commission for @kiichu of her tiefling whumpee, Viren!
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Commissions for Palestine are still open! Details here
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zecretsanta · 4 months
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To: @kiichu
From: @stickiy-note
Happy holidays! As soon as I saw Ace in the list of characters you listed for your Pokemon crossover prompt, my immediate thought of Yamask being his partner Pokemon made me so excited to make this concept reality! I wanted to challenge myself to draw less cute than my usual pieces, especially since I didn't think I could do Ace's design or my mental concepts of the final piece justice in my cuter, squishier style. Despite the lineart stage being a bit more difficult than usual, I had a lot of fun tackling this challenge! I also had to add some quick, silly doodles to give you something cute as well and give me an excuse to choose Pokemon for most of the other characters you listed (reasoning under the cut because I thought a bit too hard about this).
I gave Ace Yamask because of its Pokedex entries and design focusing a lot on faces. This Yamask isn't intended to represent any character other than Ace (as sort of a parallel?). My vision is that the Yamask is not be able to properly recognize what its past face looked like since its mask is broken. A couple other Pokemon I think he would have are Venusaur (evolved from the first Pokemon in Pokedex order) and Rhydon (the first Pokemon designed). However, I'd think it be funnier if Yamask was his ace because I love when a small, cute Pokemon is the strongest in someone's team. The Swablu line's Japanese names are references to The Blue Bird, so I just had to give Luna one of them! I thought Swablu would make for a cuter doodle though (a few entries mention how it likes to pretend it's a hat). I had a lot of potential choices for Dio, but I decided on Purrloin for personality/Pokedex reasons. In hindsight, it's kinda funny that I gave him a cat when he likes dogs better. Finally, I also had a few potential choices for Carlos, but I decided on the most notable firefighting Pokemon in the anime. Carlos's Squirtle just had to wear sunglasses for this doodle for the Squirtle Squad reference.
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misstooni · 2 years
Dio/Luna 😌
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I think they have an interesting dynamic, but I don't personally ship it. That said, whenever I see you post content of it, I smile because I know how happy it makes you :D
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chessanator · 1 year
Thanks for the ask!
📝Share a snippet of an unposted WIP, with or without context.
I think I'll go with this bit from the early part of the second arc of TUoHS, since it really highlights what I want the fic to accomplish. Koizumi's spent most of the chapter manoeuvring so that he can get Kyon by himself, and...
“Oh. You noticed that,” Koizumi said. It was at that moment that I realised that I’d said my thoughts out loud: not just that last bit, but everything I’d just realised.
“So that whole thing with the rope and pushing an object through the window and trying to do something to classroom 3-5… that wasn’t your idea about why someone broke the window?”
Koizumi stepped away from the window, turning to face me. “You’re right about that. I had to come up with something for this, and this was the best I could manage at such short notice. It was flimsy, I’ll admit. I should have expected that you’d see right through it.”
I shook my head in bemusement. “Why would you drag us all out here to test a guess even you thought was complete rubbish?”
“Well…” Koizumi said, “the first reason was to give Haruhi Suzumiya something to do. To occupy her thoughts. She’s getting restless. You can tell that, just as well as I can.”
“So… what, you trick Haruhi into focusing on room 3-5 and hope that distracts her? You think that’ll work for long? At all?”
Koizumi shrugged. “With any luck, Suzumiya will be annoyed with herself for not finding anything and she’ll redouble her efforts. With even better luck, she’s already realised my theory doesn’t hold up and is right now coming up with her own to replace it.”
“Haruhi’s going to be mad once she finds out you’ve lied to her,” I said.
“That’s the thing, Kyon,” Koizumi replied, smiling a thin smile. “I didn’t lie when I said I’d guessed why the window had been broken.”
So you just didn’t tell us the truth about what your guess was? Spit it out, Koizumi.
“I think whoever broke the window did so to communicate with someone on the outside.”
Someone got a message out of the school we’d been imprisoned in all this time? It was a tempting idea. Very damn tempting. If only someone on the outside knew we were stuck here, they’d get someone to rescue us right this moment. We wouldn’t have to go through another murder or another one of Monokuma’s grisly trials. If I could get a message out to someone – anyone – I’d do so in a heartbeat.
But, again, when I thought about what Koizumi was suggesting, the pieces didn’t fit together right. “But why would you need to break the window to get someone to rescue us?” I asked.
Koizumi just raised one eyebrow.
“I mean, if they’re looking in the right direction and close enough to the school to see someone at the window, wouldn’t that be enough? We’re obviously in trouble here. Wouldn’t just seeing one of us waving our arms at the window in a panic be enough for anyone to realise we need help?”
Koizumi smiled. “That’s what I figured, as well. Whoever smashed the window communicated more than just our need for assistance; from the second break last night it seems like they’ve got quite the regular correspondence in progress.” He let out a breathy half-chuckle, half-sigh. “So I suspect that it wasn’t just any random member of the public who was reached, or any random classmate who did the communicating. It seems all too likely that neither of them actually want us to be rescued.”
They… didn’t want us to be rescued? Why would any of us not want to be rescued? And how had they managed to find what had to be the one person on Earth who could come across a bunch of kids being locked up and forced to kill each other and think, ‘This seems reasonable. I shouldn’t get involved’? If the person outside was one of Monokuma’s confederates there wouldn’t be any point in going to such lengths to talk to them, and anyone else would have rescued us. Wouldn’t they? In fact, the only other people I could think of who could have any reason at all not to save us were…
“You think this is one of the groups that’s been keeping an eye on Haruhi?” I asked. I paused, mulling it over for a couple more seconds, then added, “Even you’re not twisty enough to be going through all this if you were the one who broke the window. So who do you think it was, outside? More time-travellers? Other interfaces working for the Data Overmind? Who?”
“That’s the question, isn’t it? While both groups might seem likely candidates,” Koizumi said, twirling his hand casually in the air, “I’m not so sure. From what little my people have been able to discover about them… First off, we believe it takes an incredible amount of energy for the people of the future to displace someone back to our time by whatever method it is they use. If we’re right, then Mikuru Asahina is the only agent they are able to maintain here full-time. Even if they did send a second person back, it could only be temporarily, and starting from quite some time after we were all kidnapped and confined. As you can imagine, that would put some complications in the way of arranging the place and timing needed for that sort of communication.
“As for Nagato, and the Data Overmind… Again, as far as we can tell there are very few humanoid interfaces on Earth. Certainly not enough to build up an organisational structure like the Agency has. If there was another humanoid interface out there to receive a message I’m sure I would have noticed. They tend to be… distinctive.”
Yuki Nagato, distinctive? I would have thought that she was exactly the type who, if she wanted to, could just melt into a crowd and disappear.
“Distinctive… if you know what you’re looking for,” Koizumi murmured. He fell silent, letting the corner of his mouth turn up slightly as he took another few paces around the classroom. “But let’s get back to the main question. If not my Agency, or people from the future, or the interfaces of the Data Overmind, what group was it who got one of their members into class 78-B, and so desperately needed them to communicate their situation to the outside world? What group was it who received such a communication, and had no desire to effect a rescue?”
“You’re saying there’s a fourth group following Haruhi around? That they’re responsible?” I exclaimed. “Good grief. How on Earth are we supposed to work out which of us is working for them?”
“I have some ideas,” Koizumi said. Coldly?
Almost vindictively?
“I’ll admit to not having been aware of this fourth organisation before my arrival at Hope’s Peak Academy,” Koizumi continued, “so I can’t say anything for certain. But in a way, isn’t that our first clue to their nature? To escape the attention of even my resources, they’ve presumably made complete secrecy their highest priority.
“So that’s the first thing we know about them: they would do anything to prevent others from learning any information about them and their capabilities.
“Which leads to my second point. Not having known anything about the fourth organisation I couldn’t say, one way or another, what sort of supernaturality they are associated with. And so I don’t know what abilities they might have. You can understand why the thought of that concerns me seriously. I’ve thought for quite some time that my esper abilities and their unique connection to Miss Suzumiya’s subconscious gave me at least a somewhat deeper apprehension of her state of mind. Now I have to consider the possibility that this new force somehow has even more insight into her underlying motivations and desires. Another type of esper perhaps, whose powers operate in a subtly different way from my own. Or they can slide between realities, exploring Suzumiya’s reactions to various options to build a complete picture of her personality. Either power, or possibilities I have been unable to think of, would give them the grasp on Suzumiya’s mental state that I fear they have.
“If so, that would be a second clue to the identity of their agent in the school.
“For a third and final clue, I wondered why this organisation would be so insistent on keeping themselves secret: their operations, membership and abilities, all kept secret. Where Asahina, Nagato and I were able to open lines of communication and cooperate this group stayed hidden from us. Almost as though they had an entirely different agenda from those of us who chose to work together.” He glared at me sternly. “You can see why I’d find that worrying. Can’t you?”
I shrugged. “That’s all really esoteric, Koizumi. I’m glad you got the chance to puzzle some stuff out about this rival organisation of yours. Doesn’t really give us any clues about which one of us smashed the window, though.”
“Oh?” Koizumi frowned. “I was so sure that you would have been able to fill in the gaps.”
It was at this moment that I noticed that Koizumi had manoeuvred himself between me and the exit doors.
“Well, if you insist on making me spell it out,” Koizumi said. “First, how might we recognise which student in our class is the agent of this organisation, knowing only of their penchant for secrecy and their connection to Miss Suzumiya? Perhaps that person…” Koizumi paused for effect. “…would have been marked out: brought to this school in the same group as Miss Suzumiya and the others with supernatural abilities she drew into her presence. Perhaps the person who snuck around behind the rest of our backs in order to communicate with their comrades would be the same sort of person who, even after being given every opportunity to reach out to the rest of us and cooperate, would instead deny that they had anything to do with Haruhi Suzumiya.”
Oh. Flashbacks shot through my mind of the way Koizumi had acted back when he, Asahina and Nagato had told me about their connections to Haruhi: dancing around his implications and insinuations like they were on fire. It looked like he’d decided to stick his hand into that fire right at this moment, but I was the only one getting burned. “I told you before, Koizumi! I haven’t been stalking Haruhi like you guys! I’d never even heard of her before coming to Hope’s Peak. I don’t know where you’re getting your ideas from, but you’ve got it wrong!”
“Secondly, what might that person…” Koizumi took a couple of well-poised, menacing steps towards me, barely listening to what I had to say in my own defence. “… be able to do with an ability that grants them supernatural understanding of Miss Suzumiya’s mind? Perhaps to the extent that they’d be able to navigate their way – effortlessly, completely unconcerned about the risks they were taking, somehow managing to succeed exactly in line with Miss Suzumiya’s expectations – through a complex and dangerous situation. A dangerous situation… such as a Class Trial.”
I shook my head vigorously. “That doesn’t even make any sense… I was just doing whatever felt right to me at the time, one thing after another, all the way through that Class Trial. I hadn’t got a damn clue what Haruhi was thinking!”
But Koizumi was on a roll now. “That person, working for an organisation just as interested in Miss Suzumiya as we are but with goals running at cross purposes to our own…” he mused. “Perhaps trying to rile her up, where Nagato, Asahina and I would prefer to keep her effects on reality stable? One might almost imagine that they could, say, have a tendency to address… ‘Haruhi’… without the sensible levels of respect.”
What?! That’s what you’re accusing me over? Not quite believing that Koizumi was actually doing this, I reached out my hand.
Next thing I knew I was pinned against the wall, my right arm twisted behind my back.
“Who do you work for?!” Koizumi hissed into my ear. His arm pressed menacingly on the back of my neck. “Who do you work for, Kyon? If that even is your real name…”
It’s not! I just got stuck with it!
“I don’t blame you at all for trying to communicate with your colleagues,” Koizumi said, his voice softening as he tried to play both roles of good-cop-bad-cop. “I’ve tried to get word out to the Agency about our situation many times before, to no avail. Maybe I should have tried breaking a window, like you did?” Then his voice, while still keeping his typical mellow lilt, hardened again. “But if you are working against us… that I cannot so easily forgive.”
“I’m not… I still have no idea what you think I’m up to. I-I didn’t break the window in the tool closet, or anything else,” I spluttered, all-too-conscious of what could happen if I said something Koizumi disagreed with.
“Don’t lie to me, Kyon. Right after the end of the first trial, you headed straight over to the south building, without even stopping to think. If you hadn’t run into Asahina, Nagato and me, you would have enacted your plan right then. If I can’t trust you – if I don’t know what your agenda and abilities are – I can’t afford to let you go.”
“Huh? What about Asahina and Nagato? You’re trusting them. You didn’t shove them into a wall and threaten them.” I paused, thinking it over. “Did you?” For a moment, I was almost more offended by the idea that he had attacked Asahina and Nagato than the fact that he was attacking me right this second.
“For all our differences,” Koizumi murmured in reply, “the people of the future and the Data Overmind agree with my Agency on the most important thing. That Miss Suzumiya should be allowed to live her life in peace.”
“Haruhi? ‘Live her life in peace’? She doesn’t want that,” I blurted out the obvious truth.
A second later, I realised what that sounded like to someone who had riled themselves up as much as Koizumi had.
“That’s what I feared,” he said, sounding almost disappointed in me. “I gave you the chance to reach out to us earlier. Perhaps we could have come to an agreement: a truce despite our opposed goals just to get us through this situation. I’d hoped that I’d be able to glean something of your goals and plans by subterfuge, observing your reactions to the false explanation of the break in the window I posited this afternoon. But, in the end, the only way I was able to get any information out of you was… directly.”
“Koizumi! I really don’t know anything! I’m not working for any secret organisation. I wish I had the special powers you think I do, but I don’t. I can’t tell you anything I don’t know!”
Koizumi sighed. “So, you’re still going to pretend otherwise. If that’s what you want to do, then… that’s your choice to make. I just wanted you to know that I’ll do what it takes to stop you from unbalancing this situation, Kyon, even if it comes at the cost of –”
And then a voice rang out. “Koizumi! Please, stop!”
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what-ever-is-left · 5 months
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and lastly luna for @kiichu
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pomegranate-belle · 15 days
For the "unpopular opinion edition" ask game, 💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character? and 💕: What is an unpopular ship that you like?
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
Foggy Nelson’s bitchiness ratio. XD Some people make him too nice and sunshiney, some people make him too mean. It’s a delicate balance!
💕: What is an unpopular ship that you like?
Shout out to @kiichu bc it’s you and me and like three other people shipping DioLuna against the world. XD
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sobeksewerrat · 11 days
Okay so- if you saw my aroace chr headcannon list, you probably saw Adam from Hazbin Hotel on there! It's been a while since I have written an essay, but honestly I really wanted to expand on my asexual Adam thought and @kiichu asked me to so here we go ;)
[ Just. Don't expect any actual thoughtful analysis. I am mostly just grasping at straws and projecting because I kin the dude ]
[ Oh yeah and I will reference the Trans Genesis AU a lot. Nope, Stanley and I did not abandon it. Sorry not sorry ]
First things first, let's look at his first appearance in episode 1.
Needless to say, he was a bit of an asshole. But something really stuck out to me.
In one of the scenes, he was recounting a date/one-night-stand he had to Charlie (because of course he was).
He clearly seemed to be describing the dinner date itself in detail, but he literally just caps it off with "and then we fucked, and it was awesome".
This line can be read in a few different ways, depending on your view.
1. They didn't actually fuck, the woman ditched him or didn't exist to begin with and he's lying to seem cooler.
2. It wasn't awesome (*at least for him, but yk could go both ways) and he wasn't about to go into detail about his less-than-stellar sexual encounter (I feel. Really uncomfortable writing this, I am too ace for this shit).
3. The logical explanation of the writers not wanting to include it for rating reasons and because of the episode's already short run time and also because we as the audience don't really need to know that. Though I think that if that were just that, a better alternative would've been that Adam either continues describing the date or starts describing the sex and either Lute or Charlie (or both) stop him.
For my interpretation of the ace Adam, we'll go with the second interpretation.
Allos love pointing out how "asexuals can still date/have sex" but they always neglect one thing: that's not exactly how sex-favourable and sex-neutral aces work.
I can't speak for everybody on the spectrum (especially since I am mostly repulsed), but wanting to have sex doesn't mean you feel sexual attraction.
So yeah this doesn't disprove him being asexual, though I am aiming for a very different interpretation.
Sex-repulsed Adam.
Ace men rarely get any representation, and a lot of men (especially cis men, but trans men too) don't realize they're ace or are actively in denial about it because of this thing called ✨toxic masculinity✨
I don't think it's too much of a hot take to say that Adam clearly falls into a lot of toxic masculinity stuff.
Being literally the first man, the original dick (or the original pussy if we're talking about the tgau), he is probably expected to uphold these harmful beliefs of masculinity or at least thinks he has to to be taken seriously (or be percieved as cis at least-).
Therefore, he's probably is in deep, deep denial of his asexuality and tries to cover it up by, well, sleeping around I guess (*hopefully not with human souls because i don't need any of the implications that come with that).
But that doesn't necessarily mean he enjoyed it, you know.
Now I don't wanna go too deep into this honestly quite depressing line of thought, so to keep it brief that's probably why he wouldn't go into detail about that one night stand- even though he totally seems like the type of guy who would talk about this stuff in excessive and unnecessary detail (can you tell I love torturing this guy. I mean if yk the TGAU you probably already know but shush).
That or because a lot of aces literally cannot talk about sex seriously. It has to be a joke or about an ao3 smut fic.
*ahem* Moving on-
The infamous "Now, I'm going to FUCK you" scene that every Adamsapple shippers love (no hate to Adamsapple shippers btw, except @roryheart fuck you Rory /lh silly (I love you buddy don't take this seriously)).
Just. Just look at his face when Lucifer says it.
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It could just be pure confusion, which is quite understandable tbh.
Or we could go with the funny interpretation of Adam being so autistic and ace, he thought for a second that Lucifer was actually hitting on him this whole time and he just didn't notice. Purely because this has actually happened to me before and I wanna project-
Moreover, he looks lowkey disgusted by it and just attacks Lucifer immediately.
Whatever, now we get to the ✨angst potential✨ of ace Adam.
Elaborating on the bit of toxic masculinity from earlier, maybe he thinks that his aversion to stuff like is why both Lilith (and presumably Eve) cheated on him with Lucifer, because he wasn't a real man.
And if we wanna get really depressing, all we have to do is just remember that his only purpose was to have as many children with Eve (and previously Lilith) as possible to populate the Earth.
Yeah, sounds like a total nightmare scenario.
I have a few other ideas, but they're really half baked and not really well put together and stuff- idk I just think ace Adam is a cool idea.
Sorry if this wasn't exactly the essay any of you were looking for but I genuinely just think it'd be fun and kinda interesting to explore really.
Btw gonna make "sobek rants" exclusively for angry rants and gonna repurpose "brainingsewer" for essays and analysis and stuff. Not that anybody really cares about my tagging system.
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redreart · 1 year
rules: list 5 comfort characters and tag at least 5 people.
I was tagged by @josephseedismyfather
John Seed (Far Cry 5)
Joseph Seed (Far Cry 5)
Jacob Seed (Far Cry 5)
Joey Hudson (Far Cry 5)
Staci Pratt (Far Cry 5)
Tagging @cassietrn @darth-salem-emperor-of-earth @kiichu @vasiktomis @schoute @socially-awkward-skeleton no pressure 🌟
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marshvlovestv · 2 months
Finish Your Fics (the Day Before) Friday
Thanks for the tag @hellhoundmaggie! I know it was a few weeks back but I was too wrapped up in my Fluffuary work! I've, uh, taken a break from that, though, and wanted to turn my eye back to my other WIPs.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it: Ask me about the fanfic WIP you want me to work on.
My mission: Write or edit five sentences for the the Asked-about fic and post them in the answer.
Here are your choices:
Zero Escape:
Laugh with the Sinners, Cry with the Saints (chapter 10): Kyle is Brother's personal mentee and his relationship with Dio has officially turned romantic. He feels like he has everything - what will prove him wrong?
The Cursed Boys: Delta, age 14, accidentally reveals his abilities to Left and has to manage his brother's curiosity.
Scarlet Hollow:
Tableau Vivant: Kaneeka and Reese have escaped Scarlet Hollow and are living together. Kaneeka notices the extremes in her boyfriend's moods and how they interact with his ability to control his transformations, and they must learn to navigate this together.
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Thriving at Hope's Peak: My grand ambitious non-Despair AU that I haven't updated in quite a while. Name one of the THH characters and I have an unfinished chapter centered around them, I promise.
Challenging @kiichu and any other fic writers following me (I think I need more fanfic moots)
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fluffyflipside · 8 months
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Drew @kiichu ‘s kitty, Scout in Lady Nagant attire 💕💜 she’ll snipe ya AND scratch ya! 🫣
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kiichu · 21 days
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Hazbin Hotel (Cartoon) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Adam & Alastor (Hazbin Hotel), Adam & Charlie Magne | Morningstar, Charlie Magne | Morningstar/Vaggie Characters: Adam (Hazbin Hotel), Alastor (Hazbin Hotel), Charlie Magne | Morningstar, Vaggie (Hazbin Hotel), Lucifer Magne | Morningstar Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Whump, Blood and Violence, Demon Deals, Hurt Adam (Hazbin Hotel), Post-Canon, Alastor is in Hell for a Reason (Hazbin Hotel), Sinner Adam (Hazbin Hotel), Hurt/Comfort, hurt a lot then SOME comfort Summary:
They say every time the Radio Demon loses a fight to a guitar, slinks away in defeat, and happens upon the barely-alive 'corpse' of his enemy upon returning, that very same angel loses its wings.
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Ok I don’t know if you’d be ok doing this but top image, B3, Lex and (whumped!)Uriah? With like a very much “I don’t want you to be touching me” Lex, obvs. If you don’t think you can I totally get it!! 🩷
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the situations where Lex is even remotely civil with Uriah are few and far between, but they do exist (very fragilely)
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zecretsanta · 4 months
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To: @digestivekex From: @kiichu Happy Holidays!! I could not decide between catboy Dio or Dio with a cat… so I did both! Fun fact, he's holding my cat Scout. ;) I hope you enjoy, and I hope you and your loved ones have a wonderful holiday season! <3
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archangelmacaron · 2 months
Finish Your Fics February
Thank you for the tag @kiichu
Your mission, should you choose to accept it: Ask me about the fanfic WIP you want me to work on.
My mission: Write or edit five sentences for the the Asked-about fic and post them in the answer.
Here are your choices:
Published WIP
Accidents That Aren't (college AU) Unpublished but planning to be published WIP
Post rescue one shot (almost finished, but needs a little more polish)
Unpublished but maybe publishing IDK Horror/different choices AU
Unpublished and not planning to be published unless asked Fic with OCs I wrote to get out of writer's block which worked really well for a while Beach party Alternatively, Bully Encourage me into working on OC
Evelyn & Az part uh...4? idk Holly & D part 5 Rewrite Evelyn & Az progress (will not be shared yet) Rewrite Holly & D progress (will not be shared yet) that new thing you've kinda been toying with but are unsure of actually writing
Thanks if you participate!
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rukisnyart · 2 years
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wandering-koyote · 1 year
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@kiichu I actually do take commissions! I have a post pinned on my profile!
I’m glad you like my rendition of Mysterio so much!
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