#just waugh I adore them
catzgam3rz · 2 years
*punches wall* SO normal... about Rancher Duo
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starpros-sunshine · 2 years
No but do you understand watching Wataru perform on TV as a kid gave Eichi back his will to live and Eichi is the reason Wataru believes that there's a reality that's more beautiful than any dream DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW IS ANYBODY SUPPOSED TO BE NORMAL ABOUT THAT
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sm-baby · 7 months
"Caine created Bubble himself while trying to scavenge the code"
Wait omg he literally made them to be his friend that's adorable 😭💖
Caine making bubble like "I'm gonna make this bitch so goddamn cute-"
I fully believe that Caine isn't very good at modelling, he was like " ill just make it an orb and call it a day" and then he gave it a little owo face and fell in love ToT "BUBBLE" IS SUCH A FLAT NAME BUT ALSO ITS SO ENDEARINGGG DBJWJKEKS
Thinking about bubble and Caine bonding waugh nswnndjw Im so .... I live bubble, Gremlin, theyre such a little gift thank you
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Found Family Tournament Round 2 Part 1 Group 2
Propaganda and further images under the cut
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Quentin, Eliot, Alice, Margo, Julia & Kady
Idk man, they go through a lot of shit together. And, oh my god, I adore the musical numbers.
Imagine a magic library appoints some guy to be its keeper, then after a while realises the task has made him a strange and lonely man whose only friend is a sentient sword. Aiming to fix this, the library appoints a gaggle of likeminded yet very different people for him to interact with. The cast consists of: Flynn Carsen, the afformented man whose best friend is a sword and who thinks a day without an Indiana Jones style adventure is a day wasted. Eve Baird, a woman raised to be a soldier suddenly thrown into a world of wonder, magic and dangers she knows nothing of, now tasked with keeping 4 eccentric, genius minds from being killed by their curiosity. Cassandra Cillian, a math whiz genius who's lived an isolated life from being put on a pedestal as a child, who has since been diagnosed with brain cancer and is desperately trying to live life to the fullest for as long as she can. Dresses like Ms. Frizzle. Jacob Stone, yeehaw cowboy dude who publishes his groundbreaking art and architecture history papers under a pen name because he knows his yeehaw cowboy family wouldn't approve. He's got the brains AND brawn. Ezekiel Jones, Australian techie and professional thief. The guy lived the Carmen Sandiego life before being recruited. Tries to act tough and morally grey but is genuinely the least selfish out of them all. Youngest Sibling Vibes are Off the Chart. Jenkins aka. the actual sir. Galahad from the Arthurian legend is here also. He's just some grumpy immortal grandpa don't worry about it. They're all just a bunch of nerdy adults who didn't have any friends or loving families growing up who find themselves living the life they dreamed about as children and it doesn't take long for them to consider each other, and the library, home.
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heartorbit · 7 months
!!! You saw my ask! I’m v glad you liked the question and since you asked for ppl to share their takes on the charas I’ll give mine:
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Rui as the fox was what started it all for me. Like “great shows can’t be made alone” and the fox talking about all the wonderful things that would happen if he were to be tamed… Rui’s craving for connection just fit the fox so well.
The other three I mostly chose for like, scenes/dynamics I wanted to see with them. So Tsukasa and Emu are the little prince and the rose respectively bc of their back-and-forth of *wild statement* *exaggerated frustration* but ultimately Tsukasa does want to take care of her (thinking of him calling her “our stubborn little princess” in his Smile of a Dreamer card story). And like the prince’s arc from running away from the rose because he can’t keep up with her requests before he realizes he needs to go back to her and Tsukasa’s begrudging assistance in the main story to swearing to help Emu save the stage.
And Nene’s the aviator for largely the same reasons: her and Tsukasa’s bickering just makes me think Nene would absolutely get fed up with Tsukasa insulting her sheep and just draw him a box instead. And her role as the “normal” one in the group also lends to it (emphasis on the quotes). She calls everyone in the troupe crazy for accepting a robot while she’s the one piloting the robot. She’s grown up, let go of being childish, but she’s still listening intently to the little prince’s story.
But like your casting is so so good! The longer I think abt it the more I love it. Like little prince Emu’s asteroid hopping is so perfect; she’s meeting all these grownups who care only about sums and wealth and other pointless things and it’s all just very odd to her. And Rui drawing the boa constrictor is heartbreaking. He’s trying to convey something through his art that nobody around him can understand… And Emunene being the little prince and the fox. They’re absolutely this quote from the fox: “Other steps send me hurrying back underneath the ground. Yours will call me, like music, out of my burrow.” And the slow, deliberate process it takes to tame a fox, and how long it took to get Nene to come out of her shell while Emu constantly reached out to her; they’re adorable. And Tsukasa will cry and throw up if he isn’t special ur so right. Tysm for responding to my ask!
OOOOOOOOH MYJTJ IT'S SO CUTE I CRIED FOREVER I LOVE THESE SOMUCH THANK YOU FOR SENDING YOUR DRAWINGS I T____T emu rose is the cutest ever ever ever. i love YOUR CASTING SO MUCH. here i throw this before i go under a readmore to scream
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THE STUBBORN LITTLE PRINCESS LINE KILLLLLS ME IT KILLS ME YOURE SO RIGHT OAKYT AUUUUUUUWUUWU i take 800 years to respond to this both because i absolutely had to draw again for your cast and also i look at your beautiful drawings and i scream and kick my feet and grip my phone so hard it breaks into a million pieces
i;m so normal Your drawings are so lovely they feel right from a storybook ooouh nene as the aviator is really getting me. with how nene had to look back at her child self to rediscover what was so important to her passion for singing and it fits so well. waugh. """normal""" one for sure. but her loyalty is really fitting of both the aviator and the fox.. her and rui really are alike in the most dastardly heart crushing ways
rui as the fox. AH. I SHALL CRY. brother does he ever run the risk of weeping.. and just the abject boredom of the fox in its loneliness fits rui really well. after their fight in the main story how they approach rui more and more.. but you will sit a little closer to me every day..
your emu rose is so cute i can't get over it but i love this casting so much. i love how you connected the princes responsibility to the rose with the main story and their promise to save the wonderstage. Oh my god their stubborn little princess. THEIR STUBBORN LITTLE PRINCESS
i acknowledged that i just have emu favoritism severely when i gave them a casting but when i thought of her as the prince beyond whimsy i was thinking a lot of the ending, how the prince doesn't want the aviator to see him look to be in suffering and when says he can't return home and his body is too heavy.. the wonderstage being emus home where she wants everyone to always smile but also the place she's convinced she can't leave .. something something im not good at this. but with tsukasa i think that works equally as well because of how he shunned and ran away from it at first but at the end the wonderstage is where his heart really was and how he lets go of his old self. auuugh.
and for tsukasa as the rose and how emu finds his shows so dazzling even though he sees himself as one of hundreds of thousands of actors that he's not yet on the level of. but to emu he IS one of a kind. also because it is for her that i have killed the caterpillars (except she grabbed a caterpillar and shoved it into his face that one time but) sniffle. SNIFFLE. because it is she that i have listened to when she grumbled or boasted...
ok your little prince tsukasa is starting to kill me i AHGBHH you're singlehandedly making me want and need to reread the little prince again but ooh my god. my star will be just be one of the stars for you and so you will love to watch all the stars in the heavens (falls over) i shall look as if i were suffering i shall look a little as if i were dying do not come to see that (FALLS OVER)
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tunastime · 2 months
TUNA TUNA TUNA TUNA TUN- *trips and falls on my face*
That docsuma fic huh HUH , I absolutely LOVED it you don't even know how hungry I am for those two interacting, especially in dbhc au
You just kinda know when to post these I guess since I've been thinking about dbhc docsuma lately and this fic saved me
and just to put it into perspective, I am a person who prefers oneshots drabbles stuff like that, you know short stuff, whenever it's a longer fic I need to take breaks y' know but you have accomplished something that almost no one could because you made me read the whole +3000 words fic in one sitting and then I even re-read it which I NEVER do, so that's how good your writing is I guess wow....- there aren't many authors who can put such realistic images in my head when I read something
also props for writing sleep deprived/exhausted Xisuma so realistically - It's a popular thing in xisuma-centric fics but DAMN you definetely know how to write it properly, in a way that really makes me enjoy the fic. I like how you portrayed that feeling of when you, like, flow from sleep to concious state when you're tired it's just MMMMMM (need to add that descriptions of Doc's feelings are really sweet he's such a silly guy he's so confused <3 also how much he cares for X is so cute <333)
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^ this sleepy derp invaded my computer today so I'm handing him back to you
Sorry for the long ramble! Just needed to tell you how much I enjoyed reading it, it made my day for sure!
PICKS YOU UP AND PUTS YOU BACK ON YOUR FEET. GRABS YOUR SHOULDERS. MAY MAY MAY MAY I'm going to explode into one billion small pieces!!!!!
FIRST OF ALL. XISUMA. XISUMA IN MY ASK BOX? HE IS SO PRECIOUS TO ME?? ;.; ohh the way he looks so so tired and comfortable, and the lighting is so soft, I adore him so much.
gimme a second I need to lie down. brother, I am CRAZY about them on such a fundamental level brother it is NOT OKAY. I'm not okay. I needed to post this as soon as possible so people knew that KJSHDFJKDSHF
but also, WAUGH?? WAU!! I'm so so honored... I'm always a multiple sitting reading girlie because I get either so so sucked in and NEED to stop myself, or I'm reading at such an inopportune time LOL. BUT THAT IS SO SWEET. AUGH. I'm so so glad when I get something across (like sleepy xisuma, or the half-consciousness, or xisuma all stiff and in pain, or the sleepy affection). and writing Doc like this has been sooooo fun.
Doc really is trying hard to grapple with something he doesn't quite understand or can't compartmentalize, and I spent a good and fair amount of time talking with shep about how xisuma and him might be interacting without the helmet on, what emotions might come into play, and how they might both navigate that situation. I like to joke that nobody understand xisuma/docsuma like I do but that absolutely cannot be true LMAOO I'm just crazy about him/them for no reason
auwawugh. sniffling really pathetically. I need to go lie down I think <3
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mblue-art · 1 year
Lust burst through the door without hesitation, nearly knocking it off the hinges if Cross didn't steady it immediately after.
"Lust, you don't need to shout-" Cross tried to get him to calm down, but the Lust Sans was on a mission.
"Now hold it just a minute-" Lust pulled away from Cross as soon as he got a glimpse of you. "M! I heard that someone was denying you of the obvious compliments that you deserve." He chuckled as if someone had said something amusing. "- and that someone was you." He quickly took your face into his hands, pulling it close to his, barely inches away as he looked into your eyes with a smoldering intensity. "But that can't be true, right? You? You? My amazing, stunning, and absolutely wholesome koala bear? Anything less than a compliment of perfection isn't allowed - especially not someone denying it, right?" He looked over his shoulder at Cross. "Right?" There uh... was a little bit of a threat behind that 'question'.
Although, it wasn't as if Cross would have denied it. "M-mhm." He replied, nodding bashfully as he crossed his arms and looked off to the side with a blush he tried to beat down. "Of course... she's talented, kind, and..." His blush deepened, as he fruitlessly grasped at his shoulder as if he wanted to pull his hood up to hide his embarrassment. "and beautiful." He whispered.
"I'm sorry, what was what?" Lust teased him, wanting him to clearly state his affection for her. "Speak up, Crossy~!"
"Beautiful! Okay?? She's blinding and - and yes, cool! Alright?!" He huffed, finally pulling his hood over his head to hide his blush. "I... wouldn't trade her for the world. She's... special." He admitted with a softer tone.
Lust simply nodded, turning his attention back to M. "Exactly. So, the next time someone calls you 'cool' or any other compliment you don't feel comfortable agreeing with so eagerly because you're far too humble, direct them to us, and we'll help agree with them for you, my dazzling gem." He placed an affectionate kiss to your cheek and even nuzzled it for emphasis. "Now come on! We're already here, we may as well get into a cuddle pile!"
live mblue reaction (lots of screaming) under the cut (very much littered with cussing, tread carefully /lh)
I am going insane /j (HELP. L BUSTING THRU THE DOOR IM 😳😳😳 he is. . Strong 😳) (L and C interacting,, , oughf the dynamics, ,, ///////// my purble idiots i love them so)
oh Ly you are fucking killing me
WAAAA KOALA BEAR?!?!!?!?? ////////// (so true i would,, cling,,,)
I am hiding my stupid smile under my shirt collar ohmygoddddd
LMAO CCCCCC god god god i love them i love my skeleton bfs what the hell
(c crossing hsi arms the pose THE POSE AAAA/////////)
(aha aheh eyyy i was about to say smt abt 'beautiful' but uh 🧍 LMAO)
(oh hes such a tsundere oh no oh no 💘💘💘) (your honor this is so funny we're both dumb tsunderes in love... i forget that hes a tsundere sometimes)
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(hood up cross my fucming beloved ive only recently appreciated that adorable visual more about a month ago after rereading the xtale comic and rewatching the xtale eps with simp eyes i am <333)
(ough L is so good..., ,L is so good i- he has my heart- BOTH OF THEM HAVE MY HEART-)
AGH!!!! WAILS thank you sm ly i feel,,, ,so loved,, ,im love,,, , my porble skeleboyfrwends,,, , /)/////(\;;
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haro4869 · 1 year
I have once again scrolled to the very bottom of your tumblr just looking at all the art (I swear I do this once every couple of months). The way you draw the detco characters is just so..... shaped. Adore them all sm, especially the way you draw the whisky trio interactions and stuff, you get them, you really get them (actually you really get all the characters, so good so good)
this makes me so happy…thank you!!! immense joy when anyone says that i get the characters…waugh… motivates me to draw them more!
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prophetic-hijinks · 2 years
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Moments like these were rare lately. Despite Elena and Bruno being euphorically happy with the arrival of the twins. Finding stolen time in between feedings and diaper changes was difficult for the new parents to simply lay and cuddle in each others quiet company. Time to rest in the comforting space in each others arms.
Bruno softly sighed as he nuzzled his cheek on Elena’s forehead. His repose suddenly interrupted by a gentle scritching of manicured nails in his beard, and a soft murmur of “mmm scruffy”.
“Heh, yeah I’m sorry. Been too tired to shave, I will do it soon.” He apologized kissing her forehead.
“I don’t know, I think it looks kind of sexy”, the tired Elena purred trying to sound seductive. 
“Hm hm, definitely.” She confirmed this time with a gentle kiss, which even in the haze of exhaustion grew to become needy.
They had not been intimate since the babies were born, a fact he completely understood. Little Elena bearing twins wasn’t an easy pregnancy, and even harder birth. Then also being so understandably tired, well it was easy to let time pass. But in the heat of the moment, they both felt the pang of desire of the lost time, and a wave of energy washed over them like a second wind. Bruno pulled Elena closer, and kissed that part at her neck that always illicated a delicious moan from her. 
“Elena, mi amor?…”,
It was a question, answered by his beloved leaning back into the pillows, pulling him down for his lips to meet hers again. Her hands traveling over his shoulders, while Bruno began to kiss down her neck, revealing her shoulder under her dress and kissing her there. 
“Bruno, I missed this…” she gasped under his attention, and he felt her hands reaching for his shirt, gentle nails grazing over the cloth and then…
‘Waugh waugh” a baby cries punctuated the moment.
They both froze listening, Was it Catalina? Pedro? Or Gabriel; Dolores and Mariano’s baby? One more cry being allowed to filter by Casita’s magic into the soundproof room confirmed it was Pedro. 
“Must be a diaper, I fed them both not long ago.” Elena said kissing Bruno once more, before beginning to move. 
 "Nope let me, just stay there..." Bruno jumped up, holding out his arms gesturing for her to stay put. 
“Just keeping thinking sexy beard thoughts,” he added rubbing his chin with an eyebrow waggle. 
“ooh, how could I not?” Elena laughed at her adorable husband, as he dashed through the beaded curtain doorway heading into the Vision cave. ‘Got to give him credit, its not that easy to run that fast in sand.’ she thought.
Pedro’s wails began to calm the minute the babe heard the sound of hurried sandals flopping along the hallway, though he was still red-faced and teary. Catalina in her crib beside him was also awake, but quietly playing with the stuffed rat made by Mirabel in her hand and the half of Bruno’s ruana turned security blanket in the other. However, she lit up and gurgled happily when she heard her Papi’s voice, dismissing Mirabel who was coming up the stairs. “No, no I got him, thank you.” She of course didn’t understand a word he was saying, but Catalina was well on her way to be a Daddy’s girl. As for Gabriel, the chubby little angel could sleep through anything and often did.
“Ah Pedro, mi amor why so sad on such a beautiful day?”, Bruno asked, as he came in the door and picked him up knowing the answer, as he grabbed a fresh nappy. “Truly, it is too beautiful out to be sad. Not a cloud in the sky, your Tia Pepa must be in an exceptionally good mood.”  
He held little Pedro to look out pass the curtain to view the sky, before closing it. The midday light filtering in being more then enough for this work as he laid the babe down and removed the dirty diaper. The sound of clattering tiles could be heard as Casita brought the bin for dirty laundry to him before shuttling it back out the door, and down the hall to the bathroom where it can be cleaned properly later.
 “What’s that Pedro? Yes, yes of course it is 100% cotton, only the best for the Madrigal clan.” Bruno rambled on, looking to Catalina who was now trying to pull herself up on the crib to see her father better, Pedro was stronger and able to pull himself unaided, but Cat needed a little extra help. One hand safely on Pedro’s belly, Bruno leaned to grab Catalina’s chubby baby arm and gave her enough support so she too could grip the crib and watch the proceedings. Letting go, only after giving the squishy limb a little squeeze, which earned him a giggle.
“How is your day, Catalina? Don’t need a fresh diaper? I suppose I would know if you did. Not to make you feel sheepish, but sometimes your diaper make me question what you are eating.” Bruno smiled, his baby girl immediately mirroring. “But then of course, Kitty Cat, I know for a fact you get your food from the same tap as your brother. So it is a mystery.” He shrugged as he finished expertly pinning up Pedro. 
He wasn’t as present in his nieces and nephews lives as much as he wanted as they grew up. But diaper duty, well even Bruno couldn’t screw that up in the family's eyes. And he would happily tend to his tiny sobrinos, rambling on about his day to them. The Madrigal babies always took to talking extremely fast. Some thought it was the miracle’s magic, but Bruno always hoped it was these long conversations he had with them about nothing at all.
He laid the clean and happy Pedro down, gently swaddling him in the ruana half that belonged to him. This Ruana was Bruno’s security blanket from the world, something that protected him from the judging eyes of the village. But now, in his perfect world Mirabel had salvaged, and the perfect life he was building with Elena, it seemed silly to keep it. He didn’t need to hide. Or need Hernando and Jorge to cope. He was enough. 
To end the diaper ritual, a kiss on the forehead for his baby boy already beginning to doze. A kiss for his little Catalina who gurgled happily, before falling back on her rear and grabbed her homemade rat doll. And a little kiss for the snoring Gabriel, who could sleep through an earthquake, Bruno was sure of it. 
“Ok, my loves. Gotta go, I have a date. Sleep tight!” Bruno finished as he gently closed the door.
Happily humming, Bruno began trotting his way back to his tower, taking two steps at a time up the stairs as he passed through the entry area passing his writing desk and Elena’s music area. The falling sand curtain automatically opening for him as he rushed down the stairs towards the vision circle spack dab in the middle of the cave. Bruno’s vision caved looked just as tall as it did before Casita’s fall, but the stairs were now completely gone leaving only the awe inspiring natural formation. To the right was a beautiful oasis, crystalline water surrounded by palm trees with his hammock nearby. Next to that was Elena’s idea, a moroccan style meeting tent, full of pillows and couches where tea can be served as they discussed visions. But Bruno was heading left along the tiled path leading to an antechamber that contained their circular bedroom.
Kicking off his sandals to keep the sand out,  he pulled back the beaded curtain to see his beautiful wife, still there waiting for him on the bed. In his absence, she had changed into her short silk negligee. But she was gently dozing, her hair splayed on the pillow, looking so beautiful his heart ached, but also looking so deservedly tired.
With a smile and a shrug, Bruno tucked in behind Elena, spooning her and kissing her shoulder once as he drew her in closer.
“Hmmm you ready? I’m gonna rock your world.” Elena murmured, gently stirring.
“Heh, you already have.” Bruno whispered back. “Sleep mi amor.”
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doodle17 · 10 months
YOU HAVE... A PSYCHONAUTS FUTURE AU?!??!!??! pls infodump,.. who r,, raz's twins? i was going thorugh the psychonauts tagsslike a starving cat.... searching for food and i saw a post where some1 was asking for something to do with raz's twins WJAT
So, it's more of an au within an au. I have a future Au where the characters are adults, as one in the Psychonauts fandom does. And then the au with the twins takes place farther in the future, if that makes any sense.
Raz' twins! They're names are Cecil and Dmitry, and Raz n' Lili are their mama and dad!
I have tons of posts about em, but I suck at tagging so you might have to do a little searching lol 😅 I'm thinking about tagging them all as the "zaquato troop au"
They're just cute little guys! Absolutely adorable troublemakers who could get awa with murder and I love them dearly ❤️ they're relationship is based mostly on me and my twins relationship, so there's a lot of similarities between me and them lol
I also made them twins because I'm pretty sure Marona and Lucy were twins, and one of my headcanons is that Lilis mom is a twin. So bam! They have twins
I will say now, they're really fun to play around with, so if you have any thoughts or ideas you'd like to share I love hearing about em!
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zhongrin · 6 months
OMG Zhongli is so cute waugh how he also transforms just to make you feel more comfortable.. 🥺💕
Alhaitham pls omg I'm also sure he kinda wants to learn everything about it now, I hc him as a very inquisitive persona ❤️
And Wriothesley accurate. Fr. Omg. He's such a meanie (kinda) but wuahf more love for u 🥺💞💞 I love it sm <33
Mmm if I get turned into half of a cat someday mm, I think Baizhu would first be worried and ask me if it hurts or anything, but if I say no - he's happy then and kinda wants to touch me but is too embarrassed to ask
But of course ! I know he wants to so I just lay his hand on my ears and he strokes them AND BFKDNENKSKSNS and I'm blushing. 🫣💕
This is such a cool trope waugh 🥺❤️
they're all so precious i love them sm <3
and awwwww that's adorable hehehe i think he would adore you very very much.... and try to check if you had to change your food/drinks temporarily because what if something changed internally too?? he wouldn't want his precious wife to get sick!!
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eliotqueliot · 4 months
Queliot & The Magicians Fic Reading Winter Challenge, part 6
Hey, all, I apologize for the delay, and for the write-ups being a little shorter. I'm under so many deadlines, but I've still been reading (and enjoying your work so much!!), and I'm going to do my best! I'm either gonna give you 50 recs by the end of Feb., or I'll extend again into March & add still more recs. Guess which is more likely XD. Also apologies--my brain is in art mode--I probably need a serious proofreader. Anyway, thank you so much for all your amazing and beautiful Queliot fanworks! That goes for everyone reading this! You keep my heart alive. Once again, the number is merely a count of how many fic I've shared with you, that I've read and commented on during this time period.
21. I adored this continuation of the Queliot pirate epic! This time with a new look at Eliot's family and continuing the really great worldbuilding, pirate/sea vibes, and beautiful connection between the characters. Truly epic! Complete with music! Thank you, @summerstede❤️
22. These are just so incredibly sweet and loving! Very cozy, too, if you need some divine Queliot comfort! As always, these have so many great details, they feel so real and are definitely healing. Thank you, @lizardkingeliot❤️
23. This fic has just so much love, so many thoughtful details, which are so touching and show how hard Eliot will work to make things special for Quentin. And Margo and Julia help, great relationships amongst them all! And some truly special and beautiful moments...please enjoy!!! Thank you, @allegria23❤️
Also, there's fanart to go with it! Which I love, love, love so much! Such a beautiful visualization of an important (and very sweet) scene. Please share the love with the artist, too! Thank you, @tah-fcking-dah ❤️
24. Wow oh wow, this is an amazing way to subvert things! Quentin as a Niffin! Eliot on a mission to save him! I don't want to give you any more spoilers, but it's just so well done, and makes so much more sense than what happened. Thank you, @wolfnprey ❤️
25. I love the Winter Olympics, and this is an incredibly realized and beautiful Queliot AU (Eliot as a skater makes perfect sense! The translation of their personalities into skating styles!). Love everything, including the rivals to lovers, the character development, all the social media interactions, the slow burn (that seahorse thing makes my heart hurt, so good). Thank you, @inmediasres-1 ❤️
26. This is a Queliot-Divergent crossover! It's so good! And it comes with beautiful art by the author. I love the new solutions to the harmonic convergence, how to show Q what Eliot fears, Alice as a Niffin (loved her haunting & research), also some great BFF moments for Q & Jules and El & Margo; and the Queliot is just great!!! Love it! Thank you, @cyprianlatewood ❤️
#Queliot & The Magicians Fic Reading Winter Challenge
#Queliot and TM fic reading winter challenge
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sm-baby · 8 months
Slove actually made a post about it on character ai
(She also stated her pronouns are she/her by the way)
Apparently her first account was deactivated because someone said one of the Tray bots was "offensive" because of "unnecessary cultural representation"
Like someone actually got offended that this sweetheart wanted to appropriate and represent cultures??
And her second account this last account got deactivated because of NSFW?? Even though there was no NSFW in any of her bots??
Slove apologizes if the cultural representation made anyone uncomfortable especially POC because she didn't want there cultural business put out there and she could understand that as a POC (Portuguese Latina) but like BRO ITS A BOT THE BOT ISN'T LIKE GONNA BE RACIST TO YOU UNLESS YOU INTENTIONALLY MAKE IT RACIST OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT
Slove even put herself out there on the internet saying that she's a MINOR and that NSFW is gross and its disgusting to think that someone would report her not and having a dirty mind and sexualizing your ocs when obviously you don't want that
Slove said that if any of the fluff she made the bots had made anybody uncomfortable she apologizes
She said that she'll try and make another account and review her bots more carefully so we can enjoy the bots she made
Its not your fault at all, Slove! The Character were well made with how little you info you had of them!
The fluff was NOT uncomfortable at all! It was all so cute! Even then, the fluff was really light! Theres nothing happening in the conversations that wouldn't happen irl!
HUH?? TRAY BEING RACIST?? no not at all man!! Tray was literally just asking about heritage, and he was so vague about it, theres nothing to be racist about! Augh!! Something really just saw anything that points to race and culture and called it racist, that SUCKS so bad! Trat is just acting like someone who is interested in culture (ID KNOW BECAUSE I LIKE ASKING PEOPLE ABOUT THEIR CULTURE AND TRADITIONS!!!)
And NSFW??? First of all, the only thing remotely close to NSFW was Castor flirting which wasn't anything at all, and even then it was very light compared to what was already in C. AI... Other than that there was literally nothing else... Because this all felt like every things that everyday people did... Theres nothing remotely nsfw. Plus it was adorable and very in character, it was written WELL.
Waugh... Don't dwell on it, Slove! Its not your fault at all! The fact that they took down ALL bots/ your entire account means that this was incredibly targetted for no reason... Maybe because of a troll or maybe someone was being fucking annoying... You did nothing wrong, this was not at all your fault, you have nothing to apologize for!
I pat your back! I pat your back and give you a hug cuz you don't deserve such a targeted attack man!!
The same way Ken is Kenough, you are Slove cuz you are SLOVELY!!! (I love your name- anyway-)
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tea-and-tickles · 2 years
Hello! :D
I saw that reqs. were open and was wondering if you could write something with lee!Mafuyu and ler!Emu? No pressure ofc! Have a lovely day ^^
WAUGH SAKURA. this almost never happens but i enjoyed this prompt so much that i wrote a 2k word fic based on it in one sitting. i hope you like it!!
"you create a rarity of my genuine smiles"
a/n: she/her pronouns for emu, they/them for mafuyu! !! kink blogs please DNI. i personally prefer not to engage with tickling as a kink. this is intended to be fluffy and innocent !!
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Summary: Mafuyu has a request for Emu. or Emu can't stand to see Mafuyu sad.
Warnings: Allusions to parental abuse/neglect; tickling.
Asahina Mafuyu x Ootori Emu from Project Sekai (Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage!)
Word Count: ~2k words
Emu’s house was a short walk from Miyamasuzaka. It was a relief, too. After a long week of classes, Mafuyu would be lying if they said they wanted to take the long trek back to their house. And, even better, it was Friday. That meant no cram school, no sudden deadlines, and a little more time to finish their homework (which was mostly completed anyway). Which meant that, today, Mafuyu got to hang out with Emu.
Mafuyu wasn’t sure what they were expecting, but it wasn’t the Ootori household. They figured her house would be something like theirs—modest, but nothing to scoff at. But, no; Emu lived in a mansion. A real, proper mansion. Mafuyu still had little to say as the two walked inside. In lieu of silence, they finally spoke: “This is your house!”
“Yup!” Emu said it like it was nothing. “My grandpa owns Phoenix Wonderland, so we got real lucky!”
“Huh,” Mafuyu mused. “Well, that’ll do it, I suppose.” The two stood quietly in the foyer for a moment, before Mafuyu spoke again. “Um, where should we go?”
“Oh! We can just hang out in my room.”
“Your parents will be okay with that?”
“Umm, I don’t see why not! I have Nene and Rui and Tsukasa over all the time, and they’ve never seemed bothered by them!” Emu giggled. “If anything, you’ll be kind of a relief!” At this point, Emu was already halfway up the staircase. Swallowing hard, they followed Emu up.
Emu’s room seemed almost out of place in comparison to the rest of the house. Whereas the rest of the house was fancy, pristine, almost more of a museum than a living space, Emu’s room was like a little girl’s dream. The walls were bright pink, covered in posters promoting Phoenix Wonderland. Her desk was bright white with an equally adorable vanity to match, and her bed was absolutely covered in stuffed animals. How strange, they thought—and how very Emu.
Emu shut her bedroom door, and then sat cross-legged on her bed. She looked expectantly to Mafuyu. “So, whaddya wanna do?” 
“Um,” Mafuyu began. “I’m not sure. What is there to do?”
“Hmmm… we could watch a movie! Or we could go make a snack downstairs! Or…” Mafuyu began to tune Emu out, albeit unintentionally. It was hard for them to focus on anything she was saying. Mafuyu wanted to hang out with Emu; they really did. But at the same time, they weren’t used to being faced with this many choices. They weren’t used to being asked for their input; and, worst of all, they weren’t used to not having a correct answer.
“Mafuyu?” Emu must have noticed the glazed look in their eyes. “Do any of those sound good to you?” Mafuyu felt frozen. They were worried that, if they said the wrong thing, or if they said the right thing the wrong way, Emu might think they didn’t want to be there after all.
“We can do whatever you like. All of those sound nice.”
Emu pursed her lips, clearly unconvinced by Mafuyu’s response. “Well, I am kinda’ hungry,” she said, “but are you sure you’re okay?” She patted an empty spot on her bed, an invitation Mafuyu accepted without thinking much.
“Me? I’m fine.” Emu cocked her head incredulously. Mafuyu was a good liar, but Emu was even better at reading people. “Well… I guess I’ve been feeling a little down. It’s not you or anything, though. Promise.”
Emu’s facial expression continued to soften. “I know! I’m just worried about you.”
“It’s not a huge deal. I’ll get over it.”
“But Mafuyuuuu!” whined Emu. From anyone else, this would be nigh-intolerable; but this was just the way Emu was, and Mafuyu had long since grown used to it. Maybe even fond of it. “Even if it’s the littlest thing in the whole world, it’s still important!”
It was awfully hard to say no to Emu.
“I really appreciate you caring, Emu. Honestly.” Mafuyu averted her gaze. “But… really, I’ll be okay.”
Emu stuck out her bottom lip in an exaggerated pout, pressing her chin firmly onto the pillow between her arms. “Well, I’m not going anywhere ‘til I know why you’re sad, Mafuyu!”
Mafuyu drew in a long breath, before finally admitting, “...I’ve been talking with Kanade lately, about my mom and all.”
“Ooh, Mrs. Asahina! You make her sound like such a meanie!!”
“I–I do? I’m s—” Mafuyu caught themself, realizing just how telling that was. Their mom wasn’t around—she’d never know what they said. Emu was their only witness. And… for as much as Emu loved to blab, they knew she could keep a secret when it mattered. “...yeah,” they chuckled, reflecting an emotion somewhere between fear and relief. “Yeah. Kanade’s made me realize that. Mom just… expects a lot of me, I guess. I know she just wants what’s best for me, but I’ve been working so hard to be what—who—she wants me to be that I don’t really know who I am, or what I like, what I want.” Mafuyu’s concentration broke when they noticed Emu’s expression. Though she was clearly trying to maintain her cheerful demeanor, the crook in her eye and the dip in her lower lip were unmistakable. It was terrifying. Not that Emu was terrifying, no; it was the fact that their account of things was enough to  make Ootori Emu’s demeanor break. They tried, in vain, to blink away their tears. “I’m—I’m sorry. Maybe I should—”
“Mafuyu!” Before they could finish, Mafuyu had found themself wrapped up in Emu’s arms. “Never, never apologize for telling me how you feel!” Emu’s grip was maybe a bit too tight, the tackle a bit off-putting, but… Mafuyu realized they couldn’t remember the last time someone hugged them just because they could. And God, Emu’s soft warmth was irresistible. They hoped that hug would last forever. They then felt her hands on their back; firm, intentional rubbing. “I know you’re s’pposed to be my mentor ‘n stuff, and you have Kanade and the others, but, you’re so much more to me than my mentor! You’re my friend, Mafuyu!”
Friend. It ricocheted in their head. Friend.
Emu pulled away, this time establishing a gaze they could not reciprocate, but her strong hands remained on their shoulders. “I love you. I wanna help you! And I hope you’ll let me.” The room was silent. Mafuyu wanted to do so much. They wanted to thank Emu, to hug her, to spill every little thing they ever felt. But they could only choke back sobs as tears rolled down their cheeks. “Oh, Mafuyu…” lamented Emu. Her hands, now much more gently than before, found their place on Mafuyu’s jaw, thumbs wiping their tears away. And without a moment’s hesitation, Emu planted a gentle kiss on Mafuyu’s soft, tear-stained cheek. “No more tears! You’re gonna make me cry!!”
Mafuyu giggled through their tears. Emu made it awfully hard to be sad for a substantial stretch of time. “Okay, okay,” they sniffed. “I’ll try.”
The next few minutes progressed so naturally. The two leaned back onto Emu’s bed, their bodies finding their place amidst Emu’s mountain of plushies. Mafuyu’s head found its on Emu’s chest. Emu’s heart was slower, steadier than they expected. She smelled sweet, too. It was some kind of sweet-smelling perfume; not really a scent Mafuyu could place, but a pleasant one nonetheless. Neither of them said much. Emu continued breathing, running her hands through Mafuyu’s hair, and Mafuyu continued listening to the thump-thump-thumping of Emu’s heart as if it were a song.
And yet, Mafuyu still found themself yearning. For what, exactly? What could possibly make this moment more perfect?
Their mind swam with the memory of the last “study” session they had, where Emu had tickled their calves to distract them from their studies. For as much as Mafuyu wanted to act annoyed, it was a welcome break from the constant stress they usually felt. They wanted that feeling again.
How on Earth were they to admit this?
“Hey, um, Emu,” Mafuyu began, earning an incredulous hum from Emu. “Do you remember that one thing you did last time we hung out?” Their query yielded genuine confusion from Emu.
“Ummm, which thing? We did a lot of things!”
“Uh, you know, the, um…” Mafuyu tried desperately to hide their blush behind their sweater sleeve. “The thing you did with your hands, when you were trying to distract me from my homework—”
“Oh! You mean when I tickled you?” 
“Yeah—yeah. That.” Mafuyu couldn’t decide if their stuttering of their desire was the more embarrassing part of this whole ordeal. “I was wondering if, maybe, you wouldn’t mind, you could—”
“I could tickle you?”
Before Mafuyu could even hope to stammer out an answer, they watched as Emu’s smile grew wider and wider, her eyes brighter and brighter. They sincerely thought she might explode. “You liked when I tickled you?!” she asked excitedly. “Fun, fun, fun!!! Of course I can!” In what felt like an instant, Mafuyu found Emu on top of them, straddling their hips. “Ooh… I wanna find all your tickle spots, Mafuyu!”
Mafuyu turned beet red. “Emu, please, I’m already—AH!” And just like that, Emu’s hands were upon their torso. Her hands scarcely stayed in any one place for long before moving to the next; starting at their tummy, then their sides, up to their ribs and underarms, and every little spot in between. It was everything they’d hoped. “Emu! It—ahahah—it—”
“It tickles?! Well, that’s the point, silly!” Mafuyu hadn’t even realized they were instinctively covering up their body until they found them pinned above their head. “Mafuyu! I can’t find all your spots if you’re hiding them!” Practically immobilized, Mafuyu devolved into a blubbering mess of giggles and high-pitched squeals as Emu’s fingertips attacked their chin, their neck, and their underarms. “Aww, you’re ticklish everywhere! I’m barely trying, see?” Her teases served as a staunch juxtaposition to the utterly overwhelming feeling of her tickles.
Emu paused for a moment. “You still having fun?” Mafuyu was still flushed and panting from laughing; still, they managed a weak nod. “Good!” She responded, immediately resuming her onslaught. Mafuyu laughed just a little bit harder when Emu’s fingers danced across their tummy, when they poked and prodded. “Aww, Mafuyu! Your laugh is soooo cute! I think this spot might be your favorite!” Mafuyu wasn’t so sure. They weren’t sure they had a favorite anything. But they knew Emu’s attention felt good, and that they wouldn’t mind it much at all if Emu’s hands never moved from that spot.
They weren’t sure if they had ever let loose like this, having no choice but to let Emu tickle them. Laughing, squirming, smiling away without a care in the world. And Emu hadn’t a single negative thing to say. She laughed with them. Mafuyu had never felt more perfect.
Is this what Emu meant when she said she loved them?
Must be.
Before they realized, Emu had stopped tickling, leaving the both of them blushing and giggling. And in that moment, Mafuyu realized just how close Emu’s face was to theirs. Almost simultaneously, their faces dropped along with the shades of red in their faces.
And before either of them could act on this predicament, the familiar jingle of Mafuyu’s phone alarm rang. “Ah, shoot,” they said, scrambling for the device. “Mom’s expecting me home in half an hour. I gotta go.”
“Aww! Okay. I can walk you to the door!” Mafuyu would normally protest, but… this time, it sounded nice. They couldn’t hope to wipe their stupid grin off their face.
Too soon, much too soon, they found themselves at Emu’s front door. “All right. I’ll see you on Monday, Emu,” said Mafuyu, pulling her into a hug. “And… thank you for today.”
“Yeah!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” she replied. “Text me later?”
“Of course.”
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lcs-library · 2 years
hi hi hiiiii :DDDD first off i wanna say i've been loving scrolling back in your acc and reading ur fics!!! i dont know how i havent followed you sooner, but im here now!!! lolol :"D so!! for the tea prompts, could i perhapse get milk and rosehip tea with guy :O? i feel like he's suuuch an interesting character to write in terms of solidifying things like emotion expression and affection!!! thank u so so much in advance <33333 :D
Aaaa hiiii im such a fan :000 your tags have been brightening my days hehe I get so excited when I read through them n I’m always smiling like an idiot and and and ANYWAY!! Request!! Yes! I totally agree, Guy is so fun to write with and explore, so I really hope you enjoy!!
Request game
Milk tea: what are their kisses like?
⚙️He’s such a sucker for affection and your kisses always catch him off-guard, which always makes him so happy n blushy
⚙️and he rly wants to give that back but he’s so awkward about it
⚙️He wants to make sure you’re perfectly still so he can aim correctly and give you the perfect surprise kiss
⚙️And he definitely did it right, because you really didn’t know what was going on when you felt a light touch to your forehead until you looked up and found Guy right next to you
⚙️You couldn’t even find words to say because HOW is he so CUTE? And so HOT? And KIND??
⚙️luckily, Guy spoke up first
⚙️“A kiss. For you. Since you like giving them so much, you should get some too.”
⚙️WAUGH LIL MAN(well not really little but he’s so CUTE)
⚙️all you could do was sit there in silence, wanting to squeal
⚙️instead, you opted for wrapping your arms around him, nuzzling into his torso
⚙️he returned the action, keeping you close
⚙️Anyway, actual answer to the question
⚙️His kisses are very timid, but once he gets used to giving and receiving them, they become more frequent, but they’re still very special to him.
⚙️He cares so much about you, and, because of that, he wants to make sure he’s as gentle as possible so as not to hurt you by coming on too strong, which includes kisses
Rosehip tea: how romantic are they? how do they show affection?
⚙️He isn’t really affectionate at first, since this is his first romantic relationship
⚙️When you first started out, he went with things he’d see other couples do, which led to a lot of awkward situations where he thought he was showing affection well, but he just was doing things a bit more…uniquely(affectionate)
⚙️that’s not to say it wasn’t fun or adorable, though
⚙️For instance, he wanted to try taking you to a dessert shop and feed you a bite of his food, but he was so monotonous that you couldn’t help but giggle happily as you took the bite.
⚙️vv cute<3
⚙️Later on, he found what his favorite ways of showing affection were through trial and error, and just by finding what you both liked the most.
⚙️He probably struggles with physical touch(even tho he loves it), and his affections lie in mostly in quality time, acts of service, and clunky words of affirmation
⚙️For example, he values having time with you every day where you can both relax and talk freely, where he gives you some food or you make some together
⚙️Along with that, sometimes he’ll just collapse on top of you or cling to you and you can just FEEL his body soften from its usual stiff position
⚙️it’s always accompanied by a few messy kisses<33333
⚙️overall, he’s a sucker for you and is a romantic lil guy<3
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agere-ena · 1 year
I’m back with more Hona Agere stuff 😈
- Very eepy, no matter her age she will be taking a nap
-hugest sweet tooth ever, if her cg aren’t making sure she isn’t just eating sweets, she will end up with a tummy ache
-always feels the need to hide it, she has a lot of trust issues still from middle school :(
-On that note, she will deny being regressed as long as she possibly can, her cgs need to worm it out of her that she is regressed
-If nobody from L/N is available, she’ll go to Meiko! She finds her to be very understanding.
-Either really hot or really cold, she’ll be under her comforter trying to warm up one second, then burning alive the next
-Dysphoria makes her regress sometimes! (Trans girl hona canon)
-Her love language is obviously acts of service! She can kinda struggle with that while little though, so she also likes physical touch a lot!
-Sweet little angel who can do no wrong, you don’t need to keep as close an eye on her as you do Saki
-Incredibly Clingy, she hates leaving her cgs side. She will be clinging to them like Velcro
That’s all!! Also can I be known as honanon 🙏
WAUGH so cute... regressor honami the beloved!! She's so sweet I adore her
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