#kashi bros
niwawings15 · 1 year
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This was requested as a redraw to be done on tshirts. Here’s the link below if you feel so inclined to get yourself one.
Also here is the old piece for comparison
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illogicallyx · 8 months
I am so desperate. im gonna just imagine kashimo is like gojo but in disguise bc THEY LOOK THE SAME BRO
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mad-who-ra · 7 months
hellooooo kashies <333
are we nervous?? 🫠
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tired-reader-writer · 2 years
Some more random AU thoughts:
After Arslan first wakes back up and recovers, Isfan can't stop fretting over him. He'd give Arslan a checkup every few minutes, to the point Farangis was like, “Bro, you're hovering.” “I am not.” “You are.”
Since Shapur and Kazai's relationship has a little leeway to be less secretive (albeit they'd pass off as lovers not husbands), I wonder if Kazai would sometimes accompany Shapur to Ecbatana. Or if the marzbans would know of him, even if just in passing.
Ecbatana shenanigans: Kharlan and Shapur unexpectedly bonding? Over being fathers? Especially after the jealous Crown Prince debacle? Maybe?
Also Shapur's loyalty in Andragoras is... dwindling. Or rather, his faith in the entire system, but since Andragoras stands at the top of it... Y'know, living with a clan that has a cultural history and identity of being wronged and persecuted by the system and those in power, it's gotta radicalize you at least a little bit. I wonder if Kharlan would notice that.
A lord, his half-brother born from a slave and is his heir, and an orphan boy he picked up from who-knows-where, one would think that's a perfect recipe for disaster but then in terms of conflict our wolf family is just... *crickets*. It'd be fun to see the shock of certain characters, haha 🤣
Eihon telling a young Isfan to recite a long list of medicinal plants and their properties in his mind whenever he feels his anger rising and doesn't want to lose control.
Shapur getting angry at something while far from home but being in a situation that doesn't allow him to express it, so he tries to distract himself by thinking about home but some stupid song baby Gieve made up is now stuck in his head. He can't get it out of his mind anymore. Poor sod.
Shapur and Hilmes having a screaming match. I have no clue what they're arguing about and at this point I'm too afraid to ask.
Isfan having to be held back from straight up murdering someone. Probably Gurgin. I don't have the context for this either.
Going back to Ecbatana (excuse my scattered brain), I wonder if Kharlan would notice the reason why Arslan noped out of the palace. Surely he must, right? And Shapur looked so... tired, the morning Arslan went to work outside the palace instead. What would he think of it? Would he even consider approaching Shapur with... information about Hilmes? I guess not, not very likely, but the seeds might already be planted.
Slings as weapons. Apparently they were widely utilized historically, and work great so long as the target has no armor or is lightly armored. Leaning towards Kashi being a slinger. Wouldn't that be cool?
Wondering how I should make Alfarīd and Ranna meet. Also Merlaine and Arslan. Hmmmm...
An argument between an exhausted Shapur and a very determined Narsus. Probably about putting forth Arslan as the hidden heir.
Isfan leaving his wolves to watch Arslan when the boy was comatose, but also after he wakes up but shouldn't exert himself, when he's not available to be by Arslan's bedside.
Farangis probably had to sedate Isfan at least once to get him to leave a comatose Arslan's bedside.
I haven't thought much about Gieve, huh... I should think about him more.
Gieve and Ranna put together would probably be called something like “Demon Duo”. Pranksters extraordinaire. Unhinged. All the good stuff, according to Kazai.
The Sindhuran debacle is still probably gonna happen. Except there's no Arslan to lead a campaign to Sindhura. Shapur and Daryun going to Peshawar to aid their fellow marzbans, probably dragging Narsus along for strategy purposes too? Haven't checked the timeline so not sure Arslan would be in a good enough shape to leave Gorgan. Most likely not. But what if Narsus remains behind, to observe Arslan? Questions, questions, so many questions...
Speaking of questions, what the everloving fuck is gonna happen to the political sphere after Tahamenay fucking offs Andragoras?! There's gonna be Team Hilmes, which Bahman would become part of, and then there's Team Gorgan, which would ally with Team Hilmes— What would Kishward do?! Actually I haven't been keeping track of where Kubard is either HELP T_T Daryun and Narsus are probably with Team Gorgan. What's gonna happen next?! Hilmes is probably finally in a position to reveal his lineage and identity, though. That's a good thing.
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kagejima · 2 years
small story time but one of my coworkers really likes gojo (she likes naruto and her favorite is the kashi... kakashi... kakashi? fuck if i know, ive never seen naruto) so based on her descriptions of him, im not surprised gojo is her favorite
anyways, she was telling me about The Figure but i guess she only saw the pic of him shirtless and she got SOOOO shy and embarassed describing it and it was so cute
and bro, i didnt have the heart to tell her about the other pictures, if she got that shy over him being shirtless, she would've died knowing the truth 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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garoujo · 2 years
EMMIIEEEEE omg. i wish i can send a voice message rn bc my mind is in shambles and im unwell and going through the motions. i was saving the knb movie “the last game” like a savory piece of chicken and i am SOOOOO SOOOO glad i watched omfg. maybe im biased because i love knb so much but real shit that movie was GOOD AS HELL everyone did their thing the animation was clean, the facial expressions the voice acting, everyone ate DOWWMN and that movie was an hour and half reminder of how much i really enjoy and get invested in kuroko’s basketball😩
when i say going through the motions i was going through it ALLLL like im over here excited and screaming and cheering under my blanket at almost 2 am as if i were court side of the actual game like when i tell you i was hype i was fucking HYPE. like seeing everyone’s abilities and going all in, and going into the zone was the most exciting and sexy thing ever. and my GOD EVERYONE LOOKED DELECTABLE. that’s another thing i also felt extreme levels of arousal esp watching akashi and aomine and kise like ADDNWJWWKEK i was fangirling so harddddd 😩😩😩😩😩 and the duos like ‘kashi + midorima or aomine + kise or AOMINE AND KAGAMI omg i ate it up and was licking my fingers bro.
and THEN don’t get me started on that sad ass ENDING my emotions were all over the place like i was on the verge of tears and physically distraught when kagami said he was leaving like NO BABE STAY UR ASS HERE PLS!!! i hate when mfs have to part ways like that like it makes so so so sad. and then that damn near love confession kagami gave to kuroko had me sick asf but it was so sweet.
anyway all this to say that movie was amazing and i will watch it 3 more times and im about to create a new navi post for knb bc THE WAY I WANNA WRITEEEE FOR THEEMMMMM. peak sports anime 20/10 movie fr
SOSAAAAA !!!! naur cause that movie is TOO much they’re all so hot,, i literally watch it like once a week i’m <3_<3 obsessed w them all — they’re all so huge ( v_v) no cause i literally love the dub so much they all make me !!!! aomine n akashi’s voice actors have me on the floor,, trembling with NEED !!!! kay the ending fr caught me off guard i was like tf kagami why are u leaving u loser . . . </3 but then aomine,, akashi n kise came back onto screen n i was dead again!!! i am a simple woman i see those three n i die T^T
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smokeybrandreviews · 2 years
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Another season of anime is upon us an i am surprised by how much I've been enjoying it. Like, this year, so far, is on of the best in recent memory. It feels like that we’ve finally found a bit of normalcy after the Great Plague the still continues to Plague. It’s been some time since I've written one of these, mostly because there wasn’t anything that’s really caught my eye, but this season, i ended up following a decent amount of shows. So, for the first time in probably years, i wanted to take some time and give a heads up to the content on my ever-growing list of anime recommendations this season. There might be a few from last on here, too, because some of those were really good, too. My Dress Up Darling, I'm looking at you!
Uncle From Another World
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Isekai Ojisan was one that i was curious about for a bit. I am a passing fan of the manga and have been following it for years. I didn’t see how that thing would translate to TV but, i must say, i am happily incorrect. Uncle is f*cking hilarious. I think that the actual kineticism of animation lends itself to the slapstick and exaggerated humor of those old comic panels. This thing was made for top quality animation and, so far, that’s exactly what we’re getting. This sh*t ain’t Mappa, UFOtable, or Madhouse levels fluid but it’s much better than it has any right to be, making this one of the better looking shows of the season so far.
Vermeil in Gold
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Vermeil is a mixed bag for me so far. The manga is rather action packed and has a bombshell of a main heroine but, so far, the show is a little lacking. It’s gorgeously animated, it have to be to capitalize on the sex-in-heels that is Vermeil, but the plot is cliche as f*ck. It does get better, recently there have been a few revelations in the book that have kept my attention, but that doesn’t fee like something we’ll get to in one season, which is concerning. Vermeil is a slow burn and it’s wildly derivative of the content coming out today. I’m a fan of the manga so I'm trying my best to hang on but i can’t see this thing picking up enough steam to keep me interested for an entire season. It' a shame because this feels like a throwback anime from the late Nineties or early Aughts. I miss that sh*t. Still, the show is mad pretty to look at, not even going to lie about that.
Call of the Night
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Song of the Night Walkers is everything i hoped it would be. It’s animated beautifully, has a spot on voice cast, and looks unique enough to stand out as pure art. I love this show but i was already going into it as a fan of the book. It was a soft sell for me to tune into Nazuna and Kou’s weekly midnight madness but then to see this thing delivered with such attention to detail? Bro, if Overlord didn’t exist, this one would be my anime of the season, easy. It’s wild to say that out loud because i can’t stand Dagashi Kashi at all and Call is written by the same author. That said, i am a sucker for vampires so that might play into it a little bit. Probably.
Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World
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So this is the one that is rather... polarizing for me. I am a massive fan of the manga version of Slave Harem. I don’t think i like the show all that much, though. The preview of this show made the animation look amazing. Roxanne was throttling some jobber monster and i was taken aback by it’s fluidity. She was properly thicc and properly deadly. That was dope. The first three episodes of this show have no Roxanne and even less of that high quality action. I remember that it took a while for the manga to catch up and start doing things but, after three episodes, dude just bought her. That means they’re wither about to cut out a ton of content to get the plot rolling, world building stuff like the buying of their house or the explanation of the other Labyrinths, or they won’t and this thing is going to be a slog with dog tits occasionally. Like, there is no reason why the murder of all those bandits should have been so underwhelming but it was.
Danmachi IV
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I was a massive shill for the first season of this show. It was animated with care and really resonated on a character level. I remember watching Bell overcome that Minotaur and feeling thing about it. Like, i legit had a moment and, to this day, every time i see that sh*t, it hits me right in the feels. I have not felt the same about this show since then. I’ve watched every season, every special, and while they are entertaining, this series has never been able to capture the same intensity i felt in that one episode from so long ago. It’s wild to say that out loud because i generally enjoy these characters. Hell, my favorite one, Haruhime, was the catalyst of the principal conflict for and was added at the end of, season two. I still don’t care. I’m watching season four more because I'm basically committed at this point as opposed to actually enjoying the show anymore. We’re only one episode into season IV at the time of this essay so we’ll see how this shakes out.
Black Summoner
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This one was a surprise. I did not expect Kuro no Shoukanshi to get an adaption. I literally JUST picked this manga up, read the first four chapters, and then powered through the rest over the course of three days. It’s exceptional and i highly recommend getting into it. I was literally going to write a whole essay about my love for this book and then, quite by accident, i stumbled on the anime. It is top tier. The animation, the characterization, the world building; All of it is on point. We’re three episodes in so far and i am having the best time with it.
The Devil is a Part-Timer II
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Listen, the first season was a surprise for me. I ended u enjoying ti way more than i thought i would and was mad bummed out that it never got the return it earned. Like, that first season earned a second and then nothing. For years. All of a sudden, there’s this resurgence of shows that died a painful death. I got a second season for Tanya the Evil and even BLEACH is coming back to finish what Kubo couldn’t in the manga. I’ve only watched one episode so far, there’s two available, but this thing feels like it hasn’t lost a step. Part-Timer was one of my favorites when it aired the first time and, so far, this one is stacking up to be just as endearing.
Overlord IV
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Of the top, Overlord IV is my “must see.” I love Ainz and his rag tag band of misfit monsters. I’ve loved them since the very beginning all those years ago. Literally anytime there is an adaption to be released, I'm on it, even if the quality is a little lacking. Lord Momunga and Rimuru Tempest have that in common, actually. Season II was a bit of a let down, if i recall, but IV is ramping up to be something special. We’re three episodes in and i am having a goddamn blast. The first episode was a little rough around the edges in terms of animation, most episodes coming back from such a long hiatus tend to be, but this show has continued to get better with each, successive, outing. We Albedo fans are eating good!
That’s it for the current Summer season of anime. There are a few that i am still curious about but haven’t officially started to watch. Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer, The Maid I Hired Recently Is Mysterious, and Lycoris Recoil all look interesting and i might pick them up as the season progresses. We’ll see. I already have a full plate with eight shows on the watch list. That’s the most I've had in probably a decade. However, this entire year has been solid as f*ck for anime and i wanted to just highlight a few standouts that have made an impression since the Winter season.
Spy x Family
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Its rare that i say this but the hype for Spy x Family is real as f*ck. I mean, Yor replaced Marin as the “It Girl” fairly quickly but the show, itself, matched Sono Bisque in quality, too. I was mad surprised by how much i ended up enjoying this thing and i wanted to drop it after the first episode! I am so glad i didn’t because this thing turned out to be one of the best anime i have ever had the pleasure of experiencing.
My Dress Up Darling
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Look, i loved this show, alright? It’s adorable, gorgeously animated, and the sweetest f*cking thing I've seen since Ore Monogatari. Most people don’t know this about me but i am a sucker for a cute love story, man. I’ve been a closest CLAMP fan for decades and absolutely adore Chi from Chobits. Marin gives her a run for her money as top tier dandere material. Plus, i mean, the narrative is so endearing. It captures what it feels like to be so youthful and energetic about life. The passion Gojou and Marin have for their hobbies mirrors my own when it comes to writing and art. I absolutely identify with that.
Skeleton Knight In Another World
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Gaikotsu Kishi-sama, Tadaima Isekai e Odekake-chuu got an anime adaption and it was everything i dreamed of. It feels a lot like TenSura but i am fine with that, I love me some Slime which makes it very easy to love me some Bones. I generally enjoyed the cuts and changes made to the narrative i remember from the manga, too. It’s the same plot just kind of remixed a little bit, to make it more palatable to a wider audience. In all honesty, I'm a little surprised this one didn’t have more backlash because there are some notes that can be seen as problematic here in the States. Hopefully, we get a second season with this one because i rather enjoyed my time with Skeleton Knight.
It’s as if the new year started and Japan decided to drop a constant blaze of hot fire. I mean, these three are just the cream of the crop for me but there are a ton of other shows that i ended up checking out, most of which I'll circle back around and finish later. Summer Time Rendering, The Executioner and Her Way of Life, The Rising of the Shield Hero II, Life With an Ordinary Guy Who Reincarnated Into a Total Fantasy Knockout, Bastard!!, and I’m Quitting Heroing, all could have made this short list but i wanted to highlight these three specifically because, goddamn, were they excellent! And the year isn’t even over! I mentioned the return of my darling Tanya Degurechaff and Ichicgo Kurosaki, but Mappa is putting something special together for their Chainsaw Man adaption and i cannot wait! 2022 just might go down as one of the best years in anime, ever!
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smokeybrand · 2 years
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Another season of anime is upon us an i am surprised by how much I've been enjoying it. Like, this year, so far, is on of the best in recent memory. It feels like that we’ve finally found a bit of normalcy after the Great Plague the still continues to Plague. It’s been some time since I've written one of these, mostly because there wasn’t anything that’s really caught my eye, but this season, i ended up following a decent amount of shows. So, for the first time in probably years, i wanted to take some time and give a heads up to the content on my ever-growing list of anime recommendations this season. There might be a few from last on here, too, because some of those were really good, too. My Dress Up Darling, I'm looking at you!
Uncle From Another World
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Isekai Ojisan was one that i was curious about for a bit. I am a passing fan of the manga and have been following it for years. I didn’t see how that thing would translate to TV but, i must say, i am happily incorrect. Uncle is f*cking hilarious. I think that the actual kineticism of animation lends itself to the slapstick and exaggerated humor of those old comic panels. This thing was made for top quality animation and, so far, that’s exactly what we’re getting. This sh*t ain’t Mappa, UFOtable, or Madhouse levels fluid but it’s much better than it has any right to be, making this one of the better looking shows of the season so far.
Vermeil in Gold
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Vermeil is a mixed bag for me so far. The manga is rather action packed and has a bombshell of a main heroine but, so far, the show is a little lacking. It’s gorgeously animated, it have to be to capitalize on the sex-in-heels that is Vermeil, but the plot is cliche as f*ck. It does get better, recently there have been a few revelations in the book that have kept my attention, but that doesn’t fee like something we’ll get to in one season, which is concerning. Vermeil is a slow burn and it’s wildly derivative of the content coming out today. I’m a fan of the manga so I'm trying my best to hang on but i can’t see this thing picking up enough steam to keep me interested for an entire season. It' a shame because this feels like a throwback anime from the late Nineties or early Aughts. I miss that sh*t. Still, the show is mad pretty to look at, not even going to lie about that.
Call of the Night
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Song of the Night Walkers is everything i hoped it would be. It’s animated beautifully, has a spot on voice cast, and looks unique enough to stand out as pure art. I love this show but i was already going into it as a fan of the book. It was a soft sell for me to tune into Nazuna and Kou’s weekly midnight madness but then to see this thing delivered with such attention to detail? Bro, if Overlord didn’t exist, this one would be my anime of the season, easy. It’s wild to say that out loud because i can’t stand Dagashi Kashi at all and Call is written by the same author. That said, i am a sucker for vampires so that might play into it a little bit. Probably.
Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World
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So this is the one that is rather... polarizing for me. I am a massive fan of the manga version of Slave Harem. I don’t think i like the show all that much, though. The preview of this show made the animation look amazing. Roxanne was throttling some jobber monster and i was taken aback by it’s fluidity. She was properly thicc and properly deadly. That was dope. The first three episodes of this show have no Roxanne and even less of that high quality action. I remember that it took a while for the manga to catch up and start doing things but, after three episodes, dude just bought her. That means they’re wither about to cut out a ton of content to get the plot rolling, world building stuff like the buying of their house or the explanation of the other Labyrinths, or they won’t and this thing is going to be a slog with dog tits occasionally. Like, there is no reason why the murder of all those bandits should have been so underwhelming but it was.
Danmachi IV
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I was a massive shill for the first season of this show. It was animated with care and really resonated on a character level. I remember watching Bell overcome that Minotaur and feeling thing about it. Like, i legit had a moment and, to this day, every time i see that sh*t, it hits me right in the feels. I have not felt the same about this show since then. I’ve watched every season, every special, and while they are entertaining, this series has never been able to capture the same intensity i felt in that one episode from so long ago. It’s wild to say that out loud because i generally enjoy these characters. Hell, my favorite one, Haruhime, was the catalyst of the principal conflict for and was added at the end of, season two. I still don’t care. I’m watching season four more because I'm basically committed at this point as opposed to actually enjoying the show anymore. We’re only one episode into season IV at the time of this essay so we’ll see how this shakes out.
Black Summoner
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This one was a surprise. I did not expect Kuro no Shoukanshi to get an adaption. I literally JUST picked this manga up, read the first four chapters, and then powered through the rest over the course of three days. It’s exceptional and i highly recommend getting into it. I was literally going to write a whole essay about my love for this book and then, quite by accident, i stumbled on the anime. It is top tier. The animation, the characterization, the world building; All of it is on point. We’re three episodes in so far and i am having the best time with it.
The Devil is a Part-Timer II
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Listen, the first season was a surprise for me. I ended u enjoying ti way more than i thought i would and was mad bummed out that it never got the return it earned. Like, that first season earned a second and then nothing. For years. All of a sudden, there’s this resurgence of shows that died a painful death. I got a second season for Tanya the Evil and even BLEACH is coming back to finish what Kubo couldn’t in the manga. I’ve only watched one episode so far, there’s two available, but this thing feels like it hasn’t lost a step. Part-Timer was one of my favorites when it aired the first time and, so far, this one is stacking up to be just as endearing.
Overlord IV
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Of the top, Overlord IV is my “must see.” I love Ainz and his rag tag band of misfit monsters. I’ve loved them since the very beginning all those years ago. Literally anytime there is an adaption to be released, I'm on it, even if the quality is a little lacking. Lord Momunga and Rimuru Tempest have that in common, actually. Season II was a bit of a let down, if i recall, but IV is ramping up to be something special. We’re three episodes in and i am having a goddamn blast. The first episode was a little rough around the edges in terms of animation, most episodes coming back from such a long hiatus tend to be, but this show has continued to get better with each, successive, outing. We Albedo fans are eating good!
That’s it for the current Summer season of anime. There are a few that i am still curious about but haven’t officially started to watch. Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer, The Maid I Hired Recently Is Mysterious, and Lycoris Recoil all look interesting and i might pick them up as the season progresses. We’ll see. I already have a full plate with eight shows on the watch list. That’s the most I've had in probably a decade. However, this entire year has been solid as f*ck for anime and i wanted to just highlight a few standouts that have made an impression since the Winter season.
Spy x Family
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Its rare that i say this but the hype for Spy x Family is real as f*ck. I mean, Yor replaced Marin as the “It Girl” fairly quickly but the show, itself, matched Sono Bisque in quality, too. I was mad surprised by how much i ended up enjoying this thing and i wanted to drop it after the first episode! I am so glad i didn’t because this thing turned out to be one of the best anime i have ever had the pleasure of experiencing.
My Dress Up Darling
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Look, i loved this show, alright? It’s adorable, gorgeously animated, and the sweetest f*cking thing I've seen since Ore Monogatari. Most people don’t know this about me but i am a sucker for a cute love story, man. I’ve been a closest CLAMP fan for decades and absolutely adore Chi from Chobits. Marin gives her a run for her money as top tier dandere material. Plus, i mean, the narrative is so endearing. It captures what it feels like to be so youthful and energetic about life. The passion Gojou and Marin have for their hobbies mirrors my own when it comes to writing and art. I absolutely identify with that.
Skeleton Knight In Another World
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Gaikotsu Kishi-sama, Tadaima Isekai e Odekake-chuu got an anime adaption and it was everything i dreamed of. It feels a lot like TenSura but i am fine with that, I love me some Slime which makes it very easy to love me some Bones. I generally enjoyed the cuts and changes made to the narrative i remember from the manga, too. It’s the same plot just kind of remixed a little bit, to make it more palatable to a wider audience. In all honesty, I'm a little surprised this one didn’t have more backlash because there are some notes that can be seen as problematic here in the States. Hopefully, we get a second season with this one because i rather enjoyed my time with Skeleton Knight.
It’s as if the new year started and Japan decided to drop a constant blaze of hot fire. I mean, these three are just the cream of the crop for me but there are a ton of other shows that i ended up checking out, most of which I'll circle back around and finish later. Summer Time Rendering, The Executioner and Her Way of Life, The Rising of the Shield Hero II, Life With an Ordinary Guy Who Reincarnated Into a Total Fantasy Knockout, Bastard!!, and I’m Quitting Heroing, all could have made this short list but i wanted to highlight these three specifically because, goddamn, were they excellent! And the year isn’t even over! I mentioned the return of my darling Tanya Degurechaff and Ichicgo Kurosaki, but Mappa is putting something special together for their Chainsaw Man adaption and i cannot wait! 2022 just might go down as one of the best years in anime, ever!
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beneaththetangles · 2 years
First Impression: Call of the Night
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14-year-old Ko Yamori has it rough. Along with the common issues that most boys his age possess, he’s also fixated on not quite understanding how girls work, especially when it comes to those that take a romantic interest in him. The social stresses of this manifest themselves into an acute case of insomnia, causing our young bro to wander out in the streets of Japan late at night while skipping school during the day. Because who needs MIDDLE SCHOOL, amirite? But during one night trek, he encounters a girl who is infatuated with the night and who is free of inhibitions. The girl, Nazuna Nanakusa, offers to bring Ko back to her place; she has a desire to help insomniacs resolve their issues and offer advice to them. Ko is understandably reluctant, especially after Nazuna suggests that the two of them will sleep in the same futon, but eventually he gives in. As he drifts off, Nazuna reveals her true nature: She’s a vampire, and Ko’s blood is on the menu! However, because Ko hasn’t fallen in love with Natsuna, he hasn’t transformed into a vampire himself. Ko eventually coming to the conclusion that living the #VampireNightLife is right up his alley and much less complicated than dealing with the mortal plane, asks Natsuna to fall in love with him and turn him into a vampire. She is very perturbed at this, being all about that r/VampireChildFree life, yo. However, Ko’s blood is so freaking tasty that she establishes an arrangement—Nazuna will show him the fun of the nightlife and help with his issues, and he’ll lets her drink his blood. If love happens, it happens, but she won’t help the process along. Ko agrees and shenanigans ensue.
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Truth be told, when I was reading Call of the Night (Before I got distracted by stuff like work, more work, even more work, and did I mention work?), I thought it was a really solid story with interesting characters, but didn’t think that it would get an anime adaptation. The thought never crossed my mind. Thankfully the thought crossed someone else’s mind, and they actually did the dawg gone thing and, at least with this first episode, did a great job! I enjoyed this one! The story reminds me a lot of Dagashi Kashi, with a teenager swept into a crazy and wonderful new world by an eccentric female character who changes his whole way of thinking. I suppose it’s no surprise since that series and Call of the Night share the same mangaka! You can tell by the character designs; Ko looks like he could be Kokonotsu Shikada’s little brother, and Nazuna is pretty much Hotaru if you swap her love of candy for love of blood. Hey, whatever floats your proverbial boat.
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The Opening Title sequence is…well…it’s amazing. The song “Daten” by Creepy Nuts is an absolute BOP and the animation sequence that goes with it is excellent. This could very well be the best OP of the season, if not the year! It has an “Alice in Wonderland” feel, as we see Ko fall and fly through different worlds and rooms, being pulled by Nazuna. And the fakeout where you think the song is done but it goes into another chorus—brilliant!
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So where does that leave us? Simple. Call of the Night is off to a PRODIGIOUS start, and I look forward to seeing where this story leads us. It’s an absolute follow for me and I do believe you’ll enjoy watching the story of the boy dancing with the devil vampire in the pale moonlight.
*By the way, HiDive, if you’re reading this, please, for the love of all that is good and holy in the world, do something about your website. While I was writing my first impression and procuring screen captures, the viewer kept crashing over and over again, and it got so bad that I had to switch to the app on my iPad in order to finish the episode! Come on, guys! I’m gonna need you to do better!
Call of the Night can be viewed on HiDive…maybe…if you’re lucky…if the hamster didn’t fall of the wheel.
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niwawings15 · 5 years
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Sorry about the clipped text. My notebook is too big for my scanner. But you can see the important bits. This is a what would my chars find at a thrift store.
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blackbear4110 · 6 years
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Been meaning to post this for a while. I started this back in May during the MerMay challenge for @niwawings15.
I totally used her art as a reference for the poses and facial expressions so I can’t take credit for this amazing bro tussle: http://niwawings15.tumblr.com/image/170168630535 I just tweaked a few things to make them mers.
This was tons of fun to draw! I think it’s the first time I’ve ever drawn four chars in the same drawing. And the expressions were fun to draw, too.
Hopefully I’m allowed to make more fan art of these guys in the future. XD;
Kashi Bros © niwawings15
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oishirecipe · 3 years
Gtdamn I wanna redraw Buster Bros as this cover of GAME .... What would we do if I did
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theninjamouse · 3 years
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Hope everyone had a fun Easter! And if you don't celebrate it, I hope it was a lovely day regardless
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go-saeng · 4 years
omg treasure debuted😭😭😭
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chrisbangs · 5 years
💛🥰💞🌷🥂🖤🌙 kashi!!!! i received your package and i was so overwhelmed by your love 🥺💞🏹 !!! and i’m sending back a package (💛🌙🌷💞🌧🍄🌱✨☔️🍯💛🧡💘💗🥂) for you !! i hope it reaches you safely my gumdrop !!!
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Rana Kashi Rana
Hold My Hand, Bro!
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