#kristin bye
nicoooooooon · 1 year
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Obit, 2016, movie poster, design by Kristin Bye
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prismartist · 1 year
It's not uncommon for worlds to collide. Lines get crossed, voids meld, portals malfunction. And when gods and magic are far from few, it's easy to see why.
Still, when the Syndicate comes across five astronauts, tied together and floating rather calmly in the void, they're not any less surprised.
"Uh," Phil calls out, "hello?"
The astronauts––at least, they look like astronauts, though their yellow suits look too battered to actually work––turn to look. They blink, baffled.
"How are you standing like that?" one of them asks, ink-black eyes squinting. He clutches a dark purple egg to his chest.
"Like what?" Niki asks.
"You're just... standing," another astronaut says, this one mustachioed. "How are you just standing in the middle of the void?"
"We're walking somewhere," Connor says.
"Why, can't you guys walk?" Phil asks.
"Not to our knowledge," says a female astronaut. She's floating completely upside down, almost lying down mid-air, her head tilted back to look at the Syndicate. Her eyes are a solid color, like the one with black eyes, but hers are a bright silver. Between the two of them, they're extremely creepy. "And we rather like floating, to be honest."
Suddenly a look of recognition comes over Kristin, and She gasps. "Oh, you guys are the Boatem Hermits! You made it out!" She says.
"Yeah, we are. We did." An astronaut with a smooth American voice says slowly. "Wait, do we know you?"
"Not really. But I've seen you guys around. It's nice to see you're okay. I had complete faith in you guys."
"Thank you, lady we've never met!" another American astronaut pipes up cheerfully.
Phil leans towards Kristin. "Sorry, who are they?"
"Their world was crushed recently by the moon," Kristin explains. "I haven't had time to check up on them, but I wasn't too worried." She looks back at the astronauts––Boatem, apparently. "Are the others okay?"
At that the astronauts lapse into a somber silence. "We're not sure," the mustachioed one mutters. "We were all in a bit of a rush."
The rest hum in agreement, and then are silent again.
"Our world was destroyed too," Niki says. "I mean, not by the moon, but by a nuke."
"Ah, classic," the first American murmurs.
"I... guess? But we get it, not knowing if... if there's anything, or anyone left. It's kind of scary."
"Yeah. But I'm sure the rest of your friends got out fine," Phil pipes up. "I mean if we all did, then surely they did as well."
"This sheep also survived." Connor gestures to Rosie. "If a sheep can survive, so can the rest of your friends."
"That's... strangely very comforting," the black-eyed one says.
"Well, I hope you all get to the next world soon. I'm afraid we have to keep moving, but I will see you guys around." Kristin turns to the Syndicate. "We should keep going."
"Will they be okay staying here?" Niki asks.
"Oh yeah, they'll be fine. They've been around for longer than you guys have."
"Oh yeah, we've been doing just swell here, all things considered!" the second American assures. Upon closer inspection there appears to be a sleeping cat in his helmet. That's... normal. "You can just toddle on your way, don't mind us. But thank you for your words of wisdom, random void passersby!"
"Sure thing dude," Connor says, giving a thumbs up. Rosie baas.
"Alright, well. Nice to meet you guys," Phil waves and chuckles as Kristin leads them away.
"Bye!" Niki does the same. The astronauts all wave and say their farewells, and soon they're merely another speck of dust in the endless black.
Distantly, the shrill shriek of the black-eyed astronaut rings out, "Wait, we don't even need suits!"
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kittycatcomander · 1 year
AU where SBI are villains, and Kristin is the villain wrangler making sure all the kids who get counseling in her office get a chance to meet who ever they want, even if they’re wanted dead by the hero commission.
Cue meet-cute(?) between Kristin and Phil, where she spends weeks tracking down the infamous “ Crowfather, killer of heroes and hater of the system” because some little kid wanted see him, and she stands tall and totally not terrified (/s) on a rooftop waiting for him.
And Phil is faced with this woman who spent hours and hours researching his routines not to arrest him but to let a little kid meet him, and he just falls for her.
So they exchange numbers, and everytime from there on out when Kristin has a kid who wants to meet The Blade or Orpheus or Nemesis she just casually shoots THE TOP VILLAIN a message, internally screaming, while Phil is kicking his feet on the air like a stereotypical teenager everytime his phone dings with a personalized ringtone.
Hero!Dream: I have finally confronted you, doer of evil! Today, our fight will be legend-
Crowfather!Phil: wait pause mate- OMG ITS HER 🥰🥰
Hero!Dream: wait wha-
Technoblade: I’ll take it from here
And so begins her getting really casual about the fact she personally texts the top villain.
I’m imagining some side stuff where she meets Tommy, a sidekick in desperate need of help (which she’s happy to provide), and a few others who’s relationship evolves with her over time.
Kirstin when first meeting the Blade: hooooooly smokes this guy is Dangerous, but if the kid wants to meet him… I’ll be prepared
Techno: uhhhhhh (struggling to interact with the receptionist, holds kids and swings them around gently like planes, lets them win fake fights)
Kristin: ok wait he’s like seven shaking puppies built like a brick house
She and Phil talk more and more as the arrangement continues, about everything and eventually life, and things shift from there. The first time that a villain tries hurting one of the kids also shifts their relationship…. especially since Kristin handles it as efficiently as she does.
There’s more, but in this AU I imagine Kristin to have a super dangerous power of her own (unregistered because teehee) that motivated her to work with troubled youth in need of help and kids working with a limited lifespan. I want her to be OP but just friendly and downplaying her ability since she was never in a situation to use it to the full extant.
Also there’d obviously be a CrimeBoys plot and adoption of Tommy into the family (bye bye Dream) which leads to her getting invited over to like. Family dinners and stuff, where the interactions are all completely cute and normal but undercut by her perspective reminding her of crimes they’ve all committed. Like-
“Phil, who had the most beautiful eyes but hands stained with the blood of approximately 3,791 people, passed her the salad with a bright smile. His son(?) continued the story of how he met a new friend. Kristin wasn’t sure if the story was in or out of masks, and she was scared to ask at this point.”
I especially want her to and Phil to reflect the two main approaches to changing the world, where you could either completely destroy the system in place (villains, anarchy) and forcefully restart, or you could tackle an issue at its lowest (if the world is full of corrupt people, change the people from a young age)
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playburo · 4 months
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Kristin Bye
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vichanma · 10 months
Yandere Miguel O'hara Saviour Part 1: Coffee date
Tw: Stalking, Obsessive, memory loss, blood, lowkey murder, toxic ex (not him)
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Also reader gender neutral, if I do mix it up by accident I'm sorry-
The feeling of being followed, behind you as you walked towards the coffee shop. It had been like this for a few weeks, anywhere and no matter with who you felt you had a pair of eyes on you.
The pair of eyes developed into a pair of footsteps but when you'd turn behind you'd be greeted with a group of people pushing past to get to wherever they need to be.
Ignoring the feeling, you walk quicker and open the door: it's not like you can do anything about it if no one is following you actually. Entering the establishment you smile at the smell of the different scents, fresh coffee and herbs in the air. People reading, talking, writing or simply enjoying their beverage and treat or lunch.
Usually you'd come with a friend, but today she was unable to since her car had gotten a dent and a few scratches and she and her roommate tried making it normal again, not wanting to pay for the damage she wasn't sure how she had gotten.
You make a mental note to get her and her roommate drinks later. Standing in the short line it's quickly your turn as you look at the man "I'll have a cappuccino with a cinnamon roll." You smiled at the man. He nods his head with a smile, "I'll get that right up for you."
You walk to a table and set your bag. It was strange that there was a small line at this time and only one person working on the till. This meant your things will take longer then you had hoped.
"Here is your order." Your thoughts were interrupted with the sound of the man earlier. He had placed your coffee and snack on the table.
Turning the cup to yourself you smile at him, "thank you it tastes great." It was just how you loved it. He continued smiling at you but you didn't question him.
"You don't remember me?"
"Pardon?" You looked at him slightly shocked, shit did you manage to forget someone, what if he is a collegue or something. "I'm sorry I can't remember, I'm Y/n."
"Miguel." He looked down at her, he looked intimidating from this angle, but also attractive. He noticed her expression and stepped back a little. "We work in the same place, well used to. I had left recently."
Looking at him you do feel bad for not remembering him, "Nice to meet you, why did you leave?"
"Did you really forget me?"
You start to feel uncomfortable now, you genuinely didn't, and it was weird he continued to stay here and no one was asking him to go back. He let's out a sigh, of relief? "I'm sorry about that, I just remembered your face and wanted to approach you, can I have your number?"
Your last break up was messy, and he seemed like a nice person just a little strange. You nod and he hands you his phone, as you started typing it your number appears but isn't named. "Wait we called before?"
He shakes his head and takes his phone from your hands, "must be a mistake." He furrows his eyebrows before looking back at you, "I'll get back to work, I'll give you a call after." You wave your hand and say bye.
That was weird maybe you shouldn't have given him your number... he did really seem strange. But something felt so familiar about him. The comforting smell of his cologne, the kind smile as he spoke. But his eyes, they gave you shivers. You couldn't place a finger on it, but he made you nervous, even if he held kindness in them.
Shaking your head of any thoughts you enjoy your little treat for today and took out a book. Maybe you felt nervous because he was pretty damn hot.
After finishing you go to the counter again, placing two orders for your friend and her roommate, Kristine and Abigail. You looked around but you couldn't see the man you had spoken to, maybe he was at the back? Wait if we worked together why was he at a coffee shop working? You dismiss that thought when a man places your order muttering an enjoy.
You walk to your friends place, wondering when he would call you. Getting to her house you laugh as you see her outside still on her hands and knees, now trying to minimise the scratches, "how did you even manage that?"
"UGH I don't know! It was fine this morning, someone must have hit and run!"
"Or you didn't check from last night, you drive like a freak." Her friend joins in.
You shake your head, "whatever it is, here I got you some drinks.
The roommate takes her drink and says her thanks, your friend frowns at your, "Did something happen?"
"No everything okay Kris, you should be worried about the cat that scratched your car this morning." You chuckle as she smiles.
"Maybe it was a cat."
"No it was you girl, it was you."
"I wouldn't do something this bad! Also the cat was a joke okay? Still Y/n, you seem bothered?"
You smiled at her, "Nope I'm fine, I also got a fine number." You didn't have his number but at least she'd stop worrying.
"Thank god you are moving on from that psycho, about time!" The roommate nods her head. Your ex was abusive, would bring you down whenever he got the chance, would try to distance you from your family and friends. It became physical but shortly after that he disappeared. Not that you complained, it has been peaceful.
Miguel returns home. He opens the door and changes to his normal clothes. Walking to his basement he calls a number, grabbing a bloody body with a uniform, dumbing it in to a bathtub with some strange liquid.
"Hey Y/n, how have you been?" He smiles gently when he hears your voice.
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cherriesrae · 8 months
" No, but they will show up to the fundraising gala run by the Y/N L/N, you're a genius!" Her heart gives a flutter at his kind words. Charlie decided he had had enough applesauce and wanted some of the good stuff, gripping onto the front of Y/N's shirt pulling down not only her shirt but the breastfeeding bra she was wearing, flashing Harry completely. | Or Harry is nanny Y/N’s recently divorced
This story contains mentions of drinking, sexual acts, big MILF energy, infidelity and violence including domestic violence. If any of this could or would trigger you, or are under 18 I recommend you stay away from this fic and DNI with this post.
" Good Morning Harry, sorry to call you in today but I have a meeting in an hour with a sexual assault accusation from the manager in the Seatle branch and no one will take it seriously, so I have to."
" It's really no problem Ms. Raymond," Y/N winces a little at the use of her ex-husband's last name.
" Harry, call my Y/N or Ms. L/N if you really have to. But I prefer to not be associated with that man."
" It's really no probelm, Y/N." He ansates her name, it quickly shoots and tingle down her spine and straight to her clit. "I love Charlie, I think we'll watch some Disney movies today, y'know for winter and all that. Maybe when you're done with your meeting we'll meet you for lunch." He gave her a smile, grabbing a mug out of the kitchen cupboard and pouring himself a cup of coffee, using the oat milk creamer instead of the regular to avoid the effects of being lactose intolerant.
Harry being Y/N's midwife is something that was decided when the father was still in the picture, Richard always had wandering eyes and she felt it was the only way for her to have a chance at a family with him. Unfortunately, his love for barely legal girls got him thrown out and removed from Charlie's life.
" It'll be a late one though, I'll have Alex call for a 2:30 reservation? That place on Bowery that knows about the kiwi allergy?" He nodded with her recommendation and walked out of the kitchen to wake up Charlie. Y/N checks her iWatch and sees a message from Alex- her assistant- saying that Kristin was trying to back out of the meeting and that she should call her.
Typing her phone number in her cell and pushing the call button, it rings once before a teary voice answers it. " Hello?" a quiet sniffle follows it.
" Hi, is this Kristen Indigo? This is Y/N L/N," she kept her maiden name for business purposes. " I heard that you wanted to cancel the meeting today and I wanted to ask why?"
" M-Miss L/N, I-I-I," the woman is obviously in shock so Y/N cuts her off.
" I really would like this meeting to happen, if Mr. Wilson did do something I need to know. I need to know so I can make my company safe for everyone, including you Ms. Indigo." As she finishes her sentence a very sleepy and cuddly baby boy comes down the stairs clinging to Harry, to come to say goodbye, " One second Miss Indigo."
" Hi baby, I'm going to see you at lunch okay?" Y/N uses her acrylic nails to softly go down his back while his head is tightly tucked into Harry's neck. Sometimes she thinks Harry was made to be a father with the way he cares for Charlie.
" Bye-bye Momma." Charlie's words are muffled by Harry's skin.
" Bye-bye Charlie, I love you." Y/N's words are soft and warm against Harry, her breath tickling his neck as she leans in to give Charlie a kiss.
" Love you," Charlie murmurs out.
" Now Miss Indigo I'll see you in 30 minutes."
Harry and Charlie’s morning routine was usually never altered, today was no exception. Harry gets Charlie up at 7:00, breakfast by 7:15, blocks from 7:30 to 8. Everything mapped out. After Richard was no longer in the picture Harry stepped into the other parenting role automatically.
By 9 Harry was getting Cinderella loaded up so he could work on the Christmas plans. Charlie's birthday was conveniently enough on January 5th, so directly after the holidays, Charlie was going to turn 2. This was going to be the first year that Richard wasn't going to be there, and Harry wasn't going to force Y/N to take it on by herself.
So as the mystical whispers of mice came from the flatscreen, Harry was planning the birthday party and making a Christmas list for the child who couldn't. His 3rd peppermint-flavored coffee still lightly emits steam when his phone rings.
" Harry," he answers, not caring to check who is.
" Hi Harry, how are you?" A rough-sounding voice came through the phone.
" Richard? Why are you calling me? I thought the deal was you don't contact any of us and we would get a restraining order."
" How's my boy?"
" Charlie? He's fine, still alive thank god." At this point, Harry was getting aggravated. The nerve of this absent father to ask how his son is, after feeding him kiwi and blaming Y/N for his throat closing one of the last times he saw him.
" Still giving it to my wife better than I did?"
" Richard I never slept with Ms. L/N, I do believe you were getting secret hotel rooms with my girlfriend is why you two split." After Y/N sent Dick the divorce papers he tried to claim that she cheated with Harry to try and get the prenup revoked.
" Yeah, too bad Elizabeth wasn't too fond of the whole ' sleeping with me after you left her' thing." Richard reminces.
" I'm going to hang up if you're not going to tell me why you called."
" I called to see what time I should show up for the Christmas party, I know that bitch is throwing one and Alex won't tell me."
" And what makes you think that I will? Try to contact me again and I will call the police, go to hell bastard." With that, Harry hung up the phone and looked over at Charlie, who was blissfully sleeping for his nap as the credits rolled. " Let's move you to your bed?" He said to himself before moving Charlie to his crib.
Turning on the baby monitor he decided it was time to take a shower, something he did rather often. He had his own room and bathroom, kept well stocked with everything he might need in case he was needed overnight.
Stripping and jumping in to wash his greased hair and release some pent-up energy from the conversation he just had. Nothing ever got him going more than Y/N, everything about her made his heart race and cock throb.
The way he would imagine her eyes glossed with need and how swollen her lips would be if he got the chance to have a go at it. He started to stroke himself the way he pictured she would. Beginning with his balls, cupping them gently and tugging them slightly. A scratching moan left his throat, slowly bringing his hand up to the tip and thumbing to the slit. The hot water hitting his back only added to the sensation.
He thought that only if she could see him now, mouth open, moaning and groaning at only the thought of being able to see her in such a personal and vulnerable state. Other things like if she liked to take charge or let someone else take the wheel. If she'd let him fuck her face or would she fuck his?
Vision after vision came to his head, too soon it was all over. Thick white ribbons of cum shoot out onto the shower floor, his orgasm almost sending him to his knees and leaving him like a rubber band breaking its tension.
Lunch came rather quickly, the meeting taking longer than Y/N thought it was going to. Ms. Indigo showed up with written reports of other assault and harassment claims that she found on his desk. Mr. Wilson claimed he never took that out of the complaint box that was mailed off once a month to his higher-up. At the end of it all. Y/N decided that Kristen Indigo was more than qualified to run the branch by herself considering that Mr. Wilson's position was basically a middle man between his boss and her.
Y/N encouraged Kristen to use the company lawyer to file a suit against him, as Y/N was already doing considering the more serious claims lead to stalking and drugging employees.
She ordered Harry's usual and herself something she deemed tasty as she arrived first. As the bell to the door rings Y/N looks up to see her baby and Harry walk in, bundled up like it was a snowstorm.
" Momma momma momma momma momma," Charlie ranted on wanting to be held by his young mother.
" Is that your mom? She awfully pretty Charlie, I gotta say I see where you get it from. Practically a carbon copy." Harry joked to the baby as Y/N laughed.
" Hi, baby! How was your nap, Charlie?" She looked at Harry to get the answer as Charlie stuffed his face into his mother's neck still feeling cuddly.
" Had to cut it a little short so he could get ready for our outing, fell asleep in the car on the way over." Harry took off his puffy jacket, setting it on the back of the wooden chair revealing a rather tight, gray textures long-sleeved shirt. Y/N looked back down at her son only to see him blissfully asleep again in a matching outfit.
" I should buy you two more matching clothes, it's adorable. He looks like a little person." Kissing Charlie's head, she relishes in the infamous baby smell. " I ordered your usual, and some warm apple sauce for this one."
" Mr. Raymond called me." Y/N's train of thought crashed as she looked up at him to see what he was talking about. " Wanted to know when the Holiday Party was, told him to fuck off and that if he tried to contact us again I was going to call the police."
" Oh. Well, that's good. Thank you, Harry."
" It's not a problem Mrs. Raymond-" cutting him off she decided she was over being called the name of the man she left.
" Just call me Y/N, please." Harry nodded in agreement and continued the conversation.
" Y/N," he emphasized, " when is the Christmas party?" Y/N sighs at his question.
" I've made it into a gala-type thing." their food comes and Y/N starts to feed her son.
" What do you mean ' gala type ting'? are we not having it in the banquet hall on 3rd like usual?" Hary questions her. She shakes her head no at the wondering man.
" No, Alex suggested that we should invite clients to the party and we both know how uptight the celebrities can be."
" Well Miss Forbes Women of the Year, wouldn't you be one of those 'celebrities'?" Y/N giggles at his clever remark.
" No, I mean the Kardashian-Jenners, Julia Micheals, Micheal Buble, they won't just travel to New York for an office party because their marketing team invites them." Harry nods his head.
" No, but they will show up to the fundraising gala run by the Y/N L/N, you're a genius!" Her heart gives a flutter at his kind words. Charlie decided he had had enough applesauce and wanted some of the good stuff, griping onto the front of Y/N's shirt pulling down not only her shirt but the breastfeeding bra she was wearing, flashing Harry completely.
" Oh god!" She exclaimed as Charlie latched onto his primary food source. See if this had been Harry's first time seeing Y/N's breasts, things would have been different, instead of wasting a minute, he’s pulling out the cover from Charlie's diaper bag. Covering her for her own comfortability, knowing that she was still not ready to show the world her tits. " Thank you, thank you. Harry, I am so sorry I-"
" It's not like it's the first time I've seen them, I'm just glad I grabbed a cloth before the creep in the corner wanted to come to take a peek," Harry states to try and release some of the tension but in turn only causing more. " I- I mean when you're feeding him not that I break my neck to look at them or anything, that would be gross." Once again not making it any easier on himself, he rambles on to try and fix it. " Not that you or breasts are gross, they're good breasts! Great event! I think our tits are great! NOT THAT I THINK ABOUT YOUR TITS, I JUST MEAN-" Y/N having enough of hearing about her tits from her nanny, cuts him off.
" Harry! It's okay! You're okay! I promise!" She lets out a light laugh, Charlie's eyes drooping, enjoying the nourishment entering his body. " Nothing wrong with having seen my breasts, nothing wrong with thinking about them either for the record. I'd be a little concerned if you didn't think about them if I'm honest. I'd probably think something was wrong with 'em or something." Looking up at him after having cooed at the nursing baby in her arms.
Harry's face was relaxed, red with surprised eyes. Running a stressed hand through his hair he spoke up, " Let's just not cock about it," quickly realizing what he had said he rushed to fix it, " I mean TALK about it! Wouldn't want to have to stroke it- HAVE A STROKE OVER IT!"
Y/N began laughing about it before her phone rang, " sorry it's Alex." She quickly answered it.
" Oh my god! Alex, call the police. I will be there in a second!" Hanging up the phone, she unlatches her baby boy and hands him off to Harry. She fixes herself and gets ready to leave. " Richard just showed up at the office and is threatening people! He broke Alex's collectors' pots he had on his desk! I have to go!" Harry standing up putting Charlie in his carrier gasps.
Pulling out a fifty and throwing it on the table, " Wait, I'll just come with you-"
" What about Charlie?" She sounds panicked and in charge at the same time.
" We can leave him with-" She cuts him off once again.
" Martha on the first floor, smart. Let's go!"
It was only a 10-minute walk to the offices, " Look who's here to see you, Martha!" The old Nigerian woman heard Harry before she could see him.
" Baby Charlie!" The 80-year-old woman jumped up from her desk and quickly walked to the baby. Leaving Charlie and the diaper bag with her with a promise of not being more than half an hour.
Before they even reached the main source of the problem- Raymond -they could hear it on their way up. Y/N walked out of the elevator first, Harry only wanting to intervene if he had to.
“ YOU CALLED HER?” Richard county yelled in the direction Alex was hiding. Y/N’s ex husband had moved into the desk and cubicle area, papers, pens, and staplers thrown everywhere. “ EVERYONE LOOK! IT'S THE BITCH WHO STOLE MY SON FROM ME!”
“ Lower your fucking voice when you are talking to me. How dare you come into my office, my place of work, and tear shit up!” Raymond goes to open his mouth but Y/N cuts him off before he could. “ I'm still talking!" She seethed when hs ehad to raise her voice to get his attention. "I didn’t ‘steal’ your son from you, you gave up your parent role to my son when you fucked my barely legal personal assistant when I was pregnant, then almost killed him. Dick, you are 42 and you are throwing worse tantrums than Charlie.” He was almost at a loss for words, but then he saw Harry.
" SHE WAS 18! IT WAS ILLEAGL!" He shouted.
" And your son's nanny's girlfriend!"
“ OH YEAH! You’re such a GREAT mother! If his fucking nanny is right there, then where is our son Y/N?” Thinking he had the upper hand, he hadn’t planned on Harry sticking up for her.
“ That’s none of your business, is it mate? You don’t get to criticize her OR me in how Charlie is being raised, you were too busy trying to get your little dick wet when he needed you so you could leave him out of it.” Harry spits from the wall he was leaning on. Raymond stared at him, fist up ready. “ You really want to also get charged with assault?” Harry asks. Richard looked at him, sizing him up it seemed. Taking Harry's height into account he decides to go for Y/N instead.
When he gets within a couple feet of each other, Y/N takes her dominant hand and launches it forward, knocking him straight into his nose. Y/N could feel the bone crack under her fist, the pressure on Raymond's bone causing him to take a couple steps back.
" YOU FUCK HIT ME!" Her ex-husband screams. " I'M PRESSING CHARGES! SUCKS TO BE A FUCKING BITCH NOW, DOESN'T IT?" Raymond looked as if he had won the lottery.
" I have cameras dumbass." Y/N states as the police conveniently come out of the elevator. " My lawyers will be in contact, expect a restraining order."
Y/N ended up just sending the whole floor home for the day on a case of " emotional distress", she sent Alex home and booked him a trip to a spa near Central Park that she likes to go to.
Harry ended up carrying Charlie home because Y/N's hand hurt so bad it was only a matter of time before it turned purple and blue. She refused to go check if it was broken because one of the cops said if it was, she would definitely know. But they don't know Y/N like Harry does.
Harry knows that she blew out her knee in high school by falling down the stairs in her at the time boyfriend's house and took ibuprofen for a week before she went to the ER because she said it was still " a little sore". Or how she has a combined total of 6 concussions under her belt, 2 of them being caused by the 4th one she had ( she had been hit in the head with a baseball, then when the concussion had finally gone, she fell into her dresser from still being woozy from the past one.). Or how she delivered Charlie via natural birth in her home without pain meds and said she would do it again.
So instead of arguing with her about it, when they got back to hers he just put Charlie down for another nap and offered to disinfect where it had gotten cut off of Dick's tooth.
" I am so sorry Harry, genuinely. This is my consequence for trying to fix him, not yours. You don't have to be here." She whispers to him and he was cleaning up her minor wound. she winces at the pain of her hand being moved in a certain way. Harry standing in between her legs as she sits on the counter looks up at her eyes.
" If I didn't want to be her, I wouldn't be," Harry states simply as if it was already said. She just shakes her head at him looking up at the fancy light fixture that holds the color-changing light bulbs she put in not too long ago. A single tear slips out of her eyes, betraying the self-restraint she was trying to use. " Hey, why are we crying? If it hurts that bad then we need to go get it checked out" She once again just shakes her head at him.
"He's just got so violent, it scares the shit out of me." She breathes in deep, tears now free-flowing out of her eyes. " Y'know I tried to make it work with him for so long." She lets a sob rack through her body, " he slept with Elizabeth, I got over it. I chose you to Charlie's nanny just to prove that I was over it!" Her eyes quickly glance up to his.
" That isn't saying it didn't work out for the better, you're amazing with him and he loves you more than he even thinks about me. " She lets out a sad giggle before cutting Harry off before he could even start. " But then he just kept doing it, and then he Charlie almost," she pauses to hopefully contiune, but then doesn't get more than a word out. " Amost-."
" Hey hey hey, Y/N. You're okay," Harry pulls her into his chest, careful of her hand. " He can't get you now, not while you're here with me okay?" She just continues to cry. " Know what always makes me feel better?" Harry asks her.
" What?" She plays along.
" Tequila!" Harry squeezes her as he emphasizes the word in excitement. Y/N laughs for a minute then starts bawling her eyes out even more. " What? What? Don't like tequila? That's okay, I think y'also have vodka or wine or beer or," Harry stops his theatrical list-making when he notices that she is still crying. " Hey talk to me Y/N, what's wrong."
" I have to protect Charlie from him, you'd think that would be enough, right?" He hums in agreement before speaking.
" Yes, but you don't have to do it alone, okay? I will be here for both of you. I promise." He means what he says, truly.
" What if there are more of us to protect from him?" She asked quietly.
" Then I will be here for all of you, hypothetical or not. If you get a boyfriend I will still be here, I will still take care of Charlie. You won't be alone." Harry continues to hold her during his speech.
" Harry," he hums in response. " I'm pregnant."
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nefkyo · 1 year
The lore. The lore. The. The lore. It. It was so. The amount of love. The sheer amount of love stored inside Philza Minecraft. Holy fucking fuck. I. I need to sit no I need to stand no I'm gonna sit down and just. Just. I am so. This was so simple. The Syndicate lore was so preciously simple and happy and it just MADE SENSE. I AM SO. I don't even know I've been stimming so much I don't even know what I'm feeling. Also c!Kristin I love you. Also A TABLE???? was so funny. Also I hope Steve and the dogs are ok. Also everyone deserved the happy ending and knowing Ghostboo and Michael are also safe makes me feel tremendously satisfied. Ok I'm gonna put my phone down now cause my hands are shaking bye
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brundledfly · 3 months
KMFDM was so good I still have bruises from it. Part of my respirator fell off in the pit but I’m keeping it as a souvenir with my fake flowers from Kristin Hayter’s set. Going to the art museum for an after hours party thrown by a dj collective I like. There’s food! Ok that’s my check in bye
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Isnotreal attacked the Iranian consulate in Syria, killing an important general in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard, among others (1) (2). Isnotreal hasn't confirmed or denied blame for this attack (2).
Iran declared, Wednesday last week, that it would respond (1) (3).
my sources disagree (slightly):(NRK: The Iranian response was sending over 300 missiles and drones (3). ) (Reuters: over 200 drones and missiles, according to Israeli military spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari(2))
Most of them got cut off, according to isnotreal (3). Iran also said it was a response to multiple crimes by Israel (not just the criminal attack on the consulate) (3).
Iran's allies, including Hizbollah (according to themselves) and the Houthies (according to media), are also supposed to have attacked isnotreal (3).
The USA (Biden) is saying they are assisting isnotreals defence and side with Isnotreal strongly against Iran (3) (2) (link to statement). Donald Trump says he thinks the USA is not doing enough to support isnotreal (2). The Norwegian foreign minister condemned isnotreals attack on Iran (3). Iranians celebrate Irans attack on Isnotreal, saying "death to Israel", "death to usa", according to AFP (4). Iran warns isnotreal not to commit further crimes, or else they will respond stronger, but say they consider the matter concluded (2). Isnotreal wants the UN to move to condemn Iran's retaliation (3). Isnotreal says they will retaliate grandly (2).
Multiple news bureaus report having seen drones from Iraq (3).
The British, Usamerican and Jordanian defenses all report having shot down Iranian drones that were heading to isnotreal (3).
The NRK correspondent in Jerusalem reports having seen missiles being shot down, this being the first time in a while there's been any bombing in the area, videos from Hareetz also show this (3).
For most of the bombing isnotrealis were told to sit in bomb rooms (3). The bombings we're warned about in the app Red Alert (3).
slight disagreement between my sources here, but: (NRK: According to isnotreali ambulances there has been one injury, a ten year old was critically hurt (3).) (Reuters: According to isnotreali authorities there has been one injury, a seven year old girl was critically hurt (2))
edit: Addition that Norwegian newspaper The Class Struggle (Klassekampen) made a two pager on the attack on Iran (published Saturday 13.04.2024), predicting Irans attack and supporting the claim that 7 members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. They also added that the UK David Cameron said it would be a misstep for Iran to retaliate. (5)
1 NRK link published april 1 2024 18:59 (Norwegian time). No author listed. language: Norwegian bokmål. Accessed April 14 11:12.
2 Reuters link . Published April 14 2024 10:45 GMT+2 (edited 3 hours ago). Written by Dan Williams in Jerusalem, Parisa Hafezi in Dubai, Timur Azhari in Baghdad, Jeff Mason, Eric Beech and Doina Chiacu in Washington and Suleiman al-Khalidi in Amman and Lidia Kelly in Lisbon; Writing by Angus McDowall; Editing by Jonathan Oatis, Daniel Wallis, Chizu Nomiyama, Howard Goller and William Mallard. Accessed April 14 13:54.
3 NRK link published april 14 2024 13:18. Written by Øyvind Bye Skille, Åse Marit Befring, Milana Kenžević, Julia Kirsebom Thomassen, Aud Darrud, Hedda Kurseth and Eivind Molde. language: Norwegian bokmål. Accessed April 14 13:20.
4 NRK link published april 14 2024 12:37. Written by Ida Kristin Rønning, Aid Darrud and Amanda Iversen Orlich. Language: Norwegian bokmål. Accessed April 14 13:22.
5 Klassekampen. Published April 13 2024. Written by Amal A Wahab. language: Norwegian bokmål. Accessed April 17 2024.
Note about the quality of sources:
NRK generally seem a lot more critical of isnotreal and don't seem to fit the criticisms that have been raised about "western media", I mean I assume most of the people complaining don't even speak Norwegian so yeah, I trust NRK, NRK is btw Norway's official news agency "Norsk rikskringkasting", which is free. NRK doesn't have a rating, but Norway is considered to have "excellent freedom" of press, ranking first globally (MBFC).
Reuters is English language Western media, so I assume they are more biased in favor of isnotreal, however they have a relatively high factuality score and are said to have low bias, though with being from the UK they are only mostly free media (MBFC). Their trust principles are linked here.
Also note about this post, I am mostly translating the NRK article, I skipped some parts (mostly to make this more strictly news) and restructured some parts. This is mostly the work of the journalists in source 3.
Klassekampen is a left wing paper that I personally consider fairly reliable for Palestine. They have from the start just written more about Palestine, simply enough. Again there's no MBFC score for this paper. This article has not been debunked in the Norwegian fact checker Faktisk.no. Klassekampen has failed fact check before (at faktisk.no), usually about Norwegian politics.
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cupcraft · 1 year
Can we not ship c!techza as a fandom. Thanks. Shouldn't be hard considering how many times Phil especially has said no shipping him or his characters unless it's with Kristin. Not a hard boundary or complicated one to follow. For Techno too. Or did ya'll just think it didn't matter anymore....
"But They're just characters it's not rpf" yes but characters of people who said please don't. Block me if you'd like bye.
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glindaselphie · 3 months
kristin posting ariana on her insta story calling her “my little galinda” is actually the cutest thing ever bye 🥹
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superherokisser · 14 days
I FINISHED THE WOMEN BY KRISTIN HANNAH🔥🔥‼️‼️‼️bye this is so bad but i literally want to make frankie worse and get worse with her also i love henry i need him. also sodapop and frankie crossover when also rye is a little shit😭 i heart ethel and barb and frankie. they are poly. To Me.
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bonesandthebees · 6 months
bee! new qsmp fic! it looks silly i love silly stuff so im gonna read this cause yes
okay first of all this start is very cool i love it the descriptions just ahhhh youre so good at writing like genuinely
all normal things tbh
idk fit the gods feels like a normal thing as well
just a small history
i love that kristin is the stable one according to phil
i dont know the newer eggs but empanada is such a cute name and em as a nickname is so surieje
tubbo is sooo silly
theyre so silly i love this bee
his hubby has arrived!
i love him just arguing with an invisible being and tommy is just like there
this was a very silly fic i very much enjoyed this bee keep being silly idk bye now :D
- 🪿
awww thank you I do go a little overboard with the descriptions sometimes lol so I'm glad they're appreciated
tbh yeah fit being surprised about the gods is funny considering he's literally talking to a guy with wings
in my head kristin is stable in the sense that her existence as a god is firmly cemented. unlike other gods her power almost never fluctuates and is very rarely effected by outside sources because death is constant and inevitable. kristin personality-wise is not stable that woman is a goof who finds it very funny to watch her angel get chased after by so many men on this weird island while he just wants to take care of his kids
the newer eggs are empanada, sunnysideup, and pepito! empanada is such a cute name for an egg right?? she said herself that people can call her em as a nickname
tubbo doesn't care if no one else can see tommy he can see tommy and he can see his god husband being annoying and fucking his shit up of course he's gonna argue with him
I'm glad you enjoyed!!
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n4talia-chaparro · 11 months
Psst. You. Yes, you *points at Krupp*. This thing is your problem now because I said so.
*Gently throws Kristine towards Krupp (x2)*
Bye bye.
*disappears into thin air*
Tumblr media
Tumblr media
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tanzderalfred · 1 month
Bye bye!!!
Video by Sarah- played by Kristin Backes
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alixlives · 2 years
Time for Sleep
day 1 of my Lee Tommy week; sleepy tickles!
link for the prompts for lee tommy week: https://fizzthelee.tumblr.com/post/690344255616663552/ah-why-ello-there-what-is-this-a-lee-tommy-week
Lee!Tommy, Ler!Phil, CC’s
platonic!! dont tag as ship!! if u do then u will be hunted and killed/hj
Tommy lied in the bed of Phil & Kristin’s spare bedroom. It was 1 in the morning, and the kid was sitting there on facetime with Ranboo! What is it with these two and staying up late?
They’d ended up sending eachother memes and funny videos back and forth even though on facetime, and Tommy was trying so hard not to laugh so he wouldn’t wake up Phil or Kristin. But Ranboo then sent him a video of a compilation of Schlatt reacting to his fans stealing things like street signs, traffic cones, shopping carts, etc, and Tommy burst out laughing. Ranboo did as well, Tommy’s laugh being highly contagious.
I guess things are a lot more funnier when its late at night.
Phil was woken up, but not Kristin. he sighed, planted a gentle kiss onto Kristin’s forehead, and got up to go check on Tommy.
“Dahahamnihihit, Rahanbohoo! You’re gohohonna gehet mehe in trohohouble!!” Tommy tried to whisper yell but at this point he wasn’t anywhere near quiet.
“Nohot my fahault you dehecihided toho stahay at Phihihil’s instead ohof my house!” Ranboo retorted. In fairness, Tommy was fully given the option to stay at a house where there was nobody around to complain about them being too loud at 1AM. But it’d been ages since he’s seen Phil!
“Oh fuhuck OHOHOHOFF- PHIL?” Tommy whipped his head around, a wide smile on his face. Phil had snuck behind Tommy and squeezed both his sides.
“Phihil! What the hell?” Tommy exclaimed, and Ranboo set his phone down with a fond smile, resting it against his pillow so he could see this go down.
“You need to be quieter Tommy, you’ll wake up Kristin,” Phil told him as he sat down next to him. “Why are you still awake? Its nearly 1:30 now.”
Tommy stayed silent for a bit, a little embarrassed now as Phil was being soft with him while he was still on call with Ranboo.
“Can’t sleep.. bored.. and I miss Ranboo…” He said the last sentence very quietly, but Ranboo and Phil both heard it.
“Tom I miss you too but you chose to stay there—“ Ranboo said with a smile, and Tommy promptly flipped him off.
“How about this, I will help you get to sleep, and me, you, and Kristin go visit Ranboo tomorrow?”
Tommy’s eyes lit up and his smiled, “yes!”
“Alright. Say bye to Ranboo, and we will see him tomorrow, alright mate?” Phil carded a hand through Tommy’s hair and Tommy turned to his phone.
“Bye Ranboo,, I’ll see you tomorrow,” Tommy mumbled, loud enough for Ranboo to hear though.
“Bye, Toms. I’ll see you tomorrow!” Ranboo exclaimed, allowing Tommy to be the one to hang up so it wouldn’t seem like he wanted to leave. He really didn’t, if he was being fully honest.
Tommy pressed the bright red hang up button, and turned back to Phil.
“So.. how do you plan on getting me to sleep?” Tommy queried, genuinely curious as to what Phil meant.
Phil didnt give a verbal resposne, instead, he gave a response of lightly wiggling his fingers at the boy with a fond smirk.
Tommy flinched and tensed at the sight, a wide smile immediately appeared. “Phihil-“
“You alright with it, mate? I’ll be gentle, I promise you.” Phil pulled Tommy into a genuine hug, and Tommy melted into the affection with a slight nod.
Phil smiled and began to lightly drag his fingers up and down Tommy’s sides, producing giggles sweeter than honey from the teen.
“Phihilll.. ihit tihihickles,,,” Tommy whined through his giggling and Phil’s soft smile turned into a grin.
“Aw, It’s supposed to, Tom,” Phil started wiggling his fingers, but not too much as he didnt want to overwhelm the boy. Tommy’s giggles picked up as he released himself from Phil’s hold and lied down on his stomach out of instinc.
“Sohohomewhehehere ehehehelse plehehehease..!” Phil complied immediately, switching to tracing shapes into Tommy’s back and deciding to give him head scratches along with it. Tommy practically melted into the bed.
Phil audibly cooed at the teen below him. Everyone knew that Tommy was a soft kid off camera, and that he loves physical affection no matter how much he’d deny it.
“Shuhut up Phihil,” Tommy giggled and tried to smack Phil’s arm, however it was pretty difficult as he could not reach far behind him.
Phil soon let up on the tickles as Tommy seemed pretty tired. “You alright, mate?”
“Mhmm.. tired..” Tommy flipped over to lay on his back, and Phil got up to leave.
“No.. stay, please..” Tommy reached out his arms and did grabby handd, Phil audibly cooed as he lied down next to the boy.
Tommy curled up against Phil, his head rested on his chest. “G’night Phil..”
“Goodnight, Toms,” Phil carded a hand through the teen’s blonde curls, and the two then fell asleep almost instantly.
Phil told Ranboo and Kristin about what had happened that night, and Tommy was screaming over them about how it didn’t happen.
Nobody believed Tommy.
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