#karedevil masterlist
themculibrary · 9 months
Matt Murdock/Karen Page (Karedevil) Masterlist
5 Times Karen Gave Matt His Drink Back and the 1 Time She Didn’t (ao3) - randomfandommusings6 T, 8k
Summary: Exactly what the title says: a 5+1 Karedevil fic.
A New Year's Eve to Remember (ao3) - josiesbar T, 3k
Summary: Foggy convinces Karen and Matt to come to the Nelson New Year's Eve Party.
Bated Breath (ao3) - karedeviltrash M, 46k
Summary: A step forward is suddenly interrupted by an unfortunate event.
Breakable Heaven (ao3) - irelandhoneybee T, 3k
Summary: Matt has been so busy he hasn't realized he's been neglecting Karen, who never expected to be discussing her sexual frustrations with Foggy, who will more than likely need a stiff drink after dealing with these idiots.
By your side (ao3) - Stephics T, 4k
Summary: Karen needs to travel urgently to her hometown (Vermont). Foggy is unable to accompany her, so she has to go with Matt as her last resort. How will things turn out?
Carry Your Heart (ao3) - irelandhoneybee T, 12k
Summary: Foggy and Marci are getting married. Matt and Karen are both members of the wedding party and find themselves growing closer and closer
Checkmate (ao3) - LilyEllison M, 27k
Summary: Investigative reporter Karen Page is annoyed when she’s assigned a fluff piece about a new company that claims to do DNA matchmaking. She thinks the technology sounds like bullshit, and she plans an exposé so customers won’t get scammed. All she has to do is prove some guy named Matt Murdock isn’t her soulmate. Easy, right?
coulda, shoulda, woulda (ao3) - LilyEllison T, 5k
Summary: Prompt from LadyMaigrey: "Matt asking Karen out for the first date post-S3. It could have gone like this / It should have gone like this / But it actually happened like this."
Deep into the Abyss (ao3) - LittleDidTheyKnow E, 35k
Summary: Matt Murdock tries to put his life back together after the series of poor decisions he made during the Punisher trial and his conflict with the Hand. Just when he thinks he's repaired what's been broken, his worst fear is realized.
He finds himself back on the road to self-sabotage and must decide if he can live with the pain he's experienced and find a way to move on, or spiral into a life of solitude.
deja vu (ao3) - LilyEllison M, 11k
Summary: When the fledgling Devil of Hell’s Kitchen meets a local bookshop owner, sparks fly. But what happens when you fall for someone while wearing a mask?
AU. Roughly corresponds to just before Season 1 in show time (for Matt, at least). Written for the Daredevil Exchange 2022 New Year Fanweek, Day 1: The City.
Don’t go where I can’t find you (ao3) - Persehfone G, 800
Summary: Karen didn’t know how many blocks she ran in the rain, but by the time she reached Matt’s apartment she was soaked wet and out of breath
New Beginnings (ao3) - josiesbar T, 13k
Summary: This takes place shortly after season 3. Nelson, Murdock, and Page begin their new law firm. Karen struggles with her feelings for Matt and guilt over past events.
No One in the Streets (ao3) - Meinhiding G, 1k
Summary: Matt and Karen's life during NYC's lockdown.
Objections (ao3) - LilyEllison T, 7k
Summary: Now that they’ve got Nelson, Murdock and Page up and running, Karen is determined to just be friends with Matt. That's the responsible, grown-up business owner thing to do. But if everyone could please stop hitting on him right in front of her, that would be great. (Not that she cares, of course. It’s just ... well, maybe she cares.)
Plus One (ao3) - Meinhiding G, 6k
Summary: Foggy helps Matt reading him his emails. He takes the opportunity to develop a plan to make Karedevil happen.
Starting Over (ao3) - josiesbar T, 10k
Summary: Karen has been trying to deal with all the loss in her life and keep Fisk from getting out of prison, but everything changes when she finds out Matt is alive.
The Closing Curtain (ao3) - Meinhiding E, 3k
Summary: Karen and Matt keep dreaming about being together but they do nothing about it. Foggy is getting tired of their show and gives them a boost.
The Thanksgiving Set-Up (ao3) - Eva_Swan T, 5k
Summary: Foggy, Marci and Maggie had a brilliant idea. Matt and Karen were too stubborn to admit their feelings to each other, so they would set them up with other people... to bring them together. This Thanksgiving would be the best. (Post season 3)
we'll have the same dream (ao3) - clarineta T, 4k
Summary: "And it was nice outside, a nice winter evening, and when he suggested a walk instead of a cab, she didn’t say no. He held his hand against the small of her back as they got out into the street, always finding little ways to touch her, hold her arm, touch her shoulder. She would never complain."
Karen and Matt take a long late night Christmas walk.
"You could come up, if you'd like..." (ao3) - Pikkulef M, 7k
Summary: Litterally, what would have happened if Matt had not been a damn coward and had trusted Karen.
24 notes · View notes
skyfallslayer · 3 months
They're Gonna Taste My Venom
-The DD Trio x Symbiote!Teen!Reader-
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Main Masterlist || Part Two || Part Three
🕷️Summary: Due to their expansion in their business, the trio decides to hire a helping hand to help string things along. The girl is… a little quirky, Karen admits, Or Foggy notices she’s a bottomless pit for snacks, Or that Matt can hear her talking to herself quietly sometimes. But it’s nothing they can’t handle– Oh, no! Now she just bit someone’s hand off, she’s speaking in a deeper tone, and she’s apologizing profusely as she hangs from the ceiling. She might be way out of their league after all.
🕷️Pairings: DD Trio x Platonic!Teen Reader; Karedevil; Foggy x Marci; Teen!Reader x Platonic!Venom
🕷️Rating: Teen-Mature
🕷️Word Count: 6,305
🕷️ Date: 2/21/24
🕷️Warnings: Implied Bad Homelife; Mention of Blood; Canon-Typical Violence; Interrogation; Kidnapping; (Underage) Drugging; Heavy Language; Heavy Dialogue; Mention of Cannibalism; Mention of Body Parts Being Torn Off; Mention of Eating Someone/Biting Off A Limb (Via: Symbiote). READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!
🕷️ A/N: Hello, dear readers! Welcome to my three part series of an idea that I have no idea where it came from. Lol. Seriously, this strange AU just popped into my head and I was like- "Man, maybe I should make that my next fic?". And BAM! Here it is! Hopefully it's good as I imagine it would be. Enjoy!
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These past twelve months have been… something else. The snap that lasted for five years messed up everything that the troublesome trio worked for, which was to rebrand their business: Nelson, Murdock & Page. But hey, I guess in a… morbid(?) sickly? depressed? way, it did work out in the end. Business was pretty much booming, especially now that everyone who blipped was trying to get their homes or anything else they own back under their names and care. Now, not to toot their own horns, but they say they’re pretty good at multitasking. 
They weren’t.
As they get busier with each passing day, the trio realizes that they’re stretching themselves so far thin that it’s starting to affect them. So after some intense conversations, they decided to hire a helping hand.
Y/N L/N. 
Their new assistant that was just shy of seventeen and on her way to graduating high school. She was nervous, of course, when they first met her, but the nerves soon settled and she turned out to be a very charming person that they all agree they loved to have in the office. She was extremely helpful and willing to learn, always on her toes when they needed something, always organized and had everything ready when they had a case or a client coming in. None of them could ask for a better person in the position. Even though the girl was… 
Kind of quirky.
Like she always prefers it cold, no matter what the temperature is. Karen notices she was barely wearing anything when they first met. It was in the middle of winter, and the girl was just wearing an oversize sweatshirt and a thin beanie. At first a bit of a motherly instinct took over and wondered if the poor girl just didn’t have anything to wear at home, or maybe couldn’t afford anything. Y/N eventually apologized and laughed saying that she just prefers this weather more than the heat. But despite that, Karen did gift her a warmer coat that the teen decided to wear (even if it felt forced).
“Oh, you didn’t have to do that Miss Page.” Y/N said once she was handed over the nice coat. 
“Please, I insist. I know you said you like the cold, but I would rather not see you sick.” Karen said, as the girl smiles and nods, promising to wear it until Spring.
Then it was the food. Now, Franklin Percy “Foggy” Nelson loved to eat just like any other person out there. But if there was an eating competition to suddenly spawn inside his office he would surely lose to his assistant. The kid was… a freaking bottomless pit. Just as Karen had suspected Y/N might be on the poor side, Foggy thought the same when he brought take out for lunch and the kid nearly ate everything on the table. She did it in a mannerful way but still (He’s surprised she didn’t inhale the table). So out of worriedness he started bringing her lunch, and the one day he forgot, she brought her own “five course” meal of sandwiches and sides.
“Maybe… she’s just a growing kid.” Karen once said as he shook his head.
“Don’t girls go through puberty early? There’s no way Y/N’s still growing.” He boasted as the blonde tried another excuse that he shot down quickly. “Nope! Matt! Can’t you tell?”
“Foggy, Matt is not about to smell nor hear if the poor girl is going through puberty!”
“Karen, come on–”
The conversation ended up being wrapped up and placed in the back of the shelf for now, but occasionally it’ll come up when the girl polishes off something huge by herself (And everytime Karen proceeds to hit Foggy over the head with her shoe as Matt tries not to laugh).
Then there was the human lie detector, Matt Murdock and his tales of Miss L/N. When he first met her of course he was a little on edge, I mean he was still learning to not leave his guard up all the time after promising Foggy and Karen he was going to do better and be trustworthy. The girl was nervous during the interview, but managed to win over their hearts about halfway through yet…
Matt couldn’t shake what his senses were picking up.
On her first day of work she seemed cool as a cucumber, nothing to worry about. However her heartbeat was… strange. It was pulsing like any other healthy human being, but there were times where it would randomly accelerate. Like she would just be stapling papers together and it would pick up speed like a racehorse. A few times he feared she was having a heart attack before it went away. 
The other thing he notices, and to follow Karen’s observation, the girl does tend to run rather hot. And when she does she would either shed off an extra layer or turn the tiny fan on her desk in the middle of a snow storm. 
Hmm, maybe she’s just a natural furnace. He told himself once, recalling that his father was someone who always seemed to stay warm (but even he wasn’t crazy enough to go outside half dressed in -10 degree weather).
Then lastly, he realizes the girl likes to talk to herself quietly. At first he thought maybe she had an earbud in and was talking to someone, or maybe she was mouthing the lyrics of a song but… no. Sometimes it’s even hard for him to pick up what she’s saying ‘cause she’s so quiet, but the couple times he does hear her it sounds like she’s scolding herself.
Matt tilts his head, slightly zoning out on the conversation him and his partners were having as Y/N was in their kitchenette. From the smell of it she was making herself coffee and muttering and even jerking at something or someone that wasn’t even there.
“Shut up, I’m not eating that– No I’m not– You’re not either.” He hears her eye roll and almost sighs. “You’re not going to die, stop being a baby– Don’t call me the baby, you numbnut– Hey, you fucking bastard, I’ll–”
And then he kind of tuned out when he noticed Foggy was asking him a question.
A million different scenarios went through his head of what it could be. One that he’s just sticking with right now is she’s just a very imaginary kid. The other lingering thoughts weren’t so innocent. Someone’s home life could affect certain things. Maybe it’s–
“So what shall we do to celebrate?” Foggy said out of the blue in the present day. The sun was out shining, the weather was cool and just right, everything was blooming peacefully just as Spring should be. The blond looked between the two perplexed adults before gasping. “Don’t tell me you all forgot?”
Karen glanced in Matt’s direction, lost as well. “Uh, remind us again?” She asked, sheepishly.
“Oh, come on guys! It’s our anniversary!��� He throws his hands in the air. “This marks the full year of the grand reopening of Nelson, Murdock & Page!”
Matt’s eyebrows shot up above his glasses in surprise. “Is it April 24th already?”
“Yeah! A full year, baby! We fucking did it! We brought this extinct beast of a place back to life.” Foggy exclaims, making Karen laugh. “We need to celebrate.”
“And how so, Mr. Nelson?” The woman asked, curious to what he had to say.
“That’s what I’m trying to find out. Maybe a nice dinner and a club.”
“Aren’t we too old for clubbing?”
He raises an eyebrow. “Who says that?”
“Says the guy who pulled his hamstring running up the stairs.” Matt quips with a grin, as Karen hides another laugh in her hand. 
“Half-Joking.” Then he perks up. “Y/N is here.”
“Already?” Foggy looks at his watch. “She’s really early.”
“Do you think something’s wrong?” Karen asked, mother henning again. “Matt?”
“I’m not picking up on anything.” The blind lawyer replies, truthfully. “She’s coming. Relax.”
The teenager opens the door, her usual blouse and skirt with her backpack on her shoulder. She looked like she was in thought as she greets them with a smile. “Good morning.”
“Morning.” Matt and Karen greet in unison as Foggy cracks the ice.
“Hey, Y/N/N. You’re early.” 
“Uh, yeah, sorry. My building’s power went off and I couldn’t cook anything so I just went to a diner. Guess I overestimated how much time I needed to eat.” She replies, her heart steady. “Is it okay if I start early?”
“That’s fine, there’s probably not much to do though.” Matt says, as she sets her stuff down on her desk.
“Whatever you got I’ll do.”
Foggy’s concern washes away and goes back to his bubbly self. “Are you free tonight, Y/N?”
“Um… yeah. Why?”
“Well, today marks our anniversary of getting this place up and running again and we want to celebrate with maybe dinner at least. Our treat.”
“Dinner?” The teenager looks concerned. “Are you sure it’s okay for me to tag along? I’m just your assistant.”
“Nah, don’t use that talk.” He waves her off. “You’ve helped us a lot these past few months. You’re one of us. Right, guys?”
“Of course she is.” Karen said, her red lips curling upwards. “We would be all over the place if you hadn’t helped organize when we got so overwhelmed.”
“And customers are always complimenting you on how wonderful you are with them.” Matt adds, making the teenager blush.
“Yeah, kiddo. You’re great.” Foggy says, throwing his arm around her with pride. “Keep this up for a few more months and… maybe we’ll add your name to the plaque.” 
She laughed. “Your business will officially be a mouthful to remember.”
“Hey, it was mouthful before Karen came in, we might as well keep rolling with it.” He shrugs. “So what do you say? Dinner at least?”
“I can do dinner.”
“Fantastic! Where shall we go?”
And that was pretty much the only thing they talked about for the rest of the day.
“Are you sure this is the right address?” Foggy asked for the third time tonight as he hitched along for the ride. He was the person you called a… backseat driver (but he has every right to do so at this point).
“Yes, Foggy. I’m just following the directions on my phone.” Karen replies, slightly irritated, but also a little bit worried (like she’ll admit that to him just yet).
“‘Cause this is a really bad neighbourhood.”
“I know, Foggy.”
“Is it really that bad?” Matt asked, after listening to his surroundings. He didn’t really hear that much going on outside the vehicle.
“It’s… extremely sketchy.” Foggy says, with a sigh. “It’s like one of those places they tell you not to go after dark.”
“That bad?”
“Yeah, and we close pretty late. Do we really make Y/N walk through this?”
Matt’s eyebrows raise up, amusement on his face. “Sounds like someone’s going to be her chauffeur soon.”
“Don’t tempt me, Matthew. I’d consider. Or we all pitch in and buy her a car.”
“Sure she knows how to drive?”
“Or better question–” Karen cuts in while making another turn. “Maybe you should talk to her parents first about this concern before we start gifting our assistant with stuff? Maybe she’s not allowed to have a car? Or even to drive?”
“What seventeen year old isn’t allowed to drive?” Foggy asked, confused.
“I mean, I wasn’t allowed to drive at all until I was an adult.”
“What? Why?”
“Foggy I was what you called uh… ‘wild child’, I’m not exactly a saint you know.”
Foggy sighs and flicks his attention to the backseat. “Matt, would you have driven a car if you could?”
“Who says I haven’t?” The blind man replies with a grin that made Foggy not want to question it.
The blond man throws his hands up. “I give up. Naysayers, all of you.”
“What are we ‘naysaying’?” Karen asked, with a chuckle.
“I’m not saying anything.”
“Oh my god.” She shakes her head and parks the car along the curb. Just as she was about to snatch her phone off the dash, a report came up. She quickly reads over the headline and frowns. “Hey, did you hear about those people who disappeared a few days ago? Rumors saying they were special forces?”
“The ones that were going door to door down on 36th?” Matt asked, hearing about it on the news and even word about it at night. Even some criminals he ran into that night thought it was strange and found them suspicious. 
“Yeah, those. Apparently they just turned up. Parts of them.”
Foggy’s face scrunched up. “Ew.”
“Someone hacked them up?” Matt asked, worried about a possible new killer on the loose.
“The strange thing is, no. From what it says here it looks like their limbs were chewed off.”
Foggy made a gagging noise now. “Ugh. Great. Now we have a cannibal in the Kitchen. That’s just great–” He opens the car door. “More reasons to get Y/N a car.” His friends shake their heads and get out also.
“You know, you’ll make a great father one day.” Matt says, getting the middle finger.
The three of them buzzed themselves into the building, going up to the second floor to the third apartment in. It wasn’t as luxurious as the apartment Foggy shared with his fiancée, but it was definitely on the same level as Matt’s: -Not-in-the-safest-of-places-and-was-the-“cheapest”-on-the-block- They definitely felt wary of wearing their nice and expensive clothes out here.
Karen was the one who knocked and got a response.
“She’s alone.” Matt said afterwards, getting the woman to check her watch.
“I guess her parents work the nightshift?” Foggy said, slightly worried. They didn’t get the chance to talk about it when the door swings open. The teenager opens up a nice, simple purple dress paired with a blue jean jacket and flats.
She smiles. “Hope you found the place okay.” She replies, greeting them and locking their door behind her. “Seriously, you guys didn’t have to drive to get me.”
“Oh, we don’t mind.” Karen says, honestly.
“Are we still planning on dinner?”
“Of course. You hungry?” Matt asked, making her laugh out of embarrassment.
“Heck yeah, I am.” She said, making them giggle.
“Well then, after you, Ladies.” He gestures for them to go first.
“Oh, such a gentleman.” Karen replies, starting the trek off, smiling and pulling their assistant along for the ride.  
They started chit chatting about the place they were going to go, Foggy boasting about how good the food was the last time he went (Now frank that was pre-blipped, so fingers crossed it’s still as good as back then). As they started descending down the stairs, Matt’s cane unfortunately got caught into a hole that was forming in the wood and was falling forward. To his surprise, Y/N was the one to react extremely quickly and place her hand on his chest to stop his fall.
“Shit, you okay?” She said, as he regained his balance from her strength.
“Uh, I’m…” And then he trails off when he catches a whiff, the smell of dried blood just beneath her fingertips. The chilling part of this was that it was NOT her blood. He swallows, and forces a smile. “Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks for the catch.”
She frowns apologetically. “I’m sorry, I probably should have warned you about the stairs. They’ve been falling apart for a while. If you stay to the left you’ll miss most of them.”
“Noted.” And then they continued again with Matt being careful…
And it was not just about the stairs.
“Sure I can eat anything?” Y/N asked, as she scanned the menu over again.
“Of course, our treat.” Karen reassures for the hundredth time.
“I know it’s your treat, and I appreciate it. But–” She flips the menu towards them. “Have you seen the dollar signs for this place?”
“Well, I can’t exactly ‘see’ anything.” Matt replies, feeling his assistant give him ‘the look’. He hoped he sounded sarcastic and not rude (he was trying to push away what he smelled earlier and enjoy the night (And not be a paranoid freak again).
“Mr. Murdock–”
“Matt, kiddo.” Foggy says, lightly tapping her shoulder. “How many times did we tell you you can drop the formalities? It’s been months.”
Y/N blushes. “Sorry, habit.” She replies, only to mumble something under her breath two seconds later that everyone kind of ignored. “I’ll shut up and figure out what to eat.”
“That’s the spirit.”
The group eventually ordered their food and soon slipped into a nice conversation. Between some fun exchanges between the law trio or funny memories from their childhoods, it eventually led to laughter.
“I never realized how big your family was, Foggy.” Y/N said, intrigued by the chaos of the Nelson family.
“And I swear it just keeps growing. It’s a little baseball team at this point.” He replies, smiling.
“Does anyone else have a sibling?”
“I had a brother, but he’s passed.” Karen explains, with a sad smile.
“Only child.” Matt replies, with a head tilt.
“What about you, Y/N? Any siblings?”
She shakes her head. “Just myself. I kind of wish I had a sibling though. It does get lonely at home sometimes.”
“Well… it’s not too late to ask your parents for one.” Foggy jokes, half heartedly; It causes Matt to nearly spit out his drink, Karen scolding him and Y/N chuckling behind her hand. “Don’t kill me! It’s just a joke.”
“Franklin Nelson.” Karen warns like she was his nagging mother, and kicks his shin.
“Ouch, Karen, geez.”
Y/N smiles, amused. “I don’t mind, really.”
“But still, most people I meet here want more than one kid. I’m actually surprised you’re an only child, Y/N.” Matt said, being honest, which suddenly got her heart rate to pick up, but not in the racehorse kind of way he had been hearing. The teenager had stayed quiet for a moment before she shrugged, trying to shake it, or them, off.
“My mom’s not really in the picture anymore, not for a long time actually. I just really have my dad, but he’s always working. So, to be honest, I’m on my own. I don’t think he even realizes I have a job.” She replies, taking the last sip of her drink while avoiding eye contact. She could feel the concerned stares on her making her feel uncomfortable.
“Y/N, that’s not right.” Karen said, worriedly.
“It’s… fine. I’m used to it, you know?”
“Just because you’re fine with it, doesn’t mean it is.” Foggy replies, brows pushed together, distress wrinkles forming. “You know, if something’s up or wrong, you can tell us anything. We’re here for you, you know?”
“Not everything though…” She said, frowning (Her heartbeat picking up again, which was enough for Matt to start questioning what she actually means).
Just before anything else could be said, the waiter came over to drop off their refills and took the empty appetizer plate away. “Your food will be out shortly.” He said, and they thanked him.
“Man, I’m starving. The wait better be worth it.” Foggy said, after a second.
“I know, right? I know it’s been awhile, but I don’t remember it taking this long.” Karen admits, stirring the lemon around in her ice tea.
Y/N starts to take a sip of her new drink and pauses, like halted to an immediate stop. Matt picks the way her whole demeanor changes from nervousness to anger, and mutters, “It’s coke. It’s fine…”
What are you hiding, Y/N? Matt wonders as he takes a sip of his own beverage, worried out of his mind for what could be happening to her. What was happening at home that you didn’t even want to talk about it? 
But as soon as that red wine tickled down his throat he immediately knew something was wrong.
He couldn’t even taste it or smell it, but he knew there was something mixed inside that wasn’t supposed to be in there.
He immediately feels all his remaining senses start to go wack and before he could even say a word, Y/N beat him to it.
“Hey! We have to throw up!” She says, shooting up to her wobbly feet. “The drinks were–”
And then she proceeded to crash back into her chair, her face falling onto her dining mat. Karen calls out her name before passing out as well.
“Uh… M-Matt…?” Foggy calls out, struggling to stay awake. “W-what just…”
Matt hears him render unconscious as well and tries to fight it off the best he could, but he knew it was useless when his whole body started to grow numb, and he cussed under his breath from it.
And the last thing he sensed was their waiter standing over their table smiling like the cheshire cat.
When the four of them came to, they all had splitting headaches that made it almost hard to even realize where they were. Tied to individual chairs and under some “interrogation” lighting in some strange, seemingly unknown, building.
“Ugh… where are we?” Karen asked, looking around with a slight squint.
“Warehouse district.” Matt replies, after a split second of analyzing. “I recognized the smell.”
Foggy clears his throat before whispering, “Uh, Matty, might not want to out yourself to our assistant here yet.”
The blind vigilante completely forgot that Y/N didn’t know his secret and held his tongue. Luckily, it seems like she was preoccupied with her worries, making some weird faces only two people present could see. Well… maybe a third now because some random ass man wearing what looks like tactical equipment (minus its helmet) comes in through a door.
Baldy (yeah we’re calling him that) looks disgusted and rather annoyed to even be here, as he stands before each of them before spewing, “Where is it?” 
Yeah, no ‘Hi’, ‘Hello’, or ‘Good Afternoon’, just straight to the fucking point that nobody even knows what it’s about. 
The adults looked at each other, going into overprotective mode.
“Who are you?” Matt asked, ready to start listening for clues (and silently try to get out of his restraints).
“Not any of your business.”
“Why are we here? Why did you need us?”
Baldy said nothing, instead directing his attention to the bound teenager. “Where is it?”
Y/N blinks, clearly confused. “Where is what?”
“The thing.”
Another blink. “What thing?”
His jaw clenches, irritated. “The thing you stole from us.”
She scoffs. “I don’t even know who you are.”
“For fuck’s sake–”
“What is going on?” Foggy cuts in, bitterly. 
“Who are you people?” Karen asked, same expression as his.
“The people who want our stuff back.” Baldy replies, shrilly too. “Our boss has been desperately looking for it ever since it went missing. We know she has it.”
“How do you know she took it?” Karen asked, maternal mode kicking in once more and ready to throw hands if necessary (I mean, did this guy even have any evidence?).
“Her school was required to go on a field trip to our company, and soon after, our… subject disappeared and we know one of those kids took it. Took us a while, but we finally tracked down who it was.” He jabs his finger at the girl. “You.”
“Y/N–” The blonde woman looks her way.
“Subject?” Matt asked, turning the interrogation around. He feels everyones’ gazes on him now as he tries analyzing the situation. “First you say ‘thing’ and now you say ‘subject’. Are you saying Y/N stole a person?”
“Matt–” Foggy warns under his breath, urging him to tread carefully.
“I wouldn’t call it a person.” Baldy said, feeling the blind man’s intense stare.
“Then what is it again?”
“Matt–” Karen tries now.
Baldy holds his tongue. “Listen, Blindly–”
“So what’s this ‘subject’ Y/N supposedly stole?” Matt pressured, feeling the man’s blood spike.
“You need–” He pulls his gun out. “To shut the fuck up.”
“Matt!/Hey!” Karen and Foggy yelled in unison, their racing hearts pouncing in their friend’s ears. But the Murdock stays as calm as he could be, tuning them out to focus on the gun on hand.
“I would hold that spicy tongue of yours, and let ME do the talking.” Baldy continues, getting silence as an answer. “Good. Now–” He redirects the barrel at the teenager. “Talk.”
Y/N’s eyes widened just as the adults started yelling again.
“Hey!” Matt snarled, thinking the gun was going to be trained on him the whole time. He tries giving the most intimidating look he could muster with his blind orbs showing. “Don’t fucking point that at her.”
“Yeah! You really gonna kill a kid?!” Foggy snaps, getting the man’s attention.
“What the fuck’s wrong with you?!” Karen adds, making Baldy’s eye twitch at their comments.
“Listen, motherfuckers.” He snaps, a craze look on his face. “I will do whatever needs to be done. If that includes bathing my hands in red, then so be it.”
She shakes her head, furious. “You’re a sick, twisted, human being, you–”
“I’m sorry…” Y/N blurted out of the blue, suddenly looking really pale and distant. Her boss unknowingly hears her heart start picking up like a rabbit, and her blood pressure starts spiking (not to mention she was starting to run like a furnace).
Badly looks her way again and scoffs. “What? You scared?”
“Not of you, but for you.” She swallows. “You really might not want to point the gun at me, it’s upsetting him.”
He tilts his head, confused. “Upsetting who?”
“You need to leave.” She pleads, her (Y/E/C) eyes starting to change to an odd color.
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“Seriously, leave, please–”
He starts to sweat and presses the gun into her head more. “What are you fucking talking about?!”
“Leave! He’s–” Then her body stood stiff, and her fingers started to twitch, and then… her voice got super deep. “I’m pissed off.”
The trio widened their eyes at how scary and inhuman she sounded, which was enough for Baldy to start panicking, thinking of the worst. 
“Enough with the theatrics!!” He snapped, trying to regain control. “I’m–” 
And then nobody expected this next.
If you told anyone you were going to watch the girl get engulfed in black goo, and a monstrous face to form in her place then they wouldn’t just bat an eye and walk away because it sounded like insanity.
It became even more insane when the face suddenly bit the man’s forearm off clean and swallowed it whole, along with the hand pistol.
An ear piercing scream erupted from the back of his throat as blood pooled from his remaining limb. He stumbled backwards as the substance from her body disappeared, Y/N reacting with a look of horror on her own features.
“Oh, my god!!” She screamed. “Oh, my god! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!!”
“What the fuck!!!” He yelled back, baffled just like everyone else in the room.
“I’m so, so, so sorry!! I told him not to do it! He never listens!! I–” 
Then a black tentacle comes out of her skin and whips the man into a wall, causing another scream from her and even the trio. The adults could only just watch/listen to it unfold, no clue to what’s happening.
“Oh, my god– Fuck!!” Y/N says, shutting her eyes shut tightly like she was in pain. “I told you not to do that!! Why did you– Ah!!”
Her bosses watch as her body stiffens again, eyes glassing back over to purple before slowly fading to white. Then, the tentacles came back out to smash the chair she was in, bringing her to her knees. The goo was started to cover her form again, prompting her to ask the question,
“Venom… What are you– Saving your life. And theirs too.” 
Then the door bursts open again, this time with a crowd of other people dressed just like Baldy, except that had a little more artillery. Suddenly, the trio watches as Y/N jumped and dangled from the ceiling, the red lasers immediately pinpointing on her.
“FIRE!!” Someone shouted, and the bullets started flying.
Then their little assistant disappears again, replaced by the face with big white eyes and a wide mouth full of spike, and a tongue that was licking its lips with delight from the bullets ricocheting off of him. Karen screamed at the sound, and they all buried their faces into their shoulders for protection just as the beast let out its battle cry.
It started crawling faster towards the crowd, hunger in its face before it suddenly stopped halfway. The beast let out a huge sigh, muttering, “Fine.”
It then started grabbing whatever it could get a hold of and fling it towards them like a game of extreme darts. One by one they started to fall, one by one they were getting broken ribs and blacking out, one by one they were–
Then a flash grenade was suddenly underneath it and exploded.
The beast roared in pain from the sound, the goo vibrating and then dissolving at the snap of fingers, causing the teenager to resurface and fall to the floor. 
Matt definitely heard her ankle snap from the fall despite his own ears ringing, and called out her name. The girl cries out, and hugs her leg as she squeezes her eyes shut to block the tears from flowing. Just as the noise started to settle, it was about to become a whole lot worse. Just as the last remaining attacker was about to shoot the poor girl dead, with Karen and Foggy shouting their pleas, the vigilante managed to to unloosen the last knot from his wrist, springing to his feet and chucking the chair straight at him.
Matt lets out a breath he was holding before his instincts kicked in again. He quickly unties Foggy from his chair, saying, “Get Karen.”
He sprints over to the girl, getting down to her level. “Y/N?”
She lets out a groan, cracking open her eyes, slight shock upon seeing him. “M-Matt?”
“Hold still, I’ll pick you up.”
“H-How did you get out? Or throw a chair so accurately?”
Well shit. 
He really wasn’t thinking about his secret ID at that moment. Just the thought of making sure his assistant wasn’t going to die on his watch.
He bites his lip. “Y/N, I’m–” His gaze snaps towards the door where he could hear footsteps approaching. A lot of them. “Shit. There’s more. We have to–”
“I-I have to get you out.” She croaks, rolling herself to be on all four. “It’s my fault you’re involved in this.”
“Y/N, you broke your ankle, you can’t do anything else.”
“But…” She groans again and then slowly lobs her head in his direction, a smug tugged across her lips. “But I insist, Mr. Murdock.”
And before he could say a word, the beast reappeared and lifted him straight off his feet, along with Karen and Foggy who yelped in surprise. Suddenly they found themselves running at an incredible speed, prayers leaving their mouths just as they broke through a window and free falled down.
Not even sure where they ended up but it was completely unoccupied and covered by the shadows of the night. The beast had set the weathered adults down against the wall before doing the same; the body disappearing back to the teeanger who fell right on her bum. She lets out a shaky breath, closing her eyes like she did earlier, trying to hold the pain in.
“Oh, my god, Y/N, your ankle.” Karen manages to say once the shock ran out (And that was for a while).
Y/N smacks her lips, grinding her teeth, replying, “I-It’s fine. It’ll be fine in a minute. I advise not looking.”
“What do you mean?” Foggy asked, eating his words as he witnessed her ankle snapping right back into place causing him to gag and avert his gaze. “Oh, hell…”
“T-Told ya.” She mutters and then sighs. 
Silence fell over them, the trio all kind of looking at one another before deciding it was time to address the elephant in the room. Or whatever that thing was.
Foggy clears his throat, shifting his weight around. “So…”
“I’m sorry.” Y/N said, opening her eyes and looking at them with guilt. “I… I never wanted you guys to see that.”
“Well, I can see why.” He mumbles, getting a smack in the shoulder by Karen. “Ow!”
“So what is it?” Matt asked, straight to the point and curious, actually (and concerned too now that he’s realized this girl’s got no control over whatever it is). 
Another sigh as Y/N pushes herself to stand. “I don’t know.”
“What do you mean?”
“Exactly that. I don’t know.” She crosses her arm uncomfortably. “I went on a mandatory field trip for school to this lab, and… some of my classmates begged me to go ‘behind the scenes’ with them. I honestly didn’t know what to expect, except that the only thing back there was this container with a tiny blob in it.” 
She frowns. “One thing led to another and it broke, but I had no idea that… this blob got absorbed into me.” She throws one of her hands up. “I honestly thought I was going crazy for several days when I could hear shit in my head, and when my appetite went through the roof. And then…”
“Then… what?” Matt said, sensing her discomfort.
“I got mugged. Well… attempted mugging until… Venom came out.”
“Venom?” Karen asked, eyebrow raised.
“That’s… what he calls himself. The thing you saw.” Y/N starts nervously playing with her hands. “Anyway, the mugger didn’t do much since– you know– uh…”
“Let me guess, he bit the guy’s arm off?” Foggy says, as she shrugs.
“More like… above the neck…” Then she gets the shocked stares again. “Okay, in my defense, I have no control over that. I didn’t even know that Venom attached himself to me. I…” She groans. “I just ran away after that! I didn’t know what to–” She then pauses like she is listening.. “You what? – You finished him off?”
Now it was her turn to have her pupils blown wide. “When? I don’t remember you doing that? – You did it when I was asleep?! – Oh, ho! That is not consensual whatsoever! We talked about this!” She scowls. “No, you quit complaining, you parasite!”
Y/N groans again, this time into her hands. “Ugh! He’s so annoying sometimes!”
“This is the strangest thing I think I’ve ever witnessed.” Foggy said, running a hand through his locks. “And aliens attacked New York.”
“Technically, Venom’s an alien.”
“Oh, my god.” He holds the sides of his head. “It’s ‘Invasion of The Body Snatchers’.”
“Foggy.” Karen tries to get him to calm down.
“So you just decided to live with this… Venom guy?” Matt asked, not really sure how to ‘perfectly’ respond to this situation. I mean for the many years he’s fought in Hell’s Kitchen, he’s never experienced something like this before.
“It’s kind of hard to get rid of him. He’s… persistent, I’ll give you that.” Y/N replies, with a small smile. “If I’m being honest, it was around the time you guys accepted me for an interview. I was more worried about acing that than dealing with a vicious conscience.” Then it fades. “Homelife not exactly… easy, so I guess it was nice to have someone to talk to. In a crazy kind of way.” A sigh. “I had no idea that he was important.”
“Are you going to give him back now that you know?” Karen asked, worried at what might come if she doesn’t.
“That’s the thing, If I give him back, they know who I am, and you saw what happened tonight. They’ll kill me no matter what.”
“Like hell I’m going to let that happen to you.” Matt says, confidently as he places a gentle hand on her shoulder (he could hear her pulse spiking at what she had said). “We’re going to figure this out. Don’t you worry, Y/N.”
She shakes her head. “I-I can’t ask you to do that.”
“Then don’t ask me.”
“You almost got hurt because of me! I’m not letting you put your life on the line for me. I can figure this out on my own.”
“Y/N, I’m a lawyer, you should know by now I don’t take ‘no’ for an answer easily.” His lips tug upwards, trying to make the best reassuring look he could make. “I’m going to help you–”
“We’ll help you.” Karen corrected.
“Yeah. We’ll help you, don’t you worry.” Matt faces his old roommate. “How long’s Marci out of town for?”
“Uh, next week. Six days to be exact.” Foggy says, after quick thinking.
“Good. We don’t have to worry about her safety.” Matt goes quiet, using his senses to figure out where they are before they move. “Alright, let’s go to my place.” He gestures for everyone to follow, his friends were, but not his assistant who was perplexed.
“Wait.” She blurts out, stopping them. “Shouldn’t we try finding somewhere else? It might not be smart to go to your own home.”
“It’s fine. It’s where we need to be for our next step.”
“Next step?” She asks, watching him start walking away again. “Which is…?”
“There’s someone I’d like you to meet.”
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Stay tune for the next parts! || Part Two || Part Three
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@indestructeible @mirkwoodshewolf @aew-kun-age-regression
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moogleannywrites · 2 years
dream a little dream... [Karedevil]
Summary: Karen Page feels uneasy around Matt Murdock after dreams of a passionate kiss waking her up a few nights in a row. Foggy Nelson decides to take action between his two best friends and possible lovebirds to, perhaps, make a dream come true.
Word count: 2,9k
Warnings: none!
Content: fluffiness <3
Read it on AO3 | My masterlist <3
hello, welcome back to my account! I am deeply sorry for disappearing the last few months; there were some pretty tought times in my life but I will be back soon with my stories. Can't wait to share them with you <3 for now please enjoy this fluffy Karedevil fic (I MISS THEEEEM) special thanks to my beta reader @areiko for being such an angel :)
gif is mine.
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It always started the same way.
Karen sitting at her desk, opening up her laptop and working on something – it was blurry, so she couldn’t exactly see what – with moonlight shining through the window behind her and only the dim light of the office above her head. Everyone had already called it a night…
… or so she thought.
The front door suddenly cracked open; and, as someone who knows the danger of being alone after hours, she immediately put herself together and asked with a trembling voice:
“Who’s there?”
The tip of a white cane showed up at the bottom of the door, making her sigh with relief just before Matt Murdock entered, still wearing his work clothes from earlier that day.
“Oh, thank God. Hi, Matt.”
She smiled and, before it was possible to add a “what are you doing here?” question, followed up by something related to his nightly activities as Daredevil, Karen noticed something was… off. Matt was smiling at her – beaming, to be exact – as he collapsed his cane and walked towards her seat, tapping the wooden desk with the tip of his fingers so he could see whenever she was close.
And, soon after that, he lowered his head to kiss her.
Karen tried to call him out but immediately gave in when she felt the warmth of his lips over hers. She couldn’t even stand up from her seat, like she was glued to the chair or, most likely, hypnotized by his touch, to the other hand entering the loose strands of her hair and caressing them with such passion it was impossible to do anything but to kiss him back…
… Until she wakes up.
Karen stared at the ceiling with the dried lips still warm from Matt’s dreamy touch, cheeks flustered in ruby red when she moved her hands to cover her face and let out a small moan in shame. Slowly, she rolled around the bed, grabbing the pillow just to bury her face and muffle a scream. It was the third consecutive night she’d had the same dream – probably there were a few differences here and there, like if she said something different when the door opened, but overall it was the same: Matt smiled, walked towards her and kissed her lips.
The first night was fine since the weekend had just begun, and also was an opportunity to drink some wine before going back to bed. The second one was excusable, because she wouldn’t have to work the following day anyways. The third one, however, was considerably damageable, since she would definitely get brown circles under her eyes from waking in the middle of the night for three days in a row, and, worst of all, in a matter of hours she would see Matt. For the whole day. There was absolutely no way she would survive this.
Sometimes, Karen looked through the window and hoped to see a glimpse of the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen jumping over buildings, perhaps even coming by to visit her place for a change – and, amidst the imagination of Daredevil soaring over the dark sky, city lights glimmering over his body, she would often fall back asleep for just a few hours before the alarm clock went off as usual.
Karen rubbed her eyes with the warm water of her morning shower, suppressing a yawn and scolding herself for not getting enough sleep. She put on a beautiful black skirt with white, long socks and boots; as soon as she opened the door, and felt the cool autumn wind on the exposed arms, she also took a coat from the hanger beside her to finally leave the house.
A sigh of relief escaped her lips as soon as she entered the office and no one else had arrived yet. Putting Matt’s and Foggy’s coffees over their tables, and finally taking a sip of her own, she sat down and opened the laptop with case files she needed to work on – not creepily staring at the door every five seconds – taking notes on how far she had advanced on each one.
“Good morning, Karen.”
Matt’s voice cut the air like an arrow before he even had fully opened the door. Karen felt flustered, answering in a whisper:
“Good morning, Matt” and cleared her throat before adding “your coffee is over the desk.”
“Thank you.”
Instead of going to his workplace as usual, he walked towards her, which made Karen’s heart jump at an alarming rate, completely audible by both of them, on the déjà vu before her very own eyes.
“Foggy hasn’t arrived yet” the woman said in an attempt to make him not get so close, but he shrugged and went around the chair to lower his head over her shoulder.
“I’m sure he will be here soon enough” Matt placed his hands over the wood of the table and said “do you have any news regarding any of our cases?”
“Yes, of course”, Karen tried her best to control her breath while picking up a braille-printed paper to hand him. “I think Jones will be with his mother again pretty soon.”
She smiled, feeling proud of herself; it was a tough one, trying to get the little boy reunited with his family after false accusations of drug dealing. With the corner of her eyes, Karen could see Matt beaming in a very similar way of the dream – since he was so close, it was possible to see the edge of his eyes crinkle behind the red shades, even to feel his breath moving a few loose strands of her hair.
“Thank you, Karen”, he held her shoulders and squeezed them tightly, then quietly let go, taking the papers with him to his office, but not before turning his head and asking, “are you alright?”
She took a moment to pay attention to herself – heart beating fast, the thin, blonde arm hair bristling over her skin –, moistening her lips before saying:
“Of course I’m alright”, Karen stopped her leg from shaking “but thanks for asking”.
And she dropped on her chair as soon as Matt entered his workplace.
A week went by with awkward conversations between Karen and her boss, often ending abruptly when her heart started beating so loudly Matt just couldn’t focus on her voice. She was also the first one to arrive and the first one to leave their office, like she couldn’t be around them anymore, which led to Matt Murdock usually facing the door and hearing her footsteps walking away with a sad smile on his face.
The dreams had gradually stopped, not before being more explicit with wet kisses and his hand gripping her back tightly – however she still had trouble sleeping every night after spending the afternoons with Matt, feeling guilty for not talking to him as much as she should. They talked for hours before, how would she explain such absence? All these different feelings filled in her mind every day until the fatigue put her to sleep for a few hours before it was time to face another day and another opportunity to explain what was going on.
The first person to actually address the subject, however, was Foggy, who surprised Karen before she arrived at the office one day.
“Jesus Christ, Foggy” she said, holding the coffee cups near her chest. “Do you want to kill me or what?”
“Not me” Foggy grabbed his drink (the cup with his name written with a marker and a little star drawn on the side), muttering “thank you” before continuing: “I guess you, miss Page, want to kill poor Matt Murdock from breaking his heart after constantly leaving his sad ass looking at the door you just left.”
Karen bit her lip and let out a heavy breath as they walked down the street.
“Poor thing, he was so young. Rest in peace” Foggy bowed his head and the woman rolled her eyes.
“I am so sorry about that.” she said, trying to gather her thoughts.
He gave her a warm, however crooked, smile, using his free hand to hold her arm.
“Be honest with me, Karen” his eyes were deadly serious. “Are you seeing someone and scared to tell us about it?”
His friend and co-worker’s expression turned completely red for an instant; she stuttered and her mouth opened and closed a few times before finally saying:
“What? No!”
“You don’t need to hide anything from us, you know.”
“I am being a hundred percent honest here”, and, after a few seconds, added: “Is that what Matt thinks?”
“Beats me”, Foggy shrugged. “He didn’t say anything besides how you seemed distant, so this was my theory. What keeps you so secretive?”
Another deep breath came from deep inside Karen’s chest, a mist of embarrassment and anxiety growing in her voice as she said:
“I’ve been having some… dreams. With Matt.”
“What kind of dreams, Miss Page?” he sounded alarmed. “You mean...”, letting go of her arm, he made some movements with his hand that reminded her of lewd stuff, turning his friend’s face a different, brighter hue of pink he hardly ever saw.
“God, no!” Karen shook the right hand and caught her breath before sitting on a bench, so they could talk in peace.
“What is it, then?”
“For about three nights in a row, I dreamt of staying to work after hours at the office, and Matt came in, smiling, and kissed me…” she turned her tone a little down “… on the lips.”
“Oh, really? What he did next, held your hand?” Foggy mocked, eyes wide open and a giant grin on his face, to which Karen threatened throwing coffee on him. “Sorry, go on.”
“It wasn’t just a kiss, Foggy. It was a deep, passionate kiss. Like I could feel his warmth inside my chest, you know?” she sighed. “The dreams stopped after a few days, but I find it impossible to talk to him now, at least not without feeling that I’m going to implode.”
“So ignoring him is your best option?”
“Not the best, but an option until I think on what to do.”
Foggy Nelson took a sip of his coffee, being careful enough not to spill over the suit he bought at some very expensive store downtown. With nothing but the sound of wind howling and people walking, an uncomfortable silence befell the two friends, Karen’s heart pounding between her lungs in relief for finally saying out loud what was going on – and, not so deep inside her mind, she felt kind of stupid hearing her own words reverberating back to her.
“Look, I’m sorry-”
“You absolutely don't need to be sorry”, Foggy said with a smile while stretching his arm to hold her shoulder. “You do… sound a little fifteen-year-old-ish, to be honest.”
Karen giggled.
“To be fair I did not have any high school crushes to call mine…”
“Right.” Foggy laughed. “It is understandable, since our firm has recently started, and you both had a few rough moments in a not so distant past. If there is one thing I can tell you, Page,” he turned around in the bench to face her “is that every time you ignore Matt out of fear from his reaction, you are also postponing a possible outcome from this desire, that, in my opinion, is so strong you’ve been constantly dreaming of it.”
“But what if Matt doesn’t feel the same?”
“At least you would stop torturing yourself” the lawyer stood up, offering his hand to her. “Try not to put your own happiness and peace of mind behind your fears, alright?”
She placed her fingers just over his palm, balancing hers and Matt’s coffees on one hand at the same time she basically jumped on her friend’s chest so she could envelop him in a tight hug.
“Thank you”, she whispered.
“I might quit law to become a psychologist, you know. This feels exceptionally nice.”
They both hushed to the office, where Matt already was waiting for them.
“Today is ‘not inviting your friend for a morning walk’ day and nobody warned me?” he asked, hanging his coat on the back of his chair.
“We just bumped into each other” said Foggy with a wink, going to his own workplace, while Karen caught up to her boss.
“Which means that Foggy already drank his coffee, but I saved mine so we could drink together, perhaps, if you’d like…?”
Matt kindly offered the seat in front of him while she placed the cup over his desk, a quiet thud being the only audible sound between them for a while.
“I am so sorry for leaving earlier these last few days”, babbled her.
“No problem. Do you mind if I ask what was going on…?”
“Oh”, she drank a bit of her coffee. “Let’s say I just wasn’t sleeping really well.”
From the other room, Foggy intonated dream a little dream of me…, which made Karen stare daggers at him through the mirror separating the rooms.
“He seems carefree today”, Matt whispered. “Feeling better now?”
“Yup!”, the woman smiled under the cup. “I’m going to take a look today if Mister Smith has any property in his name.”
Slowly, she reached out for his hand, caressing the knots of his fingers with a sweet smile coloring her blank expression with sunshine. Matt took a long sip of his own drink before putting it back on the table and holding her hand between his palms; would Karen guess that his heart was pounding inside his own chest? She looked down and, soon after, turned her gaze back at him.
“Anything else you want to say?” he asked.
“No”, Karen answered. There was no truth to her answer, and Matt knew about it, yet decided not to press any further. She reluctantly let go and walked toward her desk at the same time Foggy approached and asked, unbelievably upset:
“Are you for real?”
“There was no way in hell I would tell him about that.”
“Tell me about what?” asked Matt from the other room.
“Nothing!” they both said while Karen took her stuff. “Don’t wait for me today, I will be back late and probably go straight home.”
As soon as she left, she felt her heart a lot lighter.
The day went by with the young and newest member of Nelson, Murdock and Page not thinking about the dreams… at all. She drove all the way to New Jersey in her old car to try and discover something about a client having legal properties he could sell to pay his debt. For many hours she waited at real estate agencies, talked to people, and eventually found what she was looking for. The warmth of Matt’s hands, however, remained over hers for the whole day, and she often found herself hugging herself in the cold autumn so she could still feel his faint presence by her side.
When Karen got back to Hell’s Kitchen, it was late; street lights were on and everybody was already going home. She had so much energy, however, that went straight to the office to work to keep the case going. A strange sense of familiarity fell around her, but she paid no mind, that is, until she heard a light thud on the window behind her.
She slowly turned around to see none other than Daredevil, taking off the black cloth over his face while she said his real name out loud. Matt smiled, jumping inside the room and resting his back on the wall.
“What… What are you doing here?”
“I took a leap of faith that I would find you here before heading to my… nightly activities. You know, the usual stuff” he giggled. “How are you holding up? Do you need a lift back home? We can swing, if you’d like” Matt then proceeded to show his red club in one of his back pockets.
“What are you, Spiderman?”, they both laughed.
Suddenly, it hits Karen that she is still glued to her chair; that Matt is in front of her, beaming; and, before these thoughts could transform into words, he took a step forward, held her face, and lowered his head enough to kiss her.
Karen kissed him with urgency, her desire speaking louder than any common sense. She touched Matt’s face and shoulders, trying to make sense that the moment was, in fact, the real thing, and not another dream; a blow on her chest replaced her beating heart with a warm and fuzzy sensation for a few seconds and fireworks brightened up her mind with bliss the whole time until he slowly let go. Smiling, she said:
“… It wasn’t a dream!”
However, as soon as she opened her eyes, Matt was nowhere to be seen, not even the black mask or the cane he constantly used; instead, there was a small recorder over the table with a sweet song coming out its tiny speakers:
Stars shining bright above you
Night breezes seem to whisper, “I love you”
Birds singin' in the sycamore trees
Dream a little dream of me…
She put her fingers over the warm lips, trying her best to keep the warmth – so different from the days she just woke up without him – forever over her skin. Karen’s blue eyes were filled with small tears of joy, the sensation which enveloped both her and Matt at that moment.
The ethereal feeling was only interrupted by a buzzing in her telephone.
“Did it work??”
Foggy’s message blinked on the screen.
“Oh, Foggy, don’t you know it is wrong to talk about other people’s secrets like that?”
With trembling fingers and shaky lips turning into a smile, she typed:
“But thanks for making a girl’s dream literally come true.”
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murdocklovespage · 5 years
It feels like we have a bunch of new creators posting since Karedevil Week, so if you want to be added to our Karedevil Squad Masterlist, take this poll and I’ll try to add you in the next few weeks.
What I need? Direct links to anything you want on our Masterlist. 
We’re talking edits to the list, meta, art tags, gifsets, your AO3, video, writing tags, writing masterlists, etc. 
It doesn’t matter if you have one work or a hundred. If you want to create, created years ago, or started creating recently, we want you on the list. Any skill level is welcomed. Everyone loves content! This is a great group for help and support with your art.
The Due Date is February 1st. 
Direct links make this much easier for me, so please do me a solid so I don’t need to follow up. 😘
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care-devil · 6 years
List of Karedevil moments - The Defenders
[Season 1]    [Season 2]   [Season 3]
Hey all, I’m back with the masterlist of Karedevil interactions for The Defenders. You can find these quotes and more (such as quotes from the comics) in my quotes and audio tag. 
Doing this, I remembered how important this show is in terms of characterization and characters’ evolution... So no Karedevil shipper should overlook the Defenders! That being said, I hope you’ll enjoy :)
Episode 1: The H word
Scene 1: 
○ When:  13′41
○ What: Karen and Matt meet right after Matt won a case.
○ Main quotes:
Karen: “Congratulations, Mr Murdock.”
Matt: “Oh. Thank you, Ms Page.”
Karen: “It’s okay, you can be proud of yourself. A little. I won’t tell anyone.”
Matt: “You, uh, here for a statement?”
Karen: “Uh, yeah. Hey, you maybe wanna go... do that over a bite or...”
Matt: “Oh, uh, sure, yeah. Um, can you give me five minutes?”
Scene 2:
○ When: 27′40
○ What: Matt & Karen grabbing a bite.
○ Main quotes:
Matt: “Great story last week. The, the thing with the scoolboard scandal?”
Karen: “Thank you. Yeah, Ellison’s pretty much given me free reign. It feels like what I’m meant to be doing, or, um, I don’t know if that makes any sense...”
Matt: “Yeah, of course.”
Karen: “It looks like you’re doing what you always wanted to do.”
Matt: “Yeah, it's been a transition from the Nelson and Murdock days, from the partnership, but... No, the pro bono work does make me happy.
Karen: “That's great, that's really...”
*Waitress comes in, refills their cups, and tells Matt where's the sugar and cream. Matt thanks her, Karen's looking a bit mad.*
Matt: “Sorry, it got...”Karen: “Do you wish you'd kept your secret to yourself?”
Matt: “No. I needed you to know. I don't know what I expected, but I... couldn't lie to you anymore.”
Karen, chuckles: “Thanks, I appreciate that.” Pause. “Do you miss it? The suit, the mask?”
Matt, shakes his head: “No. It feels like a chapter of my life that's closed. Now, I don't regret it, but I just... I regret that it drove some people away.”
Karen: “Now, it... Look, it didn't drive me away, I just... You know, I felt like we should to figure ourselves out first or something.”
Matt: “I'm trying.”
Karen: “You know, as complicated as I feel about all this stuff, I just... I feel like you should know. The NYPD is prevailing. I report on it every day, and crime rate's down. I really think that Daredevil may have made the city a safer place."
Matt, chuckles: “He might have. But right now, the city's better off without him.”
Karen: “Well, it's better off with Matt Murdock. Speaking of which, Mr Murdock, I would like to take your statement on today miraculous Aaron James verdict.”
Matt: “Hit me.”
Episode 5: Take Shelter
Scene 1:
○ When: 22′32-25′24
○ What: Matt comes see Karen at her office. He wants her to follow him. And he helps her put her cloak on and my heart melts every single time.
○ Main quotes (the whole dialogue, I am not sorry)
Matt: "Hi." 
Karen: "Hey. It's after midnight." 
Matt: "Yeah. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't important." 
Karen: "I'm gonna need a little more than that." 
Matt: "It's the Hand. They came for you before, Karen. I can't let that happen again." 
Karen: "I don't believe this." 
Matt: "I know. They're back in New York, and I -" 
Karen: "No, no, it's not them. You. This is how you tell me that you're doing it again? 'Cause that's what you're saying. You're going out as him." 
Matt: "Uh, no, actually. Uh, well not yet." 
Karen: "All right, but you told me you didn't miss it I know what I said." 
Matt: "We don't have to have this conversation." 
Karen: "Just talk to me. Please, Matt. Just ,just tell me." 
Matt: "I'm doing it again. Because if I don't, people will die. Whatever the Hand is up to New York is in its crosshairs. I have to do this."
Karen: "I know. But I don't. I don't need your protection, Matt. Whatever it is you're doing, or Daredevil is doing, I'm not a part of it anymore." 
Matt: "So That may be the case, yeah. Unfortunately, it doesn't matter if you're a part of Daredevil's world or not, because they may be coming after Matt Murdock's, too." 
Karen: "I'm sorry, does that mean they know who you are?" 
 Matt: "Just can't take any chances." 
Karen: "Matt, that isn't your call." 
Matt: "Can you please just come with me? Just lay low, a couple days. That's all I'm asking. I'm sorry." 
Karen: "Okay." 
Matt: "Thank you." 
Karen: "Yeah, well, don't. I'm not doing this for you. It's just self-preservation at this point." 
Matt: "You deserve better, Karen." 
Karen: "So do you."
*He helps her put her cloak on.*
Scene 2:
○ When: 28′35
○ What: Stick and Matt are talking about Karen.
○ Main quotes: 
Stick: "If she's as sweet as she smells, I get why you're tore up about this one." 
Matt: "Don't bring her into this." 
Stick: "All these years, this is what I've been protecting you from. Your two worlds colliding." 
Matt: "If you had it your way, this is what my life would be. Now you're trying to spin it like you're protecting me."
Episode 7: Fish in a Jailhouse
○ When: 16′20
○ What: Matt's at the police station in Harlem with Luke and Jessica.
○ Main quotes:
Karen: "Uh, detective, would you mind if I grab Mr Murdock for a moment?" 
Matt: "I'll just be a minute." [all leave] 
Matt: "Hi." 
Karen: "What's going on?" 
Matt: "You mind if I explain later?" 
Karen: "Well, it looks pretty bad. It's only a matter of time before they start to put things together." 
Matt: "Yeah, I know, I know." 
Karen: "God. I don't understand. After everything you've worked for? You were finally rebuilding your life." 
Matt: "Karen this is my life. I have to go."
Episode 8: The Defenders 
Scene 1: 
○ When: 40'00 
○ What: at the police station, every returns but Matt. Karen cries in Foggy's arms. 
Scene 2: 
○ When: 51'50 
○ What: Karen and Foggy are at Matt's church. 
○ Main quotes: 
Foggy: "How you doin'?" 
Karen: "Yeah, okay." 
Foggy: "How's the story coming?" 
 Karen: "Oh, no, it it's not. I mean, if I reveal what happened at Midland Circle, then all it takes is someone like me figuring out. Superhero and lawyer go missing at the same time." 
Foggy: "Right." 
Karen: "I can't shake this feeling, like it's like it's not real. Or, or even if it is, like, it's not over, because they're still digging, right?" 
Foggy: "Karen, it's been days." 
Karen: "Maybe he made it out." 
Foggy: "Maybe. Maybe." 
Karen: "Sit with me?" 
Foggy: "Of course."
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irelandhoneybee · 6 years
Karedevil fics on AO3:
One Shots:
All I Want for Christmas is You (Christmas 2017)
What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve (NYE 2017)
You Are Mine to Keep Warm
All Along You Were Here to Stay
Without You My Heart Is Blue
Something Always Brings Me Back to You 
Who Knows How Long I’ve Loved You 
I’m Never Close Enough to Say 
A Thousand Rainy Days 
The Distance From Here To Where You’d Be 
Sweet Tooth
As Long As You Love Me So  (Karedevil Squad Secret Santa/Christmas 2018)
A Love That’s Shining All Around Here
Let’s Get Dangerous
On Our Island in the Blue Bay
Let Your Heart Be Light (Christmas 2019)
I Want Your Midnights (12 Days of Karedevil/New Year’s Eve 2019)
Love You All the Time
Not Just For Tonight
By the Book
Morning Lullabies
Seems So Far
A Hundred and Five Little Blades in a Line
Somehow I Could Find My Way Back
Send It Out Tonight
Follow the Sparks (Marvel Harlequin Hoopla)
Fallen Quite Hard (Marvel Harlequin Hoopla)
I’m Gonna Love You for a Long Time (Marvel Harlequin Hoopla)
You Don’t Hold Back, So I Won’t Hold Back (Marvel Harlequin Hoopla)
Light Up the Dark (Marvel Harlequin Hoopla)
Breakable Heaven
Nothing Like This (Karedevil Bingo)
We Lit the Streets with the Sweetest Glow (Karedevil Bingo)
I Think I Feel Fine (Karedevil Bingo)
Ficlet Collections
Close Your Eyes and I’ll Kiss You (Karedevil Kisses)
What I Wouldn’t Do (includes headcanons)
Sweetest Downfall 
I Love You More (Karedevil Squad Valentine’s Day 2019)
Grey Skies are Blowing a Kiss (Fictober) 2019
Carry Your Heart 
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trombonesinspace · 6 years
Here’s the list of all my fics on ao3. Some of them have also been posted on this blog, (tagged my fics) but many have not. All of them are Daredevil, and when they’re shippy, the ship is Matt/Karen. I’ve organized them by setting, and within each category by when I wrote them (oldest first). I’ve also given ratings and word counts. Will be updated as needed.
Post-season 1:
Make your choice -- T 2182
Give the devil his due -- G 1887
This is how we heal -- T 9841
Lean on me -- G 2415
A photograph of you -- T 7330
And my smut-in-the-office series:
Give yourself a hand -- E 1953
Alternative uses for office furniture -- E 3375
Going down -- E 4241
They say I better get a chaperone -- T 2800
Post-season 2:
To repair the things that have been broken -- E 7690
Past imperfect, present tense -- G 4751
To tell the truth -- G 3241
Walk a mile in my shoes -- T 28,899
Don’t let it end this way -- E 15,222
Come to my window -- T 3351
Always on my mind -- M 2109
All I want is someone to believe -- T 6558
Fit to be tied -- E 4513
Day off -- T 588
Could we start again please? -- T 21,810
Bring me some water -- G 1695 
Post-season 3:
Aftermath -- G 3974
Stay the night -- T 2796
AUs/canon divergence:
Is it me you’re looking for? -- T 11,289
Dance with me -- E 15,000
Scenes from a library -- G 7565
Put a spell on me -- T 24,421
Won’t you tell me your name? -- T 7269
A winter’s tale -- T WIP
Odds and ends  (a collection of short things, including a couple of alternate takes of scenes from the show) -- T 6516
It’s my grandmother’s recipe  (teenage Karen visits her grandmother) -- G 3505
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atjosiesbar · 6 years
Fics Masterlist
Here is a masterlist of my Daredevil fanfics on A03, which I will update as I post new ones. Thank you for reading!
1, 2, 3, 4
Starting Over:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Midnight Visit
Summer Outing
Seasons of Love
Just a Few Moments
Christmas at Columbia
Double Date
Superhero Talk
Bulletin Christmas Party
Let It Snow
Valentine’s Day
Sweet Kisses
Core 3 (Matt, Karen, and Foggy)
Conversations at Josie’s
Finding the Truth (Karen Page and Jessica Jones):
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
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littledidtheyknow · 7 years
Mostly Karedevil stories on AO3. I’ll update as they are posted. Thanks for reading!
Follow my other blog @murdocklovespage
Multi-Chapter Stories
There Will Be Time  (post-DDS1 time travel AU) One   Two   Three   Four   Five   Six   Seven   Eight   Nine  
Normal is the Watchword (Jessica Jones college AU) One
It’s Just a Spark   (College AU)  One   Two   Three   Four   Five   Six    
One Time  (Post DDS2 reconciliation) One   Two  
Out of the Ashes (DDS3 before I knew what happened) One   Two   Three   Four   Five   Six   Seven   Eight
Heroes For Hire (Bodyguard AU) One   Two   Three   Four   
Terrible Judgment  (Post-season 1 AU) One   Two   Three   Four   Five   Six   Seven   Eight   Nine
Second Chances  (Season 1 AU) One   Two   Three   Four   Five  
Nelson & Murdock is an Upstanding Institution  (Post-S1 AU) One   Two   Three   Four   Five  
Two Weddings (Destination AU) One   Two   Three   Four   Five  
Deep into the Abyss (Post DDS2) One   Two   Three   Four   Five   Six   Seven   Eight   Nine   Ten
Running into Karen Page  (Meet-cute AU) One   Two   Three   Four   Five   Six   
One-shots & Snippets
Three Small Words 
Jukebox Hero 
The Treehouse
The Way Things Change
Assembling the Friends of the Defenders
Things You Said When You Thought I Was Sleeping
Spilled Coffee
Matt Murdock’s Smile
His Name on Her Lips
The World You Love
118 notes · View notes
skyfallslayer · 6 months
The Darkness In Me || Story 3: Kingpin & Daredevil
-Kingpin!Matt Murdock x Vigilante!Reader-
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Main Masterlist || Series Masterlist
🖤 Series Summary: You were shocked to find out your childhood friend turned out to be the Kingpin of the underworld, but you had to put those thoughts aside to bring him down. You were Hell’s Kitchen vigilante, its protector. There's no valid reason not to stop him. However, when your hidden feelings for him start to surface once more, how will you be able to even think about bringing him down?
🖤 Story Summary: Your night trying to save a kid takes a dangerous turn. Now fighting to stay alive after a possible life threatening injury, you soon find yourself face-to-face with the man that runs this city’s underworld: The Kingpin. Aka… your childhood friend.
🖤 Date: 12/06/23
🖤 Rating: Mature
🖤 Word Count: 12, 842 (Damn o-0)
🖤 Warning: Blood; Gore; Talks of Child Abuse; Child Death(s); Child Manipulation; Mental Break; Murdering and Allusion to Murder; Non Consensual Touching(?) Looks like it but its not); Seductive Talk; Implied Seductive Manipulation; Slight Karedevil; Implied Frank/Karen: Past Killing of a Love One; Talks of Betrayal; Death of a Love One; Dark!Matt; Yeah, Matt gets a fucking warning in this one (I mean, he ain't the Kingpin for nothing); Russian & Japanese Via Google Translate (not super accurate, I apologize). READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!
-Let me know if I missed anything-
🖤 A/N: Oh boy, this was tough but fun to write! Hopefully nothing is too overwhelming for y'all. Alrighty then… we're finally getting to Matt's POV of things, which I honestly think I enjoyed writing more than reader's (*le gasp*). But yeah, here's a bit of the flirty and charming Matt Murdock we all know and love with a dash of darkness. Enjoy!
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There’s no fucking way this was real. Was the first thing you thought. Maybe it was the next one. Or the next one, or– Oh, geez. You really didn’t know what to think. 
Here you are thinking the whole time that he’s the same as you; That despite your rough childhoods, you both managed to put the nightmares aside and build the life you guys wanted. You both had your hopes and dreams, you both got the jobs you desired, you both made a friend that had your back. But now…
You don’t know when or where or how this even happened. You don’t know why he’s on this route. You don’t know why you just watched him kill a man for screwing up his ‘responsibility’. You don’t even know what to think of this situation, what to think of…
Matthew Murdock, Your childhood friend; The person you were starting to feel more for. The person that was none other than–
The King of Darkness himself.
|| Four Days Ago || 
The doors slammed simultaneously, the both of you sighing as you laid back in the chair as your partner, Frank, rests his forehead against the steering wheel before lightly tapping it a few times. Your mornings had started off with a call of distress from an elderly man claiming that he had been robbed. Turns out, the poor man just had dementia. So after a talk with his son who stepped out to run an errand, they ended up back her with slight annoyance. 
Frank sighs again, finally bringing his head up. “I know he has health problems, but still… you think your stuff’s gone and you call 911?” 
“Yeah…” You rub your eyes, dark circles dusting them. “This is going to be a long day.”
“Of course it will be.” He starts the car, sitting up straighter. “Breakfast?”
“Please.” Like you could turn that down after not eating anything for a few hours straight.
He pulls away from the curb, driving in the direction of a local diner that he’s mentioned a few times. “So, Y/N… how are you adjusting to the move?” He said at his attempt at small talk (he didn’t speak much if he didn’t need to, you noticed, so I guess you could say this was a good sign).
“Me? I’m actually doing pretty good. I know how Hell’s Kitchen ticks so–” You shrugged. “Except for when some of the places I’ve been to have disappeared, I didn’t really need to adjust to anything.”
He raises an eyebrow. “You’ve been to Hell’s Kitchen before?”
Your eyes widened slightly in surprise. “Oh, shit. I guess I didn’t tell you. I was born here.”
“Yeah. I lived here till I was eight.”
“Damn. So it’s been awhile.”
“What made you move away in the first place?” Frank asked, making you pale. But he didn’t seem to notice since his eyes were on the road. “Y/N?”
“Uh, well…” You frown thinking about that day. You sigh, trying not to play with your hands like you were a kid. “My parents passed. Car accident, uh– Truck ran a red light and hit up straight on.”
“Oh, my god.” He begins, and you hold your hand up.
“Before you apologize for asking, don’t. You didn’t know.” 
“Yeah, but still.” He frowns worriedly. “You were… eight? That’s rough.”
“It was, but I had to accept it pretty quickly when I moved to California with my Aunt and Uncle.” You explain, feeling your heart clench at one of the names.
“My Aunt wasn’t the nicest woman.”
Frank scoffed, but not at you, but at everything else. “I got to hand it to you, Y/N, you turned out pretty well. To me, your story sounds like the makings of a villain’s origin.”
You chuckled. “So I’m not the only one to have that thought.” You reply, half joking as the car pulled into an open spot.
“I mean it though.” Frank says, turning the engine off. “You’re strong. Stronger than you think. I don’t know what I would have done if I had lost my family like that.” He opens his door. “Alright. Enough depressing shit. Let’s eat. I’m starving.”
You snort. “What? Did you not eat before your shift last night?” 
“You think I know how to cook?” He smirks. “I leave the cooking to someone else.”
“I could see that.” You teased, following him inside.
“Well it’ll be dinner when our shifts are over. We should get burgers.”
“I wish I could. Unfortunately I got dinner plans with friends.”
“Oh, Y/N!” Foggy shouts as soon as he spots you, standing up and waving you over. “So glad you could make it.”
“Well thanks for the invite.” You said, with a smile, hoping the makeup you put on hid how tired you were (Seriously, why did you talk yourself into being a vigilante and a cop at the same time?).
“Y/N, this is Marci.” He said, gesturing to his lovely wife, who shakes your hand.
“Hello, Marci. It’s finally nice to meet you.” 
“Likewise.” Marci said as you guys took a seat. “I swear, he talks about you more than Matthew does.”
“Hey, she gives me all the juicy details my dear friend leaves out. That’s all.” Foggy defends, making her roll her eyes playfully.
You chuckle. “So, speaking of the devil. Where is he?”
He frowns, almost feeling like it was somehow his fault. “Unfortunately, poor Matty can’t make it tonight.”
“No?” You copy his expression. “How come?”
“Says he’s got something important to do.” He sighs dramatically. “I swear he’s got some weird night time hobby. He’s always disappearing.”
“Sounds like something he would do.” You smirk as the joke rolls off your tongue. “You think he’s a secret mob boss or something?”
“Honestly, I was thinking more like Batman, but wouldn’t be surprised with that either.” Foggy said with a shrug, before picking up his menu. “Now, let’s eat. I’m starving.”
“Never heard that one before.” Marci said, hiding her laugh.
This was nice. You finally made some acquaintances that you could now call your friends. Although this dinner would be a bit bittersweet without Matt, you couldn’t complain, you were just glad you were here, living the moment.
Deep down…
You still wonder what he’s doing.
Punch. Punch.
“Is something going on with you? You know you can always talk to me.” Foggy said, clasping his friendly hand onto his shoulder with a warm smile.
Punch. Punch.
“I thought you were supposed to help me.” Wilson Fisk said as he stared in disbelief from across the table; his hands were aching to strangle his lawyer as they stayed handcuffed to the metal flat top.
“But I am helping you.” Matt replies, his calm complexion suddenly morphed into something wicked that even made the ex-mob boss shiver in his seat. “The Defense is just doing a better job than me.”
Punch. Crack. Punch.
“You’ve done a wonderful job, Matthew.” The older woman, who happened to be the leader of assaination group that took him in, Alexandra Reid, smile so proudly at him as she grasps his shoulders. “You… are the most perfect soldier I’ve seen in a long time.” She chuckles. “Go spread chaos, my love.”
Punch. Crack. Pain. Whine. Punch.
“You fight well, kid.” His old and blind mentor said, making his heart skip with pride until… “But not well enough. You disappointment.”
Punch. Pain. Pain. Whine. Pain. Punch.
“Is Mama really gone?” Matt croaked as held his father’s hand, laying in bed as his head started to go numb from the medicine. But he didn’t need sight to know what expression his dad was making.
“Yeah, Matty. She is.”
Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Crack. Punch. Punch.
“You really are leaving?” He asked, watching his best friend’s face morph into hurt and sadness.
“Yeah. I am.” You could feel yourself starting to cry. “But I don’t want to.”
He grabs your hand, holding it tight. “Then don’t. I don’t want to lose you. Don’t go.”
“Matty, I don’t have a choice. I have to go.”
Matt lets out a low growl as keeps pounding his fists over and over into his ‘sparring’ partner. In the boxing ring he had the man backed into one of the corners, flat on his bottom as blood sprayed everywhere; small bone fragments starting to stick out of his bruised flesh too, But he didn’t care. This was just someone he could easily replace, so he picked up the speed, turning the dial full. Striking over, and over, and over, and over again. And again. And again. And again. And–
“If you don’t stop you’ll cripple him. Or worse.” The blond Karen Page, his advisor, said as she entered the room, making him pause for a second.
“Should I care?” Matt snipped, voice sounding like acid that could melt anything it touches.
Karen’s jaw clenched, but she kept her composure. “You should care, seeing that our number of men is declining. Fast.”
Matt groans and punches the man again, surely KO-ing him this time. “I turn my head away for one second, and my men just disappear in a blink of an fucking eye. They’re all ending up on police departments’ doors so fast, It’s not even safe enough to let them go without some suspicion. Fuck!” He kicks him in the shin, getting a crack. “It’s all because of that fucking asshole in a mask! Do you have any idea where he came from?”
“No, sir. I asked around. Nobody knows. And the reports I… ‘borrowed’ shows that there’s no reports of a mutant, or superpowered individual other than Ghost-Spider in the last ten years or so.”
Matt pauses, thinking. “You think they come from out of state?” 
“It’s a possibility.” Karen quickly notices his silence. “Someone comes to mind, sir?”
“No. I was over stepping.” He sighs, holding out his hand as he’s thrown a towel. “Did the delivery arrive smoothly like I asked?”
“It’s on its way. Should be there soon.”
“Good.” He throws the towel around his neck. “I need a shower, and send someone to bandage him.”
“Shall I tell the driver the penthouse or regular?”
Matt pauses again for another second. “Regular. I need to go to work tomorrow.”
“Very well then. I’ll call him now.” Karen bows his head. “Goodnight, Sir.”
“Likewise.” He says, while exiting the ring and into the locker room, still burning with rage that keeps on growing. 
Stretching out in your new pajamas, you casually let yourself float around your apartment, excitement (or I guess pride) ran through your veins as you read the next article about your alter ego ‘Daredevil’. The local news lately has been flooded with nothing but articles about you. The next one made you grin, some twenty year old blogger was geeking out how fast you were in some reports and sightings.
You chuckle, lips curling in a smirk. “Damn right, I’m fast.” You didn’t have enhanced speed for nothing. Besides that, you were also cursed gifted with levitation, superhuman reflexes and stamina, and lastly, psionics; Something that you can manipulate in many different ways. It wasn’t as glorious as when your mother would do it, but you were trying.
I wonder how Uncle Pietro would have felt if he knew I had his speed. You frown, shaking your head when a gruesome memory crosses your mind.
Gosh. Why am I living so much in the past all of sudden? Why is everything flooding in quickly? You’ve been pretty good about not reliving your past over the years, but now… you can’t seem to get away from it.
I wonder why? You perk up when a knock comes from your door. You rotated slowly and gently landed on your bare feet, trekking across the room.
“Coming!” You call out, fixing your top before opening the door. You were met with a familiar sight, just like when you had moved in you saw the white vase at your feet filled with the same color and number of Roses. Looking around with caution again, you saw no one before picking it up, plucking the note off one of the stems. This time it just had a single word which was–
You furrow your brows. “What the fuck?” Did whoever sent them know that you were down to your last rose? Did this person know that getting these was intriguing to you? Did they know that this was secretly creeping you out as well?
You scoffed out loud.
Why the fuck were you hanging onto the roses if they were driving you crazy anyway?
Matt does his best the next day to hide the cuts on his hands, and bruises lingering on his body. Although he’s grown used to the smell of blood staining his flesh, he knows everyone else around him is not (And being a blind man certainly didn’t help his cause). He got dressed like usual, skipping the red suit for his normal, freshly pressed, black one. He slips on his shades, grabbing his cane and briefcase by the door before stepping outside; One of his men standing there just like always. Dressed in what looked like a ‘caretaker’ outfit, he puts on the bubbly personality he was instructed to do.
“Morning, Mr. Murdock.” 
“Morning, Anthony.” 
“Taxi’s here like you requested.” 
“Perfect.” Matt starts walking with his men a quarter step behind. Now since they’re out in public, it’s time to start speaking in code. “Still having dinner with the family later?”
“That’s the plan, but you know Brently and his boys are. They’re probably out adventuring around here, waiting to give me a scare.” His response made Matt mentally smile. 
His bodyguards were in their posts like they should be. “Well, we wouldn’t want that for you.” He plays along, feeling for the door handle before pushing it open to the outside world.
“Oh, and don’t forget, you have a doctor’s appointment tonight. A follow up.”
A meeting. He almost forgot about the meeting he set up weeks prior. “Ah, almost slipped my mind.” Matt admits, opening the taxi door to get in but—
The smell is what threw him off. This scent was completely different than what he was used to.
“Where ya heading to, sir?” The driver spoke, which was another unfamiliar thing. 
He frowns, hiding his worriedness. “Mr. Richards?”
“Mr. Richards’ sick. I’m taking his place today.”
And that makes Matt grow quiet, letting his other senses kick in. Other than the scent, he could hear the steady heartbeat slowly start to spike, the knuckles tightening their hold on the steering wheel, and the smell of ink lingering on the man’s neck. Now he’s realized what’s going on.
Sliding back outside, sensing his bodyguard looking at him with concern. “It’s a shame, Mr. Richards is sick.” Matt said, acting like he was scratching his neck but in reality was a signal. His bodyguard trails his eyes subtly inside, confirming what Matt thought the tattoo was. 
A logo for a rebel gang in the area. A real pain in his side, always gutting for him. I guess he should have seen this coming sooner.
“It is. I hope he feels better.” His bodyguard said, still with a smile. “Will you be taking a stroll instead?”
“I will.” Matt pushes away from the vehicle, heading in the direction he needed to go. “Just make sure you take out the trash for me.”
“Of course. I’ll see you later Mr. Murdock.”
Matt listened as his bodyguard shut the back door before getting in the passenger, and took out his side arm, politely telling him to drive. He wishes he could go back and laugh in his ‘kidnapper’s’ face. He’s been in this business long enough to know who he trusts and who he can gut. Even though it can be tiring…
The monster inside him sometimes enjoys the thrill of it all.
He sighs when the knob doesn’t turn, and starts fishing around for his keys; His pocket was like a void sometimes. He brushes off your scent and footsteps as being part of his tired mind, so it still surprised him when you suddenly appeared next to him.
“Wow, look who’s late.” You say, with a cheeky look.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” He asked, pausing his actions (guess he should stop brushing the thought of you off).
“Thought I stopped by on my patrol of the neighbourhood. I brought bagels.” You hold the piping hot food up. “And if you’re wondering why the door’s still locked, Foggy had… lots to drink last night.”
He raises an eyebrow. “How hungover is he?”
“Well, not sure on that, but he did call me three times in the middle of the night to talk about the Yankees and how Darth Vader would be great at the sport.”
He chuckles. “Oh. So he’s that drunk.” He finally unlocks and opens the door. “I’ll make coffee.”
You smiled. “Sounds good to me.” 
He started the machine and you walked around again, being nosy as usual. The office still had its characteristics about it, enough to know what side was Matt’s and what side was Foggy.
God, I’ve spent too much time around them. You spotted a stack of papers nearby, printed on it is what looks like an ad and you let your curiosity get the best of you on this one.
“You going to start standing on street corners and pass these out?” You asked, before realizing you didn’t phrase it right. “Sorry. The fliers, I mean?”
He smiles. “I thought that’s what you meant. No, Foggy thought it’d be a good idea to get the word out more.”
“Is business not good or something?” You asked, worriedly. For being in a building like this you thought they had to be doing good. 
“Don’t worry, we are. But we want to branch out more. Marci’s job allows her to travel around New York City, so we’re going to have her put some up whenever she gets the chance.”
“Well that’s good.” You look back at it, admiring the work until something catches your eye. You noticed that each of the men had signed their names on the bottom right above the printed version of it, a nice warm idea to show how ‘cozy’ this place was. But that’s not what was stopping you; There was something… oddly familiar about Matt’s penmanship. 
Where have I–
“Coffee’s ready.” Matt announces, coming out from the kitchenette with two cups.
You smile, subconsciously folding the paper and tucking it away. “Thanks.” You take a sip, the cheap coffee actually tasting pretty good this time around. Then, you noticed something else about him, something more troubling as you jump into action. “You’re bleeding.” 
That catches him off guard. “What?”
“You’re bleeding.” You set your cup down before he could speak and roll up his sleeve. You noticed the deep gash on his forearm, not too big, just deep. You furrow your brows concernedly. “How’d you get this cut?”
Matt keeps his cool, the lie he tells rolls off his tongue with ease. “Curse of a blind man. Can’t see where I’m going.”
“Let me fix you up. Where’s the first aid kit?”
“Y/N, you don’t have to.”
“I want to. Where is it?”
“Don’t be a brat, Matty.” You slap him in the shoulder, holding back a laugh. “Where is it?”
Now he seems like he was trying to do the same thing. “Really? You’re bringing that name back?” He asked as you hum and nod. “Well… peaches, it’s under the sink.”
“Pfft.” You slap him again as you pass and mumble, “Can’t believe that name is still haunting me.” You grab the kit and examine his arm again, taking a better look. “Looks deep. I could stitch it up?”
“Nah, don’t bother. It’ll heal.” Matt says, trying to calm the nerves he could hear in your voice.
“But it’s deep. I really should.”
“Y/N, it’ll heal. Trust me. Just bandage it.” 
You comply against your better judgment, and start cleaning it up first. “You got some superpower I don’t know about?” You asked, ironically.
“Hmm, maybe, I don’t know.” He grins. “Wouldn’t little peaches like to know that.”
“Oh, my god. Stop.” You blush a bit. “You’re never going to let that go.”
“What? Like I said the last time, I think it’s adorable.”
“No, it’s not.” You shake your head, all embarrassed as you start applying the bandages. “What would you think if I started calling you ‘Bratty-Matty’ again?”
He chuckles, making your heart flutter. “You already did a few times.”
“In public.”
“Oh, well—”
“See? You’ll hate it.”
“No, not necessarily.”
You pause. “Huh?”
“Well, you know, in today’s environment it’s kind of–” His free hand tugs on your badge around your neck, getting closer. “Kinky.”
“Kinky?” You said, with a flush face and slightly intrigued (completely unaware that he could hear your heart racing with excitement). “I didn’t think little… Catholic Matthew Murdock would be into those things.”
His pulse skipped a beat, feeling your hand gently brush the injured one. “Well, we were just children so… we wouldn’t talk about adult stuff now, would we?”
“Oh, certainly not.” You feel his chest press against yours as he closes the gap. “You… like to talk about that stuff?”
“Only with the people I really admire.”
“Oh, yeah?” 
“Yeah.” His hand creeps up to the back of your neck, gently bracing you. 
You couldn’t help but moan a little from it, drawing a seductive smile from him. “Matty…”
“I kind of want to share that with you.” He whispers, trying to lock his lips to yours and–
Your walkie suddenly crackles, an order coming through.
You blush. “Sorry.” You reply, trying to unclip from your belt as he steps away to give you space.
“It’s okay.” He says, listening to you ask the operator to repeat and you to take it.
You sigh. “Geez, I’m sorry, Matt. I’ve got to go.”
“No, no. It’s okay. You’re still on duty.” 
“Okay. Thanks.” You start to leave, until you feel him get close to you again (and looking flustered once more).
Matt rubs the back of his neck like a nervous tick. “Hey, uh… would you like to… catch up some more? Just the two of us? Like… over dinner?”
Now it was your turn to be caught off guard. “Dinner?” You asked, making sure you heard that correctly. “Like uh… like a date?”
“I was thinking more of a play-date, maybe?” He replies with a half shrug.
“A play-date, huh?” You raise your eyebrow, grinning. “And where would this play-date partake?”
“Oh, I was thinking maybe that Sicilian place in that hotel off 5th?”
“That’s quite the restaurant. You sure?”
“My treat.”
“Alrighty then, hot shot. I’ll see you seven. I’ll wear something nice.”
“You could wear pajamas and I wouldn’t care.” He listens to you laugh a wave goodbye, standing in the doorframe of his office until he hears you no more. His expression fades away into something more serious now. “Brently.”
The office across the way, which was ‘up for lease’, opened up to one of his bodyguards who was awaiting a task. “You called, Boss?”
“Call Karen and tell her to move the meeting I have tonight to tomorrow.”
Brently’s face stays the same, but his tone shifts to concern. “Sir, would that be wise? I mean, they’ve been waiting weeks to have a word from you. You sure they won’t lash out?”
“They should know enough to not even try that. If not, handle it. Understood?”
“Did Castle disappear again?” You asked an officer as you entered the office, noticing that he was not lounging around where his desk was. 
“Probably. I haven’t seen him all morning.”
Seriously, where does he run off too? You should probably ask him, I mean he trusts you enough to tell you, right? You head into the women’s locker room, heading to the row in the back. You quickly examine to see if your lock has been tampered with before putting your bag inside. It’s kind of sad you had to watch you back here, a place you should feel the safest but you don’t. You lock it back up as you hear the door being opened, sounding like two officers coming inside, chatting.
“-surprised she’s not dead yet.”
“I know, right? I’m still amazed.”
You roll your eyes at the gossip and how they sounded like they were teenagers in high school. “Oh, boy…” You whisper, and start to leave, but–
“I wonder what Lieutenant Y/N did to the Boss for him to spare her so far.”
You froze, breath caught in your throat.
Wait, what? 
“I mean, how long has she been here with us? A month? Two?”
“That sounds about right.”
“I mean, she’s survived a lot longer than we expected. Remember Captain Trevor? He refused to follow the program and guess what? A day and a half later he was dead. Bullet embedded in his skull and they ruled it a suicide, but we all know what it is.”
“Yeah.” A sigh, and the next words were like a knife to your heart. “I feel bad for Castle. A hardened soldier like him still felt guilty about doing it. You could see it in his eyes.”
“Yeah. Poor Trevor too. He was young. Castle probably saw his own son in him.”
“Man, this sucks. How has the Lieutenant been living this long?”
“That’s what I’m saying. There’s got to be something to it.”
“I believe it.”
You continue to listen as they talk about something else before grabbing something out of their lockers and leaving. The whole time you had your hand cupped over your mouth, your face went pale. Frank had told you briefly about his ‘program’ kill but…
You didn’t think it would hit so deep. Now all you could think about now was–
Why were you still alive?
You wore a cap sleeve red dress for your date, accompanied with black heels and a purse. You kept your makeup kind of light, and decided to style your hair long today with an exception of a clip for looks. Just as you finished putting some perfume on, you were surprised when you found Matt already at your door.
“Matty?” You said, taken back.
“The one and only.” Was his response, hold out his arm for you to take. “Ready to go?”
You knock yourself out of your trance (that of shock and how good he looked tonight) and lock the door. “Yeah, of course.” You take his arm and you both guide each other around down the apartment stairs.
“You smell good, by the way.” 
You blush. “Thanks.” Then you mentally slap yourself. “I just realize you can’t see what I’m wearing.”
“I can feel.” He fingers brush the fabric. “Silk?”
“I got it years ago when my precinct was doing this charity-gala event, and haven’t worn it since. It’s red by the way.”
“Ah. I always liked that color on you. Cherry?”
“Apple.” You answered as you get to the last step when the thought from earlier comes back. “Hey, how did you know where I lived?”
“You told me one time.” Matt replies, masking his panic pretty well (God, how did he forget that?).
“I did?” 
“Huh.” Maybe it was all those third shifts you’ve been doing lately. “You must have a better memory than I do, ‘cause I don’t.”
The restaurant was… way more fancy than you thought it was going to be. I know Matt said he’d treat you but Jesus H. Christ this place was way above your pay grade. The materials they used and decorations you could see knew they were attached to triple digits, and when a menu doesn’t bother showing you the price for something, you knew you were out of your league.
Now I feel kind of guilty mooching off of him. You thought, knowing he was a lawyer but still. Could he really afford this?
“Here’s some glasses for the wine.” Your server said, gently placing them on the table. You quickly now noticed the the brace on his forearm and out curiosity, you asked,
“Your hand okay?” 
“Oh, this? Yeah I’m fine. Lucky actually. I was getting mugged the other day.” He says, and you suddenly realize why he looked so familiar. 
“That’s awful. Sorry to hear that.” Matt replies, as the waiter shrugs.
“Like I said, I was lucky. Thank god that vigilante was nearby. Saved my ass. Just wished I could have thanked him.” You couldn’t help but smile a little while Matt mumbled something incoherent as he continued tracing his fingers over the braille menu.
What’s up with him? You wondered, before tuning back into what your waiter was saying.
“-So, have we decided what we’re eating tonight?” He asked, and the two of you placed your orders before handing the menus back. “I’ll have that out for you shortly.”
“Still not sold on Daredevil?” You asked, pouring a glass of wine for the both of you. 
He thanks you before answering, “Like I said, I just want the right guy to pay.”
“And you think he’s not doing a good job?”
“Well the media thinks he is. I’m not so sure myself sometimes. But I’ll admit, I admire how persistent he is.”
You pause before tilting your head, confused. “Persistent? What do you mean by that?” You took note how he looked like a deer in a headlight just as your waiter came out with the appetizers. By then the subject was changed, something less ‘intense’ and more lighthearted. And by the time your main courses came the two of you were laughing and enjoying yourself, feeling like you two were kids again. 
“Oh, man. I can’t believe you guys actually did that.” You said, mixing around your carbonara with your fork. “How did you and Foggy not get expelled?”
“Good…” He chuckles. “Good question. We really should have, to be honest.”
You hum, staring at him for a minute before feeling a twinge of guilt. You wanted to ask him something that’s been bugging you for a while, and you were not sure if it was the appropriate time or not. You set your utensil down, nervously. “Can I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
“It’s… kind of a debbie-downer.”
“You know I’ll answer it, Y/N.” He says, reassuring. “Shoot.”
Backing out crosses your mind, but you managed to encourage yourself to finally ask, “Why did you stop writing letters to me?” And then you saw his expression again, one that you didn’t know how to place. Why was he so surprised you were asking him certain things tonight? 
You watch him set his own fork down, eternally debating with himself as he takes a deep breath.
“Listen… Y/N, I–”
The sound of something shattering caught both of your attentions, followed by hush voices before it got really loud.
“I know he’s in here! I recognized his cars outside! His people!” A man shouted, his thick accent lingering. A worker shouted at him to get back as he entered the dining hall, catching everyone’s eye now.
“What’s going on?” You said, missing the way the brunette clenches his fists (‘Cause unlike you, he knew exactly who this was).
“I know you’re in here! Тащи сюда свою задницу, ублюдок!” (*Get your ass over here, Bastard!)
“What the hell is babbling about?” You asked, recognizing it was Russian, but didn’t understand it. You watched him get pulled away by a few people, still shouting and kicking like a child throwing a fit. “What do you think that was all about?”
Matt’s hands twitched and ached in his lap, unbeknownst to you. “Um… I don’t–” But then his phone rings, this time you could see the bit of annoyance on his features as he pulls it out.
[‘Brently. Brently. Brently.’]
The automatic voice chimed over and over until he picked it up.
“Sorry. Let me take this.” He says, before you have any say. “Hello?” You watch him talk, the annoyance on his face seemed to progress that was starting to rub off on you. “Alright, then.” He hangs up with a sigh.
“Who’s Brently?” You asked, slightly irritated (and you would be more if he knew he was going to lie next).
“Uh, client. Um, he’s in some legal trouble, I, uh… gotta go bail him out.” Matt replies, scooting his chair back.
You blink in surprise. “What?” 
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I gotta take responsibility for this.”
“To bail your client out?” He shakes his head, causing you more confusion. “Doesn’t he have a family? Why did you call you to bail him out?”
“Well, I’m… his lawyer, and he calls me so it falls on me.”
Now that just sounded like a load of bull to you. You frown. “So? Make him wait, or call Foggy then. We’re–”
“Foggy’s out with Marci. Don’t want to bother him.” Matt says, cutting you off.
“And we’re not… out? Together? Like him and his wife?”
“Y/N, I’m really sorry, I’ll make it up to you, but this is important.”
Now that got your blood boiling. “And this is not?” You asked, standing up yourself and walking away with him calling out your name like a broken record.
Matt was really surprised that you let him even open the taxi door for you, but he knew you weren’t looking his way with your arms cross and head down with rage (he honestly couldn’t fucking blame you for acting like this). He then walked around and told the driver your address, and told him to drive safe which he complied.
“You Mr. Richards son?” He asked in a low tone that you couldn’t hear.
“Yes, I am.”
“Is he doing better?”
“A little banged up, but he’s alright. Should be back in a few days, Sir.”
“Good.” Then he made a face that makes anyone’s skin crawl. “You make sure nothing happens to her, or I’ll gut inside out and mail it to your dad as a ‘get well’ gift. Understood?”
The driver pales and nods before driving away. Matt then gets in a black tinted SUV, fuming in his seat as his bodyguard rolls the privacy screen down to talk.
“Page has Mr. Anatoly, Boss.” 
“Where are they heading?” He asked, hands aching again as he bounces his leg to confine his anger inside. 
“Usual spot. Shall I drive you over there?”
“Yes.” A grin. “Please.”
“Here’s a twenty.” You said, as the taxi pulled up to your apartment. “Just keep the change.”
“Uh, no need, uh… Your date paid for it.” The driver explained, waving it off.
You roll your eyes. “Of course he did.” You mumbled, getting out of the vehicle quickly as he bid you goodnight. Well…
That had to be one of the worst dates you’ve ever been on (and you’ve been on a lot). You threw your purse on the kitchen counter, kicking off your heels somewhere in the dark hall before sliding down to a sitting position against the wall. You get that he had an important client, but did he really have to take priority over him rather than spending a nice evening with you? Or better question… Why did he look like you caught off guard so many times tonight? 
What are you hiding, Matt? And that was a question that was burning like candle light.
Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Karen was sitting in the back of another SUV listening to how Anatoly, the Russian mob member, went on and on about something (to be frank, she was only half listening).
“You were right to reach out to us, although, since we’re being truthful, a call would have been more appropriate.” Karen explains, feeling slightly sorry about what was going to happen to this man.
“Look, I… I wanted to speak with him in person. Try to put the past behind us.” The Russian said, getting a hum which was right on cue for the vehicle to stop. “Why are we stopping?”
“They say the past is etched in stone, but it isn’t. It’s… smoke trapped in a closed room, swirling, changing. Buffeted by the passing of years and wishful thinking.” Karen starts poetically saying. “But even though our perception of it changes, one thing remains constant. The past can… never be completely erased. It lingers. Like the scent of burning wood. And it’s my job as his advisor to make sure everything just… lingers.”
Anatoly gives her a strange look, which Karen ignored to answer a call.
“Sir?” She said, listening closely. “Yes, passenger side.”
“Was that him?” The Russian asked, hopeful.
“Yes. He’d like to have a word with you.”
Anatoly nods and mumbles something in his native tongue seconds before the door flies wide open. To his shock, an angry Matt Murdock reaches inside and yanks him out, throwing him viciously on the ground. 
“You embarrassed me.” Matt snarls, even with his shades on you knew there was bloodlust in those blind pupils. “You fucking embarassed me infront of her!” And throws a punch.
They both exchange some hits, equally spilling some blood, however, at one point, Anatoly pulls out a knife, swinging it defensively. What thought could do some damage, he ends up seeing the Kingpin’s suit was barely touched by the blade.
Surprising him again, Matt had him pinned against the vehicle, breaking his wrist the weapon was in. “Мне бы хотелось, чтобы ты просто позвонил. Я бы дал тебе пропуск. Но нет…” He hisses, cradling the sides of the Russian’s head (*I wish you had just fucking called. I would have given you a pass. But no…). “Ты только что выкопал себе чертову могилу.” (*You just had dug your own fucking grave.)
He then starts banging his head on the side of the car a few times before tossing him back at the ground. Anatoly desperately tries to crawl to the car, begging Karen to help in Russian, but Matt’s advisor made no movements that she would at all. Instead, Matt drags Anatoly by his hair, laying him between the floor and the door…
Then slams it hard.
And over.
And over.
And over.
And over.
And over again.
As blood bathed the concrete with its glorious red color, Matt never stopped until his enemy’s head was completely taken off. 
Inhaling heavily, body still tense as Karen walks over carefully, offering her Boss her handkerchief.
“Tell Mr. Potter, I’ll need a new suit.” Matt said after a moment, and wiped his face clean.
Karen nods with a hum. “What about this?” She asked, gesturing to the body behind them.
“Keep it. Freeze it. Let his brother worry for a few days, and will pull the cards if we have to.”
“Which cards, if I may ask?” 
“Send it to Vladimir to show who really runs this city, or…”
“We blame it on Daredevil.”
“Alright, listen up. Last night, a father was driving home with his son until they were surrounded by unidentified men.” Your police chief said as you all were gathered around the office. You knew by how tense he was this was going to be some tough news to swallow. “Those men beat the poor dad and kidnapped the kid. Griffin Banks. Eight years old, he has curly brown hair and brown eyes; about 5 feet tall, 86 pounds, and was last seen wearing his little league uniform. Your jobs are to find him quickly and bring him home safe. Understood? – Great. Off you all go!”
And then all of you scattered like ants, hopefully to get some kind of lead, some kind of evidence of where he was but… 
“This shit’s going nowhere.” Frank complained, after a few hours of tiredly searching. You couldn’t blame him for complaining about this, because you too were feeling the same way.
If only I had heard about this last night when I was on the street. I could have been looking already. You went out as Daredevil last night to clear your head after that disastrous date and didn’t come across any crime or hear anything to spark your interest. You thought that was a good thing, you thought maybe the criminals finally understood that you weren’t leaving, but now you realize that the reason was entirely different. 
Did everyone in the underworld know about this kid? Was this an act of war or treason? You still weren’t a hundred percent sure how everything ran, but you did know that not everyone in the shadows worked or agreed with the Kingpin, so maybe this was a way to get back at him.
But why an innocent kid of all things? 
“Let’s try around the park again.” You said, heading back for the car.
“Again? Y/N we just came from there.” Frank said, as you shake your head.
“Maybe we missed something. I want to check.”
“Y/N. Hey, wait. Y/N–” He grabs you by the shoulder to stop you from entering his car. “Wait. Look, I know you want to catch this guy, I get it, but we can’t keep going back to the same place over and over again, it’s not doing us any good.”
“Yeah, but what if we’re missing something?” You asked, forming a look of desperation in your eyes that means so much more. So much more that he actually understands it.
His face softens. “Y/N, I know that look, you’ve been through this before haven’t you?”
You bite the inside of your cheek, breaking eye contact. “I just want him to be alright. I couldn’t save the last one.” You explain, voice quivering at the end.
“Hey, I get it. We all have a similar case every once and while, and it gets to us. I understand how you feel. However, if you keep running in circles, and getting inside your head, you’re not going to be able to do much. You’re going to make the same mistakes.”
“I know, but–”
“Go take a break. Go clear your head, then come back to the precinct.”
“There are a hundred or so other officers looking for this kid. You can take a rest.”
And how could you say ‘no’ when Frank reminded you of your old partner Max here? He was making the same thoughtful, worried expression that made you want to break and asked for a hug. 
You wanted to say ‘no’, to show them both that you could handle it, to show that you’ve grown but… You can’t.
You haven’t grown one bit since then.
“Fancy seeing you here.” 
You take your face out of your hands, looking up from your spot in the waiting area. You decided on getting a quick bite before you head back. “Foggy?”
“Thought I get some grub myself.” He said, sitting down next to you, waiting as well. “Rough morning?”
I guess he could tell how messed up you felt. “You could say that.”
“Is it because of that missing kid?”
“Yeah.” You said, as you laid your head against the wall. “Guess word got around quickly.”
“You guys will find him.” He gives you a reassuring look. “I have faith.”
You scoffed. “You have more faith than I do.”
He looks proud of himself while replying, “Hey, It’s what I do best.” 
“What about you?” You cast him a glance. “Did you and Matt sort out that client issue?”
Foggy tilts his head, eyebrows scrunched together. “Issue? What issue?”
“The client issue.” You realize he didn’t know what you were talking about and continue trying to specify. “Matt and I went out last night but he cut it short; Told me he had to leave because of work. An issue with a client.”
“Issue with a client? I don’t recall a current issue with anybody.” Foggy says, honestly, as he scratches his head to think. “Are you sure that’s what he told you?”
“I’m dead serious.” You sit up straighter. “You seriously have no idea what I’m talking about?”
“No, I’m sorry, Y/N. I would know if we had an issue, I mean, we’re partners; Fifty-Fifty, you know? But if he comes into the office later I’ll ask him about it.”
You let his words sink as he excused himself to grab his food. You were… baffled. Completely fucking baffled. Did Matt really lie to you last night? And for what? He didn’t want to be there with you anymore? Did he think you were being nosy? Did he not like you in the way you thought he did? Whatever the reason was, it didn’t matter…
You were going to be pissed off anyway.
“Take the bag off.” Matt snarls as he enters the freezer. His bodyguard complied, showing their enemy off for him to ‘see’. “If you’re smart you’ll make this quick. Where’s the kid you took?”
The Russian grinned, his teeth stained red with lips full of blisters. “Like hell I’ll tell you. Not until you agree to meet with Vladimir like you promised!”
“Where’s the kid?” He tried again, patience thinning out already.
“Fuck. Off. 3асранец.” (*Asshole)
Matt hums. “So not smart? Not a shocker.”
“Hey, I’m not the one who backed out at the last minute. I don’t know what was so important last night that you just had to miss it.”
“Well, all of us have lives, you know.”
He laughs. “A leech like you? Have a life? I find that hard to believe.” Another chuckle. “We know you so well that Vladimir had us on standby to take a kid.” And another. “We know you have a little soft spot for them.”
But Matt stays calm, eerily calm that could make anyone’s skin crawl. “Just Vladimir? So did his brother not have any say in that?”
“You know, Anatoly paid me a visit last night. He actually interrupted my important event. If your bosses had such a… grand plan, how come one of them came looking for me?”
He scoffed under his breath, mumbling, “Цифры. Анатолий всегда был нетерпеливым.” (*Figures. Anatoly was always the impatient one.)
This makes Matt grinned. “Ah, so you guys have no idea? Do you?”
“Know what?”
“Что я тоже нетерпелив.” Matt says while snapping his fingers (*That I am also impatient). The meat hooks were shifted around until it was a headless body that appeared, but that didn’t shake the Russian too much until someone pulled out the body’s severed head from a box of ice. 
The man paled. “O Боже…” (*Oh God…)
“Понимаете?” Matt asked, the same expression staying (*You see?). “Мне плевать, какой у тебя статус. Ты меня злишь, я убью тебя.” (*I don’t care what status you are. You make me angry, I’ll kill you)
“You really are a monster.” He says, trying to keep it together.
“Yeah, I know. And with no regrets too. Now…” Matt’s face falls. “Where’s the kid?”
“Like I’d ever tell you after what you just did! 3асранец!” He snaps before spatting in his face. (*Asshole!)
Matt stays quiet, and calmly wipes the red spite from his face. “Otomo.” He calls out to the deepest part of the freezer, a person dressed in an all black ninja outfit. “Kare o korose.” (*Kill him). The assassin nods, unsheathing his blade which was enough to get the Russian to wiggle in his restraints and start begging.
“W-Wait! Wait! Wait! What about– No. No–”
“Dispose the body anyway you can.” Matt orders as he turns to leave the cold, until…
“Ты хочешь остановить Сорвиголову, верно?!” (*You want to stop Daredevil right?!)
As soon as those words were spoken, the Kingpin stopped in his tracks. It was only until he turned back around, the Russian started laughing with hysteria and joy.
“I know you do. We all do.” He pants and swallows. “Этот парень... он поможет любому. И я гарантирую, что он захочет спасти ребенка. Пусть все это ускользнет…” (*This guy... he’ll help anyone. And I guarantee he’ll want to save the child. Let this all slide…) He chuckles with a painful smile. “Я-я упущу это, и вместе мы сможем поймать Сорвиголову. Разве это не было бы красиво?” (*I-I let this slide, and together, we could trap Daredevil. Wouldn’t that be beautiful?)
The man prayed that this would work, and his spirits seemed to be lifted when the King of Darkness smiled.
“No one else saw you take him?” Matt asked one of the guards who shook his head. “Huh. You know…” He shifted the weight on his cane. “I like that idea. It is beautiful. Slightly risky, but beautiful.” Then he flickered his blind gaze back to his assassin. “Kare o korose.” (*Kill him)
Then he spun on his heels again and left, the door shutting behind the screams that his sensitive ears could still hear. He maneuvered around the place, listening to his adivisor’s heels click around behind him at the pace he told her to as he finds a sink to clean his soured face.
“So you’re going forward with his suggestion?” Karen asked, hands behind her back, waiting.
“It’s a little far-fetched, but if Daredevil catches wind of the kid, we actually can kill two birds with one stone.” He said, running the very idea over and over in his head. “Any updates?”
“Your phone’s been blowing up. The personal one.”
“Texts mostly.”
“Who’s it from?” He asked her, as she pulled it out of her pocket and reread it over.
“Foggy.” She replies, watching him stop drying his face.
“Is it important?”
“Might be.”
“Might be?”
“He wants to know what client issue you had last night, and says you should contact Y/N.” She frowns. “Apparently she’s pissed at you for leaving last night.” He mutters something under his breath that she didn’t hear before she decided to take a step forward. “Forgive me if I’m stepping over a line, and I know she’s a long time friend, but she’s also a cop; A cop that hasn’t been linked with your program yet, and has been begging for you to tell her yourself, which I know you won’t.”
“Your point is, Karen? Matt asked, throwing the towel aside.
“What if this works out like you hope, and you reveal to her that you’re the Kingpin, then what? You expect her to be okay with it? Expect her to accept it without a little blackmail on the line?”
A brief pause. “No.”
“Exactly. She’ll try to take your ass to court, better yet she’ll try to shoot you dead. I just don’t want a repeat of last time.”
And the haunting memory flashed before him. He didn’t think it could still hurt so much. “I appreciate your concern, but I’ll figure that out later. But what about you? How’s your task going?”
“Still growing strong like you asked.” Karen said as he cups her jaw with a smile. “He trusts me a lot.”
“Good. Good. I’m glad to hear that.” He says, while slowly tracing her red lips with his thumb. “Even if, and that’s a big if, Castle ever thinks that he’s out of my control, he’s not, not if you’re on him like a thorn in his side. Right?”
He hums, and lightly ghosts her arm with his fingertips drawing a small sound from her. “Bet you’re imagining me as him. Hmm?” He pulls her head down closer, his lips right next to her ear. “Keep seducing Castle for me, okay? I don’t care if you catch any feelings either, as long as you know he’ll still be between my fingertips, then I’ll let that slide. Understood?”
She makes a sound again, eyes half lid. “Understood.”
“Good.” Then he gently bites the side of her lower lip, kitty licking the bruise before pulling away. “Tell the driver to bring the car around while I make a call.”
With a shaky breath she says, “Yes, sir.”
The voicemail still buzzed in the back of your head as you came bursting through your window, barely having the mental strength to lock as you started shedding your DD suit as you walked towards your bathroom.
[ ‘Hey, Y/N. Look, I know you’re upset, and you have every right to be, but please just… Can you just call me back and just listen to what I have to say? Please? I just… I know I messed up. I’m sorry. Please call me back when you get the chance.’ ]
You kicked off the last pair of clothing as you crawled into the shower turning the hot water on, letting it run on your hunched over back with your forehead against the tiles.
These few days have sucked. First your date leaves you high and dry, then you find out he lied, and now you can’t even find a missing kid whether your Daredevil or Detective L/N. It…
It really hurts.
This task… hits… close to home.
You hold back the tears you felt, and hold back the urge to sob as you let your fingers trace the scar on the base of your neck, remembering how it got there. 
It was stupid mistake. 
You should have waited for your partner instead of running off on your own. 
You’re an idiot. You’re an idiot. You should have waited. You should have waited. You–
You honestly thought the universe would grant you this. To grant you a chance to catch the man you’ve been hunting for weeks; To catch the man that’s been stealing those kids and doing heinous things with them. You needed to catch him, you begged to catch him but…
No you can’t.
As soon as you spotted him you ran like hell after him, ignoring as your partner Max yelled your name. You had blinders on, you’ll admit, but you don’t want that man to take another kid, to steal yet another kid’s future. No.
Not on your fucking watch. However–
He catches you by surprise, and suddenly your whole world is on its side as you free fall, hitting something sharp and painful on the way down. Now you’re laying on the ground, your spine feeling funny as you feel the pool of blood grow around your head, your ears ringing like they’re dying out.
Damn it. You thought. You really thought you had this one in the bag as you started to fade to black just as your partner’s voice broke out into a scream. A scream that you know was–
“Fuck!” You yelled, and swiped off all the bottles off the shelf and let it rattled to the tub floor (you know you probably just woke up your downstairs neighbour but you couldn’t care less). You sigh heavily, holding the sides of your head.
Tonight was going to be a long night for you.
Frank’s fingers glided over his phone for the millionth time this morning. You haven’t arrived at all this morning which was so not like you (Especially since you were so desperate to solve this case). He waited a few minutes before texting again:
[ Forget what precinct you work at or something? Where are you? ]
He just wants something from you, even if you respond with an emoji that he’ll have to decipher.
Come on, Y/N. At least tell me you’re staying home. One of his fears right now was you doing something drastic. After his conversation with you yesterday he decided to look up what was scaring you, and that was the case you took just a few years out of the academy, the same year you became a detective. A criminal that had been taunting you and your partner for months, and when you finally had him, the night ended with you getting a near death injury… and another kid getting killed.
Poor girl. I just wish you didn’t have to get demoted here. You’re too good for this place. His thoughts were interrupted when his phone finally dinged with a message from you.
[ Detective Stubborn: Ate something bad last night. Stomach’s killing me. ]
He sighs with relief, whether that was true or not, he’s just glad to know you’re away from here.
[ Feel better. ]
He just really, really hopes you stay home and clear your mind.
But of course… why would you?
After planning all day and looking over very little evidence you had you decided to go out as soon as the sun started to set. You had to rough up a couple of street thugs to get some more solid evidence, but eventually it was enough for you to figure out where they took the boy.
The warehouse district.
You floated through one of the skyline landing without a sound, and the rest  of your mission honestly became a bit of a blur. Why? Well… as you rushed around through each warehouse undetected until you actually found the kid, your enemies, when they finally noticed you, didn’t seem very fond of you poking your nose in their business. Now you’re running like hell, a kid in your arms as you tried shielding him from every bullet that came your way. You tried levitating a few times when you found yourself up high and trying to cross a beam or a walkway, but you’ve never actually flown with someone in your arms so you’re out of practice.
Come on, Y/N. Remember bootcamp, Remember your first rescue mission, you know how to carry someone to safety. Which was true, but all those other times weren’t with you being pelted with bullets from an angry mob.
You felt the kid grip your outfit tighter making you say, “It’s okay. It’s okay. Everything will be okay.” You just kept repeating that comfortingly as you made three small crates float and fly to knock the men out of your path. You kicked one of the guys in the head when he tried to get up, sprinting again. If you can just get to the edge of the building, you’ll be home free.
Trekking across a catwalk, you used your abilities to conjure up a quick shield to block before surging the power outwards, knocking the gunmen off his feet and over the railing, plummeting into the overly packed room of wooden crates from overseas (you’re not sure if you really wanted to know what the Russian mafia was importing). You fought a few more guys that dared to intervene, dared you to stop and surrender and be killed.
You could see the finish line, you could feel the boy relaxing your arms as he sees it too; You were finally going to complete the mission that’s been haunting you for so–
You heard something rattle and roll behind you.
You just had enough time to look at what it was before putting a shield up, the tiny thing exploding your whole world.
When you came back around, an excruciating pain ran through your body, a pain that was so unbearable that you didn’t want to move. The explosive you managed to shield took out the catwalk you were on and everything close by. You fell all the way down with debris dusting your face, still holding onto the kid before blacking out. Now… you laid on the floor, your head shaking as you urged yourself to look down, finding what was causing the pain.
 A metal bar was sticking out from your abdomen.
You somehow didn’t scream, maybe because you felt like you were going into shock, or maybe you were shouting and haven’t noticed yet.
Oh, god, I’ve– wait… the boy… Trying not to black out when you turn your head to look, and about a foot away was the boy who had bounced off your body during the fall. Your heart would have caught in your throat if he didn’t see his chest moving, but it was.
He’s alive. You sighed with relief, but here comes the tricky part. How are you going to move and save him with this pole in your stomach? You groaned loudly as you tried to move, arm reaching out in the attempt to at least shake him awake, trying to tell him to run if you’re truly stuck.
“Uh, Gr-Griffin… g-get up. W-Wake… up. Please…” You croaked, yet it doesn’t seem like the sleeping boy can hear you… but someone else could.
But as you shifted again, pain shooting out as the metal shifted with you, that’s when you noticed someone coming over in the corner of your eye. One of the Russians had come over, checking if you were still alive which was plain as day now. You watch his eyes go between you and the child for a few seconds before grinning like a maniac. 
Your eyes widened when you saw the gun in his hands. “No.” You whimpered with your fingertips glowing red, right as he shot a bullet into the kid’s head. “No!!!” You couldn’t believe what you had just witnessed. Would this have happened if it didn’t–
Then he pointed the weapon at you, out instinct or adrenaline your abilities shifted the gun towards him, firing his own bullet into his own skull.
His body dropped like it was made of bricks, the gun sliding inches away from him, causing you to nearly throw up in your mouth. I mean, you were a cop after all, so of course you’ve had to shoot a person or two but this was…
Messing with your fucking head.
You could hear shouting in the distance, which was enough for you to kick it high gear again and try to move. First things first was trying to get this damn bar out of your stomach. 
How the fuck– wait– let’s see– You concertrated the best you could as you redirected all the energy you had into yanking it out (doing it quickly probably was the best idea but you didn’t have much time). The bar rattled next to you, a pool of red oozing out as you rolled to your side feeling the blood rise to your throat. You quickly moved to all four, pulling your mask down to cough up the rest of the red. Sweating and heaving, you felt like you had no energy left to move, but you needed to. You could hear them coming.
As you got up to your feet, your knees nearly buckled but yourself forward where you noticed some stairs going up. Ripping and pushing your hood against your wound as you started to climb, hoping you weren’t leaving too much of a blood trail. 
Just as you got to the top you heard the voice grow near, and you managed to slide yourself into a place that no one could see from below. You just needed to stay hidden long enough for them to leave to make your escape (whenever that was). However, you never thought after searching for a few months that you would actually get to see the man they call ‘Kingpin’.
You peaked out watching two very different groups of people arrive. The Russians looked slightly surprised when the Underworld’s Ruler showed up, dressed in the red suit that you’ve heard about on the street. He walked like he owned the place, his black cane with gold trim was like the piece that tied his whole look together. He stopped with his back towards you, with many of his men standing around as, what you tell was, the Russian mob’s leader came face-to-face with Kingpin.
“3асранец. Now you show your face.” The leader, Vladimir snaps (*Asshole). 
“Well, seeing how this is my turf now, I have to show my face.” Kingpin said, making you perk up with confusion.
Why does his voice sound–? But your thought trails off as you watch Vladimir scoffing in disbelief.
“Your turf? You think we just… ‘mess up’ and you take over?”
“Well, I certainly don’t need to see that–” Matt points to the mess the explosion made. “You pretty much destroyed most of your cargo.”
Vladimir frowns, shifting his weight. “I’ll admit, I wish my men didn’t blow up half the warehouse. But I will give him a pass because he was trying to stop our rat.”
He raises an eyebrow. “A rat?”
“Yeah, a rat.” Vladimir smiles a little. “I had a feeling Daredevil would come for the kid. Why wouldn’t you if it makes you feel good?”
Matt clenches the top of his cane, keeping his composure from the neck up. “Daredevil was here?”
“Still here, I think.” The Russian points to the bloody puddle on the floor. “There’s a pipe laying next to a large amount of blood. In my experience, getting impaled you don’t get very far.”
His frown deepens, grip tightening. “And the kid? I smell two bodies with no heartbeats.” Then his whole aura changed into something darker, suffocating. “Tell me, are those your men?”
Vladimir paled, and tried to keep the discomfort off his face. He didn’t want to answer, even he knew staying silent wouldn’t be a good idea. “One of them.”
“One of them?” 
“Why do you care? It could have been Daredevil! She could have pulled the trigger!”
Matt didn’t say anything as he cast his blind gaze at the corpses before saying, “No. His scent is the only one on the gun and its bullets. So the kid’s death is in your hands.” But then he pauses, realizing something. “Wait. She?”
“Yes. My men said they saw Daredevil upclose, says the stature’s too small and not burly enough to be a man.” Vladimir replies, making Matt hum in response. “I guess something good did come out of this after all. We finally have more evidence of what we’re up against.”
And those words were his signature for his own death. 
The room got really cold, and energy felt suffocating. Everyone present began praying that they’ll be spared.
Matt grits his teeth, shaded eyes growing hungrier. “First you embarrassed me, now you insult me? I’m not even sure what to say anymore.” He says, snapping his fingers as his bodyguards shoved Vladimir to his knees, the end of a barrel being pressed in his face. The other Russians tried to make an advance, but they were outnumbered, making them slowly raise their hands over their heads.
“Давай, мужик.” Vladimir said, as Matt made a tsking news (*Come on, Man).
“Don’t ‘come on, man’ me. You brought this upon yourself. I mean–” Matt chuckled dryly, lowly, scary. “All you and your brother had to do was just wait the next day for our meeting. But no, you had to go out and throw a tantrum, you had to go out and kidnap a kid that has no meaning to any of us.”
Vladimir scoffs. “No meaning? It always has some meaning to you. Don’t act like you haven’t kidnapped someone’s kid before.”
“And I’m not. I know what I’ve done. But unlike you, when I kidnap someone there’s meaning to it, a purpose. Like when I… ‘picked up’ our DA’s lovely daughter after soccer practice, and said we were good friends. And like any child, she believed it.” Matt smiled just a little before it faded in an instant. “However… she never ended up like that.” He gestures to the body on the floor. “You get what I mean?”
The Russian growls. “3асранец.” (*Asshole)
“You can keep calling me an asshole all you want, but you know I’m right.” Matt sighs. “I just wish your brother was like you.”
Vladimir’s breath caught in his throat. “What did you do?”
“Nothing that your brother didn’t deserve. He did interrupt a very important date I really care about. I’m honestly surprised he found the restaurant I was in.”
Brother? Interrupted? Restaurant? You thought, wondering why this sounds so familiar. 
“What. Did. You. Do?!” Vladimir shouted, baring his teeth as the King of Darkness lips curled into a mischievous grin.
“Like I said, nothing he didn’t deserve.” Matt snaps his fingers again, this time summoning someone over who was holding up a duffle bag. He reaches inside and pulls the brother’s head out by his hair (You had to hold back from gasping loudly at the sight).
Vladimir nearly broke down on the spot. “Anatoly…”
“I really wished he had just called, I wouldn’t have resorted to such manners.” Another sigh. “I even had to lie to my date that I had to go bail him out.”
And that’s when your whole world collapsed.
No. You thought, shaking your head as everything started to click in place.
No. No. This has to be fake. I have to be sleeping. This can’t– But you can’t deny what was plain as day. You didn’t have to see his face to know it was him. I mean, he had a cane you thought was just for fashion, he had shades on that you thought was just part of his look, but you can’t deny that his voice is the same, you can’t deny that the missing pieces had formed a whole. 
But then his name rolled off your lips as you stared with disbelief.
“Matt…” You whispered, and as soon as you did, his head snapped your way. 
Tensing up and pushing yourself further into the shadows, you slapped your hand over your mouth as your heart pounded in your ears.
There’s no way he heard me… right? However, that couldn’t be a coincidence. There’s no way you just mutter his name and then look your way. It’s too much of a coincidence for it not to be true. But does that mean–
Can Matt… hear anything? Does he have abilities like me? You didn’t know what to think as he went back to his conversation with the Russian mob leader.
His perplexed expression changed back to the grin as he continued to taunt the man before him. “Now do you understand why people don’t cross me?”
“You’re a monster.” Vladimir replies, voice filled with venom. “You’re a fucking monster.” 
“I know.”
“You won’t get away with this. When people hear about what you’ve done, there’s no way the others are going to let this go.” The Russian clenched his fists. “My people, even if I’m gone, they’re not going to put up with this. Same with the Doctors, S.I.L.K., the Chinese, the Japanese–”
“The Japanese?” Matt said with a laugh. “Oh, they work for me.” And he almost laughed again when he saw his prey’s face pale again in shock. “Yeah. You see, they raised me. The Hand taught me everything I know, and helped me rise to this position.”
What does he mean he was raised by the Japanese? You managed to think after slowly coming over your shock. You knew his mother died in the accident that blinded him, and he mentioned his dad pasted as well, and–
Matt never told me when his father died. Does that mean he was young enough to be taken in by someone? Someone like… You couldn’t even finish the sentence. You’ve heard bits and pieces about The Hand on the street. You knew they were hardcore, highly skilled and basically an assassination group; People you didn’t want to mess with.
So does that make Matt… an assassin? 
“You really have power in everything.” Vladimir said, head hanging low.
“Pretty much.” Matt said, proudly.
“Then I guess… I’ve got nothing else to do than follow you.” 
“Follow me?” The blind man scoffed. “Oh, Vladimir, you lost your chance at that. You’ve already proven to me that you have no loyalty, that you only think about yourself.”
“Mr. Murdock–”
Matt cut him off by holding his hand up, and staying quiet for just a moment. “I really wanted to like you Vladimir, that hard head of yours I could have used for so many things but…” He sighs and stays silent again. 
And then you watch him plunge his sword into the side of Vladimir’s head.
Your pupils shrunk and you felt all the air get sucked out of you. You–
Matt slowly pulls his weapon out, letting his bodyguards drop the body to the floor. He just stares again, almost like he was basking in what he just did.
Oh, my god… he just… Then you watched him sheath the blade back into his cane and says,
“Kill the rest.” 
And that’s when you knew you had to move. Using all the strength you had left to bolt away as Matt’s men started firing at whoever was left of the Russian mob.
You’re not sure how you’re even going to get home, but fuck…
There’s no way in hell you’re going to stick around here.
You practically crawled to the bathroom when you got back to the apartment, black spots started dancing as you ripped open the first aid kit. You shake off your top, turning the shower on for a few seconds to remove the excess blood.
“Matty… would you still be friends with me if I was a freak?” You asked him as the two of you sat on the fire escape of his apartment. The question has been gnawing at you for quite some time, and you weren’t sure how to express it so.
“A freak?” Matt said, confused. “Why would you ask me that?”
The pole didn’t go all the way through, which was good, but damn… that was going to leave a nasty scar when it did heal. You had to bite on a rolled up magazine as you started sewing up the wound, the pain keeping you awake.
“Well…” You nervously shifted your weight, looking in his direction. “What if I told you… that my parents are special?”
“Special? In what way?
You placed the gauze over the wound, then bandaging it up. You then cursed as you pushed yourself to a stand, running your blood soaked hands under the water, watching it swirl down the drain.
“Like… what if they had abilities? Like superheroes?” 
“Like superheroes?” Matt perked up a little. “Do they?”
“It’s just a question.” You shrug and look away. “Would you be okay if I was a freak too?” 
Your eyes shifted from the bathroom to your kitchen, remembering something. You flicked off the faucet, wobbly walking towards the very thing that’s been peaking your curiosity for the longest time.
The vase of roses.
With a shaky hand you grabbed the note, opening up to reread the one sentence on the paper.
“I wouldn’t mind.” Matt said, with a smile. “I’d think it’d be cool.” 
You blink in surprise. “Really?”
“Yeah. You would be like an actual superhero. Like the ones you see in the comic books. I’ll admit though, I’d be kind of jealous if you did.”
“How come?”
Now you were back in your room, rummaging around for the outfit you wore to work the other day. You know you still have it, you have to. You needed the chance to compare the two.
“Because–” Now it was his turn to shift in his seat. “My best friend has powers and I don’t. Everyone would be in awe with you but with me? Nothing.”
You frown at his words. “Don’t say that. I think it would be nice to have someone different than me.” Then smiles. “Keeps me from not going completely crazy.”
He chuckles. “Well it would be my job to keep you from going nuts. I wouldn’t want you to be the villain of the story.”
You smirk a little at that, scooting closer. “Is that a promise?”
Your (Y/E/C) eyes widened with disbelief for the millionth time tonight. In one hand you had the note from the vase, the other? It was the ad from Nelson and Murdock, the ones they were going to pass out, spread the word. 
The one that had their penmanship on the very bottom.
A perfect–
You held out your pinky. “Promise me. Promise me that as long as we’re together, we won’t become villains in this world. Will always be each other’s light.”
He stays quiet for a second, like he’s thinking. Then he raises an eyebrow, saying, “Superpowered or not?”
“Superpowered or not.”
“Okay. Deal.” He interlocks his pinky with yours. “I promise I won’t do anything crazy while you’re here.”
“Thank you, Matty. I’ll hold you to it.”
You snagged everything that was off the counter, marching over to the window, ripping it open. Without even looking you just tossed it out, letting it drop and shattered on the dumpster lid below.
You just couldn’t believe it as you sank to your knees.
You just couldn’t believe it.
You just couldn’t believe it.
You just couldn’t believe it.
You just…
Couldn’t believe your whole life was in a lie.
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moogleannywrites · 2 years
Do's & Don'ts [Matt Murdock x Karen Page]
Summary: When Matt starts to say a lot of “don’t”s for Karen in their daily life, she might think there is something wrong about her rather than something different about them.
Word count: 3k+
Warnings: mentions to pregnancy symptoms; mentions to previous drug abuse; mentions to sickness; few mentions to alcohol; Daredevil season 3 spoilers. The drug abuse is only implied but minors dni, please.
Content: fluff & angst; happy ending; pregnant protagonist; pet names; small comic book reference.
Read it on AO3 | My masterlist ❤
Based on this prompt, by @esther-likes-evermore (thank you so much for letting me use it!):
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tI took a small freedom to put some angst, but the fluffiness prevails! I'm not sure this is exactly what you asked for (and I'm sorry) BUT I do hope you enjoy it. A huge shoutout to my best friend and beta-reader @areiko who helped me quite a lot <3 and if anyone wants to read something different, Karedevil or reader insert, you can ask me on my ask box! It would be my pleasure to take a request :)
image done on photopea by me, horns and halo found on the internet.
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“You should absolutely not be drinking tonight.”
Josie’s Bar, one random hot evening after work. Karen Page’s collar was completely wet due to insistent sweat dropping from the back of her neck, and not even the tied up strands of hair were enough to diminish the boiling temperature of her body. A cold beer was everything she needed, everything she thought about most part of the day, shifting from a feeble fan back at the office to an even weaker one at the bar, whose blades moved so slowly it was almost impossible to feel the wind.
That said, Karen’s eyes went wide as she slowly moved her face from the table to Matt’s face, giving a silent opportunity for him to withdraw those words, however, his expression continued placid, a smile from the corner of his lips glued to his face.
“You threw up just yesterday, dear”, Matt said.
“Save your pity for the weak!” Karen laughed out loud. “I am sure it was because of the hot weather. Maybe some rotten food, I don’t know… but certainly nothing that can take that cold beer away from my imagination.”
She moved her hands towards her face, and, soon after, Foggy gently put his palm on her back.
“Hey, maybe she will even feel better after that beer”, he said in an attempt to light up the mood. “It’s the hottest summer New York has had in what, fifty years? It surprises me how you are holding up so well, Matt. Most of us, mere humans, are not.”
“I’ll leave you gentlemen right here and take a trip to the bathroom…” Karen shifted her eyes from one man to the other, adding: “Not because anything is wrong, just to get that out of the way”, she left her place and tapped on the desk, “Josie, can you get me a cold, cold beer, please?”
Just as soon as the woman went down the corridor, Matt pushed his body on the counter, grabbing the bartender’s attention and asking:
“Could you please switch to the non-alcoholic version? Thank you.”
Josie’s face almost turned into a question mark of sorts, from frowned eyebrows and a semi-open mouth by the end of her face’s curb, but she did not ask anything about it. She even poured the drink into a big glass and took out the non-alcoholic version from sight; although Matt couldn’t see it, he could hear the thud of a bottle, the tingling of the long neck on another recipient, the pouring of the beer and another thud from the bottle being hid. He smiled once again to show his gratitude, making a small nod with his head, while Foggy came closer and asked:
“I know you are the loving husband, but what’s with all that?”
Matt took a small breath, making sure he couldn’t hear Karen’s steps returning, taking a small sip of his own beer before lowering the tone to say:
“I have a few reasons to think Karen is pregnant.”
The sound of a small child yelling “Uncle Foggy!” and jumping into his arms made Foggy open his mouth in surprise before beaming in excitement and hugging his best friend. He would be an uncle; Matt tapped his back, more than listening to his heart, feeling the jolly, thrilled pulse against his shirt.
“Dude! I don’t know what to say about this” Foggy’s voice sounded loud at the same time he let go of the hug, and Matt did a quick sign for him to lower the tone. “You should tell her that. Like, right now.”
“Oh yes, I am surely going to tell she’s expecting our first child in the middle of a chaotic bar with drunk people all over the place- Foggy, please”, he giggled. “Moreover, I am not sure yet.”
“Oh, sorry, I got carried away”, Foggy answered while he, himself, looked around his shoulders to make sure Karen wasn’t around so he could continue: “But what makes you suspect that she is pregnant?”
“Karen… has been waking up sick in the morning for a few days now, usually going to the bathroom while she thinks I am still asleep. Also, I think she is running late this month, although she did not mention anything yet.”
Matt made a quick pause, filling his lungs with air. Foggy would surely think the next bit of information was weird, so he chose his words carefully:
“I heard something odd today as well.”
“How odd?”
“Like her heart was beating twice.”
Foggy exhaled the air from his cheeks with a long “oh”, putting his arm around Matt’s shoulders.
“Do you think it is…”
“I do not know that yet”, he didn’t allow his friend to finish. “But I will figure it out soon enough.”
Foggy looked again to see Karen not returning yet, which raised his worries, however, he could see Matt was somewhat calm – as much as the situation allowed him to be – and, if he could still sense his wife well by the bathroom, Foggy shouldn’t be concerned at all.
“And why don’t you talk to Karen?”
“I don’t want to scare her right now. We should just… Take our time, I think. If she really is pregnant, it will be something new for us both, but mainly for her. So waiting for the right time is the best thing to do.”
Soon, the previously empty place became crowded since night was covering the sky, and they both knew the conversation needed to end.
“Promise me you’ll help me take care of her?” Matt whispered, loud enough so his friend and co-worker would be able to hear.
Foggy put his own beer over the counter and held him, pressing his fingertips on his back muscles in a fraternal way.
“You two… Maybe three” he laughed “are part of my family. Of course I will take care of her.”
Meanwhile, Karen held the bathroom sink like dear life, trying her best not to vomit and having Matt knock on the door to ask if she was alright. Filling her palms with water, she threw it on her face, the burning feeling of nausea going up and down her stomach, stopping by her throat as a knot tying her air passage to the extent she needed to catch her breath a few times.
She could not be sick. Not when things were doing so well.
“Step away from the window, honey, please.”
Murdock-Page residence, probably a couple days later, a lazy Sunday morning in which Matt was getting ready to go to Mass. Karen’s breath quickly became way too fast before she took a few steps away, her hand, holding the window, being the last one to let go. Not only was she particularly light-headed that day, it also was Sunday and everybody decided to cook home meals to spend a little more time with their family – and, if the smell of shrimp and dubious pasta was affecting Matt’s sensitive nose, he could only imagine how it would affect Karen’s.
“You were dizzy this morning, right?”
His confirmation words filled in the void, but to no answer. Karen gently placed her hands on his chest, shaky fingers biding his tie with a deep sigh. That place, that apartment, held so many memories of themselves, from the day they’ve met to their own married life, connecting to the moment Karen decided to finally tell her husband the whole truth about her past; the addiction, the family problems, all things he listened comprehensively at the same time he caressed her hair.
Amidst the thoughts rushing through her head, Matt attempted to speak once again:
“Look, I just want to help…”
“I am not sick, alright?”, Karen answered sharply. “I am completely fine; it’s probably the damn weather. But thank you” she added to seem a little less stupid.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay?”, he questioned in a gentle manner.
“Oh, no, please don’t miss Mass because of me.”
“You know I would rather be with you in a heartbeat.”
Matt took a step closer and hugged his lovely wife, trying to make sense of the sound. An insistent pulse like a heart, as if her heart had gotten bigger, beating twice, once normal and a small, almost imperceptible follow up to the first. The excessive noise from the city did not help him… at all.
“I know, but I don’t want you to miss something you like just for me. Okay?” Karen held his face and kissed his lips softly at the same time her thumb caressed his cheek tenderly. Matt gently brushed his mouth with hers, the warmness emanating from her skin touching him like a hug on a cold day.
“I don’t want to leave you…” said Matt in a cottony voice, making Karen laugh. “If you feel sick, promise you will call me?”
Karen internally wanted to yell, afraid of what could be leaving her like that. Afraid of making Matt worry even more. She breathed to be able to respond without letting him know about her fears:
“I am fine. Now go, you’ll be late.”
“Don’t you want to come with me?”
“No, thanks. Love you!” she shouted while he took his own coat from the coat rack and opened his cane.
“Love you too, however” Matt made a quick pause “when you go to hell, Karen Murdock Page, I won’t be able to help you, even being the devil.”
He shut the door behind him while laughing and she took a few minutes on both feet, walking through the apartment, before laying on the sofa and letting all the dizziness she had been hiding swallow her body.
Was there something wrong with her?
“Please, don’t lift that box, it’s too heavy!”
Nelson, Murdock & Page, a weekday afternoon. Matt had left to make a few errands out in town, and both Karen and Foggy were alone. Karen tried to move a box full of papers but, as soon as Foggy saw her, he immediately said she should stay put, which led her to glare at him ready to announce, once again, that she was fine, yet being stopped by the dizziness and sudden sleepiness making her eyes hazy just after moving her head.
“Are you alright?”, Foggy held her arms.
“Yes, yes I… Maybe not”, she grasped, feeling her stomach roll once again. Did she even eat before leaving for work?
“Karen, can you tell me what is going on?”, she held onto the wall, listening to Foggy’s worried voice. “Both Matt and myself are really worried about you, you know…”
“Did Matt tell you why he thinks I am sick?”
Karen’s eyes looked like daggers, however, in the depth of her voice, there was a weak cry for help. Something that made her terrified. Foggy stuttered a few words before she asked again:
“Did he?”
“Ye- I mean, no” he replied, “Matt didn’t tell me anything.”
Foggy was willing to tell her about the thoughts on pregnancy that Matt had; on the other hand, although he did not have the same abilities his dearest friend had, it was possible to notice that something was different about her. Something she was reluctant to talk about. They probably had not talked to each other about that yet, or Matt would certainly tell them to celebrate together.
“He just asked me to keep an eye on you”, Foggy continued.
A shiver ran down Karen’s spine as she became more likely aware of the roots from where these new symptoms emerged. Her drug abuse. And she made Matt worryabout her, even Foggy, with her strange behavior and constant symptoms of some unknown sickness. Her vision became blurred and she said, in a whisper:
“Can I go home for today?”
“You absolutely should”, Foggy held her arm and helped her to stand up. “The office is an extension of your house, you know that, right?”
He had a compassionate smile alongside the words, which made Karen’s heart a little bit lighter as she grabbed her things to go home. The next few minutes were a complete blur of people coming and going, the flow, craziness of tourists, angry citizens and everything shiny and bright that made the place feel like home. Her new home was so different from the peaceful place she came from, about four hours away from probably the busiest place in the world.
And it honestly felt nice.
When Karen looked at her pulses, she sometimes still could see it.
The stings on her skin from drug abuse.
A far-off remark of the past, gone after blinking once or twice, just like a nightmare. She sometimes grabbed Matt’s hand and squeezed it in a way to forget about it more quickly, keeping an uneasy mind on the present. On the family she had now.
She also faintly remembered the feeling of being high. Of being on the edge of life and death at the same time, a thin line between pleasure and demise which she had crossed way too many times, taking a loved person with her the last time she did it, making her sure she shouldn’t, wouldn’t, do it again. She couldn’t risk Matt’s life or safety.
The click on the front door came as soon as Karen looked at herself in the mirror; bags under her eyes and an even paler tone to the sand-white skin highlighted under the dim light of the bathroom reflected that something was odd. Something she needed to resolve about soon. She took a deep breath while silently leaving to the main room, listening to Matt’s voice calling out to her:
He dropped his cane – which was absurdly rare for Matt to do when he wasn’t being the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen, running around to save other people – and ran towards her, throwing his arms around her shoulders and sighing in relief.
“Hey, hey” he called out. “Is everything okay? Foggy said you needed to leave.”
“Yeah, but… Matt, we need to talk.”
Her voice echoed through the apartment’s walls, and Matt frowned his brow above the familiar red glasses, a silent way to say that yes, they should talk about whatever was wrong about her. Karen took a deep breath before saying, slowly:
“I have a few reasons to think I’m sick”, she closed her eyes and opened them twice. “I’ve been feeling down for a few days now, and…”
Suddenly, her husband took a step ahead. He suddenly, and regrettably – because he loved hearing her in any situation – shut off the whole world so he could feel her. His fingertips slowly found their way to Karen’s stomach, a tangible shiver making its way through his hand while Matt gently went down and touched right under her belly button. In his ears, there was only a heartbeat. Her heartbeat. An anxious
Ba-thump, ba-thump, ba-thump.
And then, he listened.
The small heartbeat following hers was, indeed, another heartbeat.
She was pregnant. His wife was pregnant.
“Darling”, his tears came along a smile, interrupting her speech about how she was afraid of being sick, and scared with the possibility of him being sick as well. “There’s nothing wrong with you.”
“What do you- Are you crying?”
For a few seconds, Matt could not say anything, because a knot on his throat stopped him from doing so; all the emotion, the happiness of finally noticing her pregnancy before she even knew about it. His face was completely wet as he gently cupped her cheeks with both hands.
“Karen, you are pregnant.”
Pregnant. This single word, which came out as a whisper, crossed her heart in a way she never thought about. It suddenly hit her; the nausea, her running late, overwhelming tiredness. She opened her mouth in surprise while Matt touched his forehead with hers, a giggle turning to a laugh and to a beam just after.
“But, but that’s… I’m not sick?” Karen tried to say while tears fell from her eyes “How do you know?”
“I can hear him, darling, I can hear the baby’s heart”, he caressed her face, an emotional tone from the overwhelming feelings giving his voice a nasal touch “it’s so small, just a little thud. I’ve been trying to hear it since last week… We need to take a few exams, just to be sure, but…” More tears streamed from his eyes, amidst a radiant smile “Oh, I love you so much!”
Karen shook her head slowly, the tip of her nose shadowing a smile while she organized her own thoughts. Past, present and future became one in her blurry mind, however, she only focused on Matt’s lips for a little while, on the happiness he felt shown by his never tiring smile, and the piece of life growing in her womb. They were even more of a family now. Her husband passed his arms around her waist and spun her around the living room, much to Karen’s fright:
“Matt- Matt, be careful, I…” it felt weird to scold inside his own place, especially since his glee was contagious, so she just let the feelings show until taking the courage to grab his face and say: “I love you too, my little devil.”
She dived in and kissed his lips slowly, feeling a hint of salt from the tears which made her smirk at the same time their mouths touched. Karen’s hand gently caressed the back of Matt’s head, while his fingers, once again, touched her belly. There was an abnormal warmness on her skin, perceived even over the fabric of the dress, as the heartbeats became even clearer to his ears, the soft thump between his wife excited heartbeat. Matt could not wait to feel Karen’s belly growing, to feel the warmth of their child when they were born, to hug them and hear them laugh. His wife’s kiss embraced all those feelings at the same time, her sweet lips who tasted sweet like dreams coming true.
They had a lot to talk about – about going out as Daredevil during her pregnancy, where they would put the baby’s crib inside the apartment (should they even move?) – but words, at that moment, were not necessary. Not when you had love and affection so touchable around them. Those led on to a few moments of completely silence, broken by Karen sometime later:
“So you did tell Foggy about the pregnancy”, she said with a laugh.
“Yeah, last week on Josie’s. Also, I asked for her to switch to a non-alcoholic beverage.”
Karen’s eyes went wide.
“You little…”, she jokingly punched Matt, who said an “ouch” in a pitiful tenor.
“But I was right about the pregnancy. Which means we need to let Foggy know, now that’s for sure.”
“Yes”, Karen smiled. “We should all go out and celebrate!”
A sudden realization came to her, leading to Karen slap her own forehead in disbelief.
“What’s wrong?”, Matt asked while getting her a coat next to the door.
“Now that I’m officially pregnant, you are going to make a giant list of ‘don’ts’ for me to follow, aren’t you?”
A heartfelt laugh echoed through the walls as Matt, holding a cardigan for Karen on one arm, used his opposite hand to caress her forearm and slip his thumb through her palm so they could intertwine their fingers.
“Honey, you don’t date the one and only Daredevil just for show. The list of don’ts will be a lot bigger than the list of chores you are allowed to do. I will probably ask Foggy to come once a day to help me out, before and after the baby is born…”
Hell’s Kitchen, the most important day of their lives until now. A newlywed couple who came from broken homes was now prone to make the happiest family possible inside their home.
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qs63 · 5 years
Karedevil Masterlist
I finally forced my lazy self to make a Karedevil masterlist. Anyone interested can find it on my side bar or at: http://qs63.tumblr.com/karedevil
That’ll hopefully make things easier for all the poor souls searching stuff in here.
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care-devil · 6 years
Masterlist of Karedevil moments - Daredevil Season 2
[Season 1]   [The Defenders]  [Season 3]
It took me long enough, but here it is: the masterlist of Karedevil interactions for season 2! I did that for season 1 and didn’t do it for S2 because there were so many more scenes, and pretty self-explanatory, “canon” as some would say. But I figured it’d be great to have one for S2 as well. Season 3 is coming soon, as well as the one for the Defenders. I hope this will be of use to vidders, gif makers, or simply Karedevil addicts! If you do use this, please let me know, like, reblog or tag me so that I know it’s actually useful to someone :) 
Episode 1  - Bang!
Scene 1:
○ When: around 6′55
○ What: Foggy tells Matt Karen’s being suspicious about his... physical state.
○ Main quotes:
Foggy: "You know Karen’s been asking questions? The cuts, the scrapes, the bruises?”
Matt: “What did you tell her?”
Foggy: “You’ve a drinking problem.”
Scene 2:
○ When: around 8′50 (until 11′00)
○ What: Matt & Foggy get to the office, Karen’s already there taking care of the clients.
○ Main quotes: “And [we have] each other” (Karen)
Scene 3
○ When: 17′29 - 20′20
○ What: Foggy, Karen and Matt are at Josie’s. Foggy leaves and Matt and Karen chat and play pool together.
○ Main quotes: well, it’s more a scene to watch than to listen to.
Episode 2 : Dogs to a Gunfight
Scene 1:
○ When: 4′25
○ What: Foggy’s taking care of Matt after he was beat up by Frank Castle.
○ Main quotes:
Matt: “Where’s Karen?”
Foggy: “We’ve been through this!”
Matt: “Oh yeah that’s right. You... You sure she’s okay?”
Scene 2:
○ When: around 24′30 to 29′30
○ What: Karen pays a visit to Matt, who took a “sick day.” She tells hims she’s not that okay, he hugs her. Karen then tells him he can tell her what’s going on with him, anytime. They also talk about the Punisher. Karen thinks they all created him, and that he and Daredevil are not that different.
○ Main quotes:
Matt: “Come here. I’m glad you’re okay.”
Karen: “Okay, let’s say this. When, or if you ever feel like you can tell me what’s really going on with you, I promise that I’m here. Is that a deal?”
Matt: “That is a deal.”
Later (29′10)
Karen: “Wait... Matt, I... We care about you. You’re worth... keeping around.”
Episode 3 : New York’s Finest
Episode 4: Penny and Dime
Scene 1:
○ When: 7′20-8′50
○ What: Karen helps Matt tie his... well, tie. 
○ Main quotes:
Karen: “But... You’re feeling better?”
Matt: “Yeah... Now... with you.”
Scene 2:
○ When: 9′38
○ What: Karen, Matt & Foggy are seating next to each other at Grotto’s funeral.
Scene 3:
○ When: 14′55-16′50
○ What: Karen, Matt & Foggy are talking about the Punisher at the office. Then, Foggy leaves the two of them to talk.
○ Main quotes:
Matt: “I think... You are...”
Karen: “Oh my God, you think I’m insane?”
Matt: “No, I’m kidding. Compassionate. It’s a good quality Karen. The stuff of saints.”
Karen: “Yeah, but I’m no saint.”
Matt: “I can’t tell you how happy I am to hear that.”
Scene 4:
○ When: 52′15
○ What: The trio is at Josie’s. Foggy leaves to order some drinks, so Matt and Karen are alone. AGAIN. (I see a pattern here, don’t you?) Matt asks Karen about her brother.
○ Main quotes:
Scene 4:
○ When: 53′59
○ What:  Foggy and Matt are alone outstide of Josie’s, waiting for Karen.
○ Main quotes:
Foggy: “Careful, Matt.”
Matt: “What’s that?”
Foggy: “Keep going like this, you might just end up happy. And for a Catholic boy, it’s a pretty dangerous thing.”
Matt: “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Foggy: “God speed, Matt Murdock.”
Scene 5:
○ When: 54′38
○ Main quotes:
Karen: “Do you mind the rain?”
Matt: “No.”
Karen, taking his hand: “Then I’ll walk you home.”
Matt: “Can I take you to dinner?”
Karen: “Yes.”
Matt: “Tomorrow?”
Karen: “Yes.”
Matt: “Goodnight, Karen.”
Karen: “Goodnight, Matt.”
Episode 5: Kinbaku
Scene 1:
○ When: 5′57
○ What: Karen comes into the office carrying coffee. Matt and Foggy are there. It’s the first time they see each other since their kiss. 
○ Main quotes:
Matt: “Is that coffee I smell?”
Karen: “What? Oh, yes, arabica for all!”
Matt: “Wow, thank you, you’re a goddess!”
Foggy: “Ok you two...”
Scene 2: 
○ When : 9′50- 10′25
○ What: Karen and Matt talking at the office, the day after they kissed (and after Elektra came back into Matt’s life).
○ Main quotes:
Matt: “I don’t think you’re wrong about Castle, but it’s really simple, Karen. Just, I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Karen: “So, hum... Last night...”
Matt: “Last night? I don’t, what happened last night? At Josie’s? With Foggy? Something happened? Anything else?” *smiles like a goofball” Yeah, it was great. And I’d like to think I can do better, if we’re still on for dinner?”
Karen: “Hum, yeah, it’s a date.”
Scene 3:
○ When: 33′47
○ What: their first date *_* They’re at this fancy restaurant, they talk about work and are both being very awkward. Karen leaves for a few minutes, and meanwhile Matt gets a call from Elektra.
○ Main quotes:
Matt, to a waiter: "If I had to seem like I know everything there is to know about wines in the next 60 seconds, what would I order?” (it doesn’t seem like a very interesting quote BUT IT’S SO FREAKING CUTE BECAUSE HE WANTS TO IMPRESS KAREN)
Scene 4:
○ When: 40′10
○ What: Matt & Karen are eating at the Indian restaurant.
○ Main quotes:
Karen: “I wish you could see this place.”
Matt: “I can, if you describe it to me.”
Karen: “So, anyways, my favorite part is the ceiling. So it’s literally dripping with thousands of lights. They’re shaped like chilli peppers. It sounds really tacky, I know, but it’s not, it’s just... it’s magic.”
Scene 5:
○ When: 42′30
○ What: The end of the date, and the second kiiiiiiiiss
○ Main quotes: they sit, and...
Matt: “All right, I’m gonna kiss you.”
Karen: “You could come up... if you’d like.”
Matt: “I would love to...”
Karen: “But you won’t.”
Matt: “Not tonight.”
Karen: “It’s okay.”
Matt: “Can I tell you why? Because, I have this... incredible ability to bring disaster to the best things in my life, and tonight has been perfect. Don’t you think?”
Karen: “Yes.”
Matt: “And if I stop now, then I get to keep this one perfect night, and also I have the chance of keeping it going tomorrow *kisses her*, and the day after...”
Karen: “And the day after that...”
Matt: “Exactly” *kisses her forehead*
Karen: “Then I guess it’s good night, Mr Murdock.”
Matt: “Good night, Ms. Page.”
Episode 6: Regrets Only
Scene 1:
○ When: 9′50-12′18
○ What: at the office, Christopher Roth (Castle’s lawyer) is talking to Karen about her deposition.
○ Main quotes: Just a conversation between the trio!
Scene 2:
○ When: 13′48-18′34
○ What: Foggy, Matt & Karen pay a visit to Castle at the hospital + Karen and Matt hold hands at 15′58!!
Scene 3:
○ When: 18′44
○ What: Still at the hospital. Karen’s admiring Matt, as usual.
○ Main quotes:
Matt, to Karen: “We’re on shaky grounds, you need to be very careful.”
Scene 4:
○ When: 21′59
○ What: Matt kisses Karen on the cheek before he leaves to meet Elektra, the “new client that pays”.
○ Main quotes:
Foggy: “Woah, okay. Is this officially happening? Are you guys dating?”
Karen: “Hum... Ah...”
Matt: “Hum, we’re...”
Karen: “Not... labeling it.” Pause. Then, to Matt: “You know, why don’t I, why don’t I walk you out?”
Scene 5:
○ When: 22′27-23′40
○ What: Still at the hospital. Karen and Matt are talking outside the room.
○ Main quotes (aka the whole fudging dialogue):
Karen: “You think he’ll be okay, with this?”
Matt: “Yeah, I mean, it’s a pretty small office, it’s gonna take some getting used to.”
Karen: “Yeah, I guess.”
Matt: “But, I’m not misremembering, am I? It really was the best... curry on the planet?”
Karen: “Mmmm, yes. Great, great curry. Even better company.”
Matt: “I’ll try to make this [appointment] go quick.”
Karen: “You know what, Foggy and I have got our hands full with everything here, why not just make dinner for tomorrow night?”
Matt: “Yeah, can we?”
Karen: “Yeah.”
Matt: “And, thanks for backing me up earlier.”
Karen: “Well, I didn’t do it for us, I did it because helping Frank, getting to the truth, that’s the right thing to do. *Matt chuckles* What?
Matt, after he kisses her: “I know. All right.”
Karen: “Okay.”
Episode 7: Semper Fidelis
Scene 1:
○ When: 4′03-6′44
○ What: Talk at the office. Karen is going to visit Castle on her own. Yet another kiss (4th one)!
○ Main quotes:
Matt: “Karen? You know you don’t have to do this by yourself.”
Karen: “It’s okay, Castle doesn’t scare me.”
Matt: “Maybe he should.”
Karen: “I can take care of myself.”
Matt: “I know. But I’d be saying it to Foggy. Or a Navy SEAL. *smiles* “Just watch you back.”
Karen: “Promise.”
Scene 2:
○ When: 35′10-36′50
○ What: Matt arrives late to Frank’s trial... They all chat and Foggy leaves.
○ Main quotes:
Karen: “You let him down, Matt.”
Matt: “I know. Hey, I know. But I’m gonna make it up to him. And I’m gonna make it up to you.” *kisses her on the forehead*
Scene 3:
○ When: 36′51
○ What: Karen and Matt are getting dinner at his place.
○ Main quotes:
Matt, about the preparation for the trial: “It could take all night.”
Karen: “Well, I don’t mind. What?”
Matt: “You ever considered law school?”
Karen: “Oh, I don’t know...”
Matt: “Just thinking Nelson and Murdock might be more fun as... Nelson, Murdock and Page.”
Karen: “Ugh, you’re sweet, uh... I don’t know, I don’t know if law school is really the right fit for me. I guess there’s just something about the rules and the loopholes. I just feels like the truth gets lost a little bit too often.”
Karen: ‘You ever think back to the night we first met?”
Matt: “Yeah, all the time.”
Karen: “Will I sat in that police station, alone, I was afraid of the whole world. Well, at least until you and Foggy came into my life, and... you trusted me, you gave me hope. And then we came back to your place...”
Matt: “I offered you Thai food.”
Karen: “Yeah, God, I remember everything about that night, ‘cause it’s... not everyday your life is threatened, then saved by a man in black. Hey you, you believe in what he does? You know, the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen?”
Matt: “I, mmm, uh, I... I believe in the law. If, that’s what you’re asking.”
Karen: “Yeah, right. No, but... but what about when the law fails? Like it did with me, like it did with Frank? You know, what are we supposed to turn to? What sould we... what should we believe will protect us then?”
Matt: “See, you’re asking a Catholic lawyer.”
Karen, laughing: “I know...”
Matt: “What do you want me to say?”
Karen: “I don’t know, I guess it’s just...
ARGUE ABOUT FRANK, then call it a night.
Karen: “I don’t know, maybe after the trial’s over...”
Matt: “Yeah, real date next time.”
Elek*tra has been there all along, so Matt tells her: “She [Karen] is important to me.”
Scene 4: 
○ When: 50′11
○ What: Shit’s going down after a big reveal in Frank’s trial.
○ Main quotes:
Karen: “No, no, no, no, you don’t treat me like I’m just you secretary, I’ve done more work on this case that you have!”
Matt: “I can’t get into this right now, Karen.”
Karen: “No, enough of the dodgy bullshit. I deserver to know what is going on with you two. With you.”
Matt: “You asking as my co-worker? Or my girlfriend?”
Karen: “Both.”
Matt: “Yeah. I am sorry you’re caught in the middle of this, but right now I have to go.”
Karen: “Where?”
Matt, leaving: “I’ll see you tomorrow, Karen.”
Karen: “Yeah, maybe” (Matt hears her, close up to his face)
Episode 8: Guilty as Sin
Scene 1:
○ When: 24′04
○ What: Matt is with Elektra, at his place, and Karen shows up unexpectedly.
○ Main quotes: well, it doesn’t last long enough really, Karen is shocked to see Elektra, she just tells Matt Foggy could use his help with Frank’s trial and leaves.
Scene 2:
○ When: 32′00
○ What: Frank’s trial, Matt shows up and tries to apologize to Karen..
○ Main quotes:
Matt: “Karen, I’m so sorry about...”
Karen: “Uh, Foggy wants to walk through some things with you.”
Scene 3:
○ When: 39′21
○ What: After they lost Frank’s trial, outside of Court. Matt & Karen get into a fight.
○ Main quotes:
Matt: “Karen, let him [Foggy] go.”
Karen: “I don’t wanna hear it.”
Matt: “Karen, can I talk to you for five seconds-”
Karen: “I don’t want to hear another bullshit excuse. Maybe you are an alcoholic . Maybe you’re in a fight club. Maybe you are sleeping with a whole harem of women. I don’t care, I’m done. You’re right. This city really needs heroes. But you’re not one of them.
Episode 9: Seven Minutes in Heaven
Scene 1:
○ When: 23′50
○ What: Indirect scene, as Karen’s not there. Foggy came to see Matt at his place.
○ Main quotes:
Foggy: “What am I supposed to say to Karen?”
Matt: “I don’t know, same thing I’m telling you. [that he’s done apologizing for who he is]”
Episode 10: The Man in the Box
Scene 1:
○ When: 9′13
○ What: Matt & Karen meet outside of Court. It’s Karen who talks to him, he was just gonna climb the stairs without stopping. Well, he can certainly pretend he did not see her...
○ Main quotes:
Karen: “I, uh, see Reyes dragged you in too.”
Matt: “Karen? You all right?”
Karen: “Other than being hauled in as a suspect in the escape of a confessed murderer? Yeah, I’m great.”
Matt: “Yeah... This whole case has been a disaster. I’m sorry I pulled you guys into it.”
Karen: “Don’t be sorry.”
Matt: “How are you otherwise?”
Karen: “Good. Yeah, I’m good.”
Matt: “Good.”
Scene 2:
○ When:   15′39
○ What: Foggy, Matt & Karen are summoned by the DA. They all meet her in her office + gunshots, Matt shields Karen with his body.
○ Main quotes:
Matt, whispering to Karen: “It’s probably not a good idea...”
Karen: “Trust me.”
Episode 11: .380
Scene 1:
○ When: 8′28
○ What: yet another fight outside of the police station...
○ Main quotes:
Karen: “Matt.”
Matt: “Karen?”
Karen: “What are you doing here?”
Matt: “Brett reached out, something shot at you?”
Karen: “Yeah, it’s okay, I’m fine.”
Matt: “Why didn’t you call me?”
Karen: “Would you have answered? Look, Matt, I know you mean well, but I can take care of myself.”
Matt: “No you can’t, Karen! Not if Frank Castle wants you dead, no one can.”
Karen: “You’re right! You’re right! Castle’s dangerous, and maybe I can’t handle this, but I don’t want your help.”
Matt: “What’s going on with you? What are you holding back?”
Matt: “Then you need to back off.”
Karen: “No, Matt, you need to back off.”
Matt: “This is not a game, Karen, this is dangerous!”
Karen: “Look, I’m gonna, I’m gonna go...”
Matt, making a move: “I'm gonna come with you.”
Karen: “No! Matt, I'm.. I'm not yours to protect.”
Scene 2:
○ When: 21′20
○ What: Indirect scene, the friggin dialogue between Frank & Karen at the diner.
Karen: “You're honest. You never lie to me.”
Frank: “Does he?”
Karen: “Who?”
Frank: “Come on. Let's not do that. Okay, the lawyer. Not the other one. Murdock.”
Karen: “Um... Yeah... He's got issues. It's complicated, like most people. Hard person to get to know. I just think that inside he's...”
Frank: “You love him, right?”
Karen: “You can't know that.”
Frank: “I'm sorry, can't know what?”
Karen: “You can't...”
Frank: “Come, we're in court, all that shit going on, it's all over your face. You can't hide that. You love him.”
Karen: “I might have... feeling for Matt Murdock, but it's just... it's just a swirl, it's a lot of things. Like, ingredients, not love.”
Karen: “He's the kind of man who hurts people. Not like you, but... he damages them. Breaks them.”
Frank: “Sorry, is that supposed to mean something?”
Karen: “So those are the people that you get out of you life.”
Frank: “Is that right? Look, I might be generally considered out of my skull, so this might not mean much, but this could be the craziest, most batshit thing I've ever heard in my life. People that can hurt you, the ones that can really hurt you, are the ones that are close enough to do it. People that get inside you and... and... and tear you apart, and make you feel like you're never gonna recover. Shit, I'd... I... I would chop my arm off right here, in this restaurant, just to feel that one more time for my wife. My old lady, she didn't just break my heart. She... she'd rip it out, she'd tear it apart, she'd step on that shit, feed it to a dog. I mean she was ruthless. She brought the pain. But she'll never hurt me again. You see, I'll never feel that. You sit here and you're all confused about this thing, but you have it. You have everything. So, hold on to it. Use two hands and never let go. You got it?”
Scene 3:
○ When: 48′16
○ What: Indirect scene, Karen comes to the harbor after Frank has supposedly been killed. Matt’s there, as Daredevil, and he listens to her heartbeat. They don’t speak, but they breathe the same air.
Episode 12: The Dark at the End of the Tunnel
Episode 13: A Cold Day in Hell’s Kitchen
Scene 1:
○ When: 17′10
○ What: Matt learns Karen’s been taken. AND HE LOSES IT.
○ Main quote: “He wanted to know the names of everyone you ever saved.” (Brett)
Scene 2:
○ When: 18′10
○ What: Matt goes to Karen’s place, she’s not there, he’s FREAKING OUT
○ Main quote: “Karen” (I am not kidding you)
Scene 3:
○ When: 21′31
○ What: Matt just learnt that Karen has been taken. He’s on the rooftop, trying to hear her, but he can’t focus. 
○ Main quotes:
Elektra: “You can't just take the bait.”
Matt: “I know but I can't abandon them either.3
Elektra: “I know.”
Matt: “We gotta get ahead of this thing before any of them get hurt.”
Elektra: “Slow your breath. Focus. Okay. Focus. You'll find them. You'll find her, Matthew.”
Scene 4:
○ When: 27′30
○ What: Matt saves Karen, touches her face.
○ Main quotes:
Matt: “You're okay?”
Karen: “Better, now. Oh god... ”[seeing he's wounded]
Matt: “Go, go, go!”
Karen: “No, no, no, wait, wait...”
Scene 5:
○ When: 47′05
○ What: Karen and Foggy are having a drink at Josie’s.
○ Main quotes: “And now, not Matt...” (Karen)
Scene 6:
○ When: 54′05
○ What: the big reveal...
○ Main quotes:
Matt: “Thanks for meeting me.”
Karen: “What am I doing here, Matt?”
Matt: “I, uh, I have something...”
Karen: “No, I, I don't want it...”
Matt: “I have something... that I need you to see.” pause “I'm Daredevil.”
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scienceoftheidiot · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Daredevil (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Matt Murdock/Karen Page Characters: Matt Murdock, Karen Page, Franklin "Foggy" Nelson Summary:
Little one shot from a prompt given by @Meinhiding for this summer's Karedevil week (yeah I'm kinda late...)! I'd just gotten a dog, so the prompt was to write something with a pup. :)
Just reposting it on AO3 so I could update my masterlist for the Secret Santa ;) and yes I still have other prompts I have not completed, but I WILL get to them, after this all! 
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fyeahkaredevil · 6 years
fyeahkaredevil masterlist
I got you a balloon... Matt defending Karen If it weren’t for you two... Karen defending Daredevil General Karedevil gifset #1 Is this what we are now? “Is Karen ok?” x 2 “So, um...last night...” Feeling better now that Karen’s here Matt rages when he finds Karen missing Matt protects Karen from a hail of bullets “Tonight has been perfect...” Vulnerability from Matt to Karen Song gifset #1 A Charlie/Deb appreciation post “You could come up if you’d like...” A collection of Charlie being a fangirl Song gifset #2 Matt/Karen in S1 Deb ‘gets’ Karen Matt/Karen meet for the first time in Defenders Karen appreciates both Matt and Daredevil in Defenders Matt/Karen in The Defenders Karen’s milkshake brings all the boys to the yard “Do you mind the rain?” “Do you remember what it was like to see?”
Matt/Karen in The Defenders
Fan Fiction
Karen’s preggers! A few Karedevil prompts First kiss
In defense of Karedevil Analyzing the “I’m not yours to protect” scene The symbolism of Matt’s glasses
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youveneverbeenalone · 6 years
Karedevil Masterlist
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Integrative Negotiations
Sense(ate) Focus
2018 Karedevil Week Fics:
Tacos are for Friends
Return to Me
Cat Scratch Fever
Any Moment
Assorted Head Canons/Meta:
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