#kai my platonic soulmate
miss-bibbles · 2 years
pls it sounds adorable. what lead to this convo
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aphrogeneias · 9 days
it's been seven hours and fifteen days —
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pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader (soulmate!au)
summary: it's new years eve, and as the year comes to an end, so do a lot of other things.
word count: 3.5k
warnings: fluff and a lot of angst. brief sexual assault (by an unnamed patron). a little bit of violence. mention of a gun (as a joke, very quickly). a cliffhanger. stobin (platonic with a capital p) appreciation.
author's note: it's been a long time, but the show must go on. i hope you enjoy it! <3 also, please don't hate after you're done with this, 'kay? pinky promise.
series masterlist
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Steve and Robin surprised you with a visit right before New Year’s Eve of 1991.
Surprised isn't the word, in fact. They had both been dropping hints about coming over to see you whenever you'd talk on the phone for a few weeks then, especially since Eddie came back to your life. You were trying to not worry them, to not bring up the subject too often, but they knew you better than you knew yourself.
In the same way Eddie once knew you too.
On the morning of the 30th, you were woken up by several insisting knocks on your apartment door. Those were unexpected in themselves, since no one used to visit you. Especially at that time of day, after a long Sunday night shift. Your roommate was out of town for the holidays, and even then, it wasn’t like there were people coming in and out of your home on Monday mornings.
Mornings were for sleeping in and recovering from the buzzing in your ears left by way too loud live music — Linda would always say you'd all end up deaf, but you couldn't think of a better way of eventually losing your hearing — and standing on your feet since the afternoon. However, that particular Monday morning was different than any other.
Stumbling out of bed, you inwardly cursed whoever was bothering you this early, when you'd just gotten to bed. From the other side of the door, you could hear two people arguing. “Stop knocking! You've already woken up the whole building!”, one of them said, in a frazzled whisper-shout. The other responded, in an almost bored tone, “And she might still be asleep.”
You'd never yanked the lock open that fast in your life.
Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley, with bags under their eyes and bags on the floor by their feet, stood on your doorstep. Their matching smiles staring right back at you.
“What are you doing here?” You gasped, launching yourself forward, involving both of them with your arms around their shoulders in an awkward group hug.
“We were long overdue for a road trip to see you.” Steve sounded tired as he squeezed you back.
“The old Beemer almost didn't make it.” Robin commented as you pulled away.
“I’d kill both of you for surprising me like this on my day off but I'm too happy to care right now.” You were already pulling their bags inside and closing the door, leading them in.
“Can we take a nap first? I'd rather be killed while I'm well rested.”
The cold, early morning sun shining through the window curtains made that sight even more surreal. Robin already lying on your couch, and Steve sitting himself on the floor in front of it, resting his head on the seat. You smiled through the sleepy fog that still lingered behind your eyes.
“That can be arranged.”
They slept through the morning and a little into the afternoon, which gave you time to sleep too.
After you were all awake and they'd settled their luggage in your room, showered and changed, it was time for an improvised breakfast for lunch with whatever you had in your fringe. Frozen waffles, scrambled eggs and plenty of coffee.
You sat around the small, square table in your kitchen while you listened to them talk about everything, everyone, you'd left behind. About running into your mom at Bradley’s Big Buy, about the kids going to college, — and how Robin hopes Dustin never follows any of Steve's advice, much to his chagrin — about Robin’s life in the city and Steve’s struggle to let go of the past.
Some things would never change, even when they did most drastically.
You didn't speak about yourself, content in just hearing them talk, basking in their warm presence. Until Robin asked, “What about Eddie, huh?”
“Yeah, what about Eddie?” Steve repeated, trying to act casually while he filled his mug with more coffee. It was never his strong suit.
You sat back in your chair, crossing your arms. “What about Eddie?”
“Can't we ask how he's doing? How are the two of you doing?” Robin mirrored your position, grinning at you.
“There's no two of us, nothing’s changed in that regard, before you ask.” You sighed, “And Eddie… Eddie is doing great. The band is doing great, they're getting good traction with the public, the bar has been more and more crowded each weekend. It's just a matter of time until they get a better offer as a resident band, or from a label. I'm happy for him, for them.” You quickly corrected yourself.
“What about you? Are you happy?”
You couldn't help but smile at Steve's question. “It's bittersweet, I think. I grew used to having him around again, some days it's like I haven't even left, but I know it's got an expiration date hanging over us all over again. It's good to have him while I can, you know? I try not to think too much about it.”
“No use in telling him, then?” Robin finally breached the subject, you knew that was where they were trying to get all along.
You shake your head. “No, there never was, really. It's what I told you guys five years ago and it hasn't changed. Eddie doesn't want a soulmate, even if it's…”
“Not even if it's you? I really doubt that.” Steve interjected.
“Especially if it's me. Especially now, after everything I did. It's not fair to him.”
They exchanged a look then, one of those looks Robin and Steve shared that no one but then could really tell what it meant. It was enviable, really, to be that understood by someone. You once knew what that was like.
Before either of them could say anything, something shifted at the table. Subtle, like a soft gust of air, but you knew the feeling. You knew it well, and when you looked down between the empty plate of waffles and your barely touched cup of coffee, sat something that wasn't there a moment ago.
A woven leather bracelet, with a simple silver clasp. It was slightly worn, clearly well loved. There was no question where it came from.
You picked it up, letting it hang from your pointer finger.
“Is that… his?” Steve broke the silence.
A tired sigh left your lips from deep within your chest. “Who else could it be from?”
One more for the box.
As seemed like a pattern that day, you got woken up again, this time by the phone ringing.
Robin was sleeping in your roommate’s bedroom — because what she doesn't won't hurt her — and Steve was dead asleep, snoring on your couch. He didn't budge as you picked up the bright blue receiver from where it hung from the wall.
“Did I wake you up?”
Eddie's tone did not indicate he was even a bit remorseful — you could practically see the dimples forming around his lips stretched in a charming smirk, his body leaning against the telephone booth.
“You didn't call me to ask that.”
Little did he know you had a matching smile on your own lips.
“You’re right. Jus’ wanna hear your adorable, middle of the night voice.”
“Asshole.” You scoffed, and if your face felt a little hot, you tried to ignore it. “What's up?”
“You wanna go help me put up some posters over on the Strip? Linda said we need all the marketing we can get for New Year’s, and I could use some help.”
“And your dear bandmates can't help because…?”
“Didn't ask them. I'm asking you.”
“Why? Missed my pretty face that much? You saw me yesterday, man.”
“Jesus…” He sighed, overdramatic and loud, as you'd expect. “Just get your cute butt over here, I'm waiting at the next corner.”
You giggled, again, not being able to help yourself. “I knew it.”
Most days, you liked to tell yourself you shouldn't get too attached. Eddie would soon be leaving again, on a tour bus to brave the country — with how much people they'd been attracting to The Deuce, it was only a matter of time until one of them was a producer scouting for their label’s next big hit.
You told yourself that, if he didn't leave, then you would. You'd done it once, there was no harm in doing it again.
You realized you liked lying to yourself more than you were previously aware of.
Lying to yourself was what you did when you were crammed into the passenger seat of Jeff’s old car, less conspicuous than the beat-up behemoth Eddie calls a van, scouring the city for the best spot to tack some concert posters. The late night radio tune the background of your laughter, inside jokes returning like second nature, the red string tightening around your pinky finger.
It was what you did when he held your hand to make you walk the streets faster, trying to cover more ground through the night, the same way that he used to when you played together. When he asked you to sit on his shoulders to attach posters to places higher than either of you could reach, and his hands rested warm on your thighs. When you ended the night at the same diner you did every morning, sleepy eyes meeting over hot coffee mugs.
Closer each day, still pretending to be far.
Holidays were never a busy time at The Deuce, which meant that the crowd at that New Year's Eve party was something you'd never seen before.
Being one of the smaller, lesser known clubs at the Strip, your parties were always a bit more inconspicuous. Smaller bands, smaller crowds, a lot less trouble. For some reason — and you suspected it was due to the news of a certain frontman’s charisma spreading through the city like wildfire — everything you expected was turned upside down this year.
Tickets were sold out that afternoon, and the bouncer had manager to squeeze in a few more people waiting in line. All pretty girls, of course. You had drinks to sell, after all.
The beginning of the night went as smoothly as you could manage. You got in earlier than usual, as did the rest of the staff, and by the time people started rolling in, you barely had time to greet Robin and Steve, who promptly found a place to sit further from the stage.
It was funny, seeing all of your old friends under the same roof again, even if it was just for one night. The boys came from backstage to say hello for a moment, and it was almost like being back at The Hideout again, with those same old drunks, and much less history between all of you. If you closed your eyes, it was almost like being there again.
If you looked closely, though, the strained smiles and awkward small talk amidst your closest friends and Eddie told you everything would never be the same again, not even if you tried.
A new year, a new life. Wishes to make, though yours was always the same.
You tried to shake that feeling, though, and concentrate on work. On the buzzing, electric feeling in the air, on the loud chatter and the music the DJ was playing in the background, on the eminent excitement for midnight to come.
Your wish happened to come out of backstage again that evening right before the band came on, wrapping one arm around your shoulder while you carried an empty tray towards the bar.
Your heart raced as he leaned closer, voice lowered for your ears only. “Do you see that guy over there?”
He pointed at a man sitting by himself, close to the stage — as close as he could get without getting into the crowd that was already forming in front of it. He looked like a mixture of Kim Fowley and a Ken doll, nothing too out of the ordinary for the men you saw regularly here, but he was definitely not a regular.
“Who is that?” You whispered back at him as you placed the tray back on the counter. Eddie remained there, with his arm around you, his body learning against your side. You could tell how excited he was by the wild grin on his face.
“He's here for us. Linda called on some favors with an old friend who knows people, and… voi-fucking-lá. We have an in.”
“Good luck, then.” You smiled, turning to fully look at him. “You're gonna need it.”
You were not expecting it when he left a lingering kiss on your forehead before walking away.
If there was a strange feeling growing on the back of your throat, you tried your best to ignore it. It stayed there as you watched Corroded Coffin perform what you thought was their best night there, their music rising and rising the crowd until they broke like a wave, manic guitars and heavy drums working them for their own pleasure.
It stayed until the clock struck midnight, and Eddie threw a kiss at you from the stage, and you pretended to catch it in the air and place it in your heart. Somehow, that felt more intimate than the dozens of couples kissing all around you.
All hell broke loose after the band left the stage.
The DJ returned, where he would stay until the bar closed, and as everyone scattered around the bar, it was the usual pandemonium you were already used to, but with much more people. The bar was busy, which meant you were busy, but not too busy to sneak a shot or two with Steve and Robin, or watch the former flirt with Heather behind the bar.
Eddie and the boys were all around, talking to everybody. It felt nice to see them in their element, especially Eddie with his big gestures and loud personality — he was right at home, there. It felt even nicer when you managed to cross each other, his hands always finding a way to touch you, to let you know he was there.
As good nights, though, that one also had to come to an end.
It started to crumble when you had a full tray of beers, and a man bumped into you. You tripped, but didn't fall, thanks to all the practice you'd had. The man grabbed your waist, then, harshly. “Whoa, there! Falling for me already?”
“You wish. Let go.” You responded, curly, already trying to escape. It wasn't the first time you dealt with one of these types, and it wouldn't be the last. Keeping your cool was the best you could do in a situation like this.
“Not yet. Let me show you a good time, baby.”
“I said let me fucking go.” You gritted through your teeth. Some people around started to notice, and it wasn't long until they started staring. His hands started to lower on your hips, whining some you couldn't understand through slurred speech, until you felt someone push the man's shoulder.
“She said let go, man. You heard it the first time.”
“Not right now, pretty boy.” He pointed at Eddie, and you saw an opportunity to pull yourself away, and didn't resist stepping on his foot, hard.
“Asshole. Get the fuck out of here.”
The man’s face grew red with pain, and anger, no doubt. “Bitch!”
You heard Eddie let out a bitter laugh before his face was flying at the man’s face, who upon impact, lost balance and barrelled into you again, but with full force this time, sending the beers on your tray flying, glass shattering on the floor, and beer spilling onto you.
It was like being in the middle of a hurricane. Eddie fought the guy, who was already on the floor, as the boys came running to drag Eddie away. Robin, with Steve on her tow, pulled a startled you by the hand and away from there. Her and Heather lead you towards Linda’s office at the back, but all you wanted was to look back.
In your haste, you'd left the door unlocked.
The bathroom inside the small office room was cramped, but better than the ones outside. Robin had offered to come in with you, but you wanted to cool off alone. She waited outside as you attempted to clean yourself, your black top hanging from the sink as you wiped the drink off your chest with paper towels.
Your heart still beating fast in your eardrums, though the adrenaline was starting to wear off, made you tremble a bit, a cold shiver going through your body. You didn't know if it was relief that nothing worse happened, or if it was the phantom memory of Eddie’s hands gripping your body close to his.
You sighed, looking at your disheveled self in the blurry, dirty mirror.
The door handle rattled behind you, and you answered without looking. “I'll be right out, Rob.”
“Buckley is outside with Harrington and the bartender chick.” There's a slightly injured hand, free of the usual rings adorning it, holding the door a few inches open, and a face obscured by overgrown bangs. “Can I come in?”
Through your daze, you made yourself a reminder to trim Eddie’s hair when you could.
Sensing his hesitation, you smiled as best as you could through your reflection, feeling too vulnerable to look back. “Yeah. Of course.”
Quietly, — too quietly for Eddie — he came in and the door clicked closed behind him, but he didn't move, staying still with his back against it. You realized he was probably trying to make himself smaller, as to not scare you even further. Your heart grew warm while your body still shivered.
“Is everyone alright?”
When you turned, you noticed you were mirroring each other's positions. Trying to stay as far as possible in that tight space, arms pressed to yourselves, as the red string between you pulled and pulled and pulled, strained to the point of breaking.
It didn't, it wouldn't.
“Yeah, they kicked the guy out. Uh… I kicked the guy out, actually, and the guys helped, but yeah.” He chuckled nervously. You couldn't see them, but if you had to guess, the tips of his ears would be bright red. “Linda threatened him to never come back with that pistol she keeps under her desk, you should have seen it.”
You giggled despite yourself, “Man, how could I have missed that.”
“Are you alright?” Big brown eyes stared at you from across the small room and, as they always did, disarmed you completely.
“I'm alright.” You turned again, reaching to give your wet top a thorough squeeze before putting it on again. “Didn't get hurt, just got wet…”
You forced a laugh, but Eddie didn't return the sentiment. When you looked back again, he wasn't looking at you anymore.
He was crouching, picking something off the floor. The ceiling light wasn't on, just the yellow one over the mirror, and you struggled to see what it was until he straightened himself up, shuffling on his boots. The first thing you noticed on his right hand was a silver chain, and at the end of it, a red guitar pick. It must have fallen while you took your top off in a hurry.
You knew it like the back of your own hand. It was slightly chipped at the bottom, the scaly red slowly losing its former glossy finish, the faded Fender logo at the center of it.
You knew he knew it too.
“Where did you get this?”
A hand stretched between you, like a long corridor in a dream. Just within your line of sight, but unreachable. The necklace hung from it, limp, its silver chain glinting in the yellow light of the flickering lamp.
When you didn't answer, Eddie’s voice hardened. “I'm not gonna ask again.”
Your eyes were focused on the red guitar pick, not on his face. You swallowed hard, “I think you already know.”
“No, I don't.” He emphasizes it with your name, and it hurts you to hear it. The atmosphere changed completely, then. “I lost this years ago after a show in Indy, but you were already gone. Where did you get it?”
Eddie's voice trembled with something you only describe as betrayal. There was grief too, somewhere in there. Your shattered heart ached, but you couldn't find it in yourself to say something. Anything.
“What have you been hiding from me?” He had never sounded this quiet. It scared you.
“Nothing you don't already know.” You mumble, staring at the floor. “Like I said, I think you already know.”
Frustrated, he stomps his feet, but you don't flinch. “Goddamnit! Just tell me. Tell me. I want to hear it from you.”
“So, you do know?”
Narrowed eyes met in the middle. The red string tensed, and bent — does it break? Could it, ever? Sometimes you wished you could snap it. For his sake, not yours. But all it did was stretch impossibly tighter, like the fist that closed itself around your heart.
“I don't…” Eddie's eyes glistened in the dark, whiskey dark, swimming in murky waters. “I feel like I don't know you like I thought I did.”
You broke first, approaching the door with trembling legs, like a deer in headlights. The two of you stared at each other closely for what felt like more than just a mere moment, unsaid things hanging heavy in the air.
“Did you ever?”
It doesn't break, but bends, and bends, and bends.
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fictionobsession · 1 month
Pairing: Alastor x f!Reader
Summary: He wouldn’t give anything for her.
Word Count: 1,494
Warnings: toxic relationship, emotional abuse, manipulation, drinking, soulmate au…ish
A/N: alrighty friends so this is part 2 of devotion and uh… it’s rough. this is not a healthy relationship. I’ve got one part planned after this one. if you like happy endings, please just pretend that devotion had one part, okay?
She dutifully followed Alastor through the double doors into the smoke and dim lighting of Mimzy’s. It was early in the day, but as it was still Hell, the bar had a few patrons here and there. The pair approached the bar, where Husker was working on loan to Mimzy.
“My doe, please do stay here with Husker. I have some business to discuss with Mimzy. And if you do get bored, there are a few thugs in the abandoned building at the end of the block that could use dealing with. Oh, and don’t forget you still must go to the butcher, you know the one.”
“The one across town? But Al, there’s a butcher on the next street ov - “ She stops at the raise of his brow. “Of course, Al, I’ll go to the one in Cannibal Town. I know you like it better.”
He doesn’t acknowledge her again, turning on his heel to go into Mimzy’s office to discuss business.
“So how long has he been treatin’ you like that?”
She startles at Husk’s question, but relaxes upon seeing his genuine expression. “Like what, Husk?”
“You know what I mean. How long has he had so much control over you?”
A shrug was all she could muster. “Oh, long before I met him on Earth, I’m sure.”
She could watch Husker trying to figure out the phrasing for his next question, the confusion written plainly on his face. “How’d he own your soul before you even met him, in the living world?”
“Oh! Husk, no, he doesn’t – well, not exactly – he -” she focused her energy inward, a black cord coiling around her middle before snaking off to find Alastor. “He doesn’t own my soul, Husker. He’s my soulmate. Platonically, obviously, not the red string of fate, romantic nonsense.”
It was something she’d never seen in Hell aside from her and Al, but people could hide it, so she had to assume there were others. Based on the look Husker was giving her, though, it wasn’t something he was used to seeing either.
“O...kay… so you’re soulmates. Which means you… share in owning souls, right? If one of you two makes a deal, it’s automatically split between you?”
“Well it’s not like I asked to…”
“Uh huh, we’re coming back to that. But, that means your power is… equal to his. You’re an overlord. Why do you let him treat you like that if he doesn’t own you?”
“He treats me fine, Husk. He’s just – well. you know. He’s Al.”
“When was the last time he consulted you or even told you afterwards about a decision affecting both of you?”
Her lack of answer was answer enough for him.
“That’s what I thought. He doesn’t respect you. He’s using you, just like the rest of his little pets.” He spat the last word with such malice, she couldn’t help but wonder what Alastor was doing with the Sinners whose souls he owned. She assumed they all had decent jobs and responsibilities, like Husker and his bartending. She filed that question away in her mind to consider later.
She gave Husker a warning look, though. She couldn’t just let people refer to her as Alastor’s lapdog. But… that’s what she was, wasn’t she? When had he consulted her about decisions? Well, never, but isn’t that the way she had wanted it?
“I’m sorry, I just…” Husk allows himself to trail off when he realizes she’s no longer listening to him. He fills up her whiskey, her usual drink.
“Can you make me something different? Something new?”
He let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding before mixing her a Tequila Sunrise and leaving her to her thoughts.
As she’s finishing her third drink, Alastor emerges from Mimzy’s office, and the day outside had turned to night. She hooked her arm through Alastor’s proffered elbow, allowing him to guide her out. She pretended not to notice the pitying look Husker was trying to hide from view.
When they stepped out into the night, Alastor finally acknowledged her. “And what all did you get up to while I was busy, my dear?”
“Oh, nothing really, just talking with Husker. He made me a new drink to try! It’s called a Tequila Sunrise.” Alastor wrinkled his nose at her description. “Oh, I don’t think you’d like it at all, Al, it’s very sweet. And I know you’re not a fan of… well, anything but bourbons and whiskeys really.”
“That’s nice, dear. Shall we head back home then?”
She nodded, and suddenly his shadows were swallowing them and depositing them back at Al’s radio tower. She said nothing as Alastor fixed himself a drink, turned on the radio, and made himself comfortable on the sofa. She stood motionless, watching him go about his business as if she weren’t in the room.
“My doe, why don’t you come sit?”
She shook her head slightly before glancing up, remembering that Alastor didn’t make real requests. He made demands framed as requests. She crossed the room, sitting on the edge of the sofa cushion, her back straight and tense, her eyes facing straight forward.
“My dear, what is going on with you tonight? You’re not yourself.” His tone gave away a concern his face would never.
She took a deep breath to steady herself, remembering that they were soulmates for Lucifer’s sake. She could talk to him. He couldn’t hurt her without hurting himself anyway, so they’d have to resolve anything like adults – with proper communication. Which, despite his life being in radio communications, Alastor was distinctly bad at.
“Al, do you actually respect me? Or am I just someone to run your errands?”
“Of course I respect you, my dear! I don’t keep people around if I don’t respect them.” Her eyebrow raised in disbelief. “Well, if I don’t respect them or own them, at least. Where’s this coming from?” His eyes were tense, his smile tight, as if he were clenching his teeth.
“You just… I’m never included in business deals. You’ve never taken me to Overlord meetings. People think I’m someone who made a deal with you, not someone who’s an equal partner with you.” She looked down shamefully, missing Alastor’s eyes briefly turn to the dials that signified his rising temper.
He cleared his throat, forcing himself to calmly respond. His tone was upbeat and his smile was wide, his eyes the only sign of his inner thoughts. “Why didn’t you just say so! I hadn’t included you in dealings because you’ve never asked! And I would never subject you to Overlord levels of danger and responsibilities if you didn’t want it, ma chérie!”
She looks up at him then, a soft smile not quite reaching the crinkles of her eyes.
“Did Husker make you doubt your place with me, my doe? I can take care of that. Permanently.”
All forgiveness she had been feeling in that moment vanished with the threat on her friend. Maybe her only friend, she allowed herself to think briefly. She jumped off the sofa, Alastor following her with a slightly panicked look on his face. Her eyes flashed green dials, shadows darkening the room, and green strings shooting out to tie everything together. She bared her teeth as her own antlers grew. “You will do – NO – SUCH – THING.”
Alastor took a single step back, his smile not quite faltering. She had never had the confidence to threaten him, not ever. He wasn’t even sure she had known she had that kind of power, let alone how to use it.
“Of course, of course! I wouldn’t hurt someone under your protection, I just wanted you to know that I will take care of any potential pests that would come between us! There’s absolutely no need to worry.” He started taking steps toward her, his hand outstretched.
The moment he touched her, she deflated, coming back into her normal calm state. “I’m sorry, Al. Just… don’t hurt Husker, alright?”
“Of course. I wouldn’t harm a fur on his fluffy little head.” He ruffled her hair, smiling softly down at her as exhaustion took over her features. “Now, I’ve got to do my show -”
“Can I stay and listen tonight?”
“Anything you want, my dear.”
She curled up on the sofa, watching Alastor, allowing her mind to wander to all the wrong places. She knew what he played on his radio show, but where did he get them? She’d never even thought to ask. He hadn’t really promised her anything, had he? Not until she showed her teeth.
She sighed, bringing his attention back to her for a brief moment. He flashed a genuine smile over his shoulder, the screams playing a perfect background to the scene as she brought her hand to the bit scar that had once made her feel so close to him. She watched him, not for the first time, but for the first time really looking for any clues about his true motivations and feelings toward her.
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merely-a-caricature · 6 months
Y’all, I can’t explain how fluffy platonic soulmates make my heart feel!!!(≧∇≦)They’re so freaking amazing and so freaking underrated!
I love platonic soulmate aus SO much more than romantic. Like- I just want to be with my best friend forever, ‘kay?
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mythorhuman · 5 months
What are your favourite bonnie ships and why?
Sorry I didn't see this earlier! This is the hardest question. I ship almost all of them because Kat has a lot of chemistry with a lot of people. Many of my favorite Bonnie ships don't even have fics and if they do, then the fics are short or rare.
Let's start with the obvious favorite: Klonnie. I am literally writing a fic for them. Why? They are just the hottest cast members and I'm very interested in the power dynamics between the characters. Also, I'm just really interested in how these two could influence each other. Whether that means tapping into Bonnie's dark side or Klaus becoming a better man, there's potential for growth as individuals.
I'd also like to acknowledge Stefonnie as a ship I hold dear to my heart. I live for Paulerina's chemistry plus Stefan and Bonnie are almost mirrors of each other in a way I find intriguing. Remember when I mentioned rare pairs? I also ship Bonnie with both of Stefan's doppelgangers. Silas and Bonnie have an obvious history, but Tom and Bonnie never met. BonTom is my crack ship for Bonnie just getting the fuck out of MF.
Bonkai and Bamon are almost interchangeable to me. I like both. The potential was there from day one with Bamon. I don't buy them as platonic soulmates. They were meant to be lovers. Bonkai with witch!Kai is superior. Heretic!Kai was stupid and he died immediately which does sorta make sense in canon but is still annoying. There's a lot of unresolved sexual tension here with both ships and they deserve a chance to explore their feelings.
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gib-vinegar · 2 years
Yandere! Klarion The Witch Boy Headcanons (Young Justice)
A/N: Feel free to skip this if the subject matter makes you uncomfy! 0u0 OOC warning (?) as well. Picture edited by me.
P.S, I do not condone this behavior in real life.
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• Klarion is delusional and wants all of your time and attention when he’s around. He found the whole idea of soulmates and all that to be a waste of time until he saw you. He just felt something *click* in his head as he stared at you, this new, raw feeling threatening to overwhelm his senses he was so sure it couldn’t be anything else other than this gushy emotion mortals fought and died for. Love. Such a sweet feeling, and we know he’s got a sweet tooth. ♡  • Whatever personality or occupation you have won’t matter to him. Hero, Villain or just a regular civilian he adores you all the same, and he’s 100 percent sure that when you meet him you’ll feel the same way he does! You’re soulmates after all, duh! • Any sort of positive affirmation, be it big or small he’ll take it as confirmation that you like him back. Even if you act like you hate his guts his mind will spin it as you playfully teasing him and if anyone besides you tries to contradict his mindset, well… he’s been looking for a new chew toy for his dear Teekl… • Speaking of which... helping protect Teekl in some way will endear you to him quicker, but it’s not the only way to catch his attention. Nonetheless the feline will end up becoming a platonic yandere for you down the line in Klarion’s obsession.
• Will absolutely stalk you before and after officially “meeting” you but there’s a few times when he almost got caught by accidentally being too loud or something of the sort. Other times he gets Teekl to follow you into certain places and report back to him later if it’s an area that’s safe for her to be in on her own.
• If you ever notice any of your friends acting strangely and giving you a dazed or lovesick expression, it’s Klarion in disguise– but he never stays like that around you too long, he was just curious on how you act with him vs your friends, if you show affection to him while he’s like that he’ll be over the moon! …until he remembers what form he’s in and promptly excuses himself to go throw a tantrum somewhere far away from your location.
• Vandal picks up on the witch boy’s fondness for you early, but not the intensity of it in the beginning. He’s seen Klarion go through phases over the countless millennia they’ve worked together where he would fixate for a while on a particular subject or person before it died off one way or another. He’ll get over it…
• Except he didn’t, it was different this time, stronger than before and now it’s getting to the point where it could be a liability to The Light’s plans if you were involved in any of them. If you end up getting hurt because of something they orchestrated, Klarion will flip out and go after whoever was involved with said plan and might even leave the group entirely. So it’s best for the other members’ safety to keep away from his beloved (Y/n) in this regard.
• Klarion hates the people you’re close to with a burning passion. Why would you waste your time with those stupid, weak mortals when you could do whatever you want on Earth with him? Why even stop at Earth, any planet is on the table, he doesn’t mind! No limitations, no consequences. Anyone who tries to keep you two apart will suffer a grisly fate. (Pun intended)
• Confession…? Well it’s less of a confession and more like a “Kay you’re coming with me from now on my dear! :D We’re gonna have so much fun–” while he’s basically kidnapping you. You’d most likely already know his feelings for you by now with how affectionate he acts towards you. If you don’t realize how much danger you are in by now, it will quickly become evident when he slaughters anyone who might have tried to stop him from taking you. • If it turns out that you do feel the same way however, a few things would be different from your other choice of refusing him. First off, there won’t be any punishments since you won’t be trying to leave. Hooray! You will also have a chance to keep your family and friends safe from him too in this case since he’ll be more open to suggestions on places you go to and people possibly being spared, making it easier to keep them out of his sight. But no matter what he’s gonna bring you everywhere and be practically glued at the hip so get comfy.
• Klarion’s not one for sticking in one place for too long unless he needs to, so most of the time you’re gonna be tagging along with him as he wreaks havoc or is on a mission. He brings you into battles and shows off so you can see that he can keep you safe and happy (Press X to doubt) and that you need him. • If you’re hoping for Teekl to show any sympathy to your plight, you’re dead wrong. In fact, by this time she’s gotten attached enough to you to be a platonic yandere now. She’ll be helping her master keep an eye on you and protect you but if you try to sneak away when the Chaos Lord is napping or locked in battle she’ll stop you from leaving and snitch on you to Klarion about your recent attempt to hightail it out of there. Unless of course, you start giving her some head scritches and belly rubs in exchange for keeping quiet. • Punishments happen if you try to make him see through the delusions, which will disrupt his fantasy of you loving him back if you push him hard enough, usually resulting in a rage filled tantrum at the continued insistence of letting you go. “NO! I’m never letting you go so stop saying it! You’re MINE. Mine mine mine mine mine--” • So you think you don’t need him huh? You wanna leave? Fine! He’ll just dump you in a situation where you’ll be in constant peril until you plead with him to come back and help you. “See? You do need me after all.” Klarion would scoff and heal whatever physical wounds you may have but you would most likely be traumatized after this whole ordeal. Then he goes back to doting on you as if he forgot what just happened. • If you end up escaping without Klarion or Teekl noticing until it’s too late, Klarion’s gonna start freaking out about you being kidnapped or whatever while Teekl is facepalming in the background but worried for your safety. Klarion will start to go everywhere and demand you be brought back to him RIGHT NOW as he’s causing mass chaos anywhere he can until he gets you returned to him, The Light’s plans be damned. The rest of The Light might even help him by being on the lookout for you since he’s gonna start thinking that they are involved in your disappearance if they don’t. The longer you’re gone, the more the body count is going to rise. Unless Dr. Fate is there to have a chance to stop him, it will be a struggle for any other heroes trying to fix things. Maybe come back soon if you can’t handle all the lives being lost in your absence? • You might have to lie and think of a scapegoat if you do come back to him of your own volition because he’s gonna want somebody to torture for taking you away for so long. If you get captured by someone he knows and they explain what happened to him then he’s just gonna punish you again until you stop. trying. to. leave!! • He’ll make you immortal whether you want to be or not, you don’t have a choice in the matter. Nothing or nobody else is allowed to have you– not even death itself. ♡
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lilmisssona · 4 months
✯ My mooties (づᴗ _ᴗ)づ♡
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People who keep me sane, feral, giddy, giggly, curious and happy 🫶
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋 @atinyniki Met Niki randomly on a lazy day scrolling tumblr fyp, cupids arrow is her first fic I read and fell in love. Oh! Quite literally if you will, because turned out we are each other's platonic soulmates. You're my home my comfort and I am grateful to find you bby and will always support you, no matter what! ❤️❤️❤️
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋 @hearts4leeknow Second sweet bby, Oh ILY so much you're so sweet, I really love your works. They are a treat to my soul. You're so funny, And I'll support you always bby 💖
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋 @cinnamostar From your works to everything else, your blog is literally so aesthetic, and your works 🤌 So happy to be your mootie! ( Currently patiently waiting for 5 dates to fall in love to end so that I can read from the beginning and not end up in a cliffhanger 🙃 )
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋 @writingforstraykids Newest addition to my community! Literally so down to earth, very sweet! I really love your works, so I will love you and support you always 🫶
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋 @kai-lee08 Your fic blog
@j-oneproduces are my go to whenever I want to read which members will do what to yn. They are so so sweet, I love it. Gives me warm and giggly feelings inside! You're so sweet and I'm so glad to be mooties with you 🫶💓
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋@jinnie-ret I was always a silent followers of yours, reading your fics time and time again. But the oddinary one really moved me. You're so nice and cute, Thank you for being mooties with me! 🤭💕🫶
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋@michelle4eve Sweet newbie mutual of mine 💓 So glad we became mooties. You are literally sweetest 🤗❤️🥹
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋@skzoologist Oh, Zehina you're so sweet. I'm so lucky to have you as my mootie. Talking to you feels so comforting! 💕🫶💓
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋 @minholing Jenny, you're so sweet. Its such a bliss to meet you and talk to you everyday. You're so cute 💕🫶
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋 @cheesemonky Leisel, you're so sweet my love. I love talking with you, however brief our conversations are due to the time difference but I still love it 🫶❤️
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋 @livelovelaughmiko Miko, Thank you for being such a sweet gem. I know we just became mooties but I love you already 🥺🫶🤗
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋 @thatonedemigodfromseoul Mutual friend of Jinnie and I. Glad I found you. You're so sweet and your works are amazing. Hugs 🥺🤗🫶
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋 @silverstarburst Mutual mootie of mine and Nat's. I was actually kinda so scared when you followed me. Like you're kinda like an idol to me. As I saw yours and Nat's asks everyday, I was so intrigued by you. I got so happy when you became my mootie and then binged through my page. Love you hun 💕🥺💗🤗
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋 @yangbbokari Mumu bby I'm the worst why didn't I add you here 😭😭😭 You're one of my sweetest savage mooties. Like you're so cool, I'm blown away 🤭💖🤗
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋 @galaxycatdrawz Just a random sweet encounter through ask game. You are so sweet 🤗💖 Glad to become a mootie of you!
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋 @hwangism143 Another Bengali friend. Woo-hoo! Will be Glad to get to know you better Via 🤗💞
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋 @straykidsholicleigh Just became moots. Btw I know you since long before Soul was mentioning you in their posts. You're cute. I like you 🤗🤗💕💕
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pelgraine · 23 days
Because I am a sucker for classic tropes and apparently cannot ever switch that part of my AU headcanon producing brain off, I've been thinking how a soulmate bond AU might work in the Halo universe.
Whether it's the classic soulmate tattoo with the name(s) or first words of your soulmate on your skin that can potentially be physically removed, or something like daemons a la His Dark Materials with an invisible connection that can be severed, I think it would be interesting to explore how Halsey might have dealt with that in the Spartan program, and how John might react to discovering the existence of soul mates and that Halsey had, in essence, burned his and all his fellow Spartans out (somehow). I can imagine John's memories when he touched the artifact potentially including discussions with his parents about the existence of soulmates, and because he has only the buried child memories of it perhaps even if he's aware in some fashion of their existence then he's justified the idea in his mind that it's just a myth or fairytale that doesn't happen to people like him, or to Spartans. Maybe Halsey tells them all that she's collected the children together because they're all in the bondless/without soulmate minority and she's doing the right thing by bringing them together and giving them the family they would never have otherwise, or something to that effect.
It would undoubtedly be very effective psychological conditioning of the Spartan IIs if they're all repeatedly told as children that none of them were born with soulmates. Maybe Mendez and the other trainers are also in the minority and born without soulmates and were chosen for the role to train the Spartans in part because they couldn't talk about or accidentally refer to the soulmate concept. I also wonder if it was the case that the general age of 12-14 for getting a soulmate mark, for example, then when the Spartan augmentations occurred they discover those few who had soulmates among other Spartans and instead pretend they washed out of the program and let their respective soulmates think they're dead or something like that.
Assuming platonic or familial soulmates also exist, it could easily be a factor why Ackerson hated Halsey so very much. If his soulmate was his sister Julia, then it makes a twisted sort of sense to keep creating the flash clones to torment Halsey with. Ackerson's mistake there was thinking Halsey has emotions like other people - I reckon by that point Halsey's emotions and empathy are shelved away or buried so effectively as to seem non-existent.
Maybe part of the reason why Halsey would never allow Miranda anywhere near the Spartans is because she discovered that Kai and Miranda were soulmates early on. Perhaps due to the stress of Spartan training or because they met as very young children, Kai's soulmate mark materialises well before she undergoes augmentations. Halsey has it removed while it's small enough not to cause Kai additional harm, not knowing that soulmate marks can and will grow back at a later date when the pellets she embedded in their spines are removed and their emotions and bonds are unsuppressed.
Maybe Kai's mark is in a spot she's never really examined closely in all the chaos that occurs post John's discovery of the Covenant artifact. Maybe Riz sees it first on Kai and doesn't know how to process it so she goes to Louis for advice, (one of the few living ex-Spartans she knows) and Louis explains the concept of soulmates to her (prior to the events of Riz's injuries in canon.)
John tells Kai of everything Halsey has done to them while Kai recovers from her injuries during the battle at the dig site. Tells her that he doesn't seem to have a soulmark anywhere, though Cortana seems to think he has a bond but doesn't know who it is yet. Kai, stewing in her rage and sense of overwhelming loss, eventually goes after Halsey to make her pay for what she's done and to keep her from escaping, asks for her true name because she knows that most soulmarks are the full name(s) of their soulmate.
Halsey tells her her name is Kai, giving her that much because she knows it's the only name she's ever found on Miranda's skin. Kai doesn't know that part because Miranda, at that point, is still discovering how to think for herself about the Spartans and too busy trying to get out from under Halsey's shadow to ever really consider whether her soulmate could possibly truly be the same Spartan who shares the name.
Maybe John saves Corporal Perez on the hillside because there's a trace like an old scar on his skin that vaguely resembles her last name. Maybe he doesn't believe that Spartans have soulmates, but there's a tiny optimistic voice in his head (that sometimes sounds a little too like Cortana even when she's not actively with him) that tells him there could be a chance, that saving Perez from the Elites even if he dies in the process would be worth it if means there's even a small chance his potential soulmate survives.
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dragonfly0808 · 1 year
How did you decide on who to pair with who with the platonic soul mates ? I find it interesting that in cannon they never spoken to each other but they for so perfectly in your rewrite.
Kay, so, the first one that was chosen was Flora and Riven.
I’ve always headcannoned that they would be besties. Just, soft girl and rough around the edges boy always make the best platonic dynamics and they’re 2 of my faves and I just thought that it would make sense for Riven to connect with Flora before any of the other girls
They both have very rough pasts but had very different responses (partially because Flora always had a support system in her family and Riven didn’t) they can bond over crappy parents and very rough situations. In a friendship group filled with royals and loving families, they are the ones who had both economic and family problems, they can relate to each other in a way that only few could
They’re biggest problems at the start of the rewrite also made them besties. Riven needs to learn to open up and be vulnerable, who better to teach him than Flora? Flora needs to learn to stand up for herself a little more, who better to teach her than Riven?
They were the easiest choice when it came to platonic soulmates.
Next chosen were Stella and Sky
Their friendship began with my choice to make Erendor, Radius and Oritel best friends. It made sense to have Stella and Sky know each other since childhood, that, combined with Stella knowing about the switcharoo created a dynamic between Stella, Brandon and Sky and from there, came the dynamic between Stella and Sky
They’ve known each other their whole lives, they bond over the pressures of being royals and struggling to communicate with their parents.
They were also both pressured into acting mature (Stella by her mom, Sky by both his parents) so it makes sense that, when together, they feel safe enough to just be goofy with each other and act like the teens that they really are.
I loved this dynamic of childhood friends bonding over the fear of growing up and having to carry more responsabilities every year but also bonding over their insane sense of duty to their respective planets.
Next came a happy accident Bloom and Timmy
Bloom and Timmy being platonic soulmates was not planned. I was writing Tecna’s birthday scene in s1 and wrote Timmy playing a car game, since Tecna was having a conversation, I wrote Bloom to be the one playing against him since I felt like those 2 would be the most intense when playing videogames, teasing and trying to kick each other to win.
That’s when it kinda clicked in my head like… wait a minute… they’re both huge nerds… huh
And that’s how they became platonic soulmates because as a fellow nerd I know that nerd friendships don’t necessarily require similar interests, just equal levels of enthusiasm when talking about said interests
Bloom is a nerd about mythology and history, Timmy is a nerd about technology and figthing technique. They bond over being able to info-dump all they want to one another and having similar levels of enthusiasm. They’re also both introverts who only become extroverts either with the extroverts that adopted them (Stella and Nabu/Brandon) or when talking to each other or about their interest
This was when the rest of the platonic soulmates were decided right as I was wrapping up s1, I knew what the last few platonic soulmates would be
Musa and Helia
She was punk, he did ballet. That’s it. That’s their dynamic
Kay so, Musa and Helia are the writers of the group. They’re not the only artists, but they’re the writers and the ones who’re the most verbal about their art if that makes sense.
They both also have a darker side that they try to keep railed in. They both have frequent nightmares and are the ones who’ve dealt with depression the most throughout their lives
I don’t want to say that they’re ‘tortured artists’ but they can bond over only being able to word certain feelings through songs and poetry. They can bond over having a knot in their throat that they’re working to get rid off that vanishes the second they have a pen in their hand
They’re the ones that have too much to say but don’t always know how to say it. How to get it out. It made sense to pair them together
Next up, Aisha and Brandon
Brandon is one of the softest of the squad. He just radiates comfort and warmth and is a protector at his core. Aisha, especially at first, really needed someone like that (aside from Flora).
Brandon really helps Aisha come out of her shell. They’re both extroverts but Aisha has a lot of social anxiety, the girls and Brandon help her out with that a lot.
They also bond over sports. They both loving pushing themselves to the limit. They bond over skateboarding, surfing, rock climbing, swimming, anything that gets them out and tired.
Aisha is also one of the few people that can get it through Brandon’s head that he doesn’t always have to be the protector. That that’s not all there is to him. That he deserves to also be protected from time to time.
Finally… Tecna and Nabu
I don’t think I can fully explain the bond between these two… these two are… comfortable silence
They are both very calm but… light�� at the same time if that makes sense?
They just give me that vibe of someone that you met and just click with. They live in similar wavelengths and have similar mentalities
Tecna is compelled to trust Nabu due to his energy and the way he just… gets her effortlessly. Nabu adores Tecna because of how unapolagetic she is
They are people who just enjoy each others mere presence, they don’t try to get each other out of their comfort zones. They’ll be drinking coffee and having breakfast while casually talking and working on projects and feel so at peace just by being around each other, they have that kind of effortless yet beautiful friendship
Hope these explanations were enough to give a little peak into my thought process of choosing the platonic soulmates!
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miss-bibbles · 2 years
This is a tumblr hug, pass it on to your ten favorite followers and mutuals💖 <3
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luneshallshine · 2 years
✂ txt as my favorite angst tropes
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omg 2nd post??
hi i am here with a sister-post to my first txt trope post, and now i am here to hurt my heart and (hopefully, not really...unless?) your hearts as well!
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angst!, arguments, profanity, violence, mentions of su*cide, SH, abuse (beomgyu's), just...hurt, gn!reader, college setting, house parties (drinking n etc), slight mature themes for taehyun's
ღ yeonjun, unrequited love
♫ playing now : baby by the rose & if you're not the one for me, who is? by keshi
yeonjun was a nice guy, he complimented you whenever he noticed a change in your appearance, he would walk with you to class whenever you guys were going the same way, he would cover you from the rain when there was no umbrella, in short, he was the perfect guy. you two would see each other every day, having had the same classes together, and it was inevitable that you would fall into his trap. when did it start? you've known him for years. who knows, but what you do know, is that you fell deep and fast.
his gummy smile, cat-like appearance, confident and mature aura, his long legs, his toned arms, and his lips that look like they could kiss you into oblivion, they play on repeat on your mind. sometimes you lose focus when you spend time with him, simply because you're too in love with him. one of these days, you'd think, he'll notice i like him, no, that i love him. one day, he'll realize that his friend, wanted to be more than friends.
but would he do anything about it? would he confront you? would he feel the same? would your friendship, that made you so happy, be over? all the time you've spent with him, could be made meaningless if he did not feel the same. and yet, you still tried. hoping that just one day, he'd feel the same, he would reciprocate your pitiful feelings.
you weren't not the only one in his life. you were not the only one who loved him so dearly, yeonjun wasn't yours to keep. he never would be. yeonjun is someone who doesn't deserve to be tied down by someone like you. you would just let him down. however, he's all you've known. he's the only person you've fell this hard for, but he is also the only one who you could call your platonic soulmate.
you were in so deep.
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"hey! you made it!" yeonjun said, opening the door and engulfing you in a bear hug.
"it is one of kai's parties, i can't miss it," you replied, enjoying his closeness.
"the party wouldn't be same without you y/n," he said, letting go.
you giggled as yeonjun took your hand to lead you deeper into the house party, you watch as couples dance with each other, and single people talk to each other. drinks raised high in the air, as the dreamy atmosphere eclipses over you. yeonjun's hand is so warm as he makes sure not to lose you, tightly squeezing every now and then so you know he hasn't forgotten you. you make it to where yeonjun's friends are seated, some of them smiling and standing up to greet you once you two arrive.
"always with y/n huh yeonjun?" soobin asked, smiling politely at you.
"always! they're one of my best friends y'know," yeonjun replied, sitting down next to taehyun.
"scooch over gyu," you said, sitting across from yeonjun.
six of you crowded around one table with a deck of cards. taehyun grabbed the deck and began to shuffle, staring off into the party's attendees. the six of you were seated above the ground floor, having a good view of the sea of the people kai had invited into his abode that night. it was cloud nine.
"who wants to play?" taehyun asked, getting ready to deal.
you decided not to play, and so did yeonjun, leading you both to watch the rest play. the four that wanted to play shift closer to one another, leaving a big empty spot next to you. yeonjun must have been drinking beforehand, because he stood up and sat down next to you, having your thighs touch as he settled into the seat. his arm fell around your shoulders, as he chatted away, you weren't paying attention so you merely nodded and let your face heat up.
"... and so that's why i hate whenever soobin does aegyo," yeonjun said, causing soobin's yelling to bring you back to the real world.
yeonjun's arms was still firmly around your shoulders, and your heart was louder than anything else in the world. you gently removed his arm, standing up. his face was one of concern, his body language signalled he wanted to follow you.
"i just need some fresh air, stay, i'll be back," you said, seeing his shoulders relax.
you made it outside onto a balcony, feeling the cool night air on your skin. you let out a big sigh, your heart finally calming down. you felt your phone buzz and looked to see your mother calling you. you pick her on speaker so you can have a laidback call.
"hi, do you need something mom?"
"i was just calling to see if you were coming over this weekend," she asked.
"no, me and the others have plans," you replied.
"is yeonjun one of those others, y/n?"
"moM! yeonjun isn't my only friend," you whined.
"i know how much you like him, heck, your whole family knows. just ask him out y/n," she said, her voice softening, "heaven knows you've been waiting to."
"not now. maybe in the future, but not now. i know for sure it won't work out. i need to work on myself too, mom. yeonjun doesn't need more burdens," you said, "i know if he rejected me now, i wouldn't be able to stand on my own."
a glass shattering alerts you of someone, or something, behind you. standing there is yeonjun with a broken glass of beer shattered on the floor, a look on his face that you can't decipher.
"..no..no, not now..please," you muttered, hitting hang up on your mother.
he took a step closer to you, ignoring the broken glass on the floor.
"y/n, i'm sorry."
"i know," you said, walking towards him.
you pushed him aside gently, feeling the tension in the air turn cold. the warmth you usually felt with him had turn stale, it turned rancid. you had felt rejection before, but now, it stung like a wasp.
"let's talk?" he asked.
"no. let's just not talk, okay?" you replied.
"if i had known, y/n-"
"well you didn't! it's over now okay? you don't like me back and that's that, years of this stupid love have gone to waste. please let me leave."
you pu
all you do is run, don't you y/n? you've been running for years from these feelings, and here you are, leaving yeonjun with no explanation. but, you're safe now, the burden on your shoulders is gone. even if he never felt the same, it was nice to love him. it was nice to know he knew now.
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you thought you'd be fine, that life could continue on like normal, but you had underestimated how hard it would impact you. it was hard to get out of bed, it was to eat on time, it was hard to breathe at points. why did you let yourself fall so deep? who let you be so careless with your heart? and..why did it have to be him? someone so nice that he still texted you daily to check up with you, only to be left on delivered.
please text me back y/n.
i want to work this out with you.
please, i can't let our friendship end like this.
y/n. please.
one of these days, you'll be okay. without him in your life, you'll be okay, one day.
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ღ soobin, misunderstanding between childhood friends, me or your dream?
♫ playing now : i loved you by day6 & good days by keshi
it was known all over the school, soobin was auditioning to become an idol. his chances were slim, and so no one believed in him. soobin would talk to you when he felt hopeless, and you always lent him an shoulder to lean on. in a world where someone seemed to rely on him and doubt him at the same time, you were his comfort zone. you two were connected at the hip, having grown up together. no one understood you better than he did, and vice versa.
your sweet words lulled him to sleep on your shoulder many times, your words of encouragement and everlasting belief in him, seemed too good to be true.
"do you think i'll pass the audition?" soobin asked, looking up at you with expectant eyes.
"yes soobin, i tell you this every time you ask me. you will be just fine," you replied, staring into his eyes.
he gave you his bunny-like smile, and nestled into your shoulder more. you two often gave off the vibes that you two were dating, and it would be a lie to say you haven't thought about it. soobin was popular among your class, and you knew you weren't the only one harboring feelings for him. you kept your mouth shut however, your friendship was more important than anything.
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"it's not enough," soobin said, looking at himself in the mirror, "i need to dance better, sing better, i just need to be better."
day in and day out, soobin had not left the room he practiced in over the summer. you hadn't seen him in weeks. every time you texted him to check up on him, he'd blow you off.
"thank you ms. choi, i'll be going now!" you said as you left soobin's house.
you asked his mother where he was practicing so much, and she gave you directions to a cheap dance studio in your town. you knocked on the door, and a slight rustle and a few curses could be heard before soobin answered the door. by then, the sun had set and all you could hear was the night's whispers. his heavy breathing was telling you that he had been in there for a while.
"hey. it's been a while," you said.
"yeah..it has," he replied, stepping aside so you could walk in.
"geez soobin it stinks in here!" you exclaimed, covering your nose in a dramatic fashion.
he chuckled lightly before shutting the door behind you both.
"i have been hard at work y/n, what brings you here?"
"i haven't seen you in weeks soobin, you keep ignoring my texts and calls. i was worried," you answered, taking a good look around the sweaty room.
"i'm sorry. i just, i just want to be perfect," he said, and that's when you noticed the dark eye bags and sunken skin.
"is this worth killing yourself over? you look like you haven't slept or eaten in days! does your life not matter?" you asked, raising your voice slightly, "does it matter so much that you'd ignore me?"
"it'll be worth it. just watch, i'll make all those kids at school regret their words," he replied, hope dripping from his words.
you knew that hope was superficial, something that he only said to convince himself. you knew him too well to believe his strong act.
"you're lying to yourself. how many times have you hurt yourself soobin?"
"don't call me a liar."
soobin looked like a shell of his former self, the boy who would hug your arm and sleep on your shoulder was no more. his eyes were caved in and his hair was unkempt, it made you upset. without knowing it, he had become one of your most precious people, seeing him slowly withering away like this, troubled you deeply. his dream was changing him faster than you could stop it.
"soobin, please."
the look in his eyes was icy cold. no matter how much you pissed him off, he would never hurt you, this was evident as he gently grasped your shoulders.
"i can't. not now, i'm almost ready y/n. this dream of mine, it's almost coming true!" he said, smiling at you.
all you could do for him, was to shake your head.
"i can't be by your side if you continue, soobin. it hurts me to see you like this, your face looks so decayed and tired," you raised your hand to caress his cheek gently.
he merely nodded, letting go of your shoulders.
"you know i can't give up."
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a couple of years went by, and you stood by your word. you hadn't talked to soobin ever since that day, and you could only watch as he and his members performed and sang their hearts out. you had grown an immense amount of respect for soobin, his willingness to continue and his leadership had grown since you last seen him.
every now and then, you would attend one of his concerts with your friends, and his gaze would linger on you longer each time. he was too far now, way too high up for you.
one day, he'll lean on your shoulder again, you hoped.
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ღ beomgyu, you couldn't save them.
♫ playing now : i saw you in a dream by the japanese house, i need somebody by day6 & sleep thru ur alarms by lontalius
beomgyu and you had a rocky start to your friendship, he was constantly bothering you during class and you sometimes wished he would just leave you alone. however, you two grew close after beomgyu stood up for you after a teacher had yelled at you for talking.
"they weren't talking to me, i was bothering them. if you are going to punish a kid, punish me," he said, raising his hand.
safe to say, you and beomgyu were attached at the hip once you realized he wasn't too bad of a guy. something so simple as standing up for you, granted you a friend you would credit with being your closest. you were his only friend, as only you could handle his hyper-ness everyday and listen to him raving about his pet bird.
he would come over to your house to play his guitar, telling you that his neighbors constantly told him to keep it down. he spent more time in your room than he did in his, but you loved his company. he was a soothing person, one that would look at you with so much admiration whenever you talked about your interests. he truly become your soulmate, even if fate didn't exist.
he would constantly describe you as a star in his dark night sky, one that shone the brightest. even if you thought you weren't anything special, his words and touch would always reassure you that you were enough for him.
it was natural you two would start dating, with his unabashed self and all.
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his long hair covered his face as he crashed onto your bed, his guitar hiding in the corner. he nestled his head deep into your covers, a loud groan escaping his lips.
"beomgyu, what happened? you didn't even say hi to me," you said, a light airy tone embodying your voice.
"just a bad day," he replied, pulling your blanket over him.
you stood up to get closer to him, and crouched down near your bed. gently, you let your fingers seep into his long hair, and you saw his body visibly relax. on instinct, he looked up at you to kiss you, but you screamed at the sight of his face.
a big bruise was covering his right eye, and one of his lips was busted. the blood was scabbed over, like it had been a while since he was hurt.
"oops?! beomgyu what happened?! did someone hurt you?" you exclaimed, cradling his face.
he shook his head, and locked your fingers together.
"i just got into a fight with my dad."
"a fight..? over what, what could compel him to hurt you like this..," you said, staring harder at his face.
"just a misunderstanding. don't worry about it," he replied.
there was nothing you could do.
you couldn't believe your eyes, he was lying to you. right in front of your face. you wanted to be angry, and you wanted to confront his father, but the way his hand tightened around you whenever you moved even just a little bit.. it was too telling.
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right before your eyes, he began fading away. he would hold your hand and reply to your words, but it never felt like he was truly there. all you could do was cherish the warmth he gave you, appreciate his slight smiles to your laughs, and to hope for a brighter future.
beomgyu would never tell you this, but he knew that when he met you, he would be happy enough to die. you looked like an angel sent from heaven to come and bring him back with you. he could not explain why he was captivated with you, but meeting you was the best thing to ever happen to him. not even being born could top you.
after the incident, his mind was scattered all over. he would later tell you that his father had been like this for a while, that every night he slept in your bed, his father was having an episode. beomgyu would seek safety with you, his angel, his star.
"my dad, he broke my first guitar. he was a failed rock star, and when he learned of my hobby, he flipped out. now, my guitar, my dreams, are safe with you," beomgyu said, his guitar tight in his grip as he sat on your bed.
his wrists were covered with an unusual style choice for him, two gym wristbands, but you and him knew not to point anything out. you just hoped that with time, he would heal, and that you were enough for him. when he didn't show up to school one day, you knew you had failed.
a note left carefully on his guitar, you could still hear his voice as you imagined him reading it you.
"my angel, my star.
you know how much i love my guitar. i wouldn't leave it with just anyone.
keep it, polish it whenever you can. it always liked your room the most.
i should've taught you how to play it, but another time, yeah?"
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ღ taehyun, star crossed lovers, royal!au
♫ playing now : glimpse of us by joji & young and beautiful by lana del ray
you had a childhood friend that always gifted you the same thing everyday, song lyrics. it was never anything too extravagant, and god forbid there was a trace to be left. your meetings were hidden in a grown over forest, your kingdom's hidden gem. you would pick a modest outfit, and rush out to meet him. he never did tell you where he came from, you two had run into each other whilst you were hiding from your mother in the market.
a slight hush befell you when you felt your mother come too close to you, if an onlooker were to be spectating your little play, they would surely think that your mother was your captor! you were always a devious child, and your mother knew you would come running back once dinner was placed on the table. in one of your escapades, you bumped into a boy that was a bit shorter than you. he had eyes of an owl, big and wise. he placed a singular finger on top of his small mouth, connecting your palms and tugging you into a better hiding spot.
your palms stayed connected up until your mother called for you, to which you hurried back to her side, not forgetting to turn around and thank your sidekick.
as years past, and the times began to mature, the two of you were suspect to your mother. your mother was a smart woman, and knew there was something to be said about your entanglement with the boy. your eagerness to listen to his songs, his admiration for your exposed skin, you two were no longer mere forest-pals. by your fifteenth birthday, he had grown to tower over you, and he gifted you a full song. the lyrics were carefully handcrafted and his heart was poured unto them. he too was your age, and your mother believed you two would be wed before the words "i do" could be uttered.
but then, he disappeared. he stopped knocking on your window with the pebbles, stopped sending you lyrics of his adoration, and his entire existence felt as though it never happened. you had been wooed before you could halt it.
it was all the hush in your kingdom, the prince had his coming of age ceremony, and it was his first appearance to the great masses. you stayed in your abode that day, too distraught and overcome with emotion to leave your bed. your friends all came around, gawking about the prince's beautiful eyes, his beautiful hair, his beautiful build, his beautiful nonsense. you grew fairly tired of the frequent mention of the prince, prince this, prince that! in an era of deflection, you vowed to never lock eyes with the prince.
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"mother we are not nobles, no where close! why are we attending the prince's ball?" you asked, your mother's careful and steady hands worked to perfect your appearance.
"my child, we can never reject an imperial invitation. we would have our heads on pikes and sticks before we could close our doors. now stop blabbering nonsense and await the horsemen."
it confused you, the whole event. your mother's screams awakened you as the sun just began to appear, she rushed into your shared bedroom, the red and golden seal explaining it all to you.
it was the prince's eighteenth birthday ball, and you and your mother were invited. you spent many hours staring at your name on the expensive paper, your mother would surely frame this and post it on your wall, for all your neighbors to admire when they came over.
as your mother grasped your arm, the two of you took slow and controlled steps into the ballroom. you watched as everyone in fancier clothing, women in grand dresses, and the orchestra in their attractive getups, took sharp pivots and twirls to look at you and your mother as if you two were spectacles to be watched. a painful heat overcame your face, you were sure you resembled a tomato. you peered over the center of the ballroom, seeing a tall but slender man in a more extravagant getup than you had ever witnessed in your eighteen years of life, talking with other nobles. his eyes were bright and captivating, and they seemed to sparkle with pure interest as the people around him gabbled and murmured their tiny hearts out.
in a pluck of a string, his eyes landed on your figure. his mouth hung slightly open as he excused himself from his seemingly interminable conversation, making his trek to you. your mother pardoned herself as she sensed a higher tension.
"you made it," he said, as if he knew you.
you bowed heavily, not raising your head until he coughed. words got caught in your throat, you had not the faintest idea of what to say to a royal.
"call me taehyun."
something in your heart stirred, that name, it felt so familiar.
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"will you let go of me already!" you silently yelled, moving your hand out of the boy's grasp.
"sorry~," he said, giggling, "my name's taehyun! i watch you all the time when you try and hide from your mother. it is really fun."
"taehyun, that's..a weird name."
his head cocked to one side like an owl, as he tried to decipher what you said. you shook your head as the two of you watched the sun slowly move across the sky.
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"taehyun," you said, as if you had been holding in your breath for eternity.
he smiled knowingly, you broke your vow as you drank in his eyes. they were just as big and wise as you had remembered, after three long years, you two were in front of each other once again. a small acknowledgment, and he was dragged away from you.
your childhood friend had been a prince! never in ten million years did you believe your life could be such a fairy tale. as you sat, watching the ball continue to dance its heart out, a tiny but painful stir began in your heart once more.
you stepped out onto one of many balconies, and allowed the night to encase you. the soft songs of night animals, and the persistent song of an owl, seemed to lull you away.
small and insecure footsteps appeared behind you, the sound of the night silenced by the person's presence. taehyun stood behind you, still in his unusually fancy attire, as he basked in your glow.
"y/n, you found me," he said, now less than an inch away from you.
you smiled, and he could not resist any longer. he pulled you into a searing kiss, one with so much vigor and want, that your heart felt like it had stopped.
"mine...please. you're all mine, right?"
that same stir in your heart, spoke for you.
"taehyun... you must understand me when i tell you that it is too late. everyone knows a prince and a commoner can never be wed, can never be lovers. you already have a woman, according to the king."
his grip on you never felt so tight, he connected your palms once more and kissed you.
he kissed you goodbye.
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ღ huening kai, mortal barriers, angel and human, cruel fate/universe
♫ playing now : opening sequence/lovesong by txt & everything by the black skirts
your inner clock ticked as the wind pushed against you, your hair blowing backwards. as you stared off the building's edge, a hand gracefully pulled you into their embrace.
"it's not your time yet," a voice spoke, a male one.
you felt your legs give out as you couldn't fight him, falling asleep in his arms.
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when you awoke, you heard a mild argument going on in your already small apartment. who was in your house?! you sprung up and ran out into your kitchen, only to see two extremely attractive guys arguing whilst one held a packet of your favorite instant ramen.
"they went through all that, they shouldn't be eating instant ramen!" the taller (though they were both quite tall) yelled, trying to grab the packet from the other.
"who cares! it's easy to make and we won't burn down their kitchen," the other remarked, getting ready to open it.
"who are you people?! get out of my house!" you yelled.
"hey hey, okay this looks bad, i know. but i'm the guy who saved you yesterday!
"saved me..?" you said.
waves of memories of the previous night burst into your mind, the chilling wind and ominous black night still fresh in your thoughts. you recognized his voice, and you swore you saw wings as he stared at you.
"y/n, it wasn't your time to go. you know that," he said, with a soft but knowing tone.
all your life, it was one of misfortune, everyday seemed to take a left. not one of your "friends" stayed for more than a couple days, and all your possible love adventures were for naught. you had sworn that your life wasn't worth anything last night, after one more misfortune had befell you. someone you still held dear to you, had passed away. you were sure the world was not worth it to stay anymore.
"i just wanted to follow them," you muttered, now on the floor with grief.
the guy from last night swooped down as if he flew from the sky, and hugged you, his familiar warmth comforting you in a way you could never explain.
"are you an angel..?" you asked, staring into his eyes.
he giggled and looked back at his friend, who nodded to you.
"uh yeah, how'd you know?" he replied, "my name is huening kai, just call me kai."
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who knew angels could be such annoying beings? when you awoke and when you moved around, kai was there at your beck and call. he seemed to be quite young, following you around and not abiding any clear rules. many times did the other angel, who you learned was named soobin, come and reprimand kai, telling him to be more proper.
you two were young and immature, and even though kai had probably been alive for much longer than you or the entire currently population on earth, he still acted like a child. he could barely fly around, having to use soobin's assistance when he needed to leave.
"i don't want to leave, soobin!! please let me stay with y/n, they're fun!" he would whine every time the older angel would appear.
without your knowledge, kai had been getting severely scolded every time he and soobin flew together, mentions of "leave the mortals alone.", "don't you dare fall in love, you're far too young to mess around right now."
many nights, as he sat on the foot of your bed, watching over you, did he wish he was older. he wished he was experienced enough so that he could freely love you.
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when had you grown so attached to him? when he left, you craved his attention, when he was around, his affection wasn't enough. his wake up calls were your favorite, he would make sure you safely got to bed as well. he was the sweetest being ever. something in your soul ached for him, and it was the same for him.
he couldn't explain why his heart beat for you, he couldn't explain as to why he yearned for your love. this universe weaved your souls together, and it showed.
years, centuries, even more time had passed before he met his soulmate. and it was someone he could not be with. if he so much as kissed you to profess his love, he would disappear from your life and memories forever. he could never say the word to you.
he wanted you to remain unaware, until time ended and you grew old. forever and ever, he would watch over you, making sure you never ended up on that rooftop ever again. it was his own personal mission.
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"kai. your powers have been weakening, why must you spend so much time with that mortal? you're killing yourself," soobin said, flying towards your apartment.
he was carrying kai in his arms, as the latter's wings no longer opened. your presence was weaking him severely, but he couldn't resist you. it had been months ever since he met you, and he couldn't leave you now. not now.
"i can't leave them, soobin, please. just one more day," kai begged, his body almost limp and lifeless.
"no more. you are my pupil, i must protect you. you might want to protect them, but they will be alright without you. more mortals need you rather than that one, think of the greater population, kai."
as soobin dropped the younger on your balcony, he gave a deadly glare as he flew off. kai's heart was in his stomach, he knew he had to say goodbye. as he burst into your apartment, he witnessed you crying on the floor.
"y/n! what's wrong? what happened?" he basically screamed, rushing to you.
"nothing, nothing at all."
you sat upright, and looked into his eyes.
"kai. i love you, but you have to go right?" you said, smiling.
now he was crying, you were too smart for your own good. he had fading away before your eyes, and you couldn't stand to watch it happen to someone you loved, not again.
he kissed you, a small and insecure kiss, he had as much experience in the field as a baby, but his kiss was full of love and adoration. when you opened your eyes, you were alone.
who was that?
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and that's my 2nd post done~
two days before the one month anniversary too hehe... this took so long to write and it was such a challenge, i'm so bad at angst.
but! hope you all like it <3
also, i cannot believe how much my first post garnered, over 500 notes!! that's insane, thank you all!!
ღ lune
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21st-century-ninja · 10 months
Fic rec week: Gen/Team
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Ayo it's the final day of rec week, and we're capping it off with gen and team fic! The moodboard for today is for The Words Upon Our Skin by Exrong
When Jay finds the remnant of Zane’s face, the single, chipped word Brother written just under the eye, he throws it so hard against the ground it splits in two.
Why you should read: A great character piece that's adjacent to one of my favorite fic tropes, platonic soulmate aus, and takes an indivudual look at each ninja and what makes them tick!
Weak Verbal Skills by @scrambledfluffmuffin
Lloyd lets out a curse word in front of the ninja, and not everyone takes it well.
Why you should read: literally had me laughing out loud reading this -- combines one of my favorite Kai headcanons with Nya headcanons and has a great s1 Nya & Lloyd against the world plot to boot
No Dates Allowed! by @thoriffix @quiznak-ofgrayskull @lennon-cuddlywump
Jay and Nya are desperate to have just one nice day out together, but things go rapidly downhill when everyone they know wants to join in.
Why you should read: a very fun, lighthearted fic -- cameos from a bunch of characters, not just the ninja, and it's just a really silly enjoyable romp
The Candy Aisle by @viioletpixels
The son of the Dark Lord confronts his most frightening challenge yet: getting lost in the grocery store. Emotions ensue.
Why you should read: v good early seasons fic that had great characterization of all the ninja!! cute and h/c all in one :D
well that wraps me up for this rc week! ty sm to everyone who's recced, read, and commented on ninjago fanfic this week!! I've super appreciated it and I'm sure all the authors did too :D
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ghostlycoyote0 · 1 month
Two fandom blorbos and two oc blorbos. Still holding that gun.
Oh, easy. Spoilers for the end of Skulduggery Pleasant book 3, and much vaguer spoilers for book 7 (just scroll until you see the Drow in the green cloak to skip them)
Fandom first. Skulduggery Pleasant and Valkyrie Cain, the main duo of my absolute favourite book series, Skulduggery Pleasant. I’ll assume you know nothing about them because that lets me ramble even more
At the start of the series, Valkyrie is 12 and her uncle just got murdered as part of a plot to bring back ancient eldritch gods (of course, they don’t know that from the get-go). She meets Skulduggery when a nameless henchman (who I later found out from the wiki is called Vindick Leather) breaks into her uncle’s house while she’s staying there for the night and attacks her; Skulduggery then uses air magic to blast the front door off of its hinges, sets the guy on fire, shoots him in the shoulder, and loses his disguise in the fight therefore revealing that he’s a skeleton
Long story short, she takes his hat hostage and threatens to trample it if he doesn’t let her tag along, and now she’s his partner in crime
Sorcerers choose their own names by the way, so Skulduggery literally named himself Trickery, and this happened before he became a skeleton and it also became a pun. Valkyrie named herself partway through their first case
Great, context and exposition out of the way! I LOVE THEIR DYNAMIC SO SO MUCH!! They shaped pretty much my entire sense of humour, I love them, I’ve loved them since I was 9 or so and I wanted to be like Valkyrie when I grew up. The way they bounce off of each other, the way they’re perfectly in sync, the little codes and recurring phrases they have that only have meaning to them (“the sparrow flies south for winter”, “doors are for people with no imagination”, and “until the end”). I just love them both so much
The fact that Valkyrie was willing to open the portal to the home world of ancient eldritch gods who despise humanity, just on the very slim chance he would be alive and have even the smallest shred of sanity left, after having been dragged there a year prior. The fact that Skulduggery was willing to go into complete and total isolation for eternity to protect her in the magic equivalent of cryogenic sleep if it came down to that. They would do literally anything for each other. I think I’m running out of ways to put how much I adore their dynamic into words, so I’ll sum it up as the ideal example of platonic soulmates. They’re very, very special to me
I mostly just talked about the serious side of their dynamic because I have no clue how to put the more lighthearted side into words without rattling off quotes. Rest assured, they are also hilarious
Skulduggery is also very quotable, too
Right, OC time. I have a limited selection; most OCs I made have been lost to time, either because they got attached to bad memories (like Kai Zoku, who I am only mentioning because I still think his name is great; it’s literally just the Japanese word for pirate and he was the Ultimate Pirate Captain. It’s an Ace Attorney level name pun, I love it), or because the D&D campaign they were made specifically for crashed and burned and I never found somewhere else for them to fit (looking at you, Myra.. at least I could recycle her name into my GW2 character)
Anyway! This is Kyrae, my Drow Warlock. Her campaign has been on a cliffhanger for two years and is officially coming back next month! This is a picrew, but I edited all of the colours myself. It’s not 100% accurate, but it’s the best I can do
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Kyrae (no last name) is from the jungle region of Xen’drik, a continent where dinosaurs still roam and everything is shrouded in disorienting, cursed mist. Her campaign is in Eberron, a lesser-used official setting, and Eberron Drow are split into three main cultures; the Sulatar, the Umbragen, and the Vulkoori
Kyrae is Vulkoori, a culture of many tribes - some more nomadic than others - who all worship the scorpion god Vulkoor, all in different ways. In Kyrae’s tribe, he has the epithets Vulkoor the Hunter and Vulkoor the Wrathful. They honour him via skilled hunting, and when given a reason to, being so ruthless and brutal that they’ve gained a reputation as bloodthirsty. That reputation came from their enemies, but they’ve never corrected it. They’re mostly isolated, with a few good allies to trade with
Her cloak was a gift from her best friend, Ryzul, who was stung by a scorpion while they were out hunting together. He was dead before they got home. Kyrae overheard a discussion about what to do; this was clearly a sign that Vulkoor was angry with the tribe, so maybe a sacrifice would appease him. And who better, than the victim’s closest friend, who was with him at the time? It’s been implied that there was another reason for that decision, but that was said out of character, so she has no idea
She ran when she heard that, and didn’t stop until she bumped into a shadowy figure wearing a smooth, white mask, with nothing but three black crescents in the shape of a smiling face. An Archfey. He seemed surprised that she could see him, and they struck a deal. She clearly needed help, and he was incredibly bored, so he would provide that help and she would provide a good story to watch. He helped her find the only port, and she boarded a ship to Korvaire, the continent the campaign takes place on
Fast forward maybe 20 minutes after stepping off of the boat. Kyrae caught a goblin child pickpocketing her, which lead to a guard attempting to throw the goblin off of a ledge, which of course lead to combat. Kyrae wasn’t having that, no harm had actually been done. For her first turn in the first combat in her first hour of being on this continent, she had her familiar, Vanguard (a winged mongoose who was summoned on the boat ride, more on him later), barrel into the guard and send him hurtling off the ledge. The rest of the party saw the fight break out, helped her, and she just kind of started following them because no one objected. They’re her tribe now, and her entire sense of identity, morality, and purpose is based on them, what she thinks they would or would not approve of, etc
So, Vanguard. A winged mongoose. The wings don’t have much significance, I had a choice between a familiar that can fly or a familiar that can swim really fast. They’re feathered, but I was so indecisive about what they actually look like that I ended up deciding they’re from a different bird every time he’s summoned. Now, the other half of his description is way more important, and I spent SO LONG deciding on it. I didn’t concern myself with specific species because then I would have never settled on one and he’s technically a Fey anyway, but. A mongoose is not only an animal Kyrae could have reasonably seen before, but they’re known for resisting venom and fighting venomous animals. Kyrae just turned her back on a scorpion god. It’s simple, but I think I’m clever. This art is, as always, by @prince-frederic
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I could also talk about everything Kyrae is now dealing with and the trauma that’s happened, but I think that’s enough paragraphs about her for now /lh
I’ve already explained Sigurd’s full backstory once or twice here, so I think I’ll pick Vivian for my next OC
This is Vivian Harker, a Bloodborne OC! The token is a picrew that I did the colours for again, and the art is once again by Milo
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I’ll pull back the curtain a bit here; she was inspired by Hammerlock! More specifically, it went like this:
Hammerlock would be really fun to have in Bloodborne, but I obviously can’t just take an existing character and use him in this TTRPG. It boils down to someone having the time of their life fighting the horrible monstrosities and maybe writing things down about them - can’t take cool trophies when you need to stay mobile. How do I justify that in such a dark setting? Maybe their dad was a hunter and they’ve grown up hearing stories about it, but they have no idea what they’re actually getting themselves into!
The end result is Vivian, who’s thrilled to be playing out the stories she’s grown up with now, and is filling out a sketchbook (with suspiciously red ink) along the way. She became a 16 year old white girl because she was made for a TTRPG campaign, and I can’t change my voice very much. She has no idea that when her father told those stories, he left out the traumatic parts
Daniel Harker was a fairly accomplished hunter. I say was, because this time, he refused to leave home to hunt. That was the first sign that something wasn’t right. The rest were little things, like teeth that are slightly sharper than before, eyes that reflect light like a cat’s. Little things, that indicated some kind of transformation was coming
Vivian could tell. She knew that the monsters used to be people, that hunters get affected the worst of all. She couldn’t get answers, though. So she took his equipment - the clothes a little too big for her - and left only a note to explain where she had gone
She’s thrilled to be here, to actually be fighting these creatures she’s been told about so many times, to be slowly filling her book with sketches and notes, but time is limited. She just doesn’t know how limited
The other, crucial thing she doesn’t know, is that there are no happy endings to be had in Yharnam
Anyway. Two fandom blorbos and two OCs!
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basicallyjaywalker · 10 months
My favorite thing to do when writing hcs or my own canon in AUs is make the previous generation of EMs mirror their children. Have some specifics:
- I hc libber and lily as bffs. this is self explanatory i love bruise platonically and romantically
-Ray and Duke (Hannah's dad) were in a short lived relationship that the latter never really got over. Hannah has an unrelenting crush on Kai that she tries desperately to ignore for a while because she's worried she'll get hurt
-Garmadon and Mei (Jackie's mom) were not only best friends but practically whatever the platonic version of a soulmate is. Jackie and Lloyd are in a relationship and would not only die but kill for each other.
-Julien (or former master of ice in canon since ik Julien wasn't part of the Alliance) was always the odd one out, very cold and aloof and lost in their own world
-Naomi (Jasmine's mom) and Maya were close friends until a falling out. When they first meet I always felt like Jasmine and Nya's relationship would fluctuate between getting along alright and admiring each other's work to their personalities clashing and causing them to bicker and argue
It just leaves so much potential not only for "haha just like your parents" but also "oh fuck. Just like your parents" because listen I just reworked the entire elemental alliance for the sake of ~ drama ~ and let's just say that for the ones who betrayed their friends some people (especially Wu) worry that history is going to repeat itself
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ao3feed-ncishawaii · 10 days
midnight rain
by kacystennant “She was sunshine, I was midnight rain. She wanted it comfortable, I wanted that pain. She wanted a bride, I was making my own name, chasing that fame, she stayed the same, all of me changed like midnight” - OR: the alternative universe where lucy was the dia officer tara (the scrappy woman from dia) and kate the ncis agent (ncis annoying agent) Words: 8451, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: NCIS: Hawai'i Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F Characters: Kate Whistler, Lucy Tara, Jane Tennant, Jesse Boone, Kai Holman, Ernie Malik, Carla Chase, Melissa Clark - OC, Samantha Baker - OC, Cara (NCIS: Hawai'i), Marcella (NCIS: Hawai'i) Relationships: Lucy Tara/Kate Whistler Additional Tags: Alternative Universe - NCIS Special Agent Kate & DIA Officer Lucy, Romantic Fluff, soft, Slow Burn, slighty angst, Mutual Pining, Misunderstandings, Mentioned Character Death, Found Family, Platonic Soulmates, Family Drama via https://ift.tt/Ks4qnC6
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remuswriting · 6 months
My fics that I believe are representations of my best male reader works. All links are the AO3 links since those have been edited since posting.
If you're interested in all my fics, then there's my AO3 and my masterlist.
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Iwaizumi Hajime
take your time (i'll be here)
university | fluff | domestic | 1.9k
It’s dead-week, and Y/N wishes Hajime would change his major.
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Kageyama Tobio
twin au | angst | misunderstandings | 7.9k
Kageyama believes Y/N, his twin brother, is the complete opposite of him, which means they have to hate each other.  The only thing is that Y/N didn’t get the memo.
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Kozume Kenma
cut the cameras
university | angst | poly relationship | wip
It’s Y/N’s final year of university when his advisor nominates him to submit a short film for the Tokyo Film Festival for a final grade. Cue the lights, the cameras, making more friends than he expected to, and having realizations that flip his entire world upside down.
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Miya Atsumu
online friends
pre-relationship | fluff | angst | 2.3k
Create a Twitter thread about Naruto and volleyball, and Miya Atsumu is now your best friend.
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Miya Osamu
and how the stars shine
camp counselor | pre-relationship | 3.6k
When Sugawara has to retire from being a camp counselor after getting a teaching position, Y/N meets his new co-counselor Miya Osamu.
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Miya Triplet
the narrative
triplet au | angst | hopeful ending | wip
Everyone has a different perception of Miya Y/N. Y/N doesn't know which is the right one.
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Oikawa Tooru
journalist! reader | getting together | 5.8k
Oikawa makes a terrible first impression to L/N, Seijoh's newspaper editor-in-chief, when the volleyball team gets featured in the school magazine.
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Sakusa Kiyoomi
where the wind takes me
post-time skip | platonic | fluff | 1.8k
Sakusa sees L/N out buying White Day gifts.
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Sugawara Koushi
male oc | angst | friends to rivals | 6.3k
Sato was dangerous on the court. Sugawara wished he wasn't.
hold me tight
male oc | angst | slow burn | wip
Sato Kai is a manager for Karasuno boys’ VBC and no one can get a read on him, even though he can read all of them.
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Tsukishima Kei
first words
soulmate au | hanahaki disease | 20.2k
In a world where the first words your soulmate say to you is on your wrist, Y/N manages to get “hello.”
you’re already home
fluff | post-time skip | second person | nonexplicit sex | 1.2k
The words "I love you" don't feel enough to describe how much Tsukishima loves you.
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Ukai Keishin
next to you
high school ukai | fluff | 5.1k
Keishin wants to play with Y/N no matter how hard he has to work for it.
an ocean away
sequel to next to you | angst | pining | 7.7k
Y/N knew he had terrible ideas, but he hoped coming back to Japan after 10 years to see Karasuno at nationals and confess to his high school boyfriend that he’s still in love with him wouldn’t be one of them.
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Yamaguchi Tadashi
a sight for sore eyes
angst | miscommunication | 6k
Sometimes it's hard to accept unrequited love and move on.
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