#kid pirate concert
swampstew · 2 years
Oh shit I can make requests outside from the event? Oh golly okay uh first HAPPY 200 CONGRATS!! You deserve each and everyone of them and more because I'm sure those 200 people are so happy to your blog name on their notifications like I am
But yeah um 👉🏽👈🏽 am in love with your Kid and I want to see more of him so if you like the SOUND of this feel free to give it a try, you know how Kid's like is music? Usually this lead to uh metal band Kid pirates? Yeah cool I love it BUT Kid with a partner with Auralism(me. It's me I have an auralism kink) but just imagine the possibilities!
(I am so high while writing this so sorry if it was rambly lmao)
Hiii @sluttyseaslug ~ thank you so much, that's so sweet to say<3<3<3 I'm in love with him too<3 also I see what you did there, lmao. I am high writing this so I hope I hit those notes you were listening for, or else Kid says I'm in treble (jfc i'm so sorry) :)
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WC: 686. Spicy - M!n0rs DNI YOU WILL BE BLOCKED, A Kid Pirate metal concert, Kid being a little shit, CW: suggestive, auralism.
You never thought you would ever see the sight before you and yet here you were, standing in the crowd of your crewmates as you all watched your Captain, Vice-Captain, and a handful of pirates performing a show on the deck of the Victoria Punk.
You knew that Killer played drums. You knew that Kid liked to listen to music but you never knew he liked to sing too! And damn did he sing.
Belting out lyrics song after song made you feel like time had stopped entirely. An alternate reality where all there was, was him singing. His voice was jaggy, rough, like metal screeching when it was attracted to his body and molded around him on his whims; it made your blood rush, your heart race, and your brain reduce to goo.
They queued up the next song and Kid's bright, golden eyes found yours in the crowd. You offer him an excited smile and thumbs up and he winked at you!
"Oh fuck," you whisper to yourself, suddenly feeling hot and bothered. Your pants now suddenly feeling restrictive and...damp.
Here I lay Still and breathless Just like always Still, I want some more
Time was an illusion, Kid was hardly moving and yet you felt like he was everywhere all at once: on the stage, right in front of you, behind you and surrounding you as if he was singling you out with his performance. Was he? He had a mischievous look in his eyes, that bastard.
You adjusted your clothes and posture, cheeks blushing as you try to play it cool. His voice and the music were absolutely not making you aroused. Not in the middle of all your friends and crewmates. He winked at you again. Suddenly, you're too hot. Spreading from below and engulfing you.
How did he sound husky and angelic at the same time? The way his voice fluidly transitioned from breathy, raspy to sounding almost otherworldly. Was he really a punk rock sex god? A deity of sound sent to...you shake the thought. This isn't about me, you mutter to yourself. Trying to shake the horniness from your system.
Let the whole world look in Who cares who sees what tonight? Roll these misty windows Down to catch my breath and then Go and go and go just Drive me home and back again
The way the music flowed with striking notes and mellow tones, the sudden intrusion of high, sharp chords making your breath hitch, throat dry as a desert. The way he wailed the chorus vocals had you grabbing at your neck, trying to ground yourself. Desperately trying to stay in control of your emotions, your whoremones, and losing miserably. Was your Captain always this hot?
His eyes met yours again, and this time he licked his lips and then his upper teeth as he eyed you up and down. A leer suddenly on his face and your face is burning. Dumbly swiveling your head around to see if anyone else was seeing this or maybe he was eye fucking and teasing someone else? Nope, its just for you, cool cool cool cool cool.
Don't let me Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go Take me to the edge
Each go making your sex pulse and chest heave. He barely whispers the last lyric as he begins headbanging to the heavy guitars and rushed melody, making your adrenaline rush.
He leaps down from the stage as the instrumentals fade out and he struts right up to you, placing a large, hot hand on your shoulder. A shit-eating grin on his face as he takes in your flushed reaction. He knows, that bastard knows.
"You down to fuck?" Not letting your flustered and "civilian-caught-in-his-direct-path" reaction stop him, he throws you over his shoulder and marches to his cabin. Dropping you down on the bed, grin still on his handsome, asshole face.
"Yeah or?"
"Yeah," you pout, arms crossed over your still rapidly beating chest. He laughed at you, stepping back to strip off his clothes. You forgot he wasn't a gracious or kind god.
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steakcreature · 8 months
Fast fnaf sketch
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bumble-punch · 2 months
I tend to care about taking a more realistic approach to Riptide in terms of resource management ect, so here's some random thoughts about clothes.
(minor spoilers up to episode #87)
Space management is important on a ship, so pirates tend to stick the essential clothing pieces, and change and wash them less than the average land-dweller.
Pirates don't smell great. This is just something you have to accept.
(except Gillion. Gillion smells of fish and salt and seaweed and the ocean, and never smells sweaty because he doesn't sweat in the human sense, he's just always moist)
Pre episode #87:
Chip has one shirt and one pair of trousers. When he needs to wash them, he will just walk around shirtless or in his underpants depending on what item is being washed. even for a pirate, this is a bit excessive.
he has like three pairs of underpants and he washes them concerningly infrequently
Jay has a change of clothes - she has a spare shirt and trousers, 2 bras that she alternates between, and several pairs of underpants. This is closer to the regular amount of clothes you would expect a pirate to have
After Chip lost his shirt in Allport, he borrowed Jay's spare one since I refuse to imagine him shirtless for the entire Feywild arc. My boy would be cold! :(
Jay is overall the most well-groomed due to her Navy upbringing. However, this isn't something she enjoys - more like something that she feels obligated to do. She finds washing her clothes a pain, and doesn't mind not smelling great or being dirty. As a kid she always hated washing and wearing uncomfortable clothes. As she spends more time on the pirate ship, she becomes less well-put-together and starts to drift more towards a Chip-level of cleanliness - though she promises herself she will never stoop quite as low as him. It's a matter of pride.
She does pick up his habit of walking around shirtless or in her underpants when she can't be bothered to get dressed / it's too hot / whatever. It's a pirate ship, social norms don't matter. Everyone on the ship is family and no-one cares.
She stops wearing bras when they are not on land for the same reason. However, when they come to land, she does make a concerted effort to make herself look socially acceptable and conform to standard norms regarding dress, since she knows this will get them a better reception with the land-dwellers they interact with.
Gillion's was raised to be well-groomed, but didn't have a chance to pack a change of clothes when he was kicked out of the Undersea. His clothes are stiff and encrusted with salt from all the time he spends in the water. There isn't as much of a need to wash items of clothing in the Undersea, as they are in water the whole time, and stains don't show up in the underwater gloom unless they're extremely obvious. Chip and Jay teach him how laundry works easily enough, and Gillion employs a similar strategy to Chip. However, he washes his clothes less frequently than they do as they are always being resubmerged in water anyway.
Post episode #87:
They finally get Gillion a change of clothes. He has an alternate shirt and trousers.
Since they have a bigger ship by this point, the crew has space for a few more fun/luxury items of clothing that aren't for everyday wear. Only a few - ie one special shirt - but it's still nice to have.
(Gillion has an emo band T-shirt) (yes they have emo bands in the fantasy world of Mana) (come on we all know at this point that the world doesn't conform to a consistent time period)
Jay realises she hates her current clothes because the starched sleeveless shirts she has been wearing, though they have become far less starched after a year of heavy use and improper wear, are very scratchy on her skin. She buys two softer woolen sleeveless shirts instead (ie the ribbed design a lot of the fanart of her features). She gives the old shirts to Chip
Chip buys the coat, which keeps his shoulders warm, and so he often prefers to go shirtless to show off his tattoos. However, he will wear Jay's old shirts when his tits get too cold.
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gatitties · 5 months
Kid pirates and Whitebeard pirates with a singer!reader who specializes in soft vocalizations? (the best example I can think of is Lana Del Rey's Salvatore) maybe reader sings for the crew during celebrations or sings to them one on one if someone in the crew needs something to help sooth them !
─Kid Pirates & Whitebeard Pirates x singer!reader
─Summary: the discovery of your voice was a ray of tranquility for these crews
─Warnings: none
nah this is so cute 😔🫶🏻
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─ It's quite unusual to have a moment of calm in this crew, with such an explosive and impulsive captain and a crew that would follow him to hell, fights and celebrations were almost daily.
─ Of course, you were part of that stupid brutality, however you do not indulge in the frenzy that most people carry here.
─ You like to sing, whether you were born with a good voice or you tried hard enough to get to the right pitch, it was a hobby that required calmness and silence, two things that were quite unusual in this crew.
─ And probably no one noticed if it weren't for Heat overhearing you once by chance, he's one of those who appreciates calm from time to time just like Wire.
─ So at the next party, a drunk Kid approached you, urging you to please them with some song, because someone had told him you had a pretty voice.
─ You didn't feel like it was the right time, when they were making bets, juggling things on fire and absurd challenges, even Killer told you that it wasn't a good time because no one would listen to you.
─ But Kid's insistence made you go up to the improvised stage, that is, two boxes and a couple of barrels, asking for silence didn't help much so you just started with your thing.
─ Ignoring all the background noise you focused on using your vocal cords correctly, as it was quite important to reach the soft tone you liked.
─ Everyone became quieter the louder you sang, until they were completely silent just to hear your voice.
─ For you it was a simple warm-up, but for them it was something they had never heard before.
─ You received a cheer from drunks that made you laugh at how silly they looked, as well as the stupid things they said to you about being related to mermaids or something.
─ From that moment on, they ask you to have your rehearsals, which were previously solitary, in the stern so that everyone can appreciate your singing, it doesn't bother you knowing that they really enjoy it and it provides a little peace within a crew of bloodthirsty people.
─ Killer will ask you to help him in the kitchen from time to time, he likes it when you hum while you prepare everything, it makes the time go by faster.
─ Kid will also ask for it when a project is not going the way he wants and he needs to de-stress, something sweet and soft always manages to calm him down, at least that and a glass of whiskey.
─ Heat and Wire are like your groupies since they appreciate calm the most, that and you were stuck with them on most of the ship's chores, and you inevitably end up humming to kill the boredom or at their request.
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─ It's not that loud of a crew, yes, they have a lot of unnecessary parties sometimes, but overall it's pretty quiet, also because most of the crew have other ships besides the Moby Dick.
─ Marco was the one who discovered your love of singing, he listened to you while you were showering one night, and although he didn't pressure you to make it “public” since you hadn't had a chance to give a concert yet, he was like a proud mother ranting about how pretty it was your voice.
─The next few days you have Ace and Thatch begging to hear something because they were bored and Marco couldn't stop commenting on how well you sang, so it was your first private audition.
─ These two slept like babies after you reached the softer tones of the song, no one had ever blessed their ears like that.
─ Absolutely everyone knows that you have the most beautiful voice on the planet (according to Ace) after that, so the people you are closest to who were unaware of this side of you asked you for a demonstration.
─ Of course Whitebeard already knew this before anyone else, only that he wasn't going to force you to do shows for the crew if you didn't want to share your hobby, you only started to bring out this side of yourself when you gained more trust with everyone and felt comfortable.
─ Then you started singing more often with the crew acting as an audience, you always received applause even if you were just warming up your vocal cords.
─ Marco now takes the medications that are harmful to your throat very strictly, he doesn't want your voice to be ruined by being so pretty.
─ Ace and Thatch, your number one fans, probably the founders of your fan group, have a board in the kitchen with photos of you as if you were one of those famous singers that appear in the newspapers.
─ Sometimes you and Izo perform to entertain the crew, he dances and you sing.
─ You usually leave the ship to go work in some bars, since you like it, it doesn't hurt to make money from your passion if you can.
─ When someone spends a lot of time away traveling on missions, you are one of the first people they visit, all the fatigue seems to go away when they hear your voice.
─ Thatch will also ask you to help him clean up the mess in the kitchen because he knows you'll start humming while you two clean, making the task much more enjoyable.
─ You better start to believe you are a superstar because Ace will spread the word so much that he has a friend who sings like angels that your reward poster will be forgotten compared to your rumors.
─ This great family is proud of you and the achievements that you set for yourself, whether as a pirate or as a singer, whatever path you end up choosing, they will be there for you.
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kostektyw · 10 months
Detco movies rated based on how much shit gets exploded / destroyed
The Time-Bombed Skyscraper - the whole premise is about blowing up stuff, but it's shame no trains got got, 7/10
The Fourteenth Target - it's just an underwater restaurant that is pretty out of the way from anything else and we have no prior attachment to. bonus for the helicopter crash, 5/10
The Last Wizard of the Century - an entire castle does get burned down, but it's no explosion, 6/10
Captured in Her Eyes - just some regular old murder, 0/10
Countdown to Heaven - truly a 9/11 movie. point detracted for leaving the second tower intact, 8/10
The Phantom of Baker Street - the entire thing takes place in VR, so it shouldn't even count, but no one even gets their brain blown up :( 0/10
Crossroad in the Ancient Capital - somehow nothing gets bombed or destroyed? Conan tries a little arson but is unsuccessful, -1/10
Magician of the Silver Sky - a plane gets somewhat mistreated, 2/10
Strategy Above the Depths - a whole damn ship sinks, it's all very dramatic, 9/10
The Private Eyes' Requiem - despite the constant threat of exploding people, barely anything gets exploded. half a point for Kid using a gun on some windows, 1.5/10
Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure - i guess they do find that ancient pirate ship and it immediately falls apart, 5/10
Full Score of Fear - plenty of shit gets blown up including a concert hall while no one inside realizes anything's wrong. you'd think they'd have some fire warning system in place, 10/10
The Raven Chaser - sadly no explosions, but the tower gets shot at hard, and the helicopter does not end up fine, tho no actual crash on screen, 5/10
The Lost Ship in the Sky - only a research facility we don't care about gets exploded in the opening, and that airship barely gets scratched up, 4/10
Quarter of Silence - we have a train exploding out of a tunnel, a dam blown to smithereens, and an avalanche, what more could you want, 10/10
The Eleventh Striker - who can say no to some exploding stadiums, great movie for people who hate football, 8/10
Private Eye in the Distant Sea - just a rando ship at the beginning, who cares, 1/10
Dimensional Sniper - some police cars and incredibly light bombing of the tower, eh, 3/10
Sunflowers of Inferno - a cool museum gets absolutely demolished, the burning fake sunflowers are a lovely image, plus we got some proper plane mistreatment, 10/10
The Darkest Nightmare - both an explosive car crash at the beginning and a ferris wheel gets extremely destroyed, 9/10
The Crimson Love Letter - lots of explosions, and in beautiful scenery too, 10/10
Zero the Enforcer - destroying shit with a satellite is pretty imaginative, but there was not as much destruction as i hoped, 7/10
The Fist of Blue Sapphire - they're surfing on some iconic Singaporean landmarks, meanwhile an oil ship freely wrecks shit, 11/10
The Scarlet Bullet - i fully admit i have no idea what Masumi and Conan were trying to do, both the train and station ended up looking pretty rough. 10/10
The Bride of Halloween - for a movie about bombs not all that much significant shit gets destroyed, but they do go out in style at least. bonus points for covering Shibuya in goo, 9/10
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firstdivisiongirl · 6 months
Day 8: Shanks (ft. Uta (platonic)) - You Need To Sleep or Santa Won’t Come
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When Uta came up to you 2 years ago and asked you to be her mom, you couldn’t say no.  That’s when you started traveling with the Red haired pirates.  You loved being her mom.  She was the sweetest little girl!  Christmas was Uta’s favorite time of year.  She loved all the glitter, singing Christmas carols for the crew, and especially the presents!
“Mama!!!!  Papa!!!!,” she whined, “I want to stay up and see Santa!”
“Sorry Uta,” Shanks replied, ruffling her multicolored hair, “you have to go to sleep or Santa won’t come.”
“Why not?”
You sighed and crouched down in front of her, “Santa has a lot of toys to deliver and if kids like you stay up, he won’t have time to deliver them all.  And you don’t want another kid to not get their presents, do you?”
She pouted and crossed her arms, “no. But why would he skip the Red Force if I stay up?”
You really didn’t have an answer for that.  Thankfully, It was Uncle Benn to the rescue, “because that’s your punishment for being naughty and not going to bed. No presents for naughty kids.”
Uta nodded and went straight to bed.  “Thanks Benn,” you said, relieved.  You walked over to fill your cup up with more eggnog (to be honest, it was more rum than eggnog).  “Why is this so stressful?  I feel like we crushed her little hopes and dreams,” you sighed before taking a sip of “eggnog”.  
Shanks comes over and kisses your temple, “it’s fine.  She gets it.  Now come on.  I have a plan.”
The next morning Uta woke up and went straight to the tree to see what Santa left.  Santa left all sorts of presents from dolls to dresses to musical equipment for her concerts.  Uta went over to see if Santa ate his cookies she left for him.  Of course the milk and cookies were gone, but in their place was a picture.  It was Santa.  It was signed by Santa and said, “I’m your number one fan.  Sorry I can’t chat.  I can’t let your future fans not get presents!”  She was so happy that she showed everyone on the crew.  You hugged Shanks, “good idea Captain.  I think this will go down in the books.”
He kissed you, “I know.  But can I borrow some money?  I owe Lucky, 100,000,000 berries for this.”
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Please do not copy, modify, translate, repost my writing on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated!
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boyfietxts · 9 months
txt when their s/o loves another group!
a/n: Poor boys would be so jelly but they all show it very differently so let's see what that looks like! I hope you enjoy it!!!
song rec: tefutefu - Plastic Tree (I've been super into jrock/vkei recently so if you like those genres, this song is perfect for you!)
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SO JELLY OMG but also excited because he knows them personally. one day, when picking you up for a date, he spotted a changbin photocard on the back of your phone you had forgotten to remove and he gasps. "yeonjun whats wrong?!?!!" "oh nothing. i just saw a picture of my buddy on your phone case!" you almost beat him up because he scared you! once he starts to introduce you to his friends and his band, he introduces you and stray kids, changbin specifically. you two click and actually become friends, teasing yeonjun all the time! he lowkey regrets his decision.
so supportive! goes at concerts with you all the time because he see's it as really good bonding time with his lovely girlfriend. once it got out that you were a huge twice fan, he was immediately seeing what he could do to organize a meet up. he makes sure you get to see all their shows and he likes to celebrate their new releases with you! twice release party at the choi residence! he loves collecting albums with you but anytime there's a twice release, you two buy all the versions of the album and get your hands on all the inclusions and photocards. there is a whole book shelf in your apartment dedicated to twice.
JEALOUSY IS AN ILLNESS, BEOMGYU! GET OVER IT! homeboy is heartbroken when you tell him how excited you were to go to the next ateez concert. "why!? why do you wanna go see them? they're good but I'm better!" "beomgyu! I'm not gonna not go! don't be so jelly" "can I at least go and witness the moment my gf get's stolen away by a stylish pirate?" at this point, who wouldn't roll their eyes at him? he loves seeing you excited for a concert and is just trying to tease you. he knows you like him. he always randomly comes home with albums and stuff and tells you he found it laying around in the building or that one of the boys sent it to you (obvi not true! he just doesn't want to admit that he's cool with it)
straight up rolls his eyes at you when you tell him the big news about you getting VIP tickets to the next enhyphen concert. "They're cute but I didn't think you would like them that much." he secretly finds it so cute that you're such a big fan of his labelmates and organizes a meeting with them for you. The Best Boyfriend Ever award goes to kang taehyun! he just wants to give you whatever he can, even if he is jealous that you're constantly blasting 20 cube in the car when going somewhere.
heuning kai
honestly, he's not even jealous at all when he hears about you going to bunnies camp! he wants to go with you actually and arranges for you to be seated together. he totally supports you stanning new jeans and is actually a bit of a fan himself. he's also one that organizes for you to meet the girls and it's super cute! he's like a proud big brother and he loved seeing you interact with them. he get's you all the merch they put out and he contributes to the collaborative collection of albums you two have! absolute cutie.
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theangrycomet-art · 10 months
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Glamrock Foxy and his Crew
While I don't think I'll have anything with Foxy for my Glamrock Kids- multiplayer au thing, I do have ideas for him.
TLDR: Cap'n Foxy served as the Pizzaplex's unofficial babysitter before the Superstar Daycare was built. Between this and his increasingly popular theater show (Cap'n Foxy's Pirate Adventure), it was decided he would be given two additional crewmates, Bangle and Bitty.
Serving as an extra pair of eyes and ears for Foxy, they help out in the theater show as well as fulfill duties the other animatronics are too large for, such as finding lost kids or helping run scavenger hunts across the Pizzaplex.
The Chaos Twins also live up to their Pirate heritage (much to everyone's chragrin) and have particularly sticky fingers.
I choose to believe that Cap'n Foxy is normally a part of the pizzaplex, but during the events of the game was temporarily moved to a separate location to run shows there.
Cap'n Foxy is in charge of Pirate's Cove in addition to the Pirate Adventure Show.
The Pirate Adventure show's served as entertainment between the Glamrock concerts as well as a draw in for the older audience
shows ranged from thrilling acrobatics feats to comedic high sea adventures
these occasionally would have guest stars, most commonly Monty (this slowed down when he became an official Glamrock as opposed to the understudy)
there was a running joke where Foxy would accuse Monty of eating his hand and Monty would deny it with increasingly absurd alibis
he'd also assist Chica in her water show (Chica of the Sea) before that was shut down, serving as the villain
his hook can be exchanged for a hidden foldable sword hidden in back behind his coat in addition to a regular sword for his hand
he has two functioning eyes, tho the right one is typically only after flash photography (allowing him a quicker recovery time)
despite him being an older model, he is the fastest of the animatronics (excluding perhaps Bonnie)
before the Superstar Daycare was built, Pirates Cove was where parents would leave their younger kids for the day
likes puzzles- has a small stash hidden in his "room" in Pirate's Cove that he'll break out on occasion
HATES Parts and Service with a burning passion
it got to the point where he learned how to repair himself (and the others to a limited extent) just so he didn't have to go
with his increased popularity (and increased children being dropped off at Pirate's Cove, it was decided that Foxy was to be given "crewmates"
no one consulted him on this- Bangle and Bitty were just presented to him one weekend
Bangle and Bitty serve as Foxy's extra eyes in Pirate's Cove in addition to being his assistants in addition to being genia pigs for potential upgrades in the other animatronics
their smaller size allows them to access hiding places kids like to stow away in*
they also can be sent through out the pizzaplex to help out with the other attractions (Fazzerblast, Raceway, Gator Golf, etc) when they get overcrowded with guests
this requires a costume change per area
however, they have a programming bug: the only person (human or animatronic) they have to listen to is Foxy himself. Foxy thinks this is hilarious
the unoffical "bard" of the group, Bangle is the one to provide the extra dramatic music in the middle of a show** when necessary
they can connect their instruments to a small speaker in their chest cavity
their voice box has the most range of vocals (prototype to Chica's), allowing them to fill different roles for the show as well, though they commonly work as Bitty's straight man
this has led to some confusion with guests as to whether or not they are supposed to be a male or a female (the answer is Yes.)
their joints have a unique locking system
any part of their body can be easily removed or reinstalled when unlocked (when locked they are slight less sturdy than a typical endo's joints but serve their purpose)
they can connect to them wirelessly and still have (limited) control
has a running gag on the show of "falling apart" particularly when they are stressed out or worried
occasionally takes off head and makes fun of shakespeare
is not fond of toddlers or infants
outside of shows, is given free roam of the Pizzaplex as a rule (so long as Pirate's Cove isn't too busy)
LOVES photobombing guest's pictures with Bitty
Left eye had to be replaced early on after they lost it mid-show (crashed a touch too hard into the stage set). That eye is far more sensitve to light, being designed for btter night vision
smallest of all the animatronics in the Pizzplex (excluding Mini Musicman and perhaps Helpy if he counts)
they work with Bangle to bring the kids upstage and get them involved
Bitty rarely speaks of their own accord
typically they express themselves through sound effects projected from their chest speaker
Additionally, they can connect to the pizzaplex intercom system and have a microphone that allows stead or security to make impromptu announcements wherever they are out
through this they can make fake impromptu announcements through out the pizzaplex in any of the other Animatronic’s voices
eyes were upgraded to have better night vision and depth perception after crashing into Bangle too many times on a landing during Pirate Adventure's dimmer lit shows. (these were the prototypes for Roxy's eyes)
increases light sensitivity BUT their aim and accuracy has never been better
thinks Roxy is cool and so regularly steals her makeup
the pirate obsessed with treasure, Bitty has a bad habit of stealing things from both their fellow animatronics and the staff
they have hidey-holes across the pizzaplex crammed to the brim with stuff ranging from anywhere to staff badges to Freddy's top hat to enormous bags of Faz tokens
fond of riddles, if answered correctly they give out prizes (usually a large bag of faztokens but if a guest gives a particularly clever/funny answer they'll give them rarer items)
*see? they smol
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**like this guy
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icedfini-tea · 4 months
•Imagine, Idol!reader thats also a pirate, their crew is basically their whole staff( /first fan base) and their right hand man as their manager. Reason why they became a pirate in the first place is that they just go wherever they want to have a concert and just…trespass, even tho they can just get a permit, but wheres the thrill in that?
•Idol!reader has a huge fanbase since they go around the seas to perform. Their concerts in the East blue is more tame since most of the fans there are teenagers and kids alike while on the North blue,,, theres no limit of what a performer can do ;). (South and West blue are one the middle)
•Sometimes they do collabs with other artists/musicians, like uta. When the announcement of their collab got announced and spread world wide, not even a day, almost all of the people celebrated (esp their die hard fans) in joy since- hello?? Two of the infamous idols are gonna do a music together and perform!
•The concerts of theirs is randomly vogue. since they don’t give schedules or any heads up to the people. the most they can do is give a singular clue to their fans and the rest is for them to solve (cause of the marines), Its like an investigation of when and where their next concert will be. If you got the info’s right then enjoy the show! If not then better luck next time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ .
•Since they have a high bounty, the marines always keep track of them whenever they left a clue, sometimes they would be right and crash the show (just like how they crashes soul king’s performance) but most of the time,,,, not so much, since they’re cheeky like that.
•They have their own light sticks and merch like those kpop groups. Fans can collect photo cards (some are limited), keychains, stickers, pins, etc. reason why they have the budget of effects and other stuff.
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▶︎•၊၊||၊|။||||။၊|။• Extra
“Holy shit man, i cant believe we got to see them in live!” “Damn theres so many people here” “The code they gave for this concert is confusing as shit but i still managed to crack it!” “Your sacrifice for sleep will not be in vain brother”
as more people came to the venue to watch others kept chatting amongst themselves waiting for the performance to start.
Meanwhile a ship with a lion’s head approached an island, the sound of many voices chattering captivated the crew’s attention. Luffy, always one to follow his instincts, leaped to his feet, his eyes alight with curiosity.
"Hey, what's that sound?" he exclaimed, pointing toward the shore.
Nami, peered through her binoculars and grinned. "Looks like there's a concert happening on the island. Let's check it out!"
Excited at the prospect of new entertainment, the Straw Hats disembarked onto the lively island. Crowds of people gathered around a grand stage, where colorful lights danced to the rhythm of the music. The source of the beginning melody stood at the center of the stage, captivating the audience with their captivating voice and mesmerizing performance. The crowd roared with excitement as the show progressed.
“Oh my, how lucky we are to watch their live performance” The woman chuckled
“huh? What do you mean about that robin?” The reindeer tugged the woman’s hand, Robin then looked down at chopper
“ A legend among the seas, whose fame transcended oceans and boundaries. With their captivating charisma and unmatched talent, she held sway over the hearts of both pirates and civilians alike.” She then looked back at the stage seing the idol perform.
“Their voice carried the weight of countless adventures, each note resonating with the spirit of freedom and adventure.” As her story ended, the rest of the straw hats that were listening to her went back to the idol singing.
“YOHOHOHO, i couldnt believe i get to meet the infamous idol so soon!”
“Seems like it’s our lucky day!- wait where’s sanji?-“ ussop then looked around when suddenly
“LOVELY IDOL-CHAAAAAAAAAN~~~” popped out of nowhere holding two light sticks on each hand and a whole bag of merchandize in his back
“WOW! THIS CONCERT IS VERY SUUUUPEEEERRR!” As franky did his usual pose
“WAAAAH! LOOK AT ALL THOSE LIGHTS AND CONFETTIS!” chopper looked around amazed
“ tch, its theres too many people here..” zoro grumbled
“Well what do you expect from a very famous idol” nami smiled watching the performance
“We couldn’t go back now since theres too many people blocking the way, so lets just enjoy the show” jimbe chuckled abit at zoro
“Then ill make a way” before he pulls out one of his sword he then got bonked
“ARE YOU THAT HARD HEADED!?” Yelled nami and sanji at the same time
As the crew kept chatting/bickering while watching the performance, Luffy couldn’t help but wonder why the idol performing looks someone familiar he met before his adventure to be the pirate king. But in the end he just shrugged it off and continue enjoying the lively atmosphere of the concert with his crew.
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
ST Fics Masterpost Updated 5/3/24
Walking in On Your Parents ONESHOT
Turkey Day ONESHOT
Supernatural Steddie Part 1 AO3 alt (has more parts)
Steve Disappears in the Upside Down: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 COMPLETED
Wingman Nancy: Original Post Pilot post Part 1 Official Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 COMPLETED
Steve being jealous of a guitar  spicy extra COMPLETED
Older kids and walkie-talkies ONESHOT
Welcome to Hawkins: Primer Main Body (AO3)
Newly Wed Game: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 COMPLETED
Dustin’s Nature Doc Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 (COMPLETED)
Soul Eater ficlet ONESHOT
Steve plays Dnd in secret ONESHOT
Incubus!Steve x Vampire!Eddie ONESHOT
Argyle Babysits ONESHOT
Eddie and his Puppybats Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 (COMPLETED)
Ronance Working together Part 1 ONESHOT
Demon!Steve smut ONESHOT Extra
Steve thinks their son takes after Eddie ONESHOT
Steddie vampires ONESHOT
Vampire!Eddie wants Steve ONESHOT
Rock and Rule AU Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Eddie being jealous of himself ONESHOT
Steve being the grim reaper of sex ONESHOT
Tommy watches Part 1 Part 2 COMPLETED
Eddie being alive ONESHOT
Steve seducing Kas!Eddie ONESHOT
Night at the Museum AU ONESHOT
Thumbelina AU Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 COMPLETED
Eddie and Kas body sharing Part 1 Part 2 Part 3A Fluffy Part 3B Smutty  Part 4 Part 5 COMPLETED
Wayne shows the baby photos ONESHOT
X-men au scene
King Eddie and Prince Steve Part A Part B Part C Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17
Reverse Little Mermaid Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Cindereddie Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Steve falling for Eddie's goofiness ONESHOT
Steddathan Fake Dating (Steve/Eddie/Jonathan)  Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 COMPLETED
Eddie drinking Steve’s blood ONESHOT
Steddie goes to Action Park ONESHOT
Short abo scene
5 times Eddie singled out Steve at a concert ONESHOT
The Bright Side (sitcom au) E01 E02 E03 E04 E05 E06 AO3 alt E07 E08
Steddie singing when they part ways ONESHOT
Mafia short scenes Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Steve and Eddie break out into song while giving Lucas advice
Steve seduces Eddie to catch some zzzs
Time loop scene
2 Eddies, 1 Steve ONESHOT
Noir detective Eddie on the case of who cut Steve’s hair ONESHOT
Stobin working as burger joint carhops ONESHOT
Steve being an offering to the village god ONESHOT Extra
Steve sacrificed in a cult Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 COMPLETED
Eddie’s search for the treasure between Steve’s legs ONESHOT
Steddie dimension hopping Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Dialogue Prompts Prompt 1 Prompt 2 Prompt 3 Prompt 4 Prompt 5A Prompt 5B Prompt 6 Prompt 7 Prompt 8 Prompt 9 Prompt 10 Prompt 11 Prompt 12 Prompt 13
Eddie’s guitar turns into a human Version A ONESHOT
Eddie’s guitar turns into a human Version B Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 COMPLETED
Eddie steals a diamond for Steve ONESHOT
Infinity Train AU Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3
Barbarella!Steve Part 1 AO3 Steddie chapter
Steve’s Doppelgangers Part 1 AO3
Eddie gets his tonsils removed ONESHOT
Steve’s parents play matchmaker Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 COMPLETED
Wrong Number au Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 COMPLETED
Random word blurb
Fruity Four Sense8 ficlet
Ask Meme Prompts Prompt 1 Pining co-workers ficlet Tattoo shop ficlet  Artist!Steve Eddie gives some milk Mermaid/Pirate Baby Ollie Loneliness Steve sets up a scavenger hunt  Fantasy outcast sanctuary Grimm/ST crossover Steve had a puppy Bad barista Wayne makes the vest Frat Boy Steve Kiss Prompt
Passenger princess Steve ficlet
Stargyle ficlet
Pregnancy fluff a/b/o
Every Baby Needs a Daddy (sugar baby au) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 COMPLETED
Pre S4 Rivals (Gift Fic) ONESHOT
Steddie parents think their kid might be fighting monsters ONESHOT
Forest Guardian WIP
Steddie Bingo 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 -
Hot for Teacher(s) AO3 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
Trans Eddie smut ONESHOT
Steve goes on a trip and Eddie misses him ONESHOT
Steddie make love in a church before their wedding ONESHOT
Family Planning (a/b/o flour baby au) Part 1
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gatitties · 5 months
Hey there, weird request but could you do maybe like I usually goth and quiet reader who seems like they'd hate white girl music, gets drunk, and starts Screaming/singing "call me maybe", and professes their love for Taylor Swift? Just a silly request from a silly delulu girl😍😋thanks babes👍
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─Strawhats, Kid Pirates & Whitebeard Pirates x reader
─Summary: You swear you hate white girl music and yet it only takes a little alcohol for you to know all the songs you swore you hated.
─Warnings: none
nahh it's okay, here we're all delulu (me too 😔🤌🏻)
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─ You spend a large part of the day listening to music, either in private or at a respectable volume in meetings so as not to disturb.
─ Everyone knows your tastes and how much you complain about music, especially if it's white girl music, they will never hear you listening to that kind of stuff.
─ You argue a lot with Brook about songs and sometimes Franky joins in, since they are both the ones who precede you in your obsession with listening to music at all hours.
─ Now, your sober and drunk side are different people, or at least, concepts of your personality that others should forget, we are not going to review all the embarrassing things you have done while drunk.
─ But something that they remind you constantly like breathing was that time you had too many drinks that your body couldn't handle.
─ It was in a bar while you were celebrating having liberated another island from some random tyrant, the atmosphere was great and you loved the music that accompanied it, but the moment you crossed that line, between sobriety and drunkenness, that's when you lost it.
─ You went crazy when “call me maybe” started playing, shouting at the top of your lungs, some of your comrades looked at you suspiciously, Luffy just followed you while Brook thought you were an imposter.
─ Robin had to take you to the boat that night while you ranted about your favorite artists, being the complete opposite of what you used to listen to on a daily basis, she wasn't the only one, because Nami ended up learning Taylor Swift's entire discography.
─ They asked Chopper for something to put you to sleep because you couldn't stop humming songs even with your eyes closed.
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─ Nobody, absolutely nobody except Heat, listened to that kind of music.
─ You expressed countless times your most sincere hatred towards white girl music, throwing hate at the main artists or songs in particular, everyone at Victoria Punk knew about your dislike towards the genre.
─ Maybe the only one who caught you listening to those songs was Wire, but you threatened to cut out his tongue if he said a single word about this.
─ Although it wasn't necessary, when in one of the many celebrations for defeating any strong opponent, you got drunk, putting aside your hatred and embracing your tastes closely that night.
─ Kid almost choked on his beer when he saw how both you and Heat started a dance battle that ended with both of you singing “Last Friday Night.”
─ Taking advantage of the fact that the next morning you would regret it, he recorded everything to show you, making fun of you was always fun for your captain, especially if it was his revenge for recording him canoodling with Killer at the previous party.
─ Even when most of the crew got tired or fainted from exhaustion, you continued giving your concert.
─ Killer had to drag you back to your bed after you vomited a couple of times on the way, listening to how you would describe fun facts from the album "1989", he patted you on the back and left you, hoping you wouldn't throw up again.
─ The next day you chased Kid all over the ship to erase that singing video from existence.
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─ Only Thatch knew about your guilty taste for that type of music, he was also a secret fan, since no one used to enter the kitchen apart from him and a couple of other people, you took advantage of that time to do private concerts.
─ The problem was that Ace discovered you while he was trying to steal food, and sometimes he has just enough neurons.
─ Probably not all the crew knew your musical tastes, but most definitely knew what kind of music you didn't like, because you were always complaining if any of those songs came on the radio.
─ Oh, everyone missed how you enjoyed the songs, moving your lips singing in silence.
─ The fact is that Ace, in one of his brilliant ideas, took you on stage in the middle of a party, although it wasn't something that caught everyone's attention, it definitely caught the attention of your closest people.
─ Not only were you drunk, but you also started singing “Don't let me down” with Thatch with everything you had, Ace joined in, slurring the lyrics but following the rhythm.
─ Izo knew it was time to get you off the stage when you started to wobble more than necessary, you hugged him to keep from falling, listing each of Taylor Swift's albums and each favorite song from her respective album.
─ The next morning you had completely forgotten what happened that night, more concerned with receiving Marco's hangover pills, he made fun of you for your performance but since you didn't remember it you just told him he dreamed it or something.
─ It was Whitebeard who made you remember what you had done that night, completely embarrassed not by singing those songs, but by the drunkenness you had gotten, you are glad to have such an understanding father right now.
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eddiemonth · 9 months
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Each day has a prompt, a song, and a trait of Eddie’s to inspire you!
Week one:
Oct 1st: Parents | Runaway - Sword | Youthful
Oct 2nd: Friendship | F**Ked Up Kids - The Maine | Observant
Oct 3rd: School | Bad Reputation - Joan Jett and The Blackhearts | Combative
Oct 4th: Rejection | Arsonist’s Lullaby - Hozier | Lost
Oct 5th: Role Model | Slow Down - Ozzy Osbourne | Brave
Oct 6th: Crush | You Could Start A Cult - Niall Horan| Sincere
Oct 7th: Wayne | The Seeker - The Who | Warm
Week two:
Oct 8th: Rockstar | Times Like These - Foo Fighters | Confident
Oct 9th: Cowboy | Wanted Dead or Alive - Bon Jovi | Cavalier
Oct 10th: College | Loser Denial - Heyrocco | Determined
Oct 11th: Pirate | The Last in Line - Dio | Adventurous
Oct 12th: Soulmates | Eight - Sleeping at Last | Perceptive
Oct 13th: Monsters | Hallowed Be Thy Name - Iron Maiden | Dangerous
Oct 14th: Roomates | Come As You Are - Nirvana | Impulsive
Week three:
Oct 15th: Ren faire | Knights of Cydonia - Muse | Committed
Oct 16th: Library | Eyes on Fire - Blue Foundation | Curious
Oct 17th: Tolkien | Ramble On - Led Zeppelin | Intelligent
Oct 18th: Journaling | Twin Size Mattress - The Front Bottoms | Introspective
Oct 19th: Scifi/tech | Electric Eye - Judas Priest | Bewildered
Oct 20th: Cryptids & folklore | Bury Me Low - 8 Graves | Tactical
Oct 21th: Hellfire | Back in Black - AC/DC | Tenacious
Week four:
Oct 22nd: First concert | Triumph of King Freak - Rob Zombie | Eager
Oct 23rd: Mixtape | Nothing Else Matters - Metallica | Earnest
Oct 24th: Drama | His Kiss the Riot - Anaïs Mitchell | Magnetic
Oct 25th: Songwriting | Snuff - Slipknot | Melancholy
Oct 26th: Corroded Coffin | I Wanna Be Somebody - W.A.S.P. | Hopeful
Week five:
Oct 27th: Haunted House | Hunters Moon - Ghost | Funny
Oct 28th: Ghost Hunting | Seven Devils - Florence and the Machine | Frantic
Oct 29th: Trick or Treating | I Put A Spell On You - Screamin' Jay Hawkins | Skeptical
Oct 30th: Costumes | Children of the Grave - Black Sabbath | Loyal
Oct 31st: Scary movie night | Vampires Will Never Hurt You - My Chemical Romance | Protective
FAQ | Introduction | Playlist | Navigation
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thepepsislvt · 4 months
Here me out here me out
modern day punk!barto who loves bands like NOFX, Bouncing Souls, Green Day, Dropkick Murphys (Dropkicks are more of a kid pirates thing though I’ve seen that floating around recently)
But punk barto who dresses in mostly leather, studs, and bands tees.
Punk!barto who’s over the moon when his partner takes interests in his stuff
-🌷🌷Tulip Annon (my actual account is still broken 😍)
as a punk myself im going to have so much fun with this one
Punk Bartolomeo x GN reader
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Punk Bartolomeo supremacy
okay now that thats out of the way
when you first met him you thought he was a little scary
He’s tall, dresses with a lot of spikes and studs that look like it could really hurt someone, a lot of jewelry, so many piercings, he was a drummer, and listened to wack ass music
that really intimidated you
but once you got to know him more he was actually a real sweetheart
You guys became close friends and then eventually decided to become roommates to save on rent
when you guys got a new place together you both helped each other unpack
he would move all the furniture and big boxes while you decorated and organized everything
you came across a box containing all of his concert tickets
he would tell you about all of the concerts he went to and what his favorite and least favorite parts were
he asked you to help him put up his posters which were mainly just band posters
there was a lot of bands youve never heard of before like Hollywood Undead, Blink-182, Three Days Grace, Greenday, System of a Down, Fall Out Boy, Good Charlotte, the list goes on
everything in his room was so unique and it suited him perfectly
one night when yall were watching a movie together you confessed your feelings for him
he, to your surprise, reciprocated those feelings for you
yall became official the next day :)
3 months into your relationship you got bored one day while he was working and you had the day off
so you decided to go to his room and try on his clothes
while you were checking yourself out in the mirror you completely missed the front door of your shared apartment opening
but you didnt miss it when he dropped his phone on the floor
you quickly turned around to see him standing in his doorway, jaw dropped and looking at you with wide eyes
he was staring at you with awe while you were wearing one of his Pierce the Veil tees, his leather vest, and many of his bracelets and studded cuffs.
He was so lost in thought he almost missed you apology
he quickly shut down your apology and told you you looked fantastic in his clothes and that you should wear them more
he then hugged you tightly while covering your face in kisses
“ya look so cute wearing my clothes”
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flyingfazfoxes · 4 months
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Rough Sketch of Pirate's Cove
it's an enormous soft-playground area that's surprinsingly (and infuriatingly0 popular across the board.
The kids love the custom built playground, teens love the ropes course and zipline, and adults like that it's the one place in the Pizzaplex that's almost free.
Twice a day, Foxy's Crew preforms their comedy/gymnastics/theatre show on the "back" of their ship, which opens up into a custom stage (in-game this would connect to what was originally the Superstar Theatre). While no where NEAR the size of the Glamrock concerts, they still gather quite the crowd.
Plus, there's the flume ride... when it actually works that is.
While technically you are supposed to leave your toddlers with the Daycare attendant, i
Despite the size and lack of human attendants, Pirate's Cove has notably the least amount of accidents, with really only the occasional wire or zipline mishap from a inattentive staff member.
The Flume ride is Foxy's attraction, though it is infamous for shutting down. There was talk of bringing back an old water show with Chica, (Chica of the Sea) but with the trouble the Flume ride was bringing in, management that has since been shut down.
Bitty and Bangle share the Zipline, and from there you can get to just about any spot in the Pizzaplex on the floors across and below. Just remember it's a one way trip!
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swampstew · 10 months
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Channeling the Kid Pirates for tonight’s Fall Out Boy concert🤪 I used to do nails professionally but haven’t in gosh almost a year and a half? Maybe more. Felt good to try again! Maybe one day I’ll share the professional press on nail sets I used to sell for concerts😘 ya girl used to rock deadly CLAWS!
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wigglesdtuff · 2 years
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When you just want to take your kids to a fun concert and you sure hope nothing goes awry for once in your pirating adventures
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