#kyman shippers are insane
vickyzzsummervan · 9 months
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They only kiss four times throughout the entire comic. four times. 4 panels(not counting each panel with the wedding picture or the one other panel being the same kiss in the car) out of 2,160 panels. I’m going insane. I crave more. I am obsessed.
It’s just the lack of intimacy in the comic-considering that it is a comic mostly centered around their relationship-drives me insane and makes me want more and keeps pulling me back to rereading the comic over and over again just to find those small moments and obsess over them.
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victimized-martyr · 11 months
Did you ever mention how you got into kyman? Personally speaking, I got into it (again) around 2020 when I rewatched sp, and I basically fell down the rabbit hole. I’ve been into it on and off since then.
I probably did somewhere, but I'll say it again!
I wanted to see what SP was all about so I decided to just watch the most recent episode/special at the time-- post covid. But I realized, it was a story that wasn't forgiving for newcomers, and I had NO idea who was who. I have vivid memories of being weirded out by the redhead guy being upset about the rabbi dude's wife and kids. Then when he said "did you know that he once snuck into my room and gave me fucking aids?!" I GASPED bc one, it was super out of nowhere, super crude, and two, I falsely assumed like, OHHHHH they're gay exes... that explains this weird behavior. I'm sorry what else was my dumb ass supposed to assume! And I watched the rest of the special viewing them in that context hgkd But when I started to properly watch the show from the beginning/ hop between episodes, I felt embarrassed for myself, I was like HOW on earth could I have made that false assumption. I was actually grossed out by the thought of kyman at the start! I knew that Cartman was obsessed with Kyle, and that they did care for each other as friends, but I couldn't fathom Cartman's obsession being anything genuine or Kyle reciprocating. I even made a post abt it on my main as I was watching the show, it might still be in there somewhere lol. I was happy just watching the show as is and I was like, dang! This might be the first thing I get into without shipping anyone! Then, my buddy @shpadoinkle-day texted me what was practically the kyman manifesto and urged me to "wait till seasons 20/21, it'll change everything"
at the same time, an irl buddy watched THAT moment in Manbearpig w/ me for the first time and went "that's... kinda fruity" and I was also like?? yeah?? damn... Then I saw seasons 20/21 and it opened up my eyes. I think it was the only seasons I was so enthralled with to completely binge in one night ghfksd and I. was. floored. Kyle crying over cartman? during a montage of couples breaking up? Kyle being speechless when he saw cartman get a gf? Kyle questioning if he liked heidi, Kyle's stupid ass "we're all going out with Cartman right now", how he inserted himself in the relationship so hard, yet when taking heidi from cartman, talks as if he wasn't doing it for Heidi. His frustration at Heiman was at the very top in list of justification at bombing a country (yes, Kyle says he's upset a girl he liked turned into cartman... but there's layers in that statement, esp. compared to kyle's actions). Kyle memorizing the day they got together, confronting Heidi and asking how Cartman is doing as a boyfriend, what specifically she finds about him that's redeemable (and we all know how Kyle is about finding the good in people), batshit insane things a normal person (like stan) wouldn't ask his friend's girlfriend. And then of course, Kyle dropping all that effort when they break up. Insanity. I realized the obsession was mutual, and rewatching the show in that context completely rerouted my watching experience with the show. It kinda made it funnier for me too lolol. I started picking up on all the evidence I saw shippers point at, and I got what they meant fr. Kyle and Cartman are assholes and poke at each other's insecurities, have hurt each other, yet will not let the other die, Kyle is usually the first one to call for cartman if something happens to him, he saves him when he doesn't deserve it, and Cartman, as stated by Stan, cannot live without him. And it's subtly shown he wouldn't keep kyle just to rag on, bc if that were the case, he would not hesitate to hold it over Kyle's head. Their feelings for each other are very complex, and--if you really pay attention to the show--mutual.
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I’ve gotten wayyy too into fandom discourse to the extent that I was part of a callout account on an unspecified platform (for reasons I still kinda stand by) but as I’ve chilled out and taken a step back from the fandom I realize how hilarious fandom discourse must be to Matt and Trey and also to casual fans or even dedicated fans but the type that stick to canon stuff and not fandom and shipping stuff.
Like fanon twink kyle makes me irrationally angry but imagine someone seeing that for the first time after watching the show for years and how hilarious that would be. And I obviously don’t know how much Matt and Trey know about fandom stuff other than of course creek but they’re busy and definitely don’t know as much about it as some chronically online fandom people claim they do. (I literally saw someone on here say they thought the only reason kyman isn’t canon is because Matt and Trey are “afraid of offending style shippers” which is the most insane and delusional take LMAO)
I bet some well known concepts to us that have been a thing for years are probably completely foreign concepts to them and would be hilarious.
I do wonder how they would feel about some of the fandom people that write smut. Because they probably would think it’s funny and they do equally “bad” things in the show but also they do it for comedy not to jack off to 10 year olds…
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firefly-sky · 11 months
warning, anti-kyman rant under the cut. i’m not saying that anyone who ships kyman deserves to die or anything, this is just my opinion on the ship. don’t…get crazy here. i’m not saying anything about the shippers themselves, i’m talking about the ship.
i genuinely don’t understand kyman.
this is so over said but shipping a neonazi with the only jewish kid in the show (minus kyle shwartz) doesn’t make any sense.
and i know some people have ‘proof’ like ‘oh cartman bullies kyle because he likes him!’ like cartman also bullies kenny, butters, and basically everyone on the show. because he is insane. and yes, i understand that kyle is the one who is bullied the most by cartman. but like…wendy was too?? the whole breast cancer episode was basically cartman harassing wendy, like i can see her and cartman having a one sided crush (cartman crushing on wendy) more so than cartman crushing on kyle. and didn’t he bully that one little person on the show? mr nilsson? does that mean that him and mr nilsson are gonna get freaky? (have a feeling i just predicted the next big ship/hj)
and like…i get most of cartman’s foils make kyle look gay, but that’s because cartman likes to humiliate kyle. humiliating kyle makes cartman feel good, hence why he does it, i guess? and i too was made fun of because someone liked me, and even if cartman did have a crush on kyle, i doubt kyle would even forgive him/give him a chance. and besides. i’m pretty sure cartman is the straightest, whitest, most homophobic person in the entire show. i don’t believe he would ever fall for kyle.
and kyle himself has said ‘i hate cartman with all of my heart’ like…doesn’t that kinda click?? if someone did half the shit cartman did to kyle to me because they liked me i would go apeshit. just an opinion. istg y’all would ship anything and anyone. it’s like the new my hero academia. like, again, ship what you want, but why? it’s so annoying to see people get into screaming fights about ships like the show wasn’t even made for that. never in the show have any of the characters expressed a romantic or possibly romantic interest in each other, and yes, the lore can be fun. but when people are getting into screaming wars about this shit it’s so annoying to see. like chill and agree to disagree. it is not that deep. let people ship what they want, you don’t need to scream at everyone for not shipping what you want. just personally? kyman? fuck. no. please dni if you ship this.
as for the ship itself? i’m not a fan. i’m not saying everyone who ships it deserves to die or go to hell, i’m saying that the ship itself doesn’t make sense. a neonazi with a jewish kid doesn’t really click? and don’t even get me STARTED on whatever the fuck a ‘holocaust au’ is. what the fuck does that even mean. that’s just wrong and insensitive. that’s just my opinion though, feel free to do what you like, but lmk if i’m being an asshole
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zodiac-15 · 1 year
My friend and I were talking about Kyman shippers and we came to this conclusion:
Kyman shippers are on some other shit. Like absolutely fucking insane. They literally ship two (MINORS!!) that hate each other. Like enemies to lovers aren’t always bad but when it comes to fucking two south park characters it’s fucking ridiculous and the audacity that these hoes dare say non kyman shippers have bad taste when they’re literally drawing porn of 10 year olds.
As much as I normally don’t judge people for what they ship (unless they’re a pro shipper or ship incest/pedophilia etc and I mean Kyman kinda is it’s abusive) I genuinely think these people need to touch grass. Like they genuinely scare me.
Just to confuse the Kyman shippers I won’t tell you if this is a joke or not love y’all have a good day even you Kyman shippers because I’m not as low as you 🥺
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11x13kyle · 11 months
So I am a Jewish multishipper and I do like kyman because I guess I enjoy torturing myself, but I completely understand why you hate it. Everyone always likes to act shocked whenever a Jewish person in the fandom says they don’t like kyman, even though to this day shippers will post insanely antisemitic content in the tag on ao3 and also out in the wild without it ever being addressed. They also really enjoy hiding behind Jewish shippers whenever anyone calls them out on their bullshit. Everyone bothering you right now is giving very much a hit dog will holler.
thank you SO much for talking to me normally, it’s a total breath of fresh air lol. and yeah exactly it’s VERYYY much a hit dog will holler situation!! if someone comes into my inbox with an accusatory tone and is acting confrontational, it’s so odd to expect me to be nice back! i match the energy and get called aggressive and unreasonable lmao
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cheesy-poofs · 1 year
It's hilarious in retrospect that I didn't expect to get this obsessed with South Park, and it was meant to be a casual watch lol. I got into it because I knew it was a controversial show and I wanted to try something new after most cartoons or shows weren't appealing to me. Next thing you know, I easily watched the show in its entirety and I haven't recovered since.
I haven't been this genuinely obsessed with something since I was in middle school. It feels like I haven't experienced true passion about a media since, but then this silly show with fart and poop jokes comes along and unironically changed me and how I treat media I enjoy; I stopped getting into things out of obligation, and got better at only bothering with things that I felt genuinely interested in. Shipping is secondary to my enjoyment of the show, and I'm not a big shipper in general; however, Kyman has changed how I see characters and shipping, I used to ship characters purely because they were "cute" together, now I'm thinking more deeply about how characters interact and work off of each other to decide what ship I like best. I also like characters with a lot of screen time and history so there's more to analyze and work with. I'm not going to get into specifics right now, but Kyman are insane in the best way possible; its the most complex and interesting ship in the show to me.
There's no real reason for this ramble other than to express gratitude for a show that I didn't expect to love this much. I also never expected Cartman or Kyle to be my favorite characters, but while I like South Park in general beyond those two trainwrecks, they are a big reason I love this show. They made me laugh a lot before I even shipped them, and even if I might take them a bit too seriously sometimes...well, at least its fun to do so.
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roostertuftart · 1 year
13(Kyle?) 20, and 27?
13. Unpopular opinion about Kyle?
GOOD QUESTION, because wow is he a spicy character to have ANY opinions on right now...
Ummm Gonna lean into something I wanted to say earlier about him when I was talking about Kyman, because I don't see this factor of his character really given attention by either kymans or styles (where the fandom is most prominently divided on Kyle, I think) and I kinda feel in between it as a big shipper of Style who's also really intrigued by the complexities of Kyle and Eric's dynamic.
And sorry if any of my language comes off anti any ships here, I just want to work off of the debate I've seen between both of them to talk about this but I'm not trying to step on any fingers here!!
I've seen it said often as an argument for Kyman that Kyle is absolutely obsessed with Eric back, and I've seen in turn Styles often like to downplay Kyle and Eric's dynamics entirely or act like it's completely insane to suggest this idea- But I kind of agree Kyle is???
Personally, what I think is that Kyle absolutely is obsessed with Eric, what he's doing, what he's up to, who he talks to, etc, but I just don't think this is due to some sort of underlying romance. I think Kyle is meant to be portrayed in the show as being incredibly invested in what Cartman is up to because
Kyle has made it his personal mission to fix Cartman/keep him in line. He often seems to believe it's his job to guide him into doing better, keep him out of trouble, keep him from hurting people, and keep him from getting hurt himself (though I think this comes out of Kyle giving into his guilt watching Cartman actively suffering, there's also been multiple times Kyle encouraged him to get himself killed)
I just think Kyle is genuinely nervous about Cartman. Now this isn't particularly obvious- It's not like we see Kyle showing any real signs of fear around Eric, but I do see signs of anxiety that are far more subtle- The important thing to remember here is that Kyle rarely show's many negative emotions beyond anger. It's how he processes many things, and when anger doesn't work, we often see him shut down emotionally (Ex. scenes in The List and Ginger Cow). This isn't to say Kyle never shows sadness/fear, he definitely does! But these tend to come out more in specific situations where as more often, he represses these emotions and keeps his vulnerabilities out of obvious reach. Idk, I'm rambling a bit here but the point is that I think a lot of Kyle's quickness to get so angry and worked up over Cartman, his need to know what he's up to and try to jump on it is a reaction done out of anxiety that I'm not even sure Kyle is aware of. I think this is especially prevalent in say, Post Covid, where we see Kyle has seemed to gotten a very good control over his anger and aggression UNTIL he has to face Eric, to which immediately he is paranoid and jumping on everything Eric says to him, refusing to believe anything he sees and positive it's some jab against him that he'll pay for the moment he give in to believing it. And I don't think this is unfair of Kyle! Of course he's distrustful! Eric has put him through a lot, fooled him many times, and Kyle just can't keep it together anymore the moment he has to speak to him. Just... The entire meltdown of this calm collected persona he's been managing along with his paranoia just comes off so much as anxiety to me. Not to mention, I do think Kyle has anxiety he's not aware of. The way he describes anxiety as normal in Buddha Box and goes into detail what is "normal" to feel like... "Everyone has anxiety! Everyone gets nervous! Everyone is afraid being around people! Everyone has feelings they'd rather stay home alone! And you know what they do? They get over it." Damn Kyle. Get therapy honey. You need a Xanax or something. None of that is normal and the fact that he has become so deluded to believe it is is pretty tragic, but kind of supports that he doesn't even recognize the feelings making him act out so aggressively as an anxiety response.
Anyway TLDR Kyle is obsessed with Eric because of paranoia and anxiety/his need to be a good person and "fix" him
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
k2 next question
nah but seriously, this ship has no discourse, the nicest shippers... Is just as a ship genuinely super sweet and nice and wholesome and lovely, Kenny and Kyle just feel like characters who really understand each other and function well together. I love them and I love K2 shippers.
27 is right here!
Based on this ask list :)
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junkzsillystuff · 3 months
i just realized i haven’t posted a fanfic since uh…the start of February..…sorry ☠️
bout to drop the most insane devious fanfics ever this week hehehe
im gonna TRY to do a drabble a day (which is hard for me because i naturally write a lot and bite off more than I can chew) so we’ll see how THAT goes.
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ok now serious stuff:
my old accounts were fidgetzdismay on tumblr, on tiktok (gone, I no longer use tt) and Honestly_gay_like_really_gay on a03. Please do not look through my old stuff, however, i wanted to clarify this bc people keep asking. If you do go through my old stuff anyways just be respectful about it. I personally don’t want to talk about anything associated with those accounts, no I didn’t do anything bad, I was just suffering a lot mentally during those times. Please stop dming me with conflict* related to those accounts. Feel free to reach out to me and talk about Mr Plant. Ok serious stuff over
How it feels to talk about my old accounts:
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also if I don’t post for a month, assume I’m dead.
oh yeah heres my dni:
basic dni lists, im not writing allthat
kyman and spive shippers dni
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unlikely-bloom · 1 year
Honestly the constant discourse about Kyman, as someone who ships it, is kinda making me want to distance myself from what used to be my OTP. People speaking ill of Kyman shippers is working on me and starting to make me worry that I'm doing something wrong by shipping it. I shouldn't care about what ppl on the internet think and I usually don't but constantly being told that I'm "supporting" something thats "abusive" or problematic is getting to me. Like dammit, I didn't even know about the discourse when I got into Kyman; I got into it by watching the show itself and it was my first SP ship but honestly if I knew that people gave a shit about it in the SP fandom I probably wouldn't have bothered. It'll always have a place in my heart but I'm getting tired of this shit 😔 Im extra emotional rn so Im not being rational here and you dont have to publish this. I know fandom shouldn't have that affect on me I'll get over it after Style vs. Kyman fight 2192943290 blows over. Idk if you're comfortable with vents sorry if I crossed a boundary here.
Oh, anon. It never used to be like this.
Fandom discourse these days is insane. Unhinged, even. The idea that anyone is more morally correct than someone else for what they ship and enjoy in fiction is absolutely ludicrous. Especially within the context of shipping fucking South Park characters.
The hard truth is that every fandom is like this now. You don't have shipping wars just arguing over what makes more sense 'in canon', but moving on to an ever-changing line of what is and isn't 'morally acceptable.' As if that's ever something the majority of people would ever agree on. (Hint: it's not!)
But there is a certain irony to see people arguing this for South Park of all things, as if we aren't all equally degenerate for enjoying such a 'problematic' show in the first place. Like... seriously. Be so serious, people. It's South Park. Everything is exaggerated for comedic effect-- including character's personalities, their actions and their relationships to one another. It's never going to be a character driven show no matter how much this fandom sometimes wishes it was. We're going to have characters who don't give a fuck about each other, literally wishing death or plotting to kill each other in one episode and then they're just going to be chilling playing video games in the next episode like nothing happened. It's episodic. That's part of the appeal. It's why it's such a sandbox.
Even if you didn't ship Kyman, their dynamic is impossible to ignore, try as some might. They say they hate each other, yet they keep hanging out. Both parties are there of their own volition. They both enjoy each other's company, and no amount of write-up's anyone can post on tumblr dot com is going to change that canon fact. They're friends.
Also-- they are just plain fun to watch, fucking hilarious and a huge appeal of the show! If someone else who watches the show doesn't like them, that's their problem. Them not liking an aspect of the show isn't going to make that part of the show any less valid and/or canon. And guess what? You're supposed to like their dynamic. It's supposed to be entertaining and captivating. How you interpret it is up to you, but there is 100% nothing wrong with watching an episode of South Park and enjoying Eric and Kyle's dynamic-- that is what you're supposed to do. So don't feel bad about it. The show is made for people to enjoy, after all. Also, it's important to keep in mind that just because you can find a dynamic appealing doesn't mean you endorse everything about it. That's such a wild and new-age fandom take. Fiction is an escape-- a safe space to explore unrealistic relationships and unrealistic characters. You're allowed to like fucked up things in fiction. You're allowed to like stuff in fiction you'd find repulsive or abhorrent in real life.
I think I can speak for a good chunk of the fandom when I say, I'd fucking hate Eric Cartman in real life. Hell, I'd probably hate Kyle, too. I have a lot of favourite characters from different fandoms I'd probably hate in real life. They're fun because they're fictional and it's different from real life. If I wanted to read about stuff that happens in real life, I wouldn't be here.
In the end, anon, fandom is supposed to be fun. To me it's just fun to take these silly little egg construction paper kids, draw 'em as anime characters, and give 'em some angst. It's fun! There's so much to do with them! They're soooo dynamic!
But if you're not having fun-- if you're stressing-- there's nothing wrong with taking a step back for your own mental well-being. I'm not about to tell you your feelings are invalid, because I know how any internet discourse, no matter how trivial or silly it may seem, can still stress you out. If you're constantly being told you're morally corrupt or problematic, it can take a toll on you-- even if you know you're not. The truth is you're never going to agree with everyone on the internet, and people will weaponize something as trivial as a South Park ship to make them feel better about their ship while also making you feel worse about your ship.
Anyways, when it comes to stepping back, I think there's a few ways you could go about this;
You could disengage with the social part of the fandom-- focus on the show itself, maybe just hunker down with some fanfics.
If you'd like to remain active on social medias, I think it wouldn't hurt to start blocking liberally. Anyone who has anything along the lines of 'Kymans DNI' in their profile, just block right away. You don't want to see their opinion, anyways. You're never going to convince them otherwise.
If you have a few close friends, I recommend sticking close in a small private discord server where you can discuss your headcanons and gossip in private. It's much more liberating than trying to get involved in any of the insane discourse that plagues both here and Twitter.
Anyways, anon, do what's right for you. Kyman shippers will always be here to welcome you back! They can say what they want-- we have too much canon fodder for us to ever go away!!
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cocogrrrl · 10 months
It was such a weird dream omg so it happened after I woke up randomly at like 10am and went back to sleep til 11am (it was a weekend LOL) but I was in a dream going to sleep and so in dream 1 I felt my body like leaving my body while falling into dream 2??? It was wild. And then I flew n stuff HAHA but then I woke up again in dream 1 which was insane
I’m still not able to lucid dream regularly yet unfortunately :( but tips would be to do a dream journal where u log all the dreams + wake up while ur in REM sleep (so like 5-6+ hrs after u fall asleep) and walk around then go back to bed thinking ur gonna lucid dream
THE KYLE DESIGN IN THE KYMAN COMIC NEEDS ITS OWN AWARD LIKE I WANT IT FRAMEDDDDDDDDD also u can be honest if u like kyman………… if u were reading the fic that much to know……. /jokes xoxo
-💫 anon
I THINK I GET THAT... like ur body sudden feels like its falling n all???AND YOURE JUST LIKE "WHATS HAPPNENING..." 😭 but that's crazy!! like u went to one dream to another then back to the original one????
i hope u master lucid dreaming!! id love to hear the stuff u get urself into :D ALSO THANKIE 4 THE TIPS i will follow them . soon
what eef the kyman shippers were the friends we made along the way........... /j
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twyle is so funny to me because when he’s paired with kyle suddenly tweek isn’t depicted as the delicate uwu waif that he is in creek, but instead a tall muscular tattooed alpha male. kyle remains the soft little nerd boy that must be protected by Big Stronk Bf. sp fandom said WE MUST EMASCULATE KYLE AT ALL COSTS NO MATTER WHO HE IS PAIRED WITH ughggbghgh just make some oc’s at this point you’re killing me. no hate to twyle shippers i just don’t see it like at all and then this particular characterization of it gives me major ick which makes me dislike the ship even more. kind of insane that the only slash ship involving kyle in which he actually gets to keep his masculinity sometimes is fuckin KYMAN
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starboyeko · 11 months
hi i'm echo / eko / starboy and i'm an alien otherkin
i have ADHD
i'm transmasc genderfaun stargender and panromantic
i have a partner
my fandoms include: stomach book, dog man, invader zim, dead end paranormal park, inanimate insanity, south park, fnaf, and probably more that i'm forgetting
if you want to roleplay dm me i'm down (no romance or s**ual content pleas)
send me stuff in my ask box i want to answer it
DNI: kyman shippers, zadr shippers, proshippers in general, people who s**ualize the kids in south park, 25+, and all the typical dni stuff like homophobes n stuff
twitter : alienzrcool_
discord: starboyecho
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zodiac-15 · 1 year
As a kyman shipper yes we are insane (I started shipping it as a joke but I realized "Oh shit this kinda goes hard-")
Anyway I respect your opinion I squick myself out honestly (I ship like three problematic ships in three different fandoms-)
Lmaoo valid man I used to joke ship it too in like 2020 but yeah no hard feelings if you do actually ship it as long as your don’t support the people who are making it abusive or drawing/writing minor pornography. I genuinely don’t mind lol
But I am sorry for being a bit of a dick in the og post regardless of it being a trolling post
I think after this I’m gonna stop responding to people mainly because I don’t want people to think I’m trying to drag this out forever or that I’m gonna make my blog a anti-Kyman thing for all eternity.
Have a nice day everyone <3
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doolkat · 2 years
Yes Im crazy kyman shipper but Im such a sucker for sacrificing yourself for love kind of trope.. CARTMAN.. out of all fucking people sacrificed his life so Kyle could have his. They fucking couldnt live in same time line happily. Something about this to me screams starcrossed LOVERS which is absolute obsession of mine for some reason.
Please please write and make fanart of this idea. Im not much writer myself but I for sure will make edits/amv based on this.
God my little heart I cant take this... ITS SO FUCKING.... I feel so insane rn as always but sometjing about that fucking ending broke me.. DIDNT BROKE NOR SANK KYMAN THO.
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cheesy-poofs · 1 year
Okay so morning after and I'm still thinking about that episode so I still think its pretty good. Some notes about it that I thought yesterday but needed to sit with for a little:
It actually made me laugh a lot. I laugh really easily though, especially since I was excited for a new season lol
I'm not a shipper (with an exception of one ship, I just can't focus on more than one thing at a time) but props to the people who got shipping fuel for some of the other characters. There's even some Kyman undertones, especially if you consider the synopsis
I did kind of think the Kyle and Tolkien friendship right off the bat was weird, and so was Stan not talking to Tolkien for most of the episode, but it doesn't ruin it for me. Besides, they're still 10 and the idea of Kyle and Tolkien spontaneously becoming friends over TikTok is kinda funny
Cartman was actually able to realize he was taking it to far on his own agency is interesting. In retrospect, I doubt he's actually on meds, I see it more as just poking at you-know-who. But we can agree to disagree on that.
Them poking at Ye didn't feel too forced or anything, like it was obvious but it also didn't feel too out of place in the episode, the play on words with "Cupid Ye" is funny
We knew this day was coming (South Park mentioning TikTok). Considering everything? The TikTok parts could've been wayyy worse lmao, I actually laughed at those segments and they didn't run for too long, plus it was somewhat relevant to the story. Somewhat.
Kyle's back to his gay little speeches
I don't really have anything profound or analytical to say about it, most other people have expressed their thoughts better than I ever could, but yeah not a bad start to the season, I definitely have better hopes for the rest of s26 but I'm still going to keep my expectations at a realistic level.
edit: and also the rules of Cupid Me just doesn't really make any sense to me. Unless Cartman is just so insane that his delusions became reality or something. It directly conflicts with "Cartman Finds Love" where Kyle couldn't see Cupid Me, and that no one could...until now. That really annoyed me actually.
Others being able to see him kind of soured the episode to me...I dunno, it could've been better. Now, I'll be honest my standards are pretty low lol like I love South Park so much that I'm going to like anything they put out anyway unless its truly really bad. And don't get me wrong, this isn't my favorite episode or anything, but I had fun watching it so that's really all I can ask.
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