#kataow song
youngsap · 2 years
Lio: You can’t kill me! I have a wife.
Emilia: Do you really think that will stay my hand?
Lio: Oh no, you misunderstood. That wasn’t a plea. That was a warning.
Emilia: Wha-
Song: *Smashes down the door.*
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someonetooksendnoodles · 10 months
i’m such a whore for jaw-dropping, heavily stylized, thematically laden, full of heart animation. will forever be impressed at the stories that are coming from non-disney studios having their moment to shine.
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cartoonfan21 · 5 months
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fruity-phrog · 4 months
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intis0l · 2 years
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hug your favorite pink girl today!!!!!!
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official-kipo-oak · 3 months
once again i am in absolute awe of how the show revealed that song was the mega monkey. the scenes shifting from kipo and co learning about her and her parents, to song being assaulted with pheromones.
"my mom. her fur, it isn't jaguar fur" followed immediately by song losing her fight to the pheromones. the music that accompanies it. just. AUGH. you know?
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earthravenclaw · 29 days
This should be obvious, but clones should have the same actor. Voice actor too.
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kerakitty · 1 year
More Hugo Lives AU Stuff
Some more stuff from my Hugo Lives AU, mostly focusing on the relationship between the Wolf and Hugo. Kinda long, so stuff is under the break.
Kipo may not have a favorite sibling, but woah boy is she each of her siblings’ favorite. And neither one is shy about making that known. Before Hugo got his own place, there was a lot of jockeying for Kipo’s attention. Kipo did her best to make sure they got equal attention and frequently tried to find things all three of them could do together. Emphasis on ‘tried’.
Neither Hugo nor Wolf ever refer to each other by name. Wolf usually just refers to Hugo with pronouns (if English had a derogatory ‘you’ the way Japanese and some other languages do, she’d be using that), but will occasionally call him ‘monkey’. Hugo calls Wolf “wild child”, “feral girl”, and the like.
Hugo’s return to the family made Wolf very insecure. Seeing the rest of the Oak family so focused on him during his recovery, she figured this was going to be another case of an adoptive family deciding she wasn’t really one of them. And it only got worse after Hugo was brought home from the hospital.
After a few days, this boiled over into Wolf verbally lashing out at Hugo. I won’t go into details since I’m currently writing the fic for this, but he figures out what’s going on in her head and it hits him very close to home. While he still doesn’t think of Wolf the same way he thinks of Kipo, he does start to genuinely see her as family at that point. He sees a bit of his younger self in her (not that he’d ever admit it), and it changes how he thinks and feels about her.
After that incident, he continues to refer to her as “wild child” and such, but when speaking with Song or Lio he makes a point of saying “your wild child”. The way he figures, if Wolf is afraid of being abandoned, it’s probably due more to their parents than to relentlessly-affectionate Kipo (it doesn’t really occur to him to address whatever role he plays in those fears) and this is his way of prodding them to make sure their youngest feels secure. That any increased attention towards Wolf from Lio and Song frees up Kipo’s for him to dominate is just a perk.
This is (roughly) the Oak family house. The layout I have in mind is slightly different, with the front bedroom being smaller and not having to go through the bathroom to get in.
Kipo and Wolf share the rear bedroom and Hugo has the front. Hugo is salty that they get the bigger room with more closet space and neither him nor Wolf are happy about sharing a bathroom. Hugo’s not one for sharing in general and he tends to hog the room when getting up or going to bed. Between that and his fur clogging the drains, it’s more than understandable why Wolf wasn’t happy with the arrangement.
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starsfic · 10 months
Wolf encounters a cured Margot for the first time and finds herself having conflicted feelings on what happened to Margot.
The mission was simple.
“We think we’ve developed a full cure for Emilia’s antimutagen,” Song had said, her voice steady and strong in the hall. Kipo sat in the center of the council table, her smile full of pride for her parents. “It is still under development, but we are ready to begin testing on those cured.”
“We know that doesn’t sound the most confident,” Lio said, handing a clipboard. “But we simply ask for your belief. If you would like to write down your loved one’s names for the first round of mutation, go ahead.”
Wolf, standing at the back of the room, couldn’t help her own smile. It had taken a year or two, enough time that Las Vistas was almost fully rebuilt from the passage of time and Scar… Hugo’s attempted coronation, but this was a big step. The clipboard was handed to Billions and the white-coated wolf paused. He looked down the list before sighing. “I believe in my own work.” he said, writing down the other Billions’ name.
That wasn’t what made Wolf shudder as unease crawled down her spine. It was the thought of another wolf, the whimpers they heard
She raised her hand.
“What about the loose cured?”
Molly looked up from her position at the table and raised a brow. “What?”
“Some of the cured ran into the woods.” She could still feel the ropes tight around her and the furious beating of her heart as Emilia loaded the crossbow. There had been a yelp and a whimper- Wolf blinked the tears out of her eyes to face the council. “We should round them up first so they aren’t left behind.”
Kipo’s face had narrowed. Not in anger, no. Kipo had only gotten truly angry with Emilia. It was concern that made those purple eyes lock with hers. Wolf tried for a smile. It wasn’t convincing enough to make her sister look away though.
“Wolf is right,” someone else said. Wolf didn’t blink. Neither did Kipo. “...in the burrows we made small traps for the stray cats that managed to come down into the burrows. We could make something like those?”
“Would they be safe?”
“Probably, with some testing.”
“Miss Oak?”
Kipo looked away to look at the speaker. One of Lio and Song’s old coworkers, it looked. “Yeah. Make some prototypes and do tests.”
Wolf left before Kipo could chase her.
Wolf wasn’t part of the group making, testing, or setting the traps. She was part of the group who volunteered to check them twice a day. Kipo couldn’t protest that- as much as they all hated to admit it, Wolf was the most experienced in the woods.
The first day was a bust. The next visit, nothing but a rat. “Give it time,” one of the other volunteers said when they noticed her put-out expression. “They’ve might’ve migrated further, but there’s not a lot of prey.”
The third day, during the evening check, was when it happened.
Wolf stalked through the forest as though she was back to being a loner, her flashlight on the lowest setting. Too much noise and light, they learned when getting the rat, would work the poor cured up. Better to be quiet.
They had found Rupert in one of the cages. Wolf could’ve recognized him anywhere. He was skinnier now and had been gulping down the meat as though it was his last meal. Footprints had led away from the cage. Rupert had been caught but Margot had escaped.
Her flashlight fell upon a glint of steel and white fur.
…for that moment.
Margot had always been full of life. She had a fierceness around her that Wolf had been awed by when she still went by her old name. Margot, without a word of protest, had taken Wolf under her wing and protected her. She was fierce but playful predator and protector.
Who would have guessed that predator would turn against her?
Who would have guessed that was all she was now?
Wolf sighed, kneeling next to the cage. “You were strong enough for us both.” Margot stared steadily back, her eyes empty of that life. They were still alive, yes, but they weren’t…awake. Awake was the best word. Honestly, she looked worn out. “I wished I could’ve been stronger before we fought.”
Wolf straightened before she could say another word and held up a hand. Another volunteer waved back and soon the others were loading Margot up with Rupert.
Her eyes never left her.
“So, what’s the plan?”
The room that the window looked into looked like a cave. It was very simple set piecing and coloring, but it seemed to be enough for their two guests. Margot and Rupert sat together, batting each other in calm play fighting.
“Well, we were thinking that these two should be in the first round of curing,” Song said, making a note on her clipboard. Wolf glanced over her shoulder and had to look away. In science, Song and Lio’s handwritings both looked like chicken scratch. “I’m not much of a zoologist, but their behavior seems to be bonded. If we tried to do one and then the other, I don’t think either of them will handle it well.”
Margot would be back, then.
“The issue with that is that I can’t think of anyone to support them.” Song tapped her pen against the clipboard, eyes studying the siblings with an intensity that Wolf had seen on Kipo’s face before. “I think that someone should be there with every cured to explain what happened, but I can’t think of anyone to be with them.”
There were other wolves. But the Newton Wolves had been a rival pack to the family. Plus Billions would be busy with his brother.
Wolf opened her mouth.
"...I'll do it."
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tis-i-multifiend · 1 year
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vuelode-irbis · 2 years
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Style experiment
Dirty Paws is one of my favorite songs, and there's a Kipo AMV with it on youtube!! I've been wanting to draw something for it, but nothing too complicated, and, testing out some new brushes, this is what i came out with.
Here's the AMV btw, it's really cool!
ID: First image: a digital drawing of Kipo from Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts, in her mega jaguar form. The jaguar is seen from profile side, facing to the left, only the first pair of arms and half of the middle ones are visible. She has no pupils for style reasons, her eyes are bright pink. Behind her, there are two shadows of her silouette, one bright pink-redish, bigger than Kipo; and a bright purple, even farther behind, and bigger than the first one. The background is all black. Next to the jaguar's face, there's a text in lilac, with black, scratchy edges, that reads: "The story of the beast with those four, dirty paws"; the word "four" is crossed with a pink line and theres the word "SIX" written above it, also in pink. The text has a white background with scratchy edges and low oppacity that allows the sight of the jaguar's shadows, mentioned above. The second image is the same but it doesn't have the white background behind the text. End ID.
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you-are-a-parasite · 2 years
I just had the most coincidental coincidence ever.
So I'm making an incorrect quotes thing w the KATAOW characters and this quote came up
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This is the link to that post. =]
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zenithpng · 2 years
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krazy-kipo · 2 years
(Based off a snipet I wrote about my o.c Pyro and how far they'd go for Kipo. Only for their sacrifice to horribly backfire. Also the idea of being anchorless was just really intresting to me. Just being lost to yourself and getting stuck in that animal mind set.)
You were falling. Grasping at air as feathers fluttered around you. You had just wanted to help. You wanted Kipo to know she wasn't alone. But now you were dropping, getting further and further from your friends. From the fight. From yourself.
Looking around trying to find something anything to stop your descent you begin to panic as you continue to free fall. Kipo needed back up, she needed support. She needed you! You thought if you did what Emilia did maybe... maybe...
There's a loud caw as the bird above you flaps their wings sending it's feathers fluttering down. Feeling the air leave your lungs as you fall they rise above you and you notice they're your favorite color. They're you.
Closing your eyes hearing the wind whistle in your ears as it throws your hair around, the shouts fade away, and you plummet. Slowly you feel yourself loose control receeding deep into your mind as adrenaline courses through your body. Reaching out hoping to grab something, anything, your head spins. Your grip is slowly slipping from your mute side as it begins to take over. As it forces you to keep falling.
"(Y/N)!" Snapping your eyes open your floating in space. You can't see out of your own eyes anymore but you can see all your old memories. The mute is gone and you stand on nothing. Clouds surround you making you nervous as you begin to wander about trying to find a way to control yourself again.
"..." Unable to speak you walk, footsteps silent as the fog of your mind muffles all sound.
Seeing yourself and your friends you pause hand stretched to grab one but you feel yourself sinking into the clouds. Pulling back from your memories the sinking stops and your left alone and trapped in your own mind. Tears slipped down your cheeks as you open your mouth trying to scream but there's no sound.
Spinning around panicked you couldn't see a way out, you were stuck. You were lost in yourself. The cawing from before gets louder and as you fall to your knees sinking into the fog your surrounded by your repeating memories. Closing your eyes you feel yourself flying.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!!!" Kipo continued calling out to you but you had long stopped responding. Emilia was cured and gone forever, you'd done it.
As she stood there watching you, a mega bird she smiled sadly.
"Come on (Y/N)... Come back..." She mumbles but you don't hear her. You don't have an anchor, you can't change back and there's no more cure.
Shaking as she watches you, Hugo wrapped his arms around her and she began crying into his jacket, slowly sinking to her knees. You'd saved her life. You'd saved Hugos life. All the mutes. All her friends. But at what cost? Was it worth it?
"... Kipo..." Hugo mumbled. He looked up and the Mega Bird you'd become was flapping it's wings looking around confused. It cawed staring at something near them before looking away but it's eyes. They were devoid of intelligence. It was just a hollow husk of (Y/N) and there was no cure and no pre established anchor. If they couldn't find themselves they'd be lost forever.
"Hey Kipo it's okay-" Lio tries to soothe but Kipo shakes her head.
"No dad! No it's not!" Kipo responds. She's shaking as she clutches her brothers jacket. She was so close to loosing him. She already lost YumYan Hammerpaw and so many others. No you too. Please not you too!
"Kipo we can figure this out. We can help them." Song states but Kipo doesn't listen this is all her fault.
"(Y/N) PLEASE!!!" She begs pleading for you to change back. Tears streak down her face and her eyes turn pink as she shakes. They'd lost so much not you too!
"Wait kid you'll-" Jamack tries to warn but it's to late. With a couple flaps of the Mega birds multiple wings you were gone.
You were gone...
Your body felt heavy. Hand digging into the dirt like claws you were numb. Your entire body... something was wrong with it but you didn't know what. Grunting your eyes glance around, vision blurred.
"... Ugh..." You can't remember what happened. Why you felt this way but whatever you'd been through it made your entire body hurt. Had Emilia smacked you around that much? "... guys?" You call out but your voice is scratchy. When you get no response you slowly push yourself up and look around. The jungle your in is empty. You're alone.
Getting up you teeter before leaning on a tree and vomitting. Shaking after you finish, you wipe at your mouth once your stomachs emptied. A feather flutters from your hair and you pause remembering the hell you endured. Looking around there were feathers everywhere.
Lightheaded and dizzy the transformation being very draining, you begin stumbling in a direction hoping to find home. Minutes blend into hours as the sun falls and the forest becomes dark. Your cold, hungry, and tired but you continue to stumble.
Seeing the Timbercats village your vision goes blurry as you collapse outside the wooden wall. Noises erupt around you and feeling hands on you, you smile before everything fades to black that same voice that brought you back calling your name as you fade away.
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official-kipo-oak · 2 years
Glad you enjoyed your rewatch of kipo if you can let me know if you have any headcannons post s3. My headcannon is that they are still trying to reverse the cure even during the time skip.
Thanks! I’m already itching for another rewatch tbh it’s jsut so good.....
And yes, same! I headcanon that Song and Lio are still working towards a reverse cure- though taking it a little slower while Las Vistas is being turned into an inhabitable city with actual structure in place for everyone to live there. I think Kipo would try to help, too, but that usually extends to just lending blood samples when they’re needed because otherwise she’s too busy focusing on the Las Vistas thing.
I also headcanon that Kipo, Benson, Dave, Wolf, and Mandu often meet up with Troy, Dahlia and Asher. Benson and Troy are still together canonically, of course, but I don’t remember seeing anything about Dahlia and Asher. But I like to think they’re still involved and they show up a lot :) And also I lowkey hc that Kipo and Asher date 
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This song is a banger, change my mind
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