yasurageruheya · 1 year
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10月29日と30日に行われた「#ゲームマーケット2022秋」内に特設された「make.ctrl.Japan4(メイクコントロールジャパン4)」の各ゲームの思い出を語り残しておきたい的なヤツのパート2な感じです! 期末テストやら、お絵描き用パソコン壊れちゃうやら雪かきいっぱいしなきゃやらなんやら色々あって、前回のポストから凄い開いちゃいましたが続きです! . #京都産業大学情報理工学部 平#研究室(なぜかハッシュタグ化できない)さんの「#G-Shooter(なぜかハッシュタグ化できない)(https://bit.ly/3uXUm6r)」は、#人工大理石透過型LEDタッチディスプレイ を利用したゲームで、滅茶苦茶 頭良さそうな #インターフェース が利用されたゲームでした 大理石上に指を三点置くと、三点の真ん中を照準としてショットが放てる、というシューティングで、頭おかしい集団である #makectrljapan の中ではある意味 異彩を放ってる気がしましたが、「G-Shooter の #G ってなんですか?」って聞いたら、「#人工大理石 ってキッチンでよく使われるんですよ。キッチンでGって言ったらなんですか?それを駆逐するんです」って言われて、ぎゃぁああぁあッ!ってなりました。 凄い頭良い人達ですが、やっぱり頭おかしくて安心しました← . #のへもん の「#チョークの叛乱」は、#黒板消し がコントローラーになっていて、チョークをはたき落とす動きで、迫りくるチョーク達を撃退するゲームです。 「のへもん」って敬称略で呼んでますが、実は彼が中学2年生の頃、私がまだゲームを作っていた頃に私のファンでいてくれた子で、結構長い間仲良しだったからです。 14年の月日が流れた今 彼自身が #ゲーム やら #ゲームコントローラー やらを作る大人になってました。熱い物を感じる このゲームも語りたい所がめちゃあるのですが、長くなるので簡単な感想ですが、ゲームデザイン部分はブース内で一番 拘られた感じで長い間遊べるゲームでした! . #Katarite さんの「#肩り手(https://bit.ly/3GaXKl3)」は、肩にコントローラーを装着して車を運転して #レースゲーム をします。 俺自身がゲームコントローラーになる事だ!を地で行ったゲームです。どうしてこうなった 肩でレースゲームをする「#ShoulderDrive」だけではなく、肩でスキー競技を楽しむ「#ShoulderSki」というゲームモードもありました。あー、もうめちゃくちゃだよ。。 肩こりに効くらしいです(マジらしいです) . #WataruNakano さんと #MIYAZAWORKSさんの「#僕のお墓はアイスの棒(https://youtu.be/a7cCi2jBYic)」。勇者一行の4人パーティが自動で冒険して魔物を倒しまくるんですが、倒された魔物を僧侶がタイミングよく弔う「#リズム弔いゲーム」です。 何言ってるか分からないと思いますが、読者の方々も慣れてきたと思います。むしろ訳の分からなさにホッとするよね 倒されたモンスターが歩き続ける勇者一行の僧侶の所に来たら、タイミングよく墓地に見立てた #砂地 に #アイスの棒 を突き立てると魔物を弔えます ただタイミングよく棒を突き立てるだけじゃなく、実はBGMのリズムに合わせて突き立てる事になるっていう #リズムゲーム でもあってめっちゃ面白かったです! . 続いて同じお二人が制作された「#みんなでもぐらたたかれ(https://bit.ly/3Yui8oa)」は、AI的なハンマーから叩かれないように、頭を穴から出して点数を稼ぎあう、#もぐらたたき の #もぐら 側になるゲームです! 何度も「これゲーセンとかに設置しないんですか!?」っていう質問を来場者さんからしていただきました! それだけ楽しんで頂けた事にマジ感動してました! 穴が空いてればいつでも参加していいし、いつでも辞めていい、っていう一日中ずっと稼働しっぱなしのゲームっていうのも斬新だったと思います。 アテンダントの仕事も一日中楽しかったです!はひー!! . 最後に MIYAZAWORKSさんの「メガネ・メガ~ネ(https://youtu.be/ZHhcHcHUgrk)」。 「みんなでもぐらたたかれ」は設営に2~3時間くらいかかりまして、「開場時間までもうすぐなのに、もう一個のゲームまだ設営しなくて大丈夫なんですか!?」って聞いたら「もう一個のは設営に10分もかからんのよ」って言われて、いつの間にかスケール感が真逆のゲームが設置されてました。 メガネをクイっとする操作だけで遊ぶゲームでした でも地味に爽快感もあたり、シンプルな操作なのに熱くなれたり、なんだかんだクセになっちゃうゲームでやっぱりMIYAZAWORKSさん凄え!って思いました! . キミの街にも「make.ctrl.Japan」が来たら是非遊びに行ってみてくださいー! マジで楽しい空間ですよ!!!きゃぁああぁあッッ!!! . make.ctrl.Japan4 https://makectrl.jp/ #ビッグサイト #makectrljapan4 (東京ビッグサイト) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmTXGgDJf4N/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shqiperialive · 1 year
“Një fatkeqësi”/ Modelja seksi kritika të forta Katarit: Hapja e Kupës së Botës ishte katastrofë!
“Një fatkeqësi”/ Modelja seksi kritika të forta Katarit: Hapja e Kupës së Botës ishte katastrofë!
Përveç kritikave për të drejtat e njeriut dhe rregullat absurde të vendosura për tifozët, Katari duket se duhet të përballet edhe me pakënaqësitë për ceremoninë e hapjes së eventit më të madh futbollistik në vend. Nxitësja e njohur e tifozëve dhe mbështetësja e flaktë e Kroacisë, Ivana Knoll, e ka quajtur Kupën e Botës në Katar si një “katastrofë”. Nëpërmjet Instagramit, ku numëron 570 mijë…
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topfjala · 1 year
Nga Tajlanda te Bahrein, shtohet lista e vendeve që mund të hyjnë pa viza në vendin tonë
TIRANË- Shqipëria ka hapur dyert më qytetarët e 5 shteteve të tjera, duke i lejuar që të vijnë në vendin tonë pa viza. Më konkretisht, nga sot, qytetarët e Arabisë Saudite, Bahreinit, Katarit, Omanit dhe Tajlandës do mund të udhëtojnë lirisht drejt Shqipërisë, pa pasur nevojë për një vizë.Vendimi është marrë ditën e sotme nga Këshilli i Ministrave
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xhemilbeharaj · 1 year
Kroacia mund Marokun 2-1 dhe siguron vendin e 3 në botëror
Kroacia mund Marokun 2-1 dhe siguron vendin e 3 në botëror
Kroacia mposht Marokun me rezultatin 2-1 dhe siguron vendin e tretë në Botërorin e Katarit, teksa lojtarët do të rikthehen në shtëpi me medalje. Pas statusit të nënkampiones në Botërorin e kaluar, kombëtarja ballkanase me në krye trajnerin Zlatko Daliç ia del sërish të bëjë një paraqitje mëse dinjitoze, ndërsa nga ana tjetër, për t’u vlerësuar edhe i gjithë rrugëtimi i Marokut që ishte edhe…
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seethingclutch · 2 years
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warcraftedtardis · 3 years
Incase anyone needed proof that feedback or comments on creative works can inspire the artist to art more, I got a bunch of attention on a work that I haven’t touched in a good long while only for a sense of purpose and incentive to write to come crashing into my inbox in the form of comments. Thank you InsanelyADD, Katarite, and Skullryuu. I don’t know any of you personally, but I love you. 
Chapter 17/20? is NOW LIVE on my AO3 account. Lost Soul is an @under-tomb inspired fanfiction with a reader-insert who may or may not be the literal FUCKING SUN incarnated. You’ll just have to read it to find out I guess.
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wordchanter · 3 years
5 Random Rumors
Katarit the fisher has a grudge against Rr-mrr the miller
Oolu the fishmonger sometimes cooks and eats panthers
The blessed longsword of Nara is hidden in the vault of Gluur-ul
There are hidden mausoleums under the granary
Eligo's brewery conceals a secret crawlspace that leads to a nearby quarry
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ovalleycfplenty · 4 years
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nickname:  sam
star sign:   virgo
height:  5′ 7″
favourite music artist:  great big sea
last TV show you watched:   um.... fuck. let me check netflix because I don’t actually have tv tv lol. netflix says jeopardy because I’m a fucking nerd
do you have any other blogs:  not anymore
why did you choose your URL?:  my previous url was tellarealstory and I didn’t want the url anymore, but I liked the idea of being a storyteller as a curator of so many muses and telling their stories, so I translated storyteller into a bunch of different languages and phonetic Japanese returned katarite and I really really liked it
hogwarts house:  hufflepuff
pokemon team:  team just give me all of them because they’re cute af?
how many blankets do you sleep with:  1 at most, 2 if you count my weighted blanket
following: 75
followers:  106
tagged by: @tocxmply​
tagging: @alphadelameutedelycan​; @firstxchimera​; @notapackanimal​; @sxdere​; @theadoptedhale​; @wxldstxrk​; and anyone else who wants to do the thing
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juju-on-that-yeet · 5 years
Prompt: Whumptober Day 22, Hallucination
Summary: Dr. Iplier comes down with a horrible fever and starts seeing patients he wasn't able to save.
Warnings: Hallucinating, blood, gore, body horror, disfigurement, referenced death and suicide, seriously y’all read at your own risk
Tagging: @peribloke​ @tired-eldritchhorror (ask to be tagged!)
Read on AO3 (Full Whumptober Series)
The fever catches Dr. Iplier by surprise, though it probably shouldn’t have. He’s been running on empty for too long, overworking himself so much that his body is taking drastic measures to get him to stop. Now, Dr. Iplier is stuck in bed, temperature climbing, as The Host watches over him and tries to keep him cool – and Yandereplier hovers nearby, worried and unsure. The pair are trying to decide when they ought to bring Plus in to help out, and if there’s anything he can do that Host and Yandere can’t do already.
Dr. Iplier, though, isn’t aware of any of this. He feels like the fever is cooking him, overheating him from the brain out. It’s hotter than hellfire, and hell is where his mind decides he must be. Everything is dark, shrouded, indistinct, but there’s people appearing before him, familiar people. People who he shouldn’t be seeing, people who died a long time ago.
Patients, of all ages, surrounding him. Everywhere Dr. Iplier looks, there’s someone he failed. Elderly people who died in their sleep, in their beds at the clinic. Little children who choked on strawberries or had allergic reactions. Accident victims who came to Dr. Iplier mangled, already halfway to the grave. People murdered, shot or stabbed or drowned or even set ablaze before their time. Overdoses, unintentional or not. People whose times of death were already written in immovable red when they arrived, and died accordingly. People who might have lived, who almost lived, if not for bad luck, complications, misdiagnoses, mistakes that Dr. Iplier made. He doesn’t make them often, but he does, and they’re here, they’re all here, moaning and wailing and cursing him for failing them.
“I miss Mommy and Daddy,” cries a little boy, face swollen and red with anaphylaxis.
“I just wanted a fix, I wasn’t supposed to die,” yells a pale, convulsing man with bulging eyes and needle marks up his arms.
“I can’t leave my dad, I’m all he has,” gasps a teenage girl pulled from a car wreck, with brown hair and barely any face left to talk with.
“My poor wife, what’ll she do without me?” asks an old man, with purple-smudged eyes and two brain aneurysms that can’t be seen from the outside.
But Dr. Iplier knows they’re there. He remembers. He remembers every single patient, every single sobbing relative, every single flatlined monitor and clouded pair of eyes.
“I’m sorry,” he wails, “I tried, I tried, I didn’t want you to die either, I’m sorry!”
(“Dad, hey, it’s okay! What are you talking about!?”
“He’s hallucinating from the fever. He may not be aware of us right now.”)
The visions get worse, the people crowd around, they wail and scream to match Dr. Iplier’s volume. Wherever Dr. Iplier turns, there’s another accusing glare.
“I was having a heart attack and you couldn’t see it,” sobs a middle-aged woman, as pale as the corpse she became.
“You should’ve waited longer to discharge me,” groans a man, bones cracked and head dented after his still-bad hip gave him a fall down the stairs.
“I didn’t mean to,” cries a little girl, one eye and half her brain blown away from the pistol she wasn’t supposed to have access to.
“I thought I wanted to die, but you shouldn’t have let me,” says a teenage boy, monotone and sad, neck stretched too long and feet swollen with pooled blood.
“I know, I know, I know,” Dr. Iplier sobs, “I failed, I should’ve been better, I’m sorry!”
(“Shhh, shhh, darling, you’re alright, you’re safe.”
“Should we get Midori-kun?”
“The Host isn’t sure. Dr. Iplier’s hallucinations won’t go away instantly, even with fever reducers. It might be best to wait it out. Dr. Iplier has done as much with the two of us before.”)
If it were only this, it would be terrible but not unbearable. If it were only human patients glaring and screaming at him, only pairs and pairs of human hands grabbing his hair, arms, legs, trying to pull him down into hell with them, trying to draw him further into the fire, then Dr. Iplier might still have enough awareness to know that what he’s seeing isn’t real. But it isn’t just human patients.
It’s egos, too. Every single one of the many, many egos that faded away and died, forgotten by the fans, but never by Dr. Iplier. Never by Dr. Iplier, who sat by them and tried to make them comfortable until their inevitable end. Who could do nothing at all but sit with them and wait for them to die. They’re here, they crowd around like the humans did, but their faces and voices are familiar, their glares and wails and accusations hurt so much more.
“I was meant to make masterpieces,” laments Artiplier in his thick French accent, crying so hard he’s nearly incomprehensible. “Didn’t you tell me I could do great things? But it was lies, you lied, menteur, menteur.” His white shirt is now stained a multitude of colors as rainbows flow from gashes and lines across his body. He never looked like that when he was alive, he was never hurt so badly, but the fever heat of Dr. Iplier’s mind makes it so.
“I didn’t, I didn’t mean…” Dr. Iplier gasps.
“You never gave me hope,” mutters the deep, droning tone of Goopiplier, his once-white ectoplasm now red and brown with blood, holes and cracking dry skin peeking through gaps in the sludge. “You always knew I was going to die. You didn’t give me any reason to hold on.”
“I’m sorry,” Dr. Iplier whimpers, “Your time was red, I couldn’t–”
“I was so happy, and just like that it was gone,” Walter Melone Warfstache moans, purple moustache dripping purple blood that runs from his nose, eyes, ears. “Did Wilford forget me, too?”
“I don’t know,” Dr. Iplier whispers, unable to speak louder, “I don’t know.”
“What about my brother?” cries the tinny, high-pitched voice of Mini Bing. He stands on exposed joints, his chest is missing metal plates, still-sparking wires poke out of his arms. His sunglasses are shattered, and one eye hangs loose, attached by a thread of optic wire that threatens to snap at any moment. His other eye leaks tears to mix with the oil flowing like blood. “Why did I die so fast? There was so much we were supposed to do together!”
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t, I couldn’t–” sobs Dr. Iplier.
“At least you both knew your brothers,” wails Weatherman Jim, his movements hampered by the mangled mess of ripped flesh and bone shards that is the entire left side of his body.
“We wanted to, we wanted to,” cries Newscaster Jim, his right side just as ruined and bloody, trying to hold Weather Jim close with his one good arm. “If you’d just kept us alive for a few more weeks, we could’ve!”
“There was nothing I could do!” Dr.  Iplier screams.
“What kind of doctor are you!?” sneers the gruff, angry voice of the latest ego lost, Derek Derekson. He’s bruised so bad the skin is broken, blood is so thick in his mouth he’s hard to understand, both his glaring eyes are blackened and swollen. “You of all people ought to know that a son needs his father, and now mine’s alone because of you!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!!” Dr. Iplier howls.
And he is, he is sorry. Derek was nearly as cruel as Dark and as callous as Wilford but he was still one of them, still an ego, still one of the many people that were supposed to call Ego Inc. home but never had long enough to do it. More and more egos, crowding, haunting with their familiarity, horrifying with their bodies; unbroken in life but somehow mangled in death. Dr. Iplier struggles against pairs of hands, dozens, hundreds, egos and humans both, trying to drag him under as he kicks and screams.
(“Dad, hey, calm down! Katarite-san, he’s getting worse!!”
“It’s time to get Plus. Go, The Host will stay with Dr. Iplier.”
“I’ll be right back, Dad, I love you.”
“Edward, can you hear me at all?”)
A new face appears before Dr. Iplier, one he’d never wanted to see again. He moans with terror, tears pouring as he stares into the gaping eye sockets of The Author. His signature shark-fin hair is flat and matted with blood, blood that waterfalls from his empty eye sockets, rustling the strips of dead tissue hanging over the edges and down his cheeks. All the skin without blood soaking it is bluish-white, nearly gray in places, the color and texture of a corpse. His hands are bloody as they reach out and cup Dr. Iplier’s cheeks, his teeth are bloody as he opens his mouth to speak.
“You left me,” he moans, yet in that sharp, clear tone that Dr. Iplier fell for, “You turned your back on me and left me vulnerable. I died because you gave up on me when I wanted to fix things.” His fingers creep across Dr. Iplier’s cheeks, catching tears, but the touch has no comfort in it. “You gave Dark an opening and he took it. And you lost me forever. The Host has my body and my memory, but he is not me. I’m gone. I’m gone. You let me go. You let me die.” His grip on Dr. Iplier tightens, nails digging into his head, like he means to wrench it around and snap his neck. “Do you ever miss me, Edward?” he snarls, “Do you remember what we had? Do you think about me when you let him fuck you like I used to? Does he taste like me? You moved on with him so nicely, you keep telling him you love him how he is now. Do you care at all for what you lost? Did you ever love me at all?”
“Isaac, let me go! I’m sorry, please, I love you, I love you, let me go!” Dr. Iplier wails, fighting The Author’s hands.
(“My love, I know what you’re seeing, and it’s not real! It’s alright, Edward, you’re safe, I promise you’re safe, please hear me!”
“Katarite-san, I brought Midori-kun!”
“Host, what was his temperature when you last checked?”
“Dad, Dad, you’re gonna be okay, can you hear me??”)
Finally, finally, The Author’s hands tear away from Dr. Iplier, but he can still feel the man’s blood on his cheeks, and he sobs, sobs…until a new voice, singsong and high-pitched, floats in from somewhere unidentifiable.
“Kagome, kagome, kago no naka no tori wa…”
“What–” Dr. Iplier gasps.
“Itsu, itsu deyaru, yoake no ban ni…”
“No, no, you’re not, you’re not–” Dr. Iplier sobs.
“Tsuru to kame ga subetta,” Yandere sings as he finally comes into view, “Ushiro no shoumen dare?”
“How!?” Dr. Iplier screams. “I didn’t, you didn’t–” His own tears cut him off.
Yandere stands before him with every injury he’s ever had in his skin, in his bones. His head is caved in, his jaw is cracked and hanging loose, one eye is sliced over and leaking like jelly out of the socket. His shirt is so torn to ribbons it doesn’t cover him at all, and Dr. Iplier can see his open ribcage, the bones bent away and snapped off, revealing his quiet heart and motionless lungs. The gash up his side that almost killed him is open again, and ropes of intestine spill out, flopping and twitching on the ground. Yandere holds one loop in his hand, twirling it absentmindedly, and his other hand is half-sliced off, a perfect diagonal across his fingers and through his palm. His arms are so cut up it’s hard to see the skin, his legs are crooked and bent in too many places.
“You’re right, I haven’t died,” Yandere says, words garbled from his shattered jaw. He smiles as well as he’s able, his tone is light and happy. “But I will. You haven’t failed me yet, but you will.” His good eye closes mirthfully; his bad eye shivers and rolls as it tries to copy the action. “One day you won’t get to me in time, or you’ll make a mistake, and I’ll die just like the rest of them.” He steps closer. “I almost did die, when I was a baby, do you remember? ‘Cause I do.” He reaches into his own chest with his bad hand, nudges his dead heart with the stumps of his fingers. “I remember how you didn’t even have the decency to tell me I was dying.”
“But you weren’t!!” Dr. Iplier insists.
“You thought I was, though, didn’t you?” Yandere asks. “You were so surprised when I survived. I could’ve faded away and you wouldn’t have ever let me know.” He drops the intestine in his hand and picks at the exposed tendons in his other hand instead, making his arm muscles twitch and jump. “Maybe you don’t care. Maybe you’d be happier if I was dead. Maybe that’s why you let me get hurt all the time.”
“Baby, baby, my baby, please,” Dr. Iplier bawls.
“One of these days I’ll die, Papa,” Yandere continues, still messing with his open fingers, “I’ll die horribly, I’ll bleed to death or get my head chopped off or get mangled in an accident, and it’ll be your fault. It’ll be your fault, because you’re my dad, and you’re supposed to protect me.” He reaches into his chest, squeezes his own heart until it squelches and pops under the strain. “You’ll fail me one day, Papa, you’ll fail me and I’ll hate you forever.”
“Please, no,” Dr. Iplier sobs, “Yan, I love you, I love you, please–”
(“I love you too, Papa, it’s okay, it’s okay!”
“I’ll give him an acetaminophen injection to reduce his fever. Host, help me keep him still.”
“Be careful, be careful!!”
“We’ll be very careful, Yandere. There’s no need to cry.”)
Too many hands, too many hands, pushing him down, pulling him under, deeper and deeper into that rising heat, the heat of blood and muscle, of bone marrow, of brain matter, of friction from cold hands scrabbling over each other to yank on Dr. Iplier’s hair and clothes, pulling, pulling, all the way down, into the hellfire, hotter and hotter and hotter –
(“The fever should start going down soon.”
“Is there any way he can be sedated?”
“No, it’s not safe right now. Maybe if his fever gets lower and he’s still hallucinating.”
“The Host…The Host understands.”
“You should both go and clear your heads. I can take care of him from here on out.”
“Wait, we can’t just leave him! W-We can’t–”
“Yandere, there’s nothing more we can do here. Our presence only made Dr. Iplier’s hallucinations worse, and we…we are in no condition to provide him comfort.”
“He’ll be alright, Yandere, I’ll make sure.”
“Come along, little one, The Host has s-some new books in the library he’d like to show you.”
Dr. Iplier, after what feels like years of heat and haze and moaning corpses, finally tires. His mind exhausts itself and Dr. Iplier finds himself dragged down a different way, not into hellish hands, but into dark and dreamless sleep. He welcomes it, welcomes anything to stop the onslaught of anguished spirits still clawing at his lab coat.
Finally, finally, he sleeps.
When Dr. Iplier wakes up, he’s still warm, but not sweltering like before. It’s still dark around him, but not foggy or strange. He looks around and sees nothing but the walls of his bedroom. There’s a weight in bed beside him, and he looks down to see Yandere, whole and unharmed, curled up and asleep, snuggled into his chest.
No spirits. No monsters. No dead. Just his bedroom, just night.
He sighs as he puts an arm around Yandere. Something nearby rustles and shifts, and Dr. Iplier looks away from Yandere to see The Host, rousing himself from sleep in the chair he’s sitting in. Perfectly normal Host, maybe a little bloodier than usual, but nothing out of the ordinary.
“Did I wake you?” Dr. Iplier asks, and realizes his voice is sore. Probably from his earlier screaming.
“Technically, yes,” Host admits. His voice is off, too. He probably cried earlier. “But I’m glad for it. I…” He pauses, unsure. “Are you alright?”
Dr. Iplier still remembers the hallucinations. He knows they weren’t real, but he can’t help but feel them all the same. He’ll probably remember them for a while. But Host is here, and he’s fine, and Yandere’s here, and he’s fine.
Dr. Iplier beckons Host closer, and Host leaves his chair to sit on the bed instead. But Dr. Iplier pulls him closer with the arm not around Yandere, and Host adjusts, laying next to him to hold him. The rustling and movement wakes Yandere, who clings to Dr. Iplier tighter.
“Are you okay, Papa?” he asks, voice small and eyes sparkling with tears. Dr. Iplier feels a pang of answering sympathy. He can only imagine how his own despair and terror looked from the outside, both to Yandere and Host. He kisses Yandere’s forehead softly and turns his head to kiss Host just as gently.
“I am now,” Dr. Iplier whispers, answering both his loved ones’ questions.
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ygo-news · 6 years
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DBHS-JP001 Nephthys no Satorite (Enlightened of Nephthys) Level 2 WIND Spellcaster Effect Monster ATK 600 DEF 600 You can use each effect among the (1)st and (2)nd effects with this card’s name only once per turn. (1) You can target 1 Level 4 or lower “Nephthys” monster in your GY, except “Enlightened of Nephthys”; destroy 1 card in your hand, and if you do, Special Summon the targeted monster in Defense Position, but it has its effects negated. (2) Once per turn, during your next Standby Phase after this card was destroyed by a card effect and sent to your GY: You can Special Summon this card from your GY.
DBHS-JP002 Nephthys no Inorite (Prayer of Nephthys) Level 2 WIND Spellcaster Effect Monster ATK 0 DEF 2000 You can use each effect among the (1)st and (2)nd effects with this card’s name only once per turn. (1) During your Main Phase: You can destroy 1 card in your hand, and if you do, add 1 “Nephthys” monster from your Deck to your hand, except “Prayer of Nephthys”. (2) Once per turn, during your next Standby Phase after this card was destroyed by a card effect and sent to your GY: You can add 1 “Nephthys” Spell/Trap Card from your Deck to your hand.
DBHS-JP003 Nephthys no Katarite (Speaker of Nephthys) Level 2 WIND Spellcaster Effect Monster ATK 300 DEF 1200 You can use each effect among the (1)st and (2)nd effects with this card’s name only once per turn. (1) You can target 1 “Nephthys” card in your GY, except “Speaker of Nephthys”; destroy 1 card in your hand, and if you do, add the targeted card to your hand. (2) Once per turn, during your next Standby Phase after this card was destroyed by a card effect and sent to your GY: You can add 1 “Nephthys” card from your GY to your hand, except “Speaker of Nephthys”.
DBHS-JP004 Nephthys no Mamorite (Protector of Nephthys) Level 2 WIND Spellcaster Effect Monster ATK 1400 DEF 200 You can use each effect among the (1)st and (2)nd effects with this card’s name only once per turn. (1) During your Main Phase: You can destroy 1 card in your hand, and if you do, Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower “Nephthys” monster from your hand, except “Protector of Nephthys”. (2) Once per turn, during your next Standby Phase after this card was destroyed by a card effect and sent to your GY: You can destroy 1 “Nephthys” monster in your Deck, except “Protector of Nephthys”.
DBHS-JP005 Nephthys no Matsurite (Avatar of Nephthys) Level 2 WIND Spellcaster Ritual Effect Monster ATK 1200 DEF 1200 You can Ritual Summon this card with “Rebirth of Nephthys”. You can use each effect among the (1)st and (2)nd effects with this card’s name only once per turn. (1) If this card is Ritual Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 “Nephthys” monster from your Deck, also this card will be destroyed during this turn’s End Phase. (2) If this card is in your GY: You can destroy 1 “Nephthys” card in your hand, and if you do, Special Summon this card from the GY.
DBHS-JP006 Nephthys no Sououshin (Sacred Blue Phoenix of Nephthys) Level 8 FIRE Winged Beast Ritual Effect Monster ATK 3000 DEF 1000 You can Ritual Summon this card with “Rebirth of Nephthys”. You can use each effect among the (1)st and (2)nd effects with this card’s name only once per turn. (1) During your Main Phase: You can activate this effect; destroy any number of “Nephthys” cards that are in your hand and/or face-up on your field, then destroy an equal number of monsters your opponent controls. (2) Once per turn, during your next Standby Phase after this card was destroyed (by battle or card effect) and sent to your GY: You can Special Summon this card from the GY.
DBHS-JP007 Shugoshin – Nephthys (Nephthys the Palladium Deity) Link 2 FIRE Winged Beast Effect Monster ATK 1200 Link Arrows: Bottom-Center, Bottom-Right Link Materials: 2 “Nephthys” monsters You can use the [(1)st] effect with this card’s name only once per turn. (1) During your Main Phase, if you control this Link Summoned card: You can activate 1 of these effects. • Add 1 Level 8 Winged Beast monster from your Deck to your hand, then you can add 1 Ritual Spell Card from your GY to your hand. • Destroy 1 “Nephthys” monster this card points to, and if you do, Special Summon from your GY 1 “Nephthys” monster whose original name is different from the destroyed monster’s, but the Summoned monster has its effects negated.
DBHS-JP009 Nephthys no Rin’ne (Rebirth of Nephthys) Ritual Spell Card This card can be used to Ritual Summon any “Nephthys” Ritual Monster. (1) Ritual Summon 1 “Nephthys” Ritual Monster from your hand, by Tributing monsters from your hand and/or field whose total Levels equal or exceed the Level of the monster you Ritual Summon, then, if you Tributed “Avatar of Nephthys” and/or “Sacred Blue Phoenix of Nephthys” for this Ritual Summon, you can destroy 1 card on the field.
DBHS-JP010 Nephthys no Kibou (Hope of Nephthys) Normal Spell Card You can activate a card with this card’s name only once per turn. (1) Target 2 cards on the field (1 “Nephthys” card you control and 1 card your opponent controls); destroy them.
DBHS-JP011 Nephthys no Kakusei (Awakening of Nephthys) Continuous Trap Card You can use the (2)nd effect with this card’s name only once per turn. (1) “Nephthys” monsters you control gain 300 ATK. (2) If this face-up card in the Spell & Trap Zone is destroyed by a card effect and sent to the GY: You can Special Summon 1 “Nephthys” monster from your hand, Deck, or GY, but it is destroyed during the End Phase.
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lexotani · 3 years
Can we have two golds?!
Zyrtari pohoi me kokë, mundeshin, nëse do binin dakord njëri me tjetrin.
Mutaz Essa Barshim i Katarit dhe Gianmarco Tamberi i Italisë ndanë medaljen e arit mes tyre pasi arritën rezultatin identik 2.37m në kërcim së larti. Sugjerimit të zyrtarit olimpik për një garë mes të dyve për të ndarë arin nga argjendi, Barshim iu përgjigj duke pyetur (Can we have two golds?) nëse mund të kishin secili nga një medalje ari. Zyrtari pohoi me kokë, mundeshin, nëse do binin dakord…
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shqiperialive · 2 years
E kishte "tepëruar" me drogën/ Ish-gruaja e princit të Katarit gjendet e vdekur nga mbidoza
E kishte “tepëruar” me drogën/ Ish-gruaja e princit të Katarit gjendet e vdekur nga mbidoza
Një ish-princeshë e Katarit është gjetur e vdekur në vilën e saj në Marbella të Spanjës në moshën 45 vjeçare, teksa ishte një betejë të ashpër ligjore me ish-bashkëshortin, të cilin në një rast e ka akuzuar për ngacmime të një prej vajzave. Kasia Gallanio ishte gruaja e tretë e miliarderit Abdelaziz bin Khalifa Al Thani, 73 vjeç, xhaxhai i Emirit aktual të Katarit. Ajo pretendon se ish-ministri i…
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kydtyk · 4 years
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minicomics, New strip every weekend from @comme_ogkijn on IG
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xhemilbeharaj · 1 year
Richarlison bën tatuazh Neymar, Ronaldo ... (vidio)
Richarlison bën tatuazh Neymar, Ronaldo … (vidio)
Richarlison mundohet të harrojë zhgënjimin e Katarit me një tatuazh të ri të dukshëm. Sulmuesi i Tottenham shënoi tre gola në Lindjen e Mesme, duke u bërë golashënuesi më i mirë i Brazilit në turne. Por Richarlison u largua në lot nga Education City në Doha pas humbjes nga Kroacia me penallti. Ëndrra e sulmuesit mori një fund të papritur në çerekfinale dhe Seleção nuk arriti të fitojë Kupën e…
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rrjetat-online · 4 years
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Me kërkesë të presidentit turk Erdogan, Mbreti i Katarit Al Thani jep 20 milion dollarë për Shqipërinë Presidenti i Turqisë Recep Tayyip Erdogan, përveçse konfirmoi mbështetjen e shtetit të tij për ndërtimin e 500 banesave për familjet që mbetën pa kulm mbi kokë nga tërmeti në Shqipëri, ai kërkon ta ndihmojnë Shqipërinë edhe nga miqtë e tij anekënd botës islamike, përcjell KosovaPost.
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Tillerson zgjat qëndrimin e tij në Lindjen e Mesme
Lexo të plotë www.rtsh.al
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