#kamui imagine
lilac-5ky · 2 years
Can I make a request for Kamui falling in love with a human? He thinks humans are weak so I feel like some of the things he’d do/say would be super backhanded. But maybe he’s also really protective of them like them almost getting hurt or some rando flirting with them
A/N: At first, I considered doing this in the forms of headcanons, but I feel like I expanded heavily on Kamui hcs before. Because of that, I thought why not include the elements you suggested in a scenario? And thus, this was created. Hopefully it's still in the range of what you asked for, I tend to get a bit carried away when I come up with ideas.
Warnings: Nothing except of a bit of violence and mentions of blood? Like it's really nothing extreme, imo.
Kamui falling in love with a human (x fem!reader)
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kamui eating has to be one of the most adorable things in the universe.
“This must be the place, right?” Kamui pondered out loud as he gazed up at the sign. There was nothing written on it, just like Abuto had suggested.
It was rare for his vice captain to be tipping him off regarding the local delicacies of Edo, let alone handing him a free meal ticket for one of its restaurants. If Kamui didn’t know any better, he would assume that this was a bribe or an attempt to throw him off, but either way, he wasn’t the one to turn down a hearty meal. Besides, Abuto was rarely as enthusiastic when it came to food. If anything, he had managed to spark his interest as to what was so great about this particular Katsudon restaurant.
Taking a final look at the coupon in his hand, he pushed the door open, an enticing smell capturing his nostrils the second he walked in.
The restaurant appeared to be rather small; four tables and five bar stools, all of which were taken with the exception of one stool. Lucky me, he thought to himself as he took a brief look at the customers. They were exclusively humans, men between their 20s and 50s, whose plates were filled to the bream, none of them seeming interested in consuming the food that was in front of them. Curious as he was, Kamui quickly noticed how something else had taking hold of their attention, that being the girl who stood behind the counter; you.
It wasn’t as if there was anything extraordinary about you at first sight. Your clothing was plain, a kimono paired with a stained apron, both bearing rather dull patterns, while your features weren’t particularly beguiling to him either. Just an ordinary girl, just another human weakling, yet everyone seemed to be enthralled with you. Perhaps after visiting Yoshiwara so many times, he had grown immune to the charms of women. Or so he’d like to think.
Immediately the men that were dining turned to face him, shooting him a glare in unison. He didn’t need to hear it to understand that they were irritated by his presence, along with the fact that they were monopolizing your attention no more.
You were smiling at him, a warm and genuine smile that he happily returned, as each step of his brought him to the vacant stool.
“Hello! Is this the best Katsudon in Edo?”
“Oh, I don’t know if it’s the best but it is our signature dish. Would you like a portion?”
“Actually, I have this free meal ticket?” Kamui said, sliding his coupon across the counter. “My associate is a great fan of your cooking, he was the one to recommend your restaurant.”
“I am deeply flattered.” You exclaimed, placing the coupon in your apron’s pocket. “Your friend must be Abuto of the Yato tribe, right?”
“Looks like he made quite the impression for you to remember his name.”
“He is one of our regulars, pops by at least three times per week.”
“So that’s where he’s been slacking off.” Kamui stated with a chuckle. He would have never expected of Abuto to take a liking in humans. If anything, he was a renowned Yato supremacist, with Kamui being the one to occasionally seek entertainment in the mundane lives of the people in Edo.
“Don’t be too harsh on him, he seems to be working a lot. He always complains about how his idiotic boss forces him to do horrible things and about how he is the one running after him to clean up his mess. Amanto also have it tough.”
“My my, is that so? I never realized how much he was suffering. That boss of his must be truly horrible.” Kamui exclaimed, faking a surprised expression while making a mental note to scold Abuto when given the chance.
“It would appear so.” You agreed with him, oblivious to his act. “Would you like something to drink?”
“Sake, please.”
“Okay so, one portion of Katsudon and one bottle of sake for…?”
“Idiotic boss will do!” He didn’t bother hiding his own laugh upon noticing your reaction. Your eyes widened involuntarily, the tray nearly dropping from your hands. Even though it wasn’t your fault that Abuto had ran his mouth to a stranger, Kamui couldn’t help but humor you about it.
Still, despite his comment, you went back to the kitchen, without giving him as much as an apology. Rather than being offended, the smile remained on his lips while he watched you work in the background. As expected, humans were ever amusing.
After about ten minutes or so of pretending to ignore the glares of the customers while waiting for his food, Kamui leaned over the counter, eager to take on his plate from your hands. To his surprise, unlike the regular portions they served at human restaurants, the plate you gave him was twice the size he would expect. He had grown accustomed to always ordering for second and thirds, but for once, he found himself rather satisfied with the quantity of the food. Plus, it smelled delicious.
“I’ll dig right in!” He exclaimed in appreciation before taking the first bite. This wasn’t his first time eating katsudon, yet this had to be one of the most palette appeasing dishes he’d ever tried. The cutlet remained perfectly crispy despite having absorbed the umami filled broth. The rice was fluffy, while the sweet and savory onion sauce added a whole new depth to the dish. It was so delicious that Kamui found himself closing both his eyes, enough to forget all about Abuto’s baseless claims.
“So? Best katsudon in Edo or not, mister Idiotic Boss?”
Although you so blatantly reused the nickname Abuto had given him, there was no malice in your voice. Maybe it was because of the katsudon, maybe it was because of how warmly you smiled at him, but either way, Kamui didn’t feel particularly bothered by your comment. It was quite the contrary, he was intrigued that a mere earthling like you had the guts to humor him, even when knowing what a Yato was capable of.
“Can I get one for the road?” He asked with his mouth full.
Chuckling, you nodded at him, earning yourself a thumbs up from the boy who went back to eating his food.
While Kamui dined, he couldn’t help but notice how the attention of the rest of the customers had fallen back to you. It wasn’t that they didn’t consider him a threat anymore, rather that they were more interested in the way you moved around, tending to each of their whims ever so cheerfully.
The store was filled with drunken voices, the demands of the men growing louder over time. From asking for seconds and refills, to requesting you to keep them company at their tables. The greed and sleaziness of such men never ceased to amaze him. He had seen such sights in red light districts before, countless of times. It wasn’t anything new or surprising. When it came to such behavior, Yato and humans weren’t any different, he realized, his mind wandering to the deceased Night King.
“Oi, missie, pour us some more sake.”
“Come sit with us, we don’t bite!”
More demands followed, with the men laughing among themselves. Despite their vile requests, the smile on your face remained, not wavering for a single moment. Why was that? Normally no woman with pride would take such behavior, yet rather than talking back at them, you simply fulfilled their commands with enthusiasm. Could it be kindness or was it plain ignorance? He wasn’t sure, but the more he looked at you, the more he came to understand why they seemed so enraptured.
Suddenly, the sound of a plate falling to the floor broke through the laughter of the room, forcing Kamui to look behind his back. An assortment of broken glass had sprawled all over the floor, with you standing before it. One of the men -assuming the one who’d thrown it- was holding onto your arm, persistently asking for you to clean him up.
“Our Y/N is so clumsy! Look at this mess, it’s only right for you to wipe me clean.” The man’s tone was rather sickly, his hand dragging you closer to his crotch while you meekly nodded and smiled.
Although your expression hadn’t changed in particular, Kamui could tell that the man’s behavior was frustrating you. Even when you didn’t pull away, you weren’t giving in. Sigh, why did women have to be so troublesome?
Without giving it much thought, Kamui grabbed onto his nearly empty plate, hurling it towards the man’s head. A loud clang followed as they collided, pieces of red painted glass scattering all over the floor. The man howled in pain, dropping onto his knees with his hands holding onto his head.
“I’m so sorry!” Kamui exclaimed with his widest smile as he walked towards the table. “My, I am so clumsy! Should I clean that up for you?” He asked, peering down at the man.
Blood was dripping down his forehead, two crimson streams cascading his cheeks. Had he thrown it without holding back, perhaps the thing to break wouldn’t have been the plate but rather his skull.
The rest of his company, two men in their late 40s, had risen up along with the customers from the other tables. He didn’t need to look around to feel their killing intent, yet he kept acting oblivious, scratching the back of his head while feigning innocence.
“H-how dare you! You stupid brat, I’ll make you-”
Before the man could finish his sentence, Kamui kicked the chair towards him, the wood snapping in little pieces the second it came to touch with his body. Inducing another cry from the customer, Kamui could barely hold himself from laughing.
“Oopsie! What was that chair doing here?” He exclaimed while tilting his head. “I’m afraid I didn’t hear you, what was it?”
Instead of answering back to him, the man kept squirming pathetically onto the floor, unable to form anything other than whimpers, while the rest of the customers had taken it upon themselves to defend his honor. None of them seemed to be carrying a sword, least of all a gun, yet they had Kamui fully surrounded. He wasn’t itching to fight such weaklings, but looking at them he wasn’t left with much of a choice.
“Wait!” You caught him off guard as you jumped between him and the angry crowd. Everyone -including him- had shifted their attention to you, waiting to see what you could possibly have to say.
“Everyone, how about you go back to your families tonight? Mister Fujimoto, I bet your wife must be worried sick and uh… mister Asakawa, doesn’t your son graduate from school tomorrow? It’d be a great shame to end tonight on a bad note. Besides, next time you visit, how about a round of drinks? On the house, of course.”
Surprisingly enough your words managed to somewhat appease the customers. One by one, they returned to their tables, packing their things before leaving the restaurant. Irritated murmurs followed as the two men escorted their injured friend outside, incomprehensible slurs directed to Kamui as well as you, echoing on their stead.
Once everyone but you and him had remained, you allowed yourself the freedom of sighing out loud. He didn’t seem neither bothered nor relieved by the course of events, but that was expected from a Yato. Situations like this must be a regular occurrence in their daily lives.
“I can see why Abuto is so fond of this place. It certainly is entertaining.” Kamui pondered in a gleeful tone. “Well then, I guess I’ll be taking my leave.”
Waving you goodbye, the redhead made his way outside the door while you stood in place. Although it wasn’t as if you appreciated the mess he had created, part of you couldn’t help but feel rather thankful. It wasn’t too often that a customer defended your honor, be it in the form of violence or not. Letting him go like that would only leave you with a bitter aftertaste, and so, you ran after him, catching up as he was about to cross the street.
“Wait! You should take this.” Searching through your apron, you got hold of the coupon he had previously given you. “It’s not much of a thank you but… if you ever find yourself in Edo again, be sure to pop by for a free meal. These guys only visit at night after work, so-”
“Mhm, understood!” Kamui said as he took the ticket, a bright smile beaming on his face. “Until next time then!”
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The next time turned out to be way sooner than you’d thought it’d be, with the boy visiting your restaurant come first morning light. You found him waiting by the door, a smile on his lips while holding an umbrella over his head, ushering you to open the door. Once you did, the two of you made your way inside. Kamui grabbed a seat by the counter, while you went to the kitchen, turning the machines on one by one. Unlike the previous night, he didn’t have much to say, merely ordering his food and eating it in silence. Once he was done, he waved you goodbye and walked outside of the restaurant.
The next morning, around the same time as the previous day, Kamui was once again standing outside the door. He ordered the same food, ate in silence, tipped you off and then left.
The morning after that, he repeated the same ritual. Walked in, ordered, ate, paid, left. Over and over again, he’d follow the same steps, becoming a regular in no time. While the two of you didn’t do much talking, you’d find yourself anticipating the mornings you’d spend together. Despite his nature, there was something about him, a certain quality that manage to brighten up each day. He was unlike the typical customers who liked your food because of you. He seemed to genuinely be fond of the taste, even when he was now having it on a daily basis. Part of you wanted to point him to other dishes, yet whenever you did, he’d brush you off, ordering one more portion of katsudon and sake instead.
One day, he didn’t come. He didn’t come and… although it made no sense for you to feel this way, you were rather saddened by his absence. You knew better than to worry about him, but you couldn’t help but wonder what happened to him. Come to think of it, you hadn’t seen Abuto in quite some time either. It wasn’t like you to get this attached to customers, but Kamui, whose name you didn’t even know at the time, had managed to capture your attention.
That day, you kept catching yourself looking outside the window, time and time again, awaiting to see the familiar shade of vermilion poking past the frame. Was he even eating well? He probably was, it’s not as if he had nothing to eat before meeting you. Still, you wondered about his well being all the same.
No matter how much you waited, the boy never turned up, not on that day and not on the next day, either.
It wasn’t until a week later that you got to see him again. Another morning visitation, with the sun having barely dawned, yet there he was, same as always, eagerly waiting for you to open business.
Once the two of you were settled inside, Kamui on his preferred stool and you in the kitchen, he didn’t have to place his order for you to start working on his usual katsudon dish. Preparing it in no time, you handed him his meal, only this time, instead of sake you opted for a warm cup of green tea. You expected him to frown at the choice, but to your surprise, the boy simply chuckled before taking a sip.
That’s right. Sake is bad for your stomach this early in the day.
Since it was only the two of you in the store and you hadn’t seen him in quite some time, you took the freedom of sitting beside him, a notion he didn’t seem to mind.
At one point, Kamui turned around and you couldn’t help but notice a red stain poking the corner of his lips. That was unusual, you thought to yourself. There wasn’t any ketchup or anything of this color in his food.
“You have something on your face.” You pointed out, your finger hovering over his mouth in a circle, directing him towards the stain.
He put his fork down, wiping his lips with the back of his hand, before looking down at it.
“Oh? That must be blood.”
It wasn’t an unexpected answer coming from him. After all, despite having the appearance of a regular human, he was still a very capable warrior, one whose mere existence was a synonym of battle.
“Whose is it?” Both you and him were taken aback by your question. Usually you weren’t too nosy but for some reason, you couldn’t hold back your own curiosity.
“Just one of my underlings’. His expiration date came a bit too early than anticipated.” Kamui answered truthfully, digging his fork back into the cutlet.
“It must be hard on you. Having to kill off your comrades and all.”
“Not really. I have no use for weaklings in my team. If they consider themselves worthy of being Harusame, they should at least have the courtesy of being better than the average human mercenary.” He paused briefly, gulping down his bite. “Act the part too.”
That’s right. To someone like him, all humans were weaklings. Even if he walked among the streets of Edo, even if he visited your restaurant so often, you shouldn’t forget the gap between you. But even so, the boy hadn’t given you a chance to be scared of him. Surely, there was that incident on his first visit, yet all he did was for your sake. Even if you hadn’t said much to one another, he was returning all of your smiles. Such a person could never intimidate you.
“Some more tea?” You ask him, filling his cup with glee, unfazed by his explanation.
“Mhm, thank you!” He exclaimed, bottoming its contents up. “Say, Y/N. Why are you not afraid of me?”
“Why would I be? You tip well.”
Despite your attempt at a joke, Kamui stayed quiet, awaiting for a more serious answer. He had placed both his fork and cup down, intertwining his fingers below his jaw.
“Because, you have your own circumstances that you can’t explain, don’t you? Even if the things you do are questionable to some, they don’t define you. Everyone has their own inexplicable situations. The least we can do is be kind to one another, especially when we are unable to see the full picture.”
“You really think that even us Amanto are worth of such kindness? Even when we can annihilate your kind without blinking twice?”
“Even so, yes. Everyone is capable of both giving and receiving kindness. You should know that, after all, you are a very kind person.” Your comment was enough to take him aback, the boy blinking in surprise. “Erm… what I mean to say is that, you are always smiling. I bet that even when you killed your comrade, you did smile, right? That’s a form of kindness too. No one would want for the last thing they see to be a gloomy face.” Even after you finished talking, he was still looking at you wide eyed. “Oh, I’m sorry, idiotic boss, I may have said too much-”
His laughter broke your sentence in half, the boy throwing his head backwards.
“No, it’s fine. Your little speech was quite commendable up until you called me idiotic boss again.” You were about to apologize again, but he shook you off. “Don’t worry about it. Thanks to you I’m considering changing my official title.”
“You had such a thing? What was it?”
“Admiral Nincompoop.” He said in an excitable manner, one that made you wonder whether he was joking or not.
Either way, you couldn’t hold back a chuckle, sharing a laugh with him. It felt rather nice being in his present, having an actual conversation and what not. It certainly was a breath of fresh air, especially when comparing him to your regular customers. You would have never guessed that getting along with an Amanto would be such an easy task, yet you two seemed to be on the same wavelength.
Once you managed to calm yourself down, you noticed another stain on his cheek, only this time, it appeared to be nothing more than rice with onions. Grabbing a napkin, you took the liberty of wiping his face clean, a gesture that made his eyes widen once again. He looked just like a child, you noted to yourself. A very cute yet messy child, who was unable to eat without getting food all over their face.
“I see what Abuto meant by having to clean up after your mess. You are quite the sloppy eater.” Even after pulling the napkin out of his face, he was still looking at you in awe, as if he was stunned. “Now eat up! Don’t want your meal to go cold, do ya?”
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After that morning, you found yourself thinking about Kamui more often than before. You wouldn’t go as far as to call it a crush, more like a harmless interest. There was no denying that the boy had a certain charm to him and soon enough, you were noticing certain things about him that you had overlooked. For example, how his eyes sparkled each time he talked to you about his exploits, or about how his loose strand of hair perked up whenever he got excited. The more he visited and the more you observed him, the more he managed to endear himself to you, whether he intended to or not.
He kept visiting you on a near regular basis, with the exception of the times he was traveling with his crew in space. Whenever he came back, he had a bunch of stories to share with you, from his interactions with a mercenary group consisting of earthlings, to the details regarding his battles, all of which had effortlessly been won by him. He’d share all of these stories with you, having no issue when it came to answering your questions, and although your relationship was still fairly shallow, you could tell that the two of you had begun to form a bond. Or at least you hoped so.
It appeared as if things were going well for you, but you couldn’t help but notice how ever since Kamui became a part of your life, your regulars gradually stopped showing up. At first, you thought nothing of it, but soon enough, it came down to you not having a single customer to tend to. The nights that were filled with drunken laughter and excessive noise turned into nothing but a distant memory, with the quietness in your shop resembling a cemetery, more or less.
It was one on of those nights that you caught yourself frowning, your chin buried in your palm as you gazed onto the door, awaiting for someone, anyone really, to enter. If this kept on going, it wouldn’t be too long till you went bankrupt.
Suddenly, the bell behind the door begun to ring, making you spring from your current position in excitement.
“Welcome dear custom-” Your sentence got cut short upon noticing a familiar set of blue eyes staring at you. “Oh, it’s you!”
“Oh? Are you disappointed perhaps?” Kamui asked with a chuckle as he made his way inside.
“No, of course not! I just didn’t expect to see you twice in one day.”
“Don’t you humans have more than one meal per day?”
“That’s right but… Nevermind, I’m just not in the best mood I guess.” You admitted with a sigh. Normally you wouldn’t dare complain to a customer about such personal issues, yet oddly, you felt like you could share your burden with him, even by a little bit.
“Is that so? What’s weighing you down?” He asked, taking a seat at his regular spot.
“Well” You paused, following him towards the counter. “For starters, don’t you notice anything different about this place?”
“Hmm?” He looked around him. “Oh, you mean how there are no disturbances anymore? I took care of that.” Kamui went on in a cheerful tone.
“Wha- What’s that supposed to mean? What did you do?”
“Nothing that can’t be undone, if that’s what you are asking.” Peering at your expression, Kamui couldn’t hold a chuckle back. “Y/N, has anyone told you that you have a beautiful smile?”
“What? I-”
“I’m quite fond of that. Your smile is something I really like but, If I’m being honest, I don’t like seeing you smiling at others, not when you could be smiling at me. So, from now on, you should only be smiling for me.”
For a moment, his words managed to leave you dumbfounded, unable to truly process what he meant by that. He seemed serious, his compliment coming out like a near threat, despite the smile on his lips.
“If someone heard you, they’d get the wrong idea.” You exclaimed in a low voice, not letting yourself believe for a minute that he could actually mean what he said.
“Oh? Which is what?”
“That you are interested in me.”
“That might be the case.” Kamui said in a rather nonchalant tone.
“But… why?”
“Hmm for starters, you are a great cook. You know how to joke around, you are considerate and you look like someone who could bear healthy children.” Wait, what?!? “Even if you are nothing but a fragile earthling, we get along well. Surely, you might get to suffer a horrible death but, if you stick with me, the only heads to roll will be the ones to roll before you. In other words, be mine.”
His sudden confession had taken you aback. There was always a chance that he could be joking, yet everything about the way he spoke was so earnest and genuine, that you couldn’t dispute his claims. Not that you wanted to do so either, but giving him a clear cut answer was near impossible at the moment. You knew for a fact that you also had taken a liking in him, but going out with someone like Kamui would probably not end up well for you, just like he’d suggested. Even so, why couldn’t you decline?
“Kamui, I don’t really know what to say.”
“There’s no need for you to say a thing. Frankly, you don’t have a choice either. Even if you don’t feel the same right now, soon enough you will. You’ll come to understand that once I set my eyes on something, I never back down until I succeed and my eyes are set on you, Y/N. Go out with me. Tonight.”
“But what about the store? It’s not time to close down, what if a customer walks in?”
“I told you, I took care of it.”
“But what about the ingredients? They will spoil if they remain unused.”
Other than half hearted excuses, you had no way of refusing him. He made it perfectly clear that he wasn’t requesting or asking you for anything, he was simply demanding. Confidence oozed from both his stance and his words, the kind of confidence that was enough to convince you to go through with this madness, as your heart begun to race.
“Don’t tell me that’s the issue.” Kamui said, chuckling ever so softly. “Well then, cook for me!”
“What? How could you possibly stomach all this?”
“You are forgetting that us Yato can eat pretty much through everything.” He stated, leaning over the counter. He grabbed a napkin, placing it inside the hem of his shirt while taking hold of a fork and a knife between his knuckles. “Get to work, I’ll be waiting till you are done.”
Looking at his determination, you decided that there was no way out of this. He really meant it when he said he wouldn’t be backing down.
Well, looks like it can’t be helped anymore. Without any further a do, you walked into the kitchen, wrapping the apron around your waist, as you got down to work.
By the time you were done, you had enough food to feed at least the Shogun’s entire army. Everything from soba noodles, natto and yakitori, to katsudon, gyoza and donburi were sprawled across the counter. Despite Kamui’s claims -and the way his eyes gleamed so brightly upon gazing at all the different delicacies-, you were still doubting his ability to stomach everything. Yet once he got down to it, cleaning plate after plate without receiving any help, you couldn’t help but wonder, whether he truly hadn’t reached his limits yet or whether he was doing all that for you. Either way, you could only watch in amazement as he devoured everything, his rhythm slowing down after gobbling near 17 plates up.
His movements grew sloppy, more food falling onto the counter and his face, rather than his mouth. You tried to stop him, telling him that there was no need for him to keep going, but he wasn’t having any of that. He kept on going until there was nothing left, until he could barely keep his head up anymore.
“Kamui?” You asked, walking closer to him. The tip of his braid had fallen inside the soup’s bowl, while his face had dropped inside the rice pot. His eyes were shut while he kept slurring words between his teeth, words that you couldn’t really make any meaning of.
“Kamui?” You repeated his name, only this time you placed a hand on his shoulder.
“I finished it all so you should… go… out… with… me…” He managed to grunt with his eyes still closed. Although you’d clearly heard his voice, there was no denying it. He had fallen asleep.
“What a stubborn boy you are.” You mumbled as you brought your hand to his face, brushing a couple of grains off his cheek.
His fair skin felt soft to the touch, softer than anything you had ever touched. Before you knew it, you found yourself caressing him ever so gently, your thumb dragging circles along his cheek. He looked so cute and peaceful while sleeping, that you had no choice but to sit there, taking in his image while admiring him. Perhaps this wasn’t such a bad idea, after all.
To your surprise, Kamui let you do as you wanted. Even when you fished his braid out of the bowl, lightly running your fingers through his disheveled hair, he didn’t do as much as complain, merely ‘mhm’-ing in agreement.
You pushed the plates out of the way, propping your chin onto your elbow while you kept watching over him, a smile widening upon your lips.
“I don’t know about smiling to others no more but… I think from now on, I’ll be smiling for you a whole lotta more.” As expected, there was no reply coming from his side.
Leaning closer to him one final time, you lowered yourself before his ear, whispering your final answer to him.
“Yes. I will go out with you, idiotic boss.”
A/N: I feel like Kamui is the kind of impulsive person who wouldn't need to be egged on after being the slightest interested in someone. He'd waste no time and he'd just go for it so yeah, hope this was fine ^^
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collarful-clover · 3 months
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The one samurai dude from vocaloid
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starryficsfinishwen · 8 months
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✧!。◟[kinktober 2023] ɪɴᴛᴏ ɪᴛ — PGR & GI x reader [week 1]
I'm getting way too deep, I'm fucking into it
a.n. - I'm busy with midterms buT YOLO IM WRITING LMAO I just can't miss this event. I mean it's probably still October 7 somewhere hehe. updates on this might be jumpy, I am not sure if I am available all the time. TANKS and enjoy enjoy~
pairings - strike hawk [Chrome, Wanshi, Kamui, Camu]+ liyue [Zhongli, Baizhu] & sumeru [Tighnari] men x fem!reader (separate!)
word count(s) - mostly 400-1,000 words heuheue
kinktober masterlist
warnings: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. NSFW THEMES: desk sex, asphyxia (reader is wearing a collar), threesome (mmf), somnophilia, bondage, oral sex (cunnilingus), aphrodisiac, anal. Some sprinkles of degradation. Use of pet names (darling, little girl, good girl, dearest, dear) and degradation (slut). reader is implied virgin (zhongli, baizhu). sometimes bratty (tighnari). some dubcon (baizhu).
special mention: banner credits to @/rookthorneartistry, @/cafekitsune
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! — Chrome: Glory [ desk sex ]
“Fuck,” the creak of the office desk is the response, a muffled whine spewing out of your lips, “you feel so good, Commandant.”
Messy but so goddamn good — a few words to describe your situation right now: paperwork, probably important, are under you but you couldn't care less, not when your beloved's cock is busy splitting your poor little pussy. His gloved hand is on your drooling mouth, desperate not to let any lewd noises be heard from the outside. Your legs are trembling, from the pressure and force Chrome had been putting since minutes ago, lazily hung on his shoulders. You can feel yourself gushing now, a frothy white crowning at the base, dripping onto the expensive wood, but when your hips flush against the captain's, you forget everything but Chrome and his name.
“Mmph-” you called out, tears escaping your eyes, “y-you feel so good, Ch-Chrome, more please, please.”
Quiet is a funny word, especially — especially — when the revered Strike Hawk captain Chrome is busy railing you on the desk of Mr. Smith.
How did this happen? You can't remember now. All you can remember is being invited to the Smit's estate, sitting prettily for Chrome as he does his father's paperwork, but now -
Chrome leaned down close to your shoulders, teeth grazing your clavicle. As the relentless pace in your pussy is hard, you felt his gloved hand rub your neglected clit, jolting you from the surge of pleasure, a louder moan from your lips. Chrome bites down on your neck, a strangled sigh escaped his own mouth.
“So naughty,” he whispered, gently licking the bite mark, “I told you to keep quiet. Do you want the maids to know that the Gray Raven Commandant is under me?”
That didn't help, blinding pleasure already fogging your brain. You can't help it, not when his cock is hitting all the right spots, his fingers rubbing slowly on your clit, your orgasm teetering dangerously close now.
“I wonder; what would be Father's reaction, hm? When his beloved son is fucking a human commandant on his own work table? While everyone is outside of this room?”
“C-Chrome-!” You cried out, and he groaned. “M-Mr. Smith will-”
“-Fuck, you're squeezing me so good.” Eyes closed, he leaned up until your foreheads touched. Stealing a quick kiss on your lips, a small smile graces Chrome's lips. “That's my commandant; I'll let you cum soon. Just...let me fuck you like this more.”
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! — Kamui: Tenebrion & Camu: Crocotta [ asphyxiation + threesome ]
The collar was tight, but it felt good on your neck. No, it felt great — the pressure on your neck as dark gloves tugged on the chain, and Camu's hips harshly thrusted on your pussy.
“Hah, what a slut you are.” Camu groaned, feeling your pussy flutter around his big dick, “should've known that you like being treated like a dog, a fucking dog in heat, too.”
What an innocent tease you were, somehow turned into a dog. You moan at Camu's words, desperately grinding on his hips. Your legs shake, and your hands try to balance yourself on top of him, fingers holding onto his shoulders.
“C-Camu,” you slurred, “y-your d-dick feels so good.”
“I hope you haven't forgotten your safe word, darling,” feeling foreign hands cup your breasts, you whined at the cold pressure there.
“Fuck off, Kamui,” Camu growled, tugging on your chain (making you moan again), “I'm busy with her right now.”
“You should share her with me, Camu,” Sheepishly grinning, his fingers languidly playing with your perky nipples, his voice drops, “besides, it's not like she has one hole.”
“Isn't that right, commandant?” Kamui whispered, tongue licking below your ear, causing you to shiver.
You want to say a word, but you already felt something hard nudging at the entrance of your ass. Unconsciously complying with the man behind you, you leaned forward and closer to Camu's chest. When you felt Kamui's dick penetrate your asshole, a handful of wanton babbles left your lips, saliva dripping and onto Camu.
“Atta girl,” Kamui coons, before slapping your ass, “such a good girl.”
You felt so fucking full now — Kamui and Camu's cocks somehow filling you up to the brim, even more than you've ever felt your whole mortal life. You babbled their names now, hips grinding to wherever to chase your high.
“Kamui, Camu...please...fuck me more...”
“She's mine.” Camu scowled, “she's my fucktoy. Look how cockdrunk she is now.”
Kamui smiled, despite feeling the tightness of your ass, graciously taking the chain from Camu. Harshly, he tugged on your chain, your body weakly thrown onto his chest.
“Let's see whose name she'll be screaming after this.”
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! — Wanshi: Hypnos [ somnophilia ]
There's something about sneaking into the commandant's room at night that interests him.
By him, it's Wanshi. Although you've both established that he's allowed to enter your room whenever he wants, especially now that you're sick (“I'm sick,” you told him once during your patrols, a sweet pout on your lips as you sniffled, “you should come and visit my room.”), it almost felt like a sin at this point.
He's by the edge of your bed, watching the steady rise and fall of your chest. His pride may hate to admit it, but the way you're situated on the bed— sprawled out, breasts nearly spilling out of your tank top, legs wrapped tightly around a pillow — he can't help but think about something sinful.
What would your face look like under him? When are his hands playing with your breasts? Would your legs wrap around him like that when he's railing you?
The next thing he knew, he's sitting dangerously close to you. His pants feel awfully tight even. In the dark, he sees the outline of your chest better, the dip of your hips, and the sinful thoughts of somehow corrupting you are brighter than ever.
Slowly, Wanshi touched your breasts. Seeing as your nipples started to poke out, he gently massaged everywhere but there. You'd sometimes stir in your sleep, soft sounds from your lips, but Wanshi lives off the thrill;
Who knew you'd look so pretty with your guard down while he's touching you like this? Vulnerable. Sensitive. Pliant. Beautiful.
It doesn't take long before he ventures down to your nether regions. Constructs have heightened sense; Wanshi is no exception, and he could practically smell your arousal.
Dragging your shorts down, he unconsciously grinds his hard dick on the bed, as he sees some of your essence stick to your underwear. Prying your legs open, he felt like Pavlov's dog — your pussy dripping making him drool. Christmas might've come early now; without hesitation, he dips down to lick a long stripe over your slit. You stirred once more, a soft moan escaping your lips. He's relentless— kitten licks to your wet pussy, sucking on your bud. It could be driving you mad, but it's definitely making him hornier. Forget Christmas, he's the one coming soon.
Quickly unzipping his pants, he thrusted his hard cock swiftly into your aching hole. Both of you heaved a low moan, with Wanshi believing you must have woken up. But other than the tremble of your pussy, you were still sound asleep. Wanshi could feel his dick throb — this was too perfect.
He ruts his hips onto your sleeping figure, grabbing whatever skin he could reach. He could drown in this moment and regret nothing; as long as he felt your tight walls clamp on him like a vice, your face still contorting in pleasure even as you sleep through him fucking you.
Fucking into you greedily, somewhere in between, he heard you call out his name with a confused and doe-eyed look on your face. “Wanshi?”
It's too late to back down. Looking into your eyes as he grunted, a few seconds away from painting your walls white, “Good morning, Commandant. I'm just about to give you your medicine.”
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! — Zhongli: Vago Mundo [ bondage + sensory deprivation ]
“Little girl,” your master coos, “You've been nothing but kind to me.”
With a butterfly kiss on your shoulder, Zhongli ties the last rope on your wrists above your head. You look at him, your master, blindingly trusting him as he steps back.
You are naked in front of him; tied wrist above your head, legs tied to the bedpost. Although shy, your willingness to please your master overtakes such behavior. Zhongli's smile never left his face. His fingers touched your chin, tipping it to meet his face.
“Mhm,” you curtly nodded, “my master takes care of me well. He's the one who is kind to me.”
“Say nothing more,” golden eyes glowed as a stray hand caressed your stomach, “After tonight, you will be mine forevermore.”
His voice only makes your tummy flutter a thousand butterflies. From his suit, he pulls out a red handkerchief, “what is your safe word again, little girl?”
“Red,” you inhaled sharply, as he started to cover your eyes with the handkerchief, “Master, will it...hurt?”
“Worry not, little one.” He kisses the shell of your ear once he's done tying the knot at the back of your head, “I will be sure to be gentle with you. If it gets overwhelming, use the safe word. Understood?”
Although blind, your trust in the man is incomparable. “Understood, master.”
“Good girl,” your mind tries to comprehend as lithe fingers start to trace from your shoulders to the dip of your chest, “let me see how much of a good girl you are for me.”
Tingles of fire in the wake of his touch. Your mind doesn't cooperate now, even as you feel his hand put a light pressure on your thighs.
“Pretty,” your master comments, inhaling your scent, “what a pliant little girl you are.”
You feel it, a long, slender finger brushing that part of you that you've never touched before. You gasped from his touch, yet unable to close your legs from the ropes he tied on you. “I-I'm sorry for being loud, master...”
“I would much rather have you be loud than be silent, dearest,” Zhongli's voice is a sultry comfort, loudly close enough that you felt the vibrations close to your throbbing pussy, “mm, archons, you are already drenched.”
“I-Is it bad, master?”
“No.” He said nothing more, only his fingers dipping experimentally and drawing slow, slow circles down there, “This is perfect.”
A surprised whine poured out of your lips, as you felt his finger slip inside your wet hole, fast and already filling the gap in between you. “M-Master Zhongli-!”
“Yes, dear, fuck,” it's the first time you've heard your master swear, that it made you throb down there, “mm, did that turn you on?”
“Does your master being vulgar to his little girl turn you on?” You cried out as he started to thrust his slender fingers, “seems like you do.”
The flat of his palm rests and rubs on your clit, your tummy feeling so warm and shaking. “M-Master, i-it feels so...good...but why do I feel like s-something is coming out...!”
“That's alright, little girl,” his fingers assaulting your little pussy starts to be more ruthless, a finger slipping inside, “it means you're doing a good- fuck - job for me.”
A waterfall of moans escapes your lips, tears prickling your blindfolded eyes. “M-Master Zhongli...!”
When his fingers curved inside of you, they hit a particular soft spot that somehow made you see stars in the midst of your blindness. With a loud cry of his name, you crumbled in his fingers, something liquid squirting out of you. Zhongli fucks you through your first orgasm of the night, your squirt coating his drenched fingers, coaxing whatever you had left.
Heavy sighs and breathing filled the room. Your shaking figure, in the dimly lit room, and Zhongli thinks you're the prettiest he's ever seen in his entire lifetime.
“Good girl,” he coos, bringing his coated fingers to his mouth to taste your sweet essence, “I think you can take one more, hm?”
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! — Baizhu: Beyond Mortality [ oral sex: cunnilingus ]
“Please open your legs,” said the timid doctor of Bubu Pharmacy, “I need to check what the problem is.”
Under the careful gaze of Baizhu, you shyly parted your legs. You were sitting on the patient bed of the back room of the pharmacy. You forgot to wear your underwear, seemingly noticeable as you were in a rush to your appointment with the doctor. Expecting a female doctor to attend to your needs, you were in for a surprise as the famed doctor himself was the one facing you instead.
His snake-like amber eyes carefully eyed your exposed cunt. It made you want to cover them, but his strong grip made you open your legs wider.
“Is...” you gulped, looking away as you felt his intense stare down there, “...is there a problem?”
“Hm,” it seems hard to decipher the emotions on his face. “It's quite complicated.”
Trying to take the awkwardness away, you coughed. Looking around, you somehow noticed the empty space on his shoulders, unaccustomed to the snake that always accompanied the doctor.
“Doctor Baizhu,” you spoke, voice cracking, “where is the little snake on your neck?”
“Ah, Changshang is not around yet.” He flashed a sweet smile to you, slightly calming your anxiety, “I let her sleep in for now. Worry not, fortunately your symptoms are fairly easy to fix.”
“Really?” You sighed in relief, somehow the mental counting of your expected expenses lessening, “can I ask what's it about?”
“However, I'd still like to be sure so I can give a proper diagnosis. May I...touch you?”
You nodded easily. Fairly easily, it's almost as if you were expecting so. Noticing your behavior, you shook your head and nodded slowly again. “I- um, of course, Doctor Baizhu.”
He dipped two of his fingers into a container close to him, a sticky, slime-like fluid coating his fingers. You stared at his ministration, almost as if in a trance: the way he lifted his hands, the two fingers mimicking a scissors. Slowly, they descended down to your core, and your heart skipped a beat as they lightly pressed onto your outside labia. Quickly taking your hand to suppress a sound, a muffled squeak instead made Baizhu laugh.
“My, that's cute. You don't need to hide your noises from me, dear,” he spoke softly, if he was aware that the two fingers rubbing your outside labia started, “Now, tell me: what happened and when did this happen?”
He seemed to know what he was doing. Trying to take off the distraction from down there, you try to recount what happened to you.
“Um...I was just walking around the harbor, I- uh, I saw a bunch of flowers...and ah, hah...I saw...”
The more you spoke, the more Baizhu's fingers were rubbing circles on your cunt. You try to close your legs, but Baizhu's grip was too strong.
“Dear, you were in the middle of talking,” his amber eyes were somehow entrancing you, that you never noticed you were lowering your hands to hold onto the hem of your skirt. “Please do not mind me; continue.”
“U-um...I saw,” looking away, you murmured, “you, Doctor Baizhu...”
“Mmm, and then?”
“I-I don't k-know...I started to feel all these, hah, things...l-like d-down there, I feel like I'm peeing...ah-”
You were cut off as you felt Baizhu's fingers graze your clit, a jolt of something good running through your body. A confused moan came out of your lips, embarrassment in the form of red cheeks evident as you noticed Baizhu smiling at you.
“I-I'm so sorry, Doctor! I didn't-”
“Please, darling,” he assured you with his free hand, the one on your cunt tapping happily on your nub, “don't apologize. Do not hide your voice from me, and don't feel embarrassed as well. This is just one of the ways that can help with the alleviation of your illness.”
His hand withdrew from you (a sense of disappointment scoured down there), “I think I know what this is. I have the medicine that you need. Would you like for me to administer it now?”
“Y-Yes!” You nodded, “please fix me...”
“I will. Now, will you please go on all fours?”
You followed his orders; awkward as it was, but Baizhu grabs your hips, pulling it closer to him, his hand pushing you gently onto the pillows.
“That's it, good girl.” You don't like, that praise somehow made your pussy throb, “I have an apparatus that can clean up your pussy. This may be overwhelming at first, but rest assured, you will feel better.”
You couldn't see what was happening, but you felt something long and sleek slip in between your puffy folds, causing you to moan out loud and grip the sheets. Not long after, something wet graces your sensitive nub, sucking it mercilessly.
Your jaw falls open, blinding pleasure wrecking your body into uncontrollable shaking. You could have lost yourself in it if it weren't for the grip Baizhu hand on your hips, probably enough to bruise you. But you didn't care; all you could feel was the delicious friction of something added more onto your gaping hole and your throbbing clit. Alas, it curved deep into you, a sensation that was foreign in your own innocent body.
“B-Baizhu!” you cried out, feeling something unravel on your stomach, “w-what-”
However, his answers fall deaf to your ears. You came all over the “apparatus”. Tears fall endlessly on your face, as you feel the apparatus diligently suck on your quivering hole, seemingly eager to clean it up. It felt like a long time before the shaking in your bones subsided, somehow overwhelmed with what happened earlier.
Gently guiding your hips to the bed, you heave long inhales, the world spinning from your vision.
“...ear? Dear? Are you alright?” Baizhu's voice brings you back to reality. Your eyes flutter open, still recounting the surge from earlier.
“D...doctor Baizhu?”
“Ah, I'm sorry. Are you alright?”
“Y-yes...” A dull pain paired with something leaking out from your pussy and into the sheets momentarily caused you to panic, but the assurance on Baizhu's face says otherwise. “I- is my treatment done...?”
“Yes, do not worry. You will start feeling better in no time. If you feel like that again, please do not hesitate to approach me so we can fix you up again.”
“A-alright, thank you so much, Doctor Baizhu...” You stood on wobbly legs, only to realize something on your stomach, “Although, what is this...?”
“Oh, that.” Baizhu wipes away the wetness on his chin, before looking at you with glinting amber eyes, “It's a medicine. It helps me know that you need help. If it glows, it's best you come here so I can fix you up.”
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! — Tighnari: Verdant Strider [ aphrodisiacs ]
You never should have gone out on patrol.
Despite being a careful Forest Ranger, with years of experience carrying that title, you still get to be a victim of unfortunate circumstances. Sometimes, you trip over the spinocrocodiles on the lakes, or trip over large vines, or sometimes encounter a handful of Witherings all by yourself. It's all because of you and your poor excuse of mortal vision. Sometimes, you wished you were like Tighnari and his keen sense of smell and sight. But alas, you were human and not some hybrid.
But anyways, back to the problem at hand — or hands, because your body feels hot and aching all over, with the intense need to strip off and touch your now-wet pussy. Groaning and moaning as you crawled to the nearest hut, you desperately wished for some miracle to actually help you in this (unfortunate) situation.
But perhaps some archon took pity on you — the door of the hut opened even before you could knock. Plagued with an intense need, you try not to strip yourself now. The blinding yellow light caused your sight to disappear, before the outline of a familiar, pretty face and headwear shaped like a fox — wait.
“Y/N?” He called out, his usual hands devoid of gloves covering his nose, “I smelled you. What happened?”
You paid no mind to his use of words. Right now, his voice and himself were driving you to the point of madness. “Help,” you cried out, “I'm sorry.”
Quickly, he ushers you inside of his abode, locking it for good measure. You stumbled onto the floor, clumsily stripping out of your uniform and leaving you bare in your undershirt. You heard Tighnari call out your name, but you were too busy rolling on the rug.
“S-stop that,” he said, “what happened to you?”
“Ugh, hah, Tighnari...I feel hot all over...”
“Did you stumble on some poisonous plant?”
“No...” you slurred, a little bit of your rationality holding on to stop you from stripping off your pants, “I smelled some flowers...while on patrol...I didn't see...that they were aphrodisiacs...”
Attempting to open your eyes, you find worried verdant greens staring back at you. You've always liked Tighnari, but right now, the horny in your brain makes you want to strip him clean and make him cum-
“Help,” you cried out once more, “touch me, Tighnari, please.”
The last of your rationality snaps. Pulling down your pants, along with your panties, you stare at the man as you start to rub your oversensitive cunt. You never broke your glance at him, even as you easily cum from your own touch.
“Tighnari, Tighnari,” you moaned his name, “need you now, want you to stuff me full of your dick, want to have you cum lots on me, please.”
Tighnari doesn't look away. Instead, he is entranced with the way your fingers dipped in and out of your drenched pussy. You see his tail puff out and somehow you remember - it's a telltale sign that he's eager.
“Mmfuck,” Tighnari cursed, trying to look away. But you were far too horny to react; raising your legs and opening them for him, you greedily chased your high as you abused your pussy.
“T-Tighnari,” you cried out his name as you orgasmed for the second time, “need you inside...”
“Don't regret this.” His vibrant green eyes turned dark in the light, lust clouding his vision as he stripped off his pants. It's so fucking hot, you admit, when he's like you, the last rationality stripping away.
Well, fucking your boss doesn't seem that bad, right?
Tighnari slipped in his hardened cock inside of you easily. You moaned out his name, feeling full as you felt his dick poke the deepest part of you. Roughly grabbing your hips, he easily manhandled you to the wall, your legs tightly wrapped around his waist.
“You just inhaled some aphrodisiacs and now you're acting like a slut.” He growled, speaking through gritted teeth. His thrusts on your pussy are driving you mad, that you unconsciously came over once more. “You probably inhaled that just so you can find an excuse to fuck me, isn't it?”
Euphoria and pleasure intertwine in your foggy mind, nails scratching his back. You whined as his dick hits that one specific spot, another orgasm clawing down there.
“What if I d-did, ah,” you bit back, but Tighnari saw through your play, mercilessly drilling onto that spot, “Ti-Tighnari-”
“No wonder you've been looking all doe-like to me. Should have known that you weren't so innocent, that you are just a slut wanting to be fucked by her own boss.”
You came from his words once more, pussy violently spasming over his cock. Tighnari seemed to follow after, feeling the rush of his seed coating your inside. Suddenly, you feel something else poking inside of you, before effortlessly slipping into you, aided by the mixture of your arousal.
“There's still aphrodisiacs in your system, no?” Tighnari ruts into you, a whine escaping your lips, “You triggered my rut, thanks to your influence. Now you'll have to suffer with me until it's over.”
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please like, reblog, comment if you likey! please don't copy, plagiarize, or translate my work without my permission!
-ˋˏ starryficsfinishwen ˎˊ
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madeleine-line · 6 months
Thinking about Ogata, hopelessly in love…
He’s so used to feeling nothing at all, it hits him hard and he has no idea how to handle it, how to explain it or understand it- but even though he doesn’t get it he knows it’s your fault.
He’ll be a bit more defensive around you, a bit snippier than he is with the others but he’s always hovering, walking so close behind you he might step on your heel. He watches you sleep, memorized by every detail on your face.
Grabbing your arms and holding you closer to his chest when walking through crowds.
“I don’t trust you not to get lost, stick with me.”
Whenever he hits a particularly good shot, he’ll pull you aside, wanting you to take a look at it. Showing off in his own, awkward and weird way.
Don’t you dare bring it up though, he’ll act like you’re the crazy one for even suspecting there is something more.
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cringefailmoment · 10 months
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Some perks of rooming with a super-powered stick.
First (or how TDL crashed the Color Gang's party 2 months after the Showdown)
Blue: [deep breath] "Let's do this."
TDL: "What's this?"
Blue: "AHHHHHHHH--- I mean-- Dark Lord! The Dark Lord? My lord? [cough cough] Anyways! I-I'm just trying to make dinner for everyone."
Blue: "But I don't have flint and steel so I'll probably need to make a trip to Minecraft... HUHHH???"
Blue: "Woah..."
[10 minutes later]
TSC: "uhhh.... What are you guys doing?"
Blue + TDL: "Cooking."
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raikirikiri · 2 months
naruto where everything is exactly the same but obito and kakashi have a music number in the middle of the war set to lay all your love on me by 70’s/80’s sensation abba and from the hit musical mamma mia.
obito is sky and kakashi is sophie
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ghostpajamas · 1 month
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lamarere · 2 years
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Summer is very close and I just want to visit a pool and do some funky water tricks
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abyssaldespair · 4 months
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HERE IT ISSSS my piece for @obito-week !!! Following the prompts Kamui and sounds of war!
This is what I think we could have had if Obito had his two sharingans and if the manga wasn't scared of showing blood and guts. ♥
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jojobaimagines · 1 month
Man, it's been a long time! There are ads on here now? Jesus. I've come back briefly because a really kind person has bought me a kofi :) I cannot thank you enough <3 It will go directly to my kitty's treatment! Well, you said you wanted anything Ogata related, so i'll write some headcanons of...
·Ogata as your bodyguard:
-Honestly, why did he accept this job? Was it monetary reasons, was it an obligation? The most probable answer is that it's for his own benefit, for one reason or another.
-He doesn't really care about you. On the beginning. He makes it clear that he keeps you alive only for the sake of a succesful mission.
-Ogata will be kind of rough handling you on dangerous situations. Or, well, in situations in general. Anything from pushing you to avoid you getting shot, tug you out of someone's way, letting you fall down and trip as long as he knows you won't get badly hurt... He gives you a shit-eating smile when he sees you on the ground after you tripped on some branches...
-Oh, but he is the only person that will be able to handle you that way. Or any way. He is incredibly overprotecting (oddly enough for you) and won't let anyone even lay a finger on you. If you are ever with the group and sees, say, Shiraishi put his arm around your shoulder, he will harshly grip his wrist, twist it, give him a death stare and sternly warn: 'Do not touch them.'
-He will grow attached to you due time. In his own, traumatized ways. He denies it though.
-No matter your size, he will have no issue in picking you up and carry you if you are being stubborn or annoying and you need to go somewhere else. 'Such a pain..'
-'I'm a delivery boy.' 'YOU WOULDN'T DARE-'
-He is really manipulative on his ways of reminding you how weak and fragile you are. You need his protection, after all. What would you do without him? Die, most likely. You need him.
-Ogata will have no issue in killing for you. Actually- ask him to kill for you. Make him kill for you. He will, of course, assure you he only does it in order to keep you safe. He would skip the part of the thrilling sensation of his commintment towards you being so strong that he gets chills in knowing he is taking a life for your sake.
-He will constantly have his eyes on you. Maybe you don't see him. But he sees you.
Phew! I'm quite rusty, it's been a while since i've written anything! I hope these headcanons are of your liking, kind kofi donator <3 I'm glad you like my Ogata content! And to anyone reading this, have a great day :)
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late-night-vocaloid · 7 months
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unhappy-last-resort · 4 months
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- A note found somewhere in the Strike Hawk lounge.
God, if there's a god out there, please answer, I've got something I really, really, really need your help with and I can't ask anyone else!
I...I have these feelings about someone...about a human. I don't think I'm supposed to have these feelings, especially as a construct, but I can't stop them anymore. I swear I've tried everything to make them stop, but nothing works!
Every time I see that human I keep wanting to do things to them, I can barely focus on anything but them. Oh, and don't get me started on what it's like when they're not around! I think about them, I dream about them, I watch them, I smell them...all I can think about is them and sometimes I wish...I wish it would stop, it's honestly starting to drive me insane, but at the same time...
I like it. They drive my M.I.N.D. crazy, but it's kinda- what's the word again? Capt said it once...Oh yeah! Intoxicating! It's intoxicating and if I could just...Please don't judge me for this, I know it's wrong, but if I could just take that human and put them somewhere only me and Camu know about...it would make me so happy. The thought of that makes my circuits tingle.
Ahh...I want them so much. I'm not sure what these feelings are called, or what that says about my relationship with them in human terms, but I'm sure they wouldn't mind them! They're really nice like that.
P.S. If anyone other than a god reads this, I'll smash you with my sword!
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starryficsfinishwen · 4 months
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✧。◟ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴍᴇ ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ! — PGR Men x reader
last night, I laid in bed so blue / then I realized the truth!
summary // how do your favorite constructs kiss you?
a.n. - post Valentine's post :D I've been so busy with irl lately, I only just got back on my Tumblr 🫠 how'd your valentine's go?(I had a date with my school project :'D so peinful)
pairing(s) - lee, chrome, wanshi, kamui, camu, watanabe, noan, roland, noctis x f!commandant (and can be gender neutral!) (separate!)
content // suggestive LOL basically how your favorite playable characters would kiss you scenarios~
dividers by @/saradika-graphics!
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ Lee: Hyperreal
Kissing Lee is like breathing.
Inhaling, in the way his hands are on your jaw, the little smile on your lips when his breath fans yours. Breathing in, the smell of the cologne you've gifted him makes you dizzy in a good way, the softest brush of his mouth on the corner of your lips. Taking in, the taste of chocolate; bitter as the coffee you made the first time, yet morphs into something so sweet as sugar cookies, and you can feel him smiling as your lips meet, savoring every drop he offers—
Exhaling, as Lee pulls away to give you air, foreheads touching, because you are both too intertwined to move away from one another.
“We made quite a mess here,” you giggled.
The newly-made kitchen of the Gray Raven base is as messy as a child's breakfast: pots and pans strung everywhere, chocolates and other liquids splattered all over the counter, the drain is probably clogging for some reason (it was Lee's fault), and there was a burnt cake placed somewhere (your fault) but you both never minded those.
“I told you to let me handle all the baking,” Lee huffs, thumbs unconsciously caressing your jaw, “You had to be so stubborn.”
“I knew what I was doing,” you pout, “You always follow the recipe, even though you could just do some feeling!”
“I am starting to doubt your feelings. Remember the first-”
“-not another word.”
“Okay, okay, I'm sorry to burst your bubble.” Lee smiles at you, hands now placed beside your legs on the table you sat on, “We might as well clean up and just order something else.”
“Nooo,” you whine, tugging on his 'Kiss the Cook' apron, “The last cake is in the oven. It'll be done. I promise, it will taste yummy.”
Your lover laughs, his head rubbing your cheek, “Remind me again why we are baking?”
“It was supposed to be my surprise for you for Valentine's.” You admit, sighing, “You had to come and ruin it.”
Everything feels natural; his body fills in the gaps in yours. His head rests on your neck, your hand on his cheek and hair, his arms on your waist. You breathe in the same air, laughing off the smell of the burnt cake from earlier.
“I'm sorry,” he softly murmurs, his lips lightly kissing your neck, “...at least I get to take you out tonight.”
“Tonight?” Did you have a plan for tonight?
“Yes. I reserved a table for us at the restaurant you like.”
What a surprise. Pulling away to look at Lee's cerulean eyes, you somehow realized something:
“I thought you hated dining outside of our lounge.”
“I do,” Lee purses his lips, before sighing, “but I know we've been busy and you wanted to eat outside. Besides, it's still practical because of the restaurant's offer for Valentine's.”
Ah, this man is so smooth. You already knew that it wasn't just for that reason. Leaning to press your lips into his, you could feel your heart leap out of joy. You could hear the ting of the oven, but you never cared. You only wanted Lee's kiss— Lee's love, in the form of inhaling, taking in, exhaling.
“Commandant,” Lee pulls away slightly, whispering, “the cake-”
“I love you, Lee,” you giggled, hands threading in his hair as you purposely let your leg catch that particular spot that made him shudder, “You're so sly.”
“...You better finish what you've started, Commandant.”
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ Chrome: Glory
Kissing Chrome is needy.
It's hot, it's heavy— his hands that grasped your shoulders, almost afraid you'd disappear if he wasn't careful; yet, still so gentle— his lips on yours are so soft, you feel like you'd melt if he wasn't holding you.
“I missed you,” Chrome mumbles when he parted from yours for air, “I missed you so damn much.”
It's not a common occurrence for the both of you to be away from each other. He was the Captain of Strike Hawk, and you had your own team. But to be away from the public eye, to be in some random corner of the streets, as your heavy breathing mingled with one another and your bodies touching, you remember that you couldn't be away from your lover far too long now.
“I missed you, Chrome, I missed you, too.” You could sob from the intensity of your situation, hands reaching for whatever part of him—his shoulders, his arms, his cheek— “Thank God, I can finally see you.”
“Me too,” Chrome breathes, placing a kiss on the crown of your head, “I couldn't wait any longer.”
“Do you still have more appointments?”
“I do,” he groans, frustration evident on his pretty face, “I still have to meet a few more people...”
“I'm sorry.”
“Don't be,” Chrome is the one who apologizes instead, starry eyed twinkling that made you frown instead.
It's always busy and no rest days. Apart from your lover being such a dependable leader, sometimes, your greed makes you want to steal him away. But alas, as you caress his cheek, the cool touch of his skin underneath your fingertips, it makes you lean onto him, lips kissing his jaw.
“I missed your touch,” You admit, hands now on his cheeks, “I missed your face. I missed your hands, your kisses— I don't want to be away from you longer.”
Was it your position that somehow made you hot? Or was it the way Chrome leaned more into you, kisses reaching every inch of your face, to your chin, to your exposed jaw— you stifle a quiet moan, as Chrome nips at a particularly sensitive spot on your neck, something that you've never touched before, something that was a step closer into your relationship.
“I am trying so hard not to overwhelm you, [Y/N]. I missed you so badly,” Chrome groans, “but finally seeing you, finally being able to touch you...I want to show you how much I missed you, but I'm afraid it'll be too much...”
“Don't stop,” Boldly, you proclaimed, hands running through his hair, disrupting it into a messy one, “Let's go home, Chrome. Show me how much you've missed me, and I'll show you mine.”
Pulling away so slightly, Chrome's turquoise irises reflecting a darker shade amidst the light from the crack of the corner. In between those eyes and your pending responsibilities, you already made your decision. As you feel Chrome's hold on your hips, you pressed your lips to him.
“I hope you'll stay true to that offer, [Y/N].”
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚Wanshi: Hypnos
Kissing Wanshi is dreamy.
In the tender tones of daylight, the artificial sun bleeding into your skin. There are too many touches all at once, but neither the two of you bother to pull away. Wanshi's lips find your skin without a hassle, humming when you swallow your laughs. He's everywhere— your hand, your arm, your shoulder, the dip of your breasts, your clavicle— everywhere but your face.
“Wanshi,” you purred, never bothering to open your eyes, “you're so needy...”
“Hush, let me dream a bit longer,” your lover sighs in your neck, nibbling your skin, “it's not everyday I get to kiss you like this.”
“We'll both be late at this point. Didn't you say Captain Chrome warned you already?”
“He already put those rules before,” he pauses, yawning, arms now wrapped possessively around your waist, “I'm exempted.”
“I won't be surprised if you get to be deprived of your capsule for another week...”
“Hey, this is about us today,” he murmurs, lightly kissing the side of your neck, “I don't want to hear another man's name in our bed...”
Your lover never learns. But still, you couldn't help but laugh at his antics. It's his problem anyways, not yours. As you giggle, your hand finds itself cupping Wanshi's soft cheeks, squeezing it.
“Wanshi, darling, we really need to get up soon. I also have work.”
You could feel Wanshi pouting against your skin. Without a warning, he gets on top of you, golden eyes looking at you. “Five minutes. Give me five more minutes, and I'll let you go.”
As you were about to ask what he meant, Wanshi leans down to capture your lips with his. You squeak from surprise, but in the end, you couldn't help but submit to his whims. His soft lips, the love that permeates from him, slipping in so deeply into you as you felt yourself buried deeper into the sheets. Your hand finds his, intertwining as he leads it above your head. Forget your job, forget that it's another shitty work day; it's only you and Wanshi, in your bed, and his dreamy kisses.
You love Wanshi, and you'd always pick him, despite his sleepy circumstances, despite everything else.
“Mm...Wanshi, give me more than five minutes.” You mutter, letting your legs wrap around his waist, pressing into him.
“Yes, nngh, you win this time. Now, give me more kisses.”
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ Kamui: Tenebrion
Kissing Kamui is like catching the sun in both hands.
More like a surprise; playful shouting as he wins another round of your favorite game, leaving you dumbfounded in your chair. You love your man so much that you'd rather see him with that goofy smile on his face. But sometimes, some victories feel like they are being rubbed hard on your face.
“Haha! This is the third time now!”
“Alright, alright,” you shrug, placing the controller down, watching Kamui lead out of his seat, “You win.”
“Does this mean I get to have the seat for a week?”
“A month, too, if you want,” you shrug again, “Congratulations, Kamui.”
It's his playful character that made you fall for him in the first place— a unique laughter, the way his eyes crinkled with delight, how Kamui's feet would curl. But unbeknownst to him, however, you had another trick on your sleeve.
“Time for a free round!”
“No, thank you,” you flutter your eyes at him, “I'd like to see you play for now. I might get you next time if I watch your movements.”
Kamui laughs instead, making your stomach jump, “Babe, just watch, then. But I'm sure that I'll win again like always.”
As Kamui positions, your plan goes into play. He won't win against you, the real mastermind of the game.
Kamui's eyes glimmer as he focuses intently on the game. Somehow, in the middle of scoring another new record, his mind lands on you.
“[Y/N]? You seem qui-”
When he turns his head, he is met with a surprise kiss on his lips. Kissing Kamui always felt like reaching for the sun in your hands, especially this way: the surprised sound from his lips when they met yours, the softest yet so hot as he absentmindedly drops his console, reaching to hold you; Kamui doesn't hesitate to kiss you back with the same intensity— tongue tasting his favorite drink on yours, the smell of your perfume, and the dizzying heat when he refuses the pull away, in spite of your little plan.
You squeak when Kamui gently pushes you onto the sofa, him breaking away to find your saliva strung together on both of your lips. The game plays in the background, forgotten as Kamui straddles you. Looking back at his glinting eyes, you seem to miss this in your equation.
“Really, [Y/N]?”
“Y-you didn't have to- I-I thought you'd-”
“Tsk, tsk,” Kamui laughs, thumb caressing your swollen lips, “[Y/N], you already knew I'd let you win. I guess you'll be getting your present early, then~”
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚Camu: Crocotta
Kissing Camu is like snow on the beach.
So rare, so sudden. It's the rumble of the vending machine of some unknown brand, dropping a new kind of food. Was it edible?
“So they really did put up these things.”
It's the low sound of Camu's husky voice surprising you on a random sunny afternoon. You quickly pick up the food, presenting it in front of him, “Do you mean this?”
Camu takes the food from your hand. It's a cake in a can, you presume, as it is written boldly on the cover. Squinting his eyes, Camu effortlessly tears off the lid without the use of the safety pin. At this point, such a scenario no longer surprises you.
“A cake in the can?”
“A cake in the can.” Camu affirms, giving it back to you, “It was a staple for the Japanese vending machines back in the Golden Age.”
The little treat (although forced open) seemed cute. Using the spoon provided, you took a few bites. Immediately, a yummy flavor pours into your mouth, making you squeal with joy. You quickly taste more.
“Mmh! It's so sweet~!”
“Yeah, they're usually really sweet.”
Taking a large spoonful, you hold it out to Camu. “Would you like some?”
Hesitant. Camu looks at you, somehow judging you (do you usually hold out food to random people?), yet cautiously leans down to your height. His eyes never leave yours as he takes a bite, even until he gulps it down. Your eyes twinkle as you notice your joy reflected in his, signaling the sweet taste of the dessert.
“What do you think?”
“...it is very sweet.”
“I really want to eat more of this~” you grin, “let me order-”
Camu holds your shoulder, causing you to stop. When you turned to look back at him, focused dark eyes looked at you.
Camu leans forward, his face inches away from yours. As you feel your temperature grow higher, you only notice Camu's thumb caress the corner of your mouth.
“...you had a bit of cream there.”
Did you only notice Camu's handsomeness just now? Or was it because of the close proximity? His breath is cool on your lips, pretty dark eyes devoid of any harshness that he usually portrays, yet the subtle softness of his features somehow made him look more handsome up close. It makes you want to kiss him.
“I'm sorry?”
Snapping out of your reverie, you blink at him, “Huh?”
“You said you wanted to kiss me.”
Crap. You and your thoughts! You groan, trying to mask your reddening embarrassment, “Ah, Camu, I'm so sorry, I didn't-”
But Camu closes the gap anyways. It catches you off guard at first, but his kiss is cool and warm at the same time, almost felt like bathing in the sea amidst the snow. You taste the sweet cake on his lips, the smell of peppermint invading your senses. It is only a short while, ending as fast as it started. When he pulls away, you find dark eyes reflecting your emotion: curiosity.
“Technically, we indirectly kissed already.”
Camu points at the spoon, realization dawning on you. You squeak, trying to assess more of the situation. But Camu, with a small smile on his lips despite the deepening blush on his cheeks, coughs, “...I guess it's time for me to ask you out later during the Valentine's event, then.”
You were about to ask what the deal was about, until your mind whirred back to his initial words.
“I thought you don't like Valentine's?”
“I don't like Valentines.” He said.
“So why...?”
Camu, turning away from you, before looking back with a smile on his face, “I like you, obviously.”
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚Watanabe: Epitaph
Kissing Watanabe is always a surprise.
It's when you least expected it. From the sudden kisses in front of children, to meet ups in the warehouse, and even in random times of the day. Watanabe would always keep surprising you, you almost think it's a routine at this point (God Bless your heart; hopefully his antics won't kill you before your fated day).
However, lately, it's almost not happening.
“Hello, [Y/N],” your lover greets you as he passes by, opting to continue talking to the man beside him. You retract your expectant hands.
“Watch out, [Y/N].” Watanabe calmly catches you by your hips, when a child nearly hits you with the ball. You wanted to reach out, but he was already walking away.
“I'll be taking that.” And gone was the playful kiss on your shoulder, instead, it was a smile on his lips as he took the supplies and left you in the dark. What the hell was going on?
On a random evening, he started to avoid you on purpose.
“Watanabe!” You cried out as you watched him disappear from the sea of people.
It was the nth time of you trying to track him down that day. Tired from running around, you slump against the wall, tears filling your eyes. Your tears began to escape your eyes as the atmosphere around you, despite it being Valentine's, was full of love and laughter.
What did you do wrong? Watanabe is your lover, one you've long promised to be with forever. But what was forever if he no longer looked at your way?
“Miss [Y/N]?”
Sniffling away your tears, you looked up to see one of the Forsaken soldiers. “Y-yes?”
“...are you alright?”
“Y-yes, yes,” you were not, but you still stood up, facing the soldier, “What do you need?”
“Could you kindly come with me to the warehouse? I need someone to inspect the weapons before we head out tomorrow.”
Wordlessly, you follow the construct. Your mind swims in a hazy sea of doubts and self depreciation. Should you leave this place? Go back to Babylonia? You are still welcome there, last time you checked. But the people...
It didn't take a while before you both arrived at the destination. Stepping inside the dark warehouse, you failed to notice that the door behind you closed. As you ran to pry it open, from the corner of your eyes, you saw a lone light shine in the middle of the dark warehouse.
It's Watanabe.
All of your anger rushes to your brain. Your legs move quicker, however, sprinting to reach out to the estranged man.
“You selfish little-”
Anything Watanabe says is fast, but your reflexes are faster. You held onto his arms, your tears of anger flowing as you cried out.
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
“I know, I know-”
“Do you know how sad and angry I am at you? For leaving me with no answers?”
Watanabe does not answer. He lets you speak.
“Why? What did I do wrong? Why are you ignoring me?”
“I am aware, yes.” He answers, sorrowful, “I am sorry for treating you that way, [Y/N]. I know I shouldn't have done that, but my actions hurt you instead.”
“Then why did you do it?”
Watanabe doesn't answer. Instead, he reaches out to cup your cheeks, genuine sadness reflecting in his expression.
“I have been thinking. And I made up my mind.”
He caresses your cheeks with such reverence, it almost makes you melt. “...being away from you is so cruel. I wanted to make such a heavy decision, to leave you so you could be with another human, but I realized that I was just like you— I would be angry, too.”
Watanabe leans down, your forehead touching, “I want to be greedy for you, [Y/N]. Please, let me make it up to you.”
Suddenly, you were aware of the weight of your words from earlier. You weren't mad; you were devastated. Should this man, the love of your life, leave you, what becomes of you, then?
You tug on his collar, whispering, “Don't go. Kiss me, please.”
Kissing Watanabe really is a surprise. It's fulfilling, in a way that completes you like a puzzle, his warm lips on yours. You love him just as much as he loves you, perhaps more— it's agonizing, it's too much, yet you crave for him; he is all you have. When he reluctantly pulls away, he whispers your name.
The lights of the warehouse turn on. And behind him, a dazzling display of flowers and pictures are shown.
“I know it's not much, unlike the luxuries in Babylonia,” Watanabe kneels down, the glittering stone on the engraved jewelry in his hand, “But this is all from every corner of my heart; I love you, my [Y/N]. Please accept my proposal.”
You couldn't hold your tears anymore— from anger, they turned into immense joy. The answer has long been spoken.
“Marry me, my [Y/N].”
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚Noan: Arca
Kissing Noan is sweet.
Little kisses and noises of joy as you take breaks in between your book reading. It's his warm hand on top of yours, the other busy flipping through the pages. Noan's voice is a soothing lullaby, a gentle lull as he reads the passages for you.
“It's quite ironic,” Noan breaks away from the book, putting it aside as he brushes away the hair covering your face, “I thought you wanted me to read to you.”
There you were, comfortably laying on his lap, watching him with tired eyes. Slightly pouting, you weakly tugged on his scarf, “Noan, why did you stop...”
“My lap isn't very comfortable to sleep in. Let's move you back to your base.”
“Nooo,” you stubbornly shook your head, trying not to let Noan stand, “Finish reading the book, please? You're almost at the exciting part...”
Sighing, Noan picks up the book. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, one of the books that caught Noan's attention. Driven by your immense curiosity and how Noan was itching to read the story, judging by its summary, you thought it was a nice idea to let him read to you. It's hitting two birds with one stone!
“I don't get how you're so interested in the book,” Noan asks, flipping back to the page where he left, “You're already falling asleep.”
You don't have the heart to tell him you've already read it while you were still in the F.O.S. “Well, I think the concept is neat.”
“The concept of a man who has the body parts of dead people off killing people just to appease his creator?”
You shrugged, “I mean...”
Noan laughs, fingers idly drifting and drawing circles on your cheek, “Just tell me that you're just doing this because you think that I'm interested in it.”
“Are you not?” You turned to catch brown eyes looking at you with mirth.
“In a way, yeah.”
You pondered for a bit, trying to remember the contents of the book. Lifting your hand to cup Noan's cheeks, you huffed, “Y'know, you remind me a bit of the monster.”
Quickly catching yourself with your words (to which Noan laughs), “I mean, minus the killing. Wait, no, I mean-”
“Okay, okay, something related to that?”
“Yes, that.” You grinned, “the monster wasn't supposed to mean any harm. He simply wanted the attention and love from his creator.”
Your lover, in a way, was similar to the monster of the book. Rebuilt and revived, nearly as a killing machine. But does a killing machine have to look this beautiful in the hazy afternoon glow? Noan's lips parted for a bit, before pursing them. Lifting your head, you snuck in a short kiss on the corner of his mouth.
“You're similar yet different from the monster, Noan.” You murmured, closing your eyes as you inhaled his smell, “Thus strangely are our souls constructed, and by slight ligaments are we bound to prosperity and ruin.”
Noan chuckles, lightly squeezing your cheeks, “and you tell me you've never read the book before-”
“I didn't disagree, didn't I?”
“Noan,” you whispered, “Unlike Frankenstein's story, you are never feared, nor despised.”
You kissed Noan. It's sweet— the taste of the cookies you gave, the herbal tea; his lips that were made to kiss yours, to fit; and Noan, who went through too much, was yours to protect forevermore.
“You are loved, even more than your creator.”
When you pull away, deep red tinted his cheeks and ears, which made you laugh. “Well, Noan?”
“Mm...I should stop reading the book since you already know-”
“Keep going, please?” You purred, “I like you reading to me.”
“...mh, fine, you're lucky I like you.”
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚Roland: Flambeau
Kissing Roland is, well, comedic.
He's laughing; the crescendo plays a melodic tune, as he plays his role. Your lover is a clown at this point, laughing manically with every step he takes.
But you love him anyway. You love your clown.
“Roland, dear,” you giggle, “Remind me again what's my role?”
He pauses, before approaching you. “Mi amor,” Roland reaches out to your hand, kissing it, “You are the lead of this play!”
As he continues to play his role, you are sitting in front of him, on a fancy chair. For Valentine's, you half-expected Roland to join the theatre, however, he was here in front of you— with only you as the audience and apparently the lead as well.
“What do I do?”
“Sit prettily there,” Roland winks, “That's your role.”
“Alright. Do I still get compensated?”
“Hush, the climax of this story is now nearly in full bloom.”
With a crisp spin, Roland turns to face you, the spotlight hitting every nice angle he had. In his hand, a single, beautifully blooming rose.
“Mi amor, my love, my light,” Roland began his monologue, “Though it has been a very long journey and story, here we are, still alive.”
Ah, you realized this scene now. The first proper confession.
Roland walks to you, despite his clownish appearance, he genuinely had a sweet smile on his face. “Damned by those who defy our circumstances; from this day forward, I am yours, as much as you are mine.”
He looks at you, with gentle hands holding your cheek, “What do you say, mi amor?”
In the original story, you ran away out of fear. But you were in a new scenario with him now. Smiling, you dragged him to you with his shirt, “Hmm, sounds missing.”
You wink at Roland, “Ah, I know now.”
Without a warning, you closed the gap in between your lips. Roland eases into you easily; grasping at hands, responding to your move. It's still soft, his lips that make you dream of oceans and theatre plays— it makes you want more.
But Roland pulls away, chuckling, “Well, that certainly wasn't part of the script.”
“You kept missing the cues,” you stuck your tongue out, “I merely filled in the gaps.”
“That's my girl,” Roland praises, “My perfect muse, my perfect actress.”
Comedic, in a way that it's the perfect timing. You leaned further to kiss him more.
“Mm, I still have a few ideas you can add to your script.”
Roland's hand in your hips tightened, mirroring your smile, “Do tell, we should execute it afterwards.”
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚Noctis: Indomitus
Kissing Noctis is wild.
In how he holds you effortlessly in one hand. You grasp where your hands could reach, but you could only breathe in. In how Noctis's voice sends shivers. A melody that echoes so long.
His lips are begging to be with you. It's almost painful.
“[Y/N], [Y/N],” Noctis whines, “Please, let me touch you.”
“We are in a public area, Noctis,” you whisper, aware of his creeping fingers on your pants, “Mmh, it's not just me...”
Your lover was supposed to be a grown man, but who knew his neediness could make him such a needy child?
“Please, please, I promise it won't take long,” He groaned as his fingers rubbed your thighs, “I'll be very quick.”
Sighing, you try to look around you. Making sure that no one else could see, you pulled Noctis closer, lips mere inches away from one another.
“Be quick, okay?”
And you trust Noctis. Kissing him is wild— as if asking to be breathed back to life, he kisses you with such fervor. Never minding touchy hands, it's so hot that you unconsciously opened the buttons on your shirt. Noctis loves hard and harder, the beating of his heart a testament. His tongue on yours, hands everywhere else.
“Thank you,” he cries out, making you throb, “I owe you so much...”
“How about pushing it past my limits today, Noctis?”
Without a word, Noctis slips into you for one more stolen kiss. “You have my word, then, [Y/N].”
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Writing this half asleep HAHAHAHAHSHSHA
— starry
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doki-doki-imagines · 1 year
Greetings! (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
Can i silly request the sadist trio (gin, sougo and kamui but u dont have to do all 3 if u were to pick 1 i would be okay with just gintoki lol) with an s/o who's pretty short in stature and definitely not a fighter by nature and one day they find out their s/o is strong enough to pick them up? Lolol like maybe they save them from peril by catching them bridal style or they're just happy to see them and they end up picking them up in a spinning hug on impulse but in both situations they would have an airheaded ":D" smile on their face lololol! Thank you ^⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠^
Gintoki Sakata:
-His new discovery is your ruin.
-“Oh-oh so you can lift me up? I expect to be lifted up every day, is it clear?”
-Gintoki wasn’t joking, he always comes up with a dumb excuse like “my bones are old” or “I worked so much yesterday, all my muscles are sore can’t even walk”.
-All of this because not only he is a lazy ass, but also because Gintoki loves leaning his head on your shoulder or feeling your arms around him.
Okita Sougo:
-“Oh I didn’t know I was in a relationship with a gorilla” he says while you turn off the stove.
-Sob, he is always so nasty; next time let the boiling hot oil hit him instead.
-Endless teasing, from your short stature to your newfound strength, you can’t win against sadist Kaiser.
-So, he can fight you? If you can lift him up it means you also have enough strength to fight him, right? Right???
-He’ll match your airhead smile for all the wrong reasons.
-For real, now he wants to spar with you and we both know you will never win, not even in your best dream.
-You’ll have to run as far away from him as possible; let’s see if the strength in your legs is the same as the one in your arms…
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airbendertendou · 6 months
a first meeting number 7 + kamui ito
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the guy was a creep, you didn't care what happened to him. greeting you with slimy words and feather-like touches that burned every crevice of your being. no clearly wasn't a word he listened to.
"c'mon, cutie, we can-"
his wrist is snatched as it hovers in the air, ready to land on your own. the boy near you jingles as he slides up beside you, the chains on his face mask silencing the disgust you felt. "i've heard the answer to that all night. it's a no."
the man clicks his tongue, ripping his arm from the boy, ready to swing it. he's quickly knocked out, though, eyes rolling to the back of his head as he falls to the ground.
the boy lets out a huff, shaking his hand. "what a jerk."
before he can leave, he comes to a stop. your hand is clutching the bottom of his sleeve. he turns- and absolutely melts at the starry, doe-eyed way you look at him.
"thank you," your voice is so quiet ; gentle. kamui gulps, averting his eyes quickly to the floor. you tug on his sleeve again, "how can i repay you?"
he shakes his head, "you don't need to."
"i want to," you correct him. you inch closer, still holding onto his sleeve tightly. "want me to buy you a drink? your favorite snack?"
his eyes scrunch, indicating that he was grinning under his mask. your eyes drop down to where his lips would be, imagining how they'd look. you snap your gaze back up, "it was brave of you to step in when you did. and kind."
kamui lets his hand drop to yours, pulling it from his sleeve in order to hold it correctly. "let me see you again," he says, "that's how you can thank me."
slowly, you lift your free hand to his nose. he grants you permission, bending his face closer to you. you begin taking kamui’s mask off of him gently, devouring every inch of his face you can now see.
"okay," you grin, "name the time and place."
——♡—— this was by far the easiest song to write for omg
request your own here ♡ read more
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tatatatatara · 7 days
Really wish Tokyo Ghoul got the Ryoko Kui treatment. I want to own artbooks/fanbooks with everything that's not in the canon
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