moonfromearth · 6 months
~ Happy Simblr Gratitude Day! ~
I didn't realize how much I had to say thank you for until I started working on this post. It's all probably going to be incredibly cheesy but in the few years I've been on here there have been so many things that I'm grateful for. When I joined a whole two years ago now (wow it went so fast!) I was incredibly lonely, shy, and very socially anxious. Despite still being all of those things being here has introduced me to a whole community that was more kind and caring than I could have ever hoped to find 😊
Soooo on to some shout outs...
To Many of the Simblrs I've Loved Before: To call out as many people as I can making awesome content... @oswanily, @resurrectonomitron, @p1x1e-simsm, @pixelnrd, @bastardtrait, @servegrilledcheese, @sojutrait, @gloomlet, @saltybluffs, @sonicblooms, @simmingonthelow, @papiermaker, @wildmelon, @rebouks, @neighborhoodstories, @seokolat, @heartblobs, @deathbypufferfish, @simelune, @d4isywhims, @carousel-of-sims, @lovecidik, @noeyinthemist, @windslar, @dreamlandiasims, @buglaur, @thebramblewood, @aheathen-conceivably, @loveryss, @druidberries, @kashisun, @rainymoodlet, @sasaofastora, @come-hell-or-high-water, @panicsimss, and @simsandgiggles. You're all so amazing! 🥰
To the Sims Groups: I joined several Discord servers this year and I'm not very good at it, and I'll try to be more active next year, but I've appreciated the communities you've built and I got to find a lot of new blogs and awesome people because of it, so thank you @nexility-sims @thewoodslegacy @300yearschallenge @simstrashkingdom @crownsofesha @lynzishell @sirianasims @salemssimblr @simlishpiadina and @buttertrait.
To Some of my First Followers: I've never gotten a chance to thank some of the people who've been following my posts since the beginning. You made me want to keep creating while also being talented creators yourselves! I'll never forget seeing that such talented people thought my posts were worthy of liking, so thank you @lalunebleue @akitasimblr and @minty-plumbob for always being here.
To Everyone Who Interacted with My Blog In Any Way: Thank you for every ask, like, comment, reblog, everything. Even if it was only on one post it made me incredibly happy and I'm so grateful you took the time to look at my sims. 😊
I'm sure I forgot some people (and tumblr limited my tags so I ran out of room), so, to anyone I forgot/didn't get to mention, thank you so so much and to anyone who might not have gotten a mention today you are beloved as well and your presence in the community is still seen.
I'd also like to give a final thank you to @armoricaroyalty for setting up Simblr Gratitude day! It's been such a wholesome day so thank you and know that you're amazing as well~!
I could say so much more about everyone I mentioned but it's already gotten really long 😅. Know that you're all so insanely talented and I'll never not feel lucky to be a part of this community.
Thank you~ ❤️
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treason-and-plot · 4 months
I was tagged by @anamoon63, thank you very much!
💓Favourite Three Ships
From left to right: Evelyn and Jake by @gaiahypothesims, Kelly and Dale by @anamoon63, and Wade and Maia by @mysimsloveaffair
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🎧Last Song
🎬Last Movie
We watched The Kitchen last night, it was really good and the music was brilliant too.
📖 Currently Reading
How to Eat a Tire in a Year by David Sedaris
🌶️ Craving
This hot humid weather always makes me crave beer
👯‍♀️Relationship status
In a de facto relationship
🪷Last thing I googled
SkyscraperCity forums- I wanted to see if anyone from my area loathed a new highrise as much as I did. Turns out it is universally hated!
💫Current Obsession
The Sims 3 lost sets blog:
I would like to tag @justanothersimsblog @windermeresimblr @wannabecatwriter @hancyan @angelgnome @plumbobharbor and @lalunebleue. Cheers, dears!
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lalunebleue · 11 months
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I created Stella in the Sims 4 demo when it came out in 2014. I then used her as a founder for a legacy when the game finally came out. I didn't make it very far. I think maybe generation 3 4 had been born and were toddlers. Poor Stella died from over exertion from woohoo being an elder. She was going to die from old age anyways, I figured this was a better way to go.
Anyways, my daughter and I were exploring the new pack, so I decided to give Stella a new life with it. I changed her eyes and eyebrows a bit with the new presets that they've updated with. Added the newer freckles and body freckles from the Growing Together pack.
I've uploaded her to the gallery if anyone wants her with her horse, Lily. The original Stella is there, too, way in the back. Gallery ID: lalunebleue
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pick a song for each letter of your url
thank you @cantseemtohide for the tag! 😁
drones - grandson
riptide - grandson
apologize - grandson
good mood - de'wayne feat. grandson
overdose - grandson
nightwalkers - cult of luna
fallin (temptation) - grandson
lost cause - kennyhoopla feat. grandson
you already did - russian circles
destroy me - grandson
all in my head - whethan feat. grandson
youngblood - russian circles
despicable - grandson
rock bottom - grandson
eulogy - grandson
adrift - cult of luna
maria - grandson (really like this version)
empire (let them sing) - bring me the horizon
run - bring me the horizon
i'll tag: @kissalopa @memoirsofasim @mdianasims @spline-reticulator @lalunebleue @adzrielfaie @oasissarah @beeteasims 😉
feel free to ignore 👍🏻
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curmudgeonness · 2 years
Another Get To Know Me Tag!
This time much more random!
I was tagged by @treason-and-plot.  I do grumble a lot when tagged, but then I grumble at everything, hence my name!
1. What do you have under your bed?
The low bedframe keeps me from discovering the monsters/treasures thereunder.
2. Favorite candy?
I’m not particularly a fan of sweets, but I do enjoy an occasional KitKat or Butterfinger blizzard (concrete mixers at our local fast food joint)
3. Describe your favorite shirt
Anything that’s not pastel or frilly!
4. The last thing you drew/doodled was:
I don’t remember.  It’s been eons since I drew/doodled.  I’m not artistic in the least, so it would have been inconsequential anyway.
5. Are you completely sober rn?
How dare you ask!  Back in my prime, I was known to drink a tad too much.  Now, aside from an occasional brandy or glass of wine, I stick to water.
6. What’s the one thing that annoys you more than anything?
Hair left in the shower!
7. Have you ever gotten your tongue stuck to a cold pole during winter?
If you live where I grew up, it’s a rite of passage!
8. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?
9. What was the single last word you spoke?
Let’s see, that would have been a conversation about a password to a banking account an hour or so ago.  Or maybe it wasn’t!  Honestly, if it’s more than ten seconds ago, I can’t be expected to remember.
Now in return I will tag:  (from my dash)  @lalunebleue, @albiorixsims, @serenasims, @desiree-uk, @danjaley, @kamel-simmer-ts3, @mspoodle1, @pixelbots, @necile, @aroundthesims, and the ever-ranting @murfeelee.
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nikatyler · 5 years
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You might have seen me complain about this “graduation thing” that I had to write. (my English teacher actually called it a thesis, but that sounds too fancy in my opinion lol. I just...can’t see myself writing a thesis...yet. Language is funny.) Well, IT IS DONE. I CAN BREATHE NOW. I have some more things to finish before my graduation exams, and then I have to learn all the topics for the exams but for now, everything is fine. I’ll worry about this later. Speaking of exams and everything, I have one last month of high school left. When did that happen? There are the exams in May, uni entrance exams in June...and then I’m off to the so called adulthood. Help??
Let’s talk about sims for a bit...well, I’d love to but I’m almost never playing anymore. There’s no time. I’ll probably play BPR this weekend, as per usual. I guess I’ll start posting it in like June or July, so that will be almost a year since I started playing it. It’s going to be great, I promise. Well, the beginning already makes me cringe, but the things I’m doing now are fun. Kinda cringey too, but I feel like I can justify that since that’s cringey on purpose haha.
Replies now. There’s a lot of them because I don’t do these regularly anymore oops. It’s probably not everything because my activity feed hides stuff from me. I just know it. Smh tumblr
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Sammy: … Lydia: “Come on.” Sammy: “These…these two guys. They laughed...”
Can't believe I'm about to throw hands with some teenagers I haven't even met lol
Same lol. They won’t even ever show up but I hate them so much
myopiccc replied to your photoset “Lydia: “They should mind their own business! Sammy, listen to me now....”
I'm on your side Lydia!
She has a good valid point but if I could talk about this to her I would probably try to stop her too. She doesn’t think about the consequences haha
create-a-sim replied to your photoset “Sim Request: Michelle Emmons for @alfalfalegacy I do this thing that...”
she's soooo cute!!
Thank youuu! I really like how she turned out too!
melien replied to your post “post nsb”
Anon told you to post nsb so you should immediately go play and post nsb because your blog exists exclusively for their personal pleasure and entertainment! No excuses!!
Wait until they find out I want to post BPR next. Another sims 3 save. SCANDALOUS. HOW DARE I PLAY ANYTHING THAT ISN’T OUR LORD AND SAVIOR THE SIMS 4™. Sorry I read a post comparing ts3 and ts4 a few days ago and I’m still salty.
Anon pls don’t start a riot
melien replied to your photoset “Annabeth: “Uh…I think your face is stuck.” Regan: “Didn’t you know...”
I second this! It's kinda creepy when it happens
It’s too much. If they smiled a little less, I probably wouldn’t mind but this is just creepy. It kinda reminds me of that Momo thing that was everywhere on the internet a few months ago. My sister showed me a picture and uhh...I didn’t need to see that.
melien replied to your photoset “Adam: “Why can’t you be more like your siblings?” Lydia: “Umm, dad,...”
She's a modern day Tyler I guess
Sort of, yeah. Tyler kinda fakes it I’d say, he’s not as dumb as he’s trying to seem. It’s a role he chose to play for reasons. Which...probably makes him dumb in a way but oh well. Lydia...I don’t want to say she’s dumb because she’s not really, but there’s a slight difference between her and Tyler haha. I could talk about this a lot.
melien replied to your post “I`d looove to make ships with other people however I`m not completely...”
It's fine! Showing them in the legacy is more than enough. With people who I have the most ships with, we do discuss them, but it's not like 24/7 headcanon exchange, it just happens naturally whenever either of us has an idea. There's no right way to act when you have a ship with someone, so you're good! It's still much better than one-sided ship when the other person just isn't interested.
I’m the kind of person who would like to have everything clear, possibly broken down to a step-by-step tutorial haha. Even though I know some things don’t work like that. So naturally, stuff like talking to people confuses me a lot. Also, teamwork! I don’t know how to do it. Depending on who I’m working with, I’ll either be the one who does all the decisions or the one who nods and agrees with everything the partner says. Communication is hard, basically.
I think that here, another big problem with me is that I hate spoilers and I don’t want to spoil anything to anyone ever. Even if they probably have the right to know first. But hey, all the current ships I have with other people have been shown, maybe I’ll feel more comfortable doing it now?
melien replied to your photoset “Didn’t I tell you to go inside? “Omg muuuuum leave me alone.”
Caleb: okay
Caleb: *rises from his grave* “Don’t disrespect me, son-in-law.”
melien replied to your photoset “Hey hi hello I know everyone is busy downloading Strangerville right...”
Super late here but Myra and everyone else look great! ��
Thank! I’ve been thinking about updating the entire tree again though, giving everyone new pictures, so who knows how long this will stay whoops.
melien replied to your post “Why do y'all open sim requests when I have no use for more sims. �� I...”
Same :/ I want sims from everyone but I just know I won't use them anywhere in the nearest future and I don't want to put pressure on myself
Looking back, I’m actually glad I requested all these sims for gen 6 because it kept me going. I knew I had to get through the hard too-many-sims-in-the-household part because I wanted to show them in the end. 
I hate when people request sims and then never ever use them anywhere. Don’t get me started on “hey I want to start a new legacy, please give me spouses for all ten generations”, followed a few days/weeks later by “hey guys sorry, I’m not that interested in this legacy, I’ll be starting a new one” - and the cycle starts over again. Why would anyone do that? Just ask for a gen 10 sim when you get there, it’s not that hard to wait.
I mean, here’s what I’m doing right now - I’ve created a peach spouse for my bpr sim months ago, they haven’t even met in the legacy yet, but I’d already love to have the orange sim for the next generation because I’m so excited about this all at the moment. Am I going to ask someone now? Hell no. I didn’t play this legacy for like six months and even though I love it so much lately, there’s a chance I’ll lose interest in it again. I’ll ask for an orange sim when I’ll know I can do gen 3...it’s gen 3 right. Oh well.
melien replied to your photoset “I forgot this interaction existed. I don’t do weddings too often. My...”
Is this a wedding-specific interaction? I feel like I haven't seen it in my game yet but idk for sure
Yes! I think they can only do it with that moodlet they get as soon as they get married.
melien replied to your photoset “Lydia the…wait, I need a really good superhero name. Ah, I’ll think...”
Uhhhh, the other day I thought about how Eielyd (switched i/y because of her name, I know it’s eyelid) would be a really stupid nickname for her but Lydibug actually sounds cool aaaand it’s now canon she loves Miraculous Ladybug.
melien replied to your photoset “Lydia: “I’m gonna make fun of every asshole in this town. Starting...”
Ooooooooo good luck getting out of this one
Something similar actually happened to me in elementary school, my friend and I were talking about which colour we want our house be when we’re adults and then I said something like: “I don’t know but I definitely don’t want it to be yellow! Yellow houses are ugly.” And she goes: “My house is yellow.” My face turned red and I started shaking because I thought I had offended her sooo badly. I remember I got out of it saying something like: “Your house is okay, I just don’t like the bright yellow ones.” I don’t know what I had against yellow houses, to be fair. But I didn’t like them.
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Sammy: “How was your day, Will?” Will: “Good. Very good. You need to...”
Oh my god Will ����
Don't jump ahead in the plot lol
Since he plays so much with magic, maybe he’s seen the future haha
autistichatkid replied to your post “Hi guys, I have a question �� I know some of you have been here...”
rose!!! idk exactly when but i believe miracle was a child and tyler had long hair
alfalfalegacy replied to your post “Hi guys, I have a question �� I know some of you have been here...”
Came in just before Miracle's gen started and have stayed ever since!!
lalunebleue replied to your post “Hi guys, I have a question �� I know some of you have been here...”
I first started following when you were doing the ts3/ts4 crossover story with Zoe. That was a really cool idea.
kyveria replied to your post “Hi guys, I have a question �� I know some of you have been here...”
right at the beginning of your nsb legacy, and I thought it was the best one! ��
harmoniouspixels replied to your post “Hi guys, I have a question �� I know some of you have been here...”
I found your blog around the time Caleb was pregnant with Miracle and the mommy jokes from Tyler began (I could’ve been following earlier, but I distinctly remember that)
simlovinggirl replied to your post “Hi guys, I have a question �� I know some of you have been here...”
I found you on Gen 5 of your Rose Legacy. Miracle's story still pulls at my heart ♥
autumndiesirae replied to your post “Hi guys, I have a question �� I know some of you have been here...”
I think I got your blog on my recommended feed during Ross' transformation in NSB
whysimstho replied to your post “Hi guys, I have a question �� I know some of you have been here...”
I was looking up nsb stories to read, and I found the breeze legacy which was around when Ross was still a child. Then I noticed your sims 3 posts and was like "oo that looks cool" so I started reading them from the beginning too lol
desira-sims replied to your post “Hi guys, I have a question �� I know some of you have been here...”
I came across a Caleb and Ross post. I then proceeded to binge read your nsb until I had caught up.
This post lowkey backfired. I asked just because I was curious and suddenly there I was, reading the comments and sobbing because this is so cool and basically, I love and appreciate you all so much guys, you have no idea.
I guess it’s one thing knowing you see someone in your activity feed all the time, and the other thing is actually remembering when you’ve started seeing them and how much they’ve seen. It’s insane.
It’s also interesting to see how I feel about many of these things now (Zoey and Miracle’s storylines are the greatest example) and then here you are still saying it was good...makes me wonder if I’m too hard on myself. I’m never satisfied with everything!
kymmaisims replied to your post “Plans for this week and other rambling”
Take your time! We understand ��
It’s going to be a few hard months now...but hopefully I’ll be able to do it!
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Annabeth: “Consider yourself invited, Micah.”
Here we finally gooooo
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Cassandra: “That was the dumbest romcom I’ve seen in a while.” Sammy:...”
The way Sammy looks at her in this post is really cute :')))
pxelblobs replied to your post “Nope! Not at all. I did not just read all 377 pages of your Rose...”
I did! It took a few days but it inspired me to play a non berry save.
Yay, I’m happy to hear that!
kymmaisims replied to your post “In case you were wondering why there were no timezone reblogs today: I...”
*cough* poses *cough* ������ Congrats on almost reaching a milestone! You deserve it!
Thank you! Three more followers left. That’s insane. I still feel the same way I did when I only had like 100 followers.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset
No, Miracle don't return to the aliens right now! You still have teens to raise! And a husband.
That would have been kinda cool if it happened, wouldn’t it? You’re not ready for what actually happened. Haha...haha...hahaha...just you wait, it starts today.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Calypso Heather for @sinfulwunders’s Melanie BC A long time ago,...”
Oh. My. God is she cool!
Thank you! I knooow, I love her so much *-* I tried doing some things differently this time and it was so worth it.
justkeeponsimming replied to your photoset “Look, she deserves a break. She freaking raised six children.”
She looks so adorable OMG
She does! My opinion on her has changed a lot through the years (I mean, she’s not my most favourite sim anymore, I don’t think her storyline was the best thing I’ve ever done etc), but nothing will change the fact that she’s the cutest sim I have.
harmoniouspixels replied to your post “˜ºï¸ Caleb Vatore”
Re Number 2: Yes, you're right! He's shown being romantic with women and then a guy in the vampire pack's trailer. We stan a canon bisexual icon
Ahh I knew I didn’t make it up! We stan a canon bisexual icon indeed
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Will: “A real fairy!” ??: “Huh?” Will: “I mean…oh my god. I’m sorry....”
Will's a big mood though. Cause I too would see a fairy and then immediately blurt something out like that ��
I wouldn’t blurt it out, probably (I don’t talk irl lmao), but I’d do something equally embarrassing and my reaction would be probably the same. I’d run away and feel bad about it.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “One Year of Breeze NSB Legacy! On this day one year ago, as soon as I...”
Happy birthday, the Breezes! ❤️��❤️
fataleromeo replied to your photoset “One Year of Breeze NSB Legacy! On this day one year ago, as soon as I...”
I love these edits! ����
froggypixel replied to your photoset “One Year of Breeze NSB Legacy! On this day one year ago, as soon as I...”
This is so freakin cool��❤️❤️
justkeeponsimming replied to your photoset “One Year of Breeze NSB Legacy! On this day one year ago, as soon as I...”
ronnie these edits are SO cute! I love love love what you did with the screenshots in the background!
Thank you guys! ♥ ♥ I didn’t know what to do, so I just took some simple couple pictures and then I thought wait a minute...I could put screenshots from the two finished generations in the background!
I kinda wanna do the same thing for Rose Legacy which turns three years old this April, but I hate editing ts3 pictures - mainly because the alpha hair is a bitch to edit, at least for me. I’m pretty good at faking it, but I actually don’t know much about Photoshop :D Once again, thank you guys.
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bubble-sims · 5 years
sum replies ~
@gayars replied to your post “so I got dumped:) on Valentine’s Day:):):) I just wanted to say I’m fucking devastated and men...”
I am sorry. :( My daughter had that happen like 3 times in a row and it totally sucks! 
@neutralsupply replied to your post “so I got dumped:) on Valentine’s Day:):):) I just wanted to say I’m fucking devastated and men...”
Oh no!! I’m sorry bb!! Promise you’ll find a better one 
@tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “so I got dumped:) on Valentine’s Day:):):) I just wanted to say I’m fucking devastated and men...”
:( I’m so sorry!
Hope you will get better soon! 
@108sims replied to your post “so I got dumped:) on Valentine’s Day:):):) I just wanted to say I’m fucking devastated and men...”
I’m so sorry!
@dandylion240​ replied to your post “so I got dumped:) on Valentine’s Day:):):) I just wanted to say I’m fucking devastated and men...”
I’m so sorry!
@lalunebleue replied to your post “so I got dumped:) on Valentine’s Day:):):) I just wanted to say I’m fucking devastated and men...”
I’m so sorry. :(
@simsmidgen​ replied to your post “so I got dumped:) on Valentine’s Day:):):) I just wanted to say I’m fucking devastated and men...”
Obviously THAT man was not the one for you, now the world is yours again ;)
You are all the sweetest wow thank you guys so much, y’all deserve what’s best in life meanwhile my broken heart is getting there ♥
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Fish & Chips #lalunebleue #passirac #fishandchips #fish&chips #brossac #chalais #aubeterre #barbezieux #bar #realale #charente #poitoucharente #cognac #etangvallier #étangvallierresort #cod #mushypeas #currysauce #chillac #chatignac (at La Lune Bleue Restaurant & Bar) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5F6Lh2Cf6y/?igshid=1bl4o25zznkl5
0 notes
Moar ‘plies! Hopefully I am all caught up now! :)
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THANK YOU everyone who commented on my posts about my game now recognising the graphics card- I decided not to include those in my replies but know that I saw all of them and I really appreciate your love and support! xxx
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replied to your photoset
“Seems like Jamie, Peony and Pearl have all really taken to Frank....”
This is all beautiful, wooowww you're so good at decorating <3
Thank you so much... You are too kind! I’m not really that good though- it’s beautiful houses that make my decorating look good! XD
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replied to your photoset
“Seems like Jamie, Peony and Pearl have all really taken to Frank....”
He needs to be shoo'ed ;D
Too late- everyone went to bed so I left him to it. He put all the kiddies toys away in the toy box as well so now I have to get them all out again LOOOL!
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replied to your photoset
“There is absolutely no reason for this post, I just wanted to post it...”
Ohhh great work!
Thank you!!! *:゚*。⋆ฺ(*´◡`)
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sims3hasstoppedworking replied to your photoset
Peony looks like her father! :)
Oh, do you think so? Good to know. I’m not good at spotting stuff like that, until they become teenagers/ adults XD
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hyperkaos replied to your photoset
Love Team Pink!
AHA! The first declaration of loyalty! I shouldn’t have favourites but sometimes I do like one more than the others, but then change my mind! XD
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acquiresimoleons replied to your photoset
He has that look you get when a kid says something bizarre and profound
Or completely shocking! Or asks a question that you have no idea how to answer! LOOL! XD
Real life example-
Small child: Do you have a baby in your tummy?
Me: No....................................  I’m just fat    ¬_¬
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replied to your photoset
“There is absolutely no reason for this post, I just wanted to post it...”
She's so pretty is ridiculous. RIDDIKULUS.
Awwwwww, thank you! XD
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willky12 replied to your photoset
Those teeth <3 That's why a piece of cake as big as your head is a great option hahaha!
She’s taking advantage of the fact that she’s got a brand new set of teeth on the way! Eat all the cake! :D
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replied to your photoset
“There is absolutely no reason for this post, I just wanted to post it...”
That's really neat to see how she came to be. :D
Glad you enjoyed seeing it! I will probably do that more often in the future because I think it’s fun to see the before and after! =D
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replied to your photoset
“Winter is here…. and I’m going to age up these three little buggers...”
Awwwww I’ve missed your giggles! :D xHUGSx
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replied to your photoset
“There is absolutely no reason for this post, I just wanted to post it...”
Like a painting from a great master! I loved seeing this and that pic with the daisy earrings is quite seductive!
OMG! High praise indeed! =D Glad you liked it! I am probably going to do this for every Sim I make that I intend to use or share so people can see the before and after because it’s kind of fun :)
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replied to your photoset
“There is absolutely no reason for this post, I just wanted to post it...”
I really enjoy that kind of posts! It's nice to see summary of sim tweaking. I often watch CAS videos on YouTube :)
I like stuff like that too! Seeing a before and after is always interesting to me whether it’s a photo edit, decorating a lot or creating a Sim :)
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replied to your photoset
“There is absolutely no reason for this post, I just wanted to post it...”
I'm impressed
Thank you! =D
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replied to your photoset
“There is absolutely no reason for this post, I just wanted to post it...”
~That is very interesting to see - and a great job too!!
Thank you! Glad you liked it! :)
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replied to your photoset
“There is absolutely no reason for this post, I just wanted to post it...”
I absolutely love her
I LOVE HER TOOOOOO! Thank you, Uni! XD
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sims3hasstoppedworking replied to your photoset
In the last picture he realized that he will have to deal with 3 moody teens one days.
LOOL! Yes! I think Poppy might have just said something to him and it just occurred to him that it’s about to get so much worse hahhaahahaaah!
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willky12 replied to your photoset
Team white! Love it ;D
People are starting to choose favourites so I thought I’d introduce tags for the “team” people want to support hehehehehe! ;D
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replied to your photoset
“Some early morning TV watching with daddy made it all better again...”
Awww!! She is lovely without her teeth LOL! Did she get much coin from the Tooth Fairy? HAHahahaahaha! No, unfortunately the tooth fairy went bankrupt when all three lost their two front teeth at the same time! They all got a huge slice of mummy Edna’s birthday cake though ;P
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medleymisty · 7 years
some more replies
Ideally we would all listen to one another. Sure, that would mean that people like you and Seth would have to be bored to pieces by the interests of cardboard people, but in a better world the rest of us would try to better understand the value of golden waffles and why they might be a fascinating thing to be able to transmute.
roseoakmoonsims replied to your post “For those of ya’ll who’ve read Seth before and are familiar with...”
I agree with Asterleas. It's a little bit of a shift sideways but still on the same level of himself? Though to tell the truth I thought that was on purpose in something of an alternate reality way.
*hugs you very much a lot*
Yeah, it is an alternate reality. It’s kind of like Moonfall, if you remember that attempt at a story? Where Sarah was traveling between all the universes. Which then also became a theme of Surreal Darkness. So yeah, travel between AUs seems to be a thing for me. I like playing with how different experiences and environments create little differences in who they are, even though they retain their central selves in each universe.
I don’t think Seth or me would be bored at all! But again, like it really meant a lot that you understood Seth’s side of things when Sarah checked his phone and lectured him and gave him an ultimatum, it means a lot that you see his side of things here.
It’s not that he’s naturally especially self-absorbed. It’s that no one has ever listened to him. Like I’ve been reading mainstream conversations about giftedness for a couple of years now, trying to figure out why strangers respond to me in ways that I don’t understand, and a lot of people are all “Well, you have to always listen to other people and talk about what they’re interested in and you never get to talk about what you’re interested in and you’re weird and you’re a burden and you make other people feel bad and you have to always just do what they want and adjust yourself to them but no one ever has to listen to you or adjust themselves to you or even pretend that they’re interested in what you want to talk about.” And then when you do talk about what you’re interested in, you get accused of being arrogant and pretentious. I don’t know what people want. I think they just want silent back up dancers to their own concert starring themselves, really.
And as part of my learning about boundaries and self-esteem and healthy relationships, I’ve realized that hey, you know what, I get to talk about what I’m interested in sometimes, and sure, it’s important to listen to others, but maybe I can also expect to be listened to sometimes too, you know?
And again, it’s so awesome that you’re listening to Seth and seeing his side of things, because in some of the comments and discussion around his letters, I’d been seeing some of that same dynamic of “It’s all Seth’s fault and he has to put forth all of the effort to accommodate others and no one ever has to think about him or accommodate him.”
lalunebleue replied to your photo “I am not quite sure what to think about this. I ask her, “How do you...”
I like that Sarah seems to have her own "issues." It really adds an interesting dimension to her character and their relationship.
Sarah has lots of her own issues! :) I like this letter because it’s showing her more. In the previous letters she’s just been kind of the backdrop that Seth was describing to others, but here she’s really talking.
I’ve been married for 14 and a half years myself, and yeah, we both definitely have our own issues that impact things. But we work through it. It takes a while though - looking back I can see how we’ve really grown up together over the years and figured things out. Maybe Sarah and Seth will grow and figure things out too.
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moonfromearth · 4 months
What sky are you?
Thank you so much for the tag @oswanily this was really cool!!
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Aaaaand I think I'll tag @lalunebleue @minty-plumbob and anyone else who wants to do it! 😁
Link to the test
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treason-and-plot · 5 years
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I'm genuinely curious how Bunty explains to herself the fact that Sonia is a lesbian who obviously made or was pushed to make and live with the wrong life choice? How Roy staged that?? 😂 I'm also fascinated by Georgie. I'm not blaming her for her feelings - she is a human being and we are envious animals. I prize her for standing up for her brother despite them. And if she doesn't drop that stance after she hears about Roy's betrayal she's becoming my favorite!
Bunty I think believes that Sonia can’t be a real lesbian....otherwise how could she have married Roy and had children with him? But I know what you are saying...the whole marriage break-up is just to spite her, lesbianism included, lmbooo!! I don’t even think Bunty could be that deluded, but she definitely thinks Roy chose to be with Saoirse out of spite. It will take a lot to convince her otherwise.
Is Georgie still in the running to be your favourite? Just curious...:P
But I hardly doubt that :/
Oh, but Georgie is full of surprises! 
Poor Vinnie. *Cries*
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My heart just shattered for Vinnie's sake.
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damn =(
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Georgina, you truly don't deserve him. You deserve your mother.
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Oh poor Vinnie. He has such a pure heart and so didn't deserve tha.
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Georgie's still trapped in her old toxic patterns with her mother.
Yes! Georgie might also benefit from time with a counselor or a therapist. Bunty’s not the only one who needs help.
*sigh* I'm disappointed in you Georgie. On the one hand, I understand it. I really do. We've already seen that Georgie is terrified by taking the sorts of risks that Roy takes. On the other hand, she doesn't realize just how much of a betrayal this is since she has no clue of the conversation that already took place between her mother and Vinnie. *sigh*
Yes, I wanted to make it clear that Georgie was never going to be able to go down the same road as Roy (at least not yet, and not until she’s worked through a lot of stuff) and I’m glad you didn’t judge her too badly for that. And while I’m sure she could justify saying those things about Vinnie to her mother, she would truly be devastated to learn just how much she has hurt Vinnie.
Nooo! His face! I wanna fight Georgie. I'm 98% sure I could take her
LMBOOOOOO I’m sure you could too! Georgina is not good with conflict, as history has shown on many occasions. She’s a coward on quite a few different levels.
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Why do you tug on our heart strings like that?!
Vinnie had to be the sacrificial lamb to enable Georgina to grow as a person. I’m sorry!
Georgie no! D:
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Why u gotta drag my heart out into the street and shoot it
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Georgie really needs to grow a spine.
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wow....i knew it.....she doesn't deserve him if she can't stand up and fight for him....
I don’t think she does either, but I don’t think it ever occurred to her that she would ever have to fight for him...she just imagined that she and Patrick would go on living separate lives and just pretend to be together for the sake of the children, and for appearances. And she probably thought too that Vinnie would be content to forever be her side-dick...
Okay, I'd say this conversation is well on its way to meet my worst expectations! x')
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Well... I've tried... You know I did! Have a nice life, Georgie. Even though I know it will be hell. Whatever. *fast forward to Anita, Saff and Renee night out* Let's have some strong women of all ages at one place ❤❤❤
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Nooo! Georgina needs to learn how to not care what Bunty thinks. She's going to lose the best thing in her life. Poor Vinnie. :(
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Nooo Georgie what are you doing ? It doesn't mattee what your mother thinks...sigh:(
Georgie was just trying to make life easier for herself...and instead she’s all but buried her only chance of real happiness. Good one, Georgie!!
Oh no...my heart just sank for Vinnie. I hope he gets that she didn't mean it. I mean...it's really none of Bunty's business, so I get why she'd say it.
She did sound awfully convincing though...almost as if the words were rehearsed, or as if they had run through her mind many times before...
Aw noooo :(
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Georgie, you stupid ungrateful cow. @princessdejamars​ is right, you don't deserve Vinnie if you can't fight for him. She's as bad as her Mother... I was thinking that with finding Vinnie, she would be a better person. clearly I was mistaken. Poor sweet Vinnie, my heart breaks for him :(
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Georgie no! Way to throw poor Vinnie under the bus :(
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craven coward
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Georgie, a few minutes ago you were thinking about how jealous you were that Roy would be brave enough to seize life by the balls and do whatever he wants. And here you are hurting your chance at happiness
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I’m so glad Georgina’s true colors were exposed. She is a narcissistic, selfish- scumbag who obviously cannot be trusted. Vinnie should not invest anymore of his precious time in that self-centered wench.
I hope though that this incident can act as a catalyst for Georgina to change...she has to realise she can never be truly happy if she continues denying essential truths and burying her head in the sand.
Nooo !! Oh that must really burn, poor Vinnie. I was just beginning to have hope for Georgina. I guess she needs to ruin a good thing before she’ll fight for what she wants!
Exactly the point I’d been hoping to make! Thank you for framing it so eloquently!!
OH NO poor Vinnie 😢
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Way to break his heart *slow clap* smh
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Yeowch... that's a slap in the face. Poor Vinnie.
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lalunebleue · 2 years
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I moved the sisters into the Crick Cabana Renovation that I had been working on for them. Gallery ID: lalunebleue
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Move-in Day
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sweetpyxels · 2 years
Check In Tag ✔️
I was tagged by no one, saw this on @kyriat-sims ♥
Why did you choose your url?
One thing that has always been clear is that I makes cute sims and love cute stuff. I am also a very friendly person so sweetpyxels is kind of all what is there to know about me and my blog : )
Any side blogs? If you have them name them and why you have them.
pixelfeverfinds - my cc finds blog
infusedwishes - general gaming
alluringteapot - more random personal things
cupcakegnome - my old simblr
How long have you been on tumblr?
10-11 years
Do you have a queue tag?
yeah, when I post something like a gameplay or story, i have general queue tag and all others are tagged also with their own tag 
Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I wanted to share my stories and sims with the community and for myself.
Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
It is Narya ♥ in cute llama suit
Why did you choose your header?
Also Narya in a pretty dress.
What’s your post with the most notes?
Not sure probably something I wrote about being in simblr..my post about simblr love and positivity are those that get the most notes.
How many mutuals do you have?
So many and I love them all ♥
How many followers do you have?
around 800 in this blog
How many people do you follow?
around 600
Have you ever made a shitpost?
maybe : D
How often do you use tumblr each day?
Daily checking something.
Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
Once I got stranded in the middle of anon hate thing, no one won.
How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
I don't like those posts, they are usually also very guilt-tripping and reblogging a post to your simblr is not really making a difference. I also try to keep politics and that out of my blog.
Do you like tag games?
YES! I am very slow in doing them but i like them !
Do you like ask games?
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
We are all famous on out little corners :)
Do you have a crush on a mutual?
I do but I am more in crush with the whole community, its creativeness and talent are making me smile on a daily basis. I love seeing simmers use their creativeness whether it be stories, gameplay, cc, or anything related to sims.
I tag: @madeofcc @queenofvraquin @kissalopa @rollo-rolls @proxinge @mysimsloveaffair @gothoffspring @flethro @cantseemtohide @berryconfetti @igglemouse @lalunebleue@memoirsofasim @whyhellosims
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curmudgeonness · 2 years
Ask Game
Rules: Tag 9 people you would like to get to know/catch up with!
I was tagged by @bordelinski!  Thanks, I guess.  lol
Last Song:  Unless theme music from a show counts, then I cannot remember.  Probably the last song of last season’s American Idol finale.  
Last TV Show:  Lucifer  (rewatching since it’s being aired on TNT for free - I stopped watching when it moved to Netsux).
Currently watching/listening to:  Currently, as in this very moment, nothing.
Current obsession/hyperfixation:  I don’t obsess or hyperfixate (drives everyone else absolutely crazy - so worth it).
Tagging... @murfeelee (obligatory), @lalunebleue, @treason-and-plot, @pixelbots, @necile, @danjaley, @immdreamz, @zx-ta, @aroundthesims
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nikatyler · 6 years
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It’s been a while since my last replies! Anyway, my summer holiday has started and life is great. Well...I had a major gen 4 crisis, but more on that later.
Speaking of my legacies, something new and exciting is starting this week! It might even be my favourite save to play right now...I mean, it’s most definitely the most fun thing I’ve ever done in ts4. Prepare for mess. Like a lot of mess. Double portion of the usual simmeronnie mess, and trust me, it only gets worse.
I also finished gen 3 of Ravens and I’m planning gen 6 of Roses. I think I’ll start it focusing on the quads, then I’ll switch to the twins...and most importantly, to Regan. I already love this generation so much and I have a good feeling about these guys.
Anyway, replies now. By the way, I just know my activity feed isn’t showing them all. I can see some of them are missing. I remember reading some more. Rude, tumblr, very rude.
lalunebleue replied to your photoset “Tyler: “Huh? I’m glowing…wait a second. Wait, no. This is not fair. I...”
Not Tyler! :(
I honestly had a feeling he would be the first one, because this game is mean. I mean, technically he was not the first one, but still.
dandylion240 replied to your photoset “This is where I completely lost it.”
Now I'm going to cry ��
Trust me, I cried real tears. I didn’t expect them all to drop dead at once.
amixofpixels replied to your photoset “Grim: “I spared him, yes, but that is not happening again. I will take...”
simsandthensome replied to your photoset “Grim: “I spared him, yes, but that is not happening again. I will take...”
wtf grim. rude!
I was hoping they would get saved too...but it looks like one pet can only save one sim. It was sad. Either take them all or let them all live, Grim. Don’t pick your faves.
darlingmk-blog replied to your photoset “16th October 2016 - 19th May 2018 While the whole dying mess was...”
I'm so sorry! =( I hate when a sims dies, especially when they are young. She was so pretty!
I wonder what the legacy would be like if I had picked her to be the heir...she’s such a cool, strong character.
darlingmk-blog replied to your photoset “16th October 2016 - 19th May 2018 I…can’t believe this has come after...”
I completely feel you on everything you just said.
This legacy broke me. Like, literally. That was not part of the plan.
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “You tried, Felix. You tried.”
Points for effort
This is why he still doesn’t have a girlfriend. But he definitely did his best! Keep trying, Felix, and maybe one day I’ll ask someone to create you a beautiful future wife.
pixelbots replied to your photoset “Felix: “Seriously, has no one taught you about personal space?”
I keep saying I have a good feeling about gen 6 when in reality all it has been so far are fart jokes and quads peeing themselves. Yeah, this is the golden age of the legacy. I have reached my final form as a sims storyteller.
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “I thought I would be prepared this time. I was not.”
I was hoping he would get saved again. I was ready to start making Supernatural jokes about him coming back to life over and over again.
Now that I think about it, I should have made him a detective all that long time ago. Then I would have references for all of SuperWhoLock. I’m a nerd.
pxelatedtrash replied to your photoset “Great. He’s on fire again.”
Your game keeps getting trying to kill him!
Dear game, let me tell you something
I write sims not tragedies
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Okay, okay. I’m leaving. I just...P!ATD, man. Love it.
plumboblures replied to your photoset “I say it every single time but she’s hella adorable.”
she looks cute with that smile omg
She’s so cute I want to cry
Literally the only thing that keeps me away from making her the heir alongside Regan is the fact that we would have yet another redhaired heir and I want some change. I don’t have anything against redheads, my hair actually looks kind of red now because the dye washed out...and I’m considering actually dying it red because it’s not so bad...but this legacy has wayyyy too many redheads already!
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