, yes, but sometimes for Anthony.
Coffee, tea, milk or juice?
Sam isn’t picky between coffee or tea.
Anthony is definitely drinking juice.
Sweet or savoury breakfast?
Sam likes a savoury breakfast.
Anthony likes both sweet and savoury one.
What do they like to have for breakfast?
Sam: Breakfast Tostadas or Avocado Toast.
Anthony: Eggs Benedict Rolls or Easy Overnight Oats.
Do they prepare their clothes before going to sleep, or do they prefer to improvize?
Sam picks out their outfits beforehand and gets the okay from him or he’ll just freestyle his own outfit.
Do they spend a lot of time dressing up, fixing their hair and/or putting on makeup?
For Sam, she doesn’t take too long when she applies a little bit of mascara and lip gloss or balm but it does take longer to do her hair.
For Anthony, he doesn’t do anything special to himself so he would either brush out his bed hair or leave it the way it was.
Nighttime Routine 🌙
At what time do they tend to go to sleep?
Sam goes to bed around 9:30 or 10:00 pm.
Anthony goes to bed around 10:30 or 11:28 pm.
Do they take anything to help them sleep (medicines, chamomilles, warm milk... )?
Sam drinks a chamomile tea every night before bed
Anthony had to be medicated with Eszopiclone
How much does it take for them to fall asleep?
Takes Sam about 20 or 30 minutes to fall asleep.
Takes Anthony about 45 minutes if he remembers to take his medicine but if not, he doesn’t sleep at all.
are they a light or a heavy sleeper?
Sam is a moderate sleeper but she tends to be more of a light sleeper (compared to Daniel and Anthony).
Anthony is a heavy sleeper like you need to rattle him or toss him out of his bed to awake him.
Do they snore, talk and/or move a lot while sleeping?
Sam tends to mumble in her sleep due to the PTSD.
Anthony full on snores but sometimes he does “talk” by saying random cuss words at times.
Do they dream often?
Neither of them really dream?
What kind of dreams to they tend to have?
For Sam, it’s more of a flashback of a experience so not really a dream.
Anthony on the other hand says he sees “nothing” or that it’s “pitch black in there”.
Do they prefer to be in complete darkness to fall asleep, or are they ok with a bit of light?
Sam has a little lamp on her nightstand to keep on since the flashbacks get worse in the dark.
Anthony likes LOVES the dark. He likes it completely dark which freaks out Sam.
Do they need the door or the windows open, or do they prefer them closed when they go to sleep?
Sam locks everything up since she can’t sleep with anything opened.
Anthony closes everything but never really locks them.
What's their usual sleeping position?
Sam’s preferred sleeping position is fetal.
Anthony’s personal favorite is sleeping on his back and hogging all the bed space or sleeping in fetal.
Where is their bed? with a side against the wall, in the middle of the room... ?
By the angle of their rooms that have been shown I would say it’s a safe bet that both of their beds are in the middle somehow but Anthony’s seems to be closer to a wall than Sam’s bed.
— [ SAWB; KG: “Thank you so much for reading these! Took me a while to really think of them but if you are wanting more headcanons then you can certain suggest a character and what type of hc’s you’re wanting on the day of or after April 28th” ]—
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zappedbyzabka · 11 months
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Daniel and Billy both want the pretty blond sensei to themselves on Saturday—but did not communicate that so now they’re fighting over the phone about it (because Daniel is not the biggest fan of his twin) with Johnny as a “moderator”.
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gemini-sensei · 1 year
How do you think sam would react if her autistic sibling started dating someone?
If Sam was over protective before, she's on a whole new level when her autistic sibling starts dating. She asks a lot of questions trying to see what kind of person her sibling is dating and might overwhelm them, but doesn't mean to. If they ask her to stop or chill out she'll take a step back and let things be, realizing she's acting more like her dad than she'd like to actually admit. She just wants to make sure her sibling is dating someone who will treat them right.
She switches tacts and sits down with her sibling to talk about dating, especially if this is their first time dating someone. She tries to give them some advice and they end up making a list of places that would be cool to go on a date. If they're nervous she helps calm their nerves by talking them through whatever might be worrying them.
While she's protective, she's supportive. So she settles for meeting the person her sibling is going out with. She doesn't do anything to intimidate them, because she would hate for someone to do that for her. She's casual about it, but not overbearing. She won't hang around, especially if her sibling asks her not to, but she's there for great support. All she wants is for her sibling to be happy.
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danielslaw · 2 years
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“Is this because another one of your boyfriends ran away?”
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 years
They should've kept Anthony at home for Tory's home invasion in 3x10. Imagine if we got something with Sam protecting her brother here. 🤔
I would’ve loved to see Anthony there! Sam and Anthony bonding content sorely needed 💞 s5 delivered, but after way too long
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queencvbra · 2 years
season 5 is like if they took all the development we’ve been doing over the past 9 months, condensed it down to a summer break, and then changed some of the details so it wouldn’t be that obvious. I said what I said.
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flannelepicurean · 2 years
Had a zany Cobra Kai dream where Danny and Johnny had to pull a caper to get an important tome from Johnny's estranged sister, who was played by Jane Krakowski, and was a very Jane Krakowski character. Absolutely hilarious dynamic with Johnny. Immediately started hitting on Danny in the most over-the-top fashion, which he had to dodge as delicately as possible while Johnny snuck around her semi-art-gallery apartment looking for that stupid book among all the accumulated weirdness.
They got the book, but she double-crossed them. Didn't call the cops, but got some obscure federal regulation branch after them, because that is ALWAYS more serious, and those motherfuckers are WAY more relentless, and she is BATSHIT insane. They did a pretty fantastic fire-escape escape and dodged the feds...for now.
So... yeah. Cobra Kai writers' room? Gimme a call. 😂
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sensei-venus · 1 year
Some fluff for Anthony I’m literally in love with him maybe Lawrence reader and everyone finds out about their secret relationship including Daniel Johnny and Amanda
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(Unedited) (Support The Writer🌺) (Anthony & Reader are in Highschool because I said so because they go to school with the others, Lawrence!Chubby!Reader,Soft Kissing, Secret Dating,Fluff & Angst, Sneaking Out, Sam is a Snitch,Robby Probably Knew, Johnny trying to be a supportive Dad.)
Reader couldn’t help but giggle a little, her cheeks felt all flushed and warm. Getting into Anthony’s room was a bit of a task. Scaling the LaRusso house and getting up to the roof could be pretty, hard especially at night. There was barely any light other then from the windows.
But sneaking out late at night was the only way for her and Anthony could meet up that week.
Between her father and Anthony’s parents it was hard to meet up in person or face time. Their secret texting only got them so far. The urge to see each other was constant. The only time they got to see each other was at school or when they got to glaze at each other from afar at the dojo. On the rare occasion they meet up for secret dates around town.
It didn’t help that their siblings where also constantly on them. Both Robby and Sam would periodically check in on them. Better known as snoop around to keep a eye on the two of them. The teens knew that their older siblings would sneak into their rooms and look around time to time. So far after months of dating in secret, neither of them seemed to have found out about the secret relationship.
Anthony rolled his eyes as he helped pull his girlfriend in into his room from his bedroom window. He couldn’t help the small smirk that pulled on his lips as she finally climbed all the way in. He helped her stand up and shut his window again. He whispered out “You really have to stop doing that. One day Sam or my parents are going to hear you.” Reader groaned as she flopped onto his soft bed. Her eyes looking over at him as he just sighed and sat down next to her
There was a long pause as they just sat on the bed together thinking. They both had such a hard time keeping the relationship they had a secret, especially for so long. It was madness trying to keep it hidden away from everyone to see.
But it always came down to one simple thing that caused them to not want to come out about their romantic feelings towards each other.
Reader was a Lawrence.
Anthony was a LaRusso.
It was a ticking time bomb waiting to explode if they where to tell everyone they where dating.
“I wish we didn’t have to do all this, sneaking around and stuff. I thought sneaking around was supposed to be fun and exhilarating. This just sucks…” Reader said as she scooted over on the bed to lay her head in his lap. Anthony slowly blinked as he looked down at her. Eyes half lidded as he watched her face fall. He picked at her hair, twirling a lock of her hair between his fingers.
“I don’t like it either but you saw how my parents and your parents acted the last time our families got romantic with each other. Maybe we can wait another year or two or-“
“I don’t want to wait, I want everyone to know that I have a hot boyfriend named Anthony LaRusso, gaming badass and karate dude. I can’t keep acting like I’m single when I’m not. It’s so hard acting l-like we aren’t a thing.” This was one of the only times that Anthony had seen his girlfriend act like this. In the months of meeting her and dating her, he had never seen her this upset.
He had never seen Reader Lawrence on the verge of crying. It made his stomach flip and his heart hurt. His usually strong headed tough girlfriend has tears welling in her eyes. Her hand slowly moved to grasp his. Her soft lips kissing his fingertips.
“I want to be able to hold my girlfriends hand in public. I want to be able to throw a arm over her when I’m sitting during a break at training. I want to kiss her in front of everyone when ever I want to.” He felt this chest start to tighten just a little “Just give me a little more time to think of a way to tell them ok? Please.” Reader clenched her eyes shut trying to magically suck up her tears. He didn’t let her do that for long as he whipped them away with his thumb. She gave a soft smile before pulling him closer.
Their lips meet in a sweet and soft kiss. It was simple and passionate. Light and airy almost. His thumb rubbed over her soft cheek, her hand laced gently though his dark curls. Lips moving together in a sweet rhythm. They where fully embraced into each other.
They didn’t even hear the door to Anthony’s room open.
All they heard was the loud gasp that had them separating in a split second. Eyes going wide as they stared at the open door.
Sam LaRusso stud in the door way with a shocked expression, mouth open and eyes wide as she looked at the two teens. What ever words they had in their minds where lost on their tongues. Both of them in complete shock of being caught by the boys older sister.
“Anthony!! Mom! Dad!”
Anthony didn’t even have time to shove Reader off of his lap by the time his parents showed up.
With a unexpected newcomer.
“Dad why are you here!!”
“You don’t get to ask that! Why the hell are you here Reader?! Your supposed to be at the apartment with Robby!”
Johnny yelled as he pushed past Daniel and Amanda. Reader shoot up and pushed herself away from Anthony on the bed. She was quick to try and lock her knee’s together to look more prepared. Taking a deep breath she looked up at her dad who was basically fuming now. His blue eyes digging holes into hers. Looking like he was about not snap.
Daniel doesn’t look as mad but Amanda is close to the same point as Johnny. Daniel has a eyebrow raised and Amanda is tapping her foot, Sam is still a bit in shock at what she just found going on in Anthony’s room.
“We have been gone for less then two hours and you decided to sneak in a girl- Reader at that.” Daniel says in a questioning tone. Amanda looks at her son in a box of anger and sadness. Clearly seeing what was about to go down now that the two teens had been caught.
Johnny whips back around and points a finger at Daniel and then to Anthony “Hey that’s my kid! I bet your mcjunior son tricked my daughter into coming here. Trying to pick a fight? Reader did he do anything to you?! Did that little prick put a hand on you!”
“Dad no stop!”
“That’s definitely not what was happening when I walked in.” Sam snorted making everyone look at her. She put her hands up In defense.
“Anthony what where you two doing in here when Sam walked in.” Amanda said with her arms crossed.
“I was… I was kissing my girlfriend when Sam walked in.” Anthony exclaims as he looks up to his mom with a small frown.  He really didn’t expect to be telling his parents about this tonight.  he thought that they could get away with it for just a little while longer. Clearly they couldn’t with the turn of events. 
Reader quickly takes his hand in hers and gives it a soft squeeze. Looking over he finds her smiling over at him, relief starts to flood over him. Maybe this wasn’t the worst timing after all. 
They both look up to their parents.
“Sam did you know about this??”
“I had no idea! And I admit to going though his stuff before and I didn’t find anything. I can’t believe he’s even dating anyone in the first place.”
Johnny is pacing the room at this point as he try’s to cope with the new information. He scratches at the back of his head “How long has this been going on? Does Robby know about this?” Reader sighs saying “ We’ve been going out for a few months now, and from my knowledge, Robby has no idea about us going out together. We didn’t want anybody to know in the first place because of this exact reaction.” She huffs at her father.
The room was silent after that for a while.
No one dare make a sound.
“Are you guys actually that made over this? That I’m dating a Lawrence?”
Amanda was the first one to reply back, quickly sitting next to Anthony. She took his free and hand patted it in hers.
“You really thought we would be upset just because your dating Johnny’s daughter? Is that why you two where hiding?”
Reader nods “We thought all of you would be upset about us dating each other because of what happened after Robby and Sam where together. Half of the time you guys couldn’t stand be near each other when the topic came up. We thought it would be the same with us so we just kept it a secret.”
Johnny groaned as he sat down next to his daughter.
“Maybe I’m a little pissed that your dating a LaRusso but still, you shouldn’t have felt like that. I just want to know your safe. If dating a shitty LaRusso makes you happy then so be it.” He tries his best in his own way to comfort his daughter. He puts a hand on the back of her head and gives her a quick kiss to the temple before pulling away. He ruffles her hair, she tears up a little as she goes and hugs her dad.
“It’s ok…I’m not mad.” He rubs her back harshly for a few seconds.
“Sam you suck by the way.”
“What!? What did I do!?”
The rest of the night was filled with chaos as they talked everything out.
The whole time Reader and Anthony held each others hands.
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jaidens · 11 months
You And I Ended Up In The Same Room At The Same Time And The Touch Of A Hand Lit The Fuse
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pairing [s] : daniel larusso x reader
warning [s] : im gonna die if I don't get some fall weather soon.. it feels like 107° out outside..| highschool parties |
a/n [s] : requests are open.
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Currently, you were scanning your eyes across for an escape exit to get out of the humid, hot and drunk highschoolers slamming into each other. Eventually, your eyes landed against the door that was open, and you can see people coming inside and yelling at the people. You let out a groan and start walking towards the door. You made it outside and the cold air immediately made you feel better and relaxed the horrible headache that rang throughout your head.
You're periodically sipping on the, if you had to be honest, gross fruit punch that didn't have vodka and tequila in it. You stare at the kids walking with their siblings and parents trick-or-treating with adorable costumes on. You pull the zipper sweater you have on tighter to try and keep the warmth of the cold night before you hear a crunch of the orange and yellow leaves and someone sits down next to you. “Parties are crazy aren't they?”
The New Jersey accent makes you turn your head and shrug your head. “Not really my area. My friends wanted to go.” He closes his eyes and shrugs as well, and gives you a smile. “I just wanted to meet some people. I'm new here. My name is Daniel, Daniel Larusso.” You smile back at him and shake his hand while telling him your name.
You couldn't tell what was happening, but his hands wrapping around yours set off a match in a gasoline bucket. The spark you swore flew up into your arms and throughout the rest of your body. The way his brown eyes were lit up by the orange jack-o'-lanterns that sat on the porch, or the way his tan skin was being hit by the full moonlight. “Would you wanna go get a piece of apple pie with me up at Annie's, Daniel Larusso?”
The question made him perk up and he nodded. You smiled at him and took another sip of the fruit punch before throwing it out against the grass. “Where are you from, Daniel?” Daniel laughed under his breath. “Jersey. You can't probably tell by this horrible accent. Don't be fooled— my Ma’s is worse.” You laughed and said, “Nah, your accent is cute. Better than these surfer bros and dicks.” It's a simultaneous laugh with him and you stare into his eyes, and they drag you in once more.
“Where are you from?” Daniel asks you this time and you shrug again. “I was born and raised here. Cali born!” You raise your fist in the air as a joke and shrug. You and Daniel are relaxing in a comforting silence before he lets out a sound, “When did you stop trick-or-treating?” You frown and go back to admiring the little girls and boys running from house to house dragging a big bag of candy. “I was maybe.. 9? I just decided to not go and never went again. I miss it.”
Then, the silence is back, but you can't help to peak at him through the side of your eyes. You noticed that every time the wind passes through, he closes his eyes and breathes. You lose track of time and you check your watch. “Shit, Daniel, I have to go. I almost passed my curfew.” You stand up and gather the purse you brought and begin to walk away. You hear Daniel run after you, calling your name.
“I’ll see you tomorrow for pie?” Daniel smiles and hands you a small piece of paper with his number scribbled on it. “Of course. Annie's at 8?” Daniel nods and smiles, and you grab his hand and give a small kiss to his cheek before walking away. You leave him stunned and, from what he thinks, desperately in love.
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Soft moments / Sam and Anthony
[part 1/?]
I just imagine Anthony sitting on the floor of Sam’s room while she’s doing anything - reading, watching tv, getting ready for something, drawing, etc because he enjoys her company. She always knows that he’s there sitting or laying on the floor of her room. He doesn’t say anything which is fine by her but he does occasionally make a small talk with her.
They catch up on what’s been happening so they definitely share with each other their school drama. Also Sam helps him out with his Math and English assignments, or any kind of school project. He would ask for feedback on any essays he has written and she’ll give her honest feedback. Randomly he’ll lay in her bed when she’s not in it just because he wants to.
— This is based off of me and my older brothers, Noah and Jacob. I truly miss those two a lot but they don’t live with me or my sister anymore. We mostly just call each other now but that’s alright! :)
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hi marz ^_^ any kobra kid thoughts on this fine evening?
some various kobra thoughts for you from my fine collection <3
- his favorite movie of all time is the karate kid bc danny larusso is his emotional support 80s gender envy guy. this is a pretty well known fact abt him but what ISNT as known is that his SECOND favorite movie is actually the outsiders for gay reasons (bc he enjoys imagining himself as part of a gang of hot leather clad men beating the shit out of other men in the rain) AND bc it was THE FIRST movie he ever cried at
- poison loves tattoos, kobra love piercings. motherfuckers got soooo much metal in him- snake bites were his first, hes got one in the center of his upper lip as well (i forget what this ones called 😭), septum and nostril piercings, probably an eyebrow piercing, and just. practically every ear piercing you can think of. hes currently trying to find someone with a good rep who can do his tounge and is like one bad day away from just saying fuck it abd piercing it himself
- i have to bring this up anytime i talk abt either venom sibling. they have matching snake tattoos down their arms!!! partys is on their right, kobras is on his left and theyre both red and yellow snaked but the colors are swapped on each
-in still very much in suitehearts world rn so heres two birds one stone. kobra fucking LOVED the suitehearts as a kid, almost as much as pois loved mosekat. they were taken off the air when he was around 7 or 8 and he got pissed bc everyone else eas just acting like his favorite show never existed. yet another item on the ever growing list of things Wrong with him. even once he gets to the zones hes still unsure if they were ever real or not until he literally fucking meets them
- speaking of meeting them. never meet your heros kids!! kobras relationship with the suitehearts ranges from strained to flat out hostile. he and donnie are at each others throats anytime theyre in the same room, and he fucking hates sandman still for brushing him off and treating him like a child on the racetrack. hes polite with crab when he has to be, but theres tension bc of his beef with the others and he straight up avoids benz bc dr benzadrine was always his favorite character (hes a science kid yk?) and he does NOT want one of the fee good parts of his childhood to be further ruined by having the guy turn out to be an asshole. theyd probably get along the best out of all of em if he gave the guy a chance tho
- despite being so fucking good on a bike this man couldnt drive any other vehicle if his life depended on it. like literally he Does Not Know How and he refuses to learn. he figures if something really bad happens and he needs to be the one driving he'll be able to figure it out- i mean you just press the go pedal and turn the wheel right? its not that hard 🙄
- furthering his love of computers and shit, i absolutely think he collects old tech and tried to repair it and shit if it doesnt work. hes got a bunch of old gameboys he loves messing around with and a collection of mp3 players that he saves and copies the music off of whenever he gets them working so he can give songs to the doc that he doesnt have yet
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berry-loves-yandere · 2 years
Can you do yandere cobra Kai x sibling reader platonic pls
I'm assuming these are general headcanons, so sure!
Yandere Platonic Cobra Kai teens with younger sibling darling:
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Warnings: Manipulation, obsessive behaviours, possessive behaviours, obsessive controlling, stalking (if you squint), unhealthy mindset, unhealthy behaviours, isolation, DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT!
Miguel Diaz:
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Miguel would be very overprotective as in "No, you can't hang out with that person! I don't trust them. If I don't rust them then you're not allowed to hang out with them."
If his younger sibling becomes rebellious and won't listen to Miguel, he won't be mad at them, he'll just blame their friends and insist they're a bad influence.
Once Miguel gets heavily injured during the school fight and he finally wakes up from his coma, he'll guilt trip his sibling into constantly helping him out.
He wants to protect his sibling from everything and everyone, especially Robby.
Eli/Hawk Moskowitz:
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When he was just Eli, he would pretend that he wasn't related to or knew his sibling, wanting to protect them from being associated with him.
But when he's Hawk, he never lets anyone from outside Cobra Kai talk or hangout with his sibling, especially if they're from Miyagi-do.
Obviously after he matures a bit, he'll allow them to hangout with people who aren't in a dojo but never from Cobra Kai, specially Kyler.
Demetri Alexopoulos:
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Demetri's really chill but would drag his sibling to Miyagi-do to learn karate so they can defend themselves in case Cobra Kai tries to go after them.
Doesn't really care about stupid things but does try to keep his sibling away from anyone in Cobra Kai and Cobra Kai in general.
Sam LaRusso:
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Manipulates her siblings social life so they're around her all the time and makes sure her sibling isn't dating anyone she doesn't approve of.
Extremely upset if she sees her sibling anywhere near someone from Cobra Kai.
She'll lost her shit if she sees Tory even a meter away from her sibling because there's no way she'll allow her sibling to interact with her rival.
Robby Keene:
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Robby's sibling was likely living with Johnny, being an offspring from a past hookup (Not Shannon).
Once Robby knows who they are and realizes that they're his half sibling, he'll try to pretend they don't exist at first.
Even if his sibling tries to reach out and connect with him, he doesn't want anything to do with his dead beat family.
If he realizes that it's not their fault that they have shitty parents he'll attempt to connect with them.
But as he looks back, seeing the kindness they attempted to show him, he'll grow an attachment to them.
Eventually it'll grow to a point where he can't stand it when his darling is out of his line of sight or if he doesn't know where they are or what they're doing or who they're around.
A complete control freak.
Tory Nichols:
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Tory's the sole provider for the family and has to take care of her younger brother and ill-mother, so having her sibling take on a job to help pay bills is a huge relief to Tory.
She's kind of a control freak with her younger sibling, as in their schedule is school then home then work then home and repeat.
If they want to hang out with someone or go out to have fun, they have to talk to Tory about this first.
Tory basically raised her sibling, so they believe it's totally fine and nothing's wrong.
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gemini-sensei · 1 year
oh my god whichever anon sent in the one about an autistic reader hit a soft spot in my brain. i can see sam with an autistic sibling being so fiercely protective
Agreed! She'll have her sibling's back no matter what and want to be around to protect them always. It's not feasible but she tries, she might even come off as over protective, but she just doesn't want anyone to mess with her sibling or make them feel bad or hurt them.
Also, she's down to hang out with them anytime. If she's doing something and they ask her if she wants to hang out, she drops everything to do so. She'll even hang out with their friends if they're around or they're going out. Even if they go out to do something Sam isn't all that into or sure about, she goes for it because her sibling loves it and for that reason she loves it too.
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zappedbyzabka · 11 months
The image of two scrappy little guy’s fight for the pretty older guy🫠 The image of two hot older men fighting over a lovely younger guy🫠
Johnny met Daniel first; maybe he worked at the country club as a cart girl type (because Johnny in that outfit🤌). As much as Daniel likes to say he’s a calm guy who never feels jealous, he’s a rabid chiwawa about Johnny.
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Sure, the kid isn’t his property or anything; he just happens to work at the club Daniel frequents and always shows up in his cart with Daniel’s favorite carbonated alcohol. Always in tight khakis, the shortest little shorts Daniel’s ever seen on a boy, or a godforsaken short skirt—long legs on display for him to ogle guiltily when Johnny is fetching him whatever he asked for (like a good boy.)
Johnny is used to the attention from perverted old men and cougars who terribly misread him at the club, getting patted on the rump by richies and slipped tips for "Being such a doll," as one woman put it. He definitely gave some trouble, he wasn’t especially polite or cheery on the job, but he made up for it plenty with flirtation. Daniel was the first guy there that Johnny genuinely sought out and dressed up for.
Billy coming to Cali was definitely not on Daniel’s radar, especially since they aren’t on the best terms.
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He allows the guy to stay with him, though—he still loves him even if he is a prick; he’s family.
But it became very obvious that Billy still doesn’t know how to act because he caught him up with Anthony eating doritos and playing video games at 3 am when Anthony had school the very next morning—that ended in a big argument. Billy convinced him he’d stay out of trouble if Daniel got him out of the house and showed him his workplace, what he did all day.
"Come on. You ashamed to have me as a brother or somethin’? I’m so bored!”
“Yep. You’re a criminal.”
“I am not! You know I’m not!”
The dealership was thankfully uneventful. Amoush and the rest were there, but Amanda had already met him/knew about him and so did Louie (of course.)
It was the country club that Daniel should have never taken him to. He had gone to get a margarita when he heard a sweet "Hi, Mr. LaRusso!" Behind him.
He only turned around for a quick second, smiling at the sight of Johnny walking in his general direction, before turning back around and thanking the bartender.
To his horror, Billy was the one Johnny had gone up to mistakenly.”
"…But that’s life, doll. Can’t complain when there's pretty things like you.” He told him with a smile, rubbing his knuckles on Johnny’s burning cheek.
The boy looked way too into it. “I like this new shaggy look, sir.”
Johnny’s head turned towards him immediately, confusion written all over his face. “…Mr LaRusso?”
“Hiya, Danny. Why didn’t you ever mention…” he looks over at Johnny. “I don’t believe I asked your name, sweetheart?”
The blonde gets that look on his face again, like he wants to pounce as he almost purrs. “I’m Johnny.” and gives Billy his hand.
Daniel digs his nails into his palm, trying not to give away his jealousy and frustration. “This is my twin, Billy. He’s here for a short visit.”
“Oh, I’m gonna stay a long time.”
"Why didn’t you ever tell me you had a brother? A baddass one at that!”
Daniel clenched his jaw. "I mentioned I had a sibling before. I must’ve."
He didn’t. He didn’t want Johnny to know about Billy because the boy surely would have gone looking for photos of him—realizing that he’s the bad boy version of him and liking him more than Daniel. And Daniel knows Billy has the exact same type as him, would take one look at the boy and start licking his lips like Sylvester the cat.
Well, Billy is a fraud. He’s never been cool or a real rebel—what kind of idiot thinks he’d go to jail over tuna?
But Johnny is extremely attracted to Daniel because he’s a wholesome dad, a good man with hairy arms and nice hands. A guy who can barbecue and could win in a fight nine times out of ten. A true manly man in Johnny’s eyes, no matter his height.
And boy, was he a hottie back then too. Johnny would have let that stick hit any time.
He enjoys his company and hearing what he has to say, even if it’s something cringy like asking if he’s “down with GOT”.
He’s just so kind and dreamy.
But LaRusso—the new one—is just as hot to him. He loves bad boys, especially the shameless ones. The ones that eyefuck Johnny, stare at his behind and don’t even try to hide it. The ones that whistle at him and tell him he has pretty lips. Johnny’s spread his legs for the bad ones as much as the good ones, and now it’s like he’s in a personalized wet dream having these opposites of each other that look exactly alike wanting him; he wonders how different their dicks are, he knows Mr LaRusso’s is big. He saw it when handing Daniel a towel in the sauna.
He’d already been drooling over it just from seeing it through Daniel’s trousers, but seeing it uncovered left him feeling even more desperate, felt like he had a fucking fever that night. He wonders if he could get them to plug him up on both ends and fuck him at the same time. (Cough. He can.)
And gosh golly do I love russolaw with Billy thrown in the mix and wanting to fuck the pretty older fella.
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I’m putting tkk3 Daniel as a rival for Billy because the cute chub matches—but I also love twiggy tkk1 Daniel fighting him.
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So…milfy and grabbable…so pretty—who wouldn’t wanna hit that. Look at those thighs. I’m sure he’d love having Billy and Daniel scrap with each other over who gets to walk him to his car after class. Last one is him teasingly scolding Billy/Daniel, who are fantasizing about getting between his legs mid word and fucking him him breathless—they’d even settle for pressing their dicks between his chubby thighs while he kept running his mouth.
Young Daniel weaseled his way into Johnny’s life, heart, and pants—which are what Daniel decided to bring up as a conversation starter when they met.
("Hey, I like your jeans." Johnny looked sort of confused as to why Daniel was telling him that, and he certainly didn’t seem to believe it. "Yeah?"
"yeah! Uh…Can I have your number?"
Way too quick, LaRusso.
The corner of Johnny’s lip twitched. "What do you need that for?"
Don’t chicken out; be straightforward, Daniel thought. "I’ve seen you in those flyers, and I…." Thought you were so hot “I’m interested in joining?" Dammit.
Johnny laughed, a little less on guard. "Could have sworn Aisha put the number for the dojo on there, but…" He gave Daniel a once over. a twerp with gentle eyes. Probably a monster cock that takes up half his body weight hiding in his pants. "Sure, I’ll write it down."
Daniel could have jumped for joy when Johnny did so, handing him a disposable coaster with his personal phone number on it.
"Anything else?"
He didn’t want to leave him just yet. "Yeah. What brand are your jeans?"
johnny shrugged. "Don’t remember, I’ll let you know when I take them off tonight." )
Maybe it was the typical bar meeting, or maybe Daniel and Johnny met at a construction site; either way, Johnny likes him. He also likes his fluffy hair and the way he stared at him like he was beautiful, not old and pudgy. He liked those guilty glances he shot him even more, like he just couldn’t help it. (Johnny’s tits are almost eye level with him, but he tries not to look and it’s cute). Kid is such a hopeless romantic but horny as a rabbit.
So maybe Johnny had his fun with that—bending over directly in front of Daniel, straddling him during training, laughing at his jokes, and crossing his arms like a girl trying to show off her cleavage—which is exactly what he was doing. Getting him hard on purpose, then doing nothing about it.
it was just so fun to give the kid blue balls. It was too adorable how he clearly wanted to tear off Johnny’s clothes and make him take it, but never attempted to ask or do so—too polite and traditional, too nice to straight up tell Johnny how badly he wants to gag him on his dick and watch him cry because he’d look even prettier on his knees. No, Daniel kept taking him out for dates, bringing him presents, and asking for nothing but to take him out again.
the next time Daniel came over with another potted flower and his favorite takeout, Johnny kissed him. He had just barely been able to wait for Daniel to set down the food and plant before he did so. Daniel told him he looked great the moment he walked through the door and smiled like he was genuinely just glad to see him—as if Johnny weren’t in just a tshirt and small briefs. Daniel himself smelled like plants and dirt and looked incredibly attractive.
Yet they still didn’t sleep together that night because Daniel is ever so the gallant and felt like showing Johnny that he didn’t only want him for his looks—like he hadn’t made Johnny feel special all month. Johnny wanted to at least jerk him off (he’s even done that for his own friends), finally touch the dick he’s been needing, and have something to think about later, but he didn’t want to push it and scare the kid off.
Billy, however, was not afraid to fuck Johnny immediately.
He brought Johnny things too: beef jerky and milkshakes, different kinds of beer he wanted him to try out, and flowers he found outside a gas station that he thought would look nice behind his ear.
He takes Johnny on drives in his beat up Miata, takes hims wherever he wants to go, and more. He’d ask him continuously for all his stories about the cobras and his motorcycle. About his glory days.
And he fucked Johnny not even a week after meeting him. Showed up for one of their little adventures and got invited in to "relax for a bit". Billy had been heavily flirting, dropping innuendos, and making it clear what he wanted, but also that he liked him and wasn’t only hanging out with him for some ass and a grope.
Johnny loves his leather jacket, greasy hair, crude talk, and nicely shaped, chapped lips; he reminds him a little of Dutch, which makes him like him even more.
But Johnny moved onto being a cocktease to both Billy and Daniel. Keeping eye contact while he’s sucking on something, ("Look at his blowie lips, Dan—" "Don’t talk like that about him.") and leans forward so they can look up his shirt. Not to mention all the things he does that are just cute. Like getting confused as to how any sort of technology that isn’t a Walkman or flip phone works and needing their help. Or the way his voice gets a little higher and airy when he’s around them.
Daniel knows his brother has been with Johnny, but that just makes him spoil the blonde more. He tries to show him that he’s the one who could really take care of him; he’s the one who loves him, but he starts to rethink his plan the more he catches Billy and Johnny making out while Billy’s hands—identical to Daniel’s—were touching the curvy body of the man he’s been holding himself back from.
He and Billy fought the first time Daniel walked in on him in the middle of fucking Johnny. Johnny’s wrists were tied to the bed and his mouth open and pink, mewling for Billy and looking like he was above cloud nine with tears running down his face and his legs spread wide. Daniel didn't need to see between them to know what was going on, especially when Billy wouldn’t shut the hell up, kept murmuring filth, and spanking Johnny indulgently"So fucking tight. Best ass I’ve ever laid eyes on, made to be fucked. That’s why you’re such a bitch sometimes; you just needed a good cock to calm you down."
Daniel just grabbed him without thinking when he said that, pushed him off of Johnny, and punched him in his dumb matching face. "Daniel, Billy, what the hell?!" Johnny yelled, but that didn’t stop them from squabbling and rolling around on the floor. Spouting insults at each other like they did in middle school. He kind of liked watching them fight, but the way his heart pounded at being entirely defenseless when there’s fighting around him was mostly from fear—which…also kind of turned him on, but he doesn’t want the boys to actually hurt each other. "Stop it!"
They ignore him or just don’t hear him. "Stop it, please!"
They finally stilled, bleeding and panting and staring up at him like puppies, both of whom were just rabid a second agoz
"Untie me. Now."
Both of them jumped to listen, each untying a wrist while Johnny chastised them.
"I’m sorry, Johnny, sweetheart. Don’t know what I was thinking."
“Sorry, angelo.”
Johnny wonders if he could get them to stand right next to each other with their thick, perfect cocks out so he could go back and forth between who he’s taking down his throat and who he’s jerking off. Maybe they’d let them press the tips together so he could lick them both—maybe they could even try and get as much of their dicks as they could in his mouth at the same time (spoiler alert: he can get them to do all of that and he can keep them both locked down.)
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scorpioncobrababe84 · 2 months
someone write or draw an au where daniel larusso and alex from flashdance are siblings or cousins or long lost twins…i totally see it
i might write it or incorporate it somewhere but like…
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