#kate's ramble of the day
blizzardfluffykpop · 1 month
recently reminded myself how much i loved day6 and i've just been having sm fun rediscovering old favorites and listening to new songs and just falling in love with them all over again-
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adammilligan · 6 months
michael and adam are like if two characters in a fanfic got pulled into some sort of zombie apocalypse AU with no way back and they eventually just went "well alright then" and made lives for themselves in the zombie apocalypse world and then one day the author writes them getting pulled back into their original universe with zero warning and that's when they realize that their lives in their original universe sucked so much more actually
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justellie-b · 8 months
“Like a House on Fire”
I was going through some scenes during the Caskett Appreciation Week and came across this scene from 8x01. The scene where Castle described his love for Kate is similar to a house on fire.
What was interesting to me was then in the next episode 8x02, the ending showed a part of Castle’s kitchen up in smokes as Kate was leaving the loft. Which, to me, feels like it was a kind of metaphor or a subtle nod back to the description of his love and his emotions for Kate. His anger, his confusion, his love for Kate and all his emotions at that moment - the intensity was like a house on fire. And the director literally showed that with the burning smorlette in the background.
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thewhizzyhead · 10 months
I know the reunion concert was literally just 2 days ago but my bros my guys my dudes I miss WATT so so much and I really do want this show Actually Revived because I miss my cheerleaders, pma's stories and music are fucking great and I wanna hear more, watt has so much room for improvement, and I wanna see watt thrive aaaaaaaa
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108garys · 1 year
Man Conrad and Anthony both get one messed up ear(determinant for Conrad), Rachel and Kate don't but all things considered I wouldn't say Rachel got off easy being covered in crusty blood all night and potentially having an extraterrestrial +1
I'm not saying Kate doesn't go through it more so I'm waiting to see how much they're willing to do to our next "main character"
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bangtann-bangdamn · 4 months
Do we’ve lost 2 supervisors in 2 months and the remaining supervisor has only been with the company since December which would be fine if not for the fact that he is the biggest waste of space ever.
Now I work with some real lazy shits. We are talking guys that will pull any old trick out of the book to not complete a job but that’s partially because they’ve been allowed to for so long. But this supervisor just doesn’t know what he’s doing.
How can a supervisor clock off at 2:30 everyday to go home? Or you know, not contact anyone all day long? Because who knows where he was today!
Honestly, Lord help us because next week, when he’s the only supervisor, work is just going to stop
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katethegreyjedi · 2 days
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Archmallent War'aven and Malavai Quinn || Leaving Voss
quinn literally looks so sad in this I can't. The voss guy is like "someone plans to betray you" and Archie is not happy with that and Quinn is just standing there, on the verge of tears I swear. I love them tho, they're just trying to make the empire slay, y'know?
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mydarlingdahlia · 4 days
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Me and Itto if we were in Bridgerton btw
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burymeinwillow · 4 months
but re your tags, *would* you cover joe and candy and the topic of touching? please 🥺
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SEE!! AGAIN!!! THEIR DIFFERENCES!!!! differences that align perfectly with each other......
It's my HC that both Joe and Candy are both touch starved and crave physical touch but in very different ways.
Candy doesn't know it's something he's starved of. He likes to keep a distance, both emotionally and physically. Whether that's because of his own bounderies or because he wishes to respect other folks bounderies (or both?). Once he gets closer with someone maybe he'll do friendly taps on the arm and things like that, but aside from that Candy is very reserved with his physical touch.
To Joe, physical touch comes very natural. He's been raised in a loving home where physical affection was very normal. (I say this beacuse in the show itself, SO OFTEN Ben shows affection to his sons via touch. Stroking their hair when they're ill, a reassuring or comforting hand on their shoulder or arm, etc etc). So to Joe, it comes very natural for him to do little touch gestures towards people he cares for, either romantically or platonically.
Candy doesn't realize he's starved of it until he meets the right person. Sure he's known Joe for some months, but during one random instance Joe placed a comforting hand on Candy's arm and at first Candy didn't think much of it. Until Joe removed his hand and it was as if his hand print lingered on Candy's skin. Lile a burning mark that wasn't even painful, but it's a wierd sensation that Candy has never felt before. He probably gets scared of it at first, doesn't know how to process those feelings or the fact that he wants to be close to Joe. Wants Joe to touch him again. Suddenly everytime Joe brushes into him or touches him, it's like tiny explosions or bursts of fires inside him.
To Joe it's the same, but in a different way. He's used to handling touch, but after a while he starts realizing he's touching Candy alot. Like he needs the reassurance of Candy's presence. At that point Joe probably gets very conscious about it and tries to tone it down out of respect for Candy. THEN it becomes this weird thing between the two of them, Candy wanting the touch but too closed off to say anything/approach Joe about it and Joe trying to minimize his touch because he wants to respect Candy's bounderies.
But naturally, they eventually get over that phase where they're both kinda circling around eachother and that whole subject. When they get to the point where they have a deep relationship, touch is a huge thing between them. Not just the casual touches, friendly pats and those kind of things, but we're talking the kind of touch that really reaches into your soul, the kind of touch that will ground a person and make them steady.
When Joe loses his temper and gets angry, Candy's gentle hand on his arm calms him down in an instant. Makes him think clearly again. When Candy starts to feel restless about being in one place and the instinct to move on kicks in, Joe's hands and arms around him calms him down. Joe's touch quells Candy's restlessness and makes him remember that he's home, reminds him that Candy is where he belongs.
Again this post is already so long but I could go on about so many things 😭 Candy having an obsession with Joe's hands and will occasionally take Joe's hand in his own and remove his glove just to feel his touch. Perfectly knowing the details of eachothers hands, each line and scar or mark. Using touch as a way to find eachother if they're hurt or ill. Fingertips tracing scars, etc etc etc
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simplysimplylovely · 11 months
as a kate blog… i feel it is my duty to share the results of my cursed out of nowhere 4 am thoughts over facetime:
me: how many times do you think you’ve used the word baby?
kate: ….like 500
me: in 304,780 words about lestappen on ao3, you’ve used baby 702 times….
happy thursday, @fabbyf1 🙂 please keep tagging overuse of the word baby on all your fics.
love you baby 🍒
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adammilligan · 2 years
the idea of adam coaxing michael into making a social media account is very funny to me because i don't think he would USE it and i don't think adam ever really uses it either because he spent one thousand years without technology and now the concept of social media is totally uninteresting to him. i think he just does it to get a laugh out of the fact that the archangel michael is now on social media. however despite the fact that michael doesn't ever actually get on his account i think gabriel finds out about it through some cosmic coincidence and makes HIMSELF an account just so he can hop into michael's dms and text him three thousand messages that all say "kill yourself"
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blizzardfluffykpop · 9 months
not only have a had to install a widget to 'unfuck' tumblr but now cause I have an hp computer I've had to figure out how to disable a new display option cause I read on the left-side and everything is determined to make it so it's impossible to read on the right- I want personalization & useability to be back up on all sites/browsers- it's wearing me out. Thankfully, I figured it out but jeeeeeezzzz-
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viscountessevie · 1 year
I'm still working on அம்மா, அப்பா & மேரி (Amma, Appa and Mary) - my ficlet for Day 1 of Kate Week but please enjoy my memes and answering the prompt questions for now!!
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bangtann-bangdamn · 1 year
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So… I’ve been a little MIA lately. And yeah, I did make a post sort of explaining but I didn’t exactly come back after that and now I feel like I owe you an explanation. Or at least something a little less vague (and maybe I just need to vent to void for a little bit).
So the guy I’ve been talking to for the last two months has turned around and given me the old “let’s be friends” shit and I’m once again left feeling like absolutely shit. Only this time, I don’t have the anger to fuel me into going back to online dating. And, really this time around all it’s made me realise is that while I was dating I was making less time to do the things that I enjoy - namely, writing.
I spent so much time in my own head over thinking everything, I wasn’t able to do anything productive and so I’m taking this chance to actually focus on me properly this time and work on writing a novel and finishing not like the movies.
I have a plan with one of my friends to join a local writing group (if we can find one) and just start being more social outside of our group of friends.
So yes, take this as official notice that I’m back and hopefully a real update should follow soon
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Oh btw X-Men oc concepts. I'm thinking. She looks like a human w antlers at a glance. But those antlers are branches growing from her head, flowers and leaves sprouting in between the "hair" that when you look closer is actually rough brown vine-like structures growing from her head. When you shake their hand you discover not skin but bark, flowers and leaves sprouting from her skin every moment. If they stay in one place too long they put down roots, when they move away there's broken roots left behind.
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dior-and-dietcoke · 2 years
I'm so mad about the lack of fem dc hero smut fics
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