morethansalad · 3 months
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Bulgarian Eggplant Dip / Kyopolou (Vegan)
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salsine · 10 months
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2 melanzane grandi
4 pomodori maturi
2 peperoni rossi
1 cipolla grande, tritata finemente
3 spicchi d'aglio, tritati finemente
2 cucchiai di olio d'oliva
1 cucchiaio di aceto di mele
Sale q.b.
Pepe nero q.b.
Prezzemolo fresco tritato per guarnire (opzionale)
Preriscalda il forno a 200°C.
Fai dei tagli superficiali sulla superficie delle melanzane e dei pomodori. Metti le melanzane, i pomodori e i peperoni su una teglia foderata con carta da forno e inforna per circa 30-40 minuti, o finché le verdure non sono tenere e la pelle è abbrustolita.
Togli le verdure dal forno e lasciale raffreddare leggermente. Rimuovi la pelle bruciata e trita la polpa delle melanzane, dei pomodori e dei peperoni.
In una padella, scalda l'olio d'oliva e aggiungi la cipolla tritata. Cuoci la cipolla fino a quando diventa traslucida e morbida.
Aggiungi l'aglio tritato alla padella e cuoci per altri 1-2 minuti, fino a quando l'aglio emana il suo aroma.
Aggiungi la polpa di melanzana, pomodoro e peperone tritati alla padella e mescola bene con la cipolla e l'aglio.
Aggiungi l'aceto di mele, sale e pepe nero e continua a cuocere per altri 10-15 minuti, mescolando di tanto in tanto.
Rimuovi la padella dal fuoco e lascia raffreddare leggermente il composto.
Trasferisci il kyopolou in una ciotola da portata e guarnisci con prezzemolo fresco tritato (se desiderato).
Servi il kyopolou come salsa per pane, crackers, verdure crude o come condimento per insalate.
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winari2 · 2 years
Kyopolou | Lidl Cuisine
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Twitter the Chef! 🌟 • average • crumbly • sweet • It's a a mixed chickpea pizza with salsa verde and zucchini strips w/ Kyopolou! 🔙 - an alcoholic fettuccini carbonara w/ Hot sauce Generate Anytime: https://perchance.org/cookinsomefood Tue, 12 Jul 2022 00:01:01 GMT
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tasteatlas · 4 years
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These vegetable relishes are among the most popular condiments all over the Balkans. Which one is your favorite? . ➡ Submit your local food and tag #tasteatlas . #foodventory #foodlovers #foodpic #travelblogger #travel #foodblogger #instafood #food #tasty #dish #chef #golocal #eatlikealocal #authentic #relish #ajvar #lyutenitsa #pinđur #zacusca #kyopolou #malidzano #balkan https://www.instagram.com/p/CFEGHi0F0DS/?igshid=pvapblnyx9au
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balkanche · 4 years
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My aunt posted her attempt to make guacamole on Facebook and called it ‘Mexican Kyopolou’ I cannot deal 🤣🤣🤣
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elliemarchetti · 5 years
Somewhere to Start (part 7)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Other Harry Potter fics:
Slytherin!Hermione AU (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5) (part 6)
The Deal (part 2) (part 3) (part 4)
The Polaroids The Sixth and Seventh Polaroids
Hermione forced herself to leave the blanket fort she and Viktor had created around five p.m. to reach Ginny in the Common Room. Together they entered Angelina and Alicia's room, which the two girls had worked to transform into what seemed to be the backstage of a fashion show: they had joined the beds, creating a queen size where they had already carefully laid out their clothes, one a purple velvet dress with a sweetheart neckline and the other a shiny black suit from which a lace shirt with a collar full of ruffles would appear, making sure to leave enough space for those of her friends. The two bedside tables had become two make-up and hair stations thanks to the brilliant idea of ​​putting two large mirrors on it, while the wardrobe had been left open, thus allowing the girls to also have two full-surface mirrors to contemplate the final result.
"Let's start with the important things!" exclaimed Angelina, extracting from her trunk the Muggle camera Hermione gave her for her birthday. "Let's take a picture of the before and one of the after, what do you say?" and as soon as they were finished, they immediately started to smear themselves with vanilla cream, kindly offered by Ginny, that made their skin smooth and velvety, then they moved on to the nails, filing and polishing them. Alicia lost a lot of time removing her cuticles while Angelina, who would wear silver stiletto heel sandals, put on a neutral enamel shade on her toenails. Hermione was stunned by how long it took to be at her best, as the note Mrs. Weasley had attached to the dress she had sent to her daughter said. It was obvious that it wasn’t new but Hermione just couldn't imagine who it belonged to; it was hard to imagine that the same woman who made those horrible wool sweaters had the ability to make something so delicate, so she guessed she had just bought it used. They helped each other to style their hair but it was evident that the more skilled was Angelina: she explained how her mother had taught her to braid since she was a child and how much fun her family's formal events were as all women sported increasingly complicated hairstyles. When the moment of makeup arrived, Hermione decided not to overdo: she wasn't used to putting on make-up and she didn't even know how to do it well, so she just put some concealer here and there where it seemed that her skin was duller and giving a slight coat of mascara only on the upper lashes. She was pleased with the result and also liked Ginny’s, who had opted for a beautiful light pink lipstick that matched well with red hair. Careful not to smudge anything and with each other’s help they put on their clothes:  Hermione’s perfectly drew her straight shoulders staying tight till the waist and then opening up in a floor-length skirt that made her feel like a princess. Finally, they put on their shoes and Hermione regretted a bit her decision to choose heels: although they were low, Alicia would certainly have been more at ease with her highly polished pointed flats.
"You're beautiful ..." Ginny whispered, almost breathless, to Angelina and she couldn't blame her. She and Fred would steal the show from the champions, she was sure, but she didn't mind. They got a little late and Hermione could barely talk to Viktor before Professor McGonagall called them. She greeted Harry and Parvati and tried to ignore her unflattering look, exactly like those of Viktor's fan club, Pansy Parkinson and Malfoy, although the thing that hurt her the most was Ron's indifference. Once everyone had settled in the Great Hall, Professor McGonagall ordered to the champions and their companions to line up in pairs and follow her. They obeyed, and everyone in the room applauded as they made their entrance and advanced towards a large round table from the other end of the Hall, where the judges had taken their seats. Hermione felt tense about the idea of ​​having dinner with Igor Karkaroff, renowned for her aversion to the Muggleborns, but tried not to think about it, enjoying the walls covered with sparkling silver frost and the hundreds of garlands made of ivy and mistletoe that they crossed through the black starlit ceiling. She wondered if Viktor knew of the Muggle custom of kissing under the mistletoe and found herself no longer so afraid of reaching that kind of intimacy with him, perhaps even wishing he tried to do it that night. She realized only when they were almost arrived that Houses’ tables had disappeared and in their place there were a hundred of them, obviously smaller, able to accommodate a dozen people, all lit by lanterns. As they took their places Hermione tried not to stumble and smiled, just like Viktor did, although it was evident that his attitude was also a construct; probably they would’ve been able to enjoy the evening only after the first mandatory dance, when they would no longer be in the spotlight, with everyone's eyes on them. Finally Ron had dropped the façade and although he was looking at her with eyes reduced to slits, ignoring the poor girl who had gone with him, at least he had a reaction since he hadn't spoken to her since Viktor had invited her. Dumbledore smiled at her cheerfully, while Karkaroff wore an expression very similar to Ron's as he watched her and Viktor mutter softly. Ludo Bagman, who for the occasion wore a purple robe lit with large yellow stars, clapped his hands enthusiastically but his attentions were all turned to Harry, like those of Madame Maxime, who had abandoned the usual black satin uniform replacing it with a dress with a wide lavender silk skirt, were all for her pupil. Suddenly, Hermione noticed Mr. Crouch’s absence and that his place was occupied instead by Percy Weasley, who had recently been promoted to his personal assistant, according to Ginny, and never stopped bragging about it, which he evidently started to do immediately also with Harry, who had taken a seat next to him. Together with Viktor they studied the menus that offered three appetizers, six main dishes, three side dishes and three dessert  to satisfy all the guests. As soon as Dumbledore ordered, asking for pork chops to his plate, everyone else did the same. Hermione felt particularly observed but tried to ignore it while ordering the escargot à la Bourguignonne and, once she reached the half of the plate she exchanged them for Viktor's Kyopolou, a dish that made him start to talk about Durmstrang.
"In short, Viktor" said Karkaroff, “you’re telling to your charming friend how to find us.”
Dumbledore smiled, a twinkle in his eyes, and replied in Hermione's place, saving her from the embarrassing conversation and allowing her to enjoy the mutton soup in peace, though she could hardly bear Fleur’s voice, who criticized Hogwarts' decorations with her date.
"Little things," he said briskly, looking at the glittering walls. "At Beauxbatons we have ice sculptures all around the dining room. They don’t melt, of course, they are like big diamond statues that shine. And the food is simply superb."
Hermione tried to refrain herself from replying that if instead of ordering the omlettes, something in England was eaten for breakfast, she had taken the meatballs she would understand what it meant to really eat. When all the food was consumed, Dumbledore stood up and asked the students to imitate him. Then, with a flick of the wand, the tables shot away and spread along the walls, leaving the floor uncluttered, where, along the right wall, an elevated platform appeared with a complete drum set, several guitars, a lute , a cello and some bagpipes. The Weird Sisters climbed onto the stage greeted by enthusiastic applause; they were all exceptionally shaggy and dressed in long black dresses that had been carefully torn. They took the instruments and Hermione, who was so busy looking at them that she had almost forgot what was about to happen, suddenly realized that the lanterns on all the other tables had gone.
"Are you ready?" Viktor asked Hermione, as if they had an alternative. If she had pulled back right now she would’ve made a fool of herself and Professor McGonagall would’ve never forgiven her and she would’ve done anything not to disappoint the woman. Besides, she didn't want to run away anymore: everyone had to see that she and Viktor were happy and incredibly absorbed in each other.
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19 mei : Kyopolou
Na een eiwitrijk ontbijt op het zonnig terras van het guesthouse vertrekken wij verder op dezelfde straat. Veel keuze aan straten is er vaak niet. Om de 10 à 15 km komen we een agglomeratie van huizen tegen, tussendoor dieren, waterbronnen, bos en bijzonder weinig auto's.
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In Banite, een kuuroord, nuttigen we een uitgebreid 3-gangen lunch - om onze hoogtemeters aan te kunnen. Ook hier vullen mensen litergewijs het bronwater aan in grote plastic flessen voor thuis. Ook wij vullen onze bidons aan.
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Het tweede deel voerde ons door het dal van de rivier Arda. Een ruw rotsrijk dal maakte onze plannen om wild te camperen onmogelijk. Geen horizontaal plekje te vinden dat voldoende verwijderd was van de bewoonde wereld.
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We hebben dan maar deels campingactiviteiten uitgevoerd... met name het kookgedeelte. Het is hier gebruikelijk om je eigen eten te nuttigen of te maken, en dat in goed uitgeruste en gezellige gemeenschappeljke vertrekken. Zo gebruikten wij ons kampvuurtje om een heerlijke pasta kyopolou te bereiden.
Kyopolou is een heerlijke dip/saus op basis van geroosterde aubergine en paprika met look erbij. Dit gaan we zeker in Antwerpen proberen terug te vinden in de Bulgaarse winkels... of zelf maken.
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Bulgarian Eggplant Dip - Kyopolou - the indigo kitchen https://ift.tt/3qJzM6b
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woodandgrains · 4 years
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kyopolou [bulgarian eggplant dip]
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ajvarju · 6 years
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#ajvar #ajvarju #ajvarjutu #ајвар #ајварју #ајварјуту #ajvaryou #ajvaryoutoo #aйвар #аивар #ЉУБАВуСЕПТЕМБРУ #LJUBAVuSEPTEMBRU #balkanLOVE #љубав #балканскаЉУБАВ #IloveYOU #love #ajvarlove #caviar #havyar #ljutenica #pindjur #Malidzano #pepper #paprika #paradajz #tomato #Парадајз #zacuscă #zacusca #kyopolou #Кьопоолу #Кьополу #Köpoğlu #kopoglu #lecso #biber #kırmızıbibersalçası #bibersalçası #salçası #salcası #srbija #hrvatska #България #Bǎlgariya #makedonija #Македонија #Kosovo #Kosova #Shqipëri #Shqiperi #Shqipëria #Shqiperia #Türkiye #Turkiye #Turkey #crnagora #bosna #slovenija #gottscheers #gottschee #jugoslavia #balkan #balkans #România #Romania #yugoslavia #slovenija #bosnia #montenegro #macedonia #bulgaria #croatia #serbia #albania
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benpopov · 8 years
Kyopolou (Patê de berinjela)
Kyopolou (Patê de berinjela)
  Kyopolou (Patê de berinjela)
2-3 berinjelas
4-5 pimentões (vermelhos e verdes)
2-3 tomates médios
4 dentes de alho
1 maço de salsinha
Vinagre de vinho tinto
Oleo de girassol
Modo de Preparo:
Asse as berinjelas com a casca, os tomates e os pimentões no forno ou diretamente no fogo. Descasque todos os ingredientes e corte em pequenos pedaços. Adicione o alho amassado. Misture…
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tasteatlas · 5 years
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Cities&Foods: 🇧🇬 Sofia, Bulgaria Situated in the heart of the Balkan peninsula, at the foot of the spectacular Vitosha mountain, Sofia is a modern, elegant, cosmopolitan and vibrant city, filled with green areas and parks, and has a historic center dotted with majestic monuments. After Athens and Rome, it is one of the oldest city in Europe and the remains of its ancient foundations are still visible. Since the end of the era of communist dictatorship, Sofia has “opened up” to the world and tourism, and is ready to uncover its millenary history, splendid works of art and beautiful surrounding countryside. Large green city parks extend between the center and the suburbs, making Sofia one of the greenest capitals in Europe. Must-try in Sofia: Banitsa, Shopska Salad, Kebapche, Meshana skara, Kyopolou, Mish-mash, Tikvenik, Mekitsa, Yogurt, Kiselo mlyako, Sirene, Lukanka Panagyurska, File Elena, Gornooryahovski sudzhuk, Mavrud. . ➡ Submit your local food and tag #tasteatlas . #foodlovers #foodpic #travelblogger #travel #foodblogger #instatravel #instafood #foodie #dish #chef #chefslife #instachef #tasty #golocal #traditional #authentic #Banitsa #ShopskaSalad #Kebapche #Meshanaskara #Tikvenik #Yogurt #Kiselomlyako #LukankaPanagyurska #FileElena #Gornooryahovskisudzhuk #Mavrud #sofia #bulgaria (at Sofia, Bulgaria) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1EDSBdFGpt/?igshid=15lji55qr7tuf
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ajvarju · 6 years
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#ajvar #ajvarju #ajvarjutu #ајвар #ајварју #ајварјуту #ajvaryou #ajvaryoutoo #aйвар #аивар #ЉУБАВуСЕПТЕМБРУ #LJUBAVuSEPTEMBRU #balkanLOVE #љубав #балканскаЉУБАВ #IloveYOU #love #ajvarlove #caviar #havyar #ljutenica #pindjur #Malidzano #pepper #paprika #paradajz #tomato #Парадајз #zacuscă #zacusca #kyopolou #Кьопоолу #Кьополу #Köpoğlu #kopoglu #lecso #biber #kırmızıbibersalçası #bibersalçası #salçası #salcası #srbija #hrvatska #България #Bǎlgariya #makedonija #Македонија #Kosovo #Kosova #Shqipëri #Shqiperi #Shqipëria #Shqiperia #Türkiye #Turkiye #Turkey #crnagora #bosna #slovenija #gottscheers #gottschee #jugoslavia #balkan #balkans #România #Romania #yugoslavia #slovenija #bosnia #montenegro #macedonia #bulgaria #croatia #serbia #albania
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