#rida kashi son
niwawings15 · 5 years
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Sorry about the clipped text. My notebook is too big for my scanner. But you can see the important bits. This is a what would my chars find at a thrift store.
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niwawings15 · 5 years
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Introducing the Kashi bros. At the very top I was given a challenge of drawing a char who would put more toppings then ice cream for a sundae.
Below that is David. He’s the youngest. He’s a prankster, people person, and a social butterfly.
To his right is Nickolas. He’s dry, no nonsense, family doctor, intelligent and an old man at heart.
Bottom left is Tobias. He’s second oldest. He’s a protector, mother hen, fighter, hot head, awkward and grumpy.
Bottom right is Rida. He’s the oldest. He’s bland, a closet weeb, and the leader of the four.
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niwawings15 · 5 years
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Some challenges I did
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niwawings15 · 5 years
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These are mostly random ocs. At the top is Colbey who is a fanchar of @enjoliquej ‘s world. Below him is bad drawings of Rida who is from my story wimh. To the right of them is Colbey’s griffin, Sable.
On the second page is the grinch. And next to him is a fan character named Morgan Stark. I’d love to do more of him with Peter Parker and tony stark. The cat bat is a Hebzos Hyqqeuq which is a creature from my story wimh. Then there’s the tall grumpy alien Sno from Nuo. At the far right was someone asking me if I could draw a round Santa Claus. At the far bottom is a floater character named Jim who is a cyborg cook.
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niwawings15 · 6 years
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Trying to work on my business card back and I decided to redo a picture I did a while back. I don’t like this one either, but I’m in a rush so I can’t do it again at the moment. 
Here’s the original: http://niwawings15.tumblr.com/post/171033215575/heres-an-environment-i-did-inspired-by-lily-pads
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niwawings15 · 6 years
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Some more work doodles. Me trying to get face shapes more unique. Also drawing my new kitty Mayworth for the first time. It’ll take a while before I get his markings down XP
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niwawings15 · 6 years
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So....would you guys be interested in any wimh merch? Or like.....anything at all of my stuff? I am willing to make it and put it through Redbubble and such! I even have some already made things, but I’m still trying to figure out how to sell my old stuff.
As for right now! I’m putting up being able to buy these.
I made this a while back for some friends and gave them as tshirts for christmas. Granted it was EARLY christmas, but it was christmas. If you guys want to buy anything I’d super appreciate it! If you have any requests for me to make things to buy please send me a message or an ask! 
I’ll admit it might take some time since I’ve got a wrecked shoulder at the moment, but I will get to work on whatever it is as soon as possible so long as it’s appropriate. 
Love ya guys! I hope God blesses you all this week!
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niwawings15 · 7 years
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*SLAMS COMIC DOWN* SO!! This I have been working on for a while. And I’ve been wanting to do for ages. Rida is the weeaboo of his family, but he rarely talks about it (he’s a little embarrassed about it.) But all his brothers know full well what he is. So they got him this tshirt. When his father, Kashi, sees him wearing it he asks for an explanation in which who can explain to parents the things of tumblr? I actually finished this last sunday, but then I had this brilliant idea to shade it and with work I don’t have all the time in the world to draw. Hope you like it and share it! Rida hopes you don’t to save his embarrassment. XD
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niwawings15 · 7 years
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I love saturdays! I can spend most of the day just doodling away. This is the next thing in the post I replogged ages ago (http://niwawings15.tumblr.com/post/161211524930/youwillbeinmyheartdisney-faces-from-atlantis-the ). Sequel to what I posted yesterday. ( http://niwawings15.tumblr.com/post/165133551870/so-a-long-time-back-i-reblogged-a-bunch-of-screen )
From Left to right and top to bottom the chars are: Rida, Xander, Kashi, Sereh, Sereh, David, Nickolas, Kaye, David
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niwawings15 · 7 years
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So uh....Here’s Master Kashi. He’s the one who raised the Kashi bros. So Rida, Tobias, Nickolas, and David are his sons. This isn’t exactly how I see him, but it’s closer than the last one I did of him ages ago. 
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niwawings15 · 7 years
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Doing a project that’s driving me a bit batty. So I went through my pinterest clothing refs and kinda doodled my chars in the clothes. I did tweak them a bit. Lulu is at the top. Then Kaye. And Rida and Tobias at the bottom. The only piece that would be realistic in these is Tobias in the coat. 
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niwawings15 · 7 years
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Say hello to Busstop drama! The first to appear is Nickolas. He often takes the bus places and he often sees other people who take the bus like him. In this instance he meets a girl who is having a bad day and is caught out in the rain. Due to circumstances, Nick isn’t really supposed to be seen or make acquaintances, so by the end of this he ends up walking home in the rain to avoid getting to know this stranger. I thought it was a cute little comic short, but what do you guys think? Also in the last panel are all of Nick’s brother’s. From left to right it’s Rida, Nickolas, Tobias, and David (Who was in the Cheesy Burger comic I did.) Don’t hesitate to send me questions if you would like! This might not be canon in their story for the umbrella thing, but *shrugs* I’m considering it atm.  (Also I had another idea for the shot of the last scene, but it would be a lot of work. If you guys want it and I get enough people wanting a different shot from the last page I will draw it out for you guys! owo)
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niwawings15 · 7 years
Please talk about them!!! I love hearing about other people's characters and worlds!!
Okay I’ll give a quick summary of my stories. If you want more you’ll have to ask for specifics.
The World In My Heart(WIMH): This is my story with Kaye Storyteller, Tobias Kashi-son, Rida Kashi-son, Nickolas Kashi-son, and David Kashi-son. Along with hundreds of other chars who I have posted and not posted.
The story begins with Kaye who is a normal high schooler. She is a closet writer. One day she is attacked and kidnapped by some ninja. They find she is not the person they were looking for. They get dragged into another universe where a girl who looks just like Kaye is threatening to poison the entire water system for the Earth. This dimension is full of imaginaries who seem to think Kaye is a hero. Kaye and the Kashi bros have to fight this villain and defeat her before she poisons the world water supply. They later find imaginaries are turning evil and they have to figure out why. They meet lots of people and have lots of adventures!! This story has a ton of spoilers, so it might seem a bit bland with the non spoiler summary.
The Strength Within(TSW): This is my story about an inventor girl named Sereh Traisworth. She is very gifted and strives to make inventions to better mankind. She finds herself running from a group of people who want to use her gifts to hurt people. She takes off after making some mistakes and spends a long time on the run. After a long period she meets some people from another dimension who take her to a place that is hard for the people chasing her to find her. She starts to recover and starts to invent to help a boy who is losing his sight named Xander. She makes some friends with a girl name Lulu and a clock fixer by the name of Travis. The group chasing her eventually finds her but Sereh is well protected, so they send someone to try to befriend her. Sereh has adventures in trying to escape the group without leaving the place she has decided is her home.
The Next Universe Over(NUO): This story is set in an alien universe which is one over from ours. It is a shared story with @enjoliquej The story consists of a couple storylines and characters. The main story is about a girl from a planet a lot like Earth. This girl is a high schooler named Clara Rodriguez. One day she is teleported onto an alien ship and is told that she has to speak for her planet. She is shoved into the universe’s high council to speak for her planet while she is still processing that aliens exist. She somehow manages to convince the council to not let her planet get taken over, but she has to stay to speak for her planet permanently or risk it getting taken over later. After almost getting hurt by someone she is assigned a perky bodyguard named Sno. Sno takes her job seriously, but her short attention span gets her into trouble. Clara and Sno go around with the council and meet many aliens. Some good, some bad, some inbetween. 
These are my main stories. I have a couple other shared stories and small mini stories. I’m open to any questions! If there’s anything I’ve missed you want to hear about please just send an ask! I might even send you a scrib! Thank you @allieinarden for sending in this ask!
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