#kenny stole the show
silenthill2ps2 · 1 year
i watched the spongebob musical last night cuz it was on sflix and i loved it but i feel like it could’ve benefited from at least one appearance from nosferatu
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hazelfoureyes · 6 days
A Doe in Fall (part 7)
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⟢HumanAlastor x FemaleBurlesquerReader - A Doe in Fall
Part 1 - Pretty in Red smut💦 Part 2 - Liar smut💦 Part 3 - A Tragedy smut💦 Part 4 - Enough Part 5 - Too Much Part 6 - Learning smut💦 Part 7 - Recognition smut💦
Part 7 Recognition
It was time to start again. Alastor couldn't forget what his mother had wanted, even if she didn't ask it of him directly. And while he finds his comfort again in killing, Detective Brady finds a lead.
「Warnings/Promises: Human Alastor x Fem Burlesquer reader, smut, reader's thighs as ear muffs, referencing cruel racists in the early 20th century south, reference to marital violence, pussy eaten, p in v sex, no creampie BOO, bad dancing, Alastor's southern accent, Alastor's mother, gossip, murder, greed , two idiots pretending they aren't madly in love, poor family planning, lots of 1920's slang with notes for your ease」
I think I fixed the broken tag list!
....it's been over a month. Here's nearly 9000 words of our favorite idiots. I feel weird labeling this smut now as...we are...kinda past the smut point and just making sweet sweet love. lol ugh gross. thank you to everyone whose offered help, donated, and shared the word about my mom! It’s been an immense help and has made her a little emotional (in a good way) <Florida stole my moms teeth— explanation and donation link> unrelated, anyone want some RadioDust?
Minors…. Minors. My inbox counts as interacting when you’re literally in there requesting smut. I know your bio has no age but baby honey darling I can tell by your writing. 🔞 Do Not Interact 🏠🚗
A development he knew was coming even if no one else believed him. A drug addict with debts to the local crime syndicates disappearing was neither suspicious nor a mystery. Everyone was confident it was obvious Tommy was at the bottom of Lake Pontchartrain or halfway to California.
But not to him, not for Detective Brady. He had been on the beat for the better part of a year, convinced there was a connection between some of the disappearances in town.
No one wanted to hear it though, most people didn’t even care the people were missing. Only the occasional wife, concerned how she would keep a roof over her head and food in her kid’s bellies with the man of the house gone. But other than that, no tears or chest beating for the missing men and women.
Which made him confident there were countless more unreported cases. Just because no one missed them, a crime is a crime.
But, no bodies, no blood, no crime scenes… he looked like he had lost the fucking plot to his colleagues.
The city didn’t want the bad press, not to mention the fact there was no actual crime to be reported. Someone up and left down? Okay, he was a wife beater? Probably left with his mistress. The cruel den mother of the home for unwanted kids? Her assistant takes the lead and she moves onto a new town to menace. Probably running from the people angry with her.
But he finally had something. Tommy was pimping out dancers, and even laid hands on one. Surely there was a man looking for revenge for that. Can’t knock around a man’s woman and have it go unanswered.
So he tried again to find the woman whose only name he knew was a moniker. Autumn Hind.
Every time Brady came to the theater, another excuse. You left early. You were on the roof smoking—- oh, you slipped out the back. Weekends were your off days, so that was useless.
“You’re obsessed.” Detective Freeman threw an eraser he’d picked off his pencil at Brady. He had seen the man devolve slowly over the past couple months.
“Thanks.” Brady was staring at his notes.
“Not a compliment, Kenny. Shit happens, people leave town. You’re acting like a handful of no shows are some conspiracy.” Freeman came to stand behind Brady, leaning over to read his notes, “How can you even read that chicken scratch?”
He clapped the notebook shut, “Every report was a person less than liked. What are the chances they all leave town in the middle of the night, last seen in the same general area?”
Freeman patted his shoulder, “Did you just ask me why a bunch of assholes,” he stood up and made a show of stretching out tired muscles, “who liked illegal hooch* and jazz with plenty of enemies disappeared?” (*booze)
Brady slapped his desk, “There! You said it! They had enemies. But what— what if they had one enemy in common. A bar manager or — or a,” he was still looking for that link.
“Kenny, the boogeyman isn’t roaming New Orleans killing people. If the higher ups don’t care, if the families don’t care, it doesn’t matter. Let it go.”
The sleep deprived detective sunk into his wooden chair, swiveling side to side anxiously, “Tommy’s mother cares.”
“Yeah well mom’s are famously bad judges of character.” Slipping on his jacket, he shot a worried look to his partner, “Ya gonna go home? Janet’s probably a mess. You’ve been keeping late hours.”
“Nah not yet. I gotta get to the theater before this dame goes ghost on me again.”
“Yikes, still? You’ve been chasing her for a while.” He was making a slow inching walk to the door.
“It’d be easier if I had some support. I gotta do this on my own time.” A deep sigh, well past the point of hiding his frustration with his colleagues and bosses. Freeman looked over the wrinkled shirt and wilted tie, evidence of a man losing his grip.
“Welp, good luck buddy. Hope you get to the bottom of whatever this is.” He gestured at the messy desk and disheveled man, “See ya tomorrow.”
Brady waved without looking up. His eyes were staring into the black leather of his notepad. Tommy was the only recent assumed victim with any real suspicion. The woman whose husband disappeared after going to see a show? Only enemy to him was her, and she wasn’t strong enough to take him down. Deadend.
Most recent, nice young man from up north. Went out for a good time, hoping to catch a little lady for some stress relief, according to his coworkers. Never showed up at work the next day. No one had a bad word to say about the man. Making him an outlier, but still. He was young, strong, soft spoken. Not an enemy in sight but no family to worry, either. Deadend.
But Tommy. Someone cared he was gone. He was in the jazz game, the drug dens, the illegal drink business, and had a heavy hand. He was the perfect bad man, right?
He looked across his desk. Bad men. The occasional unsavory woman. Maybe it was just their time. They pissed off the wrong people.
Or the wrong person.
Someone who worked downtown, someone into dance and drink, someone with nights free to do his work. Maybe a hired gun? No, some of these people didn’t have the money for that.
Plus, one person and so many missing? That would be unheard of, it’d be some kind of record for Louisiana.
A record Brady could claim.
When he entered the theater James, the manager who replaced Tommy, noticeably rolled his eyes, getting in front of the man. “It’s real bad for business to have a cop in here all the damn time. Come on, if you’re not here for a raid then could you be a little less obvious.”
Brady looked past him, “What do you mean?”
“You’re— what is it? What can I do for you?”
“Here again for Miss Autumn. Care to give her real name yet?”
“No can do. Ain’t my business to tell. She’s finished her set, asked to head home early.” Brady turned and kicked a chair over, a large man approaching behind the manager before seeing the hip badge and backing up. “Nah we’re not doing that. We’ve told her you’ve come by but she’s a busy lady. Several gigs here and there. Enough, you’re harassing the dancers now.”
With a snap, Brady had his finger in the manager’s face, “Whatcha gonna do? Call the cops?”
“She. Isn’t. Here. What the fuck do you want? For me to tie her up and bring her to your station?”
That’d be ideal.
A month, nearly. Coming once or twice a week to try and speak to you but every time he missed you. He was going to snap if he heard one more time you were gone. Maybe everyone was in on it. Maybe you werenin the back right now laughing at him.
Brady scanned the room, “Where’s she live?”
“How the fuck would I know— please, leave.” James gestured to the doors.
He lifted his badge up, waving it at the patrons seated closest to him, “Yall know it’s still illegal to partake-,”
“Jesus! Enough!” The manager pushed him back, flashing an apologetic smile to the guests, “She moonlights Sundays at The Dime near the park on 5th, singing for a friend. That’s all I got about her life off stage. Will you fucking go?”
The detective perked up, “See, was that so hard?”
Finally, he could feel his fingers grasp the shifting shadow that was his only lead.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“I never said sorry.”
You turned your head, not expecting him to say something serious. Waiting, he didn’t add explanation. Sorry? What had he done… ran out of milk? Forgot to bring in the towels before it rained last week? A quick search of your memory yielded nothing.
“For what?”
He was staring off in front of him. “For putting you in danger before. In the park. I am sincerely sorry.”
You’d somehow almost forgotten. It’d been weeks. Every bad feeling that night had brought you had been carried away by good morning kisses and gentle words before sleep. Nearly every night was spent in his bed, Alastor dropping you off at your apartment when he went downtown for work. The incident in the park was a different lifetime already.
Had he really put you in danger? Or had you rushed into the danger of his hobby to feel closer to him?
“I put myself in that situation. You didn't throw me at that guy. I don’t do a damn thing I don’t want to do. You should have learned that by now.”
Tough act for a woman who jumped up to pour some man’s coffee.
You shook your head, you had to stop equating doting on Alastor as a show of weakness. It wasn’t. Even if admitting that meant admitting you were wrong.
But he had put you in danger’s way, he knew it. “No, you wouldn’t have ever been in that situation if it wasn’t for me.”
Your laughter bounced off the car windows, “Alastor, you met me getting choked to death by a strange man. People will always make dangerous situations for women to be in. Don’t act like you’re special.” A sly smile to ease his anxious heart. “I’d rather be in danger for you than just because I’m a woman. If it’s gonna happen anyway, might as well be worth something.”
His hand slipped onto your thigh, expression softening before his own smile grew again, “Don’t lie to my face so easily. I am very special, we can all agree.”
You looked around, the two of you alone in his car on a side street, “All? You know the trunk is still empty, right?”
“Oh, is that so? You’re quite dangerous yourself, I nearly forgot why we were here.” He patted his pockets to make sure he had what he needed. “When I give you a wave, back up to me, okay? Don’t leave the car. Just drive off if-,”
You kissed his cheek, “Shut it. Not a chance. Go give em hell, baby.”
Alastor crumpled against his steering wheel momentarily, your words cutting his heart open in a most wonderful way. He could never have predicted getting kisses before beginning his dark work. What had he done to deserve this? Perhaps proof someone in hell was in full support of his actions. Straightening his back and checking his hair and glasses in the mirror, he flashed you a smile before slipping out of the car.
When Alastor said he was ready to begin killing again, you were a mix of excited and scared. Excited for normalcy to return but scared of the dangers presented there in. You’d been dodging the blue eyed detective for a while already, and moving forward meant possibly making mistakes he could grab a hold of. Not mentioning the risk of someone hurting Alastor again…but for your part in everything, you and Alastor found a compromise.
A deal had been made. You’d stay in the car and bring it to him when he was done. He had asked you flee if something went wrong but you both knew that wasn’t going to happen. Crawling into the driver’s seat, you tried to remember what he had taught you. How to get it started up, how to make it go backwards. How to make it go, in general. You’d never driven a car. Well, not until Alastor insisted on teaching you. Driving up and down the long stretch of road he lived on, Alastor white knuckling the door handle as you jerked the car forward with every failed shift. You had started on his land, but he feared for his home's safety with you behind the wheel.
Your hands slipped down the steeling wheel, big and round. Your mother would’ve had a hoot had she seen you in the driver’s seat. Clearing your throat, you leaned into the back of the car and double checked the canvas was properly secured.
Another man tonight. The few times you’d both gone out for leisure, having preferred to spend time alone at home, Alastor had gotten gossip that piqued his interest.
You remembered the way the woman’s hand touched his arm when she leaned in. “You didn’t hear it from me but it’s best to avoid French Study on Thursdays. Real piece of work slipping something in drinks and robbing people.” He reported what she had said back to you. It’d panicked you, realizing you were closer to being on Alastor’s list than you’d realized.
“No, the issue isn’t the stealin’. It’s what he does with the people with,” he had been delicate as he said it, taking another long sip of whiskey, “other things of value. And the fact this man has no need to steal. It’s ridiculous! His family has been land ownin’ and well off for generations.” Alastor was always impassioned when discussing the things he hated, even when slipping into drunkenness. His accent came through when he had too much to drink, his real accent. The accent his mother had. “You robbed men for power balance, for their assumptions you were easy to manipulate to begin with. He? Uh, Him? He’s just a piece of shit. He thinks he’s better than everyone else. And no one would report him ‘cause his family name.”
His drink spilled a little, when you had offered to clean it he just slipped the button up off. He lost his usual classy air as the bottle emptied. Which you actually liked.
The benefits of drinking on his back porch was no need to worry about decorum. Music was softly spilling from the open window behind you, Alastor’s prized record cabinet spinning the newest presses.
“It’s like there’s a little bug under my skin,” he wiggled his fingers over his sternum, “It’s gonna dig into my bones if I don’t cut it out.”
Despite your own drunkenness, you nodded and followed along, “So, ya gonna kill ‘em?”
Alastor pouted, making you snort, “I don’t want to think about that right now.” He enunciated every word clearly in his practiced and professional voice.
You’d ended the evening playfully arguing the merits of prohibition on the jazz scene and watching Alastor dance around the wrap around porch. But the conversation hadn’t ended for him.
Little hints he was still focused on it popped up over the following week. Alastor randomly asking you how it felt to be drugged, did you wake up in pain? Embarrassed? Scared? You caught him staring at the greenhouse from the window one morning, lost in thought. Before he had finally said he wanted to go out again, you understanding what that meant, you’d seen him turning a dinner knife over and over in his hand impatiently.
And now here you were. In the car beside a park late Thursday, Alastor having done some scouting while you’d finished up early at the theater.
It took hours. Which was good, it meant Alastor wasn’t rushing. He liked the stalking aspect of killing, of watching someone from across a room knowing exactly how their night would end. And as that man whose name would soon be buried with him alternated smiling and barking orders at staff, Alastor felt his stomach flutter. Like watching a slab of meat slowly turn over the fire. The crueler he was, the worse he acted, the more Alastor found his fingers tapping on the bar with anticipation. Perfect. Damn yourself more. No fake smiles or double faces, no, people like him didn’t even try to play the game others were forced into. Born with money and land already theirs, they didn’t even know the rules.
But Alastor did. Alastor mastered them at the tender age of 14. When he realized his father’s features were a shield. His mother’s lessons on manners and charm his weapons. The first time he was in mixed company, when someone leaned in and whispered a cruel “prank” he had planned for a young dark skinned woman on the other side of the room, he understood. They pulled back and smiled at him, and he managed to muster one of his own. Just smile, they’d take it to mean whatever they wanted it to mean because they thought he was of the same mindset. They assumed it. Like so many other things people would assume about him as he grew.
When he told his mother the story after getting home, she shook her head. When he had asked her what he should have done, she set down her book.
“Well, I’d love to say you should have stood up for her. But I’d also like to have my son above ground.”
He asked her why she couldn’t have both.
“Sweetheart, we don’t usually get the choice to do either, let alone both.”
He offered a solution, after a moment of thinking, “I shoulda buried him first then.”
“Wouldn’t it be nice if that was how the world worked?” She returned to her book, “If God just struck em down dead as soon as they hurt people. Better yet, before.”
It would be nice. It was nice. Because Alastor couldn’t wait for God to make the world his mother mentioned. He grinned ear to ear, gloves a second skin, as the man crawled backwards in the grass like an animal cornered. His heart was pounding in his ears. Where to cut first? The gut, his family fat and soft from the money they made off the labor of others? The pale neck of a man who never spent a day outside, instead indoors drugging strangers for sport? The chest covered in a fine cotton shirt he didn’t appreciate?
He wished he had many arms, as many as he could imagine, to slash and tear in tandem.
“What do you want? Money?” the animal asked him.
Alastor shook his head no. No, he didn’t want money.
“Do you know who I am?”
Alastor nodded. “That is precisely why I am here.”
Would he beg? Cry? Bargain? Experience told him it’d be the latter.
“Alright well, if you know who I am you know you’re making a mistake. Here.” The man opened his wallet and pulled out a few greenbacks, holding them out for Alastor. Alastor’s smile softened slightly, remembering tossing you a wallet once before.
He reached down with his left hand to take the money, but instead grabbed the man’s wrist. Swiftly, quicker than the man could process, he took the knife tucked into his belt behind his vest and stabbed the man in the stomach.
Staring into his eyes, he could see his own image looking back at him. Smiling.
Alastor grabbed your face with both wrists, hands bloody and one still holding the knife, and kissed you when he’d flagged you down.
“Is this for bringing the car around without running you over?” Your eyes glanced at the knife beside your head. He apologized, tossing it into the trunk.
“No, just happy to see you.” A mischievous grin that made your knees weak, his body shimmied closer until he was pressed against you, stealing another kiss. His arms stretched out to keep from bloodying you. Your fingers slid up his cheeks to return the kiss. “Thank you, dear.”
When you returned home, to his home, that is, you took to task bringing in the laundry he’d left on the line and putting away the things still on the counters from breakfast. You couldn’t resist going to the second floor room and looking down into the greenhouse. You couldn’t see perfectly well, but you could see nonetheless. Alastor didn’t want you in the greenhouse yet when he was working. He said it was the ugliest parts, the kind that would sure give you nightmares or rob you of your appetite.
Considerate. But, it only made you more curious. Would you be sick if you saw? Would you never eat meat again?
What would you do if you didn’t have any reaction at all?
You watched Alastor leave the greenhouse and lock the door behind him, so you hopped down the stairs to meet him in the hall beside the kitchen.
He’d been sweating, shirt open to reveal a thin white undershirt, and under his arm was a canvas roll. He lifted it up, “Tools. Rinsed them off but I’d like to dry them under the electric lights.” You grabbed the aprons from the wall hooks, Alastor letting you slip it over his head and tie it for him. “Why so tight?”
“I like the way it makes your waist look.” You’d seen him wear it when making biscuits. It made his shape so clear. It reminded you of watching water drip down his sides and roll off his hips in the shower.
He beamed, “I’m listening. What exactly do you like about my waist?” Sharp brows raised as that friendly tongue peeked out at you.
“Hush.” You cooed.
You stood on the long side of the table, him at the short, and took turns wiping the tools dry and checking the other’s work.
As he grabbed each one he would tell you what he used it for. Holding up the garden shears and explaining the point along the blade that had the strongest force. The advantage of curved pruning blades when used on a human body. His eyes were gleaming as he spoke, looking so lovingly at each item like it was a loyal pet.
He finally noticed you were grinning and chuckling softly, so he dropped his smile for dramatic effect, “What? What’s so funny?”
Shaking your head, you set down the next item for him to inspect, “Nothing. You’re just so cute when you’re talking about your passions. Your face lights up from the inside out.”
His breath hitched, smile actually lost as he processed every syllable. Your turn now to notice him staring as you looked up from your work. You recognized that look though, the wide eyes and serious lips. The air of the kitchen felt like the atmosphere before a thunderstorm rolled in.
Alastor set the tools back onto the canvas one by one and carried them to the counter. Before returning he picked up a small knife and set it near the edge of the table.
“Come here.” He nodded his head to space in front of him. The way he said it, that tone, made your heart begin to skip beats.
You slid between him and the table, Alastor lifting you up with a startling ease and setting you onto cool wood. Kicking your legs a little, you set nervous hands onto your lap. You wanted to touch him. To pull him by the apron straps into you.
“How do you always say the right things?” He closed the distance between you, one hand on your neck while his mouth came to your ear. “The things I didn’t know I wanted to hear?”
Swimming. Your mind was swimming. “Why is your idea of right the same as my idea of the truth?” You could feel the grin. Sighing into your ear, down your neck, his hands grabbed your hips and pulled you off the table enough to press your core into his clothed erection. Even through his pants and the apron, you could feel him clearly. When did he get so hard? You always wondered in those moments if it was the topic of discussion. Or the knives. Or your need. Biting your lip wasn’t a thought out action, but Alastor loved to see it. Rolling his hips into you in response.
“Wanna go upstairs?” you asked.
He shook his head, slipping off his glasses.
“Oh no, don’t even wanna see me?” You teased, but firm hands held you tighter to him in response.
“I won’t be letting you get far enough away from me for that to be a problem.”
When he leaned down and his lips so very gently pressed into yours, you could feel it. That missing something from before. It was in the air, it was rolling off of his body and dampening your senses. A desire, a drive that you felt that first time you had sex with him in that apartment above the theater. A motivation that was lacking last time in his bed.
His eyes were staring down into yours, waiting for your response. Eagerly you replied by chasing his mouth with yours. A chain of kisses as you tried to ever remember enjoying kissing another person as much as him.
Not a single soul. Why did it feel like this was all you ever needed? Eyes closed and lips on lips, hands in his hair, it felt like you’d been holding your breath all of your life. His body on yours was a gasp of air.
For Alastor, he couldn’t even think of breathing when around you. Let alone when your mouth was on him. Every time you touched him all he could think about was the word ‘affection’.
So when your tongue swiped up his lips, he moaned as he opened for you. Not because he was new to kissing someone with so much lust. He’d grown accustomed to the things you did to him. No, because you were a fever that had taken hold of him and your kiss the medicine that soothed his delirium.
He wondered, was that why people called it ‘love sick’?
“You really like me, don’t you?” He asked, nose sliding up your jaw.
An opportunity presented to you. A chance to spill over the edges.
You pushed it away, legs wrapping around his waist and pulling him closer.
“Something like that, yeah.”
His hands pressed flat against the table to balance the deep roll of his hips against you. One of your own fell behind you to keep from falling backwards, the other flung over his shoulder. When you moaned into his cheek he captured the sound with his mouth and slipped his tongue back into you.
You liked him. He’d known people to love and not like their partner an ounce, but the way you appreciated his quirks made his heart sing in its brittle cage. You never ceased to see him. The issue with always putting on a show is people tend to be disappointed when the actors become human again. But you never met his persona. He was knife wielding, bloodlusting Alastor from the first word. So when he was himself, you recognized him clearly. Because he was all you ever knew.
And you liked him
You appreciated him.
He dared to think maybe he could inspire more from you. A thought that made him twitch below the belt.
Closer. He needed you closer. He needed you so near to him that he’d never forget the feeling of being wanted. It’d be imprinted on his chest and his arms and his lips.
Impatient hands slipping up your sides, along your neck, down your chest. His greedy mouth suddenly understanding the same greed he once marveled at in your own kisses. Hot tongue sliding over yours, delving deeper into you with every return.
When his hands seemed to come to an agreement, they yanked you forward again. You’d fall off ass-first if he pulled you any further.
You watched with only slight horror has he grabbed the small knife and hiked up your dress in tandem. A gulp, worried the other shoe had finally dropped on a too-good situation.
“Are you particularly attached to these panties?” His eyes were looking up and over his glasses.
“No?” Did you really need panties, you wondered. Ever? Girdles we’re falling out of fashion perhaps you’d all be naked again soon enough. Maybe you two could start another Eden. A pomegranate’s juice the new red staining his skin.
Not even a tremble, his hands lifted each side and sliced them free.
“Oh?” You didn’t have a real question in mind when he tucked the panties into his back pocket. Just a need to express you saw it and didn’t understand it.
Alastor took your hand and pressed it against his hardened length, eyes locked onto yours with a sharpness to them. But when your hand took hold of him and squeezed, everything softened in his features. Funny how where one area grew stiff another melted.
He rolled his eyes closed as you finally undid his belt and pants. A struggle you didn’t see, Alastor trying to keep from pouncing on you like a horny virgin. He didn’t want to rut into you, he didn’t need the pleasure. He needed something he couldn’t see or explain. He just knew you held it behind your teeth.
When your skin pressed into his and you both moaned together he was sure you were the same. One person, split into insufficient parts. Finally lined up flush in place.
When you circled your hips against his aching cock, he wondered what you were chasing after. Was it the pleasure? He’d give it to you in spades.
He was on his knees with his face between your legs before you could close your thighs in surprise.
You needed both hands now to keep from falling back onto the table. “Alastor,” a whine.
He knew better than to talk with his mouth full, so he let two fingers work their way into you with shallow thrusts. Easing you open for him.
“Yes?” His eyes didn’t leave his fingers, glistening under the kitchen light. You hadn't thought much ahead past his name, once his fingers were in you and curling up to find your spongy and soft bundle of nerves your mind had gone empty.
“We can just fuck, if you’re horny.” You watched him watching himself.
“Where’s the fun in that?” His mouth returned to your mound, broad tongue forming a point and finding your clit.
A lazy moving tongue would be frustrating if not for his fingers punishing your g-spot. Consistency was key, and his hand was focused and skilled.
Suddenly you remembered the piano in the sitting room. That’s where you knew that movement from. That clearly practiced muscle memory.
Alastor felt confident everywhere but rarely did he feel comfortable. When your thighs came together and squeezed him at the ears, he felt positively cozy. Would you be so kind as to be his ear muffs come winter? He’d have to remember to ask when his mouth was free. How many cold nights he could now rest assured he would have warmth just a little dive of his head away.
Lowering his mouth, nose buried in your muff, he wriggled his tongue in with his fingers. Not enough, rarely was anything enough any more. He stilled his hand and prodded at your sensitive walls with that intrusive tongue, relishing the little movements you made in response. Taking his digits out entirely, he buried his wet muscle as deeply as he could reach.
The huffs of exhales you were making triggered a moan from him that you felt through your skin. His enjoyment was tripling your pleasure.
Goosebumps ran up your arms at the combine sensations of his moaning and prodding.
When his lips and tongue returned to their uneven teasing of your clit, three fingers now swiping past your inner spot with every thrust, your hands came to his head. Fingers slipping through his hair and gripping every time your body shook. Encouragement, the more you tugged the surer he was he was doing the right things.
And oh, he was. You said the right things but Alastor always seemed to act on them. Your senses lodged themselves between the even stroking of your g-spot and the unpredictable movements of his tongue. One kept the pressure rising as your orgasm climbed, the other pushed you along jolt by jolt.
Curious thing. That night in the park he didn’t have much reaction to your enjoyment, but he found himself not fully softening in his lap as he continued. Normally, unless still physically stimulated or the rare time you stirred something in him, he wasn’t very… battle ready.
But the feeling of you pulling him in by the head, fingers in his hair and thighs at his cheeks; this was different than the others. He was sure now it wasn’t just physical pleasure you wanted. His pride said it was more.
Dozens of times before— he truly was a rake in some aspects, though admittedly it was all in the pursuit of avoiding “sex”, as defined by most, not chasing it — he helped a date find release with his tongue. But it never did anything for him. They moaned and said his name and screamed. Which was lovely. Who doesn’t enjoy recognition?
When you said his name, it was heavier. It was material, it had mass and as its gravity began its pull he found his mind circling that sound. He was pleasing his darling, not placating. And it made him react in that unusually crass way.
He felt like an apex predator when killing, tearing open animals made for him to hunt. But you made him feel baser. Prey in your gentle bite.
As your orgasm mounted, you began tugging at his hair to pull him off. You didn’t need him to stop, but everything was suddenly too sensitive. It was alarming to feel your body rocking from overstimulation. A strident cry filled the kitchen as your back arched off the table. He didn’t let up, despite how much you thrashed under his mouth. Rolling pleasure, muscles electrified and shaking beyond your control.
You patted his head harshly, “Good, I’m good. Alas—tor! Fuck!”
Ah, he loved when you swore. It punctuated your otherwise preternatural aura with a touch of humanity.
He stood and leaned over your now reclining body. Your pussy still clenching and legs shaking as he admired his work. You admired his shape in his apron, his broad shoulders and sharp eyes. Caught between your legs like a lion in a mouse trap; he acted like he had no way free of you. His grin widened and he made a display out of licking each finger clean. Eyes never leaving yours.
You knew many men to squawk at going down on a woman. To balk at wearing an apron. To grimace at the suggestion of cooking a meal while their lady took a nice bath or enjoyed a coffee. Alastor seemed to not think twice about any of it. How nice it would be. To have a partner beside you, to not be the woman in the often referenced “behind every great man is a great woman.”
“Alastor, I want you.” You pulled him down by the neck and stole a kiss. When he began to stroke himself fully back to life you pressed that hand to his chest. “Not like that. Though I’m not declining the offer.”
His eyes saw something in yours. “Sweetheart, you have me. There is no part of me that isn’t possessed by you. I know we keep things relatively… tightlipped for safety but I’m your fella and you’re my gal.” His nose touched yours. “But if you want more, I’ll become more. I’ll break myself apart and make myself better.”
Your heart sank. Sitting up to command a little authority, a feat given you were sitting panty-less on a kitchen table, “Don’t you dare. I’ll always meet you where you are, got it? Don’t go… groping around in the darkness for me; trying to find what I need. I’ll always come to you. Because you’re more than enough as you are.”
A little cough to clear his tightening throat, “I’ve not had a day of darkness since you arrived.” A kiss to your forehead before a soft thumbpad wiped at the corner of your eye. “Did I make you sad?”
You wanted to say it. But not now, not like this. You didn’t want Alastor to connect love and sex. To think one was necessary for the other.
While you were coming to learn how lovely it was to pair the two together, it was a fact they were wholly independent things. And you couldn’t allow him to think they were a set.
“You’ve made me too happy. It’s absolutely terrifying.”
But Alastor had found your expressions of acceptance always tumbled the circle of Love to overlap with that of Sex. It was only in that mixed space did he find desire in pleasure.
A wicked smirk, “Let me pile on my affections and drown out your fears.” His hips rolled into you again, a surprising eagerness returned to his lap. “Can I continue?”
With a nod and a smile, “But not another word of change, buster.” You leaned back on your hand for support. Alastor was happy to return to your heat, lining up and sinking into you. An embrace like no other, one he found particularly earnest when with you.
Close. Finally. You began where he ended, a natural extension of who he was and who he could be. The things he could have. A relieved sigh he didn’t try to hide before he began moving, a moment when his tension could melt. You were both an unseasonably warm autumn day and the cool comforting shade of an unfamiliar tree. Both the heat and the relief.
He watched your body rock against the table, even fully dressed you managed to look more scandalous than any show he’d seen downtown. He was grateful he didn’t seek this comfort often in others, the way his mind melted made him feel vulnerable. He couldn’t think straight. And then you began to make those lovely little groans, high pitched and needy, and he was sure his soul was errant.
As his thrusts deepened, cock no longer kissing your cervix but ramming into you with good intentions, you dropped back as you lost the battle against his hips.
Alastor’s arms slid up our waist and pulled your arms towards him, “Too far, I can’t see your face.”
Your arms were slung over his shoulders as your back curved for him, “You don’t need to see my face.”
“Tsk, wrong.”
Your new favorite place was right in front of him, wherever his line of sight was you wanted to be in it. Nose to nose, heads tilting to recapture soft lips and softer moans.
Until the softness left, Alastor’s skin slapping against yours as he dragged those lovely sounds from you. He watched your eyes roll closed, mouth open as you moaned with the safety of the seclusion of a country home. A thought bubbled up, inspired by you.
“I want the neighbors to hear you.” That smile half cocked across his upsettingly handsome face. His hand slipped between you both to repeat the motions he learned before. Hard and fast, no choice but to raise your voice.
Your head fell back, clit still sensitive, “You don’t have neighbors!” A new moan hitting the walls.
“I do— just a few miles down the road, dear.” His mouth latched onto your neck but he didn’t suck like he wanted, he couldn’t bite. Your skin was your job, your body not his to mark. Suddenly he remembered, “Do you still have that make up? For your bruises?”
You couldn’t understand why he would bring that up while balls deep in you but you nodded.
“Would it work on your neck?” He nipped lightly.
It clicked, “Absolutely.”
You felt like a teenager again. When his tongue swiped over your soft flesh before he began to suck on the skin there you could feel the heat rising off your chest. You could feel him everywhere, and with the knowledge he wanted to hear you, you tossed your shame out of the kitchen window and relaxed into the pleasure.
As he moved up your neck he left little marks behind. There was no sense left you didn’t occupy. He could smell the soap and sweat of your skin, taste your cunt still on his tongue, your sights and sounds a decadence he couldn’t get used to. And the feeling of you… velvety walls, a feeling finer than silk as he slipped in and out of you. So incredibly hot on his most sensitive areas, pulling him back in with admirable strength.
He felt his orgasm ratcheting up but tried to hold back. He wanted more time to experience your ecstasy, to wallow in your openness. Even pressed skin to skin now wouldn’t satisfy that deep desire for this unique level of intimacy. So he wanted to enjoy it for as long as he had it.
But, he knew he should prepare. “I don’t want to dirty your dress.” A lust heavy voice penetrating the nap of your neck. He’d made a risky release before at your urging, something he often thought about when work got quiet. But he knew he needed to think clearer now.
“Then don’t.” A terrible reply but you wanted all of him, every drop of his hunger for you. “Keep the mess in me.”
“My dear,” he slowed his hips, autopilot keeping them moving at all, “I don’t think now is the time for,” you tightened around him to trip him up, which worked spectacularly. Alastor had take several seconds before continuing, “talks on family planning.”
A pang of nausea and fear, small and sharp in your abdomen. It wasn’t that you weren’t aware of biology, just that Alastor brought out your baser animal instincts, too. And before, when he came buried as deeply as he could reach, it felt like you’d actually completed some ritual. Bears hibernated, birds migrated, Alastor came in you.
You’d never let a man do that before Alastor. “I just want to… accept everything you are willing to give me.”
He bit his bottom lip to redirect some attention away from his now throbbing member, “And when you’re sure on me, I’ll always provide.”
A pout that he kissed, you accepted the terms. An argument could be made you were already very sure, but you were well aware how naive that sounded when you’d known each other for so little time. Had a coworker told you she’d met a guy and within three months was ready for… the consequences, you’d have laughed and asked if she was drunk or just stupid.
Alastor wanted to provide. But he knew you’d be the one with the raw end of the deal, he couldn’t risk coercing a decision in the heat of the moment. If your mind was half was addled as his with pleasure then you were in no state for big decisions.
Life changing decisions.
Decisions that filled empty homes.
Fuck, why wasn’t he a less considerate man?
When his kiss deepened, so did his ministrations. He was fully sheathed and so unwilling to draw back more than a couple inches you wondered if he had changed his mind. It felt like a man not wanting to stray too far from home. One hand on the small of your back, his other other on the back of your neck. When he pulled out he pressed his tongue further, only stopping the kiss when he came onto the little space of table between your thighs. Soft and swollen lips parted as his breaths ran ragged. A smile spread across your face as you watched his eyes open, witnessing a pleasured blow out of his pupils.
When he grabbed a kitchen towel and cleaned the table, you chuckled at his grimace. “See? My way is cleaner.”
He didn’t reply at first, taking the cloth and hovering over the sink before tossing it into his trash. “Only in the short term. We can finish up tomorrow with the tools?”
Your legs kicked again, not ready to slide off, “Mm, it’ll be easier in the daylight.”
“Instead,” he zipped his pants but removed the belt and set it on the counter, “Let’s get zozzled* and sway around the sitting room? Crash where we land.” (*drunk)
“I’ll pour if you get the music on.”
He turned to leave but paused, “No, I’ll handle the drinks. You always have too heavy of a hand.”
“I didn’t hear you complaining last time…”
“I’m not sure I remembered I was at home and not at a drum* last time…,” He uncorked the label-less whiskey, grabbing two glasses with one hand. “Didn’t wanna insult the pretty waitress.” (*speakeasy)
Fair. You weren’t much for drinking and always underestimated the strength of illegal hooch. Some were weak and some could kill you. But fancy Alastor had connections with the kind of people no one dared to risk harm to, so he always had the most trustworthy goods.
Good music, great whiskey, and even better company. You thanked him for being safe while working, he praised your ability to learn new skills so quickly. After a few drinks he pushed the coffee table against the wall and you drunkenly swayed around the room to something playing smooth and low. As much as you enjoyed your conversations, having your head tucked under his chin as neither of you said a word somehow filled in the little cracks of your heart more so than any talk. For him too. No tension after sex, no stress of how long he’d get to breathe before the next instance of prodding to do it again. He could smile and close his eyes and feel the room swing and sway in total safety.
A safety neither of you knew was being threatened from afar.
When you woke, Alastor was gone. A note on the table letting you know he’d run out to grab some things for breakfast. Telling you to relax and recover.
You put the furniture back, bringing the glasses to the kitchen and his belt to the bedroom.
Coffee and a slow perusal of his home. Intimate details you tried to not stare at when he was there. The rare photo of his mother, a woman you didn’t speak about, a conversation you didn’t need to have, but someone you knew existed fondly still in his life. A silent thank you to her.
No photos of a man to give thanks to you so you turned to the little curios and mementos. 
Little seashells and sand dollars, a small gator’s skull. Books, about anatomy and history. Novels about crime and love and mystery. Ticket stubs for films he’d seen. Little bits of his mother scattered in. A woman’s necklace. A chatelaine* with all of the accessories and tools. (*wikipedia page)
When you felt you’d spied enough, you crawled into his side of the bed and inhaled as deeply as you could. His pillow smelled like him. You let yourself sleep off the hangover surrounded by pieces of Alastor.
Pieces you couldn’t contain. Pieces left around town as a dick* hunted for his personal monster. (*a detective, but also, a dick, fuck this dude?)
Beth, or Betty as you called her, the friend you often sang for, was cleaning up from the previous night when Brady walked in. She tried to tell him they were closed, but he took a seat at the counter anyway.
“I’m looking for a singer named Autumn. She been around lately?”
She paused, knowing the name was tied to your work. This man didn’t know you. “Whose asking?”
“The city of New Orleans”, he set his badge on the counter top.
“Is she in some kinda trouble?”
“She the kinda dame to get into trouble?”
Beth laughed, “She doesn’t try to but men, liquor, and jazz tend to make it happen. She’s okay, right?”
He took a deep sigh, trying to blink away the exhaustion and remember he needed to be someone strangers trusted. Being honest hadn’t been working and being rough barely got him a lead. “Well I was hoping you’d know. Found out someone roughed her up a bit ago and just wanting to make sure she’s okay. But I don’t have her legal name, no address, nothing to track her down.”
Shaking her head, she leaned onto the counter, “What? Some egg* forget it’s just a show?” Brady shrugged. “I can’t say. She hasn’t been by in a couple weeks.” (*man)
He asked why. Feeling the deadend approaching.
“She was just doing me a favor. Once she got a guy she didn’t have much time.”
Fighting the urge to slam his fists against the wood and sling his notebook across the bar, Brady took slow breaths. Jaw clenched as he grabbed his pencil, “That is wonderful news. Hopefully a fit guy who can… keep her safe.”
Beth laughed a little, “I don’t know about that. He’s kind of a daisy*, but real kind.” (*a non-masculine man)
“Could I get a name? Or her address? Wanna follow up. See for myself that she’s doing well.”
She tapped the bar with two fingers and winked, “Ah no can do. Flatfoot* or not, I don’t tell men where to find sleeping ladies. But her fella is in radio though. I recognized his voice right away. Popular too, really ritzy air about him.” (*cop, detective)
As he left, he slapped the notebook against his palm over and over. When he stopped to take a second to congratulate himself something caught his eye. Across the street was a park he knew well. Following the block and turning, he could see the white and green awning of the cafe he’d seen you at before.
Had he been there? He hadn’t questioned why you were alone on such a nice day. But maybe you weren’t. Maybe you’d been playing him from the start.
Enough games.
When you took the stage that evening, a Friday show with a promising crowd, you felt like solid gold. Alastor would be there to pick you up in a few hours, you had every need met. And now you had the adoration of strangers to pump up your chest.
Until you passed your come-hither eyes over the crowd and a striking ocean blue pair knocked the wind out of you.
James was standing behind Brady, mouthing an apology. You missed a beat in your routine but forced your smile back. It took a second, to slide back into the actress you were when away from Alastor. Every time it got harder and harder to fall back into that role but you managed. His eyes never left your face, and you thanked God your heaving chest could be seen as fatigue and not the sheer panic that had taken ahold of your body.
When you were on the other side of the curtain you considered rushing out the side door, into the alley and down the street. But you couldn’t. You’d successfully brushed him off for so long but now that he had seen you, had made it clear he was there for you, you couldn’t flee. Innocent people don’t hide from cops.
Feet dragging, you saw some of the dancers standing around the dressing room door. “He’s out of his gourd if he thinks I’m changing with him in there.” One said loud enough to ensure Brady heard. When you entered the room he was sitting at your make up table, legs spread and your shoes in his hands.
“There she is!” standing, he extended the shoes to you, “Don’t stare like a deer in the lights. I’m sure you knew I was coming. Slip these on, we’re going for a ride.” He gave them a shake, “You can call your mac* from the station and let him know you’ll be late.” (*man)
˖  ݁𖥔.Summoning the Horny Little Deer Cult.𖥔 ݁ ˖
@cxrsedwxrlds , @nonetheartist , @tsunaki , @janchei ,  @moonmark98 , @hoebihoeshi , @pansexual-opera-house , @polytheatrix , @lorddiabigmommymilkers , @backinthefkingbuildingagain , @harley2223-blog  , @poinappel l , @midnightnoiserose , @spookieroz , @missmidorima a , @ivebeenthearchersstuff , @downbadforfictionalppl , @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx , @sleepylittledemon , @aether-th3-enby , @dontfuckbutimfab , @breathlessaura , @aperfectidiot , @certainlygay , @jth12 , @star-kujo-platinum @ivebeenthearchersstuff , @rubyninja1 , @simphornies
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marshslovedone · 13 days
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Dom!Poly!Main 4 x Sub!Reader nsfw oneshot
CW: smut, F!Reader, oral sex (m!receiving), reverse cow girl position, vanilla sex, nicknames (baby, sexy, etc), mentions of male & female body / genitalia, mentions of shop lifting, fingering, masturbation, P in V,
«────── « ⋅ʚ🎀ɞ⋅ » ──────»
“Hey, sexy” Kenny smirked at me as I opened the door slightly to see who it was. I smiled seeing the four of them as I open the door more to let them in. i closed the door after letting them all in and follow them upstairs to my room. the four boys set their stuff down on my floor, as I go to sit on my chair in the corner of my room.
They just smiled looking at me as Kyle walked over to me and gently grabbed my face as he made me look at him. I just smiled at him which he returned the smile. “Oh baby, didn’t we buy you that lingerie?” Kyle tugs on my dress revealing a little of my boob, I grabbed his hand, gently pulling it away which Kyle smirks at me. “More like stole it, we didn’t even have enough money combined to even buy it for her” stan said as he sat at the end of the bed turning my PlayStation on so they can play games and watch shows on it.
“yeah, cuz the princess always gets what she wants no matter how expensive it is” cartman walked over as he picked me up bridal style as he then sat on the bed hold me close to his chest, which kenny jumps on the bed soon after to hold me as well. “But it’s okay we forgive her, right guys?” each one hummed as I giggled holding kenny and cartman close to me as much as I could.
Kyle sits next to stan talking softly about what game to play as the look through my shelves. As I leaned into kenny and cartman’s bodies, I felt hands roam my body, I hummed in relaxation as I soon felt my body let out a soft moan, opening my eyes I see cartman giggling at kenny who is smirking as well. I moved around as I felt cartman rub my clit gently as kenny inserted two fingers in my hole and began to move slow
I let out soft but quiet moans as my head leaned back on the pillow. “you like that sexy? You like the way kenny and I touch you?” I frantically nod trying to keep quiet so stan and Kyle won’t hear. They were too distracted with the video game to even notice what was happening behind them. I began to pant heavy as I felt cartman move his fingers on my clit faster along with kenny fingering me faster as he kept hitting all the right spots in it.
“Are you close baby?” Kenny whispered in my ear as then licked my neck. “Y-yes..” “come baby, go ahead” cartman whispered in my other ear as I covered my mouth and let out a muffled moan. I pant as I I felt cartman sit up more slowly and quietly unbuckling his pants as I felt Kenny lift me to be on his lap. I stare in confusion as I moved my hand to my mouth feeling cartman slide in my hole.
“Oh look at that..baby you take me so well..” cartman smirked as he began to my hips slowly. My back faced cartman as I stared at stan and Kyle’s back. I bit my lip as I turned to Kenny was was masturbating as he watched me move up and down. “What a slut, she just came and is now eager for another release..”kenny licked its lips as he then leaned in to kiss me to muffle my sounds. I moan into his mouth as I moved a little faster with cartman’s help.
“dude! Do you guys really have to do this now? I thought we planned a simple nice sleepover” Kyle looked behind him as he heard stan say that and let out a loud groan. “Seriously?” “Aye! It’s not our fault! this angel right here brain washed us!” “Yeah she brainwashed us!” Kenny pulls away from the kiss smirking, as he continued ti jack off.
“O-oh fuck off..you two started..i-it..” I moaned out as I began to let out a little squeals of pleasure. I clutched onto the bed as I felt cartman hit my sweet spots multiple times. “look at her, she loves it, she’s such a slut but it’s okay, she’s our slut hm?” Cartman was soon thrusting up before letting out a loud groan and come inside my pussy. I let out a gasp feeling my body shutter lightly coming once again. I soon get off cartman as I lay back down on the bed but my head at stan and Kyle’s knees since they were facing us.
They smiled at me as they both unbuckle their pants. Before the moved I felt a warm liquid hit my leg as I look down and see Kenny cummed as well. “Sorry, babe, seeing your pussy leak with come made bust” before I can say anything I felt stan Kyle move my head to face him as he licked his lips and went to lightly tap his dick on my mouth which I instantly wrap my lips on. Kyle let out a low groan as he felt vibrations of my moans on his dick. Stan moved my legs apart as he pushed in and began moving at a fast pace. I moaned loudly but was muffled with the Kyle’s dick in my mouth.
Kyle let out more moans as he soon grabbed the back of my head and pushed down. When he pushed down I felt the tip of his dick hit the back of my throat, thankfully, I don’t have a gag reflex, so I moved my head more down, to deep throat him. Stan was gripping my hips tightly as he moved fast letting out small moans, he soon took on of his hands, spat in it, and started to furiously rub my clit. “what a good girl..taking us so well..and right after taking cartman and kenny too hm?” I let out a whine as I swirl my tongue around Kyle’s tip, a groan being let out as he soon pulled out of my mouth to come on my face. My eyes closed as I felt warm spurts of his load on my face.
“God you look fucking hot with my cum on you, baby, did you like that?” Kyle chuckles as he saw you open your eyes right after letting out a weak moan. Kyle holds you hand as he felt you squeeze his hand he looks over at stan, eyes closed, as he rubbed your clit and pound ur pussy. Stan soon comes as well inside of you, letting out a semi high pitched moan from him. He opened his eyes as he saw you shiver in delight from cumming as well.
“what a good girl you are..now let’s get you cleaned up..”
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Secrets Kept From Him 18+ Chapter 6: Keep It To Yourself Ran x F!reader x Draken WC:6.9k Resident: @enchantedforest-network Synopsis: The aftermath of Draken confessing his true feelings to you, leads to you both being in your bed. Ran appearing late with a surprise you d/n and you the following day. The surprise would end in a tense discussion and bringing out a side of Ran you had never seen before. Draken facing his own challenges regarding his ex-wife. Ms. Yamaguchi doing her own little research into Ran's life. Ran and Rindou preparing for a risky move with a powerful family that ended on bad terms years back. Tw: drinking, smoking, oral sex, vaginal penetration, masturbation, pet names (good girl), reverse cowgirls position, creampie, orgasm, clit stimulation, making out, possessive behavior, suggestive theme, argument, divorce Draken, mention of death, weapons, criminal affairs, bribery, (unedited) MINORS DNI
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You looked at Draken. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt.. right? He is single and I’m single and what we did last night. You could honestly tell he was serious about the question he asked you just moments ago. He wanted a fair shot to show you how he cared for you. giving him a soft nod you agreed to the date “I will go on a date with you Draken.” 
You could see Draken's shoulders relax a bit, the small smile on his lips.  The more you both looked at each other your lips gravitated towards one another. Something about his kisses was intoxicating; it drew you more with each passing second.
Your arms draped around his neck, and he pulled you closer to him. The soft moans escaped from your lips His hand reaching for your back side as he gave it a squeeze. He was tempted to place you on the counter and give you another taste of last night. The intimacy was something you definitely missed. Getting lost in this moment it was becoming hard to control the urge to be fucked right there and now.
The moment you heard footsteps upstairs you both separated not before he stole a quick kiss. You tried to compose yourself quickly. Your D/n greeted you both “Good morning Mommy and Kenny.” 
“Good morning sweetie.” You smiled
“Morning kiddo.”
“Kenny you're here early,” she wasn’t used to seeing him this early.
You looked over at Draken waiting for him to respond. “I want to have breakfast with you both, sooo I came over. ” 
You walked to your room and grabbed your phone. You hadn’t looked at your phone since you put d/n to bed. You had a voicemail from Ran. You finally managed to listen to the voicemail.  Sitting on the edge of the bed you could hear the bothersome tone in his voice. He seemed to really mean his words as he left the voicemail...A deep sigh came from your lips. Coming from downstairs you could hear d/n laughing. Going downstairs once again you began to prepare breakfast with Draken helping you out.
Ran was on his way home, he hadn’t heard from you. He was contemplating calling you again but knowing you may not answer again. Rin was going through his email on his phone. An email that he didn’t expect to receive at all, after a bad business deal a few years back “Interesting… The Nishimura family  wants to set up a meeting.” 
The Nishimura family was known for the connections of illegal weapons along with connections to the black market. The Haitani brothers were one of their transporters. Even running them in the club preparing them for the black market auctions. When they weren’t getting their fair cut of profits, it became a conflict. The bitterness of back and forth for the past few years, even them keeping a hidden stash of weapons from a truck that went missing. It became suspicious of the sudden meeting, when deals go south with the Nishimura the people would end up dead. It was odd that I wanted this meeting.
Ran wasn’t convinced that it was a business they wanted to talk about. But he was rather curious about what they wanted. “No meeting in person. Set it up online….I get the feeling that it's just more than wanting to make a deal.” Ran responded with his eyes on the road. 
“I was thinking the same thing.” He responded. “Still are you going to be alright with doing this if they mean business.” 
“Of course if they don’t fuck us over like the last time…by all means.I bet they were having issues with there other transporters.” Ran responded.
“That’s not what I’m asking…What if they find out about ______ and D/n. You didn’t have to worry about it back then now that they are both here.” He didn't answer right away “If it comes to that point where they threaten them… I will for sure put a bullet in each head.” Rin responded to the email and now just waiting for them to respond.
“I will pick you up tomorrow around 7.” Draken was getting ready to leave. 
“Yeah that sounds great.” You responded with a small smile walking him to the door. “D/n come say bye,” you called out. 
D/n came over to the front door, Draken kneeled down. “Bye Kenny! Thank you for yesterday.” 
He gave her a hug “anytime. We can do something else soon, okay?” He rubbed the top of her hair. “Be good for your mom okay?”  she nodded as she ran back to the living room.  
Draken looked at you, his finger going under your chin. Both of you leaned for your lips touching. “I will see you tomorrow.” 
“See you tomorrow.” you smiled.
As soon as he left, you decided to get dressed. Checking in on d/n before you went upstairs. Getting undressed, as you were walking to your dresser you noticed the marks on your chest they turned purple. You remembered Draken's words from last night lingered in your thoughts. You couldn’t get over the way he touched your body. Snapping out of your thoughts you need something to cover your chest. Grabbing a crew neck fitted shirt that covered the indecent marks.
Draken was pulling up to his home when he saw a familiar car parked in his driveway already. Letting out a sigh. He was already dreading the encounter with his ex-wife.  Parking his car he proceeded into his home. Opening the door he saw Emma sitting at the dining room table. She instantly turned her gaze towards her ex-husband. “Emma, what are you doing here?” he asked.  
“I’ve been trying to get a hold of you. Do you not know how to answer your phone?” Emma looked over at her ex husband. 
“We haven’t spoken since the divorce you expect me to answer right away? I was busy.” he crossed his arms across his chest wondering how she got in. “How did you even get in here?” “I had a spare key, remember I used to live here?” she answered. “So where were you?” 
Raising his brow “Don’t worry about it… You don’t need to know where I’m going anymore.”
She rolled her eyes, shaking her head. “You were with ________ weren’t you..”  Draken stood quietly “I heard she was back in town... she even came by the shop and then you left with her...”
“And if I was? Is that a problem of yours?” Draken was becoming bothered. “It's really none of your business what I do.” he sighed  
She was hurt by his response. “So now that she isn't with Ran anymore you're trying to date her now or what?” 
“Emma, you need to leave.” He wasn't going to answer the question. “I need the key.” 
“Just answer the questions, Draken. It’s obvious you still have something for her…Even when we were together, I never really had your full love or we wouldn’t be divorced now…” 
“We are divorced because we couldn’t see eye to eye on stuff even the littlest things would blow up into an argument... I don't wanna argue anymore Emma.” Draken now seeing why she came over. He knew it was bound to happen sooner or later. Even when they were all younger he saw how Emma would act around you. Even if you were blinded by her action at this time it was clear to some of the mutual friends. 
When you first disappeared Emma witnessed the altercation with Draken and Ran. She could see once he found out you were gone he was trying to avoid his feelings about it. Shortly after getting engaged to Emma, they were married. It was great the first year then it started to take a turn. The disagreements would escalate and Draken would spend more time at the shop to avoid going home. 
“Of course, you're done…. Some things never change… I hope you enjoy playing daddy to her daughter.” Draken ignored the comment. Emma goes into her bag pulls the key out placing it on the table. “You know if that is Ran’s daughter he is not going to enjoy you trying to take his role...If you're doing it to please her…. I don’t know what to say but good luck.” 
She walked to the front door. He heard her car start and take off. The home was quiet as he walked to his couch laying down. Draken knew the issues that would arise if he were to start going out with you. In the end, all that mattered was him making you and d/n happy, that's all that mattered to him. Just because you had a baby with Ran didn’t mean he wasn’t gonna treat your daughter any differently. He took it as a sign things were going downhill with his marriage with Emma and now you're here. 
“I could have come another day…” Rin sighed trying to balance all the items in his hands. “Why the hell am I carrying the most?”
“I think it would be nice for you to see your niece since we missed her birthday yesterday…” Ran fixing his shirt “ I’m gonna knock on the door, hands can't be full.” The comment Ran spoke made Rin roll his eyes.
They were both walking up to your home. He needed to make it up to d/n and to you. You didn’t return his call. He decided to show up but not empty-handed. Ran rang the doorbell waiting to see you answer. Opening the door you saw both Haitani brothers on your front porch. “Hey beautiful” Rin looked over at his Ran smiled at you then at your serious expression. Just your stare alone at Ran. ‘I know that look,’ he thought to himself. “Hey ______ can you let us in this stuff is heavy.” 
Opening the door for them as they both enter the home. Rin made his way towards the living room. While Ran stood in front of you, he placed the items in his hand on the side table. “______ can we talk.” You didn’t want to hear anything about what you heard on the phone.“Ran… go see d/n… I don’t wanna discuss it.” you placed your hand on your hips. You were avoiding eye contact with him. “Please go see her.” 
He let out a low sigh, picking up the items on the table he walked towards the living room. The moment he saw d/n a smile appeared on his face. “Happy belated birthday princess.” He caught her attention. Bringing the rest of the presents to where Rin placed them. He scooped her up in his arms giving her a big hug. She hugged him back tightly. Still holding her “I’m sorry I missed your birthday.”
“It’s okay!” She looked at all the presents. “Are all those for me?” she asked. “Of course.” he went all out for his little one. Rin had to calm his brother down at the store because he would have bought everything there. Walking to the living room you saw him holding her  “But there is one for your mommy.” he spoke as he looked at you. 
“Ran.” you looked at him. The gift comes from guilt and a form of apology. He knew you wouldn’t refuse it as your daughter was in the same room even if you were mad at him.
He placed down the d/n and grabbed the large box. ”This is for you.” 
“Mommy opened it!” she excitedly said. 
Feeling pressure to do so you removed the lavender ribbon from the white box. Removing the top of the lid. You saw the neatly black dress. Pulling it out of the box, it was a beautiful dress. “Oh my...” 
“D/n do you think it is okay if I could take your mom to dinner so we could talk later on? Rin wants to hang out with you.” He looked over at your d/n ‘Dammit Ran.’ you squinted at him. Rin was just as surprised as you were, his brother didn’t talk about this to him at all. Just threw him in the mix. Another reason why he brought Rin along with him. You would have turned him down if you didn’t have a babysitter. “Oh yeah! Mommy you're gonna look so pretty!” d/n smiled You placed the dress back in the box. You notice the cut of the dress was deep in the front. “Shit….” you were going to have to try and cover up the dark hickeys on your breast. 
Ran returned his attention d/n “Alright let's open up your presents.” A few hours would pass, and you started to get ready. Trying to cover love marks was going to be a challenge. Ran being infamous for leaving his mark on you whenever you had to attend something you would have to cover it up. Adding the color corrector to the marks you began trying to conceal with your foundation to match your skin tone.  
 Ran and Rin were  with D/n as she was playing with the new items she gotten. Ran noticed a new stuffed animal addition that was on the couch. As he reached for it “D/n I’ve seen this one before.” “Kenny won it for me!” she smiled
Ran looked at the stuffed animal “He did now? Was it from yesterday?” “Yeah me, mommy and Kenny went to the Carnival yesterday.” Ran wouldn’t express it right now but it would be a bit bothersome hearing about Draken taking d/n and you to the carnival yesterday. Wondering if this was going to cause any problems with him trying to rebuild his life with you. ‘Isn’t he married?’  Ran thought to himself. He never paid attention to his love life. Because you were already Rans nothing else matters.  He was curious if anything else happened while at the carnival. “I’m glad you had fun.” He put a smile on.  He was going to end up asking you later on tonight. “Hey princess, why don’t you check on your mommy and see if she is finished getting ready.” 
D/n nodded and Ran to the stairs to check on you.  “Isn’t Draken married?” He looked over at Rin.
“He and what’s her name got divorced a few months back, that's what I heard from Izana.” Rindou responded. “You think he is going to try and make a move?” 
“I wouldn’t doubt it. If he knows ______ and I are not  together I wouldn’t put it past him…I will see what's going on for sure.”  Ran said with the thought of Draken even touching you was boiling him on the inside. 
The moment they both heard the sounds of heels, caught both of the Haitani brothers' attention. It’s been a moment you fully were put together having your hair and make up done. Anything he was thinking disappeared at that moment. He stood up still, eyes on you. “Mommy looks so pretty!” 
“Thank you sweetheart.” You smiled at you. 
“She does.” Ran looked at you up and down. “We should head out for the chat.”
“Right…” you said. Bending down slightly, you held onto your daughter's hands “mommy will be back soon okay?” 
“Okay mommy.” D/n smiled
“Rin, are you sure you can watch her?” You asked. Other than school and the one time your aunt watched her you hadn’t been apart from her let alone anyone watching her… 
“Yeah it’s fine…” Rin said. “I will get an understanding on why she likes watching  weird things on tv…”  looking at the program she was watching.
Ran and you got into his car and began driving to the destination. It was a quiet part of the ride when he stopped at a red light. “You still take my breath away.”
“Ran flattery is not going to work this time.” You looked at him and then out the window. He was up to something you weren’t sure what it was. Your patience for him was not this short before.
“I’m just stating a fact.” he knew you were still bothered by him missing her birthday. He felt your demeanor change a bit from normal. The charming flatters seem to go over your head. The more serious look on your face planted there.
He was hoping the place he was taking you to would ease some of the anger towards him. A place where it held special memories for you both. Following him to the familiar restaurant. You looked around ‘it still looks the same.’  A place where you celebrate your anniversary every year. Taking a seat Ran began or the same wine you always had. 
You felt your phone vibrate in your lap. Looking down you saw it was a notification from Draken, confirming if your aunt was gonna care for d/n while you both went out tomorrow. Trying to keep a poker face as much as possible.  Ran saw your eyes looking down as he asked. “Who texted you?” He asked, wondering if it was Draken.
 “It’s nothing.” You responded back before locking your phone .
“That little friend of yours I presume.” Ran spoke and didn't want to beat the bush around it. “D/n told me the three of you went to the carnival yesterday for her birthday.” 
“We did. Our plans originally got canceled, remember .”  Adjusting your posture. 
“It’s interesting she picked up the nickname Kenny for him too… how often does he come over?”
You could see where this was going by his comments. “She calls him Kenny because he didn’t like Mr. Ken, so he told her to call him Kenny .” 
“Answer the question how often is he coming over?” 
“Why do you want to know?” Asking him 
“Dammit ________, answer the question. It’s rather annoying I have to repeat myself a third time.,” he spoke in a low discreet tone. 
“He comes over every now and then. Are you happy?” You narrowed your eyes at him. “I honestly shouldn’t be answering that. Whoever I allow in my house is not a concern to you. I mean have I questioned you about who you bring to your home?” “I want to make sure and see who you're bringing around my daughter.”
“Wow okay.” You spoke in a low sardonic tone reaching for the glass of wine “I think I’m a good judge of character,” 
“Sure you are.” 
“Your sounding pretty jealous right now,”
“Well when someone tries to interfere with things I’m working on it becomes a problem to me” 
“Oh really now?” Placing the glass of wine down   “Ran darling.. don’t keep me waiting too long…want to explain that?”  Mimicking the voice of the woman you heard on the phone. “Was that a problem that needed to be handled, Ran darling?” 
He let out an annoyed sigh “it was a business meeting I had to attend too..” After that call the amount of anger he had built inside of him. Staining one of  his most expensive suits. After that phone call with you.
“Right right business meeting you tend to mix it with pleasure.” 
“You don’t know what happened, it was  just business nothing more…” 
“You're right I don’t know but hearing another woman on the other side paints a different picture.” you crossed your legs along with your arm “Whether it was business or not, you could have put it off if you wanted to. You told me how important her birthday was to you and wanted to be there to spend it with us.”
“It was important to me… you don’t understand ________ ,but Draken was there to save the day.”  he responded. “Always seemingly there.” you ignored the comment he made about him. “Did anything else happen?” 
You weren’t going to mention you and Draken sleeping together, even the confession, or the date that was tomorrow it would send Ran into this unpleasant mood along with actions he may do.  “Other than enjoying d/n birthday” you wanted this conversation to be over with. You found yourself frustrated as the conversation continued on. “Ran, I don’t wanna discuss this anymore, it's done and over with. At the end of the day, our main priority is d/n. Not the issues between you and me…Whoever you see is your business, not mine because we are not together.”
He let out a sarcastic low chuckle and he slightly shook his head. “I’m assuming you think that will apply to me as well…________  even if we are not together right now, we have a daughter. I'd be damned if I hear my daughter call someone else dad or see you with someone else.”  His tone was more possessive than his normal calmer tone. He felt like Draken would try something with you. How his gut feeling would be spot on. Unknowingly the boundaries were more different between you and Draken. “I would love to see someone try and steal you away.” Ran locked eyes with you. 
It was evident it was becoming much more than you can handle. Scooting your chair back “I’m done.. I… I can’t do this with you right now…”  Leaving the table as you made your way towards the front of the restaurant.
‘Son of a bitch...’ He thought to himself, flexing his jaw, the conversation did go overboard. Out of jealousy, he felt he could have made things worse between you both.  Getting up from his chair he followed you. “_______..” he called out to you but you didn't turn around as you made your way to the entrance. He grabbed your hand. “Ran let go”
“Look, things got a bit carried away….” the low sigh coming from him. “I’m sorry I don’t wanna fight with you, it wasn't the intention I had for tonight.” As Ran was trying to smooth things over with you. Rin caved into his niece, the counter had every condiment for a sundae out. Bags opened, jar lids opened, ice cream cartons open. He swirled the can whipped cream on the pile of ice cream. Just looking at it was giving him a toothache. When he placed the can down “is this enough?” he asked
“More please.” she pointed to a can of whip cream. “Okay then tell me when to stop okay?” He shook the can.
He proceeded to add more. It was a while before she “stop!” The majority of the ice cream was covered in whip cream.  He brought it to the dining room table. She ran to the kitchen drawer pulling two spoons out. “Here!” she handed him one. 
“Thanks.” taking a seat he watched her dig into the ice cream.  
D/n began to remember some of the small stories Ran would tell her about him and you dating.  “Mr. Rin, Mr. Ran said he knows my dad. Have you met him?” she asked. 
He had the spoon in his mouth a bit thrown off in the question. “Oh uhhh yeah I know him.”
“You do?!” “Yeah he is a pain in the ass but I know him…” 
“He is?!” her eyes widened. “Does he have a lot of pain in his butt?” she blinked in her eyes assuming her father suffered from butt pain. 
‘Shit’ he said to himself  “no not really it's just a saying…I should say your dad doesn’t like to listen to anyone. Once his mind is made up he sticks to it until he reaches his goal.”
“Oh…Did he stop when he met mommy?”
“When he met your mom it was unexpected.” he began to think back to the day both her parents met “They met at a party, your mom is known to not pay attention when walking and would bump into people. That night she bumped into your dad, and your dad ironically didn’t want to go to the party but I dragged him there. They spent the entire time at the party talking.  When it was time to go, he drove her home and eventually asked her out on a date. He told me a few years back it was the best thing that happened to him.” Rindou leaned against the table with his arms folded. “One thing about your dad, when he met your mom I never saw him truly care for anyone else the way he did with her.” He could see the smile on her face. She had a smile that resembled a Haitani. ‘You definitely are your father's daughter, that's for sure the same smile as his.’
After agreeing to sit back down with him, the dinner was mainly quiet. Knowing tonight was just a mess for you both. Emotions were running a bit high on both ends of the table. You put your phone on silent not wanting to pick it up to have to question you more. Ran began to think about how to fix this because a part of him never wanted to show you how possessive he could be. 
Getting to your home both of you entered your home. It was quiet and the living room tv was still on but no Rin or D/n. Walking up the stairs you find Rin on the floor using some of her stuffed animals as pillows. D/n was fast asleep. “She wore him out…” you quietly said. 
“That’s my girl,” he smirked. Ran walked to the other side of her bed picking up the white stuffed rabbit that fell on the floor. He placed it next to her, covering her a bit more, kissing her forehead “Sweet dreams princess.”  He walked over to the other side of the bed, slightly kicking his brother's foot, walking him up.
Both Ran and Rin walk down the stairs to the exit. “Rin thanks for watching her”
“It's fine even if it was without my consent… But she is a good kid” Rin spoke, when he noticed there was some tension between you both. “I'm gonna wait in the car.”
Both you and Ran stood there in silence. The silence was finally broken from Ran. “I’m sorry for tonight again ____.” 
“It’s fine…” you didn’t want to leave on a bad note with him. It would just make things awkward when he comes over “Thank you for tonight I forgot how beautiful it was to be in there.” 
“I’m glad you enjoyed it to a certain extent.” “Message me tomorrow and we will set up another day for you to come over.”
He nodded that maybe a day or two apart would be the best for you both. “Of course… get some rest.” 
“You too..”  giving him a half smile.
Ran had his back towards you before he took a step, he turned back around facing you. “I almost forgot something.”
“What?” raising your brow at him. With three fingers slightly grasping your chin he brought you slightly forward. In a quick motion you felt his lips press against yours. The sudden connection of your lips connecting to one another felt like time stopped for a moment. The brief kiss only lasted a few seconds. Ran pulling back seeing the hues of pink on your cheeks he slightly smirked, “Sweet dreams to you are beautiful.” 
Closing the door quickly your back pressed against the door. Your heart was fluttering. It was like kissing him for the first time all over again. Taking off your heels you walked to turn off the tv when you noticed your kitchen light on. You realize the mess in the kitchen.
Ran walking to the car, a small grin on his lips as he hopped into the car. Rin was on his phone “We got a response.” Starting the car as he began to back up “What do they wanna do?” “Meeting online tomorrow…” 
He nodded, “we will see what happens.” still on his mind was the kiss just moments ago.
The following day,  you were at your aunt's house still thinking about the recent events with Draken and now Ran. You made your head spin slightly, you felt happy yet nervous going out with Draken today but also guilty because you were thinking about Ran. “You know if you keep making that worried face you will start aging quicker than you need.” your aunt took a seat next to you.
“Hmmm? Oh right…” it was hard not to think about it. “You think it's a good idea for me to go out with Draken?” you asked her.
“_____ that is not my call to tell you if it’s a good idea or not. If you have any doubt then you shouldn't. If not then you should.” she knew Draken since you both were younger. “Draken from what I remember he was a good kid even with the whole tattoo on the side of his head at his age. I myself don’t see any issue with going on the date.” You nodded “No harm in trying...Maybe I should try... I mean maybe I’m nervous I haven’t been on a date in years…” This felt like a whole new thing to you dating as a single mom. It makes it more interesting when you're going out on a date with an old friend that you were being fucked by a few days ago. Then you started to think about the discussion with Ran last night that made you feel like he would do something to Draken if he found out about the date. “It could be. Look I’m not too familiar with d/n father now but I know Draken. For him to take d/n out and you for her birthday was something he didn’t have to do but he chose to. If d/n likes him then I say enjoy the date.” Giving a relieved smile. d/n did enjoy hanging out with Ken too. “What time did you want me to pick up d/n?” “Let her stay the night with me, it would be like watching you all over again as a little girl.” your aunt smiled. “Enjoy your life while you are still young to do so. You never know, what if Draken was meant to be with you. You will never know unless you try.” 
Your aunt's words encouraged you throughout the day as you began to get ready for the date. Your car was being serviced at the garage earlier today and it wouldn’t be ready till tomorrow. With the doorbell ringing you felt your heart racing like you just ran a mile. Opening the door Draken was stunned by your look. Both of you getting one another he helped you into the car opening the door and closing it. During the car drive, he felt his hand rest on your inner thigh, his thumb swiping your thigh. The date consisted of places you both enjoyed growing up from your favorite place to eat to going to the beach. It was hitting you both with so much nostalgia as you both reminisced about the good old days. You found yourself holding onto his arm. It was becoming late as you agreed to go back to his home for a drink. ~~~~~~~~~~
Mrs. Yamaguchi was doing her own little digging into Ran’s personal life even having some connections in the past. With the right amount of money, someone's lips (kokonoi) would spill your full name to her.“ Excuse me, Miss. Yamaguchi, we got the information on the woman you inquired about.” 
“Thank you.” She received the paperwork from her assistant. As she was flipping through the paperwork her eyes widened. “What?!?!?” seeing a copy of a birth certificate. “A child?”  but remembered she heard the child's name before when he was on the phone. Things were starting to come to light pieces were clicking together.  “Interesting now, well it's starting to make sense.” Ms. Yamaguchi looked down at the photo of you and d/n. She began to compare herself to you, seemingly trying to find every flaw in the photo. She questioned what Ran saw in you? If she couldn’t see it then what did he actually see?  “We can confirm it's his actual daughter. It looks like they just moved here a few weeks ago… She may look like him but Ran does have a brother now they both look similar as well...” “We are just going off the birth certificate.” her assistant responded “I see… Well, she will know who I am very soon.” She smirked.
Entering his home he flicked the lights on. This was the first time you were in his home. your heart was beating so rapidly.  “You don’t have to stand by the doorway, come on in.” he was walking to the kitchen. You walked into his home more seeing his decor. It did change slightly from the last time you saw his room in the brothel where he used to live. You saw a photo of him and Mikey on the wall from when they were younger. ‘How young they were..’ you smiled 
Draken appeared from the kitchen in his hands were two beers walking towards you. “Here.” 
“Oh, thanks. I was just looking and seeing how young you and Mikey were in this photo. How is Mikey doing?” handing a beer to you. 
“He is okay, living his life. He is at the shop every other day.” 
You nodded “Even after the divorce with Emma you both are friends?” asking him
“We are, I think he knew when things weren't working out but he didn’t say anything. Mikey caught onto a lot of things.”
Both of you sat down on the couch. You leaned on his shoulder “Hey Ken…”
“Yea?” he asked. 
“You know we hung out everyday even had moments of being alone together when we were younger. Why didn’t you tell me?” asking him. 
“It wasn’t that easy ya know.  After being friends for so long, I didn’t want to mess anything up between us back then. I was close a few times…. If I could be perfectly honest with you this time?.”  
“Sure.” tilting your head up and looking at him. “I didn’t expect you to date Ran for so long. I knew Ran's reputation with the women back then and I did worry about what it might do to you if he broke your heart. I would be there to pick up the pieces. Time kept going till that day you just disappeared…”  Draken stood quiet for a moment.
“I remember hearing the stories about the girls he was with… It wasn’t always easy to digest some of the things I heard or mentioned I was just a number like the rest…He would tell me to ignore them but it was hard not to listen to them and their experiences with him. Even when he wasn’t around, in the beginning, I was referred to as his new little toy... I honestly was waiting for him to tell me early in the relationship it wasn’t working out…” you looked down at your beer. “Since we were being honest with one another back then when Emma told me she was in love with you I kinda stepped aside maybe because it was Mikey’s little sister and I didn’t want issues to happen since you and Mikey were close… the feelings were mutual back then not just one side… I just thought whenever Emma was around you seemed happier. You just saw me as a friend or like a sister. I thought she really made you happy.” 
“Funny how life works doesn’t it? Just being with you makes my day.”
You chuckled at his comment, leaning off his shoulder you gave him a light push on his arm. He reached for your hand before you could return it back to you. He brought you closer to him and he placed his beer down. In the instant when we locked eyes, you could see the mischievous look in his eyes. His hand traveling to your hip pulling you closer he began to lean back bringing you on top of him. 
“Do you have to pick up d/n soon?” he asked in a hushed tone. 
“My aunt wanted to keep her tonight. She said, " I have to learn to socialize with other adults better, that’s what she told me...” 
“So you're available then?” flashing a small grin on his lips. “A whole night to yourself? I wonder what you will do?” the slight taunting as his hand slides  underneath the back of your shirt slightly. 
Softly chuckling as you leaned in, pressing your lips against his lightly “I think we can figure something.”
Letting out a content sigh. It would be evident you would be staying the night at his home. It started to get hot and heavy. The clothing trail that leads to the bedroom. Draken sitting on the edge of the bed. His cock was already stiff, he was trying to hold his composure in but having your lips wrapped around his cock drove him wild. “Hnnghnngg~.. Fuckk~.. Ahhhh~" Behind your long thick lashes you look up at him. “You're sucking me off so good.” grunting as he continued to watch you. No one ever sucked his cock this good before, his mind becoming hazy. He never knew hunger until he got a taste of you the first time.  “_________.” You slowed down your lips still around his cock. “I’m not gonna last much longer the way you keep sucking me off.” As your lips unwrapped around his cock “Lay back Ken.” He didn’t argue laying on the middle of the bed, his hand reaching for his cock stroking it until you straddled on top of him. You were in the reverse cowgirl position. Deciding to tease him slightly you began to grind against his cock. His cock goes between your folds as you slide back and forth. You teasing him this way was also giving you pleasure. You slightly moaned, your hands were behind you against his abs. “I'm gonna cum just by doing this~~~~~.” biting your lower lip.  You heard a groan coming from Draken, his cock is coated with your saliva and juices, lifting yourself up slightly with your hand wrapped around his cock you slowly slid yourself inside of you just like the first time you had to adjust to his tumescent size cock in your tight cunt. Both of your feet were on the outer side of Draken's thighs  You began to move up and down slightly doing a circular motion, tossing your head back slightly. 
“Haah... Uugh.. Aaah~~” Draken was muttering, as you continued to ride his cock. You felt your orgasm coming in as you began to grind against him, stimulating your clit against him. Your painting was becoming more known to him. “Cum for me ______. I want you to cum all over my cock like a good girl. You're a good girl aren’t you?” 
“Y-yes I’m a good girl Draken~~” you whimper. His hands reaching around his fingers coated with his saliva as he began to play with your clit more. “I’m coming.” you squeezed your eyes shut. “Draken, I’m coming~~~!” And with that sudden exclamation, your body tensed up, he could feel your clenching around his cock, your back arching from your sudden release, and your body felt light then grew heavy.  
Draken brings your bare back against his chest, the back of your knees draped over his. His cock began to thrust upwards into your cunt as you were still coming down from your high. He could feel your juices seeping from your cunt as his larger fingers still toying with your sensitive clit. Your head leaned against his shoulder you could hear his groan mixture of curse words spilling from his mouth. “You are so fucking wet ______. You feel so good clenching on my cock.” His free hand turns your head towards him. His lips latched onto yours before his lips met with your neck leaving a little gift behind.
“You're gonna make me cum again~~,” you whined as the climax was already brewing inside of you once. Your legs began to close on his hands which were still stimulating your clit. Panting a bit hard the tension of your body was taking over. “I want you to cum for me again,” he spoke in a husky voice looking at you as he was picking up the pack and how slippery your cunt was only sending him over the edge. “Cum for me ______.” he groaned.  A set of moans escapes your lips as you're close to an orgasm. Squirming, your cunt clenches as your hips and thighs shake, you struggle to keep my eyes open. Just the sight of you sent Draken into a frenzy thrusting motion. The sudden release inside your pussy sent you both into an orgasmic bliss.
Ran drove to your home at about 11:30 pm. He couldn’t stop thinking about you. Just the kiss he stole yesterday was on his mind all day. He wanted you and he needed to show you how much he missed you. When getting to your home he didn’t see your car. “Where is she?” he said out loud. 
Staying in his car, he called your phone. No pick up….Ran began to wonder where you left and where you took his daughter. As it went to your voicemail “Hey doll, I just pulled up to the house and you're not home? Where are you and D/n at? Give me a call when you get this.” he hung up the phone. He waited for about 30 mins thinking you were going to come home anytime with a sleeping d/n in the back seat but your car didn’t appear. Ran was already starting to get something off now. Ran drove back to the club; his demeanor was more serious. When Rin saw him he wasn’t good. Thinking that he and you may have had an argument. His brother is going into the office. A few seconds later, Ran lit a cigarette walking to the small bar they had in their office. Pouring a drink Rin saw a cloud of smoke then his brother spoke “He is a dead man…I’m gonna kill that son of a bitch.”
To be continued.....
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yusume-the-writer · 4 months
Valentine's Day
Decided to do this as a Valentine's Day special, hope you like it
An interesting fact that I discovered is that people who are called Valentina/Valentino/Valentim this day is like an Onomastic birthday (Birthday of someone who is named after the Saint of that day) So happy birthday Valentina/Valentino/Valentim!!!
Summary: How they react to receiving gifts from their s/o on Valentine's Day
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They stand there with their eyebrows widened as they stare at the gift in their hands.
It is not a surprise for them to receive gifts at this time or even hundreds of their admirers
Sometimes it was a hassle to have so many chocolates or gifts
But receiving one of your own? It was something they hadn't imagined, but they liked the idea.
Suddenly he caresses your head and sends you a genuine smile
"Thank you" They say with that sparkle in their eyes that only you and one of the few to witness
They wouldn't mind getting a Valentine's Day gift if it was yours
Tom Knowles, Rayne Ames, Lance Crown, Wirth Mádl, Ryoh Grantz, Carpaccio Luo-Yang, Shuen Getsuku, Lance Crown
They just stand there with wide eyes when they see you handing them a gift on Valentine's Day
Surprised and little they are stunned
They never got a Valentine's gift from anyone...unless someone stole them
But receiving a gift from you? They're a blushing mess
Without them realizing it, their face is redder than tomatoes, peppers or any other fruit/vegetable that is red.
"Everything is fine?!?" You say worried about them
"Y-yes!!! Everything is great" They manage to say trying to hide the excitement of getting something for Valentine's Day especially from their s/o
Your cuteness will someday be the death of them
Dot Barrett, Abyss Razor, Cello Morceau, Tron Morceau, Milo Genius, Cell War
As soon as they realize that you are witnessing it on Valentine's Day, their surroundings light up
It doesn't matter if they've had a bad day or their expression is dull or they just don't show it, the air around them lights up and even seems to have flowers.
"Really for me!" They say doubtful
"Yes! Besides, today is the day to give a gift to your loved one" You say as you bring the gift to them
Suddenly they reach into your pocket and take out a gift and give it to you
"I thought the same thing" They say laughing a little at the coincidence
You can't help but laugh at the coincidence as they exchange gifts
It seems like you read each other's minds
Finn Ames, Lemon Irvine, Love Cute, Renatus Revol, Kaldo Gehenna, Lovie Rosequartz, Delisaster, Malcolm Curtis, Galuf Gargaron, Margarette Macaron, Max Land, Adam Jobs
Without expression
They just stand there while staring at their present, yet it was so silent you could hear a pin drop.
They don't say anything it seems like they didn't like it at all
"If you don't like-" You try to say but suddenly they go through something in your pocket and take out a gift
"...Looks like we had the same idea" They say trying to hide the amusement in their tone as they hand it to you
"Ah! And indeed heh~" You laugh as they exchange gifts
Fate likes to play tricks on you both
Abel Walker, Tsurara Halestone, Agito Tyrone, Orter Mádl, Sophina Biblia, Domina Blowelive, Charles Contini, Lévis Rosequartz, Kenny Clark, Innocent Zero(teenager), Doom, Famin, Epidem, Malta Barrett, Mash Burnedead, Meliadoul Amy(teenager), Wahlberg Baigan(teenager), Olore Andrew, Anser Shinri
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shrewstew · 2 months
My Stinky Teenage South Park Headcanons (long asl)
Pt. 1 - Kenny McCormick
Warning: Blood + SH scars, you have been warned
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There’s some angst mixed in here, it’s like a big bag of trail mix except instead of m&ms you get sad
Kenny works at Tweak Bros along with Tweek, Craig, Red, and Wendy. He works the most amount of hours, and almost always gets employee of the month. It pisses Tweek off sooooo much.
During breaks, Tweek vents at him while he silently listens. Him and Craig stay silent, and show eachother memes sometimes. Him and Wendy are pretty friendly with eachother. Him and Red don’t really talk, cuz she’s popular and he sniffs paste, and being friends with Wendy doesn’t really change that.
He spends most of his free time either with the gang or at work. He is always on that grind 🔥💪
He sets things on fire for fun.
He also steals a lot, he is banned from the nearest Walmart
He gets the least amount of sleep out of the 4. He has a busy mind. But he also works late hours, and has to try to get his homework done. He usually tries to quiet his mind with dirty mags or by texting anyone who’s awake.
He doesn’t “come out” to anyone, he just gets a boyfriend one day and everyone just has to accept that.
He also never got diagnosed with anything until adulthood, cuz poor.
He likes big boobs, AND ☝️😲 men with large pectorals
He likes skirts, long ones specifically. He hates makeup tho, he tried to be a model for Karen but he kept unintentionally flinching away and she got fed up. He also likes painting his nails cuz it keeps him from chewing them to the bone
Parentification trauma. Forced to basically be a parent for Karen, he now struggles with setting boundaries and at times people pleasing. He is emotionally unstable and prefers to keep that shit to himself
He gets a lot of piercings, but they often get infected and close up due to lack of care
He does them himself. He bites a belt and takes his mom’s sewing needle in his skin like a champ. He uses earrings he stole from hot topic
He has a hard time taking care of himself, he hates brushing his hair, his teeth are rancid, he forgets to shower frequently, and I already mentioned his sleep schedule.
Karen likes to brush his hair for him, so she can practice braiding. She also tries to remind him to take care of himself, and he gets defensive cuz he thinks it’s embarrassing and feels bad for making her worry
He fucking loves horror movies I’ve decided. Also a big sci-fi fan.
(Tw s/h, I try to keep it vague) He still dies a lot. So he eventually develops a bad habit as a form of having control in his life. This is a troubling combination with his addictive personality.
Every now and then he goes hunting with Kevin on the weekends, and they are completely silent the entire time. It’s peak bonding. One time they brought back a moose.
They also spend some time together sitting on the porch drinking beer they stole from their dad, also in complete silence.
He does not have a license, and he is not trusted with cars. The family car is already a heap of shit, they don’t need him wrecking it in a freak accident.
I think he is one of those people who genuinely could vibe with any music genre. His playlist is genuinely confusing and whiplash inducing. I think he would like System of A Down, AC/DC, and The Bloodhound Gang (But that’s just me)
He is the kind of guy to not pay attention to anything the group is talking about, he is just dancing to the music playing on the mall speakers or something
Feel free to add your own
I don’t draw scars very often on characters, this likely isn’t super accurate, but I’m willing to learn how to make it not look like shit
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pinkrifle · 7 months
Hello ml!<3 i was wondering if you could do yandere team stan and craig x reader platonic please! Like they see reader as a little sister!^^
hi lovely! i do not take SP requests anymore buttttf this seems really easy, so i should be able to do this !
saying this rn i’m so sorry if this is short #_# <\3 i’m sorry if i missed a character or two aswell!
only team stan right now as i can’t really think of much to do for team craig, sorry once more! D:
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Stan Marsh -
a little careful not to bring you around his friends too much.. especially cartman AND COVERS UR EARS EVERYTIME ONE OF THEM SAYS A DIRTY JOKE LOL (no matter how old you are!1!1!)
would 100% go off on anyone who tries to mess with you (and Kyle would probably join him too) , ya don’t F with family, folks!
trades his lunch or snacks at lunch to give them to you!! loves seeing the look on your face when you get a snack size pack of skittles. Even if it’s super small your face always lightens up and he just laughs and feels very proud of himself after
he makes sure shelly isn’t too mean to you, let’s her rip on him instead if she gets a little aggressive with you (she wouldn’t really go that far dw <3)
Eric Cartman -
(don’t worry he always does something in return after. begrudgingly and hesitantly.) (he just feels bad)
brings you on all of his little dangerous adventures but makes sure you stay safe all the time,, if you get hurt EVER he’s SOOO dramatic. begging for a hospital!
if any of his friends (aka rest of team stan) dare to say anything to you (they don’t cuz they don’t care) he will 100% be dramatic ALLO OVER AGAIN, threatens to beat up his friends (he can’t rlly) and is nice to you for the rest of the day!!
steals cute stuff from other classmates and brings them to you, steals snacks from people and brings them to you!! probably stole some snacks from stan that he planned to give to his own little sibling
Kenny McCormick -
tones down his dirty jokes when with you, and also does not let you around his friends LMAO
loves hanging out with you, karen, and kevin! at first he was really hesitant on stuart and carol having you (like with karen) but loved you so much after your born!!
protects u FOR LIFE. is basically also your guardian angel when he’s in his mysterion costume! when your in the foster home thing(?) he’s visiting you like crazy and bringing you treats aswell. makes sure you never get beaten up in the basement by the parents
loves whenever you show him something you like. Anime? cartoons? etc? your not cringe to him at all! he likes weird shit too, trust. Watches and plays everything you show him <3
a video game MASTER! having any trouble with a boss fight? he’s got it. Cant find an item? he already has it and is gonna trade it to you!!
Kyle Broflovski -
takes care of you and Ike RELIGIOUSLY. love you two both to death!
plays dolls/action digs with you even if your in middle school or whatever (in the event he’s in HS or whatever) , he doesn’t want his little siblings to ever grow up! brings a tear to his eye.
every Hanukkah he makes sure you get the best presents and NEVER lets your presents break, always has them in pristine condition ! hates seeing you sad , it affects him more than he’d like to admit.. he also gives you his hat to wear when your a little down!
bakes and cooks with you, he’s pretty okay at cooking but if your bad it’s no problem! he’s willing to teach you the 3 dishes he knows how to make LMAO. If your better than him at cooking? EVEN BETTER, teach him! but he’ll be a little embarassed to learn stuff from his little sibling
having trouble with homework? he’s on it! he won’t let you cheat on anything, but he’ll help you and guide you to the right answer.
Never let’s people talk shit about you or make fun of you, he will fr fight his friends if they dare to do that.
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heya! thanks for requesting, i haven’t been really willing to write lately but this got me off my booty!!! i really should open my tf2 and scp foundation reqs.
sorry again i couldn’t do team craig! i hope these were good enough, feel free to request this again some time if i’m ever active again! <3
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jewbeloved · 1 year
i had a small request
could you do kenny/Stan/Kyle/cartman (and if possible craig?)
with a reader who sleeps in a super tiny ball while sleeping sorta like a cat?
bye bye!
(hope you are doing well)q
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Team Stan + Craig with an s/o who sleeps in a tiny ball🤍💤
I am assuming you mean the s/o sleeps in a hamster ball? While it rolls around or stays still? Is that right?
Warnings: None
Gender: Neutral
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💚💙 The Main Four 🧡❤️
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As soon as they saw you in that ball, you reminded them of that homeschool kid that had to get around the school inside of a hamster ball.
But while they find you sleeping inside of it peacefully like a cat, oh god they completely melt and find you so adorable 🥰🥰
You might have to explain to them why you're inside the ball in the first place after they got super worried when the ball was rolling as you were sleeping in it. They don't want you to be reckless with it alright?
If you decide to purposely block the way to their locker or the door to the classroom and then sleep there so nobody can get inside, they are gonna be pissed as you giggle silently in your sleep.
Cue them opening the led of your ball and then pulling you out before moving your ball to the side and giving it back to you later when they aren't pissed at you anymore 😊
For their classmates who couldn't get through the door either, they were pissed as well. You are indeed lucky that they didn't tape you to the bench outside like they did to the homeschool kid in the episode.
They would leave you there for like 2 mins and then come back later to find you still sleeping without even noticing that they just taped you to the bench.
Overall, the boys don't mind you sleeping inside the ball, just make sure you don't accidentally fall asleep while it's moving❤️🧡💙💚
💙 Craig Tucker 🐹
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Similar with the boys, you also remind him of that homeschooled kid.
You had already been his s/o before he first saw you sleeping in the same exact hamster ball the homeschool kid was rolling around in.
He's surprisingly chill with it, but he is wondering if you stole the hamster ball away from the homeschool kid or you got yourself one that was just similar to his.
Either way, he does find your sleeping form adorable and that's a fact <3
But he will be a tiny bit worried when you're sleeping and the ball is rolling around, what if you bump into something or what if the ball accidentally rolls into the streets and you....
This boy will be incredibly worried for you when he thinks about the worse possibilities that could happen when you aren't awake to stop it.
So whenever you're outside with him at recess, he's going to pay more close attention to you whenever you're sleeping so he can keep your ball from rolling away.💙💙💙💛💛💛
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Bro, what's with the images showing up so tiny now???
Fix this goofy ahh update Tumblr 🫤🫤
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I feel like when they were around 13yo, all the main boys had an alt phase
Stan's phase lasted the longest, he'd hang out with the goth kids (sometimes more than with his friends), and he'd dress in all black. He learnt how to do his makeup and always wore an unholy amount of it, and he acted the depressing way the goth kids did. He was this way until he turned 15 or so, and after that he dressed in more normal clothes, even though he kept dying his hair for many years after that.
At the beginning, Kyle would say he'd "never dress up like that" and that it was "cringe", but progressively he started getting more colorful clothes, more visible makeup and weirder items until he became eyestrain personified. He still insisted he "didn't have a specific aesthetic so he wasn't cringe"... Cartman disagreed. After that phase was over (and after he spent months insisting it wasn't a phase 💀), he refused to aknowledge he ever dressed like that, and he got a more jock-like style.
Cartman would always laugh at his friends' clothes all the time, calling them cringe and insulting them... yet, since he was 12 and till he turned 16, he was so much worse. He would wear a different aesthetic each day, some days it would be quite normal but others it'd be more outstanding than anyone else's. For example, he'd show up in clothes so dark the goth kids would be jealous, only to go to school in full drag the next day. At the beginning teachers would complain and students would laugh at him... after a few weeks, everyone accepted that's what Cartman was up to.
Kenny's style was definitely the least outstanding out of the boys'. Actually, nobody was sure of whether he was alt, or just too poor to get new clothes... He would at first wear his pants full of handmade-looking patches, most of them with cool designs such as hands coming out of the holes or ones painted like bones placed where the bones would be. Then, his parka got too small so he gave it to his sister (read: she stole it but she looked so cute in it he let her keep it) and he instead starting wearing old T-shirts of obscure rock bands, which also kinda fit his previous style. Besides this, he also let his hair grow, which he wore in a ponytail.
Butters' phase wasn't too long, since his parents wouldn't let him buy his own clothes until he was a teen. Because of this, he dressed like a little kid would for longer than anyone. When he finally could buy his own stuff, he wore dark clothes and dyed his hair magenta, and by Stan's suggestion he became one of the goth kids. He spent with them a few months, in which he became "real hardcore", but then he felt tired of feeling sad all the time and so he decided to stop being a goth. Since then, he wore clothes a bit more colorful (still mostly black and white, but he was fine with adding other colors), and although he kept dying his hair (and even convinced Kenny to get highlights on his), he was a lot happier feeling and wearing whatever he wanted. Also, since he turned 16 he also began wearing skirts sometimes :)
Extra: since Firkle was held back, he ended at the same class as Ike. Both kids became friends, and Ike joined the goth kids a couple months after Stan left
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vctrvn-ls · 8 months
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The Spider
Imagine cancelling plans because you and AJ are both scared of the spider in the bathroom and can’t go in to get ready.
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It was an unusually sunny day in London.
It was the perfect weather for you to wear that lovely sundress you'd bought at your and Aj's trip to the country for one of his videos.
Today you were invited to a triple date with Kenny, Niko and their girlfriends who you were very good friends with, Marly and Sophie.
You were excited…more for the perfect-dress weather than the actual date, but nevertheless you still wanted you and AJ to get out of the house.
You laid out your dress on the bed, admiring it for a second before heading to the bathroom to start doing your makeup.
In the kitchen, AJ was busy eating watermelon while watching the news, as a joke...well kind of.
In the kitchen, AJ was busy eating watermelon while watching the news, as a joke...well kind of.
After moving in together you realized the apartment tv was just a normal tv. It just showed regular channels without being able to connect to Netflix, YouTube or whatever else.
Of course he ordered another one, there was no way he'd be able to live with BBC 1, BBC 2, BBC 3, BBC4 and however many other BBC's he had counted while flicking through the catalogue.
"So many BBC's." He told you "Oh look another one." He'd point to himself and laugh, earning and eye roll and a chuckle from you.
So, you were in the bathroom, focusing on your eyeliner. Squinting with your mouth open and tongue out in concentration.
Suddenly you saw something move with the corner of your eye. You finished the tail of your wings and blinked, before turning your head around and seeing the biggest long-legged...
Meanwhile AJ was fully hooked into the news reporter who was talking about a a big car crash that resulted in a car flying off a bridge in the suburbs.
"Holy shit." He furrowed his eyebrows, chewing. The descriptions of the scene were intense and very detailed. AJ was barely blinking from how fully into it he was.
AJ slipped off his chair, landing right onto his butt, coughing and spitting out the watermelon seed he just inhaled.
You ran into the kitchen, one eye with makeup, the other completely bare.
"What the fuck?" AJ raised his eyebrows as he stood up.
"There's a spider in the bathroom."
"Why you yellin like that?" He huffed, putting his fork on the table.
"Why am I yel-" you cut your own words with a scoff "Go get it then." You pointed to the bedroom.
He rolled his eyes "I will go and get it." He grabbed his slipper and stomped to the bathroom.
You were so scared you didn't even want to go back until it was definitely dead.
You impatiently waited for AJ, chewing on a piece of watermelon that you stole off of his plate.
This time you were coughing up watermelon, while AJ speed bolted out of your room, shutting the door behind him.
"Did you get it?" You raised your eyebrows, leaning to panting AJ.
"What the hell do you think?"
"Yes?" You asked hopefully.
"Told you."
"You didn’t tell me!"
"Well go back and get it then genius!"
"You're the man!"
There was a small pause before the two of you cracked up, laughing at eachother.
"I-it's just like the meme," you wheezed.
"That's what I thought of too." AJ snorted.
"No but seriously go fucking get it, Aje." You cleared your throat, now being dead serious.
"There is no way I'm going back in."
"You have to."
"Says who?"
"Don't you love me?" You pouted.
"I do, but I'd rather live than get eaten by that thing. It's like twice my size!"
You chuckle "AJ."
"What?" He grins.
"I can't get ready if that thing is in there."
"Well there's nothing I can do about it."
"AJ go and kill it." You whine "Please."
"I'm sorry I literally can't. I swear I can’t. "
"You just gotta slap it." You begged.
"Then you go do it."
You shake your head. "You've filmed with things that were way worse." You pointed out.
"There's no way I'm going back there."
"What the hell am I supposed to do?" You pointed to your bare eye.
AJ shrugs.
You frown.
"...You know we could stay in and watch some Netflix." He said in a suggestive tone.
"Look at our tv."
"Well laptops exist you know."
You sigh.
"I can call Niko to come get it after they've had lunch."
You nod.
"So much for the perfect dress-weather."
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grapecaseschoices · 2 months
OC in 15: Kendis Crawford-Louel
rules: share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
I was tagged by @deepinifhell and am woefully delayed in getting on this.
Tagging: @thedeadthree @thee-morrigan @nat-seal-well @nightingalesighs @laufire @lusavors @cypresswrites @thelittlestspider @mt07131 @roxaro @quaxorascal @tuomniia @andthatisnotfake @sunshineandviolets @sapphic-story [tagged fifteen peeps! i think! and as always no pressure!]
Most of the dialogue from old rp stuff repurposed for this meme, some from unposted stuff, and a few I made up for this. (As warning: some cussing)
1] However, strangeness of the situation proves that the metal gates aren’t fully down around the castle, because she bites out, bluntly, “No! No. I’m not okay.” Her breath hitches. “Don’t. D-don’t follow that up with another question. I thought we talked about this.”
By ‘we’ and ‘talked’, she meant the time she summarily shut down his last attempt to dig deeper. It should’ve been obvious by now that Kendis didn’t like accepting what they insisted on dishing out.
2] "Yook, Kenny, yook!"
"What'm I lookin' at, teeny tyke? --- Well, now. Look at that! Is that me? In fact, I know that's me. That's the second prettiest person in this entire art of prettiness. And is the one right next to me you? It's got to be 'cause that's definitely the prettiest person in this."
"You siwwy, Kenny. Boys not be pretty!"
"Am I? Well, if you're sayin' that's right then I'll consider it. But being silly doesn't mean I'm wrooooong~. Boys can be very pretty, kiddo. People can be whatever they wanna be so long as they're --- kind, yeah? And you're the kindest, prettiest, most talented teeny tyke, I've ever known. Oh, now you're laughin' at me, huh? Well, Ima show you 'bout that teeny brat."
3] "Who invented white allosexuals, like for real? Someone return this woman to sender."
4] "We're not even four days into a fucking New Year and this shit stain is stinkin' up the place."
5] "And I get that it's different things for different people. But I rather lose a place, than lose the people that matter with it."
6] "I know you've probs been lied to lately. But you're really not cute."
7] "He obvi picked bad pics on purpose, you Italian booger."
8] "I'm like Siri. Except better looking, smarter, much louder, and not an AI slave to a hegemonic hell-hole that stole the name of one of the best fruits. Like ever."
9] "Um, excuse you. I'm not reckless. What 'bout me screams the self sacrifice type?"
10] "Hey. Hey! Look at me! That's it ... slow breaths. I've got you. Do you -- you're okay, slowly ... Do you remember what I told you last week? Just nod. I've got you. I've got ya. You remember this? That's my pinky. We pinky promised -- the biggest and most bindable way to lock in a promise, yeah? And you may not know this about me, but I don't make promises that I can't see through. I said you're gonna be okay. And I mean that. I'm gonna make it happen, okay? I'll -- I'm here now and I'll be there at the end. Prommy, prommy, prommy, prommy, pro -- oh, a laugh, huh? Ha. That's what I like hearing. Leave the worryin' to me, dude."
11] "If this human version of a mutated ingrown armpit hair follicle don't get up off my face in the next 10, 9, 8, 7, …."
12] “Ow! Fudging snowcaps! That bitch hur –” They stopped mid-yelling but simply began complaining underneath their breath.
13] "I'm --," Kendis gestured sharply with their right hand as if orchestrating their feelings or encouraging Morgan to jump in. Not that they gave her much of a chance when they quickly added, "You know."
"You're?" Morgan smirked, "You know? I don't think I do."
"Yes. You do."
"Nah, nothing's ringing a bell."
"Well, that's probably all the brain damage you got from the last fight."
"Right. I remember that. The fight where I got stabbed instead of you."
Kendis' nostrils flare and their jaw clenches so tightly Morgan almost feels a sympathy twinge in her own teeth.
“Then why won’t you tell me you love me? Maybe a little reward so I can be brave?”
“‘Cause a face full of kisses wasn’t enough? Wow.”
“Sure,  it was nice but this is a big deal. I think I deserve a bigger reward.”
“Aren’t rewards for after you actually do the stuff?”
“You’re right. How about you say ‘I love you’ just because you do!”
“You look cute when you pout an’ you’re gonna be late.”
“Please, Kendis? We’ve been dating for a while now and … That is – Unless – You don’t.”
“I don’t what?”
“You know you are always avoiding it, saying how you feel about me, and you’ve never come close to saying the words .. and sometimes I’ve wondered … I’ve been very patient the last several months –”
“Then keep on with that.”
“Okay. Okay. Kendis. Do you love me?”
“Can we talk about this later? This ain’t as black an’ white as you’re making it look like.”
“But it is.  It is a very black and white question with a very black and white answer. Do you love me?”
“Austyn. Austyn? Stop that! What’re you doin’?  Don’t. You’re – fuckin’ –”
“These are the notes I wrote you. Look at them. Look how far they reach on your floor. Look!”
“You never even wrote it back. I kept saying it and writing it and you never gave anything back … B-because … because you don’t.”
“I never gave – We’re not doin’ this right now. Again. Why’re you doin’ this right now? We don’t even have the time to really get into -”
“What is there to get into?  It’s yes or no,  Kendis! If you say that, then it will be all settled.”
“Maybe stop cuttin’ me off an’ let me speak.”
“You cut me off first! And don’t you start raising your voice at me!”
“You started that shit first, yourself! What is with you?”
“Why are you acting like I am overreacting? I’m not! It isn’t wrong to want to know whether or not my best friend is in love with me. It isn’t wrong to know if you really see a future with us together or if you’ve been just tagging along because I’m one of the very few other out girls in school.”
“You called me your best friend.”
“You should know how I feel. You say I don’t give you nothin’ back but that’s a damn lie an’ you know it.”
“Then why don’t you say it? I say it all the time!”
“But are you really meanin’ it?”
“Uh - Wha – EXCUSE ME!?!!” 
“Are you? How can I say those words to someone that's not a sure thing? You talk a lot about a future that ain’t here but what you really got to say for the now.”
“Wow. Asshole.” 
“Takes one.”
“Fine. Don’t love me. I think it’s best if we take some space right now and reconsider our priorities.”
“Austyn. I didn’t mean – Austyn this is silly.”’
“Is it?”
“Why're we even doin’ this right now? What about the formal?” 
“Don’t call me unless I call you.”
“You know what? Fuck you.”
“Apparently not even in the next few months, asshole.”
Kendis narrowed her eyes but forced herself to take a deep breath, “You. Bumped into. Me!” Honestly, that was a generous and kind assessment. If Kendis had been human, she doubted she would’ve been able to stand with only a headache and a bad mood to show for it.
“Yeah, because you slowed down when you weren’t supposed to! I was keeping pace with you, speeding by the way, and then allva sudden –”
“I know you’re not blaming me for any of this, let alone your speeding, you Stranger Things reject.”
“Excuse me?”
Kendis felt that anger again – no, they could almost taste it. It was just wafting off the air from the shifter in front of them. It was churning up their stomach like sick, this anger that wasn’t their rage.
It was restless, like her’s was, but was also too hard, too cold.
Not right, not right. The warning blared in Kendis’ gut. Something was off and they needed to leave.
“Don’t!” They warned when the person reached out to grab at them, clearly making Kendis ready to skedaddle. The sharp yell struck out like a roll of thunder, loud and final enough to make this person hesitate, before Kendis’ voice dropped into a growl, “Don’t. Touch. Me.” [x]
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hbnjhgv · 3 months
My Aot Ships !SPOILERS!
EreMika (Eren x Mikasa) omg do I even need to elaborate? First of all THE FACT THAT MIKASA LOOKS PRETTIER WHEN ITS IN ERENS POV? And not to mention the fact that in episode 12 Ian even says to Mikasa 'defend your boyfriend' in sub and in dub he said 'go save the man you love' also when Eren asked Mikasa what he is to her it was obious he wasnt wanting the answer "your my family" AND THE FACT THAT THEY KISSED IN THE FINAL EPISODE
NicoSasha (Niccolo x Sasha) LITTERALLY CANNON BUT ISAYAMA HATES LOVE APARENTLY. Niccolo looked mesmerised and looked so inlove while blushing when he saw Sasha CRYING over how good his food was. Omg and the way he reacted when his conrad called Sasha a 'filth blooded potato grubbing devil' MY MAN WAS GOING TO KILL SOMEONE and when he said "What is this brat someone specil to you? Is that why he tried to protect you earlier? You care about him huh? Well I used to care about someone too! A DIRT BLOODED ELDIAN! A DECENDENT OF DEVILS! THE WOMAN WHO ENJOYED THE FOOD I COOKED MORE THAN ANYONE ID EVER MET BEFORE! She saved me from this shitty ass pointless war... she showed me that the person I ment to be as a man who brings people happiness through his cooking... that was Sasha Braus... she was amzing. AND YOU STOLE HER FROM ME!" OMG LIKE HOW CAN YOU HEAR HIM SAY THAT AND NOT THINK ITS CANNON?!
AurEtra (Ouro x Petra) OMG ISAYAMA LITTERALLY SAID THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO GET MARRIED! Also I noticed that they argue very much like a couple. sorry i dont have much to say about this ship. I just really like it.
MikeNana (Miche x Nannaba) Ok listen. This isn't a mega huge ship I have I just think its really cute. Also everytime Miche and Nannaba interact omg its adorable. Thats about it.
KenUri (Kenny x Uri) THE WAY THEY INTERACTED WITH EACHOTHER OMGGG now I dont this its super inlove. I just think they were atleast a little inlove with eachoter. THEY ARE SOULMATES AND NO ONE CAN CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE! Also in the OFFICIAL AOT GUIDE BOOK THIS IS A CONVERSATION ISAYAMA HAD WITH AN INTERVEIWER Interviewer: "So he (Kenny) thought id he eliminated Uri, the world would become right again. But he lost the fight." Isayama: "Kenny's way of judging value is: 'The strong are in the right', and so for that reason he was attracted to Uri." LIKE OMG HE LITTERALLY SAID KENNY WAS ATTRACTED TO URI! (and no one say "oh well he wouldn't make Kenny be intrested in men" when Yumir and Historia are LITTERALLY CONFERMINED LESBIANS.
YumiHisu (Yumir x Historia) This is gonna be short because it's obious this ship is cannon. Yumir always telling Historia "You are so gonna have to marry me after all this shit is over!" When Historia was with Yumir after the tower fell. The way they looked at eachother. The fact that Historia was more worried about Yumir than anything when Reiner and Bertolt reveled their titans and took Eren and Yumir. WHEN YUMIR SAID TO REINER AND BERTOLT "You guys have no idea what it's like. She knows what a shitty person I am, but she still smiles at me. I can't..." THE FACT THAT HISTORIA TOLD YUMIR "I will always be your ally" EVEN AFTER YUMIR BASICALLY ATE HER. HISTORIA PROTECTING YUMIR WHEN MIKASA ALMOST KILLED HER TO SAVE EREN! WHEN HISTORIA SAID "But with Yumir gone I've lost my purpose. I don't even know what I'm fighting for anymore." OMG NOT TO MENTION THE LETTER?! 'To my dear Historia, as I write this Reiner's standing at my side. He knows this is a love letter, but he's still sneaking peaks. Honestly, it's no wonder the creep's still single. That said.. he did give me his word that he'd deliver this letter to you. He says he owes me for the time I doubled back to save him. I'm sorry about then... I never would've imagined myself choosing those two.. over you... I'm going to die soon. But... I'll die without regrets. Or that's what I'd like to say. Truth is... I do have one. It's that I never got to marry you. With Love, Yumir' I MEAN HOW CAN YOU READ THAT AND NOT SHIP THEM?!
MobuHan (Moblit x Hange) OMG MOBLITS PRTECTIVENESS AND THE WAY HES SO PACIENT WITH THEM! He's always trying to protect them. AND HOW THEY INTERACT WITH EACHOTHER! M: "I don't think thats the way you want to talk to the leader of our whole regiment" H: "SHUT UP >:( AS I WAS SAYING" ALSO THIS MOMENT. M: "PLEASE DONT GO ALONE! IT'S TOO DANGEROUS!" AND MOBLITS LITTLE "STOPPPP!" WHEN HANGE RODE AWAY! H: "dont try to call me bluff" M: "Please dont!"
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Anyways, may I request a Draken x skateboarder male reader? Specifically a fluff fic please!
I do hope you enjoy~!
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Title: Drinks for Two
Characters: Draken x Skateboarder!m!Reader
Contains: fluff <3
Fandom: Tokyo Revengers
Full request below the cut
All characters are 18+
MINORS, FEM ALIGNED, AGELESS/BLANK BLOGS DNI (This may not be smut, but I still want the above to be followed)
Reblogs > likes
"Yo! Kenny~!"
Rolling up to Draken, who was sitting on a park bench with his phone, you slowly looped around him, maintaining perfect balance on your skateboard despite your hands in your pockets as you faced him with a dopey grin. You had to turn forward to gently kick up for speed, but you kept the trick going. "Fancy seeing you here~"
"I texted you," Draken chuckled, sliding his phone away as he carefully watched your dizzying trick. "You even responded to it."
"Oohhh right!" You stopped your board, taking your phone out as if you genuinely forgot. "I did!"
With a huffed chuckle, Draken stood up, hands in his pockets as you stopped in front of him on your board. "So, ready to go?"
You stepped off your board, kicking it up into your hand as you confirmed. "All set!"
The coffee shop was bustling, but that didn't stop you two from getting your coffees and sitting outside in the spring weather. The two of you discussed different things, from Draken informing you of how Mikey has been, to you telling of a dream where your favorite fictional character stole your cup ramen while you weren't looking.
The two of you had been quite busy since your last date, with Draken helping Mikey with the gang and you focused on your college studies, you two had at least agreed to put time aside today to have a lunch date starting with coffee.
"So how are those studies?" Draken asked, sipping his slightly sweetend beverage.
After taking a sip of your drink, you groaned, sitting back in your seat. "I have an assignment due online in a couple days, but I swear that teacher didn't cover any of those questions in class! He gave us one formula to use, but the assignment has something else completely!"
Draken chuckled, looking over at you with a smile. "Can't you just search those questions? I heard there's websites that the teachers actually rip from."
It was like you were given the grace of God herself, sitting up faster than you slouched back. "You're kidding..."
"Nope. I've heard if you put the question into a search engine, usually the first two results or so should take you to a site where the whole assignment is. They should have the answers on them, and some should show the work so you should be able to copy from that if you really need to."
Dramtically, you placed your torso on the table arms extended as if you were bowing, careful to avoid your coffee. "I owe you my education." Draken couldn't help but rest a hand on his chin, propping himself up on his elbow as he gazed down at you with such admiration. When he didn't say anything, you slowly sat up, feeling a bit awkward from his gaze. "Wh-What are you looking at?"
"I'm looking at this adorable, one brain cell having guy before me," he replied.
Feeling a blush creep up on your face, you furrowed your brows, hiding your face behind a sleeve as you gazed away. "Sh-Shut up. You don't mean that..."
"That you have one braincell?"
"That...I'm adorable." Let's be real, you never really minded his playfully teasing nicknames for you. It was whenever he complimented you that felt like a lie.
"Okay, then not adorable. But...you're so cool, so badass. I mean, look at you." At this point, you were fiddling with the hem of your beanie, eyes darting back and forth between him and at something nondescript in the distance. "You have this style that's just...wow. And your skating tricks? Down right incredible. How on earth did I get so lucky to snag someone as cool as you?"
This praise was just too much but...you weren't complaining either. You had to admit, that despite your feelings whenever he called you "adorable", you always felt this sense of pride when he complimented other aspects of you. Though this was almost like an overload but in a good way.
You tugged your beanie down in front of you, mostly to hide the red that was trying to spread on your face. "H-Hey! Isn't the sushi place opening soon?! W-We should get going s-so we can get a good seat."
Draken chuckled as he finished off his coffee, tossing it into the nearby trashcan from where he sat before standing and heading off. "Yeah, c'mon, you tomato."
"I-I'm not a tomato!" you argued, quickly following him before dropping your board to the ground and hopping on it, rolling past him with a shit eating grin that read "race ya!"
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imkumichan · 1 year
My Personal Headcanons about Underground!Levi Ackerman.
My headcanon for Underground!Levi is that he was so popular. 'strong kid', 'crazy guy', 'kind young man', 'Levi', 'son of a whore', 'mignet', 'Kenny's boy'. He has so many nicknames all depend to what impressions he gets from the people.
People fears him the same way they respect him. Those who know him from when he was young know what he was capable of and mostly become his contacts after Kenny left him.
He might be not a good person. He stole, killed, bought and sold something that he shouldn't have. but he also saved, protected, and gave something that he didn't need to.
I dont think Kenny personally taught him how to sew, so i imagine that there's an old lady who taught him or showed him how to do it when he was helped her when some thug tried to rob her. 'They got in my way' he said as his excuses. As her thanks she taught/showed him how to sew as she saw his clothes have some holes in it.
For me, he's a virgin. Levi doesn't have a high libido in the first place. But he's not clueless. He knows theoretically how to please a woman. Probably also good at it when he comes to practices. But he has never done that. Getting intimate with someone is a foreign feeling for him, also he's probably getting a bit paranoid when Kenny told him that the woman who wanted to sleep with him once ended up trying to kill him because he killed his husband or something. And Levi killed many people too. Not that he can't protect himself, but he just doesn't want to get into something messy like that.
Though I think, there's some women who offered themselves to him but he always rejected them. Offering their body just because he somehow saved or helped them never sit right with him. And sex is just not something that often crossed his mind. (I pictured him as a demisexual).
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hannya-writes · 11 months
Shingeki no Kyojin actors!AU...
I was on Pinterest when I saw a fanart about Shingeki no Kyojin actors!AU and I came up with some ideas:
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Young!Eren who was interpreted by Eren's cousin. They look exactly the same and Eren jokes about him being a clone.
Actor!Eren who is completely different from his character and admits that he cringes inside.
Actress!Mikasa who is very easygoing and has the theory that her character might be on the autistic spectrum.
Actor!Levi who's actually a bit taller but they had to do some camera tricks because the stuntman who can do all the tricks of Levi is shorter.
Actress!Anie who apologize for her character personality
Actor!Levi who got to go to the doctor after the iconic "Kenny" scream, because he asked too many time to re-do it
Actor!Eren, Mikasa and Armin posing in the mouth of the fake titans.
The show runners making them do fake takes so they don't know queue info, so they can't spoil shit
Actor!Jean who somehow he guesses what's gonna happen in the serie.
Actor!Connie and Jean who during a Live, showed something that spoiled part of the plot of season 2. Or so they though (?)
Actor!Eren who thought his character was going to die after the first time he got eaten. (LOL)
Actors!Levi's squad who had a bet about many times they can make Levi break character since season 3.
Actress!Historia who gets upset with her character.
Actor!Levi who had no idea his character was an Ackerman and only discovered it when he saw that chapter
After the end of season 3 there wasn't going to be another season.
It took 4 years for the channel to decide to make a continuation. (?) That's why there is a time skip.
Actors! Eren and Mikasa being in a relationship.
Levi's team and Levi being goofy together.
Old Levi's (Ouro, Petra, etc) team posting in social media.
Actor!Eren who accidentally called Levi dad during filming so now they had this inside joke of "Dad-Heichou"
Actor!Erwin who suddenly is "Commander-Mom"
Actor!Levi who actually kicked Eren on the iconic scene when Eren was being Judged, but It was an accident! (Or was it?)
Actress!Sasha who improvised the scene where she said she stole Ham!
Actor!Berthold who is not actually that tall but they make him look taller
Actress!Annie Who was kept in the dark about the scenes for the Female Titan.
Actress!Mikasa who started as Model for Calving Klein or something like that
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mac-lilly · 6 months
BTTMW4 recap
Well, here we go ...
As most of you heard, last year's con, BTTMW2, with 14 guests was a fucked-up fiasco. This one ... wasn't anywhere near as bad.
(Though, tbf, there was no way for a con to be worse than last year's edition. Even the DI staff said that.)
There was better communication and fewer delays. And the cast didn't look like they were about to keel over any second.
There were even actual JATP panels! On both days! With all of the cast being present! All the time! And they actually got to talk about their show and other projects.
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After three years, there wasn't much new information. The cast talking about the props they received (in Owen's case: stole) from the set was the most interesting thing.
Though Charlie talking about how he got sent to community theater bc he kept playing air guitar at his hockey games was so freaking adorable. And it felt so Luke.
The party ... and the "JATP concert"
So, while BTTMW4 was a fantastic experience in general, the party was a huge disappointment.
We already had a bad start. One of my friends is in a wheelchair, and the main access to the room was via a few steps. What kind of genius idea was this, DI?! It took them quite a few minutes to figure out how to get her down to the room. On the way back, I followed her. It was like an escape game.
So, yeah, not the ideal start.
And it didn't get much better. After last year's experience, I stayed away from the food. As cute as it looked, I wasn't keen on getting a Sunset Curve experience again.
Now the "JATP concert"
Well, it wasn't a "JATP concert". It was mostly Madi performing her own music. The closest we got to a JATP concert was her singing along to "Stand Tall" - the song was playing while the cast entered the room.
It was obvious that the guys didn't want to get on stage and sing. That's absolutely understandable. But then DI shouldn't have advertised it as a JATP concert. There were people who paid €220 for this party just to see the JATP concert. I'd be fuming if I had paid for that. (Please, don't get me wrong. Madi has an amazing voice. Unfortunately, her music doesn't do it any justice. And the terrible playback made it worse.)
So, anyway, yeah, not a good concert. The party got slightly better after the concert. Brenna D'Amico saved the party by getting on stage and doing group karaoke with the fans.
Random thoughts and occurrences:
Owen saying that this year was the first time he didn't get a gift for Nikolaus was heartbreaking
Owen with his giant emotional support candy cane - adorkable
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The Chowen meeting room was exactly as messed up as a friend and I predicted - two independent conversations in one room: The French fans chatting with Charlie and the rest of us talking to Owen in English. (How the French girls actually understood Charlie's archaic French - no clue. Magic.)
I got nervous when I gave Charlie his ghosties. He squeezed the bag, noticed the content was squishy, and asked if he should keep his dog away from it ... RIP Ghosties - they'll be Koa's snack.
The ones who actually looked into their bags (Sacha, Madi & Owen) said they liked the ghosties.
We got a video message from Kenny, saying he's working on some theatre productions. (I really hope he didn't ditch us bc of Zac's star on the Walk of Fame, though.)
The hotel charged €14 for a footlong sandwich. WTF?! I didn't buy one, but I kinda want to know what was on this sandwich. €14 ... even at overpriced train station shops, I get 3 sandwiches for the same price. The hotel was pretty fancy, though.
Today is Bart Johnson's (Coach Bolton) birthday. At the closing ceremony, right after DI said again that it would be the last con, he got a birthday cake, and he was asked to make a wish. So he said: "BTTMW5"! The faces of the DI bosses were priceless.
Honestly, it looks like DI might cave and do another edition. But who knows.
Fun fact: While my souvenir is COVID, all my friends got influenza. WTF?!
There are probably more things to talk about, but my brain is too foggy to come up with more stuff. So that's what you get for now.
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