emberglowfox · 1 month
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forgot to post this here. cute trend from the other socials
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italoniponic · 2 years
I've only had Rollo Flamm for half a day and I'm already compelled to bully him with all Catholic based jokes I can think off
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dare-g · 2 years
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Katho Upanishad (2011)
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so-this-is-hell · 6 months
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The biggest change of the Au (and a WIP all on its own) is the Helluva boss crew is replaced ala Deltarune style…
Blitzø, Moxxie, Millie and everyone else are out there but they won’t be our focal point characters.
The reason was kinda simple?
1) this was more “what can I do if I was given the premise of exploring hell via a bunch of demons and their extremely powerful benefactor”
2) if things go south enough I can scrub the serial numbers off and just make this my own demon project (with black Jack! And hookers!)
3) i don’t want to try to change the main cast off the bat, I like CONCEPTS of the originals but I need to be able to flesh out the world before I could go “ok what are they doing”
So here’s the cast! (Designs will change when I get more comfy with the world)
Maylene the Imp (Receptionist, Financial advisor, basically the negotiation person)
Disarray “Dis” the Succuimp (Boss, main field leader, briefs on the missions)
Commando the Hellhound (Explosives, weapons specialist, Gun fighter)
Focalor Evarym (Intern, Jestor, Melee fighter)
Kathos/Kathy the Fallen Angel (Another field agent, sensitivity control)
Malphis the Goetia (Benefactor)
And his daughter Lavinia
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theblackbookofarkera · 11 months
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Monk from the Brotherhood of the Rotting Cowl
From the illuminated manuscript Krisparian’s Travelogue of Wicked Kathos
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yesterdayandkarma · 1 year
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Nadine 5 by Katho Mutodo
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stormcrow513 · 1 year
Hagging Out: March 2023 - Spring Equinox
So my workings in March tend to start at the beginning of the month, at the eighth my birthday, I'm not a huge fan of my birthday, but I already wrote a whole ass rant about it around my actual birthday so I'm not gonna unpack all of that here,
Was neat having the full moon fall on the day before,
Just sence it's a source of anxiety I've been trying to turn it into a source of power instead,
This year that entailed me doing a thorough cleansing of my self, I was at the tail end of being sick so I did some cleaning of my room as well but only as much as I could manage,
I scraped any icky shit off, I cut my hair from shoulder to above my chin, took a cleansing shower, I called up the elements in a circle, called in what I want in my space, filling up the empty spaces left behind in the cleansing,
I tucked away the cut hair in a napkin, I knew I'd want to do something with it, though at the time I wasn't sure exactly what that was yet,
March is kinda a weird time, at the end of it is the Spring Equinox there's a soft toward bright a shiny and green in stores ect. yet it is very much still the tale end of winter, here where I'm born and raised we've always called it The Snowiest Month Of The Year, and yes it deserves to be capitalized, I myself born at the beginning of the month before we start calling it spring, was born in a from repots pretty fucking bad blizzard, like people probably died blizzard, so it's hard to fully get my mind toward Spring, hell recently woke to this
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All righty on to the Equinox itself,
So the new moon hit the day after, but it was going to reach new during the day, so when it does that I do my work for Hekate's the day before, so I had the lovely pleasure of doing both the Spring Equinox AND Hekate's night the same day, and I woke up feeling horrible so the day was off to a super start,
I started doing offerings to the Horae (the Season) and the amenoi (the winds) em fall of 2021 I think? On the Equinoxes and the Solstices thanking them, and asking for blessings for the season ahead, it's made a real difference
I give offerings of water and smoke, tobacco, oats, and coco powder, this time I realized we were out of oats I dug around and found the bag of quinoa that ma had bought back when we moved here five years ago when everyone was recommending it, we tried it hated it, forgot we had it opps, I figured well hell at least I'm putting it back into the earth so I used it,
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I also before doing this, I've been doing Jason Millers spirit feast (from the new book, guys a shit head but I've picked up some helpful things, this being one) outside everyday the last couple weeks (before I was doing it once a week, there's been a noticeable difference since I've done it everyday) I set that up and left the myrrh burning while I went and did the above, mighta shoulda put this part first oppsie
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I dumped out my Kathos jar into the garden,
I took that hair along with the ashes of some old petitions and laid them at the corner/crossroads of my property,
We all are sacrificing here and now for a better tomorrow, so this was a tangible sacrifice of my past, the effort I've been putting in to become a better Witch a better person, I gifted these to Hekate asking Her help to continue to grow to help me keep my feet on the path that will take me to the future I'm so desperately trying to build,
I washed my bedding, cleaned my room, my altars, then waited for night,
I left my dogs out at 9:30pm feed them and the cats, then I let the dogs out at 11:00pm one last time til morning,
So since I use the corner of my property as crossroads a corner on the visible to where I let my dogs out at, and since you're not supposed to look back after you leave Her offerings I wait till after eleven to leave my offerings,
After the dogs are tucked safe and snug, I close the blinds, I set her offerings in my basket, I made up the Kershnips, prayed, showered/cleansed, slipped into my clean ritual dress and Hekate pendant and began ricting her hymn as I walked to the corner, said my standards prayers left out Her offerings (including a handful of dog food for Her hounds) and made my way back inside no looking back,
After I got inside, I called a circle in my room, said a prayer over Her altar passed her statue through frankincense as well as my pendant I applied
@prairiefirewitch s mugwort ointment I received earlier this month
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Then I called Hekate into myself, meditated with Her presence, after releasing I did some other work before releasing the circle
And that's that
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Sorcerers' Isle, Book 2, Chapter 4: Preparation
Arotha felt the incoming wind through the fabric of her stola. Her sandals were failing to keep the cold of the stone jetty seeping through to the soles of her feet. She watched the harbour with anticipation. A ship, the Blue Shell, had finally arrived. A small boat was making its way towards the shore. In the prow stood a tall figure, one foot perched jauntily on the bow. Kathos was coming…
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panfriedart · 2 years
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Kathos uses intimidation 
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romios-gr · 2 months
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Καθώς μπαίνει κανείς μέσα στη θρυλική εκκλησία, το μάτι του κατευθύνεται, χωρίς καν να το επιδιώξει, στον παμμέγιστο θόλο, ενώ ένα ιερό δέος αισθάνεται να ανεβαίνει στην καρδιά του… Οι αρχιτέκτονες κατόρθωσαν να τον στηρίξουν με μεγάλα στηρίγματα που δεν φαίνονται. Ο επισκέπτης εκείνο που βλέπει είναι οι μικρές στήλες που τον γυροφέρνουν και τα τα σαράντα παράθυρά του. Αν καθ... Περισσότερα εδώ: https://romios.gr/kathos-mpainei-kaneis-mesa-sti-thryliki-ekklisia/
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emberglowfox · 9 days
I heard Steelheart Redux is getting an anime adaption trust me my dad works for Nintendo.
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yeah the early look was wild. i just hope they can keep in all the scenes where the characters sing copyrighted music
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italoniponic · 2 years
Rollo Flamm: *breaths into existence*
me picking up my rosary and my St. Thomas Aquinas biography book: In nomine Patris, et Filli, et Spiritus Sancti, I'll kick your ass
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webtechnologynews · 4 months
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Το Twitch θα μειώσει το 35% του προσωπικού, καθώς το Amazon Prime Video προχωρά επίσης σε απολύσεις https://webtech.rodos-island.gr/twitch-tha-meiosei-tou-prosopikou-kathos-amazon-prime-video-prochora/
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ansalm · 4 months
Sasha Marianna Salzmann (Suhrkamp 2017, 2 2022; gelesen im Dezember 2023)
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Wer sagt dir, wer du bist?
Der Debüt-Roman der*des 1985 in Wolgograd geborenen Autor*in Sasha Marianna Salzmann erforscht diese Frage intensiv, schmerzvoll und kompromisslos.
So wie Sasha Marianna Salzmann und ihre Familie Mitte der 1990er Jahre als jüdische Kontingentflüchtlinge von Moskau nach Deutschland kamen, emigriert auch die Familie Tschepanow in "AUSSER SICH".
Die Zwillinge Ali (Alissa) und Anton bilden dabei eine symbiotische Einheit im Spiel: "weil sie kaum Spielzeug hatten, spielten sie mit sich" (S. 99), in der Gewalt, die ihnen angetan wird: "schlugen ihnen die Augen tiefer in die Höhlen und zogen ihnen die Zungen raus, traten ihnen gegen die Rippen, und als sie fertig waren, waren die Zwillinge zu einem Körper verschmolzen" (S. 106) und in der inzestuösen Liebe: "ihre Lippen schmeckten säuerlich und kalt, als würde man Metall küssen. [...] Ich zog ihr die Hose aus..." (S. 301).
Als Anton verschwindet, erleidet Ali einen Hörsturz. Als Anton eine Postkarte aus Istanbul schickt, reist Ali dorthin, um ihn zu suchen, um sich zu suchen, um herauszufinden, wer sie ist, ob sie sie ist oder er, Schwester oder Bruder, ich.
Zwischen diesen Episoden erzählt Ali die Geschichten ihrer Vorfahren, Eltern, Grosseltern, Urgrosseltern, die er*sie sich von ihnen hat erzählen lassen. Sie zeigen die Familiengeschichte einer jüdisch-russischen Familie, die im Westen Ruhe und Wohlstand sucht, aber dennoch dieselben bleiben, einfach an einem anderen Ort. Deshalb weigerte sich auch Onkel Cemal, Istanbul zu verlassen: "Wenn man eines [ein Land] hat, kann man es nicht verlassen. Das schleppt man immer mit." (S. 361)
Die Wege von Ali und Anton kreuzen sich in Istanbul , ohne dass sie sich begegnen. Beide treffen Aglaja und Katho und mehr und mehr verschmelzen auch hier ihre Geschichten, ihre Körper, bis Ali Anton wird.
"Ich lächelte, und einen Moment dachte ich, ich gehe nie wieder irgendwohin.
>Anton, ich habe Çay aufgesetzt, lass mich los, dann bringe ich uns welchen<, sagte Cemal, stand auf und ging in die Küche." (S. 365)
Der Roman ist sprachlich enorm dicht, schonungslos und so bildgewaltig, dass sich die Lesenden jede Szene vorstellen können, als wären sie dabei.
Die Suche nach dem Ich ausserhalb von Pass, Nationalität, Religion und Geschlecht zieht die Lesenden in eine rauschhaften Bann, sprengt die Grenzen der Vorstellung und lässt am Schluss vieles offen zum Weiterdenken:
"So oder so ähnlich stellte ich es mir vor [...] Ich sass da, starrte an die Wand über dem Fernseher, erdachte mir Kathos Leben und wie es nach mir weitergehen würde, wie es ohne mich weiter gehen würde, so wie ich mir Antons Leben zusammengedacht hatte, so wie ich all die Leben zusammensetzte, die ich nicht kannte, in die ich eingesponnen war und die ohne mich weiterliefen." (S. 364)
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theblackbookofarkera · 9 months
The Chadari of southern Kathos as descendants of colonists from the Lym-Shara Empire, specifically the House of Chadi-Marsa. Their blood is relatively pure as they generally found the natives of Kathos repellent and rarely bred with them. To bolster their numbers Chadari were encouraged to have large families and males often took two or three wives. These practices helped to ensure their numbers and laid the foundations for their future empire.
The Chadari are a stern and ordered people that thrive on structure and routine. From birth they are indoctrinated in the teachings of the Immaculate Serpent and that each person is born into the station their god has chosen for them. They prize loyalty, family, friendship and martial prowess with little need for much else in their lives.
“Chadari nobles are instantly recognizable from all those below them, it is essential in maintaining their aura of superiority. Both men and women are glabrous and smooth, their pearly white skin is rarely tanned or blemished. All wear expensive maquillage, usually purple eyeshadow and black greasepaint on their lips. They appear more like walking statues than humans of flesh and blood.”
-Thant Thet, traveling poet & singer
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yesterdayandkarma · 1 year
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Nadine 6 by Katho Mutodo
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